Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
ذا (demonstr. pron.) pl. اولاء ulā’i this one, this; بذا bi-dā by this, by this means, thereby; لذا li-dā therefore; كذا ka-dā so, thus, in this manner; so and so, so and so much; هكذا hā-ka-dā so, thus, in this manner; serves as intensifier after interrogative pronouns (roughly corresponding in English to such phrase as: on earth, then, or the like): ماذا what on earth? لماذا why then? why in heaven’s name? – هو ذا huwa dā, f. هي ذي hiya dī that one; look at that one; why, that is ..., now if that isn’t ...!; هاءنذا hā’anadā behold, it is I, here I am, pl. ها نحن اولاء hā naḥnu ulā’i; -- used as an accusative in the construct state: master, owner, or possessor of, with ذو nominative (q.v.), ذي as genitive; -- ذاك dāka, f. تاك tāka, تيك tīka, pl. اولائك ulā’ika this, this one; اذ ذاك (id) then, at that time; in those days; -- ذلك dālika f. تلك tilka, pl. اولائك ulā’ika that, that one; بذلك bi-dālika by that, by that means, in that manner; لذلك li-dālika therefore; بعد ذلك ba‘da dālika after that, upon that, thereafter, thereupon; مع ذلك ma‘a dālika yet, still, nevertheless, for all that; وذلك ان (anna) that is (to say), namely, to wit; وذلك لأن (li-anna) and that is because ..., for the one reason that ...; ذلك بأن (bi-anna) this is due to the fact that ...; كذلك ka-dālika so, thus, in that manner; equally, likewise, in the lame manner; -- ذلكم dālikum f. تلكم tilkum, pl. اولائكم ulā’ikum that one; -- هذا hādā f. هذه hādihī, هذي hādī, pl. هؤلاء hā’ulā’I, dual m. هذان hādāni, f. هاتان hātāni this, this one, see هذا (alphabetically)
ذأب X to be wolflike, be fierce or cruel like a wolf
ذئب di‘b pl. ذئاب di’āb, ذؤبان du’bān dieb (Canis anthus), jackal; wolf | مرض الذئب الأحمر maraḍ ad-d. al-aḥmar name of a noncontiguous skin disease
ذؤابة du’āba pl. ذوائب dawā’ib2 lock, strand (of hair); tuft, wisp
ذات , ذاتي and ذاتية see ذو
ذا see ذا
ذال dāl name of the letter ذ
ذب dabba u to drive away, chase away (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to defend (عن s.o., s.th.)
ذباب dubāb (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. اذبة adibba, ذبان dibbān flies, fly | ذباب قارض gadfly, horsefly
ذبابة dubāba pl. -āt (n. un. of ذباب ) fly; tip (of the sword, or the like)
ذبانة dubbāna, dibbāna fly; sight, bead (on a firearm)
مذبة midabba fly whisk, fly swatter
ذبح dabaḥa a (dabḥ) to kill (by slitting the throat); to slaughter, butcher; to massacre; to murder, slay; to sacrifice, offer up, immolate (هـ an animal) II to kill, slaughter, butcher, massacre, murder
ذبح dabḥ slaughtering, slaughter
ذبح dibḥ sacrificial victim, blood sacrifice
ذبحة dibḥa, dubḥa angina (med.); diphtheria | الذبحة الصدرية (ṣadrīya) angina pectoris (med.); O الذبحة الفؤادية (fu’ādīya) do.
ذباح dabbāḥ slaughtering, killing, murdering; slaughterer, butcher
ذبيح dabīḥ slaughtered
ذبيحة dabīḥa pl. ذبائح dabā’iḥ2 slaughter animal; sacrificial victim, blood sacrifice; sacrifice, immolation; offering, oblation
مذبح madbaḥ pl. مذابح madābiḥ2 slaughterhouse; altar (Chr.)
مذبحة madbaḥa massacre, slaughter, carnage, butchery
ذبذب dabdaba to set into a swinging motion, swing, dangle (هـ s.th.) II tadabdaba to swing, pendulate; to oscillate (el.); to be deflected (magnetic needle); to vibrate; to fluctuate; to waver, vacillate, hesitate
ذبذبة dabdaba pl. -āt pendulous motion, pendulation; oscillation (el.); vibration
تذبذب tadabdaba pendulous motion, pendulation, swinging; oscillation (el.); deflection (of a magnetic needle)
O مذبذب mudabdib oscillator (el.)
مذبذب mudabdab fluctuating, variable; vacillating, wavering, hesitant, unsteady
متذبذب mutadabdib: تيار متذبذب (tayyār) oscillating current (el.)
