GUIDANCE FOR MANKIND; Exegesis of Kalam Ullah

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GUIDANCE FOR MANKIND; Exegesis of Kalam Ullah Translator: Al-Syyed Abu Mohammad Naqvi
Publisher: Nashriyat-e-Walayat-e-Elahia
Category: Quran Interpretation

GUIDANCE FOR MANKIND; Exegesis of Kalam Ullah

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Translator: Al-Syyed Abu Mohammad Naqvi
Publisher: Nashriyat-e-Walayat-e-Elahia
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GUIDANCE FOR MANKIND; Exegesis of Kalam Ullah
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GUIDANCE FOR MANKIND; Exegesis of Kalam Ullah

GUIDANCE FOR MANKIND; Exegesis of Kalam Ullah

Publisher: Nashriyat-e-Walayat-e-Elahia

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

سُوۡرَةُ فَاطِر

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

مَن كَانَ يُرِيدُ ٱلۡعِزَّةَ فَلِلَّهِ ٱلۡعِزَّةُ جَمِيعًاۚ إِلَيۡهِ يَصۡعَدُ ٱلۡكَلِمُ ٱلطَّيِّبُ وَٱلۡعَمَلُ ٱلصَّـٰلِحُ يَرۡفَعُهُۚ ۥ وَٱلَّذِينَ يَمۡكُرُونَ ٱلسَّيِّـَٔاتِ لَهُمۡ عَذَابٌ۬ شَدِيدٌ۬ۖ وَمَكۡرُ أُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ هُوَ يَبُورُ (١٠)

Whoever desires honour, then all Honour belongs to Allah, unto Him good word ascends, and the pious deed raises it. And those who plot evil deeds, for them is severe punishment, and the plotting of those, that will perish. (10)

1-About the saying of Allah Azza wa Jalla, “Good word ascends to Him and the righteous deed raises it” Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said while pointing his hand to his chest: Walayat of us the Ahlul Bait asws, who does not love us, Allah does not let his deeds to rise up. (al-Burhan, v6, p356)

2-Imam Ali Raza asws said about this verse: Kalimut-Tayyib is this word of Momin “La ilaha illallah Mohammadur Rasool Allah Ali un Wali Ullah wa Khalifatun Haqqan wa Khulafa’ohu Khulafa Allah” and good deed raises it, and this is its proof, and deed means that faith which is in the heart that whatever word is uttered by tongue is right. (al-Burhan, v6, p356)

3-Rasool Allah sawaw said: Every word is confirmed by the deed, which testifies it or belies it. When child of Adam (a.s.) says something and testifies his word by his deed, then his word reaches Allah due to his deed. And if said something and opposed his word by his deed, then Allah rejects his word upon his Khabees (vile) deed, and he will be thrown into Hell due to them. (Tafseer Qummi, p558)


1-It is very clear from Ahadees of Masumeen asws, Kalima Tayyiba is that in which Tauheed of Allah, Risalat of Mohammad Mustafa sawaw, and Walayat of holy Imams asws is mentioned. One can not find anywhere that Zikr-e-Walayat is not part of Kalima. This is evil plot of Majoosi Muqassir Mulla.

2-Who testifies this Kalima with heart, then confirms it with his deed, i.e. mentions Tauheed, Risalat, and Walayat in his deed, then Allah accepts that deed, otherwise the doer of the deed is thrown into Hell along with his word & deed. In which deed Zikr-e-Ali asws is not present that deed is Khabees. And whose words and deeds differ, he is hypocrite denier of Walayat Muqassir.

3-Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: Kalima Tayyiba is word of Momin, “La ilaha illallah Mohammadur Rasool Allah Ali un Wali Ullah wa Khalifatu Rasool Allah” and the righteous deed is that there is belief in the heart that this (Kalima) is Haqq from Allah, there is no doubt in it that this is from the Rabb of the worlds.

4-After this Hadees of Masoom asws if any Muqassir says that there is no proof that “Ali un Waliullah” is a part of Kalima, then know that there is not doubt about him being illegitimate.

وَٱللَّهُ خَلَقَكُم مِّن تُرَابٍ۬ ثُمَّ مِن نُّطۡفَةٍ۬ ثُمَّ جَعَلَكُمۡ أَزۡوَاجً۬اۚ وَمَا تَحۡمِلُ مِنۡ أُنثَىٰ وَلَا تَضَعُ إِلَّا بِعِلۡمِهِۚۦ وَمَا يُعَمَّرُ مِن مُّعَمَّرٍ۬ وَلَا يُنقَصُ مِنۡ عُمُرِهِۦۤ إِلَّا فِى كِتَـٰبٍۚ إِنَّ ذَالِكَ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ يَسِيرٌ۬ (١١)

And Allah created you from dust, then from semen, then He made you pairs. No female conceives nor does give birth except with His knowledge. And no aged person is granted life nor is his lifespan lessened, but it is recorded in a Book, indeed that is easy for Allah. (11)

1-Imam Mohammad Baqir asws said: Who does not visit mausoleum of Imam Hussain asws while he is nearby, Allah reduces his age, then if someone says that he died thirty years before his appointed time (destiny, Ajal), so he is right, and this is because he left his (asws) Ziyarat. So do not leave his (asws) Ziyarat, Allah will help you in your progress, and will increase your provision. And if you leave his Ziyarat, then Allah will decrease your progress and provision, thus hasten (excel) to do his Ziyarat, and do not leave it because Hussain ibne Ali asws will be himself its witness for you in the Presence of Allah and in the presence of His Rasool sawaw and in the presence of Ali asws & Fatima asws. (al-Burhan, v6, p359)

2-Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: We do not know anything which increases age except kind relationship. If someone has left three years in his fate and he does kindness to relations, then Allah makes addition of thirty years in his life, so makes it thirty three years. And if life is thirty three years and he cuts off relations, then Allah lessens thirty years, and makes his life three years. (al-Burhan, v6, p359)


1-Kind relation means to adhere to Walayat of Masumeen asws and Mawaddat of Masumeen asws. After that kind relation is applicable generally i.e. kind behaviour and treatment to near ones. Provision is Marifat of Walayat, which progresses in grades by going for Ziyaraat, and respect of Sha’airullah increases piety.

