Muhammad: The Messenger of Allah

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Muhammad: The Messenger of Allah

Author: Al-Balagh Foundation

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Muhammad: The Messenger of Allah

Muhammad: The Messenger of Allah



The Messenger of Allah

Author: Al-Balagh Foundation


Table of Contents

Light of Islam 4



Part One: Prophet's Life Before His Prophethood 7









Rise To Prophethood 12



Prophet Begins Call ToO Islam 14




Beginnings Of Bitter Strugle 17





Glimpses Of Hope 25


The Great Iimmigration 27

The Muhajirin's Afflictions 30

Plundering the Houses and Wealth 30

Part Two 32


Key Forces In The Madinah Community 34

1. Muslims 34

2. The Jews 35

3. The Hypocrites 36

4. Polytheists 37

Prophet's Military Policy 38







The Comming Of Allah's Help and Victory 54



Renouncing The Polytheists 61


The Valedictory Hajj 63

The Blessed Pledge Of Al-Ghadir 65


Prophet's Anxiety Over The Future Of Da'wah 67

The Last Will 68

Footnotes 69

Light of Islam

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

"...and giving good tidings of a Messenger who will come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad;..."

Holy Qur'an (61:6)

"And from among you there should be a group inviting to good and bidding what is right and forbidding what is wrong,..."

Holy Qur'an (3:104)


Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings of Allah on Muhammad, his infallible household and on the pious ones among his companions.

Al-Balagh Foundation has, since its establishment, tried to shoulder the heavy responsibility of disseminating Islamic knowledge among the world people irrespective of race, religion, language or colour, by relying on Allah, the Most High and Great. In order to convey Islam's ideas to as many people as possible, our foundation has chosen to put before them Islamic concepts in an easy-to-read and simplified way through various series of books.

The study of the life of Muhammad (s.a.w.) and the Imams of his Household is an advanced means of Islam to introduce its objectives and great concepts.

How truthful are the words of Allah:

"Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exmplar..."

Holy Qur'an (33:21)

"...Allah only wishes to keep away uncleanness from you, O people of the House and purify you (with) a thorough purification."

Holy Qur'an (33:33)

In view of this, Al-Balagh Foundation has decided to publish a new series of book on the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad, his daughter Fatimah, and twelve Imams who succeeded him beginning from Imam Ali to the last luminary Imam Al-Mahdi (a.s.) -may Allah hasten his reappearance. The lives of these 14 infallibles and the lofty principles they uphold, provide model par excellence for all time. They were torchbearers of guidance, the spring of flowing wisdom, the paragons of perfection and the live paradigms of the divine message.

May Allah guide mankind on the right path, and help the ummah to sincerely tread the footsteps of His last Messenger (s.a.w.) and his blessed progeny.

He is the All-hearing and All-answering.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

Al-Balagh Foundation


Abridging the life of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad bin Abdullah (s.a.w.) in a small book is by no means an easy task, for his life is, actually spread over thick volumes than can never be condensed to a few pages. The life of the chosen Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.) is great, dazzling and matchless. In it converges the manifestations of victory and strength, submission and piety, ups and downs, heroism and pains.

Concisely, in part one of this book, the reader will be acquainted with the life of the great Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) at Mecca, both before being chosen to prophethood and after. In part two we will shed light on the Prophet's life at Medinah where he managed the Muslims' political and social affairs and laid the foundations of the first Islamic state. There his life took a new turn as he and his followers had to engage in military struggle with the idolators. In part three we will study the glorious personality of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.), his social life, his traditions, his life among the members of his family and the ummah as well as the legacy of his dynamic thought.

In addition, we will also throw light on the principles of Islamic state as established by the Prophet (s.a.w.), the outlining of its dimensions in the Holy Qur'an, the community its characteristics and its objectives. How did the Prophet of Allah treat the foes of the divine Message? How did he wage his wars? When did he make truce with his enemies? All the answers will be presented in this book. We have attempted only to review the main points in his blessed life in plain words.

Our goal is to show the life of the Prophet (s.a.w.) especially to the youth, so as to acquaint them with the character of the Prophet (s.a.w.), his activities and attitudes before the call to prophethood and afterwards. The reader will get insight into his life, his call towards Allah and the state which he set up.