ذبل dabala, dabula u (dabl, ذبول dubūl) to be wilted, to wilt, wither; to fade; to become dry, dry up; to waste away; to become dull, lose its luster (eye)
ذبل dabl mother-of-pearl, nacre
ذبالة dubāla wick
ذابل dābil pl. ذبل dubul wilted, withered; dry, dried up; faded (color); languid, dull, lackluster, languishing (glance); feeble, weak, tired
ذحل daḥl pl. اذحال adḥāl, ذحول duḥūl resentment, rancor, hatred; revengefulness, vindictiveness; blood revenge
ذخر dakara a to keep, preserve, store away, put away (هـ s.th.); to save, lay by (هـ s.th.) VIII ادخر iddakara to keep, preserve, store away, put away (هـ s.th.); to store, accumulate, gather, hoard, amass (هـ s.th.); to lay by (هـ s.th.); to save (هـ s.th., also strength, trouble, etc.) | ادخر حبا ل (ḥubban) to harbor love for; لا يدخر جهدا (juhdan) he spares no effort
ذخر dukr pl. اذخار adkār s.th. stored away, put by, hoarded, or accumulated; stores, supplies; treasure
ذخيرة dakīra pl. ذخائر dakā’ir2 treasure; stores, supplies; provisions, food; ammunition (mil.); (holy) relic
ادخار iddikār storage; hoarding, amassing, accumulation; storing, gathering; saving
مذخر mudakkir pl. -ūn assistant gunner, ammunition passer (mil., Syr.)
مذخر mudakkar pl. -āt supply
مدخرة muddakira pl. -āt (Syr.) storage battery, battery
1 ذرة dura see ذرو
2 ذر darra u (darr) to strew, scatter, spread (هـ s.th.); to sprinkle (ب هـ on s.th. s.th.) | ذر الرماد في عينيه (ar-ramāda fī ‘ainaihī) to throw dust in s.o.’s eyes; -- u (ذرور durūr) to rise, come up, rise resplendent over the horizon (sun) | ذر قرنه (qarnuhū) it began to show, it emerged
ذر darr strewing, scattering, sprinkling; (coll.) tiny particles, atoms, specks, motes
ذرة darra (n. un.) pl. -āt atom; tiny particle; speck, mote | مثقال ذرة mitqāl d. the weight of a dust particle, a tiny amount; a little bit; مقدار ذرة miqdār d. a tiny amount, a jot, an iota; ذرة من الشك (šakk) the least doubt
ذري darrī atomic | قنبلة ذرية (qunbula) atomic bomb; النشاط الذري (našāṭ) and طاقة ذرية (ṭāqa) atomic energy
ذرور darūr powder
ذروري darūrī powdery, powdered, pulverized
ذريرة (darīra pl. ذرائر darā’ir2 fragrant powder, cosmetic scented powder
ذري durrī of or pertaining to the offspring or progeny
ذرية durrīya pl. -āt, ذراري darārīy progeny, descendants, children, offspring
3 يذر yadaru see (وذر )
ذرب dariba a (darab) to be sharp, cutting
ذرب darab diarrhea (med.)
ذرب darib pl. ذرب durb sharp, cutting | جرح ذرب (jurḥ) a malignant, incurable wound
ذراح durrāḥ pl. ذراريح darārīḥ2 Spanish fly, blister beetle (zool.)
ذرع dara‘a a (dar‘) to measure (هـ s.th.); to take the measure or measurements (هـ of s.th.); to cover (هـ a distance); to cross, travel (هـ a country), travel through (هـ ); to intercede, intervene, mediate, put in a word (ل for s.o., on behalf of s.o., عند with s.o. else) V to use, employ, apply (بذريعة bi-darī‘a or بوسيلة bi-wasīla a means, an expedient); to use as a pretext, as an excuse (ب s.th.); to use as a means (ب s.th., الى to an end) VII to proceed, advance; to intervene
ذرع dar‘ power, ability, capability (ب to do s.th.) |ضاق ذرعا ب and ضاق عنه ذرعا (dar‘an) not to be up to s.th., be unable to do or accomplish s.th.; to be unable to stand or bear s.th., be fed up with, be tired of, feel uneasy about, be oppressed by ذراع dirā‘ f. and m., pl. اذرع adru‘, ذرعان dur‘ān arm; forearm; connecting rod; cubit, in Syria = .68 m |in Egypt: ذراع بلدي (baladī) = .58 m, ذراع استانبولي (istanbūlī) = .665 m, ذراع هندازة (hindāza) = .656 m, ذراع معماري (mi‘mārī) = ca. .75 m, ذراع معماري مربع (murabba‘) = .5625 m; in Iraq: ذراع حلبي (ḥalabī) = ca. .68 m, ذراع بغدادي (bagdādī) or ذراع بلدي (baladī) = ca. .80 m, ذراع معماري see 800 above
ذريع darī‘ stepping lively, walking briskly; rapid, quick; torrential; rapidly spreading, sweeping (death); devastating; intercessor
ذريعة darī‘a pl. ذرائع darā’i‘2 medium, means, expedient; pretext, excuse
ذرف darafa i (darf, ذريف darīf, ذروف durūf, ذرفان darafan) to flow, well forth (tears); to shed (هـ tears; said of the eye) II to exceed (على an age) X to let flow, shed (هـ tears)
ذرق daraqa i u (darq) to drop excrement (bird) IV do.
