Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
سـ sa shortened form of سوف saufa (q.v.)
ساتان sātān satin
ساج sāj pl. سيجان sījān teak, Indian oak
ساجات sījān castanets
سادة sāda simple; plain, unicolored, uniform (fabric) |قهوة سادة (qahwa) unsweetened coffee
سؤدد see2 سود
سئر sa’ira a to remain, be left
سؤر su’r pl. اسآر as’ār rest, remainder, remnant, leftover (esp. of food and beverages)
سؤرة su’ra rest, remainder, remnant, leftover (esp. of food and beverages); vestige of youthful vigor
سائر sā’ir remaining; rest, remainder; (with foll. det. genit.) all
الساسانيون as-sāsānīyūn the Sassanidae, a dynasty of Persian kings (226-651 A.D.)
ساغو sāgō sago
ساكو sākō, ساكوه sack coat, lounge jacket
سأل sa’ala a (سؤال su’āl, مسألة mas’ala, تسآل tas’āl) to ask (عن or ه هـ s.o. s.th. or about s.th.); to inquire (عن ه of s.o. about); to ask (هـ من or ه s.o. for s.th.), request, demand, claim (من هـ or ه from s.o. s.th.) سأله الا sa’alahū illa to implore, adjure s.o. that he ...; سأله عن اخباره to ask s.o. about s.o. else; سأله رأيه (ra’yahā) to ask s.o.’s opinion, consult s.o.; سأله سؤالا to ask s.o. a question; يسأل (yus’alu) he is responsible, answerable (عن for) III to ask, question, interrogate (ه s.o.); to call (ه s.o.) to account IV اسأله سؤله (as’alahū) to fulfill s.o.’s wish, comply with s.o.’s request V tasa’’ala and تسول tasawwala to beg VI to ask; to ask o.s.; to ask one another; تساءل هل (عن ) to ask o.s. whether (about); to inquire (عن about)
سؤل su’l demand, request, wish
سؤلة su’la demand, request, wish
سؤال su’āl pl. اسئلة as’ila question (عن about); request (عن for); inquiry (عن about); demand, claim
سأال sa’’āl given to asking questions, inquisitive, curious
سؤول sa’ūl given to asking questions, inquisitive, curious
مسألة (مسئلة ) mas’ala pl. مسائل masā’il2 question; issue, problem; matter, affair, case; request
مساءلة musā’ala questioning, interrogation
تسول tasawwu1 begging, beggary
تساؤل tasā’ul (self-directed) question; questioning
سائل sā’il pl. –ūn, سؤال su’āl, سألة sa’ala questioner; petitioner; beggar
مسؤول mas’ūl responsible, answerable, accountable (عن for)
مسئولية mas’ūlīya pl. -āt responsibility (عن for)
متسول mutasawwil pl. -ūn beggar
1 سام sām Shem (eldest son of Noah)
سامي sāmī Semitic; (pl. -ūn) Semite
اللاسامية al-lā-sāmīya anti-Semitism
2 سئم sa’ima a (سأم sa’m, سآمة sa’āma) to be weary, tired (من or هـ of s.th.), be bored, fed up (من or هـ with s.th.); to dislike, detest, loathe (ان doing s.th.), have an aversion (ان to doing s.th.) IV to cause or arouse weariness or boredom (ه in s.o.), weary, bore (ه s.o.)
سئم sa’im weary, tired, bored
سؤوم sa’ūm disgusted, weary, fed up
سآمة sa’āma weariness, disgust, boredam, ennui
سب sabba u (sabb) to insult, abuse, call names, revile (ه s.o.), rail (ه at); to curse (ه s.o.); to blaspheme, curse, swear II to cause, provoke, arouse, produce, bring about, effect, occasion (هـ s.th.), give occasion (هـ to s.th.) III to exchange insults or abusive language (هـ with s.o.) V to be caused, be produced (عن by), be the consequence or result (عن of), follow, arise, spring, result (عن from); to be the reason or cause, be at the bottom (ب or في of), be to blame (في for), be instrumental (في in); to seek reason or motives (الى for s.th.); to account, give a reason or explanation (الى for), justify, motivate (الى s.th.); to use (ب s.th.) as a means (الى for); to trade, be in the retail business VI to insult each other, call one another names, rail at each other VIII = VI
سب sabb abuse, vituperation, insults, cursing
سبة sabba period of time, (long) while
سبة sibba: سبة الآلام s. al-ālam Passion Week (Chr.)
سبة subba disgrace, shame, dishonor
سبب sabab pl. اسباب asbāb rope, tent rope; means for obtaining s.th.; reason, cause, motive, occasion (with fall. genit. or في : of); means of subsistence; (esp. pl.) relations (between people) |سبب اكبر main reason; اسباب الحكم a. al-ḥukm opinion (jur.); اسباب الراحة luxury; بسبب bi-sababi because of, on account of, due to, by; بسبب ذلك because of that, for that reason, therefore; كان السبب فيه (sababa) to be the cause of s.th., be to blame for s.th.; يرجع السبب الى (yarji‘u) the reason is to be found in ...; اخذ سأسباب الحضارة الحديثة (ḥaḍāra) to adopt modern civilization; وصل اسبابه بأسبابه (asbābahū) to join forces with s.o.; تقطعت الأسباب بين relations between are broken out, they no longer have anything in common; شاطره أسباب المسرة šāṭarahū asbāba al-masarra to share s.o.’s joy
سببية sababīya causality
سباب sabbāb abuser, vituperator, reviler
سبابة sabbāba index finger
سبيب sabīb pl. سبائب sabā’ib2 strand of hair
مسبة masabba pl. -āt vilification, abuse, insult
تسبيب tasbīb mediate causation (Isl. Law)
سباب sibāb abuse, vituperation, revilement
مسابة musābba abuse, vituperation, revilement
مسبب musabbib causer, originator, author; مسببات musabbibāt causative factors
مسبب musabbab caused (عن by) | السبب والمسبب (sabab) cause and effect
متسبب mutasabbib causer; cause; retailer, small storekeeper
سبا sabā and سبأ saba’ Sheba | ذهبوا ايدي (ايادي) سبا d. aidiya (aydiya) sabā they were scattered to the four winds
سبانخ sabānak, sabānik spinach
سباهى see سبايس
سبايس sabāyis and سباهي sibāhī spahis, Algerian native cavalry in the French army
1 سبت sabata u to rest; to keep the Sabbath IV to enter on the Sabbath
السبت as-sabt pl. السبوت as-sabūt Sabbath, Saturday | يوم السبت yaum as-s. do.; سبت النور s. an-nūr Holy Saturday (Chr.)
سبات subāt lethargy; slumber, sleep
سباتي subātī lethargic |اللالتهاب المخى السباتي (mukkī) encephalitis lethargica, sleeping sickness (med.)
مسبت musbit lethargic, inactive, motionless
2 سبت sabat pl. -āt, اسبتة asbita basket
3 سبت sibitt dill (Anethum graveolens; bot.)
سبتمبر sibtambir September
سبج sabaj jet (min.)
سبح sabaḥa a (sabḥ, سبح sibāḥa) to swim (في, ب in); to float (fig.); to spread II to praise, glorify (الله allāha, لله li-llāhi God, by saying سبحان الله subḥāna llāh praise the Lord!); to praise, extol (ب s.th.) |سبح بحمده (ḥamdihī) to sing s.o.’s praise, glorify s.o.
سبحة sabḥa (n. un.) a swim, swimming
سبحة sabḥa pl. سبحات subuḥāt, سبح subaḥ beads of the Muslim rosary; Muslim rosary; supererogatory salat (Isl. Law)
سبحة subḥa, sabḥa pl. سبحات subuḥāt, sabaḥāt majesty (of God) | سبحات وجه الله subuḥātu wajhi llāh the sublimity, or the august splendor, or God’s countenance; سبحات رفيعة (sabaḥāt) lofty heights
سبحان الله subḥāna llāh exclamation of surprise, etc. (prop.: praise the Lord! God be praised!); سبحان الله عن God is far above ..., God is beyond …
سباح sabbāḥ swimmer
سبوح sabūḥ a good swimmer; swift and smooth-running (lit.: floating; of horses)
سباحة sibāḥa (art of) swimming
مسبح masbaḥ pl. مسابح masābiḥ2 swimming pool
مسبحة misbaḥa pl. مسابح masābiḥ2 rosary
تسبيح tasbīḥ pl. -āt, تسابيح tasābīḥ2 glorification of God (by exclaiming سبحان الله )
تسبيحة tasbīḥa pl. -āt, تسابيح tasābīḥ2 glorification of God; hymn, song of praise
تسبحة tasbiḥa hymn, song of praise
سابح sābiḥ pl. -ūn, سباح subbāḥ, سبحاء subaḥā’2 swimmer; bather | سابح في افكاره lost in thought
O سابحة sābiḥa glider, sailplane, cargo glider
سابحات sābiḥāt and سوابح sawābiḥ2 floating ones (epithet for race horses)
مسبحة musabbiḥa index finger
سبحلة sabḥala glorification of God
سبخ sabaka u (sabk) to be sound asleep II do.; to manure, fertilize (الأرض al-arḍa the land)
سبخ sabak dung, manure, fertilizer |سبخ بلدي (baladī) manure
سبخ sabik briny (soil)
سبخة sabaka, sabka pl. سباخ sibāk salt marsh, salt swamp | ارض سبخ do.
سباخ sibāk pl. اسبخة asbika dung, manure, fertilizer | سباخ بلدي (baladī) manure
سبيخ sabīk pl. سبائخ sabā’ik2 loose (unspun) cotton
تسبيخ tasbīk deep, sound sleep; O coma, somnolence (med.)
سبر sabara u i (sabr) to examine with a probe, to probe (هـ a wound); to measure, sound (هـ s.th., e.g., the depth); to fathom, explore, examine (هـ s.th.) | سبر اغوار الشيء to probe the depth of s.th., get to the bottom of s.th., study s.th. thoroughly
سبر sabr probing (of a wound); fathoming, exploration, examination
سبار sibār pl. سبر subūr probe (med.)
سبورة sabūra slate; blackboard
مسبر misbar pl. مسابر masābir2 probe (med.)
مسبار misbār pl. مسابير masābīr2 probe (med.)
سبس sibs small wind instrument resembling the oboe (eg.)
سبسب II tasabsaba to be lank (hair); to flow (tears)
سبسب sabsaba pl. سباسب sabāsib2 desert, wasteland | قفر سبسب (qafr) desert, wasteland, desolate region
سبط sabuṭa u (سبوطة subūṭa, سباطة sabāṭa) to be lank (hair)
سبط sabiṭ, sabṭ, sabaṭ pl. سباط sibāṭ lank (hair) |سبط اليدين sabṭ (sabiṭ) al-yadain liberal, openhanded, generous; سبط القامة s. al-qāma shapely, well-built, of graceful stature
سبط sibṭ pl. اسباط asbāṭ grandson; tribe (of the Israelites)
سباط sabbāṭ pl. سبابيط sabābīt shoe
سباطة subāṭa bunch, cluster (of fruit)
ساباط sābāṭ pl. سوابط sawābīṭ2 arcade, roofed lane or street; archway
سيباط sībāṭ and (eg.) سباط subāṭ arcade, roofed lane or street; archway
سبع II to make sevenfold (هـ s.th.); to divide into seven parts (هـ s.th.)
سبع sab‘ pl. اسبع asbu‘,سبوع subū‘, سبوعة subū‘a predatory animal, beast of prey; lion
سبع sabu‘ pl. سباع siba‘ predatory animal, beast of prey; lion
سبعة sab‘a (f. سبع sab‘) seven; سبعة عشر sab‘ata ‘ašara (f. سبع عشرة sab‘a ‘ašrata) seventeen
سبع sub‘, subu‘ pl. اسباع asbā‘ one-seventh
سباعي subā‘ī consisting of seven parts; seven-lettered, consisting of seven letters
سبعون sab‘ūn seventy
سبعوني sab‘ūnī septuagenarian
الترجمة السبعينية at-tajyama as-sab‘īnīya the Septuagint
السبوعات (Hebr. šebū‘ōt) as-sabū‘āt Shabuoth, the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost, of the Jews
اسبوع usbū‘ pl. اسابيع asābī‘2 week |اسبوع الآلام Passion Week (Chr.)
اسبوعي usbū‘ī weekly; اسبوعيا weekly, by the week
اسبوعية usbū‘īya weekly feature (radio)
السابع as-sābi‘ the seventh
سبغ sabaga u a (سبغ subūg) to be long and wide; to abound, be abundant IV to make wide, widen (هـ s.th.); to make (هـ s.th.) complete; to bestow amply (على upon s.o., هـ s.th.), shower (هـ على s.o. with); to lend, impart liberally (هـ على to s.th. s.th.); to attribute, ascribe (على to s.o., هـ qualities) | اسبغ الوضوء to perform the ritual ablution properly (Isl. Law)
سابغ sābig pl. سوابغ sawābig2 long and loose-fitting (garment); full, complete, perfect; excessive, abundant, ample
سبق sabaqa i u (sabq) to be, come, go, get, or act, before or ahead of s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ), precede, antecede (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., in place and time), arrive before s.o. (ه ) at (الى ); to outstrip, outdistance, leave behind (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to forestall (هـ s.th.); to anticipate (o s.th.); to do or say s.th. (الى ) spontaneously before one can be stopped; to turn spontaneously, instinctively, without knowing why (الى to s.th.); to surpass, beat (على or ه s.o.) |سبق له ان فعله (an fa‘alahū) he had already done it before; سبق له ان قابله (an qābalahū) he had met him before (paraphrasing the pluperfect); سبق لنا القول ان (qaulu) we have previously (already) said that ...; سبق الحكم عليه ب (ḥukmu) he had been previously sentenced to …; سبق لي it happened to me before, I experienced before (ان that); لم يسبق لي ان I have never before ...; لم يسبق له مثيل (as) there has never been one before, (which is) unprecedented; سبق السيف العذل s. s-saifu l-‘adla (the sword anticipated censure, i.e.) one has to accept the accomplished fact, there is (was) nothing one can (could) do about it, it is (was) already too late; سبقه لسانه (lisānuhū) to burst out impulsively (with an utterance) II to cause (هـ s.th.) to precede or antecede; to premise (هـ s.th.); to do or give (هـ s.th.) prematurely III to try to get ahead of s.o. (ه ); to try to defeat or beat (ه s.o.), seek to get the better of s.o. (ه ); to race (ه s.o.), run a race (ه with s.o.); to compete, vie (ه with s.o.) VI to try to get ahead of one another, seek to outdo one another. compete, vie; to try to beat one another (الى to ) VIII = VI
سبق sabaq antecedence; precedence, priority | سبق الإصرار s. al-isrār premeditation, willfulness (jur.); ميزة السبق mīzat as-s. initiative; احرز قصد السبق see احرز
سبق sabaq pl. اسباق asbāq stake (in a race)
سبق sabqa: سبقة القلم s. al-qalam slip of the pen, lapsus calami
سبقة subqa stake (in a race)
سباق sabbāq anticipatory; precursory; triumphant | قطار سباق fast train, express train; -- (pl. -ūn) precursor; winner in contest; O race-car driver
اسبق asbaq2 earlier, antecedent; preceding, previous, prior; former, ex- |المقيم الأسبق (muqīm) the ex-resident
اسبقية asbaqīya precedence, priority; seniority
سبق sibāq race (esp. of horses); contest |سباق تتابع 4×100 متر (s. tatābu‘) 4X100 m relay race; حصان السباق race horse; حلبة (ميدان) السبق ḥalbat (maidān) as-s. race track; سباق القوارب regatta, boat race; سباق التسلح s. at-tasalluḥ arms race
مسابقة musābaqa pl. -āt race (esp. of horses); contest; competition; emulation
تسابق tasābuq emulation; competition
سابق sābiq pl. -ūn, سباق subbāq antecedent, preceding, foregoing, previous, prior; former, ex-; retired, ret.; سابقا sābiqan formerly, previously |سابق لأوانه (li-awānihī) premature; في السابق formerly, at one time, once; كالسابق as before; كسابق العادة as it was customary before; as usual; المبلغ السابق صرفه (mablag, ṣarfuhū) the payment already effected
سابقة sābiqa precedence, priority; previous case, precedent; previous, earlier publication of an author; pl. سوابق sawābiq2 antecedents; previous convictions |ذوي) السوابق or) من اصحاب previously convicted; من له سوابق (man) (one) previously convicted; recidivous criminal
سابقية sābiqīya: سابقية القصد s. al-qaṣd premeditation (jur.)
غير مسبوق gair masbūq unprecedented
مسبقا musabbaqan prematurely, in advance
مسابق musābiq pl. -ūn competitor; contestant; racer, runner
متسابق mvla.tdbiq competitor; contestant
سبك sabaka i u (sabk) to found, cast (هـ metal), smelt (هـ ore); to form, shape, mold (ه s.o.); to formulate (هـ s.th.); to polish the style (هـ of s.th.) II to found, cast (هـ metal), smelt (هـ ore); to braise, stew (هـ s.th.) VII to be poured into a mold, be cast
سبك sabk founding, outing; cast (also fig., = arrangement); formulation (of an expression); shaping, forming (of a person) |صناعة سبك المعادن metallurgic industry; سبك ودقة (diqqa) accuracy, precision
سباك sabbāk smelter, founder
سباكة sibāka founder’s trade and activity
سبيكة sabīka pl. سبائك sabā’ik2 ingot
مسبك masbak pl. مسابك masābik2 foundry
تسبيك tasbīk stewing, braising (in a covered dish, with scant moisture)
سبل II to dedicate to charitable purposes (هـ s.th.) IV to let (هـ s.th.) hang down; to let fall, drop (هـ a curtain, drape, etc. على over); to close, shut (على the eyes); to shed (على tears); to ear, form ears
سبل sabal (coll.; n. un. ة ) ears (of cereals)
سبلة sabla manure, dung
سبلة sabala pl. سبال sibāl mustache
سبيل sabīl m. and f., pl. سبل subul, اسبلة asbila way, road, path; access; means, expedient, possibility (الى to, for; -- pl. اسبلة asbila) public fountain); -- pl. سبلان siblān) clay pipe bowl, clay pipe (of the Bedouins) |ابن السبيل ibn as-s. vagabond, tramp; wayfarer, traveler; في سبيل for the sake of, for, in behalf of, in the interest of; بسبيل or عن سبيل by means of, through, by; في سبيل الله for the cause of God, in behalf of God and his religion; علي سبيل by way of, for: e.g., على سبيل التجربة (tajriba) for a try, tentatively, على سبيل الفكاهة (fukāha) for fun, ذكر الشيء على سبيل المثال to quote s.th. as an example; خلى سبيله see خلو; ضاقت به السبل he was at his wit’s end; ليس علي في ذلك سبيل (laisa ‘alayya) there is nothing to keep me from doing that, I am free to do that, it is no sin if I do that
سابل sābil: طريق سابلة a public, much-frequented road
السابلة as-sābila the passers-by
مسبول masbūl lowered, down (curtain)
الأسبان , اسباني look up alphabetically
سبنسة (eg.) sibinsa pl. -āt caboose, brake van; baggage car (railroad)
سبه sabah dotage
عقل مسبوه ‘aql masbūh impaired mind (esp. due to old age), feeble-mindedness
سبهللا sabahlalan indifferently, aimlessly, haphazardly, at random
سباهلة sabāhila people without work, idlers, loafers
سباهى look up alphabetically
سبا look up alphabetically
سبور (Fr. sport) sbōr sport(s)
سبى sabā i (saby, سباء sibā’) to take prisoner, capture; to lead into captivity (esp. in war); to captivate, fascinate, enchant, charm, beguile, intrigue (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) VIII = I
سبي saby capture; captivity
سبي sabīy pl. سبايا sabāyā captive, prisoner( of war)
سبية sabīya (female) prisoner
سبيداج sibīdāj white lead, ceruse
سبيذاج sibīdāj white lead, ceruse
س ت abbreviation of سجل تجاري sijill tijārī commercial register
است buttocks, backside
1 ستة sitta (f. ست sitt) six; ستة عشر sittata ‘ašara (f. ست عشرة sitta ‘ašrata) sixteen
ستون sittūn sixty
ستونى sittūnī sexagenarian
السات as-sātt the sixth
2 ست sitt pl. -āt lady |ست الحسن s. al-ḥusn a variety of morning-glory (Ipomoea cairica Webb.; bot.); also = belladonna, deadly nightshade (bot.)
استاذ pl. اساتذة look up alphabetically
ستر satara u i (satr) to cover, veil (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to hide, conceal (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., عن from); to disguise (عن هـ s.th. from s.o.); to shield, guard, protect (ه s.o., هـ s.th., عن against or from); to forgive (هـ على s.o .s.th.), overlook, condone s.th. (هـ ) done by s.o. (على ) II = I; V to be covered, be veiled; to cover o.s., hide o.s., be concealed (على from) VIII to cover o.s., hide o.s.; to be veiled, be hidden, be concealed (على from)
ستر sitr pl. ستور sutūr, استار astār veil; screen; curtain, drape, window curtain; covering; cover (also mil.); protection, shelter, guard, shield; pretext, excuse
سترة sutra pl. ستر sutar jacket; tunic
ستري sutarī (eg.) clown, buffoon
ستار sitār pl. ستر sutur veil, screen; covering; curtain, drape; pretext, excuse |الستار الحديدي the Iron Curtain (pol.); الستار الفضي (fiḍḍī) motion-picture screen; ستار من النار (النيران ) barrage (mil.); رفع الستار عن الشيء to disclose, unveils, s.th. (also a monument); من وراء الستار behind the scenes, backstage (fig.)
الستار as-sattār the Veiler, the Coverer (attribute of God)
ستارة sitāra pl. ستائر satā’ir2 veil; screen; curtain, drape, window curtain; cover, covering
تستر tasattur cover (mil.)
O ساتر sātir screen, folding screen
مستور mastūr hidden, invisible; masked; chaste; (one) having a blameless record (Isl. Law); pl. مساتير masātīr2 hidden, secret things
متستر mutasattir O anonymous
مستتر mustatir hidden, concealed, latent; understood, implied (pronoun)
ستف II to stack up, store up, stow (هـ goods); to arrange
تستيف tastīf stacking, stowing, storage
سته sath, sith, satah pl. استاه astāh buttocks, backside
سجارة sigāra pl. -āt, سجائر sagā’ir2, سجاير sagāyir2 (Eg. spelling) cigarette
اسجح asjaḥ2 f. سجحاء sajḥā’2 well-shaped, shapely, beautiful
سجد sajadah u (سجود sujūd) to bow down, bow in worship; to throw o.s. down, prostrate o.s. (ل before); to worship (لله God)
سجدة sajda pl. sajadāt prostration in prayer | احد السجدة aḥa as-s. Whitsunday (Chr.)
سجود sujūd prostration, adoration, warship; also pl. of ساجد sājid (see below)
سجاد sajjād pl. -ūn worshiper (of God)
سجادة sajjāda, coll. سجاد sajjād pl. سجاجيد sajājīd2 prayer rug; rug, carpet | صاحب السجادة and شيخ السجادة title of the leaders of certain dervish orders in their capacity of inheritors of the founder’s prayer rug
مسجد masjid pl. مساجد masājid2 mosque | مسجد جامع (jāmi‘) large mosque, mosque where the Friday prayer is conducted; المسجد الحرام (ḥarām) the Holy Mosque in Mecca; المسجد الأقصى (aqṣā) name of a mosque on Jerusalem’s Temple Square; المسجدان the two Mosques (of Mecca and Medina)
ساجد sājid pl. سجد sujjad, سجود sujūd prostrate in adoration, worshiping
1 سجر sajara u to fire up, heat (هـ a stove, an oven, etc.) II to cause to overflow (هـ water)
مسجر musajjar long and flowing (of hair)
2 سجارة look up alphabetically
سجس II to upset (ه s.o.)
سجع saja‘a a (saj‘) to coo (pigeon); to speak in rhymed prose II to speak in rhymed prose
سجع rhymed prose
سجعة saj‘a a passage of rhymed prose
ساجع composer of rhymed prose
سجف sajf, sijf pl. اسجاف asjāf, سجوف sujūf curtain, veil
سجاف sijāf pl. سجف sujuf curtain, veil
سجق (Turk. sucuk) sujuq sausage |سجق محمر (muḥammar) fried, or grilled, sausage
سجل II to register, enter (هـ s.th.), make an entry (هـ of s.th.); to note down, record (هـ s.th.), make a note of (هـ ); to have (هـ s.th.) recorded, put (هـ s.th.) on record, make a deposition or statement for the official records; to document, prove by documentary evidence (هـ s.th.); to give evidence (هـ or s.th.); to score (هـ s.th., e.g., اصابة a hit); to put down, write down, book (على هـ s.th. to s.o.’s debit); to record (هـ s.th., said of an apparatus; also, e.g., في الشرائط المسجلة on tape); to capture, catch (هـ a scene); to set (هـ a record; athlet.); to register (هـ a letter); to enter (هـ s.th.) in the commercial register; to have (هـ an invention) patented, secure a patent (هـ on) | سجل على نفسه ان to go on record for (doing or being s.th.) III to rival, contend; to dispute, debate (ه with s.o.); to contest (ه s.o.’s right هـ to s.th.) |ساجله الحديث (ḥadīta) to draw s.o. into a conversation, have a talk with s.o.
