Shia Beliefs

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Shia Beliefs

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Al-Syyed Abu Mohammad Abrar al-Hasnain Fatimi al-Naqvi
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Shia Beliefs

Shia Beliefs


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought



Allah sends the Prophets (a.s.)

It is only Allah’s Authority to make Prophets (a.s.), it is His Grace (Lutf) to appoint them prophets (a.s.), and all of them are infallibles.

It is not due to a person’s efforts, good deeds and too much worshiping, or due to making Dua that Allah makes him a prophet, or after a tough examination a person is appointed as a prophet. It is only Allah’s Grace and He made Prophets (a.s.) before the human beings were created, so Allah made arrangements for our Guidance before our creation.

There are one hundred and twenty four thousand prophets (a.s.) and each one has his Wasi (Vicegerent a.s.). Five are Olil-Azm Rasools: 1-Hazrat Nuh (a.s.), 2-Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.), 3-Hazrat Musa (a.s.), 4-Hazrat Esa (a.s.), 5-The last and the chief Hazrat Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.).

Any Nabi (a.s.), Rasool (a.s.), Hujjatullah (a.s.) is superior to angels. All angels (a.s.) did Sajdah to Hazrat Adam (a.s.) (Hajar 15)

The Last and the Greatest Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.)

Hazrat Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) is the Last Prophet, there is no need of any prophet after him (s.a.w.a.w.), because the Deen is complete and perfect until Qayamat, and he (s.a.w.a.w.) left his Holy Progeny (a.s.): the 12 Imams (a.s.) to protect the Deen and to Guide to the Way of Allah.

Hazrat Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) is the Head of all the Prophets (a.s.). No creation of Allah is superior to him (s.a.w.a.w.).

If all pens are made from all the trees on the Earth, and all the seas are ink and seven more seas are added as ink, and all the humans and jins are the writers, still they can not write the praise and qualities of the Beloved Rasool (s.a.w.a.w.) of Allah, it is indicated in surah Luqman v.27.

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said that when Allah created Adam (a.s.) and transferred our (Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad s.a.w.a.w.) Noor in him, then only for our respect and honour Allah commanded angels (a.s.) to do Sajdah to Adam (a.s.), and this Sajdah of all the angels (a.s.) was for the worship of Allah and honour of Adam (a.s.) because our Noor was in Adam (a.s.).

So Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) are superior to angels and all the creations, because angels even did Sajdah to Adam (a.s.), who was the carrier of their Noor.

Representative of Allah

Our Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) is the representative and expresser of Allah’s Attributes i.e. his (s.a.w.a.w.) kindness shows Allah is Rahman, his (s.a.w.a.w.) forgiveness shows Allah is Ghafoor, Allah’s Wrath is shown by anger of His Rasool (s.a.w.a.w.), Allah’s Pleasure is shown by happiness of His Rasool (s.a.w.a.w.).

Forefathers (a.s.) of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.)

All the personalities in Shajarah-e-Tayyebah i.e. from Hazrat Abdullah (a.s.), Abu Talib (a.s.), Abdul Muttalib (a.s.), Hashim (a.s.), Abd-e-Manaf (a.s.) to Hazrat Shees (a.s.) and Hazrat Adam (a.s.) are perfect Mo’mineen, everyone of them was either Nabi, Wasi or Hujjat-Ullah.

Hazrat Tarukh (a.s.) was the father of Hazrat Ibraheem (a.s.), and Azar was the uncle of Prophet Ibraheem (a.s.), Hazrat Tarukh (a.s.) was no doubt a perfect Mo’min, he was very rich and generous, after he passed away, his brother Azar was living on his property with Hazrat Ibraheem (a.s.).

In Arabian culture uncle can be called as Abb (father), like Hazrat Isma’il (a.s.) is declared as fore-father of Hazrat Yaqoob (a.s.) (Al-Baqarah 133-135).

It is clearly mentioned in surah Aal-e-Imran v.65-67, that Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) was a true Muslim and his fore-fathers were not polytheist.

In surah Ibrahim (a.s.) v.40-41, Allah quotes the Dua of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) that he and his descendants should be who establish prayers. Allah does not reject His Khaleel’s Dua. So ancestors of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.) were who were establishing prayers.

Allah was keeping seeing His Beloved’s (s.a.w.a.w.) Noor when it was transferring from Hazrat Adam (a.s.) to Hazrat Abdullah (a.s.) and they all (forefathers) were who do Sajdah to Allah, narrated in surah Ash-Shu’ara v.218-219.

According to one Hadees of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.), his Noor was transferred from clean and pure fathers to clean and pure mothers, and they all were guided ones (by Allah) and were guides (for the other people), and they were never sinful.

Hazrat Abdul Muttalib (a.s.) started 5 things: He declared the step-mother Haram on son (it was a tradition of ignorance, it does not mean it was permissible by Allah before), he decided 100 camels as blood-money, he fixed 7 rounds (circumambulations) around Ka’ba as one Tawaf, he started giving Khums (1/5 of booty or profit), he reopened the Zam Zam fountain and named it Saqaya-ul-Haaj.

