A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani]

A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani]0%

A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani] Author:
Translator: Huma Hasan Jafri
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
Category: Woman

A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani]

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Razia Batool Najafi
Translator: Huma Hasan Jafri
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
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A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani]
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A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani]

A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani]

Publisher: www.al-islam.org

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj

According to the Rulings of Ayatullah Ali as-Sistani

Author(s): Razia Batool Najafi

Translator(s): Huma Hasan Jafri


Table of Contents

Presentation 5

Preface 6

Unique characteristics of the Ka’ba 6

Our journey is to offer our pledge to these Infallibles 6

The Challenge 6

Meeting with Allah (swt) 6

Stones 7

Note 7

Personality of Woman and Hajj 8

Hijr al-Ismael: The Hijr of Prophet Ishmael (AS) & Lady Hager 8

2. Sa’ee: Between Safa & Marwa, and Lady Hager 8

3. Arafat: Recognition and Lady Eve 8

4. First Congregational Prayers: Salaatul Jama’at the Holy Mosque and Lady Khadijah 8

5. Giving Birth to Imam Ali (as): Inside the Holy Kaba and Lady Fatima Bint al-Asad 9

Conditions for Pilgrimage 10

Rules for Pilgrimage 10

Conditions 10

Questions and Answers 10

Conclusion 12

Hajj by Appointing a Deputy (Niyaabat) 13

Conditions for an Agent of a Hajj by Proxy 13

Conditions for the One for Whom Hajj by Proxy may be carried out 13

Conclusion 13

Question and Answers 13

Umra al-Mufrada 15

Miqat for Umra al-Mufrada 15

Rules for Umra al-Mufrada 15

Conclusion 15

Repetition of Umra al-Mufrada 15

Questions and Answers 15

Types of Pilgrimage 16

Hajj-ut-Tamatu 16

Philosophy of Umra-ut-Tamatu 16

Philosophy behind Miqat 17

Miqat 17

Rituals of Umra-ut-Tamatu 18

Questions and Answers 18

Philosophy of Ihram 19

Philosophy of the Color "White" 19

Questions and Answers 19

Obligatory Acts for Ihram 20

Recommended Acts for Ihram 20

Undesirable Acts During Ihram 21

Philosphy of Circumambulation (Tawaf) 22

Oneness of Allah (swt) {Tawhid} 22

Unity 22

Act of Angels 22

Rules of Circumambulation 22

Rules for a Menstrual Lady during Circumambulation 22

Questions and Answers 24

Rules for a Lady Having Istehadha 25

Conclusion 25

Body and Clothes should be Free of all Impurities 25

Body Covering 25

Obligations in Cirumambulation 26

Prayers for Circumambulation 26

Sa'ee 26

Taqseer (Cutting of Hair) 27

Change of Hajj al-Tamatu to Hajj al-Ifraad 27

Hajj al-Tammatu 29

Ihram for Pilgrimage 29

Philosophy Behind Stay in Arafat Plain 29

Conditions for Stay in Arafat 29

Philosophy of Stay at Mash’ar 30

Conditions for Stay at Mash'aril-Haram 30

Obligatory Acts in Mina 32

Philosophy Behind Rami al-Jamrat 32

Prophet Abraham (as) and Satan 32

Lady Hager and Satan 32

Stoning Jamratil-Aqabtah (Big Satan) 32

Conditions for Pebbles 33

Sacrifice of an Animal 33

Taqseer (Cutting of Hair) 33

Rites to be Performed in Makkah 33

Philosophy behind Circumambulation of Nisa 35

Circumambulation of Nisa (Woman) 35

Questions and Answers 35

Conditions for Spending Nights in Mina 36

Rami (stoning) of Jamarat (symbols of satan) 36

Philosophy Behind Prohibitions In Ihram 37

Prohibitions during Ihram 37

Common Prohibitions between Men and Women 37

Kissing a Woman 39

Touching a Woman 39

Looking with Desire 39

Nikah (Marriage Contract) 39

Use of Perfume 39

Applying Antimony (Surma) 40

Looking in the Mirror 40

Outrage (Fusouq) 40

Quarrel 40

Killing of Insects found on the Body 41

Self-Beautification 41

Questions and Answers 41

Applying Oil 41

Removal of Body Hair 42

Removal of Blood from the Body 42

Cutting Nails 42

Extraction of Teeth 42

Possession of Weapons 42

