Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
ص abbreviation of صفحة ṣafḥa page (of a book)
ص ب abbreviation of صندوق البريد ṣundūq al-barīd post-office box, p. o. b.
صؤاب ṣu’āb (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. صئبان ši’bān, صيبان ṣībān nit
صابورة see2 صبر
صابون see صبن
صاج ṣāj thin sheet iron; bread tin, baking tin | صاج مضلع (muḍalla‘) corrugated iron
يا صاح yā ṣāḥi = يا صاحبي yā ṣāḥibī
صاد name of the letter ص
صاغ in order, right, proper, sound, regular, standard; a rank in army and police (intermediate between captain and major); a naval rank intermediate between lieutenant and lieutenant commander (Eg.) | عملة صاغ (‘umla) standard currency; غرش صاغ (girš) standard piaster
صاغقول اغاسي (Turk. sağkol ağasι) military rank intermediate between captain and major (Eg.)
صالة (It. sala) ṣāla pl. -āt hall, large room
صالون ṣālūn salon, parlor, reception room | عربة صالون ‘arabat ṣ. parlor car, club car
صامولة see صمولة ṣamūla
صأى ṣa’ā a i (صئى ṣa’īy) to twitter, chirp (of a bird)
صب ṣabba u (ṣabb) to pour, pour forth, cast, empty, fill (في هـ s.th. into); to impose, عليه بلاء (balā’an) a trial upon s.o. | صب الغارة to commit an assault; -- i (ṣabb) to be poured out, pour forth, shed, flow (في into); to befall (على s.o.), come upon s.o. (على); -- (1 st pers. perf. ṣabibtu) a (صبابة ṣabāba) to love ardently (الى s.o.) V to pour forth, shed, flow; to drip, outflow (هـ with), be bathed (هـ in); to dissolve, melt, deliquesce | تصبب عرقا (‘araqan) to be wet with perspiration, break into a sweat VII to be poured out, pour forth, flow, shed, effuse, gush out; to be intent, be bent (على or الى on), be out for (على or الى ); to apply o.s. (على or الى to s.th.), study, endeavor (على or الى to be or do s.th.); to be aimed, directed, oriented (على at), bear upon (على )
صب ṣabb pouring; casting, founding (of metal); cut; flow gush; outpour, effusion; ardently in love, enamored
صبيب ṣabīb pl. اصباب aṣbāb declivity; slope, incline, hillside
صبيب ṣabīb poured out, shed, spilled; blood; sweat, perspiration
صبابة ṣabāba ardent love, fervent longing
صبابة ṣubāba rest, remainder, remnant
مصب maṣabb pl. -āt, مصاب maṣābb2 outlet, escape, drain; mouth (of a river, and the like); drainpipe; funnel
مصبوب maṣbūb lead (metal); pl. مصبوبات cast-metal goods, foundry products
1 صبأ ṣaba’a a (صبوء ṣubū’) to grow (tooth, nail), sprout (plant); -- ṣaba’a a to turn (الى to, toward)
2 صابئ ṣābi’ Sabian; Mandaean, see the following
الصابئة aṣ-ṣābi’a the Sabians, designation of two different sects, 1) the Mandaeans, a Judeo-Christian Gnostic, baptist sect in Mesopotomia (Christians of St. John), used in this sense in the Koran. 2) The Sabians of Harran, a pagan sect extant as late as the 11th century A. D.
صبح ṣabaḥa a (ṣabḥ) to offer a morning draught (ه to s.o.); -- ṣabuḥa u (صباحة ṣabāḥa) to be beautiful, graceful, handsome, comely, pretty; to beam, be radiant (face) II to offer a morning draught (ه to s.o.); to come in the morning (ه to s.o.); to which a good morning (على or ه to s.o.) III يصابحه ويماسيه he attends to it mornings and evenings, he is constantly, incessantly occupied with it IV to enter upon morning; to wake up, be awake, be in one’s senses; to be or become clear; to become, be, or happen in the morning; to get (في into a situation), reach a state, come to a point where ...; to become, grow, turn; to be | اصبح الصباح (ṣabāḥu) it became morning; اصبح على خير to have a good morning, begin the day happily; تصبح على خير (tuṣbiḥ) porting word at night: may you he well tomorrow morning! يفعله اذا اصبح ويفعله اذا امسى (amsā) he does it mornings and evenings, he does it all the time, incessantly; اصبح الحق (ḥaqqu) truth has come to light; لم يصبح يفعل he no longer did (so); لم يصبح له وجود it no longer existed VIII to have a morning draught; to light (هـ s.th., e.g., a lamp); to use for lighting (ب s.th.) X to begin the day
صبح ṣubḥ pl. اصباح aṣbāḥ dawn; daybreak; morning; (ellipt. for صلاة الصبح ṣalāt aṣ-ṣ.) morning prayer (at dawn)
صبحة ṣubḥa early morning; breakfast, morning meal
صباح ṣabāḥ morning; صباحا ṣabāḥan in the morning | صباح مساء ṣabāḥa masā’a in the morning and in the evening, mornings and evenings; صباح اليوم ṣabāḥ al-yaum this morning; صباحك بالخير, صباح الخير (bi-l-kair) good morning! عم صباحا (‘im) do.
صباحي ṣabāḥī morning (adj.)
صباح ṣubāḥ and صبحان ṣabḥān2, f. صبحى ṣabḥā pretty, comely, handsome, beautiful, graceful
صبيح ṣabīḥ pl. صباح ṣibāḥ pretty, comely, handsome, beautiful, graceful
صباحة ṣubāḥa beauty, gracefulness, grace
صبيحة ṣabīḥa morning
صبوح ṣabūḥ morning draught; beautiful as the early day, radiant, bright
مصباح miṣbāḥ pl. مصابيح maṣābīḥ2 lamp; light, luminary (also fig.); head-light (of an automobile) | مصباح الإضاءة incandescent light, light bulb; مصباح كشاف (kaššāf) searchlight; مصباح كهربائي (kahrabā’ī) electric light, light bulb; مصباح كهربائي يدوي (yadawī) electric flashlight
اصباح iṣbāḥ morning
استصباح istiṣbāḥ illumination, lighting | غاز الاستصباح illuminating gas
مصبح muṣbaḥ morning
صبر ṣabara i (ṣabr) to bind, tie, fetter, shackle (ه s.o.); to be patient, be forbearing, have patience, take patience, persevere; to bear calmly, patiently, stoutly, endure (على s.th.); to refrain, abstain, desist (عن from), renounce (عن s.th.); to hold one’s own (ل against s.o.), withstand (ل s.o.) II to ask (ه s.o.) to be patient; to admonish (ه s.o.) to be patient; to console, comfort, solace (هـ the heart); to make (هـ s.th.) durable; to conserve (هـ s.th.); to preserve, can (هـ s.th.) | صبر بطنه (baṯnahū; eg.) to have a snack III to vie in patience (ه with s.o.); to bear stoutly V to be patient, be for-bearing, have or take patience, persevere VIII = V
صبر ṣabr fettering, shackling; patience, forbearance; composure, equanimity, steadfastness, firmness; self-control, self-command, self-possession; perseverance, endurance, hardiness | قتله صبرا qatalahū ṣabran to kill s.o. in captivity; لا صبر لي (ṣabra) I cannot bear it! this is unbearable! قلة الصبر qillat aṣ-ṣ. impatience; قليل الصبر impatient; قل صبره qalla ṣabruhū to be impatient; to lose patience; لم يبق في قوس صبري منزع lam yabqa fī qausi ṣabrī minza‘ (there is no arrow left for the bow of my patience, i.e.) my patience is at an end
صبر ṣabir, ṣabr aloe (bot.)
صبرة ṣabra severe cold
صبرة ṣabra heap, pile; ṣubratan summarily, on the whole, in the lump
صبار ṣabbār (very) patient, enduring, perseverant, steadfast
صبار ṣubār Indian fig (Opuntia ficus-indica; bot.)
صبر ṣubbair Indian fig (Opuntia ficus-indica; bot.)
صبور ṣabūr pl. صبر ṣubur (very) patient, enduring, perseverant, steadfast
صبارة ṣabāra and ṣabārra severe cold
تصبيرة taṣbira (eg.) light meal in the forenoon, a snack
مصابرة muṣābara long-suffering, longanimity, endurance, perseverance, patience, forbearance
اصطبار iṣtibār patience, forbearance, endurance, perseverance
صابر ṣābir patient, long-suffering, enduring, perseverant, steadfast
مصبرات muṣabbarāt conserves, canned goods
2 صبر ṣabbara to ballast (ه a ship)
صابورة ṣābūra ballast of a ship
صبع ṣaba‘a a (ṣab‘) to point with the finger (على or ب at); to insert one’s finger (ها into the hen, so as to ascertain whether she is going to lay an egg)
اصبع iṣba‘ pl. اصابع aṣābi‘2 finger; toe (also اصبع القدم i. al.qadam); a linear measure (Eg.; = 3.125 cm) | اصابع من البطاطس French fried potatoes; اصبع الأحمر lipstick; اصابع السجق s. as-sujuq frankfurters; بصمة الأصابع baṣmat al-a. fingerprint; طابع الأصابع do.; له اصبع في هذا الأمر he has a hand in this matter
صباع ṣubā‘ (eg.) finger; toe (also صباع القدم ṣ. al-qadam)
اصبوع uṣbū‘ pl. اصابيع aṣābī‘ finger; toe
مصبع muṣabba‘ gridiron, grill
صبغ ṣabaga u i a (ṣabg, ṣibag) to dye, stain (هـ s.th., e.g., a fabric), color, tint, tinge, paint, daub (هـ s.th.); to give s.th. (هـ ) the air, touch, or appearance (ب of s.th.); to dip, immerse (هـ s.th., في in water); to baptize (ه s.o.) | صبغه صبغة (ṣibgatan ukrā) to transform, change s.o. VIII to be dyed, be or become colored or tinted; to be baptized, receive baptism
صبغ ṣibg pl. اصباغ aṣbāg color, dye, dyestuff; pigment; (coat of) paint, varnish; make-up, grease paint, face paint
صبغة ṣibga color, dye, dyestuff; pigment; tincture (med.); coloring, tinge, tint, shade, hue, nuance, touch, air; nature, character; (coat of) paint, varnish; baptism; religion | صبغة الأفيون ṣ. al-afyūn tincture of opium, laudanum; صبغة اليود ṣ. al-yūd tincture of iodine; صبغة محلية (maḥallīya) local touch, local color; اخرجه من صبغته (akrajahū) to change, disfigure s.o. or s.th.
O صبغيات ṣibgīyāt chromosomes
صباغ ṣibāg pl. اصبغة aṣbiga color, dye, dyestuff; spice, condiment, seasoning, sauce
صباغ ṣabbāg dyer
صباغة ṣibāga dyer’s trade, art of dyeing or staining
مصبغة maṣbaga dyehouse, dye works
صابغ ṣābig dyer; baptist | يوحنا الصابغ (yūḥannā) John the Baptist
مصبوغ maṣbūg dyed, stained, colored, tinted; having a touch or air (ب of); influenced (ب by); imbued (ب with)
صبن II to soap, rub with soap (هـ s.th.)
صابون ṣabūn soap | حجر الصابون ḥajar aṣ-ṣ. soapstone, steatite
صابونة ṣābūna (n. un.) a cake of soap
صابوني ṣābūnī soapy, soap-like, saponaceous, made of soap
صبان ṣabbān soap boiler
مصبنة maṣbana soap works
صبا (صبو ) ṣabā u (ṣabw, ṣubūw, صبا ṣiban, صباء ṣabā’) to be a child, be childish; -- (ṣubūw, صبوة ṣabwa) to bend, incline (الى to), feel sensual desire (الى for); to strive (الى for), aspire (الى to); -- ṣabiya a (صباء ṣabā’, صبا ṣiban) to behave like a child, act in a childish manner II to rejuvenate, render youthful again V to behave like a child, act in a childish manner; to incline to youthful pleasures; to rejuvenesce, undergo rejuvenation, regain youth, become young again; to woo, court (ها a woman); to tempt, entice, captivate, charm (ه s.o., هـ the heart) VI to behave like a child X = VI
صبا ṣaban pl. صبوات ṣabawāt, اصباء aṣbā’ east wind
صبا , صبى ṣiban childhood, boyhood, youth; youthfulness; inclination, propensity, bent, longing, desire
صباء ṣabā’ childhood, boyhood, youth; youthfulness
صبوة ṣabwa youthful passion; amorous disposition; sensual desire; childish manners
صبو ṣubūw youthful passion; amorous disposition; sensual desire; childish manners
صبوة ṣubūwa childhood, boyhood, youth; youthfulness
صبي ṣabīy pl. صبية ṣibya, ṣabya, صبيان ṣibyān, ṣubyān, اصبية aṣbiya boy, youth, lad
صبية ṣabīya pl. صبايا ṣabāyā girl; young girl
صبياني ṣibyānī boyish, childlike; childish, puerile; children’s
صاب ṣābin youthful, juvenile thoughtless, rash
صبي see صبو
صح ṣaḥḥa i (صحة ṣiḥḥa, صحاح ṣaḥāḥ) to be healthy; to be all right, be in order; to recover, recuperate (من from); to heal (of a wound); to be sound, strong, vigorous, firm, right, correct, faultless, unimpaired, unblemished; to be firm, unshakable (resolution); to be admissible, permissible; to be true, authentic, certain, sure; to prove true, turn out to be true; to hold good. go (على for), apply (على to), b. true (على of); to result or follow definitely (عن from); to be a fact, turn out (ل for); to become a fact; to be successful, work out well (ل for s.o.); to fall to s.o. or to s.o.’s share (ل) | صحت عزيمته على or صح عزمه (‘azmuhū) he was firmly resolved to ..., his mind was made up to ...; يصح الاعتماد عليه it may serve as a basis; يصح ان يقال فيه it is rightly said of him ...; صح في الأذهان to appear right, adequate, reasonable II to restore, to health, cure, heal (ه s.o.); to correct, emend, rectify (هـ s.th.); to prepare, a critical edition (هـ of a text); to legalize, authenticate (هـ a document), certify, confirm, attest (هـ the authenticity of a document), sign (هـ a document); to impose one’s signature, undersign (magr.) V to undergo correction, emendation, rectification, be corrected, emended, rectified X to regain health; to recover, recuperate (من from)
صحة ṣiḥḥa health; hygiene; faultlessness, rightness, soundness, correctness; truth, genuineness, verity, veracity, credibility, authenticity; validity; legal validity, legality | وزارة الصحة العمومية (‘umūmīya) Ministry of Public Health (Eg.)
صحي wholesome, salubrious, healthy, healthful (diet, and the like); sanitary; hygienic | المحجر الصحي (maḥjar) quarantine
صحيح pl. صحاح ṣiḥāḥ, ṣiḥāḥ, اصحاء aṣiḥḥā’2 healthy, well, sound, healthful; complete, integral, perfect; whole, entire, undivided; right, correct, proper; true, veritable, actual, real; authentic, genuine, truthful, reliable, credible, believable; valid, legally valid, legal, lawful, rightful; strong (gram.; of a consonant, a verb) | جمع صحيح (jam‘) sound plural (ending in ون -ūn or ات -āt; gram); عدد صحيح (‘adad) whole number, integer (math.); صحيح انه (annahū) he was (he is) …, he was (he is), it is true, …
اصح aṣaḥḥ2 sounder, healthier; more correct, more proper | او على الأصح or more properly speaking
اصحاح aṣḥāḥ, iṣḥāḥ chapter of the Holy Scriptures (Chr.)
