Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
نابلس nābulus2 Nablus (town in W Jordan)
نابلي nābulī or نابولي nābūlī Napoli, Naples (seaport in S Italy)
نارجيل nārajīl coconut(s) (coll.)
نارجيلة nārajīla (n. un.) coconut; Persian water pipe, narghile
ناردين nāradīn nard, spikenard
نارنج naranj bitter orange
نازي nāzī Nazi
نازية nāzīya Nazism
ناس nās men, people, folks (cf. انس )
ناسوت nāsūt human nature, humanity
1 نأم na’ama i a to sound, resound, ring out; to groan, moan
نأمة na’ma noise, sound, tone
2 نؤوم na’um see نوم
ناموس nāmūs pl. نواميس nawāmīs2 law; rule; honor; see also نمس
1 نأى na’ā a (na’y) to be far, far away, distant, remote (عن from), keep away, stay away, keep at a distance, remain aloof, go away, move away, depart, absent o.s. (عن from), leave (عن s.th., s.o.) III to keep far away, keep at a distance (عن هـ or ه s.o. or s.th. from), keep a wide distance (هـ, ه between s.o. or s.th., عن and) IV to remove, move away, take away, place at a distance (عن ه s.o. from) VI to move away, move apart, draw sway from one another; to be away from one another, be at a distance, be separated, be apart; to keep away, stand aloof, be away, be at a distance (عن from) VIII to be away, be at a distance (عن from); to go away, move away, draw away, depart, absent o.s. (عن from), leave (عن s.th., s.o.)
نأي na’y remoteness
نأي na’y and نؤى nu’ā pl. آناء anā’, انآء an’ā’ ditch
انأى an’ā farther away, remoter, more distant
منأى man’an distant place | كان بمنأى عن to keep away from, remain aloof from, keep out of, not get involved in, refuse to have anything to do with
تناء tanā’in great distance, remoteness
ناء nā’in far, far away, distant, remote; outlying, out-of-the-way, secluded
2 ناي nāy pl. -āt nay, a flute without mouth-piece, made of bamboo, rarely of wood, in different sizes, which, when blown, is held in a slanting forward position (unlike a German flute)
انبوب unbūb and انبوبة unbūba pl. انابيب anābīb2 على int (of a knotted stem), part between two nodes; tube, pipe, conduit, conduit pipe, main duct; tube (e.g., of toothpaste); light bulb | انبوب الرئة u. ar-ri’a windpipe, trachea (anat.); انبوب الطوربيد torpedo tube; انبوب مفرغ (mufarrag) vacuum tube (radio); خط الأنابيب kaṭṭ al-a. pipeline
انبوبي unbūbī tubular, tube-shaped, fistulous; pipe- (in compounds)
نبأ naba’a a (نبء nab’, نبوء nubū’) to be high, raised, elevated, protruding, projecting, prominent; to overcome, overpower, overwhelm (على s.o.); to turn away, withdraw, shrink (عن from); to be repelled, repulsed, sickened, disgusted, shocked (عن by) II to inform, notify, tell, advise (عن or ب ه s.o. of s.th.), let (ه s.o.) know (عن or ب about), make known, announce, impart, communicate (عن or ب ه to s.o. s.th.); to be evidence (عن of), show, indicate, manifest, bespeak, reveal, disclose (عن s.th.) IV to inform, notify, tell, advise (ب ه s.o. of), let (ه s.o.) know (ب about), make known, announce, impart, communicate (ب ه to s.o. s.th.) V to predict, foretell, forecast, prognosticate, presage, prophesy (ب s.th.); to claim to be a prophet, pose as a prophet X to ask for news, for information (ه s.o.); to inquire (هـ after), ask (هـ about)
نبأ naba’ pl. انباء anbā’ news, tidings information, intelligence; announcement, report, news item, dispatch | وكالة الأنباء wakālat al-a. or مكتب الأنباء maktab al-a. news agency, wire service
نبأة nab’a faint noise, low sound
نبوءة nubū’a pl. -āt prophecy
انباء inbā’ pl. -āt notification, information, communication
تنبؤ tanabbu’ pl. -āt prediction, forecast, prognostication, prophecy
نبت nabata u (nabt) to grow (esp., of plants, also, e.g., of teeth); to sprout, germinate; to produce plants, bring forth vegetation (soil) II to plant, sow, seed (هـ s.th.) IV to germinate, cause to sprout (هـ a seed); to make (هـ s.th.) grow; to grow, plant, cultivate (هـ s.th ) X to plant, cultivate, grow, raise (هـ plants); to breed (هـ plants), culture (هـ e.g., bacteria)
نبت nabt germination, sprouting; growth; vegetable growth, vegetation, plants; herbage, herbs, grass; sprout, plant | قوة النبت qūwat an-n. germinability, germinative faculty
نبتة nabta plant, sprout, shoot, seedling
نبات nabāt (coll.) plants, vegetation; -- (pl. -āt) plant, vegetable organism; herb | نبات اقتصادي (iqtiṣādī) economic plant; نبات الزينة n. az-zīna ornamental plant; نبات طبي (ṭibbī) medicinal plant; آكل النبات herbivorous animal; سكر النبات sukar an-n. rock candy; علم النبات ‘ilm an-n. botany
نباتي nabātī vegetable, vegetal, plant- (in compounds); botanical; botanist; vegetarian (adj. and n.)
نبوت nabbūt pl. نبابيت nabābīt2 (eg.) quarterstaff, cudgel, bludgeon, club, truncheon, night stick
منبت manbat, manbit pl. منابت manābit2 plantation, plant nursery, arboretum; hotbed, birthplace, fountainhead, headspring, origin, source
تنبيت tanbīt planting, cultivation, seed-bed planting
استنبات istinbāt planting, cultivation, growing
نابتة nābita generation
مستنبت mustanbat cultivated, grown, raised, bred; plantation, nursery, culture | O مستنبت البكتريا bacterial culture
نبح nabaḥa a (nabḥ, نباح nubāḥ, nibāḥ, نبيح nabīḥ to bark (على at s.o.), bay (على s.o.) VI to bark at each other; to bark simultaneously, answer each other’s barks (dogs, e.g., at night)
نبح nabḥ, نباح nubāḥ, nibāḥ and نبيح nabīḥ barking, bark, baying, yelp(ing)
نباح nabbāḥ barker, yelper
نبذ nabada i (nabd) to hurl, fling, throw, or toss, away (. s.th.); to reject, discard, spurn (هـ s.th.); to cut out, cast off, ostracize, expel, banish, disown, repudiate, remove, eliminate, dismiss, abandon, forsake, give up, renounce (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to withdraw, turn away (هـ from), relinquish, forswear (هـ s.th.); to break, violate, infringe (هـ a contract, a treaty), default (الى against s.o.) | نبذه نبذ النواة (nabda n-nawāh) to reject or dismiss s.th. or s.o. with disdain, spurn or scorn s.th. or s.o. II = I; to press (هـ grapes) III to separate, secede, withdraw (ه from s.o.), oppose, resist (ه s.o.) | نابذة الحرب (ḥarba) to declare war on s.o. IV to press (هـ grapes) VI to be feuding nil to withdraw, retire, retreat | انتبذ ناحية (nāḥiyatan) to step aside, withdraw to one side; to retreat into a comer
نبذ nabd throwing away, discarding; rejection, repudiation, disavowal; renunciation, resignation; surrender, relinquishment, abandonment; (pl. انباذ anbād) small amount, a little, a trifle, bagatelle | نبذ الطاعة insubordination
نبذة nubda pl. نبذ nubad small piece, part, portion, fragment, fraction, section; (newspaper) article, story; tract, pamphlet, leaflet; small ad(vertisement)
نبيذ nabīd cast-off, discarded, rejected, disowned, repudiated, dismissed; (pl. انبذة anbida) wine | روح النبيذ rūḥ an-n. spirits of wine, alcohol
نابذ nābid: O القوة النابذة (qūwa) centrifugal force
منبوذ manbūd caot-off, discarded; cast-out, ostracized, banished, expelled, disowned, repudiated; abandoned; foundling, waif; neglected, disregarded; المنبوذون the untouchables (in India), the pariahs
نبر nabara i (nabr) to raise, elevate; to go up with the voice, sing in a high, pitched voice; to stress, emphasize, accentuate; to shout, yell, scream (ه at s.o.); to cry out VIII to swell, become swollen
نبر nabr accentuation, accent, stress, emphasis
نبر nibr and انبار anbār pl. انابر anābir2, انابير anābīr barn, shed, granary, storeroom, storehouse, warehouse
نبرة nabra pl. nabarāt swelling, intumescence, protuberance; stress, accent, accentuation; tone (of the voice); pl. نبرات inflection of the voice, intonation, cadence
منبر minbar pl. منابر manābīr2 mimbar; pulpit; rostrum, platform, dais
منبار minbār pl. منابير manābīr gut, intestine | منبار محشي (maḥšīy) sausage
نبراس nibrās pl. نباريس nabārīs2 lamp, light, lantern | اتخذ منه نبراسا (ittakada) to take s.o. for an example, model o.s. after s.o.
نبز nabaza i (nabz) to give a derisive or insulting name (ه to s.o.) II do.
نبز nabaz pl. انباز anbāz nickname, sobriquet
نبس nabasa i (nabs, نبسة nubsa), to utter, say, speak II do. | ما نبس بكلمة (bikalima) he did not say a word
نبش nabaša u (nabš) to excavate, dig up, dig out of the ground, unearth, exhume, disinter (هـ s.th.); to uncover, lay open, unveil, disclose, reveal, bring to light, bring out into the open (هـ s.th.) II to search, rummage, burrow (في in s.th.), ransack, rifle (في s.th.)
نبش nabš excavation, unearthing, digging up; examination, search, exploration; uncovering, disclosure, revelation | نبش القبور desecration of graves, body snatching
نباش nabbāš gravedigger; body snatcher
نبيش nabīš dug up, excavated
انبوش unbūš and انبوشة unbūša pl. انابيش anābīš excavation, excavated object
نبض nabaḍa i (nabḍ, نبضان nabaḍān) to beat, throb, pulsate, palpitate (heart, pulse); -- u (نبوض nubūḍ) to flow off, run off, drain (water)
نبض nabḍ, nabaḍ pl. انباض anbāḍ throbbing, throb, pulsation, palpitation; pulse
نبضة nabḍa, nabaḍa pulsation, pulse beat
نابض nābiḍ pulsating, pulsative, beating, throbbing, palpitating; spring, main-spring, coil spring, spiral spring | نابض بالحياة (bi-l-ḥayāh) vibrant with life
منبض manbiḍ spot where the pulse or heartbeat is felt
نبط nabaṭa u i (nabṭ, نبوط nubūṭ) to well out, gush out, spout, issue, stream forth (water) II (eg.) to find fault (على with s.o.), carp, scoff, gibe, sneer (على at s.o.) IV to cause (هـ s.th.) to gush out or well forth, bring (هـ s.th.) to the surface; to find, discover (هـ water, oil, etc.), come upon (هـ ), open up, tap (.a a source, a well, etc.) X to find, discover (الى I water, oil, etc.), come upon (هـ ), open up, tap (هـ a source, a well, etc.); to invent, discover, think up, devise, design, contrive, find out (هـ s.th.); to derive, extract, draw, take (من هـ s.th. from)
نبط nabaṭ depth, deep, profundity; the innermost, inmost part, core, heart
النبط an-nabaṭ pl. الأنباط al-anbāṭ the Nabateans
نبطي nabaṭī Nabatean (adj. and n.)
استنباط isṭinbāt discovery, invention
مستنبط mustanbiṭ discoverer, inventor
مستنبطات mustanbaṭāt discoveries, inventions
نبع naba‘a u i a (nab‘, نبوع nubū‘, نبعان naba‘ān) to well, well up, gush forth, flow, issue (من from); to rise, spring, originate (river) IV to cause (هـ s.th.) to gush forth or flow out
نبع nab‘ a tree whose wood was used in arrow-making; spring, source | قرع النبع بالنبع (nab‘a) approx.: to cross swords with the opponent
منبع manba‘ pl. منابع manābi‘2 spring, well; fountainhead, springhead, source, origin | منبع زيت m. zait or منبع بترول oil well
ينبوع yanbū’ pl. ينابيع yanābī‘2 spring, source, well
نبغ nabaga a u i (nabg, نبوغ nubūg) to arise, emerge (من from), come to the fore, come in eight, appear, show; to spread, diffuse, be diffused; to have superior or extraordinary qualities, stand out, distinguish o.s., be distinguished, be marked; to excel, be outstanding (في in); to be an outstanding, exceptional man, be a genius
نبوغ nubūg eminence, distinction; superior or extraordinary qualities, exceptional faculties, giftedness, talent, genius; outstanding greatness, brilliancy, genius (of an artistic achievement)
نابغ nābig outstanding, distinguished; gifted, talented; man of genius, brilliant person
نابغة nābiga pl. نوابغ nawābig2 a distinguished, famous, or outstanding man, a poetic genius
نبق nabq, nibq, nabaq, nabiq (coll.; n. un. ة ) nabk, a Christ’s-thorn (Zizyphus spina-christi; bot.); lotus fruit; lotu. blossom
انبيق anbīq, inbīq pl. انابيق anābīq2 alembic, distilling flask
نبكة nabka, nabaka hill, hillock
نبل nabala u (nabl) to shoot arrows (ه at s.o.); -- nabula u (نبالة nabāla) to be noble, noble-minded, generous, magnanimous, highborn, patrician; to be above s.th. (عن ), be too high-minded to stoop to (عن )
نبل nabl (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. نبال nibāl, انبال anbāl arrows
نبل nubl and نبالة nabāla nobility, nobleness, exalted, rank, or station, eminence; noble-mindedness, high-mindedness, magnanimity, generosity
نبل nabl and نبيل nabīl pl. نبال nibāl, نبلاء nubalā’2 noble; lofty. exalted, sublime, august; aristocratic, highborn, highbred, patrician, distinguished; noble-minded, high-minded, generous, magnanimous; excellent, outstanding, superior; magnificent, splendid, glorious; النبيل pl. النبلاء (formerly:) title of members of the Egyptian royal family
نبال nabbāl pl. نبالة nabbāla and نابل nābil pl. نبل nubbāl archer, bowman
نبه nabaha u, nabiha a and nabuha u (نباهة nabāha) to be well-known, noted, renowned, famous; -- nabiha a (nabah) to heed, mind, note, observe (ل s.th.), pay attention (ل to), take notice (ل of); to wake up, awaken II to call s.o.’s attention (ه ) to (الى or على ), point out, show, indicate (الى or على ه to s.o. s.th.); to inform, tell, apprise, notify (الى or على ه s.o. of); to remind (الى ه s.o. of); to inform, instruct, brief (على ه s.o. about); to warn, caution (ه s.o.); to wake, awakn, rouse (من النوم ه s.o. from sleep); to arouse, alert, stir up, excite, stimulate (ه s.o.) IV to awaken, rouse (ه s.o., هـ s.th.) V to perceive, notice, note, realize (ل or الى s. th.), become aware, become conscious (ل or الى of); to be alerted, have one’s attention drawn (ل or الى, على to), take notice (ل or الى, على of), pay attention (ل or الى, على to), be mindful, heedful (ل or الى, على of); to wake up, awaken; to come to, regain consciousness (with لنفسه li-nafsihī) VIII to be on one’s guard, be wary, cautious, careful; to be awake, alert, wakeful; to awaken, wake up; to perceive, notice, note, observe (الى or ل s.th.); to understand, realize, grasp, comprehend (الى or ل s.th.); to be aware, be conscious (الى or ل of s.th.); to pay attention (الى or ل to); to come to, regain consciousness (with لنفسه li-nafsihī)
نبه nubh insight, discernment, perception, acumen, sagacity; understanding, attention; vigilance, alertness
نبه nabih and نبيه nabīh pl. نبهاء nubahā’2 noble, highborn, patrician; outstanding, eminent, distinguished, excellent; famous, renowned, celebrated; understanding, sensible, discerning, judicious, perspicacious
نباهة nabāha fame, renown, celebrity; exalted rank or station, eminence, nobility; vigilance, alertness; intelligence
منبهة manbaha a call to draw s.o.’s attention to s.th. (على ), rousing call, incitement, impetus, incentive (على to)
تنبيه tanbīh rousing, awakening; excitation, stimulation, incitement, arousing; warning, cautioning, alerting; notification, notice, information; admonition, exhortation, advice, counsel, briefing, instruction, direction; nota bene, note, remark, annotation (in books) | آلة التنبيه horn (of an automobile, etc.)
تنبه tanabbuh awakening, wakefulness, alertness
انتباه intibāh attention, attentiveness; vigilance, watchfulness, alertness; foresight, circumspection, prudence, care, carefulness; caution; heed, notice, observance | بانتباه attentively, carefully
نابه nābih noble, highborn, patrician; eminent; well-known, renowned, distinguished; famous, important
منبه munabbih awakening, rousing; warning, cautioning, alerting; excitant, stimulant; (pl. -āt) alarm clock; stimulus, stimulative agent, stimulant, excitant
متنبه mutanabbih awake, wakeful; alert, vigilant, watchful
منتبه muntabih awake, wakeful; alert, vigilant, watchful; attentive, heedful; careful, prudent, cautious, wary, guarded
نبا (نبو ) nabā u (نبو nabw, nubūw) to be far off, distant, remote; to move away, withdraw in the distance; to mill (arrow, عن the target); to bounce off, rebound, bounce, bound (الى عن from-to; ball); to disagree (عن with); to be contradictory (عن to), to conflict, be in conflict, be inconsistent (عن with); to be offensive, repugnant (عن to s.o.); to dislike, find repugnant (عن s.th.) | نبا به المكان (makānu) he felt unable to remain in the place
نبي nabīy pl. -ūn, انبياء anbiyā’2 prophet | خشب الأنبياء guaiacum wood
نبوي nabawī prophetic, of or pertaining to a prophet or specifically to the Prophet Mohammed
نبوة nubūwa prophethood, prophecy
ناب nābin repugnant, distasteful, improper, ugly
نتأ nata’a a (نتء nat’, نتوء nutū’) to swell; to bulge, bulge out; to protrude, project, jut out, stand out, be prominent, protuberant, embossed, in relief
نتأة nat’a hill, hillock, elevation
نتوء nutū’ swelling, intumescence; growth, tumor; outgrowth, excrescence; protrusion, projection, protuberance, prominence, bulge; hill, hillock, elevation | نتوء الجبهة n. al-jabha salient, bulge in the front line (mil.)
ناتئ nati’ pl. نواتئ nawāti’2 swelling, swollen; protruding, projecting, jutting out, salient, protuberant, bulging; bulge, hump, protuberance | ناتئ كعبري (ku‘burī) wristbone
ناتئة nāti’a pl. نواتئ nawāti’2 projection, protrusion, jut, prominence; outgrowth, excrescence, protuberance; hump, elevation
نتج nataja i (نتاج nitāj) to bear, bring forth, throw (هـ a young one); to proceed, derive, arise, follow, ensue, result (من or عن from), be the result of (من or عن ) IV to bear, throw (هـ a young one); to bring forth, yield, generate, produce, make, manufacture, fabricate, create, originate, cause, provoke, bring about, occasion (هـ s.th.), give rise (هـ to) X to conclude, gather, infer, deduce, derive, trace (من هـ s.th. from), draw a conclusion (من from)
نتاج nitāj (act or process of) bearing, throwing, littering (of animals); brood, litter, offspring, young ones, young animals | نتاج الخيل n. al-kail foal(s)
نتيجة natīja pl. نتائج natā’ij2 result, upshot, issue, outcome, consequence; product, effect, immediate result, fruits, yield, proceeds, gain, profit; (techn.) output; conclusion, inference, deduction; almanac, calendar; natījata (prep.) because of, as a result of, due to, owing to | بالنتيجة consequently, hence, therefore; نتيجة الجيب n. al-jaib pocket calendar; نتيجة الحائط wall calendar
إنتاج intāj generation; making, manufacture; production; rearing, raising, breeding, growing, cultivation; productivity; creating, creation, creative activity; output (of a machine; O in mining) | الإنتاج الأدبي (adabī) literary production; رسم الإنتاج rasm al-i. excise tax
استنتاج istintāj pl. -āt inference, conclusion; deduction
ناتج nātij resultant, resulting, following, ensuing, proceeding, deriving, arising (عن from); result; maker, producer
منتوج mantūj pl. -āt product, creation, work, production
منتج muntij bearing, giving birth, producing; fruitful, productive; fertile, fecund, prolific; conclusive (evidence); maker, manufacturer, producer; film, producer
منتجات muntajāt proceeds, returns, yields, products | منتجات زراعية (zirā‘īya) agricultural products, farming products, produce
مستنتج mustantij maker, manufacturer, producer
نتحة natḥa exudation
1 نتر natara u (natr) to grab, grasp, wrest away, take away by force (هـ s.th.)
2 نترات nitrāt nitrate
نتروجين nitrōjēn nitrogen
نتش nataša i (natš) to pull out, extract (هـ s.th.); to pluck out, tear out (هـ s.th.); to snatch away; to beat, strike, hit
منتاش mintāš tweezers, pincette
نتع nata‘a u i (نتوع nutū‘) to well up, bubble up, trickle out, ooze out, dribble, trickle; -- (eg.) to lift up, carry away (ه s.o.)
نتف natafa i (natf) to pluck out, pull out, tear out (هـ hair, and the like) II do.
نتفة nutfa pl. نتف nutaf tuft of hair; a small amount, a little of s.th.
نتيف natīf pulled out, torn out; plucked
نتن natana i, natina a (natn) and natuna u (نتانة natāna, نتونة nutūna) to have an offensive smell, be malodorous, stink; to decompose, rot, decay, become putrid II to render putrid, putrefy (هـ s.th.); to cause to decay or rot, decompose (هـ s.th.) IV = I
نتن natn and نتانة natāna stench, evil smell, malodor; rotting, putrescence, putrefaction, decomposition; decay
نتن natin stinking, evil-smelling, malodorous; rotten, putrid, putrescent, putrefied, decayed, decomposed; (eg.) miserly, closefisted, stingy, niggardly
منتن munattan putrefied, putrescent, rotten, decayed, decomposed
منتن muntin stinking, evil-smelling, malodorous; rotting, putrescent, putrid, decayed
نثر natara u i (natr, نثار nitār) to scatter, disperse, strew, sprinkle (على هـ s.th. over or on); to write in prose (هـ s.th.) II to scatter, disperse, strew about (هـ s.th.) VI and VIII to be scattered, about, be strewn about, be dispersed; to scatter, disperse; to fall off, fall out
نثر natr scattering, dispersal, dispersion; prose
نثر natrī prose, prosaic, in prose; small, little, insignificant, trifling, petty; نثريات sundries, miscellany | مصاريف نثرية incidental expenses; petty expenses
نثار nattār scattered fragments; floating particles (dust); tiny pieces; O confetti
نثر natīr scattered, dispersed
تناثر tanātur dispersion (e.g., of a machine gun)
ناثر nātir prose writer, prosaist
منثور mantūr scattered, dispersed, strewn about; prosaic, prose; wall-flower, gillyflower (Cheiranthus cheiri; bot.); see also هباء habā’
متناثر mutanātir scattered
نجب najuba u (نجابة najāba) to be of noble birth, be highborn, aristocratic, patrician, noble, distinguished, excellent, highminded, generous, magnanimous IV do.; to give birth (ه to a child), bear (ه a child); to beget, sire (ه s.o.) | انجب منها he had children by her VIII and X to choose, select, pick out (هـ s.th.)
نجب najb and نجبة nujaba noble, highminded, generous, magnanimous
نجابة najāba nobility, nobleness, noble descent, exalted rank or station, eminence; excellence, superiority, perfection
نجيب najīb pl. نجب nujub, نجباء nujabā’2, انجاب anjāb of noble breed; highborn, highbred, of noble descent, noble, distinguished, aristocratic, patrician; excellent, superior, outstanding
نجاب najjāb dromedary rider, courier
انتجاب intijāb choice; selection
نجح najaḥa a (najḥ, nujḥ, نجاح najāḥ) to turn out well, come off well, succeed; to progress well, develop satisfactorily; to succeed, have success (في in), be successful; to pass (في الامتحان the examination) II and IV to give (ه s.o.) successful (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) succeed, render successful (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), make (هـ s.th.) a success
نجح nujḥ favorable, successful outcome, happy ending; success; satisfactory development, good progress
نجاح najāḥ favorable, successful outcome, happy ending; success; satisfactory development, good progress; passing (of an examination) | لقي نجاحا (laqiya) to have success, be successful, succeed, meet with success
نجيح najīḥ sound, good (advice, opinion)
انجاح injāḥ success
ناجح nājiḥ successful; passing, having passed (examination)
نجد najada i (najd) to help, aid, assist, support (ه s.o.), stand by s.o. (ه ), najida a (najad) to sweat, perspire II to furnish (هـ s.th.); to upholster (هـ s.th.), to comb, card, tease (القطن al-quṭna cotton) III = najada IV = najada; to travel in the highland (of Arabia) X to ask for help (ه s.o.), appeal for help) to s.o.), seek aid (ه or ب from s.o.), to take liberties, make bold (على with s.o.) ه
نجد najd pl. نجاد nijād highland, upland, tableland, plateau; the Arabian highland, Nejd
نجدي najdī Nejd, Nejdi, native of Nejd
نجدة najda pl. najadāt help, aid, succor, assistance, support; emergency, crisis, trouble, difficulty, distress, calamity; courage, bravery, intrepidity, undauntedness, pl. auxiliaries, reinforcements | النجدة! النجدة ! help! help! بوليس النجدة approx.: riot squad (Eg.)
نجاد sword belt | طويل النجاد tall, of tall stature
نجاد nijād upholsterer; (pl. نجادة ) a kind of boy scout (syr.)
نجادة nijāda upholsterer’s trade, upholstery
تنجيد tanjīd upholstering, upholstery work
نجذ najada i (nad) to importune (ه s.o.)
مناجذ manājid 2 moles (zool.)
ناجذ nājid pl. نواجذ nawājd2 molar | ابدى عن نواجذه (abdā) to show one’s teeth, display a hostile, threatening attitude (ل toward s.o.); عض بالنواجذ (‘aḍḍa) to grit one’s teeth; عض على ناجذيه (nājidaihi) to have reached the age of manhood; عض بالنواجذ على to cling stubbornly to ..., stick doggedly to ...
