Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]0%

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)] Author:
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Texts of Hadith

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Qadhi Nasih al-Deen Abu al-Fath ‘Abd al-Wahid Ibn Muhammad Al-Tamimi al-Amudi
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

The Scholar

The Scholar-العالِمُ

1 . The scholar is one whose actions attest to the veracity of his words.

1 ـ اَلعالِمُ مَنْ شَهِدَتْ بِصِحَّةِ أقْوالِهِ أفْعالُهُ

2 . Scholars are strangers [in their own land] because of the large numbers of ignorant people.

2 ـ اَلعُلَماءُ غُرَباءٌ لِكَثْرَةِ الجُهّالِ

3 . The scholar is one who is not satisfied with [his] knowledge nor does he allow himself to be satiated by it.

3 ـ اَلعالِمُ مَنْ لايَشْبَعُ مِنَ العِلْمِ، وَلايَتَشَبَّعُ بِهِ

4 . The scholar recognizes the ignorant one because he used to be ignorant [himself] before.

4 ـ اَلعالِمُ يَعْرِفُ الجاهِلَ لأنَّهُ كانَ قَبْلُ جاهِلاً

5 . The scholar who is truly a scholar, is one who does not prevent the servants from having hope in the mercy of Allah and [at the same time] does not give them false security from the scheme of Allah.

5 ـ اَلعالِمُ كُلُّ العالِمِ مَنْ لَمْ يَمْنَعِ العِبادَ الرَّجاءَ لِرَحْمَةِ اللّهِ ولَمْ يُؤْمِنْهُمْ مَكْرَاللّهِ

6 . The scholar and the student are partners in reward; there no good in anything between this.1

6 ـ اَلعالِمُ والمُتَعَلِّمُ شَريكانِ فِي الأجْرِ، وَلاخَيْـرَ فيما بَيْنَ ذلِكَ

7 . Scholars are the purest of people in character and the least rooted in [vain] desires.

7 ـ اَلعُلَماءُ أطْهَرُ النّاسِ أخْلاقاً، وأقَلُّهُمْ فِي المَطامِعِ أعْراقاً

8 . The scholar is a living [person] among the dead.

8 ـ اَلعالِمُ حَيٌّ بَيْـنَ المَوْتى

9 . Be careful not to disparage scholars, for indeed this will degrade you and make others think ill of you and expect evil from you.

9 ـ إيّاكَ أنْ تَسْتَخِفَّ بِالعُلَماءِ، فَإنَّ ذلِكَ يُزْري بِكَ، ويُسِـيءُ الظَّنَّ بِكَ، والمَخِيلَةَ فيكَ

10 . The most learned among you are the most fearful of you.

10 ـ أعْلَمُكُمْ أخْوَفُكُمْ

11 . The people who are most deserving of the [guidance of the] Prophets are those who have the most knowledge about what they came with.

11 ـ أوْلَى النّاسِ بِالأنْبِياءِ، أعْلَمُهُمْ بِما جاؤُا بِهِ

12 . The most learned person is the one who is most infatuated with knowledge.

12 ـ أعْلَمُ النّاسِ اَلمُسْتَهْتَرُ بِالعِلْمِ

13 . The most learned of people about Allah, the Glorified, are the most fearful of Him.

13 ـ أعْلَمُ النّاسِ بِاللّهِ سُبْحانَهُ أخْوَفُهُمْ مِنْهُ

14 . The most learned of people about Allah, the Glorified, are the most satisfied with His decree.

14 ـ أعْلَمُ النّاسِ بِاللّهِ أرْضاهُمْ بِقَضائِهِ

15 . The greatest of people in knowledge are the most intense in [their] fear of Allah, the Glorified.

15 ـ أعْظَمُ النّاسِ عِلْماً أشَدُّهُمْ خَوْفاً لِلّهِ سُبْحانَهُ

16 . The most learned of people about Allah are those who are most fearful of Him.

16 ـ أعْلَمُ النَّاسِ بِاللّهِ أكْثَرُهُمْ خَشْيَةً لَهُ

17 . The most hated of servants in the sight of Allah is the haughty scholar.

17 ـ أبْغَضُ العِبادِ إلَى اللّهِ سُبْحانَهُ العالِمُ المُتَجَبِّرُ

18 . Those with the greatest burden among the people are the scholars who exceed the limits.

