GUIDANCE FOR MANKIND; Exegesis of Kalam Ullah

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GUIDANCE FOR MANKIND; Exegesis of Kalam Ullah Translator: Al-Syyed Abu Mohammad Naqvi
Publisher: Nashriyat-e-Walayat-e-Elahia
Category: Quran Interpretation

GUIDANCE FOR MANKIND; Exegesis of Kalam Ullah

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Translator: Al-Syyed Abu Mohammad Naqvi
Publisher: Nashriyat-e-Walayat-e-Elahia
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GUIDANCE FOR MANKIND; Exegesis of Kalam Ullah
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GUIDANCE FOR MANKIND; Exegesis of Kalam Ullah

GUIDANCE FOR MANKIND; Exegesis of Kalam Ullah

Publisher: Nashriyat-e-Walayat-e-Elahia

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

سُوۡرَةُ مَریَم

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

کهٓيعٓصٓ (١)

Kaf. Ha. Ya. A'in. Sad. (1)

1-Imam Hassan Askari asws said about “Kaf Ha Ya Ain Sad” that these alphabets are from the news of Ghaib, about which Allah revealed to His servant Zakariya (a.s.), and narrated to Mohammad Mutafa sawaw as well, that Zakariya (a.s.) asked His Rabb to teach him holy names of Five Anwaar. So Allah sent down Jibraeel (a.s.), so he told him those. Then whenever Zakariya (a.s.) mentioned Mohammad sawaw, Ali asws, Fatima asws, and Hassan asws his heart was happy and sadness & grief vanished. And when used to mention Hussain asws then tears were shedding spontaneously and grief occupied him. So one day he requested: Elahi, what is the reason, when I mention four of them, then my heart is satisfied with their names, and when I mention Hussain asws then my eyes shed tears and I lament? Allah Tabarak wa Ta’ala informed him about the incident that Kaf Ha Ya Ain Sad means that Yazidiyat will be destroyed in Karbala, and holy progeny asws will be martyred, Yazid (l.u.) will do injustice to Hussain asws, they (asws) will be thirsty and patient. When Zakariya (a.s.) heard this, he did not come out of the mosque for three days, and stopped people to come to him, and started weeping & lamenting, and his Naoha (sad poem) was: Elahi, will Your most superior creation (sawaw) be involved in the grief of his son (asws)? Elahi, will hardship stike his home? Elahi, will Ali asws & Fatima asws wear the dress of grief & sadness? Elahi, will this grief & sadness come down in their yard? Then he supplicated: Elahi, give me a son in this oldage, who should be coolness of my eyes, and appoint him my inheritor and my vicegerent, and he should be like Hussain asws to me, and when you bestow him to me, then make me zealous in his love, then involve me in grief as Your Habeeb Mohammad sawaw will be involved in his grief. So Allah granted him Yahya (a.s.), and he was grieved for him. (al-Burhan, v5, p102)


1-To mourn for Imam Hussain asws, infallible Nabi Zakariya (a.s.) asked Allah to make an infallible Nabi Yahya (a.s.) as Shabeh (model) of Hussain asws. Nabi Yahya (a.s.) was martyred like Maola Hussain asws. Nabi of Allah was weeping, lamenting and reciting Naoha in the grief of Imam Hussain asws for three days in the Masjid. And made Dua to increase his grief for Hussain asws, and sacrificed his lovely Nabi son Yahya (a.s.) for the sake of Imam Hussain asws. An important point is that this Azadari was before the incident of Karbala. Such a great example of Azadari is impossible. On opposite side, Muqassir Mulla declares it Haraam to harm your body by doing Matam and shedding blood by Zanjeer Zunni. The fact is that if all the humans sacrifice their lives in the grief of Imam Hussain asws, still its right will not be fulfilled.

2-To weep & lament, reciting Naoha, to shed blood tears, to shed blood in the grief of Imam Hussain asws is Sunnah of Prophets (a.s.) and Masumeen asws. This Azadari with shedding of blood was established by Allah before the tragic sacrifice of Karbala. Hazrat Yahya (a.s.) was made Shabeh of Maola Hussain asws, so he is on the status of brother of Imam Hussain asws in Paradise.

فَلَمَّا ٱعۡتَزَلَهُمۡ وَمَا يَعۡبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ وَهَبۡنَا لَهُ ۥۤ إِسۡحَـٰقَ وَيَعۡقُوبَ‌ۖ وَكُلاًّ۬ جَعَلۡنَا نَبِيًّ۬ا (٤٩) وَوَهَبۡنَا لَهُم مِّن رَّحۡمَتِنَا وَجَعَلۡنَا لَهُمۡ لِسَانَ صِدۡقٍ عَلِيًّ۬ا (٥٠)

So, when he had withdrawn from them and that which they were worshipping beside Allah, We gave him Is’haq and Yaqoob. Each of them We made a Prophet. (49) And we gave them of Our mercy, and appointed for them Ali the truthful tongue. (50)

1-Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: Ibraheem (a.s.) made Dua to Allah,”Appoint a truthful tongue for those who will come after me”, so Allah Ta’ala said, “We gave him Is’haq and Yaqoob. Each of them We made a Prophet. (49) And we gave them of Our mercy, and appointed for them Ali the truthful tongue” means Ali ibne Abi Talib asws. (al-Burhan, v5, p126)


1-Olil Azm Rasool Ibraheem (a.s.) wished that Imamat & Walayat should be in the progeny of Ismaeel (a.s.), including highest & truthful tongue of Allah, Lisanullah Maola Ali asws. In contrast, Mulla of Shajarah-e-Khabisa wants to exclude Zikrullah Lisanullah from beliefs & practices, because the companions of lie & Batil can not tolerate truth & Haqq.

