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The Connection between Imam Mahdi and Imam Husayn

The Connection between Imam Mahdi and Imam Husayn

Publisher: www.al-islam.org

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

The Connection between ImamMahdi and ImamHusayn

This paper is the first part of a series of three papers on the subject, initially conceived as part of a series of lectures delivered by the author in London, at the Islamic Centre of England in Muharram 1433/November and December 2011, entitled, "Spiritual Struggle of Karbala."

Authors(s): Mohammad AliShomali

Publisher (s): www.al-islam.org



Table of Contents

The Connection between Imam Mahdi and Imam Husayn, Part 1 4

Abstract 4

Conclusion 7

Notes 7

The Connection between Imam Mahdi and Imam Husayn, Part 2 9

Abstract 9

Imam Husayn as a central theme in Imam Mahdi's movement 9

The Importance of Justice in Islam 9

Dignity 11

The Role Model for Establishing Justice 11

Husayn, The Best Source of Inspiration 12

The Requirement 12

Sharing the Real Husayn with everyone 13

Notes 13

The Connection between Imam Mahdi and imam Husayn, Part 3 16

Abstract 16

How to help Imam Husayn and hence Imam Mahdi 16

Reflecting on How we answer a Call 16

Verbalizzzzing our readiness to the Imam 17

Conclusion 20

Notes 20

The Connection between ImamMahdi and ImamHusayn , Part 1

This paper is the first part of a series of three papers on the subject, initially conceived as part of a series of lectures delivered by the author in London, at the Islamic Centre of England in Muharram 1433/November and December 2011, entitled, "Spiritual Struggle of Karbala."


Although there are similarities between all members ofAhlul Bayt and they are from the same light, there is a special link between ImamHusayn and ImamMahdi . In this paper, verses from the Qur'an andhadiths of theAhlul Bayt will be used to demonstrate this connection.

Indeed, ImamMahdi is from the progeny of ImamHusayn who will rise on the Day ofAshura and will speak of his grandfather's oppression. ImamHusayn also spoke of ImamMahdi avenging for him, and helping ImamHusayn is similar to helping ImamMahdi . Moreover, one of the best deeds on the birth of ImamMahdi is to reciteZiyarah of ImamHusayn , as renewing one's allegiance with ImamHusayn is renewing it with ImamMahdi .


Although there are many similarities between all members ofAhlul Bayt and they are from the same light, there is a special link and connection between ImamHusayn and ImamMahdi . Below we will study some of the links and then we will try to explain the reason behind this exceptional connection.

1) In ChapterIsraa , we read:

Do not kill the soul that Allah has made inviolable, except with due cause, and whoever is killed wrongfully,We have certainly given his heir an authority. But let him not commit any excess in killing,The one who is the guardian of one who is killed would be helped by Allah and would be victorious. (Quran 17:33)

The most obvious case for this verse is ImamHusayn as approved by severalhadiths that introduce ImamHusayn as the first oppressed person. There are alsohadiths from ImamRida and other Imams that say that this verse is related to ImamHusayn and ImamMahdi . For example, ImamBaqir said:

The one who is killed isHusayn and his guardian is ImamMahdi . AndIsraaf is to kill someone other than his killers. 'Truly he is helped." This world will not expire unless a man from the family of the Prophet would come. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it has been filled with injustice and inequity. The demand of that guardian of that innocent life is establishment of justice all over the world.1

The blood of ImamHusayn will not receive its compensation if worldwide justice does not take place. Of course, all Imams after ImamHusayn were guardians. However, ImamMahdi is special. He is the victorious whom will be helped by Allah.

2) More than three hundredhadiths stress on the fact that ImamMahdi is the progeny of ImamHusayn . 180 of these are from the Prophet. ImamHusayn himself said:

There will be twelve people who are guided. The first Imam who is guided by Allah and does not need to be guided by people is Imam Ali, and the last one is the ninth generation of my progeny. He is the Imam that is will rise truthfully, and the one who gives life to earth after being dead. And Allah is going to make the right religion prevail [over] all other religions even if the pagans may not like it.2

Therefore, thehadith emphasizes that ImamMahdi is progeny of ImamHusayn .

