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This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


ش م م (= شركة مسئولية محدودة ) Inc., Ltd.

م ma for ما what? after prepositions: الى م ilā ma whereto? Where? which way? whither? بم bi-ma with what? Wherewith? لم li-ma why? wherefore? حتى م ḥattā ma how far? to which point?

ما mā 1. (interrogative pronoun) what | لما li-mā why? wherefore? for what reason? ماذا mā-dā what (on earth)? لماذا li-mādā why (on earth)? ما لك what’s the matter with you? what is it? ما لي, ما لك etc., (with foll. verb) why? wherefore? what for? why should I, should you, etc.? ما انت وذاك mā anta wa-dāka what’s that to you? what has this to do with you? what do you know about that? ما اجمله mā ajmalahū how handsome he is! ما افضل عمر mā afḍala ‘umara! how excellent Omar is! -- 2. (relative pronoun) that which, what; something which; whatever, all that | ما شاء الله see شاء; كثيرا ما katīran mā not seldom, as often as not, very often; بما فيه bi-mā fīhi including ..., inclusive; ما كان من امضاء المعاهدة (imḍā’i l-mu’āhada) the fact that the agreement has been signed, the agreement having been signed; -- 3. (indefinite pronoun) foll. an indefinite noun: some, a certain | لأمر ما li-amrin mā because of something or other, for some reason or other; يوما ما yauman mā some day, sometime in the future; -- 4. (negation) not | ما ان (in) not (intensified); ما ان -- حتى mā an – ḥattā no sooner had he than ..., he had hardly … when ...; وما هي الا ان wa-mā hiya illā an or وما هو الا ان (with foll. verb in perfect) before long he ..., presently ...; then, thereupon; وما هي الا ان -- حتى wa-mā hiva illā an – ḥattā no sooner had he than he had hardly when ...; -- 5. (conjunction) as long as | ما دمت حيا mā dumtu ḥayyan as long I live; ما لم mā lam so long as not, unless; -- 6. whenever; as far as, to the extent or degree that | ما واتتني الفرص (wātatnī l-furaṣ) (whenever opportunities came my way, i.e.) whenever I had a chance

ما بين mā-bain antechamber, anteroom (of the Turkish Sultan); chief chamber-lain’s office (in Ottoman Turkey)

ماء and مائي see موه

ماتينيه (Fr. matinée) mātīnēh matinee

ماجريات see جري

ماجستير mājistēr master, schoolmaster

ماخور mākūr pl. مواخير mawākīr2 house of ill repute, brothel

مار mār Mar, lord (Chr., preceding the names of saints), saint

مارس mars March (month)

مارستان māristān lunatic asylum

مارش marš march (mus.)

مارشال mārišāl marshal, field marshal | مارشال جوي (jawwī) air marshal (formerly, a rank reserved exclusively for the King; Eg.)

مارشالية mārišālīya marshalcy, rank or position of a marshal

مارك mark pl. -āt mark (monetary unit)

ماركسي marksī Marxist

ماركسية marksīya Marxism

ماركة marka pl. -āt mark, sign, token | ماركة تجارية (tijārīya) trade-mark

ماروني mārūnī pl. موارنة mawārina Maronite (adj. and n.)

مازوت māzūt mazut (residue in oil distillation, used as a fuel), heavy oil

ماس mās and ماسة māsa (for الماس ) diamond

ماسي māsī diamond (used attributively)

ماسورة māsūra pl. مواسير mawāsīr2 pipe, tube; hose; pipestem; water pipe, water main; gun barrel; conduit, conduit pipe; pipeline (esp., for oil)

ماسون (Fr. maçon) māsōn Freemason

ماسوني māsōnī freemasonic, masonic

ماسونية māsōnīya Freemasonry

ماشك māšik pl. مواشك mawāšik2 tongs, fire tongs

مئق ma’iqa a (مأق ma’aq) to sob

مأق ma’q pl. مآق ma’āqin inner corner of the eye

مأقة ma’qa sobbing, sob

موق mūq pl. آماق āmāq inner corner of the eye

ماكياج (Fr. maquillage) mākiyāiii face painting, make-up

ماكينة mākīna pl. -āt, مكائن makā’in2 machine

مالطة malṭa Malta

مالطي malṭī Maltese (adj. and n.)

مالنخوليا mālinkōliyā or ماليخاليا mālīkōliyā melancholia

مأمأ ma’ma’a to bleat (sheep)

مأن ma’ana a (ma’n) to sustain, supply with provisions, provision, victual (ه s.o.)

مأنة ma’na pl. ma’anāt, مؤون mu’ūn navel, umbilicus; umbilical region

مؤنة mu’na and مؤونة ma’ūna pl. مؤن mu’an provisions, food.; store, stock; supply; burden, encumbrance, inconvenience; trouble, pains, effort | مؤن حربية (ḥarbīya) war material

مئني see مائة below

مانجو mangō mango, mango tree (bot.)

مانجوست mangost mongoose, ichneumon (zool.)

المانش (Fr. la Manche) al-mānš the English Channel

مانوليا mānūliyā magnolia (bot.)

مانوي mānawī Manichaean

مانوية mānawīya Manichaeism, doctrines of Manes

مانيفاتورة mānīfātūra manufactured goods, dry goods, textiles

مانيفستو mānīfistō manifest, list of a ship’s cargo

مانيكان mānīkān, (also مانوكان mānūkān) pl. -āt mannequin, fashion model

ماهية māhīya pl. -āt quality, quiddity, essence, nature; salary, income; pay (mil.)

مايسترو (It. maestro) māyistrō maestro, conductor

مائة or مئة mi’a pl. مئون mi’ūn, مئات mi’āt hundred | في المائة per cent

مئوي mi’awī and مئيني mi’īnī centesimal, centigrade; percentile, percentual | عيد مئوي (‘īd) 100th anniversary, centennial; نسبة مئوية or نسبة مئينية (nisba) percentage; درجة مئوية (daraja) centigrade (thermometer)

1 مايو māyū May

2 مايو (Fr. maillot) māyō and مايوه māyōh tights

مت matta u (matt) to spread, extend, stretch (هـ s.th.); to seek to establish a link (الى to s.o., ب by marriage), enter into relations (الى with); to be related, become related by marriage (الى to), marry into the family of (الى ); to belong (الى to); to be associated, be connected (الى with) | بصلة الى (bi-ṣilatin) to have close ties with s.o., be related (by marriage) to s.o.; to be connected with s.th., have to do with s.th.; مت له باقرب الصلة (bi-aqrabi ṣ-ṣila) to be most intimately connected with s.o.

ماتة mātta close ties; family ties, kinship

متح mataḥa a (matḥ) to draw from a well (هـ water)

متر mitr pl. امتار amtār meter (measure of length)

متري mitrī metric(al)

متراليوز (Ft. mitrailleuse) mitrāliyōz machine gun

متع mata‘a a (mat‘, متعة mut‘a) to carry away, take away (ب s.th.); -- (متوع mutū‘) to be strong, firm, solid | متع النهار (nahār) it was broad daylight, the sun was high II to make (ه s.o.) enjoy (ب s.th.); to furnish, equip, supply (ب ه s.o. with); to give as compensation (هـ ها to a divorced woman s.th.) | متعه الله God grant him enjoyment throughout his life; متع البصر (baṣara) to gratify the eye IV to make (ه s.o.) enjoy (ب s.th.); to have the usufruct (ب of s.th.) V and X to enjoy, savor, relish (ب s.th.)

متعة mut‘a pl. متع muta‘ enjoyment, pleasure, delight, gratification; recreation; compensation paid to a divorced woman (Isl. Law); (also نكاح المتعة ) muta, temporary marriage. usufruct marriage contracted for a specified time and exclusively for the purpose of sexual pleasure (Isl. Law) | اماكن المتعة recreation centers

متاع matā‘ pl. امتعة amti‘a enjoyment, pleasure, delight, gratification; object of delight; necessities of life; chattel, possession, property; goods, wares, commodities, merchandise; furniture; implements, utensils, household effects; baggage, luggage, equipment, gear; useful article, article of everyday use; things, objects, stuff, odds and ends | متاع العين m. al-‘ain delight of the eyes; سقط المتاع saqaṭ al-m. scrap, waste, discard, refuse; الأمتعة الشخصية (šakṣīya) personal belongings; متاع المرأة m. al-mar’a cunnus (anat.)

امتع amta‘ more enjoyable, more delightful; recreative, recreational

امتاع imtā‘ pleasure, delight, gratification (which s.th. affords)

تمتع tamattu‘ enjoyment | اسهم تمتع ashum t. participating certificates, shares entitling the bolder to participation in the net profit without the right to vote

استمتاع istimtā‘ enjoyment; love of pleasure, epicureanism

ماتع māti‘ long

ممتع mumatti‘ pleasant, delicious, enjoyable, delightful, gratifying

ممتع mumatta‘ enjoying (ب s.th.), in position (ب of)

ممتع mumti‘ pleasant, delicious, enjoyable, delightful, gratifying; interesting

متن matuna u (متانة matāna) to be firm, strong, solid II to make firm or strong (هـ s.th.); to strengthen, consolidate, fortify (هـ s.th.)

متن matn pl. متون mutūn, متان mitān half, or side, of the back; back (esp., of animals, but also fig.); main thing, main part; body (e.g., of a document or journal, aside from footnotes, annotations, etc.), text (of a tradition, as distinguished from the isnād; of a book, as distinguished from the commentary; also, in general, linguistic or literary text); middle of the road, roadway, pavement; surface; desk of a ship | على متن aboard (a ship or airplane); على متن البحر (m. il-baḥr) by sea, sea-borne; على متن الهواء (m. il-hawā’) through the air, air-borne

متن matn and متن firm, strong, solid

متانة matāna firmness, strength, solidity, hardiness; will power, strength of will, determination, backbone, firmness of character, fortitude; succinctness, conciseness of style

تمتين tamtīn strengthening, consolidation

متى matā s. (interrogative particle) when? at what time? | الى متى and حتى متى till when? how long? -- 2. (conjunction) when, whenever | متى ما whenever

مثاث matāt cream, cosmetic

مثل matala u (مثول mutūl) to resemble (ه s.o.), be or look like s.o. (ه ), boar a likeness (ه to); to imitate, copy (ه s.o.); to compare, liken (ب ه s.o. to); to represent, mean, signify (هـ s.th.), stand for (هـ ); to stand erect (بين يديه baina yadaihī before s.o. in audience), appear before s.o.; to present o.s. to s.o.; to present itself to the eye, be on view; to plant o.s., stand; to step forth, come forward, enter, appear, make one’s appearance (esp. of an actor, on the stage) | مثل بين يدي الملك (b. yadayyi l-malik) to have an audience with the king, be received in audience by the king; -- u (matl) to maim, mutilate (ب s.o.); -- u (matl, مثلة mutla) to make an example (ب of s.o.); -- matula u (مثول mutūl) to stand, appear (بين يديه baina yadaihi before s.o. in audience) II to make (هـ s.th.) like s.th. else (ب ), make (هـ s.th.) similar. analogous (ب to); to assimilate (biol.); to give or quote as an example (ب ل s.th. of, also هـ s.th. على of), exemplify (ل ب with s.th. s.th.), use as a simile (ب هـ s.th. for); to compare, liken (ب هـ, ه s.o. s.th. to); to punish severely, treat harshly (ب s.o.); to maim, mutilate (ب s.o.); to represent pictorially or graphically, show (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), picture, depict, describe (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to portray, paint (ه s.o.), sculpture a bust or statue (ه of s.o.); to represent (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to act (on stage or screen), appear as an actor; to play, act (دورا dauran a part or role), star (دورا in a role); to stage, perform (هـ a play); to form, constitute (chem.) | مثل به اشنع تمثيل (ašna‘ t.) to make a dreadful example of s.o., punish s.o. with utmost cruelty III to resemble (ه s.o., هـ s.th.), be or look like s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ), be similar, bear a likeness (هـ, ه to); to correspond, be analogous (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.); to compare, liken (ب ه s.o. to) V to make o.s. similar, assimilate o.s. (ب to s.o.); to become similar (ب to), become like s.o. or s.th. (ب ), follow (ب s.o. s.th.), take after s.o. or s.th. (ب ); to take on the shape of s.o. (ب ); to assimilate, absorb (هـ s.th.); to do likewise, imitate, copy (ب s.o., s.th.); to imagine, fancy (ب s.th., with ه and verb; s.o. to do s.th.); to get an idea (هـ of); to give or quote as an example, use as a simile (ب s.th.); to quote, cite (ب a verse); to present itself, be represented, be visible, find visual expression (في in); to embody, personify, (im)personate, typify (هـ s.th.); to stand erect, appear (بين يديه baina yadaihi before s.o.) VI to resemble each other, be alike, go together, agree, match; to recover (من from) | الى الشفاء or تماثل للشفاء (šifā’) to be on the way to recovery VIII to take as a model or an example, imitate, copy, follow (هـ s.th.); to submit, subject o.s. (ل to s.o., to s.th.); to obey (هـ an order)

مثل mitl pl. امثال amtāl s.th. similar, s.th. of the same kind; resemblance, similarity, similitude, likeness; image; equivalent; (with foll. genit. or suffix) s.o. like ..., one like ...; s.th. like ...; مثل mitla (prep.) and كمثل ka-mitli similar to, like, just as; one like; s.th. like; the same as; (just) as much as | هم مثله hum mitluhū they are like him, they are of his kind; بالمثل in the same manner, likewise, equally, also, too; مثل ما mitla mā just as, as well as; بمثل ما bi-mitl mā in the same manner as; اجر المثل ajr al-m. adequate payment or wages; عامله بالمثل (‘āmalahū) to repay s.o. like for like, treat s.o. in like manner; مبدأ المعاملة بالمثل (mabda’ al-mu‘āmala) principle of reciprocity; مقابلة المثل بالمثل (muqābalat al-m.) retaliation, reprisal; امثاله amtāluhū people like him, people of his kind; امثال ابي بكر people like Abū Bakr; الى ثلاثة امثاله up to three times as much

مثلما mitlamā (conj.) as

مثلي mitlī replaceable; fungible (Isl. Law)

مثلى mutlā see امثل amtal

مثل matal pl. امثال amtāl likeness; metaphor, simile, parable; proverb, adage; example; lesson, similar case; ideal, model; مثلا matalan for example, for instance, e.g. | مثل كمثل he is comparable to ..., he is like ...; مثل اعلى (asmā) or مثل اعلى (a‘lā) ideal; ضرب الأمثال see ضرب; الأمثال السائرة proverbs; على رأي المثل (ra’yi l-m.) as the proverb says

مثال mitāl pl. امثلة amtila, مثل mutul s.th. equal; s.th. similar; simile, parable, allegory; example; pattern, standard; exemplary punishment; model; image, picture | على مثال in the manner of ...; after the pattern or model of ...; مثال اعلى (a‘lā) pl. مثل عليا (‘ulyā) ideal; مثل عالية (‘āliya) ideals

مثالي mitālī parabolic; allegoric; typical, representative; model; exemplary; ideal | مثال النزعة m. n-naz‘a idealist

مثال mattāl pl. -ūn sculptor

مثالة exemplariness, perfection, superiority; (pl. -āt, مثائل matā’il2) lesson, task, assignment

مثيل matīl pl. مثل mutul like, similar, analogous; equal, match | مثيله f. مثيلتها of his (its) kind, of her kind; لا مثيل له (matīla), ليس له مثيل, لم يسبق له مثيل (yasbiq) incomparable, matchless, unrivaled, unparalleled

مثول mutūl standing erect; appearance; presentation; audience

امثولة umtūla pl. -āt, اماثيل amātīl2 example; deterrent example, warning, lesson; proverb; assignment, lesson

امثل amtal2, f. مثلى mutlā, pl. اماثل amātil2 closer to perfection, coming nearer the ideal; ideal; model, exemplary, perfect | السبيل المثلى ل the ideal way to ...

تمثال timtāl pl. تماثيل tamātīl2 sculptured image; statue | تمثال نصفي (niṣfī) bust

تمثيل tamtīl pl. تماثيل tamātīl2 quotation of examples, exemplification; likening, comparison; assimilation; portrayal, picturing, depiction, description; representation; diplomatic representation; dramatic representation, acting, playing (of an actor); performance, show; dramatic art; exemplary punishment | تمثيل تجاري (tijārī) commercial agency; تمثيل فلان (in motion-picture announcements) starring so-and-so; بدل التمثيل badal at-t. allowance for representation, allowance for professional expenditure, expense allowance; دار التمثيل theater, playhouse, opera house; فن التمثيل fann at-t. dramatic art, theater; sculpture; على سبيل التمثيل for the purpose of illustration

تمثيلي tamtīlī of or pertaining to the theater or stage, theatrical, histrionic; dramatic | ملعب تمثيلي (mal‘ab) theater, playhouse

تمثيلية tamtīlīya: تمثيلية غنائية (ginā’īya) opera

مماثلة mumātala resemblance, similarity, similitude, likeness, correspondence; analogy; exact equivalence (Isl. Law)

تمثل tamattul assimilation (biol.)

تماثل tamātul matching, agreement, correspondence, resemblance, similarity, similitude, likeness, recovery, convalescence

امتثال imtitāl obedience, compliance, consent

ماثل mātil standing, standing forth; placed, set down; displayed, on display; emerging, arising, cropping up, appearing, presenting itself | ماثل امام عينيه (amāma ‘ainaihi) present before s.o.’s eyes; ماثل للعيان (li-l-‘iyān) visible, conspicuous, evident, obvious; ماثل في حضرته (ḥaḍratihī) in front of s.o., in s.o.’s presence

ماثلة mātila lamp, chandelier

ممثل mumattil representing, representative, representational; -- (pl. -ūn) representative (also, e.g., diplomatic), deputy, agent; performer, player, stage player, actor; comedian | ممثل تجاري (tijārī) commercial agent

ممثلة mumattlila pl. -āt actress

ممثلية mumattilīya representation, agency | ممثلية سياسية (siyāsīya) diplomatic representation

ممثل mumattal depicted, portrayed; represented; assimilated (biol.)

مماثل mumātil resembling, similar, like, comparable; corresponding, analogous

متماثل mutamātil resembling each other, similar, of the same kind, homogeneous; mutually corresponding, homologous; identical; assimilating, assimilative

ممتثل mumtatil obedient, submissive, compliant

مثانة matāna pl. -āt (urinary) bladder

مج majja u (mail) to spit out, disgorge, eject, emit, discharge (هـ s.th.); to reject, dismiss, discard (هـ s.th.) II to become ripe, ripen, mellow

مجاج mujāj and مجاجة mujāja spittle, saliva; juice

مجد majada u (majd) and majuda u (مجادة majāda) to be glorious, illustrious, exalted II and IV to praise, extol, laud, glorify, celebrate V to be extolled, be glorified, be lauded, be praised; to bout, glory

مجد majd pl. امجاد amjād glory; splendor, magnificence, grandeur; nobility, honor, distinction

مجدي majdī laudable, praiseworthy, glorious

مجيد majīd glorious, illustrious; celebrated, famous; glorified. exalted; praiseworthy, laudable, admirable, excellent, splendid; noble | الكتاب المجيد the Koran

مجيدي majīdī medjidie, a Turkish silver coin of 20 piasters coined under Sultan Abdul-Medjid; (of money) Turkish

امجاد amjād (pl. of مجيد ) people of rank, distinguished people

امجد amjad2 pl. اماجد amājid2 more glorious, more illustrious; more distinguished

تمجيد tamjīd praise, glorification, exaltation, idolization

1 مجر majara u (majr) to be thirsty, feel thirsty, to thirst

مجر majr numerous (army)

ماجور mājūr pl. مواجير mawājīr2 (eg.) round earthen trough or tub used for making dough; tall, bulging earthen vessel with a wide mouth

2 المجر al-majar the Hungarians; Hungary

مجري majarī Hungarian

3 مجر majar a small weight 18 قيراط = 3.61 g (Eg.)