نجر najara u (najr) to hew, carve, plane (هـ wood)
نجر najr heat, hot time of the day
نجار najjār pl. -ūn carpenter, cabinetmaker, joiner
نجار nujār origin, descent, stock, root
نجارة nujāra wood shavings
نجارة nijāra woodworking, cabinetwork, joinery, carpentry
منجر minjar pl. مناجر manajir2 plane (tool)
منجور manjūr pulley; sheave; waterwheel; woodwork, paneling, wainscoting
نجز najaza u (najz) to carry out, execute, implement, realize, accomplish, fulfill, complete (هـ s.th.); -- najiza a (najaz) to be carried out, be executed, be implemented, be realized, be accomplished, be completed, be achieved II to carry out, execute, implement, realize, effect(uate}, accomplish (هـ s.th.); to fulfill, grant, answer (هـ a wish, and the like) III to fight, battle, struggle (ه against s.o.) IV to carry out, execute, implement, realize, effect(uate), accomplish, complete, consummate (هـ s.th.); to do (هـ work, a job); to perform (هـ an action, an operation); to fulfill (هـ a promise), discharge (هـ a duty); to finish (على s.o.) off, deal (على s.o.) the deathblow X to ask for the fulfillment (هـ of a promise)
نجز najz and نجاز najāz execution, implementation, realization, effectuation, completion, consummation, accomplishment, achievement, fulfillment, discharge
تنجيز tanjīz and انجاز injāz execution, implementation, realization, effectuation, accomplishment, achievement, completion, consummation; performance; fulfillment, discharge
مناجزة munājaza and تناجز tanājuz fight, struggle, contention, strife
ناجز nājiz completed; full, total, whole, entire, complete, consummate
نجس najusa u (نجاسة najāsa) and najisa a (najas) to be impure, unclean, soiled, dirty, sullied, stained, tainted II and IV to soil, sully, dirty, pollute, contaminate, defile, stain, taint (هـ s.th.) V to be or become impure, unclean, soiled, sullied, polluted, contaminated, defiled, stained, tainted; to sully o.s., contaminate o.s., defile o.s.
نجس najas and نجاسة najāsa impurity, uncleanness, uncleanliness, dirt, filth, squalor
نجس najis pl. انجاس anjās impure, unclean, defiled, polluted, contaminated, soiled, sullied, dirty, filthy, squalid
نجس najis and نجيس najīs incurable, fatal (disease)
تنجيس tanjīs soiling, sullying, defilement, contamination, pollution
نجاشي najāšī, nijāšī Negus, Emperor of Ethiopia
نجع naja‘a a (naj‘, نجوع nujū‘) to be useful, beneficial, salutary, have a wholesome effect II and IV do. VIII to take refuge (ه with s.o.), resort, have recourse (ه to); to seek (هـ rest, and the like) X to seek (هـ pasture, rest, relaxation)
نجع naj‘ pl. نجوع nujū‘ hamlet, small village
نجعة nuj‘a search for food
نجيع najī‘ useful, beneficial; wholesome, healthful, salubrious, salutary; -- blood
ناجع nāji‘ useful, beneficial; wholesome, healthful, salubrious, salutary
منتجع muntaja‘ refuge, retreat; recreation center; health resort, rest center, convalescent home, sanatorium
نجف najaf pl. نجاف nijāf (sand) hill, dune; dam, dike, levee; النجف an-najaf An Najaf (town in central Iraq)
نجفة najafa pl. -āt chandelier, luster
نجل najala u (najl) to beget, sire, father (ه a son)
نجل najl pl. انجال anjāl offspring, descendant, scion, son; progeny, issue
نجيل najīl pl. نجل nujūl a variety of orchard grass (Dactylis; bot.); herbage
انجل anjal2, f. نجلاء najlā’2 large-eyed; large, big, wide (eye); gaping (wound) | طعنة نجلاء (ṭa‘na) a blow causing a gaping wound; heavy blow or thrust
منجل minjal pl. مناجل manajil2 scythe, sickle
منجلة manjala vise
2 انجيل look up alphabetically
نجم najama u (نجوم nujūm) to appear, come in sight, rise (star), begin, commence, set in; to result, follow, ensue, arise, proceed, derive, originate, spring (عن or من from) | نجم قرنه (qarnuhū) to begin to show II to observe the stars; to predict the future from the stars, practice astrology; to pay in installments V to observe the stars, predict the future from the stars
نجم najm pl. نجوم nujūm installment, partial payment; نجوما nujūman in installments
نجم najm pl. نجم nujūm, انجم anjum celestial body; star; lucky star; constellation, asterism; (coll.) herbs, herbage, grass | نجم ذو ذنب (dū danab) comet; نجوم السينما film stars, movie stars
نجمة najma pl. najamāt star; asterisk (typ.) | نجمة سينمائية film star, movie star; مرض النجمة maraḍ an-n. a disease afflicting horses
نجمي najmī star-shaped, stelliform, starlike, stellate, stellular, stellar, astral; -- in installments, installment- (in compounds)
نجيمة nujaima small star, starlet
نجام najjām and منجم munajjim pl. -ūn astrologer
منجم manjam pl. مناجم manājim2 source, origin; mine; pit
تنجيم tanjīm astrology
نجا (نجو ) najā u (najw, نجاء najā’, نجاة najāh) to save o.s., be saved, be rescued, make for safety, get away (من from), escape (من s.th.), he delivered (من from) | نجا بنفسه (bi-nafsihī) or نجا بروحه (bi-rūḥihī) to save o.s. (من from); نجا بحياته (bi-ḥayātihī) to save one’s life, save one’s skin; -- (najw, نجوى najwan) to entrust a secret (ه to s.o.) II and IV to deliver, save, fescue, bring to safety (ه s.o., من from) III to whisper (ب ه to s.o. s.th.), entrust (ب ه to s.o. s.th. secret), take into one’s confidence (ه s.o.), confide (ه in s.o.) | ناجى نفسه (nafsahū) to soliloquize, talk to o.s., say to o.s. VI to whisper to each other, carry on a whispered conversation, converse intimately, confidentially, exchange secrets, exchange ideas VIII to whisper into each other’s ear (هـ s.th.) X to save o.s. (من from), escape (من s.th.); to he delivered (من from)
نجا najan deliverance, release, rescue
نجاة najāh escape, flight; deliverance, rescue; salvation, redemption; safety
نجو najw excrement
نجوة najwa pl. نجاء najā’ elevation, rising ground, upland | في نجوة من free from, far from, a long way from
نجوى najwā pl. نجاوى najāwā confidential talk, secret conversation
نجي najīy pl. انجية anjiya secret; confident, intimate friend, bosom friend
منجى manjan safety, security (من from)
منجاة manjāh pl. مناج manājin safe place, haven, refuge; safeguard, protection; rescue, salvation | كان بمنجاة من to he safe from, he secure from, he safeguarded against
تنجية tanjiya rescue, salvation, deliverance
مناجاة munājāh secret conversation; confidential talk | مناجاة الأرواح spiritism, spiritualism
منج munajjin rescuer, savior, deliverer
نحب naḥaba i a (naḥb, نحيب naḥīb) and VIII to sob, weep, cry, wail, lament
نحب naḥb weeping, crying, sobbing. sighing, moaning, wail(ing), lamentation; time, period, term, span, interval; death | قضى نحبه qaḍā naḥbahū to fulfill one’s vow, redeem one’s pledge; to pass away, die, expire
نحب naḥīb loud weeping, wail(ing), lamentation
نحت naḥata i u (naḥt) to hew, dress (هـ stone or wood), plane, smooth, face; to carve, cut out, hew out, chisel, sculpture; to form, coin (هـ s.th.)
نحت naḥt wood or stone dressing, woodwork, stonework; sculpturing, sculpture
نحات stonemason, stonecutter, stone dresser; sculptor
نحاتة nuḥāta shavings, parings, chips, splinters, slivers
منحت minḥat pl. مناحت manāḥit2 chisel
نحر naḥara u (naḥr) to cut the throat (هـ of an animal) slaughter, butcher, kill (هـ an animal) VI to fight; to kill each other, hack each other to pieces, engage in internecine fighting VIII to commit suicide; O to be scuttled (ship) | انتحر شنقا (šanqan) to hang o.s., commit suicide by hanging
نحر naḥr killing, slaughter(ing), butchering | يوم النحر yaum an-n. Day of Immolation (on the 10th of Zu’lhijja)
نحر naḥr pl. نحور nuḥūr upper portion of the chest, throat
نحر niḥr, and نحرير niḥrīr pl. نحارير naḥārīr2 skilled, adept, proficient, versed, experienced (في in)
نحير naḥīr, and منحور manḥūr killed, slaughtered, butchered
منحر manḥar throat, neck
انتحار intiḥār suicide; O scuttling
منتحر muntaḥir suicide (person)
نحيزة naḥīza nature, natural disposition | طيب النحيزة ṭayyib an-n. good-natured, good-humored; كريم النحيزة high-minded, noble-minded, of generous disposition
نحس naḥasa a (naḥs) to make (ه s.o.) unhappy, bring (ه s.o.) bad luck; -- naḥusa u (نحوسة nuḥūsa, نحاسة naḥāsa) and naḥisa a (naḥas) to be unlucky, ominous, ill-fated, calamitous, ill-boding, portend evil II to covert coat, or sheathe with copper, to copper (هـ s.th.)
نحس naḥs pl. نحوس nuḥūs misfortune, calamity, disaster
نحس naḥs, naḥis unlucky, luckless, ominous, calamitous, disastrous, ill-fated, ill-starred, sinister, ill-omened, ill-boding
نحاس naḥḥās coppersmith
نحاس nuḥās copper; (tun.) a small coin | نحاس اصفر (aṣfar2) brass
مناحس manāḥis2 ominous events
منحوس manḥūs luckless, ill-fated, star-crossed
نحف naḥufa a (نحافة naḥāfa) to be thin, slim, slender, lean, skinny; to become thin, lose weight IV to make thin, weaken, debilitate, enervate, emaciate
نحافة naḥāfa leanness, thinness, slenderness, slimness. enervation. emaciation, wasting away
نحيف naḥīf pl. نحاف niḥāf, نحفاء nuḥfā’2 thin, slim, slender, slight; delicate, of fragile build; lean, gaunt, enervated, debilitated, emaciated
منحف manḥaf dieting resort, weight-reducing resort
منحوف manḥūf thin, slim, slender, slight; lean, gaunt, enervated, debilitated,
نحل naḥala u a, naḥula u and naḥila a (نحول nuḥūl) to be emaciated; to waste away, lose weight, grow thin; -- naḥala a (nuḥl) to make a donation, make a present (ه to s.o.); to ascribe, attribute, impute (wrongly, unduly) (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.) IV to make thin, enervate, emaciate (ه s.o.); to weaken (هـ s.th.) V and esp. VIII to ascribe to o.s., claim for o.s. (لنفسه ), assume unduly, presume, arrogate to o.s. (هـ s.th.); to embrace (هـ a religion); to borrow, adopt, take over (هـ foreign words); to take up (هـ s.th.) | انتحل الإسلام to profess Islam; انتحل اسمه (ismahū) to assume s.o.’s name; انتحل الأعرابية (a‘rabīya) to claim to be a Bedouin; انتحل الأعذار (a‘dār) to think up excuses, make excuses, use pretexts or subterfuges; انتحل شخصية فلان (šakšīyata) to pass o.s. off as s.o., purport to be ..., impersonate s.o.
نحل naḥl (coll.; n. un. ة ) bee
نحلة naḥla pl. نحل niḥal present, gift, donation; creed, faith, seat
نحال naḥḥāl beekeeper, apiarist, apiculturist
نحالة niḥāla beekeeping, apiculture
نحول nuḥūl leanness, skinniness, thinness, slimness, slenderness; enervation, emaciation, wasting away
نحيل naḥīl and ناحل nāḥil pl. نحلى naḥlā, نحل nuḥḥal thin, slim, slender, lean, skinny; enervated, emaciated, gaunt
منحل manḥal pl. مناحل manāḥil2 beehive; apiary, apicultural station
انتحال intiḥāl undue assumption, arrogation; literary theft, plagiarism
منتحل muntaḥil plagiarist
منتحل muntaḥal: اسم منتحل (ism) assumed name, alias, pseudonym, nom de guerre
نحم naḥama i (naḥm, نحيم naḥīm, نحمان naḥamān) to clear one’s throat; to wheeze, pant, gasp
نحام nuḥām flamingo
نحن naḥnu we
نحنح naḥnaḥa and II tanaḥnaḥa to clear one’s throat, to hem, say “ahem”
نحنحة naḥnaḥa hem, hawk, little cough
نحا (نحو ) naḥā a u (naḥw) to wend one’s way (ه, هـ to), go, walk, move, turn (ه, هـ to, toward), take the road (هـ to), go in the direction (هـ of) | نحا نحوه (naḥā naḥwahū)
to follow s.o., follow s.o.’s example, be guided by s.o. or s.th.; to imitate s.o.; to be of the same nature, of the same kind, on the same line as ..., be like ...; نحا نحو الباب to walk toward the door; نحا به نحو الباب to show s.o. to the door II to put aside, push away, brush aside (هـ s.th.); to remove, take away (من هـ s.th. from) IV to turn away, avert (بصره عن baṣarahū ‘an one’s eyes from); to turn (على against s.o.), assail, overcome (ب على s.o. with); to help (ب على upon s.o. reproach, or the like), shower (ب على s.o. with); to turn, apply o.s. attend (على to s.th.) V to step aside, go away, withdraw, move away, fall back (من or من from); to turn away; to forgo, renounce, waive (من s.th.); to abandon, give up, surrender, yield, relinquish (عن s.th.); to retreat, retire (هـ to a place); to lean, rest, support o.s. (ل on) VIII to turn (هـ to, toward); to lean, support o.s. (ل on) | انتحى ناحية to turn aside; انتحى جانبا do., step back, withdraw, retire
نحو naḥw pl. انحاء anḥā’ direction; side; section, part; way, course, method, manner, mode, fashion; (with foll. genit.) corresponding to, analogous to, similar to, like, somewhat like; (gram.) grammar; syntax | على نحو ما (naḥwi) in the manner of, as; على نحو ما (naḥwin) rather, pretty much; على هذا النحو in this manner, this way; in this respect; وعلى هذا النحو and so forth, and so on; في نحو الساعة السابعة at about the seventh hour, at about 7 o’clock, around seven; من نحوي as far as I am concerned, as for me, for my part, I for one; نحوا من (naḥwan) approximately, roughly, about, circa (with foll. figure); في انحاء الأرض (a. il-arḍ) all over the earth; في كل انحاء العالم (المعمورة ) (‘ālam) all over the world; النحو المقارن (muqārin) comparative grammar
نحو naḥwa (prep.) in the direction of, toward, to; according to, in analogy with, similar to, like, as, as for instance; approximately, roughly, about, around, circa
نحوي naḥwī syntactical; grammatical; grammarian; philologist
منحى manḥan pl. مناح manāḥin aim, goal, object, end, purpose; manner of acting, mode of conduct, behavior; direction; (rhetorical, literary) form; field, domain, realm, province, bailiwick, sphere (fig.) | مناحي الحياة m. l-ḥayāh walks of life
ناح nāḥin pl. نحاة nuḥāh grammarian; philologist
ناحية nāḥiya pl. نواح nawāḥin side; direction; viewpoint, standpoint, aspect; region, area, section; sphere, domain, field; district, canton; (Ir.) subdivision of a قضاء qaḍā’, roughly corresponding to a county; off side, secluded part, corner (e.g., of a room); nāḥiyata in the direction of, toward, to | من ناحية with regard to, in respect to, as to, as for, concerning, regarding, on the part of; من ناحية اخرى (ukrā) on the other hand; من الناحية العسكرية (‘askarīya) from a military standpoint; من ناحية قانونية de jure; من ناحية واقعية (wāqi‘īya) de facto; سليم النواحي sound in body; متعدد النواحي muta‘addid an-n. many-sided; من جميع النواحي in every respect
نخ nakk pl. انخاخ ankāk mat; rug, carpet
نخب nakaba u (nakb) and VIII to select, pick, choose (هـ s.th.); to choose, make one’s choice; to vote, go to the polls; to elect (ه s.o.)
نخب nakb selection, choice; a drink to s.o.’s health | شرب نخب (šariba) to drink to s.o.’s health, toast s.o.
نخبة nukba pl. نخب nukab selected piece, selected item, selected passage; the pick, cream, elite, flower
انتخاب intikāb pl. -āt election (pol.); choice; selection
انتخابي intikābī of or pertaining to an election or elections, election (used attributively); elective; electoral | معركة انتخابية (ma’raka) election campaign
ناخب nākib and منتخب muntakib pl. -ūn elector (esp., pol.), voter, constituent
منخوب mankūb lean, emaciated
منتخب muntakab chosen, elected, selected, hand-picked; elected candidate; (pl. -āt) team (in sports); منتخبات = selected pieces, selected items, selected passages
نخر nakara u i (nakr, نخير nakīr) to snort; to snore; to gnaw (ل on s.th.), bore, burrow, eat (في into s.th.; worm); to eat away (هـ at s.th.); to enervate, sap, ruin, decay (هـ s.th.); -- nakira a (nakar) to be eaten away, worm-eaten, rotten, decayed, full of holes; to spoil, rot, decay; to decompose, disintegrate, crumble
نخر nakr snorting, snort; snoring, snore; decay, rot, rottenness; tooth decay, caries
نخر nakr and ناخر nākir worm-eaten; rotting, decaying
نخير nakīr snort(ing), snoring, snore; grunt(s)
منخر mankar, mankir, minkar pl. مناخر manākir2 nostril; nose
منخار minkār pl. مناخير manākīr2 nostril; nose
نخرب nakraba to eat holes into s.th. (هـ ), eat away (هـ at); to hollow out (هـ s.th.)
نخروب nukrūb pl. نخاريب nakārīb2 hole; cavity, hollow; cell; honeycomb
نخز nakaza a (nakz) to bore into or through s.th. (هـ ; worm)
نخس nakaaa a u (naks) to prick, goad, prod, urge on, drive on (هـ an animal)
نخس nakkās drover; cattle dealer; slave trader; white slaver
نخاسة nikāsa cattle trade; slave trade; white-slave traffic
منخس minkas pl. مناخس manākis2 spur, goad, prod (for driving cattle)
منخاس minkās pl. مناخيس manākīs2 spur, goad, prod (for driving cattle)
نخشوش nakšūš pl. نخاشيش nakāšīš2 gill, branchia (respiratory organ of fish)
نخع V to clear one’s throat, hawk, spit out, expectorate
نخاع nukā‘, nikā‘ pl. نخع nuku‘ spinal marrow, spinal cord; bone marrow, medulla; brain
نخاعة nukā’a phlegm, mucus, sputum, expectoration
نخل nakala u (nakl) to sift, bolt, sieve out (هـ s.th.); to strain (هـ s.th.) V and VIII do.
نخل nakl (coll.; n. un. ة ) and نخيل nakīl palm; date palm
نخالة nukāla residue left in a sieve; bran; waste, refuse | لا يساوي ملء اذنه نخالة lā yusāwī mil’a udnihī nukālatan he isn’t worth a bent nickel
منخل mankal, munkul pl. مناخل manākil2 sieve
نخم nakama a (nakam) and V to clear one’s throat, hawk, spit out, expectorate
نخامة nukāma phlegm, mucus, sputum, expectoration
غدة نخامية gudda nukāmīya hypophysis, pituitary body (anat.)
نخا (نخو ) nakā u (نخوة nakwa) to be proud, haughty, supercilious (على toward s.o.) II and IV to inflame, incite, excite, stimulate, arouse, awaken (هـ s.th.)
نخوة nakwa haughtiness, arrogance; pride, dignity, sense of honor, self-respect; high-mindedness, generosity
ند nadda i (nadd, ندد nadad, نداد nidād, ندود nudūd, نديد nadīd) to run away, flee; to slip away; to slip out (exclamation); to escape (عن s.o.) II to expose, show up, compromise (ب s.o.); to criticize (ب s.o. or s.th.), find fault (ب with)
ند nadd high hill; -- nadd, nidd incense (of aloeswood, with ambergris, musk and frankincense)
ند nidd pl. انداد andād equal, (a)like, same; an equal, a peer; partner; antagonist, rival
نديد nadīd pl. ندداء nudadā’2 equal; rival
تنديد tandīd pl. -āt criticism; revilement, abuse, disparagement, defamation
ندب nadaba u (nadb) to mourn, lament, bewail (ه the deceased); to appoint, assign (ل ه s.o. to an office), detail (ل ه s.o. for a job, for a task); to send as a representative or delegate, to delegate, depute, deputize (ه s.o.); to commission, charge, entrust (ه s.o., ب with); -- nadiba a (nadab) to scar over, cicatrize, heal IV = nadiba VIII to appoint, assign (ل ه s.o. to an office), detail (ل ه s.o. for a job, for a task); to commission, charge, empower, authorize (ل ه s.o. to do s.th., ب with), order (ل ه s.o. to do s.th.); to entrust (ل ه to s.o. a task); (mil.) to detach, detail, transfer (ل ه s.o. to); (with نفسه nafsahū) to apply o.s., devote o.s. dedicate o.s. (ل to s.th.); to give (هـ a country) the mandate (على over); to comply readily (ل with an order or instruction), be willing, be prepared, stand ready (ل to); to present o.s. (الى to s.o.), turn (الى toward, to)
ندب nadb weeping, wailing, lamentation; lament, dirge, elegy; assignment, commissioning, delegation, deputation; appointment, authorization, mandation
ندب nadab pl. انداب andāb, ندوب nudūb scar, cicatrice
ندبة nadba pl. انداب andāb, ندوب nudūb scar, cicatrice; scabby wound
ندبة nudba lamentation for the dead; elegy; dirge, funeral song
ندابة nadāba pl. -āt hired female mourner
مندب mandab pl. منادب manādib2 wail, lamentation | باب المندب Bab el Mandeb (strait between SW Arabia and Africa; geogr.)
انتداب intidāb deputation, appointment; commissioning, charging, authorization; detailing, detachment, assignment, mission; (pl. -āt) mandate (over a territory); mandatory rule | دولة الانتداب daulat al-int. mandatory power; لجنة الانتدابات lajnat al-int. Mandate Commission (of the League of Nations)
انتدابي intidābī mandatory | ادارة انتدابية (idāra) mandatory administration
نادبة nādiba pl. -āt, نوادب nawādib2 hired female mourner
مندوب mandūb bewailed, bemoaned, mourned, lamented; regrettable, deplorable, lamentable; -- (pl. -ūn) deputy, delegate, agent, functionary, commissioner; representative; representative of the press, correspondent, reporter (of a newspaper); plenipotentiary, authorized agent; (Isl. Law) recommended | مندوب التأمين insurance agent; مندوب خاص (kaṣṣ) special envoy; مندوب سام (sāmin) High Commissioner; مندوب فوق العادة ambassador extraordinary; مندوب مفوض (mufawwaḍ) plenipotentiary, authorized agent; (dipl.) minister; مندوب فوق العادة ووزير مفوض ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary (official title of ambassadors)
مندوبية mandūbīya delegation; High Commission
منتدب muntadab deputized, delegated; commissioned, charged; entrusted; appointed; assigned, detailed | دولة منتدبة (daula) mandatory power
ندح nadaḥa a (nadḥ) to extend, expand, enlarge (هـ s.th.)
ندحة nadḥa, nudḥa wide, open space; freedom (of action) | لا ندحة عنه (nadḥata) it is indispensable, unavoidable, inevitable; لا اجد لي ندحة عن (ajidu, nadḥatan) I feel compelled to ...
مندوحة mandūḥa pl. منادح manādiḥ2 and منتدح muntadaḥ alternative, choice; freedom of action | لا مندوحة له (mandūḥata) it is indispensable, absolutely necessary, mandatory, imperative for him; لك عنه مندوحة (منتدح ) it is up to you, it is optional for you; لو ير مندوحة من (lam yara mandūḥatan) to feel obligated, feel compelled to ...
1 ندر nadara u (nadr, ندور nudūr) to be rare; to be uncommon, unusual; -- nadura u (ندارة nadāra) to be strange, odd, queer, unusual, extraordinary V to make fun (ب or على of); to joke, jest VI to tell each other stories and jokes
ندر nadr rare; strange, odd
ندرة nadra, nudra and ندورة nudūra rarity, rareness; nadratan rarely, seldom | في الندرة rarely, seldom
اندر andar pl. انادر anādir2 (tun.) threshing floor
اندر andar2 rarer
مندرة mandara pl. منادر manādir2 (tun.) threshing floor; see also below
منادرات munādarāt causeries on amusing, witty topics
تندر tanaddur amusement, fun-making, joking
تنادر tanādur gay chat
نادر nādir rare; infrequent; strange, odd, unusual, uncommon; excellent, precious, priceless; an eccentric, a crank, an odd fellow; نادرا nādiran rarely, seldom | في النادر rarely, seldom; نادر المثال unparalleled, singular, unique; عملة نادرة (‘umla) specie, hard money
نادرة nādira pl. نوادر nawādir2 rarity, rare thing, rare phenomenon; rare, uncommon word; phenomenon, prodigy, extraordinary person; funny, droll story, anecdote, joke; accident, incident
2 مندرة mandara (for منظرة , esp. eg.) pl. منادر manādir2 reception parlor for male visitors; منادر (= مجالس ) parties
ندس nadasa u to throw down, bring to the ground (ه s.o.); to revile, defame, discredit (ه s.o.)
ندف nadafa i (nadf) to tease, comb, or card cotton
ندف nadf teasing, combing, carding (of cotton) | جهاز الندف jahāz an-n. card, carding machine
ندفة nudfa pl. ندف nudaf flock (of wool); flake | ندفة الثلج n. at-talj snowflake
نديف nadīf and مندوف mandūf carded, teased (cotton)
نداف naddāf cotton carder, cotton teaser
مندف mindaf pl. منادف manādif2 teasing bow (for carding cotton)
ندل nadala u (nadl) to snatch away (هـ s.th.)
ندل nadl = نذل
مندالة mindāla rammer
نادل nādil pl. ندل nudul waiter; servant who waits on table
2 مندل mandal: ضرب المندل ḍarb al-m. (eg.) a magic practice in which a fortuneteller, or a medium, prophesies while contemplating a mirror-like surface
منديل look up alphabetically
ندم nadima a (nadam, ندامة nadāma) to repent (على of), rue, regret (على s.th.) III to drink, carouse (ه with s.o.) V = I VI to drink together, carouse together
ندم nadam, ندامة nadāma remorse, repentance, regret
نديم nadīm pl. ندماء nudamā’2, ندام nidām drinking companion; friend, intimate, confidant
ندمان nadmān pl. ندامى nadāmā repenting, repentant, rueful, remorseful, regretful
مندم mandam remorse, repentance, regret
منادمة munādama drinking companionship, intimate friendship
تندم tanaddum remorse, repentance, regret
نادم nādim pl. ندام nuddām repenting, repentant, rueful, remorseful, regretful
منادم munādim drinking companion, boon companion, intimate
متندم mutanaddim repenting, repent, ant, rueful, remorseful, regretful
نده nadaha a (nadh) to drive, urge, spur on (ه s.o.); to drive away (ه s.o.)