3) According tohadiths , the day of the uprising of ImamMahdi is the day ofAshura . There is a call in Month of Ramadan and then the uprising is on the day ofAshura . ImamSadiq said:

There would be a call for him in the night of 23 but he will be raised on the day ofAshura in which ImamHusayn was killed.3

4) ImamMahdi will stand betweenRukn andMaqam next to theKa'ba clearly making reference to Karbala in the beginning of his movement:

O people of the world, I am the uprising Imam. O people of the world, I am the avenger. O people of the world, my grandfatherHusayn was killed while he was thirsty. O people of the world, my grandfather was left without dress. O people of the world, they damaged the body of my grandfather.

Also, ImamHusayn said to ImamSajjad :

By Allah, my blood will keep boiling until Allah sends theMahdi and kills seventy thousand of those disbelievers who are transgressors and hypocrites.4

WhenHirawi asked ImamRida to check ahadith from ImamSadiq regarding ImamMahdi killing some of the progeny of the killers of ImamHusayn , ImamRida approved it. He then asked, 'How this can be explained with regards to the verse that says, 'No one carries the burden of another person (Qur'an 6:164)5."6 The Imam replied:7

Allah says the truth in all his sayings but these are those who are proud and satisfied with what their fathers did. When one is pleased with something, it is like the one who is doing it. If someone is killed in the east and another person in the west is happy with this killing, it is as if he is also involved.8

Regarding the abovehadith , maybe the punishment is different but there is punishment and involvement. Thus, this is with the people who are happy with what has been done in Karbala. We will explain how the end of times (akhir ul-zaman ) would be built aroundHusayn . One of the conflicting points of truth and falsehood would revolve around him.

5) There arehadiths that state the helper of ImamHusayn to be similar to helping ImamMahdi . As mentioned by ImamHusayn during the night ofAshura

My grandfather said that, 'My sonHusayn will be killed in Karbala while he is alone and thirsty and abandoned [In that lonely time] whoever helpsHusayn has helped me and has helped his son, al-Hujjah .'

Thus, helpingHusayn is similar to helping both the Prophet and ImamMahdi . They have the same ideas and goals, and if you accept and try to achieve those goals, you are with them. Betraying one of them is like betraying all of them. If we wisely spread the message of ImamHusayn today, we are helping ImamMahdi .

6) ImamSadiq said that 4000 angels wanted to help ImamHusayn on the Day ofAshura , although the Imam did not accept. The angels went to get permission from Allah to take part without the Imam's permission, yet when they descended to the earth, the Imam was killed:

When they descended to the earth, the Imam was already killed. They have remained in Karbala. They are covered with dust and will cry for him until the resurrection. They are waiting for the coming of ImamMahdi .

ImamRida also said:

Four thousands angels descended to earth to help him. They found him killed. They will remain there until the coming of ImamMahdi . Then they will help him. And their motto isYaa lathaaraat al-Husayn !"9

ImamSadiq also said:

The supporters of ImamMahdi wish to be killed in the way of Allah and their motto is 'Ya lithaarat al-Husayn !" Whenever they move fear goes in front of them one month in advance."10

7) On the night of the 15th Sha'ban, the night of the birth of ImamMahdi , one of the best deeds is to reciteZiyarah of ImamHusayn . SheikhAbbas al-Qummi in hisMafatih ul -Jinan, says that there are many authentichadiths regarding the rewards for those who visit ImamHusayn in the middle of Sha'ban; it is as if the visitor shook hands with the 124,000 prophets.

Renewing one's allegiance to ImamHusayn is renewing one's allegiance to ImamMahdi . Without having love for ImamHusayn , you are not counted as a lover of ImamMahdi .

8) The Night ofQadr is the night of ImamMahdi .Every year on this night 'the spirit and the angels descend" (97:4) to the heart of Allah's proof - ImamMahdi :

He sends the spirit to the one whom he is pleased with. (16 2)

This verse argues forImamah : the Imams are the only people to whom the Allah would send the angels. In this night, Allah decides everything for the twelve months of the year and the spirit and the angels bring down the decisions to the heart of the Imam.