ذرق darq droppings, excrement (of a bird)
(ذرو and ذرى) ذرا darā u (darw) to disperse, scatter (هـ s.th.); to carry off, blow away (هـ dust; said of the wind); to winnow, fan (هـ grain); -- ذرى darā i (dary) do. II do. IV = I; to throw down, throw off (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) | اذرت العين الدمع (dam‘a) the eye shed tears V to be winnowed, be fanned; to climb (هـ on), scale (هـ s.th.); to seek shade or shelter (ب in, at, under); to take refuge (ب with), flee (ب to) X to take refuge (ب with), place o.s. under s.o.’s (ب ) protection, flee (ب to s.o.)
ذرة dura durra, a variety of sorghum | ذرة شامي (eg.) Indian corn, maize (Zea mays L.); ذرة صفراء (ṣafrā’) do. (syr.); ذرة عويجة (eg.) a variety of millet (Andropogon Sorghum Brot. var. Schwein furtianus Kcke.); ذرة بيضاء (baiḍā’) millet (syr.)
ذرى daran protection, shelter
ذروة durwa, dirwa pl. ذرى duran summit; top; peak; culmination, climax, acme, apex
مذرى midran and مذارة midrāh pl. مذار madārin winnow, winnowing fork
ذعر da‘ara a (da‘r) to frighten, scare, alarm, terrify (ه s.o.); pass. du‘ira to be frightened (ل by), get alarmed (ل at); -- da‘ira a (da‘ar) to be terrified, alarmed, dismayed IV to frighten, scare, alarm, terrify (ه s.o.) V and VII to be frightened, become alarmed
ذعر du‘r fright, terror, alarm, panic
ذعر da‘ar fright, alarm, dismay, consternation
ذعاف du‘āf lethal, deadly, immediately killing (poison) | موت ذعاف (maut) a sudden, immediate death
ذعق da‘aqa a (da‘q) to frighten (ه s.o.) by screaming
ذعن da‘ana a (da‘an) and IV to submit, yield, give in (ل to s.o.), obey (ل s.o., an order, etc.); to concede voluntarily, grant willingly (ب ل to s.o. s.th.)
اذعان id‘ān submissiveness, pliability, compliance, obedience
مذعن mud‘in submissive, pliable, tractable, obedient
مذعان mid‘an pliable, tractable, docile, obedient, obliging, compliant
ذفر dafar pungent smell, stench
ذقن daqan, diqan pl. اذقان adqān, ذقون duqūn chin; -- daqn f., pl. ذقون duqūn beard, whiskers | ذقن الشيخ d. aš-šaik; worm-wood, absinthe; خروا لأذقانهم karrū li-adqānihim they prostrated themselves; غرق في العمل حتى الذقن (gariqa fī l-‘amal) to be up to one’s neck in work, be swamped by work (properly: to drown in work); ضحك على ذقنه (ḍaḥika) pl. على ذقونهم (eg., syr.) to fool s.o., make fun of s.o., lead s.o. around by the nose (ب with s.th.); to put on an act for s.o.; ضحك في ذقنه to laugh in s.o.’s face
ذكر dakara u (dikr, تذكار tadkār) to remember, bear in mind (هـ s.th.), think (هـ of); to keep in mind (هـ s.th.); to recall, recollect (هـ s.th.); -- (dikr) to speek, talk (هـ of, about); to name, mention, cite, quote (هـ s.th.); to state, designate, indicate (هـ s.th.); to give (هـ e.g., foots, data); to point, refer (هـ to s.th.); to report, relate, tell (ل هـ s.th. to s.o.) | تقدم يذكر taqaddumun yudkaru notable progress; لا يذكر (yudkaru) inconsiderable, not worth mentioning; ذكره بخير (بالخير ) (kair) to have pleasant memories of s.o., hold s.o. in fond remembrance; to speak well of s.o.; ذكره بشر (šarr) to have unpleasant memories of s.o.; to speak ill of s.o. II to remind (ب ه s.o. of s.th.), point out (ب ه to s.o. s.th.), call s.o.’s (ه ) attention (ب to); to make (هـ a word) masculine (gram.) III to parley, negotiate, confer, have a talk, take counsel (ه with s.o.); to memorize, commit to memory, learn, study (هـ one’s assignment, one’s lesson) | ذاكر دروسه (durūsahū) to study one’s lessons, do one’s homework IV to remind (هـ ه s.o. of s.th.), call (هـ s.th.) to s.o.’s (ه ) mind V to remember, bear in mind (هـ s.th.), think (هـ of s.th.) VI to remind each other (هـ of), revive each other’s memory of (هـ ); to confer (together), have a talk, take counsel VIII ادكر iddakara = V; X to remember, recall, keep in mind, know by heart (هـ s.th.)