ندا (ندو ) nadā u (nadw) to call (ه s.o.); to invite; to call together, convoke, convene, summon (هـ a meeting); to get together, meet, convene, assemble, gather; -- ندي nadiya a (ندى nadan, نداوة nadāwa, ندوة nudūwa) to be moist, damp, dewy, wet | شيء يندى له الجبين an embarrassing or shocking thing, a disgraceful thing II to moisten, wet, bedew (هـ s.th.) III to shout, call out, cry out, exclaim; to call (ب or ه s.o. or for s.o., also على ), summon (ه s.o., also على ); to call out, shout (ه to s.o.); to call for s.th. (ب ), invite to s.th. (ب ); to proclaim, announce (ب s.th.); to emphasize (ب s.th.); O to announce, act as
announcer (radio); to cry one’s wares, hawk (على s.th. to be sold) | نودي به رئيسا (nūdiya) to be proclaimed president IV = II; to be noble, generous, magnanimous V to he moistened, he bedewed; to show o.s. generous, liberal, openhanded VI and VIII to get together, meet, convene, gather, assemble, form a club
ندوة nadwa council; debating group, study group; club | دار الندوة city hall, town hall; parliament, house of representatives, chamber of deputies
ندوة nudūwa and نداوة nadāwa moistness, moisture, dampness
ندى nadan pl. انداء andā’, اندية andiya moistness, moisture, dampness, wetness; dew; generosity, liberality, magnanimity
ند nadin and نديان nadyān2 moist, damp | ندم الكف al-kaff generous, liberal, openhanded
ندى nadīy moist, damp; tender, delicate | ندى الكف al-kaff generous, liberal, openhanded
نداء nidā’ pl. -āt shout; call; exclamation; summons; public announcement; proclamation, appeal; address; vocative (gram.) | نداء الاستغاثة call for help, distress signal; حرف النداء ḥarf an-n. interjection (gram.); اصدر نداء ل (aṣdara) to issue s proclamation to
مناداة munādāh calling, shouting; call; vocative; public notice, announcement; proclamation | بيع المناداة bai‘ al-m. public sale, auction
ناد nādin pl. اندية andiya, نواد nawādin club; circle; association; clubhouse | ناد رياضي (riyāḍī) athletic club; دار النادي clubhouse
مندى munaddan wet, damp; bedewed, dewy; refreshing
مناد munādin caller; herald; town crier; auctioneer; O announcer (radio)
منادى munādan noun in the vocative (gram.)
مندية mundiya pl. -āt disgraceful, evil deed; insult, abuse, affront
l.s.J.::... muntadan pl. u4,.J.::...o muntadayāt gathering place, assembly room; club
نذر nadara u i (nadr, نذور nudūr) to dedicate, consecrate (لله s.th. to God); to vow, make a vow | نذرت لله ان I vow to God that ..., I swear by God that ...; نذر على نفسه هـ to vow to o.s., make the solemn pledge to ...; -- nadira a (nadar) to have been warned, be on one’s guard (ب against) IV to warn (ب ه s.o. of or against), caution (ب ه s.o. against), admonish (ه s.o.); to announce (ب ه to s.o. s.th.), give notice or warning (ب ه to s.o. of), notify in advance (ه s.o., ب of) | انذره بتسليم منزله (bi-taslīmi manzilihī) he gave him notice to vacate the premises
نذر nadr pl. نذور nudur, نذورات nudūrāt vow, solemn pledge; votive offering, ex-voto
نذير nadīr pl. نذر nudur consecrated to God; vowed, solemnly pledged; warner; herald, harbinger, forerunner; warning; alarm | O نذير الخطر n. al-kaṭar airraid warning
انذار indār pl. -āt warning; announcement, notice; admonition; air-raid warning, alarm | O انذار بوقوع غارات جوية (bi-wuqū’ gārāt jawwiya) or انذار للأخطار الجوية (li-l-akṭār) air-raid warning; انذار نهائي (nihā’ī) ultimatum; O صفارة الإنذار ṣaffārat al-i. warning siren
تناذر tanādur syndrome (med.)
ناذر nādir one who has made a vow
منذور mandūr solemnly pledged, vowed, consecrated to God
منذر mundir warner, cautioner
منذرة mundira alarm signal; warning sign (ب against)
نذل nadula u (نذالة nadāla, نذولة nudūla) to be low, base, mean, vile, despicable, debased, depraved
نذل nadl pl. انذال andāl, نذول nudūl low, base, mean, vile, despicable, debased, depraved; coward
نذيل nadīl pl. نذلاء nudalā’ 2, نذال nidāl low, base, mean, vile, despicable, debased, depraved; coward
نذالة nadāla depravity
نربيج narbīj pl. نرابيج narābīj2 mouthpiece of a narghile
نربيش narbīš pl. نرابيش narābīš2 mouthpiece of a narghile
نرجس narjis, nirjis narcissus (bot.)
نرد nard backgammon, tricktrack
نردين nardīn nard, spikenard
نرفزة narfaza nervousness
منرفز munarfaz (pal.-syr.) nervous
نرنج naranj bitter orange
نروج nurūj, narūj Norway
نرويج nurwīj Norway
نرويجي nurwījī Norwegian
نز nazza i (nazz, نزيز nazīz) to seep, trickle, ooze, or leak, through; to vibrate (string)
نز nazz, nizz, نزازة nuzāza pl. نزوز nuzūz seepage, leakage water
نز nazz swift, nimble, agile, lively, sprightly; changeable, inconstant, unsteady, fickle
نزة nazza, nizza (sensuous) passion, lust
نزيز nazīz unsteady, inconstant, unstable; sensuous, passionate
نزح nazaḥa a i (nazḥ, نزوح nuzūḥ) to be far off, be distant; to leave (من s.th.), depart, emigrate (or from); to immigrate (الى to); to wander, migrate, rove, roam, range; O to march off, pull out (troops); pass. نزح به nuziḥa bihī to emigrate, be away from home, live abroad; -- (nazḥ) and IV to scoop out, bail out, empty (هـ s.th.); to drain, dry out (هـ a well, a ditch, a latrine, and the like) VIII to emigrate
نزح nazḥ scooping out, emptying; draining, drainage
نزح nazaḥ pl. انزاح anzāḥ muddy water
نزوح nuzūḥ emigration
نزوح nazūḥ and نزيح nazīḥ far-off, faraway, distant, remote
نازح nāziḥ far-off, faraway, distant, remote; going away from home, moving to other lands, leaving for distant shores, emigrating; emigrant; one who scoops out, bails out or empties, a latrine cleaner
نزر nazr and نزير nazīr little; insignificant, trivial, petty; trifle, small amount, insignificant number, negligible portion | نزر الحديث taciturn, of few words; نزر قليل tiny amount
نزع naza‘a i (naz‘) to pull out, extract (هـ s.th.); to remove, take, take away, strike, cross off (عن هـ s.th. from); to take off, shed (هـ a garment); to strip, divest, deprive, rob (هـ من or عن s.o. of s.th.); to wrest, take away (هـ من from s.o. s.th., possession, right, reputation, etc.); to remove (ه s.o. from a position), depose, dismiss, fire, cashier, demote, reduce in rank (ه s.o.); to adduce as proof or in refutation (ب s.th.); (intr.) to move, proceed, go, betake o.s., repair (الى to); to emigrate (الى to); -- (نزوع nuzū‘) to desire (الى s.th.), wish, long, yearn, pine (الى for); to incline, tend, have an inclination or a tendency (الى to); to take on, take over, adopt (الى s.th.), resort (الى to; e.g., to a method); to absent o.s., depart (or from); to desist, abstain, refrain (or from), keep clear (عن of), give up, avoid, eschew (عن s.th.); to be in the throes of death | نزع منه نازع الى (nāzi‘un) he felt a desire for ..., discovered his inclination to II to remove, take away (هـ s.th.) III to fight, struggle, contend, dispute (ه with s.o.), combat (هـ s.th.); to contest, challenge (في s.th.); to attempt to wrest (هـ ه from s.o. s.th.), contest (هـ ه s.o.’s right to s.th.); to be in the throes of death VI to contend with one another; to rival (هـ for s.th.), contest each other’s right (هـ to), carry on a dispute, be at variance (هـ over) VIII to pull out, extract, pluck out, tear out (هـ s.th. .i- from); to match, wrest (هـ من from 1.o. s.th.), tear away, pull off (من هـ s.th. from); to take, draw, borrow (هـ s.th.); to be removed, be taken away
نزع naz‘ removal; withdrawal, elimination; deposition, removal from office; death struggle, agony of death | نزع السلاح disarming, disarmament; مؤتمر نزع السلاح mu’tamar n. as-s. disarmament conference; نزع الملكية n. al-milkīya expropriation
نزعة naz‘a pl. naza‘āt inclination, tendency, leaning; attitude, position, stand
نزوع nuzū‘ striving, endeavor, longing, wish, desire (الى for)
نزاع nazzā‘ tending, having an inclination (الى to), leaning (الى toward)
نزيع nazī‘ pl. نزاع nuzzā‘ stranger
منزع manza‘ pl. منازع manāzi‘ intent, intention, purpose; aim, end, objective, goal; way, method; manner, behavior
منزع minza‘ arrow
نزاع nizā‘ fight, struggle, strife, contest, controversy; dispute; death struggle, agony of death | بلا نزاع (bi-lā) indisputably, incontestibly, incontrovertibly, indubitably, undeniably; عليه نزاع disputed, contested, debatable; لا نزاع فيه (nizā‘a) undisputed, uncontested, unquestioned
منازعة munāza‘a pl. -āt tight, struggle, strife, contention, controversy, quarrel, dissension, discord; dispute; matter in controversy, case at issue (before a court of justice)
تنازع tanāzu‘ tight, struggle, strife, contention, controversy | تنازع البقاء t. al-baqā’ struggle for existence
انتزاع intizā‘ removal, withdrawal, elimination; dispossession, expropriation
نازعة nāzi‘a pl. نوازع nawāzi‘ tendency, inclination, leaning
منزوع manzū‘ removed, taken away | منطقة منزوعة السلاح (minṭaqa) demilitarized zone
منازع munāzi‘ struggling with death, being in the throes of death; contending, fighting, militant, litigious, renitent | ليس من منازع في no one will deny that ...
منازع عليه munāza‘ ‘alaihi contested, disputed, debatable
متنازع mutanāzi‘ conflicting, clashing
متنازع عليه (mutanāza‘) and متنازع فيه contested, disputed, debatable; litigated matter, matter in controversy, case at issue
منتزع muntaza‘ taken, drawn (من from)
نزغ nazg and نزغة pl. nazagāt incitement to evil | نزغ الشيطان n. aš-šaiṭān insinuations of the devil, satanic inspiration
نزف nazafa i (nazf) to drain, exhaust, empty (هـ s.th.); to dry up (هـ a well); to draw off (هـ blood); to be drained, exhausted, spent; pass. نزف دمه nuzifa damuhū to lose much blood, bleed (to death) IV to drain, empty (هـ a well); to be exhausted X to drain off, draw, extract (من هـ s.th. from); to exhaust, consume, use up, swallow up, devour (هـ s.th.)
نزف nazf exhaustion, draining, emptying; hemorrhage; loss of blood | O النزف الدموي (damawī) hemophilis (med.)
نزفة nuzfa small quantity, modicum (of a liquid)
نزيف nazīf weakened by loss of blood; bleeding, effusion of blood; hemorrhage, hemorrhea (med.)
منزوف manzūf exhausted through loss of blood
نزق nazaqa i (nazq) and naziqa a (nazaq, نزوق nuzūq) to storm ahead, rush forward; to be hasty, rash, precipitate, impetuous, lightheaded, frivolous, reckless, ruthless, II to spur on, urge on (هـ a horse)
نزق nazaq haste; rashness, precipitateness, impetuosity; lightheadedness, recklessness, thoughtlessness, frivolity
نزق naziq hasty; rash, precipitate, impetuous; thoughtless, heedless, careless, inattentive, lightheaded, frivolous, flighty, superficial
نزك nazaka u (nazk) to stab, pierce (ه s.o.)
نيزك naizak pl. نيازك nayāzik2 short lance; shooting star, meteor
نزل nazala i (نزول nuzūl) to dismount, alight; to descend, go down, come down, move down, get down, step down, climb down; to get off (من , e.g., a train), get out, step out (من , e.g., of a car), debark, disembark (من from a vessel); to put down, land (airplane); to fall (rain); to descend from heaven, be revealed (esp., the Koran); to fall, sink, sag (prices), drop (water level); to subside, abate, let up, decrease; to stop, or halt, for a rest, to camp; to stop, stop over, put up, take up quarters, take lodgings, lodge, room, stay to live (على or ب at s.o.’s home, also عند ), live, dwell (هـ in a place), inhabit (هـ a place); to step into the arena, take the field, meet an opposing team (sports); to give in, yield (على e.g., to s.o.’s pleas); to give up, renounce, resign (عن ل s.th. in s.o.’s favor), cede, waive, relinquish, abandon (عن s.th.); to resign (عن from); to refrain (عن from), forgo (عن s.th.); to descend, come (ب upon s.o.; misfortune, punishment, etc.), befall, hit, afflict (ب s.o.; misfortune), happen, occur (ب to s.o.); to fall (على upon s.o.), attack, assail, assault (على s.o.); to enter, embark (على upon s.th.), set out (على to do s.th.), tackle, attack (على s.th.), pounce (على on s.th.); (with ب :) to take, bring, lead, etc., s.o. or s.th. down (الى to); -- nazila a (نزلة nazla) to have a cold | نزل الى البر (barr) to disembark, go ashore, land; نزل الى الميدان (maidān) to take the field; نزل دون مننلته (manzilatihī) to sink below one’s level; نزل ضيفا على (ḍaifan) to avail o.s. of s.o.’s hospitality, stay as a guest with s.o.; نزل على حكمه (ḥukmihī) to defer, give in, yield, submit to s.o.; to comply with the standard of s.th.; نزل عند ارادته (irādatihī) to defer to s.o.’s will, do s.o.’s bidding; نزل عند رغبته (طلبه ) (ragbatihī, ṭalabihī) to comply with, or fulfill, s.o.’s wish or demand; منزلا (manzilan) to occupy a place or position, get to a place or into a position; نزل منزله اللائق (manzilahū) to occupy one’s due place; نزل منزلة فلان (manzilata f.) to hold the position of, serve as II to cause to come down; to make (ه s.o.) descend, dismount, or step down; to lower, let down (هـ s.th., e.g., a bucket, a curtain, etc.); to send down (على هـ a revelation to a prophet), reveal (هـ s.th.); to take down, put down (هـ s.th.); to lower, decrease, diminish, lessen, minimize, curtail, reduce (هـ or من s.th.); to dip, tilt (هـ s.th.); to lower, strike (هـ a flag); to relieve, divest, discharge (عن هـ s.o. of), depose, dethrone (عن العرش ه s.o.); to unload (هـ s.th.); to grant hospitality (ه to s.o.). receive hospitably, take in, put up, lodge, accumulate (ه s.o.); to deduct subtract (هـ من s.th. from); to insert, inlay (في هـ s.th. in. e.g., ivory in wood); (Tun.) to cede (هـ s.th.) on the basis of inzāl (q.v.) | نزل درجته (darajatahū) to demote s.o., reduce s.o. in rank III to get into a fight, join issue, clash (ه with s.o.) IV to bring down, take down; to cause to descend, dismount, or step down; to send down. reveal (على ه s.th. to s.o.; of God); to bestow, grant, give (هـ s.th.; of God); to make (ه s.o.) alight, stop, halt, camp, put up, tab up quarters, live, stay, abide (هـ in a place); to unload (هـ s.th.); to take ashore (الى البر هـ ilā l-barr s.th. from a vessel); to land, put ashore, disembark, debark (هـ troops); to lower, strike (هـ a flag); to abase, degrade; to lower, decrease, diminish, reduce (الى هـ number, price, etc., to); to cause (هـ ب to s.o. loss), inflict (هـ ب upon s.o. a loss); to compel, force, coerce (على ه s.o. to) | ما انزل الله به من سلطان (sulṭān) (lit.: God has given it no power, i.e.) futile, vain, fruitless, unavailing, unfounded, absurd, preposterous, completely arbitrary, random; انزل الى البحر (baḥr) to launch (هـ a ship); انزلوهم ضيوفا عليهم (ḍuyūfan) they took them in as guests; انزل به خسارة قادحة (kusāratan fāḍiḥatan) to inflict a heavy loss on s.o.; انزله منزلة فلان (manzilata f.) he had him occupy the same position as, gave him the same status as, made him equal in rank with V to lower o.s., stoop, condescend (الى to s.th.); to abase o.s., humble o.s., demean o.s., eat crow; to give up, renounce, resign, waive, forgo (عن s.th.), refrain (عن from) VI to give up, renounce, resign, waive, forgo (عن ل s.th. in favor of), refrain (عن from), yield, surrender, abandon, relinquish (عن s.th.); to cede (عن ل s.th. to); to leave, assign, transfer, make over (عن ل s.th. to); to lower o.s., stoop, condescend; to deign; to dismount, or line up, for battle | تنازل (تنزل) عن العرش ل (‘arš) to abdicate in favor of; تنازل عن منصب (manṣib) to lay down an office, resign from office X to ask (ه s.o.) to step down; to call down, invoke (هـ s.th.); to make (ه s.o.) descend; to call upon s.o. (ه ) to waive or forgo (عن s.th.); to force (ه the beleaguered) to surrender; to deduct, subtract (~ 0 s.th. from)
نزل nazl pl. نزول nuzūl, نزل nuzûl quarters, lodging; hotel, inn; -- (pl. نزول nuzūl) small tribal unit (of Bedouins); camp, camp site (of nomads, gypsies)
نزل nuzl pl. انزال anzāl food served to a guest
نزلة nazla putting up, stopping, stop, stay, arrival | نزلة الحج al-ḥajj (eg.) festival of the return of the mahmal from Mecca (celebrated in the months of Safar or Rabia I)
نزلة nazla pl. nazalāt cold; catarrh | نزلة شعبية (šu‘abīya) bronchial catarrh; نزلة صدرية (ṣadrīya) bronchitis; نزلة وافدة influenza (med.)
نزالة nizāla settlement, colony
نزول nuzūl descending, descent; dismounting. alighting; getting off or out (of a vehicle), disembarkation, debarkation; landing (of an airplane); arrival; putting up, stopping, stop, stopover, stay; cession, surrender, relinquishment, renunciation, resignation; falling, fall, drop; sinking; decline in prices, price slump | نزولا على according to, in accordance with, in deference to; نزولا عند رغبته (ragbatihī) in compliance with his wish, in deference to his wish, at his request; نزولا عند طلبه (ṭalabihī) in compliance with his demand, in accordance with his request; نزول المطر n. al-maṭar rainfall
نزولي nuzūlī relative to decline (in prices and stocks), recessive, falling, sinking
نزيل nazīl pl. نزلاء nuzalā’2 guest; stranger; lodger, boarder; inmate; occupant, tenant
منزل manzil pl. منازل manāzil2 stopping place, way station, camp site; apartment, fiat; house; lunar phase; see also under verb I | منزل الاستراحة resthouse; منازل اللهو واللعب m. al-lahw wa-l-la‘b amusement centers; اهل المنزل ahl al-m. household, family; صاحب المنزل landlord
منزلي manzilī domestic, house (adj.); private; household (adj.)
منزلة manzila degree, grade, rank; position, status, standing; dignity; see also under verb I and IV
تنزيل tanzīl sending down, bringing down; revelation, inspiration; reduction, diminution, lowering, lessening, decrease; -- (pl. -āt) reduction (of prices); subtraction (arith.); deduction, discount; inlaying, inlay work | تنزيل الرتبة t. ar-rutba or تنزيل المقام t. al-maqām, demotion, reduction in rank; تنزيل نقدي (naqdī) currency devaluation
نزال nizāl and منازلة munāzala lining up for battle; encounter, battle, fight
انزال inzāl bringing down, lowering; landing, debarkation, disembarkation; ejaculation of sperm; (pl. -āt) lease contract for life over a habous estate (Tun.) | انزال الى البحر (baḥr) launching (of a ship); انزال الى العمل (‘amal) commissioning (of a ship)
تنازل tanāzul condescension; yielding, relenting; relinquishment, surrender, waiver, renunciation; transfer, assignment, cession; resignation, abdication; lining up for battle; struggle, fight, battle | عدم التنازل ‘adam at-t. relentlessness, intransigence; عقد التنازل ‘aqd at-t. deed of cession
استنزال istinzāl deduction, discount
نازل nāzil living, resident
نازلة nāzila pl. نوازل nawāzil occurrence, event; mishap, accident, calamity, reverse, blow of fate; (tun.) (judicial) case, legal action | نازلة مدنية (madanīya; tun.) civil action; اوراق نازلة (tun.) records of a lawsuit; قسم النوازل qism an-n. (tun.) division for contentious matters (of a court of justice); قام بنازلة (tun.) to take legal action, commence a lawsuit
منزول manzūl (eg.) a kind of narcotic
منزولي manzūlī (egs.) narcotic addict, dope addict
منزل munazzal inlaid (with ivory or a precious metal)
منزل munzal sent down (from heaven), revealed
متنازل mutanāzil abdicating, resigning; one who waives, cedes or asap a right, assignor
مستنزل mustanzil lessee on the basis of inzāl (Tun.; see above)
نزنز to rock, dandle (a baby)
نزه nazuha u (نزاهة nazāha) to be far (عن from), be untouched. unblemished (عن by), be free (عن from); to steer clear (عن of), keep away, refrain (عن from, esp., from a base or dishonorable action); -- naziha a to be respectable, honorable, decent II to deem or declare (ه s.o.) above s.th. (عن ) V = nazuha; to be (far) above s.th. (عن ); to go for a walk, take a walk, promenade, stroll about; to go out, to amuse o.s., enjoy o.s., have a good time
نزه nazih and نزيه nazīh pl. نزهاء nuzahā’2, نزاه nizāh pure, chaste, blameless, above reproach, of unblemished record, decent, honorable, respectable; honest, upright. righteous; scrupulous, correct; impartial
نزه nazah and نزاهة nazāha purity, blamelessness, honesty; uprightness, righteousness, probity, integrity, respectability; impartiality
نزهة nuzha pl. نزه nuzah, -āt walk, stroll, promenade; pleasure ride; outing, excursion, pleasure trip; recreation; amusement. entertainment, diversion, fun; excursion spot, picnic ground, sight-seeing spot, tourist attraction
منزهة manzaha pl. منازه manāzih2 recreation ground, park, garden
تنزيه tanzīh elimination of anthropomorphic elements from the conception of deity, deanthropomorphism (theol.)
تنزه tanazzuh pl. -āt walk, stroll, promenade
منزه munazzah infallible, free (عن from), (far) above s.th. (عن )
متنزه mutanazzih pl. -ūn walker, stroller, promenader; excursionist
متنزه mutanazzah promenade, walk, stroll, park
منتزه muntazah pl. -āt promenade, walk, stroll; recreation ground; park
1 نزا (نزو ) nazā u (نزو nazw, nuzūw, نزوان nazawān) to spring, jump, leap, bound; -- (نزوان nazawān) to escape (عن s.th.) | نزا به قلبه الى (qalbuhū) to long, yearn for V to spring, jump, leap, bound; to be in a state of great commotion, be violently agitated, to heave, tremble (breast)
نزوان nazawān sally, sortie; outburst, outbreak, eruption
نزوة nazwa pl. nazawāt (n. vic.) jump, leap, bound; sally, sortie; outburst, outbreak, eruption; surge, dare, dare-up; impetuosity, violence, vehemence; fit, attack, paroxysm; sudden mood, caprice, whim
2 نازي and نازية look up alphabetically
نسأ nasa’a a (نسء nas’) to put off, postpone, delay, defer, procrastinate (هـ s.th.), -- (نساء nasā’) to allow (ه s.o.) time to pay, grant (ه s.o.) credit IV = I
نساء nasā’ long life, longevity
نساء nisā’ women, see نسو
نسيئة nasī’a credit, delay of payment, nasī’atan on credit
منسأة minsa’a stick, staff
نسب nasaba u i (nasab, نسبة nisba) to relate, refer (الى هـ s.th. to), link, correlate, bring into relation (الى هـ s.th. with), to trace (الى هـ s.th. to s.o. as the originator, الى ه s.o.’s ancestry to); to ascribe, attribute, impute. lay (ل or الى هـ s.th. to s.o.), charge (ل or الى هـ with s.th. s.o.), accuse (ل or الى هـ of s.th. s.o.) III to stand in the same relationship (ه to s.o.); to correspond (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.), tally (هـ with s.th.), to suit, fit (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), go (هـ, ه with), become, befit, behoove (ه s.o.); to harmonize, agree, be in keeping, be compatible, consistent (هـ with), to be similar (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.), resemble (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), be like s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ); to be in agreement, in conformity, in accordance. to tally, check (هـ with), be conformable (هـ to), to be of the same family (ه as), be or become related by marriage (ه to) VI to be related to one another, be relatives; to be alike, be akin, be mutually corresponding, be interrelated, be in agreement or conformity, be in the right proportion, be proportionate, match, fit together, go together; to be in agreement, in conformity, in accordance, to tally, check (مع with), be conformable (مع to) VIII to be related (الى to s.o.); to derive one’s origin (الى from), trace one’s ancestry (الى to), to derive one's name (الى from), be named (الى after), to belong, pertain, be relative (الى to), to be associated (الى with), belong (الى to a clan, a party, a faction, etc.); to attach o.s. (الى to), associate, affiliate (الى with), to join (الى e.g., a political party), to be admitted (الى to a community), be affiliated (الى with, esp., as an extraordinary, not a full, member) X to trace back the ancestry (ه of s.o.), to deem proper (هـ s.th.), approve (هـ of), sanction, condone (هـ s.th.)