سجل sijill pl. -āt scroll; register; list, index; سجلات records, archives |السجل التجاري (tijārī) commercial register; السجل الذهبي (dahabī) Golden Book; سجل الزيارات visitors’ book, guest book; سجل التشريفات list of visitors (dipl.); or سجل الأطيان ( سجلات or) cadastre, land register; السجل العقاري (‘aqārī) do.
تسجيل tasjīl pl. -āt entering, entry, registration; documentation; authentication; booking; recording; tape-recording; registering (of mail) |تسجيل عقاري (‘aqārī) entry in the land register; آلة تسجيل الصوت (t. aṣ-ṣaut) tape recorder
سجال sijāl contest, competition with alternate success |كانت الحرب بينهم سجالا (ḥarb) their battle had its ups and downs, they fought each other with alternate success
مساجلة musājala pl. -āt contest, competition; discussion, talk
مسجل musajjil pl. -ūn registrar; notary public; (pl. -āt) tape recorder |شريط مسجل pl. شرائط مسجلة magnetic tape; مسجل الكلية m. al-kullīya secretary of the faculty
مسجل musajjal registered, etc. (see II) |رسالة مسجلة registered letter; مراسلات مسجلة (murāsalāt) registered mail; اطنان مسجلة register tons; حفلة مسجلة (ḥafla) concert of recorded music
سجم sajama u (سجوم sujūm, سجام sijām) to flow, stream, well forth (tears, water); -- sajama i (sajm, سجوم sujūm, سجمان sajamān) to pour forth (هـ water), shed (هـ tears) IV to shed (هـ tears) VII to flow, stream, well forth (water); to be fluent, elegant (speech); to be harmonious; to harmonize, be in keeping (مع with
انسجام insijām fluency; harmony; order
منسجم munsajim harmonious
سجن sajana u (sajn) to jail, imprison (ه s.o.)
سجن sajn detention, imprisonment
سجن sijn pl. سجون sujūn prison, jail
سجين sajīn pl. سجناء sujanā’2, سجنى sajnā imprisoned, jailed, captive; prisoner, prison inmate, convict
سجينة sajīna pl. -āt female prisoner
سجان sajjān jailer, prison guard, warden
مسجون masjūn pl. مساجين masājīn2 imprisoned, jailed, captive; prisoner, prison inmate, convict
سجا (سجو ) sajā u (سجو sajw, سجو sujūw) to be calm, quiet, tranquil (night, sea) II to cover with a winding sheet, to shroud (الميت al-mayyita the deceased) V to cover o.s. (هـ with a garment)
سجية sajīya pl. -āt, سجايا sajāyā nature, natural disposition, temper, character; pl. characteristics, traits | عن سجية of one’s own accord, spontaneously
ساج sājin quiet, calm, tranquil; dark (night)
مسجى musajjan covered with a winding sheet, shrouded (corpse); laid out (corpse)
سح saḥḥa u i (saḥḥ, سحوح suḥūḥ) to flow down, flow, fun, stream | سحت السماء saḥḥat is-samā’ it rained cats and dogs
عين سحاحة ‘ain saḥḥāḥ tearful eye
سحب saḥaba a (saḥb) to trail on the ground, drag along (هـ s.th.); to withdraw (هـ, ه s,o., s.th., also, e.g., a measure, an order, etc.); to pull out (هم troops, عن from); to take away (هـ من from s.o. s.th.), strip, dispossess, divest (هـ من s.o. of); to draw (هـ water); to take out, withdraw (هـ money, from an account); to draw (هـ a bill of exchange, a lot); to unsheathe, draw (هـ a sword); to apply, make applicable (على هـ s.th. to; said of a law or statute) | سحب العمل به على (‘amala) to extend the applicability of s.th. to VII to drag o.s. along, struggle along; to retreat, withdraw, pull out, fall back (من from); to be drawn out; to be applied (على to; of a law or statute)
سحب saḥb withdrawal (of troops, of measures, of rights, of money from an account, etc.); (pl. سحوبات suhūbāt) drawing (in a lottery)
سحاب saḥāb (coll.) clouds
سحابة saḥāba (n. un.) pl. سحائب suḥub, سحائب saḥā’ib2 cloud; (pl. -āt) umbrella (magr.); سحابة saḥābata during, in the course of |سحابة النهار (اليوم ) saḥābata n-nahār (l-yaum) all day long; سرنا سحابة sirnā saḥābata yauminā we have bean traveling all day; سحابة اربعة قرون in the course of four centuries
سحابة suḥāba film on the eye
سحاب saḥḥāb (Syr., Pal.) zipper, slide fastener
مسحب maṣḥab: مسحب الهواء m. al-hawā’ source of the breeze or draft; draft (of air)
انسحاب insiḥāb withdrawal, retreat, pulling out, evacuation (esp. mil.); resignation; stretching, extension
ساحب sāḥib drawer (of a bill of exchange)
المسحوب عليه al-masḥūb ‘alaihi drawee (of a bill of exchange)
سحت suḥt, suḥut pl. اسحات asḥāt s.th. forbidden or banned; illegal possessions, ill-gotten property
سحتوت saḥtūt Eg. square measure of 0.304 m2 (= 1/24 sahm); -- suḥtūt penny
سحج saḥaja a (saḥj) to scrape off, shave off, scratch off, rub off (هـ s.th.); to graze, abrade (هـ the skin), strip off (هـ s.th.) II to scrape off, abrade, strip off (هـ s.th.)
مسحج misḥaj pl. مساحج masāḥij2 plane (tool)
مسحجة misḥaja pl. مساحج masāḥij2 planing machine, planer
مسحاج misḥāj pl. مساحيج masāḥij2 plane (tool)
مسحوج masḥūj raw, sore (like a skin abrasion)
سحر saḥara a (siḥr) to bewitch, charm, enchant, infatuate, fascinate (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to wheedle, coax (ه s.o.) II = I; V to have a light meal (shortly before daybreak)
سحر saḥar, suḥr pl. سحور suḥūr, اسحار asḥār lungs, pulmonary region of the body
سحر siḥr bewitchment, beguilement, enchantment, fascination; -- (pl. اسحار asḥār, سحور suḥūr) sorcery, witchcraft, magic; charm (of a woman)
سحري siḥrī magic(al) | فانوس سحري (fānūs) magic lantern, slide projector
سحر saḥar pl. اسحار asḥār time before daybreak, early morning, dawn
سحور saḥūr last meal before daybreak during the month of Ramadan
سحار saḥḥār pl. -ūn sorcerer, magician, wizard, charmer
سحارة saḥḥāra sorceress, witch
سحارة saḥḥāra pl. -āt culvert; (pl. سحاحير (saḥāhīr2) case, crate, chest, box
مساحر masāḥir2: انتفخت مساحره (intafakat) his lungs became inflated (out of fear or pride)
ساحر sāḥir charming, enchanting; (pl. -ūn, سحرة saḥara, سحار suḥḥār) sorcerer, enchanter, magician, wizard, charmer
ساحرة sāḥira pl. -āt, سواحر sawāḥir2 sorceress, witch
سحق saḥaqa a (saḥq) to crush (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to pound, bruise, powder, pulverize (هـ s.th.); to annihilate, wipe out (هـ s.th., e.g., an army); to wear out (هـ clothing); -- saḥiqa a, saḥuqa u (suḥq) to be distant, far away, remote II to crush; to annihilate, destroy V and VII to be crushed, be pounded, be bruised, be pulverized
سحق saḥq crushing, bruising, pulverization; (pl. سحوق suhūq) worn garment, rag
سحق suḥq, suḥuq distance, remoteness; depth, vastness (of an abyss) |سحقا له suḥqan lahū away with him! to hell with him!
سحيق saḥīq far away, distant, remote; deep, bottomless (abyss, depth)
مساحقة musāḥaqa and سحاق siḥāq tribady, Lesbianism
انسحاق القلب insiḥāq al-qalb contrition, penitence, repentance
ساحق sāḥiq crushing; overwhelming (majority)
مسحوق masḥūq ground, grated (bread, nutmeg, etc.); (pl. مساحق masāḥiq2) powder | مسحوق الفحم m. al-faḥm coal dust
منسحق القلب m. al-qalb contrite, penitent, repentant
سحل saḥala a (saḥl) to scrape off, shave off, peel (هـ s.th.); to smooth, make smooth (هـ s.th.); to plane (هـ s.th.); to file (هـ s.th.)
سحالة saḥāla filings, file dust
سحلية siḥlīya pl. saḥālin lizard (eg.)
مسحل misḥa1 pl. مساحل masāḥil2 tool for smoothing, plane; file
ساحل sāḥil pl. سواحل sawāḥil2 littoral, coast, seashore; (Eg.) river harbor, anchorage (on the Nile) |حفر السواحل kafar as-s. coast guard; لا ساحل له (sāḥila) shoreless
ساحلي sāḥilī coastal, littoral; (pl. سواحلة sawāḥila) coastal inhabitant; Swahili
سحلب saḥlab salep (dried tuber of various species of Orchis); a sweet drink made of salep
سحم saḥam blackness, black color
سحمة suḥma blackness, black color
سحام suḥām blackness black color
اسحم asḥam2, f. سحماء saḥmā’2, pl. سحم suḥum black
سحن saḥana a (saḥn) to crush, pound, bruise, grind (هـ s.th.); to smooth by rubbing (هـ s.th.)
سحنة saḥna and saḥana pl. saḥanāt, سحن suḥan (external) appearance, look(s); facial expression, air, mien
مسحنة misḥana pl. مساحن masāḥin2 pestle
سحاءة siḥā’a pl. سحايا saḥāyā cerebral membrane, cortex
سحائي siḥā’ī meningeal |مرض الالتهاب السحائي (maraḍ al-ilt.) meningitis
مسحاة misḥāh pl. مساح masāḥin iron shovel, spade
سختيان suktiyān, siktiyān morocco (leather)
سخر sakira a (sakar, sakr, sukur, sukr, سخرة sukra, مسخر maskar) to laugh, scoff, jeer, sneer (من or ب at), mock, ridicule, deride (من or ب s.o., s.th.), make fun (من or ب of) II to subject, make subservient (ه s.o., هـ s.th., ل to or for the purpose of); to make serviceable (ل هـ s.th. to), employ, utilize, turn to profitable account (ل هـ s.th. for), make use (هـ, ه of, ل for); to exploit (ه s.o., هـ s.th., ل for) V to reduce to servitude, subjugate (ه s.o.); to scoff, jeer, sneer
سخرة sukra laughingstock, target of ridicule; corvée, statute labor, forced labor | رجال السخرة serfs, bondsmen; اعمال السخرة forced labor, slave labor
سخري sukrī, sikrī laughingstock, target of ridicule; corvée, statute labor, forced labor
سخرية sukrīya scorn, derision, mockery, irony; laughingstock, object of ridicule
مسخرة maskara pl. -āt, مساخر masākir2 object of ridicule, laughingstock; ridiculous, droll, ludicrous; masquerade
تسخير taskīr subjugation, subjection; exploitation
مسخر musakkir oppressor
سخط sakiṭa a (sakal) to be annoyed (على or هـ, ه at s.o., at s.th.), be displeased, be angry (هـ or ه with s.o.), resent (على or هـ s.th.) IV to discontent, embitter (ه s.o.); to anger, exasperate, enrage (ه s.o.) V = I
سخط sukut, sukṭ, sakat discontent, annoyance, displeasure, indignation, anger, irritation, exasperation; wrath, bitterness, grudge, resentment
مسخطة maskaṭa pl. مساخط masākiṭ2 object of annoyance, of wrath, of anger
مسخوط maskūt loathsome, hated, odious; (pl. مساخيط masākīṭ) (eg.) idol
تسخط tasaḳḳut annoyance, displeasure, anger, wrath
سخف sakafa u (sukf, سخافة sakāfa) to be feeble (wit); to be stupid, foolish
سخف sakufa feeble-mindedness, dimwittedness; imbecility, idiocy; nonsense, foolishness, folly
سخيف sakīf pl. سخاف sikāf stupid, fatuous, simple-minded; absurd, silly, ridiculous, foolish; despicable, inferior; (pl. سخفاء sukafā’) fool
سخافة sakāfa feeble-mindedness dimwittedness; (pl. -āt) folly, silly thing to do, childish prank
سخائف sakā’if silly things
سخلة sakla pl. سخال sikāl lamb
سخم II to make black, blacken with soot, besmut (هـ s.th.) | سخم بصدره (bi-ṣadrihī) to irritate s.o., make s.o. angry V to hate (على s.o.), harbor resentment (على against s.o.), be angry (على with)
سخم sakam blackness
سخمة sukma blackness; hatred, resentment, ill will
سخام sukam soot, smut
سخيمة sakīma pl. سخائم sakā’im hatred, resentment, ill will
سخن sakuna u, sakana u and sakina a (سخونة sukūna, سخانة sakāna, سخنة sukna) to be or become hot or warm; to warm (up); to be feverish II to make hot, to beat, warm (هـ s.th.) IV = II
سخن sukn hot, warm
سخانة sakāna heat, warmth
سخونة sukūna heat, warmth
O سخان sakkān, سخان مياه s. miyāh boiler, hot-water tank
O سخانة sakkāna hot-water bottle |سخانة الحمام s. al-ḥammām bath heater, geyser
سخانات sakkānāt hot springs
ساخن sākin pl. سخان sukkān hot, warm
(سخو and سخي) سخا sakā u, سخي sakiya a (سخاء sakā’) and سخو sakuwa u (سخاوة sakāwa) to be liberal. generous (ب على with s.th. toward s.o.); to grant, award (ب s.th., على to s.o.), confer, bestow (ب s.th., على upon s.o.) V to show o.s. generous, display liberality; to endeavor to be liberal or generous VI = V
سخاء sakā’ liberality, munificence, generosity
سخي sakīy pl. اسخياء askiyā’ liberal, openhanded, generous; giving generously (ب s.th.), being lavish (ب with) |سخية أموال ample funds; سخي النفس عن الشيء (s. an-nafs) only too glad to relinquish or give up s.th.
سخاوة sakāwa generosity
سد sadda u (sadd) to plug up, close up, stop up (هـ s.th.); to clog, congest (هـ s.th.); to bar, obstruct, block up, barricade (هـ s.th., على هـ to s.o. s.th.); to block, blockade (هـ s.th.); to cork, plug, stopper (هـ s.th.); to pay, defray, settle, cover (هـ s.th., esp. expenses, a debt, etc.); to fulfill, satisfy, meet (هـ a claim, and the like) | سد ثغرة (tugratan) to fill a gap, close a breach; سد ثلمة (tulmatan) to fill a gap; سد خلة (kallatan) to remedy a shortcoming; سد حاجته (ḥājatahū) to meet s.o.’s need, provide for s.o.; سد رمقه (ramaqahū) to keep s.o. or o.s. barely alive, eke out an existence; to provide s.o. with a bare existences; to allay s.o.’s hunger; سد مسده (masaddahū) to fill s.o.’s place, replace s.o.; سد مطاعمه to satisfy or fulfill s.o.’s claims; سد فراغا (farāgan) to fill a gap; سد النواقص to remove or remedy deficiencies; -- sadda i (سدود sudūd, سداد sadād) to be sound, right, in proper condition; to hit the right thing, say or do the right thing; to be apposite, be to the point II to block, bar, obstruct (هـ s.th.); to pay, defray, settle, cover (هـ expenses, debts, etc.); to guide (نحو s.o. to), show (ه s.o.) the right way (نحو to); to direct (هـ الى s.th. to), point, level (هـ الى s.th. at); to aim (الى at); to sight, take aim by a sight; to focus (الى on; phot.); to draw a bead (الى or نحو on s.th.) | سدد دينا (dainan) to pay or settle a debt; سدد عجزا (‘ajzan) to cover a deficit; سدد خطاه (kuṭāhu) to guide s.o.’s stepa IV to hit the right thing, say or do the right thing; to be apposite, be to the point V to be guided, be directed, be shown (الى to) VII to be blocked, be obstructed, be plugged up, become or be clogged or congested
سد sadd plugging, closing, stopping up; obstruction, barring, barricading; blocking; defrayment (of costs), payment, settlement (of a debt, of expenses); fulfillment, satisfaction (of a claim, etc.); -- sadd, sudd pl. سدود sudūd, اسداد asdād obstruction, block, obstacle; barrier; rampart, bank, mound; dike; dam; weir; barrage, river dam; bar, rail; hurdle (athlet.); bulwark (fig.) |السد العالى (‘ālī) the High Dam (near Aswān); سد المناطيد balloon barrage (mil.); حارة السد blind alley, dead end
سدة sadda block, barrier; obstruction, obstacle; barricade; dam |السدة الشريانية (širyānīya) embolism (med.)
سدة sudda pl. سدد sudad gate, door; threshold; seat; couch. divan |السدة الرسولية (الباباوية ) (rasūlīya) the Holy See
سدد sadad obstruction, clogging (of a pipe)
سداد sadād payment, defrayment, settlement, discharge, liquidation; the proper, right thing to do, the apposite thing to say; appropriateness, appositeness (of a remark), lucky hand (in one’s actions) |تحت السداد outstanding, due, unpaid (com.); بسداد appropriately, appositely; سداد الرأي s. ar-ra’y levelheadedness
سداد sudād obstruction in the nose
سداد sidād pl. اسدة asidda plug, stopper, cork |O سداد التوصيل plug (el.)
سدادة sidāda plug, stopper, cork; O sight (of a gun)
سديد sadīd hitting the target (arrow, spear); apposite, pat, pertinent, relevant, right, correct (answer, view)
اسد asadd2 more apposite, more relevant
تسديد tasdīd payment, defrayment, settlement, discharge, liquidation |تحت التسديد outstanding, due, unpaid (com.)
ساد sādd obstructive
مسدود masdūd closed (circuit; el.)
سدب (eg.; sadab) = سذاب sadāb
سدر sadira a (sadar, سدارة sadāra) to be dazzled (eye); to be confused, bewildered, startled, dazed; to be deluded
سدر sidr (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. سدر sidar, -āt, سدور sudūr a variety of Christ’s-thorn (Zizyphus spina Christi; bot.); lotus tree | سدرة المنتهى s. al-muntahā the lotus tree in the Seventh Heaven; بلغ سدرة المنتهى to attain the highest goal, achieve ultimate results
سدارة sidāra pl. سدائر sadā’ir an Iraqi headgear, commonly of black velvet; overseas cap
سيدارة sīdāra pl. -āt = سدارة sidāra
سادر sādir reckless (في in s.th.)
سدس II to make sixfold (هـ s.th.); to multiply by six (هـ s.th.); to make hexagonal, make hexangular (هـ s.th.)
سدس suds, sudus pl. اسداس asdās one-sixth
سداسي sudāsī sixfold; consisting of six parts
السادس as-sādis the sixth
مسدس muaaddas hexagonal; hexagon; hexahedral; hexahedron; (pl. -āt) revolver, sixshooter | مسدس اشارة m. išāra Very pistol
مسدسة musaddasa pistol, gun, revolver
سدف sadaf pl. اسداف asdāf darkness, twilight, dusk
سدف sudfa pl. سدف sudaf darkness, twilight, dusk; curtain
سدل sadala u i (sadl) to let (هـ s.th.) hang down or fall down; to let down, drop, lower (على s.th. on); pass. sudila to hang down (على on) II and IV = I; V to hang down, be lowered, be down VII to descend (على on)
سدل sidl, sudl pl. سدول sudūl, اسدال asdāl veil, curtain
سدم VII to dry up (spring)
سدم sadam sorrow, sadness, affliction, grief
سديم sadīm pl. سدم sudum mist, haze; nebula (astron.)
سديمي sadīmī nebular; nebulous
سدانة sidāna office of gatekeeper or custodian (of a shrine, specif. of the Kaaba)
سادن sādin pl. سدنة sadana custodian, gatekeeper of the Kaaba; sexton, sacristan (Chr.); keeper, curator; pl. سدنة crew (of a machine gun, of a tank, etc.)
(سدو and سدى ) II to confer (الى هـ a benefit on s.o.) IV to confer (ل or الى هـ a benefit on s.o.); to render, perform, do (هـ s.th.) | اسدى اليه خدمة (kidma) to render s.o. a service; اسدى اليه الارشادات (iršādāt) to make suggestions to s.o., advise s.o.; اسدى اليه الشكر (šukr) to extend one’s thanks to s.o., thank s.o.; اسدى فائدة to be beneficial; اسدى اليه (له) النصح (nuṣḥ) to give s.o. (a word of) advice; اسدى اليه يدا (yadan) to do s.o. a favor
سدى sadan pl. اسدية asdiya warp (of a fabric); a continuous, prevailing characteristic or trait, thread (of a story, of an argument, etc.)
سداة sadāh warp (of a fabric); a continuous, prevailing characteristic or trait, thread (of a story, of an argument, etc.)
سدى sudan in vain, futilely, to no end, uselessly | ذهب سدى to be in vain, futile, useless
سذاب sadāb rue, herb of grace (bot.)
سذبي sadabī of the rue
سذاجة sadāja simplicity; innocence, ingenuousness, naiveté; homeliness, plainness; guilelessness
ساذج sādaj, sādij pl. سذج suddaj simple; plain, uncolored, uniform (fabric); innocent, ingenuous, naive; plain, homely; artless, guileless, candid, frank (character); primitive
1 سر (Pers. sar head) formerly in compounds: head, chief; سردار sirdār (Eg.) supreme commander; commanding general; سرعسكر sar‘askar general (in the former Ottoman army); سريوران saryawarān adjutant general
2 سر sarra u (سرور surūr, تسرة tasirra, مسرة masarra) to make happy, gladden, delight, cheer (ه s.o.); pass. surra (سرور surūr) to be happy, glad, delighted (ل or من or ب at), take pleasure (ل or من or ب in) II to make happy, gladden, delight, cheer (ه s.o.) III to confide a secret (ه to s.o.) | ساره في اذنه (udnihī) to whisper in s.o.’s ear IV to make happy, gladden, delight, cheer (ه s.o.); to keep secret, hide, conceal, disguise (هـ s.th.); to tell confidentially, confide (ب or هـ الى to s.o. s.th.); to tell under one’s breath, whisper (ب or هـ الى to s.o. s.th.) | اسر في اذنه (udnihī) to whisper in s.o.’s ear (هـ s.th.) V تسرى tasarrā (and تسرر tasarrara) to take (ب or ها a woman) as concubine (سرية surriya) X to try to hide; to hide, be hidden (عن from); to take as concubine (ها a woman)
سر sirr pl. اسرار asrār secret; secret thought; heart, inmost; secrecy; mystery; sacrament (Chr.); underlying reason (of s.th.); سرا sirran secretly, privately | سرا وعلانية (‘alāniyatan) secretly and publicly; سر الليل s. al-lail watchword, password; اسرار القرآن the secret meaning of the Koran; كاتب السر secretary; كاتم السر do.; كلمة السر kalimat as-s. watchword, password; بسركم or في سركم to your health! cheerio! skoal! في سره secretly,
Inwardly, in his heart; اتعب سره at‘aba sirrahū to trouble, worry, bother, harass s.o.; اجرى سرا ajrā sirran to dispense a sacrament (Chr.); قدس الله سره qaddasa llāhu sirrahū may God hallow his secret! (eulogy after the name of a deceased Muslim saint)
سري sirrī secret; private; confidential; mysterious, cryptic; sacramental (Chr.) |الأمراض السرية venereal diseases
سرية sirrīya secret; sportiveness
سر surr pl. اسرة asirra umbilical cord
سرة surra pl. -āt, سرر surar navel, umbilicus; center
سري surrī umbilical | الحبل السري (ḥabl) umbilical cord
سرر surur, sirar umbilical cord
سرر surur line of the palm or forehead
سرار sarār: سرار الشهر s. aš-šahr last night of the lunar month
سرار sirār pl. اسرة asirra, اسارير asārīr2 line of the palm or forehead; pl. features, facial expression, air, also اسارير الوجه a. al-wajh
سرور surūr joy, happiness, delight, pleasure; glee, gaiety, hilarity, mirth
سرير sarīr pl. اسرة asirra, سرور surūr, سراير sarāyīr2 bedstead, bed; throne, elevated seat
سريرة sarīra pl. سرائر sarā’ir2 secret; secret thought; mind, heart, soul |صفاء السريرة ṣafā’ as-s. clearness of conscience; طيب السريرة ṭayyib as-s. guileless simplehearted
سراء sarrā’2 happiness prosperity |في السراء والضراء (ḍarrā’) in good and bad days, for better or for worse
سرية surriya pl. سراري sarārīy concubine
مسرة masarra pl. -āt joy, happiness, delight, pleasure; glee, gaiety, hilarity, mirth
مسرة misarra pl. مسار masārr2 speaking tube; telephone
تسر tasarrin concubinage
استسرار istisrār concubinage
سار sārr gladdening, gratifying, joyous, glad, cheering, delightful
مسرور masrūr glad, happy, delighted (ب at), pleased (ب with)
مسر musirr gratifying, delightful, pleasant
مستسر mustasarr place of concealment
سرادق surādiq pl. -āt large tent, canopy, pavilion
سراط sirāṭ = صراط ṣirāṭ way, path, road
سراى sarāy palace
سراية sarāya pl. -āt palace | السراية الصفراء (ṣafrā’) insane asylum (eg.)