ذكر dikr recollection, remembrance, reminiscence, memory, commemoration; reputation, repute, renown; naming, stating, mention(ing), quoting, citation; report, account, narration, narrative; invocation of God, mention of the Lord’s name; (in Sufism) incessant repetition of certain words or formulas in praise of God, often accompanied by music and dancing |على ذكر (with foll. genit.) apropos of, speaking of ...; وعلى ذكر ذلك speaking of that, incidentally, in that connection; الذكر الحكيم the Koran; سالف الذكر abovementioned, afore-mentioned; سعيد الذكر of blessed memory, deceased, late; اشاد بذكره (ašāda) to celebrate, praise, commend s.o. or s.th., speak in glowing terms of s.o. or s.th.; ما زال على ذكر من (dikr min) he still remembered ..., he could still recall ...
ذكر dakar pl. ذكور dukūr, ذكورة dukūra, ذكران dukrān male; (pl. ذكور ) penis
ذكرة dukra reputation, repute, renown
ذكرى dikrā pl. ذكريات dikrayāt remembrance, recollection, memory; pl. reminiscences, memoirs
ذكير dakīr steel
تذكار tadkār, tidkār remembrance; reminder, memento; memory, commemoration; souvenir, keepsake; memorial day |تذكار جميع القديسين t. jamī‘ al-qiddīsīn All Saints’ Day (Chr.)
تذكاري tadkārī, tidkārī serving to remind, helping the memory; memorial, commemorative
تذكرة tadkira reminder; memento
تذكرة tadkira, mostly pronounced tadkara, pl. تذاكر tadākir2 message, note; slip, paper, permit, pus; card; ticket; admission ticket | تذكرة بريد postcard; تذكرة اثبات الشخصية t. itbāt aš-šakṣīya identity card; تذكرة ذهاب واياب t. dahāb wa-iyāb round-trip ticket; تذكرة الرصيف (eg.) platform ticket; تذكرة اشتراك subscription ticket; تذكرة طبية (ṭibbīya) medical prescription; تذكرة مرور permit, pass, laissez-passer; passport; تذكرة النفوس (Syr.) identity card (= بطاقة شخصية Eg.); تذكرة الانتخاب t. al-intikāb ballot
تذكرجي tadkarjī, تذكري tadkarī ticket seller, ticket clerk; (streetcar) conductor
تذكير tadkīr reminding (of s.o., ب of s.th:). reminder, memento; fecundation, pollination (of female blossoms; in pomiculture)
مذاكرة mudākara pl. -āt negotiation, consultation. conference; deliberation (of a court; Syr.); learning, memorizing, memorization; study
تذكر tadakkur memory, remembrance, recollection
استذكار istidkār memorizing, memorization, committing to memory
ذاكرة dākira memory
مذكور madkūr mentioned; said, above-mentioned; celebrated | لم يكن شيئا مذكورا lam yakun šai’an m. it was of no importance, it was nothing
مذكر mudakkar masculine (gram.)
مذكرة mudakkira pl. -āt reminder; note; remark.; notebook; memorandum, memorial, aide-mémoire, (diplomatic) note; ordinance, decree; treatise, paper, report (of a learned society, = Fr. mémoires); pl. reminiscences, memoirs | مذكرة الاتهام m. al-ittihām bill of indictment (jur.); مذكرة الجلب m. al-jalb writ of habeas corpus; مذكرة شفاهية (šifāhīya) verbal note (dipl.)
(ذكو and ذكى) ذكا dakā u (dukūw, ذكا dakan, ذكاء dakā’) to blaze, flare up (fire); to exude a strong odor; -- ذكي dakiya (ذكاء dakā’) to be sharp-witted, intelligent II and IV to cause to blaze, fan (هـ the fire); to kindle (هـ s.th.) II to immolate an animal X = dakā
ذكاء dakā’ acumen, mental, acuteness, intelligence, brightness; -- dukā’2 the sun
ذكي dakīy pl. اذكياء adkiyā’2 intelligent, sharp-witted, clever, bright; redolent, fragrant; tasty, savory, delicious
ذل dalla i (dall, dull, ذلالة dalāla, ذلة dilla, مذلة madalla) to be low, lowly, humble, despised, contemptible II to lower, debase, degrade, humiliate, humble (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to subject, break, subdue, conquer (ه s.o.); to overcome, surmount (هـ difficulties, obstacles) IV to lower, debase, degrade, humiliate, humble (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to subject, break, subdue, conquer (هـ, ه s.o. s.th.) V to lower o.s, humble o.s., cringe (الى or ل before s.o.); to be humble, obsequious X to think (ه s.o.) low or despicable; to think little (ه of), disesteem (ه s.o.); to deride, flout, disparage, run down (ه s.o.)