2-The blessings bestowed by doing Ziyarat of Imam Hussain asws cannot be encompassed. Hussain asws is that Rahman & Kareem who can bestow by changing what is written on the Guarded Tablet. Everyday seventy thousand Angels (a.s.) come down, who do Tawaf of Ka’ba, then they do Ziyarat of Rasool Allah sawaw and then Ziyarat of Amirul Momineen asws, then they stay with Imam Hussain asws and go back to the heavens at dawn, they never get a turn for ever.

Infallible Angels (a.s.) keep waiting to go for Ziyarat in Karbala, while they are living near Allah in the heavens. Enemy of Allah the Muqassir Mulla issues Fatwa that one should not do hard Matam like fools, nor one should shed blood, because both these actions harm your body. While doing Matam, lamenting, reciting Naoha, and shedding blood is Sunnah of Prophets (a.s.) and Masumeen asws. Who forbid Azadari, is a soldier of Yazid (l.u.).

إِنَّآ أَرۡسَلۡنَـٰكَ بِٱلۡحَقِّ بَشِيرً۬ا وَنَذِيرً۬اۚ وَإِن مِّنۡ أُمَّةٍ إِلَّا خَلَا فِيها نَذِيرٌ۬ (٢٤)

Indeed We have sent you with the Haqq (Truth), a bearer of glad tidings and a warner; and there is not a nation but a warner has passed among them. (24)

1-Imam Mohammad Baqir asws said: Mohammad Mustafa sawaw did not go from the world until a warner was appointed for him. If anyone says that it did not happen, then it is as Rasool Allah sawaw lost those among his Ummah who were still to come (to be born) from men. It was asked: Is Quran not sufficient for them? Said: Yes, but they have to find its Mufassir (exegetist). It was asked: Did Rasool Allah sawaw not did its Tafseer? Said: Yes, but did its Tafseer for one man, and did Tafseer of status of that man for the Ummah, and he is Ali bin Abi Talib asws. (Tafseer Safi, v3, p179)


1-Warner (Nazeer) is a Prophet (a.s.) or his Wasi asws, and for every period of time there is an Imam asws present. To understand Quran properly we need its teacher who does its translation, Tafseer and Taweel as Allah wills. That is why wisdom and philosophy of Muqassir Mullah has exhausted and his knowledge is depleted, so he is croaking like a frog in a well that only five hundred verses in Quran are about Shariah. If we try to understand Quran in the light of the teachings of Lisanullah asws, then all the problems will be solved. Therefore Rasool Allah sawaw did Tafseer of the status of Maola Ali asws on several occasions repeatedly that duty of Ummah is to adhere to Walayat-e-Ali asws, instead of start making Wali yourself and start understanding Quran yourself without the guidance of Imam asws.

وَٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ لَهُمۡ نَارُ جَهَنَّمَ لَا يُقۡضَىٰ عَلَيۡهِمۡ فَيَمُوتُواْ وَلَا يُخَفَّفُ عَنۡهُم مِّنۡ عَذَابِهَاۚ كَذَالِكَ نَجۡزِى كُلَّ کفُورٍ۬ (٣٦) وَهُمۡ يَصۡطَرِخُونَ فِيها رَبَّنَآ أَخۡرِجۡنَا نَعۡمَلۡ صَـٰلِحًا غَيۡرَ ٱلَّذِى کنَّا نَعۡمَلُۚ أَوَلَمۡ نُعَمِّرۡكُم مَّا يَتَذَکرُ فِيهِ مَن تَذَكَّرَ وَجَآءَكُمُ ٱلنَّذِيرُۖ فَذُوقُواْ فَمَا لِلظَّـٰلِمِينَ مِن نَّصِيرٍ (٣٧)

And for those who disbelieve, for them is fire of Hell; it is not decreed for them so they may die, nor is its punishment lightened for them, thus We punish every ingrate. (36) And they will cry out therein, (saying): Our Rabb! Release us; we will do right deeds, other than what we used to do. Did not We grant you a life enough for whoever would remember to remember therein, and the warner came to you? So taste (the punishment), for there is not any helper for the unjust ones. (37)

1-Maola Ali asws said: Rasool Allah sawaw said to me: Ya Ali asws! The matter is between your lovers and those who used to cool their eyes with the world until death came on them. Then said: “Our Rabb! Take us out; we will do right deeds, other than what we used to do” it means that when your enemies will enter Fire, then will say, “Our Rabb! Take us out, we will do righteous deeds” in Walayat-e-Ali asws, “other than what we used to do” in his (asws) animosity. So they will be answered: “Did we not gave you a life enough in which whoever wanted to take heed, would have taken heed, and the warner came to you as well” meaning Nabi Akram sawaw, “so taste punishment, for there is not any helper for who does injustice” to Aal-e-Mohammad asws, who can help them and save them from that (torment) and hide punishment from them. (al-Burhan, v6, p373)


1-Who are turning away from Walayat-e-Ali asws and making their eyes cool by colourful Fatawa of Muqassir Mulla, still if they wake up it will be beneficial for them. Righteous deeds are those which are based on Walayat-e-Ali asws, and Khabees deed is that which is done by the order of opponents of Walayat and testimony of Walayat is not included. Allah Ta’ala and His Rasool Mohammad Mustafa sawaw have warned again and again not to neglect or do any shortfall about Walayat-e-Ali asws.