1 سرب sariba a (sarab) to flow; to run out, leak II to send in groups or batches (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., الى to) V to flow; to run out, flow off, escape; to sneak away, slink away, steal away; to stream, penetrate (الى into), infiltrate (الى s.th.); to creep (في into); to sneak, slip, steal (الى into, among); to creep along, flow along, glide along; to seep through, leak out (الى to, of a report); to spread, circulate, be passed around (news) VII to hide, crawl into its lair (animal)
سرب sirb pl. اسراب asrāb herd, flock, bevy, covey, swarm; squadron, group, wing, formation, flight (of aircraft); heart, mind |سرب من النحل (nahl) swarm of bees; هادئ السرب calm, composed, confident
سرب sarab pl. اسراب asrāb burrow, hole, den, lair (of an animal); underground passage; tunnel, conduit
سربة surba pl. سرب surab herd, flock, bevy, covey, swarm
سراب sarāb mirage, fata morgana; phantom; sewage
مسرب masrab pl. مسارب masārib2 course (taken by s.th.); river bed; drain, sewer
سارب sārib conspicuous, visible
ساربة sāriba pl. سوارب sawārib2 reptile
2 اسرب look up alphabetically
سربل sarbala to clothe (ه s.o.) with a sirbāl (q.v.); to clothe, dress (ب ه s.o. in or with); to cover, wrap (هـ s.th., ب with) II tasarbala to put on a sirbāl (q.v.); to put on, wear (هـ a garment); to be clothed, clad, garbed (ب in, also fig.); to wrap o.s. (ب in); to dress up (ب in)
سربال sirbāl pl. سرابيل sarābīl2 shirt; coat of mail; garment
متسربل mutasarbil: متسربل بالشباب blessed with youthfulness, evincing youthful freshness
1 سرج saraja to braid, plait (.هـ the hair) II do.; to baste, tack (هـ s.th.); to saddle, (هـ an animal) IV do.; to light (السراج the lamp)
سرج sarj pl. سروج surūj; saddle
سراج sirāj pl. سرج suruj lamp, light |O سراج الحركة s. al-ḥaraka traffic light; سراج الليل s. al-lail firefly, glowworm
سراجة sirāja saddlery, saddler’s trade; glanders
سراج sarrāj saddler
سروجي surūjī saddler
سروجية surūjīya saddlery, saddler’s trade
اسروجة usrūja lie, falsehood
مسرجة masraja pl. مسارج masārij2 lamp; lampstand
2 سيرج look up alphabetically
3 سرجين sirjīn dung, manure
سرح saraḥa a (سروح surūḥ) to move away, go away, leave; to roam freely; to graze freely (cattle); to be distracted (mind); -- sariḥa a to proceed freely, at will, without restraint | سرح ومرح (mariḥa) to do as one likes II to send (هـ cattle) to pasture; to send, dispatch (ه s.o.); to let go (ه s.o.); to dismiss (ها a woman by divorce); to grant (ه s.o.) leave, dismiss (ه s.o.); to release from an office, discharge, fire (ه s.o.); to release, set free (ه s.o.); to let (هـ the eyes) wander; to demobilize, disband (هـ an army); to dispel s.o.’s (عن ) worries (also سرح غمومه ); to comb (هـ the hair) |سرح شعره (ša‘rahū) to comb one’s hair, do one’s hair; سرح نظره (naẓarahū) to set one’s eyes on (الى ) VII انسرح يفكر (yufakkiru) to be deep in thought, be absent-minded, allow one’s thoughts to wander
سراح sarāh dismissal (of a woman by divorce); release |اطلق سرح aṭlaqa sarāḥahū to release s.o., set s.o. free, set s.o. at liberty; اطلاق سراحه iṭlāq s. his release; مطلق السراح muṭlaq as-s. free, at large
سريح sarīḥ and بائع سارح hawker, peddler
سرحان sirḥān wolf
مسرح masraḥ pl. مسارح masāriḥ2 pasture; stage, theater; scene | مسرح التمثيل theater
مسرحي masraḥī dramatic, theatrical, stage (adj.)
مسرحية masraḥīya pl. -āt (stage) play
تسريح tasrīḥ dismissal; discharge; release; demobilization; (pl. تساريح tasārīḥ2) permission, authorization
تسريحة tasrīḥa pl. -āt hairdo, coiffure
سارح sāriḥ: سارح مارح grazing freely, roaming freely; free and unrestrained; سارح الفكر sāriḥ al-fikr distracted, absentminded
منسرح munsariḥ: المنسرح name of a poetic meter |منسرح الفكر m. al-fikr distracted, absent-minded
ساروخ sārūk pl. سواريخ sawārīk2 rocket
سرد sarada u (sard) to pierce, perforate (هـ s.th.); to carry on, continue (هـ s.th., e.g., a conversation); to tell off one after another, enumerate (هـ facts, events); to present, quote, detail, set forth neatly (هـ s.th.) II to pierce, perforate (هـ s.th.)
سرد sard enumeration; mentioning, quoting; neat, detailed presentation; recital, presentation, rendition (of an account, of a narrative, etc.); coherent, logical
سريدة sarīda: سريدة المولد s. al-maulid discourse dealing with the birth of the Prophet (during celebration of Mohammed’s birthday; tun.)
O مسرد masrad index (of a book)
سرداب sirdāb pl. سرادب sarādib2, سراديب sarādīb2 subterranean vault, cellar; basement, basement flat
سردار sirdār (formerly Eg.) supreme commander; commanding general
سرادق look up alphabetically
سردوك sardūk pl. سراديك sarādīk2 rooster, cock (magr.)
سردين sardīn (coll.; n. un. ة ) sardines
سراس sirās and سيراس see سيراس (alphabetically)
سرسام sirsām a cerebral disease
1 سرط sariṭa a (saraṭ, سرطان saraṭān) and saraṭa u i to swallow, gulp (هـ s.th.) V and VIII do.
سرطان saraṭān pl. -āt crayfish; cancer (med.); Cancer (astron.) | سرطان بحري (baḥrī) lobster
2 سراط sirāṭ = صراط
سرع saru‘a u (sirā‘, sarā‘, سرعة sur‘a) to be quick, fast, prompt, rapid; to hurry II to urge (ه s.o.) to hurry; to urge on (هـ an animal); to speed up, accelerate, expedite (هـ s.th.) III to hurry, hasten, rush, run, dash (الى to); to make a beeline (الى for); to hurry (في in, with), hasten (j to do s.th.), do in a hurry (في s.th.); to rush, plunge with undue haste (في into) IV to be quick, fast, prompt, rapid; to hurry, hasten, rush, run, dash (الى to); to hurry (ب or في with. in), hasten (ب or j to do s.th.), do in a hurry (ب or في s.th.); to accelerate, speed up, expedite (هـ s.th.) V to hurry, hasten, rush, run, dash (الى to); to hurry (ب or j with, in), hasten (ب or في to do s.th.), do in a hurry (ب or j s.th.); to be hasty, be rash (ب or j in) VI to hurry, hasten, rush, run, dash (الى to)
سرع sur‘, sir‘ pl. اسراع asrā‘ reins
سرع sur‘a speed, velocity, pace; fastness, rapidity, quickness, promptness; hurry, haste |سرعة الخاطر presence of mind; سرعة التصديق credulity
سرعان ما sar‘āna, sir‘āna, sur‘āna ma (with foll. verb) how quickly ...!; soon, before long, presently, in no time
سريع sarī‘ pl. سرعان sur‘ān, سراع sirā‘ fast, quick, prompt, rapid, speedy, expeditious, swift, nimble; السريع name of a poetic meter; express train; سريعا sarī‘an fast, quickly, rapidly, speedily, promptly |سريع التأثر s. at-ta’attur easy to impress, easily affected, sensitive; سريع الخاطر quick-witted; O سريع التردد s. at-taraddud high-frequency (el.); سريع الزوال s. az-zawal ephemeral, fleeting, transient; سريع التصديق credulous; سريع الطلق (الطلقات ) s. al-ṭalq quick-firing, rapid-fire; سريع العطب s. al-‘aṭab fragile; سريع التنقل s. at-tanaqqul mobile, maneuverable, easily manageable
اسرع asra’2 faster, quicker, more rapid |ما اسرع ان رايته mā asra‘a an ra’aituhū before long I saw him, it did not take very long before I saw him
سراعا sirā‘an quickly, in a hurry
اسراع isrā‘ acceleration, speed-up; hurry
تسرع tasarru‘ hurry, haste; hastiness, rashness precipitance
متسرع mutasarri‘ quick, fast, prompt, rapid; hasty, rash, precipitate
سرعسكر see سر
سرف IV to exceed all bounds, be immoderate, be extravagant (في in, at) exaggerate, overdo (في s.th.); to waste, squander, dissipate, spend lavishly (هـ, في s.th., esp. money)
سرف saraf and اسراف isrāf intemperance, immoderateness, exaggeration; waste, dissipation, extravagance, prodigality
مسرف musrif immoderate, intemperate, excessive; extravagant, wasteful, prodigal
سرق saraqa i (saraq, sariq, سرقة saraqa, sariqa, سرقان sarqān) to steal, pilfer, filch (من هـ or ه هـ from s.o. s.th.); to rob (من هـ or ه هـ s.o. of s.th.) II to accuse of theft, call a thief (ه s.o.) III سارق النظر اليه (naẓara) or سارقه النظر to steal a glance at s.o., glance furtively at s.o.; سارق النوم (nauma) to take a short nap VII pass. of I VIII to steal, filch, pilfer (هـ من s.th. from s.o.); to steal (الى into) |استرق السمع (sam‘a) to eavesdrop; to monitor (radio, telephone, etc.); استرق النظر اليه = سارق النظر اليه; استرق الأنفاس to gasp, pant
سرقة sariqa stealing, filching, pilfering; robbery; (pl. -āt) theft, larceny
سراق sarrāq thief
سارق sāriq pl. -ūn, سرقة saraqa, سراق surrāq, f. سارقة sāriqa pl. سوارق sawāriq thief
مسروقات masrūqāt stolen goods
منسرق musariq: منسرق القوة m. al-qūwa debilitated, exhausted
سرقسطة sarqusṭa2 Zaragoza (city in NE Spain)
سرقين sirqīn dung, manure
1 سرك (Fr. cirque) sirke circus
2 سركي (Turk. sergi) sarkī (com.) bill of exchange payable to the bearer
سرم surm pl. asrām anus
سرم sarmad endless duration, eternity
سرمدي sarmadī eternal, without beginning or end
سرنديب sarandīb2 Ceylon
1 سرو sarw (coll.; n. un. ة ) evergreen cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.; bot.)
2 سرو II (عن قلبه or) سرى عنه to rid s.o. of worries, and the like, dispel s.o.’s worries (also هـ worries); pass. سري عنه and سرى عن نفسه (suriya) to leave s.o. (grief, sorrow, fear, and the like); to regain one’s composure, reel at peace again (after anger, fear or excitement); his anxiety or unrest left him; he found relaxation; he was cheered up, his spirits were raised VII انسرى عنه = سري عنه (surriya)
سري sarīy pl. سرواء surawā’2, اسرياء asriyā’2, سراة sarāh high-ranking, high; high-minded, noble; distinguished personality, notable; pl. سراة elite, leading class, the upper crust; see1 سرى
سراة sarāh pl. سرروات sarawāt hill; back; chief, head; see also سرى sarīy |سروات القوم s. al-qaum the leaden of the people
تسرية tasriya pl. -āt diversion, amusement, pastime
سرولا sirwāl, سراويل sirwāl pl. سراويل sarāwīl2 trousers, pants; drawers; panties
1 سرى sarā i (سرى suran, سريان sarayān, مسرى masran) to travel by night; to set out, depart by night; to circulate; to flow (electric current); to emanate, go out (من from); to spread; to be valid, have validity, be effective, be in, or come into, force (على for). have or take effect (على on); to apply. be applicable (على to); to penetrate (في s.th.), enter deeply (في into); to pervade (الى نفسه s.o.’s soul, of a feeling) |سرى سراه (surāhu) to traverse one’s nightly course; سرى مفعوله (maf‘ūluhū) to be valid, be effective, be in force IV to travel by night; to make (ب s.o.) travel by night V تسرى see2 سر sarra V
سرى sarīy pl. اسرية asriya, سريان suryān little creek, brook; see also under2 سرو
سرية sariya pl. سرايا sarāyā (military) detachment, flying column, raiding party; company (mil.) |سرية خيالة (kayyāla) cavalry squadron; سرية الطائرات squadron of aircraft
سريان sarayān spread, diffusion; validity, effectiveness, coming into force
مسرى masran: مسرى محمد masrā muḥammad the point of departure for Mohammed’s midnight journey to the seven heavens, i.e., Jerusalem
اسراء isrā’ nocturnal journey; الاسراء Mohammed’s midnight journey to the seven heavens
سار sārin pl. سراة surāh traveling by night; night reveler, night hawk; contagious (disease); in force, effective, valid |سارى المفعول in force, effective, valid
سارية sāriya a mood or atmosphere which prevails in, or pervades, a room (e.g., سارية من الجهامة an all-pervading gloom); -- (pl. -āt, سوار sawārin) column; shipmast
2 سراى and سراية look up alphabetically
3 سريان suryān Syrians (coll.) members of the East Syrian Church
سرياني suryānī Syriac, Syrian; a member of the East Syrian Church
سرياوران saryāwarān (formerly) adjutant general
سيسبان look up alphabetically
1 اسطبة look up alphabetically
2 مسطبة masṭaba, misṭaba pl. مساطب masāṭib2 stone bench (against a wall); mastaba
سطح saṭaḥa u (saṭḥ) to spread out, spread, unfold, unroll (هـ s.th.); to level, even, plane, flatten, make smooth (هـ s.th.); to throw to the ground, fell (ه s.o.) II to spread out, spread, unfold, unroll (هـ s.th.) ;: to level, even, plane, flatten, make smooth (هـ s.th.) V to be spread out, be unfolded; to be leveled, be evened; to lie down on one’s back VII to be spread out. be unfolded; to lie flat on one’s back, be supine
سطح saṭḥ pl. سطوح suṭūḥ surface (also geom.); plane (geom.); (pl. also اسطحة asṭiḥa, اسطح asṭuḥ) (flat) roof, terrace; deck (of a ship); سطوح suṭūḥ (eg., syr.) roof terrace | سطح البحر s. al-baḥr sea level; سطح مائل inclined plane
سطحي saṭḥī external, outer, outward, outside, exterior; flat; superficial; سطحيات saṭḥīyāt externals, superficialities
سطحية satḥīya flatness; superficiality
سطيح saṭīḥ flat, spread out, stretched out, supine
مسطاح misṭāḥ threshing floor
مسطح musaṭṭaḥ even, level, flat; (pl. -āt) surface |قدم مسطحة (qadam) flat foot
1 سطر saṭara u (saṭr) and II to rule (هـ s.th.), draw lines (هـ on a sheet of paper); to write, jot down, record (هـ s.th.); to draw up, compose (هـ s.th.)
سطر saṭr, saṭar pl. سطور suṭūr, اسطر asṭur, اسطار asṭār line; row
ساطور sāṭūr pl. سواطير sawāṭīr2 cleaver
اسطورة usṭūra pl. اساطير asāṭīr2 fable, legend, saga, myth; fabulous story, yarn
اسطورى usṭūrī mythical, legendary, fabulous
مسطرة misṭara pl. مساطر masāṭir2 ruler; underlines, guideline sheet; see also alphabetically |O مسطرة الحساب slide rule
مسطار misṭār trowel
مسطرين masṭarīn (eg.) trowel
تسطير tasṭīr writing down, recording
مسطر musaṭṭar piece of writing, paper, document
2 سيطر and derivatives look up alphabetically
سطع saṭa‘a a (saṭ‘, سطوع suṭū‘) to rise; to spread (dust, fragrance); to shine, be brilliant, be radiant; to be or become manifest, obvious, plain, clear
سطع saṭ‘ brilliance, radiance, glow; brightness, luminosity
سطع saṭa‘ thump, thud, plump
سطوع suṭū‘ brilliance, radiance, glow; brightness, luminosity
اسطع asṭa‘ more brilliant, brighter; clearer, more obvious
ساطع sāṭi‘ pl. سواطع sawāṭi‘2 radiant, brilliant, shining, luminous, bright; manifest, obvious, clear, plain, patent, evident (proof)
سطل saṭala u (saṭl) to intoxicate (s.o.) VII to become or be intoxicated
سطل saṭl pl. اسطال asṭāl, سطول suṯūl bucket, pail (of wood or metal)
2 اسطول look up alphabetically
سطام sitām plug, stopper
سطو (سطو ) saṭā u (saṭw, سطو saṭwa) to rush, pounce, jump (ب or على upon), assail, attack (ب or على s.o.); to burglarize (على place), break into a place (على )
سطو saṭw attack, assault; burglary, housebreaking
سطوة saṭwa pl. saṭawāt attack, assault; influence, authority; presumption, cockiness, pride, power, strength
اسطوانة look up alphabetically
سعة sa‘a see وسع
سعتر sa‘tar (= صعتر ) wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum; bot.)
سعد sa‘ida a and pass. su‘ida (sa‘d, سعادة sa‘āda) to be happy, lucky, fortunate; pass. سعد ب (su‘ida) to have the good fortune of receiving or sharing s.th. III to help, aid, assist (ه s.o., في or على in, with), give s.o. (ه ) a hand (في or على in); to support, back (في or على ه s.o. in); to contribute, be conducive (في or ل, على to); to favor, encourage (في or على s.th.) IV to make happy (ه s.o); to help (ه s.o) | اسعد الحظ ب (الحظ ) he had the good fortune to ...
سعد sa‘d pl. سعود su‘ūd good luck, good fortune
الهيئة السعدية al-hai’a as-sa‘dīya the Saadist union (formerly a political movement in Egypt); السعديون as-sa‘dīyūn the Saadists, the followers of Saad Zaghlūl (1856-1927)
سعد su‘d Cyperus (bot.)
سعيد sa‘īd pl. سعداء su‘adā’ happy (ب about, at); radiant, blissful; lucky, auspicious; felicitous | سعيد الذكر s. ad-dikr of blessed memory, the late ...
سعادة sa‘āda happiness; bliss, felicity; good fortune, success, prosperity, welfare; title of a pasha; sa‘ādat … (with foll. name) title of high officials (syr., Leb.) |سعادتكم Your Grace (form of address to a pasha); صاحب السعادة title of a pasha; دار السعادة “House of Bliss”, ancient name of Istanbul
سعودي sa‘ūdī Saudi |المملكة العربية السعودية (mamlaka) Saudi Arabia
سعدان sa‘dān pl. سعادين sa‘ādīn2 ape
سعدانة sa‘dāna pl. -āt nipple, teat |سعدانة الباب doorknob
اسعد as‘ad2 happier, luckier
مساعدة musā‘ada pl. -āt support, backing, aid, help, assistance; encouragement, promotion
ساعد sā‘id pl. سواعد sawā‘id2 forearm |هو ساعده الأيمن (aiman) he is his right hand, he is indispensable to him; اشتد ساعده ištadda sā‘iduhū to become strong, powerful; فت في ساعده (fatta) to weaken s.o.
ساعدة sā‘ida pl. سواعد sawā’id2 tributary
مسعود mas‘ūd pl. مساعيد masā‘īd2 happy, lucky, fortunate
مساعد musā‘id helper, help, aide; assistant (adj. end n.); adjutant
مسعد mas‘ad favored by fortune, fortunate, lucky
سعر sa‘ara (sa‘r) to kindle, start (هـ a fire, a war); pass. su‘ira to flare up, run mad II to kindle, start (هـ a fire, a war); to price (هـ s.th.), set a price (هـ on s.th.); to quote on the stock market III to bargain, haggle over the price (ه with s.o.) IV to kindle, light, start (هـ fire) V to bum, blaze; to flare up (anger) VII to become mad, furious VIII to burn, flare, blaze; to break out (fighting)
سعر si‘r pl. اسعار as‘ār price; rate; exchange rate, quotation (stock market) | سعر الخصم s. al-kaṣm discount rate, bank rate; سعر التسليف rate of interest; سعر الفائدة rate of interest; سعر القطع s. al-qaṭ‘ discount rate, bank rate; سعر القطعة s. al-qiṭ‘a price by the piece
سعر su‘r madness; frenzy; voracity
سعر su‘ur madness frenzy
سعار su‘ār voracity
سعير sa‘īr pl. سعر su’ur blazing flame, fire; blaze; bell, inferno
مسعر mis‘ar pl. مساعر masā‘ir2 poker, fire iron
مسعار mis‘ār pl. مساعير masā‘īr2 poker, fire iron
تسعير tas‘īr pricing, price fixing
تسعيرة tas‘īra pricing, price fixing | لجنة التسعيرة lajnat at-t. pricing, price-fixing commission
تسعرة tas‘ira quotation (stock exchange)
مسعور mas‘ūr mad, crazy
سعط VIII to snuff (هـ tobacco)
سعوط sa‘ūṭ snuff
مسعط mis‘aṭ snuffbox
سعف III to help, aid, support (ه s.o.) IV to comply with s.o.’s (ه ) wishes (ب for), humor (ب ه s.o. in), grant (ب ه s.o. s.th.); to help, aid, assist (ه s.o.)
سعف sa‘af (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. -āt palm leaves | احد السعف aḥad as-s. Palm Sunday (Chr.)
اسعاف is‘āf pl. -āt aid, relief, help, assistance; medical service; الاسعاف first-aid | اسعاف العجزة i. al-‘ajaza care for the aged; جمعية الاسعاف jam‘īyat al-i. approx.: civil ambulance service; رجال الإسعاف first-aid men, ambulance men; medical orderlies, hospital corpsmen; سيارة الإسعاف sayyārat al-i. ambulance
سعل sa‘ala a (سعل su‘la, سعل su‘al) to cough
سعلة su‘la cough
سعال su‘āl cough | السعال الديكي (dīkī) whooping cough
سعلى si‘lā pl. سعليات si‘layāt female demon
سعلاة si‘lāh pl. سعال sa‘ālin female demon
ابو سعن abū su‘n marabou (zool.)
سعى sa‘ā a (sa‘y) to move quickly, run, speed; to move across the sky (moon); to head, be headed (الى for), proceed (الى to or toward); to strive (ل or الى for), aspire (ل or الى to); to work (الى, ل or وراء for), endeavor, attempt, make an effort (وراء or الى, ل to get or achieve s.th.); to run after s.th. (وراء ), pursue, chase (وراء s.th.); to take stops (في in a matter) | سعى به الى to lead s.o. or s.th. to ; سعى في الأرض فسادا (fī l-arḍi fasādan) to spread evil, cause universal harm and damage; سعى لحتفه بظلفه (li-ḥatfihī bi-ẓifihī) to bring about one’s own destruction, dig one’s own grave; سعى في خراب الشيء (karābi š-š.) to work at the ruin of s.th., undermine s.th.; -- sa‘ā a (سعى sa‘y, سعاية si‘āya) to slander (ب s.o., عند or الى to s.o), discredit (عند or الى ب s.o with) VI to run about in confusion
سعى sa‘y run, course; السعى the ceremony of running seven times between ṣafā and Marwa (performed during the Pilgrimage); effort, endeavor; livestock
سعاية si‘āya slander, calumniation
مسعى mas‘ān pl. مساع masā‘in effort, endeavor
ساع sā‘in pl. –ūn, سعاة su‘āh messenger; office boy, delivery boy; slanderer, calumniator | ساعى البريد postman, mailman
سغب sagiba (sagab) to hunger (ل for), be or become hungry
سغب sagab hunger, starvation
سغابة sagāba hunger, starvation
مسغبة masgaba famine
ساغب sāgib hungry, starving
سف IV to descend, link, slip, decline (fig.); to stoop (الى to, fig.) | اسف النظر اليه (naẓara) to give s.o. a sharp look VIII to eat, swallow (هـ s.th. dry, e.g., a medicinal powder)
سفوف safūf medicinal powder
اسفاف isfāf decline (fig.); triviality
سفتجة suftaja pl. safātij2 bill of exchange (com.)
