Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
1ف abbreviation of فدان faddān (a square measure)
2ف fa (conj.) then, and then; and so, thus, hence, therefore; but then, then however; for, because; (with subjective:) so that | يوما فيوما (yauman) day after day, day by day; شيئا فشيئا (šai’an) gradually, step by step; امر فقتلوه (fa-qatalūhu) he ordered him to be killed
فان fa-inna (with foll. suffix or noun in acc.) for, because
فاء name of the letter ف
فابريقة fābrīqa and فابريكة pl. -āt, فبارك fabārik2 factory, plant
فأت VIII to tell lies (على about); to take violent measures (على against); to violate (على a duty, etc.); pass. افتئت uftu’ita to die suddenly | افتأت برئيه (bi-ra’yihī) to act on one’s own judgment
افتآت ifti’āt oppression, violence
فاتورة (It. fattura) fātūra pl. فواتير fawātīr2 invoice, bill
الفاتيكان al-fātīkān, al-vatikān the Vatican
فؤاد fu’ād pl. افئدة af’ida heart
فؤادية fu’ādīya “Fuad cap”, summer field-cup of the Egyptian Air Force (1939)
فأر fa’r (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. فئران fi’rān mouse; rat
فار fār (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. فيران fīrān mouse; rat
فارة fāra (= فأرة fa’ra) mouse; (pl. -āt) plane (tool)
فارس fāris2 Persia, also بلاد فارس
فارسي fārisī Persian; a Persian
فاروز fārūz turquoise
فازلين fazlīn, vazlīn vazeline
فأس fa’s f., pl. فؤوس fu’ūs, افؤس af’us ax, hatchet; hoe
1 فاس fās = فأس fa’s
2 فاس fās2 Fez or Fès (city in Morocco)
فاشستي fāšistī fascist(ic); a fascist
فاشستية fāšistīya fascism
فاشي fāšī fascist(ic); a fascist
فاشية fāšīya fascism
فاصوليا fāṣūliyā (eg.-syr.) common European bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.; bot.)
فأفأ fa’fa’a to stammer, stutter
فاكون (Fr. wagon) fākōn pl. فواكين fawākīn2 (railroad) car, coach
فأل VI to regard as a good omen, as an auspicious beginning (ب s.th.); to be optimistic
فأل fa’l pl. فؤول fu’ūl, افؤل af’ul good omen, favorable auspice; optimistic outlook, hope; omen, auspice, sign | قرأ الفأل to tell fortunes, predict the future
تفاؤل tafā’ul optimism
متفائل mutafā’il optimistic; optimist
فالس (Fr. valse) vals waltz
فالوذج fālūdaj a sweet made of flour and honey
فالوذجى fālūdajī soft and flabby, like fālūdaj
فئام fi’ām group (of people)
فإن fa-inna see 2ف fa
فانلة fanella and فانلا pl. -āt flannel; undershirt; pl. فانلات fanellāt underwear, underclothing
فانوس fānūs pl. فوانيس fawānīs2 lantern | فانوس سحري (siḥrī) laterna magica, magic lantern; (slide) projector
فئة fi’a pl. -āt group, class; troop, band, party; platoon (of light arms; Syr., mil.); rate (of taxation), (tax) bracket; tax, rate, fee; price
فاوريقة fāwarīqa pl. فوارق fawārīq2 factory plant
فايظ fāyiẓ (=فائض ) see فيظ
فبراير fabrāyir February
فبارك fabārik2 (pl.) factories, plants
فت fatta u (fatt) to weaken, undermine, sap (في s.th.) | في ساعده or فت في عضده (‘aḍudihī) to weaken s.o., sap s.o.’s strength, discourage, enervate s.o. II to crumble, fritter (هـ s.th.); to divide into small fragments (هـ s.th.) | يفتت القلب (الأكباد ) (qalba) heartbreaking, heart-rending V to crumble, disintegrate, break up into fragments VII = V
فتة fatta a kind of bread soup
فتات futāt crumbs, morsels
فتيت fatīt crumbs, crumbled bread
فتيتة fatīta a kind of bread soup
فتأ fata’a a and فتئ fati’a a (with negation) not to cease, to be (هـ s.th.); فتئ fati’a a (فتء fat’) to desist, refrain (عن from), cease (عن doing s.th.), stop (عن s.th., doing s.th.) | ما فتئ يفعل not to cease doing, do incessantly
فتح fataḥa a (fatḥ) to open (هـ s.th.); to turn on (هـ a faucet); to switch on, turn on (هـ an apparatus); to dig (هـ a canal); to build (هـ a road) ; to open, preface, introduce, begin (هـ s.th.); to conquer, capture (هـ s.th.); to reveal, disclose (هـ على to s.o. s.th.); to grant victory or success (هـ على to s.o. over or in s.th.; of God), give into s.o.’s (على ) power (هـ s.th.; of God); to open the gates (of profit) (على to s.o.; of God); to infuse, imbue, inspire, endow (ب or هـ على s.o. with; of God); (gram.) to pronounce with the vowel a (هـ a consonant) | فتح البخت (bakta) to tell fortunes; فتح عينيه على آخرهما (‘ainaihi) to open one’s eyes wide, stare wide-eyed; فتح الشهية (šahīyata) to stimulate the appetite II to open (هـ s.th.); (of a dower) to open III to address first (ه s.o.), speak first (ه to s.o.); to open the conversation or talk (في ه with s.o. about); to disclose (هـ or ب ه to s.o. s.th.), let s.o. (ه ) in on s.th. (هـ or ب ) V to open, open up, unfold (intr.); to be opened (عن so that s.th. becomes perceptible); to be open, be responsive (heart) VII to open, open up, unfold (intr.); to be opened VIII to open, inaugurate (هـ s.th.); to introduce, preface, begin (ب ه s.th. with); to conquer, capture (هـ s.th.) X to begin, start, commence (هـ s.th.); to seek the assistance of God (على against), implore God for victory (على over)
فتح opening; introduction, commencement, beginning | فتح الاعتماد opening of a credit, presentation of a letter of credit; -- (pl. فتوح futūḥ, فتوحات futūḥāt) conquest; victory, triumph; pl. فتوحات alms; donations, contributions (for a zāwiya; Tun.)
فتحة the vowel point a (gram.)
فتحة futḥa pl. فتح futaḥ, -āt opening, aperture, breach, gap, hole; sluice
فتاح fattāḥ opener (of the gates of profit, of sustenance; one of the attributes of God)
فتاحة fattāḥa pl. -āt can opener
مفتاح miftāḥ pl. مفاتيح mafātīḥ2 key (to a door, of a keyboard, esp. that of a piano); switch (el., railroad); lever, pedal (of a vehicle); knob (on a radio); stop (of a wind instrument); valve (of a trumpet); peg, pin (of a stringed instrument)
مفتاحجي miftāḥjī (railroad) switchman
مفاتحة mufātaḥa opening of a conversation
افتتاح iftitāḥ opening, inauguration; introduction, beginning | ليلة الافتتاح lailat al-ift. première, opening night
افتتاحي iftitāḥī opening, introductory, preliminary, prefatory, proemial; inaugurational | مبلغ افتتاحي (mablag) opening bid, lowest bid (at auctions); فصل (مقال) افتتاحي (faṣl, maqāl) and مقالة افتتاحية (maqāla) editorial, leading article, leader; ليلة افتتاحية (laila) première, opening night
استفتاحية iftiftāḥīya editorial, leading article, leader; overture (mus.)
استفتاح istiftāḥ start, beginning, commencement, inception, incipience; earnest money, handsel
فاتح fātiḥ opener; beginner; conqueror, victor; light (color) | فاتح البخت f. al-bakt fortuneteller; ارزق فاتح light-blue
فاتحة fātiḥa pl. فواتح fawātiḥ2 start, opening, beginning, commencement, inception, incipience; introduction, preface, preamble, proem | الفاتحة or فاتحة الكتاب name of the first sura
مفتوح maftūḥ opened, open | الباب مفتوح على مصراعيه (miṣrā‘aihi) the door is wide open
مفتح mufattaḥ appetizing; (pl. -āt) aperitif
مفتتح muftataḥ start, beginning, commencement, inception, opening, inauguration
2 فتر fatara u (فتور futūr) to abate, subside; to become listless, become languid, languish, flag, slacken; to cool off, become tepid, become lukewarm (water); to slacken, flag, become lax, become remiss, let up (عن in) II to cause (هـ s.th.) to subside, abate, allay, mitigate, ease, soothe (هـ s.th.); to make languid, make listless, exhaust, slacken. weaken, sap, enfeeble (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to make tepid (هـ water) IV to make languid, make listless, exhaust, Blacken, weaken, sap, enfeeble (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) V to become listless, become languid, languish, flag, slacken; to become tepid, become lukewarm (water)
فتر fitr pl. افتار aftār small span (the space between the end of the thumb and the end of the index finger when extended); corner
فترة fatra lassitude, languor, listlessness, slackness, weakness, feebleness, debility; tepidity, indifference, coolness (of a feeling); -- (pl. fatarāt) interval of time, intermission, pause; period, spell, while | فترة الانتقال transition period; بين فترة واخرى (wa-ukrā) now and then, from time to time; في الفترة بعد الفترة at certain intervals, now and then, off and on, once in a while
فتور futūr lassitude, languor, listlessness, slackness, laxity, slackening, flagging; tepidity
فاتر fātir languid, weak, feeble, listless, slack, loose, flabby; dull, listsless, stagnant (stock exchange); tepid, lukewarm
متفتر mutafattir intermittent
2 فاتورة pl. فواتر look up alphabetically
فتش II to examine (thoroughly), scrutinize, search, investigate, explore (هـ s.th.); to look, search (هـ into s.th.); to inquire (عن about, after), look, search (عن for); to supervise, superintend, control, inspect (على or هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to be in charge, exercise supervision, control, or inspection (على of)
فتاش fattāš thorough examiner, investigator, explorer, researcher
تفتيش taftīš pl. تفاتيش tafātīš2 examination, scrutiny, searching, search; investigation; inquiry, research, exploration; supervision, superintendence, control, charge; inspection; survey, review; controlling body, board of control; inquisition; circle of irrigation, irrigation district, also تفتيش الري t. ar-rīy (Eg.) | تفتيش جوي (jawwī) aerial inspection
تفتيشي taftīšī išnvestigational, investigatory, examining, examinatory
مفتش mufattiš inspector, supervisor | مفتش بيطري (baiṭarī) veterinary inspector (Eg.); مفتش الري m. ar-rīy irrigation inspector (Eg.)
مفتشية mufattišīya inspectorate
فتفت fatfata to speak secretly (الى to); to fritter, crumble (هـ s.th., esp. bread)
فتفوتة fatfūta pl. فتافيت fatāfīt2 crumb, morsel (esp. of bread)
فتق fataqa u (fatq) to undo the sewing (هـ of s.th., e.g., of a garment), unsew, unstitch, rip, rip open, tear apart, rend, slash, slit open (هـ s.th.), | فتق الذهن (dihna) to make s.o. see his way clear, cause s.o. to see things in their true light; الضرورة تفتق الحيلة (ḥīlata) necessity is the mother of invention; فتقت له حيلة futiqat lahū ḥīlatun a ruse came to his mind II to unsew, unstitch, rip, tear, etc. (= I; هـ s.th.) V to be unsewn, be unstitched (e.g., a garment), be ripped open, be torn apart, be rent, be slashed, be slit open; to bring forth, produce (عن s.th.); to hatch, contrive, devise (عن s.th., fig., of the mind) VII to be unsewn, be unstitched (e.g., a garment), be ripped open, be torn apart, be rent, be slashed, be slit open; to bring forth, produce (عن s.th.)
فتق fatq pl. فتوق futūq rip, rent, tear, cleft, crack, fissure, slit, slash; hole (e.g., in a stocking); hernia, rupture (med.) | مصاب بالفتق (muṣāb) afflicted with hernia; person suffering from hernia
فتاق fitāq hernia, rupture (med.)
فتيق fatīq unstitched, ripped, ripped open, slit, rent, torn; sharp
مفتوق maftūq unstitched, ripped, ripped open, slit, rent, torn; afflicted with hernia
فتك fataka u i (fatk) to assassinate, murder, slay, kill (ب s.o.), destroy, annihilate (ب s.th.); to attack suddenly, assault (ب s.o.) | فتك به فتكا ذريعا (fatkan darī‘an) to cut off, destroy, wipe out, eradicate, extirpate, exterminate s.o.; to decimate, thin the ranka of (esp., said of a disease)
فتك fatk assassination, murder; destruction, annihilation
فتكة fatka pl. -āt devastation, ravage, havoc
فتاك fattāk deadly, lethal, murderous; of disastrous effect, wreaking havoc (ب on)
افتك aftak2 deadlier, more destructive
فاتك fātik pl. فتاك futtāk assassin, murderer, killer
فتل fatala i (fatl) to twist together, twine, entwine, plait, throw (هـ s.th.); to spin (هـ s.th.) II to twist, twine, wreathe, wind, weave, plait (هـ s.th.); to splice (هـ a rope) V to be twisted, be twined, be plaited, be woven, be wound VII = V; to turn on one’s heel and leave, turn away (من from) | انفتل من الباب to slip out the door
فتلة fatla (n. vic.) twist(ing), twining, plaiting; (eg.; pl. فتل fital) thread | شمع الفتلة (šlammā‘a) to make off, make a getaway, beat it
فتيل fatīl twisted, twined, entwined, plaited, wreathed, wound, woven, coiled; -- (pl. -āt, فتائل fatā’il) wick; gauze tampon; fuse, slow match, match cord | لا يغني فتيلا (yugnī) it is of no use at all (من to s.o.), it won’t help him (عنه ) a bit, it isn’t worth a farthing; لا يجدي فتيلا (yujdī) = لا يغني فتيلا
فتيلة fatīla pl. -āt, فتائل fatā’il2 wick; O filament of a light bulb
فتال fattāl ropemaker, cordmaker
مفتول maftūl strapping, sturdy, husky; (watch) tower (Nejd) | مفتول الساعد muscular, brawny, strong, husky, burly
فتن falana i (fatn, فتون futūn) to turn away (من ه s.o. from); to subject to temptations or trials, seduce, tempt, entice, allure, beguile (ه s.o.); to enamor, charm, enchant, captivate, enthrall, enrapture, fascinate, infatuate (. s.o.); -- fatana i (fatn) to torture, torment (ه s.o.); to denounce (على s.o.), inform (على على against s.o.); pass. futina to be charmed, be enraptured, be infatuated (ب by), be enamored (ب of), be in love (ب with); to be crazy (ب over), be like mad (ب after) IV to enamor, charm, enchant, captivate, enthrall, enrapture, fascinate, infatuate (ه s.o.) VIII to subject to temptations (ه s.o.); to be charmed, be tempted, be infatuated; act. iftatana and pass. uftutina: to be subjected to temptations, be lead from the right course; pass. uftutina = futina
فتنة fitna pl. فتن fitan temptation, trial; charm, charmingness, attractiveness; enchantment, captivation, fascination, enticement, temptation; infatuation; intrigue; sedition, riot, discord, dissension, civil strife
فتان fattān fascinating, captivating, enchanting, charming; tempter, seducer; denunciator, informer, slanderer
;jil alu.,,· more charming, more attractive, more delightful
مفاتن mafātin2 charming qualities; charms; magic powers
فاتن fātin pl. فواتن fawātin2 tempting, alluring, seductive, fascinating, captivating, enchanting, charming; tempter, seducer
مفتون maftūn fascinated, captivated, infatuated, enraptured, charmed (ب by); enamored (ب of), in love (ب with); madman, maniac
(فتو and فتي) فتى fatiya a (فتاء fatā’) to be youthful, young, adolescent IV to give a formal legal opinion (في ه to s.o. in or regarding; Isl. Law); to furnish (ه s.o.) with information (في about), expound, set forth (في ه to s.o. s.th.); to deliver an opinion (في about), decide by a legal opinion (ب for or in favor of s.th.), state as a (legal) opinion (بان that) X to ask (ه s.o.) for a formal legal opinion (في in or regarding; Isl. Law); to ask (ه s.o.) for a formal opinion (في about), request information (في ه of s.o. about), seek s.o.’s (ه ) counsel (في in, about), consult (في ه s.o. in, about), ask s.o.’s (ه ) opinion (في about)
فتى fatan pl. فتيان futyān, فتية fitya youth, adolescent, juvenile, young man; slave; hero; pl. young people, adolescents, juveniles
فتاة fatāh pl. فتيات fatayāt young woman, (young) girl
فتاء fatā’ youth, adolescence
فتي fatīy youthful, juvenile, adolescent, young
فتية fatīya youthfulness, juvenility
فتوى fatwā pl. فتاو fatāwin, فتاوى fatāwā futwa, formal legal opinion (Isl. Law)
فتيا futyā formal legal opinion (Isl. Law)
فتوة futūwa youth, adolescence; the totality of the noble, chivalrous qualities of a man, noble manliness, magnanimity, generosity, nobleheartedness, chivalry; designation of Islamic brotherhoods of the Middle Ages, governed by chivalrous precepts; name of several youth organizations in Arabic countries; (eg.; pl. -āt) bully, brawler. rowdy, tough; racketeer (eg.)
افتاء iftā’ deliverance of formal legal opinions (Isl. Law); office of mufti (Isl. Law); deliverance of formal opinions, advising, advice, counseling
استفتاء istiftā’ request for a formal legal opinion (Isl. Law); consulting, consultation; referendum, plebiscite, also استفتاء الشعب ist. aš-ša‘b and استفتاء شعبي (ša‘bī)
مفت muftin pl. ·fl" deliverer of formal legal oplnions (Isl. Law); official expounder of Islamic law, mufti | مفتي الديار المصرية (miṣrīya) Grand Mufti of Egypt; سماحة المفتي samāḥat al-m. (title of a mufti) His Eminence the Mufti
فثأ fata’a a (فثء fat’) to quench, still (هـ s.th., hunger, thirst, also fig.)
فج fajja u (fajj): فج رجليه (rijlaihi) to straddle IV to stride, hurry
فج fajj pl. فجاج fijāj way, road between two mountains | من كل فج عميق or من كل فج وصوب (wa-ṣaubin) from all sides, from all directions, from everywhere
فج fijj unripe, green (fruit); blunt, rude (speech)
فجأ faja’a and فجئ faji’a a (فجء faj’, فجأة faj’a, فجاءة fujā’a) and III to come suddenly, descend unexpectedly (ه upon s.o.), confront (ه s.o.) suddenly or unexpectedly, take (ه s.o.) by surprise, surprise (ب ه s.o. with), attack, assail (ه s.o.)
