Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
ط abbreviation of قيراط qīrāṭ
طاء ṭā’ name of the letter ط
طابة ṭāba pl. -āt ball
طابور ṭābūr pl. طوابير ṭawābīr2 battalion; (eg.) line, file, single file (of soldiers, of persons walking one behind the other); queue | الطابور الخامس the fifth column
طابية ṭābiya pl. طواب ṭawābin fortress, fort; round fortress tower; (eg.) rook, castle (chess)
طاجن ṭājin pl. طواجن ṭawājin2 frying pan; (eg.) shallow earthen pot
طار , طارة see طور
طارمة pl. -āt kiosk, booth, cabin, stall
طازة ṭāza fresh, tender, new
طازج ṭāza fresh, new
1 طاس and طاسة see طوس
2 طاؤوس ṭā’ūs and طاووس ṭāwūs pl. طواويس ṭawāwīs2 peacock
طأطأ ṭa’ṭa’a to incline, bend, tilt, bow (رأسه ra’sahū one’s head; also used without رأسه )
مطأطئ muṭa’ṭi’ with bowed head
مطأطأ muṭaṭa’: مطأطأ الرأس m. ar-ra’s with bowed head
1 طاق ṭāq pl. -āt, طيقان ṭīqān arch (arch.); (pl. -āt) layer, stratum
2 طاقة ṭāqa pl. -āt window
3 طاقية ṭāqīya pl. طواقي ṭawāqī white cotton skullcap (often worn under the tarboosh: in Eg. = عرقية ); fatigue cap (of the Eg. Territorial Army)
طأمن see طمأن
طاولة (It. tavola) ṭāwula table | لعبة الطاولة la‘bat aṭ-ṭāwila backgammon, tricktrack; تنس الطاولة table tennis
طب ṭabba u i (ṭabb, ṭibb, tubb) to treat medically (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), give medical treatment (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.); to seek to remedy, tackle (ل s.th.) II to treat medically (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), give medical treatment (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.) V to receive, or undergo, medical treatment, submit to medical treatment; to practice medicine, engage in the medical field X to seek medical advice (ه from s.o.), consult (ه a doctor)
طب ṭibb medical treatment: medicine, medical science | طب الأسنان ṭ. al-asnān dentistry, dental science; الطب البيطري (baiṭarī) veterinary science; الطب الشرعي (šar‘ī) forensic medicine; الطب النفساني (nafsānī) psychiatry; علم الطب ‘ilm aṭ-ṭ. medical science, medicine; كلية الطب kullīyat aṭ-ṭ. medical school, medical college, (chiefly G. B.:) faculty of medicine
طبي ṭibbī medical, pertaining to the medical profession or science | لائق طبيا (ṭibbīya) physically fit (e.g., for military service)
طبة ṭabba pl. -āt (eg.) cushion, pad; plug, stopper, stopple; bung
طبيب ṭabib pl. اطباء2, اطبة aṭibba physician, doctor | طبيب بيطري (baiṭarī) veterinarian; طبيب خاص (kāṣṣ) physician in ordinary, private physician (e.g., of a king); طبيب ساحر medicine man, shaman; طبيب الأسنان dental surgeon, dentist; طبيب شرعي (šar‘ī) medical examiner (jur.); طبيب الأمراض الجلدية (jildīya) dermatologist
طبيبة ṭabība female doctor, doctress
طبابة ṭibāba medical treatment; medical profession
تطبيب taṭbīb healing art, medical practice, medical profession
متطبب mutaṭabbib quack, quacksalver
طبخ ṭabaka a (ṭabk) to cook (هـ s.th.) VII to be or get cooked
طبخ ṭabk cooking, cookery; cooked food; O celluloid
طبخة ṭabka (n. un.) (article of cooked) food, meal, dish, course
طباخ ṭabbāk cook
طبيخ ṭabīk cooked food, fare
طباخة ṭibāka culinary art, cookery, cuisine
مطبخ maṭbak pl. مطابخ maṭābik2 kitchen; cookshop, eating house, luncheonette
مطبخ miṭbak pl. مطابخ maṭābik2 any cooking apparatus (also, e.g., a hot plate), cooking stove, kitchen range, portable range
1 طبر ṭabar hatchet, ax, battle-ax
طبردار ṭabardār sapper, pioneer (mil.)
2 طابور look up alphabetically
3 طبرية ṭabarīya2 Tiberias (city in Palestine, on W shore of Sea of Galilee)
طبشورة ṭabšūra (syr.) chalk
طباشير ṭabāšīr2 chalk
طباشيري ṭabāšīrī chalky, cretaceous, chalk- (in compounds)
طبطب ṭabṭaba to gurgle, purl (water); to pat, stroke, caress (على s.o.)
طبطابة ṭabṭāba bat, mallet, racket (for ball games)
طبع ṭaba‘a a (ṭab‘) to provide with an imprint, impress or impression (هـ or على s.th.); to impress with a stamp, seal or signet (هـ or على s.th.), leave or set one’s stamp, seal, mark, or impress (على or هـ, ه on s.o. on s.th.); to stamp, imprint, impress (على ه s.th. on); to mint, coin (هـ money); to print (هـ s.th.); pass. ṭubi‘a to have a natural aptitude or disposition, have a propensity, be disposed by nature (على for) | طبعه بطابعه (bi-ṭābi‘ihī) to place, set, or leave one’s stamp, mark, or impress on s.o. or s.th., impart one’s own character to s.o. or s.th.; طبع عليه (ṭubi‘a) to be innate, inherent in s.o., be native, natural to s.o. II to tame, domesticate, break in, train (هـ an animal) V تطبع بطباعه (bi-ṭibā‘ihī) to take on, assume, or receive s.o.’s peculiar character, bear s.o.’s stamp or impress VII to be stamped, be printed, be imprinted, be impressed; to leave an imprint or impression (في on); to be disposed by nature (على for)
طبع ṭab‘ printing (of a book), print; (pl. طباع ṭibā‘) impress, impression, stamp, hallmark, peculiarity, characteristic, nature, character, temper, (natural) disposition | طبع الحجر al-ḥajar lithography; طبع الحروف typography; تحت الطبع in (the) press, at press (typ.); مسودة الطبع muswaddat and musawwadat aṭ-ṭ. proof sheet, galley proof (typ.); اعادة الطبع i‘ādat aṭ-ṭ. reprinting reprint; طبعا ṭab‘an or بالطبع by nature, by natural disposition; naturally! of course! certainly! to be sure! سيئ الطبع sayyi’ aṭ-ṭ. ill-disposed, ill-natured, evil by nature; شاذ الطبع (الطباع ) šadd aṭ-ṭ. eccentric, extravagant
طبعة ṭab‘a pl. -āt printing, print; edition, issue, impression
طباع ṭabbā‘ printer
طباعة ṭibā‘a art of printing | آلة الطباعة printing press
طباعي ṭibā‘ī typographic(al)
طبيعة ṭabī‘a pl. طبائع ṭabā’i‘2 nature; natural disposition, constitution; peculiarity, individuality, character; regular, normal manner; physics; natural science | بطبيعة الحال by the very nature of the case, as is (was) only natural, ipso facto, naturally, as a matter of course; عالم الطبيعة physicist; natural scientist; علم الطبيعة ‘ilm aṭ-ṭ. physics; natural science; فلسفة ما وراء (بعد) الطبيعة (falsafatu) metaphysics; فوق الطبيعة supernatural; طبائع الأشياء the nature of things, state of affairs
طبيعي ṭabī‘ī nature’s, of nature, nature- (in compounds), natural; inborn, innate, inherent, native; normal, ordinary, usual, regular; physical; physicist; natural scientist; naturalist | عالم طبيعي physicist; natural scientist; الطبيعيات physics; natural science
مطبع maṭba‘ print shop, printing office, printing house, press
مطبعة maṭba‘a pl. مطابع maṭābi‘2 print shop, printing office, printing house, press | حرية المطابع ḥurrīyat al-m. freedom of the press
مطبعي maṭba‘ī printing, printer’s (in compounds), typographic(al) | خطأ مطبعي (kaṭa’) and غلطة مطبعية (galṭa) typographical error, misprint, erratum
مطبعجي (eg.) majba‘gī printer
مطبعة miṭba‘a pl. مطابع maṭābi‘2 printing machine, printing press
طابع ṭābi‘ printer; -- ṭāba‘ impress, stamp, mark, character; (pl. طوابع ṭawābi‘2) seal, signet; stamp; imprint, print, impress, impression; (postage,
etc.) stamp; tablet, pill | طابع البريد and طابع بريدي postage stamp; طابع تذكاري (tadkārī) commemorative stamp; طابع الأصابع fingerprint; صاحب الطابع keeper of the seal; طبعه بطابعه to place, set, or leave, one’s stamp, mark, or impress on s.o. or s.th., impart one’s own character to s.o. or s.th.
مطبوع maṭbū‘ printed, imprinted; stereotyped; pl. -āt printed material, prints; printed matter | مطبوع بطابعه bearing the stamp, mark or impress of s.o. or s.th., being characterized by; مطبوع على do., being by its very nature ..., having the innate property of...; مطبوع دوري (daurī) a periodical; قانون المطبوعات press law
1 طبق II to cover, cover up (هـ s.th.); to make coincident or congruent, cause to coincide, superpose (بين two figures; geom.); to fold (هـ s.th., also, e.g., the hands); (eg.) to shoe (هـ a hors.); to apply (على هـ s.th. to); to be common, universal, widespread; to spread (also هـ throughout s.th.), pervade (هـ s.th.); pass. ṭubbiga to be applied, apply, be applicable be effective be valid | طبقت شهرته تلآفاق (šuhratuhū) he (it) enjoyed, or achieved, world-wide fame; طبق صيته الخافقين (ṣītuhū, kāfiqain) do., his (its) fame spread throughout the world III to bring to coincidence, make coincident or congruent, cause to coincide (بين -- وبين s.th. with), correlate, compare, contrast (بين -- وبين s.th. with); to adapt, adjust, tally, trim into shape (هـ s.th.); to suit, fit, match (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), go, tally (هـ, ه with), adapt o.s., adjust o.s. (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.); to correspond (هـ to s.th.), concur, agree, conform, be in keeping (هـ, ه with s.o., with s.th.), fit (هـ into s.th.) IV to close, shut (هـ s.th., e.g., the eyes, mouth, etc.); to cover, cover up (هـ, على s.th., also هـ with one’s hand على s.th.); to surround, encircle, encompass (على s.o.); to be agreed, agree, come to an agreement (على on, about) | اطبق على يدي (yadī) he pressed my hand V to get or be covered or closed VII = V; to be applicable, apply (على to), fit, suit (على s.o., s.th.), hold good (على for), be true (على of); to be in conformity, be consistent, be compatible, be in keeping, conform, agree (على with), correspond (على to s.th.)
طبق ṭibqa (prep.) according to, corresponding to, in accordance with, in conformity with | طبقا لـ (ṭibqan) do.; صورة طبق الأصل (ṣūra, aṣl) true copy; exact replica
طبق ṭabaq pl. اطباق aṭbāq lid, cover, plate; dish, shallow bowl; (round) tray, salver; ash tray; (pl. اطباق , also طباق ṭibāq) layer, tier; stratum (of the air); pl. طباق (with foll. genit.) superposed masses, layered formations, piles, large quantities of | اطباق طائرة flying saucers
يد طبقة yad ṭabiqa closed hand
طبقة ṭabaqa pl. -āt layer; stratum (of earth, air, society, etc.); floor, story (of a building); class, category; generation | O الطبقة الطخرورية (ṭukrūrīya) stratosphere; الطبقات النجسة (najisa) the impure castes, the pariahs; الطبقة المتوسطة (mutawassiṭa) the middle class(es); حرب الطبقات ḥarb aṭ-ṭ. class struggle; علم طبقات الأرض ‘ilm ṭ. al-arḍ geology; معدود في الطبقات الثالثة regarded as third-rate
طابق ṭābaq, ṭābiq pl. طوابق ṭawābiq2 large bricks; floor, story (of a building) | الطابق الأرضي (arḍī) ground floor
طاباق ṭābāq pl. طوابيق ṭawābīq2 large bricks
طباق ṭibāq (with foll. genit. or suffix) that which is in agreement, in keeping, or in conformity with ..., corresponding, analogous (to s.th.), in accordance (with), conformable (to), consistent (with), compatible (with); antithesis, juxtaposition of contrasting ideas (rhet.)
طبيق ṭabīq (with foll. genit. or suffix) sth. in agreement, in keeping, or in conformity with ..., corresponding, analogous (to s.th.), in accordance (with), consistent (with), compatible (with)
تطبيق taṭbīq adaptation, accommodation, adjustment; application
تطبيقي taṭbīqī applied; practical, serving practical ends | علوم تطبيقية applied sciences
مطابقة muṭābaqa agreement, conformity, congruity, correspondence
تطابق taṭābuq congruence (geom.)
مطابق muṭābiq corresponding, congruous, conformable, in agreement or conformity (with) | مطابق للحقيقة true, truthful, veracious, agreeing with the facts, true to nature, lifelike
مطبق muṭbiq entire, complete, utter, absolute, total; -- mutbaq pressed; coated, incrusted (بالذهب with gold); subterranean dungeon, oubliette, underground chamber | الحروف المطبقة (muṭbaqa) (phon.) the sounds ṣ, ḍ, ṭ, ẓ
2 طباق ṭabāq, ṭubāq (eg.) tobacco
طبل ṭabala u (ṭabl) to beat a drum; to drum II = I; to beat the drum (ل for s.o., i.e., to campaign, make propaganda for s.o.)