Al-Balagh Foundation by presenting this study on the life of Holy Prophet hopes to serve the interests of our dear readers.

To Allah we look for success and help.

Part One: Prophet's Life Before His Prophethood


Amidst that tumultuous environment of pre-Islamic Arabia, filled with all manifestations of misguidance, perversion and oppression, Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul-Muttalib (s.a.w.) was born.

For some divine purpose, he did not see his father who had passed away while returning from Syria with a caravan. Muhammad (s.a.w.) was, at that time, only an embryo in the womb of his mother Aminah daughter of Wahab, may Allah be pleased with her.(1)

His blessed birth took place in the month of Rabi'ul-Awwal(2) one month or more after the annihiation of the army headed by the elephants which went out to attack the Holy Ka'ba(3) . The story is recorded in one whole surah (chapter) in the Qur'an called al-Fil. Thuwaibah, the woman servant of Abu Lahab, suckled him for a few days with her baby Masrooh before the arrival of the wet-nurses from the deserts. It was a long- established habit for the people of Mecca to leave their babies in the care of the desert's wet-nurses so that they were brought up brave eloquent and in touch with the realities of desert life. As was expected, 10 wet-nurses from the tribe of Sa'd bin Bakr, arrived at Mecca and everyone of them found a baby to take care of except Halimah, daughter of Abu Dhu'aib Abdullah. Muhammad (s.a.w.) was offered to her, but due to his being an orphan, which meant little profit for her, she was reluctant to take him.

Being uncertain about what to do, she consulted her husband, who was with her. "I hate to return empty-handed", she told him, "But there is no baby left to me except this orphan." Her husband advised her to take him, for Allah may bless him. No sooner did she place the nipple of her breast into the baby's mouth, her milk began to flow abundantly. Before that her own baby was always half-hungry because of the scarcity of his mother's milk.

The blessedness of the Prophet began to spread all over the neighborhood. The verdure of the meadows greatly increased, as before the area was waterless and barren.

Two years later, Halimah had weaned the baby and brought him back to Mecca to visit his mother and relatives. She told them bow the baby was blessed, and how her life was changed after taking him. Then she returned, accompanied by the baby, to the neighborhood.


The interesting point in the early years life of the Prophet (s.a.w) for whoever wants to study his life, is the fact that Allah adopted him, not only in maintaining his health, preparing him for the great role he was to have later.

The books written about the life of the Prophet (s.a.w.) are filled with events that corroborate the fact that he was under the direct care of Allah and this enabled him to shoulder the future responsibility of prophethood.

Imam Ali bin Abi-Talib (a.s.) refers to this point in one of his sermons in Nahj al-Balaghah:

"From the time of his birth, Allah had appointed the archangel among all the angels, to always be with him. And this archangel was leading him towards exemplary qualities and high moral values by night and day..."(4)

Referring to this fact, Imam Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir was related to have said:

"Allah had appointed the archangel to be with Muhammad, since he was weaned, leading him to the way of graces, the best of morals, and leading him away from evil and vices."(5)

One major trace of the divine care for the Prophet (s.a.w.) was that he was, from early age, a monotheist. He used to unequivocally proclaim his hostility to the idols(6) . He used to perform hajj without eating the meat which was slaughtered at the feet of the idols. He would to mention the name of Allah before having his food'(7) and praise Allah when he finished. Muhammad, He was widely known among Arabs to be upright and virtuous. He would keep his word, and for that he was known as "the truthful and the faithful".


The Prophet was five years old when Halimah al-Sa'diyyah brought him back to his family in Mecca. Abdul-Muttalib, his grandfather, showered him with care and fatherly love. He ate with him, spoke with him kindly, sat on his bed, and provided him with special attention and warmth.

It was not out of sentiment that Abdul-Muttalib cared so much for Muhammad (s.a.w) as the son of his deceased son Abdullah, but because he felt deeply that he would be a prominently great man in the future. It was for this reason that he would ask his son Abu-Talib, and Umm-Ayman to look after him and provide him with whatever he needed.