وَإِذَا تُتۡلَىٰ عَلَيۡهِمۡ ءَايَـٰتُنَا بَيِّنَـٰتٍ۬ قَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ لِلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓاْ أَىُّ ٱلۡفَرِيقَيۡنِ خَيۡرٌ۬ مَّقَامً۬ا وَأَحۡسَنُ نَدِيًّ۬ا (٧٣) وَكَمۡ أَهۡلَكۡنَا قَبۡلَهُم مِّن قَرۡنٍ هُمۡ أَحۡسَنُ أَثَـٰثً۬ا وَرِءۡيً۬ا (٧٤) قُلۡ مَن كَانَ فِى ٱلضَّلَـٰلَةِ فَلۡيَمۡدُدۡ لَهُ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنُ مَدًّا‌ۚ حَتَّىٰٓ إِذَا رَأَوۡاْ مَا يُوعَدُونَ إِمَّا ٱلۡعَذَابَ وَإِمَّا ٱلسَّاعَةَ فَسَيَعۡلَمُونَ مَنۡ هُوَ شَرٌّ۬ مَّكَانً۬ا وَأَضۡعَفُ جُندً۬ا (٧٥) وَيَزِيدُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱهۡتَدَوۡاْ هُدً۬ى‌ۗ وَٱلۡبَـٰقِيَـٰتُ ٱلصَّـٰلِحَـٰتُ خَيۡرٌ عِندَ رَبِّكَ ثَوَابً۬ا وَخَيۡرٌ۬ مَّرَدًّا (٧٦)

And when Our clear verses are recited to them, those who disbelieve say to those who believe: Which of the two parties (yours or ours) is better in position, and best in gathering? (73) And how many a generation have We destroyed before them, who were better in possessions and outward appearance. (74) Say: That who is in misguidance, the Rahman extends for him an extension until, when they see what they were promised, either punishment or the Hour (of doom), so soon they will know who is worse in position and weaker in army. (75) And those who are (rightly) guided Allah increases their guidance, and enduring good deeds are better near your Rabb for reward, and better in return. (76)

لَّا يَمۡلِكُونَ ٱلشَّفَـٰعَةَ إِلَّا مَنِ ٱتَّخَذَ عِندَ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ عَهۡدً۬ا (٨٧)

They will have no power of intercession, except him who has made a covenant with Rahman. (87)

إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ ٱلصَّـٰلِحَـٰتِ سَيَجۡعَلُ لَهُمُ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنُ وُدًّ۬ا (٩٦) فَإِنَّمَا يَسَّرۡنَـٰهُ بِلِسَانِكَ لِتُبَشِّرَ بِهِ ٱلۡمُتَّقِينَ وَتُنذِرَ بِهِۦ قَوۡمً۬ا لُّدًّ۬ا (٩٧)

Indeed those who believe and do good deeds, the Rahman appoints for them devotion. (96) So We have made it (Quran) easy in your tongue, (O Habeeb sawaw) only that you may give good tidings with it to Muttaqeen, and warn with it the quarrelsome people. (97)

1-About the saying of Allah Azza wa Jalla, “And when Our clear verses are recited to them, those who disbelieve say to those who believe: Which of the two parties is better in position, and best in gathering?” Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: Rasool Allah sawaw invited Quraish toward our Walayat, then they ran away and denied. Among Quraish, “those who disbelieve said to those who believe” means those who believe in Amirul Momineen asws & us the Ahlul Bait asws, “Which of the two parties is better in status and best in gathering?” this was the opinion of deniers, so Allah said rejecting them that from the previous Ummahs “We destroyed before them who were better in possessions and appearance”, “say: Who is in misguidance Rahman gives him reprieve” means all of them are in misguidance who do not believe in Walayat of Amirul Momineen asws and ours, so they are misguided and misguide others, thus they are given reprieve in their misguidance & transgression until they die and go to the worst place and their gathering is weak, and “until when they see that which they were promised” it means Zahoor of Qaim asws and Qiyamah. So that day they will come to know that from Allah His Wali asws will come down in front of them, and “who is worse in position” means near Imam Qaim asws, “and whose army is weak.” “And those who are guided Allah increase their guidance” means that day guidance will be added on their guidance due to their obedience to Imam Qaim asws, because they neither oppose him nor deny him. “They will have no right of intercession except him who has made a covenant with Rahman” mean that except those who obeyed Allah with Walayat of Amirul Momineen asws and Imams asws after him, that is the covenant near Allah. “Indeed those who believe and do good deeds, the Rahman appoints for them devotion (love, Mawaddat)” meand Walayat-e-Ali asws is that love which Allah is saying. And “So We have made it (Quran) easy in your tongue, only that you may give good tidings with it to Muttaqeen, and warn with it the hostile people” means that Allah made it easy through his (sawaw) tongue, when he fixed the flag of Walayat of Amirul Momineen asws, gave good news to Momineen by that, and warned the disbelievers (deniers) by that, they are those people whom Allah says arrogant (quarrelsome) in His Book, meaning Kafir. (al-Burhan, v5, p137)