Prohibitions Specific to Ladies 42

Wearing of Jewelry for Beautification 42

Covering One's Face 43

Questions and Answers 43

Prohibitions Specific to Men 44

Miscellaneous Issues 45

Glossary 46


Dear Sister in Islam,

May Allah (swt) grant you the Great Opportunity of Pilgrimage to the House of Allah (swt) with Deeper Understanding and Higher Spirituality in your A 'amals (Inshallah)

Iltemas al-Du 'a

“There is nothing better than a Woman who has achieved Perfection in her spiritual being!”

In the course of time, we have come across books of Guidance and Wisdom that concentrate on Islamic Rituals that aim to educate all Muslim Brothers & Sisters on a general level; however, The Guidebook for Women series aim to provide a concise manual on different Islamic Rituals and Issues, especially for Women in order to perfect their lbaadah.

After all, the 'adhmat (greatness) of Women can only be reached when they follow Seerat al-Faatimat uz-Zahra (sa) by means of educating themselves further and gaining more Ma'rifat and Spirituality in their Islamic rituals.

It is important to realize that Allah (swt) has given Women such a grand status that, despite being equal to Man, her Spirituality significantly affects and transfers on to everyone around her Family, Husband, Children, Friends, Colleagues, Neighbors, and many more.

Hence, these series of Guidebooks aim to Answer all the Questions a Woman would have in relation to Islamic Issues in order to help them gain more Ma'rifat and Spirituality in their Religious acts, and include it as a normal practice in their everyday life. (lnshallah)

Wassalam O'Alaikum Wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

'Aalima Razia Batool Najafi


World Ahlebait Women's Organization

Qum al-Muqaddas


Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

The verbal meaning of Hajj is Intention.

In other words, through the act of performing Hajj, one declares that Allah (swt) is the Ultimate Authority. This visit to the House of Allah (swt) is the most sacred journey of one's life. It is a move from self-interest towards the Almighty. It may appear that during Hajj the physical self alone is moving, but in reality Hajj is a journey of the soul.

During this journey one adapts the appearance of apostles hoping that this will have an effect in changing the inner soul. In addition this journey removes any fear of worldly poverty. One dirham spent on this journey brings the reward of many dirhams spent elsewhere.

Unique characteristics of the Ka’ba

• It is the House of Allah (swt).

• Prophet Abraham (as) constructed it.

• Prophet Ishmael (as) helped his father in its construction.

• Prophet Adam (as) paid many holy visits to this place.

• Prophet Abraham (as) faced the most important test of his life at this place.

• Prophet Ishmael (as) offered His sacrifice at this location.

• Prophet Mohammad (saws) was granted Prophethood here.

• lmam Ali (as) was born in this sacred house.

Our journey is to offer our pledge to these Infallibles

• O! Father of humanity we will not let Satan misguide us!

• O! Friend of Allah (swt) we are answering your call to us!

• O! The offspring of a great and valiant mother, Ishmael (as), we are ready to sacrifice everything in the path of Allah (swt)!

• O! The Greatest Prophet of Allah you invited people towards the Right Path from Mount Safa, but few answered your call. We positively accept your call!

• O! The first Imam (as) people are circumambulating your birth place but have forgotten you, but we have once again come to offer allegiance to you!

The Challenge

Hajj is a challenge against all worldly powers. However high their expenditure, and how powerful their propaganda, no power can ever arrange such a grand religious and spiritual gathering. A gathering where people from all over the world, wearing death-like shrouds, answer the call of Allah (swt). They gather with all their love and devotion in great numbers answering the call of the Almighty (swt) despite varying weather conditions, heat, open plains, stuffy tents and living conditions that are often under the open sky.