ذل dull lowness, lowliness, insignificance; ignominy, disgrace, shame, degradation, humiliation; humility, humbleness, meekness, submissiveness
ذلة dilla lowness, baseness, vileness, depravity; submissivness, obsequiousness
ذليل dalīl pl. اذلاء adillā’2, اذلة adilla low, lowly; despised, despicable, contemptible; docile, tractable, pliable; humble, submissive, abject, servile; obsequious, cowering, cringing ذلول dalūl pl. ذلل dulul docile, tractable, gentie (animal); female riding camel
مذلة madalla humbleness, meekness, submissiveness; humiliation
تذليل tadlīl derogation, degradation, bemeaning; overcoming, conquering, surmounting (of difficulties, of an obstacle, and the like)
اذلال idlāl degradation, debasement, humiliation
تذلل tadallul self-abasement
ذلذل duldul pl. ذلاذل dalādil2 lowest, nethermost part of s.th.; train, hem (of a garment) |ذلاذل الناس the mob, the riffraff
اذلف adlaf2, f. ذلفاء dalfā’, pl. ذلف dulf having a small and finely chiseled nose
ذلق dalq tip, point; tip of the tongue
الحروف الذلق al-ḥurūf ad-dulq, الحروف الذلقية and الحروف الذوللقية (dulaqiya) the liquids r, l, n (phon.)
ذلق dalq, daliq, ذليق dalīq eloquent, glib, facile (tongue)
ذلاقة dalāqa eloquence, glibness (of the tongue)
ذلك etc., see ذا
ذم damma u (damm, مذمة madamma) to blame, find blameworthy, dispraise, criticize (ه s.o.), find fault (ه with s.o.) II to rebuke, censure sharply (ه s.o.)
ذم damm censure, dispraise, derogation, disparagement
ذمة dimma pl ذمم dimam protection, care, custody; covenant of protection, compact; responsibility, answerableness; financial obligation, liability, debt; inviolability, security of life and property; safeguard, guarantee, security; conscience |بالذمة؟ honestly? really? seriously? في ذمتي and على ذمتي upon my word, truly; بذمته, في ذمته in s.o.’s debt, indebted to s.o.; ما بذمته his debt; على ذمته under s.o.’s protection; at s.o.’s disposal; for the benefit of s.o. or s.th., for s.o. or some purpose (allocation of funds); هي على ذمته she is financially dependent on him, he has to support her; اهل الذمة ahl ad-d. the free non-Muslim subjects living in Muslim, countries who, in return for paying the capital tax, enjoyed protection and safety; طاهر الذمة of pure conscience, upright, honest; برأ ذمته (barra’a) to relieve one’s conscience, meet one’s obligation
ذمي dimmī a zimmi, a free non-Muslim subject living in a Muslim country (see ذمة dimma: اهل الذمة )
ذمام dimām pl. اذمة adimma right, claim, title; protection, custody; security of life and property | في ذمام الليل fī d. al-lail under cover of darkness
ذميم damīm censured; blameworthy, objectionable, reprehensible; ugly, unfair, nasty
ذميمة damīima pl. ذمائم damā’im2 blame, censure
مذمة madamma pl. -āt blame, censure
مذموم madmūm censured; blameworthy, objectionable, reprehensible
ذمر V to grumble, complain (من or على about)
ذمار dimār sacred possession, cherished goods; honor
تذمر tadammur pl. -āt grumbling, complaint, grievance
ذمي damiya a (ذماء damā’) to be in the throes of death
ذماء damā’ last remnant; last breath of life | ذماء من الحياة (ḥayāh) last breath of life
ذنب IV to do wrong, commit a sin, a crime, an offense; to be guilty, be culpable X to find or declare (ه s.o.) guilty of a sin, of a crime, of an offense
ذنب danb pl. ذنوب dunūb offense, sin, crime, misdeed
ذنب danab pl. ذنب adnāb tail; end; adherent (pol.), follower, henchman
ذنبي danabī caudal, tail- (in compounds); append aged, appendant, dependent
ذنيب dunaib petiole, leafstalk (bot.)