مصح maṣaḥḥ pl. -āt sanatorium; health retreat, sanitarium
مصحة maṣaḥḥa that which promotes or is conducive to health; sanatorium
تصحيح taṣḥīḥ correction, rectification; emendation, critical revision
مصحح muṣaḥḥiḥ O vernier (of a range finder) | المصحح اسفله (asfalahū) the undersigned
صحب ṣaḥiba a (صحبة ṣuḥba, صحابة ṣaḥāba, ṣiḥāba) to be or become a companion, an associate, a comrade, a friend (ه of s.o.), make or become friends, be friends (ه with s.o.); to associate, have social intercourse (ه with s.o.); to accompany, escort (ه s.o.); to be closely associated (ه with s.o.) III = I; to keep (ه s.o.) company IV to send along, delegate as companion or escort (ه ه or هـ for s.o. s.o. else or s.th.) VI to have social intercourse, associate (مع with); to become friends, be friends (مع with) VIII to accompany, escort (ه s.o.); to take (ه s.o.) as companion or escort, have o.s. escorted or accompanied (ه by s.o.): to take along (ه s.th., ه a companion) X to take a companion or escort, take along
صحبة ṣuḥba friendship, companionship, comradeship; accompanying, company, escort; association, intercourse; friends, companions, associates, comrades; (eg.) nosegay, bunch of flowers: ṣuḥbata accompanied by; with | صحبة هذا (ṣuḥbata) herein enclosed
الصحابة aṣ-ṣaḥāba the Companions of the Prophet Mohammed
صحابي ṣaḥābī a Companion of the Prophet Mohammed
مصاحبة muṣāḥaba accompanying, company, escort
اصطحاب iṣṭiḥāb accompanying, company, escort; association
صاحب ṣāḥib pl. اصحاب aṣḥāb, صحب ṣuḥub, صحابة ṣaḥāba, صحبان ṣuḥbān, صحبة associate, companion, comrade, friend; adherent, follower; the other (of two); (with foll. genit.) man, owner, possessor, holder, master, lord, commander, representative, author or originator of …; entrusted with; addicted or given to; يا صاح yā ṣāḥi = يا صاحبي yā ṣāḥibī| صاحب الأمر ṣ. al-amr ruler, master, overlord, sovereign; صاحب البواخر shipowner; صاحب الجلالة ṣ. al-jalāla His Majesty; صاحب حال the noun to which a circumstantial phrase (ḥāl) refers; صاحب الدولة ṣ. ad-daula (formerly) title of the Prime Minister (Eg.); صاحب السجادة ṣ. as-sajjāda title of the leaders of certain dervish orders in their capacity of owners of the founder’s prayer rug; صاحب السعادة ṣ. as-sa‘āda title of a pasha; صاحب السماحة ṣ. as-samāḥa title of a mufti, approx. “His Eminence”; صاحب السمو الملكي ṣ. as-sumūw al-malakī His Royal Highness; اصحاب الشأن a. aš-ša’n those concerned; the important, influential people; اصحاب الشبهات a. aš-šubuhāt dubious persons, people of ill repute; صاحب الطبع (formerly) Keeper of the Seal (of the Bey of Tunisia); صاحب العزة ṣ. al-‘izza title of a bey; صاحب العظمة ṣ. al-‘aẓama His Majesty; صاحب المعالي ṣ. al-ma‘ālī title of a cabinet minister; صاحب العمل ṣ. al-‘amal employer; صاحب الغبطة ṣ. al-gibṭa title of the Coptic Patriarch; صاحب الفضيلة title of Islamic theologians and sheiks, such as Rector and Professors of Al Azhar University; صاحب ṣ. al-fikra father to the thought, the originator of an idea; صاحب المقام الرفيع (ṣ. al-maqam) formerly, title bestowed on bearers of the order القلادة established by Fuad I in 1936
صاحبة ṣāḥiba pl. -āt, صواحب ṣawāḥib2, صواحبات ṣawāḥibāt fem. of صاحب woman companion. etc. | صاحبة الجلالة ṣ. al-jalāla Her Majesty; صاحبة السمو الملكي ṣ. as-sumūw al-malakī Her Royal Highness; صاحبة العصمة ṣ. al-‘iṣma title of a lady of high social standing
صويحب ṣuwaiḥib friend (diminutive of صاحب )
صويحبة ṣuwaiḥiba pl. -āt girl friend (diminutive of صاحبة )
مصحوب maṣḥūb accompanied (ب by); attended (ب with); associated (ب with); provided (ب with)
اصحر aṣḥar2 f. صحراء ṣaḥrā’2 desertlike; of the color of desert sand; desolate, bleak
صحراء ṣaḥrā’2 pl. صحار ṣaḥārin, صحاري ṣaḥārā, صحروات ṣaḥrawāt desert, steppe
صحراوي ṣaḥrāwī desert, desolate, waste | اراض صحراوية (arāḍin) desert areas
صحارة ṣaḥāra pl. صحاحير ṣaḥāḥīr2 case, chest, crate, box
صحف II to misplace the diacritical marks; to misread, mispronounce, misspell (هـ a word); to misrepresent, distort, twist (هـ a report, etc.) V to be misread or misspelled (word)
صحفة ṣaḥfa pl. صحاف ṣiḥāf bowl, dish, platter
صحيفة ṣuḥaifa saucer
صحيفة ṣaḥīfa pl. صحف ṣuḥuf, صحائف ṣaḥā’if2 leaf (in a book or notebook), page; newspaper, paper, daily, journal; epidermis; surface; exterior | الصحيفة البيضاء (baiḍā’) honorable name, honor
صحفي ṣuḥufī newspaper-, news-, press- (in compounds), journalistic; (pl. -ūn) newspaperman, journalist | مؤتمر صحفي (mu’tamar) press conference
صحافة ṣiḥāfa journalism, news business; the press
صحافي ṣaḥāfī journalistic; journalist, newspaperman, newsman
صحافية ṣiḥāfīya woman journalist
مصحف maṣḥaf, muṣḥaf pl. مصاحف maṣāḥif2 volume; book; copy of the Koran (مصحف شريف )
تصحيف taṣhīf misplacement of the diacritical marks; misspelling, slip of the pen; (grammatical) mistake; misrepresentation, distortion
صحل ṣaḥal raucous voice
1 صحن ṣaḥn pl. صحون ṣuḥūn bowl, dish; plate; dish, meal, food; yard, courtyard; surface, plane; disk; (pl. اصحنة aṣḥina) phonograph record, disc (tun.) | صحن الدار courtyard, patio; صحن السجار ashtray; على صحن الخد (ṣ. il-kadd) on the (surface of the) cheek
مصحون maṣḥūn ground, brayed, pounded, crushed, grated
2 صحناة ṣaḥnāh sardine
(صحو and صحي) صحا ṣaḥā u (ṣaḥw) and صحي ṣaḥiya a (صحا ṣaḥan) to be or become clear, bright, cloudless, serene (day, sky); -- (صحو ṣaḥw, ṣuḥuw) to regain consciousness, come to; to recover (من from intoxication), sober up; to wake up, awake (من from sleep); to become alert (الى to s.th.), become aware (الى of s.th.) II to wake up, awaken, rouse (ه s.o.) IV to be or become clear, bright, cloudless, serene (day, sky); to wake up, awaken, rouse (ه s.o.)
صحو ṣaḥw cloudlessness, brightness serenity (of the weather); clarity, alertness of the mind, consciousness; bright, serene, cloudless, sunny (weather)
صحوة ṣaḥwa awakening, recovery of consciousness; state of consciousness
صاح ṣāḥin bright, serene, cloudless, clear (weather); -- (pl. -ūn, صحاة ṣuḥāh) awake, wakeful, watchful, alert, vigilant; conscious; sober
صخب ṣakiba a (ṣakab) to shout, cry, yell, clamor, roar, bellow; to scold (على s.o., s.th.); to rage, roar, be loud VIII to raise a din, roar simultaneously, be tumultuous, resound in utter confusion, rage
صخب ṣakab shouting, roar(ing), bellowing, yelling, clamor, din, hubbub; cry, outcry, yell; raging
صخب ṣakib crying, yelling, noisy, clamoring, vociferous, roaring, raging
صخاب ṣakkāb clamorous, boisterous, roaring, bellowing, raging
اصطخاب iṣtikāb noise, din, clamor, hubbub, uproar, tumult, turmoil, roar, raging
صاخب ṣākib loud, noisy, clamorous, boisterous, vociferous, tumultuous, roaring, raging |قوة صاخبة (qūwa) power of the voice
مصطخب muṣṭakab noise, din, hubbub, tumult, raging, roar(ing)
صخر ṣakr (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. صخور ṣukūr, صخورة ṣukūra, صخرات ṣakarāt rocks, solid rock, boulders, rock formations; pl. صخور rock (geol.)
صخرة ṣakra boulder, rock | قبة الصخرة qubbat aṣ-ṣ. the Dome of the Rock, the Mosque of Omar (in Jerusalem)
صخري ṣakrī rocky, stony
صخر ṣakir rocky, stony
صد ṣadda u (ṣadd) to turn away, alienate, discourage, divert, deter, restrain, reject, send away (عن ه s.o. from); to dissuade (عن ه s.o. from his desire); to repel, parry, ward off (هـ s.th., e.g., an attack); to hinder, prevent (عن ه s.o. from); to impede, hamper, stop, bring to a standstill (ه s.o.); to resist, oppose (ه s.o.) | لا يصد النظر (naẓara) it does not offend the eye, it is nice to look at; -- i u (ṣadd, صدود ṣudūd) to turn away (عن from), turn one’s back (عن on s.o., on s.th.); to stay away, remain aloof (عن from s.th.) II to suppurate, maturate, fester IV do. V to face, confront (ل s.o.)
صد ṣadd averting, turning away; checking, stopping; repulsion, rejection; hindering, impeding, obstruction, prevention; resistance, aversion, reluctance
صدد ṣadad nearness, proximity; intention, purpose, design, aim; respect, regard, relation, concern, subject, matter; topic (of a discussion); ṣadada (prep.) opposite, in front of | على صدد and بصدد opposite, in front of; في صدد concerning, regarding, re, with respect to; في هذا الصدد in this respect, with regard to this, with relation to this, on this occasion, in this connection; هو بصدد امر he is currently busy with s.th., he is at present occupied with a matter; نرجع الى ما نحن بصدده (narji‘) we return to what is our present concern or to what we are just discussing
صديد ṣadīd pus, matter
صديدي ṣadīdī suppurative, purulent, festering
صدئ ṣadi’a a (صدأ ṣada’) and صدؤ ṣadu’a u (ṣadā’a) to become or be rusty, rust, oxidize II = I; to make (هـ s.th.) rusty, cause (هـ s.th.) to rust, corrode (هـ s.th.)
صدأ ṣada’a rust; oxidation; smut, rust (plant disease)
صداءة ṣadā’a rustiness
صدئ ṣadi’a rusty, rust-covered; dirty, mean, shabby
مصدأ maṣda’ rusty, rust-covered
صدح ṣadaḥa a (ṣadḥ, صداح ṣudāḥ) to chant, sing; to play (ب a song, a tune)
صدح ṣadaḥ banner
صدحات ṣadaḥāt (musical) strains
O صادح ṣādiḥ note raised a semitone, a sharp (mus.)
صدر ṣadara a i (صدور ṣudūr) to go out, step out (عن or من of, from within); to proceed, emanate, arise, originate, stem (عن or من from), have its origin (عن or من in); to come out, be issued, be promulgated (order, ordinance, law); to appear, be published (book); to leave, go out (mail); to go (الى to); to happen, occur, come to pass; pass. ṣudira to have a chest complaint | صدر عن الجد (jidd) to set about seriously, get to work earnestly; صدر عن ارادته to act on one’s own volition II to send, send off, dispatch, forward (هـ s.th.); to export (هـ s.th.); to publish, bring out (هـ a book); to preface (هـ a book); to introduce, commence (ب هـ a book with) III to seize, impound, confiscate (هـ s.th.); to urge, press, oppress (s.o.), throw obstacles in s.o.’s (ه ) way IV to send, send out, dispatch (هـ s.th.); to export (هـ s.th.); to issue (هـ s.th., e.g., banknotes, bonds), make out (هـ s.th., e.g., a passport); to publish, bring out (هـ s.th., e.g., a book); to give, issue (هـ an order); to pronounce, pass (هـ a legal sentence); to utter, express (هـ an opinion, a view) V to be sent, be dispatched; to preside (هـ over), head (هـ a group); to have a front seat (هـ at a social gathering); to resist, oppose (ل s.o.), throw obstacles in s.o.’s (ل ) way, stand in s.o.’s (ل ) way X to bring about, obtain (هـ s.th., esp. حكما ḥukman a legal judgment or sentence); to issue (marsūman an ordinance)
صدر ṣadr pl. صدور ṣudūr chest, breast, bust; bosom, heart; front part, front; part, portion; first hemistich; leader, commander; beginning, start, outset, commencement, inception; early period, beginnings, dawn (fig.) | صدر الدار one who occupies the highest position in the house, who plays first fiddle in the house; صدر رحب (raḥb) generosity, magnanimity; open-mindedness, broadmindedness, liberality, frankness, candor; صدر الإسلام early period of Islam, early Islam; الصدر الأعظم title of the Grand Vizier in the Ottoman Empire; grand vizier (Mor.); صدر المكان ṣ. al-makān the foremost part of a room; صدر النهار ṣ. an-nahār daybreak, beginning of the
day; ابو صدر robin (zool.); بنات الصدر banāt aṣ-ṣ. worries, anxieties, apprehensions; باب الصدر front door; ذات الصدر chest complaint; bottom of the heart, secret thoughts; رحب الصدر raḥb aṣ-ṣ. generous, magnanimous; open-minded, broad-minded, liberal; free of misgivings, unhesitating; رحيب الصدر do.; ضيق الصدر ḍayyiq aṣ-ṣ. annoyed, angry (ب at); disgruntled, depressed; منقبض الصدر munqabiḍ aṣ-ṣ. dejected, low-spirited, crestfallen; مكانة الصدر makānat aṣ-ṣ. first place, precedence, priority; واسع الصدر = رحب الصدر; صدرا من الزمان (zamān) quite a stretch of time, for some time; في الصدر in the foreground; سخم بصدره (sakkama) to irritate s.o., make s.o. angry; انشرح صدره inšaraḥa ṣadruhū to be gladdened, be pleased, be cheered, be happy, rejoice
صدري ṣadrī pectoral, chest (used attributively) | نزلة صدرية (nazla) bronchitis
صدرة ṣudra vest, waistcoat; camisole, (under)waist, bodice
صديري ṣudairī and صديرية pl. -āt vest, waistcoat; bodice
صدار ṣidār vest, waistcoat; (under-)waist, bodice
صدارة ṣadāra, ṣidāra precedence; presidency, chairmanship; first place, pre-eminence; grand vizierate, office, chancellery, or position, of the Grand Vizier (Mor.)
