A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani]

A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani]0%

A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani] Author:
Translator: Huma Hasan Jafri
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
Category: Woman

A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani]

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Razia Batool Najafi
Translator: Huma Hasan Jafri
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
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A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani]
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A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani]

A Guidebook for Women on Rites of Hajj [Sistani]

Publisher: www.al-islam.org

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Philosophy of Ihram

Donning of ihram is leaving the material world behind and migrating to the elevated presence of Allah (swt). It is a reminder of shrouds which every human has to wear after death. It also reminds us that this is a practice session for the Day of Judgment.

The pilgrim must shed her pride and dress in the clothes which will take her closer to Allah (swt). Those waiting for lmam al-Zamana (ajtf) are awaiting a Reformer and so should be obedient and patient. Likewise those entering the Haram of Allah (swt) should be in ihram.

Philosophy of the Color "White"

The color of ihram is white which represents purity. We came to the world pure and should endeavor to leave it in the same condition.

Two faults are always associated with Muslims: One, that they are not peace loving and the other that they are not neat and tidy. Both these issues are answered by the rituals of ihram.

"Cleanliness is half faith" Reality of this tradition can be observed in pilgrimage.

Why has Islam selected white color out of so many available?

White represents purity as well as peace and tranquility. That is why this color is recommended for daily prayers, for ihram and even for shroud.

White color keeps away bugs and insects. That is why patients beds are covered with white sheets and doctors and nurses wear white uniforms. Islam emphasized on this color from the beginning.

This color not only helps in outer cleanliness it also encourages inner purity. It forces n person to think that as this dress is pure and clean so should our inner self be. We should try to keep all negative thoughts away from our minds and keep them pure like our dress.

Questions and Answers

Q1. If a lady sees blood while wearing ihram or after wearing it and has no idea when it will end; will her obligatory pilgrimage be Hajj-ut-Tamatu or Hajj al-Ifraad?

Ans: If the lady sees the blood while wearing ihram then whichever pilgrimage she was planning on doing, that is, Tamatu or Ifraad, she should do niyyat (intention) for that. Then if her bleeding ends she can perform ghusl (purifying bath) and if possible perform Umra otherwise she will have to perform Hajj al-Ifraad. But lf she sees the blood after wearing ihram then she should keep her intention, that is, not change it to Hajj al-Ifraad. Then if she is-able to perform ghusl in time she can perform Umra otherwise change her intention to Hajj al-Ifraad.

Q2. If a lady dons ihram with the intention of Hajj al-Ifraad thinking that she could not possibly perform Hajj-ut-Tamatu, but on reaching Makkah realizes that it is possible for her to perform Umra-ut-Tamatu. Then what should she do?

Ans: She can change her intention to Hajj-ut-Tamatu.

Q3. If a lady enters Masjid-ush-Shajarah during her period, wears ihram and leaves from the same door, is her ihram correct?

Ans: Yes her ihram is correct. However entering the mosque in her condition is considered a haram act.

Q4. ls it obligatory for a lady to wear socks when in ihram?

Ans: Yes it is obligatory, because she is not allowed to expose her feet in front of na mehram men.

Q5. A lady wears ihram during her period. After doing ghusl she performs Umra-ut-Tamatu. Then in Arafaat (9th of Dhil Hajjah) she again spots blood (which normally ends before the ten days of menstruation, what should she do?)

Ans: She has performed her Umra-ut-Tamatu between two cycles of menstruation. There is a difference of opinion between scholars about this situation, the majority say that this short period between the two cycles is also considered part of the menstrual period. But there is a group who think that this is a paak (lslamically Clean) period.

Thus according to the majority of scholars, because the woman was still in her menses, her obligatory pilgrimage changes to Ifraad and after completing her pilgrimage rites she must perform Umra al-Mufrida.

According to the second group of scholars however, because the woman was considered paak between the two cycles, her umra is valid and she can continue with Hajj-ut-Tamatu.

According to precaution she should follow the decree given by an Islamic Jurist whom she follows.

Obligatory Acts for Ihram

1. Niyyat: “I am wearing the ihram for Umra al-Tamatu qurbatan ilallah (To be near Allah swt).

2. Reciting Talbiyah (Response to God's command).That is, to utter the following: "Labbaik, Allahumma labbaik, labbaik, la sharika laka labbaik", meaning (Here I am! at Your service, O Lord! Here I am! at Your service, You have no partner. Here I am at Your service).