Hazrat Abdul Muttalib (a.s.) was Hujjatullah, these above mentioned 5 of his sunnah were kept in Islam by Allah. Like Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.), he also tried to slaughter his son Abdullah (a.s.) in the way of Allah, and Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said proudly “I am son of two slaughtered ones” (Isma’il a.s. & Abdullah a.s.).

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said: Abdul Muttalib (a.s.) was Hujjatullah and Abu Talib (a.s.) was his Wasi (Vicegerent).

The first Creation of Allah

Hazrat Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) said: I was Nabi even that time when Adam (a.s.) was in between water and earth.

According to saying of Imam Ali (a.s.), Allah created the Noor of Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) 424000 years (light years) before the creation of all the prophets (a.s.), then Allah kept him in 12 different Hijabs (Hijab of Qudrat, Azmat, Ehsan, Rahmat, Sa’adat, Karamat, Manzilat, Hadayat, Nabuwwat, Raf’at, Haibat, Shafa’at ) for 12 thousand years in 1st Hijab, 11 thousand years in 2nd and so on,lastly in 12th Hijab for one thousand years. And there Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) kept praising and praying Allah.

Absolute Infallibility

All the sects of Islam confirm that Ayat-e-Tat’heer (Al-Ahzab 33) is in the praise and favour of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.), Imam Ali (a.s.), Hazrat Fatima (s.a.), Imam Hassan (a.s.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.). Allah, the Qadir-e-Mutliq has kept all types of Rijs (uncleanness, doubt, faults) away from them. That is why the bad people can not understand the highness of Rasool (s.a.w.a.w.) and his holy Progeny (a.s.).

The Highest Authority- Walayat

Hazrat Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) is Nabi, Rasool, Imam and Absolute Wali, highest in every rank of Allah.

The Highest Authority is Walayat (Guardianship), the Wali (Guardian) has absolute power over everything, even on our lives more than what we have right on ourselves. Allah, His Rasool (s.a.w.a.w.) and 12 Infallible Imams (a.s.) are the Guardians (Aoliya). Allah revealed verse-55 of surah Ma’ida especially for Imam Ali (a.s.) who gave Zakat in Rakoo while offering Salaat, declaring Imam Ali (a.s.) the Wali.

Allah commanded (surah Ma’ida 67) His Beloved Rasool (s.a.w.a.w.) to announce Imam Ali (a.s.) the Maula (Wali, Gaurdian), which he (s.a.w.a.w.) did in the presence of more than hundred and twenty five thousand pilgrims after the last Hajj, at the place of Ghadeer-e-Khum.

When the news of declaration of Guardianship (Walayat) of Imam Ali (a.s.) spread everywhere, one hypocrite Numan bin Haris Fehri came to Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) and said: You (s.a.w.a.w.) gave us command of Allah to testify His Unity and to testify your Risalat, we accepted, then you (s.a.w.a.w.) gave us command of Jihad, Hajj, Saum, Salaah, and Zakat, we accepted them as well; you (s.a.w.a.w.) did not stop on it, so much so that you (s.a.w.a.w.) have declared this young (Imam Ali a.s.) as your Successor and our Master and said:Whomever I am the Master (Maula), this Ali (a.s.) is his Master. Is this command from you or with the command of Allah? Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.) said:I swear by Him, except Whom no one is worthy of worship, this is from Allah. On hearing this Numan bin Haris turned and went away saying: O Allah if this is Haqq (Right) from You, then rain stones on us from the heavens. Thus immediately one stone came from Allah and hit his head, and he perished on the spot. Then Allah revealed this verse:Demanded, a demander, the inevitable punishment; for the disbelievers, there is no repeller against it (Al-Ma’arij 1-2).

The Teacher of the Angels (a.s.) and the Prophets (a.s.)

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said to Imam Ali (a.s.) that when Allah created the Angels, they saw our (Mohammad-o-Aale-Mohammad s.a.w.a.w.) Noor and thought us the greatest so we saidSubhan-Allah , so angels understood and startedTasbeh , then angels observed our high status and then we saidLa ilaha illa Allah , then they also startedTehleel , then angels saw our high place so we saidAllah-o-Akbar , so angels also startedTakbeer, then angels saw our power and authority so we saidLa haula wa la quwwata illa Billah , so they also started to say it, then angels saw the Blessings of Allah on us and knew that Allah has made it obligatory for all the creations to obey us, so we saidAlhamdo Lillah , then angels also started to sayTehmeed.

So when Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) were in the heavens, the inhabitants of skies learnedIbadat of Allah from them; and when they came to earth, inhabitants of earth learnedIbadat from them.

So Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) are the teachers of all the creations i.e. prophets (a.s.), angels (a.s.), humans, jinns, and all others.

The First Warner (Nazeer)(s.a.w.a.w.)

Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said: After creating the creations, when Allah arranged them in order inAlam-e-Zarr (State of Atoms), then said to Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) to give them the invitation of Deen. Then some people believed in him and some denied. This is what Allah says:This (Rasool) is a Warner of the first (pioneer) warners (An-Najam 56). It means that Mohammad Mustafa (s.a.w.a.w.) has warned the creations first of all in Alam-e-Zarr, and had invited towards Allah.

Lisan-Ullah (Tongue of Allah)

In surah Najam v.2-3, Allah tells us that My Beloved (s.a.w.a.w.) even does not speak out of his own desire, he (s.a.w.a.w.) only says what I reveal to him.

Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) are Tongue of Allah, Eyes of Allah, Ears of Allah, Hands of Allah, Treasure of Allah, Door of Allah, Knowledge of Allah, Hujjaj of Allah, Proud of Allah, Sabeel of Allah, Mashi’at of Allah, Secrets of Allah.

Allah likes to declare the actions of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) as His actions in Quran, if Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) throws stones Allah says I threw them, when people did Bay’at on his (s.a.w.a.w.) hand Allah says it was on Allah’s hand, if Imam Ali (a.s.) kills Kafirs Allah says Allah killed them.

Mashi’at-e-Ilahi (the Will of Allah)

Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said: Allah created Mashi’at before creating everything, then He created things through Mashi’at.

“And you (Mohammad s.a.w.a.w.) do not wish but what Allah wishes” (Taqweer 29)

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said: Allah created Aql (Intelligence) first, and I am the Aql.

Quran-e-Natiq (the Speaking Quran)

Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) are the Speaking Quran of Allah. They (a.s.) know the apparent and hidden meanings of Quran, they (a.s.) know when and where any verse was revealed and Shan-e-Nazool, Tafseer, and Taweel of every verse of Quran-e-Majeed.

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said that my Itrat (holy Progeny a.s.) and Quran will never separate. People saw the holy Head of Imam Hussain (a.s.) reciting Quran on the spear after martyrdom.

Martyrdom of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.)

On the conquest of Khyber, Zainab binte Haris brought poisonous meat as present to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.), as soon as he (s.a.w.a.w.) touched it with his mouth, he (s.a.w.a.w.) stopped and told companions that it was poisonous, but one companion Bashr bin Bra’a ibne Maroor (r.a.) already ate one bite, and he passed away immediately. This poison was very lethal, and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.) only touched it with his lips, it acted slowly and caused martyrdom of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.). On the last day when mother of Bashr came to see Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.), he (s.a.w.a.w.) mentioned to her that poison being the cause of his (s.a.w.a.w.) martyrdom.

Who only dies in the way of Allah according to the teachings of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) is Martyr. And Hazrat Mohammad’s (s.a.w.a.w.) prayers, sacrifice, whole life and death is for Allah (Al-An’am 162-163), so no doubt he (s.a.w.a.w.) is Martyr.

Mai’raj (Ascension)

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) went to Mai’raj 120 times.

According to Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.), Allah wanted to give honour to the Angels (a.s.) and the inhabitants of skies with the Ziyarat (meeting) of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) so He took him (s.a.w.a.w.) to Mai’raj.

When Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) went on 1st Mai’raj, on the 1st sky the angels could not recognise him, thinking him their Rabb, ran to the sides and went into Sajdah sayingSubbohun Quddoosun Rabbina wa Rabbul Malaikatu wer Rooh, then Hazrat Jibra’il (a.s.) said loudlyAllah-o-Akbar and angels understood and came and met Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.). On the 2nd sky it happened again and Hazrat Gibra’il (a.s.) saidAsh’hado un la ilaha illallah, then angels understood and came to meet the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.). On the 3rd sky it happened again and Jibra’il (a.s.) saidAsh’hado unna Mohammadan Rasool Allah , and they knew who he was.

Even the infallible angels can not understand the high status of Rasool (s.a.w.a.w.) given by Allah, how a sinful man can say Nabi (s.a.w.a.w.) is like us a human!

Noor in the Human form

If an Angel was made a messenger of Allah towards the human beings, he also would have been sent in human shape, as explained in surah An’am v.7-9.

It is mentioned in surah Hadeed v. 12-13 that the hypocrites who think Rasool (s.a.w.a.w.) is like us human, they will be deprived of Noor on the day of Judgement, then they will beg to the believers, but they will be answered to return back to this world to seek Noor (but it will be too late to believe in Noor).

Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) have no shadow, because they all are from one Noor.

The Cause of the creation of the Universe

Allah created the whole Universe in the love of Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.). Allah made Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) His Rahmat for Aalameen, gave him all the knowledge, power, authority and control, which is logical otherwise it is meaningless that Universe is created in his love.

Ziyarat-e-Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.)

According to the saying of Imam Raza (a.s.) Ziyarat of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) in this world or hereafter is equal to Ziyarat of Allah. And who will do Ziyarat of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) in Paradise, it is as he did Ziyarat of Allah. Because Allah has declared his (s.a.w.a.w.) obedience as His obedience, following him (s.a.w.a.w.) is as following Allah, paying allegiance to him (s.a.w.a.w.) is as paying allegiance to Allah, his (s.a.w.a.w.) hand is Allah’s hand.