فجأة faj’atan suddenly, unexpectedly, inadvertently, unawares
فجاءة fujā’atan suddenly, unexpectedly, inadvertently, unawares
فجائي fujā’ī sudden, unexpected, surprising
مفاجأة mufāja’a pl. مفاجآت mufāja’āt surprise
فاجئ fāji’ sudden, unexpected, surprising
مفاجئ mufāji’ sudden, unexpected, surprising; pl. مفاجئات surprising events, surprises
فجر fajara u (fajr) to cleave, break up, dig up (هـ e.g., the ground); -- (فجور fujūr) to act immorally, sin, live licentiously, lead a dissolute life, indulge in debauchery; to commit adultery II to create an outlet or passage (هـ for water, and the like), let (هـ water, and the like) flow or pour forth; to split, cleave (هـ s.th.); to explode (هـ s.th.) IV to commit adultery V to gush out, spurt forth, break forth, break out, erupt, burst out VII = V; to go off, discharge, burst; to burst forth; to explode, detonate; to overflow (ب with); to descend suddenly, break in, rush in, swoop down (على upon)
فجر fajr dawn, daybreak, morning twilight; dawn (fig.), beginning, outset, start; (f.) morning prayer (Isl. Law)
فجور fujūr immorality, iniquity, depravation, dissolution, debauchery, licentiousness, profligacy, dissolute life, fornication, whoredom
تفجر tafajjur outbreak, outburst, eruption
انفجار infijār pl. -āt outbreak, outburst, eruption; explosion, detonation | مواد الانفجار mawādd al-inf. explosives
انفجاري infijārī explosive, blasting (adj.)
فاجر fājir pl. فجار fujjār, فجرة fajara libertine, profligate, debauchee, roué, rake; adulterer; liar; insolent, impudent, shameless, brazen
فاجرة fājira pl. فواجر fawājir2 adulteress; whore, harlot
متفجر mutafajjir explosive, blasting (adj.)
منفجر munfajir explosive, blasting (adj.)
فجع faja‘a a (faj‘) to inflict suffering and grief (ه upon s.o.), afflict, distress (ه s.o.); to make miserable (ه s.o., ب by bereaving him of s.o.) | فجع بولده fuji‘a bi-waladihī he was stricken by the death of his eon II to torment, torture, distress, grieve (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) V to be or become painfully affected, be mentally distressed
فجعة faj‘a gluttony
فجاعة fajā‘a gluttony
فجوع fajū‘ painful, grievous, trying, distressing
فجيعة fajī‘a pl. فجائع fajā’i‘2 misfortune, calamity, disaster
فجعان faj‘ān voracious, insatiable; glutton, ravenous eater
تفجع tafajju‘ agony, mental distress, affliction, suffering, grief
فاجع fāji‘ painful, grievous, trying, distressing
فاجعة fāji‘a pl. فواجع fawāji‘ misfortune, diluter, calamity; catastrophe; drama, tragedy
مفجعات mufajji‘āt horrors, terrors
تفجعن tafaj‘ana to eat greedily, ravenously, be gluttonous
فجعنة faj‘ana gluttony
فجفج fajfaja garrulous, loquacious; thoughtless chatterer, windbag; braggart, boaster, swaggerer
فجل fujl (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. فجول fujūl radish (Raphanus sativus L.; bot.)
فجا (فجو ) fajā u (fajw) to open (هـ ه door)
فجوة fajwa pl. fajawāt, فجاء fijā’ opening, aperture, breach, gap, interstice; (horisontal) tombstone
فح faḥḥa u i (faḥḥ, فحيح faḥīḥ) to hiss (snake), whistle (storm)
فحش faḥuša u (fuḥš) to be monstrous; to be excessive, exorbitant; to be detestable, abominable, atrocious, obscene, indecent, foul, shameless, impudent IV to use obscene language; to commit atrocities VI = I and IV
فحش fuḥš monstrosity; abominableness, atrocity; obscenity, indecency; obscene language
فحشاء faḥšā’2 monstrosity, abomination, atrocity, vile deed, crime; adultery, fornication, whoredom
فحاش faḥḥāš obscene, lewd, shameless in speech or action | تأليف فحاش pornography
تفاحش tafāḥuš monstrosity, abominableness
فاحش fāḥiš monstrous; immoderate, excessive, exorbitant, absurd, preposterous, nonsensical; detestable, loathsome, abominable, atrocious, repugnant, disgusting; dirty, foul, vile, indecent, obscene; shameless, impudent
فاحشة fāḥiša harlot, whore, prostitute; -- (pl. فواحش fawāḥiš2) monstrosity, abomination, atrocity, vile deed, crime; adultery, fornication, whoredom
مفحشة mufḥiša harlot, whore
فحص faḥaṣa a (faḥṣ) to scratch up (هـ the ground); to examine (ه s.o., also medically, هـ s.th.), test (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), investigate (هـ s.th.), scrutinize (هـ , s.o., s.th.); to search (عن for), inquire (عن about, into s.th.), seek information (عن about) V to search (عن for), inquire (عن about, into s.th.), seek information (عن about); to examine (هـ s.th., ه s.o., medically)
فحص faḥš pl. فحوص fuḥūš test; examination (in general, school, medical); (medical) checkup; investigation, scrutiny; search, inquiry
افحوص ufḥūṣ pl. افاحيص afāḥīṣ2 dugout hollow in the ground in which a bird lays ito eggs, nesting place, breeding place
فحل X to become dreadful, terrible, momentous, serious, difficult (على for s.o.; affair), to get out of control, become excessive, become irreparable (damage)
فحل faḥl pl. فحول fuḥūl, فحولة fuḥūla male (of large animals), stallion; outstanding personality, luminary, star, master; a paragon (of) | الشعراء الفحول (šu‘arā’) the master poets
فحولة fuḥūla excellence, perfection
استفحال istifḥāl dreadfulness, terribleness, gravity, seriousness; difficulty
مستفحل mustafḥil dreadful, terrible; grave, serious; difficult; overwhelming, overpowerful, rampant, spreading dangerously
فحم faḥuma u (فحوم fuḥūm, فحومة fuḥūma) to be or become black; -- faḥama a (faḥm) to be dumfounded, nonplused, unable to answer II to blacken (with charcoal), make black (هـ, ه s.o. s.th.); to char, carbonize, reduce to charcoal (هـ s.th.) IV to dumfound, nonplus, strike dumb (ه s.o.); to silence (ه s.o.) with arguments; to put (ه s.o.) off brusquely, give s.o. (ه ) the brush-off
فحم faḥm (coll.; n. un. ة ) charcoal(s); coal(s); pl. فحومات fuḥūmāt coals, brands of coal | فحم حجري (ḥajarī) soft coal, bituminous coal; فحم حطب ḥaṭab charcoal; فحم قوالب briquettes; فحم كوك (kōk) coke
فحمة faḥma pl. faḥamāt lump of coal | فحمة الليل f. al-lail deep-black night; -- (pl. فحام fiḥām, فحوم fuḥūm) blackness
فحمي faḥmī black, coal-black
فحيم faḥīm black
فحام faḥḥām coal merchant, coal dealer; collier, miner
فاحم fāḥim black | اسود فاحم aswad or فاحم السواد f. as-sawād coal, black, pitch, black, jet-black
فحوى faḥwā or فحواه faḥwā2 sense, meaning, signification, import; purport, tenor (of a letter, of a speech, etc.)
فخ fakk pl. فخاخ fakkāk, فخوخ fukūk: trap, snare
فخت fakata a (fakt) to perforate, pierce (هـ s.th.)
فخذ fakid, fakd, fikd f., pl. افخاذ afkād thigh; leg (of mutton, etc.); (m.) subdivision of a tribe
فخذة fakda leg (of mutton, etc.)
فخذي fakidī, fakdī femoral
فخر fakara a (fakr, fakar, فخار fakār) to glory (ب in), boast (ب of s.th.), brag (ب of). vaunt (ب s.th.); to pride o.s. (ب upon), be proud (ب of); -- fakira a (falfa,) to despise, disdain III to vie in glory (ه with s.o.); to be proud (ب of), pride o.s. (ب upon), boast (ب ه before s.o. of) V to be proud, haughty VI and VIII = I fakara X to find (هـ s.th.) excellent
فخر fakr glory, pride; honor; vainglorious poetry (as a literary genre) | غير فخر gaira fakrin or ولا فخر wa-lā fakra I say this without boasting
فخري fakrī honorary, honoris causa
فخرة fukra glory, pride
فخار fakār glory, pride
فخور fakūr vainglorious, boastful, bragging; proud (ب of)
فخير fakīr boasting, bragging, swaggering, boastful
فخار fakkār (fired) clay; earthenware, crockery, pottery
فخاري fakkārī potter’s earthen; potter
فاخورة fākūra pottery, earthenware manufactory
فاخوري fākūrī potter
افخر afkar2 more splendid, more magnificent
مفخرة mafkara pl. مفاخر mafākir2 object of pride, s.th. to bout of; glorious deed, exploit, feat; glorious trait or quality
مفاخرة mufākara boasting, bragging, vainglory, pride
تفاخر tafākur boasting, bragging, vainglory
افتخار iftikār pride, vainglory, boasting, bragging
فاخر fākir proud, vainglorious, boastful, bragging; outstanding, excellent, first-rate, perfect, splendid, superb, glorious, magnificent; sumptuous, de luxe
مفاخر mufākir boastful, vainglorious, proud
مفتخر muftakir proud, vainglorious, boastful, bragging; outstanding, excellent, first-rate, perfect, splendid, superb, glorious, magnificent; sumptuous, de luxe
فخفخ fakfaka to be boastful, vainglorious; to boast, brag
فخفخة fakfaka ostentation, showiness, pageantry, pomp
فخم fakuma u (فخامة fakāma) to be stately, imposing, splendid, magnificent, grand II to intensify (هـ s.th.); to honor, treat with respect (ه s.o.), show deference (ه to); to pronounce emphatically, make emphatic (هـ a consonant)
فخم fakm stately, imposing, splendid, superb, magnificent, grand, grandiose
فخامة fakāma stateliness, imposingness, imposing appearance; splendor, magnificence, eminence, high rank; title of the head of a nonmonarchic state; title of honor given to high-ranking foreign dignitaries, approx.: Highness, Excellency, = صاحب الفخامة | فخامة الدولة f. ad-daula title of the President of the Republic (Syr., Leb.); فخامة رئيس الدولة do. (Syr., Leb.); فخامة الرئيس f. ar-ra’īs title of a foreign head of state, approx.: His Excellency, the President; فخامة المعتمد السامي f. al-mu‘tamad as-sāmī His Excellency, the High Commissioner
تفخيم tafkīm emphatic or velarized pronunciation of a consonant (phon.) | آلة التفخيم amplifier (radio)
مفخم mufakkam honored | الحروف المفخمة the emphatics (phon.)
فدح fadaḥa a (fadḥ) to oppress, burden (ه s.o.), weigh (ه upon s.o.) X to regard (هـ s.th.) as a heavy burden, as painful
فداحة fadāḥa oppressiveness, burdensomeness
افدح afdaḥa2 more oppressive, more burdensome, more serious, heavier
فادح fādiḥ burdensome, oppressive; grave, serious (mistake), heavy (loss), bad (physical defect)
فادحة fādiḥa pl. فوادح fawādiḥ misfortune, calamity
فدخ fadaka a (fadk) to break, smash (هـ s.th.)
فدر fadar pl. فدور fudūr chamois
فدفد fadfad pl. فدافد fadāfid2 wasteland, tract of desert land, desert
فدم fadama i to seal (هـ the mouth, an aperture)
فدم fadm pl. فدام fidām clumsy in speech; heavy-witted, sluggish, dull, stupid
فدن II to fatten, stall-feed (هـ s.th.)
فدان faddān pl. فدادين fadādīn2 yoke of oxen; (pl. افدنة afdina) feddan, a square measure (Eg. = 4200.833 m2)
فادن fādin pl. فوادن fawādin2 plummet, plumb bob
فدى fadā i (fidan, فداء fidā’) to redeem, ransom (ب هـ, ه s.o., s.th. with or by); to sacrifice (ب ه for s.o. s.th.) III to sacrifice, offer up (ب s.th.) VI to beware (من of), guard (من against), get away, keep away (من or هـ from); to get rid (من or هـ of); to prevent, obviate, avert, avoid (من or هـ s.th.) VIII = I; to obtain (هـ s.th.) by sacrificing s.th. else (ب ); to redeem o.s., ransom o.s. (ب with or by); to free o.s. (من from) | افتداه بالنفس to sacrifice o.s. for s.o. or s.th., risk life and property for s.o. or s.th.
فدى fidan, fadan redemption, ransoming; ransom; sacrifice (with foll. genit.: for s.th., to save or liberate s.o. or s.th.) | جعلت فداك (ju‘iltu) (lit.: may I be made your ransom, i.e.) oh, could I but sacrifice myself for you! مات فدى للوطن (waṭan) he died for his country
فدية fidya pl. فديات fidayāt, فدى fidan ransom; redemption (from the omission of certain religious duties, by a material donation or a ritual act; Isl. Law)
فداء fidā’ redemption, ransoming; ransom; price (one has to pay for s.th.), sacrifice (one makes for s.th.) | جعل كل شيء فداءه (fidā’ahū) he sacrificed or gave up everything for it
فدائي fidā’ī one who sacrifices himself (esp., for his country); esp. pl. فدائيون fighters who risk their lives recklessly, soldiers prepared to sacrifice their lives; fedayeen, commandos, shock troops (Eg.)
فدائية fidā’īya spirit of self-sacrifice
مفاداة mufādāh sacrifice
فاد fādin redeemer
مفدي mafdīy (prop., object of self-sacrifice) following the name of a king, also after وطن waṭan, عرش ‘arš, and the like, approx.: dearly beloved, dear
فذ fadd pl. افذاذ afdād, فذوذ fudūd alone, only, sole, single; singular, unique; uncommon, unusual, infrequent; pl. افذاذ extraordinary people
فذلكة fadlaka brief summary, résumé, survey, outline, abstract, epitome
فر farra i (farr, فرار firār, مفر mafarr) to flee, run away, run off, escape (من from) | فر هاربا (hāriban) to flee, take to one’s heels IV to put (ه s.o.) to flight VIII to open up or part (عن so that s.th. becomes visible); to bare, show (عن the teeth when smiling), reveal (عن s.th.); to shimmer, gleam
فرار firār flight
فرار furār: عينه فراره ‘ainuhū furāruhū (firāruhū) his outward appearance bespeaks his inner worth; you need only look at him to know what to think of him
فرار farrār fugitive, runaway, escaped; a fugitive, a runaway; deserter, defector; quicksilver, mercury
فريرة furrēra teetotum (eg.)
مفر mafarr flight, escape | لا مفر منه (mafarra) unavoidable, inevitable
فار fārr pl. -ūn, فارة fārra fugitive, fleeing; a fugitive
فرأ fara’ pl. افراء afrā’ wild ass, onager
فراء farā’ wild ass, onager | كل الصيد في جوف الفراء kullu ṣaidin fī jaufi l-f. there are all kind, of game in the belly of the wild ass (proverbially of s.o. or s.th. that combine. all good qualities and advantages and makes everything else dispensable)
فراك (Fr. frac) firāk, frāk pl. -āt swallow-tailed coat, full dress, tails
فراولة faraula (from It. fragola) strawberry (eg.)
الفرات al-furāt the Euphrates; فرات sweet (water)
فرتيكة furtīka clasp, buckle (eg.)
فرج faraja i (farj) and II to open, part, separate, cleave, split, gap, breach (هـ s.th.), make an opening, gap or breach (هـ in); to dispel, drive away (هـ s.th., e.g., grief, worried; to comfort, solace, relieve (عن s.o.) II to show (على ه to s.o. s.th.) IV to leave (عن a place); to free, liberate, let free (عن s.o.), release (عن s.o., s.th.) V to be opened عن , be separated, be cleft, be split; to part, divide, move apart (e.g., a crowd so as to let s.o. pass; to be dispelled (grief, sorrow); to derive comfort (في or على from the light of), take pleasure, delight (في or على in looking at); to regard, view, observe, watch, inspect (على s.o., s.th.), look (على at s.o., at s.th.) VII to be opened, be separated, be cleft, be split; to open or part widely, widen, diverge, split open, gape, yawn; to open (عن so that s.th. becomes visible); to show, reveal (عن s.th.); to relax, become relaxed (features; crisis); to be dispelled, be driven away (grief, sorrow); to become gay
فرج farj pl. فروج furūj opening, aperture, gap, breach; pudendum of the female, vulva
فرج faraj freedom from grief or sorrow, release from suffering; joy; relaxation; relief, ease, repose, pleasure, comfort; happy ending
فرجة furja state of happiness (esp. after suffering); pleasure, delight; -- (pl. فرج ) opening, aperture, gap, breach, hole; onlooking, watching, inspection, viewing; sight, spectacle
فروج farrūj (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. فراريج frārīj2 chick, young chicken, pullet
فرارجي (eg.) farargī seller of chicken, poulterer
مفرج mafraj pl. مفارج mafārij2 relief, relaxation; denouement, happy ending
افراج ifrāj freeing, liberation; release (عن of s.o., of s.th.), unblocking (عن e.g., of assets), decontrol (عن e.g., of rationed foodstuffs, etc.)
تفرج tafarruj inspection, viewing, regarding; watching, observation
انفراج infirāj relaxedness, relaxation
متفرج mutafarrij pl. -ūn viewer, watcher, observer, spectator, onlooker
منفرج munfarij opened wide, wide-open; relaxed; gay, merry | زاوية منفرجة (zāwiya) obtuse angle (geom.)
فرجار firjār compass, dividers
فرجون firjaun currycomb, brush
فرح fariḥa a (faraḥ) to be glad, happy, delighted, rejoice (ل, ب at), be gay, merry, cheerful (ل, ب about, over) II to gladden, delight, cheer, exhilarate, make merry, happy, gay (ه s.o.)
فرح faraḥ joy, gladness, glee, gaiety, hilarity, mirth, exhilaration, merriment, happiness; wedding; pl. افراح afrāḥ feast of rejoicing, celebration, festival, festivity; wedding (feast) | ردهة الأفراح radhat al-a. banquet hall, ball-room
فرحة farḥa joy
فرح fariḥ merry, gay, cheerful, joyful, glad, delighted, happy
فرحان farḥān2 merry, gay, cheerful, joyful, glad, delighted, happy
مفارح mafāriḥ2 feasts of rejoicing, joyous events
تفريح tafrīḥ exhilaration, amusement
فارح fāriḥ merry, gay, cheerful, joyful, glad, delighted, happy
مفرح mufriḥ gladdening, cheering, exhilarating, joyous, delightful
فرخ II to have young ones (bird); to hatch (said of eggs); to hatch, incubate (هـ s.th.); to germinate, sprout, put out new shoots (of a tree); to spread, gain ground IV to have young ones (bird); to hatch (said of eggs); to hatch. incubate (هـ s.th.); to germinate, sprout, put out new shoots (of a tree) | افرخ روعه (rau‘uhū) fear left him
فرخ fark pl. افراخ afrāk فروخ furūk, فرخ firāk, فرخان firkān young bird; shoot, spout (of a plant, of a tree) | فرخ ورق f. waraq (eg.) sheet of paper
فرخة farka pl. فراخ firāk young female bird; hen | فرخ رومي (rūmī) (eg.) turkey hen
فراخ firāk (pl. of فرخ ) poultry, domestic fowls
فرخ tafrīk hatching, incubation | آلة التفريخ incubator
فرد farada and faruda u (فرود furūd) to be single, be alone; to be singular, be unique; -- farada u (فرود furūd) to withdraw, retire, segregate (عن from); -- farada i (eg.) to spread, spread out, extend, stretch (هـ s.th.); to unfold (هـ s.th.) IV to set aside, separate, segregate, isolate (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to single out. assign especially (ب or ل هـ s.th. for), devote (ب or ل هـ s.th. to s.th. else) V to be alone; to do alone, perform single-handedly (ب s.th.); to possess alone (ب s.th.); to be matchless, be unique VII = V; to stand alone, b. without parallel (في or ب with or in s.th.); to withdraw, segregate, walk away (عن from); to be isolated (عن from) X to find (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) singular, unique or isolated; to isolate (هـ s.th., chem.)
