Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
1ل la (intensifying particle) truly, verily; certainly, surely; frequently after ان inna, introducing the predicate: ان ربي لسميع الدعاء inna rabbī la-samī’ d-du’ā’ truly, my Lord hears the prayer; also as a correlative of لو lau and لولا lau-lā: لو كنت تفعل هذا لكان انفع (la-kāna anfa’a) if you did this it would be more useful; لولا تاب لهلك lau-lā tāba la-halaka if he had not repented he would have perished; (particle of oath) لعمرك la-’amruka by your life!
2ل li 1. (prep.) for; on behalf of, in favor of; to (of the dative); because of; for the sake of; due to, owing to; for, for the purpose of; at the time of, when, as; by (designating the author or originator); occasionally substituting for الى ; as to ل paraphrasing the genit. and acc. see grammar | لي عليه مال he owes me money; ما له وما علبه his right and his duty; his credit and his debit, his assets and his liabilities; له ان he has a right to ..., he is entitled to ..., he may ...; it is possible for him to ..., he is able to ..., he can ...; ليس لي ان I have no right to , it does not behoove me to ...; لك هذا or لك ذلك you can have that! it’s up to you; it’s all right with me! all right! O.K.! agreed! هل لك في or الك في would you like ...? do you want ...? do you feel like ...? قرأت له كتابا I read a book by him, I read one of his books; لا تدوم له حال (tadūmu) no state is of any permanence with him, he is never the same for a very long timeقاموا لمعاونتنا (li-mu’āwanatinā) they set out in our support; لسبع ليال خلون من شعبان li-sab’i layālin kalauna min ša’bāna when seven nights of Shaban had passed; للمرة الأولى li-l-marrati l-ūlā for the first time; لأول وهلة li-awwali wahlatin at first sight, at once; اخوه لأبيه وأمه li-abīhi wa-ummihī his brother on the paternal and maternal side, his brother-german, his full brother 2. (conj. with the subjunctive) that, so that, in order that, in order to; (with apoc.) expressing an order. an invitation: ليكتب li-yaktub he shall write, let him write (with preceding و wa or ف fa contracted to wal- or fal with elision of the i)
لأجل li-ajli (with foll. genit.) because of, on account of, for
لأن li-an (conj. with the subjunctive) that, so that, in order that, in order to; (with لا) لئلا li-allā in order not to, lest
لأن li-anna (conj.) on the grounds that; because; for
لذلك li-dālika therefore, hence, that is why, for that reason
لكي li-kai and لكيما li-kai-mā (conj. with the subjunctive) that, so that, in order that, in order to
لما li-mā (shortened لم li-mā) why? wherefore? for what reason? لماذا li-mā-dā why (on earth)?
لهذا li-hādā therefore, hence, that is why, for that reason
لا lā (particle) not, no! with apoc. expressing negative imperative: لا تقل lā taqul don’t say! with indef. acc. expressing a general negation; there is not, there is no ..., e.g., لا اله الا الله lā ilāha illa llāh there is no god but Allah; لا خير فيه (kaira) there is no good in it, it’s no good; لا بد منه (budda) there is no escape from it, it is inevitable; لا جرم lā jarama certainly, surely; لا شك lā šakka no doubt, doubtless; لا سيما lā siyyamā especially. particularly; الا a-lā see أ; بلا bi-lā without; ولا wa-lā (with preceding neg.) nor, either; not even, also حتى ولا ḥattā wa-lā, e.g., لم يعطني حتى ولا قرشا (lam yu‘ṭinī, qiršan) he did not give me even a piaster, he did not give me as much as a piaster; لا – ولا neither -- nor
لا ابالية lā-ubālīya indifferent attitude, indifference
لا أدرية lā-adrīya skepticism; agnosticism
اللا أنا al-lā-anā the nonego (philos.)
لا أنانية lā-anānīya selflessness, unselfishness
لا جنسية lā-jinsīya statelessness, being without nationality
لا ديني lā-dīnī antireligious, irreligious, without religion
لا دينية lā-dīnīya irreligion, godlessness
لا سامي lā-sāmī anti-Semitic; anti-Semite
لا سامية lā-sāmīya anti-Semitism
لا سلكي lā-silkī wireless, radio (adj.); radio, broadcasting; radio message | اشارة لا سلكية (išāra) radio message
اللاشعور al-lā-šu‘ūr the unconscious, unconscious mind, unconsciousness
لاشعوري lā-šu‘ūrī unconscious, unaware
لا شيء lā-šai’ nothing, nonentity, nil
لا شيئية lā-šai’īya nonexistence, nothingness; nullity, nihility
لامبالاة lā-mubālāh and لامبالية lā-mubālīya indifferent attitude, indifference
لامركزية lā-markazīya decentralization
لامسؤولية lā-mas’ūlīya irresponsibility
لا نظام lā-niẓām lack of system, confusion
اللانهاية al-lā-nihāya the infinite
لانهائي lā-nihā’ī infinite
اللاتين al-lātīn the (ancient) Latins
لاتيني lātīnī Latin | الحي اللاتيني (ḥayy) the “Quartier latin” (in Paris)
اللاتينية al-lātīnīya the Latin language, Latin
لادن lādan, lādin laudanum
لازورد lāzuward, lāzaward lapis lazuli; azure
لازوردي lāzuwardī azure-blue, azure, sky-blue, cerulean
لازوردية lāzuwardīya azure, blue of the sky
لاسيه (Fr. lacet) lāsēh lace, cord
1 لأك IV to send as a messenger (الى ه s.o. to) ملأك mal’ak and ملك malak pl. ملائك malā’ik2, ملائكة malā’ika angel; messenger, envoy
ملائكي malā’ikī angelic(al); heavenly
2 لائكي look up alphabetically
لاكن lākin, lākinna however, yet, but
لألأ la’la’a (لألأة la’la’a) to shine, flash, glitter, glisten, sparkle, gleam, shimmer, glimmer, beam, radiate; to wag (بذنبه bi-danabihī the tail) II tala’la’a to shine, glitter, glisten, sparkle, gleam, shimmer, glimmer, beam, radiate
لألأة la’la’a shine, glow, brightness, brilliancy, radiance, flash, glitter, twinkle
لألاء la’lā’ glitter, flash; light, glow, gleam; perfect joy, unruffled gaiety; dealer in pearls
لؤلؤ lu’lu’ (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl.: لآلي la’ālī2 pearls | زهر اللؤلؤ zahr al-l. daisy; عرق اللؤلؤ ‘irq al-l. mother-of-pearl, nacre
لؤلؤى lu’lu’ī pearly; pearl-colored, whitish | شعير لؤلؤي pearl barley
تلألؤ tala’lu’ shining, radiance, brilliancy
متلألئ mutala’li’ shimmering, glistening, glittering, flashing, sparkling
لأم la’ama a (la’m) to dress, bandage (هـ a wound); to repair, mend (هـ s.th.); to solder, weld; -- لؤم la’uma (lu’m, لآمة la’āma, ملأمة mal’ama) to be ignoble, lowly (of character and birth); to be base, mean, vile, evil, wicked III to agree (ه with s.o.); to suit, fit (garment; ه s.o.); to be adequate, appropriate (هـ to s.th.), be suitable, fit, proper, convenient, favorable, propitious (هـ for s.th.); to be adapted (هـ to), be in harmony (هـ with), match (هـ s.th.); to agree (climate, food; ه with s.o.), be wholesome (climate, air, food; ه for s.o.); to bring about a reconciliation, make peace (بين between), reconcile (بين – و s.o. with); to make consistent or congruous, reconcile, harmonize, bring into harmony (بين different things) IV to act ignobly, behave shabbily VI to be mended, be repaired, be corrected; to go well (مع with); to act meanly VIII to be mended, be repaired, be corrected; to be joined, be connected, be patched up, be soldered, be welded; to match, fit together, harmonize, be in harmony, agree, go together, be congruous, conformable, consistent; to be tuned or geared to each other (fig.); to unite, combine; to cohere, stick together; to heal, close (wound); to gather, assemble, convene (persons); to meet (committee, congress, council, etc.)
لأم la’m dressing, bandaging (of a wound); joining, junction, connection; repair
لؤم lu’m ignoble mind, baseness, meanness, vileness, wickedness; niggardliness, miserliness; sordidness; iniquity
لئم li’m peace; concord, agreement, union, unity, unanimity; conformity, consistency, harmony
لأمة la’ma cuirass, pair of cuirasses
لئيم la’īm pl. لئام li’ām, لؤماء lu’amā’, لؤمان lu’mān, ignoble, lowly, low, base, mean, evil, vile, wicked, depraved; sordid, filthy, dirty; niggardly, miserly
ملاءمة mulā’ama adequacy, appropriateness, properness, suitability, fitness; peacemaking, (re)conciliation; concord, union, agreement, harmony
ملائم mulā’im adapted, suited, appropriate (ل to), suitable, fit, proper, convenient, favorable, propitious (ل for); agreeing, harmonizing, in conformity, consistent (ل with)
لام lām name of the letter ل
لامي lāmī lām-shaped, resembling the letter ل
لاما lāmā llama (zool.)
لانش (Engl.) lanš pl. -āt launch, motorboat, small steamer
لاهاي lāhāy The Hague (city in SW Netherlands)
لاهوت lāhūt godhead, deity; divine nature, divinity | علم اللاهوت ‘ilm al-l. theology
لاهوتي lāhūtī theological; theologian
اللاهوتية al-lāhūtīya theology
لاهور lāhūr2 Lahore (city in W Pakistan)
لأواء la’wā’ 2 severe distress, hardship
لأي la’y slowness, tardiness; tediousness, tiresomeness | بعد لأي after great difficulties, in the end, finally, after all
لائكي (from Fr. laïque) lā’ikī layman; secular, laic, lay
لائكية lā’ikīya laicism
لب labba u (labb) to remain, abide, stay (ب in a place); -- (1st pers. perf. labibtu) a (لبب labab) and (1st pers. perf. labubtu) u (لبابة labāba) to be sensible, reasonable, intelligent II to kernel, ripen into kernels, produce kernels (grain, nuts) V to gird o.s. prepare o.s. (ل for)
لب lubb pl. لبوب lubūb kernels, core (of fruits); the innermost, marrow, pith; core, gist, essence; prime, best part; -- (pl. الباب albāb) heart; mind, intellect, reason, understanding
لبة labba pl. -āt upper part of the chest; throat of an animal, spot where its throat is slit in slaughtering
لبة libba (eg.) golden necklace
لبب labab pl. الباب albāb upper part of the chest; throat of an animal, spot where its throat is slit in slaughtering; breast collar (of a horse’s harness); martingale
لباب lubāb marrow, pith, core, quintessence, gist, prime, beet part | لباب الخشب l. kašab cellulose
لبيب labīb pl. الباء alibbā’ understanding, reasonable, sensible, intelligent
تلبيب talbīb pl. تلابيب talābīb2 collar | اخذ بتلابيبه to collar s.o., seize s.o. by the collar
لبؤة labu’a pl. -āt lioness
لبتة labta carp (zool.)
لبث labita a (labt, lubt, labat, لباث lubāt) to hesitate, tarry, linger; to abide, remain, stay (ب in a place); (with imperf.) to persist in an activity, keep doing s.th. | ما لبث (لم يلبث) أن (حتى ) it did not take long before he …, presently he ..., he lost no time in …; لبث يفعله he did it for a while V to hesitate, tarry, linger; to abide, remain, stay
لبث labt, lubt, labat hesitation, tarrying, delay; stay, sojourn
لبثة lubta short delay, brief respite; pause; temporary stay or stop, stopover
لبخ labk, labak (coll.; n. un. ة ) a variety of acacia (Mimosa lebbec L.), also lebbek tree (Albizzia lebbek Bth.; bot.)
لبخة labka pl. labakāt cataplasm, poultice; soft mass, mush; emollient plaster, emollient
لبيخ labīk fleshy, corpulent
لبد labada u (لبد lubūd) to stick, adhere, cling (ب to s.th.), get stuck (ب on); to abide, remain, stay (ب in a place) II to cause to adhere and mat together, to felt, mat (هـ wool); to line with felt (هـ s.th.); to beat down, weigh down (هـ s.th., e.g., the hail -- grass); to full (هـ s.th.) IV to cling firmly, adhere, stick (ب to s.th.) V do.; to stick together; to become felted, matted, entangled, interwoven; to be compressed; to become clouded; to become overcast (بالغيوم with clouds; sky); to become gloomy (face)
لبد libd pl. لبود lubūd, الباد albād felt | لبود من الغمائم thick masses of clouds
لبد labad wool
لبد labid coherent; compact
لبد lubad the seventh vulture of Luqmān (whose death ended Luqmān’s life; metaphor of longevity)
لبدة libda pl. لبد libad mane (of a lion); (eg.) skullcap of felt, worn under or without a tarboosh; felt hat (of the dervishes)
لبدة lubda pl. لبد lubad matted and pressed wool or hair, felt
لباد labbād feltmaker; felt
لبادة lubbāda pl. -āt horse blanket, saddle blanket; -- (pl. لبابيد labābīd 2) felt cap
ملبد mulabbad: ملبد بالغيوم (bi-l-guyūm) overcast, heavily clouded (sky)
متلبد mutalabbid: متلبد بالغيوم overcast, heavily clouded (sky)
لبس labisa a (lubs) to put on, wear (هـ a dress, garment); to dress (هـ in), clothe o.s. garb o.s. (هـ in or with) II to dress (هـ ه s.o. in), clothe, garb, attire (هـ ه s.o. with); to cover, envelop, overlay, coat (ب هـ s.th. with. layer); to drape, line, face, case (ب هـ s.th. with); to inlay (e.g., wood with ivory); to suffuse (ه s.o., e.g., pallor), seize (ه s.o., e.g., so tremor); to make obscure, unclear, abstruse, involved, complicated (على هـ s.th. for s.o.); to deceive, dupe (على s.o.) III to be on intimate terms, associate closely, hobnob (ه with s.o.); to be in close contact (هـ, ه with s.o., with s.th.); to surround (ه s.o.; environment, milieu, conditions) IV to dress (هـ ه s.o. in), clothe, garb, attire (هـ ه s.o. with); to drape, envelop, coat, overlay, cover, face, line, case (هـ s.th.) V to dress, get dressed (ب in), clothe o.s. (ب in or with); to be dressed, clad, attired; to be covered (ب with), be enveloped, wrapped (ب in); to get involved (ب in s.th.), be drown (ب into s.th.); to meddle, bother (ب with), go into s.th. (ب ); to be obscure, incomprehensible, dubious, equivocal, ambiguous (على for s.o.) VIII to be obscure, dubious, equivocal, ambiguous (على for s.o.); to get mixed up (ب with); to mistake (هـ s.th., ب for)
لبس labs, lubs and لبسة lubsa tangle, muddle, confusion, intricacy, obscurity, uncertainty, abstruseness, ambiguity | كان في لبس من امره to be uncertain about s.o.; to have doubts about s.o.
لبس libs pl. لبوس lubūs clothes, clothing, dress, apparel; costume
لبسة libsa manner or style of dressing, costume
لباس libās pl. -āl, البسة albisa clothes, clothing; costume; apparel; garment, robe, dress; (eg., syr.) (men’s) drawers | لباس الرأس l. ar-ra’s headdress, headgear; لباس التقوى l. at-taqwā decency, modesty; لباس رسمي (rasmī) and لباس عسكري (‘askarī) uniform; لباس السهرة l. as-sahra evening gown, evening clothes, formal dress; لباس وطني (waṭanī) national costume; البسة جاهزة ready-made clothes
لبيس labīs worn; worn clothes, secondhand clothes; Nile carp (Cyprinus niloticus: zool.)
لبوس labūs clothing, clothes; suppository (med.) | لبوس رسمي (rasmī) uniform
ملبس malbas pl. ملابس malābis2 garment, dress, robe, apparel, suit; pl. also: clothing, clothes, costume | O ملبس الوقاية protective clothes; ملابس التشريفة dress uniform; ملابس داخلية وخارجية (dākilīya wa-kārijīya) underwear and outer clothes; ملابس رسمية (rasmīya) livery, uniform; O ملابس الميدان m. al-maidān field uniform; محل الملابس maḥall al-m. ready-made-clothes store
تلبيس talbīs clothing, dressing, garbing; draping, lining, facing, casing; overlaying, coating; wall facing, wall plaster, paneling; inlay work; deception, deceit, fraud
تلبيسة talbīsa suppository (med.)