It is highly recommended to add the following: "Innal hamda wanni’mata laka wal mulka, la sharika laka”. It is also permissible to add to this "labaik" and say, "la sharika laka labaik", meaning (All the praise is Yours; so is the bounty, and to You belongs the property; there is no partner to You. Here I am! at Your service).

One may question if a lady can recite Talbiyah out loud? Shari'ah says she can and there is no harm in doing so.

Recommended Acts for Ihram

1. Having a ghusl for ihram before wearing it. Even ladies having menstruations should have a bath.

2. The ihram should not be made of pure silk. Infact it is better to avoid all garments of pure silk during ihram. But if there is no other choice then it can be used.

3. Cutting one's nails or removing underarm or bikini line hair.

4. Wearing one's ihram after Zohr (Afternoon) prayers. If this is not possible then it is better to wear it after any obligatory prayer. Otherwise one can pray six Raka'at (Unit) recommended prayers or two Raka'at Salaat al-Nafla and then wear the ihram. In the first Raka'at one should recite Sura Fatiha followed by Sura Ikhlas from the Qur'an and in the second one recite Sura Fatiha and then Sura Hajj.

5. Recitation of special duas is recommended while having a bath, donnng ihram and after offering Salaat.

Undesirable Acts During Ihram

1. Using black cloth for the ihram.

2. Using yellow colored pillow cases and bed sheets.

3. Using dirty clothes as one's ihram. .

4. Applying henna shortly before wearing ihram, so that the smell and color are still there when one wears the ihram.

5. Dipping one's body in water.

6. To answer someone else's call with Labbaik.

Philosphy of Circumambulation (Tawaf)

Oneness of Allah (swt) {Tawhid}

Circumambulation around Kaba does not mean that the body goes around in circles. The real reason for this rite is that the heart and soul of the pilgrim should move around the House of Allah (swt) and his love for Allah (swt) should become so great that no worldly attraction should distract him from this path. Neither east nor west should distract him only Tawhid should attract him.


The pilgrims were residing in different countries of the world. They all gathered in Makkah then moved to Masjid al-Haram and with great love and enthusiasm started circumambulating around Kaba. This makes them realize that they were like a drop of water but now this gathering has made them part of a huge ocean.

Act of Angels

The angels circumambulate in the heavens likewise pilgrims do it on the earth. Earth dwellers are compared to heaven dwellers, because pilgrims circumambulate around Kaba on the earth and exactly above this is Bait-ul-Mamur in the heavens where angels are doing the same.

During circumambulation it is a must that Kaba should be towards ones left side. The reason might be that the heart is also on the left side of the body. Heart is the House of Allah (swt) so it should always be completely attentive to House of Allah.

Rules of Circumambulation

Circling seven times around Kaba is called one Tawaf. There are several conditions for tawaf.

1. Niyyat: Tawaf is invalid if there is no intention to perform it for the purpose of attaining closeness and obedience to Allah (SWI). In addition one must mention for which Umra or Hajj tawaf is being performed and whether it is an obligatory or recommended tawaf.

2. Taharah (Cleanliness): Cleanliness both major (such as jinabat, haidh and nifas) and minor causes of impurities (such as urine and excrement) is compulsory. If one performs tawaf despite such uncleanliness, whether deliberately, out of ignorance, or inadvertently, the tawaf is invalid.

If in the course of tawaf, the pilgrim who is in a state of ihram, passes wind, urine or stool, the following rules must be taken into consideration:

• If he does so before completing the fourth round, the tawaf is invalid and he must repeat it after performing Wudhoo (Ablution);

• If it occurs involuntarily after completing the fourth round, he must interrupt the tawaf, perform Wudhoo, and complete the tawaf from where he had interrupted it;

• If the occurrence, after completing the fourth round was by choice, as a matter of precaution he must complete the tawaf after performing Wudhoo, and repeat the tawaf for a second time as well.

Rules for a Menstrual Lady during Circumambulation

If a lady begins her menstrual cycle during tawaf and sees blood before the fourth round then her tawaf is invalid. But if she sees it after the fourth round then the tawaf is valid and after her ghusl of haydh she can complete the remaining rounds. As a precaution she should complete the rounds and do another tawaf if there is enough time. But if her schedule is tight then she should perform Sa'ee, cut her hair and wear the ihram for Hajj, and on return from Mina before performing the tawaf for Hajj she should do her Umra tawaf with Qadha (Delayed performance) intention.

After performing the tawaf and its prayers, a lady finds out that she is having menstruation but has no idea when it started, that is:

A - Before the tawaf.

B - Before the special prayers for the tawaf.