ماجريات see جرى

مجريط majrīṭ2 Madrid

مجوس look up alphabetically

مجلة majla pl. مجال mijāl, (coll.) مجل majl blister; see also under جل jalla

ماجل mājil pl. مواجل mawājil2 (tun.) cistern

ممجمج mumajmaj indistinct, scribbled, illegible

1 مجن majana u (mujn, مجون mujūn, مجانة majāna) to joke, jest; to scoff, mock, jeer III to jeer, scoff, gibe (ه s.o.), mock, poke fun (ه at s.o.), joke, jest (ه with s.o.), make fun (ه of s.o.), play wild jokes (ه on s.o.) V to make insolent jokes VI to mock at each other

مجانة majāna buffoonery, clowning; (pl. -āt prank; antic

مجان majjān, impudent, insolent, unrestrained, wanton, shameless; jester; prankster, wag, buffoon; free, free or charge, gratuitous; مجانا majjānan or بالمجان bi-l-majān free of charge, for nothing, gratis

مجاني majjānī free, free of charges, gratuitous

مجانية majjānīya gratuitousness, exemption from fees, remission of fees

مجون mujūn buffoonery, clowning; shamelessness, impudence

مجوني mujūnī brazen sarcast, cynic

ماجن mājin pl. مجان mujjān impudent, shameless, brazen, insolent, saucy; joker, jester, wag, buffoon

2 ماجن mājin pl. مواجن mawājin2 (= ماجل ) (tun.) cistern

مجنيزيوم magnīzīyom magnesium

مجوس majūs Magi, adherents of Mazdaism

مجوسي majūsī Magian; Magus, adherent of Mazdaism

مجوسية majūsīyya Mazdaism

مح maḥḥ worn off, threadbare, shabby

مح muḥḥ the best, choicest part, pith, gist, quintessence; egg yolk

محص maḥaṣa a (maḥṣ) to render clear, clarify, purify (هـ s.th.) II do.; to rectify, put right (هـ s.th.); to put to the test (هـ s.th.); to test, examine closely (هـ s.th.) IV to reappear, re-emerge, come out again V do.; to be clarified. be purified VII to he clarified, he purified

محيص maḥīṣ shiny, flashing (sword)

تمحيس tamḥīṣ pl. -āt clarification; testing, thorough examination

محض maḥaḍa a (maḥḍ) to he sincere (هـ ه toward s.o. in), show or manifest sincerely (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.; e.g., love, affection); -- maḥuḍa u (محوضة muḥūḍa) to be of pure descent; to be pure, genuine, unmixed, unadulterated IV to be sincere (هـ ه toward s.o. in) V to devote o.s. exclusively (ل to s.th.), he solely dedicated (ل to s.th.)

محض maḥḍ of pure descent, pureblood; pure, unmixed, unadulterated; genuine; sheer, downright, outright (e.g., lie, nonsense, etc.); محضا maḥḍan only, merely, exclusively, solely | بمحض اختياره bi-maḥḍi kt. entirely of his own accord; لمحض صالحها li-maḥḍi ṣāliḥihā solely in her own interest, only for her own good

امحوضة umḥūḍa sincere advice

محق maḥaqa a (maḥq) to efface, blot out, strike out, erase (هـ s.th.); to eradicate, exterminate, annihilate, destroy (هـ s.th.) IV to wane, become invisible (moon); to perish V, VII (انمحق or امحق immaḥaqa) and VIII to be or become effaced; to be annihilated, be destroyed, perish

محق maḥq effacement, obliteration; eradication, extermination, annihilation, destruction

محاق maḥāq, muḥāq, miḥāq waning of the moon

محك maḥuka a (maḥk) and maḥika a (maḥak) to be quarrelsome, contentious, cantankerous, quarrel, wrangle, bicker; to dispute stubbornly III to pick a quarrel, quarrel, wrangle, have an argument (ه with s.o.) IV and V = I

محك maḥik quarrelsome, contentious, cantankerous, disputatious, bickering; quarrelsome person, bickerer; wrangler

مماحكة mumaḥaka quarrelsomeness, disputatiousness, petulance; quarrel, row, wrangle, dispute; (pl. -āt) chicanery; bickering, wrangling

ماحك māḥik and مماحك mumāḥik quarrelsome, contentious, cantankerous, disputatious; quarrelsome person, bickerer, wrangler

محل maḥala a, maḥila a (maḥl, محول muḥūl) and maḥula u (محالة maḥāla) to be barren (land, year); -- maḥāla, maḥila a and maḥula u (محال miḥāl) to plot, scheme, intrigue (ب against s.o.) IV to be barren and arid; to render barren (هـ the soil); to be overdue, be withheld, fail to set in (rains) V to seek to attain by cunning or through intrigues (هـ s.th.), strive cunningly (هـ for); to seek a pretext; to propagandize or advertise (ل s.th.) artfully or with unfair means) | تمحل العذر (‘udr) to use a pretext, make an excuse

محل maḥl barrenness, aridity, drought; dearth, famine; cunning, craft, deceit; (see also under حل ḥalla)

محالة maḥāla pl. محال maḥāl pulley, block and tackle; (see also حول )

محال muḥāl slyness, cunning, craft, insidiousness

ماحل māḥil barren, sterile; bare, bleak

ممحل mumḥil barren, sterile

محن maḥana a (maḥn) and VIII to try, try out, test, put to the test, subject to a test (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to afflict, subject to a trial or trials (ه s.o.); to examine (ه s.o.)

محنة miḥna pl. محن miḥan severe trial, ordeal, tribulation; affliction; hardship, distress, suffering, misfortune

امتحان imtiḥān pl. -āt test, experiment; examination | امتحان الدخول entrance examination; امتحان نهائي (nihā’ī) final examination

ممتحن mumtaḥin tester; examiner

ممتحن mumtaḥan examined; tried, tested; examinee, candidate

محا (محو ) maḥā u (maḥw) to wipe off, rub out, scratch out, erase, strike out (هـ s.th.); to efface, obliterate, blot out (هـ s.th.); to wipe out, eradicate, exterminate, extinguish (هـ s.th.); to eliminate, abolish (هـ s.th.) | لا يمحى lā yumḥā ineffaceable, indelible II to wipe out, extinguish, exterminate, extirpate (هـ s.th.) V, VII (انمحى and امحى immaḥā) and VIII to be effaؤ ed, obliterated, extinguished, wiped out, exterminated; to disappear, vanish

محو maḥw effacement, obliteration, blotting out; erasure, deletion; elimination; abolition, abolishment, annulment

O ممحاة mimḥāh and محاية maḥḥāya eraser

امحاء immiḥā’ extinction, extermination, extirpation

ماحية māḥiya eraser

مخ mukk pl. مخاخ mikāk, مخاخة mikāka brain; marrow, medulla; core, essence; purest and choicest part

مخي mukkī brain- (in compounds), cerebral

المخا al-mukā Mocha (seaport in SW Yemen)

1 مخر makara a (makr, مخور mukūr) to plow; to move, out, shear, cleave (هـ through s.th.); (of a ship) to plow, traverse (هـ the sea)

ماخر mākir plowing the sea (ship)

ماخرة mākira pl. مواخر mawākr2 ship

2 ماخور mākūr pl. مواخير mawākīr brothel

مخق makraqa to brag, tell fibs; to swindle, cheat

مخض makaḍa a u i (makḍ) to chum (هـ milk); to shake violently (هـ s.th.); -- makiḍa a (مخاض makāḍ, mikāḍ) to be parturient, be in labor V = I makiḍa; to bear, produce, bring forth, effect, bring about (عن s.th.); to be churned (milk)

مخاض makāḍ labor pains

مخيض makīḍ buttermilk

مخاضة makkāḍa and ممخضة mimkaḍa pl. مماخض mamākiḍ churn

مخط makaṭa a u (makṭ, مخوط mukūṭ) and V to blow one’s nose

مخاط mukāṭ nasal mucus, snot | مخاط الشمس m. aš-šams and مخاط الشيطان m. aš-šaiṭā gossamer

مخاطي mukāṭī snotty; mucous; slimy, ropy

مخيط mukaiṭ (eg.) sebésten (Cordia myxa L.; bot.)

مخطر II tamakṭara to walk with a graceful, swinging gait

1 مخل mukl pl. امخال amkāl, مخول mukūl lever, pinch bar, crowbar

2 مخلة mikla (= مخلاة ) pl. مخل mikal, مخالي makālī nosebag

مخمض makmaḍa to rinse the mouth

مد madda u (madd) to extend, distend, expand, dilate (هـ s.th.); to stretch, stretch out (هـ s.th.), crane (هـ the neck); to draw out, protract (هـ s.th.); to spread out (هـ s.th.); to layout (هـ s.th.), lay (هـ tracks, pipeline); to spread (هـ a net); to lengthen, elongate, prolong (هـ s.th.); to grant a respite or delay; to rise (flood, river); to help, aid, assist (ه s.o.), support (ب ه s.o. by or with), supply, provide (ب ه s.o. with); to reinforce (هـ an army); to fertilize, manure (هـ the soil) | مد عمره (‘umrahū) to prolong s.o.’s life (of God); مد البصر الى (baṣara) to turn one’s eyes, direct one’s glance to; مد جذرا في الأرض (jidran, arḍ) to strike roots (tree); مد الحبالة له to lay a snare for s.o.; مد رجله بقدر كسائه (rijlahū bi-qadri kisā’ihī) to cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth, make the beet of it, adjust o.s. to the circumstances; مد رجليه بقدر لحافه (rijlaihi bi-gadri likāfihī) do.; مد سمعه (sam‘ahū) to prick up one’s ears; مد المائدة to set the table; مد في المشي (mašy) to take long strides; مد المواسير to lay pipe; مد اليه يده (yadahū) to extend one’s hand to s.o. II to extend, distend, expand, dilate (هـ s.th.); to stretch out (هـ s.th.); to spread, spread out (هـ s.th.); to lengthen, elongate, protract, prolong (هـ s.th.); to discharge pus, suppurate, fester III to delay, defer, procrastinate; to put off from day to day (ه s.o.) IV to help, aid, assist (ه s.o.), support (ب ه s.o. with), provide, supply, furnish (ب هـ, ه s.o., s.th. with); to lend, impart (ب ه to s.th. s.th.); to reinforce (. an army); to postpone, delay, grant a respite; to suppurate, fester | امد بأجله (bi-ajalihī) to grant s.o. another respite in this life (of God) V to be spread, spread out, extended, stretched out; to extend, stretch, spread; to lengthen, expend, distend, dilate; to stretch o.s., stretch out, sprawl (on a bed, end the like) VIII to be extended, distended, stretched; to be laid (wires, pipeline); to extend or reach (الى to s.th.), stretch, spread (الى to s.th., over a distance); to lengthen, become drawn out, become protracted or prolonged; to be long; to develop, grow (الى into) X to take, get, draw, derive, borrow (من هـ s.th. from), provide o.s. with (هـ ); to ask for help (ه s.o.)

مد madd pl. مدود mudūd extension; distension, dilation, expansion; stretching; spreading; lengthening, elongation, prolongation, protraction; drawing out of the voice over long vowels (in Koran recitation); rising, rise (of water, of the flood); supply (ب with) | مد البصر m. al-baṣar range of vision; madda l-b. as far as the eye can see; مد النظر m. an-naẓar farsightedness, foresight; حروف المد the “literae productionis” ا و ي (gram.)

مدة madda sign over alif (آ ) denoting initial long a (’ā)

مد mudd pl. امداد amdād, مداد midād mudd, a dry measure (Pal. = 18 l, Tangier = 46.6 l)

مدة midda pus, purulent matter

مدة mudda pl. مدد mudad period (of time), space of time, interval; while; duration; limited or appointed time, term; مدة muddata within, in the course of, during | في مدة within, in the course of, during; مدة من الزمان (zaman) period (of time), space of time, interval, while; muddatan min az-z. for a while, for some time

مدد madad pl. امداد amdād help, aid, assistance, support, backing, reinforcement; pl. resources; auxiliaries

مداد midād ink; lamp oil; fertilizer, manure, dung; pattern, style | سجله بمداد الفخر sajjalahū bi-m. il-fakr to inscribe s.th. with golden letters; على مداد واحد after the same pattern

مديد madīd pl. مدد mudud extended, outstretched, stretched, elongated; long, prolonged, protracted; tall, big; slender, high, towering; المديد name of a poetical meter | زمان مديد (zamān) or مدة مديدة (muda) long time; عمر مديد (‘umr) greet age; مديد البصر m. al-baṣar farsighted, farseeing

مداد maddād a creeping plant

امدة amidda warp of a fabric

تمديد tamdīd pl. -āt lengthening, elongation, prolongation, extension

امداد imdād help, aid, assistance, support, sustentation, maintenance, provisioning; supply (mil.); pl. -āt auxiliaries, reinforcements, supplies

تمدد tamaddud extension, spreading, expansion; stretching, distention, dilation, dilatation, widening

امتداد imtidād stretching, stretch, extension, extensity; extensibility, dispensability; expansibility; widening, distention, dilation, dilatation, lengthening, elongation, prolongation; expanse; length; size, extent, spread, compass, range, scope | على امتداد along, alongside of

استمداد istimdād procurement of support, bringing up of reinforcements; supply (mil.)

ماد mādd stretching, expanding, extending, spreading; trailing, creeping (plant)

مادة mādda pl. مواد mawādd2 stuff, matter; material possession; substance; material; component, constituent, ingredient; fundamental constituent, radical, chemical element, base; subject, theme, topic; school subject, field of study; discipline, subject matter, curricular subject; article, paragraph (e.g., of a law, treaty or contract); stipulation, contractual term j pl. material, materials; agents, elements | مادة اصلية (aṣlīya) root of a word; مواد اولية (awwalīya) primary elements; raw materials; مواد تجارية (tijārīya) articles of commerce, commodities; مواد التجميل cosmetics; مواد جنائية (jinā’īya) criminal cases (jur.); مواد حربية (ḥarbīya) war material; مواد خام raw materials; مواد الصباغة dyestuffs, dyes; مواد صلبة (ṣulba) solid constituents, solids (e.g., of milk); O مواد مصنوعة manufactured goods, ready-made goods; O مواد التطيب medicaments, drugs; مواد الإعاشة m. al-i‘āša, مواد المعيش m. al-ma‘īš food-stuffs, food; مواد غذائية (gidā’īya) foodstuffs, victuals, food, nutritive substances; fodder; مواد اللغة m. al-luga vocabulary of a language; O مواد مضادة للحيويات (muḍādda li-l-ḥayawīyāt antibiotics; مواد ملتهبة (multahiba) combustible materials, inflammable matter; fuel; مواد مدنية (madanīya) civil cases (jur.); مواد النسيج textiles

مادي māddī material; corporeal, physical; materialistic; (pl. -ūn) materialist; objective (as opposed to شخصي )

مادية māddīya materialism | الماديات والمعنويات (ma‘nawīyāt) material and ideal things

ممدود mamdūd extended; outstretched; elongated; prolonged, protracted, drawn out; extensive, great, large; provided with madda (gram.)

ممدد mumaddad spread, outspread, outstretched; stretched out, sprawling, lying; extended, elongated, long

ممتد mumtadd extended, outstretched; spread, outspread, laid out; extending, stretching, spreading; extensive, wide, large, comprehensive

مستمد mustamadd taken, derived (من from)

مداليه madāliya pl. مداليات madāliyāt medal

مداليون madaliyōn medallion, locket, pendant

مدح madaḥa a (madḥ, مدحة midḥa) to praise, commend, laud, extol (ه s.o.); to eulogize, celebrate in poems (هه s.o.) II do. V to be commended, be praised, be lauded; to boast (ب of s.th.), glory (ب in), pride o.s. (ب on), be proud (ب of) VIII = I

مدح madḥ commendation, laudation, praise; extolment, glorification; panegyrical litsrature; acclaim | المدح في الله the glorification of God

مديح madīḥ pl. مدائح madā’iḥ2 praise, laudation, commendation; panegyrical poem, panegyric; eulogy, encomium, tribute

امدوحة umdūḥa pl. اماديح amādīḥ2 praise, laudation, commendation; panegyrical poem; eulogy, encomium, tribute

تمدح tamadduḥ extolment, glorification; self-praise, vainglory, ostentation, swaggering

مادح mādiḥ and مداح maddāḥ panegyrist, encomiast, eulogist

1 مدر madar (coll.; n. un. ة ) clods of earth or mud, loam, clay | اهل الوبر والمدر ahl al-wabar wa-l-m. the tent-dwellers and the city-dwellers, the nomads and the sedentary population

مدن madara clod of earth or mud; small hump of the ground

2 مدراء mudarā’2 pl. of مدير mudir, see دور

مدراس madrās2 Madras (state and city in S India)

مدريد madrīd2 Madrid

مدلن (Engl.) midlin middling, of medium quality (com.)

مدن II to found or build cities; to civilize, urbanize, humanize, refine V تمدن tamaddana to be or become civilized; تمدين tamadyana do.; to enjoy the comforts; of civilization, the amenities of life

مدينة madīna pl. مدن mudun, مدائن madā’in2 town, city | مدينة النبي or المدينة (usually followed by the epithet المنورة al-munawwara) Medina (city in W Saudi Arabia); مدينة السلام m. as-salām Baghdad (capital of Iraq); مدينة الكاب Cape Town; المدن الكبرى (kubrā) the big cities

مدني madanī urban, urbanized, city-dwelling, town-dwelling; civilized, refined, polished; civilian (as opposed to military), civil, civic; secular; town dweller, townsman, city dweller, urbanite, citizen, civilian; of Medina, Medinan (adj. and n.) | دعوى مدنية (da‘wā) civil action, civil suit, civil proceeding (jur.); الطيران المدني (ṭayarān) civil aeronautics; قانون مدني civil law

مدنية madanīya civilization

تمدين tamdīn civilizing, civilization, advancement in social culture, humanization, refining, raising of moral standards

تمديني tamdīnī civilizing, civilizatory, civilizational

تمدن tamaddun and تمدين tamadyun civilization; refinement of social culture

تمدني tamaddunī civilized

متمدن mutamaddin civilized; sophisticated, refined, educated

متمدين mutamadyin civilized, provided with the comforts of civilization

مدى III to grant a respite or delay (ه to s.o.) IV do. VI to persist, persevere (في or ب or على in), keep, stick, adhere (في or ب or على to); to continue (في s.th.), keep or go on (في doing s.th.); to go far, go to extremes (في in); to continue, last, draw out

مدى madan extension, expanse, stretch, spread, compass, range, scope, space, latitude, reach; distance, interval, interspace; extent, degree, measure, scale, proportion; utmost point, extreme, limit; space of time, duration, period; (prep.) مدى mad4 for the duration of, during, in a (given) period of, in the course of | مدى البصر m. l-baṣar range or field of vision, visual range; مدى الحياة m. l-ḥayāh lifetime; for life; المدى الحيوي (ḥayawī) lebensraum; مدى الدوران m. d-dawarān continually, constantly, perpetually; مدى الصوت m. ṣ-ṣaut roach of the voice, calling distance; مدى العمر m. l-‘umr lifetime; مدى m. l-ayyām throughout the days, continually; الى مدى بعيد at a great distance; على مدى عشر امتار (‘ašri amtār) at a distance of 10 meters; بعيد المدى far-reaching, مدفع بعيد المدى (midfa‘) long-range gun; في المدى الأخير after all, when all’s said and done, in the last analysis

مدية madya, mudya, midya pl. مدى mudan, midan, مديات mudyāt, mudayāt butcher’s knife; knife

مدوي madawī, mudawī, midawī cutler

تماد tamādin: مع التمادي, مع طول التمادي in the long run

مديل (Fr. modèle) modēl pl. -āt model

مدين II tamadyana see مدن

مذ mud since (= منذ mundu)

مذر madira a (madar) to be addle (egg), become rotten II to scatter, disperse, spread or sprinkle about (هـ s.th.) V = I

شذر مذر šadara madara scattered here and there

مذر madir spoiled, rotten, putrid

مذق madaqa u (madq) to mix with water, dilute

مذق madq watered wine

مذيق madīq diluted, mixed with water, watered, watery

مذاق madāq and مماذق mumādaq insincere, hypocritical

مذل madila a (madl, مذال madāl) to reveal, disclooe (ب s.th. secret)

مذهب II tamadhaba see ذهب

1 مر marra u (marr, مرور murūr, ممر mamarr) to pass (ب or على s.o., s.th. or by s.o., by s.th.), go, walk, saunter, or stroll by or past (ب, على ); to march past s.o. (امام ), pass in review (امام before s.o.; mil.); to pass, elapse, go by, run out (time); to come, go, walk, or pass along s.th. (ب or على ), skirt (ب or على s.th.); to pass, go, walk, move, march, travel (ب or من or على through), cross, traverse (من a place, a country, a room); to flow through, run through; to fly through; to lead, run, out (في through an area; border), pass (في over), cross (في an area); to go or pass (ب through a stage or phase), undergo (ب a state or phase); to cross (على a border, s. line, mountains, etc.); to fly (فوق over an area; airplane); to depart, go away, leave; to continue (يفعل to do s.th.), keep, or go on, doing s.th. | مر ذكره (dikruhū) it has been discussed, it has been mentioned above; كما مر بنا as it has passed before us, as we have already mentioned; مر بالامتحان to pass the examination; مر بسلام (bi-salām) to turn out well, go off without mishap; مر عليه ببصره (bi-baṣarihī) to scan s.th., peruse s.th. hastily; مر مر البرق (marra l-barq) to pass swiftly, flash past, flit past; مر مر الكرام (marra l-k.) to pass as if nothing had happened, brush past; مر به (عليه) مر الكرام to overlook s.th. generously, pass over s.th. with dignity, treat s.th. with disdain II to let pass (هـ s.th.); to convey, carry or take through (هـ s.th.); to pass (هـ the ball, in soccer) | مرر سفينة في القناة (qanāh) to pass or take a ship through the canal IV to let (ه s.o.) go by or past s.o. or s.th. (على or ب ); to let (ه s.o.) pass (على or ب s.th.); to make (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) go through s.th. (على or ب ), lead, take or send (ه s.o.) through (على or ب ), pass,stick (على or ب هـ s.th. through); to insert (على or ب هـ s.th. in) | امر نظره على (naẓarahū) to pass one’s glance over, let one’s eyes wander over X to last, endure, continue, go on; to remain, stay; to continue (على or في s.th., يفعل to do s.th.), persist, persevere (على or في in s.th.), keep (على or في to s.th., يفعل doing s.th.), go on (يفعل doing s.th.), stick, adhere (على or في to s.th.)