طبل ṭabl drumming, drumbeat; (pl. طبول ṭubūl, اطبال aṭbāl) drum; bass drum (of the Western orchestra)
طبلة ṭabla drum | طبلة الأذن ṭ. al-udun eardrum, tympanic membrane
طبلة ṭabla pl. -āt, طبل ṭubal (eg.) look, padlock
طبلي ṭablī drum-shaped
طبال ṭabbāl pl. -ūn, drummer
مطبل muṭabbal moist, damp (ground)
2 طبلة ṭabla pl. -āt table
طبلة ṭablīya pl. -āt, طبالي ṭabālī a low, round table; turntable; tray, wooden salver
1 طبن ṭabina a to be bright, intelligent
طبن ṭabin bright, intelligent
2 طابونة ṭābūna (طبونة ṭābūna) pl. -āt a small, jar-shaped oven, sunk in the ground, open on top, used for baking bread; bakery; (pal., eg.) (baker’s) oven
3 طبن ṭabbān pl. -āt (wheel) tire
طبنجة ṭabanja pl. -āt pistol
طابية ṭābiya pl. طواب look up alphabetically
طاجن ṭājin pl. طواجن ṭawājin2 frying pan; (eg.) shallow earthen pot
طحطح ṭaḥṭaḥā to break, shatter, smash (هـ s.th.)
طحل (ṭuḥl) sediment, dregs, less
طحال (ṭiḥāl pl. -āt, طحل ṭuḥul spleen, milt
طحالي ṭiḥālī splenic
طحال ṭuḥal inflammation of the spleen, splenitis
مطحول maṭḥūl having a diseased spleen, splenetic
طحلب ṭuḥlub (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. طحالب ṭaḥālib2 water moss
طحن ṭaḥana a (ṭaḥn) to grind, mill, bray, pulverize (هـ , s.th., esp. grain); to crush, ruin, destroy (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to wear out, wear down (ه s.o.), exact as heavy toll (ه of s.o.; age, yean) VI to quarrel, wrangle, be antagonistic, be in conflict (with one another), to conflict
طحن ṭiḥn flour, meal
طحين ṭaḥīn flour, meal
طحيني ṭaḥīnī mealy, farinaceous
طحينية ṭaḥīnīya (eg.) a sweet made of sesame-seed, meal and sugar
طحينة ṭaḥīna (eg., syr.) a thick sauce made of sesame oil, and served with salads, vegetables, etc.
طحان ṭaḥḥān miller
طاحون ṭāḥūn and طاحونة ṭāhūna pl. طواحن ṭawāḥīn2 mill, grinder | طاحونة الهواء ṭ. al-hawā’ windmill
مطحنة miṭḥana pl. مطاحن maṭāḥin2 mill, grinder
مطحنة maṭḥana pl. مطحنة maṭḥana2 mill; flour mill
طاحن ṭāḥin molar tooth, grinder
طاحنة ṭāḥina pl. طواحن ṭawāḥin2 molar tooth, grinder
O الطبقة الطحرورية aṭ-ṭabaqa aṭ-ṭukrūrīya the stratosphere
طر ṭarra u (ṭarr, طرور ṭurūr) to sharpen, hone, whet (هـ s.th.); to grow; to sprout, come out (mustache, hair)
طرا ṭurran altogether, all without exception, one and all
طرة ṭurra pl. طرر ṭurar forelock; knotted cloth or kerchief
طرار ṭarrār pl. طرارة ṭarrara (magr.) tambourine player; rogue, scoundrel
طرأ ṭara’a a (ṭar’, طروء ṭurū’) to descend, break in, come (على upon), overtake, befall (على s.o.), happen unexpectedly (على to s.o.); to occur (على or ل to s.o., of an idea) | ماذا طرأ عليه what’s got into him all of a sudden? what’s the matter with him all of a sudden? طرأت عليه فكرة (fikratun) an idea occurred to him, he had an idea; لم يطرأ على الحالة تبدل يذكر (tabaddulun yudkaru) (no change worth mentioning came over the situation, i.e.) the situation remained substantially unchanged IV to praiae, laud, extol (ه s.o.)
طريء ṭarī’ fresh, new
طارئ ṭāri’ foreign, extraneous, extrinsic, unusual; accidental, incidental, casual, unforeseen, unexpected, contingent; a new factor or development intervening suddenly, a contingent; unexpected visitor; sudden stirring, sudden impulses (من e.g., of joy)
طارئة ṭāri’a pl. طوارئ ṭawāri’ unforeseen event, unexpected case, a contingent; new factor or development; incident, accident | حالة الطوارئ state of emergency
طرآني ṭur’ānī of unknown origin, wild
طرابلس ṭarābulus2: طرابلس الشام Tripoli (in Lebanon); طرابلس الغرب ṭ. al-garb Tripoli (in Libya)
طرب ṭriba a (ṭarab) to be moved (with joy or grief); to be delighted, be overjoyed, be transported with joy II to delight, fill with delight, enrapture, please, gratify (ه s.o.); to sing, vocalize, chant IV to delight, fill with delight, enrapture, please, gratify (ه s.o.); to make music; to sing, vocalize, chant: to play music (ه for s.o.), sing (ه to s.o.)
طرب ṭarab pl. اطراب aṭrāb joy, pleasure, delight, rapture; amusement, entertainment (with music and the like); music | آلة الطرب musical instrument
طرب ṭarib pl. طراب ṭarib moved (with joy or grief), touched, affected; delighted, enraptured, transported, pleased, charmed
طروب ṭarūb gay, merry, lively
اطرب aṭrab2 more delightful; making better music, being a batter musician; more melodious
اطراب iṭrāb delight, delectation, diversion
مطرب muṭrib delightful, ravishing, charming, amusing, entertaining; melodious; musician; singer, vocalist, chansonnier
مطربة muṭriba singer, songstress, vocalist, chanteuse
طربيزة ṭarābēza (eg.) table
طرابلس look up alphabetically
طربوش ṭarbūš pl. طرابيش ṭarābīš tarboosh, fez
طرابيشي ṭarābīšī tarboooh merchant
مطربش muṭarbaš wearing a tarboosh, tarbooshed
متطربش mitaṭarbiš wearing a tarboosh, tarbooshed; hence, in Eg., a member of the white-collar class, of the educated middle class
طرح ṭaraḥa a (ṭarḥ) to throw, cast, fling, toss (على ب or هـ s.th. onto or upon); to throw, toss, or fling away, throw off, discard, dump (ب or هـ s.th.); to remove, drive away, expel, reject, disown, repudiate (ب or هـ, ه s.o., s.th.): to throw or put (على هـ a garment on or over s.o.); to present, submit (ه على s.th. to s.o.); to teach (ه على a tune to s.o.); to cede, surrender, yield (هـ ل s.th. to s.o.); to miscarry, have a miscarriage; to deduct, subtract, discount (هـ من s.th. from) | طرحه في المناقصة العامة (munāqaṣa, ‘āmma) to invite tenders, or bide, publicly for s.th. (e.g., the government for some project); طرح عليه سؤالا (suālan) to put a question to s.o.; طرح مسألة على بساط البحث (mas’alatan, b. il-baḥt) to broach or raise a question, present a problem for consideration II to cause a miscarriage (ها to a woman); طرح هـ اطراحا (iṭṭirāḥan) to throw s.th. far away, fling s.th. off or away III to exchange (ه هـ with s.o. s.th.) | طارحه الكلام (kalām) to converse with s.o., have a talk with s.o.; طارحه الحديث to chat with s.o., have a conversation with s.o.; طارحه الأسئلة (as’ila) to exchange questions with s.o. V to drop, fall, or tumble to the ground VI to exchange with one another (هـ e.g., thoughts) VII to be flung, be tossed, be thrown, be rejected, be expelled, be disowned, be repudiated; to throw o.s. down, prostrate o.s. (e.g., على الأرض on the ground); to be thrown down, be dropped VIII to throw far away, fling off or away (هـ s.th.); to discard, throw away (هـ s.th.)
طرح ṭarḥ expulsion, rejection, repulsion, banishment, repudiation; miscarriage, abortion; subtraction, deduction, discount | طرح البحر ṭ. al-baḥr (eg.) alleviation, alluvial deposits
طرح ṭarḥ miscarried foetus
طرحة ṭarḥa pl. طرح ṭuraḥ veil (sometimes embroidered) worn by Arab women as a headcloth; headcloth, head veil
طريح ṭarīḥ pl. طرحى ṭarḥā thrown down, cast down, dumped; thrown to the ground, felled, prostrate; expelled, banished, rejected, disowned, repudiated | طريح الفراش bedridden, confined to bed
طريحة ṭarīḥa assignment, task | شغل بالطريحة (šugl) job work, piecework (eg.)
طراحة ṭarrāḥa pl. طراريح ṭarārīḥ2 mattress; hassock, ottoman
اطروحة uṭrūḥa dissertation, thesis (Syr.)
مطرح maṭraḥ pl. مطارح maṭāriḥ2 place where s.th. is thrown or at which s.th. is discarded, a dump; place, spot, location, locality; seat (in an auditorium)
اطراح iṭrāḥ rejection, repudiation
مطروح maṭrūḥ thrown down, out down, damped, thrown off, discarded; lying on the ground, prostrate; subtrahend (math.) | المطروح منه minuend (math.)
منطرح munṭariḥ thrown down, out down, dumped, thrown off, discarded; expelled, banished, rejected, disowned, repudiated
طرخون ṭarkūn tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus; bot.)
طرد ṭarada u (ṭard) to drive away, chase away, push away, shove away, reject, repel, banish, exile, dismiss, drive out, expel, evict (هـ من, ه s.o., s.th. from); to chase, hunt, hound (هـ, ه s.o. s.th.) | طرده من منصبه (manṣibihī) to relieve s.o. of his office, dismiss s.o. II = I; III to assault, attack (هـ, ه s.o.), launch an attack (هـ, ه on); to stalk (هـ an animal, game); to pursue, follow (هـ, ه s.o. s.th.), run after s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ), give chase (هـ, ه to) VIII to drive away as booty (هـ animals); to be consecutive, be continuous, form an uninterrupted sequence, succeed one another continuously; to sow uninterruptedly, carry water perennially (river); to progress or get on at a rapid pace, make good headway (undertaking) X to proceed (in one’s speech), go on to say, continue (هـ s.th., e.g., one’s speech); to change, pass on (in speech) (من – ل from -- to); to digress (in speaking), make an excursus | استطرد من ذلك الى قوله (qaulihī) thereupon he proceeded to speak about ..., then he broached the subject of ..., after that he went on to say that ...
طرد ṭard driving away, chasing away, repulsion, expulsion, eviction, dismissal, banishment, expatriation; pursuit, chase, hunt; swarm (of bees); (pl. طرد ṭurūd) parcel, package | بحث مسألة طردا وعكسا (mas’alata ṭardan wa-‘aksan) to study a problem from all sides, in all its aspects
طرد ṭardī parcel-, package- (in compounds), like a parcel or package
طردة ṭarda (n. vic.) a driving away, chasing away, repulsion, expulsion, eviction, banishment
طريد ṭarīd expelled, evicted, ousted, outcast, outlawed, banished, exiled, expatriate(d); fugitive, fleeing, on the run; expellee; outcast, outlaw; الطريدان aṭ-ṭarīdān night and day
طريدة ṭarīda pl. طرائد ṭarā’id2 game animal, game beast; game
طراد ṭarrād cruiser (warship); (eg.) dike, embankment, dam, levee (esp. of the Nile)
طرادة ṭarrāda cruiser (warship)
طراد ṯirād pursuit, chase
مطارد muṭārada repulsion, expulsion, banishment; pursuit, chase; hunt | طائرة المطاردة fighter plane, pursuit plane, interceptor
اطراد iṭṭirād uninterrupted or regular sequence, continuity
استطراد istiṭrād pl. -āt digression, divagation; excursus
مطارد muṭārid pursuer; hunter | طائرة مطاردة fighter plane, pursuit plane, interceptor
مطرد muṭṭarid incessant, uninterrupted, continuous, continual, unvarying, steady, constant; general | قاعدة مطردة general rule; مطرد النسق m. an-nasaq uniform (adj.); مطرد النغم m. an-nagm monotonous (song)
طرز II to embroider (هـ s.th.); to embellish (هـ a story); to garnish (هـ ب s.th., e.g., a dish with)
طرز ṭarz pl. طروز ṭurūz type, model, make, brand, sort, kind; fashion, style
طرزي ṭarzī fashion- (in compounds)
طراز ṭirāz pl. طرز ṭuruz, اطرزة aṭriza type, model, class, make, brand, sort, kind, variety, species; fashion, style; architectural style; embroidery | من الطراز القديم old-fashioned, outmoded; قديم الطراز do.; مسلح بأقدم الطراز musallaḥ bi-aḥdat ṭ. equipped with the latest arms; من الطراز الأول (awwal) first-class, first-rate
تطريز taṭrīz embroidering, embroidery
طرس ṭirs pl. اطرس aṭrās, طروس ṭurūs sheet (of paper); paper
طرش ṭariša a (ṭaraš) to be or become deaf; -- ṭaraša u to vomit, throw up, disgorge II to deafen (ه s.o.)
طرش ṭarš whitewashing
طرش ṭarš pl. طروش ṭurūš (syr.) hard (of cattle), flock (of sheep)
طرش ṭaraš deafness
طرشة ṭrša deafness
اطرش aṭraiš2, f. طرشاء ṭaršā’2, pl. طرش ṭurš deaf اطرش اسك (ašakk2) stone-deaf
مطرش muṭarriš vomitive; emetic
2 طرشي ṭuršī mixed pickles
طرطر ṭarṭara to brag, boast, swagger, show off
طرطور ṭurṭūr pl. طراطير ṭarāṭīr2 high,
conical cap (of dervisheo, clowns, etc.)