1-Among previous Ummahs who were destroyed, those were only destroyed due to denial of Walayat-e-Ali asws. Opponents of Walayat-e-Ali asws have been given reprieve along with Shaitan until Zahoor of Qaim asws, then Majoosi nation-worshipers will know the weakness of their government.

2-The obedience of Allah is conditioned with the testimony of Walayat-e-Masumeen asws, this is that covenant which is surety of intercession & salvation.

3-Love & Devotion of Masumeen asws is the great Ne’mat of Allah Rahman, which He places in the hearts, and Momineen are grateful to Allah for that, because this is the First & Highest Ne’mat, due to it all the steps of the world & Hereafter become easy. Rasool Allah sawaw made this Ne’mat easy by explaining it and its benefits repeatedly on thousands of occasions.

سُوۡرَةُ طٰه

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

طه (١) مَآ أَنزَلۡنَا عَلَيۡكَ ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ لِتَشۡقَىٰٓ (٢) إِلَّا تَذۡکرَةً۬ لِّمَن يَخۡشَىٰ (٣)

Ta. Ha. (1) We have not revealed to you (Habeeb sawaw) this Quran that you should do hard work, (2) But it is Tazkirah for him who fears (Allah). (3)

1-The meaning of “Ta Ha” was asked from Imam Jafar Sadiq asws, so he said: Ta Ha is one name from the holy names of Nabi Akram sawaw, it means Talib (seeker) of Haqq and Hadi toward it (Haqq). (al-Burhan, v5, p154)

2-Imam Mohammad Baqir asws said: When Rasool Allah sawaw was offering Salaah, then used to stand on toes of his feet, so feet were swollen, then Allah Tabarak wa Ta’ala revealed, saying “TaHa” means Ya Mohammad in Tayi language, We did not reveal Quran to you that you should do toil, but it is Tazkirah for him who fears. (al-Burhan, v5, p155)


1-Allah Ta’ala created fourteen Masumeen asws for His Marifat and Love. And created universe & creations for Marifat and Love of Masumeen asws. Loving Creator of Masumeen asws does not want to see His Beloved (Habeeb sawaw) working hard with swollen holy feet standing whole night in His Presence. Masumeen asws taught Angels (a.s.) in the Heavens how to do Ibadat of Allah, and did Ibadat here as well to show to the inhabitants of the earth how to do Ibadat, and sacrificed every thing in the Love of Allah.

2-Blind of wisdom Muqassir Mulla thought that Masumeen asws got higher degrees by Ibadaat and Martyrdom. And he thought that after praying like parrot for few days he can become superior to Prophets (a.s.). Allah told His Habeeb sawaw not to stand whole night in Ibadat, and this Quran is Tazkirah-e-Walayat for Muttaqeen.

فَأَوۡجَسَ فِى نَفۡسِهِۦ خِيفَةً۬ مُّوسَىٰ (٦٧) قُلۡنَا لَا تَخَفۡ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ ٱلۡأَعۡلَىٰ (٦٨)

And Musa sensed fear in himself. (67) We said: Fear not, surely it is you who is higher (dominant). (68)

1-A Jew asked Nabi Akram sawaw: You are superior or Musa bin Imran (a.s.) the Nabi with whom Allah spoke, and gave him Taurat & staff, and split ocean for him, and made shadow with cloud on him? Nabi Akram sawaw said: It is not preferable for a servant to narrate purity of himself, but I say that when Adam (a.s.) slipped then he said while repenting “Ya Allah, I ask You for the sake of the right of Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad asws forgive me” then Allah accepted his repentance. And when Nuh (a.s.) boarded the boat, and danger of sinking approached, he said “Ya Allah, I ask You for the sake of the right of Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad asws save me from sinking” so Allah saved him from it. And when Ibraheem (a.s.) was thrown in fire, said “Ya Allah I ask You for the sake of the right of Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad asws save me from it” so Allah made it cool and peaceful. And when Musa (a.s.) threw his staff and felt fear in his heart, then said “Ya Allah I ask You for the sake of the right of Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad asws give me security” so Allah Jalla Jalalohu said, “do not be afraid, surely you will be prevailing.” O Jew! If Musa (a.s.) finds me (i.e. he is present in my time) and then does not believe in me & my Nabuwat, then neither his faith will benefit him at all nor his Nabuwat will benefit him at all. O Jew! When Mahdi asws from my progeny will reappear then Eesa bin Mariyam (a.s.) will come down to help him, and will ask him to step forward and will pray behind him. (al-Burhan, v5, p176)