ٱسۡتِكۡبَارً۬ا فِى ٱلۡأَرۡضِ وَمَكۡرَ ٱلسَّيِّىِٕۚ وَلَا يَحِيقُ ٱلۡمَكۡرُ ٱلسَّيِّئُ إِلَّا بِأَهۡلِهِۚۦ فَهَلۡ يَنظُرُونَ إِلَّا سُنَّتَ ٱلۡأَوَّلِينَۚ فَلَن تَجِدَ لِسُنَّتِ ٱللَّهِ تَبۡدِيلاً۬ۖ وَلَن تَجِدَ لِسُنَّتِ ٱللَّهِ تَحۡوِيلاً (٤٣)

Arrogance on the earth and plotting evil; and the evil plot does not encompass except its own people. Then are they waiting expect the way (fate) of the former people? But you will never find any change in the Sunnah of Allah, and you will never find any alteration in the Sunnah of Allah. (43)

1-Amirul Momineen asws said: In the Book of Allah, three characteristics have been attributed to the people: Rebellion and evil plot and breaking covenant. Allah says, “O people, your rebellion is only against yourselves” (Younus, v23) and says, “so who breaks his promise, he breaks only against himself” (Fat’ha, v10) and says, “and the evil plot does not encompass except its plotters” and certainly rebellion was done against us, and our allegiance was broken, and evil plot was done against us. (al-Burhan, v6, p375)


1-Allah the All Aware & Knower has completed His Deen according to the needs of the creations until Qiyamah. And there is never any change or alteration in the way & Sunnah, Halaal & Haraam, and rules & regulations of Allah. But Muqassir Mulla is misguiding people: That was olden time, now the needs of the modern era are different, so accept me as your Wali, Imam, and Rahber (i.e. rebellion against Walayat-e-Ali asws), so that we will interchange some Halaal & Haraam according to your desires and lusts (i.e. evil plots against the commandments of Masumeen asws), and we take your responsibility if you act on our Fatawa (i.e. to break the covenant of Walayat-e-Ali asws and Shafa’at, and to go on the side of opponents of Walayat-e-Ali asws).

2-These evil plots & frauds, arrogance & transgression, and interference with Deen of Allah after breaking the covenant of Walayat-e-Ali asws, of Muqassireen will drown themselves. They are not deceiving Allah & Masumeen asws but they are deceiving themselves.

سُوۡرَةُ یسٓ

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

يسٓ (١) وَٱلۡقُرۡءَانِ ٱلۡحَكِيمِ (٢) إِنَّكَ لَمِنَ ٱلۡمُرۡسَلِينَ (٣) عَلَىٰ صِرَاطٍ۬ مُّسۡتَقِيمٍ۬ (٤) تَنزِيلَ ٱلۡعَزِيزِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ (٥) لِتُنذِرَ قَوۡمً۬ا مَّآ أُنذِرَ ءَابَآؤُهُمۡ فَهُمۡ غَـٰفِلُونَ (٦) لَقَدۡ حَقَّ ٱلۡقَوۡلُ عَلَىٰٓ أَكۡثَرِهِمۡ فَهُمۡ لَا يُؤۡمِنُونَ (٧) إِنَّا جَعَلۡنَا فِىٓ أَعۡنَـٰقِهِمۡ أَغۡلَـٰلاً۬ فَهِىَ إِلَى ٱلۡأَذۡقَانِ فَهُم مُّقۡمَحُونَ (٨) وَجَعَلۡنَا مِنۢ بَيۡنِ أَيۡدِيهمۡ سَدًّ۬ا وَمِنۡ خَلۡفِهِمۡ سَدًّ۬ا فَأَغۡشَيۡنَـٰهُمۡ فَهُمۡ لَا يُبۡصِرُونَ (٩) وَسَوَآءٌ عَلَيۡهمۡ ءَأَنذَرۡتَهُمۡ أَمۡ لَمۡ تُنذِرۡهُمۡ لَا يُؤۡمِنُونَ (١٠) إِنَّمَا تُنذِرُ مَنِ ٱتَّبَعَ ٱلذِّکۡرَ وَخَشِىَ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنَ بِٱلۡغَيۡبِۖ فَبَشِّرۡهُ بِمَغۡفِرَةٍ۬ وَأَجۡرٍ۬ کرِيمٍ (١١) إِنَّا نَحۡنُ نُحۡىِ ٱلۡمَوۡتَىٰ وَنَکۡتُبُ مَا قَدَّمُواْ وَءَاثَـٰرَهُمۡۚ وَكُلَّ شَىۡءٍ أَحۡصَيۡنَـٰهُ فِىٓ إِمَامٍ۬ مُّبِينٍ۬ (١٢)

Ya Seen. (1) By the wise Quran, (2) No doubt you are from among the Messengers (3) On Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (straight path), (4) A revelation of the Mighty, the Merciful, (5) That you may warn a nation whose forefathers were not warned, so they are unaware. (6) Already the word has proved true opon most of them, for they believe not. (7) Indeed We have put on their necks carcans which are reaching to the chins, so that they are made stiff-necked. (8) And We have put a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, and have covered them, so they see not. (9) And it is same for them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe. (10) You can warn only him who follows the Zikr (Reminder) and fears the Rahman unseen. So give him good tidings of forgiveness and a noble reward. (11) No doubt it is We Who bring the dead to life, and We record that which they send forward and their impressions left behind. And all things We have encompassed in Imam-e-Mubeen. (12)