فرد fard pl. افراد afrād, فرادى furādā alone, single; sole, only; solitary, lone, lonely; singular, unique, matchless, unrivaled, peerless, incomparable; one, a single one, a single thing, a single person, individual; odd, uneven (number); الفرد epithet of the month of Rajab; (pl. فراد firād) one, one of a couple, one of a pair; (pl. فرود furūd, فرودة furūda) pistol; -- singular (gram.) | فردا فردا fardan) singly, separately, one by one, one at a time, one after the other
فردة farda one part, one half, one of a pair
فردى fardī single, solitary; single- (in compounds); pertaining to a single person; one-man (in compounds); solo (adj.); singles (tennis); individual, personal; individualist; odd, uneven (numbr)
فردية fardīya individuality, individualism
فريد farīd alone, lone, lonely, solitary; singular, unique, matchless, peerless, unrivaled, incomparable; (with foll. genit.) especially endowed with | فريد في بابه unique of its kind
فريدة farīda pl. فرائد farā’d2 precious pearl, precious gem, solitaire; (eg.) quire (of paper)
فرادا furādan singly, separately, one by one, one at a time, one after the other
فرادى furādā singly, separately, one by one, one at a time, one after the other
تفريدي tafrīdī detailed, itemized
انفراد infirād solitude, loneness, loneliness; isolation, seclusion | على الانفراد alone, apart, isolatedly, in solitude, in seclusion; singly, by o.s.; confidentially; الانفراد بالسلطة (sulṭa) autocracy
انفرادي infirādī individual; individualistic; autocratic; isolationistic, tending to isolation
مفرد mufrad single, solitary, lone, detached, isolated; (gram.) simple, consisting of only one word (expression); being in the singular; singular (gram.); (pl. -āt) vocable, word; pl. words, terms, names, expressions (of a scientific field); details | مفردات خاصة (kāṣṣa) technical terms, terminology; بمفرده by o.s., alone, apart, singly, isolatedly, in solitude, in seclusion, solitarily; بالمفردات in detail; by retail
منفرد munfarid isolated, detached, separated; lone, solitary, alone; solo (adj.; also mus.)
2 فردة firda (<فرضة furḍa) pl. فرد firad tax, head tax, poll tax
الفردوس al-firdaus f., pl. فراديس farādīs2 Paradise
فردوسي firdausī paradisiacal, heavenly
1 فرز faraza i (farz) and IV to set apart, separate, detach, isolate (هـ s.th.); to secrete, excrete, discharge (هـ s.th.; physiol.); to sort, sift, classify (هـ s.th.); to examine (هـ s.th.), screen (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), muster (ه s.o.); to select, pick out (هـ s.th.); to distinguish, discriminate, differentiate (من هـ s.th. from)
فرز farz separation, detachment, isolation; secretion, excretion, discharge; sorting, sifting; mustering, muster, screening, examination; selection, selecting | فرز عسكري (‘askarī) pre-induction examination (mil.)
فرازة farrāza: O فرازة آلية (‘ā1īya ) seed separator, seed-screening apparatus
مفرزة mafraza pl. مفارز mafāriz2 group, detachment, party, troop, band
افراز ifrāz pl. -āt secretion, excretion, exudation, discharge, expectoration (physiol.) | قسمة افراز qismat i. partition in kind (Isl. Law)
O فارزة fāriza comma
مفرزات mufrazāt secretions, excretions, exudations (physiol.) | المفرزات الداخلية (dākilīya) internal secretions, endocrines
2 فريز pl. افرزة = افريز
3 فيروز , فاروز and فيروزج look up alphabetically
4 افريز pl. افاريز look up alphabetically
فرزان II tafarzana to queen, become a queen (of a pawn; in chess)
فرزان firzān pl. فرازين farāzīn 2 queen (in chess)
1 فرس farasa i (fars) to kill, tear (هـ its prey, of a predatory animal) V to regard searchingly, eye, scrutinize (هـ, ه or في s.o., s.th.), look firmly (هـ, ه or في at s.o., at s.th.); to recognize, detect (هـ a quality, في in s.o.) VIII = I; to ravish, rape (ها a woman)
فرس faras m. and f., pl. افراس afrās horse, mare; knight (chess) | فرس البحر f. al-baḥr hippopotamus; فرس الرهان race horse; الفرس الأعظم PegaSus (astron.)
فراسة farāsa horsemanship, equitation
فراسة firāsa perspicacity, acumen, discernment, discrimination, minute observation; keen eye (esp. for traits of character); intuitive knowledge of human nature | علم الفراسة ‘ilm al-f. physiognomy; فراسة اليد f. al-yad chiromancy, palmistry
فريسة farīsa pl. فرائس farā’is2 prey (of a wild animal)
فريسي farīsī, فرسي Pharisee
فروسة furūsa horsemanship, equitation; chivalry, knighthood,
فروسية furūsīya horsemanship, equitation; chivalry, knighthood; heroism, valor
فارس fāris pl. فرسان fursān, فوارس fawāris2 horseman, rider; knight, cavalier; hero; pl. cavalry | لست من فرسان ذلك الميدان (lastu, maidān) I am unfamiliar with this field, I am not competent in this field
فارسة fārisa pl. -āt horsewoman; mounted female warrior, Amazon
مفترس muftaris rapacious, ravenous (animal) | حيوان مفترس (ḥayawān) predatory animal, beast of prey
2 الفرس al-fursān the Persians; Persia, also بلاد الفرس
فارس fāris, also بلاد فارس Persia
فارسي fārisī Persian (adj. and n.)
فرسي visāy Versailles
فرسخ farsak pl. فراسخ farāsik2 a measure of length, parasang
فرسوفيا varōviyā Warsaw (capital of Poland)
فرش faraša u (farš, فراش firāš) to spread, spread out (هـ s.th.); -- faraša u i (farš) to pave, cover (هـ the ground, floor, path, room, etc., ب with) II to cover (هـ the floor, etc., ب with); to furnish, provide with furniture (هـ ..th.); to tile, pave (هـ s.th.) VIII to spread, spread out (هـ s.th.); to lie down, stretch out, sprawl (هـ on s.th.); to sleep (ها with a woman) | افترش لسانه (lisānahū) to give one’s tongue free rein
فرش farš pl. فروش furūš furnishing; furniture, household effects; mat, rug, carpet; anything spread on the ground as bedding; foundation (arch.)
فرشة farša bed; mattress
فراش farāš wheel (of a mill); (coll.; n. un. ة ) moths; butterflies
فراشة farāša (n. un.) moth; butterfly; flighty, fickle person
فراش firāš pl. فرش furuš, افرشة afriša cushion, pillow; blanket, cover, spread; mattress; bed
فراش farrāš one who spreads the carpets; servant, attendant; house servant, valet; office boy, errand boy
مفرش mifraš pl. مفارش mafāriš2 tablecloth, table cover, cover (in general); bedspread, counterpane
مفرشة mifraša pl. مفارش mafāriš2 saddle blanket
مفروش mafrūš covered (ب with); furnished; مفروشات mafrūšāt furniture, household effects
2 فرش II to brush (هـ s.th.)
فرشة furša pl. فرش furaš brush; paintbrush | فرشة البودرة powder puff; فرشة اسنان f. asnān toothbrush
فرشاة furšāh brush; paintbrush
فرشاية furšāya (syr.) brush
فرشح faršaḥ (فرشحة faršaḥa) to straddle, stand with one’s legs apart
فرشخ faršaka = فرشح faršaḥa
فرشينة (It. forcina) furšīna pl. -āt hairpin
فرص II to make holidays
فرصة furṣa pl. فرص furaṣ opportunity, chance, auspicious moment; holidays, vacation | فرصة من الزمن (furṣatan, zaman) for a short time, briefly; انتهز الفرصة (intahaza) to seize the opportunity, avail o.s. or take advantage of the opportunity
فريصة farīṣa pl. فرائص farā’iṣ2 flesh or muscle beneath the shoulder-blades | فريصته or ارتعدت فرائصه (irta‘adat) violent fear or excitement seized him
مفرص mufarriṣ holiday-maker, vacationist, tourist
فرصاد firṣād mulberry; mulberry tree
فرض faraḍa i (farḍ) to decide, determine; to decree, order, ordain (هـ s.th.); to appoint, assign, apportion, allocate (هـ ل to s.o. s.th., money, and the like); to impose, enjoin, make incumbent (هـ على upon s.o. s.th.), prescribe (هـ على to s.o. s.th.); to impose (الحصار blockade, على on); to assume, presume, suppose, presuppose, postulate (هـ s.th., ان that) | فرض ارادته عليه (irādatahū) to force one’s will on s.o. II to notch (هـ s.th.), make incisions (هـ in s.th.) VIII to impose, enjoin, make incumbent (هـ على upon s.o. s.th.), prescribe (هـ على to s.o. s.th.); to decree, order (هـ s.th.); to assume, suppose (هـ s.th., ان that)
فرض farḍ pl. فروض furūḍ notch, incision; duty, precept, injunction, order, decree, ordinance, command; religious duty (Isl. Law); statutory portion, lawful shore (Isl. Law); assumption, supposition, presupposition, premise, postulate, hypothesis | فروض التحية f. at-taḥīya prescribed forms of salutations; فرض عين f. ‘ain individual duty (Isl. Law); فرض كفاية collective duty (Isl. Law); على فرض on the premise of …; على فرض ان on the assumption that, with the understanding that ..., supposing that ...
فرضي farḍī hypothetic(al), suppositional, conjectural, assumed without proof
فرضية farḍīya hypothesis
فرضة furḍa pl. فرض furaḍ notch, incision; opening, gap, crevice, crack; seaport, river harbor, small port town
فريضة farīḍa pl. فرائض farā’ḍ2 religious duty (Isl. Law); divine precept, ordinance of God (Isl. Law); obligatory prayer (Isl. Law); pl. distributive shares in estate (Isl. Law) | فريضة الجمعة f. al-jum‘a the obligatory divine service on Friday (Isl. Law); ذو الفرائض dawū l-f. the “Koranic heirs”, i.e., those entitled to a statutory portion in estate according to sura lV, 12ff . (Isl. Law); علم الفرائض ‘ilm al-f. law of descent and distribution
افتراض iftirāḍ assumption, supposition, presupposition, premise, postulate, hypothesis
افتراضي iftirāḍī hypothetic(al)
فارض fāriḍ old, advanced in years
مفروض mafrūḍ supposed, assumed, premised; pl. مفروضات duties, obligations
فرط farata u to precede (ه s.o.); to escape inadvertently, slip (من s.o.’s tongue; of words); to escape (من s.o.), get lost (من on s.o.); to happen (inadvertently) (من to s.o., faux pas, etc.); to neglect (في s.th.), be lax, be remiss (في with regard to); to strip off (هـ fruits) | فرط منه الشيء (šai’u) he missed the thing, lost it II to leave, abandon, forsake, give up (ه s.o., في or ,. s.th.), renounce, waive (في or هـ s.th.); to separate (ه or عن from), part (ه or عن with); to neglect (في s.th.), be lax, be remiss (في with regard to); to exceed the proper bounds, go too far, be excessive (في in), exaggerate, overdo (في s.th.); to waste, squander (في s.th.) IV to exceed the proper bounds, go too far, be excessive (في in), exaggerate, overdo, abuse (في s.th.) VII to be stripped off, be loosened, become detached (من from); to be dissolved, dissolve, break up | انفرط عقدهم (‘aqduhum) they broke up, they parted company, they dissolved
فرط farṭ excess, immoderation, exaggeration; (with foll. abstract noun) hyper- (in compounds)
فرط faraṭ (eg.) interest (on money, capital, etc.)
فراطة furāṭa small change, coins
تفريط tafrīṭ negligence, neglect
افراط afrāṭ excess, immoderation, exaggeration
فارط fāriṭ elapsed, bygone, put, last, e.g., يوم الأحد الفارط (yaum al-aḥad) last Sunday
مفرط mufarril prodigal, wasteful, squandering; wastrel, spendthrift, prodigal, squanderer
مفرط mufriṭ exaggerated, excessive
فرطح farṭaḥa to make broad, broaden, flatten (هـ s.th.)
مفرطح mufarṭaḥ broad; flattened, flat, oblate; fat and flabby, bloated
فرع fara‘a a (far‘, فرع furū‘) to surpass, outstrip (ه s.o.); to excel (ه s.o.) II to put forth branches, to branch; to derive, deduce (من هـ s.h. from) V to branch out, ramify, become ramified, spread in all directions; to divide, fork, bifurcate (road, pipeline); to branch off VIII to de1lower
فرع far‘ pl. فروع furū‘, افرع afru‘ twig, branch. bough, limb, (also coll.) branches, twigs; derivative; section, subdivision; branch office, subsidiary establishment, branch; branch line, feeder line; branch wire, feed wire (el.) | الفروع or علم الفروع ‘ilm al-f. the doctrine of the branches, i.e., applied fiqh, applied ethics (consisting in the systematic elaboration of canonical law in Islam); شرعا وفرعا šar‘an wa-far‘an with full right, with good cause, justly
فرعي fa‘ī branch, subsidiary, tributary, sub-, side (in compounds); subdivisional; secondary
افرع afra‘2, f. فرعاء far‘ā’ tall, slender
تفرع tafarru‘ many-sidedness, versatility; (pl. -āt) ramification; pl. secondary things, concomitant circumstances, minor factors
فارع fāri‘ tall, lofty, towering; high-grown, slender, slim; beautiful, handsome, pretty | فارع الطول f. aṭ-ṯūl tall, high-grown; فارع القامة tall and slender
مفرع mufarra‘ ramified, branching
متفرعات mutafarri‘āt secondary things, concomitant circumstances, minor factors
فرعون fir‘aun pl. فراعنة farā‘ina Pharaoh
فرغ faraga u and fariga a (فروغ furūg, فراغ farāg) to be empty, be void; to be vacant; to be exhausted, be used up; to be rid (من of s.o.), be done, be finished (من with); to finish, terminate, conclude, close, wind up, finish off, settle, complete, bring to an end (من s.th.); to devote o.s. apply o.s. attend, tend (الى or ل to s.o. to s.th.), occupy o.s. (الى or ل with) | فرغ الى نفسه to collect one’s thoughts II to empty, void, vacate, evacuate, discharge (هـ s.th.); to unload (هـ a cargo); to pour out (هـ s.th.) IV to empty, void, vacate, evacuate (هـ s.th.); to pour out (على هـ s.th. over. في into); to unload (هـ s.th., e.g., from a ship) | افرغه في قالب (qālab) to mold s.th. (fig.); (مجهوده or) افرغ جهده (jahdahū) to exert o.s. to the utmost, make every effort (في in), do one’s best V to be free from work. be unoccupied, be idle, have leisure; to be free, disengage o.s. (الى or ل for some work), occupy o.s. exclusively (الى or ل with), devote o.s., apply o.s., attend (الى or ل to) X to empty (هـ a bowl, and the like); to vomit | استفرغ مجهوده to exert o.s. to the utmost. make every effort (في in), apply every ounce of strength (في to), do one’s best
فرغ farg empty, void; vacant
فراغ farāg void, vacuity, vacancy, vacuum, empty space; gap; space (ل for s.o., for s.th.); cession (of things which are not transferable as a property, but transferable as a possession; (Isl. Law); leisure, sparetime
فراغي farāgī vacuum (adj.)
فروغ furūg emptiness, voidness, vacuity; vacancy, unocoupiedness; termination, expiration, exhaustion | فروغ الصبر f. aṣ-ṣabr impatience
افرغ afrag2 emptier
تفريغ tafrīg emptying, vacating, evacuation; discharge; unloading (of a cargo)
افراغ ifrāg emptying, vacating, evacuation; pouring out
استفراغ istifrāg emptying, voiding, vacating, evacuation; vomiting
فارغ fārig pl. فراغ furrāg empty, void; vacant; unoccupied, not busy, idle, leisurely; inane, vacuous, idle, useless; -- tare (com.) | بالفارغ in the void (of the target) = in the bull’s-eye; بفارغ الصبر bi-f. iṣ-ṣabr impatiently
مفروغ منه mafrūg minh finished, settled (question, problem, and the like); exhausted (topic, and the like)
مفرغ mufarrig emptying; creating a vacuum | O آلة مفرغة vacuum pump
مفرغ mufarrag emptied, vacated, exhausted of air, vacuum (adj.); hollow
مفرغ mufrag cast (in a mold) | حلقة مفرغة (ḥalqa) seamless ring; vicious circle, circulus vitiosus
1 فرفر farfara to shake itself (of animals, esp. of a bird)
فرفر farfar small bird
فرفور furfūr small bird
2 فرفوري farfūrī = فغفوري fine porcelain
3 فرفير firfīr purple, purpure
فرفش farfaša: فرفش نفسه (eg.) to recover, pick up, revive
فرفشة farfaša (eg.) ease, comfort, convenience, leisure
فرفير firfīr purple, purpure
فرق faraqa u (farq, فرقان furqān to separate, part, divide, sever, sunder (هـ s.th.); to make a distinction (بين between), distinguish, differentiate, discriminate (بين between); فرق (farq) to part (هـ the hair); fariqa a (faraq) to be terrified, be dismayed; to be afraid (من of) II to separate, part, divide, sever, sunder (هـ s.th.); to strew about, scatter, disperse (هـ s.th.); to make a distinction (بين between), distinguish, differentiate (بين between; عن ه s.o. from); to distribute (في or على هـ s.th. to, among); to frighten, scare, daunt, terrify, horrify (ه s.o.) | فرق تسد farriq tasud divide and rule! divide et impera! III to separate o.s. disengage o.s., withdraw, depart (هـ, ه from s.o., from s.th.), part (هـ, ه with s.o., with s.th.), leave, quit (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) V to be or become separated, split, disunited, divided, scattered, dispersed, separate, part, divide, scatter, disperse, dissolve, break up VII to be or become separated, disunited, divided, separate o.s., disengage o.s. (عن from), part (عن with) VIII = V | افترق طرائق قددا (ṭarā’iqa qidadan) to split into many parts or groups, become divided
فرق farq separation, severance, sunderance, division, partition; differentiation, distinction, discrimination; parting (of the hair); -- (pl. فروق furūq) difference, dissimilarity, distinction; small change, coins; pl. cases similar with regard to facts, yet different as to their legal implications (Isl. Law)
فرق firq part, portion, division, section, unit; band, company, party, detachment, troop, group; herd, flock
فرق faraq fear, fright, terror
فرق fariq fearful, timid, timorous, cowardly, craven
فرقة firqa pl. فرق firaq part, portion, division, section, unit; band, company, party, detachment, troop, group; class; grade, class (in school); pupils or students of a course; troupe, ensemble; team, crew; division (mil.); sect | الفرقة اللأجنبية (ajnabīya) the Foreign Legion; الفرقة الخامسة the fifth column; فرقة مصفحة (muṣaffaḥa) armored division; فرقة المطافئ (or الأطفاء ) f. al-maṭāfi2 (or al-iṭfā’) fire department, fire brigade; فرقة الإعدام f. al-i‘dām firing squad; فرقة استعراضية (isti‘rāḍīya) show troupe, revue troupe; فرقة موسيقية (mūsīqīya) orchestra; فرقة موسيقى f. mūsīqā (military) band
فرقة furqa separatedness, separation, disunion
فريق farīq pl. فروق furūq, افرقة afriqa, افرقاء afriqā2 band, company, troop, detachment, unit; party; faction; team (sports); - a military and naval rank, approx.: lieutenant general (Eg.), vice admiral (Eg.) | فريق اول (awwal) lieutenant general (Ir.); فريق ثان (tānin) major general (Ir.)