C- During tawaf

D - During the prayers.

E - After the prayers.

ln such a case she should take it as definite that the tawaf and its special prayers were performed in acceptable conditions. If she has definite knowledge that her menstruations started before or after her prayers then she should perform ghusl of haidh and say her special prayers. But if there is not enough time then before performing the tawaf of Hajj she should offer delayed prayers.

After completing tawaf but before offering its prayers, if the menstruation starts then the tawaf will be considered correct and she will offer its prayers after her menstruation cycle ends and she has had her ghusl. But again if there is not enough time then she should perform Sa'ee between Safa and Marwa and have her hair cut and offer the tawaf prayers with delayed intention before doing the tawaf for Hajj.

If a lady at the time of Umm-ut-Tamatu spots blood before wearing ihram or while wearing it or after having done so, but before performing tawaf, then if there is sufficient time then she should wait for her cycle to end, do her ghusl, and then perform all the rites of Umra-ut-Tamatu. But if there is not enough time then she has two choices.

1. If she spotted blood before donning ihram or while donning it then her Hajj-ut-Tamatu will be changed to Hajj al-Ifraad and if possible she should perform Umra al-Mufrida after completing the pilgrimage rites.

2. If she spots blood after donning ihram then as a compulsory precaution she should change her intention of Hajj-ut­Tamatu to Hajj al-Ifrad. But she should perform Sa'ee of Safa and Marwa and cutting of hair which are part of Umra­ut-Tamatu, wear ihram for Hajj per form her Mina rites, then perform tawaf and its prayers for Umra-ut-Tamatu with delayed Intention, before performing the tawaf for Hajj.

But if she knows for sure that her cycle will not end even after completion of Mina rites then she should let an agent perform tawaf and prayers but perform the Sa'ee and cutting of hair herself.

There is sufficient time for a woman to perform all the rites of Umra-ut-Tamatu but she does not take the opportunity to do so, even though she is sure that later she will not be able to perform the Umra-ut-Tamatu rites because of lack of time and her menstrual cycle, and then what she feared actually occurs. That is her menstrual cycle begins and there is not sufficient time left to perform all the rites of Umra, then her Umra is invalid and her ihram also becomes invalid.

She cannot change her Hajj-ut­Tamatu to Hajj al-Ifraad. But as a precaution she should perform all rites of pilgrimage with the intention of Hajj-e­Ifraad, keeping sincere hope in heart towards their acceptance. Infact as a precaution she should perform tawaf, prayers for it, Sa'ee and cutting of hair for both Umra al-Mufrida and Hajj-e­Ifraad.

Questions and Answers

Q1. During tawaf the area between Rukn al-Yamani and Maqam al-Ibrahim is very crowded and there is a lot of contact with men, because of this is it permitted to perform circumambulation on the outer side of Maqam al-Ibrahim? (As contact with men is less likely in this area)

Ans: If the contact between men and women performing circumambulation is the one which is unavoidable in a big crowd then it is permitted. But If it becomes too intimate then it is not permitted. So because of unavoidable contact one cannot perform circumambulation on the outer side of Maqam-e­Ibrahim.

Q2. Is there any difference between covering the parts of body during Prayers and during Tawaf?

Ans: Yes there is some difference. Those parts of the body which must be covered in prayers, like one's hair, arms down to the wrists, legs down to the ankles, if revealed during tawaf do not make the tawaf invalid. But as a recommended precaution it is better to take care that they are covered as in prayers like prayers.

As an obligatory precaution it is not permitted to cover ones face with a veil while performing tawaf even if the lady is not in ihram. For example when she performs the tawaf of Hajj after the rites in Mina on the day of Eid-al-Adha, she should not use a veil. If he wants she can pull down her head covering to hide her face but it should not touch her face.

Q3. What happens if during tawaf, a lady's (beauty spots) are revealed or a little hair is revealed?

Ans: Her tawaf is valid but she has committed a sin.

Q4. What happens if a lady spots blood after realizing that her Urnra-ut-Tamatu circumambulation has become invalid?

Ans: In such a case the same rule applies as the one where blood is spotted before starting circumambulation.

Q5. If a lady is using precautionary medication to stop her menstrual cycle but sees some spots on her due date, which do not have the properties of menstruations, what should she do? She is aware that stopping the use of medication will start her cycle.

Ans: Such spotting will not be considered as menstruation. It will be treated as istihaza (yellowish or brown spotting) and the rules of istihadha will apply to her.