1-Even when Olil Azm Rasools (a.s.) are in hardship, Allah listens their Dua for the sake & Zikr of Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad asws. But Muqassir Mulla thinks that he is superior to Maola Ali asws (Naoozobillah) because he denies Zikr of Walayat-e-Ali asws but does his own Zikr in Sajdah “Ya Rabb, do mercy on me the weak, disgraced, and humble person.” Will Allah listen Dua of such Shaitan or accept his Salaah? Allah Azza wa Jalla says, “I do not accept any deed from their doers at all except with the testimony (Iqrar) of Walayat-e-Ali asws along with (testimony of) Nabuwat of My Rasool Ahmad sawaw”

Iqrar means clearly to recite testimony with tongue (but not only belief in heart), and this is applicable to every deed, then is Namaz of Mulla not a deed? Or Nasibi Mulla’s Namaz is that evil deed which Imam Jafar Sadiq asws indicated “Nasibi enemy of us the Ahlul Bait asws, we do not care whether he keeps fasts or reads Namaz or steals or does Zina, certainly he will go to Hell (in any case).” Nasibi is that who fixes flag of his own Walayat-e-Faqeh in front of Walayat of Masumeen asws. Imam asws explained the definition of Nasibi Muqassir while doing Tafseer of verse no.78-79 of Sura Baqarah that Nasibis are those Shia Mullas who opposes Walayat & splendour of Masumeen asws, and they are worse than the army of Yazid (l.u.).

وَإِنِّى لَغَفَّارٌ۬ لِّمَن تَابَ وَءَامَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَـٰلِحً۬ا ثُمَّ ٱهۡتَدَىٰ (٨٢)

And verily I am Forgiving to him who repents and believes and does good deeds, then gets guidance. (82)

1-Imam Mohammad Baqir asws held hand of Sadeer, turned toward Baitullah and said: O Sadeer! It is surely commanded to the people to come to this (building of) stones then do Tawaf of it, then come to us, so that we can teach them our Walayat, and this is the saying of Allah, “And verily I am Forgiving to him who repents and believes and does good deeds, then gets guidance”, then said pointing with his hand toward his own chest, “toward our Walayat” (al-Burhan, v5, p178)

2-Rasool Allah sawaw said to Imam Ali asws: Ya Ali asws, by Allah, you are only created so that worship of your Rabb should be done, and pillars of Deen are known through you, and worn-out path can be mended through you, and certainly he went astray who lost you, and he does not get guidance from Allah Azza wa Jalla at all who does not get guidance toward you and your Walayat, and this is the saying of my Rabb Azza wa Jalla, “And verily I am Forgiving to him who repents and believes and does good deeds, and then gets guidance” means towards your Walayat. (al-Burhan, v5, p178)

3-Imam Mohammad Baqir asws said about this verse: By Allah, if someone repents and believes and does good deeds but he is not guided towards the Marifat of our Walayat and our Mawaddat and our Faza’il, then he can not get any benefit from those things. (al-Burhan, v5, p180)


1-Guided one is only him whose beliefs, Deen, and all deeds are based on Walayat-e-Ali asws. All good deeds are useless without Mawaddat (devotion) of Masumeen asws, complete faith in their merits & infallibility, and reciting testimony of their Walayat in front of Allah. Marifat of Walayat-e-Ali asws is synonym of Marifat of Risalat & Tauheed.

يَوۡمَٮِٕذٍ۬ لَّا تَنفَعُ ٱلشَّفَـٰعَةُ إِلَّا مَنۡ أَذِنَ لَهُ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنُ وَرَضِىَ لَهُ ۥ قَوۡلاً۬ (١٠٩) يَعۡلَمُ مَا بَيۡنَ أَيۡدِيهمۡ وَمَا خَلۡفَهُمۡ وَلَا يُحِيطُونَ بِهِۦ عِلۡمً۬ا (١١٠) ۞ وَعَنَتِ ٱلۡوُجُوهُ لِلۡحَىِّ ٱلۡقَيُّومِ‌ۖ وَقَدۡ خَابَ مَنۡ حَمَلَ ظُلۡمً۬ا (١١١) وَمَن يَعۡمَلۡ مِنَ ٱلصَّـٰلِحَـٰتِ وَهُوَ مُؤۡمِنٌ۬ فَلَا يَخَافُ ظُلۡمً۬ا وَلَا هَضۡمً۬ا (١١٢)

On that day no intercession will benefit except (that of) him to whom Rahman has given permission and is pleased with his words. (109) He knows (all) that is before them and (all) that is behind them, while they cannot encompass His knowledge. (110) And faces humble (bow) themselves before the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. And he who bears (burden of) injustice is surely failed. (111) And he who does of good deeds while he is a believer, then he will neither fear injustice nor deprivation (of rights). (112)