Meeting with Allah (swt)

Hajj is an opportunity of meeting the greatest love of our life at the house of He who does not need a dwelling. Every day Muslims prostrate towards this house from thousands of miles away. When one offers daily prayers, an image of the house of Allah (swt) lingers in the mind but today as a favor of Allah to his sinful creations the sinners can see it in front of their eyes!


The sites of hajj are such sacred ground that even some of the stones found here have hidden secrets. Among them are the stones of guardianship (wilayat) and immunity (bara'at)

People circumambulate the stone of friendship (Hajr Al-Aswad). They try to touch and kiss it because it is a stone sent down from the heavens. This is one of the grand symbols of Almighty Allah (swt) on the earth as our Prophet (saws) has said:

الحجر الأسود يمين الله في أرضه

"Hajar al-aswad represents the hand of Allah (swt) on the earth."1

Touching this stone is like shaking hands with Allah (swt). On the Day of Judgment it will be a witness for those who have touched it.

One would offer allegiance that "O! Almighty you have given a chance to our sinful souls to come and cleanse ourselves of all past sins."

This is why it is recommended to recite the following prayer when touching the stone:

امانتي اديتها و ميثاقي تعاهدته لتشهد لي بالوافاة

“O! Hajr al-aswad I have given you my trust and fulfilled my promise, now you be the witness of my faithfulness.”

The second stone symbolizes bara’at, or steering clear of Satan. Pilgrims are required to hit it with seven pebbles. In order to reach it, pilgrims must struggle through a huge crowd and then aim precisely at their target. It is not an easy task. Perhaps Allah (swt) wants us to realize that since this battle against Satan, with all its difficulty, is but symbolic and keeping satanic thoughts away from us throughout our lives and staying on the Right Path are even more difficult and indeed represent the greatest struggle (Jihad).


1. راغب أصفهاني مفردات القرءان 856

Personality of Woman and Hajj

Hijr al-Ismael: The Hijr of Prophet Ishmael (AS) & Lady Hager

When circumambulating House of Kaba it is a must to pass outside Hijr al-lsmael (as) otherwise Hajj will become invalid. This shows the holiness of this Hijr.

This is a symbol for a great mother from the history. Lady Hager along with her baby son stayed in this desert putting her trust in Almighty. She wanted to be close to Allah (swt).

The son of this great lady was also willing to offer a great sacrifice. Because of all her sacrifices and the son's for the love of Almighty, Allah (swt) also made it compulsory to circumambulate from outside Stone of Ishmael (as).

In a monotheist society a person is valued on the bases of purity; good deeds and closeness to Allah (swt). Color, creed and sex do not count. Whoever is willing to sacrifice everything for God like Hager, He also elevates them near to His house.

Circumambulating the graves of both mother and son is a part of pilgrimage rites. The reason is that steadfastness pays. They spent their whole life in the service of Allah (swt) and as a reward they are sleeping next to the House of Allah (swt).

2. Sa’ee: Between Safa & Marwa, and Lady Hager

After circumambulating and offering Salaat for it the next rite is sa'ee (Striving). Here again one is reminded of this lion hearted lady. Allah (swt)'s words come to one’s mind:

اذكرونى اذكركم

"You think of me and I will not forget you."

The Greatness of Allah (swt) made Lady Hager's action eternal. Now it is our duty to remember her effort whenever we perform this rite and try to follow in her footsteps.

3. Arafat: Recognition and Lady Eve

Arafat means acquaintance or recognition. The reason why this plain is called Arafat is that when Prophet Adam (as) and Lady Eve came down from heaven they met each other after a long wait at this place. They recognized each other and redeveloped their acquaintance.

4. First Congregational Prayers: Salaatul Jama’at the Holy Mosque and Lady Khadijah

Whenever the pilgrim views the impressive gathering of thousands in the congregational prayers, he is reminded of the first such prayer in Islam. The one where Mother of all momineen (True believers) along with Imam of all momineen offered her prayers behind Prophet Mohammad (saws).