صدور ṣudūr coming out, appearance, publication (e.g., of a book), issuance (e.g., of an ordinance)
مصدر maṣdar pl. مصادر maṣādir starting point, point of origin; origin, source (fig.); (gram.) infinitive, verbal noun; absolute or internal object
تصدير taṣdīr sending (off), dispatch, forwarding; exportation, export; preface, foreword (of a book); issuance
مصادرة muṣādara seizure, confiscation
اصدار iṣdār exportation, export; issue, issuance, bringing out, edition, publication; making out, issuance | مصرف الاصدار maṣrif al-i. bank of issue
استصدار istiṣdār issue, making out; issuance
صادر ṣādir going out, emanating, originating; issued, come out, published, etc.; exportation, export; yield; الصادرات export goods, exports
مصدور maṣdūr affected with a pectoral ailment, phthisical, consumptive, tubercular
مصدر maṣdar export merchant, exporter
صدع ṣada‘a a (ṣad‘) to split, cleave, part, sunder (هـ s.th.); to crack, break (هـ an object), cause (هـ an object) to crack; to break (هـ through obstacles), conquer, overcome, surmount (هـ obstacles, difficulties) | صدع بالحق (ḥaqq) to come out openly with the truth; صدع بأمر (amr) to execute an order, comply with an order; pass. sudi‘a to have or get a headache II to cause a headache (ه to s.o.); to molest, harass, trouble (خاطره kāṭirahū s.o.); pas. ṣuddi‘a to have or get a headache V to get split, let cleft, come apart, burst, break, crack; to go to pieces; to reel, waver, be shaken; to separate (عن from), part (عن with) VII to get split, get cleft, come apart, break, crack; to be rudely interrupted; to break, dawn (morning)
صدع ṣad‘ pl. صدوع ṣudū‘ crevice, fissure, crack, break, rift, cleft
صداع ṣudā‘ headache
مصدوع maṣdū‘ having a crack, cracked, broken
صدغ ṣudg pl. اصداغ aṣdāg temple (anat.); earlock, lovelock (also قصة الصدغ quṣṣat aṣ-ṣ.)
صدغي ṣudgī temporal (anat.)
صدف ṣadafa i u (ṣadf, صدوف ṣudūf) to turn away (عن from), avoid, shun (عن s.o., s.th.); -- i (ṣadf) to turn (ه s.o.) away (عن from), discourage, restrain, deter (عن ه s.o. from); to happen by chance III to find (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), meet (ه s.o., هـ with s.th.); to meet unexpectedly, by chance (ه s.o.), light (هـ, ه on), come across s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ), run into s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ), encounter (هـ , s.o., s.th.); to coincide, be coincident, concur (هـ with s.th.); to fall (هـ on a given date); to happen by chance, come to pass (ان that) | صادف الاستحسان to meet with approval; صادف محله (maḥallahū) to come in handily, be convenient, be opportune V to turn away (عن from), avoid, shun (عن s.o., s.th.) VI to happen by chance, come to pass
صدف ṣadaf (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. اصداف aṣdāf pearl oyster, sea shell, conch | صدفة الاذن ṣ. al-udun external ear, auricle, pinna
صدف ṣadaf, مرض الصدفية maraḍ aṣ-ṣadafīya a noncontagious skin disease, psoriasis (med.)
صدفي ṣadafī sea-shell, shell (adj.); nacreous, mother-of-pearl (adj.)
صدفة ṣudfa pl. صدف ṣudaf chance, haphazard, coincidence, unexpected concurrence; صدفة ṣudfatan by chance, by coincidence, accidentally | بالصدفة or بطريق الصدفة by chance, by coincidence, accidentally; as chance will have it, haphazardly
مصادفة muṣādafa pl. -āt encounter, meeting; chance, haphazard, coincidence, unexpected concurrence; muṣādafatan by chance, by coincidence, accidentally
مصادف muṣādif corresponding (ل to), concurrent (ل with a date of another chronological system), coincident (ل with), falling (ل on a given date)
صدق ṣadaqa u (ṣadq, ṣidq) to speak the truth, be sincere; to tell (ه s.o.) the truth (عن about); to prove to be true, turn out to be correct, come true; to be right; to fit exactly (على s.o. or s.th.), apply (على to), hold true (على of) | وعده or في وعده (fī wa‘dihī or wa‘dahū) to keep, or fulfill, one’s promise; صدقه النصيحة (naṣīḥata) to advice s.o. sincerely; صدقه الحب (ḥubba) to love s.o. sincerely, truly II to deem (هـ, ه s.o. s.th.) credible, accept (هـ s.th.) as true, give credence (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.), believe, trust (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to consider or pronounce (هـ s.th.) to be true, right, correct or credible; to believe (ب in); to give one’s consent, to consent, assent, agree (على to s.th.), approve (على of s.th.), grant, license, sanction, certify, confirm, substantiate, attest, ratify, authenticate, legalize, verify (على s.th.) | لا يصدق (yuṣaddaqu) incredible, unbelievable, unreliable, untrustworthy; صدق او كذب ṣaddiq au kaddib (as an affirmative parenthesis) believe it or not III to treat (ه s.o.) &s a friend; to maintain one’s friendship (ه with s.o.); to be or become friends (ه with s.o.), befriend (ه s.o.); to give one’s consent, to consent, assent, agree (على to s.th.), approve (على of), grant, license, sanction, certify, confirm, substantiate (على s.th.); to legalize, authenticate (على a signature, etc.) IV to fix a (bridal) dower (ها for a woman) V to give alms (على to s.o.); to give as alms, donate (على to s.o., ب s.th.)
صدق ṣidq truth, trueness, truthfulness; sincerity, candor; veracity, correctness (of an allegation); efficiency; صدقا ṣidqan truly, really, in truth
صدقة ṣadaqa pl. -āt alms, charitable gift; almsgiving, charity, voluntary contribution of alms, freewill offering; legally prescribed alms tax (Isl. Law) | صدقة الفطر ṣ. al-fiṭr almsgivings at the end of Ramadan (Isl. Law)
صداق ṣadāq, sidāq pl. صدق ṣuduq, اصدقة aṣdiqa (bridal) dower; -- (pl. اصدقة ) marriage contrast (tun.)
صداقة ṣadāqa pl. ·41 friendohip
صديق ṣadīq pl. اصدقاء aṣdiqā’2, صدقاء ṣudaqā’2, صدقان ṣudqān friend; friendly, connected by bonds of friendship
صدوق ṣadūq veracious, truthful, honest, sincere
صديق ṣiddīq strictly veracious, honest, righteous, upright; الصديق epithet of the first Caliph, Abū Bakr
اصدق aṣdaq2 truer, sincerer | اصدق برهان على (a. burhānin) the most reliable, or best, proof for ...; اصدق صديق the most loyal, or best, friend
مصداق miṣdāq confirmation, corroboration, substantiation; touchstone, criterion
تصديق taṣdīq belief, faith (ب in); consent, assent, agreement (على to), approval, sanctioning, licensing, certification, confirmation, attestation, ratification, verification, authentication, legalization (على of s.th.) | سرعة التصديق sur‘at at-t. credulity; سريع التصديق credulous مصادقة muṣādaqa consent, assent, agreement (على to), concurrence (على in); approval, sanctioning, certification, confirmation, attestation, ratification (على of s.th.); legalization, authentication (على of a document)
تصادق taṣāduq legalization, authentication (على of a document)
صادق ṣādiq true, truthful, veracious, sincere, candid; reliable; accurate, true, genuine, faithful, authentic
مصدقة muṣaddiqa certificate, certification, attestation
مصدق muṣaddaq credible, believable, reliable, trustworthy | غير مصدق incredible; مصدق عليه رسميا (rasmīyan) legalized, officially certified
صيدلي look up alphabetically
صدم ṣadama i (ṣadm) to bump, strike, knock, dash, bounce, bang, run (هـ, ه against), hit (a upon); to run (ه into s.o., e.g., an automobile, etc.); to collide, clash (ب with, e.g., train with car) ill to bump, strike, knock, dash, bounce, bang, run (هـ, ه againat s.o. or s.th.); to resist, oppose (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), battle (هـ, ه against); to encounter (hostilely), clash; pass. صودم ṣūdima to be severely afflicted (ب by) VI to collide (e.g., trains), encounter (armies); to clash, conflict (e.g., different opinions) VIII to collide, clash (ب or مع with); to bump, strike, run (ب against), hit (ب s.th., e.g., a mine); to take offense (ب at, e.g., at mistakes), take exception (ب to); to fail (ب due to), be thwarted (ب by); = VI
صدمة ṣadma pl. ṣadamāt push, thrust, jolt, shook, blow, stroke; upset, commotion, (psychic) shock; obstacle, difficulty
صدام ṣidām collision, clash; breakdown, collapse | صدام وجداني (wijdānī) mental breakdown
مصادمة muṣādama, pl. -āt collision, clash, impact
تصادم taṣādum collision, clash; bounce, impact (ب on); upset, commotion, (psychic) shock | طاسة التصادم buffer (railroad)
اصطدام iṣṭidām collision, clash; bounce, impact (ب on); upset, commotion, (psychic) shock
صدى ṣadiya II (ṣadan) to be very thirsty IV to echo, resound, reverberate V to occupy o.s. (ل or الى with); to turn, apply o.s. (ل or الى to s.th.); to undertake (ل or الى s.th.), embark (ل or الى upon); to oppose, resist, counteract, antagonize (ل s.o.), throw obstacles in s.o.’s (ل ) way, be in s.o.’s (ل ) way
صدى , صدا ṣadan pl. اصداء aṣdā’ echo, reverberation
تصدية taṣdiya hand clapping
صر ṣarra i (ṣarr, صرير ṣarīr) to chirp, stridulate (cricket); to creak (door); to squeak, screech; to grate, scratch; to gnash, chatter (teeth); to lace, cord, tie up, truss up, bind (هـ s.th.); to shove, put (هـ في money into a purse); to prick up (هـ or ب one’s ears) IV to persist (على in), insist (على on); to make up one’s mind, resolve, determine, decide (على to do s.th.); to prick up (هـ or ب one’s ears)
صرة ṣurra pl. صرر ṣurar (money) bag, purse; bundle, packet, parcel | الصرة or صرة الحرمين ṣ. al-ḥaramain the ṣurra for Mecca and Medina, the traditional funds sent by the different Islamic countries (nowadays, e.g., by Egypt and Tunisia) with the hadj caravan to be distributed among the poor of Mecca and Medina; امين الصرة the Trustee of the ṣurra (who is responsible for its delivery); صرة النقود cash remittance
صرير ṣarīr chirping, stridulation (of crickets); squeaking, screeching
صرار ṣarrār or صرار الليل ṣ. al-lail cricket (zool.)
صريرة ṣarīra coins wrapped in a purse
اصرار iṣrār penitence, perseverance (على in), insistences (على on) | سبق الإصرار sabq al-i. premeditation, willfulness (jur.)
مصر muṣirr persistent, insistent; determined, resolute
الصرب aṣ-ṣirb Serbia; the Serbs
صربي ṣirbī Serbian
صرح ṣaruḥa u (صراحة ṣarāḥa, صروحة ṣurūḥa) to be or become pure, unadulterated, uncontaminated, clear; -- ṣaraḥa a (ṣarḥ) to make clear, clarify, explicate, explain (هـ s.th.) II to explain, explicate, clarify, make clear (هـ s.th.); to declare, state, announce (ب s.th.), make a statement (ب about); to speak out frankly, openly, be clear, be explicit (ب, عن about), let (ب, عن s.th.) be known; to allow, permit, grant (ب ل to s.o. s.th.); to license (ب s.th.), give a permit, grant a license (ب for) III to speak frankly, openly; to speak out frankly or openly, be clear, be explicit (ب about), avow (ب s.th.), let (ب s.th.) be known; to declare (ه ان to s.o. that) IV to make clear, clarify, explicate, explain (هـ s.th.) VI to become clear, evident, manifest, come to light VII to become evident, manifest, clear
صرح ṣarḥ pl. ṣurūḥ castle, palace, lofty edifice, imposing structure
صراح ṣurāḥ pure, unadulterated, uncontaminated, clear; distinct, plain, obvious, evident, patent, manifest, unambiguous, unequivocal
صريح ṣarīḥ pl. صرحاء ṣuraḥā’2, صرائح ṣarā’iḥ2 pure, unadulterated, uncontaminated; clear; distinct, plain, obvious, evident, patent, manifest, unambiguous, unequivocal; open, frank, sincere, candid; free, openhearted
صراحة ṣarāḥa clearness clarity, distinctness, plainness; unambiguousness; openness, frankness, candor, sincerity, openheartedness; ṣarāḥatan clearly, plainly, distinctly, patently, unequivocally, unambiguously; openly, frankly, bluntly, straightforward, honestly, openheartedly
اصرح aṣraḥ2 purer, clearer; sincerer
تصريح taṣrīḥ pl. -āt, تصاريح taṣārīḥ2 (public) statement, declaration; permission, (official) permit, license
صرخ ṣaraka u (صراخ ṣurāk, صريخ ṣarīk) to cry, yell, scream, shriek, shout; to cry for help; to call (ب s.o.); to call out, shout (على to s.o.); to yell, bellow, roar (في or في وجهه at s.o.) | صرخ صرخة (ṣarkatan) to cry out, let out a cry X to cry for help; to call (ه to s.o.) for help
صرخة ṣarka pl. -āt cry, outcry, yell, scream; call for help
صراخ ṣurāk crying, yelling; clamor, screaming, screams
صريخ ṣarīk crying, yelling; clamor, screaming, screams
صراخ ṣarrāk crier, screamer, bawler; peacock
صاروخ ṣārūk pl. صواريخ ṣawārīk2 rocket; siren (magr.) | O صاروخ عابر القارات intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM
قنبلة صاروخية qunbula ṣārūkīya rocket bomb, guided missile
صارخ ṣārik gaudy, flashy (color); glaring (color, light); crude, gross, coarse; noisy, loud; crier, caller
صرد ṣard severe cold (spell)
صراد ṣarrāad drifting clouds, cirrus
صريد ṣurraid drifting clouds, cirrus
صرصر ṣarṣara to let out a piercing cry, scream shrilly
ريح صرصر rīḥ ṣarṣar violent, cold wind, icy gale
صرصر ṣurṣur pl. صراصير ṣarāṣīr2 a variety of cockroach (Blatta aegyptiaca; zool.); cricket (zool.)
صرصور ṣurṣūr pl. صراصير ṣarāṣīr2 cricket (zool.); cockroach (syr.)
صرصار ṣarṣār cricket (zool.)