مذنب mudannab comet
مذنب mudnib culpable, guilty; sinner; evildoer, delinquent, criminal
ذهب dahaba a (ذهاب dahāb, مذهب madhab) to go (الى to); to betake o.s., travel (الى to); to go away, leave, depart; to disappear, vanish, decline, dwindle; to perish, die, be destroyed; with ب : to carry s.th. off, take s.th. away, abduct, steal s.th., sweep s.th. or s.o. away, annihilate, destroy s.th. or s.o.; ذهب به الى to lead or conduct s.o. to, take s.o. along to; to think, believe (الى s.th.), hold the view, be of the opinion (الى that); to escape (عن s.o.; fig.), slip (عن s.o.’s mind), ذهب عنه ان to lose sight of the fact that ..., forget that ; to ignore, skip, omit (عن s.th.); (with imperf.) to prepare to ..., be about to | ذهب وجاء to go back and forth, walk up and down; ذهب الى ابعد من (ab‘ada) to go beyond (fig.); ما يذهب في نزعته (naz‘atihī) what follows along these lines; اين يذهب بك ! (yudhabu) the idea of it! you can’t mean it! ذهب سدى (sudan) to be futile, be in vain, be of no avail; ذهب ادراج الرياح (adrāja r-riyāḥ) to go the ways of the winds, i.e., to pass unnoticed, without leaving a trace; to end in smoke, come to nothing, be futile, be in vain; ذهب كأمس الدابر (ka-amsi d-dābir) to vanish into thin air, disappear without leaving a trace (lit.: like yesterday gone by); ذهب ببهائه (bi-bahā’ihi) to take the glamor away from s.th.; ذهب بنفسه (bi-nafsihī) to kill s.o. (joy, terror, etc.); ذهب بخياله (bi-kayālihī) to let one’s imagination wander (الى to); ذهب مذهبه (madhabahū) to embrace s.o.’s madhab (see below); to follow s.o.’s teaching, make s.o.’s belief one’s own, embrace s.o.’s ideas; to adopt s.o.’s policy, proceed exactly like s.o.; ذهب كل مذهب (kulla madhabin) to do everything conceivable, leave no stone unturned, go to greatest lengths II to gild (هـ s.th.) IV to cause to go away, make disappear, remove, eliminate (هـ s.th.); to take away (هـ s.th., عن from s.o.)
مذهب II tamadhaba (deriv. of مذهب madhab) to follow, adopt, embrace (ب a teaching, a religion, etc.)
ذهب dahab (m. and f.) gold; gold piece, gold coin |O ذهب ابيض (abyaḍ) platinum
ذهبي dahabī golden, of gold; precious, excellent, apposite (e.g., advice, saying, etc.) | آية ذهبية golden word, maxim, epigram
ذهبية dahabīya pl. -āt dahabeah, a long light-draft houseboat, used on the Nile
ذهاب dahāb going; passing, passage, falling away, decrease, dwindling, loss, disappearance; leave, departure; trip, journey; outward-bound trip or journey (as opposed to اياب iyāb return trip; railroad); opinion, view (الى ان that) |ذهابا وايابا (iyāban) there and back; back and forth, up and down; تذكرة ذهاب واياب tadkarat d. wa-iyāb round-trip ticket
ذهوب duhūb going | ذهوب ومآب coming and going; في جيئة وذهوب coming and going, in a state of fluctuation, having its ups and downs
مذهب madhab pl. مذاهب madāhib2 going, leave, departure; way out, escape (عن from); manner followed, adopted procedure or policy, road entered upon; opinion, view, belief; ideology; teaching, doctrine; movement, orientation, trend (also pol.); school; mazhab, orthodox rite of fiqh (Isl. Law); religious creed, faith, denomination |O مذهبه في الحياة (ḥayāh) his philosophy of life, his weltanschauung; المذهب المادي (māddī) the materialistic ideology, the materialistic approach to life; ذهب مذهبا بعيدا to go very far, be very extensive
مذهبي madhabī denominational, confessional; sectarian
مذهبية madhabīya sectarianism
ذاهب dāhib: ذاهب اللون d. al-laun faded, colorless, discolored
مذهوب به madhūb bihī and مذهوب العقل m. al-‘aql out of one’s mind, demented
مذهب mudahhab gilded
ذهل dahala a (dahl, ذهول duhūl) to forget, overlook, omit, neglect, fail to heed (عن s.th.); -- dahlia a (ذهول duhūl) to be perplexed, alarmed, dismayed, startled, surprised, baffled; to be astonished, be amazed; to frighten, scare, take alarm, flinch; to be absent-minded, be distracted; to be or become distracted (عن from), forget, overlook, fail to heed, neglect (عن s.th.) IV to baffle, startle, nonplus (ه s.o.); to distract (عن ه s.o. from), make (ه s.o.) forget (عن s.th.) VII = dahila
ذهول duhūl perplexity, consternation, bafflement, daze, stupor; confusion, bewilderment, dismay, alarm, fright; surprise; amazement, astonishment; absentmindedness, distraction, distractedness (عن from)
ذاهل diJAil negligent, forgetful, oblivious, distracted, absent-minded; dazed, in a stupor
مذهول madhūl perplexed, startled, alarmed, dismayed, dazed, confused, baffled, bewildered; distracted, absentminded
ذهل mudhil startling, baffling, amazing
منذهل mundahil alarmed, dismayed, perplexed, startled, baffled; distracted, absent-minded