The fruit of that small congregation can be seen in the gathering of this huge congregation of thousands from all over the world.

5. Giving Birth to Imam Ali (as): Inside the Holy Kaba and Lady Fatima Bint al-Asad

While circumambulating pilgrims try to kiss the walls of Holy Kaba. They try to rub their sins away and make themselves pious by rubbing with its walls. This site reminds one of a Great mother. Kaba is also like a mother. Makkah is given the name of 'Umm-Ul-Qura' (Mother of all cities) because of Kaba. Like a mother gathers all her children into her arms without any distinction, so does Kaba welcomes all pilgrims without the distinction of rich or poor, old or young, black or white, men or women.

The mother of whom we are reminded is the mother of our first lmam (as), Lady Fatima Bint al-Asad. A lady of such high pity that she became a guest of Allah (swt) in His own house. It was in preparation of welcoming one of the greatest personalities on earth. A special door was opened in the wall of Kaba for the arrival of Door of Knowledge.

Conditions for Pilgrimage

The holy Quran and the traditions of the Ahlul Bayt (pbuth) say that any mature person who fulfills certain conditions is required to perform Hajj.

Hajj is a pillar of Islam. If all the conditions are fulfilled but still pilgrimage is not performed then it is considered to be a major/great sin. Not accepting it as an obligatory part of Islam is blasphemy.

Allah (swt) says in Qur'an:

فِيهِ آيَاتٌ بَيِّنَاتٌ مَقَامُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ ۖ وَمَنْ دَخَلَهُ كَانَ آمِنًا ۗ وَلِلَّهِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَيْتِ مَنِ اسْتَطَاعَ إِلَيْهِ سَبِيلًا ۚ وَمَنْ كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ غَنِيٌّ عَنِ الْعَالَمِينَ

"In it are clear signs, the standing place of Abraham, and whoever enters it shall be secure, and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon men for the sake of Allah, (upon) everyone who is able to undertake the journey to it; and whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is Self-sufficient, above any need of the worlds " (Surah Ali-‘Imran, 3:97)

Rules for Pilgrimage


1. l. One should be mature (baligh).

2. On should be sane. Therefore an insane or under age person cannot perform obligatory pilgrimage. If an underage child performs pilgrimage then it will be valid but not considered "Hajjut-al-Islam''.

3. One should be free, that is a female slave cannot perform obligatory pilgrimage even if she has the means.

4. Means:

a. Financial: Sufficient finances to fulfill one's needs.

b. Physical health: One should be healthy and strong enough to perform all the rites without any difficulty.

c. Situation: One should have enough time to reach Makkah and perform all the rites. If the previous conditions are fulfilled, but one faces problems in this one, then pilgrimage does not become obligatory.

d. Peaceful situation: The conditions in all the Holy places to be visited should be peaceful.

Questions and Answers

Q1. Is a husband's permission needed for an obligatory pilgrimage?

Ans: lf a (house wife) has enough financial resources and she fulfills all other conditions then for an obligatory pilgrimage the husband's permission is not required and he does not have the right to stop her from performing her religious duty. But for a recommended pilgrimage the husband's permission is needed.

Q2. During the iddah (waiting period) of revocable divorce is it necessary to get the husband's permission for an obligatory pilgrimage?

Ans: The husband's permission is not required for an obligatory pilgrimage but it is required for a recommended one.

Q3. If a lady owns expensive jewels and gold is she supposed to sell them and get funds to perform the obligatory pilgrimage?

Ans: lf she needs those items and the sale will cause problems for her then she should not sell them to raise funds for the obligatory pilgrimage.

Q4. Can a wife demand from her husband the payment of her mahr (Dowry money) or return of a loan that she has given him for funds for her obligatory pilgrimage?

Ans: Yes a wife can ask for her mahr. But if such a demand will result in divorce or enmity then she should refrain from doing so. But if the result is only mild displeasure then she must ask for her money.