1-About “Ya Seen” Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: This is one name from the holy names of Nabi Akram sawaw, and it means “Ya ayyo’hus-Sameh al-Wahi”, and by Quran Hakeem, no doubt you are surely from among Mursaleen (a.s.). (al-Burhan, v6, p380)

2-Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: “So that you may warn a nation whose forefathers were not warned, so they are unaware” means that you warn that nation among which you are present, as their forefathers were warned, but they are unaware of Allah and His Rasool sawaw and their covenant, “Definitely the word has proved true upon most of them” who do not testify Walayat of Amirul Momineen asws and holy Imams asws after him, “so they will not believe” in the Imamat of Amirul Momineen asws and Aosiya asws after him. So when they do not believe, then Allah mentions their capture that “Indeed We have put on their necks carcans which are reaching to the chins, so their heads are lifted up” in the Fire of Hell, “And We have put a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, and have covered them, so they see not” this is punishment for the denial in the world of Walayat of Amirul Momineen asws and Imams asws after him, and will be standing in the Fire of the Hell in the Hereafter. O Habeeb Mohammad sawaw “And it is same for them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe” in Allah and Walayat of Ali asws and Imams asws after him, “you can warn only him who follows the Zikr” means Amirul Momineen asws, “and fears the Rahman without seeing” O Habeeb Mohammad sawaw “so give him good news of forgiveness and a generous reward.” (al-Burhan, v6, p381)

3-Imam Mohammad Baqir asws said: When this verse was revealed to Rasool Allah sawaw “And all things We have encompassed in Imam-e-Mubeen” then two people stood up from the gathering and asked: Ya Rasool Allah sawaw! Is that Taurat? Said: No. Asked: Then is that Injeel? Said: No. Asked: Is that Quran? Said: No. So Amirul Momineen asws came, then Rasool Allah sawaw said: He is that, he is that Imam in which Allah Tabarak wa Ta’ala has gathered the knowledge of every thing. (al-Burhan, v6, p388)

4-One day Imam Jafar Sadiq asws asked Mufazzal: O Mufazzal, do you know the reality of Marifat of Mohammad sawaw and Ali asws and Fatima asws and Hassan asws and Hussain asws? He replied: Ya Syyedi, what is the depth of their Marifat? Said: You should know that they are very high above the creations next to the green mausoleum, so who knew some depth of their Marifat, he will be with us on Sanam-e-A’la (highest summits). Know that they have the knowledge about whatever Allah Azza wa Jalla has made, whatever has created, and whatever created anew (from nothing), and they are Kalima-tat-Taqwa, and treasurers of the heavens and the earths, and the hills, deserts, and oceans. And they know how many stars are in the heaven, how many Angels (a.s.) are, and what is the weight of hills, and how much is the amount of water in the oceans, rivers, and fountains, and not any leaf falls but they have its knowledge. And there is no grain in the darkness of earth, and neither any wet nor any dry but it is in Kitab-e-Mubeen, and that is in their knowledge, and you should know that. Mufazzal said: Ya Syyedi, I understand it now, and testify it, and believe in it. Imam asws said: Yes O Mufazzal, O honoured, yes O pure, yes O beloved, you are lucky and good news of Paradise for you and for its (Marifat) sake for evey Momin. (al-Burhan, v6, p387)

5-Amirul Momineen asws passed through a valley with Abu Zarr (a.s.) and ants were walking like flood. On seeing them Abu Zarr said in astonishment: Allaho Akbar, Exalted is Him Who knows their number. Amirul Momineen asws said: Do not say like that, rather say this O Abu Zarr that “Exalted is He Who created them”, I swear by Him Who created them, I know their number, know well the male and female as well with the permission of Allah Azza wa Jalla. (al-Burhan, v6, p387)


1-Those who do not testify Walayat-e-Ali asws, and instead of obedience of Masumeen asws they put noose (Qalada) of Taqleed of fallible Muqassir Mulla in their necks, Allah will put carcans in their necks, and Allah will make barriers on their sides and then will cover them on top as well, so they will be deprived of sight & wisdom totally like Dhaku (completely covered), because they hindered from the obedience of Zikr (Ali asws) and testimony of Zikr, and they were doubting about the knowledge of Imam asws.

سُوۡرَةُ الصَّافات

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

وَقِفُوهُمۡ‌ۖ إِنَّهم مَّسۡـُٔولُونَ (٢٤)

And stop them, indeed they must be questioned. (24)

1-Rasool Allah sawaw said: When it will be the day of Qiyamah, Allah Ta’ala will order two Angels (a.s.) to sit on Sirat that they should not allow anyone to pass except who has safety-permit from Ali bin Abi Talib asws. And who will not have safety-pemit from Amirul Momineen asws, he will be thrown into Fire upside down on nose, and this is the saying of Allah Ta’ala, “and stop them, indeed they are to be questioned.” Abu Saeed Khudri asked: Ya Rasool Allah sawaw, my mother & father sacrificed on you, what is that safety-permit which Ali asws will issue? Said: It will be written on it “La ilaha illallah Mohammadur Rasool Allah wa Amirul Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib Wasi o Rasool Allah” (al-Burhan, v6, p412)

2-Rasool Allah sawaw said: When it will be the day of Qiyamah, then I and Ali asws will be standing on the Sirat, and we both will be holding sword in our hand. So no one from the creation of Allah will be able to pass but we will question him about the Walayat of Ali bin Abi Talib asws, so who will have something from Walayat, will get salvation, otherwise we will strike on his neck and will cast him in the Fire. Then recited the saying of Allah, “And stop them, indeed they must be questioned. What is wrong with you that you do not help each other, but they are submissive today.” (al-Burhan, v6, p414)

3-Masoom asws said: “stop them, certainly they are to be questioned” about Walayat-e-Ali bin Abi Talib asws and about love of Ahlul Bait asws. (al-Burhan, v6, p414)


1-Deed-book whose title is “Hubb-e-Ali asws” written with Noor, and Passport (Jawaz) with complete Kalima Tayyiba written on it to pass on Sirat, these two things only he will get who believes the Walayat-e-Ali asws is not merely a part but it is basis & foundation of Deen, and keeps firm faith on it with heart, and testifies it in every deed.