ملابسة mulābasa intercourse, intimate association, close relations; ملابسات relations, connections; concomitants, accompanying phenomena; surrounding conditions, environment
الباس ilbās clothing, dressing, garbing
تلبس talabbus: قضايا التلبس qaḍāyā t-t. (jur.) cases of “flagrante delicto”, criminal cases in which the perpetrator was caught in the act
التباس iltibās confusion, tangle, intricacy, obscurity, ambiguity, dubiousness, doubt | رفع الالتباس raf‘ al-ilt. correction, rectification, clarification; احاط به الالتباس (aḥāṭa) to be wrapped in obscurity, be completely ambiguous
ملبوس malbūs worn, used (clothes); (eg.) possessed, in a state of frenzy or religious ecstasy; pl. ملبوسات articles of clothing, clothes
ملبس mulabbas involved, intricate, obscure, dubious; inlaid, coated, incrusted; sugar-coated, candied; (pl. -āt) bonbon, candy; dragée
متلبس mutalabbis: متلبسا بالجريمة (he was caught, and the like) redhanded, in the act, flagrante delicto
ملتبس multabis involved, intricate, ambiguous, equivocal; dubious, doubtful, uncertain, unclear
لبط labaṭa II (labṭ): لبط به الأرض (arḍ) to throw s.o. to the ground, fell s.o.; -- i to kick; to gallop about (animal)
لبق labaqa II (لباقة labāqa) to be clever, slick, adroit, skilled, skillful, versatile, suave, elegant, have refined manners; -- labiqa a (labaq) do.; to fit, suit, become (clothes; ب s.o.) II to fit, adapt, adjust (هـ s.th.)
لبق labaq cleverness, smartness, slyness, subtlety; skill, adroitness, slickness, ingenuity; seemliness, propriety, decency, decorum
لباقة labāqa cleverness, smartness, slyness, subtlety; skill, adroitness, slickness, ingenuity; seemliness, propriety, decency, decorum; elegance, refined manners, suavity, gracefulness
لبق labiq clever, smart, sly, subtle; slick, adroit, skilled, skillful, versatile; elegant, suave, of refined manners; fitting, proper, becoming, seemly
لبيق labīq clever, smart, sly, subtle; skillful, adroit; elegant, suave, refined
لبك labaka u (labk) and II to mix. Mingle, intermix (هـ s.th.); to confuse, mix up, muddle, jumble (هـ s.th.); -- labika a, V and VIII to get confused, be thrown into disorder, be disarranged, become disorganized
لبك labk and لبكة labka mixture; confusion, muddle, jumble
لبيك see لبي
لبلب lablaba to fondle, cares (ب her child; mother)
لبلب lablab, lublub affectionate, tender
لبلاب lablāb English ivy (Hedera helix; bot.); (eg.) lablab, hyacynth bean (Dolichoe lablab; bot.)
لبلوب lablūb (eg.) pl. لباليب labālīb2 young shoot, sprout, vine
لبن II to make brick VIII to suck milk
لبن libn, labin (coll.) unburnt brick(s), adobes
لبنة labina (n. un.) pl. -āt brick, adobe
لبن laban pl. البان albān, لبان libān milk; (syr.) leban, coagulated sour milk; pl. البان dairy products, milk products | لبن الخض l. al-kaḍḍ buttermilk; شرش اللبن širš al-l. whey; O ميزان اللبن mīzān al-l. lactoscope; فرع الألبان far‘ al-a. dairy department
لبني labanī lactic, milk (adj.); milky, milklike, lacteous, lacteal
لبنية labanīya a dish prepared of milk
لبنات labanāt lactate | لبنات الجير l. al-jīr calcium lactate
لبان labān breast
لبان lubān frankincense, olibanum | لبان جاوي (jāwī) benzoin; لبان ذكر dakar (eg.) olibanum, oriental frankincense (resin of Boswellia carteri; bot.); لبان شامي (eg.) a pitchy resin used as a depilatory (resin of Pinus Brutia Ten.); لبان العذراء al-‘adrā’ magnesia, Epsom salts, bitter salt
لبان libān sucking, nursing; (eg.) towline
لبان labbān brickmaker; milkman
لبانة lubāna pl. -āt, لبان lubān wish, desire, object, aim, goal, end; business, undertaking, enterprise
لبانة libāna selling or production of milk products, dairy
لبنة labina, لبون labūn, لبونة labūna pl. لبان libān, لبن lubn, lubun, لبائن labā’in milk, giving milk | حيوان لبون (ḥayawān) mammal
لبنى lubnā storax tree
لبنان lubnān2 Lebanon
لبناني lubnānī Lebanese (pl. -ūn) a Lebanese
ملبن malban a sweet made of cornstarch, sugar, mastic and pistachios
ملبنة malbana dairy
لبوة labwa pl. labawāt lioness
لبى II to follow, obey (هـ a call, an invitation), respond, accede (هـ to), comply (هـ with a request), carry out (هـ an order) | لبى نداء ربه (nidaā’a rabbihī) to be called away by the Lord, pass away
لبيك labbaika here I am! at your service!
تلبية talbiya following, obeying, observance, accedence, response, compliance | تلبية ل (talbiyatan) in compliance with; تلبية لدعوته (li-da‘watihī) upon his invitation
لبيريا libēriyā Liberia
لت latta u (latt) to pound, bray, crush (هـ s.th.); to mix with water (هـ flour); to knead (هـ dough); to roll (ب s.th. in), coat (ب هـ s.th. with); (eg.) to prattle, chatter | لت وعجن في مسألة (wa-‘ajana, mas’ala) not to tire of raising a problem anew, discuss a question back and forth
لت latt (eg.) idle talk, prattle
لتات lattāt (eg.) prattler, chatterbox, windbag
لتر litr pl. -āt liter
لتموس (Engl.) litmūs litmus
لتوانيا lituwāniyā Lithuania
التي allatī see الذي (alphabetically)
لثة see لثو
لثغ latiga a (latag) to pronounce defectively (esp. the lingual r), lisp (ث for س) | لثغ بالسين (sīn) to lisp the s
لثغة lutga defective pronunciation, lisping
الثغ altag2, f. لثغاء latgā’2, pl. لثغ lutg having a speech defect, lisping
لثم latama i (latm) to kiss (هـ s.th.); to strike, hit, wound, injure (هـ s.th.) II to veil (هـ the face) with the li/dm (q.v.); to veil, cover (هـ s.th.) V and VIII to veil one’s face; to cover o.s., wrap o.s. up, muffle o.s.
لثمة latma kiss
لثام litām veil (covering the lower part of the face to the eyes); cover, wrapping
ملثم mutallam and متلثم mutalattim veiled
لثة lita pl. -āt, لثى litan gums
لثوي litawī gingival, alveolar, of or pertaining to the gums | الحروف اللثوية the interdental sounde ث, ذ and ظ ; (phon.)
لج lajja (1st pers. perf. lajijtu) a and (1st pers. perf. lajajtu) i (لجج lajaj, لجاج lajāj, لجاجة lajāja) to be stubborn, obstinate, unyielding, relentless; to persist, persevere (في in); to insist (في on); to continue (في s.th.), keep doing s.th. (في ); to importune, pester, trouble, bother, inconvenience (على s.o.); to bear down (ب on s.o.), hit hard, wear out, weaken, exhaust (ب s.o., e.g., battle), torment, harass (ب s.o., e.g., hunger) III to argue or dispute obstinately (ه with s.o.) VIII to be noisy, uproarious, tumultuous; to roar, storm, rage
لج lujj and لجة lujja pl. لجج lujaj, لجاج lijāj depth of the sea; gulf, abyss, chum, depth
لجي lujjī fathomless, of tremendous depth (sea)
لجة lajja clamor, din, noise, hubbub
لجاجة lajāja stickling, disputatiousness; obstinacy, stubbornness; insistence, persistence
لجوج lajūj and لاج lājj obstinate, stubborn, unyielding, relentless, insistent, troublesome, importunate, obtrusive, officious
لجأ laja’a a (لجء laj’, لجوء lujū’) and لجئ laji’a a (لجأ laja’) to take refuge (الى in), resort, have recourse (الى to), fall back (الى on); to seek information (الى from), refer (الى to) II to coerce, force, compel (الى ه s.o. to) IV do.; to shelter, protect, guard (ه s.o.); to entrust, commit (امره الى amrahū one’s cause, one’s affairs to) VIII to flee (الى to), take refuge (الى in), resort, have recourse (الى to)
ملجأ malja’ pl. ملاجئ malāji’2 (place of) refuge, retreat; shelter; sanctuary, asylum; home; base; pillbox, bunker, dugout | ملجأ الأطفال day nursery, nursery school, children’s home; ملجأ الأيتام orphanage; ملجأ الشيوخ home for the aged; ملجأ العميان m. al-‘umyān institution for the blind; ملجأ العجزة m. al-‘ajaza infirmary; O ملجأ مضاد للغارات الجوية (muḍādd, jawwīya) air-raid shelter
التجاء iltijā’ resorting, recourse (الى to), seeking refuge (الى in, with)
لاجئ lāji’ one seeking refuge; refugee; emigrant; inmate of an asylum
ملتجئ multaji’ one seeking refuge, a refugee
لجب lajab noise, uproar, tumult; huge, boisterous army
لجب lajib uproarious, tumultuous, noisy, clamorous
لجلج lajlaja and II talajlaja to repeat words`in speaking; to stammer, stutter
لجلجة lajlaja stutter; stammering, stammer
لجلاج lajlāj stutterer, stammerer
ملجلج mulajlaj constantly repeated, reiterated
لجم lajama u (lajm) to sew (هـ s.th.) II and IV to bridle, rein in (هـ a horse); to restrain, curb, hold down, silence (ه s.o.); to put the bridle (ه on s.o.) VIII to be bridled, be curbed, be tamed, be harnessed (e.g., energies)
لجام liillm pl. الجمة aljima, لجم lujum bridle, rein
ملجوم maljūm and ملجم muljam bridled, curbed, harnessed
لجن lajina a (lajn) to cling, adhere, stick (ب to)
لجنة lajna pl. -āt, لجان lijān, لجن lijan board, council, commission, committee | لجنة التحقيق investigating committee; لجنة ادارية (idārīya) administrative board, committee of management; لجنة الامتحان board of examiners, examination board; لجنة الانضباط disciplinary board; لجنة تنفيذية (tanfīdīya) executive committee; لجنة صلحية (ṣulḥīya) arbitration committee, board of arbitration; لجنة فرعية (far‘īya) subcommittee; لجنة قارة (مستديمة ) (qārra, mustadīma) standing committee, permanent committee; لجنة المراقبة l. al-mūrāqaba board of directors
لجين lujain silver
لجيني lujainī silvery
لح laḥḥa (laḥḥ) to be close (relationship) IV to implore, beseech, request with urgency; to insist (في on); to beس et, importune, pester, harass (على s.o.); to urge, press (ب or في على s.o. to do s.th.)
لحح laḥiḥ and لاح close, narrow
لحوح laḥūḥ obstinate, stubborn, persistent
ملحاح milḥāḥ obstinate, stubborn, persistent; importunate, obtrusive
الحاح ilḥāḥ urging, pressing, urgency, insistence; emphasis; urgent solicitation, earnest request | بإلحاح or في إلحاح insistently, earnestly, urgently
ملح muliḥḥ pressing, urgent; persistent; insistent, emphatic; importunate, obtrusive
لاحب lāḥib open, passable (road); o electrode
لحج laḥaj2 Lahej (sultanate and city in the Aden Protectorate)
لحد laḥada a (laḥd) to dig a grave; to bury, inter (ه s.o.); to deviate from the right course, digress from the straight path; to abandon one’s faith, apostatize, become a heretic; to lean, incline, tend (الى to) IV = I; VIII to deviate, digress; to abandon one’s faith, apostatize, become a heretic or unbeliever; to be inclined, lean, incline, tend (الى to)
لحد laḥd pl. لحود luḥūd, ألحاد alḥād grave, tomb; (ancient meaning: charnel vault with a niche for the corpse in the lateral wall)
لحاد laḥḥād gravedigger
إلحاد ilḥād apostasy; heterodoxy, heresy
إلحادي ilḥādī of or pertaining to godlessness
ملحد mulḥid heretical, unbelieving; -- (pl. -ūn, ملاحدة malāḥida) apostate, renegade; heretic
لحس laḥasa a (laḥs) to eat away (هـ s.th., esp. a moth the wool), devour (هـ s.th.); -- laḥisa a (laḥs, لحسة laḥsa, luḥsa, ملحس malḥas) to lick (هـ s.th.); to lick up, lap up, lick out (هـ s.th.)
ملحوس malḥūs licked; (eg.) imbecilic
لحظ laḥaẓa a (laḥẓ, لحظان laḥaẓān) to regard, view, eye (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), look (هـ, ه at); to notice, see, perceive, observe (هـ s.th., ان that) III to regard, view, eye (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), look (هـ, ه at); to see, behold (ه s.o.), catch light (ه of); to notice, perceive, observe (ان that, هـ s.th.); to remark, say, make the remark (ان that); to consider, bear in mind, observe, heed, take into consideration (هـ s.th.); to pay attention (هـ to); to supervise, superintend (هـ s.th.) | لاحظ عليه شيئا to observe or notice s.th. in s.o.; مما يلاحظ ان mimmā yulāḥaẓu anna it will be noticed that ..., obviously ..., evidently ...
لحظ laḥẓ pl. الحاظ alḥāẓ look, glance
لحظة laḥẓa pl. laḥaẓāt (quick or casual) look, glance, glimpse; moment, instant | اللحظة الراهنة the present moment, the immediate present; في لحظة in a moment, instantly; في هذه اللحظة at that moment; لحظات laḥaẓātin for a few moments
لحظتئذ laḥẓata’idin at that moment
ملاحظة mulāḥaẓa pl. -āt seeing, noticing, perception; observation; remark, comment, casual statement, note; observance, heed, notice, attention, consideration; supervision, superintendence, surveillance, control | ذو ملاحظة considerable, notable
لاحظة lāḥẓa pl. لواحظ lawāḥiz2 eye; look, glance
ملحوظ malḥūẓ noted, noteworthy, remarkable
ملحوظة malḥūẓa pl. -āt observation; remark; note
ملاحظ mulāḥiẓ director, superintendent; overseer, supervisor, foreman
ملاحظ mulāḥaẓ: والملاحظ ان obviously ..., evidently ...
لحف laḥafa a (laḥf) to cover, wrap (ه s.o.) IV do.; to request or demand urgently V and VIII to wrap o.s. (ب in), cover s.o. (ب with)
لحف liḥf foot of a mountain
لحاف liḥāf pl. لحف luḥuf (also الحفة alḥifa) cover, blanket; bedcover, counterpane, coverlet, quilt, comforter, wrap
ملحف milḥah and ملحفة milḥafa pl. ملاحف malāḥif2 cover, blanket; wrap
الحاف ilḥāf importunity (of a petitioner)
ملتحف multaḥif wrapped (ب in), covered (ب with)
لحق laḥiqa a (laḥq, لحاق laḥaq) to catch up (ب or ه with s.o.), overtake (ب or s.o.), to reach (هـ, ب s.th.); to catch, make (هـ, ب e.g., a train), to touch (ب s.th.); to cling, adhere, attach o.s., stick, hang on, keep close (ب to s.o.), to join (ب s.o.), come along (ب with s.o.), to follow, succeed (ب s.o.), to unite (ب with); to betake o.s., go (ب to), to enter (بمدرسة bi-madrasatin a school, بخدمة bi-kidmatin a service, لحق بخدمته to take up a position with s.o., enter the services of s.o.), to overcome, befall, affect, afflict (ه s.o.; disease, fear, loss, and the like), come, descend (ه upon s.o., calamity, etc.), to be incumbent (ه upon s.o.), be imperative (ه for) III to follow (ه s.o.); to go after s.o. (ه ), trail, pursue, chase (ه s.o.) IV to attach, affix, join, subjoin, append, annex, add (ب هـ s.th. to). enclose (ب هـ s.th. in); to connect (ب هـ s.th. with); to increase, augment (هـ ب s.th. by), to take in all a member, admit (ب ه s.o. to an organization, and the like), enroll (ب ه s.o. in), to inflict (هـ ب upon s.o. or s.th. s.th.), cause (هـ ب s.o. or s.th. s.th., esp. damage); pass. ulḥiqa to be admitted (ب to an organization, a society, etc.), become a member (ب of), enter (ب a service) VI to follow in close succession; to pursue or chase each other, to blend into a continuous sequence, pass insensibly into each other VIII to reach (ب s.th. or s.o.); to catch up (ب with), overtake (ب s.th. or s.o.); to join (ب s.o.), go or come along (ب with), to enter (ب a service, a school, a university), join (ب an army, an organization, etc.), become a member (ب of), to matriculate (ب at a university), enroll (ب in a faculty), to take up (ب a position, a job), to be attached (ب to), be connected, be affiliated (ب with), to be attached, devoted, loyal | التحقبالحكومة to go into government service X to annex (هـ s.th.)