مر marr passing, going by; passage, transit; transition; crossing; progression, process, lapse, course (of time); iron shovel, spade; rope | على مر الزمان (m. iz-zamān) in the course of time

مرة marra pl. -āt, مرار mirār time, turn; مرة marratan once; مرتين marrataini twice; ماتة marrātin repeatedly; several times, quite often; مرارا mirāran several times, more than once, quite often; at times, now and then, occasionally, sometimes | مرة ما marratan mā or ذات مرة dāta marratin once, one time, one day; مرة اخرى marratan ukrā or مرة جديدة (jadīdatan) once again, once more, anew, مرة بعد مرة or مرة عن مرة time and again, again and again; المرة تلو المرة (tilwa) time after time, time and again; مرة واحدة (wāḥidatan) at once, at one time; eventually, finally, at last; اكثر من مرة (aktara) more than once, several times; بالمرة at all, absolutely, entirely; (with neg.) not at all, never, by no means; غير مرة gaira marratin or غير ما مرة repeatedly, several times, more than once; كم مرة kam marratan how often? how many times? للمرة السادسة for the sixth times; لآخر مرة li-ākiri marratin or للمرة الأخيرة for the time; لأول مرة li-awali marratin for the first time; مرارا عديدة (‘adīdatan) frequently, often; مرارا وتكرارا (wa-takrāan) time and again, again and again

مرور murūr passing; parade, march past (امام ); passage, march, journey, or trip through (ب, من, على ), transit; flowing through, flow; crossing, traversal; flying over (فوق ); uninterrupted sequence; traffic (street, tourist, shipping); progression, process, course, lapse (of time); (eg.) inspection | مرور الزمان m. az-zamān expiration of the deadline; تذكرة المرور tadkirat al-m. permit, pass, laissez-passer; passport; حركة المرور ḥarakat al-m. through traffic; شرطة المرور šurṭat al-m traffic police, highway patrol; نظام المرور traffic regulations

ممر mamarr passing, going by; elapsing; lapse, expiration (of time); transition; crossing; access, approach; (pl. -āt) aisle, passage, passageway, corridor; ford; (mountain) pass | ممر سفلي (suflī) underpass; على ممر العصور in the course of centuries

امرار imrār passing through, insertion

استمرار istimrār duration, permanence, continuity, continuance, continuation, continued existence, survival; persistence | باستمرار continually, constantly; دواما واستمرارا (dawāman) constantly, continuously, incessantly, without interruption; قوة الاستمرار qūwat al-ist. inertia, vis inertiae

مار mārr passing; going, walking, riding, etc., past or by; (pl. -ūn, مارة mārra) passer-by, pedestrian, walker, stroller | المار ذكره (dikruhū) the above-mentioned, what has already been discussed

مستمر mustamirr lasting, permanent, enduring, constant, continual, uninterrupted, unceasing, incessant; continuous, unbroken | تيار مستمر (tayyār) direct current (el.); موجات مستمرة (maujāt) continuous waves (phys.)

2 مر marra u a (مرارة marāra) to be or become bitter II to make bitter, embitter (هـ s.th.) IV to be or become bitter; to make bitter (هـ s.th.) VI to fight, contend, dispute (with each other) X to think bitter, find bitter (هـ s.th.)

مر murr pl. امرار amrār bitter; severe; sharp; painful; bitterness; myrrh | مر الصحاري m. aṣ-ṣaḥārī colocynth (bot.)

مرة mirra pl. مرر mirar gall. bile; (pl. امرار amrār) strength, power

مرارة marāra pl. مرائر marā’ir2 bitterness; gall, gall bladder; innermost, heart | انشقت مرارته غيظا (inšaqqat, gaiẓan) he burst with anger

مرير marīr pl. مرائر marā’ir2 strong, firm, stubborn, tenacious, dogged, persistent, deep-seated, deep, profound (esp., of feelings)

مريرة marīra pl. مرائر marā’ir2 firmness; detention, resoluteness; vigor, energy, tenacity, doggedness; steadiness, constancy

امر amarr2 firmer, stronger; bitterer | الأمران the two bitter things (i.e., poverty and old age); قاسى الأمرين qāsā l-amarrain to go through the worst, be exposed to greatest hardships

ممرور mamrūr bilious; foolish, crazy; fool

مرأ mara’a, مرئ mari’a a and مرؤ maru’a u (مراءة marā’a) to be wholesome, healthful, palatable (food); -- مرؤ maru’a u (مروءة murū’a) to be manly; -- مرؤ maru’a u (مراءة marā’a) to be healthy and salubrious (climate) X to find wholesome and tasty (هـ food); to enjoy, savor, relish (هـ s.th.); to be able to digest (هـ s.th.; also fig.); to take to s.th. (هـ ), take a liking (ب to), derive pleasure (هـ from)

امرء , امرأ imra’ and امرؤ imru’ (with definite article المرء al-mar’) a man; person, human being; المرء frequently for Engl. “one”, as يظن المرء (yaẓunnu) one would think

امرأة imra’a (with def. article المرأة al-mar’a) pl. see نسو , woman, wife | المرأة المسلسلة (musalsala) Andromeda (astron.)

مروءة murū’a and مروة murūwa the ideal of manhood, comprising all knightly virtues, esp., manliness, valor, chivalry, generosity, sense of honor

مريء marī’ manly, virile; healthful, salubrious, healthy, wholesome | هنيئا مريئا (hanī’an) approx.: may it do you much good! I hope you will enjoy it (i.e, food)!

مريء marī’ pl. امرئة amri’a, مروء murū’ esophagus, gullet

مراكش marrākuš2, marrākiš2 Marrakech (city in W Morocco); Morocco

مراكشي marrākušī, marrākišī Moroccan (adj. and n.)

مرث marata u (mart) to suck, bite (هـ one’s fingers); to soften, crush, squash, mash (هـ s.th.); to macerate, soak (in water; هـ s.th.)

1 مرج marj pl. مروج murūj grass-covered steppe; pasture land; meadow

هرج ومروج harj wa-marj confusion, jumble, tumult, hubbub

مرج maraj disorder, confusion, jumble

2 مرجان marjān, murjān (coll.; n. un. ة ) small pearls; corals | سمك مرج samak m. goldfish

مرجاني marjānī coralline, coral, coralli- (in compounds), corallike, coral-red | جزيرة مرجانية atoll; شعاب مرجانية coral reefs

مرجح marjaḥa to rock II tamarjaḥa to swing back and forth, pendulate, dangle; to be in suspense, be pending, be in abeyance

مرح mariḥa a (maraḥ) to be gay, merry, cheerful, in high spirits, hilarious, exuberant, lively; to be glad, happy, delighted; to rejoice, exult | سرح مرح (sariḥa) to do as one likes, proceed arbitrarily

مرح maraḥ joy, cheerfulness, gaiety, glee, mirth, hilarity, merriment, liveliness

مرح mariḥ pl. مرحى marḥā, مراحى marāḥā joyful, gay, happy, merry, cheerful, lively, romping, hilarious, exuberant

مراح mirāḥ jollity, hilarity, exuberance

مريح marīḥ joyful, gay, happy, merry, cheerful, lively, romping, hilarious, exuberant

مرحى marḥā well done! bravo! | مرحى ب bravo to ...

ممراح mimrāḥ of cheerful disposition, gay-tempered, blithe; gay, jovial person

مرحب marḥaba to welcome (ه s.o.)

مرخ marak a (mark) to oil, anoint,rub, embrocate (هـ the body) II do. V to rub one’s skin with a liniment, oil o.s., anoint o.s.

مرخ marik soft; slack, flabby, flaccid

مروخ marūk liniment; salve, unguent, ointment

مريخ mirrīk Mars (astron.)

مرد marada u (مرود murūd) and maruda (مرادة marāda, مرود murūda) to be refractory, recalcitrant, rebellious; to revolt, rebel (على against) II to strip (هـ a branch) of its leaves; to plaster, mortar, face (هـ a building) V to be refractory, recalcitrant, to revolt, rebel (على agaist); to be insolent, arrogant, overbearing

مردى murdī pl. مرادى marādīy (punting) pole, boat hook

مراد marād, marrād pl. مراريد marārīd2 nape, neck

مريد ma.rid pl. مرداء muradā’ refractory, recalcitrant, rebellious

تمراد timrād pl. تماريد tamārīd2 dovecot

امرر amrad2, f. مرداء mardā’2, pl. مرد mard beardless; leafless (tree); dry, withered

تمرد tamarrud refractoriness, recalcitrance, disobedience, insubordination; uprising, insurrection, mutiny, revolt, rebellion

مارد mārid pl. -ūn, مردة marada, مراد murrād refractory, recalcitrant, defiant; rebel, insurgent; demon, evil spirit, devil; giant

متمرد mutamarrid refractory, recalcitrant, disobedient, insubordinate, mutinous, rebellious

مردقوش mardaqūš marjoram

مرزبان marzubān pl. مرازبة marāziba vicegerent, provincial governor, satrap (in ancient Persia)

مرزجوش marzajūš, مرزنجوش marzanjūš مردقوش

مرس marasa u (mars) to soak (in water), macerate (هـ s.th.) III to exercise, pursue, practice (هـ s.th., esp., a profession); (intr.) to practice, have or operate a practice; to carry out, execute (ب an action); to apply o.s. (0 to s.th.), go in for (هـ ); to try V to rub o.s. (ب with, against); to have trouble, be at odds (ب with); to exercise (ب an office), pursue, practice (ب a profession); to work (ب with), be in practical contact, have actually to do (ب with s.th.); to have to cope or struggle (ب with s.th.) VI to fight, struggle, contend with each other

مرس mars game which is won by getting all the tricks

مرس maris pl. امراس amrās seasoned, practiced, experienced, veteran

مرسة marasa pl. امراس amrās rope, cord, line; cable, hawser

مراس mirās and مراسة marāsa strength, power | سهل المراس sahl al-m. tractable, manageable, docile, compliant; شديد المراس or صعب المراس (ṣa’b al-m. intractable, unruly, refractory; صعوبة المراس intractability, unruliness, refractoriness, recalcitrance

مريسة marīsa a kind of beer

مريسي marīsī hot south wind (eg.)

ممارسة mumārasa pursuit, exercise, practicing (of a profession); execution, implementation; practical application; practice; experience, routine; negotiation

تمرس tamarrus practicing, practice (ب of an activity, of a profession)

مرسيليا marsīliyā Marseille (seaport in SE France)

مرسين marsīn myrtle (myrtus; bot.)

مرش maraša u (marš) to scratch (هـ s.th.)

مرشال maršāl (field) marshal

مرص murṣ Morse (code)

مرض mariḍa a (maraḍ) to be or become lick; to fall ill, be taken ill II to make ill or sick (ه s.o.); to nurse, tend (ه a sick person) IV to make ill or sick (ه s.o.) V to be infirm, ailing, sickly, weak VI to feign illness, malinger

مرض maraḍ pl. امراض amrāḍ disease, malady, ailment; illness, sickness | مرض البياض الدقيقي m. al-bayāḍī ad-daqīqī mildew; مرض عصبي (‘aṣabī) nervous disease, neuropathy; مرض عقلي (‘aqlī) mental disease; مرض فحمي (faḥmī) blight, blast (of grain); مرض فرنجي (firanjī) syphilis; مرض معد (mu‘din) contagious disease; امراض باطنية (bāṭinīya) internal diseases; امراض سرية (sirrīya) venereal diseases; امراض صدرية (ṣadrīya) diseases of the chest, pulmonary diseases

مرض murḍin see رضي

مرضى maraḍī relating to disease, morbid, pathological, patho- (in compounds)

مريض marīḍ pl. مرضى marḍā, مراضى marāḍā sick, ill, ailing; diseased; unwell, indisposed; sick person, patient | مريض نفسي (nafsī) psychopath

ممراض mimrāḍ sickly, in poor health, ailing

تمريض tamrīḍ sick-nursing

ممرض mumarriḍ (male) sick nurse, hospital attendant; ambulance man, first-aid man; doctor’s assistant

ممرضة mumarriḍa sick nurse, nurse (f.)

متمرض mutamarriḍ sickly, in poor health, ailing

مرط marṭa u (marṭ) to tear out, pull out, pluck out (هـ hair) II do. V to fall out (hair)

مريط marīṭ and امرط amraṭ, f. مرطاء marṭā’, pl. مرط murṭ hairless

مرع mara‘a a (mar‘) to rub over, anoint (هـ s.th.)

مرع mar‘ pl. امرع amru’, امراع amrā‘ pasture

مرعة mur‘a grease, oil

مريع marī‘ fertile, productive (soil)

ممراع mimrā‘ thriving, flourishing, prosperous (city)

مرغ II to roll (in the dust) (هـ s.th.); to rub over (هـ s.th.); to rub (هـ s.th.) IV to soil, sully, make dirty (هـ s.th.) V to roll, wallow (esp., in the dust); to waver irresolutely

مرغرين margarīn margarine

مرفين murfīn morphine

مرق maraqa u (مروق murūq) to pierce, penetrate (من s.th. or s.o.; esp., of an arrow), go or pass through (من ); to dart, rush, shoot, or fly past, pass swiftly; to hurry away, scamper away; to stray (e.g., of an arrow); to digress, deviate; to renege, renounce (esp. من الدين the true faith) | مرق السهم (sahmu) (lit.: the arrow hal passed through, i.e.) the matter is finished, done with. settled II to sing

مرق maraq and مرقة maraqa broth, bouillon; gravy

مروق murūq straying, deviation; apostasy, defection, desertion, disloyalty

مروقي murūqī (tun.) nickname of professional Koran reciters in Tunis; (tun.) pallbearer

مارق māriq pl. مراق murrāq, مرقة maraqa straying; apostate, renegade, defector, turncoat, deserter; heretic

ممارق mumāriq insolent, impudent

مركز II tamarkaza to concentrate (في on, at, in); to settle, establish o.s. gain a footing, take root; to consolidate one’s position; to gravitate (to)

مركز , مركزية etc., see ركز

مركيز look up alphabetically

تمركز tamarkuz concentration; consolidation (of a position)

مراكش marrākuš2, marrākiš2 Marrakech (city in W Morocco); Morocco

مراكشي marrākišī, marrākišī Moroccan (adj. and n.)

مركيز markīz marquis

مرمتون (Fr. marmiton) marmatōn and مرمطون pl. -āt kitchen boy, scullery boy

1 مرمر marmara to be or become bitter; to become angry II tamarmara to murmur, mumble; to grumble

2 مرمر marmar marble

مرمري marmarī marble (adj.)

مرمط marmaṭa (eg.) to spoil, damage (هـ s.th.)

مرمطون see مرمتون

مرميس mirmīs rhinoceros

1 مرن marana u (مرانة marāna, مرون murūn, مرونة murūna) to be pliant, flexible, ductile, elastic; -- (مرون murūn, مرانة marāna) to be or become accustomed, get used (على to) II to train, drill (ه s.o.); to accustom, condition, season, inure (على ه s.o. to), make (ه s.o.) get used (على to); V to become accustomed, get used (على to); to exercise, practice (على s.th.), train (على in), be practiced, trained, experienced (على in); to be drilled, drill

مرن marin pliant, pliable, flexible, bending; elastic; plastic; supple, limber, lithe; ductile, extensible; yielding, compliant

مرانة marāna and مرونة murūna pliancy, pliability, flexibility; elasticity; ductility; plasticity; agility, nimbleness; resilience

تمرين tamrīn pl. -āt, تمارين tamārīn2 exercise, practice, training; military training, drill; practical experience; expertness, skill; preparatory training, (period of) probation, apprenticeship, traineeship | تمرين ابتدائي (ibtidā’ī) basic training; تمارين جندية jundīya) or تمرينات عسكرية (‘askarīya) military exercises, maneuvers; O تمرين الزيادة coaching, tutoring; extra drill (mil.); تمرينات رياضية (riyāḍīya) gymnastic exercises; تحت التمرين undergoing preparatory training, engaged on probation (official, employee)

مران mirān expertness, skill; exercise, practice, drill, training; habituation, habit; accustomedness; practical experience; routine

تمرن tamarrun exercise, practice, training

ممرن mumarrin trainer, coach; instructor; drill sergeant

ممرن mumarran practiced, seasoned, experienced, trained, skilled (على in); accustomed, used (على to)

متمرن mutamarrin practiced, seasoned, experienced, trained, skilled (على in); accustomed, used (على to); probationer, undergoing probation, probationary

2 ماروني pl. موارنة look up alphabetically

1 مرو marw Merv (present-day Mary, town in Turkmen S.S.R.)

مروي marwī, marawī native of Merv

2 مرو marw (coll.; n. un. ة ) pebble; flint

2 مروة see مروءة

2 مرى III to wrangle, argue, dispute (ه with s.o.; to resist, oppose (ه s.o.); to contest (في s.th.) VIII to doubt (في s.th.)

مرية murya, mirya doubt, quarrel, wrangle, argument, dispute

مراء mirā’ quarrel, wrangle, argument, dispute; doubt | بلا مراء (bi-lā) or لا مراء (mirā’a) incontestable, indisputable, unquestionable, undisputed, uncontested; لا مراء في ان it is an incontrovertible fact that ..., unquestionably …

2 مرايا pl. مرآة see رأى

مريم maryam2 Mary, Maria

مريمية maryamīya sage (bot.)

مز mazza u (mau) to suck

مز muzz sourish, acidulous

مزة mazza pl. -āt and مازة māzza (eg.) relishes, appetizers (taken with drink)

مزج mazaja u (mazj, مزاج mizāj) to mix, mingle, blend (بين different things, ب ه s.th. with) III to form a mixture or compound, be mixed, be blended, mix, mingle, blend, combine (هـ with s.th.); to adapt o.s. (ه to s.o.), humor (ه s.o.) VI to intermix:, intermingle, interblend, be intermixed, be intermingled VIII to be mixed, be mingled, be blended, mix, mingle, blend (ب with)

مزج mazj mixing, blending

مزاج mizāj pl. امزجة amzija mixture, medley, blend; temperament, temper, nature, disposition; frame of mind, mood, humor, vein; physical constitution; condition, (state of) health | مزاج دموي (damawī) sanguine temperament; مزاج سودوي (saudawī) melancholic temperament; مزاج صفراوي (ṣafrāwī) choleric (or bilious) temperament; مزاج بلغمي (balgamī) phlegmatic temperament; المزاج العام (‘āmm) popular taste; مزاج لطيف delicate nature, weakly constitution; محرور المزاج hot-tempered; منحرف المزاج munḥarif al-m. unwell, indisposed, out of sorts; هذا لا يوافق مزاجي (yuwājiqu) this is not to my taste

مزيج mazīj compounded, blended (من of); mixture, medley, blend (من of); combination, compound, alloy

تمازج tamāzuj intermixing, intermingling, interblending. intermixture

امتزاج imlizāj mixture, blend

مزح mazaḥa a (mazḥ) to joke, jest, make fun III to joke, make fun (ه witb s.o.)