سفح safaḥa a (safḥ, سفوح sufūḥ) to pour out, spill, shed (هـ s.th.) ill to whore, fornicate (ه with s.o.) VI to whore, fornicate
سفح safḥ pl. سفوح sufūḥ foot (of a mountain); pl. سفوح flat, rocky surface
سفاح saffāḥ shedder of blood, killer, murderer
سفاح sifāḥ fornication
سفد safida a and safada i (سفاد sifād) to cover, mount (على or ها the female); to cohabit (ها with a woman) II to put on a skewer (هـ meat) ill to cover, mount (ها the female); to rohabit (ها with a woman)
سفود saffūd pl. سفافيد safāfīd2 skewer, spit
سفر safara i (سفور sufūr) to remove the veil (عن وجهها ‘an wajhihā from her face), unveil o.s.; -- safara i (safr) to shine, glow (aurora) II to unveil, uncover, disclose (هـ s.th.); to send on a journey, compel to leave, send away (ه s.o); to dispatch, send off (هـ s.th.); to embark, put on board (ه passengers) III to travel, maim a trip; to leave, depart, go on a journey IV to shine, glow (aurora, s.o.’s face, etc.); to disclose, unveil, uncover (عن s.th.); to yield, achieve, bring (عن s.th.); to end (عن with, in), result (عن in) VII to rise, disappear (dust, clouds)
السفر as-sifr the travelers, the passengers
سفر sifr pl. اسفار asfār book (esp. one of the Scriptures)
سفر safar departure; (pl. اسفار asfār) journey, travel, trip, tour
سفرة safra pl. سفرات safarāt journey, travel, trip, tour
سفرية safarīya pl. -āt journey, travel, trip, tour; departure
سفرة sufra pl. سفر sufar dining table
سفرجي sufragī (eg.) pl. سفرجية sufragīya waiter, steward
سفير safīr pl. سفراء sufarā’ mediator (between contending parties); ambassador (dipl.)
سفور sufūr uncovering of the face (of a veiled woman); unveiling
سفارة sifāra office or function of a mediator, mediation; embassy (dipl.)
مسافر masāfir2 (pl.) part of the face not covered by the veil
سافر sāfir unveiled, wearing no veil; barefaced, conspicuous, obvious; (pl. سفرة safara) scribe
مسافر musāfir pl. -ūn traveler; passenger; visiting stranger; guest
سفرجل safarjal (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. سفارج quince (Cydonia; bot.)
سفسطة safsaṭa sophistry; pl. سفسطات sophistries, casuistic arguments |اهل السفسطة ahl as-s. the Sophists
سفسطي safsaṭī sophistic; Sophist
سفسة safsafa pl. سفاسف safāsif2 silly talk, nonsense; poor, inferior stuff
سفساف safsāf pl. سفاسف safāsif2 silly, inane, trivial; poor, inferior | سفساف الأمور poor, inferior stuff
سفط safaṭ pl. اسفاط asfāt basket; scales (of fish)
سفع safa‘a a (saf‘) to scorch, parch, burn (ه s.o., هـ s.o.’s skin; esp. of a hot wind); to flap the wings, flutter (bird); to strike, hit (ه s.o. with the hand), slap (ه s.o.); to lash (ه s.th., e.g., of a storm)
سفع saf‘ burned spot
سفعة suf‘a pl. سفع sufa‘ black stain; dark spot, brown discoloration
اسفع asfa‘, f. سفعاء saf‘ā’2 dark-brown
سفق safaqa u (safq) to shut, bang, slam (هـ the door)
سفك safaka i (safk) to shed (هـ blood) VI to murder each other VII to be shed, flow (blood)
سفك safk: سفك الدماء s. ad-dimā’ blood-shed
سفاك saffāk shedder of blood; blood-shedding
سفل safala u (سفول sufūl, سفال safāl) and safila a to be low; to be below s.th. (هـ ); -- safala u to turn downward; -- safula u (سفالة safāla) and safala u (safl) to be low, base, despicable V to abase o.s., sink low, go from bad to worse; to act in a base manner
سفل sufl lowest part of s.th., bottom
سفلى suflī lower, at the bottom; low
سفلة sifla: سفلة الناس s. an-nās lowly people, riffraff
سفالة safāla lowness; lowliness; baseness, ignominy, despicableness
سفالة safāla lowest part
اسفل asfal2, f. سفلى suflā, pl. اسافل asāfil2 lower; lowest; lower or lowest part, bottom; اسفل asfala (prep.) under, underneath, below | الأرض السفلى (arḍ) the nether world; رده اسفل سافلين raddahū asfala sāfilīn to reduce s.o. to the lowest level or status
سافل sāfil pl. سفلة safala low; lowly; base, mean, despicable
سفلت saflata to cover with asphalt, to asphalt
اسفلت asfalt asphalt
سفلقة saflaqa sponging
سفلاق siflāq sponger
1 سفن safan coarse hide used for polishing; emery paper, sandpaper
2 سفين safīn ships (coll.); ship; see also alphabetically
سفينة safīna pl. سفن sufun, سفائن safā’i2 ship, vessel, boat; السفينة Argo (astron.) |سفينة مدفعية (midfa‘īya) gunboat; سفينة تعليم and سفينة التدريس training ship
سفان saffān shipbuilder, shipwright
سفانة sifāna (art or trade of) shipbuilding
3 اسفين look up alphabetically
سفنج safanj, sifanj and اسفنج isfanj sponge
سفه safiha a (safah) and safuha u (سفاهة safāha) to be stupid, silly, foolish; to be impudent, insolent II to call (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) stupid or foolish; to declare (ه s.o.) legally incompetent; to depreciate, put down as inferior (هـ s.th.) | سفه نفسه to make a fool of o.s.; سفه وجهه (wajhahū) to expose s.o., show s.o. up, make a fool of s.o., bring s.o. in discredit, disgrace s.o., dishonor s.o. VI to pretend to be stupid or foolish
سفه safah foolishness, stupidity, silliness; impudence, shamelessness, insolence
سفيه safīh pl. سفهاء sufahā’2, سفاه sifāh foolish, stupid, silly; fool; an incompetent (Isl. Law); impudent, shameless, insolent; insolent fellow
سفاهة safāha foolishness, stupidity, silliness; impudence, shamelessness, insolence
سفى safā i (safy) to raise and scatter (هـ the dust; said of the wind) IV do.
سافياء sāfiyā’2 dust
مسفى masfan s.th. whirled up; play-thing, sport (fig.)
سفين safīn wedge
سقارة sigāra = سجارة cigarette
سقالة (It. scala) saqāla scaffold
سقر saqar2 f. hell
سقراط suqrāṭ2 Socrates
سقسقة saqsaqa chirping, cheeping, peeping (e.g., of sparrows)
سقط saqaṭa u (سقوط suqūṭ, مسقط masqaṭ) to fall (also = to be killed in action); to fall down, drop; to tumble, trip, slip; to fall out (hair); to sink down (على on, to); to hit, stumble (على upon), come across s.th. (على ); to find (على s.th.); to get, come (الى to s.o.), reach (الى s.o.); to decline, sink, drop (standard); to become null and void, be abolished, be canceled; to be dropped, be omitted, drop out; to be missing; to escape (من s.o.), slip (من s.o.’s memory) | ليسقط (فليسقط ) li-yasquṭ (fal-yasquṭ) down with …! سقط به to drop s.o. or s.th.; سقط اليهم عنه انه they had had word from him that he ...; سقط رأسه في (ra’suh) he was born in ..., his birthplace was …; سقط من العضوية (‘uḍwīya) to be dropped from membership; سقط من عينيه (‘ainaihī) to drop in s.o.’s estimation; سقط في الامتحان to fail an examination, flunk; سقط في يده suqiṭa fī yadihī to stand aghast, be at a loss, be bewildered IV to let fall, drop (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to make (ه s.o.) tumble, cause s.o. (ه ) to slip; to overthrow, bring down, topple, fell (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to fail, flunk (ه s.o. in an examination); to shoot down (هـ an aircraft); to deduct, subtract (هـ a number); to eliminate (هـ s.th. من from); to have a miscarriage, miscarry; to bring about a miscarriage (woman); to slink (هـ its young one; animal) |اسقطه من الجنسية (jinsīya) to deprive s.o. of his citizenship; اسقط حقه في (ḥaqqahū) to forfeit one’s right in s.th., waive one’s claim to s.th.; اسقط دعوى (da‘wā) to quash a complaint, nonsuit a case; to withdraw or drop a complaint; اسقط الشعر (ša‘ra) to cause loss of hair; اسقط في يده usqiṭa fī yadihī = سقط في يده saqaṭa fī yadihī V to learn gradually, pick up information (من هـ about s.th. from); to hunt for scraps | تسقط الأخبار to gather information VI to fall down, come down, collapse; to fall successively or gradually; to fall out (hair); to come gradually (الى to), arrive one by one (الى at); to roll, drip (من off); to dribble | تساقط على نفسه to break down, collapse; تساقط حطاما (ḥuṭāman) to go to ruin, disintegrate
سقط saqṭ dew
سقط siqṭ miscarried fetus
سقط saqṭ, siqṭ, suqṭ sparks flying from a flint
سقط saqaṭ pl. اسقاط asqāṭ any worthless thing; offal, refuse, rubbish, trash; junk | سقط المتاع s. al-matā‘ waste, scrap(s)
سقطى saqaṭī junk dealer, ragman
سقطة saqṭa pl. saqaṭāt fall, tumble, plunge; oversight, slip, error, mistake | سقطات الطباعة misprints, errata
سقوط suqūṭ fall, tumble; crash (of an airplane); collapse, breakdown, ruin; decline, downfall, fall; devolution (of a right); slip, lapse | سقوط الشعر s. aš-ša‘r loss of hair; سقوط الأمطار rainfall
سقيط saqīṭ hail
سقاطة saqqāṭa, (eg.) suqqāṭa door latch
مسقط masqaṭ, masqiṭ pl. مساقط masāqiṭ2 place where a falling object lands; waterfall | مسقط افقي (ufqī) ground plan, horizontal section; مسقط رأسي (ra’sī) front elevation, vertical section (arch.); مسقط الرأس m. ar-ra’s birthplace, home
سقط masqaṭ2 Muscat (seaport and capital of Oman)
اسقاط isqāṭ overthrow; shooting down (of an aircraft); miscarriage, abortion; deduction, subtraction; rebate | الاسقاط من الجنسية (jinsīya) abrogation of citizenship; gation of citizenship; اسقاط قيمة الفرنك (qīmat al-f.) devaluation of the franc
تساقط tasāqut loss (of hair) | تساقط الثلوج snowfall
ساقط sāqiṭ pl. سقاط saqāṭ fallen; base, mean, vile; disreputable, notorious (district); omitted, missing; forgotten
ساقطة sāqiṭa scrap; (pl. -āt) fallen woman, harlot
سقطراء suqṭrā’2 Socotra (island, S of Arabia)
سقع saqa‘a a (saq‘) to slap, clap (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.)
مسقعة musaqqa‘a (eg.) dish of eggplant and meat
1 سقف II to provide with a roof or ceiling, roof over (ه s.th.)
سقف saqf pl. سقوف suqūf, سقف suquf, اسقف asquf roof; ceiling | سقف الحلق s. al-ḥalq palate
سقيفة saqīfa pl. سقائف saqā’if roofed passage; roofed gallery; roofing, shelter
تسقيف tasqīf roofing
مسقوف masqūf roofed, covered (ب with)
2 اسقف asquf pl. اساقفة asāqifa look up alphabetically
سقالة look up alphabetically
سقلب saqlaba to throw down (ه s.o.)
سقلبي saqlabī pl. سقالبة saqāliba Slav; Slavic
سقم saqima a (saqam) and saquma u (suqm, سقام saqām) to be or become sick, ill, ailing; to become thin, lean, skinny; to be poor, meager, measly II to make sick (ه s.o.) IV = II
سقم suqm pl. اسقام asqām illness, sickness; leanness, thinness, skinniness
سقم saqam pl. اسقام asqām illness; sickness; leanness, thinness, skinniness
سقام saqām illness, sickness; leanness, thinness, skinniness
سقيم saqīm pl. سقام siqām, سقماء suqamā’2 sick, ill, ailing; skinny, lean, emaciated; meager, measly; poor, faulty (language)
مسقام masqām seriously suffering; constantly ailing, sickly
سقاوة siqāwa glanders
سقى saqā i (saqy) to give (ه هـ s.o. s.th.) to drink, make s.o. (ه ) drink (هـ s.th.); to water (هـ cattle, plants); to irrigate (هـ s.th.); to dip, scoop, draw (water) | سقى الفولاذ (fūlāda) to temper steel III to give (ه هـ s.o. s.th.) to drink; to conclude a lease contract (ه with s.o.; cf. مساقاة ) IV to give (ه هـ s.o. s.th.) to drink, make s.o. (ه ) drink (هـ s.th.); to water (هـ cattle, plants); to irrigate (هـ s.th.) VIII to ask (من s.o.) for a drink; to draw water (من from); to draw (من s.th., e.g., information, knowledge, etc., from), take, borrow, obtain (من هـ s.th. from) X to ask (من s.o.) for a drink (also هـ for s.th.); to pray for rain
سقى saqy watering; irrigation
سقاء siqā’ pl. اسقية asqiya, اسقيات asqiyāt, اساق asāqin waterskin, milkskin
سقاء saqqā’ pl. -ūn water carrier; -- pelican (zool.)
سقاية siqāya irrigation, watering; office of water supplier (spec. the traditional office of one in charge of providing water for Mecca pilgrims); watering place; drinking vessel
مسقى misqā pl. مساق masāqin (eg.) irrigation canal
مساقاة musāqāh sharecropping contract over the lease of a plantation, limited to one crop period (Isl. Law)
استسقاء istisqā’ dropsy | صلاة الاستسقاء ṣalāt al-ist. prayer for rain
استسقائي istisqā’ī dropsical, hydropic
ساق sāqin pl. سقاة suqāh cupbearer, Ganymede, saki
ساقية sāqiya barmaid; -- (pl. سواق sawāqin) rivulet; irrigation ditch, irrigation canal; water scoop; sakieh, water wheel
سك sakka u (sakk) to look, bolt (هـ the door); to mint, coin (هـ money); -- sakka (1st pers. perf. sakiktu) a (سكك sakak) and VIII to be or become deaf
سكة sikka pl. سكك sikak (minting) die; coin; road; (eg.) sidestreet, lane (narrower than شارع šāri‘) | سكة الحديد and السكة الحديدية railroad; سكة زراعية (zirā‘īya) field path, dirt road; دار السكة mint
سكان sukkān pl. -āt rudder
اسك asakk f. سكاء sakkā’2, pl. سك sukk deaf
مسكوك maskūka pl. -āt coin; drain hole (tun.) | علم المسكوكات ‘ilm al-m. numismatics
سكارة sigāra pl. سكائر sagā’ir2 (Syrian spelling) cigarette
سكارين sakārīn saccharin
سكب sakaba u (sakb) to pour out, shed, spill (هـ s.th.) VII to pour forth, be poured out; be shed, be spilled
سكيب sakīb shed, spilled
مسكب maskab pl. مساكب masākib2 melting pot, crucible
مسكوبية maskūbīya melting pot, crucible
سكباج sakbāj meat cooked in vinegar
سكت sakata u (sakt, سكوت sukūt, سكات sukāt to be silent, say nothing; to become silent, lapse into silence; to be or become quiet, calm down, subside; to pass over s.th. (IT) in silence; not to answer (عن s.o.); pass. sukita to have a stroke (med.) | سكت عنه الغضب (gaḍab) his anger abated II to silence, calm, soothe, pacify (هـ, ه s.o. s.th.); to order to be silent, hush up (ه s.o.) IV do.; to conceal, refuse to tell (هـ s.th.)
سكت sakt silence; taciturnity, reticence |على السكت silently, in silence, quietly
سكتة sakta silence, quiet; stroke, apoplexy (med.) | سكتة (qalbīya) heart failure
سكات sukāt silence; taciturnity, reticence
سكوت sukūt silence; taciturnity, reticence; see also alphabetically
سكوتي sukūtī taciturn, reticent
سكوت sakūt taciturn, reticent
سكيت sikkīt habitually silent
ساكت sākit silent, mum; taciturn, reticent; still, quiet, calm, tranquil; quiescent (letter)
1 سكر sakara u (sakr) to shut, close, lock, bolt (هـ s.th.) II do.
2 سكر sakara a (sakar, sukr) to be drunk; to get drunk, become intoxicated IV to make drunk, intoxicate, inebriate (ه s.o.) VI to pretend to be drunk
سكر sukr intoxication, inebriety, drunkenness
سكر sakar an intoxicant; wine
سكرة sakra pl. sakarāt inebriety, intoxication, drunkenness |سكرة الموت s. al-maut agony of death
سكران sakrān2, f. سكرى sakrā, pl. سكارى sukārā, sakārā drunk, intoxicated; a drunk | سكران طينة (ṭīna) (colloq.) dead drunk
سكير sikīr drunkard, heavy drinker
مسكر muskir pl. -āt alcoholic beverage, intoxicating liquor
3 سكر II to sugar, sprinkle with sugar (هـ s.th.); to candy, preserve with sugar (هـ s.th.)
سكر sukkar sugar; pl. سكاكر sakākir2 sweetmeats, confectionery, candies | سكر الثمار fructose, levulose, fruit sugar; سكر الشعير maltose, malt sugar; سكر العنب s. al-‘inab dextro-glucose, dextrose, grape sugar; سكر القصب s. al-qaṣab saccharose, sucrose, cane sugar; سكر اللبن s. al-laban lactose, milk sugar; سكر النبات s. an-nabāt sugar candy, rook candy; قصب السكر qaṣab as-s. sugar cane; مرض السكر maraḍ as-s. diabetes
سكري sukkarī sugar (adj.), sugary, like sugar, saccharine; سكرات confectionery; sweetmeats, candy |مرض البول السكري (maraḍ al-baul) diabetes
سكرية sukkarīya sugar bowl
مسكرات musakkarāt confectionery, sweetmeats, candy
4 سكارة pl. سكائر look up alphabetically
5 سيكران look up alphabetically
سكرتاة (It. sicurtà) sikurtāh insurance
سكرتارية (Fr. secrétariat) sekretārīya secretariat; secretaryship
سكرتو (It scarto) sikartō cotton waste
سكرتير (Fr secrétaiea) sekretēr secretary | سكرتير عام (‘āmm) secretary-general
سكرتيرية sekretērīya secretariat
سكرجة sukurruja, sukruja pl. سكاريج sakārīj2 bowl; platter, plate
سكروز sukrōz saccharose, sucrose
سكرين sukkarīn saccharin
سكسك II tasaksaka to behave in a servile manner
سكسكة suksuka wren (?)
تسكسك tasaksuk servility
سكسوني saksūnī Saxonian; Saxon
سكسونيا saksōniyā Saxonia
سكع V to grope about (الظلمة aẓ-ẓulmata in the dark); to loiter, loaf, hang around; to proceed aimlessly, dawdle, potter | طرده الى حيث التسكع (ḥait t-tasakku‘u) to drive s.o. out into the dark, leave s.o. to an uncertain fate
سكاف sakkāf shoemaker
سكافة sikāfa shoemaker’s trade, shoemaking
اسكاف iskāf and اسكافي iskāfī pl. اساكفة asākifa shoemaker
اسكفة askafa threshold, doorstep; lintel
ساكف sākif lintel
اسكلة pl. اساكل look up alphabetically
1 سكن sakana u (سكون sukūn) to be or become still, tranquil, peaceful; to calm down, repose, rest; (gram.) to be vowelless (consonant, i.e., have no vowel immediately fallowing); to abate, subside, remit, cease (anger, pain, and the like); to pass, go away (عن from s.o. pain), leave (عن s.o., pain); to remain calm, unruffled (الى at, in the face of); to be reassured (ل, الى by); to rely (ل, الى on), trust, have faith (ل, الى in); to feel at home (الى in, at); -- sakana u (sakan, سكنى suknā) to live, dwell (ب or في, هـ in), inhabit (ب or في, هـ s.th.) II to calm (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), reassure, appease, placate (ه s.o.), soothe, allay, alleviate (هـ pain, and the like); (gram.) to make vowelless (هـ a consonant, i.e., pronounce it without a following vowel) III to live together, share quarters (في ه with s.o. in) IV to give or allocate living quarters (ه to s.o.); to settle, lodge, put up (هـ ه s.o. in) VI to live together, share quarters
سكن sakan means or time for rest; dwelling, abode, habitation; inhabited area, human habitations; ashes
سكني sakanī ashen, ash-gray
في حركاته وسكناته fī ḥarakātihī wa sakanātihī in all his doings; in every situation
سكنة sakina pl. -āt residence, home
سكون sukūn calm, tranquility, peace; silence, quiet; (gram.) vowellessness of a medial consonant; the graphic symbol of this vowellessness | سكون الطائر seriousness, sedateness, gravity
سكان sakkān cutler
سكان sukkān pl. -āt rudder
سكين sikkīn m. and f. pl. سكاكين sakākīn2 knife
سكينة sakīna pl. سكائن sakā’in2 immanence of God, presence of God; devout, God-inspired peace of mind; calm, tranquility, peace
سكينة sikkīna knife
سكنى suknā living, dwelling; stay, sojourn | محل السكنى maḥall as-s. place of residence
سكاكيني sakākīnī cutler
مسكن maskan, maskin pl. مساكن masākin2 dwelling, abode, habitation; house; home, residence, domicile
تسكين taskīn pacification, tranquilization, placation
اسكان settling, settlement; allocation of living quarters
ساكن sākin pl. -ūn, سكنة sakana, f. سواكن sawākin2 calm, motionless, still; --vowelless (medial consonant); stagnant, standing (water); O statio (electricity); (pl. سكان sukkān, سكنة sakana) dweller, inhabitant, resident, occupant; السكان the population | ساكن الجنان inhabitant of Paradise, deceased person, one of blessed memory; كثير السكان populous; لا يحرك ساكنا (yuḥarriku) he doesn’t budge, he doesn’t bend his little linger, he remains immobile, apathetic; حرك ساكنه (sākinahū) to rouse, agitate s.o.
مسكون maskūn populated, inhabited; haunted (place); possessed (person) | الدار مسكونة the house is haunted
المسكونة al-maskūna the inhabited world, the world
مسكوني maskūnī ecumenical (Chr.)
مسكن musakkin pl. -ūn pacifier, soother; (pl. -āt) sedative, tranquilizer
مساكن musākin pl. -ūn fellow citizen, neighbor
3 مسكنة and مسكين pl. مساكين look up alphabetically
سكنجبين sakanjabīn oxymel (pharm.)
سكندينافيا skandināfiyā and سكندناوة sikandināwa Scandinavia
سكندنافي sikandināfī Scandinavian
سكوت (Hebr. sukkōṭ): عيد السكوت ‘īd as-s. Sukkoth, Feast of Tabernacles (Jud.)
سكي skī ski
1 سل sal imperative of سأل sa’ala
2 سل salla u (sall) to pull out, withdraw, or remove gently (هـ s.th.); pass. sulla to have pulmonary tuberculosis, be consumptive V to steal away, slink away, slip away, escape; to spread, extend, get (الى to), reach (الى s.th.); to slip, slink, sneak, steal (الى into); to betake o.s., go (الى to, with secret designs); to invade, infiltrate, enter (الى s.th.); to penetrate (في to, as far as) VII to steal away, slink away, slip away, escape; to slip, slink, sneak, steal (الى into); to infiltrate (الى s.th., also pol.); to advance singly or in small groups (troops in the field; mil.); to have pulmonary tuberculosis, be consumptive VIII to pull out or remove gently (هـ s.th.); to withdraw gently (هـ s.th., e.g., كفه kaffahū one’s hand, عن from); to unsheathe, draw (هـ the sword); to wrest, snatch (من هـ from s.o. s.th.)
سل sall basket
سل sill, sull consumption, phthisis, tuberculosis | السل التدرني (tadarrunī) tuberculosis; السل الرئوي (ri’awī) pulmonary tuberculosis
سلة salla pl. سلال silāl basket |سلة المهملات s. al-muhmalāt wastepaper basket; كرة السلة kurat as-s. basketball
سليل salīl drawn (sword); descendant, scion, son
سليلة salīla pl. سلائل salā’il2 (female) descendant
سلال sallāl basketmaker, basket weaver
سلالة sulāla pl. -āt descendant, scion; progeny, offspring; family; race; strain, stock, provenience (of economic plants)
سلالى sulālī family (adj.)
مسلة masalla pl. -āt, مسال masāll2 large needle, pack needle; obelisk
تسلل tasallul infiltration (pol.); offside position (in football, hockey, etc.)
انسلال insilāl infiltration (pol.)
مسلول maslūl consumptive, affected with pulmonary tuberculosis
مستلة mustalla pl. -āt offprint (ir.)