Moreover, on this night, one of the best deeds is to visit ImamHusayn . There is one of special recitation ofziyarat exclusively for the night ofQadr . This shows the strong the link between ImamHusayn and ImamMahdi . And it is with this recitation that all the prophets shake hands with you as you are supporting a goal in which all the prophets strove for. Allah says,

'We sent aforetime our messengers with Clear Signs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance (of right and wrong), that men may stand forth in justice" (57 25).

Hundred twenty four thousand prophets worked to establish justice, and the people of the end of time, with the Imam's leadership, will achieve it. Hence, when one visits ImamHusayn and affirms his commitment to this cause, all the prophets will shake hands with him. Of course, justice begins by establishing justice within oneself.

9) InDua al-Nudba , there is also a link starting with all the prophets, Prophet Mohammad, theAhlul-Bayt , and then we say:

Where isHasan ? Where isHusayn ? Where are the sons ofHusayn ? Where is he who shall avenge the blood of the one killed in Karbala? Where is he who shall be aided against all who transgress against him or lie about him?

The one helped by Allah here refers to ImamMahdi because Allah will help him as mentioned from the Qur'an. Again, here you can see special emphasis put on ImamHusayn in adua about ImamMahdi .

10) InZiyarat Ashura we can also find the link between ImamHusayn and ImamMahdi in one passage:

I ask Allah that He grant me the opportunity to seek your revenge with the victorious Imam from the family of Muhammad.

And also:

I ask Allah and that He grant me the ability to fight for justice and fair play with the rightly guided Imam, who surely will come and speak the truth, (and who is) from your progeny.

11) On the Day ofAshura , we are recommended to offer condolences to each other by saying:

May Allah make our reward and your reward great, for our grief forHusayn , peace be on him and may He place us and you from those who help his cause with His guardian, the guided Imam from the family of Muhammad, peace be on them.11


There is very clearly a special connection between ImamHusayn and ImamMahdi . The event of Karbala and the advent of ImamHusayn are closely connected. Mourning for ImamHusayn and preparing for ImamMahdi are connected.

In this part, eleven reasons that clearly illustrate this connection were discussed.

In the next part, we will try to offer an analysis of this connection and see how the event of Karbala can serve the universal mission of ImamMahdi by being be both a symbol for missing justice as well as a source of inspiration for establishing it.


1. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 44, p. 218, chapter 28, no. 7

2. The last sentence in Imam's speech is from the Qur'an

'It is He who has sent His Apostle with the guidance and the religion oftruth, that He may make it prevail over all religions, though the polytheists should be averse." (9 33; 61 9)

3. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. 290, Chapter 26, no. 29

4. Ibid., vol. 45, p. 299, Chapter 45, no. 10

5. Also Qur'an 17:15, 35:18, 39:7

6. What he was trying to say was that if a person hascommited murder then his progeny have nothing to do with that and why should they carry his burden. What he did not understand was the correct meaning ofdhurriyyah " used in thehadith . It does not mean progeny, rather ideological approvers of someone. When we sayAale Ziyad we mean the party ofZiyad because of theQur'anic view.

One's progeny are those who fully follow him even if they are not his sons. And if one's son does not follow him then they are not hisDhurriyyah . This is what we understand from the story of Noah where Allah says, regarding his son, that 'Indeed He is not of your family". On the other hand,Salman was counted as theAhl al-Bayt while he was ethnically different from them let alone the blood line. In the story ofTalut when his army reached the river, he told them whoever drinks from this river more than a little is not from me.

7. One of the beauties of the school ofAhlul Bayt is that they discussed with people over matters. They wanted to equip their followers with knowledge and arguments to help them discuss with others.

8. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 45, p. 295, Chapter 45, no. 1.

9. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 44, p. 285, Chapter 34, no. 23.

10. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. 307, Chapter 26, no. 81.

11. Al-Balad al-Amin , p. 268.

The Connection between ImamMahdi and ImamHusayn , Part 2

This paper is the second part of a series of three papers on the subject, initially conceived as part of a series of lectures delivered by the author in London, at the Islamic Centre of England in Muharram 1433/November and December 2011, entitled, "Spiritual Struggle of Karbala."