مزح mazḥ, مزاح muzāḥ, mizāḥ and مزاحة muzāḥa joking, joke, jest, fun

مزاح mazzāḥ and مازح māziḥ joker, jester, buffoon, wag

مزر mizr a kind of beer

مزع maza‘a a (maz‘) to run, bound, tear along, gallop along; to tear apart (هـ s.th.); to tear, rip (من هـ s.th. off) II to pick, pluck (ه wool or cotton); to tear to pieces (هـ s.th.)

مزعة muz‘a, miz‘a pl. مزع muza‘, miza‘ piece, bit, bite; flock of wool

مزق mazaqa i (mazq) to tear, rend, rip apart (هـ s.th.) II to tear, rend, rip apart (هـ s.th.); to tear up, tear to pieces, shred (هـ s.th.) V to get torn, be rent; to be in shreds, get torn to pieces; to burst open, tear, break, snap

مزق mazq tearing, tearing up, rending; tear, rent, rupture

مزقة mizqa pl. مزق mizaq piece torn off, shred

تمزيق tamzīq tearing, rending, shredding, fragmentation

مزمز mazmaza to sip

مزن muzn (coll.; n. un. ة , pl. مزن muzan) rain clouds

مزية mazīya pl. مزايا mazāya and مازية māziya pl. -āt advantage; privilege, prerogative; excellence, superiority; merit, virtue

مس massa a (mass, مسيس masīs) to feel, finger, handle, palpate (ه s.o., III s.th.); to touch (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to violate (هـ s.th. sacred), infringe (هـ upon); to cohabit (هـ with a woman); to hit, befall (ه s.o.; damage, calamity) | مسه بأذى (bi-adan) or مسه بسوء (bi-sū’in) to harm, wrong, hurt s.o.; مس بسوء الشيء to be injurious, damaging to s.th., hurt, impair, prejudice s.th.; مست الحاجة الى (ḥājatu) circumstances require ..., (it) is necessary, urgently needed; مس لغما (lugman) to hit a mine III to touch (ه s.o.); to be in touch, be in contact (ه with s.o.) VI to touch each other, be in mutual contact

مس mass touching, touch; contact; misfortune, calamity; attack, fit (of a disease) j insanity, madness, frenzy, possession | مس الحمى m. al-ḥummā attack of fever; اصابه مس من الجنون (aṣābahū) he has gone crazy

مسة massa (n. vic.) touch

مساس masās touching, feeling, handling, fingering, palpation; violation (عن of), infringement, encroachments (ب e.g., upon a right); connection, relation, contact | له مساس ب it is connected with ..., it touches upon ..., it concerns; فيما له مساس ب concerning ..., regarding ...

مسيس masīs touching, touch | عند مسيس should the necessity arise, if (or when) necessary; هو في مسيس الحاجة الى he is in urgent need of ...

مماسة mumāssa touching, tangency; adjacency, contiguity; contact

تماس tamāss (mutual) contact

ماس māss tangent; touching, (ب s.th., also fig., upon s.th.); adjacent, adjoining, contiguous; urgent, pressing, important | حاجة ماسة urgent need, exigency; الحاجة ماسة اليه it is urgently needed; ماس كهربائي (kahrabā’) short circuit

ممسوس mamsūs touched; palpable, tangible; mentally deranged, insane

مماس mumāss tangent (math.)

مسترده (It. mostarda) mustarda mustard

مستكه mistika = مصطكاء

مستلة (It. mastello) mastilla pl. -āt tub

2 مسح masaḥa a (masḥ) to stroke with the hand (هـ s.th.); to wipe off, wipe away (هـ s.th.); to rub off (هـ s.th.); to wash, wash off (هـ s.th.); to wipe out, blot out, erase (هـ s.th.); to clean, polish (هـ s.th.); to smooth, smooth with a plane, to plane (هـ s.th.); to rub (ب ه s.o. with); to anoint (ب ه s.o. with); to deprive, dispossess (من ه s.o. of), take away, withdraw (من ه from s.o. s.th.); -- (masḥ, مساحة misāḥa) to survey (هـ land, estate, etc.), make a cadastral survey (هـ of) 0 to wipe off (هـ s.th.); to rub, anoint (ه s.o.); to cajole, coax, wheedle, persuade (ه s.o.); to Christianize (ه s.o.) III to cajole, coax, wheedle, persuade (ه s.o.) V to wipe o.s., wash o.s.; to provoke (ب s.o.), pick a quarrel (ب with)

مسح masḥ wiping, wiping off; cleaning; robbing, embrocation; anointing, anointment, (extreme) unction; land survey

مسح misḥ pl. مسوح musūḥ coarse woolen fabric, haircloth, sacking; pl. hair shirt, monastic garb, monk’s frock | لبست المسوح labisat il-musūḥa to take the veil, become a nun

مسحة masḥa (n. vic.) a rubbing, embrocation; anointing, anointment; unction; tinge, shade, air, appearance, veneer (fig.); trace. touch (of s.th.) | مسحة الأرض extreme unction; مسح المريض بالمسحة to administer extreme unction to a sick person

مساح massāḥ land surveyor; bootblack, shoeblack, shoeshine

مساحة misāḥa pl. -āt plane, surface; area; acreage; floor space; surface extent; terrain sector (mil.); surveying, survey; geodesy; cadastre | مساحة الأراضي m. al-arāḍī land surface; area, acreage; مساحة مائية (mā’īya) area of water; مصلحة المساحة maṣlaḥa al-m. survey department, land registry office

مسيح masīḥ pl. مسحاء musaḥā’2, مسحى anointed; wiped, clean, smooth; المسيح the Messiah, Christ

مسيحي masīḥī Christian, Messianic; (pl. -āt) a Christian | الدين المسيحي (dīn) the Christian faith, Christianity

المسيحية al-masīḥīya Christendom; Christianity, the Christian faith

ممسح mimsāḥ and ممسحة mimsaḥa pl. مماسح mamāsīḥ2 dust cloth, dish rag, floor rag; doormat; scraper

ماسح masḥ bootblack, shoeblack, shoeshine

ممسوح mamsūḥ wiped, wiped off, wiped clean; cleaned; smoothed, planed; polished; smooth; anointed; abraded, worn (coin) | ممسوح من المعنى (ma‘nā) senseless, meaningless, inane

3 تمساح timsāḥ pl. تماسيح tamāsīḥ crocodile (zool.)

مسخ masaka a (mask) to transform (من – الى ه s.o. from -- into), transmute, convert (هـ s.th.); to falsify, distort (هـ s.th.); to mar, spoil (هـ s.th.)

مسخ mask transformation, metamorphosis; transmutation, conversion; falsification, distortion, misrepresentation; metempsychosis

مسخ mask, misk pl. مسوخ musūk transformed into an animal; misshapen, deformed, disfigured; ugly, misshapen midget; freak, monstrosity; monster

مسخة maska (eg.) buffoon, harlequin, clown

مسيخ transformed; disfigured, defaced, deformed, ugly; tasteless, insipid, stale

ممسوخ mamsūk transformed; marred, spoiled; disfigured, defaced, deformed, ugly

مسخر maskara to ridicule, mock, deride (ه s.o.) II tamaskara to make fun (على of), laugh (على at)

مسد II to massage (اعضاءه a‘ḍā’ahū s.o.’s limbs)

مسد masad (coll.) pl. مساد misād, امساد amsād palm fibers, raffia

تمسيد tamsīd massage

1 ماسورة look up alphabetically

2 مسرى masrā the 12th month of the Coptic calendar

مسطرة (It. mostra) masṭara pl. مساطر masāṭir2 sample, specimen; see also سطر

مسقط masqaṭ Masqat (seaport and capital of Oman)

12 مسك masaka u i (mask) to grab, grasp, clutch, clasp, seize (ب or هـ s.th.), take hold ب or هـ of); to hold, hold fast (ب or هـ s.th.); to stick, cling, cleave, adhere, hang on (ب to) | مسك الحسابات (ḥisābāt) to keep the books, keep the accounts; مسك (daffata l-u.) to be at the helm, be in charge; مسك لسانه (lisānanahū) to keep one’s tongue in check II to scent with musk (هـ s.th.); to have (ه s.o.) seize or hold IV to seize, grip, grasp, clasp, clutch, hold (ب or هـ s.th.); to hold fast, grab (ب or هـ, ه s.o., s.th., من ه s.o. by his hair, and the like); to hold back, keep, detain, restrain (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., عن from); to withhold, not to expend (هـ s.th.); to refrain, abstain, keep, desist (عن from), forbear, cease, stop (عن doing s.th.), keep away, remain aloof (عن from); to keep, retain (على نفسه هـ s.th. for o.s.) | امسك عليك (amsik) keep ...! امسك نفسه واقفا waqifan) to hold o.s. upright; امسك بيده (bi-yadihī) to take s.o. by the hand; امسك يده (yadahū) to take s.o.’s hand; امسكت عن الصدور to stop publication, fold up (newspaper); امسك لسانه (lisānahū) to keep one’s tongue in check; امسك البطن (baṭna) to constipate (med.) V to hold on, hold fast (ب to), clutch (ب s.th.); to stick, cling, cleave (ب to); to hang on (ب to), persist (ب in); to keep, adhere (ب to s.th.); to rise (prices), harden, firm up (quotations) | تمسك باهدافه (bi-ahdābihī) to be most devoted to s.o., be at s.o.’s beck and call, be under s.o.’s thumb; تمسك بأهداب الشيء to adhere, cling to s.th.; تمسك برأيه (bi-ra’yihī) to stick to one’s opinion VI to hold together, be firmly connected, be interlocked; to compose o.s., pull o.s. together; to remain undaunted, remain calm, be composed; to stay on one’s feet; to be in full possession of one’s strength; to refrain, abstain, keep (عن from) X to keep, stick, cling, adhere (ب to); to grab, seize (ب s.th.); to refrain, abstain, keep (عن from)

مسك mask seizure, grip, hold; detention | مسك الدفاتر bookkeeping; مسك الحسابات m. al-ḥisābāt keeping of accounts, accountancy

مسك maska pl. masakāt grip, hold

مسك misk (m. and f.) musk | مسك الجن m. al-jinn a variety of goosefoot (Chenopodium Botrys; bot.); مسك الختام m. al-kitām lit.: the concluding musk (i.e., with which, originally, a letter was finally perfumed), the best following in the end, the crowning touch

مسكة miska a little, a touch, a glimpse, a whiff (من of)

مسك musuk and مسكة musaka grasping, greedy, avaricious

مسكة muska pl. مسك musak handle; hold; grip; handhold, support | مسكة الأمل m. al-amal that to which hope clings

مسكة muska, musuka and مساكة masāka, misaka avarice

مسكان muskān earnest money, pledge

مساك misāk dam, weir; hem, border

مسيك masīk tenacious; avaricious, miserly; watertight, waterproof

امساك imsāk seizure; restraint, detention, check; stop, cessation; abstinence; avarice; constipation (med.); time of the day which marks the beginning of the Ramadan fast

امساكية imsākīya calendar of fasting during the month of Ramadan

تمسك tamassuk adherence; devotedness, devotion, attachment; written commitment, IOU; firming-up, or consolidation, of the market, hardening of quotations | قانون التمسك legal moratorium, moratory law (jur.)

تماسك tamāsuk holding together, cohesiveness; coherence; cohesion (phys.); firmness, solidity; tenacity

استمساك istimsāk adherence, loyalty (ب to)

ممسك mumassak musky, musk-scented, perfumed

ممسك mumsik holding, clutching, grabbing; checking, restraining. withholding; economical, thrifty; grasping, greedy, avaricious

متمسك mutamassik holding fast, hanging on, clinging, adhering; tenacious; firm, solid

متماسك mutamāsik holding together, coherent, cohesive, hanging together, firmly connected, interlocked; continuous, uninterrupted; firm, solid; tenacious

مستمسك mustamsik composed, calm (mind)

2 مسكاتي muskātī muscatel (wine)

مسكن II tamaskana to become poor, be reduced to poverty; to pretend to be poor; to feign poverty or humility; to be submissive, servile, slavish, fawning

مسكنة maskana poverty, misery; humbleness, humility, submissiveness

مسكين miskīn pl. -ūn, مساكين masākīn2 poor, miserable; beggar; humble, submissive, servile

مسو II to wish (ه s.o.) a good evening | مساك الله بالخير massāka llāhu bi-l-kair good evening! III see صبح III; IV to enter into evening; to be or become in the evening; to be, become | يفعله اذا اصبح ويفعله اذا امسى (aṣbaḥa) he does so in the morning and in the evening

مساء masā’ pl. امساء amsā’, امسيات amsīyāt evening; masā’an in the evening | مساء امس masā’a amsi yesterday evening, last night; مساء الخير m. al-kair or مساؤكم بالخير good evening! صباح مساء ṣabāḥa masa’a mornings and evenings, in the morning and in the evening

مسائي masā’ī evening (adj.) | الأخبار المسائية the evening news

امسية umsīya pl. اماسي amāsīy evening

مسورة = ماسورة look up alphabetically

مسي masā i (masy) to make lean, cause to lose flesh, emaciate (هـ livestock; of the heat)

مسيو (Fr. Monsieur) misyū Mr.; sir

مش mašša u (mašš) to suck the marrow (هـ from a bone); to macerate, soak in water (هـ s.th.)

مش mišš whey

مشوش mašūš napkin

مشيج māšīj gamete, germ cell

مشح mašaḥa a (mašḥ) to administer extreme unction (ه to s.o.)

مشحة mašḥa extreme unction

مشط mašaṭa u i (mašṭ) to comb II do. V and VIII to comb one’s hair

مشط mušṭ pl. amšāṭ, مشاط mišāṭ comb; rake; bridge (of stringed instruments); O (mil.) cartridge clip | مشط الرجل m. ar-ril metatarsus, instep (anat.); مشط اليد m. al-yad metacarpus (anat.)

مشطي mušṭī toothed, indented, jagged, dentate; comblike, pectinate

تمشيط tamšīṭ combing, carding (of wool)

ماشط māšiṭ barber, hairdresser

ماشطة māšiṭa lady’s maid; (woman) hairdresser

ممشط mumallal combed, carded (wool)

مشق mašaqa u (mašq) to draw out, stretch, extend (هـ s.th.); to comb (هـ s.th.); to tear, tear up, shred (هـ s.th.); to whip, lash (هـ s.o.) V to be or get tom or shredded VIII to snatch away, whip away (من هـ s.th. from s.o.); to draw, unsheathe (هـ the sword)

مشق mašq pl. امشاق amšāq model, pattern (esp., one to be copied in writing)

مشق mišq slender, slim, svelte

مشقة mišqa pl. مشق mišaq flock of wool or cotton; rag, clout, shred; scrap of carding wool; scrap of hemp, oakum

مشيق mašīq slender, slim, svelte

مشاق mušāq scrap of flax or hemp; oakum, tow

مشاقة mušāqa scrap of flax or hemp; oakum, tow | مشاقة حرير floss

امتشاق imtišāq slenderness

ممشوق mamšūq slender, slim, svelte | ممشوق كالحسام (ka-1-ḥusām) slender as a wand

ماشك look up alphabetically

مشلوز mišlauz sweet-kerneled apricot

مشمش mišmiš (coll.; n. un. ة ) apricot; apricot tree | مشمش كلابي (kilābī) bitter-kerneled apricot; مشمش لوزي (حموي ) (lauzī, ḥamawi) sweet-kerneled apricot

مشملا mušmullā, mišmilla medlar (bot.)

مشملة mušmula, mišmila medlar (bot.)

المشهد al-mašhad Meshed (city in NE Iran)

(مشو and مشي) مشى mašā i (mašy) to go on foot, walk; to go; to pace, stride; to move along, proceed; to march | مشى بالنميمة to scatter slanderous rumors II to let or make (ه s.o.) go or walk; to adapt, adjust, fit, accommodate (مع هـ s.th. to) III to keep pace, keep in step (ه with s.o.); to go along, keep up, keep abreast (هـ, ه with s.o., with s.th.), keep to s.o.’s (ه ) side; to be likeminded (في ه with s.o. in s.th.), be guided by the same consideration or principles (في ه as s.o. in s.th.), act in unison (في ه with s.o. in s.th.) IV = II; to have an aperient effect (ه on s.o.; med.) V to go on foot, walk; to take a walk, to stroll, promenade; to walk slowly, saunter; to pass, move along, stride along; to keep step, keep up, keep abreast, go along, agree, harmonize, be compatible, be -consistent, be in accordance, be in keeping (مع with), fit, suit (مع s.th.), be appropriate, correspond, come up (مع to s.th.); to proceed (على in accordance with a principle or method); to follow, observe (على a principle) | تمشى في اوصاله approx.: to perfuse s.o.’s limbs (of a sensation); تمشى جيئة وذهابا (jī’atan wa-dahāban) to walk back and forth, pace up and down

مشو mašw a laxative, aperient

مشى mašy going, walking; walk

مشية mišya manner of walking, gait, pace, step, bearing, carriage

مشاء mašā’ pl. -ūn good walker; walker (athlet.)

مشاية mašāya pl. -āt long, narrow carpet, runner; O baby walker, gocart; hallway, corridor; footpath, path(way)

ممشى mamšā pl. مماش mamāšin hallway, corridor, passageway, passage; aisle; footpath, path(way), alley; promenade; crossing, overpass, bridge; bridge of a ship; runner, small rug

تمشيا مع tamaššiyan ma‘a (or على ) in conformity with, in accordance with, according to

ماش māšin pl. مشاة mušāh going, walking; pedestrian; foot soldier, infantryman; المشاة the infantry; ماشيا māšiyan on foot

ماشية māšiya pl. مواش mawāšin livestock, cattle

مص maṣṣa (1st pers. perf. masistu) a and (1st pers. perf. maṣaṣtu) u (maṣṣ) to suck, suck up, soak up, suck in, absorb (هـ s.th.); to sip, lap, lap up, lick up (هـ s.th.); to suck out (هـ s.th.) V to sip gradually, drink in small sips (هـ s.th.) VIII to suck, suck up, suck in (هـ s.th.); to sip, lap, lap up, lick up (هـ s.th.); to soak up, absorb, swallow up (هـ s.th.)

مص maṣṣ sucking, suction, suck, sucking up, soaking up, soak, soakage, absorption |قصب المص qaṣab al-m. sugar cane

مصة maṣṣa (n. vic.) sucking, suck, suction; sip

مصاص maṣāṣ one who sucks, sucker; cupper; bloodsucker, extortioner, usurer

مصاصة muṣāṣa that which one sucks, s.th. to suck | مصاصة القصب m. al-qaṣab sugar-cane refuse

مصاصة maṣṣāṣa screech owl; vampire

مصيص maṣīṣ moist, damp (ground)

مصيص miṣīṣ string, twine, packthread

ممص mimaṣṣ suction pipe, sucker; O siphon

امتصاص imtiṣāṣ sucking, suck, suction; sucking up, soaking up, soak, soakage, absorption | قوة الامتصاص qūwat al-imt. suction

ممصوص mamṣūṣ soaked up; drained, exhausted; emaciated, very lean, skinny

ممتص mumtaṣ soaking up, absorbing; absorbent, absorptive

مصر II to found, build, settle, civilize, colonize (هـ a place); to Egyptianize, make Egyptian (هـ s.th.) V to become a populated, civilized area, become a big city, a metropolis; to Egyptianize, adopt Egyptian ways; to become an Egyptian

مصر miṣr pl. امصار amṣār big city; metropolis, capital; -- miṣr2, (colloq.) maṣr Egypt; Cairo | مصر القاهرة Cairo; مصر الجديدة Heliopolis (section of modern Cairo)

مصري miṣrī Egyptian; Cairene; (pl. -ūn) an Egyptian; a Cairene, a native of Cairo

مصرية miṣrīya Egyptianism, Egyptian national character; (pl. -āt) Egyptian woman or girl

مصير pl. امصرة amṣira, مصران muṣrān, مصارين maṣārīn2 gut; pl. bowels, intestines, guts, tripe; see also under صير

تمصير tamṣīr settling, settlement, colonization, civilization; Egyptianization

متمصر mutamaṣṣir Egyptianized, naturalized in Egypt

مصطكاء maṣṭakā’, muṣṭakā’ and مصطكى maṣṭakā mastic, resin of the mastic tree (Pistacia lenticus); liquor distilled from mastic | شجرة المصطكاء šajarat al-m. mastic tree (Pistacia lenticus; bot.)

مصل maṣala u to curdle (milk); to strain, filter (هـ s.th.)

مصل maṣl whey; (pl. مصول muṣūl) serum (med.) | علم المصول ‘ilm al-m. serology

مصلي maṣlī serous (med.)