طرطور ṭarṯūr and طراطور ṭarāṭūr (eg., syr.) a sort of mayonnaise (made of ṭaḥīna, parsley, lemon, oil, milk, garlic and nuts)
طرطش ṭarṯaša to splash, bespatter, splatter (ه s.o.); to roughcast (هـ a building, a wall)
طرطوفة ṭarṭūfa end, tip, point; Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.; bot.); truffle
طرطير ṭarṭīr tartar, wine stone
طرف ṭarafa, (ṭarf) to blink, twinkle, wink, squint (also بعينيه bi-‘ainaihi); -- ṭarufa u (طرفة ṭarāfa) to be newly acquired, be a recent acquisition IV to feature or tell s.th. new or novel, say s.th. new or original, introduce a novel angle or idea; to present (ه s.o. ب with s.th. new or novel), give (ه to s.o. ب s.th. new or novel) V to be on the extreme side, hold an extreme viewpoint or position, go to extremes, be radical, have radical views
طرف ṭarf eye; glance, look | ما اشار بطرف (ašāra) he didn’t bat an eye; من طرف خفي (kafīy) secretly, furtively, discreetly; كارتداد الطرف ka-rtidādi ṭ-ṭ. in the twinkling of an eye, instantly
طرف ṭaraf pl. اطراف aṭrāf utmost part, outermost point, extremity, end, tip, point, edge, fringe, limit, border; side; region, area, section; طرف من part of, a bit of, some; party (as, to a dispute, of a contract, etc.); ṭarafa (prep.) with, at, on the part or side of; pl. اطراف limbs, extremities; (with foll. genit.) sections of, parts of | طرفي النهار tarafayi n-nahār in the morning and in the evening, mornings and evenings; كانوا على طرفي النقيض (ṭarafai naqīḍ) they were at variance, they carried on a feud; كان واياه على طرفي نقيض (wa-iyyāhu) they held diametrically opposed views or positions; اطراف البدن a. al-badan the extremities of the bod, the limbs; اطراف الأصابع fingertips; على اطراف قدميه (a. qadamaihi) on tiptoe; اطراف المدينة a. al-madīna the outskirts of the city; الأطراف المتعاقدة (muta‘āqida) the contracting parties; بطرف with, at, on the part or side of; من طرف on the part of; من طرف الى طرف from one end to the other; احزاب طرف اليمين the right-wing parties; جاذي اطراف الحديث jādaba aṭrāfa l-ḥ. to talk, converse, have a conversation; جمع البراعة من اطرافها (barā‘ata) to be a highly efficient man, be highly qualified; جمع اطراف الشيء to give a survey or outline of s.th., summarize, sum up s.th.; قص عليه طرفا (اطرافا) من حياته to tell s.o. an episode (episodes) of one’s life
طرفة ṭarfa: بطرفة عين bi-ṭ. ‘ainin and في طرفة عين in the twinkling of an eye, instantly; ما -- طرفة عين (ṭarfata) not one moment
طرفة ṭurfa pl. طرف ṭuraf novelty, rarity, curiosity, curio, rare object, choice item; exquisite present; masterpiece, chef-d’oeuvre; hit, high light, pièce de résistance
طرفاء ṭarfā’2 (coll.; n. un. ة ) tamarisk (bot.)
طريف ṭarīf curious, strange, odd; novel, exquisite, singular, rare, uncommon
طريفة ṭarīfa pl. طريفة tarīfa rare, exquisite thing; uncommon object or piece (e.g., of art); pl. طرائف curiosities, oddities, uncommon qualities
طرافة ṭarāfa novelty, uncommonness, peculiarity, oddness, strangeness, curiosity, originality
مطرف miṭraf, muṭraf shawl
تطرف taṭarruf excess, excessiveness, immoderation, extravagance, extremism, extreme standpoint or position, radical attitude, radicalism
طارف ṭārif newly acquired
متطرف mutaṭarrif utmost, outmost, farthest outward, located at the outermost point; extreme, extremistic; radical; an extremist, a radical | جهة متطرفة (jiha) outlying district, outskirt(s)
طرق taraqa u (ṭarq) to knock, rap, bang (هـ at, on, esp. at a door); to hammer, strike with a hammer, forge (هـ s.th. esp. metal); to come over s.o. (هـ ), befall (ب s.o.; of a feeling); to come (ه, هـ to, upon; also of events); to reach (هـ s.th.), get to s.th. (هـ ), get as far as s.th. (هـ ); to come by night | طرق اذنه (udunahū) to strike s.o.’s ear, reach s.o.’s ear; طرق بباله (bi-bālihī) to occur to s.o., come to s.o.’s mind; طرق في ذهنه (dihnihī) do.; طرق سمعه (sam‘ahū) and طرق مسامعه to reach s.o.’s ear, come to s.o.’s knowledge or attention; طرق طريقا to tread, travel, follow, take, or use a road; طرق موضوعا to treat of a subject, discuss a topic; to broach a subject, touch on a theme II to hammer, strike with a hammer, forge, extend (هـ s.th., esp. metal) IV to bow one's head in silence | اطرق رأسه (ra’sahū) or برأسه to bow one’s head V to seek to gain access (الى to); to penetrate (الى s.th. or into s.th.) to get (الى to), reach (الى s.th.), arrive (الى at); (in a speech, and the like) to touch (الى on a subject), go into s.th. (الى ), treat of s.th. (الى) | لا يتطرق اليه شك (šakkun) not open to doubt, admitting no doubt
طرقة ṭarqa (n. vic.) pl. ṭaraqāt knock, rap(ping), bang(ing) (e.g., at a door); blow; one time (= مرة), طرقتين , ṭarqatain twice
طرقة ṭurqa way, road; passage, passageway, alleyway, corridor
طريق ṭarīq m. and f., pl. طرق ṭuruq, طرقات ṭuruqāt way; road, highway; trail, track, path; method | طريق الجو ṭ. al-jaww air route; طريق البحر ṭ. al-baḥr sea route; طريق رئيسي (ra’īsī) main road; طريق عام (‘āmm) public road, highway, thoroughfare; طريق عمومية (‘umūmīya) do.; عن طريق by way of, via; by means of, through; عن طريق الجو (ṭ. il-jaww) by air; من طريق by means of, through; عابر الطريق wanderer, wayfarer; قاطع الطريق pl. قطاع الطريق quṭṭā‘ aṭ-ṭ. highwayman, wayfarer, brigand; قاطع الطريق to commit highway robbery; كان في طريقه to have sense, be sensible or normal
طريقة ṭarīqa pl. طرائق ṭarā’iq2, طرق ṭuruq manner, mode, means; way, method, procedure; system; creed, faith, religion; (pl. -āt, طرق ṭuruq) religious brotherhood, dervish order | طريقة الاستعمال directions for use
طرقي ṭuruqī pl. -ūn adherent of a religious brotherhood
مطرق miṭraq and مطرقة miṭraqa pl. مطارق maṭāriq2 hammer
مطراق miṭrāq versatile, many-sided, of varied skills or talents
اطراقة iṭrāqa (n. vic.) a bowing of the head
استطراق istiṭrāq transit permission, free passage or entry
طارق ṭāriq pl. طراق ṭurrāq knocking, rapping, banging, striking, beating; nocturnal visitor
طارقة ṭāriqa pl. طوارق ṭawāriq2 misfortune, disaster, calamity
مطروق maṭrūq much-frequented, muchtraveled, well-trodden (road, trail, path) | موضوع مطروق a much-discussed, frequently treated subject
مطرق muṭriq and مطرق الرأس with bowed head
طرقع ṭarqa‘a (eg.) to crack (intr., also trans.: ب or هـ s.th., e.g., a whip); to crack, crunch (هـ s.th.)
طارمة ṭārima pl. -āt kiosk, booth, cabin, stall
طرمبة ṭurumba pl. -āt pump
طرو ) and طرو (طرى ṭaruwa u, طري ṭariya a (طراوة ṭarāwa) to be or become fresh, succulent, moist, tender, soft, mild II to make fresh, succulent, moist, tender, soft, mild (هـ s.th.); to moisten, wet (هـ s.th.); to perfume, scent (هـ s.th.) IV to praise (highly), extol, laud (ه s.o.), lavish praise (ه on s.o.)
طري ṭarīy fresh, succulent, new; moist; tender, soft, mild
طراوة ṭarāwa freshness, succulence, moistness; tenderness, softness, mildness | طراوة الخلق ṭ. al-kulq gentleness; softness of character
اطرية iṭriya vermicelli
اطراء iṭrā’ (high) commendation, praise, laudation, extolment
طروادة ṭirwāda2 (from Fr. Troade) Troy
طازج ṭāzaj look up alphabetically
طزلق (Turk. tozluk) ṭuzluq pl. طزالق ṭazāliq2 gaiter(s), legging(s)
طازة ṭāza look up alphabetically
طزينة (It. dozzina) pl. طزازن ṭazāzin2 dozen
طست ṭast, ṭist pl. طسوت ṭusūt basin; washbasin, washbowl
طشت ṭašt, ṭišt pl. طشوت ṭušūt basin; washbasin, washbowl
طشقند ṭašqand Tashkent (capital of Uzbek S.S.R.)
طصلق ṭaṣlaqa (eg.) to do inaccurately, perform sloppily, bungle, botch, scamp (هـ a job, work)
طصلقة ṭaṣlaqa inaccurate, sloppy, or slipsbod work
طعم ṭa‘ima a (ṭa‘m) to eat (هـ s.th.); to taste (هـ s.th.); to relish, enjoy, savor (A s.th.) II to graft, engraft (هـ s.th.); to inoculate, vaccinate (ب ه s.o. with); to inlay (ب هـ s.th. with, e.g., wood with ivory) IV to feed, give to eat (هـ ه s.o. s.th.), nourish (هـ ه s.o. with), serve food or drink (هـ ) to s.o. (ه) | اطعمه من جوع (jū‘) to appease s.o.’s hunger V to taste (هـ s.th.) X = V; to ask for food
طعم ṭa‘m pl. طعوم ṭu‘ūm taste, flavor, savor; pleasing flavor, relish
طعمية ṭa‘mīya (eg.) patty made of beans, and seasoned with onion, garlic and parsley
طعم ṭu‘m graft, cion; bait, lure, decoy; (pl. طعوم ṭu‘ūm) vaccine
طعم ṭa‘im tasty, savory, delicious
طعمة ṭu‘ma pl. طعم ṭu‘am food; bait; quarry, catch, bag | اصبح طعمة النيران aṣbaḥa ṭu‘mata n-nīrān to be destroyed by fire; طعمة لمدافع الحرب (li-madāfi‘i l-ḥarb) cannon fodder
طعام ṭa‘ām pl. اطعمة aṭ‘ima, food, nourishment, nutriment, fare, diet; meal, repast | اضرب عن الطعام (aḍraba) to go on a hunger strike
مطعم maṭ‘am pl. مطاعم maṭā‘im2 eating house, restaurant; dining room; mess, messhall (on a ship); food | مطعم الشعب m. aš-ša‘b and مطعم شعبي soup kitchen
تطعيم taṭ‘īm inoculation, vaccination; inlay work | تطعيم القرنية t. al-qarnīya transplantation of the cornea (med.)
اطعام iṭ‘ām feeding
مطعوم maṭ‘ūm tasted; already known
طعن ṭa‘ana u a (ṭa‘n) to thrust, pierce, transfix (ب هـ, ه s.o., s.th. with); to stab (ه s.o.); to defame, discredit, hurt (with words; على or في s.o., s.th.), speak evil (على or في of); to contest, challenge, impeach (في حكم a judgment), appeal (في حكم against a judgment); to refute. disprove (في s.th.); to penetrate, enter (في s.th. or into s.th.) | طعن في السن (sinn) to be advanced in years, be old; طعن في القول (qaul) to refute a (theological) doctrine VI to thrust each other; to attack each other, battle one another
طعن ṭa‘n piercing, transfixion; slandering, calumniation, defamation; appeal (في against; jur.), challenge, contestation, impeachment (في of; jur.); pl. طعون ṭu‘ūn calumnies, defamations; attacks
طعنة ṭa‘na (n. vic.) pl. ṭa‘anāt stab, thrust; attack; calumny, defamation, vilification
طاعون ṭā‘ūn pl. طواعين ṭawā‘īn2 plague, pestilence | الطاعون الدملي (dummalī) bubonic plague; الطاعون البقري (baqarī) and طاعون الماشية ṭ. al-māšiya rinderpest, cattle plague, steppe murrain
مطاعن maṭā‘in2 (pl.) invectives, abuses (في against s.o.)
طاعن ṭā‘in and طاعن في السن (sinn) aged, old, advanced in years | رسالة طاعنة lampoon
مطعون maṭ‘ūn plague-infected, plague-stricken
1 طغار an Iraqi weight equaling 2000 kg, in Basra 1537 kg
2 طغراء ṭugrā’ pl. -āt tughra, calligraphically intricate signature of the Ottoman Sultan, interwoven with his father’s name and his own honorific, customarily used on written decrees, state documents and coins
طغرى ṭugrā = طغراء ṭugrā’2
طغام ṭagām common people, populace; lowly, insignificant
طغمة ṭugma, ṭagma pl. -āt band, troop, group
(طغو and طغي) طغا ṭagā u and طغى ṭagā a (ṭagy) and ṭagiya a (طغى ṭagan, طغيان ṭugyān) to exceed proper bounds, overstep the bounds, be excessive; to be rough, tumultuous, rage (sea); to overflow, leave its banks (river); to flood, overflow, inundate, deluge (على s.th.); to overcome, seize, grip, befall (على s.o.); to be tyrannical or cruel (على against s.o.), tyrannize, oppress, terrorize (على s.o.), ride roughshod (على over s.o.); -- طغى ṭagā a to predominate, prevail, preponderate (على in, at), dominate, outweigh, outbalance (على s.th.), be preponderant (على over, in comparison with s.th.)
طغوان ṭugwān flood, inundation, deluge
طغيان ṭugyān flood, inundation, deluge; tyranny, oppression, suppression, repression, terrorization
طاغ ṭāgin pl. طغاة ṭugāh tyrant, oppressor, despot
طاغ ṭāgiya tyrant, oppressor, despot; bully, brute, gorilla
طاغوت ṭāgūt an idol, a false god; seducer, tempter (to error)
طف II to make deficient or scanty (هـ s.th.); to be niggardly, stingy (على toward s.o.), stint (على s.o.)