Q5. If a wife received her mahr at the time of marriage, and spent the money on buying clothes, jewelry and household goods, even though the money was sufficient to make Hajj obligatory on her, is Hajj still considered obligatory on her?

Ans: If the utilization of mahr for the obligatory pilgrimage instead of above mentioned items will cause hardship then she cannot do so. Otherwise she will be considered to have enough funds and therefore capable of performing pilgrimage.

Q6. If a relative or son is willing to finance the obligatory Hajj but the lady concerned finds it insulting, is it necessary for her to accept the offer?

Ans: If it is very degrading then she should not accept the offer otherwise she has to take up the offer.

Q7. A girl of marriageable age has enough funds to perform obligatory pilgrimage but this will delay her marriage. Is it correct to go for Hajj in such a case?

Ans: She should perform obligatory Hajj and delay the marriage. But in case the consequences will be (far reaching) then marriage is more important.

Q8. Someone fulfills all conditions required for Hajj, but has to sit for an examination during the pilgrimage dates, and missing them will affect her whole future. What should she do?

Ans: If she is sure she will be able to perform pilgrimage the following year then she can delay her Hajj (Can anyone be sure of such a thing?) But if missing examination will result in irreparable damage then she can delay her obligatory pilgrimage.

Q9. If a husband gives his wife enough funds for pilgrimage and she knows that no khums (1/5 of savings) has been paid on it, can she accept it?

Ans: If a wife receives any funds from her husband for pilgrimage she can use it even if she knows that khums has not been paid on it. The same rule applies for funds she receives for· other expenses.

Q10. Is it permissible for a husband to give his Syeda wife a part of sehm al-sadat for pilgrimage expenses?

Ans: He cannot do this. However if Hajj has become mandatory on his wife for some reason, and he still has to pay her household expenses, and if sehm al-sadat is due on the money which he has allocated for her household expenses, only that he can give to her.

Q11. lf a husband puts away some money with his wife's pilgrimage in mind, but she dies before going for the Holy trip, will pilgrimage become obligatory on her (i.e. will someone else have to perform Hajj on her behalf) even though the money was not her own?

Ans: Even if the money was her own but she could not go because the opportunity to travel did not arise, then the conditions were not fulfilled and obligatory Hajj never became mandatory upon her.

Q12. If a wife has enough funds but her husband passes away near the time of Hajj, and she is in iddah is Hajj mandatory for her?

Ans: Yes Hajj will be mandatory for her if she fulfills all other conditions.

Q13. Is it a must for a lady to travel with a mahram (male relative whom she cannot marry) for pilgrimage?

Ans: If she considers it safe to travel without a mahram then she can do so. If not, then she will have to pay for a mahram or someone else to travel with her. If she cannot afford this then the conditions are not fulfilled, and Hajj is not mandatory on her.

Q14. If a child provides funds for his mother's pilgrimage does she need her husband's permission?

Ans: No she does not need to ask for husband's permission.

Q15. If a pregnant or breast feeding mother may harm herself or her child during her journey, will she be considered as fulfilling the conditions necessitating Hajj?

Ans: No she cannot go for Hajj in such a situation.

Q16. If one is in disagreement with the business partner over business affairs, is it permissible to use funds from the business without the partner's permission for Hajj?

Ans: No, one cannot do this.


The following conditions will make it mandatory for a woman to perform her obligatory Hajj.

Finance: She possesses sufficient wealth, because she has a right to spend them the way she wants.

Jewels: If she possesses jewels of which she has no need. For example because of old age if she does not use them then she can sell them and perform pilgrimage.

Mahr: The amount of mahr is enough to meet the expenses of pilgrimage or at the time of marriage the husband promised his wife to take her for pilgrimage then it is mandatory on him to do so.

Inheritance: If she inherits money after the death of her husband or any other relative then she is considered as having met the financial condition.

Gift: If her husband, father or any other relative is willing to provide funds then pilgrimage becomes obligatory.