مصمص maṣmaṣa to suck(هـ s.th.); to suck up, soak up, absorb (هـ s.th.); to sip and turn around in the mouth (هـ a liquid) II tamaṣmaṣa to sip and turn around in the mouth (هـ a liquid)

مض maḍḍa u (maḍḍ, مضيض maḍīḍ) to hurt, pain (ه s.o.); to burn, sting (ه s.o.); to torment, harass, trouble, molest (ب ه s.o. with); -- (1st pen. perf. maḍiḍtu) a (مضض maḍaḍ, مضيض maḍīḍ, مضاضة maḍāḍa) to be in pain, feel pain, suffer; to be distressed, worried, troubled IV to cause pain (ه to s.o.), hurt (ه s.o.); to torment, torture, agonize (ه s.o.)

مض maḍḍ pain, torment, torture, anguish, agony; painful, burning, stinging, smarting

مضض maḍaḍ pain, suffering, torment, torture, anguish, agony, affliction, distress; sour milk | على مضض unwillingly, reluctantly, grudgingly

مضاض muḍāḍ brackish water, brine, salt water

مضاضة maḍāḍa agony, torture

ممض mumiḍḍ agonizing, tormenting

مضر maḍara, maḍura u and maḍira a (maḍr, maḍar, مضور muḍūr) to turn sour (milk)

مضر maḍir and ماضر māḍir sour (milk)

لغة مضر lugat muḍara the language of Mudar, the Arabic language

مضغ maḍaga a u (maḍg) to chew (هـ s.th.) | مضغ الكلام (kalām) to slur, speak indistinctly

مضغ maḍg chewing, mastication

مضغة muḍga pl. مضغ muḍag s.th. to be chewed; bite, bit, morsel; small chunk of meat; O embryo; O chewing gum | مضغة طيبة (ṭayyiba) titbit; جعله مضغة في الأفواه (ja‘alahū muḍgatan) to make s.o. the talk of the town, send tongues wagging about s.o.

مضاغة muḍāga s.th. chewed, chew, quid

مضمض maḍmaḍa to rinse

مضى maḍā i (muḍīy) to go away, leave, depart; to make off, decamp, abscond; with ب ; to take s.th. away, remove s.th.; to pass, elapse, go by, expire, run out (time); to advance, progress (في in); to proceed (في in or with s.th., also ب ), continue (في , also ب , s.th., to do s.th.), go on (في doing s.th.); to pursue, practice, exercise (في s.th., also في مهنة fī mihnatin a profession); to penetrate deeper, enter deeper, go deeper (في into s.th.); to bring to an end, wind up, terminate, conclude, accomplish, carry out, execute, perform (على s.th.); (with imperf.) to set out to do s.th., proceed to do s.th.; -- (مضاء maḍā’) to be sharp, cut (sword) | مضى سبيله (sabīlahū) to pass away, die; مضى لسبيله (li-sabīlihī) do.; مضى على البيع (bai‘) to conclude a bargain; مضى على ذلك شهور (šuhūrun) months have passed since then; مضى في كلامه (kalāmihī) to go on talking; مضى ما مضى let bygones be bygones! no more of that! فيما مضى (fī-mā) or فيما مضى من الزمان (zamān) formerly, previously, heretofore, once, before, in the past; لم يمض غير قليل حتى lam yamḍi gairu qalīlin ḥlattā it did not take long until ..., before long ...; من سنة مضت min sanatin maḍat one year ago; ومضى فقال and he went on to say, and he added II to make pass, cause to go by; to spend, pass (هـ time, في with s.th.) IV to spend, p (. time); to carry out, execute, perform, accomplish, conclude, terminate, wind up, bring to an end (هـ s.th.); to pass, put behind o.s. (هـ examination); to undersign, sign (هـ s.th.) | امضي امره على (amrahu) to throw one’s full support behind s.th., endorse s.th. wholeheartedly

مضي muḍīy departure, leave; passing; lapse, elapsing, expiration (of a period of time); continuation (في of s.th.); deeper penetration, deeper insight (في into); carrying out, execution, pursuit (في of an intention, of a plan) | مضي m. al-mudda lapse of time, superannuation; التمسك بمضي المدة (tamassuk) usucapion, prescription (jur.); على مضي الزمن (m. iz-zaman) lastingly, for long, permanently; المضي في الحرب (ḥarb) the continuation of the war

مضاء maḍā’ sharpness, keenness; penetration, sagacity, acute discernment; energy | مضاء المدة strength of purpose, resolution, determination, energy, go

امضى amḍā sharper, more incisive, more effective

تمضية tamḍiya execution, performance, accomplishment, completion; spending, passing (of time) | تمضية الوقت t. al.waqt pastime

إمضاء imḍā’ realization, execution, accomplishment, completion; signing, signature | صاحب الإمضاء the undersigned

ماض māḍin pl. مواض mawāḍin sharp, keen, cutting; acute, penetrating, incisive, effective; energetic; past, bygone; الماضي the past; past tense, perfect, preterit (gram.) | ماضي العزيمة resolute, determined; الشهر الماضي (šahr) last month

ممض mumḍin signer, signatory

ممضى mumḍan undersigned, signed

مط maṭṭa u (maṭṭ) to expand by pulling, stretch, draw out (هـ s.th.); to draw tight, tighten, tauten (هـ s.th.) II to expand, stretch (هـ s.th.); to scold, revile, abuse (ه s.o.) V to expand; to stretch; to distend, widen, spread, lengthen; to be capable of extension or lengthening, be expandable, stretchable, elastic; to be rubberlike

مط maṭṭ expansion, extension, stretching, distention, lengthening, drawing out

مطاط maṭṭāṭ expandable, extensible, stretchable, elastic; dilatory; rubbery, rubberlike; rubber; caoutchouc

تمطط tamaṭṭu expandability, extensibility, elasticity

مطر maṭara u to rain (مطرت السماء maṭarat is-samā’ it rained); to shower with rain (ه s.o.; of the sky); to pour out (ب ه over s.o. s.th.), shower, douse (ب ه s.o. with); to do, render (ه s.o., بخير bi-kairin a good turn, a favor); to run swiftly (horse), speed away IV to rain (of the sky); to cause (هـ s.th.) to rain (على upon); to shower (ب ه s.o. with or هـ على upon s.o. s.th.), heap (ب ه or هـ على upon s.o. s.th.) | امطر عليه وابلا (wābilan) or امطره بوابل منه (bi-wābilin) he showered him with a hail of (e.g., stones), with a rain of (e.g., blows), with a flood of (e.g., abuses, threats), etc. X to ask for rain; to ask (من or ه s.o.) a favor; to wish (هـ for s.th.), desire (هـ s.th.); to invoke, call down (هـ على upon s.o. s.th.)

مطر maṭar pl. امطار amṭār rain | محطة لرصد الأمطر maḥaṭṭa li-raṣd al·a. pluvio-metrical station

مطرة mṭra, maṭara pl. -āt downpour, rain shower

مطر maṭir and مطير maṭīr rainy, abounding in rain

ممطر mimṭar and ممطرة mimṭara pl. مماطر mamāṭir2 raincoat

ماطر māṭir, rainy, abounding in rain

ممطر mumṭir rainy, abounding in rain | مواسم ممطرة rainy seasons, periods of rain

مطرن maṭrana to raise to the rank of metropolitan or archbishop, consecrate as metropolitan or archbishop (ه s.o.) II tamaṭrana to be instated or consecrated as metropolitan (Chr.)

مطران muṭrān, maṭrān, miṭrān pl. مطارنة maṭārina, مطارين maṭārīn2 metropolitan, archbishop (Chr.)

مطرنة maṭrana dignity or office of a metropolitan, metropolitanate, archiepiscopate (Chr.)

مطرنية maṭranīya, مطرانية muṭrānīya pl. -āt diocese of a metropolitan, archbishopric, archdiocese (Chr.)

مطق V to smack one’s lips

مطل maṭala u (maṭl) to draw out, lengthen, extend, stretch (هـ s.th.); to stretch (هـ a rope); to hammer, forge, shape by hammering (هـ iron); to postpone, defer, delay; to put off (ب ه s.o. with) III to tarry, temporize, take one’s time; to put off (ب ه s.o. with)

مطول maṭūl deferring, delaying, procrastinating, tardy, dilatory, slow

مطيلة maṭīla pl. مطائل maṭā’il2 wrought iron

مماطلة mumāṭala postponement, deferment, procrastination, delay

مطا (مطو ) maṭā u (maṭw) to quicken one’s pace, hurry, walk fast IV to mount (هـ an animal); to ride (هـ on an animal) V to stretch o.s., loll; to stretch (ب s.th., one’s body, one’s limbs); to walk, proudly, strut, swagger VIII to mount (هـ an animal); to board (هـ a vehicle), get in (هـ ), get aboard (هـ ); to ride (هـ on an animal, in a vehicle)

مطوة maṭwa hour, time, moment

مطية maṭīya pl. مطايا maṭāyā, مطي maṭīy mount, riding animal; expedient, means to an end, instrument, tool

مع ma’a (prep.) with, simultaneously with, together with, accompanied by, in the company of; in the estimation, eyes, or opinion of; in spite of, despite; toward, in relation to; معا ma’an together; at the same time, simultaneously; with one another | مع ان although; ومع ان – إلا ان wa-ma‘a anna -- illā anna although -- nevertheless, to be sure -- but ..., it is true -- but ; مع ذلك or مع هذا in spite of it, nevertheless, notwithstanding, still; مع كل هذا in spite of all that; مع كونه غنيا (kaunihī ganīyan) although he is rich, for all his being rich, rich as he is; ليس مع الحكومة (laisa) he is not for the government, he doesn’t side with the government; مع الحائط along the wall; كان معه it was with him, he had it with him; ما معكم what do you have with you? what have you brought along? what’s up your sleeves? الست معي في ان (alasta) don’t you also think that ...? wouldn’t you share my view that استعمل وسائل القسوة معه ista‘mala wasā’il l-qaswati ma‘ahū he brought harsh measures to bear on him

معية ma‘īya company; escort; suite, retinue, entourage, attendants | بمعية (في معية) فلان in the company of so-and-so; بمعية هذا herein enclosed, herewith

معج V to wind, meander

مع pass. mu‘ida to have a gastric ailment, suffer from dyspepsia, have a stomachache

معدة ma‘ida, mi‘da pl. معد mi’ad stomach

معدى ma‘dī, mi‘dī of or pertaining to the stomach, gastric, stomachic | امراض معدية gastric diseases; حمى معدية (ḥummā) gastric fever

ممعود mam‘ūd suffering from a gastric disease, dyspeptic

معر ma‘ira a (ma‘ar) to fall out (hair) IV to become poor, impoverished, be reduced to poverty V = I

معار ma‘ār (eg.) braggart, braggadocio, swaggerer

معز ma‘z, ma‘az (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. امعز am‘uz, معيز ma‘īz goat

ماعز mā‘iz pl. مواعز mawā‘iz2 goat

معاز ma‘‘āz goatherd

معس ma‘asa a (ma‘s) to rub (هـ s.th.); to squash, crush (هـ s.th.)

معض ma‘aḍa a (ma‘ḍ) and VIII to be annoyed (على by), be angry (من at), resent (من s.th.)

امتعاض imti‘āḍ anger, resentment, annoyance, displeasure; excitement, agitation

ممتعض mumta‘iḍ annoyed, vexed, angry; upset, excited

معط ma‘aṭa a (ma‘ṭ) to tear out, pull out, pluck out (هـ hair, feathers)

معط ma‘iṭ and امعط am‘aṭ2, f. معطاء ma‘ṭā‘, pl. معط mu‘ṭ hairless, bald

معك ma‘aka a (ma‘k) to rub (هـ s.th.)

معكرونه ma‘karūna macaroni

1 معمعة ma‘ma‘a pl. معامع ma‘āmi‘2 confusion, jumble, mess, tohubohu; tumult, uproar; turmoil; pl. wars, battles

معمعان ma‘ma‘ān raging, roar (of a storm), turmoil, thick (of a battle), height, climax (of heat and cold) | معمعان الصيف m. aṣ-ṣaif high summer; معمعان الشتاء deepest winter

2 معمعي IV to apply o.s. assiduously, devote all one’s efforts (في to s.th.); to be keen, intent (في on), be eager (في for); to examine closely, study carefully, scrutinize (في s.th.); to go to extremes (في in s.th.), overdo, carry too far (في s.th.) | امعن النظر في (naẓara) to fix one’s eyes on s.th., regard s.th. attentively, examine s.th. closely, scrutinize s.th. V to become engrossed or absorbed, bury o.s. (في in), regard attentively, examine carefully (في s. th.), look closely (في at s.o., at s.th.), scrutinize (في s.o., s.th.)

ماعون mā‘ūn pl. مواعين mawā‘īn implement, utensil, instrument; vessel, receptacle, container; (coll.) implements, utensils, gear; (syr.) ream of paper

ماعونة mā‘ūna pl. -āt, مواعين mawā‘īn2 (eg.) lighter, barge

امعان im‘ān and امعان النظر i. an-naẓar close examination, careful study, scrutiny (في of s.th.); امعان devotion (في to s.th.), care, carefulness, assiduity, diligence, attentiveness, attention

تمعن tama‘‘un close examination, careful study, scrutiny; care, carefulness | بتمعن carefully

معا (معو ) ma‘ā u (معاء ma‘ā’) to mew, miaow, (cat)

1 معى mi‘an, ma‘y and معاء mi‘ā’ pl. امعاء am‘ā’, امعية am‘īya gut; intestines, bowels, entrails | الأمعاء الدقيقة the small intestine; المعى الغليظ the large intestine

معوي mi‘awī of or pertaining to the intestines, intestinal; enteric | الحمى المعوية (ḥummā) typhoid fever, enteric fever, abdominal typhus

2 معية ma‘īya see مع

مغاث mugāt (eg.) root of Glossostemon Bruguieri (bot.)

مغر magar and مغرة mugra reddish, russet color

امغر amgar2 reddish brown, russet

مغربة magraba (mor.) Moroccanization

مغص magṣa to cause gripes; pass. mugiṣa (mag.) to have gripes or colic, suffer from colic

مغص magṣ, magaṣ and مغيص magīṣ, gripes; colic | مغص كلوى (kulwī) renal colic

ممغوص mamgūṣ, suffering from colic; having gripes

مغط magaṭa a (magṭ) to stretch, extend, expand, draw, out II do.

متمغط mutamaggiṭ stretchable, elastic (rubber); tough, viscous, ropy, sticky

مغطس magṭasa to magnetize, make magnetic, subject to magnetic induction (هـ s.th.) II tamagṭasa to be magnetized, become magnetic

مغطسة magṭasa magnetism

ممغطس mumagṭas magnetized, magnetic

خشب المغنة kašab al-mugna, خشب المغنى k. al-mugnā mahogany (wood)

مغنط magnaṭa to magnetize, subject to magnetic induction (هـ s.th.)

مغنطيس mignaṭīs, magnaṭīs magnet | O مغنطيس كهربائي (kahrabā’ī) electromagnet

مغناطيس mignāṭīs, magnāṭīs. magnet; magnetism

مغنطيسي mignaṭīsī magnetic; hypnotic

مغنطيسية mignāṭīsīya and مغناطيسية magnetism

مغنيسيا magnīsiyā magneoio

المغول al-mugūl the Mongols; the Moguls | بلاد المغول Mongolia

مغولي mugūlī Mongolian

مقت maqata u (maqt) to detest, abhor, loathe, hate (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); -- maquta u (مقاتة maqāta) to be abominable, detestable, loathsme, hated, odious II maqata; to make (ه s.o.) hateful (الى to s.o.), make s.o. (الى ) loathe (ه s.o.)

مقت maqt hate, hatred, detestation, loathing, aversion, disgust ; hateful, odious

مقيت maqīt and ممقوت mamqūt hated, detested; hateful, odious; detestable, abominable, loathsome, repugnant, disgusting

مقدونس maqdūnis parsley

مقدوني maqdūnī Macedonian (adj. and n.)

مقع maqa’a a (maq’) to drink avidly, toss down (هـ s.th.) VIII pass. umtuqi’a to turn pale

ممقتع mumtaqa’ pale, pallid, wan, sallow

مقل maqala u (maql) to look (ه at s.o.), eye, regard (ه s.o.)

مقلة muqla pl. مقل muqal eye; eyeball | مقلة العين m. al-’ain eyeball

مقانق maqāniq (= نقانق ) small mutton sausages (syr.)

مكة makka2 (usually followed by the epithet المكرمة al-mukarrama) Mecca

مكي makkī Meccan (adj. and n.)

مكوك makkūk pl. مكاكيك makākik2 drinking cup; shuttle

ماكوك mākūk pl. مواكيك mawākik2 drinking cup; shuttle

مكث makata u (makt, مكوث mukūt) to remain, abide, stay, live, dwell, reside (ب in a place)

مكث makt and مكوث mukūt remaining, staying, lingering, abiding; stay, sojourn

مكوجي see كوى

مكدام (Engl.) makadām macadam

مكدوني makdūnī Macedonian (adj. and n.)

مكدونيا makdūniyā Macedonia

مكر makara u (makr) to deceive, delude, cheat, dupe, gull, double-cross (ب s.o.) III to try to deceive (ه s.o.)

مكر makr cunning, craftiness, slyness, wiliness, double-dealing, deception, trickery

مكرة makra ruse, artifice, stratagem, wile, trick, dodge

مكار makkār and مكور makūr cunning, sly, crafty, wily, shrewd, artful; sly, crafty person, impostor, swindler

ماكر mākir pl. مكرة makara sly, cunning, wily

مكروب mikrūb pl. -āt, مكاريب makārīb2 microbe

مكررونه makarūna macaroni

مكس makasa i (mail) and II to collect taxes III to haggle, bargain (ه with s.o.)

مكس maks pl. مكوس mukūs tax, specif., excise or sales tax; toll, custom, duty, impost; market dues | دار المكوس custom-house

مكاس makkās tax collector

المكسيك al-maksīk Mexico

المكى Mukalla (seaport in Aden Protectorate, chief town of Hadhramaut)

1 مكن makuna u (مكانة makāna) to be or become strong; to become influential, gain influence, have influence (عند with s.o.), have power II to make strong or firm, consolidate, strengthen, cement, establish firmly, deepen (هـ s.th.); to lend weight (هـ to s.th.); to put down or set down firmly (هـ s.th.), give (هـ s.th.) a firm stance; to put (ه s.o.) in a position (من to do s.th.), give (ه s.o.) the possibility (من to do s.th.), enable (من ه s.o. to do s.th.), make possible (من ه for s.o. s.th.); to place (من s.th.) in s.o.’s (ه ) hands; to furnish. provide (من ه s.o. with); to give or lend a firm position (ل to s.o. to s.th.); to give power (في ل to s.o. over) IV to enable (من ه s.o. to do s.th.); to be possible, feasible (ه for s.o.) | يمكنه yumkinuhū he can (ان do s.th.); يمكن ان it is possible that ...; it may be that ..., possibly ..., perhaps ..., maybe …; اكثر ما يمكن (aktara) as much as possible; لا يمكن it is impossible V to have or gain influence, weight, or prestige (عند with s.o.), have or gain power; to be native, indigenous, resident; to gain ground; to spread; to be consolidated, firmly established; to consolidate, strengthen, gain in strength; to seize (من on s.th.), possess o.s., take possession (من of s.th.); to have command or mastery (من of s.th.), command, muter (من s.th.); to be in a position, be able (من to do s.th.), be capable (من of), have the power (من to do s.th.) X to consolidate, strengthen, deepen, become firmly established, establish itself; to seize (من on s.th.), possess o.s., take possession (من of); to have command or mastery (من of s.th.), command, master (من s.th.); to be able (من to do s.th.), be capable (من of)

مكنة mukna, makina power, ability, capacity, capability, faculty; possibility; strength, firmness, solidity, intensity, force, vigor

مكان pl. امكنة, اماكن and مكانة see كون

مكين makīn pl. مكناء mukanā’2 strong, firm, solid; firmly established, unshakable; deep-seated, deep-rooted, deeply ingrained, inveterate (feeling); influential, distinguished, of note, of rank, respected; powerful, potent

امكن amkan2 see متمكن

تمكين tamkīn strengthening, consolidation, cementation; deepening, intensification; fixation, establishment; enabling, enablement, capacitation; livery of seizing, investiture (Isl. Law)

امكان imkān power, capacity, capability; faculty, ability; possibility | بقدر الإمكان bi-qadri l-i. or على قدر الإمكان as much as possible, as far as possible; عدم الإمكان ‘adam al-i. impossibility; عند الإمكان when (if) possible, possibly; في امكانه ان it is in his power, he is in a position to ...; هو في الإمكان it is in the realm of possibility; ليس في الإمكان it is impossible, unthinkable, inconceivable

امكانية imkānīya pl. -āt possibility; O potential (phys.)