ذهن dihn pl. اذهان adhān mind; intellect
ذهني dihnī mental, intellectual
ذهنية dihnīya mentality
ذو dū, genit. ذي dī, acc. ذا dā, f. ذات dāt, pl. m. ذوو dawū, اولو ulū, pl. f. ذوات dawāt (with foll. genit.) possessor, owner, holder or muter of, endowed or provided with, embodying or comprising s.th. |ذو عقل dū ‘aql endowed with brains, bright, intelligent; ذو مال rich, wealthy; ذو صحة dū ṣiḥḥa healthy; ذو شأن dū ša’n important, significant; ذو القربى dū l-qurbā relative, kin(sman); غير ذي زرع (zar‘) uncultivated (land); من ذي قبل min dī qablu than before; من ذي نفسه of one’s own accord, spontaneously; ذووه dawūhu his relatives, his kin, his folk; ذوو المعرفة dawū l-mawadda wa-l-ma‘rifa friends end acquaintances; ذوو الشبهات dawū š-šubuhāt dubious persons, people of ill repute; ذوو الشأن dawū š-ša’n important, influential people; the competent people (or authorities), those concerned with the matter; اولوا الامر ulū l-amr rulers, leaders; اولو الحل والعقد ulū l-hall wa-l-‘aqd influential people, those in power
ذات dāt pl. ذوات dawāt being, essence, nature; self; person, personality; the same, the selfsame; -self; الذوات people of rank, people of distinction, notables; ذاتا dātan personally | ذات البين d. al-bain disagreement, dissension, disunion, discord, enmity; friendship; ذات الجنب d. al-janb pleurisy (med.); ذات الرئة d. ar-ri’a pneumonia; ذات الصدر d. aṣ-ṣadr disease of the chest, pectoral ailment; ذات اليد d. al-yad wealth, affluence; ذات ايدينا d. aidīnā our possessions; ذات اليمين dāta l-yamīn to the right, ذات الشمال dāta š-šimāli to the left, ذات اليسار dāta l-yasāri do.; ذات مرة dāta marratin once, one time, في ذات مرة fī dāti marratin do.; ذات يوم dāta yaumin one day, في ذات يوم fī dāti yaumin do.; في ذات غد fī dāti gadin sometime in the future, before long; في ذات fī dāti (with foll. genit.) as to …, concerning ..., with reference to …, re; بالذات bi-d-dāt none other than ..., of all things, of all people; personally, in person; انا بالذات I, of all people, ..., none other than I ...; في لندن بالذات in London, of all places; السعادة بالذات (sa‘āda) essential happiness, happiness proper; ذات نفسه dāt nafsihī, ذات انفسهم d. anfusihim his sejf, their selves, his (their) very nature; هو ذاته, هو بذاته (he) himself; ذات الشيء the same thing; ذات الأشياء the same things; السنة ذاتها (sana) the same year; لذاته by himself (itself); in itself; as such; for his (its) own sake; في ذاته in itself; في حد ذاته fī ḥaddi d. do.; قائم بذاته self-existent, independent, self-contained, isolated; الثقة بالذات (tiqa) self-confidence; حب الذات ḥubb ad-d. and محبة الذات maḥabbat ad-d. self-love, selfishness, egoism; الاعتماد على الذات self-confidence, self-reliance; صريح بذاته self-evident, self-explanatory; مناقض ذاته munāqiḍ dātahū self-contradictory; ابن ذوات ibn dawāt descended from a good family, highborn
ذاتي dātī own, proper; self-produced, self-created, spontaneous; personal; self-acting, automatic; subjective (philos.); (pl. -ūn) subjectivist (philos.); ذاتيا dātīyan of o.s., by o.s.; personally, in person | الحكم الذاتي (ḥukm) autonomy
ذاتية dātīya personality; subjectivism (philos.); identity (of a person) |تحقيق الذاتية identification (of a person)
لا ذاتية lā-dātīya impersonality
ذواتي dawātī high-class, exclusive, luxurious
1 ذوابة see ذأب
1 ذاب (ذوب )) dāba u (daub), (daub, ذوبان ) to dissolve; to melt; to melt away; to liquefy, deliquesce; to dwindle away, vanish; to pine away, waste away (حسرة واسى ḥasratan wa-asan with grief and sorrow) |ذاب حياء (hayā’an) to die of shame; ذابت اظفاره في (aẓfāruhū) to strive in vain for, make futile efforts in order to II to dissolve, melt, liquefy (هـ s.th.) IV to dissolve (also, e.g., tablets in water), liquefy (هـ s.th.); to melt (هـ s.th.); to smelt (هـ metal); to consume, spend, exhaust, use up, sap (هـ s.th.) |اذاب جهده (juhdahū) to exhaust s.o.’s energy; اذاب عصارة مخه في (‘uṣārata mukkihī) to rack one’s brain with
ذوب daub dissolution; solution (also, as a liquid)
ذوبان dawabān dissolution, melting, deliquescence, liquefaction |ذوبان الثلج (الثلوج ) d. at-talj (at-tulūj) snowbreak, thaw; قابل للذوبان qābil li-d-d. meltable, soluble, dissoluble
تذويب tadwīb dissolution, solution, melting, liquefaction
اذابة idāba dissolution, solution, melting, liquefaction
ذائب dā’ib dissolved; melted, molten; salable, dissoluble
ذات and ذوات see ذو
ذاد (ذود ) dāda u (daud, ذياد diyād) to scatter, drive away, chase away; to remove (عن هـ, ه s.o., s.th. from); to defend, protect (عن s.o., s.th.) |ذاد النوم عن عينه (an-nauma ‘an ‘ainihī) to drive or keep the sleep from his eyes
ذود daud defense, protection (عن of s.th.)