18 ـ أعْظَمُ النّاسِ وِزِراً اَلعُلَماءُ المُفَرِّطُونَ

19 . The most regretful of all people at the time of death are the scholars who don’t act on their knowledge.

19 ـ أشَدُّ النّاسِ نَدَماً عِنْدَ المَوْتِ العُلَماءُ غَيْرُ العامِلِينَ

20 . The most learned of people is one whose doubt does not dispel his certainty.

20 ـ أعْلَمُ النّاسِمَنْ لَمْ يُزِلِ الشَّكُّ يَقينَهُ

21 . The person who is most learned about Allah is he who asks from Him the most.

21 ـ أعْلَمُ النّاسِبِاللّهِ أكْثَرُهُمْ لَهُ مَسْئَلَةً

22 . Verily the narrators of knowledge are many, but those who are careful of [acting upon] it are few.

22 ـ إنَّ رُواةَ العِلْمِ كَثِيرٌ، ورُعاتَهُ قَليلٌ

23 . Verily the people who are most deserving of the [guidance of the] Prophets - peace be upon them - are those who have the most knowledge about (or act upon) their teachings.

23 ـ إنَّ أوْلَى النّاسِ بِالأنْبِياءِ ـ عَلَيْهِمُ السّلامُ ـ أعْلَمُهُمْ (اَعْمَلُهُم) بِما جاؤُاْ بِهِ

24 . The scholar is honoured because of his knowledge, the elderly because of his age, the doer of good because of his goodness and the king because of his kingship.

24 ـ يُكْرَمُ العالِمُ لِعِلْمِهِ، والكَبيرُ لِسِنِّهِ، وذُو المَعْرُوفِ لِمَعْرُوفِهِ، وَالسُّلْطانُ لِسُلْطانِهِ

25 . The scholars are judges over the people.

25 ـ اَلعُلَماءُ حُكَّامٌ عَلَى النّاسِ

26 . The scholar is alive even when he is dead.

26 ـ اَلعالِمُ حَيٌّ، وإنْ كانَ مَيِّتاً

27 . The scholar is one who knows his [own] status [and worth].

27 ـ اَلعالِمُ مَنْ عَرَفَ قَدْرَهُ

28 . The scholar sees with his heart and his mind while the ignorant one sees with his eyes and his eyesight.

28 ـ اَلعالِمُ يَنْظُرُ بِقَلْبِهِ وَخاطِرِهِ، اَلجاهِلُ يَنْظُرُ بِعَيْنِهِ وَناظِرهِ

29 . The scholar is a person who does not get weary of gaining knowledge.

29 ـ اَلعالِمُ الَّذي لايَمُلُّ مِنْ تَعَلُّمِ العِلْمِ

30 . Scholars live on as long as the day and night remains.

30 ـ اَلعُلَماءُ باقُونَ ما بَقِيَ اللَّيْلُ والنَّهارُ

31 . The concealer of knowledge is not certain of being correct in it.

31 ـ اَلْكاتِمُ لِلْعِلْمِ غَيْـرُ واثِق بِالإصابَةِ فيهِ

32 . Only he is a scholar whose knowledge calls him to piety and God-wariness, to abstinence from the pleasures of the transient world and to infatuation with the heavenly abode.

32 ـ إنَّمَـا العالِمُ مَنْ دَعاهُ عِلْمُهُ إلَى الوَرَعِ والتُّقى، والزُّهْدِ في عالَمِ الفَناءِ، والتَّوَلُّهِ بِجَنَّةِ المَأْوى

33 . The bane of scholars is love for leadership [and authority].

33 ـ آفَةُ العُلَماءِ حُبُّ الرِّياسَةِ

34 . When you see a [true] scholar, be a servant to him.

34 ـ إذا رَأيْتَ عالِماً فَكُنْ لَهُ خادِماً

35 . Congratulations to the scholar who knows and thus restrains himself [from sin], and who fears the sudden coming [of death] so he prepares himself and gets ready. If he is questioned he articulates, and if he is left he remains silent; his speech is accurate and his silence is not because of his inability to give an answer.

35 ـ بَخّ بَخّ لِعالِم عَلِمَ فَكَفَّ، وخافَ البَياتَ فَأعَدَّ واسْتَعَدَّ، إنْ سُئِلَ أفْصَحَ، وإنْ تُرِكَ سَكَتَ (صَمَتَ)، كَلامُهُ صَوابٌ، وسُكُوتُهُ عَنْ غَيْـرِ عَيّ عَنِ الجَوابِ

36 . Sit in the company of scholars and you will be felicitous.