فروق farūq very fearful, timid, timorous, cowardly, craven; --Constantinople
فاروق fārūq very timorous; الفاروق he who distinguishes truth from falsehood (epithet of the2nd Caliph, Omar)
فاروقية fārūqīya “Faruk cap”, winter field cap of the Egyptian Air Force (1939)
فرقان furqān proof, evidence; الفرقان the Koran
مفرق mafraq, mafriq pl. مفارق mafāriq2 crossing, intersection, bifurcation, forking, fork, junction, interjunction; road fork, highway intersection, crossroads, also مفرق الطرق m. aṭ-ṭuruq; المفرق al-mafraq or قلعة المفرق qal‘at al-m. Mafrak (city in N Jordan) | مفرق الشعر mafriq aš-ša‘r parting (of the hair)
تفريق tatrīq separation, severance, sunderance, partition, division; dispersion, dispersal, scattering; differentiation, distinction, discrimination; distribution; pl. تفاريق tafārīq2 single, separate parts, detached sections | بالتفريق in detail; in portions; by retail (com.)
تفرقة tafriqa separation, severance, sunderance, partition, division; dispersion, dispersal, scattering; differentiation, distinction, discrimination; distribution | بالتفرقة in detail; in portions; by retail (com.)
مفارقة mufāraqa separation, parting, farewell, leave-taking, departure; difference, dissimilarity, distinction
فراق firāq separation, parting, farewell, leave-taking, departure; difference, dissimilarity, distinction
تفرق tafarruq separation, disunion, division; dispersing, dispersal, scattering; deployment (in the field; mil.)
افتراق iftirāq separation, disunion, division
فارق fāriq distinguishing, differential, distinctive, discriminative, separative; (pl. فوارق fawāriq2) a separating or distinctive factor; distinctive characteristic, criterion; difference, distinction, dissimilarity, disparity | مع بعد الفارق (bu‘d l-f.) in spite of the great difference
مفرق mufarriq distributor, retailer; mailman, postman
مفرق mufarraq retail (adj.) | تاجر المفرق retail merchant, retailer; بالمفرق by retail
متفرق mutafarriq dispersed, scattered; sporadic; متفرقات miscellany, sundries (com.), miscellaneous items
مفترق muftaraq crossing, intersection, bifurcation, forking, fork, junction, interjunction; road fork, highway intersection, crossroads, also مفترق الطرق m. aṭ-ṭuruq
2 فاوريقة pl. فواريق look up alphabetically
3 افريقيا look up alphabetically
4 افريقي pl. افارقة look up alphabetically
فرقد farqad calf; الفرقدان two bright stars of Ursa Minor (β and γ)
فرقع farqa‘a (فرقعة farqa‘a) to pop, crack, burst, explode II tafarqa‘a = I
فرقعة farqa‘a crack, pop, report (of a firearm); explosion, blast
مفرقع mufarqi‘ explosive, blasting (adj.); pl. مفرقعات explosives; firecrackers, fireworks
فرقلة farqilla (eg.) pl. -āt whip with a leather thong, used in driving animals
فرك faraka u (fark) to rob (هـ s.th.) II = I V to be robbed VII = V
فريك farīk rubbed; cooked green wheat
O مفراك mifrāk twirling stick
2 فراك look up alphabetically
فركش farkaša (eg.) to disarrange, dishevel, tangle (هـ s.th.), tousle, muss, tear (hair)
1 فرم farama i (farm) to out into small pieces (هـ meat, tobacco), mince, chop, hash (هـ meat) II = I
مفرمة miframa meat grinder; mincer, mincing machine
مفرمم mafrūm: دخان مفروم (dukān) finely cut tobacco; لحم مفروم (laḥm) chopped meat, hashed meat
2 فرم (It. forma) furma pl. فرم furam mold
فرمان faramān pl. -āt, فرامين farāmīn2 firman; decree, edict; (letter of) safe-conduct, laisser-passer (formerly, in the Ottoman Empire)
فرمبواز (Fr. framboise) frambuwāz raspberry
فرمسون (eg.) firmasōn (from Fr. franc-maçon) Freemason
فرملة farmala pl. فرامت farāmil2 brake (of a wheel, etc.)
فرملجي (eg.) farmalgī pl. -īya brakeman
فرموزا farmōza, formōza Formosa
فرن furn pl. افران afran oven, baking oven
فران farrān baker
فرنج II tafarnaja to become Europeanized, adopt European manners, imitate the Europeans
الإفرنج al-ifranj the Europeans | بلاد الإفرنج Europe
افرنجي ifranjī European; الإفرنجي syphilis
فرنجة firanja2 Land of the Franks, Europe
تفرنج tafarnuj Europeanization, imitation of the Europeans
متفرنج mutafarnij Europeanized
1 فرند firind a sword of exquisite workmanship
2 فرندة faranda, varanda pl. -āt veranda, porch
فرنس farnasa (فرنسة farnasa) to make French, Frenchify, imbue with French culture (هـ s.th.) II tafarnasa to become a Frenchman; to imitate the French
فرنسا faransā (also فرنسة ) France
فرنسي faransī French; (pl. -ūn) Frenchman
فرنساوي faransāwī (also فرنسوي ) French
الفرنسيس al-faransīs the French
الفرنسيسكان al-faransiskān the Franciscans
فرنك (Fr. franc) firank and فرنكة pl. -āt franc
فره farih lively, agile, nimble
فراهة farāha liveliness, agility, nimbleness, swiftness (of an animal); sturdiness
فاره fārih lively, agile, nimble, swift (animal); comely, pretty; sturdy; big
فرو farw (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. فراء firā’ furriery, fur(s), skin(s), pelt(s), peltry
فروة farwa (n. un.) fur, pelt; akin, hide | فروة الرأس scalp; ابو فروة abū f. (eg.) chestnut فرى farā i (fary) to split lengthwise, cut lengthwise (هـ s.th.); (eg.) to mince, chop (هـ s.th.); to invent lyingly, fabricate, trump up (على هـ s.th. against) | فرى كذبا (kidban) to fabricate, or invent, a lie (على against) II to split lengthwise, cut lengthwise (هـ s.th.) IV = II; VIII to invent lyingly, fabricate, trump up (على ه s.th. against); to slander, libel, calumniate (على s.o.)
فرية firya pl. فرى firan lie, falsehood, falsity; slander, calumny
فرى farīy: جاء) شيئا فريا or) اتى to do s.th. unheard-of, do an unprecedented thing
مفراة mifrāh (eg.) (= مفرمة ) meat grinder; mincer, mincing machine
افتراء iftirā’ lie, falsehood, falsity; slander, calumny
مفتر muftarin slanderer, calumniator
مفتريات muftarayāt lies, falsities; calumnies
فريز farīz pl. افرزة afriza = افريز ifrīz (look up alphabetically)
فز fazza i (fazz) to jump up, start, bolt; to be or become frightened, terrified, dismayed, startled; to frighten, alarm, startle (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), scare away (عن هـ, ه s.o., s.th. from) IV to frighten, alarm, startle (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), scare away (عن هـ, ه s.o., s.th. from) V to become restless, restive, uneasy X to fill with unrest or excitement, rouse, agitate, excite, stir up, instigate, incite, egg on, inflame, whip up (ه s.o.), provoke (هـ an incident); to startle (عن ه s.o. out of); to stir up, arouse (من ه s.o. from)
فزة fazza start, jump, bolt, dart
استفزاز istifzāz pl. -āt instigation, agitation, incitement, provocation
استفزازي istifzāzī agitative, instigative, inflammatory, rabble-rousing, provocative, incendiary
فزر lazara u (fazr) to tear, rent, burst (هـ s.th.) V to be torn, be rent, split open, burst VII = V
فزارة fazāra female leopard
فزورة fazūra pl. فوازر fawāzir2 (eg.) riddle, puzzle
فزع fazi‘a a (faza‘) and faza‘a a (faz‘, fiz‘) to be afraid, be scared (من of), be alarmed, frightened, terrified (ل or من by); -- fazi‘a a to take refuge, flee (الى to), seek asylum (الى with) II to strike (ه s.o.) with fear; to frighten, scare, alarm, terrify, dismay, startle (ه s.o.) IV to frighten, startle, terrify, scare (ه s.o.) V to be terrified, startled, dismayed; to be frightened | تفزع من نومه (naumihī) to be roused from one’s sleep
فزع faza‘ pl. افزاع afzā‘ fear, fright, terror, alarm, dismay, anxiety, consternation, panic
فزع fazi‘ frightened, terrified, scared, alarmed, startled, dismayed, fearful, timorous
فزعان faz‘ān frightened. terrified, scared, alarmed, startled, dismayed, fearful, timorous
فزاعة fazzā‘a one who inspires fear; scarecrow
مفزع mafza‘ place of refuge, retreat, sanctuary
مفزعة mafza‘a place of refuge, retreat, sanctuary; scarecrow
مفزع mufzi‘ terrible, dreadful, alarming
مفزع mufzi‘ frightened, terrified, alarmed, startled
فستان fustān pl. فساتين fasātīn2 (woman’s) dress, gown, frock
فستق fustuq, fustaq pistachio (bot.)
فسح fasuḥa u (فسحة fusḥa, فساحة fasāḥa) to be or become wide, spacious, roomy; – fasaḥa a (fasḥ) to make room, clear a space (هـ, في in, ل for) II to make wide, make spacious, widen, broaden, extend, expand (هـ s.th.); to make room, clea a space (ل for) | فسح مجالا له (majālan) to make room for s.o., or s.th., give s.o. or s.th. free play or free scope; to open up an opportunity for s.o.; فسح له الطريق to open or pave the way for s.o. or s.th. IV to make room, clear a space (ل for); to clear. open up (هـ s.th., ل for) V to be or become wide, spacious, roomy; to walk, take a walk VII to be or become wide, spacious, roomy; to extend, expand, dilate; to be free, be ample (time) | انفسحت لي الأوقات I had plenty of time
فسحة fusḥa wideness, ampleness, spaciousness, roominess; extensive possibilities, ample opportunities, wide scope for action; (time) margin, enough time (ل for); -- (pl. فسح fusaḥ, -āt) free, open, or empty, space; holidays, vaoation; walk, promenade, stroll, ride, drive, outing, excursion | ما زال في الوقت فسحة (waqt) there is still time
فسحة fusḥa pl. -āt (eg.) anteroom, vestibule, hallway, entrance hall; (eg., also syr.) open space between houses; courtyard
فسيح fasīḥ) pl. فساح fisāḥ wide, ample, spacious, roomy, broad
انفساح infisāḥ wideness, ampleness; extension, expansion, dilation
منفسح munfasaḥ) wideness, ampleness; plane, surface
فسخ fasaka a (fask) to dislocate, disjoint, luxate, put out of joint (هـ a limb); to sever, sunder, tear (هـ s.th.); (jur.) to cancel, abolish, rescind, revoke, abrogate, annul, nullify, invalidate, dissolve, void, vacate (هـ s.th.); -- fasika a (fasak) to lose color; to fade (color) II to tear to pieces, tear apart, lacerate, mangle (هـ s.th.); (eg.) to salt (هـ fish) V to break up into fragments, fall apart, disintegrate VII (jur.) to be canceled, abolished, rescinded, revoked, abrogated, annulled, nullified, invalidated, dissolved, voided, vacated
فسخ fask (jur.) cancellation, abolishment, abolition, rescission, revocation, abrogation, annulment, nullification, invalidation, dissolving, voiding, vacating
فسخي faskī abolitionary, revocatory, abrogative, nullifying
فسخة faska (wood) splinter, chip, sliver
فسيخ fasīk (eg.) small salted fish
متفسخ mutafassik degenerate(d)
فسد fasada u i (فساد fasād, فسود fusūd) to be or become bad, rotten, decayed, putrid, be spoiled; to be or become vicious, wicked, vile, corrupt, depraved, be marred, impaired, corrupted, perverted, vitiated; to be empty, vain, idle, unsound, false, wrong II to spoil, deprave, ruin, corrupt, demoralize (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to degrade, abase, sully, tarnish, defile (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) IV to spoil (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.; هـ s.th. على of s.o., e.g., s.o.’s plans, etc.), deprave, corrupt, pervert, demoralize (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to mar, distort, devaluate, depreciate, denigrate, degrade (هـ s.th., على for s.o.); to weaken, sap. undermine, upset, ruin, destroy, foil, thwart, frustrate (هـ s.th.); to alienate, estrange (على ه s.o. from another; هـ على s.o. from s.th.), entice away (على s.o., هـ from s.th.); to sow, or stir up, dissension (بين among); to act evilly, wickedly; to cause mischief | افسد عليه امره (amrahū) to play s.o. a dirty trick VII = I
فساد fasād rottenness, spoiledness, corruption, decay, decomposition, putrefaction, putridity; depravity, wickedness, viciousness, iniquity. immorality; weakness; pervertedness, wrongness ; incorrectness, imperfection (of a legal transaction; Isl. Law)
مفسدة mafsada pl. مفاسد mafāsid2 cause of corruption or evil; scandalous deed, heinous act; pl. مفاسد dirty tricks, malicious acts, chicaneries | في المصلحة والمفسدة (maṣlaḥa) in good and bad times, for better or for worse
افساد ifsād thwarting, undermining, sabotaging
فاسد fāsid pl. فسدي fasadī bad, foul, rotten, spoiled, decayed, decomposed, putrid; depraved, corrupt, vicious, wicked, immoral; empty, vain, idle, unsound, false, wrong; imperfect (legal transaction; Isl. Law) | دور فاسد (daur) vicious circle, circulus vitiosus
فسر II to explain, expound, explicate, elucidate, interpret (هـ s.th.), comment (هـ on) V to be explained, interpreted, etc. (see II); to have an explanation (ب in), be explainable (ب with, by) X to ask (ه s.o.) for an explanation (عن of), inquire (عن ه of s.o. about), ask (عن ه s.o. about); to seek an explanation (عن for)
تفسير tafsīr pl. تفاسير tafāsīr2 explanation, exposition, elucidation, explication, interpretation; commentary (esp. one on the Koran)
تفسيري tafsīrī explanatory, explicatory, illustrative
تفسرة tafsira urine specimen (of a patient, for diagnosis)
استفسار istifsār pl. -āt inquiry, question (عن about)
مفسر mufassir commentator
فسطاط fusṭāṭ pl. فساطيط fasāṭīṭ2 (large) tent made of haircloth; tent, pavilion, canopy; الفسطاط al-fusṭāṭ ancient Islamic city south of present-day Cairo
فسطان fusṭān pl. فساطين fasāṭīn2 see فستان
فسفات fusfāt phosphate
فسفر fasfara and II tafasfara to phosphoresce
فسفر fusfur phosphorus
فسفس fasfara (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. فسافس fasāfis2 bedbug
فسفوسة fasfūsa pl. فسافيس fasāfīs2 pustule, pimple
فسيفساء fusaifisā’ mosaic, mosaic work
فسق fasaqa u i (fisq, فسوق fusūq) and fasuqa u to stray from the right course; to stray, deviate (عن from); to act unlawfully, sinfully, immorally, lead a dissolute life; to fornicate (ب with) II (Isl. Law) to declare (ه s.o.) to b. a fāsiq (q.v.)
فسق fisq sinfulness, viciousness, moral depravity, dissolute life | دور الفسق dūr al-f. brothels
فسوق fusūq outrage, iniquity
مفسقة malaaqa pl. مفاسق mafāsiq2 brothel
فاسق fāsiq pl. فساق fussāq, فسقة fasaqa godless, sinful, dissolute, wanton, licentious, profligate, vicious, iniquitous, nefarious; trespasser, offender, sinner; fornicator, adulterer; a person not meeting the legal requirements of righteousness (Isl. Law)
2 فسقية fasqīya, fisqīya pl. -āt, فساقي fasāqīy fountain; well
1 فسل fasl pl. فسول fusūil low, lowly, ignoble; despicable; false, deceitful
فسل lusUIa lowliness; w.akness
فسيلة fasīla pl. فسيل fasīl, فسائل fasā’il2 palm seedling, palm shoot
2 فسولية fasūlīya = فصوليا
فسلجة faslaja physiology
فسلجي faslajī physiologic(al)
(فسو) فسا fasā u (fasw, فساء fusā’) to break wind noiselessly
فاسياء fāsiyā’2 dung beetle
فسولية fasūliya = فصوليا
فسيولوجيا fisiyōlōjiyā physiology
فسيولوجي fisiyōlōjī physiologic(al); physiologist
فش fašša u (fašš) to cause (هـ a swelling, and the like) to subside; to go down, subside (swelling) | فش خلقه (غله) في (kulqahū, gillahū) (eg.) to vent one’s anger on … VII to go down, subside (swelling, and the like)
فشة fišša pl. فشش fišaš (eg., syr.) lung, lights (of animals)
فاشي and فاشية look up alphabetically
فشخ fašaka a (fašk) to straddle; to stride, take large steps
فشخ fašk pl. -āt stride, large step
فشر fašara u to brag, boast, swagger
فشر fašr bragging, swagger, vain
فشار fušār bragging, swagger, vain boasting
فشار fišār (eg.) popcorn
فشار faššār braggart, swaggerer, vain boaster
فشفاش fašfāš (eg.) lung, lights (of animals)
فشك fašak (coll.; n. un. ة ) cartridges | فشك خلبي (kullabī) blank cartridges (Syr.); فشك دخاني (dukānī) smoke cartridges (Syr.)