In the battle of Badr, Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.) threw gravel on the faces of polytheists, and most of them were killed by Imam Ali (a.s.). Allah declares their these actions as His actions (Al-Anfal 17)

Rahmatul-lil-Aalameen (s.a.w.a.w.)

And We have not sent you (O Nabi s.a.w.a.w.) but Mercy to the Aalameen (Al-Anbiya 107).

We even do not know all the Aalameen (Worlds), there are thousands of Aalameens, and Mohammad Mustafa (s.a.w.a.w.) is Rahmat for all of them, and Allah has given him (s.a.w.a.w.) authority and control over them and they are not beyond his (s.a.w.a.w.) reach.


In surah Nisa v.41-42, Allah says that Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) will be the Chief Witness on the Day of Qayamat. Because he (s.a.w.a.w.) is witness from the first day of the Universe to the last.

Once Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said: You people should keep your lines (Saff during Salaat) right and straight because I see you people on my back as I see forward and in front of me, and do not dispute about it among yourselves otherwise Allah will put disputes in your hearts.

Inspector of deeds

In surah Bara’at v.105, it is mentioned that Allah, His Rasool (s.a.w.a.w.) and 12 Infallible Imams (Mo’mineen) (a.s.) see our deeds.

Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said: Every morning deeds of all people, whether good or bad, are presented to Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.). So you should be afraid, and every one of you should be shy from this that his bad deeds are presented to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.).

Sustenance of the Universe

Allah does not leave the Earth without Hujjatullah (a.s.) who guides people towards obedience of Allah and salvation, because Allah can not leave Iblees alone to misguide people and without anyone to guide to the Way of Allah.

Universe is created in the love of Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.), so the existence of the Universe is proof of presence of Mohammad Mahdi (a.s.), and we are getting guidance and necessities of life (air, water, food, and all) due to him (a.s.)

Shafa’at (Intercession)

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said to Imam Ali (a.s.): Ya Ali (a.s.) on the day of Qayamat your followers will be successful. Ya Ali (a.s.) I will intercede for your followers on the day of Qayamat when I will be on Maqam-e-Mahmood, and tell this good news to them. Ya Ali (a.s.) your followers are followers of Allah.

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said: When I will be on Maqam-e-Mahmood, I will intercede for the sinful people (but faithful) of my Ummah and Allah will accept my intercession; but I swear by Allah, those people from my Ummah who tortured my Progeny (a.s.), I will not intercede for them.

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said: No person can enter Paradise on the basis of his (good) deeds but due to the Rahmat of Allah.

And we know Rahmat of Allah is Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.).

Waseela (Medium, Channel)

Allah clearly commands us to make Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) our Waseela to beg forgiveness from Allah, in surah Nisa v.64-65.

In surah Ma’ida v.35, Allah also commands us to seek His nearness via Waseela (means, approach, medium, channel) of Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.).

We believe that Allah does not accept any of our deeds without Walayat of Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.).

How Prophets (a.s.) prayed

Hazrat Adam (a.s.) prayed to Allah with Kalimat i.e. he prayed to Allah for the sake of Hazrat Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) and his holy Progeny (a.s.) (Al-Baqarah 37)

All the Prophets (Adam a.s., Nuh a.s., Ibrahim a.s., Yaqoob a.s., Musa a.s., Yunus a.s., Esa a.s., and so on) made Dua to Allah in difficult times with Waseela of Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.), Ali (a.s.), Fatima (s.a.), Hassan (a.s.) and Hussain (a.s.) and Allah accepted immediately.

The condition of Prophet-hood

“And ask those of Our apostles We sent before you: Did We appoint besides the Beneficent God any gods to be worshiped? (Az-Zukhruf 45).

Someone asked Imam Baqir (a.s.): when Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.) questioned all the prophets (a.s.)? He (a.s.) answered: All prophets (a.s.) were gathered when Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) went on Mai’raj, and Jibrael (a.s.) gave Azan, in which he saidHyya ala Khairil Amal as well, then Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) lead the prayer, at that time this verse: “Was’al mun Arsalna ….” was revealed. Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) asked them, and they (all) testified Tauheed, his Risalat, and his Vicegerents.

On another occasion Imam Baqir (a.s.) said: Allah took covenant from all the prophets (a.s.) that am I not your Rabb? Then He said: no doubt this Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) is Rasool Allah and no doubt this Ali (a.s.) is Amir-ul-Mo’mineen. Then they (prophets) said: yes, why not. Then Allah bestowed them prophet-hood.

Complete Salawat

Verily Allah and His angels say Salawat on the Nabi (s.a.w.a.w.), O you who believe! Send Salawat on him (s.a.w.a.w.) and submit to him as it ought to be submitted. Verily those who annoy Allah and His Rasool (s.a.w.a.w.), Allah has cursed them in this world and the hereafter, and He has prepared a disgraceful punishment for them. (Al-Ahzab 56-57).