1-Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: On the day of Qiyamah no one will get intercession of Mohammad Mustafa sawaw except for whom Rahman will give permission due to obedience of Aal-e-Mohammad asws, and He is pleased with his words (testimonies) and practice (deeds), and he lived on their (asws) Mawaddat and died on it as well, thus Allah became happy with his word & practice. And faces will bow in humiliation in front of Ever-Living Sustainer of existence, and no doubt he is unsuccessful who carried the burden of injustice to Aal-e-Mohammad asws, and who did good deeds and he is Momin as well, then he will neither fear injustice nor usurpation, Momin means who loves Aal-e-Mohammad asws and keeps animosity to their enemies. (al-Burhan, v5, p189)


1-Intercession (Shafa’at) of Masumeen asws is for him, with whose word (Qawl) Allah is pleased, it means his word should be complete (Sabit), and Qawl-e-Sabit means recitation of testimony of Tauheed, Risalat and Walayat. So he is Momin who performs good deeds while reciting Qawl-e-Sabit, and on the same firm-faith of Walayat-e-Ali asws he dies, and he curses on the enemies of Masumeen asws as well.

وَلَقَدۡ عَهِدۡنَآ إِلَىٰٓ ءَادَمَ مِن قَبۡلُ فَنَسِىَ وَلَمۡ نَجِدۡ لَهُ ۥ عَزۡمً۬ا (١١٥)

And verily We gave a command to Adam before, but he forgot, and We did not find determination in him. (115)

1-Imam Mohammad Baqir asws said: Allah took covenant from the Prophets (a.s.) and said: Am I not your Rabb, and this Mohammad sawaw My Rasool, and Ali asws Amirul Momineen? They said: Yes. Then Allah bestowed them Nabuwat. Then took covenant from Olil Azm (Rasools): I am your Rabb, and Mohammad sawaw is My Rasool, and Ali asws Amirul Momineen, and after him Aosiya asws My Aoliya-e-Amr & treasurer of My Knowledge, and that I will help My Deen through Mahdi asws, and will establish My government through him as well, and will take revenge from My enemies through him, and will establish worship willingly or unwillingly through him. They said: O our Rabb, we accept and we give testimony as well. Adam (a.s.) neither denied nor accepted. So Allah stamped Azemat (determination) for those five, and Adam (a.s.) had not determination on acceptance, and this is the saying of Allah Tabarak wa Ta’ala, “And verily We gave a command to Adam before, but he forgot, and We did not find determination in him.” (al-Burhan, v5, p191)

2-Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: “And certainly We gave a command to Adam before” which was about Mohammad sawaw and Ali asws and Fatima asws and Hassan asws and Hussain asws and Imams asws from his progeny, “but he forgot and We did not find Azm in him.” (al-Burhan, v5, p191)


1-Hazrat Adam (a.s.) never denied to accept Walayat, but only delayed for a moment, so he could not get designation of Olil Azm. Who accepted Walayat immediately without any delay and gave testimony as well in the Presence of Allah, they were declared Olil Azm Rasools. Similarly among Angels (a.s.) who had severity in Marifat & Love of Walayat-e-Ali asws, they became courtier Angels and chiefs of Angels.

Now we do not know what will happen to those who prevent others from Iqrar & Shahadat of Walayat-e-Ali asws? Only Jabbaar & Qah’haar knows the best.

قَالَ ٱهۡبِطَا مِنۡهَا جَمِيعَۢا‌ۖ بَعۡضُكُمۡ لِبَعۡضٍ عَدُوٌّ۬‌ۖ فَإِمَّا يَأۡتِيَنَّکم مِّنِّى هُدً۬ى فَمَنِ ٱتَّبَعَ هُدَاىَ فَلَا يَضِلُّ وَلَا يَشۡقَىٰ (١٢٣) وَمَنۡ أَعۡرَضَ عَن ذِکۡرِى فَإِنَّ لَهُ ۥ مَعِيشَةً۬ ضَنكً۬ا وَنَحۡشُرُهُ ۥ يَوۡمَ ٱلۡقِيَـٰمَةِ أَعۡمَىٰ (١٢٤) قَالَ رَبِّ لِمَ حَشَرۡتَنِىٓ أَعۡمَىٰ وَقَدۡ كُنتُ بَصِيرً۬ا (١٢٥) قَالَ كَذَالِكَ أَتَتۡكَ ءَايَـٰتُنَا فَنَسِيتَها‌ۖ وَكَذَالِكَ ٱلۡيَوۡمَ تُنسَىٰ (١٢٦) وَكَذَالِكَ نَجۡزِى مَنۡ أَسۡرَفَ وَلَمۡ يُؤۡمِنۢ بِـَٔايَـٰتِ رَبِّهِۦ‌ۚ وَلَعَذَابُ ٱلۡأَخِرَةِ أَشَدُّ وَأَبۡقَىٰٓ (١٢٧)