لحق pl. الحاق alḥāq cultivable alluvial soil left behind by a flood
لحقي laḥaqī: مواد لحقية (mawādd) detritus (geol.), alluvium, alluvial residues
لحاق liḥāq accession (ب to), entry, entrance (ب to, into), joining (ب of), enrollment (ب in), membership (ب in)
ملاحقة mulāḥaqa pl. -āt pursuit, chase; legal prosecution
الحاق ilḥāq joining, junction, subjunction, attachment, appending, affixation, affixture, addition, annexation; admission (ب to an organization, and the like), enrollment (ب in an association, and the like), political annexation
التحق iltiḥāq entering (ب of), entry, entrance (y to office. into a school. etc.), joining (ب of), affiliation (ب with); accession (ب to)
استلحاق istilḥāq annexation; avowal of paternity (jur.)
لاحق lāḥiq reaching; overtaking; subsequent, following; added, affixed, appended, subjoined, attached, joined, connected | سابقا – لاحقا sābiqan – lāḥiqan previously -- later on, at first -- subsequently
لاحقة lāḥiqa pl. لواحق lawāḥiq2 appendage, appurtenance, adjunct; pl. acceasories, appurtenances, adjuncts, dependencies
ملحق mulḥaq added, affixed, appended, attached, subjoined (ب to s.th.), enclosed (ب in s.th.); adjoining, adjacent, contiguous; written or printed in the margin, marginal; appertaining, appurtenant, incident, pertinent, accompanying; incorporated, annexed; supplement; -- (pl. -āt, ملاحق malāḥiq2) appendix; addition, addendum, postscript; supplement, extra sheet (of a newspaper, periodical, book); enclosure (in a letter); appendage; pendant, locket; tag, label; trailer (of a truck, etc.); annex, subsidiary building, wing or addition to a building; -- (pl. -ūn) attaché; assistant; pl. ملحقات also: annexed provinces, dependent territories, dependencies | ملحق بحري (baḥrī) naval attaché; ملحق تجاري (tijārī) commercial attaché; ملحق جوي (jawwī) air attaché; ملحق عسكري (‘askarī) or ملحق حربي (ḥarbī) military attaché; ملحق صحفي (ṣuḥufī) press attaché; ملحق فخري (fakrī) titular attaché
متلاحق mutalāḥiq successive, consecutive, uninterrupted. continuous | متلاحق الحركة m. al-ḥaraka in continuous motion
لحم laḥama u (laḥm) to mend, patch, weld, solder (up) (هـ s.th.); -- laḥima a to get stuck II to solder (هـ s.th.) VI to join in battle, engage in a mutual massacre; to cling together, cleave together, stick together, hang together, cohere; to hold firmly together; to be joined, united VIII to adhere, cleave, stick (ب to); to be in immediate contact (ب with); to cling (ب to), fit closely (ب s.th.); to grapple, fight, struggle (in a clinch or in close combat); to cling together, cleave together, cohere; to stick together; to be interjoined, intermesh, be closely united; to close, heal up, sear over, cicatrize (wound)
لحم laḥm pl. لحوم luḥūm, لحام liḥām flesh; meat | بلحمه وشحمه (šaḥmihī) in his real human form; لحما ودما (daman) dyed in the wool, inveterate
لحمة laḥma (n. un.) a piece of flesh or meat
لحمة laḥma, luḥma pl. لحم luḥam woof, weft (of a fabric); decisive factor, motif; luḥma relationship, kinship
لحمية laḥmīya conjunctiva
لحم laḥm fleshy, corpulent; carnivorous
لحام liḥām pl. -āt soldering; welding; soldered seam, soldered joint; solder
لحام laḥḥām butcher; solderer; welder
لحيم laḥīm fleshy
لحامة laḥāma fleshiness, corpulence
ملحمة malḥama pl. ملاحم malāḥim2 bloody fight, slaughter, massacre, fierce battle
شعر ملحمي ši‘r malḥamī heroic poem
التحام iltiḥām close union; cohesion; conjunction, union, connection, coherence; adhesion (phys.); grapple, struggle, fight, close combat
ملتحمة multaḥima conjunctiva
لحن laḥana a (laḥn, لحون luḥūn, لحانة laḥāna) to speak ungrammatical Arabic (interspersed with barbarisms); -- laḥina a to be intelligent II to chant, psalmodize; to intone, strike up a melody; to set to music, compose (هـ s.th.)
لحن laḥn pl. الحان alḥān, لحون luḥūn air, tune, melody; grammatical mistake, solecism, barbarism
لحن laḥin intelligent, understanding, sensible
تلحين talḥīn pl. تلاحين talāḥīn2 musical composition, musical arrangement
تلحيني talḥīnī singable
ملحون malḥūn incorrect, ungrammatical (language); (magr.) poetry in colloquial language
ملحن mulaḥḥin composer
(لحو and لحي) لحا laḥā (laḥw) and لحى laḥā a (laḥy) to insult, abuse, revile (ه s.o.) VI to call each other names, heap abuses on each other VIII to grow a beard
لحو laḥw and لحي laḥy insult, abuse, invective, vilification, defamation
لحي laḥy, dual: لحيان laḥyān, pl. الح alḥin, لحي luḥīiy jawbone
لحية liḥya pl. لحى luḥan, liḥan beard, whiskers (on cheeks and chin), full beard | اطلق لحيته aṭlaqa liḥyatahū to let one’s beard grow; لحية التيس l. at-tais salsify (Tregopogon porrifolium; bot.)
لحية luḥayya2 Luhaiya (town in NW Yemen, on Red Sea)
لحاء liḥā’ bast
الحى alḥā long-bearded
ملتح multaḥin bearded, having a beard, e.g., ماتح بلحية سوداء (bi-liḥya saudā’) a black-bearded man
لخص II to abridge (هـ s.th.); to summarize, sum up, epitomize, condense, compress (هـ s.th.); to excerpt (هـ s.th.), make an excerpt or extract (هـ of); to give the essence of s.th.; to sketch, outline (هـ s.th.); pass. يلخص yulakkaṣu it can he summed up (في ان to the effect that) V to he summarized, be epitomized, be condensed, be summed up (في in), amount briefly (في to), be in its essence (في s.th.), narrow down (في to)
تلخيص talkīṣ abridgement; condensation; summary, resume; epitome, abstract, synopsis, outline; brier, abort report
ملخص mulakkaṣ abridged, excerpted, summarized, condensed; (pl. -āt) extract, excerpt, essence, gist
لخلخ laklaka to shake, shake off (هـ s.th.) II talaklaka to shake, totter
ملخلخ mulaklak shaky, unsteady, tottering
لخمة lakama, lukama sluggish; gauche, awkward, clumsy
لخن lakan putrid stench
لخن alkan2, f. لخناء laknā’2, pl. لخن lukn stinking; uncircumcized (as an abusive term)
1 لدة lida see ولد
2 اللد al-lidd Lydda (city and international airport in W Israel)
3 لد ladda a (ladd) to dispute violently, have a fierce quarrel (ه with s.o.) II to defame, slander (ب s.o.); to bewilder, perplex, nonplus V to turn helplessly right and left, be bewildered, perplexed, confused; to be headstrong, recalcitrant
لدد ladad vehement quarrel, violent dispute
لدود ladūd, الد aladd2, f. لداء laddā’2, pl. لد ludd, لداد lidād, الداء aliddā’2 fierce, grim, dogged, tough | عدو الد (‘adūw) mortal enemy, archenemy, foe; عدو لدود do.
متلدد mutaladdid obstinate, recalcitrant, headstrong, rebellious
لدغ ladaga u (ladg) to sting, bite (snake, s.o.); to taunt, hurt, offend (ه s.o.)
لدغة ladga sting; bite
لديغ ladīg pl. لدغاء ludagā’2, لدغى ladgā stung; bitten
1 لدن laduna u (لدانة ladāna, لدونة ludūna) to be soft, supple, pliant, flexible, resilient, elastic II to soften (هـ s.th.); to mollify, attenuate, temper, ease, mitigate, alleviate (هـ s.th.)
لدن ladn pl. لدن ludn, لدان lidān soft, gentle; pliant, pliable, flexible, supple, resilient, elastic; plastic
لادن lādan, lādin laudanum
لدانة ladāna and لدونة ludūna softness, pliability, flexibility, suppleness, plasticity, resilience, elasticity
لدائن ladā’in2 plastics
2 لدن ladun (prep.) at, by, near, close to; in the presence of, in front of, before, with; in possession of; من لدن from, on the part of; since; -- (conj.) since, from the moment when; لدن ان do.
لدني ladunī (i.e. من لدن الله ) mystic; العلم اللدني (‘ilm), العلوم اللدنية knowledge imparted directly by God through mystic intuition (in Sufism)
لدى ladā (prep.) at, by (place and time); in the presence of, in front of, before, with | لدى الحاجة in case of need, if necessary; لديه ladaihi he has; ما لديك the condition you are in, your state of mind; ليس لدينا غيرما (gairu) we know no more than what ...
لذ ladda (1st pers. perf. ladidtu) a (لذاذ ladad, لذاذة ladāda) to be sweet, delicious, delightful, pleasant, gratify the senses II and IV to please, gratify, delight (ه s.o.); to give pleasure (ه to s.o.) V and VIII to be pleased, delighted (ب at), delight, revel, take pleasure (ب in), be gratified (ب by); to find (هـ s.th.) delicious or pleasant, take delight (هـ in), enjoy, savor, relish (هـ s.th.) X to find delicious or pleasant (هـ s.th.); to find delightful (هـ s.th.); to take pleasure (هـ in)
لذة ladda pl. -āt joy, rapture, bliss; pleasure, enjoyment, delectation, delight; sensual delight, lust, voluptuousness
لذيذ ladīd pl. لذ ludd, لذاذ lidād delicious, delightful; pleasant; beautiful, wonderful, splendid, magnificent; sweet
لذاذة ladāda pl. لذائذ ladā’id2 sweetness; charm; bliss; rapture; enjoyment, delectation; pleasure, delight
ملذة maladda pl. -āt, ملاذ malādd2 joy, pleasure, amenity, comfort; delightfulness, enjoyment, delectation; voluptuousness
متلذذ mutaladdid epicure
لذع lada‘a a (lad‘) to burn (هـ s.th.); to brand, cauterize (ه s.o.); to hurt (with words), insult, offend (ه s.o.) V to burn
لذع lada‘ burning, combustion; conflagration, fire | لذع البنادق rifle fire
لذاع laddā‘ burning; very hot, scorching; pungent, acrid, sharp; biting (words)
لوذع lauda‘ and لوذعي lauda‘ī sagacious, ingenious, witty, quick-witted, quick at repartee
لوذعية lauda‘īya sagacity, ingenuity, esprit, wit, quick-wittedness, mental alertness
لاذع lādi‘ burning; pungent, acrid, biting; sharp
لاذعة lādi‘a pl. لواذع lawādi‘2 gibe, taunt
اللاذقية al-lādiqīya Latakia, the ancient Laodicea (seaport in W Syria)
1 لذي ladiya a (ladan) to adhere, cleave (ب to)
2 الذي look up alphabetically
لز lazza (1st pers. perf. lazaztu) u (lazz, لزز lazaz, لززاز lizāz) to tie (ب ه s.th. to), connect or join firmly, unite (ب ه s.th. with), make (هـ s.th.) stick (ب to) II to connect or join firmly, press together (هـ s.th.); to cram together; to urge, press, coerce (الى ه s.o. to) VI to be crammed together; to lie close together V and VIII to be united, joined, connected (ب with); to adhere, cleave, stick (ب to)
لز lazz and لزة lazza U bolt, staple, cramp
ملزز mulazzaz crammed together; closely united; firm, solid, compact
لزب lazaba u (لزوب luzūb) to be firm, be firmly fixed, hold fast; to adhere, cleave, cling (ب to); to stick (ب to); -- laziba a (lazab) to cohere, cleave together, stick together
لزب lazib pl. لزاب lizāb little
لزبة lazba pl. لزب lizab misfortune, calamity
لازب lāzib sticking, adhering, clinging; firm, firmly fixed | صار ضربة لازب (ḍarbata l.) to become necessary, indispensable; ضرب ضربة لازب (ḍuriba) to meet with grave misfortune, be stricken by disaster
لزج lazija a (lazaj, لزوج luzūj) to be sticky, ropy, gluey, viscid; to stick, cling, get stuck (ب to)
لزج lazij sticky, gluey, ropy, viscid; adhesive
لزوجة luzūja stikiness, glueyness, ropiness, viscidity
لزق laziqa a (لزوق luzūq) to adhere, cling, cleave, stick, (ب to) II to affix, post (هـ s.th.); to stick on, paste on (هـ s.th.); to paste together (هـ s.th.); (eg.) to palm off, foist (هـ ل s.th. on s.o.) IV to Palte on, stick on, affix (هـ s.th.) VIII = I
لزق lizq adjoining, adjacent, contiguous | لزقه lizqahū or بلزقه close to his side, cose by
لزق laziq sticky, gluey
لزقة lazqa compress, stupe; plaster
لزاق lizāq adhesive, agglutinant, glue, cement, paste
لزوق lazūq and لازوق lāzūq compress, stupe; plaster, adhesive plaster, court plaster
لزم lazima a (لزوم luzūm) to cling, adhere, belong (هـ to), attend, accompany (هـ s.th.); to persist, persevere (هـ in), stick, keep (هـ to), keep doing (هـ s.th.);to adhere, be attached, keep close, stick (ه to s.o.); to be inseparable (هـ, ه from s.o., from s.th.); to stay permanently (هـ in); to be necessary; to be requisite, imperative, indispensable (ه for s.o.); to be incumbent (ه upon s.o.), be s.o.’s (ه ) duty | لزم داره (فراشة ) to stay at home (in bed); لزم الصمت (ṣamta) to keep went, maintain silence III to attend, accompany (هـ s.th.); to adhere, stick, keep (هـ to); to pursue or practice incessantly (هـ s.th.); to be constantly with s.o. or in s.o.’s company (ه ), be constantly around s.o. (ه ) to be assigned (ه to), accompany, attend (ه s.o.); to be inseparable (ه, هـ from s.th., from s.o.); to keep doing (هـ s.th.), persist, persevere (هـ in); to work with perseverance, display sustained activity (هـ for) IV to force, compel (هـ ه s.o. to); to force, press (هـ ه , also ب ه upon s.o. s.th.); to enjoin, impose as a duty (هـ ه , also ب ه on s.o. s.th.), obligate (هـ ه , also ب ه s.o. to or to do s.th.) | الزمه الحجة (ḥujja) to force proof on s.o., force s.o. to accept an argument; الزمه الفراش to confine s.o. to bed, compel s.o. to my in bed (of a disease); الزمه المال (or بالمال ) to impose the payment of a sum on s.o. VI to be attached or devoted to each other, be inseparable VIII to adhere, stick, keep, hang on (هـ to); to keep doing (هـ s.th.), persist, persevere (هـ in), keep up, maintain preserve (هـ s.th.), abide (هـ by); to take upon o.s. (هـ s.th.); to make a rule (هـ of s.th.), make (هـ s.th.) one’s duty, impose upon o.s. (هـ s.th.); to assume as a duty (ب or هـ s.th.); to undertake, obligate o.s., bind o.s., pledge (ب or هـ to do s.th.); to be in duty bound, be obligated or under obligation, be or become liable (ب or هـ to do s.th.); to be forced, be compelled (ب or a to do s.th.); to be responsible (ب or هـ for); to take over the monopoly (هـ of s.th.), monopolize, farm (هـ e.g., the levying of tax..) X to deem necessary (هـ s.th.); to necessitate, make necessary or requisite (a s.th.); to require, need (هـ s.th.), call (هـ for), be in need (هـ of s.th.)