نسب nasab pl. اناسب anāsib lineage, descent; origin. extraction, derivation, provenience; kinship, relationship, affinity, relationship by marriage | سلسلة النسب silsilat an-n. family tree, pedigree, ancestral line, genealogy; علماء الأنساب ‘ulamā’ al-a. genealogists
نسبة nisba ascription, attribution, imputation; kinship, relationship, affinity, relationship by marriage; connection, link; agreement, conformity, affinity; -- (pl. نسب nisab) relation, reference, bearing; ratio, rate; measure; proportion (math.); percentage; adjective denoting descent or origin, ending in ـي | نسبة الى (nisbatan) and (ل or) بالنسبة الى in respect to, with regard to, regarding, concerning, as to; as compared with, in comparison with; in relation to, with reference to; for, to; على نسبة in proportion to, in keeping
with, in accordance with, according to, corresponding to, commensurate with; نسبة الموت al-maut death rate; نسبة مئوية (mi’awīya) percentage
نسبي nisbī relative, comparative; percentual, percentile; proportional; نسبيا nisbīyan relatively | وزن نسبي (wazn) specific gravity
نسبية nisbīya relativity
نساب nisāb genealogist
نسيب nasīb erotic introduction of the ancient Arabic kasida; -- (pl. , انسباء ansibā’2) relative, kinsman (by mania~e);
brother-in-law; son-in-law; descending from a distinguished family, patrician, highborn, noble
انسب ansab2 more adequate, more appropriate, more suitable, better qualified, fitter
مناسبة mun<isaba suitability, suitableness, appropriateness, aptness, adequacy; fitness; correlation, analogy, correspondence; kinship, relationship. affinity; (pl. -āt) relation, reference, bearing, relevancy, pertinence; link; connection; occasion, opportunity | في مناسبة or لمناسبة or بمناسبة on the occasion of; بهذه المناسبة in this connection; لهذه المناسبة due to these circumstances, for this reason, therefore, consequently, hence; في كل مناسبة whenever an opportunity arises, at every suitable occasion
تناسب tanāsub proportional relation, proportionality; proportionateness, balance, evenness; uniformity; regularity, symmetry; harmony; O proportion, mathematical equation; reciprocal relationship, interrelation; link, connection | عدم التناسب ‘adam at-t. disproportion
انتساب intisāb membership; affiliation | طالب بالانتساب student by affiliation
منسوب mansūb related, brought into relation; attributed, ascribed, imputed (الى to s.o.); belonging, pertaining (الى to); relative (to), concerning, regarding (s.o. or s.th.); -- (pl. مناسيب manāsīb2) level, altitude; water level | منسوب البحر m. al-baḥr sea level; مناسيب عالية (‘āliya) high water levels, high waters
منسوبية mansūbīya nepotism
مناسب munāsib suitable, fitting, appropriate, proper, adequate; corresponding, commensurate; correspondent, congruous, analogous, conformable; proportional (math.)
متناسب mutanāsib proportionate, properly proportioned; proportional; mutually corresponding, analogous | متناسب الأجزاء even, regular, symmetrical
منتسب muntasib member, affiliate | عضو منتسب (‘uḍw) associate (e.g., of an academy)
ناسوت nāsūt human nature, humanity
نسج nasaja u i (nasj) to weave (هـ s.th.); to knit | نسج على منواله (minwālihī) to imitate s.o., follow in s.o.’s tracks, walk in s.o.’s footsteps, act or proceed like s.o.; نسج نسجه (nasjahū) do. VIII to be woven
نسج nasj weaving; fabric, texture | نسج الخيال al-kayāl fabling, flight of fancy
نساج nassāj weaver
نساجة nisāja art of weaving; weaver’s trade, textile industry
نسيج nasīj pl. نسوج nusūj, انسجة ansija, انساج ansāj texture, web, tissue (also anat.); woven fabric, textile | نسيج خلوي (kalawī) cellular tissue (anat.); نسيج العنكبوت n. al-‘ankabūt spider’s web, cobweb; نسيج وحده n. waḥdihī unique in his (its) kind, singular, unparalleled; نسيج عصره n. ‘aṣrihī unique in his (its) time
منسج mansaj, mansij pl. مناسج manāsij weaver’s shop, weaving mill
منسج minsaj loom
منسوج mansūj woven; woven fabric, textile; texture, tisane, web; pl. منسوجات woven goods, dry goods, textiles
نسخ nasaka a (nask) to delete (هـ s.th.); to abolish (هـ s.th.); to abrogate, invalidate (هـ s.th.); to repeal, revoke, withdraw (هـ s.th.); to cancel (هـ a contract); to replace (ب هـ s.th. by), substitute (ب هـ for s.th. s.th. else); to transcribe, copy (هـ s.th.) III to supersede, supplant, replace (هـ s.th.), take the place (هـ of s.th.) V to be deleted, abolished, abrogated, invalidated VI to succeed, each other, follow successively; to pass from one body into another, transmigrate (soul) VIII to abolish, cancel, abrogate, invalidate (s.th.); to transcribe, copy (هـ s.th.) X to demand the abolition (هـ of s.th.); to transcribe, copy (هـ s.th.)
نسخ nask abolition, abolishment, abrogation, cancellation, invalidation; copying, transcription | قلم النسخ qalam an-n. Neskhi ductus (see below); آ لة النسخ duplicating machine, mimeograph; copying press
نسخي naskī Neskhi, the ordinary cursive Arabic script, the common calligraphic style
نسخة nuska pl. نسخ nusak transcript; copy (also, e.g., of a book, of a newspaper, etc.)
نساخ nasssāk pl. نساخة nassāka copyist, transcriber; scribe, scrivener, clerk
تناسخ tanāsuk succession; transmigration of souls, metempsychosis
استنساخ istinsāk copying, transcription
ناسخ nāsik pl. نساخ nusssāk abrogative, abolishing; copyist, transcriber | آية ناسخة Koranic verse which abrogates and supersedes another verse
منسوخ mansūk abrogated (Koranic verse)
نسر V to get torn; to break, snap X to become eagle-like
نسور nasr pl. نسور nusūr, نسورة nusūra eagle; vulture
نسارية nusārīya eagle
ناسور nāsūr pl. نواسر nawāsir2 fistula, tumor
منسر minsar, mansir, pl. مناسر manāsir2 beak (of predatory birds); band, gang, group, troop
نسطوري nusṭūrī pl. نساطرة nasāṭira Nestorian
نسغ nusg (of a plant)
نسف nasafa i (nasf) to pulverize, atomize, spray (هـ s.th.); to carry away and scatter (wind -- the dust); to blow up, blast (هـ s.th.); O to torpedo (هـ a ship) IV to scatter (esp., wind -- the dust) VIII to raze (هـ s.th.); to blow up, blast (هـ s.th.)
نسف nasf blowing up, blasting; destruction, demolition
نساف nussāf pl. نساسيف nasāsīf a variety of swallow; rhinoceros hornbill (zool.)
نسافة nusāfa chaff
نسافة nassāfa pl. -āt torpedo boat
منسف minsaf and منسفة minsafa pl. مناسف manāsif2 winnow
ناسف nāsif and ناسفة nāsifa explosive, dynamite
نسق nasaqa u (nasq) and II to string (هـ pearls); to put in proper order, arrange nicely, range, array, order, marshal, dispose (هـ s.th.); to set up, line up (هـ s.th.) V to be well-ordered, be in proper order, be nicely arranged; to be arranged, arrayed, disposed VI do.; to be geared to each other, be well-coordinated (weapons) VIII = V
نسق nask ordering, successive arrangement, lining up, alignment
نسق nasaq order, array, layout, arrangement, disposition; connection, succession, sequence; manner, mode, system, method; symmetry; نسقا nasaqan in regular order, in rows | على نسق in the manner of; على نسق واحد in the same manner, equally, evenly, uniformly; حروف النسق conjunctions (gram.)
نسيق nasīq well-ordered, well-arranged, regular, even, uniform
تنسيق tansīq ordering, arraying; setting up, drawing up; distribution, disposition; arrangement; systematic arrangement; planned economy | تنسيق داخلي (dākilī) interior decoration
تنسق tanassuk uniformity
تناسق tanāsuk order; symmetry; harmony
منسق munasaq well-ordered, well-arranged; staggered (troop formation); harmonious
متناسق mutanāsiq well-ordered, well-arranged, regular, symmetrical
نسك nasaka u and nasuka u (نساكة nasāka) to lead a devout life; to live the life of an ascetic V do.; to be pious, devout, otherworldly
نسك nask, nusk, nusuk piety, devoutness; asceticism; reclusion
نسكي nusukī ascetic (adj.)
نسك nusuk sacrifice; ceremonies (of the pilgrimage)
ناسك nāsik pl. نساك nussāk hermit, recluse, penitent; ascetic; pious man, devotee
منسك mansik pl. مناسك manāsik2 hermitage, cell of an ascetic; place of sacrifice; ceremony, ritual, esp., during the pilgrimage
نسل nasala u (nasl) to beget, procreate, sire, father (ه children); -- u to pluck out (هـ s.th.); to pluck (هـ s.th.); to ravel out, unravel, untwist, fray (هـ s.th.); to molt; (نسول nusūl) to fall out (hair, feathers) II to separate into fibers, to shred, ravel (هـ rags); to unravel, undo (هـ a woven or knitted fabric) IV to beget, procreate, sire, father (ه children); to molt; to fall out (hair, feathers) VI to propagate, breed, reproduce, multiply; to beget offspring; to descend, be descended (من from)
نسل nasl pl. انسال ansāl progeny, offspring, issue, descendants | تقليل النسل birth control; الحرث والنسل (ḥart) the civilization of mankind
نسالة nusāla fibrous waste, thrums; ravelings; lint
O نسالة nassāla raveling machine, willow
نسولة nasūla brood animal
O نسيلة nasīla offprint, reprint
انسال insāl procreation, generation
تناسل tanāsul sexual propagation, procreation, generation, reproduction | اعضاء التناسل sexual organs, genitals; ضعف التناسل ḍu‘f at-t. sexual impotence
تناسلي tanāsulī procreative, propagative; genital, sexual | مرض تناسلي (maraḍ) venereal disease
تناسليات tanāsulīyāt sexual organs
نسم nasama i (nasm, نسمان nasamān) to blow gently II to commence, start, begin
(في s.th.) V to blow; to breathe; to inhale (هـ s.th.); to-exhale (ب a fragrant smell), smell pleasantly, be redolent (ب of), be fragrant (ب with) | تنسم الخبر (kabara) to nose around for news, sniff out the news
نسم nasam pl. انسام ansām breath; breath of life
نسمة nasama pl. -āt breath; whiff, waft; breeze; O aura; breathing, living creature; person, soul (e.g., in a census, as a numerative in statistics)
نسيم nasīm pl. نسام nisām, نسائم nasā’im2 breath of air, fresh air; wind, breeze | شم النسيم šamm an-n. Egyptian popular holiday celebrated on the Monday following Greek-Coptio Easter
منسم mansim pl. مناسم manāsim2 foot sole, padded foot (of animals)
متنسم mutanassim (with foll. genit.) place where s.th. blows, is exhaled, emanates, or exudes
نسانس nanās, nisnās pl. نسانس nasānis2 a fabulous creature of the woods, having one leg and one arm; (eg.) monkey
نسوة niswa, نسوان niswān and نساء nisā’ women (pl. of امرأة )
نسوي nisawī and نسائي nisā’ī female, feminine, womanly, women’s; نسائيات women’s affairs, things belonging to a woman’s world
نسائية nisā’īya feminist movement
نسي nasiya a (nasy, نسيان nisyān) to forget (هـ s.th.) | ما انس لا انس mā ansa lā ansā (lit.: whatever I may forget, I shall not forget, i.e.) I shall never forget; sometimes also: ما انس لا انسى (ansā) and ان انس فلا انسى (in) I shall never forget IV to make (ه s.o.) forget (هـ s.th.) VI to pretend to have forgotten (هـ s.th.); to forget, neglect, omit (هـ s.th.), become oblivious (هـ of)
نسي nasy oblivion, forgetfulness; s.th. one hal forgotten | اصبح نسيا منسيا aṣbaḥa nasyan mansīyas to be completely forgotten, fall into utter oblivion
نسي nasīy, نساء nassā’ and نسيان nisyān2 forgetful, oblivious
نسيان nisyān oblivion, forgetfulness
منسي mansīy forgotten; pl. منسيات (as opposed to محفوظات ) things once memorized and now forgotten
نش našša i (našš, نشيش nasīš) to sizzle, simmer, bubble, boil up; to hiss; -- to drive away flies
ورق نشاش waraq naššāš blotting paper
منشة minašša fly whisk
نشأ naša’a a and نشؤ našū’a u (نشء naš’, نشوء nušū’, نشأة naš’a) to rise, rise aloft, emerge, appear, loom up; to come into being, come into existence, originate, form, arise, come about, crop up; to proceed, spring (من or عن from), grow out (من or عن of); to follow, ensue, result, derive (من or عن from); to grow, grow up; to develop, evolve | نشأ نشوءا ذاتيا (dātīyan) to start by iteslf, arise spontaneously, come about automatically II to cause to grow; to bring up, raise (هـ a child) IV to cause (هـ s.th.) to rise; to create, bring into being (هـ s.th., of God); to bring forth, produce, generate, engender (هـ s.th.), give rise (هـ to s.th.); to make, manufacture, fabricate (هـ s.th.); to build, construct (هـ s.th.); to call into existence, originate, start, found, establish, organize. institute (هـ s.th.); to set up, erect (هـ s.th.); to install (هـ s.th.); to compose, draw up (هـ a piece of writing), write (هـ a book); to bring up, raise, rear (ه a child); to begin, start, commence, initiate (هـ s.th.) V to grow, develop, spread, gain ground X to search, ask, look (هـ for news)
نشء naš’ youth; new generation | النشء الجديد the young generation
نشأة naš’a growing up, upgrowth, growth; early life. youth; rise, birth, formation, genesis; origin; youth, young generation; culture, refinement; upbringing. background (of a person) | نشأة مستأنفة (musta’nafa) rebirth, renaissance
نشوء nusii’ growing, growth, development, evolution | O مذهب النشوء والترقي madhab an-n. wa-t-taraqqī theory of evolution, evolutionism
O النشوئيون an-nušū’īyūn the evolutionists
منشأ manša’ place of origin or up-growth; birth place, home town, home; fatherland, homeland, native country; origin, rise, birth, formation, genesis; source, springhead, fountainhead; beginning, start, onset
تنشيء tanšī’ upbringing, education
تنشئة tanši’a upbringing, education
إنشاء inšā’ creation; origination; bringing about; setting up. Establishment, organization, institution; formation; making, manufacture, production; erection; building, construction; founding, foundation; installation; composition, compilation, writing; letter writing; style, art of composition; essay, treatise | انشاءات عسكرية (‘askarīya) military installations; اعادة الإنشاء i’ādat al-i. reconstruction
إنشائي inšā’ī creative; constructive; relating to composition or style; stylistic; editing, editorial | برنامج إنشائي (barnāmaj) production program; قطعة انشائية (qiṭ‘a) exercise in composition; موضوع انشائي theme, composition
ناشئ nāši’ growing, growing up; arising, originating, proceeding, emanating, springing, resulting (or from); beginner; (in sports) junior; youngster, youth
ناشئة nāši’a youth, rising generation
منشئ munši’ creating; creative; creator; organizer, promoter, founder; author, writer
منشأة munša’a pl. -āt creation, product, work, OpUs; foundation, establishment; installation; institution, institute; pl. installations (e.g., industrial, military)
1 نشب našiba a (našb, نشبة nušba, نشوب nušūb) to be fixed, be attached, cling, stick, adhere (في to); to attend (ب s.th.), be incident (ب to); to get involved (في in), meddle (في with); to break out (war) | ما نشب or لم ينشب not to hesitate II and IV to stick on, paste on, attach, fix, insert (هـ s.th.)
نشب našb property, possession
نشوب nušūb clinging, adherence (في to); outbreak
نشاب naššāb arrow maker; archer, bowman
نشاب nuššāb (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. نشاشيب našāšīb2 arrows
منتشب muntašib fierce, violent (battle)
2 منشوبية look up alphabetically
نشج našaja i (نشيج našīj) to sob
نشد našada u (našd, نشدة našda, نشدان nišdān) to seek (هـ s.th.), look, search (هـ for); to adjure, implore (ه ه s.o. by, e.g., الله allaha by God) III to adjure, implore (ان يفعل ه or هـ ه s.o. to do s.th., ه ه s.o. by, e.g., الله allāha by God) IV to seek (هـ s.th.), look, search (هـ for); to sing (هـ s.th.); to recite (هـ ه to s.o. verses) VI to recite verses to each other X to ask (ه s.o.) to recite verses
نشيد našīd and انشودة unšūda pl. نشائد našā’id2, انشاد anšād, اناشيد anāšīd2 song; hymn, anthem | نشيد الأناشد or نشيد الأنشاد the Song of Solomon, the Song of Songs; النشيد الأممي (umamī) the International; نشيد حماسي (ḥamāsī) rallying song; نشيد عسكري (‘askarī) soldier’s song, marching song; military march; نشيد قومي (qaumī) or نشيد وطني (waṭanī) national anthem; نشيد ليلي (lailī) serenade; نشيد ملكي (malakī) royal anthem
مناشدة munāšada urgent request, earnest appeal, adjuration
انشاد inšād recitation, recital
منشود manšūd sought, aspired, desired, pursued (aim, objective)
منشد munšid singer
نشادر nušādir and نوشادر nūšādir ammonia
نشر našara u (našr) to spread out (هـ s.th.); to unfold, open (هـ s.th.); to unroll (هـ s.th.); to hoist (هـ a flag); -- u i to spread, diffuse, emit (هـ e.g., a scent); to announce publicly, publicize (هـ s.th.); to publish (هـ a book, an advertisement, etc.); to propagate, spread (هـ s.th.); -- u (našr, نشور nušūr) to resurrect from the dead (ه s.o.); -- to saw apart (هـ s.th.) II to spread out, unfold (هـ s.th.) IV to resurrect from the dead (ه s.o.) V to be spread out, be unfolded; to spread VIII to be spread out, be unfolded; to spread (news, a disease, etc.); to spread out, extend, expand; to be propagated, be conveyed (waves); to be diffused, be scattered, be dispersed, be thrown into disorder; O to fan out, extend (mil.)
نشر našr unfolding; spreading, diffusion; propagation; promulgation; publication; notification, announcement; resurrection | نشر الدعوة n. ad-da‘wa propaganda; .r;J1 r.J! lIa..m an·n. Day of Resurrection; دار النشر publishing house
نشرة našra pl. našarāt (public) notice, proclamation; publication; report, account; announcement; advertisement; circular; leaflet, pamphlet, handbill; periodical; order, ordinance, decree, edict | نشرة الأخبار or نشرة اخبارية (ikbārīya) newscast, news (radio); نشرة دورية (daurīya) periodical publication; نشرة اسبوعية (usbū‘īya) weekly publication, weekly paper; newsreel; نشرات جوية (jawwīya) weather report (radio); نشر خاصة بالأسعار (kāṣṣa) prospectus, price list; نشرة يومية (rasmīya) official publication, bulletin; نشرة شهرية (šahrīya) monthly publication; O نشرة يومية (yaumīya) order of the day (mil.)
نشار naššār sawyer
نشارة nišāra (activity of) sawing
نشارة nušāra sawdust
نشور nušūr resurrection | يوم النشور yaum an-n. Day of Resurrection
منشار minšār pl. مناشير manāšīr2 saw
انتشار intišār spreading, spread, diffusion, diffusiveness
ناشر nāšir publisher
منشور manšūr spread abroad. propagated, made public, published; sawn (apart); -- (pl. -āt, مناشير manāšīr2) leaflet, pamphlet, handbill; circular; prospectus; proclamation; order, ordinance, decree, edict; prism (math.)
منشوري look up alphabetically
منتشر muntašir spreading, spread out; widespread, current, rife; prevailing, prevalent, predominant
نشز našaza u i (našz) to be elevated, be located high above; to rise; -- (نشوز nušūz) to be recalcitrant, disobedient (على, من, ب toward her husband; said of a woman); to treat (a wife) brutally (said of a man) IV to restore to life, revive, reanimate (هـ s.th.)
نشز našaz pl. انشاز anšāz elevated place, high ground
نشاز našāz dissonance, discord
نشوز nušūz animosity, hostility; antipathy; dissonance, discord; (īsl. Law) violation of marital duties on the part of either husband or wife, specif., recalcitrance of the woman toward her husband, and brutal treatment of the wife by the husband
ناشز nāšiz protruding, elevated, raised; jarring, dissonant, discordant; recalcitrant
ناشزة nāšiza pl. نواشز nawāšiz2 recalcitrant woman, shrew, termagant
نشط našiṭa a (نشاط našāṭ) to be lively, animated, brisk, sprightly, vivacious, spirited, active, eager, keen, zealous, brave, cheerful, gay; to display vim and energy (في in some work), be energetic and active, work energetically and actively (الى for, toward); to be in the mood (ل for), feel like doing s.th. (ل ); to be glad, enthusiastic (ل about); to apply o.s. eagerly, attend actively (ل to some activity), embark briskly (ل upon s.th.) | نشط من عقاله (‘iqālihī) to be freed from one’s shackles, be unfettered, be unshackled; -- našafa u (našf) to tie a knot
(هـ in a rope), knot (. a rope) II and IV to incite, spur on, enliven, stimulate, activate, excite (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to strengthen, invigorate, animate, inspirit, energize (ه s.o.), impart vim and energy (ه to s.o.), encourage, embolden (ه s.o., الى to do s.th.); to knot, tie up (هـ s.th.) V to be lively, animated, brisk, sprightly, vivacious, spirited, active, eager, keen, zealous, brave, cheerful, gay; to display vim and energy (في in some work), be energetic and active, work energetically and actively (الى for, toward); to be in the mood (ل for), feel like doing s.th. (ل )
نشط našiṭ lively, animated, spirited, brisk, sprightly, vivacious, agile, nimble; stirring, bustling, busy, enterprising, energetic, active
نشطة našṭa energy; eagerness, ardor, zeal
نشاط našāṭ briskness, sprightliness, liveliness, animation, vivacity; agility, alacrity, eagerness, ardor, zeal, energy, vim, activeness; activity; lively activity, action, operation; strength, power (physical and mental); vigor, vital energy, vitality | نشاط جوي (jawwī) aerial activity; نشاط اشعاعي (iš‘ā‘ī) radioactivity; ذو نشاط اشعاعي radioactive; مواد ذات نشاط اشعاعي (mawād2) radioactive substances, radioactive matter; صاحب نشاط active; عديم النشاط inactive, dull, listless (stock market)
نشيط našīṭ pl. نشاط nišāṭ brisk, lively, spirited, animated, cheerful, gay; stirring, bustling, busy, active, energetic; glad, happy, enthusiastic (ل about), actively devoted (ل to) | الجنس النشيط (jins) the stronger sex
انشوطة unšūṭa pl. اناشيط anāšīṭ2 knot, slipknot, bow, noose
منشط manšaṭ pleasant thing
تنشيط tanšīṭ encouragement, incitement; stimulation; enlivening, animation, activation
ناشط nāšiṭ brisk, lively, spirited, animated, cheerful, gay; stirring, bustling, busy, active, energetic
منشط munšiṭ spur, incentive, impetus, stimulus
نشع naša‘a a (naš‘) to tear out, tear off (هـ s.th.) VIII do.
نشع naš‘ leakage water, seepage
منشع munašša‘ sodden, soggy, soaked, drenched, soaking wet
نشف našafa u (našf) to suck up, absorb (هـ s.th.); -- nasifa a to dry, dry up, dry out, become dry II to dry, make dry (هـ s.th.); to wipe (dry), rub dry (هـ s.th.) | نشف ريقه (rīqahū) to exert o.s., toil hard; to pester, molest s.o. V = nasifa; to wipe o.s. dry; to be wiped dry, be dried
نشف našaf desiccation, dryfless
نشاف naššāf blotting paper
نشافة naššāfa sheet of blotting paper, blotting pad; blotter; towel
منشفة minšafa pl. مناشف manāšif towel; cleaning rag; napkin
تنشيف tanšīfdrying
ناشف nāšif desiccated, dried up, dry; hard, stiff, tough
نشق našiqa a (našq and našaq) to smell, sniff, inhale (هـ sth.); to suff up the nosrils(هـ s.th.) II and IV to give (هـ ه s.o. s.th.) to smell, make (ه s.o.) inhale (هـ s.th.) V and VIII to inhale, breathe in; to snuff up the nostrils (هـ s.th.) | انتشق الهواء (hawā’a) to get some fresh air X = I; to nose around (هـ for), sniff out (هـ s.th.)
نشق našq, تنشق tanaššuq and استنشاق istinšāq inhaling, inhalation
نشوق našūq, nušūq snuff
تنشيقة tanšīqa pinch of snuff
نشل našala u (naš) to take away, snatch away, steal, pilfer (هـ s.th.); to extricate (from dangers, difficulties, etc.), liberate, deliver, save (ه s.o.) VIII to extricate; to raise, raise aloft; to gather up, pick up (shipwrecked persons, etc.), save, rescue (ه s.o.)
نشل našl pickpocketing, pickpocketry
نشال naššāl pickpocket
نشان nišān and نيشان nīšān pl. نياشين nayāšīn2 sign; mark; aim, goal; target; decoration, medal. order; ('1/.) bridal attire
نشنجي našanjī and نشانجي naānjī marksman, good shot, sharpshooter
نشنكاه nišankāh sight (of a gun)
نشنش našnaša to be nimble, swift, brisk, adroit, dexterous, agile, active; to boil up, sizzle, simmer, bubble II tanašnaša to be nimble and dexterous; to revive, recover, pick up
(نشو and نشي) نشي našiya a (نشوة našwa, nušwa, nišwa) to be or become intoxicated, be or become drunk II to starch (هـ clothes, linen) VIII to become intoxicated X to smell (هـ a scent), to inhale (هـ a breeze)
نشوة našwa fragrance, aroma, scent, perfume; intoxication, drunkenness; frenzy, delirium | نشوة الطرب n. aṭ-ṭarab rapture, elation, exultation, enthusiasm, ecstasy
نشا našan scent, perfume; starch, cornstarch
نشاء našā’ starch, cornstarch
نشوي našawī starchy; pl. نشويات starchy foodstuffs
نشوان našawān2, f. نشوى našwā, pl. نشاوى našāwā intoxicated, drunk; enraptured, elated, exultant, flushed
انتشاء intišā’ intoxication
نص naṣṣa u (naṣṣ) to fix, lay down, appoint, stipulate (على s.th.), provide (على for), specify, determine (على or عن s.th.), define (على s.th.); to fix or determine the text (هـ of s.th.), draw up, compose (هـ a letter); to arrange, stack, pile up in layers (هـ s.th.); to set up, line up (هـ s.th.)