Said He: Go down from it all of you, being enemies to each other. So when a guidance from Me come to you, then whoever follows My guidance, he will neither go astray nor suffer. (123) And he who turns away from My Zikr, then surely his life will be difficult, and We will gather him blind on the Day of Qiyamah. (124) He will say: My Rabb! Why have You gathered me blind (in the Hereafter), while I was seeing (in the world)? (125) He will say: As Our Ayaat came to you but you forget (disregarded) them, so similarly you are forgotten this Day. (126) And similarly We reward him who crossed the limits and did not believe the Ayaat of his Rabb; and the punishment of the Hereafter is more severe and more lasting. (127)

1-About the saying of Allah, “then whoever follows My guidance, he will neither go astray nor suffer” Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: Those who kept Imams asws superior and obeyed their Amr, and never left their obedience, “And he who turns away from My Zikr, then surely his life will be difficult” means turned away from Walayat of Amirul Momineen asws, “and We will gather him blind on the Day of Qiyamah” means blind from eyes in Qiyamah and blind of heart from Walayat of Amirul Momineen asws in the world, and he will be astonished in Qiyamah, he will say, “My Rabb! Why have You gathered me blind, while I was seeing?” Allah will say, “As Our Ayaat came to you” and Ayaat are Imams asws, “then you forgot them and similarly you are being forgotton today” means you left (neglected) them and similarly you are being left in Hell today as you left Imams asws, and neither obey their Amr nor listened their Qawl (Hadees), “And similarly We reward him who crossed the limits and did not believe the Ayaat of his Rabb; and the punishment of the Hereafter is more severe and more lasting” mean who made anyone else partner in Walayat of Amirul Momineen asws, and did not believe Ayaat of his Rabb, and left Imams asws while opposing them, and did not follow their footsteps, and did not love them. (al-Burhan, v5, p194)

2-Rasool Allah sawaw said: O people, follow the guidance of Allah, you will be rightly guided, and that is my guidance, and my guidance is guidance of Ali ibne Abi Talib asws, thus whoever followed his guidance in my life or after me then he followed my guidance, and who followed my guidance then he followed guidance of Allah, he will neither go astray nor suffer. (then he sawaw recited the above verses) (al-Burhan, v5, p195)


1-Who turns away from Zikr of Walayat-e-Ali asws, he is misguided, ill fated, evil hearted hostile, blind of wisdom, and doomed near Allah. He turned away his eyes from Samit & Natiq Ayaat of Allah the Hadi-ber-Haqq Rahman Raheem, he neglected and left Akhbar, Ahadees, Aqwal, and Amr of Masumeen asws and started acting very carefully on Zunni Fatawa of Muqassir Mulla the denier of Walayat-e-Ali asws. Muqassir Mulla differentiates between Walayat & Ata’at of Allah and Masumeen asws, he calssifies and makes grades of it, so that the case should seem complicated like a maze, then Muqallideen should be compelled to drop themselves on the feet of Mulla. Although it is very clear from the Ayaat of Allah and Ahadees of Masumeen asws that Walayat, Marifat, Ata’at, Amr, Amal, and Mashiyat of Allah and Masumeen asws is one and the same.

سُوۡرَةُ الاٴنبیَاء

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

ٱقۡتَرَبَ لِلنَّاسِ حِسَابُهُمۡ وَهُمۡ فِى غَفۡلَةٍ۬ مُّعۡرِضُونَ (١) مَا يَأۡتِيهِم مِّن ذِکۡرٍ۬ مِّن رَّبِّهِم مُّحۡدَثٍ إِلَّا ٱسۡتَمَعُوهُ وَهُمۡ يَلۡعَبُونَ (٢) لَاهِيَةً۬ قُلُوبُهُمۡ‌ۗ وَأَسَرُّواْ ٱلنَّجۡوَى ٱلَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ هَلۡ هَـٰذَآ إِلَّا بَشَرٌ۬ مِّثۡلُکمۡ‌ۖ أَفَتَأۡتُونَ ٱلسِّحۡرَ وَأَنتُمۡ تُبۡصِرُونَ (٣) قَالَ رَبِّى يَعۡلَمُ ٱلۡقَوۡلَ فِى ٱلسَّمَآءِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِ‌ۖ وَهُوَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلۡعَلِيمُ (٤) بَلۡ قَالُوٓاْ أَضۡغَـٰثُ أَحۡلَـٰمِۭ بَلِ ٱفۡتَرَٮٰهُ بَلۡ هُوَ شَاعِرٌ۬ فَلۡيَأۡتِنَا بِـَٔايَةٍ۬ کمَآ أُرۡسِلَ ٱلۡأَوَّلُونَ (٥) مَآ ءَامَنَتۡ قَبۡلَهُم مِّن قَرۡيَةٍ أَهۡلَكۡنَـٰهَآ‌ۖ أَفَهُمۡ يُؤۡمِنُونَ (٦) وَمَآ أَرۡسَلۡنَا قَبۡلَكَ إِلَّا رِجَالاً۬ نُّوحِىٓ إِلَيۡهمۡ‌ۖ فَسۡـَٔلُوٓاْ أَهۡلَ ٱلذِّکۡرِ إِن كُنتُمۡ لَا تَعۡلَمُونَ (٧)