صراط ṣirāṯ way, path, road
صرع ṣara‘a a (ṣar‘, ṣir‘, مصرع maṣra‘) to throw down, fell, bring to the ground (ه s.o.); -- pass. ṣuri‘a to be epileptic, have an epileptic fit; to be or go mad III to wrestle (also as a sport), fight (ه with s.o.) VI to wrestle with one another VII to be or go mad VIII = VI
صرع ṣar‘ epilepsy
صرع ṣur‘ rein
صريع ṣarī‘ pl. صرعى ṣar‘ā thrown to the ground, felled; epileptic; demented, insane, mad, crazy; (with foll. genit.) succumbing to s.th., fallen victim to s.th., | سقط صريعا to be killed (in battle); صريع الشراب ṣ. aš-šarāb addicted to the bottle; صريع الكرى ṣ. al-karā overcome by sleep
مصرع maṣra‘ pl. مصارع maṣāri‘2 battle-ground; ruin, destruction, perdition, death; fatal accident; vital part of the body (the injury of which can cause death)
مصراع miṣrā‘ pl. مصاريع maṣārī‘2 leaf of a door; hemistich | صفائح المصراع door panel; الباب مفتوح على مصراعيه (miṣrā‘aihi) the door is wide open
صراع ṣirā‘ wrestling, wrestling match; fight, struggle
مصارعة muṣāra‘a wrestling, wrestling match; fight, struggle
اصطراع iṣṭirā‘ fight, struggle, conflict, controversy
مصروع maṣrū‘ thrown to the ground, felled; epileptic; demented, insane, mad, crazy
مصارع muṣāri‘ wrestler; fighter
صرف ṣarafa i (ṣarf) to turn; to turn away, avert (عن هـ, ه s.o., s.th. from); to dissuade, alienate, keep away (عن ه s.o. from); to divert, distract (عن ه s.o. from); to turn, direct (الى ه s.th., e.g., one’s eyes, one’s attention, to s.th.); to grant leave, dismiss, send away (ه s.o.); to give s.o. (ه ) the brush-olf; to spend, expend (على ه money for); to defray the cost (على of s.th.), pay (على for s.th.); to pay out, disburse (ل هـ money to); to issue, give out (هـ s.th., e.g., tickets), make out (هـ s.th., e.g., a permit); to spend, devote (ل or الى or في هـ time, effort on); to pass, spend (في هـ time at s.th., doing s.th.); to change money (هـ ); to inflect (هـ a word) | صرف النظر عن (naẓar) to avert one’s glance from, disregard s.th., pay no attention to s.th., leave s.th. out of consideration; -- i (صريف ṣarīf) to creak, grate II to cause to flow off, draw off (هـ water); to drain (هـ land); to dispatch, expedite, wind up, liquidate (هـ business); to change money (هـ ); to market, retail, distribute, sell (هـ merchandise), dispose (هـ of merchandise); to circulate (هـ s.th.); to give a free hand (ه في to s.o. in s.th.), let (ه s.o.) dispose freely (في over, in), grant the right of disposal (في ه to s.o. over or in s.th.); to inflect (هـ a word), conjugate (هـ a verb), decline (هـ a noun) V to act independently; to dispose freely, have the right of disposal (في over); to move freely, act without restriction (في in), administer (freely) (في s.th.); to behave, act, conduct o.s., comport o.s. ; to exercise sacerdotal functions (Copt.-Chr.); to be inflected (gram.); to be derived | تصرف تصرفا كيفيا في (taṣarrufan kaifīyan) to proceed arbitrarily in or at VII to turn away; to go away, depart (عن from), leave (عن s.th.); to give up, abandon, relinquish, quit (عن s.o., s.th.); to flow off, drain; to pass on, change over, turn one’s attention (الى to s.th.); to proceed (الى to some activity or to do s.th.); to apply o.s., devote o.s. (الى to s.th.); to be spent, be expended (money); to be issued, be made out (e.g.. ticket); to be fully, i.e., triptotically, inflected | انصرف الى نفسه to withdraw by o.s., isolate o.s.; انصرف يفعل to set about to do s.th., proceed to do s.th.
صرف ṣarf averting, turning away; expenditure, expense; spending, use, application (e.g., of time, of effort, etc.); issuance, issue, making out; disbursement; money changing; barter (Isl. Law); drainage; inflection (gram.); (pl. صروف ṣurūf) adversities, misfortunes (also صروف الدهر ṣurūf ad-dahr) | محطة الصرف maḥaṭṭat aṣ-ṣ. (el.) power station; drainage station, pumping
station; سعر الصرف ṣi'r aṣ-ṣ. exchange rate; علم الصرف ‘ilm aṣ-ṣ. morphology (gram.); ممنوع من الصرف indeclinable (gram.); بصرف النظر عن (bi-ṣ. in-naẓar) regardless of, irrespective of, notwithstanding, to say nothing of
صرف ṣirf pure, unadulterated, unmixed; mere, sheer, absolute
صرفيات ṣarfīyāt payments, disbursements
صريف ṣarīf squeak(ing), creak(ing), squeal(ing)
صراف ṣarrāf money changer; cashier, teller, treasurer; paymaster; banker
صرافة ṣarrafa (woman) cashier | صرافة التذاكير (woman) ticket agent
صيرف ṣairaf pl. صيارف ṣayārif2 money changer; cashier, teller, treasurer
صيرفي ṣairafī pl. صيارفة ṣayārifa money changer; cashier, teller, treasurer
صريفة ṣarīfa pl. صرائف ṣarā’if2 reedmat hut
مصرف maṣrif pl. مصارف maṣārif2 drainage canal, drainage ditch, drain; bank; pay office, teller’s window (at a bank)
تصريف taṣrīf drawing off (of water), drainage; sale, retail, disposal, distribution; change, alteration; inflection, declension, conjugation | تصاريف الدهر t. ad-dahr the vicissitudes of fate; تصريف الشئون settlement, windup, or management, of affairs
تصرف taṣarruf pl. -āt free disposal (في over), right of disposal; usufruct; administration; action, way of acting, demeanor, behavior, conduct; outflow, efflux, effluence, output (in terms of the capacity of a pump), discharge, throughput, quantity of water flowing through; pl. تصرفات measures, dispositions, regulations | تصرف منجز (munjaz) regulation effective immediately (Isl. Law); حسن التصرف ḥusn at-t. discretion; مطلق التصرف muṭlaq at-t. having unrestricted right of disposal,
invested with full power; بتصرف freely; تحت تصرفه at s.o.’s disposal; وضع شيئا تحت تصرفه to put s.th. at s.o.’s disposition; تصرفات الزمن t. az-zaman the vicissitudes of time
انصراف inṣirāf going away, leave, departure; avertedness, aversion (عن to); abstention (عن from). renunciation (عن of)
مصروف devoted, dedicated (الى to s.th.); money spent, expenditure; pl. -āt, مصاريف maṣārīf2 expenses, expenditures, costs | مصروف البريد and مصاراف البريد postage; مصروف الجيب m. al-jaib pocket money; خالص المصاريف postage free, franked; وفى المصاريف (wafā) to cover the cocte, defray the expense; مصروف من الخدمة (kidma) dismissed, discharged
متصرف mutaṣarrif approx.: provincial governor (Ir.; administering anyone of the 14 liwā’, q.v.); former title of a Turkish administrative officer in Arab countries
متصرف mutaṣarrifa jurisdiction of a mutaṣarrif (q.v.), approx.: province; dignity, government, authority, etc., of a mutaṣarrif
منصرف munṣarif fully inflected, i.e., triptotical (gram.); المنصرف the money spent, expenditures
منصرف munṣarif departure, leave, going away | لا منصرف عنه (munṣarafa) indispensable, inevitable; منصرفهم munṣarafahum at their departure, when they left; في صرف النهار (m. in-nahār) at the parting of day, at day’s end
1 صرم ṣaruma u (صرم ṣarāma) to be sharp; to be stern, hard, harsh, severe; -- ṣrama i (ṣarm, ṣurm) to cut, cut off, sever (هـ s.th.); to leave, forsake (ه s.o.), separate (ه from s.o.), part (ه with s.o.) II to cut, cut off, cut through, sever, separate (هـ s.th.) V to decrease, wane, dwindle; to elapse, go by, pass; to be past, be bygone, be over (time) VII to elapse, go by, pass; to be past. be bygone, be over (time)
صرم ṣarm severance, separation
صرمة ṣirma pl. صرم ṣiram herd of camels
صرامة ṣarāma sharpness, keenness; harshness, sternness, severity, rigor, unfriendliness
صريمة ṣarīma horse bridle
مصارمة muṣārama estrangement, break, antagonism, hostility
صارم ṣārim sharp, harsh, hard, severe, stem
منصرم munṣarim elapsed, past, bygone (period of time)
2 صرم ṣurm = سرم
3 صرم ṣarma pl. صرم ṣuram (eg.) shoe
صرمايا ṣurmāyā pl. -āt, صرامى ṣarāmī (syr.) shoe made of red or yellow leather; shoes
مصارين see مصر
صار ṣārin and صارية ṣāriya pl. صوار ṣawārin mast, pole | صارى العلم ṣ. l-‘alam flagpole
مصطبة maṣṭaba, miṣṭaba pl. مصاطب maṣāṭib2 outdoor stone bench (built into the side of a house), maṣṭaba
مصطول maṣṭūl fool
صعب ṣa‘uba u (صعوبة ṣu‘ūba) to be hard, difficult (على for); to be embarrassing, shocking, unpleasant (على for, to) II to make hard, make difficult (على for s.o. s.th.); to present as difficult (على to s.o. s.th.) V to become difficult; to make (هـ s.th.) hard or difficult VI to be difficult (of a person); to be hard to please X to find or consider difficult (هـ s.th.)
صعب ṣa‘b pl. صعاب ṣi‘āb hard, difficult; pl. difficulties | صعب الاحتمال hard to bear, oppressive; صعب الارضاء ṣ. al-irḍā’ hard to please, fastidious; صعب المراس obstinate, stubborn, self-opinionated, recalcitrant, headstrong; عملة صعبة (‘umla) hard currency
صعوبة ṣu‘ūba difficulty | صعوبة المراس obstinacy, stubbornness, recalcitrance, refractoriness
مصاعب maṣā‘ib2 difficulties
صعتر ṣa‘tar wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum; bot.)
صعد ṣa‘ida a (صعود ṣu‘ūd) to rise, go up; to lift, climb, ascend, slope upward; to mount, scale, ascend, climb (هـ s.th.), climb up (هـ on s.th.); to take off (airplane); صعد به الى to make s.o. ascend, lead s.o. up to … II to ascend, mount; to go upstream; to travel to Upper Egypt; to send up (ه s.o.); to cause (هـ s.th.) to rise or ascend; to heave
(from one’s breast), utter (هـ sigh, wails, and the like); to cause (s.th.) to evaporate, vaporize, volatilize (هـ s.th.); to sublimate (هـ s.th.; chem.) | صعد الزفرات (zafarāt) to heave deep sighs IV to make (ه s.o.) ascend or advance; to ascend (الى to elevated terrain); to go upstream; to travel up, travel V to evaporate, vaporize VI to rise, lift, ascend
صعود ṣu‘ūd height, altitude
صعدة ṣa‘da pl. ṣa‘adāt rise, incline; slope, declivity
صعود ṣu‘ūd rising, lifting, ascending; take-off (of an airplane); ascent; boom; advance (الى toward) | صعود الرب ṣ. ar-rabb and عيد الصعود ‘īd aṣ-ṣ. Ascension Day (Chr.)
صعود ṣa‘ūd steep hill
صعيد ṣa‘īd pl. صعود ṣu‘ūd highland, upland, plateau; الصعيد and صعيد مصر ṣ. miṣr Upper Egypt | في صعيد واحد on a common basis, on common ground, on equal footing, without distinction, indiscriminately; على صعيد واحد congenial, like-minded, kindred in spirit, agreed
صعيدي ṣa‘īdī pl. صعايدة ṣa‘āyida Upper Egyptian
صعداء ṣu‘adā’2 (deep) sigh | تنفس الصعداء tanaffasa ṣ-ṣu‘adā’ to sigh (deeply), heave a (deep) sigh
مصعد maṣ‘ad pl. مصاعد maṣā‘id2 point of ascent
مصعد miṣ‘ad pl. مصاعد maṣā‘id2 elevator, lift; O anode
مصعدة miṣ‘ada elevator, lift
صاعد ṣā‘id pl. صواعد ṣawā‘id 2 rising, ascending (also, e.g., of vapors) | فصاعدا fa-ṣā‘idan and beyond that, and more; من -- فصاعدا from -- on, from --upward; من الآن فصاعدا (min al-āna) from now on, henceforth
متصاعد mutaṣā‘id rising, ascending (also, e.g., of vapors)
صعر ṣa‘ra a (ṣa‘ar) to be awry (face; with pride) II صعر خده (kaddahū) to put on a contemptuous mien
صعق ṣa‘aqa a (صاعقة ṣā‘iqa) to strike s.o. (ه ) down with lightning, destroy, hit, slay (ه s.o.; of lightning); to stun, stupefy, make unconscious (ه s.o.); -- ṣa‘iqa a and pass. ṣi‘iqa (ṣa‘aq, صعقة ṣa‘qa) to be thunderstruck; to lose consciousness | صعق في مكانه (makānihī) to stop dead in one's tracks, stand as if thunderstruck IV to strike down, slay, destroy (ه s.o.; of lightning); to stun, stupefy, make unconscious (ه s.o.) VII to be struck by lightning
صعق ṣa‘aq thunder, peal of thunder
صعق ṣa‘iq thunderstruck, dumfounded
صاعقة ṣā‘iqa pl. صواعق ṣawā‘iq 2 bolt of lightning, thunderbolt
مصعوق maṣ‘ūq struck by lightning; thunderstruck, stupefied, dumfounded; crushed, destroyed
صعلكة ṣa‘laka loitering, loafing
صعلوك ṣu‘lūk pl. صعاليك ṣa‘ālīk2 utterly destitute; have-not, pauper, poor wretch; beggar; tramp, vagabond, loafer
صغر ṣagura u (ṣigar, صغارة ṣagāra) and ṣagira a (ṣagar) to be or become small, little, scanty; to diminish, decrease, wane, dwindle; to be young; to be lowly, submissive, servile, humble; -- ṣagara u (ṣagr) to be younger (ب ه than
s.o. by) | ما صغرني الا بسنة (bi-sanatin) he was only one year younger than I
II to make small(er) or little(r), lessen, minimize, reduce, diminish, decrease (هـ s.th.); to belittle, deride, ridicule, debase, bemean (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to form a diminutive (هـ of a noun) VI to prove o.s. contemptible, be servile, fawn, cringe, grovel X to deem (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) small, little or paltry; to make light (هـ, ه of s.o., of s.th.), undervalue (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to think little (هـ, ه of s.o., of s.th.) | استصغر نفسه (nafsahū) to feel inferior
صغر ṣigar smallness, littleness, scantiness, paltriness, paucity, insignificance; youthfulness, juvenility (also صغر السن ṣ. as-sinn) صغرة ṣigra: هو صغرة ابويه (ṣ. abawaihi) he is the youngest of his parents’ children
صغير ṣagīr pl. صغار ṣigār, صغراء ṣugarā’2 small, little; paltry, scanty, insignificant; tiny, minute; young, juvenile, minor; a minor, one under age | صغير السن ṣ. s-sinn young; صغير النفس ṣ. an-nafs mean-spirited, base, servile,
Toadying, cringing, groveling صغار الموظفين ṣ. al-muwaẓẓafīn small officials, subaltern officials; العيد الصغير (‘īd) Little Bairam, i.e., the feast of fast breaking on the1st of Shawwal; كل صغيرة وكبيرة kullu ṣ. wa-kabīra every detail
صغير ṣagīra pl. صغائر ṣagā’ir2 venial sin (Isl. Law); minor mistake; pl. trivialities, trifles
صغارة ṣagāra littleness, paltriness, scantiness, paucity; lowliness, servility, humility, humbleness
اصغر aṣgar f. صغرى ṣugrā pl. m. اصاغر aṣāgir2 smaller, littler; younger | اصغر الشرين a. aš-šarrain the lesser of two evils, آسيا الصغرى Asia Minor; الدول الصغرى (duwal) the small countries; سوريا الصغرى (sūriyā) Palestine; النهاية الصغرى the minimum
تصغير taṣgīr diminution, lessening, decrease, reduction | اسم التصغير ism at-t. diminutive (gram.)
اصغار iṣgār disdain, contempt, disregard
تصاغر taṣāgur servility, toadying, cringing, groveling
صاغر ṣāgir low, lowly, despised, contemptible, humiliated, meek, dejected; submissive, servile; subject (ل to s.o.)
مصغر muṣaggar reduced, decreased, diminished | في صورة صغيرة (ṣūra) on a reduced or small scale, in miniature; فلم مصغر (film) microfilm
صغو ) and صغا (صغي ṣagā u (صغو ṣagw, sugūw) to incline, bend, lean (الى to, toward); -- صغي ṣagiya a (ṣagan, ṣugīy) to incline, bend, lean (الى to, toward); to listen (ل to) IV to listen, pay attention, lend one’s ear (ل or الى to s.th., to s.o.). heed (ل or الى s.th.)