No doubt all the Imams are connected to each other and reflect the same light.1

However, there is a special connection and affinity between ImamHusayn and ImamMahdi , that is, ImamHusayn is very clearly connected to what will happen in the End of the Time (Akhir al-Zaman ) when ImamMahdi comes. Part I included verses from the Qur'an andhadiths to demonstrate this connection. This part explains why there is such a close connection between the two and why ImamMahdi refers to ImamHusayn in his universal mission for establishing justice.

ImamHusayn as a central theme in ImamMahdi's movement

ImamMahdi's universal mission will include ImamHusayn's case at the top of his agenda. ImamMahdi is not only for the Middle East, Arabs, Iranians or people from subcontinents; he is going to lead humanity.

The question is why does the demand for the blood of ImamHusayn stand out in the agenda of a leader whose mission is universal?

If ImamMahdi appeared today and asked for the revenge of both the killers ofHusayn and those who approve of the murder, this discourse would not apply to a major part of the world.

Many people have nothing to do with this. How many people today are either pleased with or involved in killing ImamHusayn ? Most do not even know about him, let alone be for or against him, and therefore they have not made any position infavour or against him.2

So what changes are going to happen in the world that would make ImamMahdi's central reference to ImamHusayn's case relevant to the global community?3

Thus another question arisesWhat should be done today for ImamHusayn to become well-known so that almost everyone would take a stand either infavour or against him? That type of world is the world which is near to the time of ImamMahdi's advent. The following is my humble understanding. Before I say what my understanding is, we should see how important it is in Islam to have justice.

The Importance of Justice in Islam

Justice is not a value or virtue equal in merit to other values or virtues. In Islam, especially in the school ofAhlul Bayt , justice is the most important value and the central virtue. Divine justice is a principle of our faith, but it does not just remain as a matter of theology or something that we should know and believe about God; rather divine justice is to be translated into personal and interpersonal justice.

According to the teachings of theAhlul Bayt , justice is a condition for every important social position. A political, spiritual, or prayer leader4 - especially the Friday prayer leader5 - must be just and knowledgeable. Judges and witnesses in a court must also be just.

It should be noted that Muslim and many non-Muslim ethicists hold that there are values that are always good and there are values that may have exceptions. For example, kindness is a virtue although there are cases in which it is unwise to display it, such as a parent showing kindness when his or her child is eating something which is harmful to his health or is watching a game instead of revising for a test.

Constant kindness to children may result in spoiling them, thus harming their personalities. Though kindness is an admirable trait, it should be controlled, as with other good traits.6

However, there is one value that all our scholars believe that has no exception and that is justice. Injustice and oppression is never allowed.7

In Islam, justice must be established within and without. Other schools of thought restrict justice to interpersonal relations I have to be just with you, and you have to be just with me. The government has to be just. The leader has to be just. However, in Islam, it is both interpersonal and intrapersonal.

People are to be just from within, with respect to themselves. If a person commits a sin, he has been unjust to himself:

"He who violates the boundaries that Allah has drawn and goes beyond them has oppressed himself."8

And this is why we say "Our Lord, we have oppressed ourselves"9; or inDua Kumayl referring to our sins we recite "I have done injustice to myself."

We do not have the right to be unjust even to ourselves whether it is harming our bodies, wasting our talents, or damaging our own reputation. And then we are to refrain from doing any injustice to others, with unbiased treatment

"…ill feeling for a people should never lead you to be unfair" (5:8).

For example, if the murderer of ImamHusayn were here today and put on trial, our responsibility is to be just with him, even if he is an enemy

"Be fair; that is nearer toGodwariness " (5: 8).