لزمة lazma pl. -āt official concessions, license, franchise
لزوم luzūm necessity, exigency, requirement; need, want | حسب اللزوم ḥasaba l-l. as required, as the occasion demands; عند اللزوم in case of need, when (if) necessary, if need be; بسكويت لزوم السفر بالبحر (l. as-safar bi-l-baḥr) biscuit for the voyage
لزام lizām necessary, requisite; necessity, duty, obligation | كان لزاما عليه ان to be s.o.’s duty to ..., be necessary for s.o. that he ...
الزم alzam2 more necessary, most necessary
ملزمة malzama pl. ملازم malāzim2 section, signature (of a book, = 16 octavo sheets)
ملزمة milzama pl. ملازم malāzim2 vise; press
ملازمة mulāzama adhesion, clinging, sticking; remaining, staying, dwelling; close attachment; dependence; inseparableness, inherence, intrinsicality; following, pursuit, pursuance; perseverance, assiduity, zeal
الزام ilzām coercion, compulsion
الزامي ilzāmī forced, compulsory, obligatory, required
التزام iltizām pl. -āt necessity; duty, obligation, commitment, liability; engagement (philos. ); contract; farming of taxes, farmage; concession, license, franchise; monopoly; التزاما iltizāman by contract, by the job | قام بالتزاماته to meet one’s obligations
لازم lāzim inherent, intrinsic, inseparable, indissoluble; necessary, requisite, imperative, indispensable, unavoidable, inevitable, inescapable; incumbent, binding, obligatory; intransitive (gram.); legally binding, irrevocable (Isl. Law) | كالازم as it must be, comme il faut, properly
لازمة lāzima fixed attribute, inherent property; standing phrase (of s.o.)
لوازم lawāzim2 (pl.) necessary, inseparable attributes or manifestations; necessities, exigencies, requirements; necessaries, requisites; necessaries, fixtures
ملزوم malzūm obligated, under obligation, liable | ملزوم بالأداء (adā’) liable for taxes, taxable
ملزومية malzūmīya duty, obligation, commitment, liability
ملازم mulāzim tenacious (with foil. gen. it.: of), clinging, keeping, sticking (with foll. genit.: to); persevering, persisting, remaining, abiding; inseparable; closely connected, or attached; attending, accompanying; adhering; adherent, follower, partisan; second lieutenant (U.A.R., Tun.) | ملازم اول (awwal; U.A.R., Leb., Jord., Ir.) first lieutenant; ملازم ثان (tānin; Leb., Jord., Ir., formerly also Eg., syr.) second lieutenant
ملتزم multazim engaged, committed, under obligation; holder of a concession or monopoly; tax farmer; concessionaire, concessionary; contractor
ملتزم multazam pl. -āt requirement
مستلزمات mustalzamāt requirements, prerequisites, requisites; necessary or inevitable consequences
لستك lastik and لستيك lastīk rubber; eraser
لسع lasa‘a a (las‘) to sting (ه s.o.); to burn
(هـ s.th., e.g., the mouth); to hurt (with words; ه s.o.)
لسعة las‘a sting, bite; biting words
لسيع lasī‘ pl. لسعى las‘ā, لسعاء lusa‘ā’2 stung
لاسع lāsi‘ stinging; burning; biting, acrid, pungent, sharp
لسن lasina a (lasan) to be eloquent II to point, taper, sharpen (هـ s.th.)
لسن lasan eloquence
لسن lasin and السن alsan2, f. لسناء lasnā’2, pl. السن alsun eloquent
لسان lisān m. and f. , pl. السنة alsina, السن alsun tongue; language; mouthpiece (fig.), organ (esp., of a newspaper; = لسان الحال see below) | على لسان from his mouth, through him; على لسان الصحف (l. iṣ-ṣuḥuf) through the organ of the press; قيل على لسانه ما (qīla) things were ascribed to him which ..., he was rumored to have said things which ...; لسان رسمي (rasmī) official organ; متحدث بلسان وزارة الخارجية (mutaḥaddit) a spokesman of the Foreign Ministry; باللسان or لسانا lisānan orally, verbally; دار على السن الخاص والعام (a. il-kāṣṣ wa-l-‘āmm) to be the talk of the town, be on everyone’s lips; لسان الثور l. at-taur borage (Borago officinalis; bot.); لسان الحال the language which things themselves speak, silent language, mute expression (as distinguished from the spoken word); organ (of a party or political movement; a newspaper); ولسان حاله يقول while he seemed to say ..., with an expression as if he wanted to say ...; لسان الحمل l. al-ḥamal plantain (Plantago major L.; bot.); لسان العصفر l. al-‘uṣfur common ash (Fraxinus excelsior; bot.); لسان القفل l. al-qufl bolt of the lock; لسان القوم l. al-qaum spokesman (of a crowd); لسان الكلب l. al-kalb hound’s-tongue (Cynoglossum; bos.); (eg.) also a variety of scorpion’s tail (Scorpiurus muricatus L.; bot.), having circinately coiled pods; لسان المفتاح l. al-miftāḥ bit of the key; ذو لسانين dū lisanain double-tongued, deceitful, insincere, two-faced
لساني lisānī oral, verbal
ملسون malsūn liar
لشبونة lišbōna2 Lisbon (capital of Portugal)
(لشى *; from lā šai’a:) III to suppress, crush, destroy, ruin, annihilate (. s.th.) VI to be suppressed, be crushed, be destroyed, be annihilated; to come to nothing, be ruined, be frustrated, fail; to disappear, vanish, dwindle, wane, fade
ملاشاة mulāšāh annihilation, destruction
تلاش talāšin annihilation, ruin, failure, frustration; disappearance, evanescence, vanishing, waning, decline
متلاش mutalāšin coming to nothing, dwindling, waning; destructible; evanescent, transient, ephemeral
لص laṣṣa u (laṣṣ) to do stealthily or secretly (هـ s.th.); to rob, steal (هـ s.th.) V to become a thief; to act stealthily
لص liṣṣ pl. لصوص luṣūṣ, الصاص alṣāṣ thief, robber
لصوصية luṣūṣīya thievery, theft, robbery
متلصص mutalaṣṣiṣ behaving like a thief, thievish | اتى متلصصا الى (atā) to steal to, sneak up to
لصق laṣiqa a (laṣq, لصوق luṣūq) to adhere, cleave, cling, stick (ب to) II to paste together, stick together (هـ s.th.) III to adjoin (هـ s.th.), be next (هـ to s.th.), be contiguous (with), abut (هـ on), touch (هـ s.th.); to be in touch, in connection, in contact (ه with s.o.) IV to attach, affix, stick, paste, glue (ب هـ s.th. to); to connect (ب هـ s.th. with), join ( s.th. to); to bring (هـ s.th.) close (ب to); to press (ب هـ s.th. against) | الصق لوحة (lauḥa) to post a placard; الصق به تهمة (tuhma) to raise an accusation against s.o. VI to cleave together, cling together, cohere, stick together; to agglomerate, conglomerate, cake, frit together; to blend, pass into each other VIII = I; to hang on (ب to), get stuck (ب to, on); to fit closely (ب s.th.), cling (ب to)
لصق liṣq adhering, clinging, cleaving | لصق close to him (or it); هو بلصقي (لصقي ) he and I are inseparable
لصق laṣiq sticky, gluey, glutinous; adhesive, agglutinant; tenacious
لصيق laṣīq one who cleaves or clings (ب to); adjoining, adjacent, bordering, neighboring, abutting, contiguous; close-fitting, skintight (dress)
لصق laṣūq plaster
ملاصقة mulāṣaqa junction, conjunction, connection, contact, union; adjacency, contiguity; O adhesion, cohesion (phys.)
الصاق ilṣāq poster, bill
تلاصق talāṣuq and التصاق iltiṣāq cohesion, adhesion; contiguity, contact; coherence
ملاصق mulāṣiq adjoining, adjacent, abutting, contiguous, bordering, neighboring, in close contact; companion; neighbor; adherent
ملصق mulṣaq attached, affixed; stuck on, pasted on, glued on; fastened; brought close; connected, joined; (pl. -āt) poster, bill, placard
متلاصق mutalāṣiq cohering, sticking together; blending, passing into each other
ملتصق multaṣiq attached, affixed, adhesive, sticking; adjoining, adjacent, bordering, neighboring; contiguous, connected, meeting or touching each other, in contact; in the immediate proximity (ب of), close to (ب )
ملضوم malḍūm de (row), close (rank)
لطخ laṭaka a (laṭk) to stain, blot, sully, soil, spatter, splash (ب هـ s.th. with) II do. V to he soiled or stained
لطخة laṭka pl. laṭakāt smear, blotch, spot; stain, blemish, blot, disgrace
لطخة luṭaka pl. -āt and لطيخ liṭṭīk ass, dolt, fool
لطس laṭasa u (laṭs) to strike, hit (ه s.o.)
ملطاس milṭās pl. ملاطيس malāṭīs2 pickax
لطش laṭaša u (laṭš) to strike, hit (ه s.o.)
لطع laṭa‘a a (laṭ‘) to strike, hit (ه s.o.); to strike out, erase (هـ s.th.)
لطعة laṭ‘a blot, stain
لطف laṭafa u (luṭf) to be kind and friendly (ب or ل to, toward s.o.); -- laṭufa u (لطافة laṭāfa) to be thin, fine, delicate, dainty; to be graceful; to be elegant; to be nice, amiable, friendly II to make mild, soft, gentle, soften (هـ s.th.); to mitigate, alleviate, ease, soothe, allay, palliate, assuage, extenuate (هـ s.th.; also من ); to moderate, temper, lessen, diminish, reduce (هـ s.th.; also من ); to tone down (هـ s.th.; also من ) III to treat with kindness, with benevolence (ه s.o.); to be civil and polite (ه to, toward s.o.); to be complaisant, obliging, indulgent, compliant (ه toward s.o.), humor (ه s.o.); to flatter (ه s.o.), fawn (ه upon); to caress, fondle, pet (ه s.o.) | لاطفه على كتفه (katifihī) to pat s.o. on the shoulder
V to be mitigated, be tempered, be moderated; to be civil and polite, show o.s. friendly and kind, be so kind as to do s.th. (ب ); to bestow most kindly, have the kindness to give (ب s.th., also, e.g., advice. على to s.o.); to be tender, affectionate, nice (ب to s.o.); to win (ب s.o.) over by subtle means, by favors, by tricks; to go about s.th. (في or ب ) gently, carefully, with caution; to do secretly, covertly, without being noticed (ب with verbal noun: s.th.) VI to show o.s. friendly and kind; to be polite, courteous, civil, nice X to find (هـ s.th.) pretty, sweet, nice; to like, find pleasant or charming (هـ s.th.)
لطف lutf pl. الطاف alṭāf kindness, benevolence, friendliness; gentleness, mildness; civility, courteousness, politeness; daintiness, cuteness, gracefulness; delicateness, delicate grace (e.g., of the limbs) | بلطف gently, softly
لطافة laṭāfa thinness fineness, delicateness; gracefulness, loveliness, charm; kindness, benevolence; friendliness; politeness, esprit, intellectual refinement, sophistication; suavity, urbaneness
لطيف laṭīf pl. لطاف liṭāf, لطفاء luṭafā‘2 thin; fine; delicate, dainty; little, small, insignificant; gentle, soft, light, mild; pleasant, agreeable; amiable, friendly, kind, nice; civil, courteous, polite; affable, genial; pretty, charming, lovely, graceful; intellectually refined, full of esprit, brilliant, witty; elegant; اللطيف the Kind (one of the attributes of God) | يا لطيف O my God! good heavens! for goodness sake! الجنس اللطيف (jins) the fair sex
لطيفة laṭīfa pl. لطائف laṭā’if2 witticism, quip; joke, jest; subtlety, nicety | لطائف الحيل l. al-ḥiyal subtle tricks; لطائف النكات l. an-nukāt nice jokes
الطف alṭaf2 finer; more delicate; kinder, nicer, more elegant
ملاطفة mulāṭafa amiable treatment, amiability; civility, courteousness, politeness; friendliness; benevolence, kindness; caress; pl. -āt caresses
تلطف talaṭṭuf friendliness (ب toward s.o.), amiability; favoring, favoritism; civility, courteousness, politeness
ملطفات mulaṭṭafāt sedatives
لطم laṭama i (laṭm) to strike with the hand (هـ the face, with despair, in lamentation); to slap (ه s.o.); to jolt; to eject; to bump, strike (هـ against s.th.); to hit (هـ s.th.) VI to exchange blows, fight, brawl, battle (hostile armies); to collide, clash (waves) VIII to collide, clash
لطمة laṭma pl. laṭamāt blow; slap, box on the ear; jolt, thrust
لطيم laṭīm parentless
ملطم malṭam cheek
متلطم multaṭam clash (esp., of waves), tumult, turmoil (of a battle, and the like), melee
لظي laẓiya a (لظى laẓan) to burn brightly, flare, flame, blaze, be ablaze; to burn with rage V and VIII do.
لظى laẓan blazing fire, blaze, flame
لعب la‘aba and la‘iba a (la‘b) to slaver; to slobber, drool (baby); -- la‘iba a (lu‘b, li‘b, la‘ib, تلعاب tal‘āb) to play (ب with s.th.; على an instrument); to toy ( with); to dally (ب with); to trick, cheat, deceive, dupe (على s.o.) | لعب الأوراق (aurāqa) to play cards; لعب دورا (dauran) to play a part or role; لعب الموسيقى to make music; لعب بالشطرنج (šaṭranj) to play chess; لعبت به الهموم he became the sport of sorrows; لعب في عقله (‘aqlilhī) to turn s.o.’s head II to make (هـ s.th.) play, set (هـ s.th.) going; to wag (هـ the tail) III to play (ه with s.o.); to have fun, play around, jest, dally, trifle (ه with s.o.) IV to make play, cause to play (ه s.o.) V to play, act playfully VI to play (ب with s.th.); to make fun (ب of s.o.), mock (ب at s.o.); to pull s.o.’s (ب ) leg; to playa trick; to act fraudulently
لعب la‘b, li‘b, la‘ib pl. العاب al‘āb play; game, joke, jest; (un, amusement, diversion, pastime, sport | لعب القمار gambling, gamble; الألعاب الاولمبية the Olympic Games; ألعاب رياضية (riyāḍīya) athletics, sports; ألعاب سحرية (siḥrīya) legerdemain, sleight of hand, magic; العاب القوى a. as-quwā athletics, specif., track and
field; العاب نارية (nārīya) fireworks; ساحة الألعاب athletic field; مدرس الأتعاب mudarris al-a. athletic coach, athletics instructor
لعب la‘ib funny, amusing, merry, gay
لعبة la‘ba (n. un.) game; trick
لعبة lu‘ba pl. لعب lu‘ab plaything, toy; doll; butt for mirth or derision, sport, laughingstock
لعبة lu‘ba, لعاب la‘‘āb and لعيب li‘‘īb very playful
لعاب lu‘āb saliva, spittle; slaver, drivel | لعاب الشمس l. aš-šams gossamer, air threads; سال لعابه على his mouth watered for …
لعابي lu‘ābī salivary; mucous, slimy
لعيبة lu‘aiba pl. -āt (little) doll
لعوب la‘ūb flighty, coquettish, flirtatious (woman); playful, dallying, trifling
العوبة ul‘ūba pl. الاعيب alā‘īb2 plaything, toy; play, sport, dalliance; fun; prank; trick
ملعب mal‘ab pl. ملاعب malā‘ib2 playground; athletic field, stadium; playhouse, theater; scene; circus ring; pl. ملاعب malā‘ib matches, contests, events (in sports)
ملعبة mal‘aba plaything, toy
تلاعب talā‘ub game (e.g., of a speculator, of a gambler), gamble; free play | مجال التلاعب (majāl) free play, free scope, elbow-room; latitude, margin; clearance
لاعب lā‘ib playing; player; sportsman; athlete; gymnast | لاعب الجنباز l. al-jumbāz gymnast, athlete
ملعوب mal‘ūb pl. ملاعيب malā‘īb2 covered with spittle; slobbering, driveling, drooling; prank, trick, ruse, artifice
ملاعب mulā‘ib fellow player; playmate, playfellow; fraudulent
لعثم II tala‘tama to hesitate; to falter, stutter, stammer
لعثمة la‘tama and لعثم tala‘tum hesitation; stuttering, stutter
متلعثم mutala‘tim and متلعثم اللسان m. al-lisān stammering, stuttering
لعج la‘aja a (la‘j) to hurt, be sore, burn III to oppress, distress, agonize (ه s.o.)
