Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
زاء zā’ name of the letter ز
زاؤوق zā’ūq quicksilver, mercury
زئبق zi’baq quicksilver, mercury
زاج zāj vitriol
زاجورا zāgōra Zagora, a brand of Egyptian cotton
زأر za’ara a (za’r, زئير za’īr) to roar, bellow
زئير za’īr roaring, roar, bellowing
زأط za’aṭ a (زئاط zi’āṭ) to clamor, be vociferous
زاغ zāg pl. زيغان zīgān crow
موت زؤام maut zu‘āam a sudden or violent death
1 زؤان zu’ān darnel (Lolium temulentum; bot.)
2 زان (syr., eg.) beech |ثمر زان tamar z. beechnuts
زانة zāna pl. -āt spear; pole |الوثب (القفز) بالزانة al-watb (al-qafz) bi-z-z. pole vaulting (athlet.)
زاووق zāwūq quicksilver, mercury
زاي zāy name of the letter ز
زب zubb pl. ازباب azbāb penis
زبيب zabīb (coll.; n. un. ة ) dried grapes, raisins; (eg.) a strong colorless liquor made of raisins, milky white when diluted with water
ازب azabb2, f. زباء zabbā’2, pl. زب zubb hairy, hirsute, shaggy
زبد zabada a to chum (هـ milk) II to foam, froth, cream (milk) IV to froth, become foamy, foam (also, with rage)
زبد zabad pl. ازباد azbād foam, froth; dross | زبد البحر z. al-baḥr meerschaum
زبدة zubda (fresh) butter (as opposed to سمن samn); cream; -- (pl. زبد zubad) choicest part, prime, cream, flower, elite; extract, quintessence; essence, substance; gist, main point
زبدية zabdīya pl. زبادي zabādīy bowl
زباد zabād civet | سنور الزباد sinnūr az-z. civet cat
زبادي zabādī and لبن زبادي (laban) curdled milk (eg.)
مزبد mizbad, مزبدة mizbada pl. مزابد mazābid2 churn
زبر zabara u i to scold (ه s.o.)
زبر zubr penis
زبرة zubra pl. زبر zubar piece of iron
زبور zabūr (Book of) Psalms, Psalter
زبرج zibrij ornament, ornamentation, decoration, embellishment
زبرجد zabarjad chrysolite (min.)
زبط zabaṭa i (zabṭ) to quack (duck)
زبط zabaṭ (eg.) mud, mire
زباطة zubāṭa (eg.) bunch of dates
زوبعة zauba‘a pl. زوابع zawābi‘2 storm, hurricane
زبق zabaqa u i (zabq) to tear out, pluck out (هـ hair) VII to slip in
زبل II to dung, manure
زبل zibl, زبلة zibla dung, manure
زبال zabbāl street sweeper; garbage collector
زبالة zubāla refuse, rubbish, garbage, sweepings
مزبلة mazbala, mazbula pl. مزابل mazābil2 dunghill; garbage can
زبون zabūn kicking (camel); hot, fierce, cruel (battle); stupid, foolish; fool; -- (pl. زبائن zabā’in2) customer, client, buyer; guest (of a hotel, end the like) | زبون دائم patron, regular customer
زبون zubūn undergarment (nejd, ir.)
زبانة zibāna clientele, patronage, custom
زبانى zubānā pedipalpus or claw of a scorpion, of a crayfish (usually dual: زبانيا العقرب )
زبانية zabāniya myrmidons; engels who thrust the damned into Hell
زبية zubya pl. زبى zuban elevated place above the waterline |بلغ السيل الزبى balaga s-sailu z-zubā the matter reached a climax, things came to a head
زت zatta (syr.) to throw
زج zajja (1st pers. perf. zajajtu) u (zajj) to throw, hurl (هـ s.th.); to push, shove, urge, drive (ب or هـ, ه s.o. or s.th.); to press, squeeze, force, cram (ب or هـ, ه s.o. or s.th., في into) |زج به في السجن (zujja, sijn) he was thrown into prison II to pencil (الحاجبين al-ḥājibain the eyebrows); to glaze, coat with glass (هـ s.th.); to enamel (هـ s.th.)
زج zujj pl. زجاج zijāj ferrule; arrowhead; spearhead
ازج azajj2, f. زجاء zajjā’, pl. زج zujj having beautifully arched eyebrows
زجاج zujāj glass (as substance)
زجاجة zujāja (u. un.) pl. -āt piece of glass; (glass) bottle, flask; (drinking) glass, tumbler
زجاجي zujājī glass (adj.), glassy, vitreous
زجاج zajjāj glazier
مزجج muzajjaj glazed, enameled; مزججات and مصنوعات مزججة enameled ware
زجر zajara u (zajr) to drive back, drive away; to hold back, restrain, prevent (عن ه s.o. from); to rebuke, scold, upbraid (ه s.o.) VII and VIII ازدجر izdajara pass. of I
زجر zajr forcible prevention; suppression (of customs, abuses, crimes); rebuke, reprimand
زجري zajrī reformatory, penitentiary (adj.) |معهد زجري (ma‘had) reformatory, reform school
مزجر mazjar: قعد منه مزجر الكلب qa‘ada minhu mazjara l-kalb to sit at a fitting distance from s.o.
زاجر zājir handicap, impediment, obstacle
زاجرة zājira pl. زواجر zawājir2 check, curb; restriction, limitation
زجل zajala u (zajl) to let go, release (هـ a carrier pigeon)
زجل zajal pl. ازجال azjāl popular Arabic poem in strophic form; soft humming sound produced by the jinn at night
زجال zajjāl reciter of azjal (see above)
حمام الزاجل ḥamām az-zājil carrier pigeon, homing pigeon
زجا (يزجو ) zajā u to drive, urge on (ه, هـ s.th., s.o.); to squeeze, press, force, cram (ه, هـ s.th., s.o., في into) II to shove, push (هـ s.th., ه s.o.); to drive, urge on (هـ s.th., ه s.o.); to jostle, crowd, cram, jam (ه, هـ s.th., s.o., الى into); to take or bring (forcibly) (هـ الى, ه s.o., s.th. into); to make (هـ time) pass; to pass, spend (هـ time) IV to shove, push (هـ s.th., ه s.o.); to drive, urge on (هـ s.th., ه s.o.); to jostle, crowd, cram, jam (ه, هـ s.th., s.o., الى into); to take or bring (forcibly) (الى هـ, ه s.o., s.th. into); to make pass, while away (هـ time); to extend (هـ ل s.th. to s.o.; greetings, compliments, thanks); to bestow (هـ ل s.th. on s.o.; e.g., praise) |ازجى الى الذهن ان (dihn) to suggest (the idea or assumption) that ...
مزجى muzjan little, scanty, paltry, trivial, insignificant
زحر zaḥara a i (زحير zaḥīr, زحار zuḥār) to groan, moan
زحير zaḥīr, groan, moan(s)
زحار zuḥār, groan, moan(s); dysentery (med.)