In Islam, piety and justice are inseparable with respect toourselves , each other, and even with animals. Imam Ali, who earned his status as an icon of justice, says

If I am given seven continents and whatever is under their skies so that I would disobey Allah by taking the peal of wheat from the mouth of an ant I would not do it.10

When Allah speaks of the prophets' duties such as introducing religious practices such as praying and fasting, purifying people's hearts through character education and it comes to a universal value, Allah says that all the prophets have been sent to establish social justice

"Certainly, We have sent all the messengers with manifest truths and gave them book and scale (which means law) so that people establish justice." (57: 25)

As implied in the verse, messengers were not sent to miraculously establish justice; they were sent to guide people with specific instructions to establish justice. Allah does not want to establish justice by miracles; miracles are to establish trust in people so that they believe in the Prophets, but then the believers have to strive to establish justice. It will not work in the way the followers of Moses expected, when they told him

"Go ahead, you and your Lord, and fight. We will be sitting right here" (5: 24).

We have to get involved. The prophets were sent for people to rise and establish justice. This is the central position of justice.


Another fundamental value is dignity. Although many believe the right to live is the highest right human beings possess - and even though the right to life is important - the highest right that we truly have is the right for dignity. A person's dignity is more important than his physical life, since life has no value with constant humiliation, such as being caged up, treated like an animal, and merely accepting the food thrown to us. In this condition, the most important right is definitely not life.More important than just living is to be treated as a human being withhonour and dignity.

Therefore, justice is to give people what they deserve, and on top of everything to give them theirhonour and dignity. This is the most important right. This is something that Allah has planned to be finally achieved. Without this, the world will not come to an end. Without having a day at least in which humanity can live with justice and dignity the world will not come to an end. That must happen in this world. The kingdom of Allah must be established in this world before seeing it in the hereafter.

The Role Model for Establishing Justice

The one leader who will succeed in achieving a life of dignity for mankind is ImamMahdi . Reiterating what was said before, rather than miraculously establishing it, we are responsible, otherwise we wouldn't be waiting. Though he will certainly be the leader, he will need helpers, people who are ready to establish justice.

These helpers will have first established justice in their own souls and hearts, then with their brothers and sisters within their community, then extend that justice to the larger social sphere, and finally to other living beings. Those who went out of their way to accomplish it can ask the Imam to include them in his movement, a movement that will establish worldwide justice.

When those who will strive for justice want to get inspiration and energy, when they want to realize that life has no value without justice and dignity, the best role model for them would be ImamHusayn . Those who want to help ImamZaman and prepare for his appearance and then support him to achieve the justice that gives all people theirhonour and dignity cannot do this without remembering ImamHusayn .

ImamHusayn has shown that although life is important, there is more to it than physical life. Concerning dignity, the Imam said the following part of a poem on the Day ofAshura :

Death is better than losing you honor

And losing your honor is better than going to hell.11

Yazid ordered the Imam to pay allegiance, and this could have saved the Imam's life and ensured him a decent living, that of security and the freedom to teach and worship. However,Yazid had one condition the Imam was to pay allegiance toYazid , to which the Imam said

A person like me does not pay allegiance to someone like him.12

A person who dedicated his entire life to obeying Allah does not pay allegiance toYazid , an openly immoral, unjust, and oppressive tyrant who was going to lead the society to adopt his ways. ImamHusayn believed that there is no value in one's life, even if one spends it worshiping Allah when one gives up one's dignity andhonour by taking an oath of allegiance to a person likeYazid .

Far from us is disgrace. God does not accept this for us. The Messenger and the believers would not be pleased with that. And those pure laps (on whichHusayn was brought up].13

Husayn ,The Best Source of Inspiration

Those who want to establish justice need ImamHusayn . No revolution or reform occurred in theShi'a world unless they referred toHusayn . People and groups such asMukhtar , theTawwabin , the uprising of the people ofFakh and to the overthrowing the Umayyad Caliphate all referred to ImamHusayn . Even non-Muslim reformers who knew ImamHusayn learned from him. Gandhi is quoted as saying, "I learnt fromHusayn how to achieve victory while being oppressed."

The question arisesWhy is it that other reformers do not use ImamHusayn as their source of inspiration?Because they do not know him. It is our fault that a few non-Shi'as and non-Muslims knowHusayn only by chance because thereexists no systematic introduction of ImamHusayn's movement to all people.