Q6. If a lady is unsure whether to use medication in order to be able to perform tawaf and its prayers herself, or to assign the rites to an agent is it a must for her to use medication?

Ans: If there is no danger of any harmful effect on her health then use of medication is obligatory.

Q7. While performing recommended tawaf if there is a contact with men and gaze falls on male bodies, is the tawaf valid?

Ans: Circumambulation is valid, but the lady should not touch or gaze intentionally.

Rules for a Lady Having Istehadha

There are three types of menstruations.

1. Qalila (Little blood)

2. Mutawassita (Medium blood)

3. Kathira (Excessive blood)

If a lady starts light bleeding of her menstrual cycle during circumambulation after the fourth round then after washing her private parts and performing wudhu she should complete her rounds. But if it happens before the fourth round then the entire tawaf will have to be performed again.

Only a lady having light bleeding can enter Masjid-ul-Haram without ghusl.


A woman with light bleeding should follow the rules that apply to one's daily prayers, and wash the private parts for every tawaf, using fresh sanitary towels and performing wudhu. Then for tawaf prayers she should again perform wudhu.

A woman with medium bleeding should perform one ghusl for tawaf and its prayers. But wudhu for both rites will be performed separately.

A woman with heavy bleeding should perform separate ghusls for tawaf and its prayers. She does not have to do wudhu but if there is any act which causes minor impurity then she has to do wudhu also.

Q. If a lady having menstruations who is supposed to perform ghusl and wudhu before every tawaf and prayers for it, offers obligatory prayers during tawaf with the same wudhu and continues her rounds after her prayers again with the same wudhu, is her action valid?

Ans: In such a condition neither her tawaf nor her obligatory prayers are valid.

Body and Clothes should be Free of all Impurities

As a compulsory precaution it is better to avoid even those impurities which do not matter in obligatory prayers. For example a blood spot less than a dirham size, cap, socks, handkerchief or ring which is not ceremonially pure.

Body Covering

The whole body has to be covered except for face and hands up to wrists.

Q. What is the rule about performing circumambulation wearing dress or outer covering made of see-through (transparent) cloth? ·

Ans: It is a sin to wear dress made from see-through or transparent cloth; and complete covering is obligatory during circumambulation.

Obligations in Cirumambulation

There are eight obligations to be fulfilled in circumambulation.

1. It must be commenced at Hajar-ul-Aswad (The Black Stone).

2. At the end of the whole round, it should end here also.

3. At all times, during the circumambulation, the Holy Kaba must be to the left of the pilgrim.

4. Hijr Ismail must be included in tawaf; that is to say, a pilgrim must turn around the Hijr without entering it or climbing its wall.

5. One must circumambulate keeping clear of the Holy Kaba and its protection is known as Shadharwaan.

6. One must circumambulate seven times continuously. Less than seven rounds will invalidate the tawaf; if more than seven rounds are made deliberately, the tawaf will be invalid too.

7. The seven rounds must follow each other without considerable interruption between them.

8. The circumambulation must be performed by free movement of the pilgrim. If he was made to move by being pushed by the crowd this will not be acceptable.

As is widely held, circumambulations performed between the Holy Kaba and Maqame (the station) of Ibrahim (A.S.) - a distance of twenty six and a half arm lengths (about 12 meters). As one has to go around the wall of Hijr Ismail, the distance is reduced to six and a half arm lengths (about 3 meters). However, if one moves outside this ambit, it is acceptable, though makrouh (Not desirable), particularly if one is unable to remain within the limits, or harm could befall him, if he did so.

Nevertheless, where possible, observing precaution is recommended.

As soon as a lady realizes that her menstruations have started she must leave Masjid al-Haram. Rules for her circumambulation have been mentioned before.

Prayers for Circumambulation

The third obligation in Umrat-ut-Tamatu consists of two units of prayers to be said after circumambulation. It is performed like morning prayers except that the worshipper has the option to say it aloud or in a whispered way. It is obligatory to say it close to Maqam al-lbrahim (as). Evidently, it must be said at its rear. If it is not possible to do so then as a precaution one must offer two sets of prayers. One set one may say on any of it both sides and in addition another set far from the Maqam but at its rear.

If this is not possible, any of the two is sufficient. However, if this is not possible, then one may, as a matter of precaution, say it anywhere in the Mosque, and as close to the Maqam as possible. This is so when the tawaf is obligatory, but when it is optional, one may pray anywhere in the Mosque.


This is the fourth obligation in Umrat-ut-Tamatu. In sa'ee too, intention to seek nearness to Allah (swt) is obligatory but there is no obligation to cover the private parts, [although exposing one's genitals in a public place is not allowed], or for purity from urine or excrement, although it is preferable (al awla) to be ritually clean during sa'ee.