At the age of six, his mother Aminah, took him with her, accompanied by Umm-Ayman, to visit his uncles from the tribe of Uday bin al-Najjar in Madinah. After one month they decided to return to Mecca. But, en route to Mecca, his mother, Aminah, passed away. She was laid to rest at al-Abwa', a village halfway between Mecca and Madinah. Umm-Ayman resumed the journey alone, and in Mecca she was devoted to him as his mother was, while his grandfather looked after him as if he were his son. But, it was not long before Abdul-Muttalib died. The Prophet was, at the time, eight years old.


Abu Talib,(8) his uncle, took him and treated him very kindly. He even gave him precedence over his sons. Muhammad (s.a.w.) would sleep in the bed of his uncle, sit next to him, eat with him, and go out with him.


As soon as he came of age, Muhammad (s.a.w.) began to work to earn his living. First, he became a shepherd. Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, related that he was with the Prophet (s.a.w.) with other Muslims, picking al- Kabath (a kind of fruit). The Prophet (s.a.w.) said:

"Pluck the black ones. They are sweetest. I used to gather it while pasturing my sheep".

"You were pasturing the sheep, O Messenger of Allah?", we asked him.

"Yes", he replied, "every prophet was at sometime a shepherd".(9)

Allah, the Most High, was able to spare His Prophet (s.a.w.) the tiresome task of working. He willed to set the Prophet (s.a.w.) as an example for the people so that nobody would rely on anybody else for earning his living.

Islam stressed the importance of work. The Prophet (s.a.w.) is reported to have said:

"Cursed be who throws his burdens on other people".(10)

"Worship is of seventy kinds, the best of which is earning one's living righteously".

"An excellent help to guard against evil is wealth."(11)


At the age of twenty-five he went to Syria on a mercantile mission on behalf of Khadij ah the daughter of Khuwailid, may Allah be pleased with her. Khadijah was the best among the women of Quraish. She was the richest, the noblest and the most beautiful among them. She was called "the chaste", and the mistress of Quraish. She would hire men to work in trade for her in return for a fixed percentage of the profit.

When the Prophet (s.a.w.) became to be widely known for his faithfulness and the smoothness of his manners, she offered him money to go to Syria and promised him a good share in the profits, more than any share given to any man before him.

He set out for Syria, leading a big caravan. Maisarah, her slave, went with him. They sold articles and bought merchandise and returned with profuse sums of money. Fascinated by the Prophet, Maisarah began to tell Khadijah of his attributes. She was attracted to him, for his high-mindedness, righteousness, faithfulness and kindness and decided that he would be her husband. She preferred him to the rich dignitaries of the Quraish who promised her immeasurably great riches. For that purpose, she sent Nafisah the daughter of Munabbih to talk to him about it.

"What makes you refrain from getting married?", Nafisah asked him. "I have no money", he replied.

"If you were given that, and were asked to marry a beautiful, rich, honest and noble woman, would you accept the offer? "

"What is the name of the woman?" "Khadijah!". "How could I manage it?"

"Leave everything to me", she promised him.

The Prophet (s.a.w.) then sent his uncle Abu Talib(12) , to ask Khadijah's hand to marriage. As her father was dead by then, Abu Talib broached the subject to her uncle. Both parties agreed, and so the marriage took place. The Prophet (s.a.w.) was twenty-five years old, at the time. As for Khadijah, historians have disagreed about ,her age. But they agreed that they got married(13) after the Prophet's (s.a.w.) return from Syria.

The newlyweds moved to the house of Khadijah, and achieved the most perfect union, perfumed with love, loyalty and mercy. Amid hardships and troubles, she helped him, encouraged him and alleviated his worries.

Apart from her love for him, she was a chaste women with deep insight, she managed their affairs patiently and skillfully. She was, furthermore, the first ever to believe in his message.(14) For the sake of his call, she spent all her riches. He loved her as she loved him. He did not marry any other women until after she died.

Whenever he remembered her, he praised her and mentioned her good deeds to his wives, so much so that 'A'ishah' said: "I never felt envious of any of the Prophet's wives, except of Khadijah, whom I did not see."