فشل fašila a (fašal) to lose courage, be or become cowardly or faint-hearted, lose heart, despair; to be disappointed; to fail, he unsuccessful (في in); to miscarry, go wrong, fail n and IV to thwart, foil, frustrate (هـ s.th.) V to fail, be unsuccessful
فشل fašal disappointment, failure, flop, fiasco
فشل fašl, fašil weak, faint-hearted, cowardly, craven
فاشل fāšil failing, unsuccessful, futile, doomed to failure; no good, worthless
(فشو) فشا fašā u (فشو fašw, fušuw, فشي fušīy) to spread, spread about, diffuse, gain ground, make the rounds, circulate; to be revealed, he disclosed, he divulged IV to spread, disseminate, put in circulation (هـ s.th.); to reveal, disclose, divulge (هـ or ب s.th.) V to spread, spread about, gain ground, rage (e.g., a disease)
تفش tafaššin spreading, spread, outbreak
فص II (eg.) to remove the outer shell (هـ of s.th.)
فص faṣṣ pl. فصوص fuṣūṣ stone of a ring; clove (of garlic); segment (of an orange); lobe (anat., bot.); joint; essence | فص ملح f. milḥ (eg.) lump of salt; بنصه وفصه (naṣṣihī) in the very words, ipsissimis verbis, literally, precisely
1 فصح faṣuḥa u (فصاحة faṣāḥa) to be eloquent II to bring (هـ the language) into literary form, make (هـ the language) correct Arabic, purify (هـ the language) IV to express o.s. in flawless literary Arabic; to speak clearly, distinctly, intelligibly; to give expression (عن to), express, state clearly, declare outright, make plain (عن s.th.), speak openly, frankly (عن about); to orient, inform (عن ل s.o. about); to become clear, plain, distinct V to affect eloquence, affect mastery of the language VI = V
فصيح faṣīḥ pl. فصحاء fuṣaḥā’2, فصاح fiṣāḥ, فصح fuṣuḥ pure, good Arabic (language), literary; skillful in using the correct literary language; clear, plain, distinct, intelligible (language, speech); fluent, eloquent
فصاحة faṣāḥa purity of the language; fluency, eloquence
افصح afṣaḥ2, f. فصحى fuṣḥā of purer language; more eloquent |العربية (اللغة) الفصحى (‘arabīya, luga) classical Arabic; الفصحى do.
افصاح ifṣāḥ flawless literary Arabic style; frank statement, open word (عن about), open declaration (عن of)
مفصح mufṣiḥ clear, plain, distinct, intelligible; cloudless, sunny, bright (day)
2 فصح IV to celebrate Easter (Chr.); to celebrate Passover (Jud.)
فصح fiṣḥ, faṣḥ pl. فصوح fuṣūḥ Easter (Chr.); Pesach, Passover (Jud.)
فصد faṣada i (faṣd, فصاد faṣād) to open a vein; to bleed (ه s.o.), perform a venesection (ه on) V to drip (e.g., the face, عرقا ‘araqan with perspiration) VII to be bled, undergo a venesection; to bleed (nose)
فصد faṣd opening of a vein, bloodletting, venesection, phlebotomy
فصاد fiṣād opening of a vein, bloodletting, venesection, phlebotomy
فصادة fiṣāda pl. فصائد faṣā’id2 bloodletting, venesection, phlebotomy | ابو فصادة abū f. (eg.) wagtail (zool.)
مفصد mifṣad, pl. مفاصد mafāṣid2 lancet
فصفات fuṣfāt phosphate
فصفور fuṣfūr phosphorus
فصفوري fuṣfūrī phosphoric, phosphorous | ضياء فصفوري phosphorescence
فصل faṣala i (faṣl) to separate, part, divide, disjoin, divorce, cut off, detach, set apart, segregate (عن هـ, ه s.o. s.th. from); to separate (بين two things or persons); to isolate (هـ s.th.); to cut, sever, sunder, interrupt (هـ s.th.); to discharge, dismiss, fire, sack, expel (من or عن ه s.o. from an office), relieve, divest (من or عن ه s.o. of an office), cashier (ه s.o.); to decide (هـ a controversy, and the like), make a decision. render judgment (في in, about, with respect to); to fix the price (هـ for s.th.); -- (فصال fiṣāl) to wean (ه عن الرضاع the infant from sucking); -- faṣala u (فصول fuṣūl) to go away, depart, move away (عن or من from), leave (عن or من a place), pull out (عن or من of a place) II to divide into particular sections, arrange in sections, group, classify, categorize (هـ s.th.); to present in logical order, set forth in detail, detail, particularize (هـ s.th.); to make (هـ s.th.) clear, plain, distinct; to make to measure, cut out (هـ a garment) III to separate o.s., dissociate o.s., be separated (ه from s.o.), part company (ه with); to haggle, bargain (على ه with s.o. for) VII to separate o.s., disengage o.s., dissociate o.s. segregate, secede (عن from); to be separated, disjoined, detached, removed, set aside, cut off (عن from), be interrupted; to be discharged, dismissed, fired, sacked, cashiered; to retire, resign (من or عن from an office), be relieved, be divested (من or عن of an office); to quit, leave (من or عن a political party, and the like)
فصل faṣl parting, disjunction, detachment, severance, sunderance, cutting off; separation; division, partition; discharge, dismissal (من or عن from an office); decision, (rendering of) judgment; -- (pl. فصول fuṣūl) section, part; chapter; act (of a play); movement (of a symphony, etc.); article (in a newspaper); class, grade (school); season | فصل الخطاب (in letters:) conclusion of the formal greetings by the words اما بعد ammā ba‘du; conclusion, termination; decision; unmistakable judgment; بيني وبينك فصل الخطاب we’re through with one another once and for all; فصل التمثيل (theater) season; القول الفصل (qaul) the last word, the final decision; يوم الفصل yaum al-f. Day of Judgment, Doomsday
O فصلة faṣla comma | O فصلة منقوطة semicolon
فصلة fiṣla offprint, reprint
فصيل faṣīl pl. فصال fiṣāl, فصلان fuṣlān young (weaned) camel
فصيلة faṣīla pl. فصائل faṣā’il genus, species, family (bot., and the like); detachment, squad; group, cell (pol.); platoon, squadron (of heavy arms; mil.) | فصيلة دم f. dam blood group; فصيلة الإعدام f. al-i‘dām firing squad, execution squad; فصيلة الاستكشاف reconnaissance squad, patrol
فيصل faiṣal decisive criterion; arbitrator, arbiter
فيصل faiṣalīya “Faisal cap”, Iraqi field cap (formerly, Ir.)
مفصل mafṣil pl. مفاصل mafāṣil2 joint, articulation
مفصلي mafṣilī articular
تفصيل tafṣīl detailed statement, elaborate or minute exposition, particularization, detailing; elaborateness, minuteness, completeness of detail; cutting out, cut (of a garment); (pl. -āt, تفاصيل tafāṣīl2) detail, particular | تفصيلا tafṣīlan and بالتفصيل in detail, elaborately, minutely, circumstantially; من تفصيل (with foll. genit.) made to measure by ...; tailored by ...; ثياب التفصيل tailor-made clothes; محبوك التفصيل well-fitting (garment)
تفصيلي tafṣīlī detailed, minute, particular, elaborate; analytic(al); تفصيليا tafṣīlīyan separately, singly, one at a time | المساحة التفصيلية land survey
انفصال infiṣāl separation; disengagement, dissociation, withdrawal; secession; interruption | O حرب الانفصال ḥarb al-inf. the American Civil War; انصار الانفصال separatists
انفصالي infiṣālī separatistic; (pl. -ūn) separatist
انفصالية infiṣālīya aeparatismفاصل faṣil separatory, separating, parting, dividing; isolating, insulating; decisive, crucial; conclusive; separation, partition, division, interruption | بلا فاصل without interruption, uninterrupted, unbroken; فاصل الحرارة f. al-ḥarāra heat-insulating (phys.); مباراة فاصلة (mubārāh) finals, final match (sports); خط فاصل (kaṭṭ) demarcation line
فاصلة fāṣila pl. فواصل fawāṣil2 partition, division; interstice, interspace, interval; O comma; O dash (punctuation mark); end, rhyme of a Koranic verse
مفصل mufaṣṣal set forth or described minutely, elaborately or in great detail, detailed, minute, elaborate, circumstantial; tailor-made, custom-made; مفصلا mufaṣṣalan in detail, minutely, elaborately, circumstantially
مفصلة mufaṣṣala pl. -āt hinge
منفصل munfaṣl separate, detached
فصم fṣama i (faṣm) to cause (هـ s.th.) to crack, crack (هـ s.th.); to split, cleave (هـ s.th.); pass. fuṣima to be destroyed (house) VII to have a crack, be cracked; to be split, be cleft
فصم faṣm pl. فصومات fuṣūmāt recess, niche, chamfer (in walls; arch.)
انفصام infiṣām split; O schizophrenia
فصوليا faṣūliyā (or فصولية ) the common European bean (Phascolus vulgaris L.; bot.)
فصى V to free o.s., rid o.s. (من of), shake off (من s.th.)
فض faḍḍa (1st pers. perf. faḍaḍtu) u (faḍḍ) to break (open), pry open, force open, undo (هـ s.th., e.g., a seal); to break, snap (هـ s.th.); to scatter, disperse, break up, rout (هـ s.th.); to perforate, pierce (هـ a pearl); to conclude, close (هـ a session, and the like); to dissolve (هـ parliament); to settle (هـ a conflict, and the like); to shed (هـ tears) | فض بكارتها (bakāratahā) to deflower a girl; لا فض فوك lā fuḍḍ fūka how well you have spoken! II to plate or coat with silver, to silver (هـ s.th.) VII to he opened, be broken, be undone (e.g., a seal); to be scattered, be dispersed, be routed; to scatter, disperse, disband, break up, dissolve; to be concluded, be closed (session, and the like) VIII to deflwer (ها a girl)
فض faḍḍ opening, breaking, undoing (e.g., of a real); dispersion, scattering, breaking up, routing; settlement, settling (of a dispute); conclusion, closure (e.g., of a session) | فض البكارة f. al-bakāra defloration
فضة fiḍḍa silver
فضي fiḍḍī silver, silvery, argentic, argentous, made of silver, like silver; فضيات fiḍḍīyāt silverware | الجمهورية الفضية (jumhūrīya) Argentina; الستار الفضي the motion-picture screen, the silver screen
مفض mifaḍḍ implement for opening or breaking open | مفض الخطابات letter opener
انفضاض infiḍāḍ dissolution, breaking up, dispersal; end, close, conclusion, closure (e.g., of a session)
افتضاض iftiḍāḍ defloration
فضح faḍaḥa a (faḍḥ) to disclose or uncover s.o. (ه ) faults or offenses, expose, show up, compromise, shame, disgrace, dishonor (ه s.o.); to outshine, eclipse (هـ s.th., e.g., the moon the stars); to ravish, violate, rape (ها a woman); to disclose, reveal, show, bring to light, divulge, betray (هـ s.th.) VII to be exposed, be compromised, be disgraced, be dishonored VIII to become public, become known, come to light | افتضح امره (amruhū) he was exposed
فضح faḍḥ exposure, humiliation, mortification, debasement, degradation, disgracing, dishonoring
فضيح faḍīḥ covered with shame, exposed, compromised, humiliated, shamed, disgraced, dishonored; disgraceful, shameful, infamous, ignominious
فضيحة faḍīḥa exposure, humiliation, mortification, debasement, degradation, disgracing, dishonoring; -- (pl. فضائح faḍā’iḥ2) disgraceful, or scandalous, act or thing; infamy, ignominy; shame, disgrace, scandal
فضاح faḍḍāḥ divulging secrets, unearthing shameful things
افتضاح iftiḍāḥ disgracefulness, ignominy, infamy
فاضح fāḍiḥ disgraceful, shameful, infamous, ignominious, dishonorable, discrediting, scandalous
مفضوح mafḍūḥ covered with shame, exposed, compromised, humiliated, shamed, disgraced, dishonored; disgraceful, shameful, infamous, ignominious
فضفاض faḍfāḍ wide, loose, flowing (garment); ample, abundant; plump, corpulent (girl); pompous, high-sounding, bombastic (speech)
فضل faḍala u and faḍila a (faḍl) to be surplus, be in excess, be left (over), remain; -- faḍala u (faḍl) to excel, surpass (على or هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to be excellent, superior, exquisite, good, be better, be more adequate II to prefer (على هـ, ه s.o., s.th. to s.o., to s.th.), like better (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., على than); to give preference (على هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th. over), set s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ) before or above (على ) III to contend for precedence or superiority (ه with s.o.) | فاضل بين شيئين to compare two things in order to determine which deserves preference IV to confer a benefit (على upon s.o.), do (على s.o.) a favor, oblige (على s.o.); to present, honor (ب على s.o. with), bestow, confer (ب على upon s.o. s.th.), grant, award (ب على to s.o. s.th.) V = IV; to have the kindness (ب of doing or to do s.th.; or ف fa with finite verb), be so kind (ب as to do s.th.; or ف with finite verb), deign, condescend, be graciously disposed (ب to do s.th.; or ف with finite verb); (imperative) tafaḍḍal please! if you please; to put on house clothes, be dressed for around the house
فضل faḍl pl. فضول fuḍūl surplus, overplus, excess, superfluity, overflow; leftover, remainder, remnant, rest; matter of secondary importance, subordinate matter; -- pl. فضول that which is superfluous, redundant or in excess, a surplus, overplus, superfluity; waste, refuse; droppings, excrements; -- superiority (على over); precedence, priority (على over), preference (على to); grace, favor (على to, toward); kindness, graciousness, amiability; erudition, culture, refinement; -- (pl. افضال afḍāl) merit, desert (في on behalf of, with respect to), credit (for, in), service(s) (على to); benefit, favor, gift, present | فضلا عن (faḍlan) beside, aside from ..., not to speak of …, let alone ..., to say nothing of ...; فضلا عن ذلك besides, moreover, furthermore; بفضل thanks to, owing to, due to; من فضلك please! if you please; يرجع الفضل في ذلك (yarji‘u) or الفضل في ذلك عائد عليه the merit thereby is his due, he deserves all the credit for it; ليس بالفضول ان it is not superfluous that ...; فضول الأحاديث futile
talk, idle words; من فضول الكلام ان (f. il-kalām) it would be needless talk to ..., it would be a waste of words if ...
فضلة faḍla pl. faḍalāt remnant, remainder, residue, leftover, rest, surplus, overplus; waste, scrap, discard, offal, waste product; pl. excretions (physiol.), excrements
فضول fuḍūl curiosity, inquisitiveness, officiousness, meddling
فضولي fuḍūlī inquisitive, curious; busy-body, officious, meddlesome; prattler, chatterer; manager without commission, uncommissioned agent (Isl. Law)
فضولية fuḍūlīya inquisitiveness curiosity; obtrusiveness, importunity, officiousness, indiscreetness
فضيل faḍīl pl. فضلاء fuḍalā’ outstanding, eminent, very good, first-rate, excellent; distinguished, deserving; learned, erudite
فضالة fuḍāla pl. -āt remnant, remainder, residue, leftover, rest, surplus, overplus; offal, refuse, scum
فضيلة faḍīla pl. فضائل faḍā’il2 moral excellence, excellent quality, virtue; merit, advantage, excellence, exquisiteness | صاحب الفضيلة title of Islamic scholars (as, for instance, Rector and sheiks of Al Azhar University), also preceding the title of sheik: فضيلة الشيخ
افضل afḍal2, f. فضلى fuḍlā, pl. m. -ūn, افاضل afāḍil2, f. فضليات fuḍlayāt better, best; more excellent, preferable, etc.; افاضل (very) excellent, learned men; فضليات السيدات f. as-sayyidāt the worthy (or esteemed) ladies
افضلية afḍalīya precedence, priority (على over), preference (على to. over); predilection
مفضل mifḍal pre-eminent, most outstanding, most excellent, very generous, very liberal
مفضلة mifḍala pl. مفاضل mafāḍil2 house dress, everyday dress
مفضال mifḍāl pre-eminent, most outstanding, most excellent; very generous, very liberal
تفضيل tafḍīl preference, preferment, favoring; esteem, high estimation | اسم التفضيل ism at-t. noun of preference = elative (af‘āl2; gram.)
فضل mul/i44la compariaon, weighing
تفضل tafaḍḍul deigning, condescension, complaisance, courteousness, courtesy, favor, grace | لبسة التفضل libsat at-t. careless manner of dressing for around the house
تفاضل tafāḍul rivalry for precedence; quantitative disparity (of two services rendered; Isl. Law) | O حساب التفاضل differential calculus
O تفاضلي tafāḍulī differential (adj.)
فاضل fāḍil remaining, leftover, left, surplus, exceeding, in excess; (pl. فواضل fawāḍil2) remainder, remnant, residue, rest, leftover, surplus, overplus, excess; -- (pl. -ūn, فضلاء fuḍalā’2) outstanding, eminent, very good, first-rate, superior, excellent, distinguished, deserving; learned; man of culture and refinement
مفضل mufaḍḍal preferable, preferred
(فضو and فضي) فضا faḍā u (فضو fuḍūw, فضاء faḍā’) to be or become spacious, wide, large (space); to be empty, void, vacant II to empty, void, vacate (هـ s.th.) IV to come, attain (الى to), arrive (الى at), reach (الى s.o., s.th.); to lead (الى ب s.o. to; الى to, e.g., to results); to inform, notify (ب الى s.o. of), announce (ب الى to s.o. s.th.) V to have free time, have leisure (ل for)
فضاء faḍā’ vast and unlimited space, empty space; space (phys.); cosmic space; sky; vast expanse, vastness, void | سفينة الفضاء spaceship; رمى به في الفضاء to throw s.th. in the air; -- (pl. افضية afḍiya) open area, open tract of land, open country
فضائي faḍā’ī: سفينة فضائية spaceship
فاض fāḍin empty, vacated, vacant; unoccupied, not busy, at leisure, free (of commitments)
فطح faṭaḥa a (faṭḥ) and II to spread out, make broad and flat, flatten (هـ s.th.)