Sa'ee is to be performed after circumambulation and its prayer. If it is performed before the circumambulation or prayers, it is obligatory to repeat it after performing both.

Niyyat (Intention) to attain closeness to Allah (swt) is essential in sa'ee performed for Umrah or Pilgrimage, whichever is applicable. ·

Sa'ee consists of seven laps. The first round starts at Safa and ends at Marwah. The second round is a reversal of the first; the third is like the first, and so on until the seventh round ends at Marwah. One can delay performance of sa'ee till night without any valid reason, but as a precaution it is better not to delay. A lady having menstruation who employs an agent for circumambulation and its prayers should perform the sa’ee herself because this area is not part of mosque.

Q. If a lady after her purifying bath performs circumambulation and its prayers, then starts sa'ee but between rounds realizes that she is still having menstruations, is her sa'ee valid?

Ans: No it is invalid. She should perform her circumambulation again offer its prayers and then perform sa'ee.

Taqseer (Cutting of Hair)

It is the fifth obligation in Umrat-ut-Tamatu. It must be embarked on with the niyyat (Intention) of closeness to Allah (swt). It is materialized by cutting some hair of the head.

• Cutting is a must, plucking is not valid.

• As it is widely held, it is accepted by cutting the nails of hand or foot, as an alternative. However it should, as a matter of precaution not be performed independent of cutting the hair first.

• A lady can only do taqseer for another if she has already done it for herself.

• It is not obligatory to perform taqseer there and then. In fact if there is a danger of exposing hair in front of men then it is better to do it on reaching their accommodation.

• If a pilgrim, knowingly and deliberately, engage in a sexual act after sa'ee, but before taqseer, he is liable to bear a kaffarah (Penalty) of a camel. However, if she did so in ignorance of the rule, she should be relieved of the penalty.

Change of Hajj al-Tamatu to Hajj al-Ifraad

One of the essential parts of Hajj·e·Tamatu is Umra al-Tamatu. A lady who has to perform Hajj al-Tamattu but because of menstruation or lack of time could not perform Umra al-Tamatu, then she should change her intention to Hajj al-Ifraad, because for this type of pilgrimage Umrah is not required. She should stay in Arafat with other pilgrims, go to Muzdalfa and perform all rites of Mina. But sacrificing of sheep is not obligatory for her. On return to Makkah she should perform circumambulation of Ziarat (visit to Holy place) and its prayers, sa'ee and Tawaf-un­ Nisa (The circumambulation which makes husband and wife valid for each other) with its prayers. Then she can shed her ihram. She should return to Mina spend night there and perform all rites which are done on 10th, 11th and 12th of Dhil Hajjah.

Hajj al-Tammatu

For Hajj al-Tammatu, the First obligatory act is donning of ihram.

Ihram for Pilgrimage

After completing Umrah rites every pilgrim has to don ihram for Hajj-e·Tamattu. The only difference between Pilgrimage ihram and Umra ihram is intention and place, rest is same.

Ihram can be donned anywhere in Makkah, but highly recommended place is Masjid-e -Haram. Offer two units of prayers near Maqam al-Ibrahim or Hajr al-Ismaeel and then don ihram.

Philosophy Behind Stay in Arafat Plain

The name Arafat has been derived from word 'araf, which means acquaintance, recognition or knowing. There are many different reasons for the use of this name.

1. Prophet Adam (as) and Lady Eve (as) met each other after a long wait at this plain.

2. Prophet Abraham (as) dreamed about offering sacrifice of Prophet Ismaeel (as) at this plain.

3. Imam Jaffer al-Sadiq (as) said: Angel Gabriel (as) brought Prophet Adam (as) to this plain and told Him, "After the sun set confess your sins." So as Prophet Adam (as) became acquainted with His sins here that is why it is called Arafat.

These are the few commonly held beliefs for why this place has been given this name. Now we will discuss the philosophy behind the selection of this particular plain.

This plain is very close to nature. No high rise building or material wealth or comforts are found here. Therefore it presents the picture of what we will have to face on the Day of Judgment when we are gathered in front of Allah (swt) for question and answer.

Prophet Mohammad (S) said, "Day of 'Arafah is a very difficult day for Satan."

When God's servants leave all the material life behind and become fully focused on their creator, then why will not this day become a difficult one for Satan.