When this verse was revealed, companions (r.a.) asked: Ya Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) how to say Salawat on you? He said: say like this:Allah’huma soale ala Mohammadinw wa Aale Mohammad ka’ma soalaita ala Ibrahima wa Aale Ibrahima ina’ka Hameedum Majeed wa barik ala Mohammadinw wa Aale Mohammad ka’ma barakta ala Ibrahima wa Aale Ibrahima ina’ka Hameedum Majeed.

This comprehensive Salawat (narrated in both Shia and Sunni books) includes both, the forefathers (Aale Ibrahim a.s.) and progeny (Aale Mohammad s.a.) of Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.).

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said: A person who sends Salawat on me but does not send Salawat on my Aal (a.s.), he will not get even the fragrance of Paradise, though its fragrance could be sensed from a distance of journey of five hundred years.

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said: never send cut-off (incomplete) Salawat on me. Companions (r.a.) asked: what is that cut-off Salawat? He (s.a.w.a.w.) said: If you only say:Allah’huma soale ala Mohammad, and do not go further than this and stop there; but you should say like this:Allah’huma soale ala Mohammadinw wa Aale Mohammad.

The children of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.)

According to the Holy Quran (Aal-e-Imran 61), Imam Hassan (a.s.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.) are the sons of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.).

Hazrat Khadija-tul-Kubra (s.a.) has three children:

1-Hazrat Qasim (Tayyub) (a.s.)

2-Hazrat Abdullah (Tahir) (a.s.)

Allah took both of them back when they were still very small.

3-Hazrat Fatima Zahra, Syyeda-tun-Nisa-il-Aalameen (s.a.)

Hazrat Maria Qabtia (s.a.) has one son :

1-Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) born in 8 Hijri, when he (a.s.) was 1 Year 10 Months of age, Allah sent Hazrat Jibra’il (a.s.) to Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) and asked that it is Allah’s Intention that you (s.a.w.a.w.) can keep one son only, either Ibrahim (a.s.) or Imam Hussain (a.s.). Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.) chose Imam Hussain (a.s.), so Ibrahim (a.s.) was taken back by Allah. So Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) sacrificed Ibrahim (a.s.) on Hussain (a.s.).

Halah was sister of Hazrat Khadija (s.a.), she left three daughters (Umme Kulsoom, Ruqayya, and Zainab) and Hazrat Khadija (s.a.) was taking care of these three nieces. These three were definitely not daughters of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.), because he (s.a.w.a.w.) can not marry his own daughters to kafirs when it is Haram in Islam, while he (s.a.w.a.w.) is Nabi since hundreds of thousands years even before Adam’s (a.s.) creation.

The children of Nabi Adam (a.s.)

Imam Sadiq (a.s.) condemned the fabricated story that Adam (a.s.) married brother to sister to propagate the human race. How Allah, the Qadir-e-Mutliq can start human race with Haram, and prophets (a.s.) and believers has to come in this race!

It is written on Lohe-Mahfooz (guarded tablet) that sister is Haram on brother. So Allah gave Hazrat Adam (a.s.) a son, prophet Shees (a.s.) and then another son, Yafis. When they were big, Allah sent down a Hoor from the heavens whose name was Nazila, Allah commanded Adam (a.s.) to marry her to Shees (a.s.). Second day Allah sent down another Hoor named Munazzila and she was married to Yafis. Then Allah gave Shees (a.s.) a son, and gave Yafis a girl, when those children were grown up, they were married.

In short, Allah sent heavenly ladies for the sons of Adam (a.s.) for the propagation of human race in Halal way.

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said that Allah created Adam (a.s.) from earth, and with the rest of the earth (prepared for their creation) He created Hawa (s.a.).

It means that the story of creation of Hawa (s.a.) from the rib of Adam (a.s.) is not valid,because then she is from the body of Adam (a.s.) and can not be his wife.

Hazrat Jibra’eel (a.s.)

Hazrat Jibra’il (a.s.), Hazrat Israfeel (a.s.), Hazrat Meka’il (a.s.) and Hazrat Izra’il (a.s.) are the chief Angels, they have very high status near Allah.

Hazrat Jibra’il (a.s.) was not entering the holy house of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) without permission, nor any other angel including Izra’il (a.s.). Hazrat Jibra’il (a.s.) used to sit in front of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) with respect like slaves. Jibra’il (a.s.) also used to work in Hazrat Fatima’s (s.a.) holy house as honour, once he (a.s.) brought Eid clothes for Imam Hassan (a.s.) and Hussain (a.s.) and after knocking at the door said proudly “I am tailor of Hasnain (a.s.)”

Wahi (Revelation)

There is a tablet in front of the eyes of Hazrat Israfeel (a.s.), when Allah wants to send Wahi about something, it appears on the tablet, Hazrat Israfeel (a.s.) conveys it to Hazrat Meka’il (a.s.), then he conveys it to Hazrat Jibra’il (a.s.), who conveys it to the prophets (a.s.).