سلأ sala’a a (sal’) to clarify (هـ butter)
سلاء silā’ pl. اسلئة asli’a clarified butter
سلاطة salāṭa salad
سلافي sulāfī Slavic; (pl. -ūn) Slav
سلاقون salāqūn red lead, minium
سلاقى see سلق
سلانيك salānīk2 Salonica (seaport in NE Greece)
سلب salaba a (salb) to take away, steal, wrest, snatch (ه من or ه هـ from s.o. s.th.), rob, strip, dispossess, deprive (ه من or ه هـ s.o. of s.th.); to plunder, rifle, loot (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to strip of arms and clothing (ه a fallen enemy); to withhold (ه هـ from s.o. s.th.), deny (ه هـ to s.o. s.th.); -- saliba a (salab) to put on or wear mourning, be in mourning V to be in mourning VIII = salaba
سلب salb spoliation, plundering, looting, pillage, robbing; negation | علامة السلب ‘alāmat as-s. minus sign (math.)
سلبي salbī negative (also el.); passive | الدفاع السلبي or المقاومة السلبية (muqāwama) passive resistance
سلبية salbīya negativism, negative attitude
سلب salab pl. اسلاب aslāb loot, booty, plunder, spoils; hide, shanks and belly of a slaughtered animal; -- ropes, hawsers (eg.)
سلاب sillāb pl. سلب sulub black clothing, mourning (worn by women)
سلاب sallāb robber, plunderer, looter
سليب salīb stolen, taken, wrested away
اسلوب uslūb pl. اساليب asālīb2 method, way, procedure; course; manner, mode, fashion; style (esp. literary); stylistic peculiarity (of an author) | اسلوب كتابي (kitābī) literary style
استلاب istilāb spoliation, plundering, looting, pillage, robbing
سالب sālib negative (adj.); (pl. سوالب sawālib2) O negative (phot.)
مسلوب maslūb unsuccessful
سلبند salaband martingale (of the harness)
سلت salata i u to extract, pull out (هـ s.th.); to chop off (هـ s.th., esp. a part of the body) VII to steal away, slip away
سلج salg (eg.) = سلق
السلاجقة as-salājiqa the Seljuk
سلجم saljam turnip (Brassica rapa; bot.); (eg.) rape (Brassica napus; bot.)
سلح salaḥa a (salḥ) to void excrement; to drop dung (bird) II to arm (ه هـ s.o. with) V to arm o.s. VI to engage in battle, fight, cross swords
سلح salḥ and سلاح sulāḥ excrements, dung, droppings
سلاح silāh pl. اسلحة asliḥa arm, weapon; arms, weapons; service (as a branch of the armed forces); armor; steel gripper, steel claw; plowshare سلاح الطيران s. aṭ-ṭayarān air force; سلاح الفرسان s. al-fursān cavalry; شاك السلاح šākk as-s. bristling with arms, armed to the teeth; سلم سلاحه sallama silāḥahū to lay down one’s arms, surrender
سلاحدار silāḥdār sword-bearer, shield-bearer, squire
سليح salīḥ pl. -ūn apostle (Chr.)
تسليح taslīḥ pl. -āt arming, equipping; armament, rearmament; armoring, reinforcement (in ferroconcrete construction)
تسلح tasalluḥ armament, rearmament | سباق التسلح sibāq at-t. arms race
مسلح musalliḥ armorer
سلح musallaḥ armed; armored, reinforced (with steel); = Fr. armé | القوات المسلحة (qūwāt) the armed forces; اسمنت مسلح (ismant) ferroconcrete, reinforced concrete; خرسانة مسلحة (karsāna) do.; زجاج مسلح (zujāj) wired glass
سلحفاء sulaḥfāh, silaḥfāh pl. سلاحف salāḥif2 turtle, tortoise
سلحفائية sulḥafā’īya dawdling, dilatoriness
سلخ salaka a u (salk) to pull off, strip off (هـ s.th.); to skin, flay (هـ an animal); to detach (هـ عن s.th. from); to end, terminate, conclude, bring to a close (هـ a period of time); to spend (هـ a period of time, في doing s.th.) V to peel (skin, from sunburn) VII to be stripped off, be shed (skin, slough); to shed, cast off (عن, من the slough, the skin), strip off, take off (عن, من clothing); to abandon, give up, cut off (هـ a trait, a quality); to get detached (عن, من from), come off (عن, من ); to withdraw, retire (من from); to pass, end (month)
سلخ salk detaching; skinning, flaying; snakeskin, slough; end of the month
سلخ salk: خشب سلخ (kašab) (barkless) soft wood, alburnum, sapwood
سلاخ sallāk pl. ة , -ūn butcher
سلخ salik skinned, flayed; tasteless, insipid (food)
سليخة salīka Chinese cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum cassia; bot.); cinnamon bark, cassia bark
سخانة salkāna pl. -āt slaughterhouse, abattoir
مسلخ maslak pl. مسالخ masālik2 slaughterhouse, abattoir
مسلاخ mislāk snakeskin, slough
منسلخ munsalak end of the month
سلس salisa a (salas, سلاسة salāsa) to be tractable, docile, compliant, obedient; to be smooth, flowing, fluent (style) IV to make tractable, render obedient, subdue (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to make easy, smooth, fluent (هـ s.th.)
سلس salas incontinence of urine
سلس salis tractable, pliable, docile, compliant, obedient; flexible, smooth, fluent (style) | سلس القياد s. al-qiyād tractable, pliable, docile, compliant, obedient
سلاسة salāsa tractability, pliability, docility, compliance, obedience (also سلاسة القيادة s. al-qiyāda); smoothness, fluency (of style)
اسلس aslas2 more tractable, more pliable, more obedient; more flexible, smoother, more fluent
سلسبيل salsabīl name of a spring in Paradise; spring, well
سلسل salsala to link together, concatenate, interlink, interlock, connect, unite (هـ s.th. ب with); to chain up, enchain, fetter, shackle (ه s.o.); to pour (الماء في water into) | سلسله الى to trace s.o.’s lineage back to s.o. II tasalsala to flow down, trickle (in a continuous stream); to drip, dribble, fall in drops (water); to form a chain or series, be continuous; to be interlinked, interlocked, linked together, concatenate
سلسل salsal cool fresh water
سلسلة silsila pl. سلاسل salāsil2 iron chain; chain (also fig.); series (of essays, articles, etc.) | سلسلة الجبال mountain chain; سلسلة الظهر s. aẓ-ẓahr, backbone, vertebral column; السلسلة الفقرية (faqrīya) do.; سلسلة الأكاذب fabric of lies; سلسلة النسب s. an-nasab lineage, line of ancestors
تسلسل tasalsul sequence, succession | بالتسلسل without interruption, successively, consecutively, continuously; نشره بتسلسل to serialize s.th., publish s.th. in serial form
مسلسل musalaal chained; continuous (numbering) | رد فعل مسلسل (raddu fi‘lin) chain reaction (phys.); المرأة المسلسلة (mar’a) Andromeda (astron.)
متسلسل mutasalsil continuous (numbering)
1 سلط II to give (ه s.o.) power or mastery (على over), set up as overlord, establish as ruler (على ه s.o. over); to impose, inflict (على ه a penalty on s.o.); to bring to bear, exert (هـ force, pressure, and the like, على on); to load, charge (على هـ s.th. with electric current) | سلطوا عليه ايديهم (aidiyahum) they laid violent hands on …, dealt high-handedly with ...; سلط عليه الكلاب to set the dogs on s.o. V to overcome, surmount (على s.th.); to overpower, overwhelm (على s.o.); to prevail, gain the upperhand (على over), get the better of (على ); to be absolute master (على of), rule, reign, hold sway (على over); to control, supervise, command (على s.th.)
سلط sulṭa pl. -āt, سلط sulaṭ power, might, strength; authority; sway, dominion, influence, sovereign power, jurisdiction; (pl. -āt) official agency, authority |السلطة الأبوية (abawīya) paternal authority; patriarchy; السلطة الروحية (rūḥīya) spiritual power; السلطة التشريعية (tašrī‘īya) legislative power; سلطة عسكرية (‘askarīya) military authority; السلطة القضائية (qaḍā’īya) judicial power; السلطة التنفيذية (tanfīdīya) executive power
سلطة salṭa jacket
سليط salīṭ strong, solid, firm; glib; impudent, sharp, loose, vicious (tongue)
سلاطة salāṭa glibness; impudence, lack of restraint (in one’s language); see also alphabetically
تسلط tasalluṭ mastery, sway, dominion; rule, influence, authority, supremacy (على over); supervision, control
2 سلط salaṭa and سلاطة salāṭa salad
سلطح III اسلنطح islanṭaḥa to be broad, be wide
سلاطح sulāṭiḥ wide
سلطن salṭana to proclaim sultan, establish as ruler (ه s.o.) II تسلطن tasalṭana to become sultan or ruler
سلطنة salṭana sultanate
سلطان sulṭān m. and f. power, might, strength; rule, reign, dominion, sway; authority; mandate, authorization; legitimation (ب for); -- (pl. سلاطين salāṭīn2) sultan; (absolute) ruler | سلطان ابراهيم s. ibrāhīm red mullet (Mullus barbatus; zool.); ما انزل الله به من سلطان (anzala llāhu) (lit.; God has revealed no legitimation for it; with preceding indeterminate noun) vain, unfounded, baseless, arbitrary
سلطانة sulṭāna sultana, sultaness
سلطاني sulṭānī of the sultan; sovereign, imperial, royal | طريق سلطاني imperial highway
سلطانية suṭānīya soup bowl, tureen; large metal bowl
سلع Sali‘a a (sala‘) to crack, become cracked VII to split, break open, burst
سلع sal‘ pl. سلوع sulū‘ crack, fissure, rift
سلعة sil‘a pl. سلع sila‘ commodity, commercial article; sebaceous cyst, wen
سلف salafa u (salaf) to be over, be past, be bygone; to precede, antecede II to lend, loan, advance (هـ ه to s.o. money) IV to make (هـ s.th.) precede; to lend, loan, advance (ه هـ to s.o. money) | اسلفنا (القول ) (qaul) we have already said, we have previously stated; كما اسلفنا as we have already said V to borrow (هـ من s.th. from); to contract a loan VIII = V
سلف silf pl. اسلاف aslāf brother-in-law
سلفة silfa sister-in-law
سلف salaf and pl. اسلاف aslāf predecessors; forebears, ancestors, forefathers; سلف advance payment, prepayment; free loan, noninterest-bearing loan; سلفا salafan in advance, beforehand, before | السلف الصالح the worthy ancestors, the venerable forefathers
سلفية salafīya pl. -āt free loan; (cash) advance
السلفية as-salafīya an Islamic reform movement in Egypt, founded by Mohammed ‘Abduh (1849-1906)
سلفة sulfa pl. سلف sulaf loan; (cash) advance; inner lining of shoes, inner sole
سلاف sulāf choicest wine (made of the juice flowing from unpressed grapes)
سلافة sulāfa = سلاف sulāf
سلفاء sulafā’2 predecessors
مسلفة mislafa harrow
تسليف taslīf credit, advance | سعر التسليف si‘r at-t. rate of interest; بنك التسليف credit bank
تسليفة talīfa credit, loan | تسليفة عقارية (‘aqārīya) land credit
سالف sālif pl. سلف salaf, سلاف sullāf, سوالف sawālif, preceding, foregoing,
former, previous, bygone, past; predecessor; سالفا sālifan formerly, previously; above (as a reference in books, etc.) | سوالف الأحداث former, or past, events; سالف الذكر s. ad-dikr aforementioned; سالف العروس s. al-‘arūs amaranth (bot.); في سالف الزمان fī s. iz-zamān in former times, in the old days
1 سلفات sulfāt sulfate | سلفات النشادر s. an-nušādir ammonium sulfate
2O سلفت salfata to asphalt (هـ s.th.)
O مسلفت musalfat asphalted
سلفيد sulfīd sulfide
سلق salaqa u (salq) to lacerate the skin (ه of s.o.; with a whip); to remove with boiling water (هـ s.th.); to boil, cook in boiling water (هـ s.th.); to scald (هـ plants; said of excessive heat); to hurt (ه s.o., بلسانه bi-lisānihī with one’s tongue, i.e., give s.o. a tongue-lashing) V to ascend, mount, climb, scale (هـ s.th.); to climb up (plant)
سلق salq (eg.), silq a variety of chard, the leaves of which are prepared as a salad or vegetable dish
السلاق as-sullāq Ascension of Christ
سلاقة salāqa vicious tongue, violent language
سليقة salīqa pl. سلائق salā’iq2 dish made of grain cooked with sugar, cinnamon and fennel (syr.); inborn disposition, instinct
سلقون salaqūn and سلاقون salāqūn red lead, minium
سلاقي salāqī saluki, greyhound, hunting dog
سلوقي salūqī saluki, greyhound, hunting dog
تسلق tasalluq climbing; ascent
مسلوق maslūq cooked, boiled (meat, egg, vegetable)
مسلوقة maslūqa pl. مساليق masālīq2 bouillon, broth
النباتات المتسلقة an-nabātāt al-mutasalliqa climbing plants, creepers
سلك salaka u (salk, سلوك sulūk) to follow (هـ a road), travel (هـ along a road); to take (هـ a road), enter upon a course or road (هـ ; fig.); to behave, comport o.s. (نحو toward s.o.); to proceed, act; to set foot (هـ on), enter (هـ a place); -- salaka (salk) to insert (هـ في s.th. in), stick (هـ في s.th. into); to pass (هـ thread, في الإبرة through the eye of a needle), thread a needle | سلكه في السلسلة (silsila) to chain s.o. up II to clean, clear (هـ s.th., esp. pipelines, canals, etc.); to unreel, unwind (هـ yarn); to clarify, unravel, disentangle (امرا معقدا amran mu‘aqqadan a complicated affair) IV to insert (هـ في s.th. in), stick (هـ في s.th. into); to pass (هـ thread, في للإبرة through the eye of a needle), thread a needle
سلك silk pl. اسلاك aslāk thread; string (also, of a musical instrument); line; wire; rail (Mor.); -- organization, body; profession (as a group or career); corps; cadre | سلك الأرض s. al-arḍ or السلك الأرضي (arḍī) ground wire; اسلاك بحرية (baḥrīya) underwater cable; O السلك الحراري (h>arārī) filament (of a radio tube); O السلك المتحكم (mutaḥakkim) grid (of a radio tube); (رجال) السلك السياسي (siyāsī) diplomatic corps; سلك الشرطة s. aš-šurṭa the police; السلك الشائك barbed wire; O سلك الانصهار الواقى fuse (el.); السلك التعليمي (ta‘līmī) the teaching profession, the teachers; سلك القضاء s. al-qaḍā’ the judiciary, the judicature; O السلك المقاوم (muqāwim) resistor (el.); O السلك الهوائي (hawā’ī) antenna, aerial; انتظو في (الى) السلك البحري to be a member of an organization and the like; to join an organization and the like, e.g., الانتظام الى السلك البحري (baḥrī) entrance into the navy (as also انخراط في سلك )
سلكي silkī by wire, wire (adj.)
لاسلكي lā-silkī wireless; radio, broadcasting (adj. and n.); radiogram; radio specialist | اشارة لاسلكية (išāra) radio message; عامل لاسلكي radio operator
سلكة silka pl. سلك silak wire; thread; string (also, of a musical instrument)
سلوك sulūk behavior, comportment, demeanor, manners; conduct, deportment, attitude | حسن السلوك ḥusn as-s. good behavior, good manners; قواعد السلوك or آداب السلوك etiquette
مسلك maslak pl. مسالك masālik2 way, road, path; course of action, policy; procedure, method | المسالك البولية (baulīya) the urinary passages (anat.); مسالك الهواء m. al-hawā’ the respiratory passages (anat.); سلك مسلكا to enter upon a course (fig.)
مسلكي maslakī professional, vocational, industrial, trade (adj.)
سالك sālik cleaning, clearing
سالك sālik passable, practicable (road); entered upon (course); clear, open, not blocked, not obstructed (also anat.); (pl. -āt) one who follows the spiritual path (esp. myst.)
مسلوك maslūk passable, practicable (road); entered upon (course)
سلم salima a (سلامة salāma, سلام salām) to be safe and sound, unharmed, unimpaired, intact, safe, secure; to be unobjectionable, blameless faultless; to be certain, established, clearly proven (fact); to be free (من from); to escape (من ه danger) II to preserve, keep from injury, protect from harm (ه s.o.), save (ه من s.o. from); to hand over intact (هـ s.th., ل or الى to s.o.); to hand over, turn over, surrender (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., ل or الى to s.o.); to deliver (هـ ل or الى to s.o. s.th.); to lay down (هـ arms); to surrender, give o.s. up (ل or الى to); to submit, resign o.s. (ل or الى to); to greet. Salute (على s.o.); to grant salvation (God to the Prophet); to admit, concede, grant (ب s.th.); to consent (ب to s.th.), approve (ب of s.th.), accept, sanction, condone (ب s.th.) | سلم امره الى الله (amrahū) to commit one’s cause to God, resign o.s. to the will of God; سلم روحه (rūḥahū) to give up the ghost; سلم نفسه الأخير (nafasahū) to breathe one’s last, be in the throes of death; سلم نفسه للبوليس (nafsahū) to give o.s. up to the police; سلم اليه على الحسنى والإساءة (ḥusnā, isā’a) to put o.s. at s.o.’s mercy; سلم لي عليه (salim) give him my best regards! remember me to him! صلى الله عليه وسلم (sallā) God bless him and grant him salvation (eulogy after the name of the Prophet Mohammed) III to keep the peace, make one’s peace, make up (ه with s.o.) IV to forsake, leave, desert, give up, betray (ه s.o.); to let sink, drop (رأسه الى ركبتيه ra’sahū i. rukbataihī one’s head, to one’s knees); to hand over, turn over (الى to s.o., هـ or ه s.o. or s.th.); to leave, abandon (الى هـ s.th. to s.o.); to deliver up, surrender, expose (ه الى s.o. to); to commit o.s. resign o.s. (لله to the will of God, with ellipsis of نفسه or امره); (اسلم alone:) to declare o.s. committed to the will of God, become a Muslim, embrace Islam | اسلم امره الى الله (amrahū) to commit one’s cause to God, resign o.s. to the will of God; اسلم روحه (الروح ) (rūḥahū) to give up the ghost V to get, obtain (هـ s.th.); to receive (هـ s.th.); to have (هـ s.th.) handed over or delivered; to take over, assume (هـ the management of s.th.) | تسلم مقاليد الحكم (m. al-ḥukm) to take (the reins of) power VI to become reconciled with one another, make peace with one another VIII to touch, graze (هـ s.th.); to receive, get, obtain (هـ s.th.); to take over (هـ s.th.), take possession (هـ of) X to surrender, capitulate; to give way, submit, yield, abandon o.s. (ل or الى to s.th.); to give o.s. over (ل or الى to s.th.; to a man, said of a woman); to lend o.s., be a party (ل or الى to s.th.); to succumb (ل to)
سلم salm peace
سلم silm m. and f. peace; the religion of Islam |حب السلم ḥubb as-s. pacifism
سلمي silmī peaceful; pacifist
سلم salam forward buying (Isl. Law); a variety of acacia
سلم sullam pl. سلالم salālim2, سلاليم salālīm2 ladder; (flight of) stairs, stair-case; stair, step, running board; (mus.) scale; means, instrument, tool (fig.) | سلم متحرك (mutaḥarrik) escalator
سلمة sullama step, stair
سلام salām soundness, unimpairedness, intactness, well-being; peace, peacefulness; safety, security; -- (pl. -āt) greeting, salutation; salute; military salute; national anthem | السلام العام (‘āmm) general welfare, commonweal; دار السلام Paradise; an epithet of Baghdad; Dar es Salaam (seaport and capital of Tanganyika); مدينة السلام (the City of Peace =) Baghdad; نهر السلام nahr as-s. the Tigris; السلام عليكم (salāmu), سلام عليكم peace be with you! (a Muslim salutation); عليه السلام upon him be peace (used parenthetically after the names of angels and of pre-Mohammedan prophets); يا سلام exclamation of dismay, esp. after s.th. calamitous has happened: good Lord! good heavens! oh dear! يا سلام على exclamation of amazement or grief about s.th.: there goes (go) ...! what a pity for ...! how nice is (are) ...! بلغ سلامي اليه (ballig) give him my kind regards! remember me to him! والسلام (and) that’s all, and let it be done with that; على سلام it’s all over with ...
سلاملك (Turk. selamlιk) selāmlιk selamlik, reception room, sitting room, parlor
سلامة salāma blamelessness flawlessness; unimpaired state, soundness, integrity, intactness; well-being, welfare; safety, security; smooth progress; success | السلامة الاجماعية (ijmā‘īya) collective security; سلامة الذوق s. ad-dauq good taste; سلامة (املاك) البلاد the integrity of the country; سلامة النية s. an-nīya sincerity, guilelessness; بسلامة النية in good faith, bona fide; سلامتك a speedy recovery! مع السلامة (a greeting of farewell, said by the person remaining behind) approx.: good-by! farewell! الحمد لله على السلامة (ḥamdu) praised be God for your well-being! (said to the traveler returning from a journey)
سليم salīm pl. سلماء sulamā’2 safe, secure; free (من from); unimpaired, undamaged, unhurt, sound, intact, complete, perfect, whole, integral; faultless, flawless; well; safe and sound; safe; healthy; sane; (euphemistically) seriously injured or damaged, on the verge of ruin | سليم البنية s. al-bunya healthy, sound in body; سليم العاقبة benign (disease); سليم العقل s. al-‘aql sane; سليم النية s. an-nīya, سليم القلب s. al-qalb guileless, sincere, good-natured; ذوق سليم (dauq) good taste
سلامى sulāmā pl. سلاميات sulāmayāt phalanx, digital bone (of the hand or foot)
سلامية sulāmīya pl. -āt phalanx, digital bone (of the hand or foot)
اسلم aslam2 safer; freer; sounder; healthier
سليماني sulaimānī Solomon | حوت سليمان ḥūt s. salmon
سليماني sulaimānī corrosive sublimate, mercury chloride
تسليم taslīm handing over, turning over; presentation; extradition; surrender (of s.th.); delivery (com.; of mail); submission, surrender, capitulation; salutation; greeting; concession, admission; assent, consent (ب to), acceptance, approval, condonation, unquestioning recognition (ب of)
مسالمة musālama conciliation, pacification
اسلام islām submission, resignation, reconciliation (to the will of God); -- الاسلام the religion of Islam; the era of Islam; the Muslims
اسلامي islāmī Islamic
اسلامية islāmīya the idea of Islam, Islamism; status or capacity of a Muslim
اسلامبولي look up alphabetically
تسلم tasallum receipt; taking over, assumption; reception
استلام istilām receipt; acceptance; taking over, assumption | افادة الاستلام acknowledgment of receipt
استسلام istislām surrender, capitulation; submission, resignation, self-surrender
سالم sālim safe, secure; free (من from); unimpaired, unblemished, faultless, flawless, undamaged, unhurt, intact, safe and sound, safe; sound, healthy; whole, perfect, complete, integral; regular (verb) | الجمع السالم (jam‘) sound (= external) plural (gram.)
مسلم musallam unimpaired, intact, unblemished, flawless; (also مسلم به ) accepted, uncontested, incontestable, indisputable, incontrovertible
مسالم musālim peaceable, peaceful, peace-loving; mild-tempered, lenient, gentle
مسلم muslim pl. -ūn Muslim
مستلم mustalim recipient; consignee
سلندر (Fr. cylindre) silender pl. -āt cylinder (of an automobile, and the like)
سلا (سلو ) salā u (سلو sulūw, سلوان sulwān) and سلي saliya a (سلي sulīy) to get rid of the memory of (هـ, ه or عن ), forget (هـ, ه or عن s.o., s.th.), think no more (هـ, ه or عن of) II to make (ه s.o.) forget (عن s.o., s.th.); to comfort, console, solace (ه s.o., عن for the loss of); to cheer up (ه s.o.); to distract. divert (عن ه s.o.’s mind from); to amuse, entertain (ه s.o.); to alleviate, dispel (هـ worries and the like) IV = II V to delight, take pleaure (ب in), have a good time, have fun, amuse o.s. (ب with); to console o.s. (عن ب for s.th. with), find comfort (عن ب for s.th. in); to seek distraction or diversion (عن ب from s.th. in)
سلوى salwā, sulwā solace, consolation, comfort; fun, amusement, entertainment, distraction, diversion; pastime | هو في سلوة من العيش (‘aiš) he leads a comfortable life
سلوى salwā consolation, solace, comfort
سلوى salwā (n. un. سلواة ) pl. سلاوى salāwā quail (zool.)