2-That Muqassir who does not consider Walayat-e-Ali asws or “Ali un Wali Ullah” a part of Kalima or Azaan or Aqamat, rather he thinks that Zikr of Ali asws nullifies Namaz, he will never get that passport, Jawaz-nama, safety-permit from Fire on which “Ali un Wali Ullah” is written.

It is so strange that in spite of knowing all that Muqassireen are firm on their pride of ignorance. That day it will be asked: O Muqassireen, this your great Rahber & Wali who claimed to take your responsibility as well by acting on his Fatawa, why he is not helping you today, now he is standing very submissive with his neck down under Zulfiqaar on the brink of Hell.

وَإِنَّ مِن شِيعَتِهِۦ لَإِبۡرَاهِيمَ (٨٣)

And no doubt Ibraheem is among his Shias. (83)

1-Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: Saying of Allah Azza wa Jalla “And indeed Ibraheem is among his Shias (followers)” means that certainly Ibraheem (a.s.) is from among the Shias of Nabi Akram sawaw, thus he is among Shias of Ali asws, and whoever is Shia of Ali asws, he is Shia of Nabi Akram sawaw. (al-Burhan, v6, p419)

2-Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said about this verse: Indeed when Allah Subhanahu created Ibraheem (a.s.), and raised the curtain in front of his eyes, then he saw, so he saw a Noor on the side of Arsh, and said: Elahi, what is this Noor? It was said to him: This is the Noor of My chosen one Mohammad sawaw among My all creations. And he saw another Noor on its side and said: Elahi, and whose Noor is this? So it was said: The helper of My Deen, Ali bin Abi Talib’s asws. And saw three more Anwaar next to these two Anwaar, and asked: Elahi, whose Anwaar are these? So it was said to him: This is Noor of Fatima asws, she will save her devotees from Fire, and Noor of her sons Hassan asws and Hussain asws. And saw nine more Anwaar who were surrounding them, so asked: Elahi, whose are these nine Anwaar? Said: O Ibraheem (a.s.), these are Imams asws from the holy progeny of Ali asws and Fatima asws. So Ibraheem (a.s.) asked: Elahi, for the sake of the right of these five Anwaar, grant me Marifat of these nine. So it was said: O Ibraheem (a.s.), first among these is Ali bin Hussain asws, and his son Mohammad asws, and his son Jafar asws, and his son Musa asws, and his son Ali asws, and his son Mohammad asws, and his son Ali asws, and his son Hassan asws, and his son Hujjat Al-Qaim asws. So Ibraheem (a.s.) said: Elahi wa Syyedi, I am seeing (small) Noor around them as well whose number no one knows except you. Said: O Ibraheem (a.s.), these are their Shias, Shias of Amirul Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib asws. So Ibraheem (a.s.) asked: And what is the definition of Shia? Said: Fifty one Rakat Salaah, and with loud voice “Bismillah irrahman irraheem”, and Qanoot before Rakooh, and end at Yameen. At that moment Ibraheem (a.s.) said: Ya Allah, declare me among the Shias of Amirul Momineen asws. Then Allah narrated in His Book, “And no doubt Ibraheem is among his Shias” (al-Burhan, v6, p419)


1-Shias who are on Millat of Ibraheem (a.s.), Deen of Mohammad Mustafa sawaw, and Minhaj of Ali Murtaza asws, their Salaah ends on Yameen. Everyone knows that Yameen is name of Maola Ali asws, and that is the reason Shias are called As’habul Yameen. It means that Salaah of Momineen ends with testimony of Walayat of Maola Ali asws and holy Imams asws.

وَفَدَيۡنَـٰهُ بِذِبۡحٍ عَظِيمٍ۬ (١٠٧) وَتَرَكۡنَا عَلَيۡهِ فِى ٱلۡأَخِرِينَ (١٠٨)

And We ransomed him for the great sacrifice. (107) And We left for him among the later generations.(108)