نص pl. نصوص text; wording, version; passage, word, phrase, sentence, clause; expression, manner of expression, language, phraseology, style; provision, term, stipulation, condition; arrangement; manifestation, evidence | بنصه verbatim, بنصه وفصه bi-n. wa-faṣṣihī in the very words, ipsissimis verbis, literally, precicely; نصا وروحا naṣṣan wa-rūḥan in letter and spirit
نصة nuṣṣa pl. نصص nuṣaṣ, forelock
منصة minṣa pl. -āt, مناص manāṣṣ2 raised platform, dais, tribune, podium; bridal throne; easel | منصة الحكم m. al-ḥukm position of power; منصة الخطابة rostrum
تنصيص tanṣīṣ quotation | علامات التنصيص ‘alāmāt at-t. quotation marks
منصوص عليه manṣūṣ ‘alaihi fixed, appointed, stipulated, provided for, specified; determined; laid down in writing
نصب naṣaba u (naṣb) to raise, rear, erect, set up, put up (هـ s.th.); to prepare, get ready, fit up (هـ s.th.); to pitch (هـ a tent); to plant, raise (هـ a standard, a flagstaff), hoist (هـ a flag); to plant (هـ a tree); O to level, aim (هـ a cannon); to appoint to an office, install in an official position; to show, manifest, display (ل toward s.o., هـ evil, enmity); to direct, aim (هـ s.th., e.g., criticism, على against or at s.o.); (eg.) to cheat, swindle, dupe, gull, deceive (على s.o.); (gram.) to pronounce (a final consonant) with the vowel a; to put (a noun) in the accusative, put (a verb) in the subjunctive | نصب له الحرب (ḥarba) to declare war on s.o.; نصب له شركا (šarakan) or نصب له فخا (fakkan) to set a trap for s.o.; نصب له كمينا (kamīnan) to prepare an ambush for s.o.; نصب مكيدة (makīdatan) to devise a clever plan, hatch a plot; -- naṣaba u (naṣb) to distress, trouble, fatigue, wear out, exhaust (disease or sorrow; ه s.o.); to jade (ه s.o.) | نصبوا انفسهم ل (anfusahum) they made every effort in order to ..., they struggled hard to ...; -- naṣiba a (naṣab) to be tired, fatigued, jaded, worn out, exhausted; to exert o.s. to the utmost (في in) II to set up, set upright, rear, raise, lift up (هـ s.th.); to install (ه ه s.o. as), appoint (ه ه s.o. to an office) | نصب اذنيه (udnaihi) to prick up one’s ears III to be hostile (ه to s.o.), fight, combat, oppose (ه s.o.), display enmity | ناصبه الحرب (ḥarba) to declare war on s.o.; ناصبه الشر (šarra) to show o.s. openly hostile to s.o., open hostilities against s.o.; ناصب العداء (‘adā’a) to declare o.s. the enemy of s.o. IV to tire, fatigue, wear out, exhaust (ه s.o.); to fix a share or allotment (ه for s.o.) VIII to rise up, straighten up, draw o.s. up; to plant o.s.; to rise; to get up, stand up, get on one’s feet; to stand upright, be in a vertical position; to be set up, be raised; to be appointed (ل to an office), hold an office (ل ); (gram.) to be pronounced with a (final consonant), be in naṣb (accusative or subjunctive) | انتصب للحكم (li-l-ḥukm) to sit in judgment
نصب setting up, putting up, placing; erection; planting, raising (e.g., of a flagstaff); appointment, installation, investiture; pronunciation of a final consonant with a; the putting a noun in the accusative, or a verb in the subjunctive (gram.); disease, illness; (eg.) swindle, trickery, skulduggery, deception, fraud
نصب naṣb pl. انصاب anṣāb s.th. planted in the ground, set up, or erected; plants (coll.)
نصب nuṣb, nuṣub pl. انصاب anṣāb statue; idol, graven image; monument | نصب تذكاري (tadkārī) monument, cenotaph
نصب nuṣba (prep.) in front of, opposite, facing | نصب عيني (‘ainayya) before my eyes; جعل (وضع) هـ نصب عينيه (‘ainaihi) to direct one’s attention to ..., have in view
نصب naṣab exertion, strain, hardship, fatigue; (pl. انصاب anṣāb) flag planted in the ground
نصبة naṣba pl. -āt plant
نصبة nuṣba post; pale, stake, pier, buttress, pillar; signpost, guidepost
نصاب niṣāb origin, beginning; (Isl. Law) minimum amount of property liable to payment of the zakāh tax; minimum number or amount; quorum; (pl. -āt, نصب nuṣub) sword hilt, knife handle, saber guard | في نصابه in its proper place, in good order, perfectly all right; استقرت الأمور في نصابها (istaqarrat) things were straightened out, returned to normal; وضع الحق في نصابه (ḥaqqa) to restore justice; رد (اعاد، وضع) امرا الى نصابه (radda, a‘āda amran) to straighten s.th. out, set a matter right; عاد الهدوء الى نصابه (hudū’u) peace has been restored; اتماما للنصاب (itmāman) so as to complete the number, in order to round off the amount
نصاب naṣṣāb fraud, cheat, sharper, swindler, impostor; deceitful, fraudulent
نصيب naṣīb pl. نصب nuṣub, انصباء anṣibā’2, انصبة anṣiba share, participation (في in); share of profits, dividend; luck, chance; fate, lot | كان من نصيبه to fall to s.o.’s share or lot; كان من نصيبه ان to be so fortunate as to ..., have the good fortune to ...; كان نصيبه من ذلك الإخفاق (ikfāqu) to have bad luck in s.th., draw a blank; هو على نصيب وافر من (wāfirin) to have an ample share in ...
يا نصيب yā-naṣīb lottery
منصب manṣib pl. مناصب manāṣib2 place where s.th. is planted, set up, or erected; office, dignity, rank, position, poet | ارباب الممناصب or اصحاب المناصب high dignitaries
منصب minṣab pl. مناصب manāṣib2 kitchen range, cookstove
تنصيب tanṣīb appointment, nomination; installation, induction (in an official position)
انتصاب intiṣāb raising, rearing, righting; setting up, putting up; erection
ناصب nāṣib tiring, wearisome, exhausting; -- (pl. نواصب nawāṣib2) word governing the subjunctive (gram.)
منصوب manṣūb erected; set-up, raised; planted in the ground; fixed, fastened, attached; installed in office; leveled, aimed (cannon; على at); (pl. -āt) word in the accusative or subjunctive
منتصب muntaṣib set upright, set-up, raised, planted in the ground; erected; upright, erect, straight, vertical, perpendicular
نصت naṣata i (naṣt) and IV to listen, hearken, give ear (الى or ل to s.o., ل to s.th.) V to try to hear; to eavesdrop, listen secretly
منتصت mutanaṣṣit eavesdropper
نصح naṣaḥa a (naṣḥ, nuṣḥ, نصاحة naṣāḥa, نصيحة naṣīḥa) to give (ه, ل s.o.) sincere advice, advise, counsel (ه, ل s.o., ب to do s.th.), admonish. exhort; -- a (naṣḥ, نصوح nuṣūḥ) to be sincere; to mean well (ل with s.o.), wish s.o. (ل ) well, be well-disposed, show good will (ل toward s.o.); to act in good faith (ل toward s.o.) III to give (ه s.o.) sincere advice; to be sincere in one’s intentions (ه toward s.o.) VI to be loyal and sincere toward each other VIII to take good advice, follow an advice X to ask (ه s.o.) for advice, be advised (ه by s.o.), consult (ه s.o.)
نصح naṣḥ, nuṣḥ good advice; counseling, counsel; guidance
نصيح naṣīḥ sincere; faithful adviser
نصيحة naṣīḥa pl. نصائح naṣā’iḥ2 sincere advice; friendly admonition, friendly reminder | بذل النصيحة to give a word of advice
نصوح naṣūḥ sincere, true, faithful, loyal
استنصاح istinṣāḥ consultation
ناصح nāṣiḥ pl. نصاح nuṣṣāḥ, نصح nuṣṣah sincere; good counselor, sincere adviser
نصر naṣara u (naṣr, نصور nuṣūr) to help, aid, assist (على ه s.o. against); to render victorious, let triumph (على ه s.o. over; of God); to deliver (من ه s.o. from), keep, protect, save II to Christianize, convert to Christianity (ه s.o.) III to help, aid, assist, support, defend, protect (ه s.o.) V to try to help, seek to support (ل s.o.), stand up for s.o. (ل ); to become a Christian VI to render mutual assistance, help each other VIII to come to s.o.’s (ل ) aid, be on s.o.’s (ل ) side, side with s.o. (ل ); to be victorious; to gain a victory, to triumph (على over); to take revenge (من on) X to ask (ه s.o.) for assistance
نصر naṣr help, aid, assistance, support, backing; victory; triumph
نصرة nuṣra help, aid, assistance, support, backing
نصراني naṣrānī pl. نصارى naṣārā Christian
نصرانية naṣrānīya Christianity
نصير naṣīr pl. نصراء nuṣarā’2 helper; supporter, defender, protector; ally, canfederate; adherent, follower, partisan; furtherer, promoter, patron
النصيرية an-nuṣairīya the Ansarie, a gnostic sect in Syria
ناصور naṣūr pl. نواصير nawāṣīr2 fistula
منصر manṣar pl. مناصر manāṣir2 (eg.) band of robbers
تنصير tanṣīr Christianization; baptism
مناصرة munāṣara assistance, help, aid, support, backing, furtherance, promotion, patronage
انتصار intiṣār (pl. -āt) victory, triumph; revenge
ناصر nāṣir pl. -ūn, انصار anṣār, نصار nuṣṣār helper; protector; granting victory | اخذ بناصره to help s.o.
انصار anṣār (pl.) adherents, followers, partisans, sponsors, patrons, friends; الأنصار the Medinan followers of Mohammed who granted him refuge after the Hegira
الناصرة an-nāṣira Nazareth
ناصري nāṣirī of Nazareth; Nazarene
منصور manṣūr supported, aided (by God); victorious, triumphant; victor; المنصورة El Mansûra (city in N Egypt)
مناصر munāṣir helper, supporter, defender, protector
منتصر muntaṣir victorious, triumphant
نصع naṣa‘a a (نصوع nuṣū‘) to be clear, pure; to be plain, evident, obvious, manifest, patent; to recognize (ب s.th., esp., a claim or title) IV to recognize. acknowledge (ب s.th.)
نصوع nuṣū‘ whiteness; brightness (of a color)
نصيع naṣī‘ pure, clear; plain, evident, obvious, ostensible, manifest, patent
نصاعة naṣā‘a purity; clearness, clarity (also. e.g., of argumentation, of expression)
ناصع nāṣi‘ pure, clear; plain, evident, obvious, ostensible, manifest, patent; white | ناصع البياض n. al-bayāḍ snowwhite; حق ناصع (ḥaqq) plain truth; لهم جباه ناصعة approx.: they have a clean slate, their skirts are clean
نصف naṣafa u i (naṣf) to reach its midst (day), become noon II to divide in the middle, bisect, halve (هـ s.th.) III to share (ه with s.o.) half of s.th. (هـ ), go halves (هـ ه with s.o. in), share equally (هـ ه with s.o. s.th.) IV to be just; to treat with justice (ه s.o.), be just (ه with s.o.); to see that justice is done (ه to s.o.), see that s.o. (ه ) gets his right; to treat without discrimination (ه s.o.); to establish s.o.’s (ه ) right (من in the face of a rival or oppressor); to serve (ه s.o.) V to submit, subordinate o.s. (ه to s.o.), serve (ه s.o.); to demand justice VIII to reach its midst, be in the middle, be midway, be half over (day, night, month, lifetime); to appeal for justice (من to), demand justice (من from); to do justice (ل to s.o.); to take vengeance, revenge o.s. (من on) X to demand justice
نصف niṣf, pl. انصاف anṣāf half, moiety; middle | نصف الدائرة semicircle; نصف شهري šahrī semimonthly; انصاف العذارى a. al-‘adārā demi-vierges; نصف القرد n. al-qird lemur; نصف القطر n. al-quṭr radius; نصف الليل n. al-lail midnight; نصف النهار n. an-nahār midday, noon; القسط نصف السنوي al-qisṭ niṣf as-sanawī the semiannual installment
نصف niṣf (uninfl.) medium, middling; of medium size or quality; middle-aged
نصفي niṣfī half-, semi-, hemi-, demi- | تمثال نصفي (timtāl) bust; شلل نصفي (šalal) hemiplegia; عمى نصفي (‘aman) hemianopia
نصف naṣaf and نصفة naṣafa justice
نصيف naṣīf veil
تنصيف tanṣīf halving, bisection
مناصفة munāṣafatan half of it (of them), by halves, half and half, by equal shares, fifty-fifty
انصاف inṣāf justice, equity, fairness; just treatment
ناصف nāṣif pl. نصاف nuṣṣāf, نصف naṣaf, نصفة naṣafa servant
منصف munaṣṣif halving, bisecting, dividing into two equal parts
منصف munṣif a righteous, just man; equitable, fair, just
منتصف muntaṣaf middle | في منتصف الطريق halfway, midway; منتصف الساعة العاشرة 9:30 , half past nine; منتصف الليل m. al-lail midnight; منتصف النهار m. an-nahār midday, noon
نصل naṣala a u (نصول nuṣūl) to fall out, fall off, fall to the ground, drop; to fade (color); to get rid (من of), free o.s. (من from) V to free o.s. (من from), rid o.s. (من of); to renounce, disavow, shirk (من s.th.), withdraw (من from); to wash one’s hands of s.th. (من ), vindicate o.s. clear o.s., justify o.s. | تنصل من التبعة (tabi‘a) or تنصل من المسؤولية (mas’ūlīya) to refuse to take the responsibility, evade or shirk the responsibility
نصل naṣl (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. نصال niṣāl, انصل anṣul, نصول nuṣūl arrowhead, spearhead; blade or a knife or sword; O spread or surface of a leaf (bot.)
ناصل nāṣil falling, dropping; faded
نصمة naṣama icon, idol, graven image
ناصية nāṣiya pl. نواص nawāṣin forelock; fore part of the head; (street) corner | اخذ بناصيته to seize, take by the forelock, tackle properly (هـ s.th.); ملك ناصيته to be or become muter of s.th., have or get s.th, under control. muter or control s.th.; امتلك نواصيه (imtalaka) do.; كل الآمال معقودة بناصيته all hopes are pinned on him; حجر الناصية ḥajar an-n. cornerstone, quoin
نض naḍḍa i (naḍḍ, نضيض naḍīḍ) to ripple, drip, percolate, ooze, leak, dribble, trickle II to move, shake (هـ s.th.)
نض naḍḍ cash, hard money, specie, coin; نضا naḍḍsn in (hard) cash
مال ناض māl nāḍḍ cash, hard money, specie, coin
نضب naḍaba u (نضوب nuḍūb) to seep away in the ground, be absorbed by the ground; to dry up, run dry, peter out; to be exhausted, be depleted, become less, diminish, decrease; to dwindle, decline; to die | لا ينضب inexhaustible, incessant IV to exhaust, drain, deplete, dry up (هـ s.th.)
ناضب nāḍib pl. نضب nuḍḍab dried up, dry; arid, barren, sterile
نضج naḍija a (naḍj) to be or become ripe, ripen, mature (also fig., of an affair, of a personality, or the like); to be well-cooked, be or become well done (meat); to maturate (tumor) IV to bring to ripeness or maturity, make ripe, ripen (هـ s.th.); to let (هـ s.th.) ripen; to cook well, do well (هـ s.th.)
نضج naḍj, nuḍj ripeness, maturity
نضوج nuḍūj ripeness, maturity
نضيج naḍīj ripe, mature; well-cooked, well done (food)
ناضح nāḍij ripe, mature; well-cooked, well done (food)
نضح naḍaḥa i (naḍḥ) to wet, moisten, sprinkle, spray, splash (ب ه s.th. with); to water (هـ plants); to slake, quench (هـ thirst); to defend, protect (عن s.th.); to justify, vindicate (عن s.th.), answer (عن for); -- a (naḍḥ) to exude or ooze a fluid (ب ); to sweat, perspire; to leak; to flow over (ب with); to shed, spill (هـ s.th.); to effuse (هـ s.th.)
O نضاحة naḍḍāḥa sprinkler
منضح minḍaḥa shower, douche
منضحة minḍaḥa pl. مناضح manāḍiḥ2 watering can; shower, douche
نضد naḍada i (naḍd) to pile up, stack, tier, arrange in layers (هـ s.th.); to put in order, array, arrange (هـ s.th.) II do.; to compose, set (هـ s.th.; typ.)
نضد naḍad pl. انضاد anḍād, bedstead; pile, stack, rows, tiers (e.g., of sacks)
نضد nuḍud tables
نضيد naḍīd arranged one above the other, tiered, in rows, in layers; orderly, tidy, regular
نضيدة naḍīda pl. نضائد naḍā’id2 cushion, pillow, mattress
منضدة minḍada pl. -āt, مناضد manāḍid2 table; worktable, desk; bedstead; framework, rack, stand
تنضيد tanḍīd typesetting, composition (typ.)
منضد munaḍḍid pl. -ūn typesetter, compositor (typ.)
منضح munaḍḍad forming a regular string, regularly set (esp., of teeth)
نضر naḍara u, naḍira a and naḍura u (نضرة naḍra, نضور nuḍūr, نضارة naḍara) to be flourishing, blooming, verdant, fresh, beautiful; to be bright, brilliant, luminous, radiant II to make (هـ s.th.) shine; to make (هـ s.th.) bloom V to be verdant, blooming, in blossom
نضر naḍir flourishing, blooming, verdant, fresh, radiant, glowing
نضرة naḍra bloom, dower, freshness; glamour, splendor; beauty; health, vigor; opulence, wealth
نضار nuḍār (pure) gold
نضارة naḍāra bloom, dower, freshness; youthfulness; gracefulness, grace; health, vigor
نضير naḍīr flourishing, blooming, verdant, fresh, radiant, glowing; gold
ناضر nāḍir flourishing, blooming, verdant, fresh, radiant, glowing, beautiful
نضف naḍaf wild marjoram
نضف naḍif dirty, unclean
نضيف naḍīf dirty, unclean
نضل naḍala u (naḍl) to surpass, beat, defeat (ه s.o.) III to try to surpass (ه s.o.), vie, compete, contend, dispute (ه with s.o.); to defend (عن .o.)s stand up for s.o. (عن ) VI to vie with one another
نضال niḍāl struggle, strife, dispute, controversy, fight, battle; contest, competition: defense, defensive battle
نضالي niḍālī combative, pugnacious
مناضلة munāḍala struggle, strife, dispute, controversy, fight, battle; contest, competition; defense, defensive battle
مناضل munāḍil fighters combatant, defender
نضناض naḍnāḍ hissing viciously, flicking its tongue menacingly (snake)
نضا (نضو ) naḍā u (naḍw) to take off (هـ a garment, one’s clothes); to undress (عن s.o.), نضا عن نفسه to get undressed; (naḍw, nuḍūw) to dwindles wane, decline; to fade (esp., color) II to take off (هـ a garment), strip (عن s.o.) of a garment (هـ ) IV to exhaust, jades make lean (هـ a riding animal); to wear out, wear thin (ه s.th.) VIII to unsheathe (s a sword)
نضو naḍw pl. انضاء anḍā’ a worn, tattered garment
نضو niḍw pl. انضاء anḍā’ lean
نط naṭṭa u (naṭṭ) to spring, jumps leap; to skip, hop
نط naṭṭ jumping, jump | نط الحبل n. al-ḥabl skipping the rope (children’s game); نط طولي ṭūlī) broad jump
نطة naṭṭa (n. vic.) jump, leap
نطاط naṭṭāṭ jumper; a variety of grasshopper; restless, ftighty, lightheaded
نطح naṭaḥa a (naṭḥ) to push, thrust (with the head or horns), butt III to bump (هـ on or against s.th.), ram (هـ s.th.); to touch (ه s.th.) VI and VIII to thrust or butt one another; to struggle (with one another)
نطح naṭḥ push(ing), thrust(ing), butting; el Nath, a star in the horn of Aries, α Arietis (astron)
نطحة naṭḥa (n. vic.) push, thrust, butt
نطاح naṭṭāḥ given to butting, a butter
نطيح naṭīḥ butted
مناطحة munāṭaḥa bullfight
ناطح nāṭiḥ: ناطحة السحاب n. as-saḥāb pl. نواطح السحاب nawāṭiḥ as-s. skyscraper
نطر naṭara u (naṭr, نطارة niṭāra) to watch, guard (هـ s.th.)
نطر naṭr watch, guard, protection
نطارة niṭāra watch, guard, protection
نطار nuṭṭār scarecrow
ناطر nāṭir pl. نطار nuṭṭār, نطراء nuṭarā’2, نطرة naṭara, نواطر nawāṭir2 guard, keeper, warden (esp., of plantations and vineyards), rural warden; lookout in a ship’s crow’s-nest
ناطور nāṭūr pl. نواطير nawāṭīr2 guard, keeper, warden (esp., of plantations and vineyards), rural warden; lookout in a ship’s crow’s-nest
ناطورة nāṭūra (syr.) (woman) chaperon
نطرون naṭrūn natron, esp., the native product of Egypt which is extracted from the salt lakes of Wādī Naṭrūn northwest of Cairo
نطس V to examine thoroughly, investigate carefully, scrutinize (عن s.th.); to possess or employ much skill, be proficient (ب in s.th.)
نطس naṭs, naṭus well-informed, knowledgeable, experienced, seasoned, skilled
نطاسي naṭāsī, niṭāsī well-informed, knowledgeable, experienced, seasoned, skilled; (pl. نطس nuṭus) a skilled, experienced physician
نطع pass. nuṭi’a to change colors, turn pale V to be pigheaded, obstinate
نطع naṭ’, niṭ’ pl. انطاع anṭā’, نطوع nuṭū’ leather mat used as a tablecloth and gaming boards in former times also during executions
نطع niṭ’, niṭa’ pl. نطوع nuṭū’ hard palate
الحروف الناطعة al-ḥurūf an-nāṭi’a the sounds ت, د and ط (phon.)
نطف naṭafa u i (naṭf, تنطاف tanṭāf, نطفان naṭafān, نطافة niṭāfa) to dribble, trickle
نطفة nuṭfa pl. نطف nuṭaf drop; sperm
نطق naṭaqa u (nuṭq, نطوق nuṭūq, منطق manṭiq) to articulate; to talk, speak, utter (ب s.th.); to pronounce (ب s.th.) | نطق بكلمة (bi-kalima) to lay a word II to make (ه s.o.) speak or pronounce; to gird, girdle (ه s.o.) IV to make (هـ s.o.) speak or talk V to gird o.s.; to be surrounded X to question (هـ s.o.); to interrogate, examine, cross-examine (هـ s.o.)
نطق nuṭq articulated speech; pronunciation; word, saying, utterance; order, ordinances decree | صدر النطق السامي ب it was decreed by order of His Majesty that ...; نطق بالحكم (ḥukm) pronouncement of sentence; فاقد النطق dumfounded, speechless
نطقي nuṭqī phonetic(al)
نطا r niṭāq pl. نطق nuṭuq girths girdle, belt; O garrison belt; circle, ring, enclosure; limit, boundary; range, extent, scope, compass, sphere, domain, purview; cordon | نطاق الجوزاء n. al-jauzā’ Orion’s Belt (astron.); نطاق الحصار blockade ring; واسع النطاق comprehensive; extensive, far-reaching; large-scale
منطق manṭiq (faculty of) speech; manner of speaking, diction, enunciation; eloquence; logic | ليس من المنطق ان it is illogical to …; علم المنطق ‘ilm al-m. logic
منطقي manṭiqī logical; dialectic(al); -- (pl. مناطقة manāṭiqa) logician; dialectician
منطق minṭaq pl. مناطق manāṭiq2 belt, girdle
منطقة minṭaqa pl. مناطق manāṭiq 2 belt, girdle; zone; vicinity, range, sphere, district, area, territory; O (mil.) sector | O منطقة الاحتلال occupied territory; المنطقة الحارة (ḥārra) the Torrid Zones the tropics; O منطقة البترول oil area, oil fields; منطقة البروج the zodiac (astron.); منطقة الجوزاء m. al-jauzā’ Orion’s Belt (astron.); O منطقة حرام (ḥarām) or منطقة ممنوعة prohibited area; منطقة الحرب m. al-ḥarb war zone; O منطقة حرة (ḥurra) free zone; O منطقة صماء (ṣammā’) dead zone (of radio waves); منطقة صناعية (ṣinā’īya) industrial area; O منطقة الضرب m. aḍ-ḍarb field of fire; O منطقة كروية (kurawīya) spherical zone; المنطقتان المعتدلتان (mu’tadilatān) the two Temperate Zones; O منطقة مجردة من التجهيزات الحربية (mujarrada, ḥarbīya) demilitarized zone; منطقة النفوذ sphere of influence
منطقي minṭaqī zonal
منطيق minṭīq very eloquent
استنطاق istinṭāq examination, interrogation, hearing; questioning
ناطق nāṭiq talking, speaking; endowed with the faculty of speech; eloquent; plain, distinct, clear; endowed with reason, reasonable, rational (being); speaker (also, e.g., in parliament); spokesman | الناطقون بالضاد the Arabic-speaking portion of mankind (lit.: those who pronounce the ḍād) حيوان ناطق (ḥayawān nāṭiq) rational being; دليل ناطق conclusive evidence; شريط ناطق sound film; جريدة ناطقة newsreel
منطوق manṭūq pronounced, uttered, expressed; wording; text; statement; formulation | بالمنطوق according to the text; expressly, explicitly, unequivocally; منطوق الحكم m. al-ḥukm dispositive portion of the judgment (jur.); منطوق العقد m. al-’aqd the exact terms of the contract; منطوق القانون text of the law, legal text; منطوق الكلمة m. al-kalima literal meaning of a word
مستنطق mustanṭiq examining magistrate
نطل naṭala u (naṭl) to squeeze out; to apply warm compresses (هـ to), foment, bathe with warm water or medicated liquid (هـ s.th.)
