Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
ضاد ḍād name of the letter ض ; a sound peculiar to Arabic, hence: اهل الضاد ahl aḍ-ḍ. the Arabic-speaking peoples, the Arabs; ابناء الضاد do.; اقطار الضاد the Arabic-speaking countries; لغة الضاد lugat aḍ-ḍ. the Arabic language
ضؤل ḍa’ula u (ضآلة ḍa’āla, ضؤولة ḍa’ūla) to be small, tiny, little, scanty, meager, slight, sparse, feeble, faint, thin; to diminish, dwindle, wane, decline, shrink, decrease VI = I
ضآلة ḍa’āla (ضئالة ḍi’āla) smallness, littleness, tininess; minuteness, scantiness, meagerness, slightness, sparsity, paucity, feebleness, faintness, thinness; waning, dwindling, diminution, decrease; shrinking, shrinkage; small number
ضؤولة ḍa’ūla = ضآلة ḍa’ālah
ضئيل ḍa’īl pl. ضئال ḍi’āl, ضؤلاء ḍu’alā’2 small, tiny, minute, little, scanty, slight, meager, sparse, feeble, faint, thin
تضاؤل taḍā’ul = ضآلة ḍa’āla
ضامة ḍāma checkers
ضأن ḍa’n sheep (coll.)
ضأن ḍa’nī, ḍānī mutton (meat)
ضائن ḍā’in sheep
ضب ḍabba i (ḍabb) to take hold (على of s.th.); to keep under lock, put in safekeeping, guard carefully (على s.th.) II = I; to bolt (هـ the door) IV to be foggy (day)
ضب ḍabb pl. ضباب ḍabāb, اضب aḍubb, ضبان ḍubbān lizard
ضب ḍabb (eg.) front teeth
ضبة ḍabba pl. -āt, ضباب ḍibāb door bolt, latch; wooden lock
ضباب ḍadāb fog, mist
ضبر ḍabara u to gather, collect, assemble
ضبارة ḍabāra, ḍubāra and اضبارة iḍbāra pl. اضابر aḍābir2 file, dossier
اضبور uḍbūr file, dossier
ضبح ḍabaḥa a (ḍabḥ) to blacken (هـ s.th., said of fire); to snort (horse)
ضبط ḍabaṭa u (ḍabṭ) to grab, grasp, seize, catch, apprehend, arrest, detain (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), take hold (هـ, ه of s.o., of s.th.); to keep, hold, retain (هـ s.th.); to tackle resolutely, master, overcome (هـ s.th.), cope (a with s.th.); to have (هـ s.th.) under control, have command (هـ over s.th.); to restrain, hold back, keep down, subdue, check, curb, control (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to seize, distrain, impound, confiscate (a s.th.); to do (هـ s.th.) accurately, precisely, meticulously, or well; to render precise, define precisely (هـ s.th.); to regulate, adjust (هـ s.th., e.g., techn.); to determine precisely (كلمة kalimatan the spelling and pronunciation of a word), vowel(ize) (هـ a word); to observe strictly, keep exactly (a time); to regulate, settle, put or keep in order (هـ s.th.); to correct (a s.th.); to enter, book, record, register (هـ s.th.); to measure off exactly, measure out (هـ s.th.), take exactly the right amount, the right proportion (هـ of) VII to be detained, be held back, be held up; to be regulated, be kept in order, be disciplined; to be determined, be established, etc. (pass. of ḍabaṭa)
ضبط ḍabṭ capture, apprehension, arrest(ing), detention; restraint, suppression, subdual, curb(ing), check(ing); control; seizure, impoundage, distraint, confiscation; accuracy, correctness, exactitude, precision; vowelization; correction, amendment, settlement; regulation, adjustment of an apparatus (techn.); (pl. ضبوط ḍubūṭ) protocol, minutes, procès-verbal; entering, entry, record, registry; ضبطا ḍabṭan accurately, exactly, precisely, punctually | بالضبط = ضبطا ḍabṭan; ضبط الأراضي ḍ. al-arāḍī cadastral survey; ضبط الحسابات bookkeeping; ضبط الشهوة ḍ. aš-šahwa abstemiousness, continence; ضبط الأملاك العقارية (‘aqārīya) cadastral survey; ضبط النفس self-control, self-command; جهاز الضبط jahāz aḍ-ḍ. control apparatus, controlling device;
عار عن الضبط (‘ārin) unvowel(iz)ed
ضبطية ḍabṭīya police station; police
مضبطة maḍbaṭa pl. مضابط maḍābiṯ2 protocol, minutes, procès-verbal
انضباط inḍibāṭ discipline |لجنة الانضباط lajnat al-inḍ disciplinary board
ضابط ḍābiṭ controlling device, control, governor, regulator (techn.); prepositor entrusted with discipline (in Eg. schools); (pl. ضباط ḍubbāṭ) officer; (pl. ضوابط ḍawābiṭ2) general rule, canon, (moral) precept or order | ضابط آمر senior officer; ضابط مأمور subaltern officer; ضابط الصف ḍ. aṣ-ṣaff pl. ضباط الصف noncommissioned officer; ضابط الصوت ḍābiṭ aṣ-ṣaut volume control (radio); صف ضابط ṣaff ḍ. pl. صف ضباط noncommissioned officer; بغير ضابط ولا رادع (gair) completely unrestrained, out of all control
ضابطة ḍābiṭa police; (pl. ضوابط ḍawābiṭ2) curbing force, order
مضبوط maḍbūṭ accurate, exact, correct, right, precise
ضبع ḍab‘, ḍabu‘ f. pl. ضبع ḍibā‘, اضبع aḍbu‘ hyena
ضبن VIII to take under one’s arm
ضبن ḍibn armpit
ضج ḍajja i (ḍajj, ضجيج ḍajīj) to be noisy, boisterous; to clamor, about, raise a hue and cry IV = I
ضجة ḍajja cry, yell, outcry; clamor, noise, din, row, hubbub, tumult
ضجيج ḍajīj cry, yell, outcry; clamor, noise, din, row, hubbub, tumult
ضجوج ḍajūj roaring, bellowing, screaming, crying
ضجاج ḍajjāj violently roaring, bellowing, screaming, crying, boisterous, uproarious
ضجر ḍajira a (ḍajar) to be angry, annoyed, irritated, exasperated (من or ب at, about); to be dissatisfied, discontent, displeased (من or ب with); to sorrow, be worried, uneasy (من or ب about), be disquieted, grieved, troubled (من or ب by, over) IV to anger, vex, irritate, trouble, torment (ه s.o.), disquiet, discomfit, aggrieve (ه s.o.) V = I
ضجر ḍajar annoyance, irritation, vexation, anger; dissatisfaction; discontent, displeasure; sorrow, worry, grief
ضجر ḍajir annoyed, irritated, angry, vexed; morose, sullen; dissatisfied, discontent, displeased, uneasy, restless; worried, grieved, troubled
مضجر muḍjir annoying, irritating, exasperating, irksome, tedious
متضجر mutaḍajjir = ضجر ḍajir
ضجع ḍaja‘a a (ḍaj‘, ضجوع ḍujū‘) to lie on one’s side, lie down; to lie, recline, be prostrate; to sleep III to lie, have sexual intercourse (ها with a woman) VII = I VIII (اضطجع and اضجع aḍja‘a) = I
ضجعة ḍaj‘a (n. vic.) lying position, lying, recumbency; slumber
ضجع ḍuja‘a, ḍuj‘a late riser, slugabed, sluggard, lazybones; lazy, sluggish, inert
ضجعي ḍuj‘ī late riser, slugabed, sluggard, lazybones; lazy, sluggish, inert
ضجيع ḍajī‘ one sharing the bed; bedfellow; comrade, companion
مضجع maḍja‘ pl. مضاجع maḍāji‘ couch, bed | اخذ مضجعه he lay down (to sleep); اقض مضجعه aqaḍḍa maḍja‘ahū or اقض عليه المضجع or اقلق مضجعه (maḍja‘ahū) to deprive s.o. of sleep
مضاجع muḍāji‘ bedfellow