افطح afṭaḥ2 and مفطح mufaṭṭaḥ broad-headed, broad-nosed
فطاحل faṭāḥil2 (pl. of فطحل fiṭaḥl) important, outstanding, leading men or personalities, luminaries, celebrities, stars | زمن الفطحل zaman al-fiṭaḥl primeval times, preadamic period
فطر faṭara u (faṭr) to split, cleave, break apart (هـ s.th.); -- (فطور fuṭūr) to break the fast, eat and drink after a fast; to breakfast, have breakfast; -- (faṭr) to make, create, bring into being, bring forth (هـ s.th.; of God); to endow (على ه s.o. with; of God); pass. fuṭira to have a natural disposition (على for); فطر على (fuṭira) is native of him, is in his nature IV to break the fast, eat and drink after a fast; to breakfast, have breakfast V to be split, be cleft, be broken VII = V; انفطر بالبكاء (bi-l-bukā’) to break into tears
فطر faṭr pl. فطور fuṭūr crack, fissure, rift, cleavage, rupture
فطر fiṭr fast breaking | صدقة الفطر ṣadaqat al-f. almsgiving at the end of Ramadan (īsl. Law); عيد الفطر ‘īd al-f. Feast of Breaking the Ramadan Feast, or Lesser Bairam, celebrated on the1st of Shawwal
فطر fuṭr (coll.; n. un.) fungi, mushrooms
فطري fuṯrī fungal, fungus, fungi-, myco- (in compounds); فطريات fuṯrīyāt parasitic fungi; mushrooms; fungal cultures | المرض الفطري (maraḍ) mycosis
فطرة fiṭra creation; (pl. فطر fiṭar) nature, (natural) disposition, constitution, temperament, innate character, instinct; fiṭratan by nature
فطري fiṭrī natural; instinctive, native, inborn, innate | الإنسان الفطري (insān) natural man; الديانات الفطرية natural religions
فطور faṭūr breakfast
فطير faṭīr unleavened; immature, unbaked; fresh, new, newly made; unleavened bread
فطيرة faṭīra (coll. فطير faṭīr) pl. فطائر faṭā’ir (unleavened) bread; pastry made of water, flour and shortening (sometimes with sugar added); a cake-like white bread (made with eggs and butter; eg.)
فطايري faṭāyirī pl. فطايرية faṭāyirīya (ṭun.) maker or seller of faṭira (see above)
فطاطري faṭāṭirī pl. فطاطرية faṭāṭirīya (eg.) maker or seller of faṭira (see above)
افطار ifṭār fast breaking; breakfast; first meal after sunset during Ramadan
الفاطر a-fāṭir the Creator (= God)
فطس faṭasa i (فطوس fuṭūs) to die II to kill (ه s.o.); to suffocate, strangle, choke to death (ه s.o.) VII to become flattened (nose)
فطيس faṭīs suffocated, stifled
فطيسة faṭīsa pl. فطائس faṭā’is2 corpse, body; carrion, carcass
افطس afṯas2 flat-nosed, snub-nosed
فطم faṭama i (faṭm) to wean (ه s.o.; an infant or a young animal) VII to be weaned; to abstain (عن from)
فطام fiṭām weaning, ablactation
فطيم faṭīm pl. فطم fuṭum weaned
فاطمي fāṭimī Fatimid (adj. and n.); الفاطميون the Fatimids
فطن faṭina a, faṭana u and faṭuna u (فطنة fiṭna) to be or become clever, smart, discerning, sagacious, perspicacious, bright, intelligent; to notice, realize, comprehend, understand (ب or ل or الى s.th.); to be or become aware (ب or ل or الى of); to think (الى of s.th.) II to make intelligent (ه s.o.); to make (ه s.o.) realize or understand (ب, ل, الى s.th.), explain (ب, ل, الى ه to s.o. s.th.); to remind(ب, الى ه s.o. of) V to comprehend, understand (ل s.th.)
فطن faṭin clever, smart, astute, sagacious, perspicacious, bright, intelligent
فطنة fiṭna pl. fitan cleverness, astuteness, sagacity, perspicacity, acumen, intelligence
فطن faṭin pl. فطناء fuṭanā’2 clever, smart, bright, intelligent
فطانة faṭāna cleverness, smartness
تفطن tafaṭṭun intelligence; intellection
فظ faẓẓ pl. افظاظ afẓāẓ crude, rude, coarse, blunt, gruff, impolite, uncivil, uncouth, boorish, uneducated; -- walrus
فظاظة faẓāẓa crudeness, rudeness, coarseness, bluntness, gruffness, impoliteness, uncouthness, boorishness
فظع faẓa‘a u (فظاعة faẓā‘a) to be or become abominable, detectable, hideous, ugly, repulsive, disgusting, shooking, odious, heinous, atrocious, horrid, horrible X to find (هـ s.th.) abominable. detestable, etc. (see I); to call abominable, revolting, shocking (هـ s.th.)
فظع fazi‘ abominable, detectable, hideous, ugly, repulsive, disgusting, shocking, odious, heinous, atrocious, horrid, horrible
فظيع faẓī‘ abominable, detestable, hideous, ugly, repulsive, disgusting, shocking, odious, heinous, atrocious, horrid, horrible
فظاعة faẓā‘a pl. فظائع faẓā’i‘2, abominableness, hideousness, ugliness, repulsiveness, odiousness, heinousness, atrocity, horridness, horror; pl. atrocities
مفظع mufẓi‘ abominable, detestable, hideous, ugly, repulsive, disusting, shocking, odious, heinous, atrocious, horrid, horrible
فعل fa‘ala a (fa‘l, fi‘l) to do (هـ s.th.); to act; to perform, some activity; to have an influence or effect (في or ب on), affect (في or ب s.o., s.th.); to do (ب to s.o., s.th.; في هـ s.th. with) | فعل فيه فعلا كريها (fi‘lan) to have an unpleasant effect on s.o. II to scan (هـ a verse) VI to interact, interplay; (chem.) to enter into combination, form a compound; to combine (مع with) VII to be done; to be or become influenced or affected (ل by), be under the influence of s.o. or s.th. (ل ); to b. agitated, excited, upset VIII to concoct, invent, fabricate (كذبا على (kidban kidban a lie against); to falsify, forge (هـ s.th., e.g., a handwriting); to invent (هـ s.th.)
فعل fi‘l activity, doing, work, action, performance; function; -- (pl. افعال af‘āl, فعال fi‘āl) deed, act, action; effect, impact; -- (pl. افعال af‘āl) verb (gram.); pl. افاعيل afā‘īl2 great deeds, exploits, feats; machinations | فعلا fi‘lan or بالفعل indeed, in effect, actually, really, practically; بالفعل out of, because of, due to
فعلي fi‘lī actual, factual, real; effective, efficacious, efficient; practical; de facto; verbal (gram.)
فعلة fa‘a pl. -āt deed, act, action
فعال fa‘‘āl effective, efficacious, efficient
فعالية fa‘‘ālīya effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency; activity
افعل af‘al2 more effective, more efficacious
تفعيل taf‘īl pl. تفاعيل tafā‘īl2 foot of a verse; (poet.) meter
تفاعل tafā‘ul pl. -āt interaction, interplay; formation of a chemical compound, chemical process. chemical reaction
انفعال infi‘āl (state of) being affected, acted upon, or influenced, passivity; stimulation. irritation (biol.); (pl. -āt) agitation. excitement, excitation, commotion
انفعالي infi‘ālī excitable, irritable, susceptible (biol.); caused by affect, affective (philos.)
انفعالية infi‘ālīya excitability, irritability (biol.)
فاعل fā‘il efective; efficacious, efficient; (pl. -ūn) doer, actor, perpetrator; (pl. فعلة fa‘ala) worker, workman, laborer; -- active subject of a verbal clause (gram.) | اسم الفاعل ism al-f. nomen agentis, active participle (gram.); ذو راديوم فاعل radioactive
فاعلية fā‘ilīya effectiveness, efficacy; activity
مفعول maf‘ūl object (gram.); مفعول به do.; -- (pl. مفاعيل mafā‘īl2) effect, impression, impact; effectiveness, validity | اسم المفعول ism al-m. nomen patientis, passive participle (gram.); سرى مفعوله sarā maf‘ūluhū to be or become effective, be valid (على for); ساري المفعول sārī l-m. valid (e.g., an identity card); مفعول رجعي (raj‘ī) retroactive force, retroactivity
منفعل munfa‘il excited, agitated, upset; irritable
مفتعل mufta‘al artificial, fabricated, forged, falsified, false, spurious
فعم IV to cram, jam, pack, fill to overflowing, fill up (ب هـ s.th. with)
مفعم muf‘am brimful, chock-full, filled to capacity or overflowing, replete, overfull, filled entirely, crammed, jampacked (ب with)
افعى af‘an f., pl. افاع afā‘in adder, viper, asp
افعوان uf‘uwān adder, viper, asp
فغرة fugra a u (fagr) to open (هـ the mouth) wide, gape VII to open wide, be agape (mouth)
فغرة fugra pl. فغر fugar mouth of a valley
فغفوري fagfūrī fine porcelain
فاغية fāgiya henna blossom
فقأ faqa’a a (فقء faq’) to knock out, gouge out (هـ an eye); to lance, open (هـ an abscess, and the like) | فقأ عينيه (‘ainahū) to deal s.o. (an opponent, an enemy) a heavy blow, ruin s.o. V to burst, explode, pop
فقحة faqḥa pl. فقاح fiqāḥ anus, anal orifice
فقد faqada i (faqd, فقدان fiqdān, fuqdān) to fail to find (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to lose (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to have lost, miss (هـ , s.o., s.th.); not to have (هـ s.th.), be bereaved (ه of s.o.), be deprived, bereft, destitute (هـ of s.th.); to mislay, have mislaid (هـ s.th.); to miss (هـ an opportunity, and the like) | فقد صوابه (ṣawābahū) to go out of one’s mind IV to cause (ه s.o.) to lose or miss or forfeit (هـ s.th.); to bereave, deprive, dispossess, rob (هـ ه s.o. of s.th.) V to seek (هـ s.th.), look, search (هـ for s.th.); to examine, study, survey, inspect, check, investigate (هـ s.th.); to visit (هـ s.th.), review, inspect (هـ troops, and the like) VIII = V; to miss (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) X to miss (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.)
فقد faqd loss; bereavement
فقيد faqīd lost, missing; dead, deceased; deceased person | فقيد العلم f. al-‘ilm one whose death is deplored by science; الفقيد الراحل the deceased
فقد fiqdān, fuqdān loss; bereavement | فقدان الصواب f. aṣ-ṣawāb folly, madness; فقدان الذاكرة loss of memory, amnesia
تفقد tafaqqud pl. -āt examination, study, survey, inspection, check, investigation; review, inspection (e.g., of troops); visit
افتقاد iftiqā examination, study, survey, inspection, check, investigation; review, inspection (e.g., of troops); visit
فاقد fāqid devoid, destitute, bereft, deprived (of s.th.; with foll. genitive), bereaved (of s.o.; with foll. genitive); -less, un-, in-; loser | فاقد الشعور unconscious; insensible, senseless; فاقد الضمير unconscionable, unscrupulous, unhesitating; فاقدو التهذيب people without education, unmannered people
مفقود mafqūd lost, missing, nonexistent, absent, lacking, wanting; missing person
متفقد mutafaqqid controller, inspector
فقر faqara u i (faqr) to pierce, bore, perforate (هـ s.th.); -- faqura u (فقارة faqāra) to be or become poor, needy II to pierce, bore, perforate (هـ s.th.) IV to make poor, impoverish (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), reduce (ه s.o.) to poverty; to put (ه s.o.) in need (الى of s.th.) VIII to become poor; to need (الى s.o., s.th.), lack, require (الى s.th.), be in need, be in want (الى of s.o., of s.th.)
فقر faqr poverty; need, lack, want
فقرة fiqra pl. fiqrāt, fiqarāt, فقر fiqar vertebra; section, paragraph, passage, article
فقري fiqrā spinal, vertebral | السلسلة الفقرية (silsila) or العمود الفقري (‘amūd) spine, vertebral column; حيوانات فقرية (ḥayawānāt) vertebrates
فقار faqār (coll.; n. un. ة ) vertebra; faqār spine, vertebral column
فقير faqīr spinal, vertebral | السلسلة الفقارية (silsila) spine, vertebral column
فقير faqīr pl. فقراء fuqarā’2 poor, poverty-stricken; poor man, pauper; mendicant dervish, Sufi mendicant
افتقار iftiqār need, requirement, want, lack (الى of)
فقوس faqqūs a kind of large cucumber (= فقوص )
مفقس mifqas pl. مفاقس mafāqis2 incubator
فقش faqaāa i (faqš) to break, crush (هـ s.th.)
فقش faqš: لوز فقش (lauz) thin-shelled almonds
فقص II to hatch, incubate (هـ an egg; of a bird)
فقوص faqūṣ (coll.; n. un. ة ) a kind of large cucumber
تفقيص tafqīṣ hatching, incubation | آلة لتفقيص البيض (t. il-baiḍ) or آلة التفقيص incubator
فقط II: فقط الحساب faqqaṭa l-ḥisāba to write the word فقط faqaṭ “only” after the total on an invoice so as to prevent fraudulent additions; to spell out the figures of an invoice
فقط faqaṭ only, no more (postpositive); altogether, total (after figures)
فقع faqa‘a a to burst, pop, explode II to crack, snap, pop VII = faqa‘a
فقاعة fuqqā‘a pl. فقاقيع faqāqī‘2 bubble
فاقع fāqi‘ bright yellow; bright, intense, brilliant, vivid (color)
فاقعة fāqi‘a pl. فواقع fawāqi‘2 blister, vesicle; pustule
فقم faqima a (faqam, faqm, فقوم fuqūm), faquma u (فقامة faqāma) and VI to be or become grave, serious, critical, dangerous, increase dangerously, become aggravated, reach alarming proportions, come to a head
فقم fuqqam, fuqm (coll.; n. un. ة ) seal (zool.)
تفاقم tafāqum aggravation, increasing gravity
فقنس faqnas phoenix
فقه faqiha a (fiqh) to understand, comprehend (هـ s.th.); -- faqiha a (fiqh) and faquha u (فقاهة faqāha) to have knowledge, esp., have legal knowledge II to teach (ه s.o.), instruct (في ه s.o. in) IV to teach (هـ ه s.o. s.th.), instruct (هـ ه s.o. in s.th.) V to understand, comprehend (هـ s.th.); to study the fiqh (q.v.); to apply o.s. to the acquisition of knowledge (في in), study (في s.th.), devote one’s studies to (في ), work at or on s.th. (في ); to gain information, get a clear picture, obtain a clear idea
فقه fiqh understanding, comprehension; knowledge; الفقه jurisprudence in Islam, fiqh | فقه اللغة f. al-luga (indigenous, Arabic) philology
فقهي fiqhī juristic(al); relating to jurisprudence in Islam
فقيه faqīh pl. فقهاء fuqahā’2 legist, jurisprudent (and theologian), expert of fiqh (q.v.); -- (popular usage; eg., pronounced fiqī) reciter of the Koran; elementary school teacher
فك fakka (1st pers. perf. fakaktu) u (fakk) to separate, disjoin, disconnect, sever, sunder (هـ s.th.); to break (open) (هـ s.th., e.g., a seal); to open (هـ s.th., e.g., the hand); to dislocate, disjoint (هـ s.th., e.g., a bone); to take apart, disassemble, dismount, take to pieces, disintegrate, break up, decompose, dismember, fragmentize (هـ s.th.); to dismantle, tear down (هـ s.th.); to untie. unbind, unfasten, undo (هـ s.th.); to detach, disengage, take off (من هـ s.th. from); to unbutton (هـ s.th.); to unscrew (هـ s.th.); to lift, raise (الحجز al-ḥajza the confiscation, عن of s.th.); to solve (هـ s.th., e.g., a problem); (eg.) to change (هـ money); -- fakka (1st pers. perf. fakaktu) u (fakk, فكاكز fikāk, fakāk) to ransom, redeem, buy off, liberate, emancipate, release, set free (ه s.o.); -- fakkka u (fakk, فكوك fukūk) to redeem (هـ s.th., e.g., a pledge) II to loosen, unfasten (هـ s.th.); to take to pieces, take apart, disassemble, dismount (هـ s.th.); to disrupt, shatter, fragmentize (هـ s.th.) V to be taken apart, be disassembled, be dismounted; to be disrupted, be shattered, be fragmentized; to break apart (e.g., a ship); to split, fissure, fission, break up, dissolve, disintegrate, come apart VII to be separated, be disjoined, be disconnected, be loosened, be unfastened, be undone, be untied, be unbound, be unbuttoned, be unscrewed; to separate o.s., detach o.s. disengage o.s. (من from), rid o.s. (من of) | لم ينفك (with foll. imperf. or predicative aco.) not to atop doing, keep doing VIII to redeem (هـ s.th., e.g., a pledge); to dissolve, break up, separate, disintegrate, destroy (هـ s.th.); to snatch away (من هـ s.th. from s.o.)
فك fakk redemption (of a pledge); (pl. فكوك fukūk) jawbone, jaw | الفك الأسفل the lower jaw, mandible; الفك الأعلى (a‘lā) the upper jaw, maxilla
فكة fakka small change, coins
فكاك fikāk, fakāk disengagement; redemption, liberation, emancipation, release; ransom
مفك mifakk pl. -āt screw driver
تفكيك tafkīk fragmentation, dismemberment, decomposition | O تفكيك الذرة t. ad-darra nuclear fission
تفكك tafakkuk fragmentation, breakup, dissolution, disruption, rupture, disunion, split; disintegration, decomposition
انفكاك infikāk disengagement
افتكاك iftikāk redemption (of a pledge)
مفكوك mafkūk loose
مفكك mufakkak disconnected, disjointed, incoherent (words, phrases)
فكر fakara u i (fakr) to reflect, meditate, cogitate, ponder, muse, speculate (في on), revolve in one’s mind, think over, contemplate, consider (في s.th.); to think (في of, also ب ) II = I; to remind (في or هـ ه s.o. of) IV = I; V to reflect, meditate, cogitate, ponder, muse, speculate (في on), revolve in one’s mind, think, over, contemplate, consider (في s.th.); to think (في of) VIII = V; to remember, recall, recollect (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.)
فكر fikr pl. افكار afkār thinking, cogitation, reflection, meditation, speculation, contemplation, consideration; thought, ideas, notion, concept; opinion, view | شارد الفكر absent-minded, distracted; مشوش الفكر mušawwaš al-f. confused, bewildered, perplexed, dismayed, embarrassed
فكرة fikra pl. فكر fikar thought, idea, notion, concept; qualm, scruple, demur, hesitation | صاحب الفكرة (father to the thought =) the originator, author; على فكرة (eg.) incidentally …, by the way ..., speaking of ..., apropos (of) ...
