The Radiance of the Secrets of Prayer

Author: Muhsin Qara'ati
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
Category: Various Books

Author: Muhsin Qara'ati
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
Category: visits: 9940
Download: 3343
- Foreword
- Note
- Preface
- Notes
- Worship {‘ibadah}
- Reasons for worship
- 1. Greatness of God
- 2. Feelings of dependence
- 3. Awareness of blessings
- 4. Human nature {fitrah}
- Role of worship
- 1. Making the perishable perpetual
- 2. Changing the material into the spiritual
- 3. Individual and collective development
- Dimensions of worship
- 1. Reflection on the handiwork of God
- 2. Earning a living
- 3. Seeking knowledge
- 4. Rendering service to the people
- 5. Waiting for the global government of justice
- How we should worship
- 1. Conscious worship
- 2. Fervent worship
- 3. Sincere worship
- 4. Worshipping submissively
- 5. Worshipping in private
- Dangers threatening worship
- 1. Ostentation {riya’}
- 2. Self-conceit {‘ujb}
- 3. Sin
- Ways of avoiding pride and self-conceit {‘ujb}
- 1. Have we really worshipped?
- 2. Have our acts of worship been accepted?
- 3. Futile acts of worship
- 4. Will we achieve redemption?
- 5. Comparing acts of worship and blessings
- 6. Comparing acts of worship and complacencies
- 7. Comparing acts of worship and needs
- 8. Comparing our state of worship with that of the divine saints {awliya’}
- Invalid acts of worship
- Servitude {‘ubudiyyah} and not worship {‘ibadah}
- Constancy in worship
- Opportunity to engage in worship
- Enduring difficulties of worship
- Promotion of worship
- Duty and its conditions
- 1. Puberty {bulugh}
- Some reminders
- 2. Strength
- 3. Freewill {ikhtiyar}
- 4. Intellect {‘aql}
- Conditions for the soundness of worship
- Motives behind changing the form of worship
- 1. Changing the form out of obduracy
- 2. Changing the form out of false enlightenment
- 3. Changing the form out of sanctimony
- Conditions for the acceptance of acts worship
- 1. Ideological condition: Faith in God
- 2. Political condition: Guardianship {wilayah}
- 3. Moral condition: God-wariness {taqwa}
- 4. Economic condition: Giving people their rights
- 5. Social condition: Wishing others well
- 6. Familial condition: Good behavior
- Signs of acceptance
- Conditions for the perfection of worship
- 1. Making greater effort
- 2. Concentrating on what is more important
- 3. Concentrating on what has lasting value
- 4. Acting in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet (S)
- 5. Having precedence in meritorious works
- 6. Performing devotional acts under difficult circumstances
- 7. Fervor and Constancy
- 8. Humility
- 9. Possessing insight
- Philosophy of worship
- Submission as the greatest philosophy of responsibility
- An encounter
- Notes
- Prayer {Salah}
- Importance of Prayer
- Prayer as viewed by reason and conscience
- Some Questions and Answers
- Negligence of Prayer
- Treating Prayer Lightly
- Unaccepted Prayers
- 1. Those who are Indifferent
- 2. Those who live on unlawful earnings
- 3. Those who are unmindful of their duties
- 4. Those who do not pay zakat {poor-rate}
- 5. Those who are lackadaisical
- 6. Those who are “haqin wa haqib”
- 7. Those who are unacceptable prayer leaders
- Prerequisites of Prayer
- Prayer and its Accompaniments
- Prayer as Spiritual Ascension
- Notes
- Let’s Welcome Prayer!
- Preliminaries of prayer
- Purification {taharah}
- Ablution {wudhu’} in every state
- Bathing {ghusl}
- Dry purification {tayammum}
- Clothing and place of the one praying
- 1. Observance of courtesy
- 2. Observance of the rights of others
- 3. Observance of priorities
- Focus of direction in prayer {qiblah}
- Call to prayer {Adhan}
- Bilal
- Notes
- Intention {niyyah}
- Intention {niyyah} as the criterion of value
- Examples of sincerity {ikhlas}
- Sincerity in worship {‘ibadah}
- Worldly effects of intention
- 1. Management of the society
- 2. Improvement of economic conditions
- 3. Good social relations
- Intention as an action {‘amal}
- Intention as compensation for deficiencies
- Ways of acquiring sincerity
- 1. Attention to values
- 2. Reflecting on creation
- 3. Attention to the Attributes of God
- 4. Attention to His blessings
- 5. Attention to the sure gain
- 6. Attention to worthlessness of the world
- 7. Attention to impotence of created beings
- 8. Learning from the experiences of others
- 9. Attention to final end of hypocrites in the hereafter
- Sound intentions
- 1. Fear of the Divine Station and Court
- 2. Hope for reward
- 3. Gratitude for blessings
- 4. Modesty {haya’}
- 5. Love of God
- The university of wisdom {hikmah}
- The root of sincerity
- Signs of sincerity
- 1. Not expecting anything from others
- 2. Focusing on duty, not title
- 3. Having no regrets
- 4. Treating receptivity and heedlessness as one
- 5. Consistency of motive and action
- 6. Lack of wealth and position does not hinder
- 7. Oneness of the apparent and the hidden
- 8. Without factional bigotry
- 9. Pursuit of important works undone
- 10. Desisting from error
- Outcome of sincerity
- Sincerity in the context of society
- Notes
- Let’s Engage in Prayer!