طفيف ṭafīf deficient; small, little, slight, trivial, trifling, insignificant, inconsiderable
تطفيف taṭfīf stinting, scrimping, niggardliness, stinginess, parsimony
طفئ ṭafi’a a (طفوء ṭufū’) to go out, die down, be extinguished (fire, light); to be out, have gone out (fire, lamp) IV to put out, extinguish, smother, stifle (هـ a fire), turn off, switch off (هـ light); to quench (هـ fire, thirst), slake (هـ thirst, also lime) | اطفأ جذوة يومه واحرق فحمة ليله في العمل (jadwata yaumihi wa-aḥraqa faḥmata lailihi fī l-‘amal) to work day and night VII = طفئ ṭafi’a
طفاية ṭaffāya fire-extinguishing device
مطفأة miṭfa’a pl. مطافئ maṭāfi’ firefighting equipment, fire extinguisher, fire engine | رجال المطافئ the fire department, the firemen
اطفاء iṭfā’ putting out, quenching, extinguishing, extinction, fire fighting | جهاز اطفاء الحريق jahāz i. al-ḥarīq firefighting equipment رجال الإطفاء the fire department, the firemen; عمليات الإطفاء ‘amalīyāt al-i. fire-fighting operations
اطفائي iṭfā’ī fireman
اطفائية iṭfā’īya fire department
مطفأ muṭfa’ extinguished, gone out, out; mat, dull, flat, lusterless
طفح ṭafaḥa a (ṭafḥ, طفوح ṭufūḥ) to flow over, run over, overflow (ب with, also, e.g., the heart with generosity, etc.); to cause to overflow (ب e.g., the milk) II to fill to overflowing, fill to the brim (هـ a vessel); to overfill (هـ s.th.) IV = II
طفح ṭafḥ superabundance, repletion; skin eruption, rash, exanthema (med.)
طفحة ṭafḥa skin eruption, rash, exanthema (med.)
طفحي ṭafḥī eruptive, exanthematic (med.)
طفوح ṭufūḥ superabundance, repletion
طفاحة ṭufāḥa skimmings, foam, froth
طفحان ṭafḥān2, f. طفحى ṭafḥā flowing over, running over, brimful, replete, overfull, filled to overflowing
مطفحة miṭfaḥa skimmer, skimming ladle
طفح ṭāfiḥ flowing over, running over, brimful, replete, overfull, filled to overflowing
طفر ṭafara i (ṭafr) to jump, leap, bounce | طفرت جوانحها approx.: her bosom heaved violently (with joyous agitation)
طفرة ṭafra jump, leap, bounce, bound; impulsive motion, impetuosity; upswing, rise, upturn, successful step; ṭafratan in one leap
طفران ṭafrān pauper, have-not
2 طفر ṭafar (=ثفر ) crupper (of the saddle)
طفش ṭafaša i (ṭafš) to run away, flee, escape (eg.)
طفق ṭafiqa a (ṭafaq) with foll. imperf.: to begin, set out to do s.th.; to do s.th. suddenly
على II to intrude, obtrude, impose o.s. (على upon); to sponge (على on s.o., على مائدته at s.o.’s table), live at other people’s expense V = II; to arrive uninvited or at an inconvenient time, disturb, intrude; to be obtrusive
طفل ṭafl tender, soft; potter’s clay, argil
طفل ṭifl pl. اطفال aṭfāl infant, baby, child
طفلة ṭifla little girl
طفلي ṭiflī child (adj.), baby (adj.), children’s, of or pertaining to childhood or infancy; infantile, childlike, childish | الطب الطفلي (ṭibb) pediatrics
طفل ṭafal infancy, babyhood, early childhood; childhood, childhood stage
طفل ṭafla potter’s clay, argil
طفال ṭufāl potter’s clay; argil; clay, loam
طفالة ṭafāla infancy, babyhood, early childhood; childhood, childhood stage; initial stage, beginnings, dawn, early period
طفولة tufūla infancy, babyhood, early childhood; childhood, childhood stage; children
طفولية ṭufūlīya infancy, babyhood, early childhood; childhood, childhood stage
طفولي ṭufūlī child (adj.), baby (adj.), children’s, of or pertaining to childhood or infancy; infantile, childlike, childish
طفيلي ṭufailī uninvited guest, intruder, obtruder, sponger, hanger-on, parasite, sycophant; pl. طفيليات parasites (med., biol.) | علم الطفيليات ‘ilm aṭ. parasitology
متطفل mutaṭaffil parasitic(al); parasite, sponger, uninvited guest
طفا (طفو ) ṭafā u (طفو ṭafw, ṭufūw) to float, drift; to emerge, rise to the surface | طفا به الى السطح (saṭḥ) to bring s.th. to the surface
طفاءة ṭufā’a anything drifting or floating, driftage, floatage, flotsam; halo (around the sun or moon)
طاف ṭāfin superficial
طافية ṭāfiya floating iceberg
طفاية ṭaffāya see طفئ
طق ṭaqqa u (ṭaqq) to crack, pop; to clack, smack, flap; to burst, explode
طقس II to introduce into one of the orders of the ministry (Chr.) V to perform a rite, follow a ritual
طقس ṭaqs weather; climate; -- (pl. طقوس ṭuqūs) rite, ritual; religious custom; order of the ministry, clerical rank (Chr.)
طقسي ṭaqsī liturgical; liturgist (Chr.); الطقسيات aṭ-ṭaqsīyāt the liturgical books (Chr.)
طقطق ṭaqṭaqa to crack, snap, rattle, clatter, chug, pop, crash; to crackle, (de)crepitate, rustle
طقطوقة ṭaqṭūqa crash, bang; clap, thud, crack, pop; (pl. طقاطيق ṭaqāṭīq) ditty, gay, popular song
طقم II to harness, bridle (هـ a horse)
طقم ṭaqm pl. طقوم ṭuqūm, طقومة ṭuqūma, اطقم aṭqum a number of complementary objects or things; series; suit (of clothes); set (of tools, and the like); harness (of a horse); service (e.g., of china, etc.) | طقم الأسنان denture, set of teeth
طاقم tāqim = ṭaqm; crew (of a ship) | طاقم الأسنان denture, set of teeth
طل ṭalla u (ṭall) to bespray, besprinkle, bedrizzle, bedew (هـ s.th., esp. the sky -- the earth); -- ṭalla u to emerge, rise, loom up, come into view, appear, show IV to look down (على upon), tower (على above), command a view of s.th. (على ), overlook, survey (على s.th.); to command, dominate, overtop (على s.th., e.g., the surrounding area); (of a room, window, etc.) to open (على upon, to, toward), give (على on), face (على toward); to look out, peek out, peep out (من of s.th.); to appear, show
طل ṭall pl. اطلال ṭilāl dew; fine rain, drizzle
طلل ṭalal pl. اطلال aṭlāl, طلول ṭulūl, used chiefly in the pl.: remains, ruins (of houses); remains, or traces, of an abandoned encampment
مطلول maṭlūl: دم مطلول (dam) unavenged blood
طلب ṭalaba u (ṭalab, مطلب maṭlab) to look, search (هـ, ه for s.o., for s.th.); to set out (هـ for a place). get on one’s way (هـ to), go to see (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to request (هـ s.th.), apply (هـ for); to seek, try to obtain, claim (من هـ s.th. from), ask, beg (هـ من s.o. for); to demand, exact, require (هـ الى of s.o. s.th.); to want, wish (من هـ s.th. from; الى s.o. ان to do s.th.); to call (الى upon s.o.), appeal (الى to s.o.), invite, request, entreat, beseech (الى s.o.); to order, demand (هـ من s.th. from), call (هـ for s.th., من from), call in (هـ s.th., من from); to be after s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ); to study III to demand back, reclaim (ب or هـ ه from s.o. s.th.), call for the return or restitution of s.th. (ب or هـ ), demand, claim (ب or هـ ه from s.o. s.th.); to demand, claim (ب s.th.) V to require, necessitate, make necessary or requisite (هـ s.th.) VII pass. of I
طلب ṭalab search, quest, pursuit; -- (pl. -āt) demand, claim, call (for), invitation (to), solicitation, wish, desire, request, entreaty j application, petition; order, commission; demand (com.); study | تحت طلبه at s.o.’s disposal; عند الطلب and لدى الطلب on demand, by request, if desired, on application; O لحين الطلب li-ḥīn ṭ-ṭalab at sight (com.); العرض والطلب (‘arḍ) supply and demand; طلب العلم ṭ. al-‘ilm quest of knowledge, craving for knowledge, studiousness; طلب عدم الثقة ṭ. ‘adam at-tiqa motion of “no confidence” (parl.)
طلبة ṭalba litany, prayer (Chr.)
طلبة ṭaliba, ṭilba desire, wish, request, demand; application
طلبية ṭalabīya pl. -āt order, commission (com.)
طلاب ṭallāb exacting, persistently claiming or demanding
مطلب maṭlab search, quest, pursuit; -- (pl. .,.Jll.. m<الى dlib') demand, oall (for); request, wish; claim; problem, issue; pl. مطالب (claims of the government =) taxes
مطالبة muṭālaba demand; cell, appeal (with genit. or ب for); claim (with genit. or ب to)
طالب ṭālib pl. طلاب ṭullāb, طلبة ṭalaba seeker, pursuer; claimer, claimant; applicant, petitioner; candidate; student, scholar, also طالب العلم ṭ. al-‘ilm; pupil; a naval rank, approx.: midshipman (Eg. 1939) | طالب ممتاز (mumtāz) a naval rank, approx.: ensign (Eg. 1939); طلاب الحاجات petitioners; طالب الزواج ṭ. az-zawāj suitor
طالبي ṭālibī student’s, student- (in compounds), of or pertaining to studies or students
مطلوب maṭlūb wanted (in classified ads); due, owed (money); unknown (of a quantity; math.); (pl. مطالب maṭālib2) wish, desire; pl. طلب liabilities, debts; pl. مطاليب claims
مطالب muṭālib claimer, claimant; -- muṭālab one of whom s.th. or s.o. (ب ) is demanded, one accountable (ب for), held answerable (ب for)
متطلبات mutaṭallabāt requirements
طلح ṭalaḥa u (طلاح ṭalāḥ) to be or become bad, evil, wioked, vicioUi. depraved
طلح ṭalḥ (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. طلوح ṭulūḥ a variety of accacia (Acacia gummifera); banana tree; banana
طلحية ṭalḥīya pl. طلاحى ṭalāḥīy sheet of paper
طليحة ṭalīḥa (syr.) ream of paper
طالح ṭāliḥ bed, evil, wicked, vicious, depraved, villainous
1 طلس ṭalasa i (ṭals) to efface, obliterate, blot out (هـ s.th., esp. writing)
طلس ṭals effacement, obliteration
طلس ṭils effaced, obliterated, blotted out (inscription); illegible
2 اطلس aṭlas2 satin; (pl. اطالس aṭālis 2) atlas, volume of geographical maps
1 طلسانة ṭalasāna (eg.) coping (arch.)
2 طيلسان ṭailasān pl. طيالسة ṭayālisa look up alphabetically
طلسم ṭilasm, ṭilasm pl. -āt, طلاسم ṭalāsim2 talisman, a seal, or the like, inscribed with mysterious words or characters; charm, magical combination of words; pl. طلاسم cryptic characters
طلع ṭala‘a u (طلوع ṭulū‘, مطلع maṭla‘) to rise, ascend, come up (esp. of celestial bodies); to come into view, appear, show, become visible; to erupt (tooth), come up, sprout, break forth (plant); to go out, get out, come out, emerge (من from); to come suddenly (على upon s.o. or s.th.), overtake (على s.o., s.th.); طلع عليه ب to take or bring to s.o. s.th.; -- ṭala‘a a u (طلوع ṭulū‘) and ṭali‘a a to mount, ascend, climb, scale (هـ s.th.); to get (هـ on top of s.th., aboard s.th., into an automobile, on a train, etc.), board (هـ a train, etc.) III to read, peruse (هـ s.th.); to study (هـ s.th.); to look (هـ at s.th.), inspect, view (هـ s.th.); to acquaint (هـ s.o. ب with), make clear, elucidate, explain, expound, disclose (ب ه to s.o. s.th.), give an insight (ب ه to s.o. into), let s.o. (ه ) in on s.th. (ب ); to shine (هـ on s.th.; of the sun) IV to erupt (tooth), come up, sprout, break forth (plant); to acquaint (على ه s.o. with); to inform (ه s.o. من or على of or about), apprise, notify (عن or على ه s.o. of), let s.o. (ه ) know (على s.th. or about s.th.), tell (على ه s.o. about); to demonstrate, point out, disclose, reveal, show (على ه to s.o. s.th.); to give an insight (على ه to s.o. into), let s.o. (ه ) in on s.th. (على ) V to have an eye on s.th. (الى ), wait, look out (الى for); to watch (الى for); to strive, be out (الى for), be bent (الى on); to look (الى at s.o.), regard (الى s.o.); to look attentively or closely, gaze, stare (ب or في at) VIII to look; to see, behold, view (على s.th.); to study, come to know (على s.th.), become acquainted (على with), become aware or cognizant (على of), obtain information (على about), be informed (على of); to inspect, examine (على s.th.), look into s.th. (على ); to know (على s.th. or of s.th.), be aware, be cognizant (على of); to be (well) informed (على about), have (inside) information (على of), be (thoroughly) acquainted (على with), be privy (على to), be in on s.th. (على ); to find out, discover, detect (على s.th.) X to seek to discover, explore, scout, reconnoiter (هـ s.th.); to inquire (هـ about s.th.); to arouse curiosity (ه in s.o.) | استطلعه رأيه (ra’yahū) to consult s.o.) ask s.o.’s advice or opinion; استطلع خبره (kabarahū) to seek information about s.o. or s.th.