She, further, added: "Whenever the Messenger of Allah slaughtered a sheep, he ordered his attendants to distribute the meat among the friends of Khadijah. One day I made him angry by saying mockingly 'Khadijah!', he said to me: 'I was given her love by Allah'"(15)

A'ishah also reported: "The Messenger of Allah would hardly leave the house without mentioning Khadijah in good words. One day he mentioning her and so I felt deeply envious and blurted out; she was nothing but an old woman. Allah has replaced her with better than her.'

"No by Allah," he said indignantly; "Allah did not replace her with those who better than her, she had faith in me when the people rejected my call. She believed me when the people charged me with falsehood. She consoled me with her wealth when the people deprived me theirs, and Allah gave me, by her sons and daughters."(16)

Diligence and toil were characteristics of his life from an early age. His marriage with Khadijah, may Allah be pleased with her, gave his life some rest and comfort. The kindness and true love Khadijah showered on the Prophet (s.a.w.) compensated him for the fatherly love and motherly kindness which he was deprived of, during childhood.

During that phase of his blessed life, the first signs of prophethood began to surface. It was for this reason that he was preparing himself by restoring to the cave of Hira during certain days. He would remain there, worshipping and mediating for a whole month every year. He would remain there far away from the pre-Islamic perversions and the corrupt city atmosphere. Muhammad was on the threshold of bearing the divine message.

He went on with his meditations and worship till he became 40 years old. Then, the holy revelation shone on his soul and heart delivering the first statement of the seal of divine messages:

"Read in the name of your Lord Who created..."

Holy Qur'an (96:1)

It is worth mentioning here that the divine books announced the good news of the advent of the message of Allah (s.a.w.). The Jewish Christian scholars were aware of this fact, but they were swept with the fanaticism of jealousy and prejudice when the truth arrived, but no one could have any doubts about this new reality.

The Qur'an mentions what they would tell the tribes of al-Aws and al-Khazraj in this respect:

"And when there came to them a Book, confirming what was with them, and aforetimes they used to pray for victory against those who disbelieved, but when there came to them (Prophet) that which they did not recognize, they disbelieved in him; so Allah's curse is on the unbelievers."

Holy Qur'an (2:89)

And so good news of the coming of the Prophet (s.a.w.) became widespread. The main topic of popular discussion was this. The Christian monks and Jewish rabbis were already reading in their divine books of the coming of a new Prophet who would fill the world with light, guidance and bless.


Prior to his rise to prophethood, during the previous 1520 years, his social status was high. He was known to be well-mannered, high-minded, truthful and trustworthy.

The power was clearly mainfested during the rebuilding of the Holy Ka'ba. After it caught fire, the Ka'ba was flooded with sweeping torrents. Great damage was done and the tribe of Quraish made their minds to rebuild it, al-Walid bin al-Mughirah, accompanied by a number of the Quraishis, went to Jidda and bought the timber of a ship that had wrecked on its shore. The wood was bought to make the roof of the Ka'ba. A carpenter, Baqum by name and a slave of Sa'id bin al-Aws, was charged with rebuilding the Ka'ba.

All the clans of the Quraish took part in the process. But, finally, when the time came to put the black stone in its place a difference arose among them over who should win the honour of putting it in its place. Every clan of the Quraish eagerly wanted to do that.

The difference grew to a .quarrel and had not Abu Umayyah bin al- Mughirah, the eldest among them, suggested the first one to enter the Ka'ba from the door of Bani Shaibah arbitute on the matter the situation would have gotten out of hands. They imptiently awaited the man. Before long Muhammad (s.a.w.) came into the Ka'ba. Upon seeing him, they unanimously agreed, " This is the trustworthy. We accept him as the arbitrator. This is Muhammad." When they told him of the problem he ordered them to bring him a piece of cloth. He spread it on their ground, then placed the Black stone on it. "Let every group hold the cloth then carry it up," lie told them. He, then, carried it, with his blessed, and restored the stone to its place.