سلوان sulwān forgetting, oblivion; consolation, solace, comfort
مسلاة maslāh pl. مسال masālin object of amusement; amusement, entertainment, fun, distraction, diversion; solace, consolation, comfort
تسلية tasliya consolation, amusement, distraction, diversion, fun; pastime, entertainment
مسل musallin amusing, entertaining; comforting, consoling; comforter, consoler
سلوفينيا slovēniyā Slovenia
مسلي maslī (eg.) = سمن samn: cooking butter | مسلي نباتي (nabātī) vegetable butter
سلينيوم silīniyūm selenium
1 اسم ism pl. اسماء asmā’, اسام asāmin name; appellation; reputation, standing, prestige; (gram.) noun; اسما isman nominally | اسم التأليف pen name, nom de plume; اسم الكتابة do.; اسم تجاري (tijārī) firm name (com.); اسم علم ism ‘alam proper name; اسم جامد (gram.) primary noun (not derived from a verb form); اسم الجمع ism al-jam‘ (gram.) collective noun (which, though forming no nomen unitatis, has a broken plural); اسم الجنس الجمعي ism al-jins al-jam‘ī (gram.) generic collective noun (which can form a nomen unitatis; e.g., rv. /lamam pigoons); اسم الإشارة ism al-išāra (gram.) demonstrative pronoun; اسم التصغير (gram.) diminutive; اسم العدد ism al-‘adad (gram.) numeral; اسم المعنى ism al-ma‘nā (gram.) abstract noun; اسم العين ism al-‘ain (gram.) concrete noun; اسم التفضيل (gram.) elative; اسم الفعل ism al-fi‘l (gram.) verbal noun, nomen verbi; اسم الفاعل (gram.) nomen agentis, active participle; اسم المفعول (gram.) nomen patientis, passive participle; اسم المرة ism al-marra (gram.) nomen vicis; الأسماء الحسنى (ḥusnā) the 99 names of God (Isl.); باسم فلان in s.o.’s name, on behalf of s.o.; بسم الله in the name of God; تقدم الطلبات باسم رئيس الجمعية (tuqaddamu ṭ-ṭalabāt) applications will be addressed to the chairman of the society
اسمي ismī in name only, nominal, titular; nominal (gram.) | مبلغ اسمي (mablag) nominal par; جملة اسمية (jumla) nominal clause (gram.); قيمة اسمية (qīma) nominal value, face value
2 سم samma u (samm) to put poison (هـ into s.th.); to poison (ه s.o., هـ s.th.) II to poison (هـ s.th.) V to be poisoned, poison o.s.
سم samm pl. سموم sumūm, سمام simām poison, toxin; venom; opening, hole; eye (of a needle) | السموم البيضاء (baiḍā’) the white narcotics (such as cocaine, Heroin, etc.)
سموم samūm f., pl. سمائم samā’im2 hot wind, hot sandstorm, simoom
مسام masāmm2, مسامات masāmmāt (pl.) pores (of the skin)
مسامي masāmmī porous
مسامية masāmmīya porousness, porosity
تسمم tasammum poisoning, toxication; sepsis | التسمم البولي (baulī) uremia; التسمم الدموي (damawī) blood poisoning, toxemia
سام sāmm poisonous; toxic, toxicant; venomous
مسموم masmūm poisoned; poisonous
مسم musimm poisonous; venomous; toxic, toxicant
سمانجوني samānjūnī sky-blue, azure, cerulean
سمباتوي simbātawī sympathetic (physiol.)
1 سمت III to be on the other side of (هـ ), be opposite s.th. (هـ ), face s.th. (هـ )
سمت samt pl. سموت sumūt way, road; manner, mode; السمت azimuth (astron.) | سمت الرأس s. ar-ra’s zenith, vertex (astron.); سمت الشمس s. aš-šams ecliptic (astron.); سمت الاعتدال equinoctial colure (astron.); سمت القدم s. al-qadam nadir (astron.); سمت الانقلاب solstitial colure (astron.); نظير السمت nadir (astron.); اخذ سمته الى to take the road to ...
2 سمات pl. of سمة , see وسم
سمج samuja to be ugly, disgusting, revolting II to make (هـ s.th.) ugly or loath-some
سمج samj pl. سماج simāj and samij pl. سماجى samājā ugly, disgusting, loathsome, revolting
سميج samīj pl. سماج simāj, سماجى samājā, سمجاء samajā’2 ugly, disgusting, loathsome, revolting
سماجة samāja ugliness, abominableness, odiousness
سمح samuḥa u (samḥ, سماح samāḥ, سماحة samāḥa) to be generous, magnanimous, kind, liberal, openhanded; -- samaḥa a (سماح samāḥ) to grant from a generous heart (ب ل s.o. s.th.); to allow, permit (ان or ب ل s.o. s.th. or to do s.th.); to authorize, empower (ب ل s.o. to do s.th.) | لا سمح الله God forbid! II to act with kindness III to show o.s. tolerant (ه with s.o., في or ب in), treat kindly, with indulgence (في or ب ه s.o. in the matter of), forgive (في or ب ه s.o. s.th.) VI to be indulgent, forbearing, tolerant (مع في toward s.o. in), show good will (في in); to be not overparticular (في in); to practice mutual tolerance X to ask s.o.’s (ه ) permission; to ask forgiveness, apologize
سمح samḥ magnanimity, generosity; kindness; liberality, munificence
سمح samḥ pl. سماح simāḥ magnanimous, generous; kind; liberal, openhanded
سماح samāḥ magnanimity, generosity; kindness; liberality, munificence; indulgence, forbearance, tolerance, forgiveness, pardon; permission (ب for, to do s.th.)
سماحة samāḥa magnanimity; generosity; kindness; liberality, munificence; indulgence, forbearance, tolerance; سماحته His Eminence, سماحة المفتي His Eminence the Mufti (title of a mufti)
سميح samīḥ pl. سمحاء sumahā’2 generous, magnanimous; kind, forgiving; liberal, openhanded
الحنيفة السمحاء al-ḥanīfa as-samḥā’ the true and tolerant (religion. i.e., Islam)
مسامحة musāmaḥa pardon, forgiveness; (pl. -āt) vacation, holidays
تسامح tasāmuḥ indulgence, forbearance, leniency, tolerance
مسموح به masmūḥ bihī allowed, permitted, permissible, admissible | مسموحات licenses, privileges, prerogatives
متسامح mutasāmiḥ indulgent, forbearing (مع toward), tolerant
سمحاق simḥāq pl. سماحق samāḥiq2 periosteum (anat.)
1 سمد samada u (سمود sumūd) to raise one’s head proudly, bear one’s head proudly erect (also with الرأس ) II to dung, manure, fertilize (الأرض the soil)
سماد samād pl. اسمدة asmida dung, manure, fertilizer | سماد صناعي (ṣinā‘ī) chemical fertilizer; سماد عضوي organic fertilizer
تسميد tasmīd manuring, fertilizing
سامد sāmid: سامد الرأس s. ar-ra’s with head erect
مسمدات musammidāt fertilizers
2 سميد samīd (= سميذ ) semolina (syr.); a kind of biscuit or rusk, sometimes ring-shaped and sprinkled with sesame seed (eg.)
سمدور sumdūr pl. سمادير samādīr2 dizziness, vertigo
سميذ samīd semolina
1 سمر samura u (سمرة sumra) to be or turn brown; -- samara u (samr, سمور sumūr) to chat in the evening or at night; to chat, talk (generally) II to nail, fasten with nails (هـ الى s.th. to or on); to drive in (المسمار al-mismār the nail) III to spend the night or evening in pleasant conversation, chat at night or in the evening (ه with s.o.); to converse, talk, chat(ه with s.o.) V to be or get nailed down, be fastened with nails: to stand as if pinned to the ground VI to spend the night or evening in pleasant conversation, chat with one another at night or in the evening; to converse, talk, chat IX = I samura
سمر saar pl. اسمار asmār nightly, or evening, chat; conversation, talk, chat; night, darkness
سمرة sumra brownness, brown color
سمار samār (eg.) a variety of rush used for plaiting mats (Juncus spinocus F., bot.) | سمار هندي صلب (hindī ṣulb) a variety of bamboo
سمير samīr companion in nightly entertainment, conversation partner; entertainer in general, with stories, songs, music, amusing improvisations)
سميرة samīra woman partner in nightly or evening conversation; woman entertainer; woman companion (who entertains with lively conversation)
اسمر asmar2, f. سمراء samrā’2, pl. سمر sumr brown; tawny; pl. سمراوات samrāwāt brown-skinned women
مسامر masāmir2 (pl.) evening or nightly entertainments (conversations, also games, vocal recitals, storytelling, etc.)
مسمار mismār pl. مسامير masāmīr2 nail; peg; pin, tack, rivet; corn (on the toes)
الخط المسماري al-kaṭṭ al-mismārī cuneiform writing
مسامرة musāmara nightly or evening chat; conversation, talk, chat
سامر sāmir pl. سمار summār companion in nightly entertainment; causeur, conversationalist; entertainer
سوامر sawāmir2 (pl.) evenings of entertainment, social evenings; evening or nightly entertainments (conversations, also games, vocal recitals, storytelling, etc.)
مسمر musammar fastened with nails, nailed on, nailed down; provided, or studded, with nails; hobnailed
مسامر musāmir companion in nightly entertainment, conversation partner
2 السامرة as-sāmira the Samaritans
سامري sāmirī Samaritan; (pl. -ūn, سمرة samara) a Samaritan
3 سمور pl. سمامير look up alphabetically
سمرقند samarqand2 Samarkand (city in Uzbek S.S.R.)
سمسر samsara to act as broker or middleman
سمسرة samsara brokerage; caravansary
سمسار simsār pl. سماسرة samāsira, سماسر samāsir2, سماسير samāsīr2 broker, jobber, middleman, agent | سمسار الأسهم s. al-ashum stockbroker
سمسيرة samsīra (ir.) go-between, match-maker
سمط samaṭa u (samṭ) to scold (هـ s.th.); to prepare (هـ s.th.)
سمط simṭ pl. سموط sumūṭ string, thread (of a pearl necklace)
سماط simāṭ pl. -āt, سمط sumuṭ, اسمطة asmiṭa cloth on which food is served; meal, repast
مسمط masmaṭ pl. مسامط masāmiṭ2 scalding house (where the carcasses of slaughtered animals are scalded)
مسمط mismaṭ pl. مسامط masāmiṭ2 vine prop
سمع sami‘a a (sam‘, سماع samā‘, سماعة samā‘a, مسمع masma‘) to hear (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.; ب of or about s.th.; هـ من s.th. from s.o.); to learn, be told (هـ من of or about s.th. from s.o.); to listen, pay attention (الى or ل to s.th.; من to s.o.), hear s.o. (من ) out; to learn by hearsay (ب about s.th.); to overhear (ب s.th.); to give ear, lend one’s ear (الى or ل to s.o., to s.th.) | لم يسمع به (yusma‘) unheard-of II to make or let (ه s.o.) hear (هـ s.th.), give (ه هـ s.o. s.th.) to hear; to recite (هـ s.th.); to say (هـ one’s lesson); to dishonor, discredit (ب s.o.) IV to make or let (ه s.o.) hear (ه s.th.), give (ه هـ s.o. s.th.) to hear; to let (ه s.o.) know (هـ s.th. or about s.th.), tell (ه هـ s.o. about s.th.) V to give ear, listen, lend one’s ear (الى, ل to s.o., to s.th.); to eavesdrop, listen (secretly) VI تسامع به الناس people heard about him from one another, word about him got around, he became known among people VIII to hear, overhear (هـ s.th.); to listen, listen closely, give ear, lend one’s ear (الى or ل or هـ, ه to s.o. or s.th.); to eavesdrop; to auscultate (على s.o.)
سمع sam‘ hearing, sense of hearing, audition; ears; (pl. اسماع asmā‘) ear | شاهد السمع earwitness; السمع والطاعة as-sam‘u wa-ṭ-ṭā‘a and سمعا وطاعة sam‘an wa ṯā‘atan I hear and obey! at your service! very well! تحت سمعهم in their hearing, for them to hear; استرق السمع istaraqa s-sam‘a to eavesdrop; to monitor, intercept; القى بسمعه اليه (alqā) to listen to s.o.; مد سمعه madda sam‘ahū to prick up one’s ears
سمعي sam‘ī auditory, auditive, hearing (used attributively); acoustic; acoustical; traditional | علم السمعيات ‘ilm as-sam‘īyāt acoustics
سمعة sum‘a reputation (specif., good reputation), credit, standing, name | حميد (حسن) السمعة hamīd (ḥasan) reputable, respectable; رديء (سيء) السمعة radī’ (sayyi’) ill-reputed, disreputable
سماع samā‘ hearing, listening, listening in; auditioning, audition; hearing, receiving (e.g., of a verdict); (gram. and lex.) generally accepted usage
سماعي samā‘ī acoustic; acoustical; audible; (gram. and lex.) sanctioned by common usage; derived from tradition, traditional, unwritten (Isl. Law)
سماعيات samā‘īyāt acoustics (phys.)
سميع samī‘ pl. سمعاء suma‘ā’2 hearing, listening; hearer, listener; السميع the All-hearing (one of the 99 attributes of God)
سماعة sammā‘a pl. -āt earphone; earpiece; (telephone) receiver; stethoscope; ear trumpet; knocker, rapper (of a door)
مسمع masma‘ earshot, hearing distance | على مسمع من in the hearing of, within earshot of; على مسمع منه for him to hear, so that he could hear it
مسمع misma‘ pl. مسامع masāmi‘2 ear; O stethoscope; (telephone) receiver | على مسامعهم in their hearing, for them to hear
مسمعة misma‘a earpiece; (telephone) receiver
سامع sāmi‘ pl. -ūn hearer, listener
مسموع masmū‘ audible, perceptible | مسموع الكلمة m. al-kalima one whose word carries weight, is paid attention to
مستمع mustami‘ pl. -ūn hearer, listener; pl. المستمعون the audience
1 سمق samaqa u (سموق sumūq) to be high, tall, lofty, tower up
سموق samūq very high, towering; tall and lanky
سامق sāmiq very high, lofty, towering
2 سماق summāq sumac (Rhus; bot.); its highly acid seeds which, after being dried and ground, serve, together with thyme, as a condiment
حجر سماقي ḥajar summāqī porphyry
سمك II to make thick, thicken (هـ s.th.)
سمك samk roof, ceiling
سمك sumk thickness
سمك samak (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. سماك simāk, اسماك asmāk fish | سمك موسى s. mūsā plaice (zool.)
سمكة samaka (n. un.) a fish; السمكة the Fish, Pisces (astron.)
سمكي samakī fish-like, fishy, piscine, fish (adj.)
سماك simāk: السماكان as-simākān Arcturus and Spica Virginis (astron.) | السماك الرامح Arcturus (astron.); السماك الأعزل (a‘zal) Spice Virginis (astron.); حلق الى السماكين (ḥallaqa) to have high-flown aspirations
سماك sammāk fishmonger; fisherman, fisher
سميك samīk thick
سماكة samāka thickness
مسامك masāmik2 fish stores, sea-food stores
سمكرة samkara tinsmith’s trade, tinsmithing
سمكري samkarī tinsmith, tinner, white-smith
سمكرية samkarīya trade or work of a tinsmith, tinsmithing
سمل samala u (saml) to gouge, scoop out, tear out (عينه ‘ainahū s.o.’s eye); -- samala u (سمول sumūl, سمولة sumūla) to be worn, tattered, in rags (garment) IV to be worn, tattered, in rags (garment) VIII to gouge, scoop out, tear out (عينه ‘ainahū s.o.’s eye)
سمل samal pl. اسمال asmāl worn garment; tatters, rags; last remainder of a liquid in a vessel | شرب الكأس حتى السمل to drain the cup to the dregs
سمن samina a (siman, سمانة samāna) to be or become fat, corpulent, obese, stout, plump, fleshy, put on weight II and IV to make fat or plump, fatten (ه s.o.)
سمن samn pl. سمون sumūn clarified butter, cooking butter
سمن siman fatness, plumpness, fleshiness, stoutness, corpulence; obesity
سمنة simna fatness, plumpness, fleshiness, stoutness, corpulence; obesity
سمون summūn (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. سمامن samāmin2 quail (zool.)
سمين samīn pl. سمان simān fat; corpulent, plump, fleshy, stout, obese
سمان summān (coll.; n. un. ة ) quail (zool.)
سمان sammān butter merchant
سمانة samāna: سمانة الرجل s. ar-rijl calf of the leg
سمانى sumānā (coll.; n. un. سماناة sumānāh) pl. سمانيات sumānayāt quail (zool.)
مسمن musamman fat
سمنتو (Sp. cemento) cement
سمنجوني samanjūnī and سمانجوني samānjūnī sky-blue, azure, cerulean
سمندر samandar salamander
سمندل samandal salamander
سمهوري samhūrī tall and husky, extremely tall, of giant stature (القامة السمهورية ); spear (originally epithet of a strong, tough spear)
سمة sima see وسم
سما (سمو ) samā u (سمو sumūw) to be high, elevated, raised, erect, lofty, tall, eminent, prominent; to rise high, tower up; to be above or beyond s.th. or s.o. (عن ), rise above, tower above (عن ); to be too proud (or for); to be too high or difficult (عن for s.o.), be or go beyond the understanding of s.o. (عن ), exceed s.o.’s (عن ) understanding; to rise (الى to, على above or beyond); to be higher (على than); to strive (الى for), aspire (الى to, after) | سما به to lift, raise, elevate, elevate load up, bring up s.o. or s.th. (الى to); to buoy s.o. up, boost, encourage s.o. III to seek to surpass or excel (ه s.o.): to vie for superiority or glory (ه with s.o.) IV to lift, raise, elevate, erect, load up, bring up (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) VI to vie with one another for glory; to be high, elevated, raised, erect, lofty, tall, eminent, prominent; to rise high, tower up; to be above or beyond s.th. or s.o. (عن ), rise above, tower above (عن ); to claim to be higher in rank (على than s.o. else), claim to be above s.o. (على ); to deem o.s. highly superior
سمو sumūw height, altitude; exaltedness, loftiness, eminence, highness | سمو الدوق His Grace the Duke; صاحب السمو الملكى (malakī) His Royal Highness; صاحبة السمو الملكي Her Royal Highness; سمو الأخلاق nobility of character
سماء samā’ m. and f., pl. (سموات) سماوات samāwāt heaven, sky; firmament | سماء السماوات the highest heaven
سمائي samā’ī heavenly, celestial; sky, blue, azure, cerulean
سماوي samāwī heavenly, celestial; sky, blue, azure, cerulean; descended from heaven; open-air, outdoor, (being) under the open sky; divine, pertaining to God and religion
سمي samīy high, elevated; exalted, lofty, sublime, august
اسمى asmā higher, farther up, above; more exalted, higher (in rank), more eminent, loftier, more sublime
سام sāmin pl. سماة sumāh high, elevated; exalted, lofty, eminent, sublime, august | امر سام (amr) royal decree; المندوب السامي the High Commissioner
سمور sammūr pl. سمامير samāmīr2 sable (Martes zibellina; zool.)
سمى II to name, call, designate, denominate (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., ب or هـ by or with a name), give a name (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.); to title, entitle (هـ or هـ ب s.th. as or with); to nominate, appoint (ه ل s.o. to s.th.); to pronounce the name of God by saying بسم الله | سمى الله عليه (sammā llāha) or سمى عليه to invoke God over s.th. by saying بسم الله IV to name, call, designate, denominate (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., ب or هـ by or with a name), give a name (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.); to title, entitle (هـ s.th., هـ or ب as or with) V to be called, be named | تسمى بزيد he was named Zaid, he called himself Zaid
اسم ism see1 سم
سمى samīy namesake
تسمية tasmiya pl. -āt naming, appellation, designation, name, denomination; nomenclature; = بسمل basmala (use of the formula بسم الله )
مسمى musamman named, called, by name of; -- (pl. مسميات musammayāt) designation, appellation, name; sense, meaning (of a word) | الى أجل مسمى (ajalin) for a limited period, الى أجل غير مسمى for an indefinite time, sine die, until further notice
2 سنة sana pl. سنون sinūn, سنوات sanawāt year | سنة محمدية (muḥammadīya) Mohammedan year; سنة كبيسة leap year; سنة مسيحية (masīḥīya) year of the Christian era, A.D.; سنة هجرية (hijrīya) year of the Muslim era (after the hegira), A.H.; سنة ميلادية (mīlādīya) year of the Christian era, A.D.
سنوي sanawī annual, yearly; سنويا sanawīyan annually, yearly, in one year, per year, per annum
مسانهة musānahatan annually, yearly
2 سنة sina see وسن
3 سن sanna u (sann) to sharpen, whet, hone, grind (هـ s.th.); to mold, shape, form (هـ s.th.); to prescribe, introduce, enact, establish (هـ a law, a custom) | سن قانونا to enact, or pass, a law II to sharpen, whet, hone, grind (هـ s.th.); to indent, jag, notch (هـ s.th.) IV to grow teeth, cut one’s teeth, teethe; to grow old, to age; to be advanced in years VIII to clean and polish one’s teeth with the سواك ; to take, follow (هـ a course or way); to prescribe, introduce, enact, establish (هـ a law, a custom) | استن سنة محمد (sunnata m.) to follow the Sunna of Mohammed
سن sann prescription, introduction, enactment, issuance (of laws)
سن sinn f., pl. اسنان asnān, اسنة asinna, اسن asunn tooth (also, e.g., of a comb; of a saw blade); jag; cog, sprocket, prong; tusk (of an elephant, of a boar, etc.); fang (of a snake, etc.); point, tip (of a nail), nib (of a pen); (pl. اسنان asnān) age (of a person); -- (eg.) coarse flour, seconds | سن الرشد s. ar-rušd legal age, majority; سن الفيل s. al-fīl ivory; صغير السن young; كبير السن old; طعن في السن to be advanced in years, be aged; تقدمت به السن (taqaddamat) to grow older, to age; to be advanced in years
سنة sunna pl. سنن sunan habitual practice, customary procedure or action, norm, usage sanctioned by tradition; السنة or سنة النبي s. an-nabīy the Sunna of the Prophet, i.e., his sayings and doings, later established as legally binding precedents (in addition to the Law established by the Koran) | اهل السنة ahl as-s. the Sunnites, the orthodox Muslims; سنة الطبيعة law of nature
سني sunnī Sunnitic; (pl. -ūn) Sunnite, Sunni
سنن sanan customary practice, usage, habit, rule
سنان sinān pl. اسنة asinna spearhead
سنون sanūn tooth powder
اسن asann2 older, farther advanced in years
مسن misann pl. -āt, مسان masann whetstone, grindstone; razor strop
مسنون masnūn prescribed (as Sunna), sanctioned by law and custom; sharpened, whetted, honed; tapered; pointed (e.g., mustache, features); stinking, fetid (mire)
مسنن musannan toothed, serrated, dentate, denticulate, indented, jagged; pointed, sharp; sharp-featured (countenance)
مسننة musannana pl. -āt cogwheel
مسن musinn pl. مسان masānn2 old, aged, advanced in years; of legal age, legally major
سنا see سنو
سنارة sinnāra pl. سنانير sanānīr2 fishing tackle; fishhook
سنباذج sanbādaj grindstone, whetstone; emery
سنبوق sunbūq pl. سنابيق sanābiq2 barge, skiff, boat
1 سنبك sunbuk pl. سنابك sanābik2 toe of the hoof; hoof; awl, punch, borer
2 سنبك sunbuk pl. سنابك sanābik and سنبوك sunbūk pl. سنابيك sanābīk2 barge, skiff, boat
سنبل sunbul (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. -āt, سنابل sanābil2 ear, spike (of grain); السنبلة Virgo (astron.) | السنبل الرومي (rūmī) Celtic spikenard (Nardus celtica; bot.); السنبل الهندي (hindī) Indian spikenard (Nardotachys jatamansi; bot.)
سنبلي sunbulī spiciform, spicat, shaped like a spike or ear (bot.)
سنبوسك sanbūsik, sanbūsak (syr., ir.) triangular meat pie with a wavy bread crust
سنت cent
سنتمتر satimitr pl. -āt centimeter
1 سنجة sanja pl. سنج sinaj, سنج sanajāt weight (placed as a counterpoise on the scales of a balance)
2 سنجة singa (from Turk. süngü) pl. سنج sinag bayonet (eg.)
3 سناج sināj soot, smut
سنجاب sinjāb gray squirrel; fur of the gray squirrel
سنجابي sinjābī ash-colored, ashen, gray
سنجق sanjaq pl. سناجق sanājiq2 standard, flag, banner; sanjak, administrative district and subdivision of a vilayet (in the Ottoman Empire)
سنح sanaḥa a (sunḥ, sunūḥ, سنوح sunūḥ) to occur (ل to s.o.), come to s.o,’s mind (ل , idea, thought); to present itself, offer itself (ل to s.o., esp. an opportunity); to afford (ب ل s.o s.th.); -- to dissuade (عن ه s.o. from his opinion), argue or reason (عن ه s.o. out of his opinion)
سانح sāniḥ pl. سوانح sawāniḥ2 turning its right side toward the viewer (game or bird); auspicious, propitious; favorable, good (opportunity); pl. سوانح auspices, good omens, auspicious signs; ideas, thoughts
سانحة sāniḥa opportunity
سنخ sink pl. اسناخ asnāk, سنوخ sunūk root, origin; alveolus, gingival margin of a tooth (anat.)