مضطجع muḍṭaji‘ couch, bed
ضحضح ḍaḥḍaḥa to vibrate, dicker (mirage); to shatter, break, crush II to vibrate, flicker (mirage)
ضحضاح ḍaḥḍāḥ shallow, shoal, flat (water)
ضحك ḍaḥika a (ḍaḥk, ḍiḥk, ḍaḥik) to laugh (ب or من at, about, over); to jeer, scoff, jibe (ب or على or من at s.o., at s.th.), deride, ridicule, mock, scorn (ب or على or من s.o., s.th.) | ضحك بملء شدقيه (bi-mil’i šidqaihi) or ضحك ملء شدقه (mil’a) to grin from ear to ear; ضحك عن در منضد (durrin munaḍḍadin) (to laugh by showing stringed pearls, i.e., the teeth), to show a toothy smile; to grin from ear to ear; ضحك على ذقنه (daqanidī; pl. على ذقونهم ) (eg. syr.) to fool s.o., make a fool of s.o., pull s.o.’s leg, make fun of s.o., lead s.o. around by the nose (ب with s.th.), put on an act for s.o.; ضحك في ذقنه (daqanihī) to laugh in s.o.,s face II to make (ه s.o.) laugh III to joke, jest, banter (ه with s.o.) IV and X to make (ه s.o.) laugh (من about) | ما يضحك الثكلى (taklā) (that which makes a woman who has lost her child laugh =) irresistibly comical VI to laugh
ضحك ḍaḥk, ḍiḥk, ḍaḥik laugh(ing); laughter
ضحكة ḍaḥka (n. vic.) pl. -āt laugh
ضحكة ḍuḥka object of ridicule, laughingstock
ضحوك ḍaḥuk frequently, or constantly, laughing; laugher
ضحاك ḍaḥḥāk frequently, or constantly, laughing; laugher; joker, jester, wag, buffoon
اضحوكة uḍḥūka pl. اضاحك aḍāhik2 object of ridicule, laughingstock; lark, spree, hoax, practical joke
اضحك aḍḥak2 more ridiculous, more laughable, more ludicrous, funnier, more comical
مضحكة maḍḥaka object of ridicule, laughingstock
ضاحك ḍāḥik pl. ضواحك ḍawāḥik2 laughing | ضاحك السن ḍ. as-sinn cheerful, gay, sunny
مضحك muḍḥik ridiculous, laughable, ludicrous, droll, funny, comical; comedian, buffoon, jester | قصة تمثيلية مضحكة (qiṣṣa tamtīlīya) comedy
ضحل ḍaḥl shallow, shoal, flat; a shallow, a shoal
ضحى ) and ضحو) ضحا ḍaḥā u (ḍaḥw, ḍuḥuw) to become visible, appear; -- ضحى ḍaḥiya a (ضحى ḍaḥlan) to become visible, appear; to be struck by the sun’s rays II to sacrifice, offer up, immolate (ب s.th.) | ضحى بنفسه to sacrifice o.s.; ضحى بالنفس والنفس to sacrifice life and property (properly: the soul and that which is precious) IV to be, become; with foll. imperf.: to begin, start, commence, or set about to (do s.th.); to come to ..., get to ..., get to the point where ..., get into a situation where ...
ضحوة ḍaḥwa pl. ḍaḥawāt forenoon; morning
ضحى ḍuḥan (m. and f.) forenoon | بين عشية وضحاها (‘asīyatin wa-ḍuḥāhā) over night, from one day to the next, all of a sudden
ضحية ḍaḥīya forenoon; -- (pl. ضحايا ḍaḥāyā) slaughter animal, blood sacrifice, immolation; victim | وقع ضحيته or ذهب (ḍaḥīyatahū) to fall victim to, become a victim of s.th. or s.o.
اضحى aḍḥan (coll.; n. un. اضحاة aḍḥāh) slaughter animal, blood sacrifice, immolation | عيد الأضحى ‘īd al-a. the Feast of Immolation, or Greater Bairam, on the 10th of Zu’lhijja; يوم الأضحى yaum al-a. the Day of Immolation, i.e., the 10th of Zu’lhijja
اضحية uḍḥīya pl. اضاحى aḍāhīy2 slaughter animal, blood sacrifice, immolation
تضحية taḍḥiya sacrificing, immolation; (pl. -āt) sacrifice
ضاح ḍāḥin: ضاح الشمس sunlit
ضاحية ḍāḥiya pl. ضواح ḍawāḥin surroundings, vicinity, outskirts; suburb
مضحى muḍaḥḥan place where one has breakfast
ضخ ḍakka u (ḍakk) to spurt, spout, squirt (هـ water)
مضخة miḍakka pl. -āt squirt, spray(er); pump | مضخة جذابة (jaḍḍāba) suction pump; مضخة الحرائق (الحريق ) fire engine; مضخة رافعة suction pump
ضخم ḍakuma u (ضخم ḍakāma) to be or become big, large, bulky, heavy, gross, voluminous II to inflate, blow up (هـ s.th.) V to swell, become inflated; to expand, distend
ضخم ḍakm pl. ḍikām big, large, sizable, great (also of a name, of prestige); bulky, gross; heavy, voluminous, huge, vast, ample, colossal; stout, corpulent, plump, buxom; magnificent, splendid, gorgeous, luxurious, pompous | المدفعية الضخمة (midfa‘īya) heavy artillery
ضخامة ḍakāma bigness, largeness, greatness; bulkiness, grossness; heaviness; volume, voluminosity; stoutness, plumpness, corpulence, obesity; pomp, splendor
تضخيم taḍkīm inflating
ضخم taḍakkum inflation; swelling, expansion, dilation, distention; (monetary) inflation, also (نقدي) تضخم مالي (naqdī) | تضخم الطحال distention of the spleen (med.)
مضخم muḍakkim pl. -āt amplifier | مضخم الصوت m. aṣ-ṣaut loud-speaker
ضد III to be contrary, opposed, contrasting, antagonistic, inverse; to act, set o.s. (هـ, ه against), antagonize (ه s.o.), contravene, violate (هـ s.th.), be opposed (هـ, ه to), be contradictory (هـ to s.th.), act contrary to s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ) VI to be opposed to each other, be contradictory, contradict one another
ضد ḍidd pl. اضداد aḍdād an opposite, a contrary, contrast; word with two opposite meanings; adversary, opponent; antitoxin, antidote, anti- (in compounds); ضدة ḍidda (prep.) against | كان على الضد to do or think the opposite, take an opposite stand
ضدية ḍiddiīya contrariness, oppositeness, opposition; enmity, hostility, animosity
مضادة muḍādda contrast, opposite, contradiction
تضاد taḍādd contrast, opposite, contradiction
مضاد muḍādd opposed, opposite, contrary, counter-, contra-, anti- (in compounds); pl. مضادات antidotes | مضادات للحبل (ḥabal) contraceptives; مضادات حشرية (ḥašarīya) insecticides; مضادات للفساد (li-l-fasād) antiseptics
متضاد mutaḍādd contrary, opposite
ضر ḍarra u (ḍarr) to harm, impair, prejudice, damage, hurt, injure (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), do harm, be harmful, noxious or injurious (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.) II to damage, harm, prejudice III = I; IV = | (ب or هـ, ه ); to force, compel, coerce, oblige (ه على s.o. to); to do violence (ه to s.o.), bring pressure to bear (ه on); to add a second wife to one'. household V to be damaged, harmed, impaired, prejudiced, hurt, or injured; to suffer damage or loss; to complain (من of, about) VII to be damaged, harmed, impaired, prejudiced, hurt, or injured; to suffer damage or loss VIII to force, compel, coerce, oblige (ه s.o., الى to); -- pass. uḍṭurra to be forced, compelled, obliged (الى to); to be in an emergency or predicament, be hard pressed; to be in need (الى of s.th.) need, want (الى s.th.)