فكرى fikrī ideational, ideative, speculative, mental; intellectual
فكير fakīr pensive, meditative, cogitative, thoughtful
تفكير tafkīr thinking, cogitation, meditation, reflection; speculation, contemplation, consideration; thought
تفكر tafakkur thinking, cogitation, meditation, reflection; speculation, contemplation, consideration
مفكر mufakkir thinking, reflecting, meditating, pondering, musing; pensive, meditative, cogitative; thinker
مفكرة mufakkira notebook | مفكرة يومية (yaumīya) diary, journal
مفكرات mufakarāt thoughts, considerations
فكش fakaša u to sprain VII to be sprained
فكه fakiha a (fakah, فكاهة fakāha) to be or become gay, merry, cheerful, sportive, jocular, humorous II to amuse (ه s.o.) with jokes III to joke, jest, make fun (ه with), banter (ه s.o.) V to amuse o.s., have fun (ب with), be amused (ب by); to joke, make fun
فكه fakih gay, merry, gleeful, jolly, cheerful, sportive, fun-loving, jocular, humorous; amusing (thing)
فكاهة fukāha joking, jesting, fun-making; humor
فكاهي fukāhī humorous, humoristic; humorist
افكوهة ufkūha joking, jesting, fun-making; humor; pl. افاكيه afākīh2 jokes, jests, pranks, antics
تفكهة tafkiha amusement, exhilaration, delectation
مفاكهة mufākaha bantering talk, joking, kidding
تفكه tafakkuh delight, enjoyment, amusement, diversion; humorous talk, joking, banter
فاكه fākih gay, merry, gleeful, jolly, funny; humorous
فاكه fākiha (coll.) pl. فواكه fawākih2 fruit(s)
فاكهاني fākihānī fruit seller, fruit dealer
2 فل falla u (fall) to dent, notch, blunt (هـ s.th., e.g., a sword); to break (هـ s.th.); -- falla to flee, run away | فل غربه (garbahū), فل من حدته (ḥiddatihī) and فل حديده to weaken s.o.; to dampen, subdue s.o.; فل من شباه (šabāhu) to weaken s.o. II to dent, notch, blunt (هـ s.th., e.g., a sword)
فل fall pl. فلول fulūl dent, notch, jag; -- fall (for sg. and pl.) pl. فلول fulūl, افلال aflāl, فلال fullāl defeated, vanquished; scattered remnants of an army
مفلول maflūl dented, jagged, notched, blunt
2 فل fill, full (eg.) Arabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac L.; bot.)
3 فل fall, fill cork
4 فلة villa pl. -āt villa, country house
فلامنكى see فلمنكي
فلت falata i (falt) to escape (من s.o., s.th.; from), slip away, get away (من from s.o., from s.th.); to he freed, he set free, be released, be liberated, he set at liberty; to let (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) escape or slip away or get away, let loose, free, release, liberate, set free, set at liberty (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) IV = I; V to escape (من s.o., s.th.; from), slip away, get away (من from s.o., from s.th.); to free o.s., extricate o.s. (من from); to be freed, be set free, be released, be liberated, be set at liberty VII to escape (من s.o., s.th.; from), slip away, get away (من from s.o., from s.th.); to free o.s., extricate o.s. (من from); to he finished (من with); to be freed, he set free, he released, he liberated, he set at liberty
فلت falat escape
فلتة falta pl. falatāt unexpected event, unexpected, turn; extravagance; slip, oversight, error. lapse; faltatan suddenly, unexpectedly
فلاتي falātī pl. فلاتية falātīya (eg.) licentious, wanton, dissolute, debauched; debauchee, libertine, roué, rake; good-for-nothing, ne’er-do-well
افلات aflāt escape
انفلات infilāt escape
فالت fālit escaped, free, at liberty, at large; escapee; (pl. فلتاء fu1atā ’2) licentious, wanton, dissolute, debauched; debauchee, libertine, roué, rake; good-for-nothing, ne’er-do-well
1 فلج falaja u i (falj) to split, cleave (هـ s.th.); pass. fulija to be semiparalyzed II to split, cleave (هـ s.th.) VII to be semiparalyzed
فلج falj pl. فلوج fulūj crack, split, crevice, fissure, cleft, rift
فالج fālij semiparalysis, hemiplegia
مفلوج maflūj semiparalyzed, hemiplegic
2 فيلج pl. فيالج look up alphabetically
فلجان filjān = فنجان finjān
فلح falaḥa a (falḥ) to split, cleave (هـ s.th.); to plow, till, cultivate (الأرض al-arḍa the land) | ان الحديد بالحديد يفلح (yuflaḥu) lit.: iron is cleft with iron, i.e., approx.: rudeness must be met with rudeness IV and X to thrive, prosper, become happy; to have luck or success, be lucky, be successful في in, with)
فلاح falāḥ thriving, prosperity; salvation; welfare; success
فلاحة filāḥa cultivation, tillage; agriculture, farming, husbandry
فلاح fallāḥ pl. -ūn, فلاحة fallāḥa tiller of the soil, husbandman; peasant, farmer, fellah
فلاحة fallāḥa pl. -āt peasant woman; peasant girl
فلاحي fallāḥī peasant’s, farmer’s, farming, country, rural, rustic, agricultural
فالح fāliḥ lucky, fortunate, successful
مفلح mufliḥ lucky, fortunate, successful; one who prospers, one who is well off
1 فلذة filda pl. filadāt, فلذ filad, افلاذ aflād a piece (of meat) | فلذة كبذه f. kabidihī his own blood, his own child; افلاذ الأرض a. al-ard the hidden treasures of the earth
2 فولاذ and فولاذي look up alphabetically
فلور look up alphabetically
فلز filizz, filazz pl. -āt (nonprecious) metal
فلس II to declare (ه s.o.) bankrupt or insolvent IV to be or become bankrupt or insolvent, to fail; to be ruined
فلس fals (colloq. pronounced fils) pl. فلوس fulūs fels, a small coin, in Iraq and Jordan = 1/1000 of a dinar; pl. فلوس (eg.) money; scales (of a fish)
تفليس taflīs (n. vic. ة ) declaration of bankruptcy; (pl. تفاليس tafālīs2) bankruptcy, insolvency, failure | مأمور التفليسة receiver (in bankruptcy; Eg.)
افلاس iflās bankruptcy, insolvency, failure
مفلس muflis pl. مفاليس mafālīs2 bankrupt, insolvent
فلسطين filāsṭīn2 Palestine
فلسطيني filasṭīnī Palestinian; (pl. -ūn) a Palestinian
فلسف falsafa to philosophize II tafalsafa do.; to pretend to be a philosopher
فلسف falsafa philosophy
فلسفي fallafī philosophic(al)
فيلسوف failasūf pl. فلاسفة falāsifa philosopher
مفلسف mufalsif pl. -ūn philosopher
متفلسف mutafalsif philosophaster, philosophist
ﭬلط volṭ pl. اﭬلاط avlāṭ volt (el.)
فلطح falṭaḥa to make broad, broaden, flatten(هـ s.th.)
فلطاح filtāḥ broad, flattened, flat
مفلطح mufalṭiḥ broad, flattened, flat
فلع fala‘a a (fal‘) to split, cleave, rend, tear asunder (هـ s.th.) II do.
فلع fal‘, fil‘ pl. فلوع fulū‘ crack, split, crevice, fissure, cleft, rift
فلفل falfala to pepper (هـ s.th.)
فلفل fulful, filfil (coll.; n. un. ة ) pepper; n. un. فلفلة peppercorn | فلفل احضر (ahḍar) green peppers; دارفلفل dārafilfil (eg.) a variety of pepper (Piper Chaba Hout.; bot.)
فلفلي fulfulī, filfilī pepperlike, peppery, pepperish
مفلفل mufalfal peppered
فلق falaqa i (falq) to split, cleave, rive, sunder, tear asunder (هـ s.th.); to cause (هـ dawn) to break, dispel the shadows of night (of God) II to split, cleave, rive, sunder, tear asunder (هـ s.th.) V to be split, be cleft, be torn apart; to split, cleave, crack, fissure, be or become cracked, be full of cracks or fissures VII = V; to burst; to break (dawn); (eg.) infaliq go hang yourself! go to hell!
فلق falq pl. فلوق faq crack, split, crevice, fissure, cleft, rift
فلق falaq daybreak, dawn
فلقة filqa pl. فلق filaq one half (of a split thing)
فلقة falaqa a device for holding the legs of the delinquent during the bastinado
فلاق fallāq pl. ة bandit, highwayman, highway robber
فليق failaq pl. فيالق fayāliq2 a large military unit; army corps; corps
1 فلك II to have round breasts (girl); (syr.) to predict the future, prophecy
فلك falak pl. افلاك aflāk celestial sphere; celestial body, star; circuit, orbit (of celestial bodies) | علم الفلك ‘ilm al-f. astronomy; astrology
فلك fulk (m. and f.) ship, (also coll.) ships; (Noah’s) Ark
فلكي falakī astronomic(al); astrologic(al) (pl. -un, فلكية falakīya) astronomer, astrologer | عالم الفلك do.
مفلوك maflūk ill-starred, unlucky, unfortunate
مفلك mufallik girl with round breasts
2 فلوكة falūka pl. فلائك falā’ik2 sloop, felucca; boat
فلائكي falā’ikī (فلايكي ) boatman
فلكن falkana to vulcanize (هـ s.th.)
فلم film pl. افلام aflām film; motion picture | فلم مجسم (mujassam) 3 D film; فلم ملون (mulawwan) color film; فلم ناطق sound film
فلمندي falamandī Flemish; Fleming
فلمنكي falamankī Dutch, Hollandish, Netherlander
1 فلان fulān, f. فلانة fulāna2 (substituting for an unnamed or unspecified person or thing) so-and-so
فلاني fulānī adjective of the above | في الساعة الفلانية at such and such an hour
2 فلين look up alphabetically
فلندرة falandra Flanders
فلنكة falanka pl. -āt (railroad) tie, sleeper (eg.)
فلو filw pl. افلاء aflā’; فلو faluw, fuluw pl. افلاء aflā, فلاوى falāwā colt, foal
فلا falan (coll.; n. un. فلاة falāh) pl. فلوات falawāt, افلاء aflā’ waterless desert; open country; open space
المفالي al-mafālī the pastures, the grazing grounds
فلور filūr fluorine (chem.)
O مفلور mufalwir fluorescent
1 فلى falā i (faly) to delouse, search for lice (هـ s.th.); to examine, scrutinize, investigate (هـ s.th.) II to delouse, search for lice, rid of lice (هـ s.th.) V to louse o.s.
فالية fāliya spotted dung beetle; touchhole (of old-time firearms)
2 فليا fulayyā = فلية (see below)
الفليبين al-filībīn the Philippine Islands
فلين fallīn and فلينة fallīna cork
فلية , فليه fulayya (eg.) pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.; bot.)
فليون falyūn godchild (Chr.)
فم fam (construct state also فو fū) pl. افواه afwāh; (eg.) fumm pl. افمام afmām mouth; muzzle; orifice, aperture, hole, vent; mouth, embouchure (of a river), head (of a canal, etc.); mouthpiece (esp., of a cigarette, of a pipe, etc.); cigarette holder | فم الحوت fam al-ḥūt star α in the constellation Piecis Australis, Fomalhaut; آلات الفم wind instruments
فن II to diversify, vary, variegate (هـ s.th.), bring variety or diversity (هـ into s.th.); to mix, mingle, jumble (هـ s.th.) V to be or become manifold, multifarious, varied, variegated, diverse, many-sided, versatile; to use different kinds; to be a specialist, an expert, a master (في in a field), master (في s.th.) VIII = V
فن fann pl. فنون funūn, افنان afnān, افانين afānīn2 kind, specimen, variety; pl. افانين Various sides (of s.th.), diversity | افانين من all kinds of, sundry, various; الجنون فنون (junūn) insanity has many varieties, manifests itself in many ways; -- (pl. فنون funūn) scientific discipline, field of work, special field, specialty; art | الفن الحربي (ḥarbī) art of war, strategy; الفنون الجميلة or الفنون الرفيعة or O الفنون المستظرفة (mustaẓrafa) the fine arts; فن المكتبات f. al-maktabāt library science; الفن الصحفي (ṣuḥfī) science of journalism; journalism
فني fannī specialist(ic); expert, professional; technical; artistic(al); tactical, strategic(al); technician; artist
فنية fannīya artistry
فنن fanan pl. افنان afnān branch, twig (of a tree), of a shrub)
فنان fannān pl. -ūn artist | O عامل فنان pl. عمال فنانون (‘umm`al) artistic handicraftsman, commercial artist
فنانة fannāna woman artist
افنون ufnūn pl. افانين afānīn2 branch, twig (of a tree)
تفنن tafannun diversity, variety, multiplicity, multifariousness; many-sidedness, versatility (في in); varied activity, activity in various fields; mastery; skillful, workmanlike or chic manner
افتنان iftinān diversity, variety, multiplicity, multifariousness; many-sidedness, versatility (في in); varied activity, activity in various fields; mastery
متفنن mutafannin many-sided, versatile
مفتن muftann masterful, expert, mastering one’s field
فنار fanār pl. -āt lighthouse
فنجال finjāl pl. فناجيل fanājīl2 = فنجان
فنجان finjān and فنجانة finjāna pl. فناجين fanājīn2 cup; coffee cup | جعل زوبعة في فنجان (zauba‘alan) to cause a tempest in a teapot
فنجر fanjara: فنجر عينيه (‘ainaihi) to stare, glare (في at s.o., at s.th.)
فنخ fanaka a to squeeze (هـ s.th.); to invalidate, nullify, void (هـ s.th.); to break (هـ a contract, an agreement)
فند II to call (ه s.o.) a liar, prove (ه s.o.) wrong, disprove, confute, refute, rebut (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to classify, specify (هـ s.th., e.g., the items of an invoice); to detail, particularize, itemize (هـ s.th.) IV to prove (ه s.o.) wrong; to disprove, confute, refute, rebut (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.)
فندق funduq pl. فنادق fanādiq2 hotel, inn
فنار pl. -āt look up alphabetically
فانوس pl. فوانيس look up alphabetically
فنط II to detail, particularize, itemize, enumrate item by item (هـ s.th.)
فنطاس finṭās pl. فناطيس fanāṭīs2 water tank, reservoir, cistern; large container
فنطيس finṭīs pl. فناطيس fanāṭīs2 broad-nosed
فنطيسة finṭīsa pl. فناطيس fanāṭīs2 snout (of swine)
فنغراف funugrāf pl. –āt phonograph
فنق V to live in ease and affluence
1 فنك fanak fennec (zool.)
2 فنيك look up alphabetically
فنلندا finlandā Finland
فنلندي finlandī Finnish; Finn
فني faniya a (فناء fanā’) to pass away, perish, cease to exist, come to nought; to come to an end, cease, wane, dwindle, evanesce, vanish; to be extinguished, become extinct; to be exhausted, be consumed, be spent; to undergo obliteration of the self; to become totally absorbed (في by) | لا يفنى imperishable, inexhaustible IV to annihilate, bring to nought, ruin, destroy (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to exhaust, consume, wear out, spend (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to cause (هـ s.th.) to become absorbed or consumed (هـ by) VI to annihilate each other; to be consumed (في by), lose o.s. (في in), identify o.s. completely (في with); to dedicate o.s. with heart and soul, give o.s. over wholeheartedly (في to some activity)
فناء fanā’ passing away, cessation of being; perdition, ruin, destruction, annihilation; evanescence, vanishing, termination, extinction; exhaustion; nonbeing, nonexistence, nonentity; extinction of individual consciousness, recedence of the ego, obliteration of the self (myst.)
فناء finā’ pl. افنية afniya courtyard; open space in front or at either side of a house; open hall | رحابة فناء raḥābat al-f. hospitable reception, generous entertainment; سار يخطو في فناء الغرفة (yakṭū, f. il-gurfa) he walked about the room
افناء ifnā’ annihilation, ruination, ruin, destruction
تفان tafānin mutual annihilation; self-denial, self-sacrifice (in an activity)
فان fānin evanescent, transitory, transient, ephemeral, vain; exhausted; far advanced in years, very old
فنيقي finīqī Phoenician
فنيقية finīqīya2 and فنيقيا finīqiyā Phoenicia
فنيك (Fr. phénique) finīk phenol, carbolic acid, also حامض الفنيك
فهاهة fahāha weakness, impotence
فهد fahd pl. فهود fuhūd, افهد afhud lynx (also the term for cheetah and panther)
فهرس fahrasa (فهرسة fahrasa) to compile an index (كتابا for a book), to index (كتابا a
فهرس fihris and فهرست fihrist pl. فهارس fahāris2 table of contents, index; catalogue; list
فهم fahima a (fahm, faham) to understand, comprehend, realize (هـ s.th.); to note (هـ s.th.), take note, take cognizance (هـ of s.th.); to hear, learn (هـ من of s.th. from), be informed (هـ من of s.th. by); فهم عنه to understand s.o., understand what s.o. says or means | يفهم ان (yufhamu) it is reported, it is said that …, we understand that II to make (ه s.o.) understand or see (هـ s.th.), instruct (ه هـ s.o. in s.th.), give (هـ ه s.o. s.th.) to understand IV = II; V to try to understand or comprehend (هـ s.th.); to understand gradually, come to understand (هـ s.th.); to penetrate, fathom (هـ s.th.); to understand, comprehend (هـ s.th.) VI to understand one another; to communicate with each other; to reach an understanding, come to an agreement, come to terms (مع with, على in, about); to be comprehended, be understood VIII to understand, comprehend (هـ s.th.) X to inquire (عن or s. of s.o. about s.th.), ask (عن or هـ s.o. s.th. or about s.th.)
فهم fahm pl. افهام afhām understanding; comprehension. grasp; perceptive faculty, perceptivity; brains, intellect; discernment, acumen, penetration, insight, intelligence | سوء الفهم sū’ al-f. misapprehension, misunderstanding
فهم fahim quick-witted, of acute discernment
فهيم fahīm pl. فهماء fuhamā’2 discerning, judicious, sensible, intelligent
فهامة fahāma very understanding, extremely sympathetic
تفهيم tafhīm instruction, orientation
تفهم tafahhum gradual understanding; understanding, comprehension, grasping, grasp
تفاهم tafāhum mutual understanding, mutual agreement, concurrence, accord; understanding (مع with, على on, about);
agreement, arrangement (مع with) | سوء التفاهم sū’ at-t. (mutual) misunderstanding, discord, disharmony, dissension
استفهام istifhām inquiry (عن about; also على ); question | علامة الاستفهام ‘alāmat al-ist. question mark
استفهامي istifhāmī interrogative (gram.)
مفهوم mafhūm understood; comprehensible, intelligible, understandable; known; sense, meaning, signification; (pl. مفاهيم mafāhīm2) notion, concept | بالمفهوم in the literal sense, literally; unequivocally, unambiguously, clearly; المفهوم ان it is said, it is reported that …
فو fū see فم fam
فوال (Fr.) fuwāl voile (dress material)
فوة fuwa (eg.) madder (Rubia tinctorum L.; bot.)