Shortly after the tragical war of al-Fujjar a pact was signed between the warring Arab tribes.(17) The agreement did achieve a victory for the wronged parties. All the sides agreed on the principle of warding off wrongs, and cooperating to back what was right and defend the oppressed The Prophet (s.a.w.) praised the pact in these words:

"If I were given red camels, I would not have been more pleased than to be a participant in their pact at the house of ibn Jada'an.(18) The tribes of Hushim, Zahrah and Taym agreed forever to be on the side of the oppressed. If I were invited now, I would respond affirmatively. It was the pact of al-Fudul."(19)

Rise To Prophethood

Never was the Prophet (s.a.w) surprised when Jibril (the angel Gabriel) revealed to him the first divine statement. His life went through many stages so that he would be prepared to bear the divine message. From the early part of his life, His Lord nurtured him kindly and closely as he was the future Prophet. To this fact, Imam Ali (a.s.) referred him his sermon named al-Qasi'a. as well as Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) in a statement reported from him.

The Prophet (s.a.w.) began to spend more time in the cave of Hira' for worship and meditation. Those devotions in the cave of Hira', located at the top of Mt. Hira' northeast of Makka, was a manifestation of preparing him for the heavy task awaiting him. The longest period he would remain in the cave was a whole month, and that would be the month of Ramadhan. During other months, he would spend whole nights there. He began to hear the voice, and see the light, and have dreams that were to come to pass exactly as he saw them in the world of dreams.(20)


At the age of forty, Jibril (a.s.) descended to reveal to him the seal of messages beginning with the first divine verses:

"Read in the name of your Lord Who created. He created man from a clot. Read and your Lord is Most Honourable, Who taught (to write) with the pen, Taught man what he knew not..."

Holy Qur'an (96:1-5)

It was so great, so majestic and so glorious an experience to receive the revelation, that he felt a little tired, and so he lay down on his bed to have some rest. During these critical moments Jibril appeared to him for the second time:

"O you who are clothed! Arise and warn, And your Lord garments do purify, And uncleanness do shun,..."

Holy Qur'an (73:1-5)

Thus, Allah ordered His Prophet to carry His message to all people.


It is interesting to note how the message was revealed to the Prophet (s.a.w.).

Allah mentions the manifestations of the holy revelation in the following verses:

"And it is not for any mortal that Allah should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger and revealing by His permission what He pleases; Surely He is High, Wise. And thus did We reveal to you an inspired book by Our command. You did not know what the Book was, nor (what) the faith (was), but We made it a light, guiding thereby whom We please of Our servants; and most surely you show the way to the right path.

Holy Qur'an (42:51-52)9

In this respect, we understand from the Qur'anic texts and the holy sunna that Allah revealed to the Prophet (s.a.w.) His message in many ways.

One way was that Allah, the Most Exalted and High, would reveal to him, directly and without any other means, the truth. It is said that this kind of revelation was the most majestic and so moving that his mule would sink to the ground(21) , and that his forehead would break into sweast even if it is was bitterly cold.(22)

Another way was that Allah would send a messenger to His Prophet. He would appear in his angelic shape, or in the shap of a human being.

Another method was the true vision, for the Prophets never saw false dreams. Whatever they saw in their dreams they saw in reality, because of the immense spiritual powers they had, through which they perceived the truth during sleep and wakefulness. That was in addition to the divine inspiration and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Prophet Begins Call ToO Islam

The Prophet, first of all, chose Ali (a.s.) to come to Islam(23) . Ali was, at the time, a pure boy, unsullied by the practices of the pre-Islamic era. He was under the care of the Prophet (s.a.w.) who showed him with love and affection. Ali (a.s.) responded enthusiastically and his soul method in the new faith. The Prophet called his wife to Islam and she accepted it. This done, the first nucleus of the faithful community on earth took shape.

He proceeded with his call to Islam and his companions grew in number. They were 40 men, the majority of whom were young. These people were from different walks of society. Among them were the poor, the rich, the socially powerful and the downtrodden. First of all they would learn the Qur'an and the principles of the new faith. In the defiles, far away from the eyes of Quraish, they used to offer their prayers. The new convert, with the assistance of one of the old converts appointed by the Prophet (s.a.w.). would continue studying and comprehending the teachings of Islam.