طلع ṭal‘ (also coll.) spadix or inflorescence of the palm tree; pollen
طلعة ṭal‘a look(s), appearance, aspect, outward appearance, guise
طلعة ṭula‘a inquisitive, nosy, curious
طلاع ṭallā‘ striving, aspiring | طلاع الثنايا والأنجد (tanāyā, anjud) efficient, energetic, vigorous; طلاع الى التعرف (ta‘arruf) curious, eager for news
طلوع ṭulū‘ rising, going up, ascending, ascension; rise (esp. of celestial bodies); appearance; climbing, ascent (of a mountain)
طليعة ṭalī‘a pl. مطالع maṭāli‘ front row, foremost rank, vanguard, avant-garde; pl. harbingers, precursors, presages, portents, first indications, symptoms; beginnings | في الطليعة in front, at the head, in the lead
مطلع maṭla‘ pl. مطالع maṭāli‘ rise, time of rising (of celestial bodies); point of ascent; starting point, point, of departure; break (e.g., of day), dawn (e.g., of an era); onset, outset, start, beginning; introduction, preface, proem; opening verses (of a poem); prelude; lookout; ladder, steps, stairs
مطالعة muṭāla‘a reading, perusal, study; (pl. -āt) (official) announcement | قاعة المطالعة reading room, study hall
تطلع taṭallu‘ striving, aspiration, endeavor, aim; inquisitiveness, curiosity
اطلاع iṭṭilā‘ pl. -āt study, examination, inspection; perusal; information, intelligence, knowledge; notice, cognizance; acquaintance, conversance, familiarity
استطلاع istiṭlā‘ study, research, investigation, probing; scouting, reconnoitering, reconnaissance; exploration; suspense (in anticipation of s.th.) | حب الاستطلاع ḥubb al-ist. inquisitiveness, curiosity;
حبا في الاستطلاع (ḥubban) out of curiosity; طائرة الاستطلاع reconnaissance plane
استطلاعي istiṭlā‘ī research-, study- (in compounds), explorational, exploratory, fact-finding; scout-, reconnaissance- (in compounds)
طالع ṭāli‘ pl. طوالع ṭawāli‘2 rising, ascending (esp. a celestial body); star of destiny; ascendant, nativity | حسن الطالع ḥusn aṭ-ṭ. good fortune, lucky star, good luck; لحسن طالعي luckily for me, fortunately; سيء الطالع sayyi’ aṭ-ṭ. ill-starred, ill-fated, unfortunate, unlucky; hapless person; ساء طالعه (ṭāli‘uhū) he fell on evil days, he met with ill fortune
طالعة ṭāli‘a out-set, beginning, start
مطالع muṭāli‘ reader
متطلع mutaṭalli‘ curious, eager, waiting (الى for)
مطلع muṭṭali‘ viewer, observer; informed (على about, of), acquainted, familiar (على with), cognizant (على of), privy (على to)
طلق țaluqa u (طلاقة ṭalāqa) to he cheerful, jovial, happy (face, countenance); -- ṭalaqāt u, ṭaluqat u (طلاق ṭalāq) to be divorced, get a. divorce (said of a woman); -- pass ṭuliqat (طلق ṭalq) to be in labor II to set loose, release, set free, let go (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to leave, forsake (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to repudiate, divorce (زوجته zaujatahū one’s wife); to grant a divorce decree (على against a woman; said of the judge) | طلقت نفسها (nafsahā) she dissolved her marriage, got a divorce; طلقت عليه (ṭulliqat) she was granted a divorce from him (by judicial decree) IV to undo, loose, disengage (هـ s.th.); to free, set free (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., also chem.), release, set at liberty, let go, let off, set loose (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to send out, dispatch (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to discharge (هـ a firearm), fire (هـ s.th., على at), shoot (على at); to utter, emit (هـ a sound); to let burst forth (هـ laughter); to repudiate, divorce (زوجته zaujatahu one’s wife); to generalize (هـ s.th.); to apply (هـ s.th., e.g., an expression, a designation, على to) | اطلق عليه اسم (isma) to name or call s.th. ..., designate s.th. as ...; يطلق على (yuṭlaqu) it has (absolute) validity for ..., it applies to ...; اطلق الحبل على الغارب (ḥabla) to give free rein, impose no restraints, let things take their course; اطلق حربا من عقالها (ḥarban) to unleash a war; اطلق الدواء بطنه (dawā’u baṭnahū) the medicine loosened his bowels; اطلق الرصاص على (raṣāṣa) to fire, shoot at; اطلق رجليه الى الريح (rijlaihi, rīḥ) to run away head over heels, to beat it; اطلق ساقيه للريح (sāqaihī) to run away head over heels, dash off like the wind, to bolt; اطلق الارادة to give a free hand (ل to s.o. في in s.th. or to do s.th.); اطلق سبيله to release s.o., set s.o. free, let s.o. go; اطلق السبيل لعبرته (li-‘abratihī) to let one’s tears flow freely; اطلق سراحه (sarāḥahū) to set s.o. at liberty, free s.o., release s.o. (from jail or custody); اطلق العنان له to give free rein to s.o. or s.th., give vent to s.th.; اطلق لحيته (liḥyatahū) to let one’s beard grow; اطلق لسانه فيه اطلاقا شنيعا to indulge in defamatory remarks about s.o., backbite s.o.; اطلق السنتهم بـ (alsinatahum) to incite s.o., e.g., a crowd, the mob (to boisterous demonstrations, emotional outbursts, and the like); اطلق النفس على سجيتها (nafsa, sajīyatihā) he gave free rein to his instincts; اطلق النار على to open fire on, fire or shoot at; اطلق النار فى to set fire to, set s.th. on fire; اطلق يده ب (yadahū) to be openhanded with, bestow s.th. lavishly; اطلق يده في (ل ) to give s.o. a free hand (in, to do s.th.), give s.o. unlimited authority for; اطلقوا ايديهم في البلاد (aidiyahum) they did as they pleased
with the country, they dealt high, handedly with the country V to brighten-beam, be radiant (with joy) | تطلق وجهها بابتسامة (wajhuhū bi-btisāma) her face broke into a radiant smile VII to be free, be loose, be set free (also chem.); to be emitted, emanate; to race along, sweep along, dash along; to hurry, rush (الى to); to be hurled off, be flung away; to be discharged, be fired (firearm); to explode, go off; to burst forth, burst out, ring out (shouts, voices); to take off, start off, decamp, depart (من from); to start rolling, move off, pull out (train, vehicle); to go on, proceed on one’s way, to go away, leave; to go by, pass, elapse, (hours, years); to brighten, beam (face); with ب : to utter s.th. (tongue); with foll. imperf.: to set out to do s.th., begin or start with s.th. | انطلق يجري (yajrī) he set out in a hurry; انطلق مسرعا (musri‘an) he went away quickly, rushed away, dashed off; انطلق لسانه (lisānuhū) to utter words against; انطلق وجهه (wajhuhū) his face brightened, became cheerful X استطلق بطنه (baṭnuhu) he had a bowel movement
طلق ṭalq talc (min.); labor pains, travail; free, open, unconfined, unrestrained, unimpeded, uninhibited; free (من from), rid (من of) | طلق المحيا ṭalq (ṭilq, ṭulq) al-muḥayyā with a happy, cheerful face, bright-faced; طلق الوجه ṭalq (ṭilq, ṭulq) al-wajh do.; طلق اللسان eloquent; في الهواء الطلق (hawā’) outdoors, in the open, under the open sky; طلق اليدين ṭ. al-yadain openhanded, liberal, generous
طلق ṭilq permissible, admissible
طلق ṭalaq pl. اطلاق aṭlāq run, race, foot race; (pl. -āt, اطلاق aṭlāq) shot (with a firearm) | سريع الطلق rapid-fire (rifle, gun)
لسان طلق lisān ṭaliq a facile, fluent tongue
طلقة ṭalqa pl. ṭalaqāt divorce | طلقة بالثلاثة (talāta) definite divorce
طلقة ṭalaqa pl. -āt shot | طلقة نارية do
طلاق ṭalāq divorce, talak | طلاق بالثلاثة (talāta) definite divorce; طلاق رجعي (raj‘ī) revocable (not definite) divorce; كتاب الطلاق bill of divorce; حلف بالطلاق to swear by all that’s holy
طليق ṭalīq pl. طلقاء ṭulaqā’2 freed, released, set free, free; freedman; الطلقاء name of those Meccans who remained heathen until the surrender of Mecca
طلاقة ṭalāqa ease, relaxedness; unrestraint; cheerfulness | طلاقة اللسان fluency, eloquence; طلاقة الوجه ṭ. al-wajh cheerfulness of the face, gaiety
طليقة ṭalīqa repudiated or divorced woman, divorcee
طلوقة ṭalūqa pl. طلائق ṭalā’iq2 stallion
اطلاق iṭlāq freeing, liberation; setting loose, releasing, release; dispatch(ing); application (على to); generalization; اطلاقا iṭlāqan absolutely | على الإطلاق absolutely, unrestrictedly, without exception, in any respect, under any circumstances; اطلاق الرصاص على (i. ar-raṣāṣ) the firing at s.th., the shooting of s.o.; اطلاق السراح i. as-sarāḥ release (of s.o.); اطلاق النار (النيران ) opening of fire, shelling, gunning, cannonade
انطلاق intilāq outburst, outbreak, eruption, explosion, release (e.g., of forces, of energies); unrestraint, liberty | نقطة الانطلاق nuqṭat al-inṭ. starting point, point of departure
طالق tāliq (of a woman) repudiated, divorced | هي طالق ثلاثا (talātan) she is irrevocably divorced
مطلق muṭlaq free; unlimited, unrestricted, absolute; general; مطلقا muṭlaqan absolutely, unrestrictedly, without exception, in any respect, under any circumstances | الدول ذات الحكم المطلق (duwal dāt al-ḥukm) the authoritarian states; مطلق السراح m. as-sarāḥ free, at large, at liberty
متطلق mutaṭalliq cheerful, jovial, happy (face)
مطلمة miṭlama rolling pin
طلمبة ṭulumba pl. -āt pump
طلمس ṭalmasa to frown, scowl, glower, lower
(طلو andطلو) طلى ṭalā i (ṭaly) to paint, daub (ب هـ s.th. with); to coat, overlay, plate (ب هـ s.th. with) | طل هـ بالذهب (dahab) to gild s.th.; طلى هـ بالكهرباء (kahrabā’) to galvanize, electroplate s.th.; طلى هـ بالميناه (mīnā’) to enamel s.th. VII لم تنطل عليه هذه الحيلة (ḥīla) he wouldn’t be deceived by this ruse, this trick couldn’t fool him
طلاء ṭilā’ coating, overlaying, plating; coat, covering (e.g., of sugar); (coat of) paint; make-up, face paint | الطلاء بالكهرباء (kahrabā’) galvanization, electroplating
طلى ṭalīy pleasant, becoming, nice, pretty
طلاوة ṭalāwa beauty, gracefulness, grace, elegance
الطليان aṭ-ṭulyān the Italians
طليطلة ṭulaiṭila2 Toledo (town in Spain)
طم ṭamma u (ṭamm, طموم ṭumūm) to overflow, flood, inundate, deluge, engulf (هـ s.th.) VII pass. of I
طم ṭamm large quantity, huge amount; sea | الطم والرم (rimm) tremendous riches
طامة ṭāmma pl. -āt (overwhelming) calamity, disaster
طماطة ṭumāṭa tomato
طماطم ṭamāṭim2 (coll.; n. un. ة ) tomatoes
طمأن ṭam’ana and طأمن ṭa’mana to calm, quiet, pacify, appease, assuage, soothe (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), set s.o.’s mind at rest; to fill s.o. (ه ) with confidence (الى in), reassure (الى ه s.o. of or with regard to) II تطأمن taṭa’mana = طمن VI; IV اطمأن iṭma’anna to remain quietly (في in a place); to come to rest; to be or become still, quiet, calm, tranquil, at ease, composed, or reassured, feel assured, confident, or secure; to be sure, be certain (من or الى of s.th.); to have confidence, to trust (الى in), rely, depend (الى on, upon); to make sure (على of s.th.) reassure o.s. (على of or with regard to); to find reassurance (الى in), derive confidence (الى from)
طمأنينة ṭuma’nīna calm, repose, serenity, peace, peacefulness, tranquility; reassurance, peace of mind, composure, calmness, equanimity; trust, confidence
اطمئنان iṭmi’nān calm, repose, serenity, peace, peacefulness, tranquility; reassurance, peace of mind, composure, calmness, equanimity; trust, confidence
مطمئن muṭma’inn (of land) low, low-lying; calm, quiet, at ease, composed, (re)assured, tranquil, serene, peaceable, peaceful, safe, secure; sure, certain; trusting, confident, of good hope
طمث ṭamata u and ṭamita a (ṭamt) to menstruate; -- ṭamata u i (ṭamt) to deflower (ها a girl)
طمث ṭamt menstruation; menses, menstrual discharge
طمح ṭamaḥa a (طموح ṭumūḥ) to turn, be directed (الى to. toward; of the eye, of glances); to aspire (الى to, after), be bent (الى on), strive, crave, long, yearn (الى for), covet (الى s.th.); to take away, remove (ب s.th.)