تمكن tamakkun power, authority, control, mastery, command; ability, capability,

faculty; restraint, self-control, self-possession (also تمكن من النفس )

ماكن mākin strong, firm, solid, lasting, enduring

ممكن mumkin possible; thinkable, conceivable | غير ممكن impossible; من المكن ان possibly, perhaps, maybe

ممكنات mumkināt possibilities

متمكن mutamakkin an adept, a proficient, a master; strengthened, cemented; firmly established, firmly fixed; consolidated; deep-rooted, deep-seated, deeply ingrained, inveterate; lasting, enduring; declinable (gram.) | متمكن امكن (amkan2) declinable with nunnation, triptote (gram.); متمكن غير امكن (gairu amkana) declinable in two cases, diptote (gram.); غير متمكن indeclinable (gram.); متمكن في جلسته (jalsatihī) firmly seated

2 مكنة makina and ماكينة mākīna pl. -āt and مكائن makā’in2 machine

مكنى makanī mechanical

مكوجي see كوى

2 مل malla (1st pers. perf. maliltu) a (ملل malal, ملال malāl, ملالة malāla) to be or become weary, tired, bored, impatient; to tire, become tired (هـ of s.th.), become fed-up (هـ with) | لا يمل indefatigable, untiring, unflagging IV to be tiresome, irksome, wearisome, boring, tedious, vexatious; to vex, annoy, irritate (على or ه s.o.); (= املى ) to dictate (على ه s.th. to s.o.) V to be wearied, fed-up; to be bored; to be restless, fidgety; to embrace a religion (ملة millatan) VIII to embrace a religion (ملة millatan)

مل mall weary, tired, fed-up; bored

ملة malla hot ashes, live embers

ملة milla pl. ملل milal religious community; religion, creed, faith, confession, denomination

ملى millī religious, confessional, denominational | مجلس ملي (majlis) court of justice of a religious minority (in Egypt abolished since 1956)

ملة mulla pl. ملل mulal basting stitch, tacking stitch; spring mattress

ملل malal and ملال malāl tiredness, boredom, ennui; listlessness, weariness; annoyance, irritation, vexation

ملال mulāl morbid unrest, restlessness fidgetiness, feverishness

ملالة malāla weariness, boredom; impatience; ennui, tedium

ملول malūl tired, wearied, bored; weary, fed-up, disgusted

ملى mullā bread baked in hot ashes

مملول mamlūl offensive, disgusting

ممل mumill tiresome, tedious, boring, wearisome, irksome, loathsome, disagreeable

2 مل mill pl. -āt (formerly) the smallest monetary unit in Palestine and Jordan, 1/1000 of a Palestinian pound

ملأ mala’a a (ملء mal’, ملأة mal’a, mil’a) to fill, fill up (ب or من or هـ هـ s.th. with); to fill out (هـ a form, a blank); to take up, fill, occupy (هـ space); to fill (هـ a vacancy) | ملأ الدهر (dahra) his (its) fame spread far and wide; ملأ الساعة (sā‘ata) to wind up a watch or clock; ملأ شدقيه بالهواء (šidqaihi bi-l-hawā’) to puff one’s cheek.; ملأ العين (‘aina) to satisfy completely, please; ملأ الفضاء بالشكوى (faḍā’a bi-š-šakwā) to fill the air with complaints, voice loud laments; ملأ فاه ب (fāhu) to talk big about ..., shoot off one’s mouth about ...; -- ملئ mali’a to be or become filled, filled up, full, replete III to help, assist, support, back up (على ه s.o. in), side (ه with s.o.); to make common cause, join forces (على ه with s.o. against) IV to fill (هـ s.th., also a vacancy) V to till, become full; to be filled (هـ or من with), be full (هـ or من of) VIII to fill, become full; to be filled (glass; pass.); to be filled (هـ, من or ب with s.th., هـ also with a feeling), be full (هـ, من or ب of, هـ also of a feeling); to fill (هـ s.th.); to fill up (هـ s.th.); to imbue, fill (ه s.o., هـ with a feeling)

ملء mal’ filling (also, e.g., of vacancies); filling out

ملء mil’ pl. املاء amlā’ filling, quantity which fills s.th., fill; quantity contained in s.th. | ملء اهابه الكبرياء m. ihābihī l-kibriyā’u he is all pride and arrogance; ملء بطنه m. baṭnihī as much as one can eat, one’s fill; ملء القدح m. qadaḥin a cupful; ملء اليد m. al-yad a handful; ملء كسائه m. kisā’ihī corpulent fat; بملء الفم bi-m. il-fam in a loud voice; بملء فيه bi-mil’i fīhi with a ring of deep conviction (with verbs like “say”, “declare”, “exclaim”, etc.); loudly, at the top of one’s voice or one’s lungs (with verbs like “shout”, “cry”, etc.); ضحك بملء (ملء) شدقيه ḍaḥika bi-mil’i (or mil’a) šidqaihj to grin from ear to ear; قال بصوت ملؤه الشفقة (bi-ṣautin mil’uhū ā-šafaqatu) he said in a voice full of mercy ...; لي ملء الحرية في (m. ul-ḥurrīya) I have complete freedom to ..., I am completely at liberty to ...; ملء (mauqilan mil'uhil

I-ilium) he ....umed a posture that w...

all determination; انت ملء حياتي (ḥayātī) you are all my life; ينام ملء جفنيه (mil’a jafnaihi) he is sound asleep, he sleeps the sleep of the just

ملأ mala’ pl. املاء amlā’ crowd, gathering, assembly, congregation; audience; (general) public; council of elders, notables, grandees | على الملأ publicly, in public; على ملأ العالم (m. il-‘ālam) for everyone to see, before all the world; الملأ الأعلى (a‘lā) the heavenly host, the angels

ملاءة mulā’a, ملاية milāya pl. -āt wrap worn by Egyptian women; sheet, bed sheet

مليء , مليئ malī’ full (ب of), filled, replete (ب with); bulging, swelling (ب with); plump; stout, fat, corpulent, obese; rich, abounding (ب in); well-to-do, wealthy; solvent | مليء البدن m. al-badan stout, fat, corpulent

ملآن mal’ān, f. مللأى mal’ā or ملآنة pl. ملاء milā’ full, filled, replete; plump, fat

ممالأة mumāla’a partiality, bias; collaboration (pol.)

املاء imlā’ filling (also, e.g., of a vacancy)

امتلاء imtilā’ repletion, fullness; full, round form, plumpness; bulkiness; fatness, stoutness, corpulence

مملوء mamlū’ filled, filled up; imbued; loaded

ممالئ mumāli’ partial, biased, prejudiced; collaborator (pol.)

ممتلئ mumtali’ full, filled, filled up, replete | ممتلئ الجسم m. al-jism stout, fat, corpulent

ملاريا malāriyā malaria

ملايو malāyū, جزر الملايو juzur al-m. the Malayan Archipelago

ملج malaja u (malj) to suck (هـ the mother’s breast) VIII to suck

مالج mālaj pl. موالج mawālij2 trowel

ملح malaḥa u a and maluḥa u (ملوح mulūḥ, ملوحة mulāḥa, ملاحة malāḥa) to be or become salt(y); -- maluḥa u (ملاحة malāḥa, ملوحة mulūḥa) to be beautiful, handsome, pretty, comely, nice, elegant II to salt, season with salt (هـ s.th.); to salt away, salt down, preserve with salt, com, cure (هـ s.th.) IV to be salt(y) X to find (هـ s.th.) beautiful, pretty, nice, or witty

ملح milḥ m. and f., pl. املاح amlāḥ, ملاح milāḥ salt; gunpowder; witticism, wittiness, wit, esprit | ملح انكليزي bitter salt, Epsom salt; ملح البارود m. al-bārūd saltpeter; gunpowder; ملح النشادر m. an-nušādir sal ammoniac, ammonium chloride; املاح معدنية (ma‘dinīya) mineral salts

ملحي milhī salt, salty, saline

ملحة milḥa bond, obligation, commitment, covenant

ملحة mulḥa pl. ملح mulaḥ funny story, anecdote, bon mot, witticism

ملاح mallāḥ sailor, seaman, mariner; (mar.) ghetto of Moroccan cities

ملاحة malāḥa beauty, grace, gracefulness; elegance; kindness, kindliness, friendliness, amiability; saltiness, salt taste, saltness, salinity

ملاحة mallāḥa pl. -āt salina, saline spring; saltern, saltworks, salt mine; saltcellar

ملاحة milāḥa navigation, shipping | ملاحة تجارية (tijārīya) mercantile shipping, maritime transportation; ملاحة جوية (jawwīya) aviation; ملاحة داخلية (dākilīya) inland navigation; ملاحة نهرية (nahrīya) river traffic; صالح للملاحة navigable

ملاحي milāḥī navigational, shipping, marine, maritime, nautical

ملوحة mulāḥa saltiness, salt taste

مليح malīḥ pl. ملاح millāḥ, املاح amlāḥ salt, salty, briny, salted; pretty, handsome, comely; beautiful; nice, pleasant, agreeable; witty | (eg.) علقة مليحة (‘alqa) a sound beating

املوحة umlūḥa pl. اماليح amālīḥ2 joke, anecdote

مملحة mamlaḥa pl. ممالح mamāliḥ2 salina; saltern, saltworks; saline spring; saltcellar

تمليح tamlīḥ salting, salting down, preservation in salt, corning, curing

مالح māliḥ salt, salty, briny

موالح mawāliḥ2 (pl. of مالحة māliḥa, citrus fruits; (syr.) salted nuts, peanuts, almonds, etc.

مملوح mamlūḥ salted, salty

مملح mumallaḥ salted; salted down, corned, cured

مستملح mustamlaḥ brilliant, witty, bright, clever, interesting

1 ملخ malaka a (malk) to pull out, tear out (هـ s.th.); to wrench, dislocate, luxate (هـ a joint) VIII to pull out, extract (هـ s.th.)

مليخ malīk tasteless, insipid

2 ملوخية mulūlkīya Jew’s mallow (Corchorus olitorius; bot.) cultivated as a pot herb; a thick soup made of this herb (eg., syr.)

ملد malida a (malad) to be tender (esp., twig)

اماليد amalīd2 tender twigs

املد amlad2, f. ملداء maldā’ tender, flexible

ملس malisa a and malusa u (ملاسة malāsa, ملوسة mulūsa) to be smooth, level, even II to make smooth, to smooth, level, even (هـ s.th.); to make slippery (هـ s.th.); to pass the hand, brush (with the hand) (على over), stroke, caress (على s.th.) V to become smooth; to glide, slide, slip; to grope; to slip away, escape VII (also املس immalasa) to become smooth; to glide, slide, slip; to slip away; to escape

ملس malas (eg.) a thin outer garment; على silk fabric for women’s dresses

ملس malis smooth, sleek

ملاسة malāsa smoothness

املس amlas 2, f. ملساء malsā’2, pl. ملس muls smooth, sleek

ملص maliṣa a (malaṣ) to glide, slide, slip; to slip away, escape; to disengage o.s., free o.s., (من, عن from an obligation), rid o.s. (من, عن of) V to rid o.s. (عن of), shirk, dodge, evade (من s.th.)

ملص maliṣ smooth, sleek, slippery

مليص malīṣ smooth, seleek, slippery; miscarried fetus, stillborn child

تملص tamalluṣ slipping away, escaping, escape

1 ملط malaṭa u (malṭ) to plaster with mud or mortar (هـ a wall); to shave off (هـ hair) II to mortar, plaster (هـ a wall)

ملط malṭ (eg.) stark naked | عريان ملط (‘uryān) stark naked

ملط milṭ pl. املاط amlāt, ملوط mulūṭ dishonorable, discreditable; scoundrel | خلط ملط kilṭ milṭ or kalṭ malṭ pell-mell, in confusion

ملاط milāṭ pl. ملط muluṭ mortar

مليط malīṭ and املط amlaṭ pl. ملط mulṭ hairless

2 مالطة malṭa Malta

مالطي malṭī Maltese (adj. and n.)

ملق maliqa a (malaq) to flatter (ه s.o.) U = I; to even, level, plane (هـ هـ s.th.) III = I IV to become poor, impoverished, be reduced to poverty V to flatter (الى, ل or ه s.o.)

ملق maliq and ملاق mallāq flatterer, adulator

ملق malaqa pl. -āt, املق amlaq (eg.) Egyptian mile, league, the distance of approximately one hour’s walk

مملقة mimlaqa planer, leveler; roller

تمليق tamlīq and تملق tamalluq flattery, adulation

ملك malaka i (malk, mulk, milk) to take in possession, take over, acquire (هـ s.th.), seize, lay hands (هـ on), possess o.s., take possession, lay hold (هـ of); to possess, own, have (هـ s.th.), be the owner (هـ of); to dominate, control (هـ s.th.): to be master (هـ of); to role, reign, exercise power or authority, hold sway, lord it (على or هـ over); to be capable (هـ of), be equal (هـ to); to be able, be in a position (ان or هـ to do s.th.) | ملكه الغيظ (gaiẓ) anger overwhelmed him, got the better of him; ملك عليه جميع مشاعره (jamī‘a mašā‘irihī) to dominate s.o.’s every thought and deed, be uppermost in s.o.’s mind; ملك عليه حسه (ḥissahū) to take possession of s.o.’s feelings; ملك عليه لبه (lubbahū) to preoccupy s.o.’s heart; ملك عليه نفسه (nafsahū) to lay hold of s.o.’s soul, dominate s.o.’s thinking, affect s.o. deeply, stir up, arouse, excite s.o.; ملك على نفسه امرها (amrahā) to have o.s. under control, keep one’s temper; ملك العينين من البكاء (‘ainaini, bukā’) to hold back the tears; ملك نفسه (nafsahū) to control o.s., restrain o.s.; لم يملك ان he could not refrain from ..., he couldn’t help it, he had to ...; ما ملكت (يملك) يمينه (yamīnuhū) his fortune, his property, his possessions II and IV to make (ه s.o.) the owner; to put (ه s.o.) in possession (هـ of), transfer (ه to s.o.) ownership (هـ of); to transfer, assign, make over, convey (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.); to make (ه s.o.) king or sovereign (على over) V to take in possession, take over, appropriate, acquire (هـ s.th.), take possession (هـ of s.th., ه of s.o.), seize, lay hands (هـ on s.th.), lay hold (هـ of s.th.); to possess, own, have (هـ s.th.), be in possession (هـ of); to become king or sovereign (على over); to become prevalent, become fixed, take root (habit) VI to gain control (هـ over a feeling, نفسه nafsahū over o.s.); to control o.s., restrain o.s., hold back; to refrain, keep (عن from s.th.) | ما تمالك عن he couldn’t help (doing s.th.), he couldn’t refrain from VIII to possess, own, have (هـ s.th.); to gain, win (هـ s.th.); to acquire (هـ s.th.) | امتلك نواصي الشيء (nawāṣiya š-šai’) to b. master of s.th., rule over s.th. X to appropriate (هـ s.th.), take possession (هـ of); to dominate, control (هـ s.th.); to possess, own, have (هـ s.th.); to master (هـ s.th.)

ملك mulk rule, reign, supreme authority, dominion, domination, dominance, sway, power; sovereignty, kingship, royalty; monarchy; tenure, holding, right of possession, possessory right, ownership

ملك mill: pl. املاك amlāk property, possessions, goods and chattels, fortune, wealth; estate; landed property, real estate; pl. possessions (= colonies); lands, landed property, estates | املاك اميرية (amīrīya) or املاك الحكومة government lands; ملك ثابت landed property, real property, real estate, realty, immovables; ملك منقول personal estate, personal property, personality, movables; املاك مبنية (mabnīya) developed lots, real estate developments; صاحب الأملاك, ذو الأملاك landowner; ملك اميري (amīrī) government property; ملك مطلق (muṭlaq) general property, fee simple (absolute) (Isl. Law); ملك شائع joint property, joint tenancy, co-ownership

ملك malik pl. ملوك mulūk, املاك amlāk king, sovereign, monarch

ملكة malika pl. -āt queen | ملكة الجمال m. al-jamāl beauty queen

ملك malak (for ملأك ) angel | ملك حارس guardian angel

ملكي mulkī posessory, possessive, proprietary; civilian, civil (as opposed to military) | بدلة ملكية (badla) civilian clothes; موظف ملكي (muwaẓẓaf) civil servant

ملكي malakī royal, kingly, regal; monarchic, sovereign; monarchist; angelic

ملكية malakīya monarchy, kingship, royalty

ملكية milkīya pl. -āt property; ownership (jur.) | الملكية الكبرى (kubrā) large landed property; نزع الملكية naz‘ al-m. expropriation, dispossession

ملكة malaka pl. -āt trait of character, natural disposition, aptitude, bent; gift, faculty, talent, knack

ملكوت malakūt realm, kingdom, empire; kingship, royalty, sovereignty | ملكوت السماوات m. as-samāwāt the Kingdom of Heaven (Chr.)

ملكوتي malakūtī divine, heavenly

ملاك malāk, milāk foundation, basis, fundament, essential prerequisite

ملاك milāk (tun.) betrothal, engagement; engagement present (of the fiancé to the prospective bride)

ملوكي mulukī royal, kingly, regal; monarchic; monarchist

ملاك mallākīya monarchic rule, monarchism, kingship, royalty; monarchist leaning

ملاك mallāk pl. -ūn owner, proprietor; landowner, landholder, landed proprietor | كبار الملكين kibār al-m. large landowners

ملاكي mallākī private

مليك malīk pl. ملكاء mulakā’ king; possessor, owner, proprietor

مليكة malīka queen

مملكة mamlaka pl. ممالك mamālik2 kingdom, empire, state, country; royal power, sovereignty

تمليك tamlīk transfer of ownership, conveyance of property, alienation

تملك tamalluk taking possession, occupancy, seizure; possession; right or possession, possessory right, tenure, holding; domination, control, mastery

تمالك tamāluk self-control

امتلاك imtilāk taking possession, occupancy, seizure; possession; right or possession, possessory right, tenure, holding; domination, control, mastery | امتلاك النفس imt. an-nafs self-control

امتلاك imtilāk pl. -āt acquisition; appropriation, taking possession, occupancy, seizure

مالك mālik pl. ملاك mullāk, ملك mullak reigning, ruling; owning, possessing, holding; owner, proprietor, master, possessor, holder | مالك الحزين heron (zool.)

مالكي mālikī Malikite, belonging to the Malikite school of theology; a Maliki

المالكية al-mālikīya the Malikite school of theology

مملوك mamlūk owned (ل by), in possession (ل of), belonging (ل to); (pl. مماليك mamālīk2) white slave, mameluke; Mameluke | غير مملوك incapable of individual possession, (res) extra commercium (Isl. Law)

مملك mumallik assignor, transferor, conveyer, alienator

ممتلك mumtalak owned, in possession; pl. ممتلكات mumtalakāt property; estates, landed property; possessions, dependencies, colonies | ممتلكات اميرية (amīrīya) government property; الممتلكات المستقلة (mustaqilla) the Dominions

ململ malmala to hurry, hasten; to make restless, make fidgety (ه s.o.) II tamalmala to murmur; to mumble, mumble into one’s beard; to grumble, be disgruntled, be angry; to be restlessness, fidgety, nervous; to twitch nervously; to be or become wavering, uncertain

ململة malmala and تململ tamalmul unrest, restlessness, fidgetiness, nervousness

ملنخوليا malakōliyā melancholia

1 ملا (ملو ) malā u (malw) to walk briskly, run II to make (هـ s.o.) enjoy (هـ s.th.) for a long time (said of God) IV to dictate (هـ على to s.o. .s.th.) V to enjoy (من, ب, هـ s.th.) X to take from dictation (هـ s.th.)