زحزح zaḥzaḥa (زحزحة zaḥzaḥa) to move (هـ s.th., from its place); to tear, rip (هـ عن s.th. off) II tazaḥzaḥa to budge, move(عن away from)
زحف zaḥafa a (zaḥf) to crawl, creep on the ground; to crawl about; to advance (army); to march, be on the march (على against or toward)
زحف zaḥf advance, march (of an army); (pl. زحوف zuḥūf) soldiery, army
زحف creeping, crawling
زحافة zaḥḥāfa pl. -āt reptile; implement for leveling the ground, leveler; ski
زاحف zāḥif creeping, crawling; pl. زواحف zawāḥif2 reptiles
زحل zaḥala a (zaḥl, زحول zuḥūl) to move away, withdraw, retire (عن from a place) II to remove (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) V = I
زحل zuḥal2 the planet Saturn
زحلقة zaḥlaqa to roll, slide (هـ s.th.) II tazaḥlaqa to glide, slide, slip, skid
زحلقة zaḥlaqa: ميدان الزحلقة maidān az-z. skating rink
تزحلق tazaḥluq skating; sikiing
زحلاوي zaḥlāwī from Zaḥle (Lebanon), made in Zaḥle (e.g., arrack)
زحم zaḥama a (zaḥm) to push, shove, hustle, jostle, crowd, press, beset (ه s.o.) III to push, shove, hustle, jostle, crowd, press, beset (ه s.o.); to compete, vie (ه with s.o.) VI to press together, crowd together, mill .bout; to be closely packed lei in); to compete with one another VIII ازدحم izdaḥama to be crowded, teem, swarm (ب with); to jostle, crowd together, mill about (e.g., people)
زحمة zaḥma crush, jam; crowd, throng
زحام ziḥām crush, jam; crowd, throng
مزاحمة muzāḥama pl. -āt competition; rivalry |لا يقبل المزاحمة (yaqbalu) unrivaled, matchless without competition
تزاحم tazāḥum (mutual) competition
ازدحام izdiḥām crowd, crush, jam; over-crowdedness
مزاحم muzāḥim pl. -ūn competitor; rival
مزاحمة muzāḥima (female) rival
مزدحم muzdaḥim overcrowded, packed, jammed; teeming, swarming, crowded, crammed (ب with); -- muzdaḥam crowd, crush, jam
زخة zakka pl. -āt downpour, heavy shower
زخر zakara a (zakr, زخور zukūr) to swell, rise (e.g., river); to be overfull, brimful (ب of); to boast (ب of s.th.), vaunt (ب s.th.) V to swell; to rise; to abound (ب in), be full (ب of)
زاخر zākir and زخار zakkār full, brimful, filled to overflowing; abounding in water (seas); excessive, profuse; exuberant (feeling)
زخرف zakrafa to adorn, embellish, decorate, ornament (هـ s.th.) II tazakrafa to adorn o.s.; to be embellished, ornamented
زخرف zukruf pl. زخارف zakārif decoration, ornament, embellishment; makeup, getup (e.g., of a book); vain, trifling finery | زخارف لفظية (lafẓīya) flowers of speech, rhetorical flourishes; زخارف الدنيا z. ad-dunyā the vanities of this world
زخرفة zakrafa pl. -āt decoration (also stage decoration); ornamentation
زخرفي zukrufī ornamental, decorative
مزخرف muzakrif interior decorator; -- muzakraf embellished, ornamented |الخط الكوفي المزخرف (al-kaṭṭ al-kūfī) floriated Kufic writing
زخم zakama a (zakm) to throat back (ه s.o.); -- zakima a (zakam) to stink
زخم zakim stinking
ازخم azkam2 stinking
زخمة zakma plectrum
زخمة zakama stench
زر zarra u to button, button up (هـ s.th.); to screw, contort (عينه ‘ainahū one’s eye) II to button, button up (هـ s.th.)
زر zirr pl. ازرار azrār, زرور zurūr button; push button; knob, pommel; bud (of a plant); tassel (of the tarboosh, etc.)
زرب zariba a to flow (water) II to pen, corral (هـ livestock)
زربية zurbīya, zirbīya pl. زرابى zarābīy carpet, rug
زريبة zarība pl. زرائب zarā’ib2 zareba, cattle pen, corral, stockade, fold; (cattle) barn; (North Af.) hut made of branches
زاروب zārūb pl. زوارب zawārib2 a long, narrow lane
مزراب mizrāb pl. مزاريب mazārīb2 spout
زربول zarbūl pl. زرابيل zarābīl2 and زربون zarbūn pl. زرابين zarābīn a kind of shoe
زرد zarada u (zard) to choke (ه s.o.). strangle (هـ s.o.’s neck); to gulp, swallow, devour (هـ s.th.) VIII ازدرد izdarada to swallow (هـ s.th.)
زردة zarda sweet dish made of rice and honey
زرد zard pl. زرود zarūd chain mail, coat of mail |حمار الزرد zebra
زردة zarada chain link
زردية zardīya pliers
مزرد mazrad throat, gullet
زرزر zarzara to chirp
زرزر zurzur and زرزور zurzūr pl. زرازير zarāzīr2 starling (zool.)
زرزوري zurzūrī gray with white spots (horse)
زرع zara‘a a (zar‘) to sow (هـ s.th.); to spread, scatter (هـ s.th.); to plant, raise, grow (هـ plants); to till, cultivate (الأرض al-arḍa land); to lay (لغما lugman mine) VII pass. of I; VIII ازدرع izdara‘a to sow
زرع sowing; (pl. زروع zurū‘) seed; young standing crop, green crop; plantation; field(s) | الزرع والضرع (ḍar‘) agriculture and stock farming
زراعة zirā‘a agriculture; tilling, tillage; cultivation (of land); growing, raising (of crops); farming | زراعة البساتين horticulture
زراعي zirā‘ī agricultural, agrarian, farm- (in compounds) |ارض زراعية (arḍ) arable land; طريق زراعي field path, dirt road
زريعة zarī‘a that whicb is sown or planted; crop
زراع zarrā‘ pl. ة , -ūn peasant, farmer; planter
مزرع mazra‘ (arable) land
مزرعة mazra‘a pl. مزارع mazāri‘ field under cultivation; farm; plantation; country estate
مزرعاني mazra‘ānī farmer
مزارعة muzāra‘a temporary sharecropping contract (īsl. Law)
زارع zāri‘ pl. زراع zurrā‘ seedsman, sower; peasant; farmer; planter
مزروع mazrū‘ cultivated, planted
مزروعة mazrū‘a pl. -āt young standing crop, green crop
مزارع muzāri‘ pl. -ūn peasant, farmer; agronomist
زرافة zarāfa pl. -āt body, group, cluster (of people) |زرافات ووحدانا see واحد
زرافة zarāfa, zurāfa pl. زرافى zarāfā, zurāfā, زرائف zarā’if2 giraffe
2 زرق zaraqa u i (= ذرق ) to drop excrement (bird); -- zaraqa u (zarq) to hit, pierce (ب ه s.o. with); to jab, bore (هـ, ه into s.o. or s.th.); to throw, hurl (هـ s.th.)
زرق zarq: زرق الإبر z. al-ibar injections, injectings
مزراق mizrāq pl. مزاريق mazāriq2 javelin
2 زرق zariqa a (zaraq) and IX to be blue
زرق zaraq blue, blueness, blue color; O glaucoma (med.)
زرقة zurqa blue, blueness, blue color; O cyanosis
ازرق azraq2, f. زرقاء zarqā’2, pl. زرق zurq blue; dark-colored; الزرقاء the blue sky, the blue
ازرقاق izriqāq blueness, blue |داء الازرقاق dā’ al-izriqāq cyanosis
2 زورق look up alphabetically
زرقون zarqūn a bright red
زركش zarkaša to embellish with brocade embroidery; to adorn, embellish, decorate, ornament (هـ s.th.)
زركش zarkaš brocade, gold and silver embroidery
مزركش muzarkaš embellished with brocade embroidery, brocaded; embroidered (ب with silver and gold thread); embroidered; embellished, decorated, ornamented | القلم المزركش (qalam) ornamental writing
زرنيخ zirnīk, zarnik arsenic
زرى zarā i (زراية zirāya) to rebuke, scold, upbraid (على s.o.), find fault (هـ على with s.o. because of s.th.); to revile, disparage (ب or J- s.0.), detract (ب or على from) IV to derogate, detract (ب from s.o. or s.th.), belittle, ridicule (ب s.o. or s.th.) V = I; VIII ازدرى izdarā to slight (ب or هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), make light, think little (ب or هـ, ه of), defy (ب or هـ e.g., danger) X = VIII
زرى zarīy bad, poor, miserable, despicable, contemptible
زراية zirāya contempt, disdain; revilement, disparagement
ازراء izrā’ contempt, disregard
ازدراء izdirā’ contempt, disdain, scorn
مزرى muzran despicable, contemptible
زعبر za‘bara to deceive, cheat (على s.o.)
زعبوط za‘abūṭ pl. زعابيط za‘ābīṭ2 a woolen fabric; woolen garment with a low neckline, worn esp. by the fellahin (eg.)