Conditions for Stay in Arafat

The second obligation in Hajj-ut-Tamatu is the stay at Arafat. The objective of performing this act of worship has to be the intention of attainment of closeness to Allah (swt). The requirement is the presence in Arafat, regardless of whether the pilgrim is riding, walking, sitting or moving.

Stay at Arafat should, as a matter of precaution, be from the beginning of zawaal (Time when the sun set begins) on the ninth of Zil Hijjah till sunset.

The stay there for this period is obligatory and whoever fails to do so; by choice, commit a sin. However, it is not one of the fundamentals of Pilgrimage, i.e. if one fails to be there for a portion of the required time, one's Hajj is not invalidated.

There are two types of stays:

1. Wuquf al-Ikhtiari (Optional stay): Stay during the day time.

2. Wuquf al-lztirari (Compulsory stay): A short stay on the Eid night.

If for some valid reason or lack of knowledge one does not perform Wuquf al-Ikhtiari then she must do Wuquf al-Iztirari and her Pilgrimage will be valid.

Philosophy of Stay at Mash’ar

Allah (swt) says in the Holy Qur'an:

فَإِذَا أَفَضْتُمْ مِنْ عَرَفَاتٍ فَاذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ عِنْدَ الْمَشْعَرِ الْحَرَامِ

[Shakir 2:198] “So when you hasten on from "Arafat", then remember Allah near the Holy Monument.

How to remember Allah (swt)?

The open plains and desert of Mash'ar, complete silence of night and sky full of shining stars, makes one remember ones creator. There was a tent city in the plain of Arafat, the artificial lights were shining, but here it is just open space with dark of night on all sides.

Yes as one rite of Pilgrimage follows another, it becomes simpler. The pilgrim starts feeling closer to nature closer to his Creator. Meaningful thoughts and inner light make him aware of the meanings of his creation. The meaning of Mash'ar is awareness or perception.

We can say that Arafat was one grade and Mash'ar is a higher grade. That grade we attended in the day time and now we are in the night class. Both classes are held in plains. In the first class there was roof to sit under, food to eat and lights to brighten the surroundings. But the second class is held in a plain where there is no food to eat no lights to guide one. There is a danger of getting lost. Pebbles have to be collected. The pilgrim is already very tired. Yesterday in the plain of Arafat hands were holding supplication book, now hands are full of pebbles which will be used for attacking the enemy.

Oh! The pilgrim of the House of Allah (swt) if you have been lacking in deeds, do not stay behind in supplication.

If back home the world, friends and foes, neighbors and co­ workers, teachers and class mates distracted you here there is no one to do so. The Greatest Host has brought you to this land where the earth is full of tears of all Holy Men of history. The atmosphere here is witness to the grieving and crying of passionate followers of Allah (swt). Be appreciative of this Holy place and wake up from your slumber.

Conditions for Stay at Mash'aril-Haram

The third obligation in Hajj-ut-Tamatu is stay at Muzdalifah which is also known as Mash'aril-Haram.

When a pilgrim leaves Arafat, some part of the night of 10th Dhil Hajjah she must spend in Muzdalifah. She should, as a matter of precaution, stay till sunrise with the intention of closeness to Allah (swt).

Ladies can stay for a short period and before sunrise depart for Mina.

If someone cannot perform optional stay then compulsory stay is enough.

Wuquf al-Ikhtiari (Optional stay): It starts from 10th Dhil Hajjah night and ends at sunrise.

Wuqf al-Iztiari (Compulsory stay): On the Eid day between sunrise to sunset a short stay.

Obligatory Acts in Mina

When a pilgrim departs from Muzdalifah, it is obligatory to proceed to Mina to discharge one's obligations which are three:

1. Stoning Rami al-Jamrat (Symbol of Satan).

2. Sacrificing an animal at Mina.

3. Taqseer (Cutting of hair).

Philosophy Behind Rami al-Jamrat

Prophet Abraham (as) and Satan

Imam Musa al-Kazim (as) said, "At this place Satan appeared in front of Prophet Abraham (as) and tried everything to put doubt in His mind. But Prophet (as) threw stones at him which made him run away”. This deed became so popular with Allah (swt) that it was made a rite of Pilgrimage.

At three different points Prophet Abraham (as) threw seven pebbles each time to disappoint Satan.

Lady Hager and Satan

The Satan came to Lady Hager (as) and said, "Today your son will be killed." She replied, "A father can never kill his son." Satan said, "Abraham thinks it is God's order to kill his son."

The brave lady answered, "If it is an order from God Almighty then I am happy with it." This answer disappointed Satan very much.