36 ـ جالِسِ العُلَماءَ تَسْعَدْ

37 . Sit in the company of scholars and you will increase your knowledge.

37 ـ جالِسِ العُلَماءَ تَزْدَدْ عِلْماً

38 . The beauty of a scholar is [in] his acting upon his knowledge.

38 ـ جَمالُ العالِمِ عَمَلُهُ بِعِلْمِهِ

39 . Sit with the scholars and your knowledge will increase, your etiquette will improve and your soul will become purified.

39 ـ جالِسِ العُلَماءَ، يَزْدَدْ عِلْمُكَ، ويَحْسُنْ أدَبُكَ، وتَزْكُ نَفْسُكَ

40 . Be close to the scholars and you will perceive.

40 ـ جاوِرِ العُلَماءَ تَسْتَبْصِرْ

41 . Many a scholar is killed by his knowledge.

41 ـ رُبَّ عالِم قَتَلَهُ عِلْمُهُ

42 . Many a person who claims to have knowledge is not a scholar.

42 ـ رُبَّ مُدَّع لِلْعِلْمِ لَيْسَ بِعالِم

43 . Many a scholar does not benefit [from his knowledge].

43 ـ رُبَّ عالِم غَيْرُ مُنْتَفِع

44 . The rank of a scholar is the highest of ranks.

44 ـ رُتْبَةُ العالِمِ أعْلَى المَراتِبِ

45 . The lapse [and misguidance] of a scholar corrupts entire worlds.

45 ـ زَلَّةُ العالِمِ تُفْسِدُ عَوالِمَ

46 . The lapse of a scholar is like the breaking up of a ship, it sinks and causes others to sink along with it.

46 ـ زَلَّةُ العالِمِ كَانْكِسارِ السَّفينَةِ، تَغْرَقُ، وتُغَرِّقُ مَعَها غَيْـرَها

47 . The lapse of a scholar is a serious offence.

47 ـ زَلَّةُ العالِمِ كَبِيرَةُ الجِنايَةِ

48 . It is upon the scholar to learn that which he does not know and to teach the people what he has learnt.

48 ـ عَلَى العالِمِ أنْ يَتَعَلَّمَ مالَمْ يَعْلَمْ، وَيُعَلِّمَ النّاسَ ما قَدْ عَلِمَ

49 . It is the duty of the scholar to act upon what he knows and then seek to learn that which he does not know.

49 ـ عَلَى العالِمِ أنْ يَعْمَلَ بِما عَلِمَ، ثُمَ يَطْلُبُ تَعَلُّمَ ما لَمْ يَعْلَمْ

50 . A scholar who opposes you is better than the ignorant person who assists you.

50 ـ عالِمٌ مُعانِدٌ خَيْـرٌ مِنْ جاهِل مُساعِد

51 . Every scholar is fearful [of Allah].

51 ـ كُلُّ عالِم خائِفٌ

52 . How many a scholar is corrupt and [how many] a worshipper is ignorant, so be wary of the corrupt among the scholars and the ignorant among the worshippers.

52 ـ كَمْ مِنْ عالِم فاجِر وعابِد جاهِل، فَاتَّقُوا الفاجِرَ مِنَ العُلَماءِ، وَالجاهِلَ مِنَ المُتَعَبِّدينَ

53 . It is enough of ignorance for a scholar that his actions contradict his knowledge.

53 ـ كَفى بِالعالِمِ جَهْلاً أنْ يُنافِيَ عِلْمَهُ عَمَلُهُ

54 . Be either a knowledgeable speaker or a keen listener, and beware of being the third type.

54 ـ كُنْ عالِماً ناطِقاً، أوْ مُسْتَمِعاً واعِياً، وإيّاكَ أنْ تَـكُونَ الثّالِثَ

55 . Be knowledgeable about the truth and act upon it, [and through this] Allah, the Glorified, will save you.

55 ـ كُنْ عالِماً بِالحَقِّ، عامِلاً بِهِ، يُنْجِكَ اللّهُ سُبْحانَهُ

56 . If the people of knowledge were to carry it as it deserves to be carried, Allah and His angels would surely love them, but they bear it in order to seek worldly gain, so Allah, the Exalted, is displeased with them and they are thus abased by it.