صغو ṣagw and صغا ṣagan inclination, disposition, tendency, affection, attachment, good will
اصغاء isgā’ attention, attentiveness
صاغ ṣāgin inclined, disposed, attentive; listener, hearer
مصغ attentive; listener, hearer
1 صفة see وصف
2 صف ṣaffa u (ṣaff) to set up in a row or line, line up, align, array, arrange, order (هـ s.th.); to eat, compose (هـ type, typ.); to range, class, classify (مع ه s.o. among); to cut (هـ s.th.) in strips II to set up in a row or line, line up, align, array, arrange, order (هـ s.th.); to comb (هـ the hair) straight VI to line up, take position in a row or line, stand in a row or line, be lined up, be aligned, be strung in a line VIII - VI; to fall in, stand in formation (of a military detachment) | اصطف الى جانب الطريق to line the rood, form a lane (e.g., troops, police, etc.)
صف ṣaff aligning or arranging in a line or row; -- (pl. صفوف ṣufūf) row, line, file, rank, queue; row, or tier, of seats; grade, form (in school), class course, section, division, group | صف الدم ṣ. ad-dam, blood group; آلة صف الحروف typesetting machine, ضابط الصف (also صف ضابط pl. صف ضباط ) non-commissioned officer; انتظم صفوفا intaẓama ṣufūfan to line up in rows or files
صفة ṣuffa pl. صفف ṣufaf (stone) molding; ledge
صفاف ṣaffāf and صفاف الحروف type-setter, compositor
مصف maṣaff pl. مصاف maṣaff2 position (of an army); battle line; row, line, file; composing stick (typ.) | رفعه الى مصاف (with foll. genit.) to class s.o. with, put s.o. on the same level with
صفح ṣafaḥa a (ṣafḥ) to broaden, widen, flatten, beat into a leaf, foliate, plate (هـ s.th.); to pardon, forgive (عن s.o., s.th.) II to broaden, widen, flatten,
beat into a leaf, foliate (هـ s.th.); to roll out (هـ s.th.); to plate, overlay, or cover, with metal plates (هـ s.th.); to armor (هـ s.th.); to equip, furnish, cover (هـ ب s.th. with) ill to shake hands (ه with s.o.); to greet (.s.o.); to touch (هـ s.th.) lightly or gently, graze (هـ s.th.), brush, glide (هـ over s.th.), pass, blow (هـ over s.th., of the wind, breath, etc.) | صافح سمعه (sam‘ahū) to reach s.o.’s ear V to leaf, thumb (هـ a book, etc.); to examine, scrutinize, regard, study (هـ s.th.) VI to shake hands X to ask s.o.’s (ه ) forgiveness (هـ for), apologize (هـ ه to s.o. for)
صفح ṣafḥ pardon, forgiveness; (pl. صفاح ṣifāḥ) side, surface | ضرب (اضرب) عنه صفحا to turn away from s.o. or s.th., pass over s.o. or s.th., ignore, snub, slight, disregard s.o. or s.th., desist from s.th.
صفحة ṣafḥa pl. ṣafaḥāt outside, exterior; plane, surface; page; leaf, sheet; phase
صفيح ṣafīḥ broad side or surface; sheet iron; tin, tinplate; tin plates, tin sheets
صفيحة ṣafīḥa pl. صفائح ṣafā’iḥ2 plate, sheet (of metal), leaf (of wood), slab, flag (of stone), ledger stone (on a tomb); tin plate, tin sheet; can, jerry can | صفائح المصراع ṣ. al-miṣrā‘ door panel; O صفائح المقول ṣ. al-miqwal phonograph records, gramophone discs
صفوح ṣafūhḥ forgiving, reedy to forgive
صفاح ṣuffāḥ pl. -āt, صفافيح ṣafāfīḥ plate, sheet, leaf; flagstone, stone slab
تصفيح taṣfīḥ plating
تصفح taṣaffuḥ examination, scrutinization, scrutiny, study
مصفح muṣaffaḥ, shaped into plates or thin layers, plated, foliated; armored, armor clad, ironclad, metal-covered| خشب مصفح (kašab) plywood; سيارة مصفحة (sayyāra) armored car
مصفحة muṣaffaḥa pl. -āt armored car, armored reconnaissance car (mil.)
صفد ṣafda i (ṣafd) to bind, fetter, shackle (ه s.o.) II and IV = I
صفد ṣafad pl. اصفاد aṣfād bond, tie, fetter
صفاد ṣifād bond, tie, fetter | صفاد اليدين ṣ. al-yadain manacle, handcuff
1 صفر ṣafara i (صفير ṣafīr) to whistle (bird, person); to hiss (snake); to chirp, stridulate (cricket); to seream (siren) II = I
صفير ṣafīr whistling, whistle, etc. (see above); high, thin tone (e.g., of a flute) | حروف الصفير sibilants; -- see also below and alphabetically
صفارة ṣaffāra pl. -āt whistle; siren | صفارة الأمان ṣ. al-amān all-clear siren; صفارة الإنذار ṣ. al-indār warning siren
2 صفر II to dye yellow, make yellow, to yellow (هـ s.th.) IX to turn yellow, to
yellow; to pale, become pale | اصفر وجهه (wajhuhū) he grew pale, he turned white
صفر ṣufr brass; money
صفر ṣafar jaundice
صفرة ṣufra yellow color, yellowness, yellow; pallor, paleness (of the face)
صفار ṣafar yellow color, s.th. yellow; pallor, paleness |صفار البيضة ṣ. al-baiḍa egg yolk
صفار ṣaffār pl. ة brass founder
اصفر aṣfar2, f. صفراء ṣafrā’2, pl. صفر ṣufr yellow; pale, pallid, wan | ضحكة صفراء (ḍaḥka) forced, or embarrassed, laugh; نحاس صفر (nuḥās) brass
صفراء ṣafrā’ bile, gall
صفير (eg.) golden oriole (zool.)
صفارية ṣufārīya golden oriole (zool.)
صفراوي ṣafrāwī bilious; choleric | الحمى الصفراوية (ḥummā) yellow fever; ضحكة صفراوية (ḍaḥka) bitter, or sardonic, laugh (= Fr. rire jaune)
اصفرار iṣfirār yellowing, yellow; pallor, paleness (of the face)
مصفر muṣfarr yellow-colored; pale, pallid, wan
3 صفر ṣafira a (ṣafar, صفور ṣufūr) to be empty, be devoid, vacant (من of) | صفرت يده من الشيء (ṣafirat yaduhū) to have lost s.th. II to empty, void, vacate, evacuate, free (هـ s.th.) IV = II
صفر ṣafr, ṣifr, ṣufr, ṣafir, ṣufur pl. اصفار aṣfār empty, void, devoid, (من of), free (من from) | صفر اليدين ṣifr al-yadain empty-handed
صفر ṣifr zero, naught; nothing
اصفر aṣfar empty, void
مصفر muṣfir empty-handed | مصفر اليد m. al-yad with an empty hand; مصفر اليد من كل شيء without any possessions at all, completely destitute
4 صفر ṣafar pl. اصفار aṣfār Safar, name of the second month of the Mohammedan year
1 صفصف ṣafṣaf (coll.; n. un. ة ) a variety of willow (Salix Safsaf F.; bot.)
2 صفصف ṣafṣaf even, level; waste, desolate, barren, empty | قاع صفصف wasteland, desolate area; جعله قاعا صفصفا to devastate s.th., lay s.th. waste
صفع ṣafa‘a a (ṣaf‘) to cuff, buffet, slap lightly (ه s.o.); to slap s.o.’s (ه ) face, box s.o.’s (ه ) ears; to violate (هـ a rule) VI to slap one another
صفعة ṣaf‘a (n. vic.) slap, cuff, smack; blow
صفاع ṣaffā‘ pl. -ūn a kind of buffoon
صفق ṣafaqa i (ṣafq) to slap, smack (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to aet into motion (هـ s.th.); to flap, clap; to shut, slam, bang (هـ a door); -- ṣafuqa u (صفاقة ṣafāqa) to be thick, heavy, close in texture (cloth) II to flap, clap, smack; to clap one’s hands (also بيديه ), applaud (ل s.o.); to flap (ب the wings)
صفقة ṣafqa pl. ṣafaqāt handclasp (in concluding a deal); conclusion of a contract (Isl. Law); deal, bargain, transaction | صفقة خاسرة poor deal, bad bargain; صفقة رابحة favorable deal, good bargain; صفقة واحدة ṣafqatan wāḥidatan all at once, wholly, entirely, altogether; اعطى صفقة (a‘ṭā), عقد صفقة to conclude a bargain, effect a transaction; عاد (رجع) بصفقة المغبون to lose the game, return empty-handed; كانت له الصفقة الخاسرة do.
صفاق ṣifāq pl. صفق ṣufuq dermis underskin; peritoneum
صفيق ṣafīq pl. صفاق ṣifāq thick, heavy, close in texture (cloth) | صفيق الوجه ṣ. al-wajh impudent, insolent, brazen
صفاقة ṣafāqa impudence, insolence, brazenness
تصفيق taṣfīq hand clapping; applause, acclaim | تصفيق الاستحسان applause
صفاكس ṣafākis2 Sfax (aeaport in Tunisia)
1 صفن ṣafana i to stand with one foot (ب ) slightly raised; to pore, brood, ponder, reflect, muse
صفن ṣafan pl. اصفان aṣfān scrotum
2 صفين ṣafīn (Juniperus Sabina; bot.)
صفا (صفو ) ṣafā u (ṣafw, ṣufūw, صفاء ṣafā’) to be or become clear, unpolluted, limpid, cloudless, untroubled, serene, undisturbed, pure; صفا لـ to apply o.s. to s.th. with clear intent, devote o.s. wholeheartedly to, be completely given to, be solely preoccupied with, be exclusively ready for (heart, mind) II to make clear, limpid, pure, clarify, clear, purify (هـ s.th.); to settle, straighten out (مسألة mas’alatan a question, a problem); to remove the water, pour off the water (هـ from s.th., e.g., in cooking; also صفاه من الماء ); to rid of moisture, dry out (هـ s.th.); to clarify, purify, rectify (هـ s.th., من by removing s.th.); to filter, strain (هـ s.th.); to settle, pay, liquidate (هـ s.th.); to realize (هـ assets) III to be sincere (ه toward s.o), deal honestly (ه with s.o.) IV = III (ه or ل ): to be no longer in a position (to ), posses no longer, forfeit; to cease composing poetry (poet) | اصفاه بالشيء to have s.o. in mind for s.th., choose, select, or single out s.o. for s.th.. grant s.o. s.th. in preference to others, bestow upon s.o. s.th. (دون فلان which others do not have) VI to be sincere toward one another, be honest with one another, be of pure intent toward one another VIII to choose, select (ه s.o.) X = VIII; to deem (هـ s.th.) clear or pure | استصفى ماله to realize all one’s assets; to confiscate s.o.’s property
صفو ṣafw clearness, clarity, limpidity, untroubledness, cloudlessness, serenity, purity, sheerness; happiness, felicity, pleasure, delight; clear, limpid; untroubled, undisturbed, serene, pure, sheer
صفوة ṣafwa the best, or choicest, part, prime, cream, flower, elite, quintessence
صفا ṣafan (coll.: n. un. صفاة ṣafāh pl. صفوات ṣafawāt) stone(s), rock(s)
صفوان ṣafwān stones, rocks
صفوة ṣifwa sincere friend, best friend, bosom friend
صفاء ṣafā’ clearness, clarity, limpidity, untroubledness, cloudlessness, serenity, purity, sheerness; happiness, felicity, serenity, gaiety, cheerfulness; sincerity, candor, honesty | ساعات صفاء pleasant time, delightful hours
صفى ṣafīy clear, limpid, untroubled, undisturbed, serene, cloudless, pure, sheer; (pl. اصفياء aṣfiyā’2) sincere friend, best friend, bosom friend
صفية ṣafīya pl. صفايا ṣalafīya leader’s share of the loot; lion’s share of the booty
مصفى maṣfan refinery
مصفى miṣfan sieve
مصفاة miṣfāh pl. مصاف maṣāfin strainer, colander, filter; strainer cloth; sieve; refinery, purification plant | مصفاة القهوة coffee filter, percolator
تصفية taṣfiya pl. -āt clarification, clearance, purification (also fig.); filtering, filtration; elimination (also in sports); settlement, straightening out, adjustment; clearing (com.); liquidation (com.); clearance sale | تصفية الحسابات t. al-ḥisābāt settlement of accounts; مأمور التصفية official receiver, receiver in equity
مصافاة muṣāfāh cordiality, concord, harmony; good will, sincere attitude or disposition
تصاف taṣāfin peaceful settlement, compromise (بين between)
اصطفاء iṣṭifā’ selection (also biol.)
استصطفاء istiṣfā’: اصطفاء الأموال sequestration of property
صاف ṣāfin clear, limpid; sheer, pure, straight, unmixed, undiluted, unadulterated; untroubled, undisturbed; serene; pure; net | صافى النية ṣ. an-nīya sincere, candid, openhearted; صافي الحمولة net tonnage; صافى الأرباح net profit
مصف muṣaffin official receiver, receiver in equity; clarifier, clarifying agent
مصفى muṣaffan purified, pure, clear, limpid, cloudless
مصطفى mušṭafan chosen, selected; المصطفى epithet of Mohammed
صفير ṣafīr sapphire
صقالة (It. scala) ṣaqāla pl. صقائل ṣaqā’il2 scaffold; gangway, gangplank
صقب III to approach (ه s.o.), go or come near (ه s.o.); to be neighbor (ه with s.o.), be adjacent (هـ to s.th.), adjoin (هـ s.th.)
O مصاقبة muṣāqaba affinity
1 صقر ṣaqr pl. صقور ṣuqūr, اصقر aṣqur saker, falcon, hawk
2 صاقور ṣaqūr stone axe
صقع ṣaqa‘a a (ṣaq‘, صقاع ṣuqā‘) to crow (rooster); pass. ṣuqi‘a to be covered with hoarfrost (ground) II to be icy, ice-cold, frozen
صقع ṣuq‘ pl. اصقاع aṣqā‘ area, region, country, district, locality, land | الأصقاع المتجمدة الجنوبية (mutajammida, janūbīya) the Antarctic
صقعة ṣaq‘a frost, severe cold
صقيع saqī‘ frost; ice; hoarfrost
اصقع asqa‘2 more eloquent
مصقع miṣqa‘ pl. مصاقع maṣāqi‘ eloquent; loud-voiced, having a stentorian voice
1 صقل ṣaqala u (ṣaql, صقال ṣiqāl) to smooth, polish, burnish, cut (هـ s.th.); to refine (هـ style, taste, and the like) VII to become smooth
صقل ṣaqala u polishing, burnishing | صقل الأذهان mental training
صقيل ṣaqīl polished, burnished; smooth, shiny, glossy
صقال ṣaqqāl polisher. smoother
صيقل ṣaiqal pl. -āt مصاقل maṣāqil2 polisher, smoother
مصقلة miṣqala pl. مصاقل maṣāqil2 burnisher (tool)
مصقول maṣqūl polished, burnished; cut (glass, and the like); acute, refined (wit)
2 صقالة look up alphabetically
صقلب ṣaqlab pl. صقالبة ṣaqāliba Slav
صقلية ṣiqillīya Sicily
2 صك ṣakka u (ṣakk) to beat, strike; to shut, lock (هـ the door) | صكت به الآذان his ears were tingling or ringing; صك سمعه (sam‘ahū) to strike s.o.’s ear (noise); to roar in s.o.’s ears VIII to knock together, shake, tremble, (knees), chatter (teeth)
2 صك ṣakk pl. صكوك ṣukūk, صكاك ṣikāk, اصك aṣukk (instrunlent of) contract (Isl. Law); legal instrument, document, deed; check, cheque
1 صلة see وصل
2 صل ṣalla i (صليل ṣalīl) to ring, clink, clank, clatter, rattle
صل ṣill pl. اصلال aṣlāl, صلال ṣilāl a variety of venomous adder, viper
صليل ṣalīl rattle, clatter, clash (e.g., of weapons), jingling (of coins)
1 صلب ṣaluba u (صلابة ṣalāba) and ṣaliba a to be or become hard, firm, solid, stiff, or rigid, solidify, harden, set, stiffen II to make hard, firm, solid, stiff, or rigid, harden, solidify, stiffen, indurate (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to support, prop, shore up (A s.th.); to harden (هـ the heart) V = I; to show o.s. hard or severe
صلب ṣulb hard, firm, solid, stiff, rigid; steel; -- (pl. اصلب aṣlub, اصلاب aṣlāb) spinal column, backbone; loins; -- text,
body (of a book, and the like) | صلب الرأي ṣ. ar-ra’y obstinate, stubborn, headstrong, opinionated; صلب الرقبة ṣ. ar-raqaba do.; صلب العود ṣ. al-‘ūd of robust physique, strongly built, husky, sturdy; stubborn, resistant, unbending, unyielding, relentless; هو ابن صلبه (ibn ṣulbihī) and هو من صلبه he is his own son, his offspring; درامة مستخرجة من صلب الحياة (mustakraja min ṣulbi l-ḥayāh) a drama taken from real life; في صلبه at heart, in his innermost
صلبة ṣulba: صلبة العين ṣ. al-4ain sclera (anat.)