سنخ sanak rankness (of oil). fustiness
سنخ sanik rank, rancid (oil), fusty
سناخة sanāka rankness (of oil), fustiness
1 سند sanada u (سنود sunūd) to support o.s., prop o.s. rest (الى on, upon), lean, recline (الى upon, against) II to support, stay, prop, lean (هـ s.th.) III to support, back, assist, help, aid (ه s.o.) IV to make (ه s.o.) rest (الى on); to make (ه s.o.) lean or recline (الى against, on); to lean (الى هـ s.th. against); to rest, support, prop (الى هـ s.th. on); to base, found (الى هـ s.th. on); (science of Islamic traditions:) to base a tradition (هـ ) on s.o. (الى ) as its first authority, i.e., to trace back the ascription of a tradition. in ascending order of the traditionaries, to its first authority so as to corroborate its credibility; (gram.) to lean a term (هـ ) upon another (الى ) being the subject of the sentence, i.e., to predicate it, make it its predicate; to entrust (ل or الى هـ s.th. to s.o.). vest (ل or الى هـ s.th. in s.o.); to attribute, ascribe (هـ ل or الى to s.o. s.th.); to incriminate, charge (هـ الى s.o. with); to lean (الى against, to, on), rest (الى on); to be based, he founded (الى on) | اسند التهمة الى (tuhma) to direct one’s suspicion on or toward ...; اسند التهمة الى (usnidat) suspicion fell on VI to support one another, give mutual support; to support o.s. lean, rest; to trust, rely VIII to lean, recline, be recumbent (على, الى against, on); to rest one’s arms, one’s weight (على, الى on), support one’s weight (على, الى by); to be based, be founded (على, الى on); to rely (على, الى on), trust, have confidence (على, الى in); to use as (documentary) basis (على , s.th.), rest one’s case on (على) سند sanad pl. -āt, اسناد asnād support, prop, stay, rest, back; backing; (pl. اسناد ) ascription (of an Islamic tradition), the (uninterrupted) chain of authorities on which a tradition is based | سندات خشبية (kašabīya) wooden struts, wood bracing; -- (pl. -āt) document, deed, paper, legal instrument; voucher, record; commercial, or negotiable, paper, security, bond; debenture, promissory note, note of hand, debenture bond | سند شحن البضائع s. saḥn al-b. bill of lading; رجال السند informants, authorities, sources
سندان sandān, sindān pl. سنادين sanādīn2 anvil
مسند musnad, masnad pl. مساند masānid2 support, prop, stay; rest, back (of an armchair); cushion, pillow
اسناد isnād pl. اسانيد asānīd2 ascription (of an Islamic tradition), the (uninterrupted) chain of authorities on which a tradition is based; اسانيد (documentary) proof, vouchers, records, documents
استناد istinād leaning (الى against or upon); dependence (الى on) | استنادا الى based on, on the basis of, on the strength of
مسند musnad pl. مساند masānid2 (science of Islamic traditions:) a tradition the ascription of which is traceable, in (uninterrupted) ascending order of the traditionaries, to its first authority; mesh; المسند predicate (gram.); المسند اليه subject (gram.)
مستند mustanid relying, in reliance (الى, على on), trusting (الى, على to)
مستند mustanad reason, cause; motive; -- (pl. -āt) document, paper, deed, legal instrument; voucher, record; receipt; pl. (documentary) proof, records, data; legal evidence (jur.) | دار المستندات archives, office of public records; مستندات الشحن m. aš-šaḥn bills of lading
2 السند as-sind region extending along the lower course and delta of the Indus river; the province of Sind, of West Pakistan, with the capital city Karachi; the inhabitants of this region
سندروس sandarūs sandarac (a resin obtained from the sandarac tree, Callitris quadrivalvis)
سندس sundus silk brocade, sarcenet
سندسي sundusī (made) of silk brocade or sarcenet
سندال = سندان (see above)
سنديان sindiyān (coll.; n. un. ة ) evergreen oak, holm oak (Quercus ilex; bot.)
سندياني sindiyānī oaken; like oak. oaky
سنديك (Fr. syndic) sandīk syndic, agent of a corporation
1 سنور sinnaur, pl. سنانير sanānīr2 cat
2 سنارة sinnāra pl. سنانير sanānīr2 fishing tackle, fishhook
السنسكريتية as-sanskrītīya Sanskrit
1 سنط sanṭ a variety of sant tree (Acacia nilotica; bot.)
2 سنطة sanṭa (eg.) wart
سنطور sanṭūr dulcimer (= سنطير )
سنطير sinṭīr, sanṭīr psalter; dulcimer
سنغافومرة singāfūra Singapore
سنغال sinigāl
سنف sinf (coll.; n. un. m) pod, capsule, hull (bot.)
سنفرة sanfara emery
سنكرى sankarī pl. سناكرة sanākira tinsmith, tinsman, tinner, whitesmith
سنكسار sinaksār synaxarion, martyrologium (Chr.)
سنكة (Turk. süngü) sənge bayonet (syr.)
سنكونا sinkūnā cinchona (bot.)
سنم V to ascend, mount, scale (هـ s.th.) | تسنم ذروة المعالي (darwat l-ma‘ālī) to attain to greatest honors
سنمة sanama height, summit, peak
سنام sanām pl. اسنمة asnima hump (of the camel)
ماء التسنيم mā’ at-tasnīm the beverage of the blessed in Paradise
تسنم tasannum accession to the throne
مسنم musannam convex, vaulted, arched
1 سنمار sinimmār2: جزاه جزاء سنمار jazāhu jazā’ s. he repaid him as they had repaid S., i.e., he requited evil with good
2 سنمورة sanamūra anchovy; salted and smoked fish
1 سنه V to become stale, spoil (food)
2 مسانهة musānahatan annually, yearly
1 سنا sanā, سنا مكى s. makkī, سنا مكة s. maka (bot.) senna (tree), senna leaflets (pharm.)
2 سنو ) and سني) سنا sanā u (سناء sanā’) to gleam, shine, glisten, be resplendent, radiate; to flash (lightning) II to facilitate, ease, make easy (هـ s.th.) V to be easy, be possible, be feasible (ل for or to s.o.), be rendered possible or feasible (ل for s.o.), be put in s.o.’s (ل ) power; to rise, be elevated, be exalted
سنى and سنا sanan brilliance, resplendence, splendor, flare, flash, sparkle
سناء sanā’ brilliance, resplendence, splendor, radiance, flash, flare (of lightning); exaltedness, sublimity, majesty, high rank
سني sanīy high, sublime, exalted, splendid more shining, more radiant, more brilliant
سانية sāniya pl. سوان sawānin water scoop
مسناة musannāh pl. مسنيات musannayāt jetty, dam
سنودس (Gr. σύνοδος) sinōdos synod
سنونو sanūnū swallow (zool.)
سنوي sanawī annual, yearly; سنويا sanawīyan annually. yearly, per year, per annum
سهب IV to speak at great length, talk in detail (عن about, of), enlarge, elaborate, expatiate, dilate (عن on)
سهب suhb pl. سهوب suhūb level country; steppe region
اسهاب ishāb elaboration, elaborateness, expatiation, long-windedness, prolixity | باسهاب elaborately, in detail, at length, lengthily
مسهب mushib, mushab prolix, long-winded, lengthy, detailed, elaborate
سهد sahida a (sahad) to be sleepless, find no sleep n to make sleepless, keep awake, deprive of sleep (ه s.o.) V = I
سهد suhd sleeplessness, insomnia
سهد suhud insomniac
سهاد suhād sleeplessness, insomnia
ساهد sāhid sleepless, awake
سهر sahara a (sahar) to be sleepless, find no sleep, pass the night awake (also with الليل ); to stay up at night, spend the night (على in or with some activity); to watch (على over), guard (على s.o.’s interests, etc.), look after (على ), attend to (على s.o.’s interests, etc.) | سهر في حفلة to attend a gathering in the evening or at night IV to make sleepless, keep awake (ه s.o.)
سهر sahar sleeplessness, insomnia; wakefulness, vigil; watchfulness, vigilance (على over) | طال عنده سهري I spent a long evening with him
سهرة sahra pl. saharāt evening; evening party, evening gathering, evening show or performance, soiree | سهرة ليلية (lailīya) do.; ثياب (لباس) السهرة evening dress, formal dress
سهران sahrān sleepless, awake, wakeful; watchful, vigilant
سهار suhār sleeplessness, insomnia; wakefulness, vigil
سهار sahhār one who is habitually up and abroad at night, a nighthawk
O اسهر ashar spermatic duct (anat.)
مسهر mashar pl. مساهر masāhir2 nightclub
ساهر sāhir sleepless, awake, wakeful; watchful, vigilant; evening, night, nocturnal, nightly, taking place by night | حفلة ساهرة (ḥafla) evening party, evening gathering, evening show or performance, soirée
سهف sahifa a (sahaf) to be very thirsty
سهف suhāf violent thirst
سهل sahula u (سهولة suhūla) to be smooth, level, even (ground); to be or become easy, facile, convenient (على for) | لا يسهل ان hardly II to smooth, level, even (هـ the ground); to facilitate, make easy, ease (هـ ل or على for s.o. s.th.); to provide, furnish, supply (هـ ل or على s.o. with facilities); (gram.) to read without hamzah (هـ a word) ill to be indulgent, mild, forbearing, obliging (ه toward s.o.), show (ه s.o.) one’s good will | ساهل نفسه (nafsahū) to take liberties IV to purge (med.); to relieve (هـ the constipated bowels, said of a medicine); pass. ushila to be relieved (said of constipated bowels), have a bowel movement, have diarrhea V to be or become easy (ل for) VI to be indulgent, mild, forbearing, obliging, tolerant (مع toward s.o., also ل ); to be negligent, careless (ل in s.th.) X to deem easy, think to be easy (هـ s.th.)
سهل sahl and sāhil smooth, level, even, soft (ground); easy, facile, convenient (على for s.o.); simple, plain; fluent, flowing, facile (style); -- (pl. سهول suhūl) level, soft ground; plain | سهل الاستعمال handy, easy to handle or to use, convenient for use; سهل الهضم s. al-haḍm easily digestible, light; عملة سهل (‘umla) soft currency; كان من السهل عليه to be easy for s.o., come easy to s.o.; اهلا وسهلا see اهل
O سهلة sahla (proof) planer (typ.)
سهيل suhail Canopus (astron.)
سهل sahūl purgative, laxative, aperient (adj. and n.)
سهولة suhūla easiness, ease, facility, convenience | بسهولة easily, conveniently
اسهل ashal smoother, evener, leveler; easier; more convenient
تسهيل tashīl pl. -āt facilitation
اسهال ishāl diarrhea
تساهل tasāhul indulgence, mildness, leniency, forbearance, tolerance; carelessness, negligence
مسهل musahhil purgative, laxative, aperient; (pl. -āt) a purgative, a laxative
مسهل mushal suffering from diarrhea
متساهل mutasāhil indulgent, mild, lenient, forbearing, tolerant
مستسهل mustashal easy, facile
سهم sahama u (سهوم suhūm) to look grave, have a grave expression III to cast, or draw, lots (ه with s.o.); to participate, take part (في in), partake (في of s.th.), share (في s.th.) IV to give a share (في ل to s.o. in), make s.o. (ل ) share s.th. (في )
سهم sahm pl. سهام sihām, اسهم ashum, سهوم suhūm arrow; dart; -- (pl. اسهم ashum) portion, share, lot; share (of stock); sahme, a square measure of 7.293 m2 (Eg.) | سهم ناري rocket; اسهم التأسيس founders' shares, original shares; اسهم القرض a. al-qarḍ bonds, government bonds; حملة الأسهم ḥ al-a. shareholders, stockholders; نفذ السهم the die is cast; ضرب بسهم مصيب في (muṣībin) to take an active part in, participate actively in ...; ضرب بسهم ونصيب في (wa-naṣībin) do.
سهوم suhūm graveness; sadness, mourning
اسهمي ashumī share-, stock- (in compounds)
مساهمة musāhama participation, taking part (في in), sharing (في of) | شركة المساهمة širkat al-m. joint-stock company, corporation
ساهم sāhim with earnest mien, gravefaced
مسمهم musāhim shareholder, stockholder
سها (سهو ) sahā u (sahw, suhūw) to be inattentive, absent-minded, distracted; to neglect, omit, forget, overlook (عن s.th.) | سهى عليه suhiya ‘alaihi to be lost in thought
سهو sahw inattentiveness, inattention, inadvertence, absent-mindedness distractedness; negligence, neglectfulness, forgetfulness | سهوا sahwan inattentively, distractedly, absent-mindedly, heedlessly, negligently; inadvertently, by mistake
سهوة sahwa a kind of alcove
سهوان sahwān2 inattentive, heedless, distracted, absent-minded, forgetful
ساه sāhin inattentive, absent-minded, negligent, forgetful | ساهيا لاهيا sāhiyan lāhiyan amusing o.s. in a carefree manner, completely at ease2 ساء (سوء ) sā’a u (سوء sau’) to be or become bad, evil, foul, wicked; to become worse, deteriorate (condition); to grieve, sadden, afflict, hurt, vex, torment, trouble, offend, pain, make sorry, displease (ه s.o.) | ساء سبيلا (sabīlan) what an evil way (= what an evil practice) this is! ساء به ظنا (ẓannan) to think badly of s.o., have a poor opinion of s.o.; ساء طالعه (ṭāli‘uhū) he was under an evil star, was ill-starred, he was unlucky or unfortunate; يسوءني yasū’unī I am sorry II to do badly, spoil, harm (هـ s.th.); to blame, censure (هـ على s.o. for s.th.); to disapprove (هـ of s.th. على in s.o.), dislike (على هـ s.th. in s.o.) IV to do badly, spoil, harm (هـ s.th.); to deal badly (الى with s.o.), act meanly or evilly (الى toward s.o.); to do evil (الى to s.o.), wrong (الى s.o.); to harm (الى s.o.), do harm (الى to); to hurt, offend, insult (الى s.o.); to inflict pain (الى on s.o.) | اساء التصرف (taṣarrufa) to misbehave, comport o.s. badly; اساء التصرف في to go about in an evil manner; اساء الظن به (ẓanna) to think badly of s.o., have a poor opinion of s.o.; اساء التعبير to choose a poor expression, express o.s. poorly; اساء استعماله to misuse, abuse s.th.; اساء معاملته (mu‘āmalatahū) to mistreat s.o., treat s.o. badly; اساء الفهم (fahma) to misunderstand VIII to go through rugged times, fall on evil days; to be unpleasantly affected; to be offended, hurt, annoyed, indignant, upset, angered, displeased (من about, at, by); to be dissatisfied, discontent (من with); to take amiss (من s.th.)
سوء sū’ pl. اسواء aswā’ evil, ill; iniquity, injury, offense; calamity, misfortune | سوء البخت s. al-bakt misfortune, bed luck; سوء الحظ s. al-ḥaẓẓ do.; لسوء الحظ unfortunately; سوء الخلق s. al-kuluq ill nature, ill-temperedness; سوء الحال bad conditions; سوء الحالة bad situation, predicament; سوء الادارة s. al-idāra mal-administration, mismanagement; سوء السلوك bed behavior, misbehavior, misconduct; سوء الظن s. aẓ-ẓann poor opinion; سوء العلاقات bad relations; سوء المعاملة s. al-mu‘āmala mistreatment; سوء الاستعمال abuse, misuse; سوء الفهم s. al-fahm misunderstanding; سوء التفاهم s. at-tafāhum mutual misunderstanding, disharmony, discord; سوء القصد s. al-qaṣd evil intent; سوء النية s. an-nīya do.; سوء الهضم s. al-haḍm indigestion
سوأة , سوءة sau’a pl. -āt shame, disgrace; disgraceful act, atrocity; private part, pudendum; pudenda | سوءة لك (sau’atan) shame on you!
سيئ , سيء sayyi’ bad, evil, ill, foul | سيء الحظ s. al-ḥaẓẓ unfortunate; unlucky person; سيء الخلق s. al-kuluq ill-natured; سيء التربية s. at-tarbiya bad-mannered, badly brought up; سيء السمعة s. as-sum‘a ill-reputed, disreputable; سيء الطبع s. aṭ-ṭab‘ ill-natured, ill-tempered; سيء الطالع unlucky, unfortunate; unlucky person; من سيء الى اسوأ (aswa’a) from bed to worse
سيئة sayyi’a pl. -āt sin, offense, misdeed; bed side, disadvantage (of s.th.)
مساءة masā’a pl. مساوئ masāwi’ 2 evil deed, vile action; pl. disadvantages, bad sides, drawbacks, shortcomings
اساءة isā’a misdeed; offense, affront, insult; sin, offeence | اساءة الظن i. ẓann poor opinion (ب of); اساءة المعاملة i. al-mu’āmala mistreatment, etc., see IV above
استياء istiyā’ dissatisfaction, discontent, indignation, displeasure, annoyance, vexation
مسيء musī’ displeasing, unpleasant, offensive; harmful, disadvantageous, pernicious; insulting
مستاء mustā’ offended, displeased, annoyed, vexed, indignant (من about, at, by); dissatisfied, discontent (من with)
2 سواء see سوى
سوارى sawārī horseman, cavalryman, sowar; horsemen, cavalry
سوتيان (Fr. soutien) sūtiyān pl. -āt brassiere
سوتيه (Fr. sauté) sōtēh sautéed
1 ساج look up alphabetically
2 اسوجة see سياج
(سوح) ساح sāḥa u to travel, rove, roam about
ساحة sāḥa pl. -āt, ساح courtyard, open square; (open) space; arena; field (fig.) | ساحة الحرب s. al-ḥarb theater of war; ساحات المحاكم courts, tribunals; ساحة القتال battle field, war zone; ساحة القضاء s. al-qaḍā’ tribunal, forum; ساحة الألعاب athletic field, sports field; برأ ساحته barra’a sāḥatahū to acquit s.o.
سواح sawwāḥ pl. -ūn, traveler, tourist
سائح sā’iḥ pl. -ūn, سياح suyyāḥ, سواح suwwāḥ traveler, tourist; itinerant dervish; anchorite (Chr.)
ساخ (سوخ ) sāka u (سوخ sauk) to be or become doughy, soft, slippery (esp. ground), yield like mud; to sink (في الأرض in the ground, of the foot) | ساخت روحه (rūḥuhū) to become faint, swoon
1 سود II to make black, blacken (هـ s.th.); to draft (هـ a letter, etc.), make a rough draft (هـ of s.th.); to cover with writing (هـ sheets), scribble (هـ on sheets) | سود وجهه (wajhahū) to expose s.o., show s.o. up, make a fool of s.o., bring s.o. into disrepute, discredit, disgrace, dishonor s.o. IX to be or become black
سواد sawād black color, black, blackness; (pl. اسودة aswida) black clothing, mourning; arable land, tilth; shape, form; inner part, core; majority; multitude | السواد or سواد العراق the rural areas of Iraq; السواد الأعظم the great mass, the great majority, the largest part; سواد الناس the common people, the masses; سواد العين s. al-‘ain eyeball; سواد المدينة suburb, outskirts of the city; سواد الليل s. al-lail the long, dark night
اسود aswad2, f. سوداء saudā’2, pl. سود sūd black; dark-colored; -- اسود aswad2 pl. سودان sūdān a black, Negro | (بلاد) السودان the Sudan; شتائم سوداء severest reproaches; اسود فاحم coal-black, jet-black
سود saudā’2 black bile (one of the four humors of ancient medicine); melancholy, sadness, gloom
سويداء suwaidā’2 black bile (one of the four humors of ancient medicine); melancholy, sadness, gloom; السويداء Suweida (capital of the Jebel ed Druz) | سويداء القلب s. al-qalb the deepest folds of the heart, the inmost
سوداوي saudāwī melancholic, depressed, dejected
(بلاد) السودان (bilād) as-sūdān the Sudan
سوداني sūdānī Sudanese; (pl. -ūn) a Sudanese
تسويد taswīd rough draft
مسودة musawwada, muswadda draft, rough copy, rough sketch, notes; day-book | مسودة الطبع m. aṭ-ṭab‘ proof sheet, galley proof
2 ساد (سود ) sāda u (سيادة siyāda, سؤدد su’dud, su’dad) to be or become master, head, chief, chieftain, sovereign, lord, overlord (هـ, ه of or over people, of or over s.th.), rule, govern (هـ , s.o., s.th.), reign (هـ, ه over); to prevail (e.g., view), reign (e.g., calm); to be predominant, predominate, have the upperhand (على over) II to make (ه s.o.) master, head, chief, chieftain, sovereign, lord, overlord
سيد sayyid pl. اسياد asyād, سادة sāda, سادات sādāt master; gentleman; Mister; Sir; lord, overlord; chief, chieftain; title of Mohammed’s direct descendants | سيدي (sayyidī, colloq. sīdī) honorific before the names of Muslim Saints (esp. magr.); السيد فلان Mr. So-and-So; سيدي فلان (magr.) do.; سيد البحار الأعظم Supreme Commander of the Navy (Eg. 1939)
سيدة sayyida pl. -āt mistress; lady; Mrs. | السيدة عقيلته (‘aqīlatuhū) his wife; السيدة فلانة Mrs. So-and-So
سيادة siyāda command, mastery; domination, rule, dominion; supremacy; sovereignty; title and form of address of bishops (Chr.); siyādāt (with foll. genit.) nowadays, in Egypt, general title of respect preceding the name, سيادتكم = you, a respectful address introduced after the abolition of titles of rank and social class in Egypt | سيادة المطران s. al-muṭrān His Eminence the Metropolitan; سيادة الرئيس approx.: His Excellency the President (Eg.); دولة ذات سيادة (daula) sovereign state
سؤدد su’dud, su’dad dominion, domination, rule, reign, power, sovereignty
سائد sā’id prevailing (opinion, feeling, mood, calm, etc.)
3 السويد , سويدي look up alphabetically
4 سادة look up alphabetically and under2 سود
سودن saudana to Sudanize (Eg.)
سودنة saudana Sudanization (Eg.)
1 سور II to enclose, fence in, wall in, surround with a railing or wall (هـ s.th.) III to leap (ه at s.o.), beset, assail, attack, assault (ه s.o.); to befall, overcome, grip (ه s.o., emotion) V to scale (هـ a wall, a cliff, etc.)
سور sūr pl. اسوار aswār wall; enclosure, fence, railing
سورة sūra pl. سور suwar chapter of the Koran, sura
سورة saura vehemence, force, violence; severity (of cold)
2 سوار siwār, suwār pl. سور sūr, اسورة aswira, اساور asāwir2, اساورة asāwira bracelet, armlet, bangle; armband; cuff, wristband
3 سواري look up alphabetically
4 اسوار look up alphabetically
5 سوري sūrī Syrian; (pl. -ūn) a Syrian
6 سوريا sūriyā Syria | سوريا الجنوبية (janūbīya) Palestine; سوريا الصغرى (ṣugrā) do.; سوريا الكبرى (kubrā) (Greater) Syria
7 سورية sūrīya2 = سوريا
(1 ساس (سوس sāsa u (سياسة siyāsa) to dominate, govern, rule (ه s.o.): to lead, guide, conduct, direct (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to administer, manage, regulate (هـ s.th.); -- sawisa yaswasu to be or become worm-eaten; to become carious (tooth); to rot, decay (bones) II and V = sawisa
سوس sūs (coll.: n. un. ة ) pl. سيسان sīsān woodworm, borer; mothworm
سوس sūs licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra; bot.) | عرق سوس ‘irq s. licorice root; رب سوس rubb as-s. licorice rob, thickened licorice juice
سياسة siyāsa pl. -āt administration, management: p;olicy; سياسة siyāsatan for reasons of expediency (Isl. Law) | السياسة الدولية (duwalīya) diplomacy; السياسة العملية (‘amalīya) practical policy, Real-politik; O سياسة التوسع s. at-tawassu‘ policy of expansion
سياسي siyāsī political; diplomatic; -- (pl. -ūn, ساسة sāsa) politician; diplomat, statesman | الدوائر السياسية political circles; السلك السياسي (silk) diplomatic corps; علم الاقتصاد السياسي (‘ilm al-iqtiṣād) political science, political economy
تسوس tasawwus (dental) caries
سائس sā’is pl. ساسة sāsa, سواس suwwās, سياس suyyās stableman, groom; driver (primarily of animals); manager, leader
2 السويس as-suwēs Suez (seaport in NE Egypt) | قنال السويس qanāl as-s. Suez Canal
3 سواسية see سوى
سوسته susta zipper (eg.)
سوسن sausan, sūsan lily of the valley (bot.)
ساط (سوط ) sāṭa u (sauṭ) to whip, flog, lash, scourge (ه s.o.)