56 ـ لَوْ أنَّ أهْلَ العِلْمِ حَمَلُوهُ بِحَقِّهِ لأحَبَّهُمُ اللّهُ ومَلائِكَتُهُ، ولكِنَّهُمْ حَمَلُوهُ لِطَلَبِ الدُّنيا، فَمَقَتَهُمُ اللّهُ تَعالى وهانُوا عَلَيْهِ

57 . One who has knowledge asks good [and pertinent] questions.

57 ـ مَنْ عَلِمَ أحْسَنَ السُّؤالَ

58 . One who knows must act upon his knowledge.

58 ـ مَنْ عَلِمَ عَمِلَ

59 . One who gains knowledge (or acts [upon his knowledge]) is rightly guided.

59 ـ مَنْ عَلِمَ (عَمِلَ) ِهْتَدى

60 . One who wastes his knowledge [by not acting upon it] faces turmoil.

60 ـ مَنْ أضاعَ عِلْمَهُ اِلْتَطَمَ

61 . One who reveres a scholar has revered his Lord.

61 ـ مَنْ وَقَّرَ عالِماً فَقَدْ وَقَّرَ رَبَّهُ

62 . Whoever does not nurture his knowledge in solitude, it humiliates him among the people.

62 ـ مَنْ لَمْ يَتَعاهَدْ عِلْمَهُ فِي الخَلإِ فَضَحَهُ فِي المَلإِ

63 . One who claims to have reached the end of knowledge has manifested the highest level of ignorance.

63 ـ مَنِ ادَّعى مِنَ العِلْمِ غايَتَهُ فَقَدْ أظْهَرَ مِنْ جَهْلِهِ نِهايَتَهُ

64 . It is necessary for every scholar to secure his sides with piety and to extend his knowledge to the one who seeks it.

64 ـ مِنَ المَفْرُوضِ عَلى كُلِّ عالِم أنْ يَصُونَ بِالوَرَعِ جانِبَهُ، وأنْ يَبْذُلَ عِلْمَهُ لِطالِبِهِ

65 . Considering your knowledge (or action) as little is from the excellence of your knowledge.

65 ـ مِنْ فَضْلِ عِلْمِكَ اِسْتِقْلالُكَ لِعِلْمِكَ (لِعَمَلِكَ ).

66 . He who does not act upon his knowledge has not truly gained knowledge.

66 ـ ما عَلِمَ مَنْ لَمْ يَعْمَلْ بِعِلْمِهِ

67 . How many are those who gain knowledge but do not follow it!

67 ـ ما أكْثَرَ مَنْ يَعْلَمُ العِلْمَ وَلا يَتَّبِعُهُ

68 . Allah, the Glorified, did not make it incumbent upon the ignorant one to learn until He had made it incumbent upon the learned to teach.

68 ـ ما أخَذَ اللّهُ سُبْحانَهُ عَلَى الجاهِلِ أنْ يَتَعَلَّمَ حَتّى أخَذَ عَلَى العالِمِ أنْ يُعَلِّمَ

69 . Only two [types of] people have broken my back: the impudent scholar and the ignorant worshipper. One drives people away from the truth by his immorality and the other invites people to falsehood with his devotion.

69 ـ ما قَصَمَ ظَهْري إلاّ رَجُلانِ: عالِمٌ مُتَهَتِّكٌ وجاهِلٌ مَتَنَسِّكٌ، هذا يُنَفِّرُ عَنْ حَقِّهِ بِهَتْكِهِ، وهذا يَدْعُو إلى باطِلِه بِنُسْكِهِ

70 . The competition (or argumentation) of the scholars results in their gaining benefit and their earning merits.

70 ـ مُنافَسَةُ (مُناقَشَةُ) العُلَماءِ تُنْتِجُ فَوائِدَهُمْ، وتَكْسِبُ فَضائِلَهُمْ

71 . The keepers of material treasures are annihilated while they are [still] alive while the scholars remain as long as the nights and days remain. Their bodies are lost but their examples [and teachings continue to] remain in the hearts.

71 ـ هَلَكَ خُزّانُ الأمْوالِ وهُمْ أحْياءٌ، والعُلَماءُ باقُوْنَ ما بَقِيَ اللَّيْلُ وَالنَّهارُ، أعْيانُهُمْ مَفْقُودَةٌ وأمْثالُهُمْ فِي القُلُوبِ مَوْجُودَةٌ

72 . Never disrespect a scholar, even if he is lowly.