صليب ṣalīb hard, firm, solid, stiff, rigid
صلابة ṣalāba hardness, callousness; hardening, induration; firmness, solidity, stiffness, rigidity; stubbornness, obstinacy, unyieldingness; intolerance | صلابة العود ṣ. al-‘ūd sternness, severity, hardness, obstinacy, stubbornness, inflexibility, relentlessness
تصلب taṣallub hardness, callousness, hardening | تصلب الشرابين t. aš-šarābīn arteriosclerosis
متصلب mutaṣallib unyielding, inflexible, relentless, hard
2 صلب ṣalaba i (ṣalb) to crucify (ه s.o.) II = I; to make the sign of the cross (على over); to cross o.s.; to cross, fold (هـ one’s arms)
صلب ṣulb crucifixion
صليب ṣalīb pl. صلبان ṣulbān, صلب ṣulub cross | الصليب الجنويب (janūbī) the Southern Cross (astron.); الصليب الأحمر the Red Cross; صليب معقوف swastika; شارة الصليب and اشارة الصليب sign of the cross (Chr.); عود الصليب ‘ūd aṣ-ṣ. peony (Paeonis; bot.)
صليبي ṣalībī: الحروب الصليبية the crusades; الصليبيون the crusaders
صلبوت ṣalbūt (representation of the) crucifixion, crucifix
مصلب muṣallab crossing, interjunction (of roads)
صلت ṣaluta u (صلوتة ṣulūta) to be glossy, be smooth and shining IV to draw, unsheathe (السيف as-saifa the sword); pass. uṣlita to be drawn (sword)
1 صلج ṣullaj (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. -āt cocoon, chrysalis of the silkworm
2 صولجان look up alphabetically
صلح ṣalaḥa u a (صلاح ṣalāḥ, صلوح ṣulūḥ, مصلحة maṣlaḥa) and ṣaluḥa u (صلاح ṣalāḥ, صلاحية ṣaāḥīya) to be good, right, proper, in order, righteous, pious, godly; to be well, thrive; to be usable, useful, practicable, serviceable, fitting, suitable, or appropriate (ل for), lend itself (ل to), suit, match (ل s.th.), fit (مع s.th. or s.o.), apply (مع to s.o. or s.th.); to be admissible, permissible (مع in, at, with); to be valid. hold true (ل for) II to put in order, settle, adjust, restore, restitute (هـ s.th.), make amends, compensate (هـ for); to mend, improve, ameliorate, fix, repair (هـ s.th.) III to make peace, become reconciled, make up, reach a compromise or settlement (ه with s.o.); to foster peace (بين between), reconcile (بين people) IV to put in order, settle, adjust (من or هـ s.th.), overhaul, restore, restitute, rebuild, reconstruct; to make amends, compensate (من or هـ for); to mend, improve, ameliorate, fix, repair (من or هـ s.th.); to make suitable or fitting, adjust, modify (هـ s.th.); to reform (من or هـ s.th.); to remove, remedy (من or هـ s.th.); to make arable or cultivable, reclaim, cultivate, till, (هـ land); to further, promote, encourage (ه s.o.), make (ه s.o.) thrive or prosper, bring good luck (ه to s.o.); to make peace (بين between), bring together (بين people), bring about an agreement (بين between), conciliate (بين people) VI to make peace, make up, become reconciled with one another VII to be put in order, be righted, be corrected, be improved, be ameliorated VIII = VI; to agree (على on), accept, adopt (على s.th.) X to deem (ه s.th.) good, proper, suitable, fitting, usable, useful, practicable, or serviceable; to make arable, cultivable, reclaim (هـ land)
صلح ṣulḥ peace, (re)conciliation, settlement, composition, compromise; peace (pol.), peacemaking, conclusion of peace | حاكم الصلح (Syr.) justice of the peace; قاضي الصلح do.; قضوية الصلح qaḍawīyat aṣ-ṣ. jurisdiction of the قاضي الصلح
صلحي ṣulḥī of peace, peace (adj.); arbitrative, arbitrational, arbitration (in compounds) | لجنة صلحية (lajna) arbitration committee
صلاح ṣalāḥ goodness, properness, rightness; usability, practicability, usefulness; righteousness, probity, piety, godliness
صلاحية ṣalāḥīya suitability, fitness, appropriateness, aptness; efficiency; usability, practicability, usefulness, use, worth; serviceability, proper or working condition (e.g., of a machine); competence; validity. applicability; (pl. -āt) full or mandatory power. power of attorney, also صلاحية تامة (tāmma) | جهات ذات صلاحية competent authorities; مطلق الصلاحية muṭlaq aṣ-ṣ. plenipotentiary (dipl.)
صلوحية ṣalūḥīya = صلاحية ṣalāḥīya
اصلح aṣlaḥ2 better, more proper, more correct; more pious, godlier; fitter, more suitable
مصلحة maṣlaḥa pl. مصالح maṣāliḥ2 matter, affair; requirement. exigency; that which is beneficial, helpful, or promoting; advantage, benefit, interest, good, welfare; office, authority, department, governmental agency, administration (chiefly Eg.) | مصلحة الآثار المصرية (miṣrīya) Administration of Egyptian Antiquities; مصالح الأمة m. al-umma the welfare of the people; مصلحة البريد postal administration; مصلحة الحدود administrative agency for the territories outside the cultivated area (Eg.); المصالح الحكومية (ḥukūmīya) the governmental agencies; مصلحة الصحة m. aṣ-ṣiḥḥa health office; المصلحة العامة (‘āmma) public welfare, commonweal; في مصلحة فلان in s.o.’s interest; في المصلحة والمفسدة (mafsada) in good and bad times, for better or for worse; لمصلحة فلان in s.o.’s favor, for the benefit of s.o., to s.o.’s advantage, on behalf of s.o., in s.o.’s interest; خدم مصالح فلان to serve s.o.’s interests
مصلحي maṣlaḥī administrational, official, governmental
تصليح taṣlīḥ restoration, restitution, mending, fixing, overhauling, repair, improvement, amelioration
مصالحة muṣālaḥa peace, conciliation; compromise; composition, settlement
اصلاح iṣlāḥ pl. -āt restoration, restitution, redressing, reparation; improvement, amelioration, betterment, mending, correction; reconstruction; reconditioning, repair; renovation, refurbishing; adjustment, settling, remedying, removal, elimination; restoration of order, establishment of peace, happiness and order; reformation, reform; reclamation, cultivation (of land); (re)conciliation, settlement, compromise, peacemaking (بين between)
اصلاحي iṣlāḥī reformatory, reformational, reform- (in compounds); reformer, reformist | معهد اصلاحي (ma‘had) reformatory, house of correction
اصلاحية iṣlāḥīya revisionism, reformism; (pl. -āt) reformatory, house of correction
تصالح taṣāluḥ (re)conciliation
اصطلاح iṣṭilāḥ pl. -āt agreement, convention, practice, usage; (colloquial, linguistic) usage; technical term, terminus technicus
اصطلاحي iṣṭilāḥī conventional; technical (of a term)
استصلاح istiṣlāḥ reclamation, cultivation
صالح ṣāliḥ good, right, proper, sound; thorough, substantial, downright, out-and-out, solid; virtuous, pious, devout, godly; usable, useful, practicable, serviceable, fitting, suitable, appropriate (ل for); (pl. صوالح ṣawāliḥ) advantage, benefit, interest, good, welfare | السلف الصالح (salaf) the worthy ancestors, the venerable forefathers; صالح السير (sair) passable, practicable (road); صالح للعمل (‘amal) fit for action, ready for use, serviceable, practicable; valid (ل for), applicable (ل to); الصالح العام (‘āmm) public welfare, commonweal; في صالح (with foll. genit.) in favor of, for the benefit of, to the advantage of, in the interest of s.o. or s.th.; لصالح do.; كان من صالحه it was in his interest; صوالح شخصية (šakṣīya) personal interests
الصالحات aṣ-ṣāliḥāt the good works, the good deeds
مصالح muṣāliḥ peacemaker, conciliator
مصلح muṣliḥ peacemaker, conciliator; reformer, reformist; salt
مصطلح muṣṭalaḥ and مصطلح عليه generally accepted, universally followed, commonly established, conventional, customary; (pl. -āt technical term, terminus techniques
صلد ṣalada (صلادة ṣalāda, صلودة ṣulūda) to be or become hard, firm, solid, compact (ground) IV = I
صلد ṣald pl. اصلاد aṣlād hard, firm, solid, dry, barren, arid (ground); rigid, lifeless, inert
صلودة ṣulūda hardness, firmness, solidity (of the ground)
صلصة (It. salsa) ṣalṣa pl. -āt and صلص sauce | صلصة مايونيز mayonnaise
صلصل ṣalṣala to ring, clink, clank; to clatter, rattle, II taṣalṣala do.
صلصلة ṣalṣala clank(ing), clatter(ing), clash, rattle
صلصال ṣalsāl dry clay, argillaceous earth
مصلطح muṣalṭaḥ = مسلطح shallow, shoal, flat
صلع ṣali‘a a (ṣala‘) to be bald
صلع ṣala‘ baldness
صلعة ṣul‘a, ṣala‘a bald pate, bald head
اصلع aṣla‘2, صلعاء ṣal‘ā’2, pl. صلع ṣul‘, صلعان ṣul‘ān bald(-headed)
صلعم abbreviation of the eulogy following the name of the Prophet Mohammed: صلى الله عليه وسلم (ṣallā, ṣallam) God bless him and grant him salvation!
صلف ṣalifa a (ṣalaf) to boast, brag, bluster, swagger V = I
صلف ṣalaf vainglory, bragging, boasting, conceit, arrogance, pomposity, self-importance
صلف ṣalif pl. صلفاء ṣulafā’2 vainglorious, bragging, boastful, showing off, pompous, blustering, swagering; braggart, boaster, show-off, swaggerer, fourflusher
تصلف taṣalluf vainglory, bragging, boasting, conceit, arrogance, pomposity, self-importance
متصلف mutaṣallif vainglorious, bragging, boastful, showing off, pompous, blustering, swagering
صلو II to perform the salat (صلوة see below), pray, worship | صلى بالناس to lead people in prayer; صلى على to pray for; (of God) to bless s.o.: صلى الله عليه وسلم (sallam) God bless him and grant him salvation! (eulogy after the name of the Prophet Mohammed)
صلوة , صلاة ṣalāh pl. صلوات ṣalawāt salat, the official Islamic prayer ritual; intercession, intercessory prayer, benediction; blessing, grace (of God) |الصلاة الربانية (rabbānīyra) the Lord’s prayer; صلاة التراويح a prayer performed during the nights of Ramadan; صلاة الستار vesper prayer (Chr.)
مصل muṣallin prayer, worshiper
مصلى muṣallan place of prayer, oratory
صلون ṣalūn salon, parlor, reception room
صلى ṣallā i (ṣaly) to roast, broil, fry (هـ s.th.); -- ṣaliya a (ṣalan, ṣulīy, صلاء ṣilā’) to burn (intr.; ب or هـ in); to be exposed to the blaze of (ب or هـ ) II to warm, heat (ب هـ s.th. with or on) IV = II (هـ هـ s.th. on or with); to make (ه s.o.) burn (هـ in. esp. النار in the fire) | اصلاه نارا من الغيرة (gaira) to make s.o. undergo the most excruciating pangs of jealousy; اصلاه نارا to set s.th. on fire; to fire at s.o. or s.th. (mil.) V to warm o.s., seek warmth (ب at, by, بالنار by the fire) VIII = V|لا يصطلى بناره (yuṣṯalā bi-nārihī) invincible, a great hero
مصطلى muṣṯalan fireplace
صم ṣamma (1st pers. perf. ṣamimtu) a (ṣamm, صمم ṣamam) to be or become deaf; -- ṣamma (1st pers. perf. ṣamamtu) u (ṣamm) to close, plug, cork, stopper (هـ s.th., e.g., a bottle) II to deafen (ه s.o.); to make up one’s mind (على to do s.o.); to make up one’s mind (على to do s.th.), determine (على upon, to do s.th.), resolve, be determined (على to do s.th.), decide (على on, to do s.th.); to persist (على in); to deoign (هـ s.th.); to plan (هـ s.th.), design (هـ ل s.th. for) IV to be or become deaf; to deafen (ه s.o.), make (. s.o.) deaf (هـ, عن to s.th.) VI to give a deaf ear (عن to)
صمة ṣimma plug, cork, stopper
صمم deafness |كان في صمم عن to be deaf to s.th.
صمام ṣimām pl. -āt plug, cork, stopper; valve, tube (radio) | صمام الأمان (الأمن ) s. al-amān (al-amn) safety valve; O صمام التقويم rectifier tube; رفع الصمام عن to let s.th. take its course, give free rein to s.th. (also to a feeling)
O صمامة ṣammāma embolism (med.)