زعتر za‘tar = سعتر
زعج za‘aja a and IV to disturb (ه s.o.); to trouble, inconvenience, molest, pester, harass (ه s.o.); to disquiet, alarm make uneasy, upset (. s.o.); to stir up (ه s.o. من or عن from a place), rouse (من or ه عن s.o. from a state. e.g., from sleep, etc.), drive (من or ه عن s.o. from) VII to be stirred up, be roused; to be alarmed (من by or at), feel uneasy (من about s.th.)
زعج za‘aj uneasiness, unrest
ازعاج iz‘āj disturbance
انزعاج inzi‘āj inconvenience, trouble, discomfort; disturbance, confusion
مزعج muz‘aj annoying, troublesome, irksome, inconvenient, unpleasant; harrying; disquieting; unsettling; pl. مزعجات troubles, discomforts
زعر za‘ir thin-haired
ازعر az‘ar 2, f. زعراء za‘rā’ thin-haired; tailless
ازعر az‘ar pl. زعران za‘rān (leb., pal.) highwayman, brigand; crook, scoundrel
زعارة za‘āra maliciousness, meanness
زعرور zū‘rūr pl. زعارير za‘ārīr2 ill-tempered, peevish, testy, irascible; azarole, Neapolitan medlar (Crataegus azarolus; bot.)
زعزع za‘za‘a to shake violently, convulse, rock (هـ s.th.); to shake, upset (هـ e.g., a resolve, a belief, etc.) II taza‘zaa to be convulsed; to work loose, wobble, be loose; to shake, rock, totter |لا يتزعزع unshakable
ريح زعزع rīḥ za‘za‘ and ريح زعزعان (za‘za‘ān) violent gale, hurricane
زعزعة za‘za‘a pl. زعازع convulsion, shock, concussion
زعزوع za‘zū‘ lean, skinny, lanky, spindling
مزعزع muza‘za‘ convulsed, shocked; upset, disorganized; tottering, shaky, wobbly, unsteady, precarious
متزعزع mutaza‘zi‘ unsteady, shaky, wobbly, precarious; tottering, rocking; fickle, uncertain, changeable
زعط za‘aṭa (za‘ṭ) to drive away
زعف za‘afa a (za‘f) to kill instantly (ه s.o.) IV do.
سم زعاف samm zi‘āf a rapidly killing, deadly poison
زعفران za‘farān saffron
زعق za‘aqa a (za‘q) to cry, yell, shriek, scream
زعق za‘q clamor, shouting, crying, screaming, yelling
زعقة za‘qa pl. za‘aqāt cry, outcry, yell, scream, shriek
زعيق za‘īq clamor, shouting, crying, screaming, yelling
زعل za‘ila a (za‘al) to be bored, be fed up (من with s.th.), be tired (من of); to be annoyed, angry II to annoy, vex (ه s.o.) IV to trouble, annoy (ه s.o.)
زعل za‘al displeasure, annoyance, irritation, vexation
زعل za‘il annoyed, angry, vexed, put out
زعلان za‘lān2 annoyed, angry, vexed, put out
زاعولة zā‘ūla annoyance, anger, irritation) vexation
زعم za‘ama u (za‘m) to maintain, allege, claim, pretend (ان that), declare (ل ان to s.o. that); to believe; to take (ه هـ s.o. for or to be ...), regard (ه هـ s.o. as); | زعم لنفسه to claim for o.s. (هـ s.th.) V to set o.s. up as leader; to be the leader (ه of), lead, command (هـ a body of soldier, or the like); to pretend to be the leader, pose as leader, be bossy
زعم za‘m allegation, claim |في زعمهم as they claim, III they say
زعيم za‘īm, pl. زعماء zu‘amā’2 leader; ringleader; colonel (Ir. 1922); brigadier general (mil.; formerly syr.); guarantor (ب of)
زعامة za‘āma leadership; leading position in politics
مزاعم mazā‘im2 allegation; claims, pretensions; assumptions, conjectures
مزعوم maz‘ūm pretended, claimed; alleged, so-called
زعنفة zi‘nifa pl. زعانف za‘ānif2, horde, pack, mob, rabble, rifraff; low hue, mean;
pl. fins (of fish); flippers (of whale, seal, and the like)
زغب zagab down, lid, fuzz
زغب zagib downy, fluffy, fuzzy, covered with fuzz
ازغب azgab2 downy, fluffy, fuzzy, covered with fuzz
زغبر zagbar nap (of a fabric) | اخذ بزغبره he took all of it
زغد zagada a to nudge, poke (ه s.o.)
زغر zagara a (eg.) to eye (الى or ل s.th., s.o.), lear (الى or ل at)
زغرد zagrada (زغردة zagrada) to utter shrill, long-drawn and trilling sounds (as a manifestation of joy by Arab women)
زغاريد zagārīd2 shrill, trilling cries of joy (of women)
زغرط zagraṭa = زغرد
زغاريط zagārīṭ2 = زغاريد
زغزغ zagzaga to hide, conceal (هـ s.th.); (eg.) to tickle (ه s.o.)
زغطة zuguṭṭa (eg.) hiccup
زغل zagala a (zag,) to pour out (هـ s.th.); to counterfeit (هـ e.g., coins), adulterate, debase (هـ s.th.)
زغل zagal counterfeit money
مزغل mazgal pl. مزاغل mazāgil2 loophole, embrasure
زغلل zuglala to dazzIe (النظر an-naẓar the eyes)
زغلول zuglūl pl. زغاليل zagālīl2 baby, infant; zaglūl (eg.) squab, young pigeon
زف zaffa (1st pers. perf. zafaftu) i (zaff, زفوف zufūf) to hurry; -- u (zaff, زفاف zifāf) to conduct in solemn procession (ها the bride, على or الى to the bridegroom); pass. زفت الى zuffat ilā to be married off to, be given in marriage to; to conduct in solemn procession to her new home (ها the bride, also said of the bridegroom); to inform (الى s.o., هـ of s.th.), tell (الى هـ s.th. to s.o.) |زف البشرى الى (bušrā) to bring glad tidings to
زفة zaffa procession (of people), wedding procession; -- one time; زفة zaffatan once (= marratan)
زفاف zifāf wedding, wedding ceremony |ليلة الزفاف lailat az-z. wedding night
زفوف zafūf ostrich; fleet, swift (camel)
زفيف zafīf sough(ing) (of the wind)
مزفة mizaffa bridal sedan
زفت II to smear with pitch, to pitch; to asphalt (هـ a road)
زفت zift pitch; asphalt |زفت وقطران (qaṭrān) (lit., pitch and tar) unpleasant, annoying, awkward; damned (bad luck)!
O مزفتة mizfata pl. مزافت mazāfit2 asphalting machine
تزفيت tazfīt asphalting
2 زفر zafara i (zafr, زفير zafīr) to sigh deeply, heave deep sighs; to pant, groan, moan; to blow off, exhaust, puff out (هـ air, breath)
زفرة zafra pl. zafarāt sigh, moan
زفير zafīr exhaling, exhalation, expiration; sighing, moaning, moans; see also alphabetically
2 زفر II to soil with grease begrime (هـ s.th.)
زفر zafar grease, greasy food |ثلاثاء الزفر talātā’ az-z. Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday (Chr.)
زفر zafir greasy; grimy; unclean, dirty, filthy; stinking, rancid, rank
زفزفة zafzafa soughing, whistling (of the wind)
زفن zafana i to dance, gambol
زفير zafīr zephyr cloth
زق zaqqa u (zaqq) to feed (هـ its young ones; of a bird)
زق ziqq pl. ازقاق azqāq, زقاق ziqāq, زقان zuqqān skin (as a receptacle)
زقاق zuqāq m. and f., pl. ازقة aziqqa lane, alley; strait, corridor (geogr.)