72 ـ لاتَزْدَرِيَنَّ العالِمَ وإنْ كانَ حَقيراً

73 . There is no lapse more serious than the lapse of a scholar.

73 ـ لازَلَّةَ أشَدُّ مِنْ زَلَّةِ عالِم

74 . A scholar is not a true scholar until he stops being jealous of one who is above him, does not demean one who is below him and does not take in return for his knowledge anything of the vanities of this world.

74 ـ لايَكُونُ العالِمُ عالِماً حَتّى لايَحْسُدَ مَنْ فَوْقَهُ، ولايَحْتَقِرَ مَنْ دُونَهُ، وَلايَأْخُذُ عَلى عِلْمِهِ شَيْئاًمِنْ حُطامِ الدُّنيا

75 . The knowledge of a man should surpass his speech and his intelligence should prevail over his tongue.

75 ـ يَنْبَغي أنْ يَكُونَ عِلْمُ الرَّجُلِ زائِداً عَلى نُطْقِهِ، وعَقْلُهُ غالِباً عَلى لِسانِهِ

76 . The bane of the masses is a corrupt scholar.

76 ـ آفَةُ العامَّةِ العالِمُ الفاجِرُ


1. Meaning there is no good in anyone other than the scholar and the student.

Education And Learning

Education and learning-التعليم والتعلّم

1 . The most helpful thing in purifying the intellect is education.

1 ـ أعْوَنُ الأشْياءِ عَلى تَزْكِيَةِ العَقْلِ التَّعْليمُ

2 . Learn and you will become knowledgeable, honour and you will be honoured.

2 ـ تَعَلَّمْ تَعْلَمْ، وتَـكَرَّمْ تُـكْرَمْ

3 . Be humble in front of the one from whom you gain knowledge and the one whom you teach; and do not be from among the haughty scholars, lest your ignorance rises alongside you knowledge.

3 ـ تَواضَعُوا لِمَنْ تَتَعَلَّمُوا مِنْهُ العِلْمَ، ولِمَنْ تُعَلِّمُونَهُ، ولاتَـكُونُوا مِنْ جَبابِرَةِ العُلَماءِ، فَلا يَقُومَ جَهْلُكُمْ بِعِلْمِكُمْ

4 . Acquire knowledge, for indeed if you are wealthy it will adorn you and if you are poor it will provide for you (or guard you).

4 ـ تَعَلَّمِ العِلْمَ فَإنَّكَ إنْ كُنْتَ غَنِيّاً زانَكَ، وإنْ كُنْتَ فَقيراً مانَكَ (صانَكَ ).

5 . Learn the knowledge of the one who knows, and teach your knowledge to the one who is ignorant, for if you do this, he will be teach you that which you are ignorant of and you will benefit [others] with what you have learnt.

5 ـ تَعَلَّمْ عِلْمَ مَنْ يَعْلَمُ، وعَلِّمْ عِلْمَكَ مَنْ يَجْهَلُ، فَإذا فَعَلْتَ ذلِكَ، عَلَّمَكَ ما جَهِلْتَ، وانْتَفَعْتَ بِما عَلِمْتَ

6 . He who places knowledge with one who is unworthy of it has wronged it [or him].

6 ـ واضِعُ العِلْمِ عِنْدَ غَيْرِ أهْلِهِ ظالِمٌ لَهُ

7 . Through education, knowledge is gained.

7 ـ بِالتَّعَلُّمِ يُنالُ العِلْمُ

8 . Gain knowledge and you will be known by it, act upon it and you will be one of its worthy possessors.

8 ـ تَعَلَّمُوا العِلْمَ تُعْرَفُوا بِهِ، واعْمَلُوا بِهِ تَـكُونُوا مِنْ أهْلِهِ

The Student

The student-المتعلم والمستمع

1 . If you are not an articulating scholar then be an attentive listener.

1 ـ إذا لَمْ تَـكُنْ عالِماً ناطِقاً فَكُنْ مُسْتَمِعاً واعِياً

2 . The student must discipline himself in his quest for knowledge and must neither become bored of his studies nor overestimate what he already knows.