Hajj by Appointing a Deputy (Niyaabat)

If another person performs pilgrimage on someone else's behalf because of some particular circumstances, it is called Hajj by Proxy and the person is called a proxy, representative, agent or deputy.

Conditions for an Agent of a Hajj by Proxy

1. Baligh (adult): A child cannot be a proxy in an obligatory pilgrimage. Even if he is mumayyaz (mentally and physically mature but not biologically) he cannot be someone's representative. But in a recommended pilgrimage if the guardian permits then a mumayyaz child can be a representative.

2. He should be mentally sane.

3. He should be follower of twelve Imams.

4. He should be trustworthy.

5. The agent should not be under obligation to perform any other pilgrimage.

6. He should be well versed in all the rites of pilgrimage or under guidance of someone who is well versed.

Conditions for the One for Whom Hajj by Proxy may be carried out

1. He must be Muslim.

2. He must have either died.

3. Or he must be elderly or an invalid with no chance of recovery.


It is not necessary for the agent to be of the same sex as the person on whose behalf he is performing Hajj. Therefore a male can perform Hajj for a female or vice versa.

Question and Answers

Q1. If a lady is representing a man for Hajj-ut-Tamatu and there is a chance that because of menstruation dates she might not be able to perform Umra-ut-Tamatu and she will be forced to change the pilgrimage to Hajj al-Ifraad, will such an agent be suitable?

Ans: If the person for whom she is proxy is sure that the lady is capable of performing Hajj-ut-Tamatu then the representation is valid and her act will be acceptable even if she was forced to perform Hajj al-Ifraad because of her condition.

Q2. After the mandatory stop in Mash'ar can the agent leave Muzdalafah at night?

Ans: Yes an agent can do so.

Q3. If a lady agent cannot perform the rite of Rami of Jamarat (hitting Satan symbol with pebbles) can she ask someone else to do it for her?

Ans: If she knew at the time when she took the responsibility of proxy pilgrimage that she would not be able to perform this rite on 10th of Dhil Hajjah (12th month of Islamic year), neither during the day nor night, then her proxy on the basis of ehtyat­e-wajib (obligatory precaution) is considered to be void. But if she is unable to do so on the 11th and 12th then her proxy is valid. Furthermore, if circumstances arise that make her unable to do so after becoming the agent then her proxy is valid.

Umra al-Mufrada

Miqat for Umra al-Mufrada

If the pilgrim is in Makkah then the miqat (a special place designated by the sacred rules of Islam for wearing ihram) is Hudaybiyyah. Ja'ranah or Tan'eem.

Rules for Umra al-Mufrada

1. Ihram.

2. Tawaf (circumambulation).

3. Salaat for tawaf.

4. Sa'ee between Safa and Marwah.

5. Taqseer. (Cutting the hair of the head).

6. Tawaf-un-Nisa.

7. Salaat for tawaf-un nisa.


The main difference between Umra al-Mufrada and Umra-ut­Tamatu is that there is no tawaf-un-nisa in Umra-ut-Tumatu. The second difference is that miqat for Umra-ut-Tamatu is from the five main designated places.

Repetition of Umra al-Mufrada

A person is not allowed to perform two Umras in the same month (either for himself or for someone else). But if the Umras are for two different people then it is permissible.

Questions and Answers

Q1. Can a woman during menstruation wear ihram for Umra-e­Mufrada and if so, how?

Ans: She can do it outside the mosque and perform niyyat (intention).

Q2. If a woman has already worn ihram for Umra and her period begins, and it will not end during her stay in Makkah, what should she do?

Ans: Tawaf and its prayer must be performed by a representative on her behalf, but she can perform the rest of the rites herself in this condition.

Q3. If on returning home she finds out that the tawaf for Umra­e-Mufrada was invalid and it is not possible to return to Makkah then how does she shed her ihram?

Ans: As an obligatory precaution she has to perform the tawaf herself .To have a proxy perform the tawaf will not suffice.