طموح ṭumūḥ striving, endeavor, aspiration, desire, craving, coveting, longing, yearning; ambition; high aspirations, loftiness of purpose
طموح ṭamūḥ high-aiming, high-aspiring, ambitious; craving, covetous, desirous, avid, eager
طماح ṭammāḥ high-aiming, high-aspiring, ambitious; craving, covetous, desirous, avid, eager
مطمح maṭmaḥ pl. مطامح maṭāmiḥ object of one’s longing or striving, (aspired) goal, aim, ambition, burning desire
طامح ṭāmiḥ high-aiming, high-aspiring; longing, yearning, craving, covetous, avid, eager
1 طمر ṭamara u i (ṭamr) to bury, inter, cover with earth (هـ s.th., esp. a corpse); ṭamara i to cover up (هـ a thing), fill up (هـ a well)
طمر ṭimr pl. اطمار aṭmār old, tattered garment, fags, tatters
طمر ṭimirr fiery steed, race horse
مطمر miṭmar plumb line
مطمور maṭmūr subterranean, underground | O علم المطمورات ‘ilm al-maṭmūrāt paleontology
مطمورة maṭmūra pl. مطامير maṭāmīr2 subterranean storehouse for grain, underground granary, mattamore
2 طمر II (eg.) to curry(comb), rub down (هـ a horse)
طمر ṭumār (eg.) currycomb
3 طومار ṭūmār pl. طوامر ṭawāmir2 look up alphabetically
طمس ṭamasa u i (ṭams, طموس ṭumūs) to be effaced, be obliterated, be erased, be wiped out, be blotted out, be destroyed, be eradicated; to lose animation, become lusterless (eye, glance); -- ṭamasa i (ṭams) to efface, obliterate, erase, expunge, blot out, wipe out, destroy, eradicate (على or هـ s.th.) VII to be effaced, be obliterated, be wiped out, be blotted out, become extinct
طمس ṭams effacement, obliteration
انطماس inṭimās incomprehencibleness, abstruseness
طامس ṭāmis extinct, dead; blurred, indistinct; incomprehensible, abstruse, recondite, obscure
طماطة ṭumāṭa tomato
طماطم ṭamāṭim2 (coll.; n. un. ة ) tomatoes
طمطماني ṭumṭumānī barbarous, barbaric, uneducated (esp. speech, pronunciation)
طمع ṭami‘a a (ṭama‘) to covet, desire (ب or في s.th.), wish, crave, strive (ب or في for), aspire (ب or في to, after); to expect (ب s.th., من from); to hope (في for); to be ambitious; -- ṭamu‘a u (طماعة ṭamā‘a) to be covetous, avid, greedy, avaricious II to make (ه s.o.) desirous (في of), fill (ه s.o.) with greed (في for); to allure, tempt, entice (ه s.o.); to give (ه s.o.) hope (في of), hold out hopes (ه to s.o., في of s.th.), embolden (ه s.o.), encourage (في ه s.o. to do s.th.) IV = II
طمع ṭama‘ pl. اطماع aṭmā‘ greed, greediness, avidity, covetousness; ambitious desire, ambition; object of desire
طماع ṭammā‘ avid, greedy, covetous, desirous; avaricious, grasping
طماعية ṭamā‘īya avidity, greed; cupidity, avarice
مطمع maṭma‘ pl. مطامع maṭāmi‘ coveted object; covetousness, craving, desire; hope, expectation; pl. ambitious designs, ambitions, schemes, aspirations, desires
مطمعة maṭma‘a lure, enticement, temptation
مطماع miṭmā‘ filled with greed; obsessed by ambition, overambitious
طمن II to quiet, calm, appease, pacify, allay, assuage, soothe (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); see also طأمن ṭa’'mana under طمأن VI to be low; to become low, sink, subside; to calm down, be or become quiet, calm, still, to abate; to be bent over, to stoop
طمان ṭamān calm, quiet, repose, peace, peacefulness, serenity, tranquility; reassurance, ease, calmness, peace of mind, composure, equanimity; trust, confidence
تطمين taṭmīn appeasement, mollification, calming, assuaging, soothing
متطامن mutaṭāmin low
(طمو and طمي) طما ṭamā u (طمو ṭumūw), طمى ṭamā i (ṭamy) to flow over
طمي ṭamy (eg., syr.) alluvial mud, silt, alluvium
1 طن ṭunn pl. اطنان aṭnān ton | طن مسجل (musajjal) register ton
2 طن ṭanna i (طنين ṭanīn) to ring, sound, peal, jingle, tinkle (bell); to hum, buzz, drone (insect); to ring (ears) II = I
طنين ṭanīn ring(ing), peal, jingle, tinkle, tinkling (of a bell); buzz(ing), hum(ming), drone (of an insect); ringing (of the ears)
طنان ṭannān ringing, sounding, pealing, jingling, tinkling; resounding, reverberating, echoing; humming, buzzing, droning; whistle, buzzer (of a kettle); famous, renowned, celebrated
طنب II to remain, abide, stay to live, settle down (ب in, at a place) IV to be excessive (في in), overdo, exaggerate (في s.th.); to brag
طنب ṭunub pl. اطناب aṭnāb tent rope; sinew, tendon | شد اطنابه (šadda) to stay, sojourn, reside; ضرب اطنابه على to settle down, take up permanent residence in a place; ضرب اطنابه في to take root, prevail (at a place)
اطناب iṭnāb exaggeration; fussiness, circumstantiality, prolixity, lengthiness, verbosity
طنبور ṭunbūr pl. طنابير ṭanābīr2 a long-necked, stringed instrument resembling the mandolin; a device used to raise water for irrigation, Archimedean screw; drum, cylinder (techn.)
طنبوري ṭunbūrī player of the طنبور
طنبوشة ṭanbūša pl. -āt paddle box (of a paddle steamer)
طنجة ṭanja2 Tangier
طنجي ṭanjī from Tangier; native of Tangier, Tangerine
طنجرة ṭanjara pl. طناجر ṭanājir2 (copper) casserole, saucepan, skillet
طنطا ṭanṭā Tanta (city in N Egypt)
طنطن ṭanṭana to ring, sound, peal, jingle, tinkle (bell); to hum, buzz, drone (insect); to clang, boom, roar, rumble; to blare out (ب s.th.)
طنطنة ṭanṭana ring(ing), peal, jingle, tinkle, tinkling (of a bell); hum(ming), buzz(ing), drone (of an insect); clangor, boom, roar
طنف ṭunuf (ṭanaf, ṭunf) pl. طنوف ṭunūf, اطناف aṭnāf top, summit, peak (of a mountain); ledge, molding, eaves
طنفسة ṭinfisa, ṭanfasa, ṭunfusa pl. طنافس ṭanāfis2 velvet-like carpet, mockado carpet
طه a group of letters opening the 20th sura; Tāhā a Muslim masculine proper name
طهر ṭahara, ṭahura u (ṭuhr, طهارة ṭahāra) to be clean, pure; -- ṭaharat, ṭahurat (of a woman) to be clean (as opposed to menstruating) II to clean, cleanse, deterge, expurgate, purge, purify, chasten (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to disinfect, sterilize (هـ s.th.); to dredge (هـ e.g., a canal); to circumcise (ه s.o.) III to circumcise (ه s.o.) V to clean o.s., cleanse o.s., perform an ablution
طهر ṭuhr cleanness, purity; chastity
طهور ṭahūr circumcision; cleansing, purging, detergent; clean, pure
طهارة ṭahāra cleanness, cleanliness, purity; cultic purity (Isl. Law); chastity; holiness, sanctity, saintliness; circumcision | طهارة الذيل ṭ. ad-dail innocence; probity, uprightness, integrity, honesty
مطهر maṭhar purgatory (Chr.)
مطهرة maṭhara pl. مطاهر maṭāhir2 wash-room, lavatory, toilet
طهر taṭhīr cleaning, cleansing, purging, expurgation, purification; disinfection; purgation, use of aperients; dredging; circumcision
تطهيري taṭhīrī cleaning, cleansing, detergent
طاهر ṭāhir pl. اطهار aṭhār clean, pure; chaste, modest, virtuous | طاهر الذمة ṭ. ad-dimma upright, righteous, honest; طاهر الذيل ṭ. ad-dail innocent, pure, unblemished, blameless, upright, righteous, honest
مطهر muṭahhir pl. -āt a detergent (esp. anticeptic); an anticeptic, a disinfectant
مطهر muṭahhar pure, immaculate
طهران ṭihrān2 Teheran (capital of Iran)
طهق V to despise, detect, abhor, loathe (من s.th.)
مطهم muṭahham of perfect beauty (esp. as an epithet of noble horses)
طهو ) and طهي) طها ṭahā u and يطهى yaṭhā (طهو ṭahw, طهي ṭuhīy, ṭahy, طهاية ṭahāya) to cook (هـ s.th.); to stew (هـ s.th.); to braise (هـ s.th.); to broil, fry (هـ s.th.); to bake (هـ s.th.)
طهى ṭuhan cooked dish, cooked meal
طهاية ṭihāya cook’s trade
مطهى maṭhan kitchen
طاه ṭāhin pl. طهاة ṭuhāh cook
طواشي ṭawāšī pl. طواشية ṭawāšiya eunuch
طواية ṭawwāya frying pan
1 طابة ṭāba look up alphabetically
2 طوب II to beatify (ه s.o.; Chr.)
طوبى ṭūbā blessedness, beatitude; Beatitude (title of honor of a patriarch; Chr.)
تطويب taṭwīb beatification (Chr.)
3 طوب ṭub (coll.; n. un. ة ) brick(s) | طوب احمر (aḥmar) baked brick(s); طوب مفرغ (mufarrag) hollow tile(s), air brick(s); طوب ني (nayy) unburned, sun-dried briek(s)
طواب ṭawwāb brick burner, brick-maker, tile-maker
طوبجي ṭōbjī, (eg.) ṭobgī pl. -īya artillerist, artilleryman
طوبجية ṭōbjīya artillery
طوبه ṭūba the fifth month of the Coptic calendar
طاح (طوح ) ṭāḥa u (ṭauḥ) to perish, die; to loss one’s way, go astray, stray, wander about; to fall; to throw, cast, fling, hurl, toss, carry away, sweep away (ب s.o., s.th.) II to cause to or let perish (ه or ب s.o.); to endanger, expose to peril (ه or ب s.o.); to throwaway, toss away, hurl away (ب s.th.); to throw, cast, hurl, toss, fling (الى ب s.o. into); to carry away, transport (الى ب s.o. to, into); to move, induce, tempt (ه s.o., الى to s.th., to do s.th.) | طرحت به الطوائح fate dealt him severe blows IV to drop, discard (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), shed (هـ s.th.); to let s.th. (ب ) be swept away; to carry away, tear away, rip away (ب s.th.); to chop off (هـ s.th., esp. the head) V to fall, drop, be thrown, be tossed; to stray, wander about; to sway, reel, stagger
طوائح ṭawā’iḥ2 adversities, blows of fate
مطوحة muṭawwiḥa pl. -āt adventure
طود VII to rise in the air, soar up
طود ṭaud pl. اطواد aṭwād (high, towering) mountain
منطاد munṭād pl. مناطيد manāṭīd2 balloon, blimp; zeppelin, dirigible | منطاد مقيد (muqayyad) captive balloon, kite balloon; O منطاد هوائي ثابت (hawā’ī) barrage balloon
1 طور II to develop, further, advance, promote (هـ s.th.) V to develop, evolve; to change; to race (motor)
طور ṭaur pl. اطوار aṭwār one time (= Fr. fois; state, condition; limit, bound; stage, degree; phase (also phys., esp. el.) | طورا بعد طور time and again, again and again; طورا -- طورا or حينا -- طورا sometimes -- sometimes, at times – at times; خرج عن طوره to lose one’s self-control, become upset; اخرجه عن طوره (akrajahū) to upset, discompose, disconcert s.o.; غريب الأطوار of odd behavior, eccentric
طور ṭūr pl. اطوار aṭwār mountain | طور سيناء ṭ. sīnā’ and طور سينا ṭ. sīnā Mount Sinai
طوري ṭūrī wild
طوار ṭawār sidewalk
طوراني ṭūrānī wild; Turanian
تطور taṭawwur pl. -āt development; evolution; pl. -āt stages of development, evolutionary phases, developments | قابل التطور developable, capable of development or evolution
تطوري taṭawwurī evolutional, evolutionary | نظرية تطورية (naẓarīya) theory of evolution, evolutionism
2 طار ṭār (= اطار iṭār), طارة ṭāra hoop, ring; tire; frame; wheel; tambourine
3 اطار iṭār see اطر
4 طورية ṭūrīya look up alphabetically
طوربيد ṭurbīd pl. -āt, طرابيد ṭarābīd2 torpedo
طورية ṭūrīya (eg.) pl. طواري ṭawārī hoe, mattock
طوزلق (Turk. tozluk) gaiter(s), legging(s)
طوس II to adorn, decorate, deck out (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.)
طاس ṭās pl. -āt round, shallow drinking cup made of metal, drinking vessel; finger bowl
طاس ṭāsa pl. -āt round, shallow drinking cup made of metal, drinking vessel | طاسة التحمير frying pan; O طاسة التصادم ṭ. at-taṣādum buffer (railroad)
طاووس ṭāwūs pl. طواويس ṭawāwīs2 peacock
مطوس muṭawwas ornate, ostentatiously made-up
طوش II to castrate, emasculate (ه s.o.)
طواشي ṭawāšī pl. طواشية ṭawāšiya eunuch
طاع (طوع ) ṭā‘a u (ṭau‘) to obey (ل or ه s.o.), be obedient (ل or ه to s.o.) II to render obedient, bring into subjection, subdue, subject, subjugate (ه s.o.) | طوعت له نفسه (nafsuhū) (lit.: his soul permitted him, made it easy or feasible for him, i.e.) he allowed himself to do s.th. (هـ ), he had no qualms about doing s.th. (هـ ), he did not hesitate to do s.th. (هـ ) III to comply with or accede to s.o.’s (هـ ) wishes (على or في in, with regard to), yield, submit, be obedient (ه to s.o., على or في in), obey (ه s.o., على or في in); to be at s.o.’s (ه ) command (of a faculty, skill, etc.); to consent, assent (في to s.th.) IV to obey, follow (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), be obedient, submit, yield (هـ ه to s.o., to s.th.), comply (هـ, ه with s.o.’s wishes, with s.th.), accede (هـ, ه to s.o.’s wishes, to s.th.) V to do voluntarily (ل or ب or هـ s.th.), volunteer (ل or ب or هـ for, in, to do s.th.); to enlist, volunteer (mil.) | تطوع خيرا (kairan) to perform a good deed voluntarily VII to obey, follow (ل s.o., s.th.), be obedient, submit, yield, accede (ل to), comply (ل with) X to be able (هـ to do s.th.), be in a position to do, to get, to carry out, or to take upon o.s. (هـ s.th.), be capable (هـ of s.th., ان of doing s.th.)