ذياد diyād defense, protection (عن of s.th.)
مذود midwād pl. مذاود madāwid manger, crib, feeding trough
ذائد dā’id pl. ذادة dāda defender, protector
ذاق (ذوق ) dāqa u (dauq, ذواق dawāq, مذاق madāq) to taste, sample (هـ food, etc.); to try, try out, teat (هـ s.th.); to get a taste (هـ of s.th.), experience, undergo, suffer (هـ s.th.), go through s.th. (هـ ) IV to have (ه s.o.) taste or sample (هـ s.th.), give (هـ ه s.o. s.th.) to taste V to taste (هـ s.th.) slowly, repeatedly, thoroughly; to get a taste (هـ of s.th.); to sense, perceive (هـ s.th.); to enjoy thoroughly, savor, relish (هـ s.th.); to derive pleasure (من from)
ذوق dauq pl. اذواق adwāq gustatory sense; taste (ل for; also, e.g., literary taste); perceptivity, responsiveness (في for); sensitivity, sensitiveness; savoir-vivre, suavity, urbanity, tact; liking, inclination; taste, flavor (of food, etc.) |الذوق السليم good taste
ذوقي dauqī of taste, gustative, gustatory
ذواق dawāq taste
ذواق dawwāq epicure, connoisseur, gourmet, bon vivant
مذاق madāq taste
ذائقة dā’iqa sense of taste
ذوى dawā i and dawiya a to wither, wilt, fad.; to be withered, be dry IV to cause to wilt, to dry
ذاو dāwin withered, faded, drooping
ذي see ذو
ذاع (ذيع ) dā’a i (ذيوع duyū‘) to spread, get about, circulate, be spread, be disseminated, be or become widespread; to leak out, become public, become generally known IV to spread. spread out, disseminate, propagate (هـ or ب s.th.); to make known, announce, make public, publicize, publish (هـ or ب s.th.); to promulgate (هـ or ب s.th.); to show, manifest, display (هـ or ب s.th.), give evidence (هـ or ب of); to reveal, disclose, divulge (هـ or ب s.th.); to emit (هـ electric waves); to broadcast, transmit (هـ s.th., على to the public; radio) | اذاع بالتلفزة (talfaza) to telecast (هـ s.th.)
ذيوع duyū‘ widespreadness, commonness; spreading, spread, dispersion, diffusion; circulation (of news)
مذياع midyā‘ pl. مذاييع madāyī‘2 telltale, talebearer, tattler, blabber,: indiscret person; radio station, broadcasting station; broadcasting; microphone; O radio set
اذاعة idā‘a spreading, dissemination, propagation; announcement, proclamation; publication; revelation, disclosure; playback (of a tape; as opposed to recording); broadcasting, radio; (pl. -āt) (radio) broadcast, transmission | اذاعة الأخبار i. al-akbāir newscast, news (radio); اذاعة تلفزية (talfazīya) television broadcast, telecast; اذاعة لاسلكية (lā-silkīya) and اذاعة راديوفونية radio broadcast; broadcasting, radio; اذاعة البوليس police radio; مجلة الإذاعة majallat al-i. radio magazine
ذائع dā’i‘ widespread, common, general; circulating, in circulation; widely known |ذائع الصيت d. aṣ-ṣīt famous, noted, renowned, widely known
مذيع mudī‘ spreader, disseminator, propagator, proclaimer; broadcasting, transmitting (used attributively); (radio) transmitter; radio announcer
مذيعة mudī‘a pl. -āt woman announcer (radio)
ذيل II to furnish (هـ s.th., esp. a book) with an appendix, add a supplement (هـ to); to provide (هـ s.th.) at the end (ب with) IV to trample underfoot, degrade, debase (هـ s.th.)
ذيل dail pl. ذيول duyūl, اذيال adyāl the lowest or rearmost part of s.th., lower end; tail; hem, border (of a garment); train (of a skirt); lappet, coat tail; bottom, foot, end (of a page); appendage, appendicle; add.nda, supplement, appendix (of a book); retinue, attendants, suite; dependent; result, consequence |في ذيله immediately thereafter: طاهر الذيل innocent, blameless, upright, honest; طهارة الذيل ṭahārat ad-d. innocence, moral integrity, probity, uprightness, honesty; طويل الذيل long, lengthy, extensive: تمسك باذياله tamassaka bi-adyālihī to cling to s.o.’s coat tails, hold on to s.o.; جر عليه ذيل العفاء (jarra, ‘alaihi) to wipe out s.th., bring about the doom of s.th., let s.th. sink into oblivion: لاذ بأذيال الشيء to resort to s.th.