It is honour of Hazrat Jibra’il (a.s.) to bring messages of Allah to Hazrat Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.), otherwise Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) does not need any angel to communicate with Allah, as he (s.a.w.a.w.) spoke with Allah on Mai’raj at Qaba Qaosain, when Jibra’il (a.s.) was left far below at Sidra tul Muntaha, where he could not go a millimetre further due to fear of burning his wings.

Some ignorant people put an allegation on Shias that we believe that Wahi was actually meant for Imam Ali (a.s.) but Jibra’il (a.s.) by mistake went to Hazrat Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) (Na’ooz billah)! It is absolutely wrong Allah is Qadir-e-Mutliq and Jibra’il (a.s.) is infallible who can not do any mistake, then how it is possible. We believe it is sin to say that.

Nabi-ul-Ummi (s.a.w.a.w.)

Imam Mohammad Taqi (a.s.) said about those people who say Ummi (Al-A’raf 157) means that Rasool (s.a.w.a.w.) could not read or write:They are liars, Allah’s curse on them, how it is possible, because Allah says, “He is Allah Who raised a Rasool in the inhabitants of Ummul-Qura from among them, who recites His verses to them, and purifies them, and gives them education of wisdom and the Book.” Thus if he (s.a.w.a.w.) could not read and write, then how he (s.a.w.a.w.) was giving its (Quran & Wisdom) education to them. I swear by Allah, Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) could read and write in seventy two (or seventy three) languages, and he (s.a.w.a.w.) was called Ummi because he (s.a.w.a.w.) was among the people living in Makkah, and Makkah is among those habitats (cities) which are called Ummul-Qura.”

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said: I am the city of Knowledge and Ali (a.s.) is its Door.

We believe that Allah bestowed all the Knowledge to Mohammad Mustafa before He created his Noor.

Human attributes

We believe that Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) are Noor of Allah, they (a.s.) were sent down for our guidance in human form.

It is narrated in Holy Quran, if Allah would have sent an Angel as Rasool, he would have been in human form as well. Also the angels who came to Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) (surah Hood 70) and Hazrat Maryam (a.s.) were in perfect human form(surah Maryam 17). So we should not be surprised to see Infallibles (a.s.) as human beings. They (a.s.) are perfect and pure human beings, who are not in need of Wazu or Ghusl.

Everyone believes that Mo’mineen in Jannat will not need to go to toilet and bathroom, Allah will keep them clean. So why it should be difficult to believe that Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) are far from any Rijs, and Allah the Qadir-e-Mutliq is saying it in Quran (Ahzab 33).

Many verses in Quran tells us that it was the habit of enemies of Prophets (a.s.) to tell people that they (a.s.) are Bashr (human) like us!

We believe that Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) are not born like ordinary humans, but they (a.s.) just appear in this world next to their (a.s.) holy, clean and pure mothers (s.a.), Allah created them (a.s.) hundreds of thousands years before this Universe was created for them (a.s.). So we say the Day of their (a.s.) Appearance in this world instead of Birthday.

Allah sends Salam on the Prophets (a.s.) the day they were born, the day they die and the day they will be raised again (Mar’yam 15, 33). So to celebrate the days of appearance of Infallibles (a.s.) in this world and to mourn on the days of their martyrdom is according to the Divine Principles.

Upbringing of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.)

Allah forbade on Musa (a.s.), in surah Qasas v.12, to drink milk of any foster mother. Similarly, Syyed-ul-Anbiya (s.a.w.a.w.) can not drink milk of any foster mother. Verily, he (s.a.w.a.w.) was brought up by only Hazrat Aamina (s.a.), Hazrat Abdul Muttalib (a.s.), Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) and Hazrat Fatima binte Asad (s.a.). Because only perfect and pure Mo’mineen can take care of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.).


(the Guidance & Guardianship)

The Infallibles (a.s.)

The Fourteen Infallibles (a.s.) in the love of whom Allah created this Universe, are:

1-Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa (s.a.w.a.w.) Age: 63 yrs

Appeared on 17 Rabi-ul-Awwal,1st year of the Elephant, 570 AD

Martyred on 28 Safar 11 Hijri by poisoning in battle of Khyber

2-Hazrat Imam Ali Murtaza (a.s.) Age: 63 yrs

Appeared on 13 Rajab, year 30 of the Elephant, 600 AD

Martyred on 21 Ramazan 40 Hijri, Abdur Rahman ibne Muljim (l.u.) hit his (a.s.) holy head with poisoned sword on 19 Ramazan, he (l.u.) was sent by Muawiya.

3-Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.) Age: 18 yrs

Appreared on 20 Jamdi-us-Sani, year 46 of the Elephant, 614 AD

Martyred on 3 Jamadi-us-Sani 11 Hijri wounded by Government officials with sword and smashed behind the burning door of her (s.a.) holy house.

4-Hazrat Imam Hassan Mujtaba (a.s.) Age: 48 yrs

Appeared on 15 Ramazan 3 Hijri

Martyred on 28 Safar 50 Hijri, poisoned by Jo’dah binte Ash’as (l.u.), poison sent by Muawiya.