زقزق zaqzaqa (زقزقة zaqzaqa) to peep, chirp, cheep; to feed (هـ its young ones; of a bird); to dandle, rock in one’s arms (ه a child)
زقزاق zaqzāq pewit, lapwing
الزقازق az-zaqāzīq2 Zagazig (city in N Egypt)
1 زقلة zuqla and زقلية zuqlīya (eg.) club, cudgel, truncheon
2 زقيلة zaqīla pl. زقائل zaqā’il2 narrow road, path, trail
زقم zaqama u (zaqm) to swallow gulp, gobble (هـ food) IV to make (ه s.o.) swallow or gulp down (هـ s.th.) VIII ازدقم izdaqama = I
زقوم zaqqūm zaqqum, an infernal tree with exceedingly bitter fruit, mentioned in the Koran
زقا (زقو ) zaqā u to cry, crow, peep, cheep
زقاء zuqā’ crowing (of a rooster)
زكب zakaba u (زكوب zukūb) to fill up, fill (هـ s.th.)
زكيبة zakība pl. زكائب zakā’ib2 (eg.) sack, bag, gunny sack
زكرة zukra pl. زكر zukar small (wine)skin; -- a wind instrument resembling the oboe (tun.)
زكم pass. zukima to catch a cold
زكام zukām (common) cold, catarrh
زكمة zakma (common) cold, catarrh
زكانة zakāna flair; intuition
(زكو and زكى) زكا zakā u (زكاء zakā’) to thrive; to grow, increase; to be pure in heart, be just, righteous, good; to be fit, suitable (ب for s.o.), befit (ب s.o.); --zakiya a to grow, increase II to increase, augment, make grow (هـ s.th.); to purify, chasten (هـ s.th.); to justify, vindicate (ه s.o.), vouch for, or bear witness to, s.o.’s (ه ) integrity, declare (ه s.o.) honest, upright or just, attest the honorable record of s.o. (ه ); to attest the truth, validity or credibility of s.th. (هـ ); to command, praise (ه s.o.); to recommend IV to cause to grow; to grow (هـ s.th.) V to be purified, be chastened
زكي zakīy pl. ازكياء azkiyā’2 pure; chaste; guiltless, blameless, sinless; also = ذكي dakīy, e.g., رائحة زكية )
زكاء zakā’ growth; (moral) purity, integrity, honesty, righteousness
(زكوة) زكاة zakāh pl. زكا zakan, زكوات zakawāt purity; justness, integrity, honesty; justification, vindication; alms- giving, alms, charity; alms tax (Isl. Law) |زكاة الفطر z. al-fiṭr obligatory donation of foodstuffs required at the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting
ازكى azkā purer; more befitting, more appropriate; better
تزكية tazkiya purification, chastening; pronouncement of s.o.’s integrity or credibility; attentation of (a witness’) honorable record (Isl. Law)
زل zalla (1st pers. perf. zalaltu) i (zall) and zalla (1st pers. perf. zaliltu) a (زلل zalal) to slip; to make a mistake, commit an error, a slip; to slide off s.o. (عن ), fail to affect s.o. (عن ; said of evil) IV to cause (ه s.o.) to slip; to make (ه s.o.) stumble or trip
زل zall a kind of reed (syr.)
زلة zalla slip, lapse | زلة اللسان z. lisān slip of the tongue
زل zalal slip, slipping; lapse; mistake, error, oversight
زلال zulāl cold water زلال البيض z. al-baiḍ white of egg, albumen
زلالي zulālī albuminous; زلاليات zulālīyāt proteins |مواد زلالية (mawādd2) proteins
زلابية zalābiya pl. -āt a kind of doughnut cooked in oil and sprinkled with sugar
1 زلج zalaja a (زلوج zulūj) and zalija a to slip; to slide along, glide along V do. |تزلج على الثلج (talj) to skate VII = V
زلج zalj slippery
زليج zalīj slippery
مزلج mizlaj pl. مزالج mazālij2 skate
مزلاج mizlāj pl. مزاليج mazālīj2 (sliding) bolt (on a door)
2 زليج zulaij faïence, ornamental tile
زليجي zulaijī faience, ornamental tile
زلزل zalzala to shake, rook, convulse, cause to tremble (ه, هـ s.th., s.o.); pass. zulzila also: to waver, stumble II tazalzala to quake (earth)
زلزلة zalzala pl. زلازل zalāzil earthquake
زلزال zalzāl, zilzāl concussion, shock, convulsion; earthquake
زلط zalaṭa u to swallow, gulp down, gobble (هـ s.th.) II to strip, undress (ه s.o.) V to undress, strip
زلط zulṭ nakedness, nudity
زلط zalaṭ (coll.; n. un. ة ) (eg.) gravel, pebbles; road metal, ballast
زلعة zal‘a pl. زلع zila‘ (eg.) a kind of tall clay jar
زلعوم zal‘ūm pl. زلاعيم zalā‘īm2 gullet, throat
زلف zalafa u (zalf, zalaf, زليف zalīf) to approach (الى s.o. or s.th.), advance (الى toward), go near II to exaggerate, blow up (هـ a report, في in) IV to bring near, bring close (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) V to flatter (الى s.o.), fawn (الى upon s.o.), curry favor, ingratiate o.s. (الى with s.o., also ل ) VIII ازدلف izdalafa to flatter
زلف zalaf servile flattery, sycophancy, toadyism, bootlicking
زلفة zulfa and زلفى zulfā servile flattery, sycophancy, toadyism, bootlicking
متزلف mutazallif sycophant, toady, bootlicker
زلق zaliqa a (zalaq) and zalaqa u (zalq) to glide, slide; to slip II to make slippery (هـ s.th.); to slip, glide (في هـ s.th. into) IV to cause (ه s.o.) to slip | ازلقه ببصره (bi-baṣarihī) to look at s.o. sternly or disapprovingly V and VII to glide, slide; to skid, slither, slide (الى into s.th.), to slip; to ski; to skate | انزلق على الثلج (talj) to ski; to skate VII to slip from s.o.’s (عن ) hand, from s.th. (عن )
زلق zaliq slippery
زلقة zalqa (n. vic.) slip, skid, slideslip
زلاقة zalāqa slipperiness
زلاقة zallāqa pl. -āt sleigh, sledge, sled; toboggan; toboggan chute, sledding course; gutter, eaves trough
مزلق mazlaq pl. مزالق mazāliq2 slippery spot; slide, chute; esp. pl. treacherous, perilous ground, pitfalls, dangers, perils
مزلقان mazlaqān (dual) (loading) ramp; gradient, ramp, driveway, access road
مزلق mizlaq skate; مزلقان a pair of skates | O مزلق ذو عجلات (‘ajalāt) roller skate
مزلقة mizlaqa pl. مزالق mazāliq2 sleigh, sledge, sled; toboggan
انزلاق inzilāq slipping, sliding, skidding; skiing; skating
منزلق munzaliq: باب منزلق sliding door
1 زلم zalam pl. ازلام azlām arrow without head and feathers, used in divination
2 زلومة zullūma, zallūma pl. زلالم zalālim2 trunk (of an elephant)
زم zamma u (zamm) to tie up, fasten, tighten (هـ s.th.); to truss up (هـ s.th.) | زم بانفه (bi-anfihī) to turn up one’s nose, be supercilious II to bridle (هـ a camel), put the bridle (هـ on a camel)
زمام zimām pl. ازمة azimma camel halter, nose rope of the camel; rein, bridle; halter; day hook; register; ground, land | بزمامه under his supervision, under his direction, زمام الأمر z. al-amr reins of power, قبض على ازمة الأمر to hold the reins of power in one’s hand, be in control of power, wield power; تولى زمام الحكم tawallā z. al-ḥukm to seize the reins of power, assume power
زمت V to be prim, sedate, staid
زمت tazammut primness gravity, sedateness
متزمت mutazammit grave, stern, staid, sedate (character); prim; narrow-minded
J'!-j zam;ara (;j~j zam;ara) to .oold, to
storm, rage, rave
زمجر zamjara (زمجرة zamjara) to scold; to storm, rage, rave
1 زمر zamara i u (zamr, زمير zamīr) to blow, play (a wind instrument) II do.