Many of us prefer to revel in our gatherings and do things we enjoy and keep him for us. Many of us think or at least act as if we have some kind of monopoly over ImamHusayn . And we are not serious in saying that we want to promote ImamHusayn . That is the last thing in our list. We first want to enjoy our mourning gathering in the way we are brought up with and we do not care much whether outsiders understand or not, whether it makes sense to them or not.14

ImamHusayn is always a source of inspiration for anyone who is concerned about justice.Husayn would be chosen over other role models as one who sacrificed the most for dignity and justice. IfHusayn is not revered, it is because he is unknown. If you know whoHusayn was and what he did, it is impossible to take anyone other than him as an exemplar of genuine struggle for establishing justice and dignity. Who sacrificed for justice and dignity more than Imam Husayn?15

For this reason, when ImamMahdi wants to call for establishment of justice, he will refer toHusayn . This makes it clear what he wants and to what extent he is ready to sacrifice.

The Requirement

At this point, the following question arisesWhat needs to happen for ImamMahdi to start his universal movement by referring to ImamHusayn ? When can he stand betweenRukn andMaqam ofKa'ba to say, "I am calling for the blood ofHusayn to be compensated?"

This will only happen when ImamHusayn becomes the central point of reference in the world, when everyone knows about him, when the conflict between truth and falsehood, right and wrong, and good and bad people will take form around ImamHusayn . In other words, the movement will start only when people of the world will be polarized aroundHusayn .

There will be many non-Muslims whom due to their good-naturedness will take the side of ImamHusayn . There are many people in the westwho will be among the best supporters of ImamMahdi . ImamMahdi would give everyone his right and would treat everyone with dignity; all people of good will would benefit, since ImamMahdi will be establishing nothing but justice.

Sharing the RealHusayn with everyone

For ImamMahdi's movement to start, ImamHusayn must become known to everyone. Everyone must develop an idea about him either lovingHusayn for his stand for justice and dignity, or dislikingHusayn as a result of being unjust to oneself and desiring to humiliate humanity. Those who commit injustice or usurp or violate rights of people will not be infavour of ImamHusayn .

When will this idea of people being either infavour or against ImamHusayn occur?

Not until the Imam is known to everyone. And it is not just a matter of publishing some books or booklets. We are to ensure that the trueHusayn - not theHusayn that some of us currently show and represent - is exposed to press and eventually the people of the world. What is most important is to show the realHusayn in our actions, rather than in the form of propagation.

ImamMahdi's mission to establish justice and equity is deeply connected to ImamHusayn's movement against injustice and humiliation by the oppressors. Before the advent of ImamMahdi , almost everyone will know who ImamHusayn is and what he stood for; those who struggle for justice would refer to him as their role model, and those who fight against them would question ImamHusayn and his followers, and finally they would support and show their appreciation of what was committed byYazid and his people and as a result associate themselves with the killing of ImamHusayn and his family members and companions.

In the next part, we will discuss how one can help ImamHusayn and trough that help the Prophet and ImamMahdi . What is the real challenge for us today is to see how can we help ImamHusayn and through that help ImamMahdi as he himself quoted from the Prophet saying "Whoever helpsHusayn has helped me."'


1. Of course, because of the kind of condition they were put in, Imams can give us different lessons.

This is why we have the peace treaty of ImamHasan and then the uprising of ImamHusayn . This does not mean that ImamHusayn is braver than ImamHasan . They were put in different conditions and thus acted differently so that we have scenarios ready for all different conditions today. In addition to having the experience of twenty three years of life of Prophet Muhammad (s), theShi'a the experience of leadership and guidance of the infallibles is extended up to 329 A.H, when major occultation if ImamMahdi (a) started.

So we know what we should do in different conditions. We also have our scholars who specialize in understanding the teachings of the Prophet and hisAhlul Bayt and lead the community when they lack direct access to the infallible leadership.

2. Perhaps this is one way of understanding why ImamMahdi does not come today.

3. It might be said that there are people today who seem to supportYazid . Either they praiseYazid today or, for example, they attack those who go forziyarat of ImamHusayn . Thus, these are the people that are going to be the enemies of ImamMahdi . However, I do not think this illustrates the entire picture. How important are these people? Although what these ignorant people who kill themselves to kill others do is wrong by any standard and in a sense they are supporters ofYazid and do likeYazid , this is not the main problem of the world today and these people are not the main forces of evil today. We must look at it in a way that can appeal to humanity.