1-Imam Ali Raza asws said: When Allah Ta’ala commanded Ibraheem (a.s.) to slaughter that lamb which has been sent to you instead of your son Ismael (a.s.). Ibraheem (a.s.) wished that his son Ismael (a.s.) would have been sacrificed in hands and would that the command to slaughter lamb in his place was not there, then my heart should have gone through an experience which the heart of a father experiences on sacrificing a beloved son in his hands, and due to that he is entitled to high grades, and gets reward on hardships.Then Allah Azza wa Jalla revealed: O Ibraheem (a.s.), whom you love most among My creations? He replied: Ya Rabb, You have not created any creation with whom I can love more than Your Beloved Mohammad sawaw. Then Allah Azza wa Jalla revealed to him: O Ibraheem (a.s.), you love him (sawaw) more or to yourself? He replied: No doubt, I love him (sawaw) more than myself. Said He: So you love his (sawaw) son (Hussain asws) more or your son? Replied: To his (sawaw) son (asws). Said He: So his (sawaw) son being martyred with injustice by the hands of enemies makes your heart more injured or your son being sacrificed in My obedience in your hands? Replied: O Rabb, his martyrdom by the hands of enemies injures my heart more. Said He: O Ibraheem (a.s.), one group of people will think that they are among Ummah of Mohammad sawaw, then they will murder his son Hussain asws after him with injustice and transgression, as lamb is slaughtered, thus My Wrath is obligatory on them due to this reason. Thus Ibraheem (a.s.) became grieved, and a pain rose in his heart, and started weeping & lamenting. Then Allah revealed to him: O Ibraheem (a.s.), I have ransomed the grief of your son Ismael (a.s.) which you would have sacrificed with your hands, for your becoming grieved for Hussain asws and his martyrdom, and I have made it obligatory on Myself to give you high degrees, O you getting reward for sake of hardships of Hussain asws. And this is (meaning of) the saying of Allah Azza wa Jalla, “And We ransomed him for the great sacrifice." (al-Burhan, v6, p441)

2-Some sentences from the Hadees of Imam Ali Raza asws about it are: Nabi Akram sawaw said: I am son of two sacrificed ones, it means that I am son of Ismael bin Ibraheem (a.s.) and Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib asws. When Ismael (a.s.) was able to run around, then Ibraheem (a.s.) said: O son, I see in dream that I am sacrificing you, what is your opinion? Ismael (a.s.) said: O father, whatever you are being commanded execute it. And did not say that perform what you are seeing in the dream. That lamb which Allah sent down, it was not born, rather Allah said “Kun” and it was there. All the animals which are sacrificed in Mina, they are ransom of Ismael (a.s.) until Qiyamah.

Hazrat Abdul Muttalib asws made Dua by holding the handle of the door of Ka’ba that Allah may bestow ten sons to him, then he will sacrifice one in the way of Allah. Allah granted him ten sons, so draw was done and name of Abdullah asws came, who was dearest of all, so he intended to sacrifice him, but Quraish and family hindered, women were weeping. Atika (s.a.) daughter of Abdul Muttalib asws gave an advice that there can be one excuse in the presence of Allah to save Abdullah asws. Abdul Muttalib asws said: My blessed daughter, what is that? Then she said: Take draws of camels against him until your Rabb is pleased. So on hundred camels draw came out on camels, so Quraish raised Takbeer with happiness that hill were shaking. So Abdul Muttalib asws slaughtered hundred camels. And Abdul Muttalib asws issued five Sunnahs which Allah Azza wa Jalla kept continuous in Islam: Wives of father being Haraam on sons, hundred camels as blood money of murder, seven times Tawaf of Ka’ba, to give Khums on finding a treasure, and when Zam Zam was digged then gave it name “Saqayatul Haaj.” And if Abdul Muttalib asws were not Hujjat and that he intended to sacrifice his son Abdullah asws just as Ibraheem (a.s.) intended to sacrifice Ismael (a.s.), then Nabi Akram sawaw should not have shown pride by relating to both that they both are Zabihaan, and said “I am son of those two who were sacrificed. The reason of decision of Allah to postpone the sacrifice of Ismael (a.s.) is the same due to which reason sacrifice of Abdullah asws was postponed, because Nabi Akram sawaw and holy Imams asws were in their progeny. So they were saved from being sacrificed dut to the blessing of Nabi sawaw and Imams asws. Otherwise it would have become Sunnah for the people to slaughter their children (for the sake of nearness of Allah). (al-Burhan, v6, p442)


1-Allah Ta’ala gave the lamb of Paradise as ransom for Hazrat Ismael (a.s.), and left the Great Sacrifice for the Last Prophet sawaw. So Maola Hussain asws did not present only one sacrifice in the love of Allah for the sake of His Deen, but he presented many sacrifices, each of them great in rank. No one can find any example of Karbala in the history of the universe. The Great Sacrifice is Babul Hawa’ij Ali Asghar asws being slaughtered in the holy arms of Imam Hussain asws by the arrow of the enemies of Walayat-e-Ali asws.

2-The Beloved of Maola Hussain asws is Allah Azza wa Jalla. The way Maola Hussain asws was martyred in the love of his Beloved Allah, it is impossible to recompense his martyrdom at all. If all the creations are killed including innocent ones, in the revenge of Imam Hussain asws, even then revenge of Imam Mazloom asws does not reach justice. Curse on those who martyr Masumeen asws with their hands or tongues.

3-Hazrat Abdul Muttalib asws is Hujjatullah, and all the forefathers of Rasool Allah sawaw are also Hujjatullah through whom his Noor was transferred from Adam (a.s.) to Abdullah asws. Because the bearer of Noor of Allah can be only infallible. Similarly the mothers of Masumeen asws are holy, pure, and infallible, and they are free from any impurity or defect like women in general.

سَلَـٰمٌ عَلَىٰٓ إِلۡ يَاسِينَ (١٣٠)

Peace be upon Aal-e-YaSeen. (130)

1-About the saying of Allah Azza wa Jalla, “Salute to Aal-e-YaSeen” Imam Ali asws said: Ya Seen is Mohammad sawaw, and we are Aal-e-Ya Seen. (al-Burhan, v6, p448)


1-The court of Mamoon was full of general scholars, and Imam Ali Raza asws was asked about the high status of Aal-e-Mohammad asws, so he recited the verse no.56 of Sura al-Ahzab that send Salawat on Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad asws with the command of Allah. They demanded more Quranic proof, then Imam asws recited the initial verses of Sura Ya Seen and said that YaSeen is the holy name of Mohammad Mustafa sawaw, and in Sura Safat Allah Ta’ala says, “Salam on Aal-e-YaSeen” it means Aal-e-Mohammad asws. Mamoon and his scholars did not object on this answer at all. So by changing Fat’has (Zabar) & Kasras (Zair) reality and Haqq can not be concealed.