2 ـ عَلَى المُتَعَلِّمِ أنْ يَدْأبَ نَفْسَهُ في طَلَبِ العِلْمِ، وَلايَمَلَّ مِنْ تَعَلُّمِهِ وَلايَسْتَكْثِرُ ما عَلِمَ

3 . One who learns becomes knowledgeable.

3 ـ مَنْ تَعَلَّمَ عَلِمَ

4 . One who does not learn does not become knowledgeable.

4 ـ مَنْ لَمْ يَتَعَلَّمْ لَمْ يَعْلَمْ

5 . One who gains knowledge so that he can act upon it is not distressed by its dullness.

5 ـ مَنْ تَعَلَّمَ العِلْمَ لِلْعَمَلِ بِهِ لَمْ يُوحِشْهُ كَسادُهُ

6 . One who does not learn in his young age, does not progress in his old age.

6 ـ مَنْ لَمْ يَتَعَلَّمْ فِي الصِّغَرِ لَمْ يَتَقَدَّمْ فِي الكِبَرِ

7 . One who does not bear the hardships of gaining knowledge (or education) remains in the abject ignorance?

7 ـ مَنْ لَمْ يَصْبِرْ عَلى مَضَضِ التَّعْليمِ(التَّعَلُّمِ) بَقِيَ في ذُلِّ الجَهْلِ

8 . One who does not discipline himself (or spend his life) in acquiring knowledge cannot gain great successes.

8 ـ مَنْ لَمْ يُدْئِبْ (لَمْ يُذِبْ) نَفْسَهُ فِي اكْتِسابِ العِلْمِ لَمْ يُحْرِزْ قَصَباتِ السَّبْقِ

9 . The one who does not know must never be too proud to learn.

9 ـ لايَسْتَنْكِفَنَّ مَنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ يَعْلَمُ أنْ يَتَعَلَّمَ

10 . Do not speak to the ignorant ones about that which they do not know such that they belie you, for indeed your knowledge has a right over you and its right is that you bestow it to those who are deserving of it and deny it to those who are not deserving of it.

10 ـ لاتُحَدِّثِ الجُهّالَ بِما لايَعْلَمُونَ فَيُكَذِّبُوكَ بِهِ، فَإنَّ لِعِلْمِكَ عَلَيْكَ حَقّاً، وحَقُّهُ عَلَيْكَ بَذْلَهُ لِمُسْتَحِقِّهِ ومَنْعُهُ مِنْ غَيْرِ مُسْتَحِقِّهِ

11 . One who is haughty does not learn.

11 ـ لايَتَعَلَّمُ مَنْ يَتَكَبَّرُ

Age And Lifespan

Age and Lifespan-العمر

1 . The age up to which Allah, the Glorified, accepts the excuse of human beings and warns them is sixty years.

1 ـ اَلعُمْرُ الَّذي أعْذَرَ اللّهُ سُبْحانَهُ فيهِ إلَى ابْنِ آدَمَ وأنْذَرَ، السِّتُّونَ

2 . The age in which a person reaches maturity is forty.

2 ـ اَلعُمْرُ الَّذي يَبْلُغُ الرَّجُلُ فيهِ الأشُدَّ، اَلأرْبَعُونَ

3 . Be wary of wasting your lifetimes in that which will not remain for you, for that which has passed from it does not return.

3 ـ إحْذَرُوا ضِياعَ الأعْمارِ فيما لايَبْقى لَكُمْ، فَفائِتُها لايَعُودُ

4 . Verily your lifetime is the dower of your prosperity if you spend it in obedience to your Lord.

4 ـ إنَّ عُمْرَكَ مَهْرُ سَعادَتِكَ، إنْ أنْفَذْتَهُ (أنْفَدْتَهُ) في طاعَةِ رَبِّكَ

5 . Verily your breaths are portions of your life, so do not use them up except in the obedience that brings you closer [to Allah].

5 ـ إنَّ أنْفاسَكَ أجْزاءُ عُمْرِكَ، فَلا تُفْنِها إلاّ في طاعَة تُزْلِفُكَ

6 . Verily your lifetime is the time which you find yourself in.

6 ـ إنَّ عُمْرَكَ وَقْتُكَ الَّذي أنْتَ فيهِ

7 . Verily your lifespan is the number of your breaths, and there is a watcher who counts them.