For the people their reckoning has drawn near, while they are in negligence (heedlessness) turning away. (1) No Zikr comes to them anew from their Rabb but they listen to it while they play (mock), (2) Their hearts are distracted, and those who do injustice hide their secret conversation, is this not but a human like you? Will you approach magic when you are seeing? (3) He said: My Rabb knows what is said (conversed) in the heaven and the earth, and He is the Hearer, the Knower. (4) But, they say, (these are but) muddled (mixed up) dreams; rather he has fabricated it; rather he is a poet. Then let him bring us a sign just as the previous (messengers) were sent (with signs, miracles). (5) Not any town believed of those which We destroyed before them: would they then believe? (6) And We sent not (messengers) before you other than men, to whom We revealed. So ask the Ahlul Zikr if you do not know? (7)

1-Imam Mohammad Baqir asws said: They have animosity of your (sawaw) Ahlul Bait asws in their hearts and there will be injustice after you (sawaw), and this is the saying of Allah, “and they do secret conversation in hiding, those who do injustice, say, is this not a human like you? has magic come to you while you are seeing?” (al-Burhan, v5, p206)

2-“Has magic come to you while you are seeing?” means Mohammad Mustafa sawaw has come to you, to whom you call magician (Naoozobillah). Ya Mohammad sawaw say to them, “My Rabb knows every statement in the heaven and the earth” means whatever is said in the heavens and the earth. Then Allah narrated the saying of Quraish that they say, “But they say these are confused dreams, rather he has fabricated it” means whatever news We give to Mohammad sawaw, whatever dream he sees, and some said that he has invented it meaning it is a lie, and some said, “rather he is a poet, otherwise why does not he bring a sign as previous messengers were sent” so Allah says in their rejection, “any town which We destroyed before them, did not believe” means how these will believe while people before them also did not believe in signs until they were destroyed. (Tafseer Qummi, p424)

3-Zarara asked Imam Mohammad Baqir asws: Who are meant by “So ask Ahluz Zikr if you do not know?” Said: By Allah, we. Asked: So you are, who are being asked? Said: Yes. Asked: And we are who ask questions? Said: Yes. Asked: Then it is obligatory on us to ask you? Said: Yes. Asked: And it is obligatory on you to answer us? Said: No, that depends on us, if we wish then we do, if we wish then leave it, “This is Our blessing, do favour or halt, no account” (Sura Sad, v39) (al-Burhan, v5, p207)

4-A person said: Some people with us think that Jews and Christians are meant by the saying of Allah Azza wa Jalla, “So ask Ahluz Zikr if you know not”? Imam Mohammad Baqir asws said: They are giving them permission that they should invite them toward their religion? Then said while pointing his hand toward his chest: We are Ahlul Zikr, and we are asked, and Zikr has two meanings: First Nabi sawaw, certainly his name is Zikr, Allah says, “Zikr Rasool” and second Quran, Allah says, “No doubt We have sent down this Zikr and We are its Protector” and Ahlul Bait asws are the Ahl-e-Quran and Ahl-e-Nabi asws. (al-Burhan, v5, p207)


1-Time of Zahoor of Imam Qaim asws is near, still people are unaware & negligent, whenever an Ayat or Hadees about Walayat-e-Ali asws (Zikrullah) is presented, Muqassireen take it lightly and mocking by saying, “Is there nothing else left in Deen besides Walayat-e-Ali asws?” Unjust Muqassireen also say, “Ahlul Bait asws were just humans like us, now they are martyred, let them rest in their mausoleums, now consult Fuqaha (self-made contractors to Demolish Deen) for any help”, but Allah is recording all such statements. Previous nations were also destroyed due to denial of Walayat-e-Ali asws. Moreover Muqassireen are propagating that centuries old books written by Shia scholars in favour of Masumeen asws are not reliable according to ilmul-usul and ilmur-rijal, these books are collection of confusing statements like muddled dreams, and what Zakireen and Khutaba speak from the pulpit is poetry but not reality, if you need to ask anything then ask Mulla (Majoosi Muqassir) because they are Ahluz Zikr and superior than Prophets (a.s.) of Bani Israeel (Naoozobillah).

وَنَضَعُ ٱلۡمَوَازِينَ ٱلۡقِسۡطَ لِيَوۡمِ ٱلۡقِيَـٰمَةِ فَلَا تُظۡلَمُ نَفۡسٌ۬ شَيۡـًٔ۬ا‌ۖ وَإِن کانَ مِثۡقَالَ حَبَّةٍ۬ مِّنۡ خَرۡدَلٍ أَتَيۡنَا بِها‌ۗ وَكَفَىٰ بِنَا حَـٰسِبِينَ (٤٧)

And We set standards (scales) of justice for the Day of Qiyamah so that no soul is treated unjustly at all. And if there is even the weight of a mustard grain, We will bring it. And We are sufficient as reckoners. (47)

1-Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: We are standards of justice and equity. (Tafseer Safi, v2, p462)