زمر zamr blowing, playing (of a wind instrument)
زمر zamr pl. زمور zumūr a wind instrument resembling the shoe; horn (of an automobile; syr.)
زمرة zumra pl. زمر zumar troop; group (of people); زمرة دموية blood group
زمار zammār player (on a wind instrument), piper
زمارة zammāra, zummāra pl. زمامير zamāmīr2 (eg.) a wood-wind instrument consisting of two pipes, related to the clarinet; siren |زمارة الإنذار z. al-indār warning siren
مزمار mizmār single-pipe wood-wind instrument resembling the oboe
مزمور mazmūr pl. مزامير mazāmīr2 psalm
2 ازمير izmīr2 Izmir, Smyrna (seaport in W Turkey)
زمرد zumurrud emerald
زمردى zumurrudī emerald(-colored)
زمزم zamzama to rumble, roll (thunder); to murmur
زمزم zamzam copious, abundant (esp. water); Zemzem, name of a well in Mecca
زمزمية zamzamīya water flasak, canteen; O thermos bottle
زمزمة zamzama pl. زمازم zamāzim2 roll of thunder; roar of a lion
زمط zamaṭa to escape, slip away
زمع II end IV to determine (على, هـ on), decide, resolve, be determined (على, هـ to do s.th.)
مزمع muzmi‘ determined, rseolved; -- muzma‘ and مزمع عليه decided; imminent; forthcoming, prospective | المؤتمر المزمع عقده في al-mu’tamar al-m. ‘aqduhū fī the conference which is to be held on (with following date)
1 زمل III to keep (ه s.o.) company, be s.o.’s (ه ) companion, be a colleague or associate (ه في of s.o. in s.th.); to accompany (ه s.o.) VI to be comrades, be close companions
زملة zumla party, company (of people)
زميل zamīl pl. زملاء zumalā’2 companion, crony, associate, comrade; colleague; accomplice
زميلة zamiīla pl. -āt (woman) companion; (woman) colleague; sister ship
زمالة zamāla comradeship; colleagueship; fellowship |زمالة دراسية (dirāsīya) scholarship, stipend (ir.)
2 ازميل izmīl pl. ازاميل azāmīl2 chisel
زمن zamina a (زمانة zamāna) to be chronically ill IV to stay long, remain (ب at a place); to last long; to be chronic (disease)
زمن zaman pl. ازمان azmān time; period, stretch of time; duration; زمنا zamanan for some time
زمنة zamana period or time
زمن zamin, زمين zamīn pl. زمنى zamnā chronically ill
زمان zamān pl. ازمنة azmina time; duration; fortune, late, destiny | من زمان for some time (past), for quite a while; على الزمان always, ever; اهل زمانه ahl z. his contemporaries
زمنى zamanī temporal, time (adj.); worldly, earthly; passing, transient, transitory; secular |الغام زمنية mines with time fuse; قنبلة زمنية (qunbula) time bomb
زماني zamānī temporal, time; worldly, earthly; passing, transient, transitory; secular
زمنية zamanīya and زمانية zamānīya period or time, given time
زمانة zamāna chronic illness
مزمن muzmin lasting, enduring, long, lived; old, deep-seated, inveterate; chronic
زمهر zamhara to become red, flushed, blood-shot IV ازمهر izmaharra do.
زمهرير zamharīr bitter cold, severe frost
زن zanna u (zann) to buzz, drone (insect)
زن zann buzz(ing), drone
زنأ zana’a to be limited, be restricted, be confined, be curbed, be suppressed II to restrict, keep within bounds, beset, harry, drive in a corner (على s.o.)
زنبر II tazanbara to display proud, haughty manners (على toward s.o.)
زنبور zunbūr pl. زنابير zanābīr2 hornet
زنبرك zanbarak, zunburuk, zunburak pl. زنابك (metal) spring; spiral spring; cock (of a rifle, etc.)
زنبق zanbaq (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. زنابق zanābiq2 lily; iris (bot.)
زنبلك zanbalik = زنبرك
زنبيل zanbīl, zinbīl pl. زناببيل zanābīl2 basket made of palm leaves
زنتاري zintārī dysentery
زنج zanj, zinj (coll.) pl. زنوج zunūj Negro(es)
زنجي zanjī, zinjī Negro (adj. and n.)
زنجبار zanjabār Zanzibar (island and seaport of E African coast)
زنجبيل zanjabīl ginger
1 زنجر zanjara to flip, snap (with the fingers)
2 زنجار zinjār verdigris
زنجفر zunjufr, zinjafr cinnabar
زنجير zinjīr pl. زناجير zanājīr2 chain |حساب الزنجير double-entry bookkeeping
زنخ zanika a (zanak) to turn rancid
زنخ zanik rancid, rank
زند zand m. and f., pl. زناد zinād, زنود zunūd stick of a fire drill, a primitive device for kindling fire; by extension, the whole fire drill; -- zand, zind (pl. زنود zunūd) ulna (anat.); forearm
زناد zinād pl. ازند aznida fire steel; cock, hammer (of a rifle, etc.) | حجر الزناد ḥajar az-zinād flint
زندق II tazandaqa to be a freethinker, an atheist
زندقة zandaqa atheism
زنديق zindīq pl. زنادقة zanādiqa zendik, unbeliever, freethinker, atheist
زنر II: زنر اليه بعينه (bi-‘ainihī) to glare at s.o.
زنار zunnār and زنارة zunnāra pl.
زنانير zanānīr2 belt, girdle; sash; band or rope worn around the waist; cross stripe, traverse band
زنزانة zinzāna pl. -āt prison cell (eg.)
زنلخت zanzalakt China tree (Melia azedarach; bot.)
زنطارية zinṭārīya dysentery
زنق zanaqa i (rang) to tighten, constrict (هـ s.th.); to hobble (هـ an animal) II to keep on short rations, scrimp (على s.o.), be stingy, tight-fisted (على toward)
زنقة zanaqa (magr. zanga) pl. زنق zinaq narrow street, lane, alley, dead-end street
زنق zināq neckband, collar
زنك zink zinc
زنمردة zanmarda virago, termagant
زنيم zanīm low, despised, ignoble, mean; bastard; stranger, outsider
زنى zanā i (زنى, زنا zinan, زناء zinā’) to commit adultery, fornicate, whore
زنى zinan adultery; fornication
زناء zinā’ adultery; fornication
زان zānin pl.; زناة zunāh fornicator, adulterer
زاننية zāniya pl. زوان zawānin2 whore, harlot; adulteress
زهد zahada a, zahida a and zahuda u (zuhd) to abstain (في from, also عن, هـ ), renounce, abandon, foresake (في s.th., also عن, هـ ), withdraw (في, هـ from), refuse to have anything to do with (في, هـ) | زهد في الدنيا (dunyā) to renounce pleasure in worldly things, become an ascetic, lead a pious, ascetic life II to induce (ه s.o.) to withdraw or abstain (في from); to spoil s.o.’s (ه ) pleasure in (في ), arouse a dislike (في ه in s.o. for) V to practice asceticism, withdraw from the world X to deem little, insignificant, trifling, small
زهد zuhd (voluntary) renunciation (في of s.th.); jndifference (في to, esp. to worldly things); abstemiousness, abstinence; asceticism | الزهد في الدنيا (dunyā) asceticism
زهيد zahīd little, low, moderate (esp. price), insignificant, peltry, trifling. small; a little, a small amount (في of)
زهادة zahāda smallness, lowness, moderateness
تزهد tazahhud asceticism, life of retirement devoted to the service of God
زهد zāhid pl. زهاد zuhhād abstemious, abstinent, continent, self-denying; ascetic
زهر zahara a (زهور zuhūr) to shine, give light, be radiant IV to glow, gleam, glare, shine; to blossom, be in bloom (plant, flower) VIII ازدهر izdahara to shine brightly, be radiant; to blossom, be in bloom; to flourish, prosper, thrive
زهر zahr, (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. زهور zuhūr, ازهر azhur, ازهار azhār, ازاهر azāhir2, ازاهير azāhīr2 flowers; blossoms; --cast iron (also زهر الحديد) |زهر الثالوث z. at-tālūt pansy; زهر الربيع primrose; زهر العسل al-‘asal honeysuckle; زهر اللؤلؤ z. al-lu’lu’ daisy; ماء الزهر orange-flower water
زهرة zahra (n. un.) pl. āt flower, blossom; splendor, beauty
زهرة zuhra brilliancy, light, brightness; beauty |زهرة الغسيل bluing
الزهرة az-zuhara the planet Venus
زهرى zuharzi syphilis |امراض زهرية venereal diseases
زهر zuhrīya pl. -āt flower vase
زهار zahhār, florist
زهراوى zahrāwī gay, merry, cheerful (person)
ازهر azhar2 shining, luminous, radiant, brilliant; bright; -- (elative) more radiant |الأزهران sun and moon; جامع الأزهر and الجامع الأزهر Al Azhar Mosque and University in Cairo
ازهرى azharī of or pertaining to Al Azhar; (pl. -ūn) Azhar student
مزهر mizhar pl. مزاهر mazāhir2 ancient Arabic variety of the lute; (now pronounced mazhar) a kind of tambourine (eg.)