ضر ḍurr, ḍarr damage, harm, impairment, prejudice, detriment, injury, hurt; loss, disadvantage
ضر ḍirr, ḍurr addition of a second wife to one’s household
ضرة ḍarra pl. -āt, ضرائر ḍarā’ir2 wife other than the first of a plural marriage;
ضرر ḍarar pl. اضرار aḍrār harm, damage, detriment; loss, disadvantage | ما الضرر what does it matter? what’s the harm of it? اخف الضررين akaff aḍ-ḍ the lesser of the two evils
ضراء ḍarrā’ distress, adversity | في السراء والضراء (sarrā’) in good and bad days, for better or for worse
ضرير ḍarīr blind
ضرورة ḍarūra pl. -āt necessity, stress, constraint, need; distress, plight, emergency, want, austerity; ḍarūratan necessarily | بالضرورة necessarily; عند الضرورة in case of need, if need. be, when necessary; للضرورة القصوى (quṣwā) in case of dire necessity, if worst comes to worst; للضرورة احكام and الضرورة تبيح المحظورات (tubīḥu) necessity knows no laws
ضروري ḍarūrī necessary, imperative, requisite, indispensable, inevitable; pl. ضروريات ḍarūrīyāt necessaries, necessities | كان من الضروري to be necessary; ضروريات الحياة ḍ. al-ḥayāh necessities of life; ضروريات الأحوال exigencies, requirements of the situation
مضرة maḍarra pl. -āt, مضار maḍārr2 harm, damage, detriment, loss, disadvantage على for)
اضطرار iḍtirār compulsion, coercion; necessity, exigency, requirement; plight, predicament, emergency | عند الاضطرار in case of emergency
اضطرارى iḍṭirārī coercive, compulsory, inevitable, necessary, obligatory
ضار ḍārr harmful, injurious, detrimental, noxious, disadvantageous
مضر muḍirr harmful, injurious, detrimental, noxious, disadvantageous (ب to, for)
مضطر muḍṭarr forced, compelled, obliged (الى to); poor, destitute; wanting (الى s.th.), in need (الى of s.th.)
ضرب ḍaraba i (ḍarb) to boat, strike, hit (ه s.o., هـ s.th., ب with; على ب with s.th. on; على ه s.o. on); to shoot, fire (هـ, ه at s.o., at s.th.), shell, bombard (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to play (هـ, على a musical instrument); to make music; to type (on a typewriter); to sting (scorpion); to separate, part (بين people); to impose (هـ على on s.o. s.th.); ضرب عن to turn away from, leave, forsake, abandon, avoid, or shun s.o. or s.th.; -- (ḍarb, ضربان ḍarabān) to pulsate, palpitate, throb, boat (vein, heart); to ache (violently), hurt (wound, tooth); to move, stir; to rove, roam about, travel (في in, through), loiter, stroll (in streets); to cruise (ship); to migrate (bird); to incline (الى to a color), shade (الى into a color); -- (ضراب ḍirāb) to cover, mount (ها the camel mare) | ضرب له اجلا (ajalan) to fix a date for s.o.; ضرب الأرز (aruzza) to hull rice; ضرب في الأرض (arḍ) to travel; ضرب بوية على (bōya) to paint or daub s.th.; ضرب الباب to knock on the door; ضرب الجرس (jaras) to ring the bell; ضرب حقنا (ḥaqnan) to administer a syringe, give an injection; ضرب خطا (kaṭṭan) to draw a line; ضرب أخماسا لأسداس (li-asdāsin) and ضرب اخماسه في اسداسه to brood, rack one’s brain in order to find a way out; to be at one’s wit’s end; to intrigue, scheme; to build air castles; to daydream; ضرب خيمة (kaimatan) to pitch a tent; ضرب الرقم القياسي (raqma, qiyāsīya) to break a record; ضرب السلام (salām) to give a military salute; ضرب ضريبة to impose a tax (على on s.o.); ضرب اطنابه في (aṭnābahū) to take root, prevail (at a place); ضرب اطنابه على to settle down, take up permanent residence in a place; ضرب طوبا (ṭūban) to make brick; ضرب عددا في آخر (‘adadan fī ākara) to multiply a number by another; ضرب عنقه ‘unuqahū) to behead, decapitate s.o., have s.o.’s head cut off; ضرب قالبه (qāllabahū) to imitate s.th.; ضرب كفا (kaffan) to slap s.o.’s face; ضرب مثلا لـ (matalan) to apply a proverb to; ضرب له مثلا (matalan) to give s.o. an example, point out a model for s.o.; ضرب مثلا to give an example; to quote as an example (هـ لـ or ب على s.th. for); ضرب الأمثال to impart words of wisdom, point out morals; ضرب نقودا to mint money; ضرب موعدا (mau‘idan) to agree on time or place of a meeting, make an appointment; ضرب الى الحمرة (الى الصفرة ) (ḥumra, ṣafra) to shade into red (into yellow); ضرب به الأرض (arḍ) to throw s.o. or s.th. to the ground; ضرب في الخيال (kayāl) to be in the clouds, be unrealistic; to want the impossible; ضرب برأسه على صدره (bi-ra’sihī ‘alā ṣadrihī) to let one’s head sink to the chest; ضرب بسهم مصيب في (bi-sahmin muṣībin) to take an active part in; ضرب بسهم ونصيب في (wa-naṣībin) to participate in, share s.th.; ضرب فيه بعرق (bi-‘irq) do.; ضرب به عرض الحائط (‘urda l-ḥ.) not to give a hoot for s.th.; to disdain, despise, reject s.th.; to throw s.th. overboard, jettison s.th.; ضرب بنظره الى (naẓarihī) to turn one’s glance to; ضرب بوجه صاحبه (bi-wajhihī ṣāḥibihī) to boomerang, fall back on the originator; ضرب على كلمة (kalima) to efface, strike, or erase, a word; ضرب عنه صفحا (ṣafḥan) to turn away s.o. or s.th.; to disregard, ignore s.o. or s.th., pay no attention to, pass over s.o. or s.th.; ضرب في حديد بريد to take futile steps; to beat the air; ضرب لنفسه سبعة ايام (sab’ata ayyamin) he decided to stay seven days; ضرب بين وبينه الأيام (ayyām) fate separated me from him,
drew us apart II to mix, blend (هـ ب s.th. with); to sow dissension, cause trouble (بين among); to quilt (هـ a fabric) III to contend, vie, fight (هـ with s.o.); to speculate IV to turn away (عن from), leave, abandon, forsake, desert, avoid, shun (عن s.o., s.th.); to remain, stay, abide (في in) | اضرب جأشا لـ (ja’šan) to be prepared for s.th., make up one’s mind to take s.th. upon o.s.; اضرب صفحا عن (ṣafḥan) to desist, abstain from; اضرب عن العمل (‘amal) to stop work, to strike; اضرب عن الطعام (ṭa‘ām) to go, on a hunger strike VI to come to blows, brawl, fight, strike one another; to be divided, differ, conflict, clash, be contradictory (opinions, and the like) VIII to clash, surge, lap (waves); to be set, or get, into a state of unrest, turmoil, excitement, commotion, tumult, agitation, be or become agitated, troubled; to be in a lively stir, move about, bustle, hustle, romp; to sway, reel, waver; to be or become disturbed, unsettled, disorganized, disarranged, disordered, confused, entangled, upset, restless, uneasy, or anxious; to tremble, shake