As they grew in number, the Muslims feared lest their affair might be disclosed. As a precautionary measure, they made the house of al-Arqam al-Makhzumi a school and a meeting-place where they used gather to know more about Islam. There, they sat together learning the Qur'an, offering their prayers, contemplating the ayas and signs of Allah, examining the creation, gathering patience and fortitude and sublimating their wills to Allah and His Messenger.


Three years passed before Allah ordered His Prophet (s.a.w.) to take advantage of the prevailing tribal atmosphere and call his relatives to Islam.

"And warn your nearest relations, And be kind to him who follows you of the believers, But if they disobey you, then say: Surely I am clear of what you do.."

Holy Qur'an (26:214-216)

The Prophet (s.a.w.) invited his relatives, numbering 40, to a feast. Before the Prophet could broach the subject to them, his uncle Abdul-Uzzah bin Abdul-Muttalib, also Abu-Lahab warned the Prophet (s.a.w.) from going on with the task of spreading the new faith. The invitation was a failure and the guests hastened to leave, and so the chance slipped out of the Prophet's hands. Once again, after the passage of many days, the Prophet (s.a.w.) invited his relatives to a feast. His guests being satisfied, he addressed them:

"O sons of Abdul-Muttalib, Allah has sent me, as His Messenger, to all people and particularly to you. He ordered me: 'And warn your nearest relations'. I invite you to accept two short sentences. They are easy on the tongue, but in the balance of action they are heavy and difficult. By them you will be the masters of the Arabs and non-Arabs. Nations will yield to you. Enter paradise and be saved from hell. They are the testimony of: There is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah. Whoever answers me and helps me in this affair and in carrying it on will be my brother, trustee helper, inheritor and the successor after me."

Murmuring rose from among the people. Abu-Lahab condemned and warned the Prophet (s.a.w.) from carrying out his mission. Abu Talib expressed his full support to the Prophet (s.a.w.) and said to him:

"Proceed with your task you are charged with. By Allah, I will protect you and prevent others from harming you."(24)

Ali, the youngest of all, come to his feet and said in a resonant voice:

"O Messenger of Allah, I will help you in this affair."

But the Prophet (s.a.w.) ordered him to sit down.

The Prophet (s.a.w.) repeated, once again, his proposal, and no one except Ali responded. The third time when Ali answered the Prophet (s.a.w.), he said to him:

"Sit down. You are my brother, trustee, helper, inheritor, and the successor after me."(25)

The people stood up and, upon leaving they said to Abu Talib mockingly:

"Today, be happy at entering your nephew's religion. He made your son a commander over you!"(26)


The Prophet (s.a.w.) called all of the Qurayash to Islam, in obedience to Allah' s order:

"Therefore declare openly what you are bidden and turn aside from the polytheists..."

Holy Qur'an(15:94)

He ascended the mountain of al-Safa and called out "It is daybreak! it is daybreak!" That was the custom of the Arabs when there was something critical to discuss together. The Quraysh gathered around him asking in wonder, "What is it?" "If I were to tell you, the Prophet (s.a.w.) asked them, that horsemen were descending from the mountains to attack you, in the morning or in the evening, would you not believe me?"

"We do," they replied.

"Then," he said to them, "I should warn you of the terrible punishment that lies in wait for you. O son of Abdul-Muttalib, O son of Abd-Manaf, O son of Zahrah...Deliver yourselves from the fire of hell. I can do nothing for you if you disobey to attack his home and people, so he hasten towards warning them."

"Shame on you!," Abu-Lahab interrupted him, "Was it for this you invited us?"

And so Allah, the Most Blessed and High, revealed to His Prophet the following chapter (surah):

"Perdition overtake both hands of the Abu Lahab, and he will perish. His health and what he earns will no avail him. He shall soon burn in fire that flames, And his wife, the bearer of fuel, Upon her neck a halter of strongly twisted rope."

Holy Qur'an (111:1-5)

This attempt was not in vain, for a number of the Quraishis entered Islam under the banner of "There is no god but Allah." Furthermore, the news of the faith forced itself into every house. This statement made by the Prophet (s.a.w.) was, indeed, to usher in a new era of bitter struggle between the new faith and the wounded pride of the pre-Islamic Arabs.