Types of Pilgrimage

There are three types of pilgrimages:

1. Tamatu.

2. Ifraad.

3. Qiraan.

The first is the obligation on those who reside more than 48 miles from Makkah and the other two are prescribed for those who reside within 48 miles of Makkah.


This is divided into two parts.

1. Umra-ut-Tamatu.

2. Hajj-ut-Tamatu.

Philosophy of Umra-ut-Tamatu

The first part of pilgrimage is Umra-ut-Tamattu the reason might be that during the Umra the cleansing of soul begins and during the pilgrimage rites it reaches its zenith. A person's soul heats up during Umra and pilgrimage cooks it completely. A hot thing can become cold but a cooked thing cannot become raw.

If while performing Umra the body made the soul do tawaf then during the pilgrimage the soul should guide the body during tawaf.

Philosophy behind Miqat

When the pilgrim leaves her home to travel to the place where she has to wear her ihram she should fill her mind with the thoughts of Day of Judgment and the terrible scenes that will be witnessed on that day.

As Allah (swt) says in the Holy Qur'an:

ان يوم الفصل ميقاتهم اجمعين i

"Surely the day of separation is their appointed term of all of them."


Miqat is a special place designated by the sacred rules of Islam for wearing ihram (special dress for Pilgrimage). It differs according to the landing city of pilgrims.

There are nine places which can be used as Miqat.

1. Masjid-ush-Shajarah: It is called Thul Hulaifah. It is the Miqat for pilgrim coming into Makkah from Madina. Here the ihram is worn inside the mosque. Ladies in menstruation and in jenabat can wear it while passing through the mosque or even outside the mosque. Wearing ihram is permitted for a woman during menstruation.

2. Waadil-Aqeeq: It is the miqat of pilgrims arriving from Iraq and Najd.

3. Qarn-ul-Manaazil: This is used by pilgrims coming from Ta'if.

4. Yalamlam: This is a mountain and is miqat for pilgrims coming from Yemen.

5. Johfa: This is for pilgrims arriving from Syria.

6. The proximity of any of the above quoted Miqats: if a person takes a route which does not cross any of the mentioned Miqats, he or she must wear ihram from any place which is parallel to the Miqat.

7. Makkah: This is the Miqat for Hajj-ut-Tamatu, as well as Hajj-ul-Qiraan and Ifraad for the residents of Makkah, and its neighborhood.

8. The pilgrim's home is the Miqat for those who are nearer to Makkah than the Miqat as it is permissible for them to wear ihram from their homes and are not obliged to return ·to a Miqat.

9. Adnal Hil like Hudaybiyyah, Ja'ranah, or Tan'eem: It is the Miqat for Umrat al-Mufradah after the Hajj-ul-Qiraan or Ifraad and all Umra al-Mufradah by those in Makkah.

If a lady having menstruations and not knowing the rule did not don her ihram at the Miqat and entered the Haram, then as an obligatory precaution she should return to one of the Miqat and wear her ihram. If it is not possible to go to a Miqat then on the basis of precaution she should go as far away as possible from the Haram and as a precaution wear ihram there.

Rituals of Umra-ut-Tamatu

1. Ihram.

2. Tawaf (Circumambulation).

3. Salaat for Tawaf.

4. Sa'ee between the hills of Safa and Marwa.

5. Taqseer (Cutting one’s hair).

Questions and Answers

Q1. If a pilgrim forgets to wear ihram or because of unconsciousness or lack of knowledge does not wear it, what should she do?

Ans: If it is possible to return to one of the Miqats then it should be done. If it is not possible and the pilgrim has already entered the Haram, then she should leave the Haram and go as far as possible and wear the ihram. If it is not possible to go out of the Haram then the ihram may be worn there. If the pilgrim has not yet entered the Haram but the return to Miqat is impossible then she should go as far away as possible and wear the ihram.

Q2. Can a lady during menstruations enter a mosque to wear ihram and does she need ablutions before entering the mosque?

Ans: No she can enter the mosque without ablutions to wear ihram.