نطول naṭūl warm compress; fomentation, lavation or hath in a medicated liquid
نطنط naṭnaṭa to hop up and down, skip
نظر naẓara u (naẓar, منظر manẓar) to perceive with the eyes, see, view, eye, regard (هـ, ه or الى s.o., s.th.), look, gaze, glance (هـ, ه or الى at), watch, observe, notice (هـ, ه or الى s.o., s.th.), pay attention (هـ, ه or الى to); to expect (هـ s.th.); to envisages consider, contemplates purpose (هـ or في s.th.); to have in mind, have in view (الى s.th.), put one’s mind, direct one’s attention (الى to s.th.); to take up, try, hear (في a case; court), look into a case (في ), examine (هـ or في a case); to judge, rule, decide (بين between two litigant parties); to take care (ل of s.o.), help (ل s.o.), stand by s.o. (ل ), look after s.o. (ل) | نظر اليه شزرا (šazran) to give s.o. a sidelong glances look askance at s.o.; نظر القضية (في القضية ) (qaḍīya) to try a case (jurs); نظر في طلب فلان (ṭalabī f.) to process s.o.’s application, take care of s.o.’s application; نظر من فرجة المفتاح (فوهة المفتاح ) (furjat l-miftāḥ, fūhati l-m.) to peep through the keyhole; انظر بعده unẓur ba’dahū see below! انظر ظهره (ẓahrahū) see reverse! please turn over! II to make comparisons, draw parallels (بين between) III to equal (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), be equal (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.); to equalize, put on an equal footing (ب هـ, ه s.o., s.th. with), equate, liken, compare (ب هـ, ه s.o., s.th. to); to vie, compete, be in competition (s with s.o.), rival (ه s.o.); to argue, debate, dispute (ه with s.o.), point out (ب ه to s.o. s.th.) by way of argument or objection, confront (ب ه s.o. with); to superintend, supervise (هـ s.th.) IV to grant (ه s.o.) a delay or respite V to regard, watch or observe attentively (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), look closely (هـ, ه at s.o., at s.th.), scrutinize (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to bide one’s time, wait VI to face each other, lie opposite; to he symmetrical (math.); to dispute, argue (with one another); to quarrel (على about), fight (على over s.th.); to contend (with each other) (على for s.th.), contest each other’s right (على to s.th.) VIII to wait (ه for s.o.), expect (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), await, anticipate (هـ s.th.); to look closely (ه at s.o.); to look on expectantly, bide one’s time,
wait | انتظر الشيء الكبير من to expect much of …; انتظر من ورائه كل خير (wara’ihi kulla kairin) to set the greatest expectations in s.th. X to wait, await, expect; to have patience, be patient; to request a delay or respite; to ask (ه s.o.) to wait, keep (ه s.o.) waiting
نظر naẓar pl. انظار anẓār seeing, eyesight, vision; look, glance, gaze; sight; outlook, prospect; view; aspect; appearance, evidence; insight, discernment, penetration; perception; contemplation; examination (في of); inspection, study, perusal; consideration, reflection; philosophical speculation; theory; handling (في of a matter); trial, hearing (في of a case in court); supervision, control, surveillance; competence, jurisdiction; attention, heed, regard, notice, observance, respect, consideration, care | (ل or) نظر in view of, with a view to, in regard to, with respect to, in consideration of, on the basis of, due to, because of, for; بالنظر ل do.; بصرف النظر عن (bi-ṣarfi n-n.) or بقطع النظر عن (bi-qaṭ‘i n-n.) regardless of, irrespective of; تحت النظر under considerations being studied, being dealt with; دون النظر الى irrespective of, regardless of; في نظري in my eyes, in my opinion; للنظر فى for the study of, for consideration, for further examination of, for handling …, for action on …; O النظر الى الحياة (ḥayāh) weltanschauung; اعادة النظر i‘ādat an-n. re-examination, reconsideration, resumption, retrial, revision; اهل النظر ahl an-n. speculative thinkers; theoreticians, theorists; بعيد النظر or طويل النظر farsighted; قصر النظر qiṣar an-n. shortsightedness; قصير النظر shortsighted; المحكمة ذات النظر (maḥkama) the court of competent jurisdiction; مسألة فيها نظر (mas’ala) an unsettled, open question, an unsolved problem; من له نظر (man) s.o. noteworthy, a distinguished man; the responsibles or authorized, person; اخذ بالنظر to catch the eye; ادار نظره في (adāra) to let one’s eyes roam over …; تابع (راجع) بالنظر ل falling to the responsibility of, under the jurisdiction of, subject to the authority of; سارق النظر اليه or سارقه النظر or استرق النظر اليه (naẓara) to glance furtively at s.o., give s.o. a surreptitious look; في هذا الأمر نظر this matter calls for careful study, will have to be considered; قطع النظر عن to take no account of, disregard s.th.; هو تحت نظر فلان he is under the protection of so-and-so, he is patronized by so-and-so
نظر similar, like; equal | عديم النظر unparalleled, unequaled, matchless, unique of his (its) kind
نظرة naẓra pl. naẓarāt looks glance; sights view; viewings contemplation (الى of s.th.); pl. نظرات (philosophical) reflections
نظرة naẓira delay, postponements deferment (of an obligation)
نظري naẓarī optic(al); visual; theoretic(al); speculative
نظرية naẓarīya theory; theorem; reflection, meditation, contemplation
نظير naẓīr pl. نظراء nuẓarā’2, f. pl. نظائر naẓā’r2 similar, like, same, equal, matching, corresponding, comparable; an equivalent; facings opposites parallel; (with foll. genit.) in the manner of. in the same manner as, just like, just as; transcript, copy | نظير naẓīra (prep.) as a compensation for, in consideration of, in return for, in exchange for, for, on, e.g., نظير دفع خمسين مليما (daf‘ k. malīman) on paying 50 millièmes; نظراؤه people of his kinds people like him; نظير السمت n. as-samt or النظير nadir (astr.); مقطوع (منقطع) النظير incomparable; ليس له نظير unparalleled, unequaled, matchless, unique of his (its) kind
نظيرة naẓīra head, foremost rank | في نظيرة (with foils genit.) at the head of
نظار naẓẓār keen-eyed; (pl. نظارة naẓẓāra) spectator, onlooker
نظارة naẓẓāra pl. -āt field glass, binocular; telescope, spyglass; (pair of) eyeglasses, spectacles (occasionally also pl. نظارات with singular meaning: a pair of eyeglasses); (pair of) goggles | نظارة فردية (fardīya) or نظارة واحدة eyeglass, monocle; O نظارة معظمة (mu’aẓẓima) magnifying glass; نظارة الميدان n. al-maidān field glass
نظاراتي naẓẓārātī optometrist; optician
نظارة niẓāra supervision, control, inspection, management, administration, direction; ministry (now obsolete)
ناظور nāẓūr field glass
منظر manẓar pl. مناظر manāẓir2 sight; view, panorama; look(s), appearance, aspect; prospect, outlook, perspective; an object soon or viewed, photographic object; scene (of a play); spectacle; stage setting, set, scenery; place commanding a sweeping view; lookout, watchtower | منظر عام (‘āmm) general view, panorama, landscape, scenery; O مناظر خارجية (kārijīya) shots on location (in motion-picture making); مناظر طبيعية (ṭabī‘īya) scenic views, scenery, landscapes
منظرة manẓara pl. مناظر manāẓir2 place commanding a scenic view; view, scenery, landscape, panorama; watchtower, observatory; guestroom, reception room, drawing room, parlor
O منظر minẓar (pair of) eyeglasses, spectacles; telescope, spyglass
منظار minẓār pl. مناظير manāẓīr2 telescope, spyglass; magnifying glass; mirror, speculum, -scope (e.g., laryngoscope) | منظار معظم (mu‘aẓẓim) magnifying glass; رقب بمنظار اسود (aswada) to have a pessimistic outlook, look on the dark side of everything
منا ظرة munāẓara emulation, rivalry, competition; quarrel, argument. altercation, debate, dispute, discussion, controversy; supervision, control, inspection
تناظر tanāẓur difference of opinion, squabble, wrangle, altercation; symmetry (math.)
انتظار intiẓār waiting, wait; expectation | على غير انتظار unexpectedly
ناظر nāẓir pl. نظار nuẓẓār observer, viewer, spectator, onlooker; overseer, supervisor; inspector; manager, director, superintendent, administrator, principal, chief, (cabinet) minister (now obsolete) | ناظر الوقف n. al-waqf trustee of a wakf, administrator of a religious endowment
ناظرة nāẓira administratress, directress, manageress, headmistress, matron
ناظرة nāẓir and ناظرة nāẓira pl. نواظر nawāẓir2 eye; look. glance | بين ناظريه (nāẓiraihi) before his eyes
منظور manẓūr seen; visible; foreseen, anticipated, expected; supervised, under supervision, controlled; envied, regarded with the evil eye; under consideration (case), pending (complaint, lawsuit; امام in a court) | منظور اليه one under supervision, subordinate, underling, protégé, charge, ward, pupil; غير منظور invisible; unforeseen, unexpected; ادوات منظورة (adawāt) visual training aids; دعوى منظورة (da‘wā) pending lawsuit; الشخص المنظور في أمره (šakṣ) person whose case is under consideration
مناظر munāẓir similar, like, equal; competitor, rival, adversary, opponent (esp., in a discussion); interlocutor
نظف naẓufa u (نظف naẓufa) to be clean, cleanly, neat, tidy II to clean, cleanse, polish (هـ s.th.) V to clean o.s., become clean
نظافة naẓāfa cleanness, cleanliness, neatness, tidiness
نظيف naẓīf pl. نظفاء nuẓafā’2, نظاف niẓāf clean, neat, tidy; well-groomed, well-tended
انظف anẓaf2 cleaner, neater
تنظيف tanẓīf pl. -āt cleaning, cleansing | تنظيف الأظفار manicure
نظلي naẓlī (eg.) delicate, feminine
نظم naẓama i (naẓm, نظام niẓām) and II to string (هـ pearls); to put in order, to order (هـ s.th.); to array, arrange, classify, file (هـ s.th.); to adjust (هـ s.th.); to set, regulate (هـ s.th.); to tune (هـ an instrument); to layout, get ready, prepare (هـ s.th.); to set right, rectify, correct (هـ s.th.); to put together, group, make up, assemble (هـ s.th.); to organize (هـ s.th.); to stage (هـ s.th.); to compose (one’s words) metrically, poetize, versify, write poetry V and VI to be strung; to be ordered, be in good order, be well-arranged, be well-organized VIII do.; to be classified; to affiliate (في with); to enter, join (في an organization, a corporation); to permeate, pervade (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to come over s.o. (ه ), seize, befall, overcome (ه s.o., هـ s.o.’s limbs, s.o.’s body; of a sentiment, tremor, shudder, etc.)
نظم naẓm order; arrangement; system; institution, organization; string of pearls; verse, poetry
نظام niẓām pl. -āt, نظم nuẓum, انظمة anẓima proper arrangement, regularity; conformity, congruity; methodical, organic structure; organization; order; method; system; rule, statute, law; system of regulations | على هذا النظام along this line, in this manner; نظام الأجانب alien status; alien act; نظام الأحوال الشخصية (šakṣīya) personal statute (jur.); نظام اساسي (asāsī) (basic) constitutional law, statutes, constitution; نظام اقتصادي (iqtiṣādī) economic system; نظام البادية al-bādiya agricultural system; نظام البوليس والإدارة n. al-būlīs wa-l-idāra police and administrative system; نظام جوازات السفر n. jawāzāt as-safar passport system; نظام الحياة n. al-ḥayāt (way of) life; النظام الرأسمالي (ra’smālī) the capitalistic economic system; النظام العام (‘āmm) public order; نظام المرور traffic laws
نظامي niẓāmī orderly, regular, normal; methodical, systematic; regular (army)
تنظيم tanẓīm arrangement; readjustment, reorganization, reform; control, regulation, adjustment; organization; tactics; road construction (Eg.) | تنظيم المرور traffic control; اعادة التنظيم i‘ādat t-t. reorganization
انتظام intiẓām order, regularity; methodicalness, systematic arrangement | بانتظام regularly, accurately; في انتظام regular, fixed, ordered, methodical, systematic, orderly, normal
ناظم nāẓim arranger; organizer, adjuster; regulator; versifier, poet; (pl. نواظم nawāẓim2) weir, barrage (Ir.)
منظوم manẓūm ordered, orderly, tidy; metrical, poetical; poem; pl. -āt poetries, poetical works
منظومة manẓūma treatise in verse, didactic poem; row, rank
منظم munaẓẓim arranger, organizer; promoter, sponsor
منظم munaẓẓam arranged, ordered, kept in order, orderly, tidy; neat, welltended, well-kept; systematically arranged, systematized; regular | جيش منظم (jaiš) regular army; غير منظم irregular
منظم munaẓẓama pl. -āt organization | منظمة التغذية والزراعة (m. at-tagdīya) Food and Agriculture organization, F. A.O.
منتظم muntaẓim regular; even, uniform, steady, orderly; methodical; systematic | O موجات منتظمة (maujāt) uniform waves (radio)
نعب na‘aba a i (na‘b, نعيب na‘īb) to croak, caw (raven); -- a (na‘b) to speed along
نعاب nu‘āb croak(ing), caw (of a raven)
نعاب na‘‘āb croaking, cawing; ominous, ill-boding
نعت na’ata a (na’t) to describe, characterize (هـ, ه s.o. s.th.), qualify (هـ s.th.)
نعت naft description, qualification, characterization; -- (pl. نعوت nu’ūt) quality, property, attribute, characteristic; descriptive, qualifying word, qualifier; attribute (gram.); epithet
نعتي na‘tī descriptive, qualifying, qualificative
منعوت man‘ūt substantive accompanied by as attribute
نعجة na‘ja pl. na‘ajāt, نعاج ni‘āj female sheep, ewe
نعر na‘ara a i (نعير na‘īr, نعار ni‘ār) to grunt; to cry, scream, roar, bellow; to spurt, gush forth (blood from a wound)
نعرة na‘ra Daile, din, clamor, roar
نعرة nu‘ara pl. -āt, نعر nu‘ar horsefly, gadfly
نعرة na‘ara, nu‘ara pl. -āt haughtiness, arrogance, pride | نعرة اقليمية (iqlīmīya) jingoism, chauvinism
نعار na‘‘ār noisy, uproarious, vociferous, clamoring, shouting; agitator, rabble rouser
نعير na‘īr noise, din, clamor, shouting; bellowing, mooing, lowing (esp., of cattle)
نعارة na‘āra, na‘‘āra earthen jug (sometimes with two handles), pot
ناعور nā‘ūr O hemophilia
ناعورة nā‘ūra pl. نواعر nawā‘ir2 noria, Persian wheel
نعس na‘asa a u (na‘s) to be sleepy, drowsy; to take a nap, to doze, slumber; to be dull, listless, slack, stagnant (market, trade) II and IV to make sleepy, put to sleep (ه s.o.) VI to pretend to be sleepy or asleep; to doze, be sleepy, feel drowsy
نعسة na‘sa doze, nap, slumber
نعاس nu‘ās sleepiness, drowsiness; lethargy
نعسان na‘sān2 sleepy, drowsy
ناعس nā‘is pl. نعس nu‘s sleepy, drowsy; dozing, slumbering
نعش na‘aša a (na‘š), II and IV to raise, lift up; to revive, reanimate; to refresh, invigorate, animate, arouse, stimulate, enliven, inspirit (ه s.o.) VIII to rise from a fall; to recover, recuperate from illness; to be animated, be refreshed, be stimulated, be invigorated, be strengthened, revive, come to new life
نعش n‘š bier | بنات نعش الصغرى banāt n. a-ṣugrā Ursa Minor (astron.); بنات نعش الكبرى b. n. al-kubrā Ursa Major (astron.)
نعشة na‘ša: نعشة الموت n. al-maut euphoria; swan song, death song
انعاش in‘āš animation, reanimation, resuscitation, restoration to life; refreshment; reconstruction, restoration | O انعاش اقتصادي (iqtiṣādī) economic boost
انتعاش inti‘āš resurgence, revival; animation, invigoration, stimulation, refreshment, recreation
منعش mun‘iš animating, refreshing, invigorating, restorative
نعظ na‘aẓa a (na‘ẓ, na‘aẓ, نعوظ nu‘ūẓ) to be erect (penis) IV to be sexually excited
ناعوظ nā‘ūẓ exciting sexual desire, sexually stimulating, aphrodisiac
نعق na‘aq a i (na‘q, نعيق na‘īq) to croak, caw (raven); to bleat (sheep); to cry, scream, screech
ناعق nā‘iq: كل ناعق وناعر that is alive and astir, everybody and his brother, every Tom, Dick and Harry
نعل na‘ala a (na‘l), II and IV to furnish with shoes (ه s.o.), shoe (ه s.o., هـ a horse); -- na‘ila a (na‘al) to be shod V = na‘ila VIII to wear sandals; to wear shoes, be shod
نعل na‘l pl. نعال ni‘āl, انعل an‘ul sandal; shoe; horseshoe
ناعل nā‘il shod; soled
نعم na‘ama u a and na‘ima a (نعمة na‘ma, منعم man‘am) to live in comfort, and luxury, lead a life of ease, lead a comfortable and carefree life; to be delighted (ب by), be happy, be glad (ب about, at), be pleased (ب with), delight, take pleasure (ب in); to enjoy, savor, taste, experience (ب s.th.) | نعم بالا ب (na‘ima bālan) to feel serene and confident about ...; -- na‘ima a (na‘am) to be green and tender (twig); to be or become fine, powdery; -- na‘uma u (نعومة nu‘ūma) to be soft, tender, smooth II to smooth, soften (هـ s.th.); to pulverize, powder (هـ s.th.); to accustom to luxury (ه s.o.); to pamper, coddle, effeminate, provide with a life of ease (ه s.o.) IV to make good, nice, comfortable, pleasant (هـ or ب s.th.); to give (ب على s.o. s.th.), bestow, confer (ب على upon s.o. s.th.); to bestow favors (على upon s.o.), be graciously disposed (على toward s.o.); to apply o.s., devote o.s. (في to s.th.), take great pains (في with s.th.) | انعم الله صباحك (ṣabāḥaka) good morning! انعم النظر في (naẓara) to look closely at, scrutinize s.th., regard s.th. attentively, pore over s.th., become engrossed in, ponder s.th. V to live in luxury, lead a life of ease and comfort; to enjoy (ب s.th.)
نعم ni‘ma with foll. indeclinable noun with article and nominative ending: what a perfect ..., wonderful ...! truly, an excellent | نعم الرجل زيد n. r-rajulu zaidun what an excellent man Zaid is! نعم الشباب شبابهم n. š-šabābu šabābuhum what a wonderful youth they have! انه نعم الخليل innahū n. al-kalīlu he is a wonderful friend indeed! فبها ونعمت fa-bihā wa-ni‘mat in that case it’s all right; نعم ما فعلت (fa‘alta) well done!
نعم na‘am yes! yes indeed! certainly! surely! (introducing a verbal clause:) to be sure ; na’am’ (colloq.) I beg your pardon? what did you say?
نعم na‘am pl. انعام an‘ām grazing livestock (sheep, camels, cattle, goats)
نعمة na’ma life of ease, good living; amenity, comfort; prosperity; happiness; enjoyment, pleasure, delight
نعمة ni‘ma pl. نعم ni‘am, انعم an‘um, نعمات ni‘māt, ni‘imāt benefit, blessing, boon, benefaction, favor, grace, kindness | بنعمة الله by the grace of God; واسع النعمة very well off, wealthy, rich; النعم الثلاثة the Three Graces; ولي نعمته (نعمه ) walīy ni‘matihī (ni‘amihī) his benefactor
نعمى nu‘mā happiness
نعماء na‘mā’ favor, good will, grace | في النعماء والبأساء (wa-l-ba’sā’) in good and bad days
نعمان nu‘mān blood |شقائق النعمان anemone (bot.)
نعام na‘ām (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. نعائم na‘ā’im2 ostrich (zool.)
نعيم na‘īm amenity, comfort, ease, happiness, felicity; gentle, tranquil, peaceful | نعيم الله the grace of God, the blessings of God
النعائم an-na‘ā’im name of several stars in Sagitta (astron.)
نعومة nu‘ūma softness, smoothness, tenderness, delicacy, fineness, finely ground state, powdery consistency | من (منذ) نعومة اظفاره from his earliest youth, since his tender age
انعم an‘am2 sorter
منعام min‘ām munificent benefactor
مناعم manā‘im2 favors, blessings, boons; amenities, comforts, pleasures, delights
تنعيم tan‘īm pampering, coddling, effemination
انعام in‘ām act of kindness, favor, benefaction; gift, donation, grant, distinction, bestowal, award | انعام النظر i. an-naẓar careful examination, serious consideration
ناعم nā‘im soft; smooth; tender; fine, powdery | ناعم الظفر n. aẓ-ẓufr young, youthful, tender; سكر ناعم (sukkar) powdered sugar
منعم mun‘im donor, benefactor
نعنع na‘na‘ and نعناع na‘nā‘ mint (bot.); peppermint
نعناعي na‘nā‘ī peppermint (adj.)
نعى na‘ā a (na‘y, na‘īy, نعيان na‘yān) to announce the death (هـ of s.o., الى to s.o.);
to hold s.th. (هـ ) against s.o. (على ), reproach, blame (هـ على s.o. for); -- na‘ā i to lament, wail; to deplore (هـ s.th.)
نعي naīy one who announces s.o.’s death; blame, reproach
نعية na‘ya pl. na‘ayāt news of s.o.’s death, death notice
منعى man‘an and منعاة man‘āh pl. مناع manā‘in news of s.o.’s death
نغبة nagba, nugba swallow, gulp, draught
نغبشة nagbaša noise
نغز nagaza a (nagz) to tickle (ه s.o.); to prick (ه s.o., with a needle, or the like); to sow dissension, stir up enmity (بين between)
نغش nagaša a (nagš, نغشان nagašān) to be agitated, be shaken III to play (ه with s.o.), tease (ه s.o.), dally, flirt (ه with s.o.) V = I
نغشة nagša pl. nagašāt motion; shaking
نغاش nugāš and نغاشي nugāšī very small; midget, dwarf
نغاشة nagāša banter, raillery, teasing, playfulness; elegance
نغص II and IV to disturb, ruffle, spoil (على s.o.’s هـ pleasure, joy, life, or the like), make loathsome (هـ على to s.o. s.th.) V to be disturbed, be ruffled, be spoiled, become loathsome
منغص munaggiṣ exciting
نغل nagila a (nagal) to fester, suppurate (wound) | نغل قلبه على (qalbuhū) to harbor resentment against, hold a grudge against
نغل nagl, nagil illegitimate child; bastard
نغيل nagīl illegitimate child; bastard
نغولة nugūla illegitimacy, bastardy
نغم nagama u i and nagima a (nagm, nagam) to hum a tune; to ling II and V do.
نغم nagm and nagam pl. انغام angām tune, air, melody; voice, part (mus., of a contrapuntal composition); timbre, tone color; sound, tone
نغمة nagima, nagama pl. nagamāt tone; sound; musical note, tone (of the gamut; mus.); inflection, intonation, melody; song, chant
تناغم tanāgum symphonia, concord (of sounds)
منغوم mangūm melodious (voice)
نغا (نغو ) nagā u (nagw) and نغى nagā i (nagy) to speak (الى to s.o.) III to whisper (ه in s.o.’s ear); to talk gently, kindly, tenderly (ه to s.o., esp., to a child); to flatter, court (ه s.o.); to twitter (bird); (eg.) to babble (child)
نف naffa i to blow one’s nose; to snuff’
نفة naffa (tun.) pinch of snuff; snuff
نفاف naffāf snuffer
نفث nafata u i (naft) to spit, spit out, expectorate, discharge, cough out (هـ s.th.); to squirt out (هـ its venom; of a snake); to exhale, puff out (هـ the smoke; of a smoker); to utter, voice (هـ s.th.); to exude and inspire (في هـ with s.th. s.o.), transfuse (في هـ s.th. into s.o.)
نفث naft expectoration; saliva, spittle | نفث الشيطان n. aš-šaiṭān erotic poetry
نفثة nafta pl. nafatāt expectoration; saliva, spittle; pl. expectorated or ejected matter, expectorations, discharge, outpourings, emissions, effusions; invectives, accusations | نفثات الأقلام literary productions
نفاثة nufāta saliva, spittle
نفاثة (طائرة ) naffāta jet plane
نفاثي naffātī jet- (in compounds) | تسيير نفاثي jet propulsion
نفاثة naffāta pl. -āt woman who spits on the knots (in exercising a form of Arabian witchcraft in which women tie knots in a cord and spit upon them with an imprecation; Kor. 113,4); sorceress
نفج nafaja u (nafj, نفجان nafajān, نفوج nufūj) to spring up and take to flight (game); to jump, leap, bound; to vaunt, brag, boast V to brag, boast VIII = I
نفج nafj bragging, boasting
نفاج nafāj braggart, show-off; snob
نافجة nllftia pl. نوافج nawāfij2 musk bag; container for musk
نفح nafaḥa a (nafḥ, نفحان nafaḥān, نفاح nufāḥ) to spread, be diffused (fragrance), exhale a pleasant smell, be fragrant; to blow (wind); to make s.o. (ه ) a present of (ب ), present (ب ه s.o. with); to treat (هـ ه s.o. to s.th.) III to protect, defend (عن s.th.)