مزهرية mazharīya flowerpot
تزهير tazhīr bloom, florescence
ازهار izhār florescence
ازدهار izdihār flourishing, florescence, bloom, heyday
زاهر zāhir shining, luminous, radiant, brilliant; bright
مزهر muzhir blooming, in bloom; shining, luminous, bright
زهف zahafa a (زهوف zuhūf): زهف الى الموت to be on the verge of death VIII ازدهف الى الموت do.
زهق zahaqa a (zahq, زهوق zuhūq) to die, pass away, run out, come to nothing; زهقت نفسه (nafsuhū) and زهقت روحه (rūḥuhū) to give up the ghost, die; to weary, become tired (من of s.th.), be disgusted (من with s.th.) IV to bring about the ruin or downfall of s.th. (هـ ); to destroy, annihilate (هـ s.th.); (الروح) ازهق النفس to be disgusting, be revolting
زهوق zuhūq dying, passing, bound to vanish
زهم zuhm offensive smell
زهم zahm malodorous, fetid
زهمة zuhma offensive smell
زهومة zuhūma offensive smell
زها (زهو ) zahā u (zahw) to blossom, flower, be in bloom; to grow, thrive; to shine brightly, be radiant, glow, gleam; to give o.s. airs, be haughty, conceited; to pride o.s. (ب upon, both in a favorable and a pejorative sense); pass. زهى zuhiya to be proud, conceited (ب of), pride o.s. (ب on), boast (ب of), vaunt (ب s.th.) IV to blossom, flower, be in bloom; to grow, thrive; to give o.s. airs, be conceited, be boastful VIII ازدهى izdahā and pass. uzduhiya to be self-satisfied, complacent, conceited, proud; izdahā to shine (ب at, in s.th.), have (ب an accomplishment) to show; to boast (ب of s.th.), vaunt (ب s.th.)
زهو zahw and zuhuw bloom, florescence; splendor; beauty; pride; haughtiness, arrogance; vanity, a vain or futile thing or things; fun, play, amusement
زهى zahīy brilliant, splendid, magnificent, gorgeous, sumptuous
زهاء zahā’ radiance, brilliancy, splendor
زهاء zuhā’ number, amount; zuhā’a roughly, about, some (with foll. figure)
ازهى azhā more flourishing; prouder, more conceited
ازدهاء izdihā’ bloom, florescence, flourishing; heyday; shining; glittering, splendor, radiance; pride (both in a favorable and a pejorative sense)
زاه zāhin shining, brilliant, radiant, resplendent; glowing; splendid, gorgeous, magnificent, gaudy, beautiful
مزهو mazhūw proud (ب of); haughty, supercilious, vainglorious; cocky, overbearing
زوبعة see زبع
2 زوج II to pair, couple (من or ب هـ s.th. with), join in pairs or couples (هـ s.th.); to double, geminate (هـ s.th.); to employ parallelism (rhet.); to marry off, give in marriage (ه, هـ, ها من a girl to s.o.) III to form a pair or couple; to use in parallel construction, join in a pair (بين two words, rhet.); to marry, join in wedlock, unite in matrimony (بين -- و s.o. with) V to get married (من, ب, على, ه with), marry (من, ب, على, ه s.o.) VI to intermarry; to pair, come together forming a pair, be in pairs, be double VIII ازدوج izdawaja to pair, he in pairs, be double, appear twice
زوجة zauja pl. ازواج azwāj one of a pair; husband; wife; mate, partner; couple, pair (also, e.g., of shoes); dual زوجان couple
زوجة zauja pl. -āt wife
زيجة zīja marriage, wedding
زوجي zaujī in pairs, paired; double; marital, matrimonial, conjugal; doubles (tennis)
زيجي zījī marital, matrimonial, conjugal, connubial
زوجية zaujīya pl. -āt matrimony, marriage
زواج zawāj marriage (من with); wedding; matrimony, wedlock |وحدة الزواج wahdat az-z. monogamy
مزاوج mizwāj frequently marrying
تزويج tazwīj marrying off (of a woman, من to)
زواج zawāj doubling, duplication; parallelism (rhet.)
مزاوجة muzāwaja pairing, coupling, close union (of two things)
تزوج tazawwuj marriage
تزاوج tazāwuj intermarriage
ازدواج izdiwāj pairedness doubleness; O coupling (el.) |ازدواج ضريبي (ḍarībī) double taxation
متزوج mutazawwij married
مزدوج muzdawij double, twofold, two- (e.g., of a railroad: two-track)
2 زاج look up alphabetically
زاح (زوح ) zāḥa u = (زيح) زاح zāḥa i
زود II to supply with provisions (ه هـ s.o.), provision (هـ ب , s.o. with); to provide, supply, equip (ب هـ, ه s.o., s.th. with); to endow (ه ب s.o. with); to enrich (هـ ب s.th. with) IV to supply with provisions (ه s.o.) V to be supplied (with provisions); to take along provisions (on a journey); to learn (من from s.o.); to provide o.s., supply o.s equip o.s. (ب with)
زاد zād pl. ازواد azwād, ازودة azwida provisions, supplies, stores
زواد zawād provisions
زوادة zuwwāda provisions
مزود mizwad pl. مزاود mazāwid2, مزائد mazāid2 provision bag, haversack
مزادة mazāda provision bag, haversack
تزويد tazwīd supply, purveyance (ب of). provision, equipment (ب with); manning (of ships)
زائدة pl. زوائد see زيد
مزود muzawwid pl. -ūn contractor, supplier, furnisher, purveyor, victualer, caterer
مزود muzawwad provided, supplied, furnished (ب with); equipped (ب with); armed (ب with guns) ; conneoted (ب with), attended, accompanied (ب by)
زار (زور ) zāra u (zaur, زيارة ziyāra) to visit (ه s.o.), call (ه on s.o.), pay a visit (ه to); to afflict (ه s.o.) II to forge, falsify, counterfeit (ه s.th.); to fake, simulate VI to exchange visits IX to turn aside, turn away, dissociate o.s. (عن from); to be averse (عن to s.th.); ازور به to turn s.o. away, alienate s.o. (عن from) X to desire s.o.’s (ه ) visit
زور zaur upper part of the chest; throat |آلام الزور sore throat
زور zūr lie, untruth; falsehood |شهادة الزور šahādat az-z. false testimony
زور zūr force | بالزور by force, forcibly
زور zawar inclination, obliqueness, slant; crookedness; falseness; perfidy, insidiousness; squint
زورة zaura (n. vic.) pl. -āt visit, call
زيارة ziyāra pl. -āt visit; call (social, of a doctor)
ازور azwar2, f. زوراء zaurā’2, pl. زور zūr inclined, slanting, oblique; crooked, curved; squint-eyed, cross-eyed
مزار mazār pl. -āt place which one visits; shrine, sanctuary
تزوير tazwīr forgery, falsification |تزوير في السندات (sanadāt) falsification of documents
ازورار izwirār turning away; averseness, aversion, dislike, distaste
زائر zā’ir pl. -ūn, زوار zuwwār, f. زائرة zā’ira pl. -āt, زور zuwwar visitor, caller, guest
مزور mazūr visited
مزور muzawwar forged, false, counterfeit; obtained by swindle, faked
زورق zauraq pl. زوارق zawāriq2 boat, rowboat, skiff |زورق بخاري (bukhārī) steam launch; زورق الصيد z. aṣ-ṣaid fishing boat; زورق النجاة z. an-najāh lifeboat; O زورق ناصف torpedo boat
1 زاغ (زوغ ) zāga u (zaug, زوغان zawagān) to turn aside, depart, deviate (عن from), swerve; to deviate from truth, to swindle; see also زيغ VI to turn aside, swerve
2 زاغ look up alphabetically
زوفاء zūfā’, زوفى zūfā hyssop (bot.)