سوط sauṭ pl. اسواط aswāṭ, سياط siyāṭ whip, lash, scourge
مسوط miswaṭ stick or similar implement used for stirring
ساعة sā‘a pl. -āt, ساع sā‘ (short) time, while; hour; timepiece, clock, watch; الساعة the Hour of Resurrection; as-sā‘ata now, at present, by this time, at this moment, in this instant; at once, instantly, immediately, just | بين ساعة واخرى (wa-ukrā) from hour to hour; حتى الساعة until now; من الساعة from now on, henceforth; من ساعته immediately, presently, instantly, at once; منذ الساعة from now on, henceforth; مات لساعته he died instantly; ساعة الجيب s. al-jaib pocket watch; ساعة رملية (ramlīya) hourglass; ساعة شمسية (šamsīya) sundial; ابن ساعته ibn sā‘atihī transitory, ephemeral
ساعتئذ sā‘ata’idin in that hour
ساعاتي sā‘ātī pl. -ya watchmaker
سويعة suwai‘a pl. -āt little hour, little while
ساغ (سوغ ) sāga u (saug, مساغ masāg) to be easy to swallow, go down pleasantly (drink, food); to be permissible, be permitted, allowed (ل to s.o.); to swallow (هـ s.th.); to permit, allow, accept, tolerate (هـ s.th.), put up (هـ with s.th.), swallow, stomach s.th. (هـ , fig.) II to make permissible, permit, allow (هـ ل to s.o. s.th.), admit (هـ s.th.); to justify, warrant (ب هـ s.th. with); to lease, let (هـ s.th.) IV to wash down, swallow easily (هـ s.th.); (fig.:) to take, swallow, stomach (هـ s.th.), stand for s.th. (هـ ), put up with s.th. (هـ ) V to lease (هـ s.th.), take a lease (هـ of s.th.) X to regard as easy to swallow, find pleasant (هـ s.th.); to taste, enjoy, relish (هـ s.th.); to approve (هـ of s.th.), admit, grant (هـ s.th.), deem (هـ s.th.) proper
مساغ masāg easy access; possibility; permission | لم يستطع مساغا ل (yastaṭi‘) he couldn’t put up with ..., couldn’t reconcile himself to ..., couldn’t swallow ...; لا مساغ للشك (masāga, šakk) one cannot possibly doubt it
تسويغ taswīg hiring out on lease, leasing | قانون القرض والتسويغ (qarḍ) Lease Act (pol., Tun.)
سائغ sā’ig easy to swallow; tasty, palatable; permissible, permitted, allowed
مسوغ musawwig pl. -āt justifying factor, justification, good reason
مستساغ mustasāg easy to swallow; tasty, palatable
سوف II to put off (ه s.o.); to postpone, draw out, delay, procrastinate (هـ s.th.)
سوف saufa (abbreviated form سـ sa) particle of future tense, e.g., سوف ترى (tarā) you will see
مسافة masāfa pl. -āt, مساوف masāwif2 distance, interval, stretch; (mus.) interval | على مسافة at some distance
تسويف taswīf pl. -āt procrastination, postponement, delay, deferment
تسويفي taswīfī dilatory, delaying, procrastinating
سوفسطائي sūfisṭā’ī sophistic
سوفيات suyāt, سوفييت sovyēt Soviet
سوفياتي sufyātī, سوفيتي, سوفييتي sovyētī soviet (adj.) | الاتحاد السوفياتي (ittiḥād) the Soviet Union
ساق (سوق ) sāqa u (sauq, سياقة siyāqa, مساق masāq) to drive, urge on, herd (هـ, ه prisoners, cattle); to draft, conscript (للجندية li-l-jundīya for military service); to drive (هـ an automobile); to pilot (هـ an airplane); to carry along, convey, transport (هـ s.th.); to send, dispatch, forward, convey, hand over (الى هـ s.th. to s.o.); to utter (هـ s.th.); to cite, quote, propound, put forth (هـ s.th.) | ساق مساقه (masāqahū) to follow the example or path of s.o.; ساق الحديث to carry on the conversation; ساق الحديث اليه to address s.o.; اليك يساق الحديث (yusāqu) you are the one that is meant II to market, sell (هـ merchandise) III to accompany (ه s.o.); to go along, agree (ه with s.o.) V to trade in the market, sell and buy in the market VI to draw out; to form a sequence, be successive, be continuous, be coherent; to harmonize VII to drift; to be driven; to be carried away, be given over | انساق به الى to carry s.o. away to ..., drive or urge s.o. to VIII to drive, urge on, herd (هـ cattle)
سوق sauq driving (of a car); draft, conscription (للجندية li-l-jundīya for military service); mobilization (of troops, also of forces, energies, etc.) | اجازة السوق ijāzat as-s. driving license
O سوقية sauqīya strategy
ساق sāqa f., pl. سوق sūq, سيقان sīqān shank; thigh; leg (also geom.); side (geom.); trunk (of a tree); stem, stalk (of plants) | ساق الحمام s. al-ḥamām bugloss (Anchusa officinalis; bot.); ربطة الساق rabṭat as-s. garter; وسام ربطة الساق Order of the Garter; عظم الساق ‘aẓm as-s. shinbone, tibia; متساوي الساقين mutasāwī s-sāqain isosceles (geom.); قامت الحرب على ساق (ḥarbu) the war was or became violent, flared up; war broke out; كشفت الحرب عن ساقها (kašafat) do.; كشف الأمر عن ساقه the matter became difficult; وقف على ساق الجد ل (s. il-jidd) to turn one’s zeal to, apply o.s. to, exert o.s., make efforts in order to ; على قدم وساق (qadam) in full swing, carried on most energetically (undertaking, preparations, etc.); ارسل ساقه للريح arsala sāqahū li-r-rīḥ to speed along like the wind
ساقة sāqa rear guard, arrière-garde
سوق sūq mostly f., pl. اسواق aswāq bazaar street; market; O fair | سوق البر والاحسان s. al-birr wa-l-iḥsān charity bazaar; السوق الحرة (ḥurra) the free market; سوق الاحسان charity bazaar; سوق خيرية (kairīya) do.; السوق الأسود ((aswad) the black market; السوق المشترك (muštarak) the Common Market; سوق النقد s. an-naqd money market (stook exchange); اسواق المحصولات produce markets; سوق عقود القطن s. ‘uqūd al-quṯn cotton exchange
سوقة sūqa subjects; rabble, mob
سوقي sūqī plebeian, common, vulgar
سويق sawīq a kind of mush made of wheat or barley (also with sugar and dates)
سويق suwaiq and سويقة suwaiqa stem, stalk (of plants)
سويقة suwaiqa small market
سياق siyāq succession, sequence, course, thread (of conversation); context
سواق siwāq pl. -ūn driver (of animals); driver, chauffeur; (railroad) engineer
مساق masāq trend of things, course, development, or progress, of s.th.; مساقة الى it amounts to ..., comes to …, winds up in …, is ultimately aimed at …; also see ساق sāqa above | مساق من الدراسات course of studies; افضى بنا المساق الى we have come to the point where ...
تسويق taswīq marketing, sale (of merchandise)
تسويقة taswīqa (eg.) bargain, advantageous purchase
تساوق tasāwuq coherence, interrelation, connection, context; harmony
سائق sa’iq driving; driving force; -- pl. -ūn sāqa) driver (of animals); chauffeur, driver; (aircraft) pilot
مسوقر musauqar (tun.) = مسوكر musaukar
ساك (سوك ) sāka u (sauk) to rub, scrub, scour (هـ s.th.) II to clean and polish, brush, clean (الاسنان the teeth)
سواك siwāk pl. سوك sūk a small stick (the tip of which is softened by chewing or beating) used for cleaning and polishing the teeth
مسواك miswāk pl. مساويك masāwīk2 = سواك
سوكر saukara to insure (هـ goods, etc.); to register (هـ a letter)
سوكر musaukar insured; registered (letter)
1 سول II to talk or argue s.o. (ل ) into s.th. evil or fateful (هـ ); to entice, seduce (ل s.o., said of the Devil) | سولب له نفسه (nafsuhū) he let himself be seduced (هـ to)
2 تسول tasawwala (for تساءل tasā’ala) to beg
تسول tasawwul begging, beggary
متسول mutasawwil pl. -ūn beggar
1 سام (سوم ) sāma u (saum) to offer for sale (هـ a commodity); to impose (هـ ه upon s.o. a punishment or task), force (هـ ه upon s.o. a difficult task); to demand of s.o. (ه ) s.th. (هـ ) beyond his power | سامه خسفا (kasfan) to treat s.o. unjustly, wrong s.o.; to humiliate s.o.; -- (سيامة siyāma) to ordain, consecrate (a priest, a bishop, etc.; Chr.) II to impose, force (ه هـ upon s.o. a difficult task), coerce (ه هـ s.o. to s.th. difficult); to demand of s.o. (ه ) s.th. (هـ ) beyond his power; to assess estimate (هـ the value of an object); to mark, provide with a mark (هـ s.th.) ill to bargain, haggle, chaffer over a price (ه with s.o.); to bargain, haggle (في or على, ب with s.o. over) IV to let (هـ cattle) graze freely; to let (هـ the eye) wander VI to bargain, haggle (في over, for) VID to bargain, haggle, chaffer ( or في, على over, for)
مساومة musāwama pl. -āt bargaining, haggling
سائمة sā’ima pl. سوائم sawā’im2 freely grazing livestock
2 سام , سامي look up alphabetically
3 مسام , مسامات see2 سم
سومر sūmir Sumer
سومطرة sūmaṭra Sumatra
اسوان look up alphabetically
سوهج sōhag Sohag (city in central Egypt, on the Nile)
سوي sawiya a to be equivalent, be equal (هـ to s.th.), equal (هـ s.th.) II to even, level, nivellate, flatten, straighten (هـ s.th.); to smooth (هـ s.th.); to smooth down (هـ s.th., e.g., folds, wrinkles; من ثيابه one’s clothes); to equalize, make equal (ب هـ s.th. to s.th. else), put (هـ s.th.) on the same level (ب with s.th.); سوى بينهما to put two persons on an equal footing, treat two persons as equals, reconcile two persons; to make regular, make good (هـ s.th.); to cook properly (هـ s.th.); to regulate, arrange, make up, smooth over, settle, put in order (هـ a dispute, a controversy, etc.) | سوى اخدعه to crush s.o.’s pride III to be equivalent, be equal (هـ to s.th.), equal (هـ s.th.); to be worth (هـ s.th.); to equalize, make equal (ب هـ s.th. to s.th. else), put (هـ s.th.) on the same level (ب with); to establish equality (بين -- وبين between -- and); ساوى بينهم to make them equals, equalize them, put them on the same footing; to regulate, arrange, make up, smooth over, settle, put in order (هـ a dispute, a controversy, etc.); ساوى بينهما = سوى بينهما (sawwā) VI to be equal or similar; to be balanced, keep the balance VIII to be even, regular, equal; to be equivalent (هـ to); to be on the same level; to be or become straight, even, level; to stand upright, erect, straight; to straighten up; to sit down (على on), mount (على s.th.); to sit firmly (على on an animal); to be properly cooked, be well done; to ripen, mature, be or become ripe
سوى siwan, suwan equality, sameness; (with foll. genit. or suffix) other than, except | على حد سوي (ḥaddin) equal(ly), indiscriminate(ly), alike, the same; فضله على سواه faḍḍalahū ‘alā siwāhu he preferred him to everybody else; لا -- سوى, ليس -- سوى only, nothing but
سواء sawā’ equal; equality, sameness; sawā’a except | سواء لديه كل شيء (ladaihi) it is all the same to him, he is indifferent to everything; سواء بسواء (sawā’an) equally, indiscriminately, without distinction; together; على السواء likewise, in like manner, equally, evenly, indiscriminately, without distinction; all the same, making no difference; سواء على it doesn’t make any difference for ...; سواء – ام (او ) (sawā’an) regardless whether -- or ..., no matter whether -- or ..., be it that - or ..., سواء -- ام do.; تلاميذ سقراط سواء منهم الأثينيون وغير الأثينيين the disciples of Socrates, both Athenians and non-Athenians; سواء السبيل (المحجة ) (Muhammaḍajja) the straight, right path
سوي sawīy pl. اسوياء aswiyā’ straight; right, correct, proper; unimpaired, intact, sound; straight-bodied, straight-shaped, of regular build or growth; even, regular, well-proportioned, shapely, harmonious; سويا sawīyan in common, jointly, together
سوية sawīya pl. سوايا sawāyā equality; sawīyatan together, jointly
سي siyy (for m. and f.) pl. اسواء aswā’ equal, similar, (a)like | هما سيان they are alike, are the same; هما سيان عندي they are both the same to me
لا سيما lā sīyamā especially, in particular, mainly
سواسية sawāsiya (pl.) equal, alike | هم (هن) سواسية they are equals
تسوية taswiya leveling, nivellation; settlement, arrangement, adjustment (of controversies, etc.); equalization; settlement (of a bill) | تحت التسوية outstanding, unsettled, āunpaid (com.)
مساواة musāwāh equality, equivalence; equal rights, equality before the law; settlement, composition (com.)
تساو tasāwin equality, equivalence, sameness; equal rights, equality before the law |على التساوي or بالتساوي likewise, in like manner, equally, evenly, regularly
استواء istiwā’ straightness; evenness, levelness; equality, regularity, steadiness |خط الاستواء kaṭṭ al-ist. equator
استوائي istiwā’ī equatorial, tropical | المنطقة الاستوائية (minṭaqa) or المناطق الاستوائية the tropics
مساو musāwin equal, equivalent, similar
متساو mutasāwin equal, similar, (a)like; even, equable, equally strong; of equal weight, equipoised, equiponderant |متساوى الأبعاد equidistant; متساوى الزوايا m. z-zawāyā equiangular (geom.); متساوى الساقين m. s-sāqain isosceles (geom.); متساوى الاضلاع equilateral (geom.)
مستو mustawin straight, upright, erect; even, smooth, regular; well done (cooking); ripe, mature
مستوى mustawan level, niveau, standard | مستوى الماء water level; المستوى العلمي (‘ilmī) scientific level; مستوى الحياة m. l-ḥayāh standard of living; في مستوى (with foll. genit.) on an equal level or footing with ...
السويد (Fr. la Suède) as-suwīd Sweden
سويدي suwīdī Swede; Swedish
السويس as-suwēs Suez (seaport in NE Egypt) |قناة (قنال) السويس (qanāt, qanāl) Suez Canal
سويسرا (It. Svizzera) swiserā Switzerland
سويسري swiserī Swiss
1 سية siya pl. -āt curved part of a bow
2 سي sī short form of سيد sayyid, سيدي Mr., Sir (esp. magr.)
3 سي siyy, سيان see سوي
سيام siyām Siam, Thailand
سيان siyān cyanogen
ساب (سيب ) sāba i (saib) to flow, stream, run (water); to run along, speed along, glide along, creep along, crawl along; to walk fast, hurry; (eg.) to leave, give up, relinquish (هـ s.th.); (eg.) to neglect (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); (eg.) to release, let go, free (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) II to leave, give up, relinquish (هـ s.th.); to neglect (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to release, let go, free (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) VII to flow, stream, run (water); to pour, flow (الى into), enter (الى s.th.); to peter out, seep away, exhaust itself; to speed along, glide along, run along, crawl or creep (along); to glide, slip (بين between); to walk fast, hurry; with foll. imperf.: to begin at once to do s.th.
انسيابي insiyābī, انسيابي الشكل ins. Š-šakl stream-lined
سائب sā’ib forlorn, lost, (a)stray; free, loose, lax, unrestrained
سيبيريا sībīriyā Siberia
1 سيج II to fence in, hedge in, surround with a hedge (هـ s.th.) V pass. of II
سياج siyāj pl. -āt, اسوجة aswija, اسياج asyāj; hedge; fencing, fence; enclosure; (fig.) bulwark, shield (of a country, of a nation)
2 ساج look up alphabetically
سيجار sīgār cigar (eg.)
سيجارة sīgāra pl. -āt, سجاير sagāyir, سجائر sagā’ir2 cigarette (eg.)
ساح (سيح ) sāḥa i (saiḥ, سيحان sayaḥān) to flow, run (water); to melt, thaw, dissolve, become liquid (snow, metal); --(saiḥ, سياحة siyāḥa) to travel, journey; to rove, roam about II to make flow, cause to flow (هـ a river, etc.); to melt, dissolve, liquefy, smelt, fuse (هـ metal, and the like); to melt, clarify (هـ butter) IV to make flow, cause to flow (هـ s.th.) VII to spread, pour forth
سياحة siyāḥa pl. -āt travel; tourism
سياح sayyāḥ pl. -ūn traveler; tourist
سائح sā’iḥ pl. -ūn, سياح suyyāḥ, suwwāḥ) traveler; tourist; itinerant dervish; anchorite (Chr.)
مسيخ musayyak fluid, liquid; striped (garment)
1 ساخ (سيخ ) sāka i (سيخ saik, سيخان sayakān) to sink into the ground or mud
2 سيخ sīk pl. اسياخ asyāk spit, skewer; foil, rapier; iron prong or bolt
سيد , سيادة see2 سود
سيدارة sīdāra pl. -āt (see سدارة ) an Iraqi headgear, commonly of black velvet; overseas cap
سار (سير ) sāra i (سير sair, سيرورة sairūra, مسير masīr, مسيرة masīra, تساير tasāyara) to move (on), set out, strike out, start, get going; to move along; to march; to travel, journey; to ride (in a vehicle); to go, go away, leave, depart; to run, operate (بين -- و between -- and, of a train); to flow (electric current); to run, be in operation, function, work, go (machine); to progress (e.g., work); to make (الى for s.th.), be headed (الى for s.th.), approach (الى s.th.), be directed, be oriented (الى toward s.th.); to circulate, make the rounds, be or become current (proverb); to follow, maintain (سيرا sairan a behavior, على s.th.); to behave, conduct o.s.; to proceed, act (على or بمقتضى bi-muqtaḍā according to) | سار به to lead s.o., lead s.o. away; سار وراءه to (allow, pursue s.o.; سار جيئة وذهابا (jī’atan wa-dihāban) to walk up and down, go back and forth; سار في سبيل التحسن (s. it-taḥassun) to be on the road to recovery; الخطة التى سار فيها (kiṭṭa) the course he followed; سار سيرة حسنة (sīratan ḥasanatan) to behave well; سار على قدميه (qadamaihi) not to be dead and forgotten, be still much alive, be a tangible reality II to set in motion, drive (هـ s.th.); to make (هـ s.th., e.g., an automobile) go; to start, start up, let run (هـ a machine); to go in (هـ for a task), run, carry on, ply, practice (هـ a trade); to drive (هـ a car), pilot, steer (هـ s.th.); to send, dispatch, send out (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to circulate, put in circulation (هـ s.th.); to stripe (هـ a garment, etc.) III to keep up, go along (ه with s.o.); to walk at s.o.’s (ه ) side; to pursue (هـ s.th.); to show o.s. willing to please (ه s.o.), comply (ه with s.o.’s wish); to be in agreement, be consistent (هـ with s.th.); to be familiar, intimate, be hand in glove, get along (ه with s.o.); to adapt o.s. (هـ to circumstances, events, etc.) IV to set in motion, drive (هـ s.th.); to send, dispatch (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.)
سير sair trip, tour, travel, journey, walk, errand, march, procession; movement, motion; departure; course, progress (of an undertaking); procedure, practice, conduct, behavior; (way of) life; observance, pursuance (على of s.th.) | حسن السير والسلوك (husk as-s.) blameless life; في السير وراء غرضه (garaḍihī) in pursuance of his intention
سير sair pl. سيور suyūr (leather) belt; girth; drive belt, transmission belt | سير متحرك (mutaḥarrik) conveyor belt, assembly line
سيرة saira gait; course
سيرة sīra pl. سير siyar conduct, comportment, demeanor, behavior, way of life; attitude, position, reaction, way of acting; (in sg. or pl.) biography, history; pl. campaigns; السيرة the biography of Mohammed
سيار sayyār traveling frequently, always on the move, continually moving; itinerant, roving, roaming about; circulating; planet |صحف سيارة (suḥuf) or جرائد سيارة daily newspapers, dailies
سيارة sayyāra pl. -āt automobile, car | سيارة الأجرة s. al-ujra taxi cab; سيارة مدرعة (mudarra‘a) armored car; سيارة دورية (daurīya) patrol car; سيارة الإسعاف s. al-is‘āf ambulance; سيارة مصفحة (muṣaffaḥa) armored car; سيارة النقل s. an-naql truck, lorry; سائق السيارة (automobile) driver, chauffeur
مسار masār pl. -āt path (of rays, etc.)
مسير masīr travel, journey, tour; march (mil.); departure; distance
مسيرة masīra travel, journey, tour; departure; distance
تسيير tasyīr dispatch, sending out; propulsion, drive (techn.) |التسيير النفاثي (naffātī) jet propulsion
مسايرة musāyara adaptation, adjustment
سائر sā’ir going, walking, running; walker, wayfarer, wanderer; generally known, current (proverb); see also سئر |خدمة سائرة (kidma) transient laborers, seasonal laborers (eg.)
مسير musayyar directed, controlled (ب by); guided, remote-controlled; not endowed with free will (philos., as opposed to مخير mukayyar)
سيراس sīrās (syr.) glue made of the yellow powder of a pulverized root, used esp. for pasting leather
سيرافيم sīrāfīm seraphim
سيرج sīraj sesame oil
سيرك (Fr. cirque) sirk circus
سيسبان saisabān sesban (an indigenous Egyptian shrub whose leaves have a purgative effect, Sesbania aegyptiaca Pers.; bot.)
سيسى sīsī pl. سيسيات sīsīyāt, سياسي sayāsī (eg.) pony; young rat
سيطر saiṭara to command, dominate, control (على s.th.); to be master or lord (على over s.th.), reign, gain power (على over s.th.); to seize (على s.th.), take hold (على of s.th.) II tasaiṭara = سيطر
سيطرة saiṭara rule, dominion, domination, command, supremacy, power, authority (على over); decisive influence (على on); control (على over)
مسيطر musaiṭir ruler, sovereign, overlord
سيف saif pl. سيوف suyūf, اسياف asyāf, اسيف asyuf sword; sabre, foil, rapier |سيف الإسلام s. al-islām title of princes of the royal house of Yemen
سيف sīf pl. اسياف asyāf shore, coast
سياف sayyāf executioner
مسايفة musāyafa fencing (with saber or foil)
سيقارة = سيكارة
سيكارة sigāra pl. سكائر sagā’ir 2 cigarette (syr.)
سيكران saikurān, saikarān henbane (Hyoscyamus niger; bot.)
سيكورتاه (It. sicurtà) sikurtāh insurance |سيكورتاه الحريق (الحياة ) (ḥayā) fire (life) insurance
سيكولوجى sīkolōžī, saikolōjī psychologic(al)
1 سال (سيل ) sāla i (sail, سيلان sayalān) to flow, stream; to be or become liquid; to melt |سال لعابه على (lu’ābuhū) his mouth watered for II to make flow, cause to stream, liquefy, melt, dissolve (هـ s.th.) IV = II
سيل sail pl. سيول suyūl flood, inundation; torrent, torrential stream |سيل عرام (‘urām) huge mass, flood, stream; بلغ السيل الزبى (zubā) the matter has reached its climax, has come to a head
سيلة saila stream
سيولة suyūla liquid state, liquidity, flow(ing)
سيال sayyāl streaming, pouring, torrential; fluid, liquid; a liquid; stream; a fluid |قلم سيال (qalam) facile pen, fluent style
سيالة sayyāla rivulet; pocket
سيلان sayalān flowing, ftow; running; deliquescence, liquefaction; gonorrhea (med.); see also below
مسيل masīl pl. مسايل masāyil2 river bed, rivulet
سائل sā’il ftuid, liquid; (pl. سوائل sawā’il2) a liquid, a fluid |O علم السوائل ‘ilm as-s. hydraulics
سائلية sā’ilīya fluidity, liquid state of aggregation (phys.)
2 سيلان sayalān2 Ceylon;
3 سيلان sīlān garnet (precious stone)
1 سيم sīmā (pass.) and VII to be consecrated, be ordained (Chr.)
2 ولا سيما wa-lā siyyamā see سوى
3 سيماء see next entry
4 سيمى sīmā (سيما sīmā), سيماء sīmā’2, سيمة sīma pl. سيم siyam mark, sign, characteristic; mien, expression
5 سيميا sīmiyā, سيمياء sīmiyā’ natural magic
سين sīn name of the letter س
الاشعة السينية al-aši‘‘a as-sīnīya S rays
سينا sīnā and سيناء sīnā’ Sinai
سينما (Fr. cinéma) cinema, motion-picture theater | دور السينما dūr as.s. motionpicture theaters, movies; سينما صامتة (صامت ) silent film; سينما ناطقة (ناطق ) or سينما صائتة (صائت ) sound film, talkie
سينمائي sīnēmā’ī cinematographic, cinematic, cinema-, movie- (in compounds); motion-picture actor, film star |رواية سينمائية motion picture, film, movie
سينماتوغراف (Fr. cinématographe) sīnimatugrāf cinematograph
سينماسكوب (Fr. cinémascope) sīnimaskūb cinemascope
سينودس (Gr. σύυδος) sinōdos synod