نفحة nafḥa pl. nafaḥāt breeze, gust; breath; diffusing odor; fragrance, perfume scent; gift, present
منفحة manfaḥa rennet
نفخ nafaka u (nafk) to blow, puff; to breathe; to blow up, inflate, fill with air (هـ or في s.th.); O to pump up, fill (a tire); O to fill with gas (balloon); to blow (هـ tunes, في on an instrument); to breathe s.th. (هـ ) into s.o. (في ). inspire (هـ في s.o. with); to inflate, puff up, elate, flush with success, fill with pride (ه s.o.) | نفخ في البوق (būq) to blow the trumpet; نفخ في روحه (rūḥihī) to animate, inspirit s.o.; نفخ في صورته (ṣūratihī) to bring s.th. into being, give birth to s.th.; نفخ في زمارة روحه (zammārati rūḥihī) to rouse s.o.’s temper; نفخ الشمعة (šam‘a) to blowout a candle; نفخ شدقيه (šidqaihi) to be puffed up, become inflated VIII to be blown up, inflated, filled with air; to swell; to puff up, become inflated | انتفخ سحره (saḥrahū) and انتفخت مساحره (masāḥiruhū) his lungs became inflated (out of fear or pride)
نفخ nafk blowing, blowing up, inflation, pumping up, filling with air
نفخة nafka (n. vic.) blow, puff; breath; gust; distention, inflation, swelling; conceit, overweeningness, haughtiness | نفخة كذابة (كاذبة ) (kaddāba) self-conceit, vainglory, bumptiousness
نفاخ naffāk flatulent
نفانخ nuffāk swelling
نفاخة naffāka bladder; bubble
منفخ minfak pl. منافخ manāfik2 bellows
منفاخ minfāk pl. منافيخ manāfīk 2 bellows; air pump, tire pump; blowpipe
تنفخ tanaffuk inflatedness, inflation; bumptiousness, bumptious behavior
انتفاخ intifāk process of being inflated; distention, inflation, swelling, protuberance; flatulence, meteorism (med.) | انتفاخ الرئة int. ar-ri’a pulmonic emphysema
نافخ nāfik blowing; blower; flatulent | ما بالدار نافخ ضرمة (n. ḍarmatin) there is not a soul in the house
منفوخ manfūk blown up, puffed up, inflated; swollen; pumped up, inflated; paunchy, obese, fat; conceited, self-conceited, overweening, snobbish
منتفخ muntafik blown up, puffed up, inflated; swollen
نفد nafida a (nafad, نفاد nafād) to be exhausted, depleted, used up; to run out, come to an end, dwindle away; to be out of print | نفد لديه معين الصبر (ma‘īn aṣ-ṣabr) to be at the end of one’s patience IV and X to use up, consume, spend, exhaust, drain, deplete (هـ s.th.); to taste thoroughly, enjoy to the full (هـ
s.th.) | استنفد كل وسع (kulla wus‘in) to exhaust, or avail o.s. of, every possibility
نفدة nafda pl. nafadāt entry (in an account book), booked item
نفاد nafād exhaustion, consumption, depletion (of stores), dwindling, wastage, waste
النفود an-nafūd Nafud (desert in N Nejd)
نافد nāfid: نافد الصبر n. aṣ-ṣabr impatient
نافدة nāfida void, vacuum
نفذ nafada u (نفاذ nafād, نفوذ nufūd) to pierce, bore (هـ s.th. or من through s.th.), penetrate (هـ, من s.th.), go or pass (هـ, ب through s.th.); to penetrate (الى into), get through, pass through (الى to); O (mil.) to break through, fight one’s way through the enemy (من or في ); to get (الى to s.o.), arrive (الى at s.o.’s place), reach (الى s.o.); to lead (الى to), give, open (الى on; of a door or window); to communicate, be connected (الى with; of a building, lot, premises), join; to be carried out, be executed, be legally valid, be effective, be operative, be enforceable, be executable, be executory; to do well or skillfully (في s.th.) II and IV to cause (هـ s.th.) to pierce or penetrate; to carry out, execute, accomplish, effect (هـ s.th., also, an idea), do, perform, fulfill, discharge (هـ a duty); to realize, implement, carry into effect (هـ a plan, a project, ideas); to enforce (هـ a resolution); to carry through (هـ a program); to execute, carry out (هـ a sentence; في against s.o.); to transmit, convey, send, dispatch, forward (الى هـ s.th. to s.o.) V to be executed, be carried out
نفذ nafad pl. انفاذ anfād opening, aperture, orifice, hole, vent, outlet, escape, way out
نفاذ nafād penetration, permeation; implementation, realization, effectuation; effectiveness; execution | نفاذ البصيرة perspicacity, acute discernment, penetration
نفاذ nafād piercing, penetrating; effective, effectual; permeable, pervious
نفوذ nufūd penetration, permeation; effectiveness, effect, action; influence, prestige, authority | نفوذ مطلق (muṭlaq) full powers, free hand, unlimited authority; ذو نفوذ influential; نطاق النفوذ sphere of influence
منفذ manfad, manfid pl. منافذ manāfid2 opening in a wall, air hole, window; passage, passageway, exit; outlet; way out, escape; entrance, access; gateway, gate; loophole, dodge; O electrode (el.) | O منفذ المياه m. al-miyāh flood gate, lock gate, sluice gate; المنفذ البحري (baḥrī) access to the sea
تنفيذ tanfīd carrying out, implementation, effectuation. realization; discharge, accomplishment, fulfillment, performance, execution; distraint, legal execution (jur.) | دخل في طور (دور) التنفيذ (ṭauri, dauri t-t.) to become effective, come into force; عون التنفيذ ‘aun at-t. minor executory officer, bailiff (tun.); قسم التنفيذ qism at-t. executive division (of a court); احكام قابلة للتنفيذ executory decisions, precepts, executions, writs of fieri facias (jur.)
تنفيذي tanfīdī executory, executive | لجنة تنفيذية (tanfīdīya) executive committee
انفاذ infād sending, dispatch, conveyance, delivery, transmission; carrying out, execution, discharge, performance
نافذ nāfid piercing, penetrating; effective, operative, effectual; legally valid | اصبح نافذا (aṣbaḥa) to become operative, become effective, come into force (law); الحكم نافذ فيه (ḥukmu) the sentence will be carried out, has legal force; نافذ الكلمة n. al-kalima influential, powerful; نافذ المفعول valid, effective, in force; امر نافذ (amr) strict order
نافذة nāfida pl. نوافذ nawāfid2 opening in a wall, air hole; window; O wicket | O نافذة الإطلاق n. al-iṭlāq loophole, embrasure
منفذ munaffid executant, executer, executioner | منفذ الوصية m. al-waṣīya executor (jur.); عون منفذ (‘aun) minor executory officer, bailiff (tun.)
متنفذ mutanaffid influential
نفر nafara u i (نفور nufūr, نفار nifār) to shy, bolt, stampede (animal); -- (nafar) to flee, run away; to have an aversion (من to), have a distaste (من for); to avoid, shun, eschew (عن or من s.th.), keep clear (عن or من of), turn away, flee (عن or من from); to hurry, rush, hasten (ل or الى to); -- i (نفور nufūr) to swell, bulge out, protrude, jut out, stick out II to startle, frighten, scare away, chase away, drive away (هـ s.th.); to fill (ه s.o.) with an aversion (من to), arouse a distaste (من ه in s.o. for), make loathsome (من ه to s.o. s.th.), alienate, estrange, deter (من ه s.o. from), spoil s.o.’s (ه ) pleasure (من in), make (ه s.o.) dissatisfied (من with) III to avoid (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), keep away (ه from s.o.), have an aversion (ه to s.o.); to contradict (هـ s.th.), be incompatible (هـ with) VI to avoid each other; to conflict, clash; to disagree, he incongruous, incompatible, mutually repellent X to he frightened away; to call upon s.o. (ه ) to fight (على against), call out (ه s.o.) to go to war (على against)
نفر nafar pl. انفار anfār band, party, group, troop; troops; person, individual; (mil.) soldier, private; man (as a numerative)
نفرة nafra aversion, distaste, dislike, antipathy
نفور nufūr shying, flight; bolting, stampede (of an animal); aversion, distaste, dislike, displeasure, alienation, estrangement
نفور nufūr shy, easily frightened, scary, fearful, timid; reticent, diffident, bashful, coy, reserved
نفير nafīr pl. انفار anfār, انفرة anfira band, party, group, troop; departure into battle; trumpet | نفير عام (‘āmm) general call to arms, levy en masse; general alarm
نافورة nāfūra pl. نوافير nawāfīr2 fountain
نوفرة naufara pl. نوافر nawāfir2 fountain
تنفير tanfīr estrangement, alienation, repulsion, deterrence
تنافر tanāfur mutual aversion or repulsion, disagreement, disunion, dissension, conflict, strife, incongruity, discord
نافر nāfir pl. نفر nafr, nuffar fleeing, fugitive, shy, fearful, timid; having an aversion (من to) or a distaste (من for); swelling, protuberant, bulging, protruding, projecting, jutting out; relief-like, in relief; three-dimensional, 3-D (film)
منفر munaffir, munfir repulsive, repellent
نفس nafusa u (nafas, نفاس nifās, نفاسة nafāsa) to be precious, valuable, priceless; -- nafisa a (nafas) to be sparing, niggardly (ب with s.th.); -- (نفاسة nafāsa) to envy, begrudge (ه على s.o. s.th.); -- nafisa a and pass. nufisa (نفاس nifās) to he in childbed II to cheer up, comfort, appease, reassure (ه s.o.); to relieve (عن s.o., of s.th., esp., of sorrow, cares), dispel, banish (عن s.o.’s هـ worries, anxieties); to air (عن one’s secret feelings), give vent (عن to one’s emotions), uncover, reveal, voice, get off one’s chest, get out of one’s system, abreact (عن one’s suppressed desires, frustrations, fears, etc.); to desist (عن from), cease (عن doing s.th.); pass. nuffisa to get lost (عن to s.o.); to let out air, leak; to be in childbed III to compete, vie (عن ه with s.o. in); to compete, fight, struggle (على for), seek. try to obtain, desire (على s.th.), strive, be out (على for), aspire (على to) V to breathe, inhale and exhale; to take breath, pause for breath. have a breather, have a break, take a rest | تنفس الحسرات المؤلمة (al-ḥasarāti l-mu’lima) to heave painful sighs; تنفس الصعداء (ṣu‘adā’a) to sigh deeply; to breathe a sigh of relief, breathe again; تنفس النفس الأخير (nafasa) to be at one’s last gasp, be dying; تنفس عن الحياة (ḥayāh) to breathe one’s last, die VI to rival, compete, vie, contend (على for, في in s.th.)
نفس nafs f., pl. نفوس nufūs, انفس anfus soul; psyche; spirit, mind; life; animate being, living creature, human being, person, individual (in this sense, masc.); essence, nature; inclination, liking, appetite, desire; personal identity, self (used to paraphrase the reflexive pronoun; see examples below) | بنفسه he himself; personally, in person; نحن بنفسوسنا we ourselves; في نفس الأمر (n. il-amr) in reality, actually, in fact; في نفس الواقع do.; عند انفسهم in their own opinion; جأءني هو نفسه (بنفسه ) he himself came to me, he came personally to see me; جاء من نفس he came of his own accord; ما وعدت به فيما بيني وبين نفسي what I had promised myself; نفس الأمر n. al-amr the essence of the matter, the nature of the affair; نفس الشيء the thing itself; the same thing, the very thing; الاعتماد على النفس and الثقة بالنفس (tiqa) self-confidence, self-reliance; بشق النفس bi-šiqqi n-n. or بشق الأنفس (following لا لا ) with (the greatest) difficulty, barely; صغير النفس base-minded, low-minded; عفيف النفس unselfish, selfless, altruistic; علم النفس ‘ilm an-n. psychology; كبير النفس high-minded, proud; محبة النفس maḥabbat an-n. amour propre, selfishness; بذل النفس والنفيس to make every conceivable sacrifice, sacrifice all, give up all one’s possessions
نفسي nafsī spiritual, mental, psychic(al); (pl. -ūn) psychologist | التحليل النفسي psychoanalysis; حالة نفسية state of mind, mood
نفسية nafsīya mental life, inner life, psyche; frame of mind; mentality, mental attitude, disposition; psychology
نفس nafas pl. انفاس anfās breath; whiff; puff (from a smoking pipe, from a cigarette); swallow, gulp, draught; style of an author; freedom, liberty, convenience, discretion | حتى النفس الأخير to the last breath; ذو نفس enough to slake the thirst; refreshing (drink); ضيق النفس ḍīq an-n. labored breathing, asthma; هو في نفس من اموره he acts according to his own desires; انت في نفس من امرك (amrika) you can do as you please! امسك نفاسه (anfāsahū) to hold one’s breath; فاضت انفاسه (anfāsuhū) to give up the ghost
نفسة nufsa respite, delay
نفساء nafsā’2 pl. نوافس nawāfis2 confined, in childbed; a woman in childbed
نفساني nafsānī psychic(al), mental | طب نفساني (ṭibb) psychiatry; طبيب نفساني psychiatrist; عالم نفساني psychologist
O نفسانية nafsānīya psychology
نفاس nifās parturition; delivery, childbirth, confinement, accouchement; childbed, puerperium; see also below | حمى النفاس ḥummā n-n. or حمى نفاسية puerperal fever, childbed fever
نفاسة naffāsa preciousness, costliness
نفيس nafīs precious, costly, valuable, priceless
نفيسة nafīsa pl.. نفائس nafā’is2 gem, object of value, precious thing
منفس manfas pl. منافس manāfis2 breathing hole, air hole, valve
تنفيس tanfīs airing, ventilation
منافسة munāfasa pl. -āt emulation; competition (also com.); rivalry; athletic event, contest, match
نفاس nifās emulation; competition (also com.); rivalry; athletic event, contest, match
تنفس tanaffus respiration
تنفسي tanaffusī: جهاز تنفسي (jahāz) respiratory system
تنافس tanāfus mutual competition, rivalry; fight, struggle (على for) | تنافس حيوي (ḥayawī) struggle for existence
منافس munāfis competitor; rival
متنفس mutanaffas place to breathe freely; breathing space, free scope (for s.th.), free atmosphere; relief, escape, way out
نفش nafaša u (nafš) to tease (هـ wool); to swell out, puff up; to swell, become swollen; to ruffle its feathers (bird) II to comb or card (هـ cotton) V to puff up, become inflated; to ruffle the feathers, bristle the hair VIII do.
نفش nafaš wool
نفاش naffāš a variety of large lemon
منفوش manfūš puffed up, inflated; ruffled, bristling; disheveled (hair); fluffy (hair, wool)
نفض nafaḍa u (nafḍ) to shake (هـ s.th.), shake off (عن هـ s.th. from), shake out, dust, dust off (هـ s.th.); to knock the ashes from a cigarette (هـ ); to make (ه s.o.) shiver (fever); -- u (نفوض nufūḍ) to recover, recuperate (من from) | نفض عنه الكسل (kasala) or نفض غبار كسله (gubāra kasalihī) to shake off one’s laziness; نفض غباره (gubārahū) lit.: to shake off its dust, i.e., to have reached the end of, be finished with; نفض عنه الهم (hamma) to shake off one’s sorrows, shed one’s anxiety; نفض في لعب الأوراق (la‘ibi l-aurāq) to gamble away at cards; نفض يده من الأمر (yadahū, amr) to chuck s.th., shake off s.th., rid o.s. of, refuse to have anything to do with; نفض يده من يد فلان to break with s.o. dissociate o.s. from, go back on s.o. II to shake violently, shake out, dust off (هـ s.th.) IV to use up completely, exhaust (هـ provisions, stores); to be devoid of all means, be reduced to poverty, be impoverished, be depleted; to shake off (عن ه s.o. from); to remove, dismiss (عن ه s.o. from) VIII to be shaken off, be dusted off; to shake; to shudder, shiver, tremble (من with) | انتفض واقفا (wāqifan) to jump up, jump to one’s feet
نفض nafaḍ that which is shaken off or falls off
نفضي nafḍī: O غابة نفضية deciduous forest, leafy forest
نفضة nafaḍa scouting party, reconnaissance patrol
نفضة nufaḍa ague fit, feverish shiver
نفاض nufāḍ ague fit, feverish shiver
نفاضة nufāḍa that which is shaken off or falls off
نفيضة nafīḍa pl. نفائض nafā’iḍ2 scouting party, reconnaissance patrol
منفض minfaḍ sieve; winnow
منفضة minfaḍa pl. منافض manāfiḍ2 ashtray; feather duster; O vacuum cleaner
انتفاض intifāḍ shaking, shiver, shudder, tremor
انتفاضة intifāḍa (n. vic.) shiver, shudder, tremor
نفط nafṭ naphtha, petroleum
نفطي nafṭī of naphtha, soaked in naphtha; oil-, petroleum- (in compounds) I مصباح نفطي (miṣbāḥ) oil lamp
نفطة nafṭa blister
نفطة nufaṭa irritable, touchy, thin-skinned; hot-tempered
منفط munaffiṭ blistering, vesicatory
نفع nafa‘a a (naf‘) to be useful, beneficial, advantageous, be of use (ه to s.o.), avail, help (ه s.o.); to be usable, to do, serve (ل for) | لا ينفع of no use II to utilize, turn to use, put to use (هـ s.th.); to use (هـ s.th.), make use (هـ of) VIII to turn to advantage, turn to good account, put to use, utilize, use (من or ب s.th.), take advantage, avail o.s., make use (من or ب of); to profit, gain, benefit (من or ب by s.th.); to enjoy (من or ب s.th.) X=II
نفع naf‘ use, avail, benefit, advantage, profit, gain; good, welfare
نفع naf‘ out for one’s own advantage, self-interested, selfish; profiteer
نفاع naffā‘ very useful, of good use
نفوع nafū‘ pl. نفع nufu‘ very usنفع eful, of good use
منفعة manfa‘a pl. منافع manāfi‘2 use, avail, benefit; beneficial use, useful service; advantage, profit, gain; (Isl. Law) yield of a utilizable thing or of a right, produce; interest; public establishment, public-service facility | منافع عامة (عمومية ) (‘āmma, ‘umūmīya) public-service facilities, specif., property set aside, or available, for public use; منافع صحية (ṣiḥḥīya) sanitary facilities
انتفاع intifā‘ use, employment, utilization, exploitation, usufruct; benefit, advantage, profit, gain
نافع nāfi’ useful, beneficial, advantageous, profitable, usable, serviceable; wholesome, salutary
نافعة nāfi’a public works | وزير النافعة minister of public works
منتفع muntafi’ beneficiary, usufructuary
نفق nafaqa u (نفاق nafāq) to sell well, find a ready market (merchandise); to be brisk, active (market); -- nafaqa and nafiqa a (nafaq) to be used up, he spent, run out (stores, provisions, money), be exhausted; -- nafaqa u (نفوق nufūq) to die, perish (esp., of an animal) II to sell III to dissemble, dissimulate, play the hypocrite | نافق ضميره (ḍamīrahū) to act contrary to the dictates of one’s conscience IV to spend, expend, layout, disburse (على ه money for); to use up, consume, spend, exhaust, waste, squander, dissipate (هـ s.th.); to spend, pass (هـ time); to provide (على for s.o., esp., for s.o.’s means of support), support (على s.o.), bear the cost of s.o.’s (على ) maintenance V تنفق بكذبة على (bi-kidbatin) to tell s.o. a fib X to spend, waste (على هـ money for)
نفق nafaq pl. نفاق anfāq tunnel, underground passageway
نفقة nafaqa pl. -āt, نفاق nifāq expense; cost; outlay, expenditure, disbursement; cost of living, maintenance, support; (Isl. Law) adequate support, esp., of the wife; charitable gift, handout (to the poor) | على نفقة at s.o.’s expense; قليل النفقات inexpensive, cheap
نفاق nafāq brisk trade, good business; salability (of a commodity)
منفاق minfāq squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift, profligate
منافقة munāfaqa hypocrisy, dissimulation, dissemblance
نفاق nifāq hypocrisy, dissimulation, dissemblance
انفاق infāq spending, expenses, outlay, expenditure, disbursement
نافق nāfiq selling well, easily marketable, in demand (commodity)
منافق munāfiq hypocrite, dissembler
نفل V and VIII to do more than is required by duty or obligation, to supererogate (specif., prayers, charity, or the like)
نفل nafl supererogatory performance, specif., a work of supererogation
نفل nafal pl. انفال anfāl, نفول nufūl, نفال nifāl booty, loot, spoil; present
نفل nafal clover
نافلة nāfila pl. نوافل nawāfil2 supererogatory performance; work of supererogation; gift, present; booty, loot, spoil | من نافلة القول ان (n. il-qaul) it goes without saying that ...
نفنف nafnaf pl. نفانف nafānif2 air, atmosphere; steep hillside, precipitous cliff
نفنوف nafnūf (ir.) a woman’s dress
نفو ) and نفا (نفي nafā u (nafw) and نفى nafā i (nafy) to expel, eject, oust, ostracize, exclude (عن or على ه s.o. from), remove, evict, banish, exile, expatriate (ه s.o.); to deport (ه s.o.); to refute, disprove, rebut, controvert, repudiate (هـ s.th.); to deny (هـ s.th.); to reject, dismiss, discard, disclaim, disavow, decline, refuse, disallow (هـ s.th.); to exclude, preclude (هـ s.th.); to negate (gram.) III to hunt, chase, pursue, track down (ه s.o.); to exclude, preclude (هـ s.th.); to contradict (هـ s.th.), be contrary (هـ to); to be incompatible, be inconsistent (هـ with) VI to be mutually exclusive or contradicting, cancel each other out, be incompatible VIII to be banished, be exiled, be expelled; to be refuted, be disproved, be controverted, be contradicted, be denied; to fall off, fall away, be dropped, be omitted, be absent, be nonexistent X to reject as worthless, useless, unacceptable (هـ s.th.)
نفي nafy expulsion; banishment, exile, expatriation; ejection, ousting, eviction, ostracism; deportation; denial, disclaimer, disavowal, repudiation, disproof, refutation, rebuttal, refusal, rejection, disallowance, prohibition, ban; negation
(gram.) | حرف النفي ḥarf an-n. particle of negation (gram.); شاهد نفي witness for the defense (as opposed to شاهد اثبات š. itbāt)
نفيي nafyī negative
نفي nafīy denied; rejected, discarded
نفاء nafā’, نفاة nafāh and نفاوة nafāwa s.th. discarded as worthless or useless; dross, refuse, waste, scrap, offal, sweepings, garbage
نفاية nufāya pl. -āt s.th. discarded as worthless or useless; remnant, remains; discard, castoff; reject, throwout; dross, refuse, waste, scrap, offal, sweepings, garbage; O نفايات excretions (biol.)
منفى manfan pl. مناف manāfin place of exile; banishment, exile
منافاة munāfāh contradiction, incompatibility, inconsistency
تناف tanāfin mutual incompatibility
انتفاء intifā’ absence, lack
منفي manfīy turned down, denied, rejected, discarded; negated, negative; banished, exiled, expatriated; deported
مناف munāfin incompatible
نق naqqa i (نقيق naqīq) to croak (frog); to cackle, cluck (hen)
نقاق naqqāq surly person, gruff man, grumbler; griper, carper, faultfinder
نقاقة naqqāqa frog
نقيق naqīq croaking, croak; cackling, cackle
1 نقب naqaba u (naqb) to bore, pierce, perforate, breach (هـ s.th.), make a hole or breach (هـ in), punch or drill a hole (هـ through); to dig, dig up, dig out, excavate, hollow out (هـ s.th.); to traverse (في a country), pass, travel (في through); to inquire, ask, look, search (عن for), examine thoroughly, investigate, explore, search into, delve into; -- naqiba a (naqab) to be perforated, be full of holes II to drill (عن for, e.g., for oil); to examine thoroughly, study, investigate (عن s.th.), penetrate, delve, s8&roh (عن into), look, s8&roh (عن for); to travel (في through) III to vie in virtues (ه with s.o.) V to examine, study, investigate (عن s.th.), look, search (عن for); to veil her face (woman); to be perforated, he full of holes VIII to put on a veil, veil one’s face
نقب naqb digging, excavation; piercing, perforation; -- (pl. انقاب anqāb, نقاب niqāb) hole, opening, breach; boring, bore; tunnel
نقاب naqqāb punch
نقاب niqāb pl. نقب nuqub, انقبة anqiba veil | كشف النقاب عن to uncover, reveal, disclose s.th.
نقابة niqāba pl. -āt cooperative society; union, association, guild; corporation; syndicate; trade union, labor union | نقابة العمال n. al-‘ummāl trade-union, labor union
نقابي niqābī cooperative; syndicalistic; syndicalist; trade-unionist
نقابية niqābīya syndicalism; trade-unionism
نقيب naqīb pl. نقباء nuqabā’2 leader, head, headman; director, principal, chief; chairman of a guild; president; syndic, corporation lawyer; (mil.) captain (army), lieutenant (navy) (Eg. 1939 and U.A.R.); tongue of a balance | نقيب الأشراف head of the Alids, head of the descendants of the Prophet
نقيبة naqība pl. نقائب naqā’ib2 soul, spirit, mind, intellect; natural disposition, nature, temper, character
منقب manqib, minqab and منقبة manqaba pl. مناقب manāqib2 mountain trail, defile, pass
منقب minqab and منقبة minqaba punch, perforator, drill; lancet
مناقب manāqib2 virtues, outstanding traits; glorious deeds, facts, exploits
تنقيب tanqīb pl. -āt drilling (esp., for oil); digging, excavation; investigation, examination, inquiry, search, exploration, research
منقب munaqqib investigator, researcher, scholar, explorer
2 النقب an-naqab Negev (desert region in S Israel)
نقح naqaḥa a (naqḥ) to prune, lop (هـ a tree), trim, clip (هـ s.th.) II do.; to review, revile, read over carefully, correct (هـ a writing), improve, polish, refine (the style) IV to check, go over, re-examine, revise, correct (هـ s.th.)
تنقيح tanqīḥ checking, (re-)examination; revision; correction
نقد naqada u (naqd) to pay in cash (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.); to peck (هـ at); to examine critically (هـ s.th.); to criticize (هـ على s.o. for) III to call to account (ه s.o.) IV to pay (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.) VIII to criticize (هـ s.th.), find fault (هـ with), take exception (هـ to), disapprove (هـ of); to show up the shortcomings (على of s.o.), criticize (على s.o.); to receive payment in cash
نقد naqd criticism; -- (pl. نقود nuqūd) cash, ready money; pl. specie, coins, change; نقدا in cash; for cash, cash down | بالنقد in cash; for cash, cash down; ورق النقد waraq an-n. banknotes, paper money; حافظة النقود change purse
نقدي naqdī monetary, pecuniary; numismatic, of coin; cash (adj.) | تضخم نقدي (taḍakkum) inflation; جزاء نقدي (jazā’) a monetary fine
نقدية naqdīya ready money, cash
نقاد naqqād critic; reviewer
نقادة naqqāda captious critic, caviler, carper
منقد manqad (eg.) brazier
منقاد minqād pl. مناقيد manāqīd2 beak, bill (of a bird)
انتقاد intiqād pl. -āt objection, exception; criticism, censure, reproof, disapproval; review, critique
ناقد nāqid pl. -ūn, نقاد nuqqād, نقدة naqada critic
منتقد muntaqid critic
منتقد muntaqad blameworthy, reprehensible, objectionable, exceptionable
نقذ naqada u (naqd) to deliver, save, rescue (من ه s.o. from); -- naqida a (naqad) to be saved, be rescued, save o.s., escape IV to deliver, save, rescue (من ه s.o. from); to salvage, recover (هـ s.th.) X = IV
انقاذ inqād deliverance, salvation, saving, rescue; salvaging, recovery; relief
استنقاذ istinqād deliverance, salvation, saving, rescue; salvaging, recovery; relief
منقذ munqid rescuer, savior, deliverer
نقر naqara u (naqr) to dig; to pierce, bore, hollow out, excavate (هـ s.th.), make a cavity or hole (هـ in); to cut, carve (هـ s.th., esp., atone or wood); to engrave, inscribe (في in); to peck up (هـ a grain; of a bird); to peck (ه at s.o.); to strike, bang, knock, rap (على at, on); to drum (هـ on s.th.); to snap one’s fingers; to offend, annoy, vex, hurt, insult, revile, malign, defame (ه s.o.), cast a slur (ه on s.o.), make insinuations (ه against s.o.); to investigate, examine (عن s.th.); -- naqira a (naqar) to be offended, annoyed, miffed (على at) II to peck, peck up (هـ s.th.); to investigate, examine (عن s.th.) III to have an argument, to quarrel, wrangle, bicker (ه with s.o.)