2-O servants of Allah, know that neither scales will be set for the people of Shirk, nor books will be opened for them, they will be sent to Hell in groups after groups, and only for the people of Islam scales will be fixed and books will be opened, so fear Allah, O servants of Allah. (Imam Sajjad asws) (al-Burhan, v5, p226)


1-The Scale of Justice on the day of Qiyamah is Walayat of Masumeen asws. Whoever has true love of Masumeen asws even equal to mustard seed in his heart, will be successful. But reality is that it is impossible at all that a person has Walayat-e-Ali asws in his heart and love/respect of Muqassir Mulla as well who opposes Walayat & Azadari, because Haqq and Batil can not be together in one heart. Shirk can not be done in Walayat-e-Ali asws. The concept (belief) of Walayat-e-Faqeh is Batil and Shirk. Salvation only depends on Walayat-e-Ali asws, therefore Allah Ali-ul-Azeem says, “If all mankind would have gathered on Walayat-e-Ali asws, I would not have created Hell at all.”

قُلۡنَا يَـٰنَارُ كُونِى بَرۡدً۬ا وَسَلَـٰمًا عَلَىٰٓ إِبۡرَاهِيمَ (٦٩)

We said: O fire, be cool and peaceful for Ibraheem, (69)

1-Rasool Allah sawaw said: When Ibraheem (a.s.) was thrown into fire then he said, “Ya Allah, I ask you for the sake of the right of Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad asws save me from this” then Allah made it cool and peaceful for him. (al-Burhan, v5, p233)


See detail under Sura TaHa, v67-68.

لَا يَحۡزُنُهُمُ ٱلۡفَزَعُ ٱلۡأَکۡبَرُ وَتَتَلَقَّٮٰهُمُ ٱلۡمَلَـٰٓٮِٕکةُ هَـٰذَا يَوۡمُكُمُ ٱلَّذِى کنتُمۡ تُوعَدُونَ (١٠٣)

The Great Horror will not grieve them, and the Angels will welcome them, (saying): This is your Day which you were promised. (103)

1-Rasool Allah sawaw said: No doubt on the day of Qiyamah, Ali asws and his Shias will be on a mound of nice smelling musk. People will be in fear and distress but they (Shias) will not be in distress, and people will be grieved but they (Shias) will not be in grief, and this is the saying of Allah, “The Great Horror will not grieve them, and the Angels will welcome them, (saying): This is your Day which you were promised” (al-Burhan, v5, p254)


1-Who believes Walayat-e-Ali asws verbally & practically, Allah finishes his fear & distress, who weeps and does Matam in the grief of Imam-e-Mazloom asws and considers blood shedding by Zanjeer & Qama obligatory, he will be happy on the day of Qiyamah by Ziyarat of Masumeen asws, and who is waiting eagerly for Zahoor of Imam Qaim asws, he will be saved from wandering for thousands of years on the day of Great Horror.

وَلَقَدۡ کتَبۡنَا فِى ٱلزَّبُورِ مِنۢ بَعۡدِ ٱلذِّكۡرِ أَنَّ ٱلۡأَرۡضَ يَرِثُهَا عِبَادِىَ ٱلصَّـٰلِحُونَ (١٠٥) إِنَّ فِى هَـٰذَا لَبَلَـٰغً۬ا لِّقَوۡمٍ عَـٰبِدِينَ (١٠٦) وَمَآ أَرۡسَلۡنَـٰكَ إِلَّا رَحۡمَةً۬ لِّلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ (١٠٧)

And surely We have already written in Zaboor after Zikr that My righteous servants will inherit the earth. (105) No doubt there is a clear message for the worshipers in it. (106) We sent you not except as a mercy for the worlds. (107)

1-Imam Mohammad Baqir asws said: Saying of Allah Azza wa Jalla, “And surely We have already written in Zaboor after Zikr that My righteous servants will inherit the earth” means we, and “No doubt there is a clear message for the worshipers in it” means our Shias. (al-Burhan, v5, p256)

2-Imam Jafar Sadiq asws was asked: What is Zaboor and what is Zikr? Said: Zikr is with Allah, and Zaboor which was revealed to Dawood, and Whole Book which was revealed that is with Ahlul-ilm, and those are we. (al-Burhan, v5, p256)

3-Imam Mohammad Baqir asws said: The saying of Allah Azza wa Jallah, “that My righteous servants will inherit the earth” means that they are the companions of Imam Mahdi asws in the last era. (al-Burhan, v5, p257)


1-Every moment Zikr of Walayat-e-Ali asws, observing Gham-e-Hussain asws, and waiting for Zahoor-e-Qaim asws, there is a clear message for Abid Shias in it that Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad asws are Hazir Nazir Rahmat & Hadi for the worlds, therefore they do not need any Fatwa of any Muqassir Mulla, and soon the inheritors of the earth are going to establish Deen-e-Walayat on the earth.

2-The deniers of Walayat Muqassir Mullas are usurping the right of Masumeen asws, they are considering themselves inheritors of the earth, and they are publishing their pictures with the clear Ayaat about the inheritance of earth by Masumeen asws, without any hesitation. Such people are shared progeny of usurpers of Fadak and Shaitan.