ملا malā pl. املاء amlā’ open country, open tract of land; steppe, desert

الملوان al-malawān day and night

ملوة malwa malouah, a dry measure (Eg. = 2 قدح = 4.125 l)

ملي malīy (relatively long) period of time; مليا malīyan for quite a while, for a long time

املاء imlā’ dictation; O transmission (of a telephone message)

2 ملاية milāya pl. -āt (< ملاءة mulā’a) wrap worn by Egyptian women; sheet, bed sheet

ملية malīya pl. ملايا malāyā (tun.) garment of sedouin women

مليار (Fr.) milyār pl. -āt (U.S.) billion, (G.s.) milliard

مليجرام milligrām pl. -āt milligram

مليم (Fr. millième) mallīm, malīm pl. -āt, ملاليم malālīm2 the smallest monetary unit in Egypt (= 1/1000 pound); see also under لوم

مليمتر millīmitr pl. -āt millimeter

مليون malyūn pl. -āt, ملايين malāyīn2 million | اصحاب الملايين millionaires

مم mm. abbreviation of millimeter

مما mimmā, shortened form مم mimma = min mā

ممن mimman = min man

2 من man 1. (interr. pron.) who? which one? which ones? 2. (relative pron.) who; the one who; those who; one who; whoever, whosoever, everyone who, he who

2 من min (prep.) 1. of; some, some of, (a) part of; belonging to, pertaining to, from among | كان من to belong or pertain to, be among …, fall under ...; من ذلك ان (anna) among other things ...; منهم من (man) some of them; منهم من – ومنهم من some of them -- others ..., there are (were) those who -- and others who ...; رجل من قريش (rajul) a man of the Koreish tribe; يوم من الأيام (yaum, ayyām) some day, some day or other; امر من الأمور (amr) s.th. or other, some affair, some business; اكل من الطعام (ṭa‘ām) he ate (a little, some) of the food; ما رايته من الكتب mā ra’aituhū min saling-kutub (what I have seen of the books =) the books I have seen; ما رايته من كتب (what I have seen of books =) what(ever) books I have seen; ما لله من شريك God has no partner whatsoever; ما من احد يقدر (aḥadin yaqdiru) nobody can ...; ما من شخص (šakṣin) there ia absolutely none who ...

consisting of, made of, of (material) | ثوب من حرير (taub) a garment of silk, a silk dress

at, on (time) | من الليل (lail) at night; من يومه (yaumihī) on the very same day; من ساعته at that moment, at once, right away

at, on, by (place) | هزه من منكبه (hazzahū, mankibihī) he shook him by the shoulder

like, as, such as, as for instance; namely, to wit | صفات ازلية من العلم والقدرة والإرادة (ṣifāt azalīya, ‘ilm, qudra, irāda) eternal attributes such as knowledge, power, volition; اذا صح ما قالته الجرائد من ان (ṣaḥḥa) if what the newspapers say is true, namely that ...

in an exclamation: يا طولها من ليلة yā ṭūlahā min lailatin oh, the length of the night! what a long night it is! ما اخفه من حمل mā akaffahū min ḥimlin how light a burden it is! ويحه من مخبول (waiḥahū) woe to this fool!

in relation to, with respect to, toward | مقاصد المانيا من تركيا Germany’s intentions as far as Turkey is concerned

substituting for an accusative (originally, in a partitive sense): اذكى ذلك من فضولها this kindled her curiosity

2. from, away from, out of, from the direction of | اخرج من هنا ukruj min hunā get out of here! جاء من بغداد he came from Baghdad; من طرف (ṭarafi) and من قبل (qibal) on the part of, on the side of, from, by; من -- الى from -- (up) to; كان منه واليه (wa-ilaihi) to depend entirely on s.o., he inseparable from s.o., appertain to s.o.; ما كان منهم what share they had in ..., to what extent they were involved in ..., what part they played in …

from, beginning , starting ..., since, for; after | من شهر (šahr) for a month (past), since one month ago; من مدة (mudda) for some time (in the past); بعد ايام من هذه الحوادث (ba‘da ayyāmin) a few days after these events

of, by, at, about (denoting the source of one’s fear, fright, alarm, apprehension, etc.). e.g., فزع من, خاف من etc.

against, from (with verb, denoting protection, defense, warning, freeing, exemption), e.g., منعه من, حماه من, حرره من, اعفاه من , etc.

through, by, via, (with verb, of motion to denote the way, route, or means) | دخل من الباب he entered through the gate; من طريق الراديو by radio

than (with the comparative) | اقوى من aqwā min an too strong as to ..., too strong for ...

due to, owing to, for, because of; at, about (with verbs denoting emotions; as, for instance, “be amazed”, “be delighted”, “he glad”, etc.), e.g., تعجب من, دهش من , etc.

by, through (with the passive to indicate the doer, agent, perpetrator)

as to compounds such as من بعد, من حيث, من دون, من غير, من قبل see under the second word

3 من manna u (mann) to he kind, kindly, benign, gracious, benevolent, obliging (على to or toward, s.o.); to show, grant, or do s.o. (على ) a favor, bestow blessings, benefits, favors (على upon s.o.); to grant, award, present, give (ب على to s.o. s.th.), confer, bestow graciously (ب على upon s.o. s.th.), bless (ب على s.o. with), inspire (ب على s.o. with; of God) IV to tire, fatigue, weaken (ه s.o.), sap the strength (على of s.o.) V do. VIII to be kind, kindly, benign, gracious, benevolent, obliging (على to or toward s.o.), to show, grant, or do s.o. (على ) a favor, bestow blessings, benefits, favors (على upon s.o.); to bestow or confer most graciously (ب على upon s.o. s.th.), kindly grant, award, or give (ب على to s.o. s.th.)

من mann gracious bestowal; favor; benefit, blessing, boon; gift, present, largess; honeydew; manna; (pl. امنان amnān) a weight of 2 رطل raṭl | بمنه تعالى by the grace of God

منة minna pl. منن minan grace; kindness, kindliness, good will, friendliness, amiability, graciousness, benevolence, benignity; favor, act of kindness, benefit, blessing, boon, gift, present

من munna pl. منن munan strength, vigor, stamina | شديد المنة strong, vigorous, sturdy

منان mannān kind, kindly, benign, gracious; munificent, liberal, generous; benefactor; المنان (one of the attributes of God) the Benefactor

منون manūn fate, destiny; fate of death, death

امتنان grateful obligation, indebtedness, obligedness, gratitude

ممنون indebted, obligated, obliged, grateful, thankful (ل to s.o.); weak, languid

ممنونية mamnūnīya grateful obligation, indebtedness, obligedness, gratitude

ممتن mumtann indebted. much obliged (ل to s.o.)

منتول mintūl menthol

منجنيق manjanīq f., pl. -āt, مجانق majāniq2 mangonel, ballista, catapult

منجو mangū mango

منح manaḥa a (manḥ) to grant, give, accord, award (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.), bestow, confer (هـ ه upon s.o. s.th.) III to bestow favor (ه upon s.o.)

منح manḥ granting, giving, donation, bestowal, conferment, award(ing)

منحة minḥa pl. منح minaḥ act of kindness; privilege; gift, present, donation, grant, favor, benefit, benefaction; compensation; remuneration, allowance, indemnity (jur.); scholarship, stipend | منحة الإقامة m. al-iqāma living allowance; منحة جامعية (jāmi‘īya) academic scholarship; منحة السكنى m. as-suknā housing allowance, rent allowance

مانح māniḥ donor, giver, granter

1 مندل mandal see ندل

2 منديل mandīl, mindīl pl. مناديل manādīl2 kerchief; handkerchief; head kerchief

منذ mundu and مذ mud 1. (prep.) since, for; ago | منذ شهر (šahr) for a month (past), since one month ago; a month ago; منذ ايام (ayyām) for the past few days; a few days ago; منذ عقد قريب (‘aqd) of late, lately, recently; منذ الآن (āna) from now on, henceforth; منذ اليوم (yaum) as of today, from this day on

2. (conj.) since, ever since, from the time when | منذ كنت طفلا صغيرا (ṭiflan) since I was a small child

بحر المنش baḥr al-manš the Sea of Le Manche, i.e., the English Channel

منشوبية manšūbīya (from Copt. manšōpi) cell, living quarters (Copt.-Chr.)

منشوري manšūrī Manchurian

منصون manṣūn monsoon

منطر manṭara to threw down, toss down

منطق manṭaqa to gird (ب هـ s.th. with) II to gird o.s., swathe o.s. (ب with), wind around one’s body (ب s.th.)

منطوفلة manṭūfla (syr.) slipper

منع mana‘a a (man‘) to stop, detain, keep from entering or passing (ه s.o.); to hinder, prevent (هـ s.th.; من or عن ه s.o. from), keep, restrain, hold back (ه s.o. من or عن from); to bar, block, obstruct (هـ ه s.o.’s way or access to); to withdraw, take away (من or عن or هـ ه from s.o. s.th.), deprive (من or عن or هـ ه s.o. of); to forbid, interdict (من or عن or هـ ه to s.o. s.th.), prohibit (من or عن or هـ ه s.o. from); to decline to accept, declare impossible or out of the question (ان that); to refuse, deny (عن هـ or ه هـ s.th. to s.o.), withhold (عن هـ or ه هـ s.th. from s.o.); to stop, cease (هـ doing s.th., عن with regard to s.o.), abstain, refrain (هـ from doing s.th., عن with regard to s.o.); to ward off, avert, keep, keep away (عن هـ s.th. from s.o.); to protect, guard (من ه s.o. from), defend (ه s.o., هـ s.th., عن against); -- manu‘a u (مناع manā‘, مناعة manā‘a) to be strongly fortified, inaccessible, impregnable; to be unconquerable, invincible, insurmountable II to fortify, strengthen, make inaccessible (هـ s.th.) III to put up resistance, act in opposition (ه to s.o.), oppose, counteract (ه s.o.), work against s.o. (ه ); to stand up, rise (ه against s.o.); to resist, oppose (في s.th.), offer resistance, object, raise objections (في to s.th.), revolt, rebel (في against s.th.); to refuse, deny (هـ ه s.o. s.th.) V to refuse, decline (عن to do s.th.); to desist, refrain, abstain, keep (عن from s.th., from doing s.th.), forbear, leave off (عن s.th.), stop, cease (عن doing s.th.), avoid (عن s.th. or doing s.th.); to be or become inaccessible, unassailable, impregnable; to strengthen, grow in strength; to seek protection (ب with or in) VIII to refrain, abstain, keep (عن from doing s.th.), forbear (عن s.th.), stop, cease (عن doing s.th.); to be prevented (عن from); to be impossible (على for s.o.); to refuse (عن to do s.th.), decline, turn down (عن s.th.); to refuse to have anything to do (على with), keep aloof (على from)

منع man‘ hindering, impeding, obstruction; prevention, obviation, preclusion; prohibition, interdiction, ban, injunction; closure, stop, discontinuation, embargo; withdrawal, deprival, dispossession; withholding, detention

منعة manra resistance, power, force, vigor, strength, stamina, insuperability, invincibility

منيع manī‘ pl. منعاء muna‘ā’ unapproachable, inaccessible, impervious, impenetrable, forbidding; well-fortified; mighty, strong, powerful; impregnable, unconquerable; insurmountable, insuperable, invincible, immune | منيع الجانب strong, unassailable; حاجز منيع insurmountable barrier

مناعة manā‘a inaccessibility; strength, impregnability; hardiness, sturdiness, power of resistance; immunity (to a disease, also dipl.); imperviousness, impermeability, impenetrability, forbiddingness

امنع amna‘2 harder to get at, more forbidding; offering greater resistance

ممانعة mumāna‘a opposition; resistance, revolt, rebellion; O inductive resistance (el.)

تمنع tamannu‘ rejection, refusal

امتناع imtinā‘ refraining, abstention (عن from); refusal, denial; impossibility

مانع māni‘ hindering, forbidding, etc., see 1; preventive; prohibitive; - (pl. موانع mawāni‘2) hindrance, obstacle, obstruction; impediment; a preventive, preservative, prophylactic; objection; (pl. -āt) O cutout, anti-interference device (radio) | ما رأى مانعا (ra’ā) to have no objections; لا مانع māni‘a there is nothing in the way, nothing prevents me (you, etc.) from (عن )

ممنوع mamnā‘ forbidden, prohibited, banned, interdicted; indeclinable (gram.) | ممنوع التدخين no smoking! ممنوع الدخول no admittance! keep out! off limits!

ممنوعية mamnū‘īya forbiddenness

ممتنع mumtani‘ refraining, abstaining, forbearing; rejecting, refusing; prevented; forbidden, interdicted, prohibited, banned; inaccessible (على to s.o.); forbidding, inscrutable, impenetrable, elusive; difficult to imitate; impossible

منغنيس manganīs manganese

منغوليا mungūliyā Mongolia

منفيلا (It. manovella) manafella crank

منلوج manalōg see منولوج

(منو and منى) منا manā u (manw) and منى manā i (many) to put to the test, try, tempt, afflict (ب ه s.o. with; of God); pass. مني muniya to be afflicted (ب with), be sorely tried (ب by), suffer, sustain, undergo, experience (ب s.th.), be affected, hit, smitten, stricken (ب by); to find by good luck, be so fortunate as to find (ل s.th.) II to awaken the desire (ب or هـ ه in s.o. for), make s.o. (ه ) wish (ب or هـ for); to make (ه s.o.) hope (ب or هـ for), give (ه s.o.) reason to hope (ب or هـ for), raise hopes (ب or هـهـ of) in s.o. (ه ); to promise (ان, ب ه s.o. that) | منى نفسه ب (nafsahū) to indulge in the hope of ..., have every hope that IV to shed (هـ blood); to emit, ejaculate (هـ sperm) V to desire (هـ s.th.), wish (هـ for s.th.; هـ ل s.o. s.th.) X to practice onanism, masturbate

منى manan and منية manīya pl. منايا manāyā fate, destiny, lot; fate of death; death

منى minan semen, sperm

منوي minawī seminal, spermatic

منى minan m. and minā f. the valley of Mina near Mecca

منية munya, minya pl. منى munan wish, desire; object of desire

امنية umnīya pl. امان amānin, اماني amānīy wish, demand, claim, desire, longing, aspiration

تمنية tamniya and امناء imnā’ emission, ejaculation of the sperm

تمن tamannin pl. -āt wish; desire; request

استمناء istimnā’ self-pollution, masturbation, onanism

منولوج manolōj, monolōg pl. -āt monologue; (cabaret) act | منولوجات فكاهية (fukāhīya) skits, comic sketches, music-hall songs

منومتر manūmitr pl. -āt manometer, pressure gauge

المنيا al-minyā El Minya (city in central Egypt)

مهجة muhja pl. مهج muhaj, مهجات muhajāt lifeblood, heartblood; heart; innermost self, intrinsic nature, core; soul; life | طعنت الآمال في مهجتها (ṭu‘inat) hopes received the deathblow

مهد II to spread out evenly (هـ s.th.); to smooth, smoothen (هـ s.th.); to pave (هـ a road); to flatten, plane, make even or level (هـ s.th.): to arrange, settle, straighten, put in order (هـ s.th.); to free from obstacles, clear, pave (هـ s.th.; esp., the way, ل for or to); to make easy, facilitate, ease, make easily accessible (هـ ل to s.o. s.th.): to get ready, prepare (هـ s.th.), make (هـ a bed, etc.); to pass (الكرة al-kurata the ball, ل to s.o.); (verb alone, without qualifying direct object) to pave, open, clear, or prepare the way (ب ل for s.th. by or with), open, prepare, begin, start, initiate, bring about, set in motion (ب ل s.th. by or with) V to be paved, be clear or cleared, be or become open (way); to be or get settled or arranged; to go smoothly, go well, come off well; to be in order, be put in order, get straightened out

مهد mahd pl. مهود muhūd bed; cradle | من المهد على اللحد (laḥd) from cradle to grave; قتله في مهده to nip s.th. in the bud; كان في مهد to be still in its beginnings or infancy, not have progressed beyond the early stages

مهاد mihād place of rest, resting place; bed; bosom, pale, fold (fig., in which s.th. rests)

تمهيد tamhīd smoothing, leveling, paving; facilitation, easing; preparation; foreword, preface, proem; introduction; preliminaries | تمهيد ل in order to facilitate ...; in preparation of ..., as a preliminary step toward ..., for the purpose of ...

تمهيدي tamhīdī introductory, prefatory, preliminary, preparatory | اجراءات تمهيدية (ijrā’āt) preliminaries; preliminary proceedings (jur.); حكم تمهيدي (ḥukm) interlocutory decree, interlocutory judgment (jur.); قرار تمهيدي (qarār) provisional in, junction, temporary restra.ining order (jur.); شرح تمهيدي (šarh) prefatory remarks

ممهد mumahhad leveled, smoothed, smooth, even, level; well-ordered, wellarranged, well-prepared; prepared, cleared, open (way); paved (road)

مماهد mumāhad paved, improved (road)

1 مهر mahara u a (mahr, مهار mahār, مهارة mahāra, مهور muhūr) to be skillful, adroit, dexterous, skilled, adept, proficient, expert, experienced, seasoned; -- u a (mahr) to give a dower (ها to the bride) III to vie in skill (ه with s.o.) IV to give a dower (ها to the bride)

مهر mahr pl. مهور muhūr dower, bridal money; price, stake; ransom

مهر muhr, pl. امهار amhār, مهارة mihāra foal, colt

مهرة muhra pl. مهر muhar, مهرات muharāt filly

مهارة mahāra skillfulness, adroitness, dexterity, skill, expertness, proficiency, adeptness

ماهر māhir pl. مهرة mahara skillful, adroit, dexterous, skilled, proficient, adept, expert, practiced, experienced, seasoned

2 مهر muhr seal, signet; stamp

مهردار muhrәdār keeper of the seal

مهرجان mahrajān, mihrajān pl. -āt festival, festivity, celebration | مهرجان بريطانيا Festival of Britain

مهك mahaka a (mahk) to grind, crush, bruise, pound

مهكة makha, muhka freshness of youth, bloom of youth

مهل mahala a (mahl, مهلة muhla) to tarry, dawdle, be slow, take one’s time (في in s.th.) II and IV to give (ه s.o.) time, grant (ه s.o.) a respite or delay V to be slow, proceed slowly and deliberately (في in s.th.) | تمهل في خطاه (kuṭāhu) to slacken one’s pace; تمهل يقول he said slowly VI = V; X to ask (ه s.o.) for a respite; to ask (ه s.o.) to wait

مهل mahl, mahal slowness, leisureliness, ease; leisure; مهلا mahlan slowly, leisurely, in no hurry | على مهل slowly, leisurely, in no hurry; مهلك mahlaka easy does it! take it easy! على مهلك take it easy! take your time!

مهلة muhla respite, delay; time limit for a decision, time to think s.th. over

مهيلة muhaila large boat (ir.)

امهال imhāl grant of respite, concession of a delay

امهالي imhālī tending to delay, dilatory

تمهل tamahhul slowness deliberateness | بتمهل slowly; gradually

متمهل mutamahhil slow, deliberate, leisurely, unburned, easy

متماهل mutamāhil leisurely, comfortable, easy, unhurried, slow

مهما mahmā (conj.) whatever, whatsoever; no matter how much, however much, much as ...; whenever | مهما يكن من الأمر (yakun, amr) whatever the case may be, be it as it may

مهن mahana u a (mahn, مهنة mahna) to serve (ه s.o.); to humble, degrade, treat in a humiliating manner (ه s.o.); to hackney, wear out in common service, wear out by use (هـ s.th.); -- mahuna u (مهانة mahāna) to be despicable, base, low, mean, menial III to practice (هـ a profession) VIII to humble, degrade, treat in a humiliating manner (ه s.o.); to revile (ه s.o.); to despise (ه s.o.); to employ for menial services (ه s.o.); to hackney, wear out in common service, wear out by use (هـ s.th.); to practice professionally, as a trade (هـ s.th.)