لعجة la‘ja pain
لاعج lā‘ij pl. لواعج lawā‘ij2 ardent, burning (esp., love); pl. لواعج ardent love, ardor (of love)
العس al‘as2, f. لعساء la‘sā’2 red-lipped
لعق la‘iqa a (la‘q, لعقة la‘qa, lu‘qa) to lick (هـ s.th.)
لعقة la‘qa spoonful
لعوق la‘ūq electuary
ملعقة mil‘aqa pl. ملاعق malā‘iq2 spoon | ملعقة شاي teaspoon
1 لعل la‘l garnet (min.)
2 لعل la‘alla see2 عل
لعلع la‘la‘a to resound, reverberate, clang, roar, boom II tala‘la‘a to shimmer, glimmer, gleam, flicker; to be starved; to be parched with thirst; to be exhausted
لعلع la‘la‘ pl. لعالع la‘āli‘2 vibration of fata morgana
لعن la‘ana a (la‘n) to curse, damn, execrate (ه s.o.), utter imprecations (ه against s.o.) III to utter the oath of condemnation (لعان li‘ān, q.v.) VI to curse each other
لعن la‘n cursing, execration, malediction
لعنة la‘na pl. la‘anāt, لعان li‘ān curse; execration, imprecation | لعنة الله عليه God’s curse upon him!
لعنة lu‘na damned, cursed, confounded; execrable, abominable
لعان li‘ān oath of condemnation; sworn allegation of adultery committed by either husband or wife (Isl. Law)
لعين la‘īn and ملعون mal‘ūn pl. ملاعين malā‘īn2 cursed; confounded; damned; outcast, execrable; detested, abhorred, abominable; اللعين the Evil One, the Devil
متلاعن mutalā‘in cursing each other, hostile, inimical
لعا لك la‘an laka call to one who has stumbled: may you rise again!
لغوب lugūb, lagub exhaustion, lassitude, fatigue, weariness; great pains, trouble, toil
لاغب lāgib pl. لغب luggab languid, fatigued, weary, tired
لغد lugd pl. الغاد algād, لغود lugūd and لغدود lugdūd pl. لغاديد lagādīd2 flesh at the throat and under the chin
لغز lagaza u (lagz) to speak in riddles; to equivocate III and IV do.
لغز lugz pl. الغاز algāz riddle, puzzle; enigma; conundrum; mystery, secret | O لغز الكلمات المتقاطعة l. al-kalimāt al-mutaqāṭi‘a crossword puzzle
ملغز mulgaz puzzling, enigmatic, cryptic, mysterious; dark, obscure, ambiguous, equivocal
لغط lagaṭa a (lagṭ, لغاط ligāṭ) to be clamorous and noisy; to raise a din; to shout, clamor II and IV do.
لغط lagṭ, lagaṭ, pl. الغاط algāṭ noise, din; clamor, shouting; lamentation (عن over or for s.th.) i uproar, turmoil, tumult
2 لغم lagama to mine, plant with mines (هـ s.th.)
لغم lugm, lagam pl. الغام algām mine
لغم lagm and الغام ilgām mining (e.g., of a harbor, of a road, etc.)
2 لغم IV to amalgamate, alloy with mercury
لغام lugām foam, froth
الغام ilgām amalgamation
لغمط lagmaṭa (eg.) to smear, sully, soil
لغا (لغو ) lagā u (lagw) to speak; to be null; -- لغا lagā u (lagw) and لغي lagiya a (لغا lagan, لاغية lāgiya, ملغاة malgāh) to talk nonsense; to make mistakes (in speaking) sV to render ineffectual (هـ s.th.); to declare null and void or invalid, invalidate, nullify, annul, abolish, abrogate, eliminate (هـ s.th.), do away (هـ with s.th.); to cancel (هـ a project); to withdraw (هـ permission, a motion)
لغو lagw foolish talk; nonsense; null, nugatory, ineffectual; mistake, blunder, ungrammatical language
لغة luga pl. -āt language; dialect; idiom; vernacular; lingo, jargon; word; expression, term; اللغة classical Arabic | لغة اجنبية (ajnabīya) foreign language; لغة عامية (‘āmmīya) popular language; لغة الكناية literary language; لغة المحادثة l. al-muḥādata colloquial language; لغة المهنة l. al-mihna professional jargon, slang; لغة المولد l. al-maulid mother tongue; اهل اللغة ahl al-l. philologists, lexicographers; علم اللغة ‘ilm al-l. lexicography, philology, linguistic science, linguistics
لغوة lagwa dialect, idiom, vernacular
لغوي lugawī linguistic; philologic(al); lexicographic(al); philologist, lexicographer, linguist; لغويات linguistic matters, philologica
إلغاء ilgā’ abolishment, abolition, abrogation, repeal, elimination, cancellation, revocation, rescission; annulment, nullification, quashing; countermand
لاغ lāgin abrogated, repealed, annulled, canceled, invalid, ineffective, null and void
لاغية lāgiya grammatical mistake, incorrect usage
ملغى mulgan abrogated, repealed, annulled, canceled, invalid, void; abolished; expired; suppressed; negligible
لف laffa u (laff) to wrap up, roll up, fold up (هـ s.th.); to wind, coil, spool, reel (هـ s.th.); to wind (على هـ s.th. on; على هـ s.th. around), twist, wrap, fold (على هـ s.th. around); to envelop (ب or في هـ s.th. in or with), cover, swathe, swaddle (هـ s.th. ب or في in or with), wrap, infold (ب or في هـ s.th. in); to connect (ب هـ s.th. with), join, attach (ب 0 s.th. to); to grow densely, be overgrown, form a tangled mass; to make a round of calls (على on), visit (على people); (eg.) to go around s.th. (هـ ), go about s.th. (هـ ) in a roundabout way, make a detour, beat about the bush | لف لفه (laffahū) to do just like s.o., be of the same kind as s.o., belong to the same sort as s.o. II to wrap up or infold tightly V to wrap o.s. up (في in), cover o.s. (في with) VIII do.; to wind, twist, coil; to turn, make a turn (automobile, etc.); to intertwine, grow in a tangled mass; to gather, assemble, rally (حول around); to clasp, enclose, encircle, embrace (ب s.th.)
لف laff winding, coiling; wrapping, enfolding; rolling, folding; (eg.) circumambience, circumvention, detour, roundabout way, subterfuge, dodge, excuses; pl. الفاف alfāf swaddling clothes, diapers | اللف والدوران (dawarān) detours and evasions; لف ونشر (našr) folding and unfolding; involution and evolution (rhet.); من غير لف without much ado, without ceremony
لف liff pl. الفاف alfāf densely growing trees; pl. thicket, scrub, undergrowth, brushwood
لفة laffa pl. -āt turn, rotation, revolution; coil, twist, convolution, whorl, spire; winding; roll, scroll; pack, packet, package, bundle, bale; turban | لفة بريدية (barīdīya) postal package; لفات من الرق (raqq) parchment scrolls
لفافة lifāfa pl. -āt, لفائف lafā’if wrapping, covering, cover, envelope; wrapper, wrap; altar cloth, cloth covering the paten and chalice (Copt.-Chr.); bandage; swaddling band; puttee; cigarette (also لفافة من التبغ min at-tibg); pl. لفائف (fig.) guise (of s.th.)
لفيف lafīf gathered, assembled; crowded, thronging; multitude, crowd, swarm, body, cluster, group (من of people); mixed company | لفيف الناس mob, rabble, riffraff; اللفيف الأجنبي (ajnabī) the Foreign Legion
لفيفة lafīfa bundle; package, pocket, pack; cigarette
الف alaff2 f. لفاء laffā’2 stout, plump (figure, body)
ملف milaff pl. -āt reel, spool; coil (el.); winding; wrapping, covering, casing; blanket, sleeping blanket; cover, wrapper, jacket (of a book, etc.); (letter) envelope; folder, portfolio; letter file; dossier | O ملف التأثير induction coil (el.); O ملف ابتدائي (ibtidā’ī) primary coil (el.); O ملف خانق choking coil, choke (el.)
ملفاف milfāf wrapping, covering, cover
تلفيف talfīf pl. تلافيف talāfīf2 winding; coil, twist, convolution, whorl, spire; pl. تلافيف expletive after في , e.g., في تلافيف سويدائها (suwaidā’ihā) in the depth of her heart; في تلافيف الظلام (ẓalām) in the dark; بين تلافيفه in it, inside it, around in it
التفاف iltifāf turn; bypassing, outflanking, sank movement, envelopment, surrounding
ملفوف malfūf wound, coiled; wrapped up (في in); rolled up, rolled together, convolute; twisted, wound (على around); fastened, attached (على to); swathed (ب in or with); plump, stout (body); (syr.) cabbage
ملتف multaff winding, twisting, coiling; wound, coiled; rolled up, rolled together, convolute; spirally wound; intertwined, interwoven, entwined; gathered, assembled, grouped (حول around); clasping, enclosing, embracing, encircling (ب s.th.)
لفت lafata i (laft) and IV to turn, bend, tilt, incline, direct (الى هـ s.th. to or toward), focus (الى هـ s.th. on); to turn sway, avert (عن هـ s.th. from) | لفت نظره الى (naẓarahū), الفت نظره الى to turn one’s eyes or one’s attention to; to direct s.o.’s eyes to, call s.o.’s attention to; لفت النظر to catch the eye, attract attention; to be impressive, stately, imposing; الفت النظر do.; لفت الناس to attract, interest, or captivate people V to turn, turn around, turn one’s face (الى to); to look around, glance around; to peer around | تلفت حوله (ḥaulahū) to look around, glance around; تلفت يمنة ويسرة (yamnatan wa-yasratan) he looked to the right and left VIII to turn, turn around, turn one’s face (الى to); to wheel around, turn around; to address o.s. (الى to); to pay attention, attend (الى to), heed, observe, bear in mind, consider, take into account, take into consideration (الى s.th.); to take care (الى of), care (الى for) | التفت حوله (ḥaulahū) to look around, glance about X to attract (هـ the eye, attention); to claim, arouse, awaken (هـ the interest, the attention, من of s.o.) | استلفت نظره (or انظاره ) to arouse or attract s.o.’s attention, catch s.o.’s eye
لفت lift turnip (Brassica rapa L.; bot.)
لفتة lafta (n. un.) turnabout, about-face; (pl. lalatāt) turn, turning; gesture; sideglance, glance, a furtive, casual, or quick, look
لفات lafāt and لفوت lafūt ill-tempered, surly, sullen
الفت alfat2, f. لفتاء laftā’2, pl. لفت luft left-handed
التفات iltifāt turn, inclination, turning (الى to, toward); attention, notice, heed; regard, consideration; care, solicitude; sudden transition (styl.) | بدون الالتفات bi-dūn l-ilt. inattentive(ly); بدون الالتفات الى inconsiderate of, without consideration for; عدم الالتفات ‘adam al-ilt. inattention; نظر اليه بعين الالتفات (bi-‘ain l-ilt.) to give s.th. sympathetic consideration
استلفاتة istilfāta (n. vic.) a turning (الى to, toward); turn of the face or eyes; side-glance, glance
استلفات istilfāt stimulation of attention
لافتة lāfita sign (bearing an inscription)
ملفت mulfit: ملفت للنظر (naẓar) attracting attention, striking, conspicuous
ملتفت multafit turning around, looking (الى at); regardful; attentive; heedful, careful; considerate
لفح lafaḥa a (lafḥ, لفحان lafaḥān) to burn, scorch, sear (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); -- (lafḥ) to strike lightly; to touch, brush (هـ s.th., e.g., of the breath)
لفحة lafḥa pl. lafaḥāt fire, heat (esp., of fever)
لفوح lafūḥ and لافح lāfiḥ pl. لوافح lawāfiḥ2 burning, scorching, searing
لفاح luffāḥ mandrake (Mandragora officinarum; bot.)
لفظ lafaẓa i (lafz) to emit (ب, هـ s.th.); to spit out (ب, هـ s.th.); to eject (ب, هـ s.th.); to throw (ه s.o.) out (من of); to speak, enunciate, articulate; to pronounce, utter, express, voice, say (ب, ه s.th.) | لفظ النفس الأخير (nafas) to breathe one’s last, die, expire; to be in the throes of death; لفظ انفاسه (anfāsahū) to be in the throes of death, breathe one’s last; لفظه لفظ النواة (lafẓa n-nawāh) to spit s.th. out like a date pit, brush s.th. aside, reject s.th., dismiss s.th. V to pronounce, enunciate, articulate (ب s.th.)
لفظ lafẓ pl. الفاظ alfāẓ sound-group, phonetic complex; expression, term; word; wording; formulation; articulation, enunciation, pronunciation; لفظا verbatim, literally | لفظا ومعنى (ma‘nan) in letter and spirit; أخطأ اللفظ (akṭa’a) to mispronounce
لفظي lafẓī of or pertaining to words, verbal; literal; pronounced; oral
لفظة lafẓa pl. lafaẓāt word; utterance, saying
لفيظ lafīẓ ejected, emitted; pronounced, uttered
تلفظ talaffuẓ pronunciation, enunciation, articulation
ملفوظ malfūẓ ejected, emitted; pronounced, uttered
لفع lafa‘a a (laf‘): لفع الشيب رأسه l. š-šaibu ra’sahū grey hair covered his bead II to cover (هـ s.th., ب with) | لفع الشيب رأسه l. š-šaibu ra’sahū = I; V and VIII to wrap o.s. up (ب in)
ملفع milfa‘ head shawl, muffler
لفق II to invent, fabricate (هـ s.th.); to concoct, contrive, devise, think out (هـ s.th.); to falsify (هـ s.th.); to trump up (هـ s.th.); to patch up, piece together (الى a s.th. with)
تلفيق talfīq invention, fabrication, concoction, fibbing; falsification
تلفيقة talfīqa pl. -āt invented story, fib, yarn
ملفق mulaffaq invented, fabricated, trumped up, fake, fictitious; concocted, contrived, devised; patched up, pieced together; embellished with lies
لفلف laflafa to wrap up, envelop, cover (a s.th.) II talaflafa to wrap o.s. up (في, ب in)
لفو IV to find (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) VI to put right, to right, repair, correct (هـ s.th.); to make good (هـ a deficiency), eliminate, remove (هـ a danger); to remedy (هـ s.th.); to redress (هـ a loss, and the like), make up (هـ for a loss)
ملافاة mulāfāh correction, adjustment, elimination (of a deficiency)
تلاف talāfin repair, correction; elimination, removal (of a deficiency, of a danger); remedy; redress, reparation
لقب II to call, surname (ب ه s.o. by an agnomen or title) V to be surnamed (ب by an agnomen or title)
لقب laqab pl. القاب alqāb agnomen; nickname; title, honorific; last name, surname, family name (as opposed to اسم given name, first name) | لقب البطولة title of champion (in sports)
ملقب mulaqqab surnamed, nicknamed, called (ب by the laqab ...)