صميم ṣamīm innermost, heart; core, essence, marrow, pith; true, sincere, genuine | من صميم القلب (ṣ. il-qalb) from the bottom of the heart, wholeheartedly, most sincerely; في صميم amid, in; ضربه في الصميم to affect s.o. to the very core, touch s.o. most deeply
صميمي cordial, hearty
اصم aṣamm2, f. صماء ṣammā’2, pl. صم ṣumm, صمان ṣummān deaf; hard and solid, massive (rock); الأصم the deaf one, epithet of the month of Rajab | فعل اصم (fi‘l) triliteral verb with identical second and third radical, verbum mediae geminatae (gram.); اصم اصلخ (aṣlak) stone-deaf; جذر اصم (jadr) irrational or surd root (math.), آلة صماء willing tool
تصميم taṣmīm determination (على for, to do s.th.), resolution, decision; resolute action; tenacious pursuit (of a plan); planning, projecting; design, designing (e.g., of a dress); (pl. –āt, تصاميم taṣāmīm2) plan; design; sketch|من تصميم فلان designed by so-and so
مصمم muṣammim determined (على to do s.th.)|مصمم الازياء fashion creator, designer
صمت ṣamata u (ṣamt, صموت ṣumūt) to be silent, be taciturn, hold one’s tongue, hush up, be or become quiet or still II to silence (ه s.o.) IV = II
صمت ṣamt silence | في صمت silently, quietly
صموت ṣumūt silence; pl. of act. participle صامت
صموت ṣamūt silent, taciturn
صامت ṣāmit pl. صموت ṣumūt silent | سينما صامتة silent film
مصمت muṣammat uniform (color); plain, unpatterned, blank (wall); uniform in texture, made of a single material; massive, solid, not hollow, compact
صماخ ṣimàk pl. اصمخة aṣmika auditory meatus
صمد ṣamada u (ṣamd) to betake o.s., repair, go (هـ, ه or ل or الى to, into, toward), to turn, apply o.s. (هـ or ل or الى to s.th.); -- (صمود ṣumūd) to defy, hrave, withstand (في وجهه fī wajhihī or ل s.o., s.th.), to stand up (في وجهه or ل against s.o. or s.th.), resist, oppose (في وجهه or الى s.o. or s.th.); to hold out (في وجهه or ل against); -- i to close, plug, cork, stopper (هـ s.th., e.g., a bottle) II to betake o.s., repair, go (ه to s.o., هـ to, toward), to close, plug, cork, stopper (هـ s.th., e.g., a bottle), to save, lay by (money) III to come to blows, fight (ه with s.o.)
صمد ṣamad lord; eternal, everlasting (epithet of God)
صمدانى ṣamadānī eternal, everlasting
صمادة ṣimāda (ir.) headcloth (worn by men)
صمصم ṣamṣama to persist (فى in)
صومعة ṣauma‘a pl. صوامع ṣawāmi‘2 monk’s cell, hermitage; silo (for grain storage); (mor.) minaret
صمغ II to gum (هـ s.th.); to paste, glue (هـ s.th.) IV to exude gum (tree)
صمغ samg pl. صموغ ṣumūg gum, resin | صمغ سائل mucilage; صمغ عربي (‘arabī) gum arabic; صمغ اللك s. al-lakk shellac; صمغ مرن (marin) rubber, caoutchouc; صمغ هندي (hindī) do.; شجر الصمغ šajar aṣ-ṣ. rubber trees
صمغي ṣamgī gummy, gummiferous, gumlike, mucilaginous
تصميغ taṣmīg gumming; resinification
1 صمل ṣamala u (ṣaml) to be firm, be hard, hold one’s ground, stand firm, hold out, last, endure
صمل ṣaml rigidity, stiffness, | صمل جيفي (jīfī) rigor mortis
2 صمولة ṣamūla pl. صوامل ṣawāmil2, صامولة ṣāmūla pl. صواميل ṣawāmīl2 nut (of a bolt), rivet
صملاخ ṣimlāk pl. صماليخ ṣamālīk2 earwax, cerumen
صمى IV to deal (ه s.o.) a fatal blow, to hit (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) fatally | رمى فاصمى ramā fa-aṣmā to shoot and hit, shoot dead on the spot
صن ṣann basket
صنة ṣinna odor emanating from the armpit
صنان ṣunān odor emanating from the armpit
صنارة ṣinnāra pl. صنانير ṣanānīr2 hook, fishhook
صنبور ṣanbūr pl. صنابير ṣanābīr2 (water) faucet, tap
صنبر look up alphabetically
صنتيم ṣantīm pl. -āt centime (1/100 franc)
1 صنج ṣanj pl. صنوج ṣunūj cymbal (mus.)
2 صنجة ṣinja =1 سنجة
3 صنجات ṣanajāt castanets
صنجقية ṣanjaqīya see سنجق
صنديد ṣindīd pl. صناديد ṣanādīd leader, notable; brave, valiant
صندوق ṣundūq, ṣandūq pl. صناديق ṣanādīq2 crate, box; chest; trunk, suitcase; case, cabinet; money box; till, coffer; pay office, treasurer’s office; any public institution where funds are deposited and disbursed for a special purpose (e.g., sick fund, health insurance, etc.) | صندوق البريد post-office box; صندوق المكاتب mailbox; صندوق النقد الدولي ṣ. an-naqd ad-duwalī International Monetary Fund; صندوق التوفير savings bank; ابو الصندوق (eg.) hunchback; امين الصندوق treasurer; دفتر الصندوق daftar aṣ-ṣ. cashbook
صندل ṣandal sandalwood; sandals; (pl. صنادل ṣanādil2) (freight) barge; lighter, barge
صنارة look up alphabetically
1 صنع ṣana‘a a (ṣan‘, ṣun‘, صنيع ṣanī‘) to do, make (هـ s.th.); to arrange, stage, put on (هـ s.th.); to produce, build, manufacture, fabricate, design (هـ s.th.); to work, treat, process (هـ s.th.) | صنع اليه معروفا to do s.o. a favor; صنع معه جميلا do.; صنع به هـ to do s.th. to s.o.; صنع به صنيعا قبيحا to do s.o. a dirty trick II to industrialize (هـ s.th.) ill to cooperate, go along (هـ, ه with); to flatter, cajole (ه s.o.); to bribe (ب ه s.o. with) V to pretend, feign, stimulate, fake, sham, affect (هـ s.th.); to speak or write in an artificial, affected, stilted, or mannered way; to use means for enhancing her beauty (woman) VIII to order, commission (هـ s.th.); to create (هـ s.th.) synthetically; to produce, manufacture, make, fabricate (هـ s.th.); to pretend, feign, fake, assume falsely (هـ s.th.); to invent (هـ s.th.); to make (ل ه s.th. into), take, use (ل هـ s.th. for); to commit, bind (ل ه s.o. to) X to have (ه s.o.) make (هـ s.th.)
صنع ṣan‘, ṣan‘ production, manufacture, fabrication, making, design, make, workmanship | صنع اليد ṣ. al-yad handwork; بديع الصنع badī‘ aṣ-ṣan‘ of wonderful workmanship
صنعي ṣan‘ī artificial, synthetic
صنع ṣun‘ benefit, favor
صنعة ṣan‘a work, workmanship, making, manufacture, fabrication; art; technical skill, artistic skill; work, craft, trade, business, occupation, vocation, profession |صاحب الصنعة artisan, craftsman; expert, specialist
صناع ṣanā‘: صناع اليد ṣ. al-yad skillful, skilled, dexterous, deft
صناعة ṣinā‘a pl. -āt, صنائع ṣanā’i‘2 art, skill; occupation, vocation, calling, business, profession; handicraft; trade, craft; industry; pl. branches of industry, industries | صناعة شريفة honorable, respectable trade; ارباب الصناعات the artisans, craftsmen; رجل الصناعة rajul aṣ-ṣ. industrialist; اصحاب الصنائع والحرف (ḥiraf) artisans and tradesmen
صنائعي ṣanā’i‘ī artificial, synthetic, imitation; workmanlike, handicraft, trade (adj.); industrial; artisan, craftsman
صناعي ṣinā‘ī artificial, synthetic, imitation; workmanlike, handicraft, trade (adj.); industrial | سر صناعي (sirr) industrial secret; الفن الصناعي (fann) applied arts, artistic handicraft
صنيع ṣanī‘ action, acting, doing; act, deed; fact; good deed, benefit, favor; charge, protégé; creature, willing tool; meal, repast, banquet
صنيعة ṣanī‘a pl. صنائع ṣanā’i‘2 action, deed; good deed, good turn, benefit, favor; charge, protégé; creature, willing tool
مصنع maṣna‘ pl. مصانع maṣāni‘2 factory, plant, mill, works; establishment, firm; مصانع also: large structures, installations, man-made works | ارباب (اصحاب) المصانع manufacturers, industrialists
مصنعية maṣna‘īya wages, pay
تصنيع taṣnī‘ industrialization
تصنع taṣannu‘ hypocrisy, dissimulation, dissemblement; affectedness affectation, mannerism
اصطناع iṣṭinā‘ production, making
اصطناعي iṣṭinā‘ī artificial, synthetic, imitation
صانع ṣāni‘ pl. صناع ṣunnā‘ maker, producer, manufacturer, creator; artisan, craftsman; worker, workman, laborer; servant
مصنوع product, produce; pl. مصنوعات (industrial) products, produce, articles, manufactured goods
متصنع mutaṣanni‘ subtilizing, overrefining; affected, stilted, mannered
مصطنع muṣṭana‘ artificial, synthetic; affected, simulated, imitated, sham,
bogus, phony | مفتاح مصطنع (miftāḥ) duplicate key, masterkey
2 صنعاء ṣan‘ā’ San‘a (capital of Yemen)
صنف II to sort, assort, classify, categorize (هـ s.th.); to compile, compose, write (هـ a book)
صنف ṣanf, ṣinf pl. اصناف aṣnāf, صنوف ṣunūf kind, sort, specimen; article (com.); genus, species, class, category; sex; صنفا in kind (as oppose to: in cash)
تصنيف taṣnīf classification. Categorization, sorting, assorting; compilation, composition, writing; (pl. تصانيف taṣānīf2) literary work
تصنيفة taṣnīfa assortment, selection
مصنف muṣannif author, writer
مصنف muṣannaf pl. -āt literary work
صنفر ṣanfara to rub with sandpaper, to sandpaper, to emery (هـ s.th.)
صنفر ṣanfar and صنفرة ṣanfara emery
صنم ṣanam pl. اصنام aṣnām idol, image
صنو ṣinw pl. صنوان ṣinwān, اصناء aṣnā’ one of two, twin brother
صنوبر ṣanaubar stone pine (Pinus pinea; bot.) | حب الصنوبر ḥabb aṣ-ṣ. pine nut, pinon
صنوبري ṣanaubarī pine (adj.). piny, pine-like; pineal | الغدة الصنوبرية (gudda) pineal gland
صه ṣah pst! hush! quiet!
صهب IX and XI iṣhābba to be or become reddish, red-brown
اصهب aṣhab2, f. صهباء ṣahhbā’2, pl. صهب ṣuhb reddish; الصهباء wine
صهد ṣahada a (ṣahd) to scorch, parch, burn (هـ ه s.o., s.th., esp. of the sun)
صهد ṣahd beat
صهيد ṣahīd scorching beat, blaze
صهود ṣuhūd scorching heat, blaze
صهر ṣahara a (ṣahr) to melt, fuse, smelt (هـ s.th.) III to become related by marriage (في or ه to s.o.) IV to become related by marriage (الى or ب to s.o.) VI to be related by marriage VII to melt, fuse; to melt away, vanish, break (intr.)
صهر ṣihr relationship by marriage; -- (pl. اصهار aṣhār) husband of one’s daughter, son-in-law; husband of one’s sister, brother-in-law
صهير ṣahīr molten, in fusion
مصاهر maṣāhir2 (pl.) smelting furnaces; blast furnaces
O مصهر miṣhar pl. -āt fuse (el.)
مصاهرة muṣāhara relationship by marriage; O affinity
انصهار inṣihār melting process | O سلك الانصهار الواقى silk al-ins. al-wāqī fuse (el.)
صهريج ṣihrīj, ṣahrīj صهاريج ṣahārīj2 cistern; large (water) container, tank
صهل ṣahala a i (صهيل ṣahīil) to whinny, neigh (horse)
صهيل ṣahīl whinny(ing), neighing
صهوة ṣahwa pl. ṣahawāt, صهاء ṣihā’ back (of a horse)
صهيون ṣahyūn2, also ṣihyaun2 Zion
صهيوني ṣahyūnī, ṣihyaunī Zionistic, Zionist
صهيونية ṣahyūnīya, ṣihyaunīya Zionism
1 صاب (صوب ) ṣāba u (ṣaub, صيبوبة ṣaibūba) to hit (هـ s.th., the target); to be right, hold true, be to the point, hit the mark, be pertinent, be apposite (opinion) | صاب ام اقلع (am aqla‘a) by all means, under all circumstances II to direct, fix (الى هـ s.th., also, e.g., the glance on, to), aim, point, train (الى هـ s.th. at or on); to agree (ه with s.o.), concur (هـ, ه with s.o., in s.th.), consent, assent (هـ to s.th.), approve (هـ of s.th.), sanction (هـ s.th.) IV to hit (هـ a target); to attain, reach, achieve (هـ s.th., e.g., end, purpose); to reach out (هـ for s.th., of the hand); to get, obtain, win, gain (هـ e.g., a fortune), acquire (هـ s.th.ه e.g.ه a certain amount of knowledge); to have, eat (هـ a snack); to take (هـ a meal); to befall (ه s.o.), fall (ه upon s.o.), happen (ه to s.o.); to allot (ب ه to s.o. s.th.), bestow (ب ه upon s.o. s.th.), make (ب s.th.) fall to s.o.’s (ه ) lot; to cause losses (من to s.o.); to be right, be in the right; to do the right thing, hit the mark; to do right, properly (ه s.th., expressed by a verbal noun); to say the right word; pass اصيب uṣība to be stricken, attacked, afflicted (ب by a disease, and the like); to be killed | اصاب اصابات (iṣābāt) to score, make goals (in sports); اصاب في عمله (‘amalihī) to do right, act properly; اصيب بجراح to incur multiple wounds; اصيب بخسارة (bi-kasāratin) to suffer a loss; اصيب اصابة شديدة (iṣābatan) to be hard hit, be grievously afflioted X استوصب istauṣaba to approve (ه of s.th.), sanction (هـ s.th.)
صوب ṣaub direction, quarter; that which is right, proper, or correct; ṣauba (prep.) in the direction of, toward, to | من كل حدب وصوب (ḥadabin) or من كل صوب وحدب or من كل فج وحدب (fajjin) from all sides, from all directions, from all quarters, from everywhere; في كل صوب وحدب every place, everywhere, all over, in all quarters
صيب ṣayyib rain cloud
صابة ṣāba pl. -āt harvest (tun.)
صواب ṣawāb that which is right, proper, or correct; right, proper, or correct; rightness, correctness, properness; reason, intellect, mind, consciousness; صوابا ṣawāban rightly, justly | هو على الصواب he is right; سلك طريق الصواب والحق (ḥaqq) to act in exactly the right manner, pursue the right course; رجع (فاء) الى صوابه to regain one’s reason, get back to one’s senses, become reasonable again; اضاع صوابه, فقد صوابه to lose one’s mind; غاب عن صوابه to lose consciousness; غائب عن صوابه unconscious, senseless
اصوب aṣwab2 more pertinent, more apropos, more apposite, more proper, more correct
اصوبية aṣwabīya advisability, expediency
تصويب taṣwīb aiming; turning, pointing; (pl. -āt) correction, rectification
اصابة isāba pl. -āt hit; goal, score (in sports); injury, wound; state or process of being afflicted (by a disease), (attack of) illness, sickness; accident | اصابة العمل i. al-‘amal industrial accident; محل الاصابة maḥall al-i. scene of the accident
استصواب istiṣwāb approval
صائب ṣā’ib pertinent, apropos, apposite, right, correct; suited, appropriate
مصيب muṣīb pertinent, apropos, apposite, right, correct; suited, appropriate
مصيبة muṣība pl. -āt, مصائب maṣā’ib2 misfortune, calamity, disaster
مصاب muṣāb stricken, befallen, attacked, afflicted (ب by); injured, wounded, sick, ill; wounded person, casualty; victim of an accident; misfortune, calamity, disaster |مصاب اليم grievous misfortune, mournful event, death
2 صوبة (Turk. soba) ṣōbe stove (syr.)