5-Hazrat Imam Hussain Syyed-ush-Shuhada (a.s.) Age: 57 yrs

Appeared on 3 Shabaan 4 Hijri

Martyred on 10 Moharram 61 Hijri by army of Yazid (l.u.) with his (l.u.) order.

6-Hazrat Imam Ali Zain-ul-Aabideen (a.s.) Age: 57 yrs

Appeared on 5 Shabaan 38 Hijri

Martyred on 25 Moharram 95 Hijri, poisoned by Waleed bin Abdul Malak (l.u.)

7-Hazrat Imam Mohammad Baqir (a.s.) Age: 57 yrs

Appeared on 1 Rajab 57 Hijri

Martyred on 7 Zul Hijjah 114 Hijri, poisoned by Ibrahim bin Waleed (l.u.)

8-Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) Age: 65 yrs

Appeared on 17 Rabi-ul-Awwal 83 Hijri

Martyred on 25 Shawwal 148 Hijri, poisoned by Mansoor Dawanaqi (l.u.)

9-Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) Age: 55 yrs

Appeared on 7 Safar 128 Hijri

Martyred on 25 Rajab 183 Hijri, poisoned by Haroon-ur-Rashid (l.u.)

10-Hazrat Imam Ali Raza (a.s.) Age: 55 yrs

Appeared on 11 Zul Qa’da 148 Hijri

Martyred on 29 Safar/23 Zul Qa’da 203 Hijri, poisoned by Mamoon-ur-Rashid (l.u.)

11-Hazrat Imam Mohammad Taqi (a.s.) Age: 25 yrs

Appeared on 10 Rajab 195 Hijri

Martyred on 29 Zul Qada 220 Hijri, poisoned by Mo’tasim Abbasi (l.u.)

12-Hazrat Imam Ali Naqi (a.s.) Age: 42 yrs

Appeared on 15 Zul Hijjah 212 Hijri

Martyred on 3 Rajab 254 Hijri, poisoned by Mutwakkil Abbasi (l.u.)

13-Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari (a.s.) Age: 28 yrs

Appeared on 10 Rabi-us-Sani 232 Hijri

Martyred on 8 Rabi-ul-Awwal 260 Hijri, poisoned by Mo’tamid Abbasi (l.u.)

14-Hazrat Imam Mohammad Mahdi (a.s.)

Appeared on 15 Shabaan 255 Hijri

Still young and alive, May Allah Expedite His (a.s.) Reappearance.

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.) explained the verse-59 of surah Nisa to Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari (r.a.) and told him that Olil-Amr (a.s.) are my 12 Infallible Vicegerents, told their names until Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and also explained his (a.s.) reappearance and government on Earth.

Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) said: And after me there are twelve Imams (a.s.), the first one of them is Amir-ul-Mo’mineen Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) and the last of them is Mahdi-al-Qaim (a.s.), their obedience is my obedience, their disobedience is my disobedience, and who denied (Imamat) any one of them thus he denied (Prophethood) me.

It is narrated in Shia and Sunni books that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.w.) closed all the doors of houses which were opening towards Masjid-e-Nabwi except door of Imam Ali (a.s.), because Imams (a.s.) are pure and clean all the time like Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) himself, because they are from one Noor.

Devotion of Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.)

That is of which Allah gives the good news to His servants who believe and do good deeds; Say: I demand not from you any reward for it (the toils of apostleship) except the devotion of my nearest ones; and whomsoever earns good (concerning it), We increase more for him good therein; verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, the Most-Grateful. (Ash-Shura 23)

When this verse was revealed then companions (r.a.) asked: Ya Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.)who are your nearest whose devotion is made obligatory on us? He (s.a.w.a.w.) answered: Ali (a.s.) and Fatima (s.a.) and their two Sons (a.s.). He (s.a.w.a.w.) repeated it three times.

We believe that Love and Devotion of Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) is obligatory in Islam by the Order of Allah.Alhamdolillah all Shia and Sunni Muslims believe in it.

Imam Ali (a.s.)

We believe that Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) and Ali (a.s.) are from one Noor. Allah made Imam Ali (a.s.) the Brother, Wasi, Wazir, Khalifa, Sultanan Naseer (powerful helper) of Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.).

According to a Hadees of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) Imam Ali (a.s.) is Hablullah (the Rope of Allah) which Allah has commanded us to hold fast in surah Aal-e-Imran v.103.

Deen-e-Islam was declared perfect when Rasool Allah

(s.a.w.a.w.) announced the Guardianship (Walayat) of Imam Ali (a.s.) at Ghadeer-e-Khum after the Last Hajj (Al-Ma’ida 3).

The Beneficent, taught the Quran, He created Al-Insaan (The Man), He taught him expression. (Ar-Rahman 1-4).

Imam Raza (a.s.) said: Allah created Amir-ul-Mo’mineen (Al-Insaan) (a.s.) after giving the education of Quran, and bestowed the knowledge of everything which humans can need.

Syyeda-tun-Nisa-il-Aalameen (s.a.)

Syyeda Fatima Zahra (s.a.) is the only daughter of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.), her (s.a.) children (a.s.) are the holy Progeny (a.s.) of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) according to Quran and Hadees.