لقح laqaḥa a (laqḥ) and II to impregnate, fecundate, pollinate (هـ s.th.); to graft, bud (هـ a tree); to inoculate, vaccinate (ه s.o.) VI to cross-pollinate
لقح laqḥ impregnation, fecundation, pollination
لقاح laqāḥ seed, semen, sperm; pollen; infective agent, virus; vaccine | لقاح الجدري l. al-judarī variolovaccine; O لقاح الوقاية serum
تلقيح talqīḥ impregnation, fecundation, pollination, grafting, budding; inoculation, vaccination | تلقيح الجدرى t. al-judarī vaccination (against smallpox)
دقيق اللواقح daqīq al-lawāqiḥ2 pollen
ملقح mulaqqaḥ inoculated, vaccinated
لقس laqis: لقس النفس l. an-nafs annoyed, cross
لقط laqaṭa u (laqṭ) to gather, collect, pick up from the ground, glean (هـ s.th.) II = I V to gather, glean (هـ s.th.); to pick up (هـ s.th., also, e.g., with the ear) VIII = I; to receive (هـ radio waves, a radio message; to take (هـ a picture; phot.) | التقط صورة (ṣūra) to make a picture
لقط laqaṭ that which ill picked up or gathered, leftovers, gleanings
لقطة luqṭa that which ill picked up or gleaned, gleanings; article or thing found; (lucky) find; (eg.) bargain, pickup
لقاط luqāṭ and لقاطة luqāṭa that which is picked up or gleaned; leftover ears of grain, gleanings; offal, refuse
لقيط laqīṭ pl. لقطاء luqatā’2 picked up, found; foundling
لقيطة laqīṭa (female) foundling
ملقط milqaṭ pl. ملاقط malāqiṭ2 (pair of) tongs, pincers; (pair of) tweezers, pincette; (pair of) pliers | ملقط الجنين forceps; ملقط النار fire tongs
التقاط iltiqāt gathering, collection, gleaning; taking up, picking up; reception (radio) | جهاز الالتقاط jahāẓ al-ilt. receiver (radio)
لاقط lāqiṭ receiving (radio set); gleaner; gatherer | O لاقط الصوت l. aṣ-ṣaut pickup (of a phonograph); phonograph; O لاقطة الألغام mine sweeper
ملتقط multaqiṭ finder
لقع laqa‘a a (laq‘) to throwaway, discard (هـ s.th.)
لقف laqifa a (laqf, لقفان laqatan) to seize quickly, grab, snatch (هـ s.th.); to catch (هـ s.th.); to snatch up, take over (عن هـ s.th. from s.o.) V and VIII do.; to seize (هـ on), rob, usurp (هـ s.th.)
لقلق laqlaqa to clatter (stork); to babble, chatter, prattle
لقلق laqlaq and لقلاق laqlāq pl. لقالق laqāliq2 stork
لقلقة laqlaqa clatter (of a stork); babble, chatter, prattle; (eg.) gossip
1 لقم laqama u (laqm) to clog up, obstruct, block (هـ s.th.); -- laqima a (/aqrn) to eat, devour. gobble, swallow up (هـ s.th.) II to feed bit by bit (ه s.o.); to load (هـ a weapon; syr.) | لقم القهوة (qahwa) to stir ground coffee into hot water IV to make (ه s.o.) swallow; to feed bit by bit (ه s.o.) VIII to devour, swallow up (هـ s.th.) لقمة luqma pl. لقم luqam bite; bit, mouthful; little piece, morsel | لقمة سائغة titbit, choice morsel: جعله لقمة سائغة ل (ja‘alahū) to make s.o. an easy prey of ...; لقمة القاضي pastry of fine flour, fried in oil like doughnuts and sprinkled with sugar or honey
لقيمة luqaima pl. -āt snack, bit, morsel
ملقم mulaqqim pl. -ūn (syr.; mil.) assistant gunner, loader, cannoneer no. 1
2 لقمي laqmī or لاقمي (magr.) palm wine
3 لقمان luqmān2 Lokman, a legendary sage and author of numerous fables | بقيت دار لقمان على حالها (baqiyat) everything has remained as before
لقن laqina a (لقانة laqāna, لقانية laqāniya) to understand, grasp (هـ s.th.); to gather, infer, note (هـ s.th.) II to teach (هـ ه s.o. s.th.), instruct (هـ ه s.o. in); to dictate (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.); to instill, infuse, inculcate, inspire (هـ ه in s.o. s.th.), insinuate, suggest (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.); to whisper (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.), prompt (ه s.o.) V = I; to learn, receive, get (من هـ s.th. from), be informed (من هـ of s.th. by)
لقانة laqāna and لقانية laqāniya quick understanding, grasp
تلقين talqīn instruction, direction; dictation; dictate; inspiration, insinuation, suggestion; suborning of a witness (Isl. Law)
ملقن mulaqqin prompter; inspirer; a faqīh who instructs the deceased at his grave what to tell the two angels of death
لقوة laqwa facial paralysis
لقي laqiya a (لقاء liqā’, لقيان luqyān, لقي luqy, لقية luqya, لقى luqan) to encounter (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), meet (هـ, ه with s.o., with s.th.); to meet (ه s.o.); to come across s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ), light upon s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ); to find (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to experience, undergo, suffer, endure (III s.th.), meet with s.th. (هـ ); to fall to s.o.’s (ه ) lot or share III to meet, come to meet (ه s.o.); to encounter (ه s.o.), have an encounter (ه with); to come across s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ), light upon s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ); to experience, undergo, suffer, endure (هـ s.th.). meet (هـ with s.th.); to receive, get, obtain, achieve (هـ s.th.) | لاقى آذانا صاغية (ṣāgiyatan) to find willing ears IV to throw, cast, fling (هـ s.th.); to throw off, throw down. drop (هـ s.th.); to throw away, discard (هـ s.th.); to put or lay (هـ s.th.) before s.o. (على ), submit (على هـ s.th. to s.o.), pose (على هـ a question to s.o.); to report (على or الى هـ on s.th. to s.o.), set forth (على or الى هـ s.th. to s.o.); to recite, play, sing (هـ a song, a musical composition); to present (هـ s.th., e.g., a broadcast); to give (هـ a lecture), hold (هـ a class), make, deliver (هـ a speech); to extend (هـ a greeting, الى to s.o.); to impose, lay (على هـ s.th. on s.o.), burden (هـ على with s.th. s.o.) | القى باله الى, القى بالا ل to pay attention to; القى بيانا عن (bayānan) to make a statement about or on; القى البيض (baiḍ) to lay eggs; القى بزمامه الى (bi-ẓimāmihī) or القى مقاليد امره الى فلان (m. amrihī) to lay one’s rate in s.o.’s hands, entrust one’s fate to s.o.; القى بنفسه (binafsihī) to throw o.s. into, plunge into; القى بنفسه في احضانه (aḥḍānihī) to throw o.s. into s.o.’s arms; القى بيده (bi-yadihī) to surrender to s.o., give o.s. up to s.o.; القى الحبل على الغارب (ḥabl) to give froe rein, give a free hand, impose no restraint; القى خطابا على to make a public address to; القى الدرس (dars) to recite the lesson; القى الرعب في قلبه (ru‘b, qalbih`i) to strike terror to s.o.’s heart, frighten, alarm s.o.; القى السلاح to lay down one’s arms, capitulate, surrender; القى المع اليه (sam‘) to lend one’s ear to s.o., listen to s.o.; القوا اليه اسماعهم (asmā‘ahum) they lent him their ears, they listened to him; القى عليه سؤالا (suālan) to put a question to s.o., ask s.o. a question; القى على عاتقه شيئا to impose s.th. on s.o., hold s.o. responsible for; القى علوما to teach sciences; القى القبض على (qabḍ) to arrest s.o.; القى القنابل على to drop bombs on s.th., bomb s.th.; القى عليه القول (qaul) to dictate to s.o.; to direct, instruct s.o., give s.o. instructions; القى عليها كلمة الطلاق (kalimata ṭ-ṭalāq) he pronounced the formula of divorce against her; القى محاضرة (muhāḍara) to give a lecture, hold a class; القى المسؤولية عليه (mas’ūlīya) to place the responsibility on s.o., saddle s.o. with the responsibility V receive (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to take, accept (هـ s.th.); to get, obtain (هـ s.th.); to learn (عن هـ of s.th. from), be informed (عن هـ of s.th. by); to learn (على or عن هـ s.th. from s.o.), take lessons (عن from s.o.), be taught, be instructed, be coached (عن by s.o.) | تلقى امرا (amran) to receive an order, have orders (soldier); تلقى الأوامر to take orders (com., and the like); تلقاه بالتسليم والقبول (qabūl) to agree wholeheartedly to s.th., submit willingly to s.th.; تلقى دروسا في to take lessons in (some field, ort, science, eto.); تلقى العلوم في الجامعة to study at the university VI to meet, join each other, come together, get together VIII do.; to encounter, meet (ب s.o.) X to throw o.s. down; to lie down, lie
لقى laqan pl. القاء alqā’ offal, discard
لقية luqya encounter, meeting; luqya, laqīya s.th. found, a find
لقيا luqyā encounter, meeting
لقاية liqāya encounter, meeting; s.th. found, a find
القية ulqiya riddle, conundrum
تلقاء tilqā’a (prep.) opposite; in front of | من تلقاء نفسه min tilqā’i nafsihī or من تلقاء ذاته by o.s., of one’s own accord, spontaneously, automatically
تلقائي tilqā’ī automatic; spontaneous; تلقائيا spontaneously, automatically
ملقى malqan pl. ملاق malāqin meeting place, rendezvous; junction, crossing, intersection; road or street intersection, crossroads
لقاء liqā’ encounter; meeting; get together; reunion; liqā’a (prep.) in exchange for, in return for, for, on | الى كفالة (kafāla) on bail; الى اللقاء good by! so long! au revoir!
ملاقاة mulāqāh encounter, meeting, get-together, reunion; reception
القاء ilqā’ throwing, casting, throw, cast, fling; delivery, diction; dictation; recitation, recital | علم الإلقاء ‘ilm al-i. elocution
تلق talaqqin receipt, reception, acceptance; acquisition (also of a skill, of knowledge, eto.); learning (of an art, skill, eto.); pursuit (of studies) | تلقى العلوم في studies at (e.g., at a university)
تلاق talāqin meeting, encounter
التقاء iltiqā’ meeting, reunion (مع with)
ملق mulqin: ملقيات الألغام البحرية mulqiyāt al-a. al-baḥrīya mine layers
ملى mulqan thrown, cast, discarded
ملتقى multaqan pl. ملتقيات multaqayāt meeting place, rendezvous; gathering point, collecting center; intersection, junction, confluence, crossroads | الى الملتقى good-by! so long! au revoir!
1 لك lakka u (lakk) to hit with the fist, to cuff, buffet, pommel (ه s.o.) VIII to be pressed together, thickly set, crammed, jammed, crowded; to crowd together, gather in a mass; to make mistakes or blunders, speak ungrammatically
2 لك lakk pl. الكاك alkāk, لكوك lukūk lac, one hundred thousand (specif., 100,000 rupees)
3 لك lukk, lakk resin; lao; sealing wax
لكأ laka’a a (لكء lak’) to strike, hit; -- لكئ laki’a a (لكأ laka’) to abide, remain, stay (ب at a place) V to be tardy, dilatory, slow, to dawdle, tarry, hesitate (في in s.th.); to loiter, loaf, hang about | تلكأ في الأداء (adā’) to be in default, fail to meet one’s financial obligations
لكأة luka’a hesitant, tardy, dilatory, sluggish, slow; behindhand, in arrears, defaulting
لكز lakaza u (lakz) to strike with the fist; to kick (ه s.o.), to thrust (ه s.o.)
لكز lakiz miserly, stingy
لكاز likāz pin, nail; peg
لكيع lakī‘ pl. لكعاء luka‘ā’ moan, base, ignominious, disgraceful, wicked, depraved; silly, foolish
لكاعة lakā‘a meanness, baseness, disgracefulness, wickedness, depravity
لكم lakama u (lakm) to strike with the fist, box, punch III to engage in a fiat fight, box (ه with s.o.)
لكمة lakma pl. lakamāt blow with the fist, punch
ملكمة milkama boxing glove
ملاكمة mulākama fist fight, boxing matoh
ملاكم mulākim boxer, pugilist, prize fighter
1 لكن lakina a (lakan, لكن lukna, لكونة lukūna, لكنونة luknūna) to speak incorrectly, barbarously; to stammer
لكنة lukna stutter, stammer; incorrect usage, ungrammatical language; incorrect pronunciation
لكانة lakāna: لكانة في الكلام (kalām) speech defect, faltering way of speaking
الكن alkan2, f. لكناء laknā’2, pl. لكن lukn speaking incorrectly; stammering, stuttering
2 لكن lakan pl. الكان alkān basin, copper basin
3 لكن lākin, lakinna see لاكن
لكي li-kai, لكيما li-kai-mā see ل li
2 لم lam (particle, with foll. apoc.) not | لم يكتب lam yaktub he did not write; الم a-lam not though? الم اقل لكم (aqul) haven’t I told you, though? لم -- الا lam -- illā only, nothing but, just, not till, not before
2 لم lima = لما li-mā, see ل li
3 لم lamma u (lamm) to gather, collect, assemble (هـ s.th.); to reunite (هـ s.th.); to arrange, settle, put in order (هـ s.th.); to repair (هـ s.th.), pass. lumma to suffer from or be stricken by a slight mental derangement | لم شعثه (ša‘atahū) to put s.th. in order again, straighten s.th. out, put s.th. right; to recover, pick up; to help s.o. get back on his feet, لم شمل القطيع (šamla l-q.) to round up the herd IV to befall, overcome (fatigue, fear, weakness, adversities, etc.; s.o.); to pay (ب s.o.) a short visit, call ( on s.o.), stop, stay (ب at s.o.’s house); to have sexual intercourse (ب with s.o.); to broach (ب a topic), .peak (ب about). discuss (ب s.th.), to give a survey (ب of), outline, state briefly (ب s.th.), to touch briefly (ب on a subject), to be acquainted or familiar (.... with s.th.), to get to know (ب s.th.), to familiarize o.s., acquaint o.s. (ب with s.th.), to commit, perpetrate (ب a crime), to take, consume (ب food, drink) VIII to gather, assemble, rally; to unite; to visit (s.o.), call (ه on)
لمة lamma pl. لمام limām collection; gathering, assembly; visit, call; misfortune, calamity, slight mental derangement, touch of insanity
لمة limma pl. لمم limam curl, ringlet, lock
لمة lumma traveling party; group, troop, body (of people)
لمم lamam slight mental derangement
لماما limāman occasionally, from time to time, rarely, seldom
لمام lammām wild thyme (bot.)
المام ilmām knowledge, cognizance (ب of s.th.); acquaintance, familiarity, conversance (ب with); (pl. -āt) survey, outline, summary, resume
لامة lāmma evil eye
ملموم malmūm collected, gathered, assembled; concentrated at one point; slightly insane
ملم mulimm completely familiar, conversant (ب with); expert, connoisseur | ملم بالقراءة والكتابة literate
ملمة mulimma pl. -āt misfortune, calamity, disaster
1 لما li-mā see ل li
2 لما lammd (conj.) when, as, after; since, whereas; (particle; with foll. apoc.) not, not yet
لمباجو (Engl.) lambāgō lumbago
لمبة lamba pl. -āt lamp; tube (radio)
لمج V to take a snack
لمجة lumja appetizer, hors d’oeuvre, relish, snack
لمح lamaḥa a (lamḥ) to glance (الى or ه at s.o.); to see, sight, behold, notice (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to become aware (ان that); -- (lamḥ, لمحان lamaḥān, تلماح talmāḥ) to flash, sparkle, glisten, shimmer II to insinuate, intimate, give to understand (الى s.th.), hint (الى at), allude, refer (الى to) III to cast a casual or furtive glance (ه at s.o.) IV to glance casually or furtively (الى or ه at s.o.)
لمح lamḥ quick look, glance; moment, instant | لمح البصر l. al-baṣar glance of the eye; في لمح البصر, كلمح البصر, دون لمح البصر, في اقل من لمح البصر (aqalla) like lightning, in a trice, instantly, in no time
لمحة lamḥa pl. lamaḥāt quick, casual look, glance; wink; glow of light, light, brightness, flash (of lightning) | فيه لمحة من ابيه (abīhi) he looks like his father
لماح lammāḥ shimmering, gleaming, shining
ملامح malāmiḥ2 features, lineaments; traits; outward appearance, looks | فيه ملامح من ابيه (abīhi) he looks like his father; ملامح وظلال (ẓilāl) lights and shades (in painting)
تلميح talmīḥ pl. تلاميح talāmīḥ2 allusion, intimation, insinuation, hint, reference; تلميحا by way of suggestion, indirectly
لمز lamaza u i (lamz) to give (ه s.o.) a wink; to speak ill (ه of s.o.), carp (ه at s.o.), find fault (ه with s.o.), criticize, blame, censure, backbite, slander, defame (ه s.o.)