ضرب ḍarb beating, striking, hitting, rapping; shooting, shelling, gunning, bombing, bombardment; multiplication; coining, formation; minting (of money); -- (pl. ضروب ḍurūb) kind, sort, specimen, species, variety; last foot of the second hemistich; (pl. اضراب aḍrāb) similar, like | ضربخانة and دار الضرب (money) mint; ضرب الرمل ḍ. ar-raml geomancy; ضرب النار shooting, tiring, shelling, gunning, bombardment; وضع السلاح تحت الضرب to level a weapon, bold a weapon ready to fire; هو واضرابه he and the likes of him
ضربة ḍarba (n. vic.) pl. ḍarabāt blow, knock, punch; thrust, push, jolt, shock; stroke, lash; shot; plague, affliction, trial, tribulation, punishment | ضربة الشمس ḍ. aš-šams sunstroke, heatstroke; ضربة قاضية (qāḍiya) fatal blow, deathblow (على for); ضربة جزاء ḍ. jazā’ penalty kick (in soccer)
ضراب ḍirāb copulation (of a female animal)
ضريب ḍarīb beaten, struck, smitten, bit; similar, like | ضريب للشيخ فلان one of the caliber of Sheik So-and-So
ضريبة ḍarība pl. ضرائب ḍarāib2 imposition, impost; levy, tax, duty; character, nature | ضريبة الدخل ḍ. ad-dakl income tax; ضريبة كسب العمل ḍ. kasb al-‘amal wage tax; ضريبة الملاهى ḍ. al-malāhī admission tax, entertainment tax
مضرب maḍrib pl. مضارب madārib2 camp site; camp; place, spot, locality; way, path; large tent, marquee | كان مضرب المثل (الأمثال ) (m. al-maṭal) to be proverbial, be exemplary, be unique, be cited as an example; مضارب ارز m. aruzz rice-hulling facilities
مضرب miḍrab pl. مضارب maḍārib2 large tent, marquee, pavilion; bat, mallet; racket (tennis, etc.); whisk, beater (e.g., for eggs); swatter, flyswatter; piano
مضراب miḍrāb bat, mallet, racket (ball games, tennis)
مضاربة muḍāraba pl. -āt speculation (stock exchange); silent partnership (Isl. Law), limited partnership, partnership in commendam
اضراب iḍrāb pl. -āt strike
تضارب taḍārub opposition, contradiction, inconsistency, discrepancy, incompatibility, conflict, clash (of opinions, and the like)
ضرب idṭirāb pl. -āt disturbance, disorder, disarray; confusion, muddle, perturbation; disorganization, disruption, upset, derangement; trouble, commotion, unrest, riot (also pol.); restlessness, restiveness | اضطرابات عصبية (‘aṣabīya) nervous disorders
ضوارب ḍawārib2 pl. of ضارب ḍārib besting, striking, etc. | العروق الضوارب the arteries; طير ضوارب (ṭair) migratory birds
مضروب maḍrūb appointed, agreed upon, fixed, determined (time, date, place); multiplicand (math.) | مضروب فيه multiplier (math.)
مضربة muḍarraba quilt, comforter
مضارب muḍārib pl. -ūn speculator
متضارب mutaḍārib conflicting, irreconcilable, incompatible, divided (opinions, and the like); contradictory, discrepant, inconsistent
مضطرب muḍṭarib disturbed, disordered, disarrayed, unsettled; confused, muddled, perturbed; upset, disrupted, disorganized, deranged; uneasy, restive, agitated, excited, anxious; weak, insufficiently supported (tradition)
مضطرب muḍtarab playground (fig.)
ضربخان see ضرب ḍarb
ضرج ḍaraja u (ḍarj) to spot, stain, befleck, smear (هـ بالدم s.th. with blood) II = I V to redden, be or become red
مضرج muḍaraj: مضرج اليدين m. al-yadain with bloodstained hands; (caught) red-handed, in the act
ضريح ḍarīḥ pl. ضرائح darā’iḥ2, اضرحة aḍriḥa grave, tomb; mausoleum
ضرس ḍarasa i (ḍars) to bite firmly or fiercely (هـ s.th.); -- darisa a (daras) to be dull (الأسنان the teeth from acid food and drink)
ضرس ḍirs pl. اضراس aḍrās, ضروس ḍurūs molar tooth | ضرس العقل ḍ. al-‘aql wisdom tooth
حرب ضروس ḥarb ḍarūs fierce, murderous war
تضاريس taḍārīs2: تضاريس الأرض t. al-arḍ elevations, undulations of the ground; تضاريس الوجه t. al-wajh wrinkles of the face
ضرط ḍaraṭ i (ḍarṭ, ضريط ḍarīṭ, ضراط ḍurāṭ) to break wind
ضرط ḍarṭ (n. un ة ) wind, fart
ضراط ḍurāṭ wind, fart
ضرع ḍara‘a a, ḍaru‘a u (ضرعة ḍarā‘a) and ḍarā‘a a (ḍarā‘a) to be humble, submissive (الى toward s.o.), humiliate o.s., abase o.s. (الى before); to implore, beg, beseech, entreat (الى s.o.) III to be similar, be equal (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.), be like s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ), resemble (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) V and VIII to humiliate o.s., abase o.s. (الى before); to implore, beg, beseech, entreat (الى s.o.)
ضرع ḍar‘ pl. ضروع ḍurū‘, ضراع ḍirā‘ udder, teat | الزرع والضرع (zar‘) agriculture and stock farming
ضرع ḍir‘ like, alike, similar
ضراعة ḍarā‘a submissiveness, humbleness; imploring, begging, entreaty, supplication
مضارعة muḍāra‘a likeness, similarity, resemblance
تضرع taḍarru‘ imploring, begging, entreaty, supplication
ضارع ḍāri‘ frail (of a person)
مضارع muḍāri‘ like, alike, similar; (gram.) imperfect
ضرغم ḍargam pl. ضراغم ḍarāgim2 lion
ضرغام ḍirgām pl. ضراغمة ḍarāgima lion
ضرم ḍarama a (ḍaram) to catch fire, be on fire, burn, flare, blaze; to break out, flare up (war) II to kindle, light (هـ fire) | ضرم النار في to set s.th. on fire, set fire to s.th. IV = II; V to burn, flare, flame, be ablaze (also of emotions, of passion) VIII = I
ضرام ḍirām burning, blaze, flare; fire, conflagration
اضطرام iḍṭirām burning, flare, blaze; fire, conflagration
مضطرم muḍṭarim burning, flaming, on fire
ضرو II to set (هـ ب a dog on game); to provoke (ه s.o.) to a fight (ب with)
ضرو ḍirw pl. اضر aḍrin, ضراء ḍirā’ hound, hunting dog
ضراوة ḍarāwa greed, voracity
ضار ḍārin voracious, ferocious, savage, rapacious; (pl. ضوار ḍawārin) beast of prey, predatory animal
ضعضع ḍa‘ḍa‘a to tear down, demolish, raze, ruin, undermine, weaken (هـ s.th.) II taḍa‘ḍa‘a to decline, decay, become dilapidated, perish; to become weak or weaker, wane; to dissolve, fall apart (organization)
ضعضعة ḍa‘ḍa‘a demolition, razing; sapping, undermining; debility, frailty, feebleness | ضعضعة الكبر ḍ. al-kibar senility, dotage
متضعضع mutaḍa‘ḍi‘ dilapidated, decayed; weakened, debilitated; weak, frail, feeble; submissive, humble
ضعف ḍa‘ufa u (ḍu‘f) to be or become weak, weakly, feeble, frail, delicate, debilitated, impotent, languid, flabby, or slack; to become weaker, wane, decrease, diminish, abate, be attenuated; to be too weak (عن for s.th.) IV to weaken, enfeeble, debilitate (من or هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) X to deem (ه s.o.) weak; to behave arrogantly (ه toward s.o.)