- “Allahu Akbar” {God is the greatest}
- Surah al-Hamd
- Bismillahi’r-rahmani’r-rahim {In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful}
- “Al-hamdulillahi rabbi’l-‘alamin” {All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds}
- “Ar-rahmani’r-rahim” {the All-beneficent, the All-merciful}
- “Maliki yawmi’d-din” {Master of the Day of Retribution}
- “Iyyaka na‘budu wa iyyaka nasta‘in” {You {alone} do we worship and to You {alone} do we turn for help}
- “Ihdina’s-sirat al-mustaqim” {Guide us on the straight path}
- “Sirat al-mustaqim” {The straight path}
- Some Notes
- “Sirat al-mustaqim” in the traditions
- Examples of immoderation and profligacy
- Sirat alladhina an‘amta ‘alayhim {The path of those whom You have blessed}
- Ghayri’l-maghdhubi ‘alayhim wa ladh-dhallin” {Such as have not incurred Your wrath, nor are astray}
- Surah at-Tawhid
- “Lam yalid wa lam yulad” {He neither begat nor was begotten}
- “Wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad” {Nor has He any equal}
- To Be Calm While Reciting
- Ruku‘ {Bowing}
- Ruku‘ of the saints of God
- In The Company of Angels
- Sujud {prostration}
- Sujud of all created beings to God
- Sujud of the saints of God
- Effects of sujud
- Meaning of “Subhan Allah” {Glory be to Allah}
- Tasbih as the most oft-repeated command
- Qunut
- Tashahhud
- Salam
- A Glance at the Salam
- Notes
- The Post-prayer Supererogatory Devotional Acts {ta‘qibat wa nawafil}
- Post-prayer devotional acts {ta‘qibat}
- Invoking benediction and malediction
- Prostration of Gratitude {sujud shukr}
- Supererogatory prayers {nawafil}
- Night supererogatory prayers {tahajjud}
- Notes
- Congregational Prayer {salat al-jama‘ah}, Etc
- Importance of congregational prayer {salat al-jama‘ah}
- Effects of congregational prayer
- 1. Spiritual effects
- 2. Social effects
- 3. Political effects
- 4. Moral and Educational Effects
- The Leader of Congregational Prayer
- Selection of Congregational Prayer Leader
- Justness of Congregational Prayer Leader
- Means of Recognizing Justness
- Traveler’s prayer
- Conditions for shortened {qasr} prayer
- Ten days of stay
- (3) Masjid al-Kufah (in Kufah, Iraq); and
- Compensatory {qadha} prayer
- Notes
- Other Prayers
- Friday congregational prayer {salat al-jum‘ah}
- Manner of offering Friday congregational prayer
- Importance of Friday congregational prayer
- 1. Cultivating the spirit of fraternity and brotherhood
- 2. Formation of the Islamic forces
- 3. Intellectual and political development of the Muslims
- 4. Enhancing the spirit of collectivity
- 5. The center for mobilization
- Life conduct {sirah} of the holy saints {awliya’}
- ‘Id prayers
- ‘Id al-Fitr Prayer
- Divine gift
- ‘Id al-Fitr as a scene of the Day of Resurrection {qiyamah}
- ‘Id al-Adhha prayer
- ‘Id prayer as a prerogative of the leader
- Salat al-Ayat {Prayer for the Signs}
- Salat al-Ayat as a lesson on monotheism {tawhid}
- Manner of performing Salat al-Ayat
- Salat al-Mayyit {ritual prayer for the dead}
- Prayer for rain {salat al-istisqa’}
- Reason behind the absence of rain
- How can We who nurtured the enemy as such
- Manner of performing the prayer for rain
- Historical precedence of the prayer for rain
- Other prayers
- Notes
- Bibliography