طوع ṭau‘ obedience; voluntariness, spontaneity (in connection with a legally relevant action, esp. a delict; Isl. Law); (for m. and f.) obedient, compliant, submissive; طوعا ṭau‘an voluntarily, of one’s own free will, of one’s own accord | طوعا او كرها (karhan) willingly or unwillingly, willy-nilly, whether I (you, etc.) will it or not; طوع العنان tractable, docile, amenable; طوع يده ṭau‘a yadihī under s.o.’s thumb, at s.o.’s beck and call; هو طوع ايدينا (ṭau‘a aidīnā) he is at our beck and call, he is in our power; طوع امرك /ṭau‘a amrika at your disposal
طوعيا ṭau‘īyan voluntarily, of one’s own free will, of one’s own accord
طيع (ṭayyi‘) obedient, compliant, submissive
طاعة ṭā‘a obedience, compliance, submissiveness; (pl. -āt) pious deed (Isl. Law) | بيت الطاعة bait aṭ-ṭ. the husband’s house to which a woman, in case of unlawful desertion, must return (Isl. Law); السمع والطاعة as-sam‘ū wa-ṭ-ṭā‘atu I hear and obey! at your service! Very well! سمعا وطاعة sam‘an wa-ṭā‘atan do.
طواعية ṭawā‘īya obedience | عن طواعية voluntarily, of one’s own free will, of one’s own accord
مطواع miṭwā‘ obedient, compliant
تطويع taṭwī‘ diploma of the Great Mosque of Tunis
اطاعة iṭā‘a obedience
تطوع taṭawwu‘ voluntariness; volunteering; voluntary service (في in a branch of the armed forces); service as an unsalaried trainee, voluntary traineeship
استطاعة istiṭā‘a ability, capability, faculty; possibility
طائع ṭā’i‘ obedient, compliant, submissive | طائعا او كارها willingly or unwillingly, whether I (you, etc.) will it or not
مطوع muṭawwa‘ pl. -ūn holder of the diploma issued by the Great Mosque of Tunis; -- muṭṭawwi‘ volunteer (also mil.); unsalaried trainee
مطاوع muṭāwi‘ obedient, compliant, submissive; yielding, pliable, pliant; المطاوع the reflexive, frequently = the passive (gram.) | حديد مطاوع mild steel
مطيع muṭī‘ obedient, compliant
متطوع mutaṭawwi‘ pl. ة volunteer (also mil.); unsalaried trainee
مستطاع mustaṭā‘ possible, feasible | قدر المستطاع qadra l-m. as far as possible, as far as it is feasible; بقدر (على قدر) المستطاع do.
طاف (طوف ) ṭāfa u (ṭauf, طواف ṭawāf, طوفان ṭawafān) to go about, walk about, ride about, travel about, move about, rove about, wander about, run around (هـ in s.th.), tour (هـ s.th.); to go, walk, ride, run (حول, ب around s.th.), circumambulate (حول, ب s.th.); to make the rounds, walk around (على among people); to circle, circuit, compass (حول, ب s.th.); to roam, rove, range (ب s.th.); to show around, guide (ب s.o.); to familiarize o.s., acquaint o.s. (y with); to become acquainted (ب with s.o., with s.th.), come to know (ب s.o., s.th.); - (ṭauf) to appear to s.o. (ب ) in his sleep; to come (على upon s.o.), afflict (على s.o.); to overflow, leave its banks (river); to swim, float, drift II to go about, walk about, stroll about, ride about, travel about (في in), tour (في s.th.); to go or walk around s.th. (ب ), circle, circumambulate (ب s.th.); to show around, guide (ب or ه s.o.); to let (ب s.th.) roam (هـ s.th.), let (ب s.th.) make the rounds (ب in), let one’s eyes (ب ) wander; to perform the circumambulation of the Kaaba (ṭawāf) IV to surround, encompass, encircle, circumscribe (ب s.th.) V to move about, rove, roam, wander, walk about
طوف ṭauf round, circuit, beat; low wall, enclosure; (pl. اطواف aṭwāf) patrol; raft made of inflated waterskins tied together
طواف ṭawāf round, circuit, beat; round trip, round-trip excursion; roundtrip flight; circumambulation of the Kaaba (as part of the Islamic pilgrimage ceremonies)
طواف ṭawwāf ambulant, itinerant, migrant, roving, wandering; going the rounds, making the circuit, walking the beat; (pl. ة ) mounted rural mail carrier (Eg.) | محطة الطوافة maḥaṭṭat aṭ-ṭ. (Eg.) circuit stations which have the mail delivered by mounted rural mail carriers
طوافة ṭawwāfa pl. -āt patrol boat, coastal patrol vessel (employed by the Egyptian Coast Guard)
طوفان ṭūfān flood, inundation, deluge
مطاف maṭāf riding about, traveling, touring; round trip | آل (انتهى) به المطاف الى to end with, wind up with, arrive eventually at; خاتمة المطاف the end of the matter, the final issue, the upshot of it
تطواف taṭwāf traveling, touring, wandering, itineration, roving life
طائف ṭā’if ambulant, itinerant, migrant, roving, wandering; one going the rounds or making the circuit or walking the beat; one performing the ṭawāf | طاف به طائف he had a sudden impulse or urge; طاف عليه طائف من القدر القاسي (qadar) tragedy befell him, he met with a harsh fate
الطائف aṭ-ṭā’if Taif (town in S Hejaz)
طائفة ṭā’ifa pl. طوائف ṭawā’if2 part, portion; number; troop, band, group; swarm, drove, bevy, covey; people; class; sect, denomination; confession, communion; party, faction; religious minority | O الطائفة الاحساسية (iḥsāsīya) the impressionists; ملوك الطوائف princelings, petty kings
طائفي ṭā’ifī factional, sectarian, denominational, confessionalism
طائفية ṭā’ifīya sectarianism, denominationalism; confessionalism
مطوف muṭawwif pl. -ūn pilgrims’ guide in Mecca
طاق (طوق ) ṭāqa u (ṭauq) to be able, be in a position (هـ to do s.th.), be capable (هـ of, of doing s.th.); to be able to bear or stand (هـ s.th.), bear, stand, sustain, endure (هـ s.th.) II to put a collar or necklace (طوقا ṭauqan) around s.o.’s neck; to hoop (هـ s.th., e.g., a barrel); to surround, clasp, enwrap, ring, encompass (ب هـ, ه s.o., s.th. with), encircle (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), form or throw a circle or cordon (هـ, ه around s.o., around s.th.), enclose (هـ s.th.); to play (هـ about, e.g., a smile about the lips), flit (هـ across s.th.) | طوقه بذراعيه (bi-dirā‘aihī) to take s.o. in one’s arms, embrace, hug, clasp s.o.; طوق عنقه ب (‘unuqahū) to present s.o. with, bestow upon s.o. s.th. IV = I (على, هـ s.th., to do s.th., of s.th. or of doing s.th.); to master (هـ a method) | لم يطق صبرا lam yuṭiq ṣabran be could not stand or bear it, he could not control himself; شيء لا يطاق (yuṭāqu) s.th. unbearable, s.th. intolerable
طوق ṭauq ability, faculty, power, strength, potency, capability, aptitude, capacity; endurance; (pl. اطواق aṭwāq) necklace; neckband, ruff, collar; hoop, circle | طوق للنجاة (najāh) life buoy; اخرجه الحزن عن طوقه (akrajahū l-ḥuznu) grief drove him out of his mind
طوقي ṭauqī collar-like, loop-shaped, ring-shaped, annular
طاق ṭāq pl. –āt, طيقان ṭīqān arch (arch.); (pl. -āt) stratum, layer
طاقة ṭāqa pl. -āt window
طاقة ṭāqa pl. -āt ability, faculty, capability, aptitude, capacity, power, strength, potency; energy (phys., etc.); capacity (of a technical apparatus); bunch, bouquet (of flowers) | في الطاقة (with foll. maṣdar) it is possible to ...; قدر الطاقة qadra ṭ-ṭ. as far as possible, in the best way possible; على قدر طاقته according to his capability; طاقة مدخرة (muddakara) accumulated energy; potential (phys.); الطاقة الذرية (darrīya) atomic energy, atomic power; طاقة انتاجية (intājīya) productive power, productional capacity, output capacity
طاقية look up alphabetically
تطويق taṭwīq pl. -āt encirclement, encompassment, enclosure, surrounding, ringing
اطاقة iṭāqa ability, faculty, aptitude, power, capability, capacity
مطوق muṭawwaq ringdove
مطاق muṭāq bearable, endurable, tolerable
طوكيو tōkiyō Tokyo
1 طال (طول ) ṭāla u (ṭūl) to be or become long; to last long; to lengthen, grow longer, extend, be protracted, become drawn out; to surpass, excel (على or ه s.o.) | طال به الزمن حتى (zamanu) it took a long time before he ...; يطول بي هذا this will (would) take me too long; طال الزمن او قصر (zamanu, qaṣura) sooner or later, before long II to make long or longer, lengthen, elongate, stretch out, prolong, extend, protract (هـ s.th.); to be very elaborate, very detailed, very exhaustive, longwinded, prolix; to grant a delay or respite (ل to s.o.) | طول باله عليه (bālahū) to be patient with III to keep putting off (في ه s.o. in or with s.th.); to vie for power, greatness or stature, contend, compete (ه with s.o.), rival, emulate (ه s.o.) IV to make long or longer, lengthen, elongate, stretch out, extend, prolong, protract, draw out (هـ or من s.th.); to take too long, find no end | اطال عليه to keep s.o. waiting a long time; اطال لسانه (lisānahū) to speak in a forward manner, be pert, saucy, insolent in speech; اطال النظر (naẓara) he kept staring at him; اطال الوقوف he stayed a long time VI to become long, be lengthened, be extended, be prolonged; to stretch up, stretch o.s.; to stretch (الى for), crane one'. neck (الى at); to attack (على s.o.); to become insolent, get fresh (على with s.o.); to be insolent enough, have the cheek (ل to do s.th.); to dare do s.th. (ب ), presume (ب s.th.), pretend (ب to s.th.); to arrogate to o.s. (الى a rank) | تطاول برأسه (bi-ra’sihī) to bear one’s head high (with pride) X to be or become long; to be or become overbearing, presumptuous, display an arrogant behavior (على toward)
طالما ṭālamā and لطالما la-ṭālamā how often! often, frequently (with foll. verbal clause) | طالما ان (anna) while, as, the more so as
طول ṭaul might, power | صاحب الحول والطول (ṣ. al-ḥaul) the Almighty
طول ṭūl pl. اطوال aṭwāl length; size, height, tallness | طول الاناة ṭ. al-anāh long-suffering, longanimity, forbearance, patience; طول النظر ṭ. an-naẓar farsightedness, hyperopia; خط الطول kaṭṭ aṭ-ṭ. geographical longitude, degree of longitude, meridian; بالطول and طولا lengthwise, longitudinally; طول ṭūla (prep.) during, throughout, … long, e.g., طول هذه المدة (mudda) during this period, during all this time, طول النهار (nahār) all day (long); طول ما as long as; على طول (with foll. genit.) along, along, side of; على طول (eg.) straight ahead; straightway, directly; at last, finally, after all; في طول البلاد وعرضها (wa-‘arḍihā) throughout the country, all over the country; انا في طولك (eg.) have mercy on me!