فات (فوت ) fāta u (faut, فوات fawāt) to pass away, vanish; to be over, be past; to go by s.o. (ه ), pass s.o. (ه ); to escape, elude (ه s.o.), slip away; to abandon, give up, leave behind, relinquish (هـ s.th.); to anticipate, forestall (ه s.o.); to exceed, surpass (ب ه s.o. by) | فات الوقت (waqt) it is (too) late; فاته ان it escaped him that ...; he omitted, neglected, failed, or forgot to ...; he failed to see that ..., he overlooked the fact that …; لم يفته ان (yafuthu) he did not fail to ..., he did not neglect to ...; فاتته الفرصة fātatu l-furṣatu he missed the opportunity; فاته القطار he missed the train II to make (هـ s.th.) escape (على s.o.); to cause (على s.o.) to miss (هـ s.th.); to let (ه s.o.) pass; to alienate, sell (هـ s.th., tun.) IV to make (هـ s.th.) escape (ه s.o.); to make (ه s.o.) miss (هـ s.th.) VI to differ, be different, be dissimilar VIII to offend against s.th. (على ), act contrary to (على ), belie, betray (على s.th.)
فوت faut escape; -- (pl. افوات afwāt) distance, interval; difference
فوات fawāt passing, lapse | فوات الأجل f. al-ajal the passing of the appointed time, expiration of the deadline; الفوات بالمدة (bi-l-mudda) superannuation; بعد فوات الوقت (الأوان ) (f. il-waqt, il-awān) too late; قبل فوات الوقت (الأوان ) before it is too late
فويت fuwait (m. and f.) one following his, or her, own opinion only, acting in his, or her, way only
تفويت tafwīt pl. -āt alienation, transfer, sale (tun.)
تفاوت tafāwut difference, dissimilarity, disparity, contract; disharmony
افتيات iftiyāt treason (على to), betrayal (على of), offense (على against)
فائت fā’it past, elapsed (time); passing; transitory, transient; passerby
متفاوت mutafāwit different
فوتوغرافيا (It. fotografia) fotūgrāJfiyā photography
فوتوغرافي fotūgrāfiya photographic; photographer
فوتيه (Fr. fauteuil) fūtēh pl. -āt armchair, fauteuil
فوج fauj pl. افواج afwāj group, crowd, troop, band; detachment; party; shift (in a mine); battalion (Ir. till 1922; Syr., Leb.); regiment (Ir. since 1922); افواجا afwājan in droves, in crowds | تبدل الفوج tabaddul al-f. change of shift
فاح (فوح ) fāḥa u (fauḥ, فوحان fawaḥān) to diffuse an aroma, exhale a pleasant odor, be fragrant; to spread, diffuse, emanate (fragrance) | فاح منه شذا القداسة (šāda l-qadāja) he was reputed to be a holy man
فوحة fauḥa fragrant emanation, breath of fragrance
فواح fawwāḥ exhaling, diffusing (fragrance)
فود faud pl. افوهد afwād temple; hair around the temples
1 فار (فور ) fāra u (faur, فور fawarān) to boil, simmer, bubble; to boil over (also fig.); to effervesce, fizz; to flare up, burst into passion; to gush forth, well forth, gush up, shoot up (water from the ground) II to make (هـ s.th.) boil (also fig., e.g., the blood); to excite, stir up (هـ s.th.) IV to make (هـ s.th.) boil
فور faur boiling, simmering, bubbling, ebullition, etc. (see I); فورا fauran at once, right away, instantly, forthwith, on the spot, without delay, promptly, immediately, directly; فور faura (prep.) immediately after | من الفور or من فوره (من فورها etc.) or على الفور at once, right away, instantly, forthwith, on the spot, without delay, promptly, immediately, directly
فورى faurī prompt, instantaneous, instant, immediate, direct
فورة faura flare-up, outburst, tantrum
فوار fawwār boiling up, ebullient; effervescent, fizzing; bubbling (spring, etc.); foaming, frothy; hot-headed, irascible
فوارة fawwāra spring, fountain, jet d’eau
فوران fawarān boiling, simmering, bubbling, ebullition; flare· up, outburst
فائرة fā’ira uproar, riot; commotion, agitation, excitement
2 فار pl. فيران and فارة look up alphabetically
فورشة = فورشة furša
فورشينة (It. forcina) furšīna hairpin
فوريقة = فاوريقة look up alphabetically
فاز (فوز ) fāza u (fauz) to be successful, be victorious, triumph; to attain, achieve, accomplish, obtain, gain, win (ب s.th.); to defeat, beat (على an opponent, ب with; sports, etc.); to escape (من s.th.) | ما فاز بطائل (bi-ṭā’ilin) to fail, be unsuccessful, accomplish nothing II to cross the desert, travel through or in the desert
فوز success, triumph, victory; obtainment, attainment, achievement, accomplishment; escape
مفازة mafāza pl. -āt, مفاوز mafāwiz2 desert
فائز fā’iz successful, victorious, triumphant; victor, winner
فائزة fā’iza victress, winner
فاس fās = فأس fa’s
فوسفات fusfāt phosphate
فاشي and فاشية look up alphabetically
فوصفور fuṣfūr phosphorus
فوض II to entrust, consign, commit (هـ ل or الى to s.o. s.th.); to entrust, charge (هـ ل or الى s.o. with), commission s.o. (ل or الى ) to do s.th. (هـ ); to authorize, empower, delegate (ل or الى s.o.), give full power (ل or الى to s.o.) ill to negotiate (هـ s.th.), treat, parley, confer (في on, about, ه, مع with) VI to negotiate or treat or parley with one another, confer (في on, about); to negotiate (في s.th.), treat, parley, confer (في on, about; مع with)
فوضى fauḍā disorder, disarray, confusion, tohubohu, chaos; anarchy
فوضوي fauḍawī anarchic; chaotic
فوضوية fauḍawīya anarchism
تفويض tafwīḍ entrustment, commitment, consignment, commission(ing), charging; authorization, empowerment, delegation of authority; authority, warrant, authorization, mandate, mandatory power, procuration, proxy, power of attorney | تفويض مطلق (تام ) (muṭlaq, tāmm) general power of attorney, unlimited authority; وثيقة التفويض warrant of attorney
مفاوضة mufāwaḍa pl. -āt negotiation, parley, talk, conference; partnership (Isl. Law) | فتح باب المفاوضات to open negotiations
مفوض mufawwaḍ authorized agent, deputy, proxy, mandatory; commissioner | وزير مفوض minister plenipotentiary (dipl.); المفوض السامي (sāmī) the High Commissioner (formerly in Syr.)
مفوضية mufawwaḍīya pl. -āt legation (dipl.); commissariat | المفوضية العليا (‘ulyā) the High Commissariat (formerly in Syr.); مستشار المفوضية mustašār al-m. counselor of legation (dipl.)
فوطة fūṭa pl. فوط fuwaṯ apron. pinafore; napkin, serviette; towel
فوعة fau‘a: فوعة الشباب fau‘at aš-šbāb prime of youth
فوف fūf pellicle, membrane
فوفة fūfa pellicle, membrane
مفوف mufawwaf: ثوب مفوف (taub) white-striped garment
فاق (فوق ) fāqa u (fauq, فواق fawāq) to surpass, excel, overtop (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), tower (هـ, ه above); to be superior (ه to s.o.); to outweigh, outbalance; to transcend, exceed (هـ s.th.); -- to remember (على s.th.) | فاق بنفسه (فووق fuwūq, فواق fuwāq) to give up the ghost, expire, die II to direct, level (الى ه a weapon at), aim (الى هـ s.th. at); to (a)waken, wake up, revive, restore to consciousness (ه s.o.); to clear, sober (هـ the head); to remind (ه s.o.) IV to recover, recuperate, convalesce (من from), regain health; to wake up, awake; to get up (من النوم min an-naum from sleep); to be awake; to come to, regain consciousness (من after, e.g., after a swoon, after a state of intoxication); to awaken, arouse, stir up (من ه s.o. from) V to be superior (على to), surpass, excel, overtop (على s.o., s.th.). tower (على above); to do excellent work, show outstanding skill (ب in, with); to pass an examination with distinction (ل in a course) X to recover, recuperate, convalesce (من from), regain health; to wake up, awaken; to get up (من النوم min an-naum from sleep); to be awake; to come to, regain consciousness (من after, e.g., after a swoon, after a state of intoxication)
فوق fauqu (adv.) up, upstairs, on top, above; fauqa (prep.) above, over; on, on top of; beyond, more than | فوق الحد f. al-ḥadd boundless, unlimited, infinite, excessive, exaggerated; فوق ذلك moreover, besides, furthermore, in addition to that, beyond that; فوق البنفسجي (banafsajī) ultraviolet; فوق الطبيعة supernatural; فوق العادة extraordinary, unusual, exceptional; special, emergency (e.g., meeting); فوق انه in addition to the fact that it ..., beyond its being ...; فما فوقه and upward, and more (than that); من فوقه min fauqihī above it; from above it, from atop it
فوقاني fauqānī located higher or above, higher, upper
فاقة fāqa poverty, want, neediness, indigence
فواق fuwāq hiccup(s); gasping of a dying person, death rattle
افاويق afāwīq2 (pl. of فيقة fīqa) milk (gathering in the udder between two milkings); (fig.) boons, kindness, benefactions | ارضعني افاويق بره arḍa‘anī a. birrihī he showered me with kindnesses
افاقة ifāqa recovery, recuperation, convalescence; awakening; revival, restoration to consciousness
تفوق tafawwuq superiority; preponderance, predominance, ascendancy, supremacy; above-average performance, talent | تشجيع التفوق promotion of young talent
فائق fā’iq superior; surpassing, excellent, exquisite, first-rate; outstanding, remarkable, striking; pre-eminent; exceeding, extraordinary; going far beyond (a restriction, etc.); awake, waking, wakeful
مفيق mafīq awake, waking, wakeful
متفوق mutafawwiq superior; surpassing, excellent, exquisite, first-rate, outstanding, remarkable, striking; pre-eminent; victor
مستفيق mustafīq awake, waking, wakeful
فول fūl (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. -āt bean(s); broad bean(s), horse bean(s) | فول مدمس (eg., mәdammis) cooked broad beans with oil (national dish in Egypt); فول سوداني (sūdānī) peanut(s)
فوال fawwāl seller of beans
فولاذ fūlād steel
فولاذي fūlādī and فلاذي fulādī steel (adj.), of steel, made of steel; steely, steel-like, steel-hard
فولت volt volt (el.)
فوم fūm = ثوم tūm
فونوغراف funūgrāf pl. -āt phonograph
فاه (فوه ) fāha u (fauh) to pronounce, utter, voice, say (ب s.th.) V = I
افواه afwāh pl. of فم fam; -- افواه afwāh, افاويه afāwīh aromatic, spices
فوة fuwa (eg.) madder (Rubia tinctorum L.; bot.)
فوهة fūha pl. -āt, افواه afwāh, فوائه fawā’ih2 mouth; opening, aperture, orifice, hole, vent; muzzle; crater; abyss, gulf, chasm; hydrant (syr.)
افوه afwah2 broad-mouthed
مفوه mufawwah eloquent
في fī (prep.) in; at; on; near, by; within, during; among, in the company of, with; about, on; concerning, regarding, with reference to, with regard or respect to, as to j dealing with, treating of, consisting in (in book titles); for the sake of, on behalf of, because of, for; according to; in proportion to; (as to syntactical regimen see under the respective verb) | هل لك في do you feel like ...? would you like to ...? do you want to ...? خمسة في ثلاثة five times three; خمسة امتار في عشرة five meters by ten (width and length); كذب في كذب (kidb) lie after lie; كلام في كلام (kalām) just so many words, idle talk; نحن اقارب في اقارب our social relations are those of kinsfolk; فيما مضى fīmā maḍā or فيما مضى من الزمان (zamān) in the past; formerly, before; فيما يلي (yalī) and فيما بعد (ba‘du) in the following, in what follows, below; فيما اعتقد (a‘taqidu) as I believe; فيما بينهم among themselves, among them; تبسم في خبث tabassama fī kubt he smiled maliciously
فيما fīmā (conj.) while; in that, as | فيما اذا in case that …, if
1 فاء (فيأ ) fā’a i (فيء fai’) to return; to shift from west to east (shadow) II to afford shadow, be shady (tree) IV to give as booty (هـ على to s.o. s.th.); to give, afford, grant, award (هـ على to s.o. s.th.), bestow (هـ على upon s.o. s.th.) V to shade o.s. (في or هـ with s.th.), seek shade (في or هـ under s.th.)
فيء fai’ pl. افياء afyā’, فيوء fuyū’ (afternoon) shadow
2 فئة see فئ
فيتامين fītāmīn pl. -āt vitamin
فيتنام viyetnām Vietnam
فيتو vītō, vētō veto (pol.) | حق الفيتو ḥaqq al-v. veto power (pol.)
فيتون faitūn phaeton (light four-wheeled carriage)
افيح afyaḥ2, f. فيحاء faiḥā’2 fragrant, redolent, aromatic, sweet-smelling; wide, vast, extensive; الفيحاء epithet of Damascus
فياح fayyāḥ heavy-scented, strong-smelling
(فيد ) IV to benefit, help, avail (ه s.o.), be of use, of help, bring advantages (ه to s.o.), be useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, advantageous (ه for s.o.); to teach (هـ ه s.o. s.th.); to notify, advise (ب or هـ ه s.o. of), acquaint (ب or هـ ه s.o. with s.th.), inform (ب or هـ ه s.o. of, about), let (ه s.o.) know (ب or هـ about); to report (ب or هـ s.th., also, e.g., to the police; بان or ان that); to acquire, gain, win (هـ s.th.); to derive benefit, profit, or advantage (من from), profit, benefit (من by), turn (من s.th.) to account or advantage; (gram.) to convey a complete, self-contained meaning X to acquire, gain, win (هـ s.th.); to learn, be told, be informed (هـ about); to derive benefit profit, or advantage (ب or من from), profit, benefit (ب or من by), turn (ب or من s.th.) to account or advantage; to utilize, turn to profitable use, use (ب or من s.th.), make use (ب or من of s.th.); to gather, conclude, deduce, infer (من from)
افيد afyad2 more useful; more profitable
افادة ifāda utility, usefulness, benefit, advantage; (pl. -āt) notice, notification, communication, information, message; testimony, deposition (in court) | افادة الاستلام acknowledgment of receipt
استفادة istifāda utilization, use
فائدة fā’ida pl. فوائد fawā’id2 utility, avail, benefit, advantage; gain, profit; interest (on money); useful lesson, moral; use (e.g., of a medicine)
مفيد mufīd useful, beneficial, advantageous; favorable, profitable; instructive
مفاد mufād contents, substance, purport, meaning (e.g., of an article) | اشاعة مفادها ان išā‘atun mufāduhā an a rumor to the effect that ...
فيدرالي fīdirālī federalistic | دولة فيدرالية (daula) federal state
فيروز fairūz and فيروزج fairūzaj turquoise
فيروز vairus pl. -āt virus
فيزا , ﭬيزا (Engl.) vīzā visa
فيزياء fīziyā’ physics
فيزيائي fīziyā’ī physical
فيسيولوجيا fīsiyōlōjiyā physiology
1 فيش (Fr. fiche) fīš pl. -āt (electric) plug (syr.)
2 فياش fayyāš braggart, show-off, self-inflated person
فيصل faiṣal see فصل
فاض (فيض ) fāḍa i (faiḍ, فيضان fayaḍān) to overflow, flow over, run over; to inundate, flood, deluge (على s.th.); to flow, stream, pour forth, issue, emanate; to abound, super abound, be abundant, plentiful, superabundant; -- (faiḍ) to spread (of news); -- (faiḍ, فيوض fuyūḍ): فاضت روحه or نفسه (rūḥuhū, nafsuhū) to give up the ghost IV to pour forth; to fill (هـ s.th.) to overflowing; to pour, pour out, pour forth (على هـ s.th. over), shed (هـ s.th., esp. tears); to be prolix, long-winded, verbose (في in one’s speech); to abandon o.s. without restraint (في to s.th.); to speak or report extensively, in detail, at great length (ب about), dwell (ب on), describe in detail (ب على to s.o. s.th.); to pronounce distinctly (ب a word) X to pour forth. spread (على over), flood (على s.th.); to spread (of news); to be superabundant, be too much; to be elaborate, complete in detail, exhaustive, thorough
فيض faiḍ flood, inundation, deluge; emanation; superabundance, plenty, copiousness, abundance; (pl. فيوض fuyūḍ) stream
فياض fayyāḍ overflowing, effusive, exuberant; elaborate, exhaustive (speech); munificent, bountiful, liberal, generous | فياض الخاطر brilliant, overflowing with ideas
فيضان fayaḍān flood, inundation, deluge | فيضان النبل the annual inundation of the Nile
مفيض mafīḍ outlet, vent, drain; escape, way out | ليس لنا منه مفيض we cannot help doing it, we cannot but do it; لا يجد مفيضا من (yajidu) he must by all means ...; لا يجد مفيضا الى الكلام he can’t find an opportunity to speak freely
افاضة ifāḍa elaborateness, detailedness, exhaustiveness
استفاضة istifāḍa (super)abundance, plenty; profusion
فائض fā’iḍ abundant, copious, plentiful, profuse, superabundant; surplus; (pl. فوائض fawā’iḍ2) interest (on money)
مستفيض mustafīḍ elaborate, detailed, extensive, exhaustive, thorough
فايظ (< فائض see above) fāyiẓ usury (eg.)
فايظجي fāyiẓgī usurer (eg.)
فيفاء faifā’2 pl. فياف fayāfin desert
فيكونت (Fr. vicomte) vikōnt and (Engl.) vaikaunt viscount
1 فال (فيل ) fāla i (فيولة fuyūla, فيلولة failūla) to be erroneous (view)
2 فيل fīl pl. فيلة fiyala, فيول fuyūl, افيال afyāl elephant; bishop (chess) | سن الفيل sinn al-f. ivory
فيلا villā pl. فيلات villa, country house
ديدان الفيلاريا dīdān al-fīlāriyā filaria (zool.)
الفيلبين al-fīlibīn the Philippines
فيلج failaj, فيلجة failaja pl. فيالج fayālij2 cocoon of the silkworm
فيلسوف failasūf pl. فلاسفة falāsifa philosopher
فيلق failaq pl. فيالق fayāliq2 large military unit; army corps; corps
فيلم = فلم film film
فيلولوجيا fīlōlōjiyā philology
فيم fīma = فيما fī-mā why? wherefore?
فيما fīmā see في
فينة faina pl. -āt time, point of time, instant, moment | الفينة بعد الفينة (al-fainata), الفينة بعد الأخرى al-fainata ba‘da l-ukrā, بين الفينة والفينة , في الفينة بعد الفينة from time to time, now and then, once in a while, at times, sometimes
فينان fainān having beautiful, luxuriant hair; luxuriant, long, flowing (hair)
فينا , فيينا (It. Vienna) fiyennā, viyēnnā Vienna
فينوس fīnūs Venus
فينيسيا fīnīsiyā Venice
فينيقي fīnīqī Phoenician; (pl. -ūn) a Phoenician
فهيق II tafaihaqa to be prolix, long-winded, circumstantial
فيهقة faihaqa prolixity, long-windedness
الفيوم al-fayyūm El Faiyūm (town in N Egypt)