صات (صوت ) ṣāta u a (ṣāut) to ring, sound, make a noise or sound; to raise one’s voice, about II = I; to vote, cast ballots (at an election)
صوت ṣaut pl. اصوات aṣwāt sound (also phon.); voice; tone, strain; melody, tune; noise; fame, renown; vote; pl. interjections (gram.) | بعد الصوت bu‘d aṣ-ṣ. fame, celebrity; رجع الصوت raj‘ aṣ-ṣ. echo, reverberation; علم الأصوات ‘ilm al-a. phonetics; قوة الصوت qūwat aṣ-ṣ. volume, intensity (radio); بصوت مسموع audibly; بصوت عال aloud; بصوت واطئ (wāṭi’) softly, in a low voice, under one’s breath
صوتي ṣautī sonant, sound- (in compounds), vocal, sonic, acoustic; resounding, resonant, sonorous; phonetic
صوتيات ṣautīyāt phonetics
صوات ṣuwāt crying, shouting, clamor
صيت ṣīt (good) repute, standing, prestige; fame, renown; celebrity, famousness | بعد الصوت bu‘d as.-ṣ. fame, celebrity; ذائع الصيت famous, celebrated, well-known
صيت sayyit loud-voiced, having a stentorian voice; O loud-speaker (Syr.)
O مصوات miṣwāt microphone
تصويت taṣwīt voting, vote, casting of ballots, polling (election)
صائت ṣā’it sound- (in compounds) | O سينما صائتة sound film
مصوت muṣawwit voter; entitled to vote, franchised
صاج look up alphabetically
صوح II to dry (هـ s.th.)
مصوح muṣawwaḥ withered, dried (herb, etc.)
1 صاخ (صوخ ) ṣāka u = ساخ sāka u
2 صوخ IV to listen, lend one’s ear (الى or ل to s.o., to s.th.)
صاد name of the letter ص
صودا soda | صودا كاوية (kāwiya) caustic soda, sodium hydroxide; نترات الصودا (nitrāt) sodium nitrate
صوديوم (Lat. sodium) sodium
صور II to form, shape, mold, fashion, create (هـ s.th.); to paint, draw, sketch (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to illustrate (with drawings or pictures, هـ s.th.); to make a picture (هـ, ه of s.o., of s.th.); to photograph (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to represent, portray (هـ s.th., fig.) | صور له (ṣuwwira) it appeared to him, seemed to him V = pass. of II; to imagine, fancy, conceive (هـ s.th.); to think (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) to be s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ); to seem, appear, look (ل to s.o.) | لا يتصور العقل (‘aqlu) unimaginable, inconceivable, unthinkable
صور ṣūr horn, bugle; see also below
صورة ṣūra pl. صور ṣuwar form, shape; pictorial representation, illustration; image, likeness, picture; figure, statue; replica; copy, carbon copy, duplicate; manner, mode; ṣūratan formally | صورة جامعة total picture, overall picture; صورة متحركة (mutaḥarrika) motion picture, film; دار الصور المتحركة , motion-picture theater, cinema; صورة شمسية (šamsīya) photograph; صورة طبق الأصل (ṭibqa l-aṣl) true copy; exact replica (fig.); undistorted picture; صورة مكبرة (mukabbara) enlargement, blowup (phot.); في صورة الآدميين in human shape; بصورة جلية (jalīya) obviously, evidently; بصورة محسوسة perceptibly, tangibly, palpably; بصورة خاصة (kāṣṣa) especially, particularly; بصورة عامة (‘āmma) generally, in general; بصورة مكبرة (mukabbara) increasingly, on a larger scale, to an increasing degree; بصورة ملحوظة noticeably, markedly; على صورة كيميائية (kīmiyā’īya) chemically, by chemical means; في صورة ما اذا in case that ..., if; في صورة مصغرة (muṣaggara) on a reduced scale, in miniature
صوري ṣūrī, ṣūwarī formal; superficial; false, sham, deceptive, fallacious; artificial, fictitious, seeming, fancied, imaginary
تصوير taṣwīr drawing, sketching; representation, portrayal, depiction; illustration; painting; photography, also التصوير الشمسي (šamsī); take (in motion picture taking) | آلة التصوير camera
تصويرة taṣwīra pl. تصاوير taṣāwīr2 pictorial representation, image, picture, illustration
تصور taṣawwur pl. -āt imagination (also philos.), fancy, fantacy, idea; conception, concept (philos.)
تصوري taṣawwurī existing in imagination only, imaginary, fancied, fictitious | O الذهب التصوري (madhab) idealism (as a philosophical school)
مصور muṣawwir pl. -āt former, shaper, fashioner, creator; painter; photographer; cameraman (motion pictures); draftsman, commercial artist, illustrator | مصور الكائنات the Creator of the Universe; المصور الكهربائي للقلب (kahrabā’ī, qalb) electrocardiograph
مصورة muṣawwira camera
مصور muṣawwar illustrated; -- (pl. -āt) photographer’s studio; motion-picture studio | مصور الجغرافيا m. al-jugrāfiyā atlas
2 صور ṣūr2 Tyre (town in S Lebanon)
1 صوص ṣūṣ pl. صيصان ṣīṣān chicken, chick (syr.)
2 صوصي ṣauṣī (eg.) to peep, cheep, squeak
صوع VII to turn on one’s heel; to obey, yield, give in, submit (ل to s.o. to s.th.)
صاع ṣā‘ pl. اصوع aṣwu‘, اصواع aṣwā‘, صيعان ṣī‘ān saa, a cubic measure of varying magnitude | بصاع صاعا tit for tat; رد له الصاع صاعين (radda, ṣā‘ain) or to pay s.o. back
twofold, bring double retaliation on s.o.
صاعة ṣā‘a salon, parlor, reception room
1 صاغ (صوغ ) ṣāga u (ṣaug, ṣiyāga) to form, shape, mold, fashion, create (هـ s.th.); to formulate (هـ s.th.); to coin (هـ a word); to fabricate, invent, make up (هـ a lie) | صاغ الذهب والفضة (dahab, fiḍḍa) to work in gold and silver, practice the art of goldsmithing
صوغ ṣaug forming, shaping, molding, fashioning, creating
صيغة sīga forming, shaping, molding, fashioning, creating; -- (pl. صيغ ṣiyag) shape, form; external form; wording, text, version (e.g., of a letter, of a treaty); formula (in general, also math., chem.); jewelry, gold and silver articles; (gram.) form | صيغة الفاعل the active (gram.); صيغة المفعول the passive (gram.); بصيغة حاسمة in a decided form, in no uncertain terms
صياغة ṣiyāga composing, drafting, wording, forming, formulation, fashioning, molding, shaping; goldsmithery, goldsmithing
مصاغ maṣāg jewelry, jewels, gold and silver articles
صائغ ṣā’ig pl. صياغ ṣuyyāg, صاغة ṣāga, صواغ ṣuwwāg goldsmith, jeweler
مصوغات maṣūgāt gold and silver jewelry, goldsmithery, jewelry
2 صاغ look up alphabetically
صوف ṣūf pl. اصواف aṣwāf wool
صوفي ṣūfī of wool, woolen; Islamic mystic, Sufi
صوفية ṣūfiya Sufi way of life; الصوفية Sufism (Islamic mysticism)
صوفان ṣūfān tinder, touchwood, punk
صوفانة ṣūfāna tinder, touchwood, punk
صواف ṣawwāf wool merchant
التصوف at-taṣawwuf Sufism (Islamic mysticism), the Sufi way of life; mysticism
المتصوفة al-mutaṣawwifa the Sufis, members of Sufi communities, mystics
صوفيا ṣōfiyā Sofia (capital of Bulgaria)
1 صال (صول )ṣāla u (ṣaul, صولة ṣaula, صيال ṣiyāl) to spring, jump, leap (على on), attack, assault (على s.o.) II to pan, wash out (هـ grain, gold) III to vie, compete (هـ with s.o.)
صولة ṣaula pl. -āt attack, assault; force, tyranny, despotism, arbitrariness
2 صول (Turk. sol) approx.: sergeant major, technical sergeant (Eg.) | صول التعليم approx.: master sergeant; صول التعيين approx.: quartermaster sergeant (mil.)
صولجان ṣaulajān pl. صوالجة ṣawāllija staff with a curved end; polo mallet; scepter, mace
صام (صوم ) ṣāma u (ṣaum, صيام ṣiyām) to abstain (عن from s.th.); to abstain from food, drink, and sexual intercourse; to fast
صوم ṣaum abstention, abstinence, abstemiousness; fasting, fast; الصوم fasting during the month of Ramadan, one of the five principal duties of the Muslim | الصوم الكبير the Great Fast = Lent (Chr.); عيد صوم الغفران ‘īd ṣ. al-gufrān Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement (Jud.)
صيام ṣiyām fasting, fast
صيامي ṣiyāmī Lenten fare
صائم ṣā’im pl. -ūn, صوم ṣuwwam, صيم ṣuyyam, صيام ṣiyām fasting (adj.); faster, one who fasts
الصومال aṣ-ṣomāl Somaliland
صومالي ṣomalī Somali (adj. and n.)
صومعة ṣauma‘a see صمع
صان (صون ) ṣāna I (ṣaun, صيانة ṣiyāna) to preserve, conserve, keep, retain, maintain, sustain, uphold (هـ s.th.); to maintain (هـ e.g., a machine, an automobile); to protect, guard, safeguard, keep, save (عن هـ ه s.o., s.th. from); to defend (عن هـ, ه s.o., s.th. against) V to uphold one’s honor, live chastely, virtuously (woman); to shut o.s. off; seclude o.s. protect o.s.
صون ṣaun, preservation, conservation, guarding, keeping; susten(ta)tion, upholding; maintenance, upkeep, care; protection, safeguard(ing), securing, defense; chastity, respectability | صاحبة الصون honorary title or ladies of high social standing
صوان ṣiwān, ṣuwān pl. اصونة aṣwina cupboard, case
صوان ṣawwan (coll.; n. un. ة ) flint; granite
صواني ṣawwānī: ادوات صوانية (adawāt) flint implements
صيانة ṣiyāna = صون ṣaun | ملك الصيانة malak aṣ-ṣ. guardian angel (Chr.)
صائن ṣā’in preserver, sustainer, maintainer, keeper, guardian, protector; protective
مصون maṣūn well-protected, well-kept, guarded, sheltered; chaste, virtuous (woman); also an epithet for women
صوة ṣūwa pl. صوى ṣuwan stone landmark, trail mark
صوى ṣawā i (ṣuwīy) and ṣawiya a (ṣawan) and II to dry up, wither, wilt; -- ṣawā to peep, cheep, squeak, chirp, screech
صيت see صوت
صاح (صيح ) ṣāḥa i (ṣaiḥ, صياح ṣiyāḥ) to cry, yell, shout; to scream, screech; to crow; to utter, let out (صيحة ṣaiḥatan a cry); to call out (ب to s.o.), shout, bellow, bawl (في or على at s.o.) II to cry out (loud), roar, bellow, bawl VI to shout at one another, call out to one another; to clamor, raise a din
صيح ṣaiḥ crying, clamor
صيحة ṣaiḥa (n. vic.) pl. -āt cry, outcry, shout | صيحة الحرب ṣ. al-ḥarb battle cry, war cry; ارسل صيحات (arsala) to utter cries; صاح صيحة to utter a cry; على صيحة within shouting distance; ذهب صيحة في واد (ṣaiḥatan) to die unheard (call)
صياح ṣiyāḥ crying, clamor, cry, outcry; cry of a bird
صياح ṣayyāḥ crier, loud-mouthed person; noisy, clamorous, vociferous, crying
تصايح taṣāyuḥ crying, clamor, roar, bellow(ing)
1 صاد (صيد ) ṣāda i (ṣaid) to catch (in a trap), trap (هـ game); to hunt (هـ game); to hunt down (هـ game); to catch (هـ fish) V to hunt for prey; to hunt down (s.th.); to catch (هـ s.th.); VIII = I | اصطاد في الماء العكر (‘akir) to fish in troubled waters
صيد ṣaid hunting, hunt; angling, fishing (also صيد السمك ṣ. as-samak); game, venison, prey, quarry | من صيد خياله (ṣ. kayālihī) dreamed up by him, a product of his fantasy (of a story)
صياد ṣayyād pl. -āt hunter; fisher | صياد السمك ṣ. as-samak fisher, fisherman; kingfisher (zool.)
صيداء ṣaidā’ Sidon (city in Lebanon)
مصيدة miṣyada pl. مصايد maṣāyid2 trap, snare; net; hunting or fishing implement
مصيدة maṣyada pl. مصايد maṣāyid2 fishery, fishing grounds (also مصيد الأسماك )
2 صاد ṣād name or the letter ص
صيدلية ṣaidalīya apothecary’s trade; pharmacy, pharmacology
صيدلي ṣaidalī pl. صيادلة ṣayādila pharmacist, druggist, apothecary
صيدلاني ṣaidalānī pharmacist, druggist, apothecary
صيدلية ṣaidalīya pl. -āt pharmacy; drugstore
صيدليات ṣaidalīyāt drugs, pharmaceutics
صار (صير ) ṣāra i (ṣair, صيرورة ṣairūra, مصير maṣīr) to become (هـ s.th.); (with foll. imperf.) to begin, commence, start to ..., come to ..., get to ..., get into a situation where ..., get to the point where ...; to set in, occur, happen, come to pass, take place; to fall to s.o.’s (ل ) lot, befall (ل s.o.); to betake o.s., come, get (عند or الى to); to arrive (الى at); to end, wind up (الى with), result (الى in); صار به الى to lead, bring s.o. or s.th. to; يصار الى (yuṣāru) one proceeds to ..., one will eventually..., one will wind up with II to induce (ه s.o.) to become (هـ s.th.), make (هـ ه s.o. into s.th., out of s.o. s.th.)
صير ṣīr crack (of the door); small salted fish
صيرورة ṣairūra (act or process of) becoming, development; end, outcome, upshot, result
مصير maṣīr development, progress (e.g., of work); -- (pl. مصاير maṣāyir2) place at which one arrives; end, outcome, upshot, issue, result; fate, destiny, lot; life; see also under مصر | تقرير المصير self-determination (pol.); مصير كل حي m. kull ḥayyin the way of all flesh
تصيير taṣyīr cession, transfer (jur.)
صيصية ṣīṣiya pl. صياص ṣayāṣin spur of the rooster
صيغة see صوغ
صاف (صيف ) ṣāfa i (ṣaif) to be summery; to spend the summer, estivate (هـ or ب in) | صاف الزمان ام شتا (zamānu am šatā) at all times, under all circumstances II, V, VIII = I
صيف ṣaif pl. اصياف aṣyāf summer
صيفي ṣaifī summery, estival, summer (adj.) | توقيت صيفي daylight-saving time
مصيف maṣīf pl. مصايف maṣāyif2 summer residence, summer resort; rest center, holiday camp
اصتياف iṣtiyāf summering, summer vacationing
صائفة ṣā’ifa summer(time)
مصطاف muṣṭāf summer resort; (pl. -ūn) vacationist, summer visitor
الصين aṣ-ṣīn China; the Chinese | بلاد الصين China
صيني Chinese (adj. and n.); porcelain, china
صينية ṣīnīya (syr. ṣēnīya, leb. ṣainīya) pl. صواني ṣawānī a large, round metal plate with raised brim, esp. one made of copper, used as baking tin, serving tray and table top; turntable, صينية متحركة (mutaḥarrika); pl. chinaware, porcelain vessels
صيوان ṣīwān pl. -āt, صواوين ṣawāwīn2 (large) tent, pavilion, marquce