لمزة lumaza and لماز lammāz fault-finder, captious critic, caviler, carper
1 لمس lamasa u i (lams) to touch, handle, feel with the hand, finger (هـ s.th.), pass one’s hand (هـ over s.th.); to seek (هـ s.th.), look, search, ask (هـ for); to perceive, notice (هـ s.th., الى that), become aware (هـ of s.th., ان that) | لا يلمس (yulmasu) intangible, impalpable; لمس الحقائق to take thing, as they are, face the facts III to be in touch or contact (هـ, ه with s.o., with s.th.); to touch, feel, finger, palpate (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to have sexual intercourse (ها with a woman) V to feel out, finger, palpate (هـ s.th.); to fumble, grope about; to grope, fumble (هـ for s.th.); to look, search (هـ for); to ask (هـ for) VI to touch each other, be in mutual contact VIII to request (هـ من s.th. from s.o., ل for s.o.), ask (من هـ for s.th. s.o.), solicit (ل ه s.th. for); to beg (هـ for), request urgently (هـ s.th.); to seek (هـ s.th.), look, search (ه, هـ for s.th., for s.o.)
لمس lams feeling, groping; touching, touch | حاسة اللمس ḥāssat al-l. sense of touch
لمسى lamsī tactual, tactile, of or pertaining to the sense of touch
لمسية lamsīya (tun.) date which has not attained full ripeness
لمسة lamsa (n. vic.) touch; (pl. -āt) retouch
لميس lamīs soft to the touch
ملمس malmas pl. ملامس malāmis2 place of touch, spot touched, point of contact; O feeler, tentacle (of insects); touch; contact | ناعم الملمس soft to the touch
ملمسي malmasī tactual, tactile
ملامسة mulāmasa touching, touch, contact; feeling, fingering, palpation; sexual intercourse
تلمس talammus search, quest
التماس iltimās request, solicitation; application, petition
ملموس malmūs touched, felt; palpable, tangible; ملموسات things perceptible to the touch, tangible things
ملتمس multamas pl. -āt request, petition, application
2 الماس look up alphabetically
لمص lamaṣ u (lamṣ) to rail (ه at s.o.); to make faces (ه at s.o.)
لمظ lamaẓa u (lamẓ) to lick one’s lips; to smack one’s lips V do. | تلمظ بذكره (bi-dikrihī) to speak ill of s.o., backbite s.o.
لمع lama‘a (lam‘, لمعان lama‘ān) to gleam, glitter, twinkle, flash, sparkle, glisten, shimmer, shine | لمع بسيفه (bi-saifihī) to brandish the sword; لمع بيده (bi-yadihī) to wave one’s hand; لمع في رأسه خاطر (kāṭirun) a thought flashed through his mind II to cause (هـ s.th.) to shine, gleam, or twinkle; to shine (هـ s.th.), give brightness (هـ to s.th.); to polish (هـ s.th.); to burnish (هـ s.th.) IV to wave (one’s hand); to point out, give to understand, intimate, insinuate (الى s.th.), hint (الى at), allude (الى to) VIII to flash, radiate, glow, shine; to sparkle, glitter, gleam
لمع lam‘ and لمعان lama‘ān luster, sheen, shine; shimmer, gleam, glow, brightness, light
لمعة lum‘a pl. لمع luma‘, لماع limā‘ shimmer, gleam, glow, flash, sparkle, glitter, brilliancy, radiance, beam; gloss, luster, burnish, polish; some, a little
لماع lammā‘ bright, brilliant, lustrous, sparkling, flashing, glistening, shining, radiant; O glossy, glazed, burnished, polished, satined, calendered (tech.) | جلد لماع (jild) patent leather
المع alma‘2 and المعي alma‘ī sagacious, smart, shrewd, clever, bright, intelligent; -- المع alma‘ more lustrous, shinier
المعية alma‘īya sagacity, smartness, shrewdness, cleverness, brightness, intelligence
تلميع talmī‘ polishing, polish
الماعة ilmā‘a allusion, hint
لامع lāmi‘ pl. لوامع lawāmi‘2 brilliant, lustrous, shining, gleaming, shimmering
لامعة lāmi‘a fontanel (anat.); (pl. لوامع lawāmi‘2) gloss, shine
متلمع mutalammi‘ radiant, brilliant, shining, lustrous
لملم lamlama to gather, gather up (هـ s.th.)
ململمة mulamlama trunk, proboscis (of the elephant)
لن lan (conj.; with foll. subj.) not (referring to the future)
جديد لنج (eg.) gad`id lang brand-new
لندرة landra London
لندن landan London
لنش (Engl.) lanš pl. -āt launch, small steamer, motorboat
لنينغراد leningrād Leningrad
لهب lahiba a (lahb, lahab, لهاب luhāb, لهيب lahīb, لهبان lahabān) to flame, burn, blaze II and IV to kindle, light, set on fire, ignite, inflame (هـ s.th.); to excite, stir up, provoke (هـ s.th.) V to flame; to be aflame, be ablaze, burn (also fig.: cheek, anger, thirst, etc.) VIII = V; to catch fire, flare up; to be inflamed (also med.)
لهب lahab, lahīb and لهاب luhāb flame, blaze, flare
لهبان lahbān, f. لهبى lahbā, pl. لهاب lihāb parched with thirst
الهاب ilhāb kindling, lighting, ignition, inflammation
التهاب iltihāb burning; inflammation (also med.); in compounds corresponding to Engl. “-it is” | التهاب الشعب ilt. aš-šu‘ab bronchitis
التهابي iltihābī inflammatory; inflammable
ملتهب multahib burning, flaming, blazing, aflame, ablaze; inflamed; heated, excited, glowing, aglow | قطن ملتهب (quṭn) guncotton
لاهوت look up alphabetically
لهث lahata a (laht, لهاث luhāt) to loll one’s tongue with thirst or fatigue; to pant, gasp, be out of breath; to breathe heavily
لهاث luhāt panting, pant, gasp | لهاث الموت l. al-maut death rattle, agony of death
لهثان lahtān f. لهثى lahtā panting, gasping, out of breath; thirsty
لهج lahija a (lahaj) to be devoted, dedicated (ب to s.th.), be attached (ب to s.o., to s.th.), be very fond (ب of), be in love (ب with); to be bent. be intent, be keen (ب on), be eager (ب for), be mad (ب about, after); to do (ب s.th.) constantly or fervently| لهج بالثناء عليه (tanā’) to extol s.o. fervently; لهج بذكره (bidikrihī) to speak constantly of s.o., mention s.o.’s name continually with praise; لهج بشكره (bi-šukrihī) to launch forth into profuse thanks or praises; لهج بالضراعة (ḍarā‘a) to resort to humble pleas IV causative: الهج لسانه بالشكر (lisānahū, šukr) to elicit profuse thanks from s.o. XI الهاج ilhājja to curdle, coagulate (milk)
لهجة lahja tip of the tongue; tongue; manner of speaking; tone; dialect, vernacular; language | بلهجة العاتب in a reproachful tone, reproachingly; شديد اللهجة in violent language, sharply worded
لهج luhja appetizer, hors d’oeuvre
لهد lahada a (lahd) to overburden, over-exert (ه s.o.)
لهذم lahdam sharp, pointed
لهط lahaṭa a (lahṯ) to slap
لهف lahafa a (lahaf) to sigh (على for s.th. lost); to regret, deplore, lament (على s.th.); to grieve (على for), fret, worry (على shout) V do.; to be eager, yearn (على for, also ل ), pant (على after, also ل )
لهف lahf regret, grief, sorrow | يا لهف yā lahfa and يا لهفا yā lahfā oh, what a pity! too bad! alas! يا لهف (with foll. genit. of pers.) oh, how unfortunate he is! يا لهفي عليك (lahfī) oh, how sorry I feel for you!
لهفة lahfa sigh, lament; anxiety, apprehension, concern, worry, sorrow, grief; yearning, longing, hankering, desire, impatience
لهفان lahfān2 f. لهفى lahfā, pl. لهافى lahāfā, لهف luhuf sighing; regretful; sad, sorry, worried, sorrowful, grieved; longing, yearning
لهيف lahīf pl. لهاف lihāf regretful, sorry, sad, worried, sorrowful, grieved
لاهف lāhif worried, troubled, sorrowful, grieved, full of regret
ملهوف malhūf worried, troubled, depressed; apprehensive, concerned, anxious; covetous, eager (الى or على for), desirous (الى or على of); longing. yearning
متلهف mutalahhif yearning, longing, hankering; anxious, eager, impatient
لهق lahiqa a to be snow-white
لهلق lahlaqa to loll one’s tongue with thirst
لهم lahima a (lahm, laham), V and VIII to devour, gobble, swallow up (ه s.th.); to consume, destroy (ه s.th.; fire) IV to make (ه s.o,) swallow (ه s.th.); to inspire (ه هـ s.o, with) X to ask (ه s.o.) for inspiration or advice; to seek to find out (هـ s.th.), try to get (هـ s.th.); to pray, turn (ه هـ to God for)
لهم lahim and لهوم lahūm greedy, covetous, voracious, gluttonous
الهام ilhām pl. -āt inspiration; instinct
ملهم mulham inspired
(لهو and لهي) لها lahā u (lahw) to amuse o.s., distract o.s., divert o.s., pass or kill time (ب with s.th,); to play, toy, dally, trifle; to fritter away, trifle away, prattle away (بوقته bi-waqtihī one’s time); to enjoy o.s., have fun, have a good time; to delight, take pleasure (الى or ب in); to enjoy, savor, relish (ب s.th.); -- (لهي luhiy, لهيان lihyān) to turn one’s attention (عن from); to try to forget, forget, give up, renounce (عن s.th.), become oblivious (عن of); -- لهي lahiya a (لها lahan) to like, love (ب s.th.), be very fond (ب of), be in love, be infatuated (ب with), be mad (ب about, after); to turn one’s attention (عن from), become oblivious (عن of), forget, give up, renounce (عن s.th,); to pay no attention (عن to), be heedless (عن of) II to delight, amuse, divert, distract (ب ه s.o. with), divert s.o.’s (ه ) attention (عن from), make (عن s.o.) oblivious (عن of); to keep, divert (عن s.o. from), take s.o.’s (ه ) mind away (عن from) III to approach, be near (ه s.o.) IV = II; V and VI to amuse o.s., pass the time (ب with s.th,), take pleasure, delight (ب in); to seek distraction (ب عن in s.th. from) VIII do.: to play, toy, trifle (ب with s.th.)
لهو lahw amusement, entertainment, diversion, distraction, passtime, pleasure, sport, fun, play | دور اللهو dūr al-l. and اماكن اللهو places of entertainment. amusement centers
لهاة lahāh pl. لهوات lahawāt, لهيات lahayāt, لهي luhiya, lihīy, لها lahan, لهاء lahā’ uvula
لهوى lahawī velar (adj.) الحرفان اللهويتان al-ḥarfān al-lahawīyatān the velars q and k
ملهاة malhāh object of delight; comedy | ملهاة عامية (‘āmmīya) popular farce
ملهى malhan pl. ملاه malāhin place of entertainment, amusement center; amusement, entertainment, fun, diversion, distraction | ضريبة الملاهي admissions tax, entertainment tax
ملهى milhan pl. ملاه malāhin plaything toy; pl. musical instruments, also آلات الملاهي
تلهية talhiya distraction, diversion, amusement
لاه lāhin (with عن ) heedless, inattentive, inadvertent, oblivious, forgetful
مله mulhin amusing, entertaining, diverting, pleasant
لو lau (conj.) if (as a rule, introducing hypothetical conditional clauuses) | لو ان lau anna (introducing nominal clauses) if; لولا laulā if not; لولانا if it weren’t (hadn’t been) for us; فيما لو fī-mā lau in case that; ولو wa-lau although, though; even if; (optative particle) if only ...! would that ...! I wish ...! لو يعلم I wish he knew! if he only knew!
لوبيا lūbiyā bean (bot.) | لوبيا بلدي (baladī) (eg.) cowpea (Vigna Binenais Endl.; bot.); لوبيا عافن (eg.) hyacinth bean, lablab (Dolichos lablab L.; bot.)
لوبيا lūbyā Libya
لوبي lūbī Libyan
1 لات (لوت ) (lāta: لات حين مناص l. hīnu manāṣin it’s too late to escape
2 لوت lūt (eg.) maigre (Sciaena aquila)
لاث (لوث ) lāta u (laut) and II to stain, tarnish, soil, sully (هـ s.th.); -- lawita a (lawat) to be dilatory, tardy, slow; to hesitate, tarry, linger V to be or get stained, blotted, tarnished, soiled, sullied (ب with) VIII to be dilatory, tardy, slow; to be obscure, confused, complicated (على for s.o.)
لوثة lauta stain, blot, spot
لوثة lūta languor, lassitude, fatigue, faintness; passion, weakness (في for, also with foll. genit.: for) |فيه (به) لوثة he is a little crazy, he has a bee in his bonnet
ملوث mulawat stained, blotted, tarnished, soiled, sullied, unclean; stricken with cholera, pestilence, etc.
ملتاث multāt mentally confused
لوج (Fr. loge) lōj pl. -āt, الواج alwāj (theater) box, loge; (masonic, etc.) lodge
لاح (لوح ) lāḥa u (lauḥ) to appear, show, loom, emerge, come in sight; to become visible (ل to s.o.); to break, begin to show (dawn); to shine, gleam, glint, flash, shimmer, glimmer, sparkle; to seem, appear; to wither, singe, parch, scorch; to tan (ه s.o.; sun) |يلوح لي ان it seems to me that ...; على ما يلوح as it seems, apparently II to make a sign, beckon, wave (ب ل or الى to s.o. with); to signal; to allude (ب to), hint (ب at), intimate, insinuate (ب ل to s.o. s.th.), give (ب ل s.o. s.th.) to understand; to flourish, brandish, swing, wave (ب s.th.); to turn grey (هـ the head; of old age); to burn, tan (ه s.o.; sun); to plank, lay with planks (هـ the floor) |لوح بيديه (biyadaihi) to wave with the hands IV to appear, show, come in sight; to shimmer, glimmer, glint, flash, sparkle; to wave, brandish, flourish, swing (هـ s.th.)
لوح lauḥ pl. الواح alwāḥ, alwāḥ board, blackboard; slate; tablet; slab; plate, sheet; pane; plank, board; panel; small board, signboard; shoulder blade, scapula |لوح اردواز (arduwāz) slab of slate, slate; O لوح مجعد (muja‘‘ad) corrugated iron; لوح الجليد block of ice; لوح حديد sheet iron; لوح زجاج zujāj sheet of glass, pane; O لوح متحرك (mutaḥarrik) spring-board (in sports); لوح معدني (ma‘dinī) metal plate, metal sheet; لوح النافذة windowpane
لوحة lauḥa pl. -āt, الواح alwāḥ board; blackboard; slate; tablet; slab; plate, sheet; pane; panel; plaque; plane, surface; screen; placard, poster; picture, painting |لوحة الاسم l. al-ism doorplate, name plate; لوحة التوزيع switchboard (el., tel.); لوحة الداما checkerboard; لوحة زيتية (zaitīya) oil painting; لوحة سوداء (saudā’) blackboard; bulletin board; لوحة الشطرنج l. aš-šaṭranj chessboard; لوحة الكتابة slate; writing tablet; blackboard
لواح lawwāḥ withering, singeing, parching, scorching
لوح talwīḥ pl. -āt beckoning, waving, flourishing, brandishing; sign, signal, wink, wave; allusion; hint, intimation, insinuation; metonymy; pl. hints, references; remarks, annotations, marginal notes
لائحة lā’iḥa pl. -āt لوائح lawā’iḥ2 program, project; bill, motion (esp., in parliament); order, decree, edict; ordinance; regulation, rule; pl. لوائح outward appearance, looks, outward sign| لائحة قانونية, لائحة القانون bill, draft law; لائحة السفر l. as-safar timetable, train schedule, railroad guide; لائحة الطعام l. aṯ-ṯa‘ām (syr.) menu, bill of fare
ملوحة mulawwiḥa signal, semaphore (railroad)
ملتاح multāḥ sun-tanned, sunburned
(لوذ ) lāda u (laud, لواذ liwād, lawād, luwād, لياذ liyād) to take refuge, seek shelter (ب with s.o., in s.th.), have recourse, resort (ب to); to keep close (ب to), observe religiously (ب s.th.)