Then Satan went to Prophet Ishmael (as) and tried to put doubts in His mind. But the strong son of a brave mother stayed steadfast in His resolution. The Satan again went back to Prophet Abraham (as), who again threw pebbles at him.

This incident teaches us that Satan tries to misguide one sometimes through the spouse, at others through offspring and sometimes approaches directly. Only strong faith in Allah (swt) can save one from this evil influence.

Stoning Jamratil-Aqabtah (Big Satan)

This is the fourth obligation in Pilgrimage on the day of the Eid of sacrifice. Certain conditions have to be observed:

1. The intention should be the attainment of nearness to Allah (swt).

2. Seven stones must be thrown, not more or less; it is not permitted to throw anything other than stones.

3. The stones must be thrown one after the other and not two or more at a time.

4. It is necessary that the stones hit the Jamrah.

5. The stones must reach the Jamrah by being aimed at it and not merely deposited there. So any stones not thrown intentionally will not be counted.

6. The throwing of the stones and hitting the Jamrah must be done by a pilgrim himself. So, if the stone was in his hand but he was jostled around, resulting in the stone reaching the Jamrah, the obligation is not fulfilled. The same rule applies, if the Jamrah is obstructed by a man, a woman, or an animal whose movements result in the stone hitting the]amrah. However, there is no objection to its hitting something before reaching the Jamrah.

7. The stone must be thrown by hand.

8. The throwing of stones must be carried out between sunrise and sunset. Women and others who are permitted to leave Muzdalifah at night may perform rami at the Jamrah at night during Eid. eve

Conditions for Pebbles

1. They must have been picked within the boundaries of the Haram but not from the Holy Mosque or the Mosque of Khief, and better still, they be picked in Muzdalifah.

2. As a matter of precaution, they must not have been used for this purpose before.

Ladies can throw stones during the day time as well as night time. It is not obligatory to be not having menstruations for performing this rite.

Sacrifice of an Animal

This is the fifth obligation in Hajj-ut-Tamatu. It is necessary to set one's mind on performing this act of worship in the hope of attaining closeness to Allah (swt).

The best sacrifice for a pilgrim performing Hajj-ut-Tamatu is a camel. The second best is an offering of a cow or a bull, a sheep or a goat can also be used.

Sacrifice cannot be offered before the Eid day. As a precaution it is recommended to offer sacrifice after throwing pebbles at Satan.

It is obligatory that the offering be made at Mina. If it is not possible, because of the rush, and because Mina is not capable of accommodating the multitudes of pilgrims, it could be made at Wadi Muhassar.

Taqseer (Cutting of Hair)

It is the sixth obligation in the obligatory Pilgrimage. It is necessary that the intention for carrying it out should be to attain nearness to Allah (swt).

After cutting of hair all those acts which were prohibited in ihram will be permitted - except for use of perfume and sexual relations. As a precaution, hunting should also be avoided. In fact not only sexual relations but also other physical contacts which were prohibited during ihram will stay. But after cutting of hair a woman can have a nikah pronounced (Matrimony) and she can even witness a nikah. It is obligatory to perform cutting of hair in Mina.

Rites to be Performed in Makkah

After performing all three rites of Mina it is obligatory to return to Makkah and perfom following rites. These are seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh obligations of Pilgrimage.

1. Circumambulation of Pilgrimage.

2. Prayers for it.

3. Sa'ee between Safa and Marwa mountains.

4. Circumambulation of Nisa (Woman).

5. Prayers for it.

Circumambulation of Pilgrimage, prayers for it, Sa'ee, Circumambulation of Nisa and its prayers are all to be performed in the same way as has been explained in Umra chapter, the only difference is intention. Here all intentions are done keeping Pilgrimage rites in mind for closeness to Allah (swt).

Those ladies who are afraid of being in menstruation on return to Makkah, and fear that they will not be able to extend their stay over there, can on donning the Pilgrimage ihram and before departing for Arafat perform these five rites mentioned above. As a precaution if it is possibile they should perform these rites again before the end of Dhil Hajjah.

A lady who is having menstruations and cannot extend her stay in Makkah should use an agent for both circumambulations and their prayers, but perform Sa'ee herself.

Use of perfume and sexual relations will remain prohibited for above mentioned ladies till they have performed Taqseer.

After Pilgrimage circumambulation, its prayers and Sa'ee use of perfume is permitted, but sex is still prohibited.

1t is recommended to perform Pilgrimage circumambulation on the day of sacrifice. As a precaution it should not be delayed later than 11th of Dhil Hajjah.