2-In holy Quran, Allah narrates the splendour of Aal-e-Mohammad asws, declares their Walayat inevitable obligation, and sends Salawat and Salam on them, and curses their enemies. But Muqassir Mulla is forbidding people to do holy Zikr of Aal-e-Mohammad asws, therefore Imam Hassan Askari asws declared such Muqassir Mullas worse than the army of Yazid (l.u.) in his Hadees, quoted in Ehtijaj al-Tabrasi.

وَمَا مِنَّآ إِلَّا لَهُ ۥ مَقَامٌ۬ مَّعۡلُومٌ۬ (١٦٤) وَإِنَّا لَنَحۡنُ ٱلصَّآفُّونَ (١٦٥) وَإِنَّا لَنَحۡنُ ٱلۡمُسَبِّحُونَ (١٦٦)

There is not one of us but his position is known. (164) And indeed we are those who line up, (165) And indeed we are those who exalt Him. (166)

1-Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: “There is not one of us but his position is known” this verse was revealed about the Imams asws and Aosiya asws of Aal-e-Mohammad asws. (al-Burhan, v6, p459)

2-Maola Ali asws said in a sermon: No doubt, we the Aal-e-Mohammad asws were around the Arsh in Alam-e-Anwaar. So Allah commanded Tasbeh, we did Tasbeh, then Angels (a.s.) did Tasbeh by (seeing) our Tasbeh. Then we came down on earth, and Allah commanded Tasbeh, so we did Tasbeh, than inhabitants of the earth did Tasbeh by (seeing) our Tasbeh. And no doubt we are those who line up, and no doubt we are those who do Tasbeh (Exalting Him). (al-Burhan, v6, p459)


1-Only Masumeen asws are those who taught Marifat and the manner of worship of Allah to all the creations of the heavens and the earth.

It is not wise to do Taqleed of rebellion student by leaving the real Teacher.

سُوۡرَةُ صٓ

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

فَسَخَّرۡنَا لَهُ ٱلرِّيحَ تَجۡرِى بِأَمۡرِهِۦ رُخَآءً حَيۡثُ أَصَابَ (٣٦)

So We made the wind subservient to him, blowing gently by his command wherever he intended to go. (36)

1-It is narrated that Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) used to sit on his mat and fly in the air, and one day he went and passed the land of Karbala. Air gave three circles to his mat until there was danger of fall, then air stopped and landed the mat on the land of Karbala, and Sulaiman (a.s.) asked the air: Why you stopped? Air said: Here Hussain asws will be martyred. Asked: Which Hussain asws? It said: Who is grandson of Mohammad Mukhtar sawaw and son of Ali Karrar asws. Asked: Who is his murderer? Replied: The most accursed among the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth Yazid (l.u.) will martyr him. Then Sulaiman (a.s.) raised his hands and cursed on him and invoked against him, and humans & jinns said Ameen. Then wind blew and flew the mat. (al-Burhan, v6, p484)


1-Allah Ta’ala has made it obligatory to observe the grief of Imam Hussain asws for all Prophets (a.s.), Masumeen asws and Momineen. The army of Yazid (l.u.) is trying to stop Gham-e-Hussain asws in different ways. Muqassireen are saying that Sha’airullah are Bidah. There are Fatawa that hard Matam and shedding blood to pay homage is Haraam. Walayat-e-Ali asws and Gham-e-Hussain asws disclose their evil plots. Banu Abbas snatched government from Bani Umayya in the name of taking revenge of injustice done to Ahlul Bait asws, but after occupying the government they did injustice to Masumeen asws themselves. Similarly Muqassireen are using the name of Ahlul Bait asws to have power and wealth, and they are declaring titles & status of Masumeen asws permissible for themselves.

قُلۡ هُوَ نَبَؤٌاْ عَظِيمٌ (٦٧) أَنتُمۡ عَنۡهُ مُعۡرِضُونَ (٦٨)

Say: He is great news, (67) From whom you turn away. (68)

1-Amirul Momineen asws said: There is no Ayat of Allah Azza wa Jalla greater than me, and there is no news of Allah greater than me. (al-Burhan, v6, p513)


1-The greatest Ayat (Ayatullah al-Uzma) of Allah, and the most important and big news (Naba al-Azeem) is Maola Ali asws, from whom deniers & Muqassireen are turning away, because they want to become Ayat of Allah themselves, and then instead of Masumeen asws their news should be spread in the world, their pictures should be displayed in Masajid and Imambargahs, their Fatawa should be announced instead of Quran & Sunnah. But when splendor of Maola Ali asws will be obvious on the day of Qiyamah then Muqassir will say: Alas, why I neglected (did shortfall) about Janbullah?