طولي ṭūlī of length, linear, longitudinal |خط طولي (kaṭṭ) geographical longitude, degree of longitude, meridian
طول ṭuwwal a long-legged waterfowl
طوال ṭawwāla, ṭiwala (prep.) during, throughout; along, alongside of
طويل ṭawīl pl. طوال ṭiwāl long; large, big, tall; high; الطويل name of a poetical meter; طويلا ṭawīlan long (adv.), a long time | طويل الأجل ṭ. al-ajal longterm, long-dated; طويل الأناة ṭ. al-anāh long-suffering forbearing, patient; طويل الباع mighty, powerful; capable, efficient; generous, liberal, openhanded; طويل الروح ṭ. ar-rūḥ long-suffering, forbearing, patient; طويل القامة tall; طويل اللسان insolent, impertinent, pert, saucy
طوال ṭuwāl long
طوالة ṭuwāla pl. -āt stable
طيلة ṭīlata (prep.) during, throughout, … long
طولاني ṭaulānī measured lengthwise, longitudinal
اطول aṭwal2, f. طولى longer, larger, bigger, taller; extremely tall, very long
تطويل taṭwīl lengthening, elongation, stretching, extension, prolongation, protraction; elaborateness, exhaustiveness, prolixity, long-windedness
اطالة iṭāla lengthening, elongation, stretching, extension, prolongation, protraction; elaborateness, exhaustiveness, prolixity, long-windedness
استطالة istiṭāla overbearing attitude, haughtiness, presumptuousness, arrogance
طائل ṭā’il long; huge, immense, ample, enormous (of funds); use, avail; might, power, force | طائل الصولة ṭ. aṣ-ṣaula mighty, powerful, forceful; دون طائل and لا طائل تحته (فيه ) (ṭā’ila) of no use, of no avail, useless, unavailing, futile; ما فاز بطائل to accomplish nothing, be unsuccessful, fail
طائلة ṭā’ila might, power, force; vengeance, revenge, retribution, retaliation | وقع تحت طائلة القانون to be subject to punishment by law; تحت طائلة الموت (ṭ. il-maut) under penalty of death
مطول muṭawwal elaborate, detailed, exhaustive, circumstantial
متطاول mutatāwil long-extended, long-stretched, long-protacted, prolonged, lengthy
مستطيل mustaṭīl long, oblong, elongate(d), long-stretched; protracted, prolonged, long drawn out; a rectangle, an oblong; a saucy, presumptuous person
3 طاولة look up alphabetically
طولكرم Tulkarm (town in NW Jordan)
طومار ṭūmār pl. طوامير ṭawāmīr2 roll, scroll
نهر الطونة nahr aṭ-ṭūna the Danube river
طونولاطة (It. tonnellata) ṭōnolāṭa ton
طوى ṭawā i (طي ṭayy) to fold, fold up, fold in, fold over, fold under, roll up (هـ s.th.); to shut, close (هـ a book); to keep secret, secrete, conceal, hide (هـ s.th.); to harbor, hold, contain (هـ s.th.); to swallow up, envelop, wrap up. Enwrap (ه s.o.; of the dark of night); to settle finally, bury (ه the past), have done with s.th. in the past (هـ ); to cross, traverse (هـ s.th., esp. a country); to cover quickly (هـ the way, the distance, الى to); to spend, pass (هـ a period of time) ; to possess o.s. take possession (هـ of), appropriate (هـ s.th.); pass. طوى على ṭuwiya ‘alā (= to be folded around or over, i.e.) to bear (within itself), harbor, contain, involve s.th. | طوى الأرض طيا (l-arḍa ṭayyan) to rush through a country; .l.~ .s). (biodlaAu) to be finished, be done, come to an end, finish; طوى البساط بما فيه to settle an affair once and for all, wind up an affair; طوى جوانحه على (jawāniḥahū) to harbor s.th., conceal s.th. in one’s heart; طوى كشحه (كشحا) على (kašḥahū, kašḥan) and طوى صدره على (ṣadrahū) to harbor or look (a secret) in one’s bosom, keep s.th. secret, secrete, conceal, hide s.th.; طوى صفحته (ṣafḥatahū) to have done with s.th., be through with s.th., give up, abandon s.th.; طوى الطريق الى to hurry or rush to; طوى الماضى طي السجل للكاتب (l-māḍiya ṭayya s-sijilli) to break with the past, let bygones be bygones; -- طوي ṭawiya a (طوى ṭawan) to be hungry, suffer hunger, starve IV = ṭawiya V to coil (snake) VII to be folded, be folded up, in, over, or under, be rolled up, be turned (over) (page, leaf), be shut (book, etc.); to go by, pass, elapse (time); to disappear, vanish; to be covered (distance); to be bidden, be concealed (تحت under), be enveloped, be wrapped (تحت in); to contain, comprise, encompass, comprehend, embrace, involve, include (على s.th.); to harbor, nurse, bear (هـ feelings, esp. hatred, love) | انطوى على نفسه to withdraw within o.s., be self-centered, be introverted
طي ṭayy concealment, biding; (pl. اطواء aṭwā’) fold, pleat | طيه ṭayyahū and طي هذا (ṭayya) herein enclosed, herewith (in a letter); في طي الغيب (ṭ. il-gaib) secretly, covertly; تحت (في) طي الكتمان (ṭ. il-kitmān) under the seal of secrecy; في اطواء (with foll. genit.) in
طية ṭayya pl. -āt fold, pleat | حمل بين طياته involve, comprise, contain
طية ṭīya intention, design | مضى (ذهب) لطيته he went to his destination; he left in order to do what he had in mind; he went his way
طوى ṭawan hunger; mat | على الطوى on an empty stomach, without having eaten
طوية ṭawīya pl. طوايا ṭawāyā fold, pleat; innermost thoughts, real conviction, true mind; intention, design; conscience | سليم الطوية guileless artless; في طوايا (with foll. genit.) inside, within, in, amid
طواية ṭawāya pl. -āt frying pan
مطوى maṭwan pl. مطاو maṭāwin pocket knife, penknife; pl. folds, pleats | في مطاوى (with foll. genit.) inside, within, in, amid; في مطاويه inwardly, at heart, in his bosom
مطواة miṭwah pocket knife, penknife
انطواء inṭiwā’ introversion (psych.) | الانطواء على النفس (nafs) do.
انطوائي inṭiwā’ī introverted (psych.)
طاو ṭāwin starved | طاو البطن ṭ. l-baṭn starved, lean, emaciated
مطوي maṭwīy folded up, infolded, rolled up, etc.; مطوي على bearing (within itself), harboring, containing, involving s.th. | مطوى الضلوع على harboring s.th. in one’s bosom
منطو munṭawin: منطو على نفسه self-absorbed, low-spirited, depressed
1 طاب (طيب ) ṭāba i (ṭīb, طيبة ṭība) to be good, pleasant, agreeable; to be or become delightful, delicious; to please (ل s.o.), be to s.o.’s (ل ) liking; to be or become ripe, to ripen; to regain health, recover, recuperate, convalesce | طابت ليلتكم (lailatukum) may your night be pleasant! good night! طابت نفسه (nafsuhū) he was gay, cheerful, cheery, in good spirits, he felt happy; طاب نفسا عن (nafsanl) to give up s.th. gladly, renounce s.th. willingly; طابت نفسه اليه (nafsuhū) he had a liking for it, it was to his taste II to make (هـ s.th.) good, pleasant, agreeable, delightful, delicious, or sweet, to sweeten (هـ s.th.); to scent, perfume (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to spice, season (هـ food), mull (هـ wine); to sanitate, improve (هـ air, drinking water); to heal, cure (ه s.o.); to massage (ه s.o.) | طيب خاطره to mollify, soothe, placate, conciliate s.o., set s.o.’s mind at rest; طيب الله ثراه (tarāhu) may God make his earth light (a eulogy added after mentioning the name of a pious deceased) III to joke, jest, banter, make fun (ه with s.o.) IV to make (هـ s.th.) good, pleasant, agreeable, delightful, delicious, or sweet, to sweeten (هـ s.th.) V to perfume o.s. X استطاب and استطيب istaṭyaba to find or deem (هـ s.th.) good, pleasant, agreeable, delightful, delicious, sweet; to like (هـ s.th.), be fond (هـ of)
طيب ṭīb goodness; (pl. طيوب ṭuyūb) scent, perfume | طيب العرق ṭ. al-‘irq noble birth, noble descent; جوز الطيب jauz aṭ-ṭ. nutmeg
طيب ṭayyib good; pleasant, agreeable; delicious; gay; well-disposed, friendly, kindly; well, in good health | طيب الخلق ṭ. al-kulq good-natured, genial; طيب الريحة sweet-smelling, fragrant, sweet-scented; طيب العرق ṭ. a1-‘irq highborn, of noble descent; طيب النفس ṭ. an-nafs gay, cheerful, cheery, in high spirits
طيبات ṭayyibāt nice, pleasant things; gustatory delights, pleasures of the table
طيبة ṭība goodness; good nature, geniality | عن طيبة خاطر gladly, most willingly, with pleasure
طوبى ṭūbā blessedness, beatitude; Beatitude (title of honor of a patriarch; Chr.)
طياب ṭayāb, ṭiyāb (eg.) north wind
طياب ṭayyāb pl. -ūn masseur
اطيب aṭyab2 better; -- pl. اطايب aṭāyib2 the best parts (of s.th.); pleasures, comforts, amenities; delicacies, dainties
مطايب maṭāyib2 comforts, amenities (e.g., of life)
مطايبة muṯāyaba pl. -āt banter, joke, jest, teasing remark
طائب ṭā’ib unobjectionable (ل for; Isl. Law)
مطيب muṭayyab bouquet, bunch (of flowers)
2 طيبة ṭība2 Thebes
طاح (طيح ) ṭaḥa i (ṭaiḥ) to perish, die II to lose (هـ s.th.)
طار (طير ) ṭāra i (طيران ṭayarān) to fly; to fly away, fly off, take to the wing; to hasten, hurry, rush, fly (الى to); to be in a state of commotion, be jubilant, exult, rejoice; طار ب to snatch away, carry away, carry off (s.o., s.th.) | طار بخياله (bi-kayālihī) to let one’s imagination wander to; طار له صيت في الناس (ṣīt) his fame spread among people, he became well-known; طار طائره (ṭā’iruhū) to become angry, blow one’s top; طار عقله (‘aqluhū) to lose one’s mind, go crazy; طار فؤاده (روحه) شعاعا (fu’āduhū, rūḥuhū ša‘ā‘an) his mind became confused, he became all mixed up; طار فرحا (faraḥan) to be beside o.s. with joy, be overjoyed; طار بلبه (bi-lubbihī) to drive s.o. out of his mind; طار بصوابه (bi-ṣawābihī) to make s.o. unconscious II to make or let fly (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), to fly, send up (هـ s.th., e.g., a balloon, a kite); to pass on promptly, dispatch posthaste, forward without delay, rush, shoot (الى هـ s.th. to, esp. a report, a message); to knock out (هـ s.th., e.g., an eye, a tooth) | طير رأسه (ra’sahū) to chop off s.o.’s head, behead s.o. IV to make or let fly (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), to fly (هـ s.th.): to blow away (هـ s.th.; of the wind); to make (هـ s.th.) disappear at once, dispel (هـ s.th.) V to see an evil omen (من or ب in) VI to be scattered, be dispersed, scatter, disperse, spread, diffuse; to be exuded, rise (fragrance); to fly apart, fly about, fly in all directions (esp. sparks); to vanish, disappear, be dispelled X to make fly, cause to fly (هـ s.th.); to knock (هـ s.th.) out of s.o.’s hand; to alarm or upset seriously (ه s.o.), agitate, excite (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); = VI; pass. استطير ustuṭīra to be terrified | استطير عقله (‘aqluhū) to go out of one’s mind (with astonishment or fright)
طير ṭair (coll. and n. un.) pl. طيور ṭuyūr, اطيار aṭyār birds, bird; augury, omen; طيور poultry; fowl | طيور جارحة predatory birds, birds of prey; علم الطيور ‘ilm aṭ-ṭuyūr ornithology; كأن على رؤوسهم الطير (ka’anna, ṭaira) motionless or silent with awe
طيرة ṭaira commotion, agitation (of anger, wrath); flight; female bird
طيرة ṭīra, ṭiyāra evil omen, portent, foreboding
طيار ṭayyār flying; evanescent, fleeting; volatile (liquid); floating, wafting, hovering; (pl. -ūn) flyer, aviator, pilot | زيوت طيارة volatile oils; طيار اول (awwal) a military rank, approx.: first lieutenant of the Air Force (Eg. 1939); طيار ثان (ṭānin) approx.: second lieutenant of the Air Force (Eg. 1939)
طيارة ṭayyāra pl. -āt aviatrix, woman pilot; airplane, aircraft, kite (toy) | طيارة رياضية (riyāḍīya) sport plane; طيارة قذافة (qaddāfa) bomber; طيارة مائية seaplane
طيران ṭayarān flying, flight; aviation, aeronautics | طيران بهلواني (bahlawānī) stunt flying; طيران شراعي (širā‘ī) glider flying, gliding; خطوط الطيران airlines; سلاح الطيران air force; وزير الطيران minister of aviation
مطار maṭār pl. -āt airfield, airport | O مطار عائم aircraft carrier
مطارة maṭāra airfield, airport
مطير maṭīr airfield, airport
تطير taṭayyur pessimism
طائر ṭā’ir flying; flyer, aviator, pilot; (pl. -āt, طير ṭair) bird; omen, presage | سكون الطائر graveness, sedateness; على الطائر الميمون (maimūn) good luck | Godspeed! (said to s.o. setting out on a journey); طار طائره (ṭā’iruhū) to become angry, blow one’s top
طائرة ṭā’ira pl. -āt airplane, aircraft | على متن الطائرة (maṭni ṭ-ṭ.) aboard the airplane; by (air)plane (e.g., traveling); طائرة بحرية (baḥrīya) seaplane; O طائرة دورية (daurīya) (short-range) reconnaissance plane, observation plane; طائرة شراعية (širā‘īya) sailplane, glider; طائرة المطاردة ṭ. al-muṭārada fighter, pursuit plane, interceptor; طائرة عمودية (‘amūdīya) helicopter; طائرة القتال light bomber, combat plane; طائرة المقاتلة ṭ. al-muqāṭala do.; O طائرة الانقضاض or طائرة انقضاضية dive bomber; طائرة مائية seaplane; طائرة نفاثة (naffāṭa) jet plane; طائرة النقل ṭ. an-naql transport (plane); O حاملات الطائرات and O ناقلات الطائرات aircraft carrier
متطير mutaṭayyir pessimist
مستطير mustaṭīr imminent, impending, threatening (of disaster); scattered, dispersed; spread out, spread all over, scattered about; widespread; pessimist
طاش (طيش ) ṭāša i (ṭaiš, طيشان ṭayašān) to be inconstant, changeable, fickle, lightheaded, thoughtless, heedless, frivolous, reckless, undecided, confused, helpless, aimless, desultory; to miss the mark (of an arrow, also عن الغرض ); to stray (عن from the target), miss (عن a spot, e.g., said of the hand) | طاش سهمه (sahmuhū) to be on the wrong track, bark up the wrong tree, be unsuccessful, fail; طاش صوابه (ṣawābuhū) to lose one’s head
طيش ṯaiš inconsistency, fickleness; recklessness, heedlessness, rashness; thoughtlessness; lightheadedness, levity, frivolity
طياشان ṭayašān inconstancy, fickleness; recklessness, heedlessness, rashness; thoughtlessness; lightheadedness, levity, frivolity
طياشة ṭiyāša inconstancy, fickleness; recklessness, heedlessness, rashness; thoughtless; lightheadedness, levity, frivolity
طائش ṭā’iš inconstant, changeable, fickle; lightheaded, frivolous; thoughtless, heedless, reckless; undecided, confused, perplexed, helpless; aimless, desultory, purposeless
طاف (طيف ) ṭāfa i (ṭaif) to appear to s.o. (ب ) in his sleep (of a specter)
طيف ṭaif pl. اطياف aṭyāf, طيوف ṭuyūf fantacy, phantasm; vision, apparition; phantom, specter, ghost; spectrum (phys.)
طيفي ṭaifī spectral, spectroscopic
مطياف miṭyāf spectroscope | مطياف مصور (muṣawwir) spectrograph
طيلة see طول
طيلسان ṭailasān pl. طيالسة ṭayālisa a shawl-like garment worn over head and shoulders
طين II to daub or coat with clay (هـ s.th.)
طين ṭīn pl. اطيان aṭyān clay, potter’s clay, argil; soil; basis, foundation | الطين الخزفي (kazafī) kaolin, porcelain clay; زاد الطين بلة zāda ṭ-ṭīna ballatan to make things worse, aggravate or complicate the situation
طينة ṭīna clay, potter’s clay, argil; stuff, material, substance (of which s.th. is made); kind, specific character, disposition, constitution, nature
طيان ṭayyān mortar carrier, hod carrier