ملاذ malād refuge, protection; shelter; asylum, sanctuary; protector
لائذ lā’id one seeking shelter or protection, refugee
لوذع and لوذعي see لذع
لور lūr lyre
لورد (Engl.) lord pl. -āt lord
لورى (Engl.) lorry, truck
لوز II to stuff with almonds (هـ s.th.); (eg.) to form bolls (cotton)
لوز lauz almond(s) (coll.), (eg.) patch (on a shoe) | لوز القطن l. al-quṭn cotton bolls; دودة اللوز dūdat al-l. boll weevil
لوزة lauza pl. -āt almond; اللوزتان the tonsils (anat.) | التهاب اللوزتين ilt. al-lauzatain tonsillitis
لوزى lauzī almond-shaped, almond (adj.)
لاس (لوس ) lāsa u (laus) to taste
لات (لوص ) lāṣa u (lauṣ) to peep, peer, pry (through a chink in the door, or the like) III do. (ه for s.o.); to stare, gaze (هـ or الى at s.th.), to look firmly, unflinchingly (هـ or الى at s.th.); to dupe, cheat, deceive (ه s.o.)
ملاوص mulāwiṣ sly, cunning, wily
لاط (لوط ) lāṯa u (lauṯ) to stick, cling, adhere ( to); to coat with clay, to plaster ( a wall)
لوط lūṯ Lot (Biblical name)
لوط lūṭī sodomite, pederast
لواط liwāṭ and لواطة liwāṭa sodomy, pederasty
لاع (لوع ) lā‘a u (lau‘) to he or heoome restive, impatient; to become ill j to seize vehemently, overwhelm, torment, make sick (ه s.o.; love); to tan (ه s.o.; sun) II to torture, torment, agonize VIII to be burning, inflamed, languishing (with love, longing); to feel burning anxiety (على for s.o.)
لوعة lau‘a ardor of love, amorous rapture, lovesickness; pain, grief, anguish, anxiety, torment, torture, agony
التياع iltiyā‘ burning, enrapturedness, burning anxiety. anguish; agony, pain, suffering
ملاوع mulāwi‘ cunning, artful, wily, crafty, sly
لوغاريتمات lūgāritmāt logarithms
1 لاف (لوف ) lāfa u (lauf) to eat, chew (هـ s.th.)
2 لوف lūf luffa, dishcloth gourd (Luffa cylindrical Roem; bot.)
ملوق milwaq pl. ملاوق malāwiq2 spatula
1 لاك (لوك ) lāka u (lauk) to chew (هـ s.th.); to talk constantly about s.th. (هـ ), to bring into discredit (سمعته sum‘atahū s.o.’s reputation) |لاك الكلام (kalām) to be inhibited in one’s speech, stammer, express o.s. imperfectly, السؤال الذي تلوكه الألسنة (alsina) the question which is on everyone’s lips; ما تلوكه الألسن (alsun) what people say, what is generally rumored
2 لائكي and لائكية look up alphabetically
لوكانده (It. locanda) and لوكنده lōkanda pl. -āt inn; hotel
لولب laulab pl. لوالب lawālib2 screw; spiral; spiral spring, coil spring, extension spring; spring; axle; (fig.) mainspring, pivot point
لولبي laulabī screw-shaped; spiral, helical | O لولبيات زهرية (zuharīya) spiroohetes, syphilogenous bacteria; درج لولبي (daraj) spiral staircase
1 لام (لمس ) lāma u (laum, ملام malām, ملامة malāma) to blame, censure, rebuke, chide, scold, reproach (في or على ه s.o. for) II to censure sharply, reprove, reprimand (ه s.o.) IV = I; V to blame o.s. ; to tarry, linger, take one'. time (في or على in or with s.th.), procrastinate, temporize, hedge VI to blame each other VIII to be censured, he blamed X to deserve blame, be blameworthy, reprehensible
لوم laum and لومة lauma censure, rebuke, reproof, blame, reproach
لومة luwama and لوام lawwām severe censurer, stem critic; censorious
ملام malām and ملامة malāma pl. ملاوم malāwim2 censure, rebuke, reproof, blame, reproach
تلويم talwīm censure, rebuke, reproof
لائم lā’im pl. لوم luwwam, لوام lawwām, ليم luyyam censurer, critic, accuser
لائمة lā’ima pl. لوائم lawā’im2 censure, rebuke, reproof, blame, reproach
ملوم malūm, مليم malīm and ملام mulām censured, blamed; blameworthy, reprehensible
لومان lūmān penitentiary, penal servitude
لومانجي lūmānjī convict, inmate of a penitentiary
لون II to variegate, dapple, make colorful (هـ s.th.); to color, tint, tinge, paint, daub (هـ s.th.); to make up, rouge (هـ the face, etc.) V to be colored or tinted; to color, change color, become discolored; to he colorful, variegated; to be fickle
لون laun pl. الوان alwān color; coloring, tint, tinge, hue, shade; complexion; kind, sort, specimen, species; dish, course; pl. (with foll. genit.) all kinds of | الوان الأطعمة a. al-aṭ‘ima all kinds of food; مختلف الألوان muktalif al-a. variegated, multicolored, motley, varied, various; جلى الوانه jallā alwānahu to bring out the different aspects of s.th., point up s.th., make s.th. stand out
لوني launī colorful, colored, color- (in compounds), chromatic
تلوين talwīn coloring
ملون mulawwan colored, tinted, colorful, many-colored, variegated, kaleidoscopic
متلون mutalawwin colored, tinted; many-colored, multicolored; iridescent, opalescent, scintillating; changeable, inconstant, unsteady; whimsical, capricious, fickle
لونجي (eg.) lawingī and لاونجي lāwingī attendant, bath attendant
لونجية lawingīya housekeeper, woman attendant, servant, housemaid
لوندا (It. lavanda) lawandā lavender | ماء اللوندا lavender water
لوى lawā i (لي layy, لوي lawīy) to turn (هـ s.th.); to crook, curve (هـ s.th.); to bend, flex, bend up, down, back or over (هـ s.th.); to twist, contort, wrench, warp (هـ s.th.); to distort, pervert (هـ s.th.); to turn (هـ the head), turn away, avert (هـ the face); to turn around, turn (على to s.o., to s.th.), face (على s.o., s.th.); to think back (على on), recall (على s.th.); to care, bother (على about), pay attention or heed (على to) | لوى فيه اللسان (lisān) to speak ill of s.o., backbite s.o.; لا يلوي على شيء not to care about anything, be utterly reckless; -- (لي layy, ليان layyān) to conceal, keep secret (عن هـ s.th. from s.o.); -- lawiya a (لوى lawan) to be crooked, curved, bent; to writhe, twist; to wind, coil II to bend, bow, incline, tilt, twist, wrench, contort, turn, crook, curve (هـ s.th.); to pervert, distort, complicate (هـ s.th.) IV to turn, twist, bend, crook, curve (ب or هـ s.th.); to avert (عن هـ s.th. from); to wave (بيده bi-yadihī one’s hand); to hoist (هـ a flag); to take away, put away, remove (ب s.th.) | الوى عنان الشيء to avert, prevent, restrain s.th. (عن from), check, curb s.th. V to be twisted, winding, tortuous, sinuous, bent, crooked; to be turned, be twisted; to turn, twist, wind, meander, coil; to writhe, wriggle, squirm; to display shrewdness and cunning VIII to be curved, crooked, bent; to be turned, be twisted; to twist, warp, get contorted, get bent out of shape; to turn off, turn away; to turn one’s back (or on s.th.); to be or become difficult, involved, intricate, complicated (على for s.o.)
لي layy bending, twist(ing), turn(ing) | لي الشيشة (eg.) the flexible tube of the narghile; لا يعرف الحي من اللي (ya‘rifu l-ḥayya) he doesn’t know enough to come in out of the rain, he wouldn't know a snake from a garden hose
لية Iayya pl. لوى liwan bend, fold, flexure, twist, tortuosity, sinuosity, turn, curve
لوى lawan pl. الواء alwā’ gripes, colic; agony, pain, hardship | قاسى الألواء واللأواء (la’wā’) to die a thousand deaths
لوى liwan pl. الواء alwā’, الوية alwiya curvature
لواء liwā’ pl. الوية alwiya, الويات alwiyāt banner, flag, standard; brigade (mil.; U.A.R., Leb., Ir.); major general (mil.; U.A.R.); rear admiral (Eg.); province, district (Ir.; the country is subdivided into 14 لواء | امير اللواء brigadier general (Ir.); لواء جوي (jawwī) air-force brigade; عقد لواء شيء (liwā’a š.) to found, start, originate, produce, cause, arouse, provoke s.th.; البارحة المعقود لواؤها للأميرال (liwā’uhā) the admiral’s flagship ...; عقد له لواء المجد (النصر ) ‘uqida lahū l. ul-majd (un-naṣr) approx.: he was awarded the laurel of fame (of victory)
لواء lawwā’ wryneck (zool.)
ملوى milwan pl. ملاو malāwin spanner, wrench; O peg (of stringed instruments)
التواء iltiwā’ curvedness, curvature; bend, twist, tortuosity, sinuosity, curve; crookedness, wryness; perverseness, absurdity | التواء الأرض ilt. al-arḍ unevenness of the terrain
التواءة iltiwā’a (n. vic.) pl. -āt a bending, flexing, twist (e.g., of the body in dancing)
لاو lāwin pl. لواة luwāh turning, twisting | غير لاو على reckless of, without regard for
ملوي malwī crooked, curved, bent; twisted, warped, contorted; winding, meandering, tortuous, sinuous; perverted, wrong, absurd
ملتو multawin = ملوى
ملتوى multawan pl. -āt turn (of the road), curve; curvature
1 لي and لية see لوى
2 لياء liyyā’ mackerel shark, porbeagle (zool.)
ليبريا lībaryā Liberia
ليبيا lībiyā Libya; ليبي lībī Libyan
ليت laita and يا ليت yā laita (particle, with foll. noun in acc. or personal suffix) would God! if only ...! | ليتني مت لأجلك laitanī muttu li-ajlika would God I had died for you! ليته كان هنا I wish he were here! if only he were here! يا ليت كان يذهب (yadhabu) I wish he had gone! ليت شعري (ši‘rī) I wish I knew ...!
ليترجية līturjīya pl. -āt liturgy
ليتوانيا lītuwānīya Lithuania
ليتواني lītuwānī Lithuanian
ليث lait pl. ليوث luyūt lion
لياذ see لوذ
ليرا līrā and ليرة līra pl. -āt pound (as a monetary unit) | ليرة انكليزية (ingilīzīya) pound sterling
1 ليس laisa (without imperf.) not to be (with ب or acc. s.th. or s.o.); not to exist; (= intensified لا ) not | ليس الا (illā) terminating a sentence: only, and no more, and nothing else; ليس – سوى (siwā) nothing but, only, merely; ليس على شيء من الحقيقة there is not a grain of truth in it; ليس – فقط -- بل (faqaṭ, bal) not only -- but also; ليس ل not to have, not to possess; ليس لنا شيء we don’t have anything; ليس له ان he has no right to ..., he mustn’t ...; ليس من not to belong to …, have nothing to do with ...; اليس كذلك a-laisa ka-dālik? Isn’t it so?; (with ب and participle) to be unable to, لست بفاعل lastu bi-fā‘ilin I can’t do it
2 ليس layisa a (layas) to be valiant, brave, courageous
اليس alyas2, f. ليساء laisā’2, pl. ليس līs valiant, brave, courageous
ليسانس (Fr. licence) līsans the academic degree of a licentiate
ليف II to rub with palm fibers (هـ s.th.) V to form fibers, become fibrous
ليف līf (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. الياف alyāf fibers, fibrils, bast | ليف هندي (hindī) coco fibers, coir; اليف الكتان a. al-kattān flax fibers
ليفة līfa (n. un.) fiber, fibril; tuft of palm fibers used as a brush | ليفة الاستحمام bath هـ sponge, luffa
ليفي līfī and ليفاني līfānī fibered, fibrous
تليف talayyuf fibration, fibrillation; cirrhosis (med.)
(ليق) لاق lāqa i (laiq) to befit, become (ب s.o.), be proper, seemly (ب for s.o.), be suitable (ب to s.o.), be worthy (ب of s.o.); to be suited, appropriate, fit (ب for s.th.); to fit (garment)
ليقة līqa pl. ليق liyaq tuft of cotton or silk threads which is inserted in an inkwell; putty; clay; mortar
لياقة liyāqa propriety, seemliness, suitableness; decorum, decency; capability, skill; efficiency, competence; worthiness, merit, desert; correct behavior, blameless conduct, good manners | مخل باللياقة (mukill improper, unseemly, unbecoming
اليق alyaq2 more suitable, more appropriate, more proper, fitter (ب for)
لائق lā’iq suitable, appropriate, proper, befitting, becoming, seemly; suited, adapted, fit; worthy, deserving
ليل lail (usually m.) nighttime, night (as opposed to نهار daytime); pl. ليالي layālī (syr.) a certain vocal style; ليلا lailan at night | ليل نهار laila nahāra day and night
ليلة laila pl. -āt, ليال layālin, ليائل layā’il2 night (u opposed to يوم ); evening; soirée; الليلة al-lailata tonight I بين ليلة وضحاها (wa-ḍuḥāhā) overnight; ليلة امس lailata amsi last night; yesterday evening; ليلة خيرية kairīya) charity soirée, benefit performance; ليلة الدخلة l. ad-dukla wedding night; ليلة راقصة soirée dansante, evening dance; ليلة زهرةا glamorous evening party; ليلة شادية (šādiya) soirée of vocal music; ليلة ليلاء (lailā’2) dark night; في ليلة ليلاء in the dark of night, under cover of the night; ليلة القدر l. al-qadr or ليلة القضاء l. al-qaḍā’ the night in which, according to sura 97, the Koran was revealed, celebrated between the 26th and 27th of Ramadan; ليلة المعراج l. al-mi‘rāj the night of the 27th of Rajab in which the Prophet made his journey through the seven heavens; ليلة نصف شعبان l. niṣf aš-ša‘bān the night between the 14th and 16th of Shaban, when, according to popular belief, the heavenly tree of life is shaken, shedding the leaves of those who will die next year; ليلة النقطة l. an-nuqṭa the night of June 17th (the 11th day of the Coptic month Ba’ūna) when, according to popular belief, a miraculous drop falls from heaven, thus causing the annual rise of the Nile
ليلتئذ lailata’idin (in) that night; (on) that evening
ليلي lailī nocturnal, nightly; of night, night- (in compounds); evening (adj.)
ليلى lailā a woman’s name | كل يبكي (يغني) على ليلاه kullun yabkī (yugannī) ‘alā lailāhu everyone sings his own tune, does as he pleases, follows his own fancy; كل يدعي وصلا بليلاه (yadda‘ī waṣlan) everybody claims to be the chosen one, every-one brags in his own way
ليلاء see ليلة
ليلك (Engl.) lailak lilac
ليمان līmān pl. -āt harbor, port; penitentiary
ليمون laimūn, līmūn (n. un. ة ) pl. -āt lemon | ليمون حامض lime; شراب الليمون šarāb al-l. lemonade
1 لان (لين ) lāna i (līn, ليان layān) to be or become soft, tender, gentle, mild, pliable, flexible, supple; to yield, give way; to soften, relent, calm down; to become milder, friendlier | لا يلين inflexible, unbending; لانت قناته (qanātuhū) to show o.s. compliant, yield, relent, give in II and IV to soften, relax, (هـ s.th.); to placate, soothe, allay, mitigate, assuage, temper, moderate (هـ s.th.) ill to be gentle, kind, friendly (ه to s.o.); to treat with kindness and leniency (ه s.o.)
لين līn softness; tenderness; tender treatment; gentleness; flexibility, pliableness, suppleness; yieldingness, compliance, tractability; pliancy, smoothness, diarrhea | لين العظام softening of the bones, osteomalicia (med.); لين القيادة tractability, docility; حروف اللين the “soft” letters ا, و, ي
لين layyin pl. -ūn, اليناء alyinā’2 and lain pl. -ūn soft; flabby, feeble; tender; gentle; flexible, pliable, yielding; pliant, supple, resilient, elastic, tractable | لين العريكة l. al-‘arīka mild-mannered, gentle-hearted; لين القياد tractable, manageable, docile, obedient; بطنه لين (baṭnuhū) he suffers from diarrhea
ليونة luyūna softness; tenderness; gentleness; flexibility, pliability, suppleness | ليونة الجانب sociability, companionableness, compliance, yieldingness, tractability
ملاينة mulāyana friendliness, kindness
ملين mulayyin softening, emollient; dissolvent, diluent; aperient, cathartic, laxative; ملينات laxatives
2 ليان see لوى