4. Normally we do not find this in other schools of Islam. They believe they can follow the lead of someone they do not know in their prayers.

5. This is a distinction that many, if not all, scholars make. If you want to be the leader of a prayer it is enough if people believe that you are just, even if you are not sure about your justice or you do not believe that you are just. People can make the intention of congregational prayer and you make the intention of individual (furada ) prayer. However, a Friday prayer leader must believe that he is just. If he does not find himself just then he cannot undertake the leadership.

6. Another example is about telling the truth. Sometimes maybe to tell the truth can cause serious problems and you have to hide the truth. And if not possible to do that sometimes you may be required to tell a lie. For example, if by telling the truth I put an innocent life into risk then I have to hide it or if it is not possible tell a lie.

Of course, this is to save an innocent life and not a criminal one who is going to see the justice. Or if two people like a husband and wife have problem with each other you should get involved to help and if it is only by telling lies that you can bring them together you can do so. For example, you can go to the husband and say your wife very much loves you and go to the wife and say something similar and bring them together.

Normally our jurists permit lying for reconciliation. This is different from what some people think and lie for everything and say it is allowed, because there was amaslahah or expediency involved. There must be something which in the sight of Allah is so important that it overrides the value of telling the truth, and these are very narrowly defined by jurists.

7. Sometimes people wonder why we pray to Allah not to treat us with His justice like the following supplication

O our lord, Treat us with yourfavour , and do not treat us with your justice.

This raises a question for them since they think this is an exception for justice while it is not. When we ask God not to treat us with His justice it does not mean that we want Him to treat us with injustice or be unjust to us. No one would want that. On the contrary, what is meant here is that we want something even more than justice. This is because justice has two levels. The first one is to give one exactly what one deserves and the second one is to give one what one deserves or more. In this phrase, the first meaning of justice has been used.

Thus, when we say do not treat us with justice it means that do not treat us as we deserve because we are worried that what we deserve is not good. Therefore, we ask for more than what we deserve. Notice that it would have only been injustice if we had asked for less. So it became clear that this phrase is not an exception for justice where injustice is allowed. You do not find any case in Islam in which injustice is allowed. You always have to be just.

8. Qur'an 6: 51. The Qur'an also says

"And they did not wrongUs , but they used to wrong (only] themselves." (7:160; 2: 57)

9. Qur'an 7:23.

10.Nahj al-Balaghah , sermon 224 and Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 40, p. 163, chapter 107, no.57.

11. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 44, p. 192, p. 196, vol. 45, p. 49 and p. 50 and vol. 75, p. 128.

12. Ibid., vol. 44, p. 324.

13. Al-Ihtijaj , vol. 2, p. 300.

14. Unfortunately, some of us have kept ImamHusayn in prison of our own community. We have not let the light of ImamHusayn go and reach everyone. When people want to know whoHusayn was what can they do today? For example if you live in aneighbourhood and someone wants to know about ImamHusayn what would they do?

He would probably decide to go to the gathering of the lovers ofHusayn and see what they do. Do you think our gatherings are in a way that if an outsider comes would benefit or would understand whatHusayn ideas are?

Or if for example he wants to know whatwasHusayn's idea about family life , do you think by looking at our families they will realize whatHusayn wants? If he wants to see how a child must respect his parents can he look at our children and find that out? If he wants to know how ImamHusayn was saying about kindness and mercy towards yourneighbours , would he see that if he looks at theShi'a neighbours ?

When we don't show the values of ImamHusayn and we say we are lovers of ImamHusayn we confuse people about ImamHusayn . We don't let them to have access to the true and originalHusayn . They look at him through us and, instead of being mirrors to reflect the light ofHusayn , we misguide people. Of course, this is not about everyone but some.

15. For example, today people from all over the world respect Nelson Mandela because he struggled for a noble cause. He spent 27 years in prison calling for justice. We too have respect for him, but can we compare what he has done for justice and what ImamHusayn has done?