Philosophy behind Circumambulation of Nisa

The importance that Islam places on blissful married life and its effect on the family institution can be seen in its making circumambulation of nisa an obligatory act of Pilgrimage.

Allah (swt) has made the husband promise to treat his wife well in Chapter 'Woman' of Holy Qur'an:

وَعَاشِرُوهُنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ

[Shakir 4:19] “Treat them (wives) kindly”.

As soon as the ihram for Pilgrimage is donned the husband and wife become prohibited for each other. A nikah bounds a man and a woman into a married couple, in the same way circumambulation of nisa and its prayer again reinstate the relationship of the couple. As if the marriage took place only that day. Allah (SWT) allows them to haven fresh start. Where ever they erred in their duties to each other in the past all that has been pardoned and they have been given a chance to start a new relationship. While kissing and touching the Black Stone they promise Allah (SWT) that from now on they will be very careful in performing all their duties in their married life and their family unit will run on the constitution given by Allah (swt).

Circumambulation of Nisa (Woman)

Tawaf-un-Nisa is obligatory on both males and females. If a man fails to perform it, his wife becomes unlawful for him. If a woman fails to perform it, her man becomes unlawful for her. An agent performing Tawaf-un-Nisa will do so on behalf of the principal and not himself.

Though this is an obligatory rite but is not among the basic elements (arkan) of Pilgrimage. That is, failure to perform it, even deliberately, does not invalidate the Hajj.

If a lady's menstruations start and her companions could not wait for her becoming clean, it is permissible for her to abandon Tawaf-un-Nisa and leave with them. In such a case, she should, as a matter of precaution, hire an agent to perform circumambulation and say its prayer on her behalf.

If, however, the menstruation commences after she had performed the fourth round, it is permissible for her to abandon the remaining rounds of circumambulation and depart with her companions. She should, as a matter of precaution, hire an agent to perform the remaining rounds and say the prayer on her behalf.

Questions and Answers

Ql. If the wife is Ithna Asheri Shia (Believer in twelve Imams) and the husband belongs to another sect, therefore does not perform circumambulation of nisa, should she not let him approach her till he has performed it?

Ans: It is not obligatory for her.

Q2. A pilgrim after return from Makkah gets married and bears a child, suddenly he/she remembers that circumambulation of nisa was not performed, what is the position of the marriage and the child?

Ans: The marriage contract is valid because after cutting of hair the only prohibited act left is having sexual pleasure but nikah is permitted, there child is also legal.

Q3. If someone enjoys marital bliss with his wife before circumambulation of Nisa, what should he do to compensate this act?

Ans: If there is a discharge then he has to give a camel as a fine, and if he cannot afford that then he should give a sheep. But if there is no discharge then be should just ask for pardon from Allah (swt).

Q4. If a lady perform circumambulation of Pilgrimage and its prayers before proceeding for stays in Arafat and Mash'ar, and then her menstruations start, can she appoint an agent for performing; circumambulation of nisa and its prayers?

Ans: No she cannot do this. She has to perform this rite on Eid day after taking a purifying bath and performing the supplications of that day. But in her companions cannot wait for her then she should leave with them and as a precaution appoint an agent to perform circumambulation of nisa and its prayers.

Conditions for Spending Nights in Mina

The twelfth obligation in Pilgrimage is to spend the nights of the eleventh and twelfth of Zil Hijjah in Mina. It is necessary to form the intention of closeness to Allah (swt).

If, on the Eid day the pilgrim leave for Makkah to perform tawaf and sa'ee, it is obligatory on her to return to Mina to spend the night there. The one, who has not refrained from hunting, while in a state of Ihram, must also spend the night of the thirteenth in Mina. As a matter of precaution, so must one who has not abstained from sex while in a state of ihram. Apart from these two categories, the remaining pilgrims can leave Mina after Dhuhr (afternoon prayers) of the twelfth; if, however, they delay their departure till night falls, they must spend the eve of the thirteenth in Mina till dawn.

Rami (stoning) of Jamarat (symbols of satan)

The thirteenth obligation in Pilgrimage is rami of the three jamarat, the First (Oola), Middle (Wusta) and Last (Aqabah), on the eleventh and twelfth of Zil Hijjah.

The nights on which it is obligatory to stay in Mina, during their day time rami is performed.

It must be done in person; hiring an agent is not permitted, except for a good reason. It is obligatory to start rami of the First Jamrah, then the Middle and finally the Last. All conditions are same as has already been mentioned in the stoning of Jamrah al-Aqabah.