7 ـ إنَّ عُمْرَكَ عَدَدَ أنْفاسِكَ، وعَلَيْها رَقيبٌ تُحْصيها

8 . Indeed the night and day are quick in razing the lifetimes.

8 ـ إنَّ اللَّيْلَ والنَّهارَ مُسْرِعانِ في هَدْمِ الأعْمارِ

9 . Indeed your life’s past is that which has come to pass and its future is hope, and the present is [time for] action.

9 ـ إنَّ ماضِيَ عُمْرِكَ أجَلٌ، وآتِيَهُ أمَلٌ، والوَقْتُ عَمَلٌ

10 . Verily the life that is being shortened every moment and being dismantled every hour must be regarded as very short.

10 ـ إنَّ غايَةً تَنْقُصُهَا اللَّحْظَةُ، وتَهْدِمُهَا السّاعَةُ، لَحَرِيَّةٌ بِقَصْرِ المُدَّةِ

11 . Indeed deceived is the one who is deluded with regards to his life and enviable is one who spends his life in the obedience of his Lord.

11 ـ إنَّ المَغْبُونَ مَنْ غَبِنَ عُمْرَهُ، وإنَّ المَغْبُوطَ مَنْ أنْفَذَ عُمْرَهُ في طاعَةِ رَبِّهِ

12 . The lifespan [of a person] is [made up of] a specific number of breaths.

12 ـ اَلعُمْرُ أنْفاسٌ مُعَدَّدَةٌ

13 . How can one be pleased with a lifetime that is diminished by [the passing of] hours?!

13 ـ كَيْفَ يُفْرَحُ بِعُمْر تَنْقُصُهُ السّاعاتُ

14 . There is nothing more valuable than red sulphur, except that which remains from the lifetime of a believer.

14 ـ لَيْسَ شَـيْءٌ أعَزَّ مِنَ الكِبْرِيتِ الأحْمَرِ إلاّ ما بَقِيَ مِنْ عُمْرِ المُؤْمِنِ

15 . One whose life is long, his tribulations become many.

15 ـ مَنْ طالَ عُمْرُهُ كَثُرَتْ مَصائِبُهُ

16 . One whose life is long gets afflicted by [the loss of] his dear and beloved ones.

16 ـ مَنْ طالَ عُمْرُهُ فُجِعَ بِأعِزَّتِهِ وأحِبّائِهِ

17 . One who spends his life in other than that which will save him [in the Hereafter] has missed his objective.

17 ـ مَنْ أفْنى عُمْرَهُ في غَيْرِ ما يُنْجيهِ فَقَدْ أضاعَ مَطْلَبَهُ

18 . An hour of your time does not pass but that it cuts away a portion of your lifespan.

18 ـ مَا انْقَضَتْ ساعَةٌ مِنْ دَهْرِكَ إلاّ بِقِطْعَة مِنْ عُمْرِكَ

19 . Do not waste your lifetime in useless pastimes, thereby leaving this world without any hope [in the Hereafter].

19 ـلاتُفْنِ عُمْرَكَ فِي المَلاهي فَتَخْـرُجَ مِنَ الدُّنيا بِلا أمَل

20 . With the progression of days and nights, nothing remains of the lifetimes.

20 ـ لابَقاءَ لِلأعْمارِ مَعَ تَعاقُبِ اللَّيْلِ والنَّهارِ

21 . Nobody knows how much longer he has to live except a Prophet or a man of truth.

21 ـلايَعْرِفُ قَدْرَ ما بَقِيَ مِنْ عُمْرِهِ إلاّ نَبِيٌّ أوْ صِدّيقٌ

22 . Lifetime is diminished by moments.

22 ـ اَلعُمْرُ تُفْنِيهِ اللَّحَظاتُ

23 . Guard your lifetime from being wasted in other than acts of worship and obedience [to Allah].

23 ـ اِحْفَظْ عُمْرَكَ مِنَ التَّضْييعِ لَهُ في غَيْرِ العِبادَةِ والطّاعاتِ

Development And Prosperity

Development and prosperity-العُمران

1 . The bane of development and prosperity is the oppression of a tyrant.

1 ـ آفَةُ العُمْرانِ جَوْرُ السُّلْطانِ

Delving Deep

Delving deep-التعمّق

1 . One who delves too deep [in trying to understand the essence of Allah] does not return to the truth.

1 ـ مَنْ تَعَمَّقَ لَمْ يَنْبُ إلَى الحَقِّ