ضعف ḍ‘uf, ḍa‘f weakness, feebleness, frailty; weakening, enfeeblement, debilitation | ضعف الإرادة weakness of will; الضعف العصبي (‘aṣabī) neurasthenia, nervous debility; ضعف التناسل ḍ. at-tanāsul sexual impotence
ضعيف ḍa‘īf pl. m. ضعفاء ḍu‘afā’2, ضعاف ḍi‘āf, ضعفة ḍa‘afa, pl. f. ضعائف ḍa‘ā’if2 weak, feeble; frail, weakly, delicate,
debilitated, impotent, languid, flabby, slack; deficient (as a school-report mark) | ضعيف الإرادة weak-willed; ضعيف العقل ḍ. al-‘aql dim-witted, feeble-minded; ضعيف القلب ḍ. al-qalb weak-spirited, pusillanimous, meek, faint-hearted, despondent, cowardly; هذا الضعيف my own insignificant self, I (as an expression of modesty)
اضعاف iḍ‘āf weakening, enfeeblement, debilitation; impairment
مستضعف mustaḍ‘af deemed weak; weak; oppressed, miserable
2 ضعف II to double, redouble (هـ s.th.); to multiply, compound (هـ s.th.) III do. (من or هـ s.th.) VI to be doubled, be compounded, be multiplied
ضعف pl. ḍi‘f pl. اضعاف aḍ‘āf double, that which is twice as much; a multiple, that which is several times as much, (after numerals) -fold; fold of a garment; pl. interstice, space | مئة ضعفه mi’atu ḍi‘fihī a hundred times as much, the hundredfold of it; ثلاثة اضعافه talātatu aḍ‘āfihī thrice as much, the threefold of it; اضعاف اضعافه a. aḍ‘āfihī many times as much, e.g. فاق هذا المبلغ مرتبه اضعاف اضعافه )mablagu murattabahū aḍ‘āfa a.) this amount was many times as much as his salary; اضعافا مضاعفة aḍ‘āfan muḍā‘afatan many times, a hundred-fold
تضاعيف taḍā‘īf2 contents, text (of a piece of writing); folds; space between the lines; (as an expletive after في) في تضاعيفه within it, therein contained
مضاعفة muḍā‘afa doubling, compounding, multiplying; pl. -āt complications (of a disease)
تضاعف taḍā‘uf doubling, multiplying
مضعف muḍa‘‘af twofold, double; multiplied, compounded, increased many times
مضاعف muḍā‘af twofold, double; multiplied, compounded, increased many times; see also ḍi‘f
ضعة ḍa‘a, ḍi‘a see وضع
ضغث ḍagata a (ḍagt) to confuse, muddle, mix up (هـ a story)
ضغث lIiM pl. اضغاث aḍgāt bunch, bouquet; mixture, muddle, jumble, maze | اضغاث الأحلام confused dreams; زاد ضغثا على ابالة (ibāla) to make a thing worse
ضغط ḍagaṭa a (ḍagṭ) to press, squeeze (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to compress (هـ air); to exert pressure (على on); to oppress, suppress (على s.o., s.th.), beer down heavily (على upon) VII to be pressed, be squeezed, be compressed
ضغط ḍagṭ pressure; emphasis, stress; oppression, suppression; voltage, tension (el.) | الضغط الجوي (jawwī) atmospheric pressure; ضغط الدم ḍ. ad-dam and الضغط الدموي (damawī) blood pressure; ضغط الهواء ḍ. al-hawā’ air pressure; تحت ضغط الرأي العام (ḍ. ar-ra’y al-‘āmm) under the pressure of public opinion
ضغطة ḍagṭa (n. vic.) pressure
O ضغوطية ḍugūṭīya (wind) pressure
ضاغوط ḍāgūṭ nightmare
O مضاغط madāgiṭ2: مضاغط هوائية (hawā’īya) compressors
تضاغط taḍāguṭ compression (phys.; as opposed to تخلخل takalkul)
انضغاط inḍigāṭ compressibility
ضاغط ḍāgiṭ: آلة ضاغطة compressor
مضغوط madgūṭ: هواء مضغوط (hawā’) compressed air
ضغن ḍagina a (ḍagan) to bear a grudge, harbor (secret) hatred (على against), recent (على s.o.) VI to harbor a grudge against one another
ضغن ḍign pl. اضغان aḍgān rancor, spite, grudge, malice, malevolence, ill will, (secret) hatred
ضغن ḍagin malicious, malevolent, rancorous, spiteful, resentful
ضغينة ḍagīna pl. ضغائن ḍagā’in2 rancor, spite, grudge, malice, malevolence, ill-will, (secret) hatred
ضفة ḍiffa crowd, throng, jam (of people)
ضفة ḍiffa, ḍaffa pl. ضفاف ḍifāf bank, share; coast
ضفف ḍafaf poverty, destitution
ضفدع ḍifdi‘, ḍafda‘ pl. ضفادع ḍafādi‘2 frog | O ضفدع بشري (bašarī) frogman (mil.)
ضفر ḍafara i (ḍafr) to braid, plait (هـ hair), interweave, interlace, intertwine (هـ s.th.); to twine (هـ a rope) II = I; III to help, assist, aid (ه s.o.) VI to help one another (على to do s.th.); to be tightly interwoven, be tied up, be closely connected (مع with); to be connected (evidence)
ضفر ḍafr pl. ضفور ḍufūr (saddle) girth
ضفار ḍafār pl. ضفر ḍufur (saddle) girth
ضفيرة ḍafīra pl. اضفار ḍafā’ir2 plait; braid, tress, pigtail; plaitwork, wicker-work; galloon, lace; strand, hank, skein; plexus (anat.)
ضفا (ضفو ) dafā u (ḍafw) to be abundant, copious; to flow over IV to allot generouely (على هـ s.th. to); to grant, award (على هـ s.th. to); to let s.o. or s.th. (على ) have (هـ s.th.); to fill (هـ على s.th. with); to wrap, envelope (على s.th., هـ with), spread (على هـ s.th. over)
ضفوة ḍafwa: ضفوة العيش ḍ. al-‘aiš an easy, comfortable life
ضاف ḍāfin abundant, copious, ample; detailed, elaborate, extensive
ضل ḍalla i (ضلال ḍalāl, ضلالة ḍalāla) to lose one’s way, go astray; to stray (عن or هـ from the way); to err | ضل سعيه (sa‘yuhū) his effort was in vain II to mislead, lead astray, misguide (ه s.o.); to delude, deceive (ه s.o.) | ضل نفسه to delude o.s. IV = II; to make (ه s.o.) lose his way (هـ ); to let (هـ ) s.th. get lost
ضل ḍull error
ضلال ḍalāl a straying from the right path or from truth; error | Oضلال الألوان color blindness, dichromatism
ضلالة ḍalāla error
اضلولة uḍlūla pl. اضاليل aḍālīl2 error
مضلة maḍalla occasion, or possibility, of going astray
تضليل taḍlīl misleading, misguidance, delusion, deception
اضلال iḍlāl misleading, misguidance, delusion, deception
ضال ḍāll pl. ضوال ḍawāll straying, roaming, wandering; astray, lost; erroneous, false
ضالة ḍālla goal of persistent search, object of a long-cherished wish | ضالة منشودة do.