Syyeda Fatima Zahra (s.a.) is the chief of all the ladies of the Universe and ladies of the Paradise.

According to many Ahadees, Fatima (s.a.) is a part of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.); whoever annoyed her (s.a.) annoyed Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) and Allah; who pleased her (s.a.) pleased Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) and Allah.

Syyeda Fatima Zahra (s.a.) is too much concerned about our Salvation, she (s.a.) will intercede for Mo’mineen, until all Mo’mineen enter Paradise.

Allah kept the Noor of Hazrat Fatima (s.a.) in the heavens and it was not transferred from Adam (a.s.) to Abdullah (a.s.). When Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) went to Mai’raj, Allah gave him (s.a.w.a.w.) the Noor of Fatima Zahra (s.a.) directly.

The Masters of Paradise

Imam Hassan (a.s.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.) are the Masters of Paradise. Paradise is created from the shadow of their (Hasnain a.s.) Noor.

Bay’at (Allegiance)

In surah Mo’minoon v.71 it is declared that Haqq (14 Infallibles a.s.) can not pay Allegiance to any person in any condition, because they (a.s.) are the Absolute Masters (Wali-e-Mutliq) of the Universe, without them (a.s.) Universe will perish.

When Yazid (l.u.) demanded allegiance from Imam Hussain (a.s.), in the court of Waleed (l.u.) Imam (a.s.) did not say “I can not pay allegiance”but Imam (a.s.) said: I am Ahle Bait-un-Nabuwwat, Ma’dinur Risalat, Angels (a.s.) visit our houses, Allah started this Universe for us and will finish with us; Yazid (l.u.) gambles and drinks alcohol and does evils openly;how a person like me can pay allegiance to a person like him; we wait for the

dawn and you as well, then it will be clear who is worthy for Khilafat and asking for allegiance.”

It is very clear Imam (Wali) can not pay allegiance to any person.

Ya Ali (a.s.) Maddad

We only seek Allah’s help (Al-Fateh 5). Then Allah commands us to seek help from Sabr (Patience) and Salaat (Al-Baqarah 45). Sabr is Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) and Salaat is Imam Ali (a.s.).

So to say Ya Allah Maddad or Ya Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.) Maddad or Ya Ali (a.s.) Maddad has the same meaning. Because Allah gives us Guidance through them (a.s.), listens our Duas through them (a.s.), helps us through them (a.s.).

Translator, Commentator, Teacher of Quran

Only Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) know what are the apparent and hidden meanings (Zahir and Batin) of the Quran because they (a.s.) are the Will of Allah. Only they know the Tanzeel, Tafseer and Taweel of the Holy Quran, because they (a.s.) are the Speaking Quran (Quran-e-Natiq).

We should learn the teachings of the Quran and whole Deen-e-Islam only from Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.).

It is Haram to do Tafseer according to ones personal opinion.

Imam Mahdi (a.s.)

Imam Abul-Qasim Mohammad Mahdi Al-Muntazar Al-Qaim (May Allah Expedite His Reappearance) holy son of Imam Hassan Askari (a.s.) appeared in this world in 255 Hijri, and went into Major Occultation after 329 Hijri. Imam Al-Qaim (a.s.) is present and guiding us but we can not see him (a.s.).

Imam Mahdi (a.s.) is Wali-e-Mutliq from Allah and 12th Vicegerent of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.a.w.).

Imam (a.s.) is waiting with Zulfiqar in his holy hand the command of Allah to reappear. Imam (a.s.) will take revenge from the enemies of Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (s.a.w.a.w.) first, he (a.s.) will punish them in this world before the final punishment by Allah in the Hereafter.

Imam (a.s.) is weeping blood from his holy eyes in the grief of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.).

Hujjat-Ullah (a.s.)

If Iblees can misguide people, can enter their hearts, minds and ears and still people can not see him, but believe in Shaitan’s presence everywhere. So it is Justice of Allah that He has a powerful Representative (Hujjatullah) who can guide people and save them from the traps of Shaitan and his evil forces everywhere and still we can not see him ( Imam Mahdi a.s.).

Hadi (Guide)

Someone asked if we can not see Imam Mahdi (a.s.) then how he (a.s.) will guide people? Imam (a.s.) said it is like you benefit from the Sun even when it is behind the clouds.

Imam (a.s.) guides anybody who wishes and prays to Allah to be guided. Because the thirsty goes to the water-well, the well does not go to the thirsty.

Imam (a.s.) is Hadi for the Aalameen, because he (a.s.) is Vicegerent of Rahmatul-lil-Aalameen (s.a.w.a.w.).


“O people who believe! Be patient and steadfast and keep in contact (with Imam Mahdi a.s.), and fear Allah may be you will be successful” (Aal-e-Imran 200).

Allah commands us to be patient in faith and waiting of Imam (a.s.) because majority of people will loose faith. We should keep in contact with Imam (a.s.); anyone who is in any problem, recites this verse and prays to Allah, Imam (a.s.) definitely will guide him.