1 زوق II to adorn, embellish, ornament, decorate (هـ s.th.); to picture, visualize (هـ a story, in one’s imagination)
زواق zawāq embellishment, adornment, ornamentation; decoration; finery, attire; face painting, make-up, cosmetics
مزوق muzawwaq adorned, embellished, ornamented, decorated; florid, flowery (speech); dressed up, meretricious, showy, gaudy
2 زاووق ,زاؤوق look up alphabetically
زول ) and زال (زيل zāla (1st pers. perf. zultu) u (زوال zawāl) to go away, withdraw (عن or من from), abandon, leave (عن or من s.o. or s.th.); to disappear, vanish; to abate, calm down, die down, come to an end; to go down, set; -- (1st pers. perf. ziltu) a (zail) to cease (with negations only) |of زول: زال منه الغضب (gaḍab) his wrath abated; زال عن الوجود to cease to exist; -- of زيل : with neg. ما زال, لم يزل (yazal), لا يزال equivalent to Engl. “still, yet”: ما زلت افعله (af‘aluhū) I have not ceased to do it, I (am) still do(ing) it; ما زال قائما he is still standing, ما زال في he has not ceased to be or to remain in, he is still in; لا يزال في حاجة اليه he is still in need of it, he still needs it; لا يزال على ذكر منه (dikrin) he still remembers him II زول zawwala to remove, eliminate (هـ s.th.), -- زيل zayyala to separate, break up, disperse, scatter (هـ s.th.) III زاول zāwala to pursue (هـ s.th.), devote o.s. apply o.s. (هـ to); -- زايل zāyala to separate, part (هـ, ه from), leave, quit, abandon (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to separate
(بين s.th.) |زايل الدار to move out of the house, leave the house IV to cause to cease or stop, make disappear or vanish (هـ s.th.), to remove, eliminate (هـ s.th.), put an end (هـ to s.th.), do away (هـ with s.th.), make a clean sweep (هـ of s.th.) VI تزايل tazāyala to be disjointed, incoherent; to pass away, cease, stop
زول zaul pl. ازوال azwāl person, body, figure, nightly apparition, specter, ghost, phantom, spirit
زوال zawāl end, passage, extinction, disappearance, vanishing, cessation; setting (of the sun); noon |سريع الزوال ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, بعد الزوال in the afternoon; عند الزوال around noon, by noon; خط الزوال kaṯṭ az-z. meridian
زوالي zawālī: في الساعة الرابعة زوالية atfour o’clock in the afternoon, at four p.m.
زولية zūlīya pl. زوالي zawālī (ir., saud.) knotted rug
مزولة mizwala pl. مزاول mazāwil2 sundial
مزاولة muzāwala pursuit (of s.th.), application (to); assiduous study; practice (of some work, of a profession)
ازالة izāla removal, elimination
زائل zā’il transitory, passing, evanescent, fleeting, ephemeral, short-lived
زولوجيا zōlōjiyā zoology
زولوجي zōlōjī zoologic(al)
زام (زوم ) zāma u (eg.) to growl, snarl (dog) II to mumble, mutter
زوم zūm pl. ازوام azwām juice, sap
1 زان , زانة look up alphabetically
2 زوان ziwān, zuwān = زؤان (q.v.)
زوى zawā i to contract, wrinkle, knit (هـ s.th., e.g., the eyebrows), to remove (هـ s.th.); to hide, conceal (هـ s.th.) |زوى ما بين عينيه (‘ainaihi) he knitted his eye-brows, he frowned (in anger, and the like) II and V to withdraw into a corner, go into seclusion, retire VII do., to keep to o.s., live in seclusion or retirement |انزوى في جلده (jildihī) to crawl inside o.s. (out of shame, and the like)
انزواء inziwā’ retirement, seclusion, isolation
زاوية zāwiya pl. زوايا zawāyā corner, nook; angle (math.); a small mosque, prayer room; (North Afr.) small cupolaed mosque erected over the tomb of a Muslim saint, with teaching facilities and a hospice attached to it, usually the establishment of a religious order |الزاوية الحادة (ḥādda) acute angle, الزاوية الخارجة external angle, متساوى الزوايا mutasāwī az-z. equiangular, الزاوية المنفرجة (munfarija) obtuse angle, الزاوية القائمة right angle, حجر الزاوية ḥajar az-z. cornerstone; من زوايا مختلفة (muktalifa) from different angles (i.e., aspects)
منزو munzawin seclusive, secluding; retired, secluded, outlying, remote, out-of-the-way, obscure
زي II زيى, زيا zayyā to dress, clothe, costume (ه ب s.o. in) V تزيى, تزيا tazayyā to dress, put on a dress or costume; to dress up, smarten o.s. up, to be dressed, be clad (ب in), wear (ب th.)
زي ziyy pl. ازياء azyā’ clothing, dress, apparel, attire; O uniform; outward appearance, make-up; costume; style of dress, manner of dressing; fashion; exterior, guise, form, shape |على الزي الجديد fashionable, modish, stylish
زيبق zībaq (= زئبق zi‘baq) quicksilver, mercury
زيت II to oil, lubricate, grease (هـ a machine, and the like); to add oil (هـ to some food)
زيت zait pl. زيوت zuyūt oil (edible, fuel, motor oil, etc.) |زيت حار (ḥārr) linseed oil; زيت حلو (ḥulw) sweet oil, oil free of hydrogen sulfide; زيت الحوت z. al-ḥūt cod-liver oil; زيت الخروع z. al-kirwa‘ castor oil; زيت السمك z. as-samak cod-liver oil; زيت التشحيم lubricating oil; زيت الاستصباح fuel oil; زيت الغاز z. al-gāz kerosene
زيتي zaitī oily, oil (adj.), oil-bearing |صورة زيتية or لوحة زيتية (ṣūra, lauḥa) oil painting
زيات zayyāt oil dealer, oilman
زيتون zaitūn (coll.; n. un. ة ) olive tree; olive(s) |احد الزيتون aḥad az-z. Palm Sunday (Chr.); جبل ازيتون jabal az-z. Mount of Olives (Jerusalem)
زيتونة zaitūna (n. un.) pl. -āt olive tree; olive |جامع الزيتونة the Zaitouna Mosque (large mosque and university in Tunis)
زيتوني zaitūnī olivaceous, olive-colored, olive-green; (pl. -ūn) student of the Great Mosque of Tunis
زيتونية zaitūnīya, احد الزيتونية aḥad az-az. Palm Sunday (Cop.-Chr.)