مضلل muḍallil misleading, misguiding, deceptive, delusive, fallacious
مضل muḍill misleading, misguiding, deceptive, delusive, fallacious
ضلع ḍala‘a a (ḍal‘) with مع : to aide with s.o., make common cause with s.o.; -- ḍalu‘a u (ضلاعة ḍalā‘a) to be otrong, sturdy, robust; -- ḍalī‘a a (ḍala‘) to be crooked, bent, curved, to curve II to crook, bend, curve (هـ s.th.) V to be jammed, crammed (من with); to be versed, skilled, proficient, knowledgeable (من in), be conversant, be thoroughly familiar or acquainted (من with), be at home (من in a field of knowledge) VIII to be versed, skilled, proficient (ب in), be thoroughly familiar or acquainted, be conversant (ب with); to assume, take over, take upon o.s. (ب s.th., a task, financial expenses, a job, and the like) X to be versed, skilled, proficient (من in), be thoroughly familiar or acquainted, be conversant (من with)
ضلع ḍal‘ affection, attachment | ضلعه معه he sympathized with him, he is on his aide
ضلع ḍil‘, ḍilā‘ pl. ضلوع ḍulū‘, اضلاع aḍlā‘, اضلع aḍlu‘ rib; cutlet, chop; side (of a triangle); الأضلاع the chest, the breast | ضلع البرميل ḍ. al-birmīl barrel stave; متساوى الأضلاع mutasāwī l-a. equilateral (geom.); كان له ضلع في الأمر he had s.th. to do with the matter, he had a hand in it, he played a role in the affair
ضليع ḍalī‘ strong, sturdy; knowledgeable, experienced, skilled
ضلاعة ḍalā‘a strength, sturdiness, robustness (of the body)
مضلع muḍalla‘ ribbed; polygonal; (pl. -āt polygon | صاج مضلع corrugated iron
متضلع mutaḍalli‘ versed, skilled, proficient (من in), thoroughly familiar, conversant (من with); expert (من in)
ضلمه (Turk. dolma) ḍolma stuffed food (e.g., eggplants stuffed with meat and rice)
ضم ḍamma u (ḍamm) to bring together, join, draw together, contract (هـ s.th.); to add (up), sum up (هـ s.th.); to gather, collect, reap, harvest (هـ s.th.); to unite, bring together (هم persons); to embrace, hug (ه s.o.); to join, subjoin, annex (الى هـ s.th. to), add, attach (الى هـ, ه s.o., s.th. to), unite (الى هـ, ه s.o. , s.th. with); to combine (within o.s. different things); to close, compress (هـ the lips); to grasp, grip, grab, seize (على s.o., s.th.); to get (ه s.o.) into a predicament (said of fate); to pronounce with the vowel u (هـ a consonant; gram.) | ضم الصفوف to close the ranks; ضمه الى صدره (ṣadrihī) to press s.o. to one’s bosom, embrace s.o.; ضم اليه زوجته (zaujatahū) he embraced his wife VI to unite, rally, join forces VII to close, draw or crowd together, be closely packed; to be joined, united, or combined (الى with), unite, join forces (الى with); to be added, be annexed (الى to); to associate, affiliate (الى with); to enter, join (الى an organization, and the like); to comprise, include, encompass, embrace, contain (على s.th.)
ضم ḍamm addition, subjunction; gathering, collecting, rallying, joining, uniting, amalgamation, fusion; admission, enrollment; the vowel u (gram.)
ضم ḍamma the vowel point for u; (pl. -āt) embrace, hug
ضميمة ḍamīma pl. ضمائم ḍamā’im2 addition, supplement; increase, raise (of salary)
تضام taḍāmm: تضاما مع together with, jointly with
انضمام inḍimām annexation (الى to), joining (الى of), union, association, affiliation (الى with); entry, enrollment (الى into an organization, and the like), accession (الى to)
مضموم maḍmūm closed, tight, compressed (mouth)
منضم munḍamm: نظام منضم close order (mil.)
O منضمة munḍamma accessory, attachment (techn.)
اضمحل iḍmiḥlāl to disappear, vanish, dwindle, fade away, molt away; to decrease, become less
اضمحلال iḍmiḥlāl disappearance, vanishing, evanescence; fading
مضمحل muḍmaḥill vanishing, evanescent, fading; damped (oscillations, waves; phys.)
ضمخ ḍamaka u (ḍamk) and II to oil, anoint, rub, perfume (هـ ب, ه s.o., s.th. with)
ضمد ḍamada u i (ḍamd, ضماد ḍimād) and II to dress, bandage (هـ s.th., esp. a wound)
ضماد ḍimād bandaging (of a wound); bandage, band, ligature; carrying on of several love affairs (of a woman)
ضمادة ḍimāda dressing (of a wound), bandage
مضمد muḍammid (ir.) male nurse
مضمدة muḍammida o compress; (ir.) nurse
ضمر ḍamara, ḍamura u (ḍumr, ضمور ḍumūr) to be or become lean, emaciated, skinny, thin, slim, slander; to contract, shrink II to emaciate, make lean, thin, or slender (هـ s.th.) IV = II; to secrete, conceal, hide, keep secret (هـ في نفسه s.th. in one’s heart), keep (هـ s.th.) to o.s. (في نفسه ); to harbor, entertain (هـ ل a feeling toward, against) |اضمر له الشر (šarra) to boar s.o. a grudge, harbor ill will against s.o. V to become lean, emaciated VII to dry up, wither, wilt, shrivel
ضمر ḍumr emaciation; leanness, skinniness, thinness, slenderness, slimness
ضمور ḍumūr emaciation; loanness, skinniness, thinness, slenderness, slimness; atrophy (med.)
ضمار ḍimār: دين ضمار (ḍain) bad debt (i.e., a debt deemed uncollectible)
ضمير ḍamīr pl. ضمائر ḍamā’ir2 heart; mind; innermost; conscience; (independent or suffixed) personal pronoun (gram.) | تأنيث الضمير compunctions, contrition, repentance; حي الضمير ḥayy aḍ-ḍ. conscientious, scrupulous; مرتاح الضمير murtāḥ aḍ-ḍ. of peaceful mind; فاقد الضمير unscrupulous
مضمار miḍmār pl. مضامير maḍāmīr2 race course, race track; arena; field of activity, field, domain
اضمار iḍmār concealment (of a thought), mental reservation; ellipsis (rhet.)
ضامر ḍāmir loan, skinny, thin; slander, slim, svelte
مضمر muḍmar secret, hidden, covert; (independent or suffixed) personal pronoun, also اسم مضمر (ism; gram.)