قَالَ يَـٰٓإِبۡلِيسُ مَا مَنَعَكَ أَن تَسۡجُدَ لِمَا خَلَقۡتُ بِيَدَىَّ‌ۖ أَسۡتَكۡبَرۡتَ أَمۡ كُنتَ مِنَ ٱلۡعَالِينَ (٧٥) قَالَ أَنَا۟ خَيۡرٌ۬ مِّنۡهُ‌ۖ خَلَقۡتَنِى مِن نَّارٍ۬ وَخَلَقۡتَهُ ۥ مِن طِينٍ۬ (٧٦)

Said He: O Iblees! What prevented you from doing Sajdah to that which I have created with My both Hands? Are you arrogant (proud) or are you from among the Aaleen (exalted ones)? (75) He said: I am better than him, You created me of fire, and You created him of clay. (76)

1-A person asked Rasool Allah sawaw: Ya Rasool Allah sawaw, tell me about that what Allah Azza wa Jalla said to Iblees,”Are you arrogant or are you from among the Aaleen?” ya Rasool Allah sawaw, who are those Aaleen who are superior to the courtier Angels (a.s.)? Then Rasool Allah sawaw said: I and Ali asws and Fatima asws and Hassan asws and Hussain asws, we used to do Tasbeh in the middle of the Arsh, so the Angels (a.s.) learned Tasbeh from our Tasbeh, one thousand years before the creation of Adam (a.s.). Then, when Allah Azza wa Jalla created Adam (a.s.), then ordered the Angels (a.s.) to do Sajdah to him, and Allah commanded to do Sajdah to him only for the sake of our greatness, so all Angels (a.s.) did Sajdah together except Iblees because he denied to do Sajdah, so Allah Ta’ala said, “O Iblees, what prevented you from doing Sajdah to him whom I have created with My both Hands? Are you proud or are you from among the Aaleen?” whose names are written on the borders of the Arsh. So we are the doors of Allah through which one has to come, and due to us get guidance who get guidance, so whoever loves us Allah loves him and gave him place in His Paradise. And whoever keeps grudge to us Allah keeps grudge to him and gives him place in His Fire, and no one can love us except whose birth is pure. (al-Burhan, v6, p516)

2-A person came to Imam Jafar Sadiq asws and Imam asws said: I came to know that you practice Qiyas? He said: Yes. Said: You must not practice Qiyas, because first of all who did Qiyas (Zunn, conjecture) he is Iblees, when he said “You created me from Fire and You created him from clay” so he did Qiyas between Fire and clay, and if he would have thought about the Nooraniyat of Adam (a.s.) and light of fire, then he would have known who is superior in between these two, and would have known the purity of one above the other. (al-Burhan, v6, p518)


1-Allah Ta’ala transferred the Anwaar of Masumeen asws in the forehead of Adam (a.s.), and made infallible Angels (a.s.) to do Sajdah to show the greatness of those Anwaar. And Iblees did Ijtihad by practicing Zunn & Qiyas, and deduced that he was superior. In fact Shaitan denied Walayat. Sajdah is Afzal part of Salaah, so on Sunnah of Iblees, Muqassir Mulla also expelled Walayat-e-Ali asws from Salaah through Zunn-e-ijtihadi. Allah has explained every thing in Deen, then there is no need of human logical reasoning by using Qiyas, Zunn, and Rai, in spite of guidance of Masumeen asws. Although Fatwa of Iblees was totally wrong that fire is superior to earth. Trees grow from earth, then from wood of trees fire is produced, so earth produces fire. Secondly earth is Ameen, if you put a grain in it, it grows a plant which gives manyfolds of that grain. But if you put that grain in fire, it will be burnt.

2-Aaleen are the most beloved personalites of Allah Azza wa Jalla, who are His Mashiyat, and they are from ever, even before Time & Space was created. Allah created the universe in their love and makes infallible creations to do Sajdah to them, Muqassir Mulla turns away from their Zikr which does not harm anyone except it exposes the secret of Muqassir’s birth.

قُلۡ مَآ أَسۡـَٔلُكُمۡ عَلَيۡهِ مِنۡ أَجۡرٍ۬ وَمَآ أَنَا۟ مِنَ ٱلۡمُتَكَلِّفِينَ (٨٦) إِنۡ هُوَ إِلَّا ذِكۡرٌ۬ لِّلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ (٨٧) وَلَتَعۡلَمُنَّ نَبَأَهُ ۥ بَعۡدَ حِينِۭ (٨٨)

Say: I do not ask you for this (task of Risalat) any reward, and I am not of the pretentious. (86) Certainly it is but a Zikr (reminder) for the worlds, (87) And you will surely come to know (the truth of) its information after a time. (88)

1-Imam Mohammad Baqir asws said about the saying of Allah “Say: I do not ask you for this (task of Risalat) any reward, and I am not of the pretentious. Certainly it is but a Zikr for the worlds” means he (Zikr) is Amirul Momineen asws, “and you will surely come to know (the truth of) its information after a time” means when Qaim asws will reappear. (al-Burhan, v6, p560)

2-Rasool Allah sawaw said: Pretentious has three signs: Argues with one who has higher status, and struggles for that which he cannot get, and gives statements about which he has no knowledge. (Tafseer Safi, v3, p235)

3-Imam Jafar Sadiq asws said: There are some among the scholars who prepare themselves to issue Fatawa and say “Ask me (whatever you wish) but perhaps they can not say even one word right, and Allah does not like pretentious people, so they will be in the sixth level in Fire. (Tafseer Safi, v3, p235)


1-The reward of preaching/conveying Deen is Mawaddat of Masumeen asws, their Walayat is blessing for the worlds. Maola Ali asws is Zikr for the worlds. Those who prevent this Zikr of Allah, they will know this Naba-e-Azeem after Zahoor of Qaim asws, and will bear the consequences as well.

2-Muqassir Mulla is pretentious because he argues Walayat of those who have the highest status in the universe, he is not infallible but is struggling to get status of a Masoom, after reading some man-made branches of so-called knowledge starts issuing Fatawa without any knowledge of Quran & Sunnah, and says “I am Jameh ush Sharait Majah, ask me anything.”