مزيتة mazyata oil can, oiler
مزيت muzayyat oiled
1 زيج zīj leveling line (used by masons); ephemeris, astronomical almanac
2 زيجة zīja and زيجي zījī see زوج
زاح (زيح ) zāḥa i (zaiḥ, zuyūḥ, زيحان zayaḥān) to go away, depart, leave IV to remove, drive away, banish (هـ s.th.), do away with (هـ ); to take away (هـ s.th.); to pull away, throw back (هـ a curtain, a veil, etc., عن from s.th.) |ازاح اللثام عن to reveal, disclose s.th.; ازاح الستار عن تمثال (timtāl) to unveil a monument VII to go away, depart, leave; to be pulled away, be thrown back (curtain)
زيح zīh pl. ازياح azyāḥ (straight) line
زياح zayyāḥ pl. -āt religious procession
ازاحة izāḥa removal, abolition |ازاحة الستار unveiling (of a monument)
زاد (زيد ) zāda i (زيادة ziyāda) to become greater, become more, grow, increase, be compounded, multiply; to be greater, be more, amount to more (عن or على than), exceed (عن or على s.th., an amount, ب by), go beyond an amount or number (على ); to augment, increase, compound (هـ s.th.), make (هـ s.th.) grow or increase; to step up, raise (من, هـ s.th., الى هـ s.th. to); to add (على هـ s.th. to); to add, make additions (على to), enlarge (على s.th.); to extend, expand, further, advance, promote, intensify (في or من s.th.); to give more (هـ ه to s.o. of s.th.) |لا يزيد على it is no more than , it is only ; زاد قائلا he added (in speech followed by quotation); زد على ذلك (zid) (prop.: add to it that ...) in addition to that there is ..., what’s more, there is ...; furthermore, moreover; زاده علما (‘ilman) to tell s.o. more about it, supply s.o. with more information II to increase, augment, compound, make grow m to make a higher bid (ه than s.o.), outbid (ه s.o.; at an auction) V to increase; to nee, go up (prices); to make additions, add embellishments of one’s own, exaggerate (in telling s.th.); to be long-winded, verbose |تزيد من العلم، من المعرفة (‘ilm, ma‘rifa) to acquire additional knowledge, increase one’s knowledge VI to outbid one another; to increase gradually, be growing; to become more intense, intensify; to become more and more, exceed more and more (من s.th.) VIII ازداد izdāda to grow, be growing, increase, be compounded, multiply |ازداد بكاء (bukā’an) he wept more and more X to demand more, ask for more, go up with one’s demands; to try to achieve more; to aim or work at an increase, expansion or extension (هـ of); to ask (ه s.o.) to give more of s.th.
الزيدية az-zaidīya a Shiitic group forming an independent commonwealth (Yemen)
الزيود az-zuyūd the Zaidites, adherents of the Zaidiya sect
زيادة ziyāda increase, increment, accretion, growth; surplus, overplus, excess; increase, augmentation, raising, stepping up; enhancement, elevation, intensification; extra pay, allowance (in addition to the salary); addition; زيادة ziyādatan in addition, additionally |زيادة عن (ziyādatan) over and above, beyond, in excess of; regardless of; aside from; حمله زيادة عن تحمله ḥammalahū z. ‘an taḥammulihi he loaded him with more than he could carry; زيادة على ذلك (ziyādatan) moreover, besides; زيادة المواليد excess of births; لزيادة الإيضاح (īḍāḥ) in order to make it even clearer, for further elucidation
ازيد azyad2 more excessive, higher, greater, bigger
مزاد mazād pl. -āt auction, public sale
مزيد mazīd an exceeding (على of s.th.); excess, superabundance; high degree, large extent; utmost, maximum; (with foll. genit.) excessive, extreme, utmost, highest, greatest, superlative; pass. partic. of I: increased, etc.; the derivative stems of the verb (gram.) |بمزيد الشكر bi-m. iš-šukr with many, many thanks; بمزيد الأسف bi-m. il-asaf with the greatest regret; بمزيد الارتياح with extreme satisfaction; ليس له من مزيد it is unsurpassable, it’s not to be outdone
مزايدة muzāyada pl. -āt auction, public sale
تزيد tazayyud exaggeration (in reporting), one’s own embellishments or additions, fables, yarn
تزايد tazāyud (gradual) increase, increment, growth
ازدياد izdiyād increase, growth, rise, intensification
استزادة istizāda a striving for more; pursuit of an increase, expansion or extension; desire or request for more |لم يبق استزادة لمستزيد (yabqa, li-mustazīdin) there is nothing to be added, nothing more need be said about it
زائد zā’id increasing, growing; excessive, immoderate; exceeding (عن s.th.), in excess (عن of); additional, extra, supernumerary |زائد على الحاجة more than necessary, surplus
زائدة zā’ida pl. زوائد zawā’id2 appendage, appendix (anat., zool., bot.); outgrowth (med.) |زائدة معوية (mi‘awīya) and زائدة دودية (dūdīya) vermiform appendix (anat.)
مزايد muzāyid pl. -ūn bidder, outbidder (at an auction)
متزايد mutazāyid steadily increasing, swelling
1 زير II (mor.) to close (هـ a button)
2 زير zīr pl. ازيار azyār, زيار ziyār (eg., magr.) large, almost conical jar, made of porous clay, for storing water
3 زير zīr the highest string of stringed instruments (mus.)
زيز zīz (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. زيزان zīzān cicada; chrysalis
زيزفون zaizafūn jujube (Zizyphus; bot.); linden tree
1 زاغ (زيغ ) zāga i (zaig, زيغان zayagān) to turn aside; to depart, deviate (عن from); to swerve; to turn away (عن from), turn one’s back (عن on); to wander, stray, roam (eyes) IV to cause (هـ s.th.) to deviate |ازاغ عني بصره (baṣarahū) he looked past me, he snubbed me
زيغ zaig and زيغان zayagān a turning aside; deviation, departure (عن from) |زيغ وسداد (sadād) erring and doing right, wrong and right
زائغ zāig deviating, divergent; false, wrong, distorted, perverted |نظرات زائغة (nazarāt) wandering glances
2 زاغ look up alphabetically
زاف (زيف ) zāfa i (zaif) to be false, be spurious II to counterfeit (هـ money); to declare (هـ s.th.) to be false or spurious
زيف zaif falseness; pride; (pl. زيوف zuyūf) false, spurious, forged, counterfeit
ازيف azyaf2 falser, more spurious
تزييف tazyīf falsification, forgery, counterfeiting
زائف zā’if false; forged, counterfeit, spurious |اخبار زائفة false reports; نقود زائفة counterfeit money
مزيف muzayyif forger, counterfeiter
مزيف muzayyaf forged; counterfeit, false, spurious; pseudo-
1 زيق II (eg.) to creak, screech
2 زيق zīq pl. ازياق azyāq collar, neckband; border, hem (of a garment)
زال (زيل ) and II, III, VI see زول
1 زان (زين ) zāna i (zain) to decorate, adorn (هـ s.th.) II to adorn, decorate, embellish, ornament (هـ s.th.); to grace (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.);to shave (ه s.o.); زينت نفسها (nafsahā) to make herself up (lady); to paint in glowing tones, present in a favorable light, extol (ل, الى هـ s.th. to s.o.); to conjure up (ه s.th., ل before s.o.’s eyes), create visions (هـ of s.th., ل in s.o.’s mind), lead s.o. (ل ) to believe (ان that); to give (ل s.o.) the idea (ان to do s.th.), suggest (ل ان to s.o. to do s.th.) V to be decorated, be adorned; to dress up, smarten o.s. up, spruce up, preen o.s.; to shave, get a shave VIII ازدان izdāna to be decorated, be adorned; to be graced
زين zain beauty; beautiful, nice, pretty
زينة zīna pl. -āt embellishment, adornment, ornament, decoration; cloth., attire, finery; toilette |زينة الوجه z. al-wajh make-up; بيت الزينة bait az-z. beauty shop; اشجار الزينة ornamental tress; نباتات الزينة nabātāt az-z. ornamental plants; خوان الزينة kuwān az-z. dressing table; غرفة الزينة gurfat az-z. dressing room
زيان zayyān beautiful
زيان ziyān embellishment, adornment, decoration; ornament
زيانة ziyāna barber’s or hairdresser’s trade
تزيين tazyīn adorning, decoration, ornamentation; make-believe, sham, pretense
مزين muzayyin barber, hairdresser
مزين muzayyin decorated, ornamented, adorned (ب with); graced (ب with)
مزدان muzdān decorated, ornamented, adorned (ب with); graced (ب with)
2 زان look up alphabetically
زينكو zinkō zinc