ضمن ḍamina a (ضمان ḍamān) to be or become responsible or liable, be guaranty, give security or guaranty, vouch (ب or هـ for), warrant, ensure, safeguard, guarantee (هـ ل to s.o. s.th.); to insure (من هـ s.th. against) | ضمن لنفسه شيئا to be absolutely certain of s.th. II to have (هـ s.th.) insured (من against); to insert, include, enclose (هـ هـ s.th. in s.th. else) V to comprise, include, comprehend, imply, embrace, contain (هـ s.th.) VI to be jointly liable, have joint responsibility (هـ for s.th.); to be solidary, be in accord, stick together
ضمن ḍimn inside, interior; ḍimna (prep.) in, within, inside of, among; ضمنا ḍimnan (adv.) inclusively, implicitly, tacitly | مفهوم ضمنا tacitly comprised, implicit; من ضمن min ḍimni (with foll. genit.) included in, implied in, belonging to, falling under; من ضمنهم among them; مباشرة وضمنا (mubāšaratan) directly and indirectly
ضمني ḍimnī included, implied; hidden, implicit, tacit
ضمن ḍamān responsibility, guaranty, warrant, surety, security, liability, assurance, saveguard; insurance | ضمان جماعي (jamā‘ī) collective security; الضمان المشترك (muštarak) do.; محدود الضمان of limited liability, Ltd.; شركة الضمان širkat aḍ-ḍ. insurance company
ضمين ḍamīn pl. ضمناء ḍumanā’2 responsible, answerable, liable (ب for); warrantor, bail(sman), bondsma, surety, guarantor (ب for)
ضمانة ḍamāna guaranty, surety, warrant(y), collateral, security, bail
اضمن aḍman2 offering better guaranty
تضامن taḍāmun mutuality, reciprocity; joint liability; solidarity | شركة التضامن širkat at-t. commercial company of joint liability
ضامن ḍāmin responsible, answerable, liable; warrantor, bail(sman), bondsman, surety, guarantor
مضمون maḍmūn guaranteed, ensured, warranted; insured (object); (pl. مضامين maḍāmīn) content, purport, meaning (of a letter, and the like) | مضمون الوصول registered (letter); دين مضمون (dain) bonded, or funded, debt (fin.)
مضمن muḍamman included, implied
ضمن mutaḍāmin mutual, reciprocal; solidary, united in solidarity
ضن ḍanna (1st pers. perf. ḍanintu) a and ḍanna (1st pers. perf. ḍanantu) i (ḍann) to keep back (ب s.th.), be sparing or stingy (ب على toward s.o. with), withhold (ب على from s.o. s.th.), (be)grudge (على s.o. ب s.th.) | ما ضن بمشقة على (bi-mašaqqatin) to shun no effort for the sake of
ضن ḍann: ضنا ب (ḍannan) in order to spare s.th., in due consideration of
ضنين ḍanīn niggardly, avaricious, stingy; sparing, thrifty, economical, scanty, meager, poor, insufficient
ضنك ḍanuka u (ḍank, ضناكة ḍanāka) to be straitened, cramped, confined (circumstances); to be weak, be exhausted
ضنك ḍank poverty, distress, straits | عيش ضنك (‘ail) a hard, wretched life
مضانك maḍānik2 straits, hardships
مضنك muḍnik weak, exhausted
ضنو ḍanw, ḍinw children
ضنى ḍaniya a (ḍanan) to become or be lean, emaciated, gaunt, enervated, or worn out; to pine away, be consumed (with grief) IV to emaciate, debilitate, weaken, enervate (. s.o.); to exhaust, wear out (ه s.o.); to undermine, sap (ه the health); to consume (ه s.o.; of anxiety, and the like)
ضن ḍanin, lean, emaciated, gaunt, languished, wasted, worn out, enervated; exhausted; consumed with grief, careworn
ضنى ḍanan weakness feebleness, debility, exhaustion, emaciation; grief
مضنى muḍnan lean, emaciated, gaunt, languished, wasted, worn out, enervated; exhausted; pining away, wasting away
ضهد ḍahada a (ḍah) to suppress, oppress, treat unjustly, persecute (ه s.o.) VIII = I
اضطهاد iḍṭihād pl. -āt suppression, repression, oppression, maltreatment, persecution, enslavement
مضطهد muṭahid oppressor, tyrant, persecutor
ضهر ḍahr pl. ضهور ḍuhūr summit, top (of a mountain)
ضهى III to be similar, alike, or corresponding; to resemble (ه s.o. هـ s.th.), be like s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ), correspond (ه to s.o., هـ to s.th.); to compare (على, ب هـ s.th. with; بين -- وبين two things); to imitate (ب s.o., s.th.)
ضهى ḍahān O menopause, climacteric
ضهى ḍaīy similar, (a)like, corresponding, analogous
مضاهاة muḍāhāh similarity, resemblance, likeness, correspondence, analogy; comparison (على with)
مضاه muḍāh similar, (a)like, corresponding, analogous
ضاء (ضوء ) ḍā’a u (ḍau’) to gleam, beam, radiate, shine II to light (هـ s.th., a lamp), to illumine, illuminate (هـ s.th.,
e.g., a house) IV = I; to shed light, out light (على upon, over); to light, illumine, illuminate (هـ s.th.); to enlighten (هـ s.th., the mind) V = I; X to be illumined, be lit, to seek light, to seek (to obtain) enlightenment or insight (ب by, through, in, with), to let o.s. be enlightened or guided (ب by)
ضوء ḍau’ pl. اضواء light; brightness, glow | ضوء الشمس ḍ. aš-šams sunlight, sunshine; ضوء القمر ḍ. al-qamar moonlight; ضوء كاشف searchlight; ضوء النهار ḍ. an-nahār daylight; على ضوء (with foll. genit.) in the light of, under the circumstances of, as seen from ...; according to
ضوئي ḍau’ī luminary, light- (in compounds) |سنة ضوئية (sana) light-year
ضياء ḍiyā’ light, brightness, glow
اضاءة iḍā’a lighting, illumination | الإضاءة المقيدة (muqayyada) restricted illumination = dim-out; مصباح الإضاءة miṣbāḥ al-i. incandescent lamp
مضيء muḍī’ shining, luminous, bright
ضاد ḍād name of the letter ض
ضار (ضور ) ḍāra u (ḍaur) to harm, injure, damage, prejudice (هـ, ه ه s.o., s.th.), inflict damage (هـ, ه upon); to suffer violent hunger, starve to death V to writhe with pain; to writhe, wince, be convulsed (هـ with pain. with hunger)
ضور ḍaur violent hunger
ضوضاء ḍauḍā noise, din, uproar
ضوضى ḍauḍan noise, din, uproar
ضاع (ضوع ) ḍā‘a u (ḍau’) to spread, diffuse, emanate (fragrance); to be fragrant, exhmale fragrance V = I
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ضوى ḍawā i to resort, have recourse (الى to); -- ḍawiya a to be lean, thin, spare, slight, scrawny IV اضوى to weaken, debilitate (هـ, ه s.o. s.th.), to harm, injure, damage, prejudice (ه s.o., هـ s.th.) VII to join, follow (الى s.o.), attach o.s. (الى to s.o.), to rally, flock (الى around, تحت لوائه ) around or under s.o.’s banner)
ضاو ḍāwin thin, lean, spare, slight, scrawny
ضار (ضير ) ḍāra i (ḍair) to harm, injure, damage, prejudice (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), inflict damage (هـ, ه upon)
ضير ḍair harm, damage, injury, prejudice; wrong, iniquity, offense
قسمة ضيزى qisma ḍīzā unjust division
ضاع (ضيع ) ḍā‘a i (ḍai‘, ضياع ḍayā‘) to get lost, be lost (على for s.o.), to lose itself, disappear; to perish II and IV to ruin, let perish, thwart, frustrate, mar, destroy (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to lose. forfeit (هـ s.th.), be deprived (هـ of s.th.); to waste, squander, sped uselessly (ه s.th.); to neglect, omit (هـ s.th.); to miss, let go by (هـ s.th.), let slip (هـ s.th., e.g., an opportunity) | ضيع حقه (ḥaqqahū) to forfeit one’s right; الصيف ضيعت اللبن aṣ-ṣaifa ḍayya‘ti l-labana (invar.) approx.: you have let the opportunity go by, you milled your chance; اضاع صوابه (ṣawābahū) to lose one’s mind; اضاع عليه فرصة (furṣa) to make s.o. miss an opportunity; اضاع الوقت (waqt) to waste time
ضيع ḍai‘ loss
ضيعة ḍai‘a pl. ضياع ḍiyā‘ landed estate, country estate, domain; small village, hamlet
ضياع ḍayā‘ loss; ruin, destruction, perdition | ضياع الوقت ḍ. al-waqt loss of time
يا ضيعانة yā ḍī‘āna what a loss!