مهنة mihna pl. مهن mihan work, job, occupation, calling, vocation, profession, trade, business

مهني mihnī professional, vocational; gainfully employed | الإرشاد المهني (iršād) vocational guidance

مهين mahīn pl. مهناء muhanā’2 despised, despicable, contemptible, vile

امتهان imtihān degradation, humiliation, contempt, disdain; abuse, misuse, improper treatment

ماهن māhin pl. مهان muhhān menial servant

مهاة mahāh pl. مهوات mahawāt, مهيات mahayāt wild cow

1 ماء (موء ) mā’a u (مواء muwā’) to mew, miaow

مواء muwā’ mewing, miaow (of a cat)

2 ماء and مائي see موء

موبيليات mōbīlīyāt (pl.) furniture

مات (موت ) māta u (maut) to die; to perish; to lose life, become dead; to abate, subside, die down, let up (wind, heat) II and IV to make (ه s.o.) die, let (ه s.o.) perish; to kill, put to death (ه s.o.); to be the death of s.o. (ه ), cause the death of s.o. (ه ) IV to mortify (نفسه o.s., one’s flesh); to suppress, deaden (هـ s.th.) VI to feign death, pretend to be dead; to feign weakness; to be sluggish, listless, slack (في in s.th.) X to seek death; to defy death, sacrifice o.s., risk one’s life; to strive desperately (في for), make desperate efforts <..i in order to); to tight desperately

موت maut and موتة mauta death; decease, demise | موت ابيض (abyaḍ) natural death

موات mawāt that which is lifeless an inanimate thing; barren, uncultivated land, wasteland

موتان mautāni, mūtān dying, death; epidemic, plague

ميت mayit, mait pl. اموات amwāt, موتى mautā lifeless inanimate, dead, deceased

ميتة maita corpse, carcass, carrion; meat of an animal not slaughtered in accordance with ritual requirements (Isl. Law)

ميتة mīta manner of death | ميتة الأبطال death of a hero, death in battle

ممات mamāt place where s.o. died; decease, death

اماتة imāta killing; mortification (of the flesh)

استماتة istimāta death defiance; desperate effort, desperate struggle (في for)

مائت mā’it dying, moribund, mortal

مميت mumīt lethal, fatal, mortal, deadly | خاطئة مميتة (kāṭi’a) mortal sin

ممات mumāt antiquated, obsolete

مستميت mustamīt death-defying, reckless, heroin; martyr; suffering a martyr’s death

موتوسيكل (Fr. motocycle) mōtōsīkil pl. -āt motorcycle

ماج (موج ) māja u (mauj, موج mawajān) to heave, swell, roll, surge (sea); to be excited, agitated (ب by) II to ripple (هـ the surface of water, etc.); to wave (هـ the hair) V = I; to rise in waves; to ripple, be rippled (as, the surface of water); to undulate, move in undulations; to sway, roll VI to be waved, be undulate; to form an undulating line (حول around); to flow, flood, swell, surge

موج mauj pl. امواج amwāj billows, surges, seas, breakers; waves; ripples; -- (n. un. موجة mauja pl. -āt) billow, surge, sea, breaker; wave; ripple; oscillation, vibration, undulation | موج طويل long wave (radio); موج قصير short wave (radio); موج متوسط (mutawassiṭ) medium wave (radio); امواج صوتية (ṣauṭīya) sound waves; امواج مستمرة (mustamirra) continuous waves; امواج مضمحلة (muḍmaḥilla) damped waves; امواج منعكسة (mun‘akisa) reflected waves, indirect waves; امواج (muwajjaha) directional beams (radio); O موجة حارة (ḥārra) heat wave, hot spell; موجة الشباب m. aš-šabāb bloom of youth, freshness of youth; سعة الموجة sa‘at al-m. amplitude; طول الموجة ṭūl al-m. wave length (radio); موجة استنكار a wave of disapproval

مواج mawwāj undulating, undulant; surging, rolling; waved, undulated, undulate; O (pl. -āt) transmitter (radio)

تمويج tamwīj waving (of the hair) | التمويج على البارد cold wave, permanent wave

تموج tamawwuj pl. -āt oscillation, vibration; undulation, undulant motion; swaying, rolling | تموجات صوتية (ṣautīya) sound waves; O تموج الهواء t. al-hawā’ atmospheric vibrations

مائج mā’ij surging, swelling, rolling, tumultuous, stormy, high (sea)

مموج mumawwaj undulated, undulate, waved, wavy, wavelike, undulatory

متموج mutamawwij surging, rolling, undulating, undulant, wavelike, undulatory; wavy (hair) | الحمى المتموجة (ḥummā) undulant fever, Malta fever, brucellosis (med.)

متماوج mutamāwij undulate, waved, wavy, rippled; curled

مودة mōda pl. -āt fashion, style; fashionable; pl. hat fashions, millinery | على المودة of the latest fashion, fashionable, modish, stylish

مودل mōdel or موديل mōdēl pl. -āt model, pattern

1 مار (مور ) māra u (maur) to move to and fro, move from side to side V do.

موار mawwār O pendulum

تمور tamawwur swaying, swinging motion; تمورا to and fro, back and forth

2 مار look up alphabetically and under مر marra

3 المورة al-mōra Morea, Poloponnesus

موراتزم mūrātizm (eg.) rheumatism

موراني mūrānī (syr.) = ماروني look up alphabetically

مورفين murfīn morphine

مورينة mūrīna pl. -āt wooden beam, rafter

موز mauz (call.; n. un. ة ) banana

1 ماس mās diamond (cf. الماس alphabetically)

ماسي māsī diamond (used attributively)

2 موسى mūsā f., pl. مواس mawāsin, امواس amwās straight razor

3 موسى mūsā Moses | سمك موسى samak m. plaice, flounder (zool.)

موسوي mūsawī Mosaic(al)

موسطردة (It. mostarda) musṭarda mustard

موسكو moskū, moskō Moscow

موسيقار mūsīqār musician

موسيقى mīsīqa (f.) music

موسيقي mūsīqī musician; musical | آلة موسيقية musical instrument

ماش māš (n. un. ة ) leguminous plant with black edible grains, Indian pea (Phaseolus max. L.; bot.)

الموصل al-maṣil Mosul (city in N Iraq)

موضه (= موده ) mōḍa fashion, style

موق see مأق

1 مول II to make rich, enrich (ه s.o.); to finance (هـ s.th.) V to be financed; to become rich, wealthy X to become rich, wealthy

مال mal pl. اموال amwāl property, possessions, chattels, goods; wealth, affluence; fortune, estate; money; income, revenue; assets, capital, stock, fund; (eg.) tax, esp., land tax; (Isl. Law) marketable title; pl. property, assets, chattels, goods; pecuniary resources, funds; taxes | ذو مال wealthy, rich; مال احتياطي (iḥtyāṭī) reserve fund; مال الاطيان (eg.) land tax; مال الحرام m. al-ḥarām ill-gotten gain; مال الحكومة (eg.) taxes; اموال مقررة (muqarrara) direct taxes; مال نقلي (naqlī) or مال منقول movable property, movables (Isl. Law); مال ثابت landed property, real property, immovables; مال غير متقوم (mutaqawwim) thing without commercial value (Isl. Law); امين المال treasurer; بيت المال bait al-m. (public) treasury; رأس مال etc., see رأس

مالي mālī monetary, pecuniary, financial; finance (in compounds); fiscal; financier, capitalist | بت مالي (bait) finance house, banking house; تضخم مالي (taḍakkum) inflation; سنة مالية (sana) fiscal year; غرامة مالية (garāma) or عقوبة مالية a fine

مالية mālīya monetary affairs, finance, public revenue; finances, financial situation | وزارة المالية finance ministry, treasury department

موال mawwāl pl. -ūn (ir.) financier, capitalist

تمويل tamwīl financing; (eg.) tax-paying

ممول mumawwil pl. -ūn (eg.) taxpayer

ممول mumawwal propertied, wealthy, rich

متمول mutamawwil rich, wealthy, well-to-do; financier, capitalist

2 موال mawwāl pl. مواويل mawāwīl2 a poem in colloquial language, often sung to the accompaniment of a reed pipe

مواليا mawāliyā do.

موم mūm wax

مومياء mūmiyā’, مومية mūmiya pl. -āt mummy

مان (مون ) māna u (maun, مؤنة mu’na) and II to provision. supply with provisions (ه s.o.); to provide, furnish, supply (ب هـ or ه s.o. or s.th. with) V to store up provisions, lay in provisions, provision o.s.

مونة mūna provisions; (eg.) mortar

تموين tamwīn food supply, provisioning; supply; replenishment

موانيء pl. ميناء

مونيخ mūnīk Munich

ماه (موه ) māha u (mauh) to mix (ب هـ s.th. with); -- u a (mauh, مؤوه mu’ūh, ماهة māha) to abound in water II to abound in water; to pour water (هـ into), admix water (هـ to); to thin, dilute, water down, adulterate (هـ s.th.); to falsify (هـ, على s.th.), misrepresent (هـ s.th.); to feign, affect (على ب s.th. toward s.o.); to camouflage (هـ s.th.; Syr., mil.); to coat, overlay, plate (ب هـ a base metal with gold or silver) IV to add water (هـ to)

ماء mā’ pl. مياه miyāh, امواه amwāh water; liquid, fluid; juice | كالماء الجاري fluently, smoothly, like clockwork; ماء ابيض (abyaḍ) cataract (eye disease); ماء الزهر m. az-zahr orange-blossom water;ماء الشباب m. aš-šabāb freshness of youth, prime of youth; ماء عذب (‘adb) fresh water, potable water; ماء غازي pl. مياه غازية carbonated water, mineral water; ماء الكولونيا Eau de Cologne; ماء الوجه m. al-wajh honor, decency, modesty, self-respect; اراق ماء وجهه arāqa mā’a wajhihī to sacrifice one’s honor, abase o.s.; to dishonor, disgrace s.o.; بذل ماء وجهه do.; ماء الورد m. al-ward rose water; مياه اقليمية (iqlīmīya) territorial waters; مياه الأمطار m. al-amṭār rain water; مياه جوفية (jaufīya) ground water; مياه ساحلية (sāḥilīya) coastal waters; بنو ماء السماء banū m. as-samā’ the Arabs

ماهي māhī and ماوي māwī watery, aqueous, aquatic

مائي mā’ī aquatic, water; liquid, fluid; hydraulic

ماهية look up alphabetically

ماوية māwīya and مائية mā’īya juice, sap

تمويه tamwīh coating, plating; clothing, attire, garb; overfilling; feigning, pretending, affectation; camouflage (syr., mil.); distortion (of facts), misrepresentation, falsification | كأس التمويه ka’s at-t. overfull cup

تمويهي tamwīhī feigned, sham, mock, make-believe | غارة تمويهية mock attack, feint

ماوية see موه

ميت and ميتة see موت

ماح (ميح ) māḥa i (maiḥ, ميحوحة maiḥūḥa) to strut, walk with affected dignity; to waddle V and VI to reel, totter, stagger; to swing X to ask (هـ ه s.o. a favor), request (هـ s.th.) | استماح عذرا من (‘udran) to apologize for s.th.

ماد (ميد ) māda i (maid, ميدان mayadān) to be moved, shaken, upset, shocked; to sway; to swing; to feel giddy, be dizzy; ماد ب to shake s.th. violently VI to sway back and forth, swing from side to side

ميدة mīda pl. ميد miyad (eg.) lintel, breastsummer (arch.)

ميداء mīdā’ measure, amount, length, distance; mīdā’a (prep.) in front of, opposite, facing

ميدان maidān, mīdān pl. ميادين mayādīn2 square, open place, open tract; field; arena; battleground, battlefield; combat area, fighting zone; race course, race track; playground (fig.); field, domain, line, sphere of activity | ميدان التدريب drill ground; military training center; ميدان الحرب m. al-ḥarb theater of war; ميدان السباق race course, race track; ميدان العمل m. al-‘amal field of activity, scope of action; ميدان القتال battlefield; خرج من ميدان العمل to be put out of servi-šce or commission; ظهر في الميدان to turn up, appear on the scene; في ميدان الشرف m. iš-šaraf on the field of honor; مدافع الميدان fieldpieces, field guns, infantry howitzers

مائد mā’id pl. ميدى maidā dizzy, seasick

مائدة mā’ida pl. -āt, موائد mawā’id2 table | مائدة التشريح operating table; مائدة الزينة m. az-zīna dressing table; مائدة السفرة m. as-sufra dining table

مداليون madāliyōn medallion

1 مار (مير ) māra i (mair) and IV to provide (عياله ‘iyālahū for one’s family)

ميرة mīra pl. مير miyar provisions, supplies, stores

ميار mayyār caterer, purveyor, supplier

2 ميري mīrī (= اميري ) public, governmental, government-, satate- (in compounds); fiscal; الميري the government, the fiso, the exchequer | مال الميري government taxes; املاك الميري government land

ميرآلاى mīrālāy (formerly, Eg.) colonel

ميرلواء mīrliwā’ (Ir.) brigadier general

3 مير (Fr. maire) mēr pl. اميار amyār (magr.) mayor

ميرون mairūn chrism (Chr.)

ماز (ميز ) māza i (maiz) to separate, keep apart (بين two things); to distinguish, honor, favor (ه s.o.) II to confer distinction (ه upon s.o.), distinguish, commend, honor, favor (ه s.o., عن above s.o. else, also على ); to distinguish, set aside, cause to stand out (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., عن from); to prefer (عن هـ or ه s.o. or s.th. to); to separate, segregate, set apart, single out, select, choose, pick (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to grant a special right or privilege (ه to s.o.), privilege (ه s.o.); to distinguish, differentiate, discriminate (عن هـ, ه s.o., s.th. from, also من; بين between two things, one thing from another) IV to distinguish, mark (هـ s.th.); to prefer (هـ s.th.) V to be set apart, be separated

or separate, be distinct, be distinguished, be differentiated; to distinguish o.s., be distinguished, be marked, stand out; to be marked out with distinction, be honored, be favored; to be preferred | تميز غيظا (gaiẓan) to burst with anger VI to distinguish o.s. (في in); to differ VIII to distinguish o.s. (ب by, في in s.th., عن or على above s.o. or s.th., من as compared with s.o. or s.th.); to be distinguished, be marked (ب by); to be characterized, be signalized (ب by); to excel, surpass, outdo, outshine (عن or على s.o. or s.th.); to have the advantage, take preference (على over), be preferred (على to); to differ (من or على from s.o., في or ب in, in that ...)

ميز maiz distinction; favoring, preferment

ميزة mīza peculiarity, distinguishing feature, distinctive mark, essential property, characteristic; prerogative, priority right

اميز amyaz 2 preferable (على to)

تمييز tamyīz distinction; preference; preferment, favoring, favoritism, preferential treatment; privileging; partiality; separation, segregation, sifting, singling out; specification (gram.); differentiation; discrimination, judgment, discretion, common sense; realization, discernment, conscious perception; deliberate intention | سن التمييز sinn at-t. age of discretion (jur.); محكمة التمييز maḥkamat at-t. court of cassation (Syr.); من غير تمييز unwittingly, unintentionally, with no definite purpose in mind; اخرجه عن دائرة التمييز (akrajahū) to deprive s.o. of his clear judgment, rob s.o. of his senses

امتياز imtiyāz pl. -āt distinction, (mark of) honor; advantage, benefit, merit; difference, distinction, differentiation, discrimination; special right, privilege; concession, patent, permit, license, franchise; (oil) concession; prerogative, priority right | الامتيازات الأجنبية (ajnabiya) the capitulations (of Western powers in the Orient) ; الامتيازات الدبلوماسية diplomatic privileges; صاحب الامتياز holder of the concession, concessionaire, responsible publisher of a newspaper

مميز mumayyiz distinguishing, distinctive; characteristic, peculiar, proper; discriminating, discerning, reasonable, rational (Isl. Law)

مميزة mumayyiza pl. -āt distinguishing feature, distinctive mark, characteristic trait, peculiarity; distinction, (mark of) honor; advantage, merit

مميز mumayyaz distinguished, preferred, favored, privileged; distinct, separate, special

متميز mutamayyiz distinguished, distingue; marked, notable, prominent, outstanding, characterized by distinctive traits, characteristic

ممتاز mumtāz distinguished, differentiated; exquisite, select, choice, rare; outstanding, superior, first-rate, first-class, top-notch, exceptional, excellent; privileged; special, extra; (as an examination grade) passed with distinction, excellent | درجة ممتازة (daraja) special class; ديون ممتازة (duyūn) privileged debts, preferred debts; عدد ممتاز (‘adad) special issue (of a periodical)

ميزانين (It. mezzanino) mēzānīn mezzanine

ماس (ميس ) māsa i (mais, ميسان mayasān) to move to and fro, swing from side to side; to walk with a proud, swinging gait V to walk with a proud, swinging gait

ميس mais proud gait; proud bearing

ميس mīs pl. امياس amyās (eg.) target

مياس mayyās walking with a lofty, proud gait, strutting

2 ميس (Engl. mess), ميس الضباط m. aḍ-ḍubbāṭ officers mess

ماط (ميط ) māṭa i (maiṭ, ميطان mayaṭān) to remove, pull away, draw back (هـ s.th.) IV do. | اماط اللثام عن to disolose, uncover, reveal s.th., bring s.th. to light

ماع (ميع ) mā‘a i (mai‘ to flow; to spread; to melt, dissolve (fat) II to soften, attenuate, dilute, liquefy (هـ s.th.) IV to melt, liquefy (هـ s.th.) V and VII to be melted, melt, dissolve

ميع mai‘ flowing, flow; liquidity, fluidity

ميعة mai‘a storax, a kind of incense obtained from the storax tree, resin of the storax tree (Styrax offioinalis); prime, bloom (of youth); indulgence, compliance; unstableness, unsteadiness

ميوعة muyū‘a liquid state; unstableness, unsteadiness

اماعة imā‘a melting, liquefaction

تميع tamayyu‘ liquescence, liquefaction

مائع mā’i‘ melting, liquid, fluid; liquescent, semiliquid; vague (expression); undecided, pending. in flux (situation)

ميكا (Engl.) mica

ميكاني mikānī mechanical, mechanize

ميكانيكا mīkānīkāhlnlhl meohanios

ميكانيكي mīkānīkī mechanical, automatic, mechanized, mechanic; motorized; a mechanic

ميكروب mikrūb pl. -āt microbe

ميكروفون mikrōfōn pl. -āt microphone

1 مال (ميل ) mīla i (mail, ميلان mayalān) to bend, bend down (الى to; على over); to bow down, lean over, turn (على to s.o.); to incline, slope, slant, tilt, tip, be inclined, slanting, oblique; to incline, tend. be favorably disposed (الى to), have a predilection, a liking, an inclination, a propensity (الى for), feel sympathy (الى for). sympathize (الى with), favor (الى s.o.); to take side, to side (مع with), be partial, biased, prejudiced; to lean (على against); to revolt, rebel (على against), be hostile (على to s.o.); to be disinclined, be averse (عن to s.th.); to have an antipathy, a distaste, a dislike (عن for); to deviate, digress, turn away, depart (عن from); مال به الى to drag or take s.o. or s.th. along to ...; -- (ميول muyūl) to prepare to set (sun); to decline, draw to its end (day, night); -- ميل mayila a (mayal) to be bent, bowed, tilted, averted, turned aside II and IV to incline, tip, tilt, bend, bow (هـ s.th.); to make (ه s.o.) inclined, sympathetic or favorably disposed (نحو or الى to s.o., to s.th.), incline, dispose (ه s.o.’s mind نحو or الى to), fill (ه s.o.) with sympathy (الى for); to make (ه s.o.) disinclined or averse (عن to), turn s.o.’s mind (ه ) away from (عن ), alienate (عن ه s.o. from) V and VI to reel, totter, stagger; to waver (tone); to sway, swing X to cause to incline, incline, tip, tilt (هـ s.th., الى to or toward); to win (ه s.o., also القلوب the hearts), attract, win over, bring to one’s side (ه s.o.), gain favor (ه with s.o.), win s.o.’s (ه ) affection

ميل mail pl. ميول muyūl, اميال amyāl inclination, tilt; bend, turn, deflection; obliqueness, obliquity, slant; slope, incline, declivity; deviation, divergence, declination (astron.); affection (الى for), attachment (الى to); predilection, liking, sympathy (الى for); propensity, disposition, bent, leaning, inclination, taste, desire, wish, longing; tendency, trend, drift (الى to, toward)

ميال mayyāl inclined, favorably disposed (الى to), leaning (الى toward); in favor (الى of), biased (الى toward or for)

اميل amyal2 more inclined, strongly inclined (الى to), more in favor (الى of)

امالة imāla pronunciation of a shaded toward e (gram.)

تمايل tamāyul reel(ing), swaying, tottering, stagger(ing), waver(ing); vibration

مائل mā’il inclining (الى to or toward); bending down, bowing down, leaning over; bent, tilted; sloping, declivitous (terrain); inclined, slanting, oblique | سطح مائل (saṭḥ) inclined plane (math.)

2 ميل mīl pl. اميال amyāl mile (= 4000 ذراع ); milestone | ميل بحري (baḥrī) nautical mile, knot

3 ميلي milli-, 1/1000 (in measures)

مان (مين ) māna i (main) to lie, tell a lie

مين main pl. ميون muyūn lie, falsehood, untruth

ميان mayyān and مائن mā’in liar

1 ميناء mīnā and ميناء mīnā’ glaze, glazing; enamel (of the teeth; as a coating of metal, glass, or pottery); (pl. موانئ mawāni’) dial (of a watch or clock) | مطلى بالمينا (maṭlīy) enamel-coated, enameled

2 ميناء mīnā’ f. and مينة mīna pl. موان mawānin, مين miyan port, harbor, anchorage | ميناء جوية (jawwīya) airport