مضياع miḍyā‘ prodigal, squandering, wasteful; squanderer, wastrel, spend-thrift
تضييع taḍyī‘ waste, squandering, dissipation; neglect, omission
اضاعة iḍā‘a waste, squandering, dissipation; neglect, omission | اضاعة الوقت i. al-waqt waste of time
ضائع ḍā’i‘ pl. ضيع ḍuyya‘, ضياع ḍiyā‘ (getting) lost; poor, wretched, miserable
مضيعة maḍī‘a ruin, destruction, perdition, lost; -- muḍī‘a, مضيعة للوقت (li-l-waqt) waste of time, loss of time
مضيع muḍayyi‘ prodigal, squandering, wasteful
ضاف (ضيف ) ḍāfa i (ضيافة ḍiyāfa) to stop or stay as a guest II to take in as a guest, receive hospltably, entertain (ه s.o.) IV = II; to add, subjoin, annex, attach (هـ الى s.th. to); to admix (الى هـ s.th. to); to connect, bring in relation (الى هـ s.th. with); to ascribe, attribute, assign (هـ الى s.th. to s.o.) | اضاف اسما الى اسم (isman) to annex a noun (the first member of a genitive construction) to another (the second member; gram.); اضف الى ذلك ان (aḍif) what’s more ..., moreover..., furthermore …, VII to be added, be annexed, be subjoined, be attached (الى to) X to invite s.o, (ه ) to be one’s guest
ضيف ḍaif pl. ضيوف ḍuyūf, اضياف aḍyāf, ضيفان ḍīfān guest; visitor
ضيافة ḍiyāfa hospltable reception, entertainment as guest, accommodation; hospltality | انت في ضيافتي you are my guest
مضياف miḍyāf hospltable; hospltable host
مضافة muḍāfa hostel, guesthouse, inn
مضيفة mayafa guest room; guesthouse
اضافة iḍāfa addition, apposition; subjunction, annexation, appending, attachment, augmentation, supplementation; assignment, allocation; ascription, attribution (الى to); genitive construction (gram.) | اضافة الى اجل (ajal) limitation (of a legal transaction; Isl. Law); بالاضافة الى in comparison with, in relation to; with respect to, regarding ...; with regard to, in consideration of; in addition to, beside; بالاضافة الى ذلك moreover, furthermore, besides
اضافي iḍāfī additional, supplementary, auxiliary, contributory, extra; secondary, subsidiary, tributary, accessory, incidental, side-, by- (in compounds); relative (philos.)
اضافية iḍāfīya relativity (philos.)
مضيف muḍīf host
مضيفة muḍīfa hostess; air hostess, stewardess
مضاف muḍāf added, subjoined, adjoined, apposed; construct state (gram.) | المضاف اليه the second, or governed, noun of a genitive construction (gram.); مضافا الى ذلك moreover, furthermore, besides
ضيق (ضاق ) ḍāqa i (ḍaiq) to be or become narrow, straitened, cramped, confined; to become too narrow, too confined (ب for); to be anguished, uneasy, depressed, dejected (ب because of, by, at, about); to become or be tired, weary (ب of s.o., of s.th.) | ضاقت به الأرض (arḍu) to be at a loss, be at one’s wit’s end; ضاق به الحياة (ḥayātu) life depressed him, he had a bad time, he was bad off; ضاقت به السبل (subulu) to be at a loss, be at the end of one’s tether, be at one’s wit’s end; ضاق به ذرعا ب (dar‘an) not to be up to s.th.. be unable to do or accomplish s.th.; not to be able to stand or bear s.th., be fed up with, be tired of, feel uneasy about, be oppressed by; ضاق عنه ذرعا do.; ضاق صدره (ṣadruhū) to be annoyed, angry; ضاقت يده عن (yaduhū) to be incapable of; to be too poor to … II to make narrow or narrower, narrow (down), straiten, cramp, tighten, confine, constrain, restrain, restrict, contract (هـ s.th.); to pull tight (هـ s.th., e.g., a dress); to harass, oppress, beset, besiege, beleaguer (على s.o.); to keep (على s.o.) short (في in s.th.) | ضيق الحصار to tighten the blockade; ضيق على نفسه to restrain o.s., take restrictions upon o.s. III to vex, annoy, anger (ه s.o.); to harass, oppress, beset (ه s.o.); to trouble, bother, inconvenience, disturb, hinder, hamper, impede, affect gravely (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), bear down heavily (هـ, ه upon); to cause trouble (ه to s.o.) VI to be or become narrow, to narrow; to become annoyed, become irritated; to be angry (من at, about)
ضيق ḍīq narrowness; tightness, closeness; confinement, restriction, limitation, constraint; shortage, scarcity; oppression, anguish; dejectedness, depression, distress; lack, want, paucity, poverty; care, worry, anxiety; anger, annoyance, irritation, exasperation; weariness, ennui | ضيق ذات اليد ḍ. dāt al-yad poverty, destitution; ضيق المقام ḍ. al-maqām crampedness lack of space; ضيق النطاق do.; small range, limited extent, narrow scope; ضيق اليد ḍ. al-yad poverty, destitution
ضيق ḍayyiq narrow; tight; cramped; short, scarce; confined, limited, restricted | ضيق الخلق ḍ. al-kalq illiberal, ungenerous; impatient, annoyed; ضيق الصدر ḍ. aṣ-ṣadr vexed, annoyed (ب over, at, by), angry (ب at, with); upset, depressed, downcast, dejected; ضيق العقل ḍ. al-‘aql narrow-minded, hidebound, dull-witted; ضيق النطاق small-range; of narrow scope, limited in extent; confined, limited, restricted
ضيقة ḍaiqa, ḍīqa straitened circumstances, poverty; anguish
اضيق aḍyaq2 narrower, tighter
مضيق maḍīq pl. مضايق maḍāyiq2, مضائق strait(s); defile, (mountain) pass; narrow(s), stricture
تضييق taḍyīq narrowing, tightening; restriction, limitation; oppression | تضييق الحصار tightening of the blockade; تضييق الخناق (tightening of the rope =) strangling, suppression
مضايقة muḍāyaqa pl. -āt affliction, distress, grievance, embarrassment; obstruction, impediment. disturbance, harassment, molestation; depressing state; anger, annoyance, vexation, irritation; inconvenience, difficulty, trouble, nuisance
ضائقة ḍā’iqa pl. ضوائق ḍawā’iq2 predicament, straits, difficulty; critical situation, crisis | ضائقة العيش ḍ. al-‘aiš straitened circumstances; ضائقة مالية (mālīya) financial straits
مضايق muḍāyiq troublesome, irksome, wearisome, disturbing, annoying; nuisance (person)
متضايق mutaḍāyiq annoyed, vexed, irritated, exasperated, hungry; hard pressed
1 ضام (ضيم ) ḍāma i (ḍaim) to wrong, harm (ه s.o.), inflict damage (ه upon s.o.); to treat unjustly (ه s.o.) X = I
ضيم ḍaim pl. ضيوم ḍuyūm wrong, inequity, injustice; harm, damage, detriment, injury
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