نقر naqr excavation, hollowing out, carving out, engraving; hollow, cavity, hole; snap(ping) of the fingers
نقر naqir annoyed, offended, hurt, miffed
نقرة naqra pl. naqarāt blow, knock, bang, rap; drumbeat; pluck(ing) (of strings)
نقرة nuqra pl. نقر nuqar, نقار niqār pit, hollow, cavity, hole; depression; orbit, eye socket; neck furrow, nape
نقرة niqra bickering, wrangle, argument, quarrel
نقار naqqār carver, engraver | نقار الخشب n. al-kašab woodpecker (zool.)
نقارية nuqqārīya pl. -āt (eg.) a percussion instrument resembling a kettledrum
نقير naqīr tiny spot on a date pit; an utterly worthless thing | لا يجدي شروى نقير lā yujdī šarwā n. it won’t help the least bit, it won’t get you anywhere at all; لا يملك شروى نقير he has absolutely nothing, he hasn’t got a red cent to his
name; ...}’ ":I~ J,:i ":I nothing at an, not
the l....t little bit
;~ naqlra pl. ;W naq<!",.a corvette
;~W naqqara sman drum having a
hemispheric body of copper or wood
~,,;~ niiqUr pl. .;:il; naWliqlr’ (Koranic)
a wind instrument
;~~ naqilra (eg.) prattle, idle talk,
~LA:.. m,nqar pl. .;:il:.. manclqlr’ beak.
bill (of a bird); pickax
;.)L:... mutuiqara bickering, wrangle,
argument, quarrel
;;~ tuiq,ra pl. ;s.,; naWliq,r’ bickering,
wrangle, argument, quarrel; misfortune,
نقرزان naqrazān (eg.) small drum; drummer
نقرس niqris gout; skilled and experienced (physician)
نقريس niqrīs skilled and experienced (physician)
نقز naqaza u i (naqz, نقاز niqāz, نقزان naqazān) to bound, leap, skip, hop II to rock, dandle (ه a child)
نقزة naqza jump, leap, start
ناقوس nāqūs pl. نواقيس nawāqīs2 (church)bell; gong; hand bell (used, e.g., in Coptic liturgy); bell jar, globe
نقش naqaša u (naqš) to variegate, dapple, make many-colored, daub with various colors, bedaub (هـ s.th.); to paint; to chisel, sculpture, carve out; to engrave (هـ s.th., على on, in) II to paint; to engrave; to sculpture III to argue, dispute (ه with s.o.); to discuss (هـ s.th.); to debate (هـ a question); to criticize (هـ s.th.), object, raise an objection (هـ to), raise a protest (هـ against); to bear, examine, interrogate (ه s.o.; jur.) VI to carry on a dispute, to debate (في about) VIII to extract, pull out (هـ a prick or thorn)
نقش naqš pl. نقوش nuqūš painting, picture, drawing; engraving; inscription; sculpture, figure
نقاش naqqāš painter; house painter; artist; sculptor
نقاشة niqāša (art of) painting or sculpture
منقش minqaš pl. مناقش manāqiš2 chisel
منقاش minqāš pl. مناقيش manāqīš2 chisel
مناقشة munāqaša argument, controversy,
dispute, debate, discussion; contestation, opposition, objection, protest
نقاش niqāš argument, controversy, dispute, debate, discussion
منقوش manqūš colored, dappled, variegated; painted; engraved; sculptured; inscribed
مناقش munāqiš opponent in a dispute; disputant
نقص naqaṣa u (naqṣ, نقصان nuqṣān) to decrease, become less, diminish, be diminished, be reduced (هـ by an amount; of a number); to decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce, impair (هـ s.th.), prejudice (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), be prejudicial (هـ, ه to), detract (هـ, ه from); to lower, peg down (هـ s.th.); to be deficient, lacking, incomplete, insufficient, inadequate, defective, faulty, imperfect; نقصه الشيء (šai’u) he lacked, needed the thing, was in want of the thing; to fan short (عن of), be less, be lower (عن than) | 13 عاما تنقص شهرا واحدا (‘āman, šahran) 13 years minus one month II and IV to decrease, diminish, lessen (هـ s.th.); to reduce, lower, peg down (هـ s.th.); to curtail, cut (هـ s.th.) III to invite bids (هـ for a project, etc., so as to determine the lowest bidder) VI to decrease gradually, diminish slowly, grow less or smaller by degrees VIII to decrease, diminish, become less; to wane; to impair, diminish, lessen (هـ s.th.) | انتقص من قدره (qadrihī) to disparage s.o., detract from s.o., degrade s.o. X to ask for a reduction (هـ of s.th.); to find (هـ s.th.) decreased, deficient, short, defective, imperfect, inferior; to discover the absence (هـ of), miss (هـ s.th.)
نقص naqṣ decrease, diminution; deficit, loss, damage; wantage, lack, want, shortage (في of); gap, blank, omission; defect, shortcoming, failing, fault, blemish; deficiency, imperfection, inferiority | نقص المواليد falling birth rate; مركب نقص murakkab n. inferiority complex
نقصان nuqṣān = نقص naqṣ
نقيصة naqīṣa pl. نقائص naqā’iṣ2 shortcoming, failing, fault, defect
تنقيص tanqīṣ diminution, lessening, decrease, reduction, lowering
مناقصة munāqaṣa pl. -āt competition to determine the lowest bidder, public invitation to submit bide (for public works), notice to bidders; award of contract to the lowest bidder
انقاص inqāṣ diminution, lessening, decrease, reduction, lowering, curtailment
تناقص tanāquṣ decrease, diminution, decrement
انتقاص intiqāṣ impairment, lessening
ناقص nāqiṣ pl. نقص nuqqaṣ decreasing, diminishing; diminished, lowered, decreased, reduced; faulty, defective; deficient, lacking, imperfect, incomplete; short of supply, scarce; less (عن than); growing lighter; defective (gram.)
منقوص manqūṣ deficient, incomplete; insufficient, inadequate
نقض naqaḍa u (naqḍ) to destroy, demolish, tear down, wreak, raze (هـ s.th.); to tear apart, take apart, undo (هـ s.th.); to break, violate, infringe (هـ s.th., esp., a contract or similar legal obligation); to cancel, abolish, repeal, abrogate, revoke, nullify, declare void, annul (هـ s.th.); to invalidate, refute (هـ a suspicion); to quash, rescind, reverse (هـ a sentence) | نقض الولاء (walā’) to renounce allegiance, to revolt; لا ينقض yunqaḍu irrefutable; incontestable, irrevocable III to be in disagreement (هـ with), be contradictory, contrary, opposite (هـ to), contradict (هـ s.th.), be incompatible, inconsistent (هـ with) V to be destroyed, be demolished, be tom down, be wrecked, be razed; to be broken, be violated; to be undone; to disintegrate, decay, fall down, break down, collapse; to disappear, wear off, fade away, die away VI to contradict each other; to be mutually exclusive VIII = V; to rise, mutiny, rebel, revolt (على against); to attack (على s.o.), take the field, go to war (على against s.o.)
نقض naqḍ destruction, demolition; breach, violation, infringement; infraction, offense; refutation, invalidation; veto (pol.); contradiction, logical incompatibility | نقض الحكم n. al-ḥukm reversal of a sentence; نقض السلام n. as-salām breach of the peace; محكمة النقض والإبرام maḥkamat an-n. wa-l-ibrām Court of Cassation (Eg.); لا يجوز نقضه (yajūzu) (it is) no longer open to an appeal, incapable of revision, irrevisable, legally valid, final (sentence); حق النقض ḥaqq an-n. right of veto
انقاض anqāḍ (pl. of نقض nuqḍ) debris; rubble
نقيض naqīḍ opposed, opposite, contrary, antithetical, contradictory; antithesis, opposition, contrast, opposite | على نقيض contrary to, in opposition to, in contradistinction to, unlike; على النقيض on the contrary; انتقل من النقيض الى نقيضه (intaqala) to go from one extreme to the other, move in extremes
نقيضة naqīḍa pl. نقائض naqā’iḍ2 polemic poem; contrast
مناقضة munāqaḍa sharp contrast, contradiction; opposition; contestation of a right
تناقض tanāquḍ mutual contradiction, incompatibility; inconsistency, contrariety
انتقاض intiqāḍ collapse, breakdown; uprising, revolt, rebellion
منقوض manqūḍ destroyed, demolished, wrecked; broken, violated; undone, repealed, abrogated, annulled; refutable, disprovable
مناقض munāqiḍ contradictory, contrary, incompatible, inconsistent | مناقض ذاته (dātahū) self-contradictory
مناقض mutanāqiḍ mutually contradicting, contradictory, conflicting, mutually incompatible; pl. متناقضات contrasts, contrarieties, contradictions, oppositions
نقط naqaṭa u (naqṭ) to point, provide with diacritical points (هـ a letter) II do.; to spot, dot, dab, stain, speckle (هـ s.th.); to fall in drops, drip; to cause (هـ s.th.) to drip, let (هـ s.th.) fall in drops, drop (هـ s.th.); to distribute (ب or هـ s.th.) as a present (على to s.o.); to give a wedding present (la to the bride)
نقطة nuqṭa pl. نقط nuqaṭ, نقاط niqāṭ point, dot; diacritical point; period, full stop; drop; jot, title, speck; trifle, tiny piece; part (esp., of motors, of machines); matter, affair, subject, point; detail, particular; item; spot, location, site; place, village, hamlet, market town
(geogr.); branch, post (adm.); base, position, outpost (mil.); (eg.) wedding present; النقطتان colon (typ.) | نقطة الاتصال n. al-ittiṣāl junction (of traffic lanes); O نقط الارتكاز fortified position, pocket of resistance (mil.); O نقطة اساسية (asāsīya) key position; نقطة الاستفهام interrogation mark; نقطة الاطفاء n. al-iṭfā’ or نقطة المطافئ fire station; نقطة البوليس police station, station house; نقطة التحول n. at-taḥawwul turning point, turn of events, turn of the tide; نقطة التشحيم grease nipples (of motors); نقطة جمركية (gumrukīya) customs station, customhouse; O نقطة خارجية (kārijīya) outpost; نقطة الذنب n. ad-danab aphelion (astron.); نقطة الرأس n. ar-ra’s perihelion (astron.); نقطة العنبر n. al-‘anbar mole; beauty spot; نقطة العين n. al-‘ain leucoma (med.); O نقطة القتال combat area, zone of action; داء النقطة epilepsy; فوز بالنقط (fauz) victory on points (in sports)
نقوط nuqūṭ (syr., eg.) wedding present to the bride
نقيطة nuqaiṭa droplet
نقاطة naqqāṭa dropping tube, dropper, pipette
منقوط manqūṭ having one (diacritical) point; pointed, having (diacritical) points; spotted, dotted, speckled | فصلة منقوطة (faṣla) semicolon
منقط munaqqaṭ pointed, having (diacritical) points; spotted, dotted, speckled
نقع naqa‘a a (naq‘) to soak, steep (فى هـ s.th. in); to infuse, brew (هـ tea, etc.); to slake, quench (هـ thirst); to stagnate, be stagnant, gather in a pool (water) IV to soak, macerate (هـ s.th. in a liquid); to slake, quench (هـ thirst) X to stagnate, be stagnant; to become impure and foul by stagnation (water); to be swampy (ground)
نقع naq‘ maceration, soaking, steeping; infusion; (pl. انقع anqu‘) stagnant water, quagmire, swamp, bog; (pl. نقاع niqā‘, نقوع nuqū‘) dust
نقع nuqā‘a infusion
O نقاعيات nuqā‘īyāt infusoria
نقيع naqī‘ infusion; that with which s.th. is soaked or permeated; (eg.) juice obtained from dried fruits soaked in water
نقوع naqū‘ dried fruit, dried apricots
منقع manqa‘ pl. مناقع manāqi‘2 quagmire, swamp, bog;, sump, place where water gathers | منقع الدم m. ad-dam place of execution
منقوع manqū‘ macerated, soaked; infusion
مستنقع mustanqa‘ pl. -āt quagmire, swamp, bog; moor, morass, marsh, fen | حمى المستنقعات ḥummā l-m. swamp fever, malaria
نقف naqf, niqf chick
نقل naqala u (naql) to move from its place, move away, displace (هـ s.th.); to remove, take away, carry away, carry, transport (الى هـ s.th. to); to transfer, transplant, shift, translocate, relocate (هـ من الى, ه s.o., s.th. from to); to transmit, convey, communicate, bring, deliver, make overt pass on, hand over (الى ه s.th. to s.o.); to remove, dismiss (ه s.o.); to move, remove (الى to); to copy (من from); to translate (من الى from one language into the other); to hand down, pass on, report, relate (الى هـ s.th. to s.o., عن from, or baaed. on, s.o. or a source); to quote (عن an author or a literary work); to render (هـ a text); to enter, post (هـ an item; in bookkeeping); to communicate, spread (الى هـ a disease to s.o.), infect (هـ الى s.o. with); to transfer, assign, convey, cede (الى هـ s.th., esp. a right, to s.o.) II to move, move away, displace, move on, move forward, advance, transport, move about, let wander, let roam (هـ s.th., esp., a great deal of s.th. or a great number of things, s.th. successively, one thing after the other) | نقل خطاه (kuṭāhu) to stride along, move along III to exchange (هـ ه with s.o. words); to cast, shoot (هـ ه at s.o. glances); to report (هـ ه to s.o., s.th.), inform (هـ ه s.o. of); to hand, pass (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.) V to be carried, be carried away, be removed, be transported; to be transferred, be conveyed, be assigned; O to be transmitted (by radio); to shift, change its locality; to change one’s residence, remove, go elsewhere; to change position (mil.); to move about; to walk about; to rove, roam, migrate, wander, travel about | تناقل في منازل البلاغة (m. al-balāga) to be versed in rhetoric VI to carry, transport (هـ s.th.); to report to one another, relate or tell each other (هـ s.th.); to exchange (هـ s.th.); to spread, report, relate (هـ a story, etc.), pass on, hand down (هـ s.th.); to spread by word of mouth (هـ s.th.) | تناقلته الألسن (alsun) to pass from mouth to mouth, be on everybody’s lips, be the talk of the town; تناقلته الأيدي (aidī) to pass from hand to hand, change hands; تناقلت الجرائد الخبر (kabara) the report was taken up by the entire press; تناقل الكلام (kalama) to talk with one another, have a talk VIII to be carried, be carried away, be removed, be transported; to be transferred, be conveyed, be assigned; O to be transmitted (by radio); to shift, change its locality; to change one’s residence, remove, go elsewhere; to change position (mil.); to walk about; to rove, roam, migrate, wander, travel about; to be transferred (official); to be turned over, be delivered, be transferred (ship); to be communicated (disease), spread (الى to); to be spread, circulate, make the rounds (rumor); to be transplanted (الى into or to); to move, move along, travel; to betake o.s., proceed, go, take the road (الى to). head (الى for), turn (الى to); to apply o.s., turn (الى to a field of interest); to turn, make a turn (الى into another street; of an automobile); to pass (من from one owner الى to the other); O to be propagated, spread (waves, etc.; الى to, occasionally also في ); O to jump across (el. spark); to shift (from attack to defense); to go away, depart (من and عن from), leave a place (من and عن ); to go around (في in or among), make the round (في of), visit (one after the other) | انتقل به الى to shift, translocate, relocate s.th. to; انتقل الى رحمة الله (raḥmati llāh) lit.: to pass away into God’s mercy, i.e., to die; انتقل الى جوار ربه (j. rabbihī) lit.: to be transferred into the presence of the Lord, i.e., to die, pass away
نقل naql carrying, carriage; conveyance, transportation, transport; removal; translocation, relocation, transplantation; transfer (also, e.g., of an official); change of residence, move, remove; transmission (also by radio); translation; transcription, transcript, copy; tradition; report, account; entry, posting (in an account book); conveyance, transfer, assignment, cession | نقلا عن based on, according to; نقل الدم n. ad-dam and نقل الدماء blood transfusion; O نقل الصور باللاسلكي n. aṣ-ṣuwar bi-l-lā-silkī radio-photography; نقل ميكانيكي motor transport (of passengers and cargoes); اجرة النقل ujrat an-n. cartage, carriage, freight; سيارة النقل sayyārat an-n. truck, lorry; معالم النقل transfer fees, assignment fees; وسائل النقل means of transportation, conveyances
نقلي naqlī traditionary, traditional; of or pertaining to transportation, transport- (in compounds) | سيارة نقلية (sayyāra) truck, lorry
نقليات naqlīyāt transport services, transportation system, transportation; transports
| نقليات عسكرية (‘askarīya) troop transports
نقل naql, nuql pl. نقول nuqūl candied almonds or nuts, candy, sweets, dried fruits, etc., as a dessert
نقل naqal rubble, debris
نقلة nuqla migration
نقلة nuqla pl. نقل nuqal gossip; pattern, model
نقال naqqāl portable, transportable
نقالة naqqāla pl. -āt stretcher; ambulance; transport, transport vessel; truck, lorry
نقيل naqīl (yem.) mountain trail, defile, pass
منقل manqal and منقل manqala pl. مناقل manāqil2 brazier
منقلة manqala a day’s march; way station, stopping place; O protractor
تنقل tanaqqul change of locality; change of residence; (mil.) change of position, station or garrison; traveling, roving, roaming, wandering, migration; conveyance, transportation, transport; transmission (radio); transfer; reshuffle, shake-up, reorganization, change of personnel; regrouping, shifting, rearrangement
انتقال intiqāl change of locality; locomotion; change of residence, move, remove, removal; translocation, relocation; transfer; conveyance, transportation, transport; transition (من – الى from -- to); transmission; communication, infection; transit, passage (of the sun through the zodiac); demise, death | طور الانتقال ṭaur al-int. transition period; فترة الانتقال fatrat al-int. interim period, interim stage, stage of transition; عيد انتقال العذراء ‘īd int. al-‘adrā’ Day of the Assumption of the Virgin (Chr.)
انتقالي intiqālī: عهد انتقالي (‘ahd) transition period
ناقل nāqil pl. -ūn, نقلة naqala, نقال nuqqāl carrying; carrier; bearer; translator; copyist; -- conductor (el.) | ناقل السرعة n. as-sur‘a gear-shift lever (of an automobile)
ناقلة nāqila pl. -āt transport, transport vessel | ناقلة البترول n. al-betrōl and ناقلة الزيت n. az-zait tanker; ناقلة الجنود troop-ship, transport; ناقلة الطائرات aircraft carrier
ناقلية nāqilīya conductivity (el.)
منقول manqūl carried, conveyed, transported; transferred; transmitted; translated; copied, transcribed; movable, mobile, portable; handed down, traditional; traditional stock; (pl. -āt) a movable thing | منقولات or اموال (املاك) منقولة movable property, movables, effects, personal property; منقولات المنزل m. al-manzil household furniture, household effects
متنقل mutanaqqil movable, mobile; portable; ambulant, itinerant, migrant, roving, roaming; nomad; inconstant, changing | مستشفى منتقل (mustašfā) temporary field hospital, ambulance
منتقل muntaqil ambulatory; movable, mobile; contagious, infectious, communicable | الأعياد المنتقلة the movable feasts; علة منتقلة (‘illa) contagious disease
نقم naqama i (naqm) and naqima a (naqam) to revenge o.s., avenge o.s., take revenge (من on s.o.), take vengeance; to be hostile (على to), be full of rancor or vindictiveness, have a spite, be resentful (على against s.o.), be mad, angry (على at s.o., هـ for, because 00; to hate, loathe, detest (على s.o.); to hold s.th. (هـ ) against s.o. (على ) VIII to revenge o.s., avenge o.s. take revenge (من on); to take vengeance (ل for)
نقمة naqma revenge, vengeance; rancor, spite, grudge, resentment; misfortune, adversity, punishment, trial, affliction, heavy blow; retribution
نقمة niqma, naqima pl. نقم niqam, نقمات niqamāt revenge, vengeance; rancor, spite, grudge, resentment; misfortune, adversity, punishment, trial, affliction, heavy blow
انتقام intiqām revenge, vengeance
ناقم nāqim avenger; hostile (على to); indignant, angry (على at or about)
منتقم muntaqim avenger; vindictive, revengeful
1 نقنق naqnaqa to croak (frog); to cackle, cluck (hen); to gnaw, nibble
2 نقانق naqāniq2 small mutton sausages (syr.)
نقه naqaha a (نقوه nuqūh) and naqiha a (naqah) to be on the road to recovery, to convalesce; to recover, recuperate (من from) VIII do.
نقه naqah and نقهة naqha recovery, convalescence
نقه naqih recovering, convalescent
نقاهة naqāha recovery, convalescence | دار النقاهة rest center, convalescent home
ناقه nāqih a convalescent
(نقو and نقي) نقي naqiya a (نقاء naqā’, نقاوة naqāwa, nuqāwa) to be pure II to purify, cleean, cleanse (هـ s.th.); to rid of extraneous matter (هـ s.th.); to &elect, pick out, cull, sift, sort (هـ s.th.); to hand-pick (هـ s.th.) IV to purify, clean, cleanse (هـ s.th.) VIII to pick out, select (هـ s.th.)
نقاء naqā’ purity
نقاوة naqāwa, nuqāwa purity; O fineness (of a precious metal); selection, culling; elite; pick, best
نقاية nuqāya selection, elite, pick
J naqly pl. .W "iqd', .,.ill aRqiyil"
pure, clean, imm&CWate, unstained i clear,
limpid, free of dirt or .xtraneous matter
~ taRqiya cleaning, cle&lllling, purifl.
cation; sifting, BOrting
pun, play on wards; the point of a joke I
0:::.11 ~l.- quick.witted, quick at repartee
.;,15::; Rakkdt witty; humoroua, piquant;
mocker, scoffer
.Li:ll ifIJiqij' eel.ction I 0 .Li::l)ll Jo 'Jol'
(q'Ild,a) eel.ctivity (radic)
.;::... m"fIJaqa" eel.cted; eelect
ts:.; Ral:a'a a (s.!ll Rak') to scrape the scab
(. off a wound)
..,.s:.; Ral:aba " (Ra.l:l>, Ral:ab) to make un·
happy, miserabl., aftlict, distress (. s.a.;
of fate); to drop (. s.th.); to put (. s.a.)
out of favor; - (y~ ""k/lb) to blow
sid.ways; to veer, shift (wind); - (Ra.l:l>,
""k/lb) to d.viate, sw.rv. (.:r from, esp.,
from a path, road, route, courae) II to
avert, divert, deBect, tum away, remove
(. s.th.) V to d.viate, swerve (. or .:r
from); to avoid, shun, eschew (A or .:r
s.th.); to refrain (.:r from), steer clear
(.:r of); to take upon one's should....
ta shoulder, take upon o.8., assume (A
s.th.) l.:r "'! ..,.s:::; to make s.o. d.viate or
swerve from
..,.s:.; Ral:b pl. y ~ "dub and ~
Rakba pl. Ral:aMt misfortune, calamity; disaster, catastrophe
منكب mankib pl. مناكب manākib2 shoulder; side, flank; highland, upland | دفع بمنكبيه الهواء (mankibaihi, hawā’) approx.: to race along, dash along
منكوب mankūb fate-stricken, afflicted with disaster; unhappy, unfortunate, ill-fated, miserable; victim (of a catastrophe)
نكت nakata u (nakt) to scratch up (هـ the ground) II to crack jokes (على about s.o.), poke fun (على at), ridicule (على s.o.)
نكتة nukta pl. نكت nukat, نكات nikāt jot, title, speck, spot; witty remark, witticism, wisecrack, joke; anecdote; pun, play on words; the point of joke | حاضر النكتة quick-witted, quick at repartee
نكات nakkāt witty; humorous, piquant; mocker, scoffer
تنكيت tankīt chaffing, legpulling; teasing, banter, raillery, mockery; joking, jesting, fun-making
منكت munakkit mocker, scoffer
نكث nakata u i (nakt) to break, violate, infringe (هـ a contract or similar legal obligation) VIII to be broken, be violated
نكث nakt breach, violation (of a contract, etc.)
ناكث nākit perfidious, faithless, false, disloyal
نكح nakaḥa u i a (نكاح nikāḥ) to marry (ها a woman), get married (ها with) III to become related by marriage (ه to s.o.) IV to give in marriage (ها ه to s.o. a girl)
نكاح nikāḥ marriage; marriage contract; matrimony, wedlock
مناكح manākiḥ2 (pl.) women
نكد nakida a (nakad) to be hard, harsh, difficult; to be unhappy, miserable; -- nakada u (nakd) to give little (ه to s.o.); to torment, pester, molest (ه s.o.) II to make life hard, difficult, miserable (ه for s.o.), embitter s.o.’s (ه ) life III to torment, harass, pester, molest (ه s.o.) V to be made miserable, be embittered (life)
نكد nakd pl. انكاد ankād misfortune; hardship, adversity; molestation, trouble, nuisance; worry, concern | نكد الطالع misfortune
نكد nakid pl. انكاد ankād, مناكيد manākīd2 hard, troublesome, laborious; unhappy; peevish, cross, bad-tempered
انكد ankad2 troublesome, painful, excruciating
مناكدة munākada pl. -āt inconvenience, discomfort, trouble, burden
منكود mankūd unhappy, unfortunate; ill-fated | منكود الحظ m. al-ḥaẓẓ pl. مناكيد الحظ manākīd al-ḥ. ill-starred, unlucky, unfortunate
نكر nakira u (nakar, nukr, نكور nukūr, نكير nakīr) not to know (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), have no knowledge, be ignorant (هـ of s.th.); to deny, disown, disavow, renege (هـ s.th.) II to disguise, mask (ه s.o.); to use in its indefinite form (هـ a noun; gram.) III to disapprove (ه of s.o.), reject (ه ه s.o.) IV to pretend not to know (ه s.o.), refuse to have anything to do (هـ, ه with s.o., with s.th.); to refuse to acknowledge, disown, disavow, disclaim, deny (هـ s.th.); to renounce, renege (هـ s.th.); to refuse, deny (على هـ s.th. to s.o.), dispute, contest (على هـ s.th. of s.o.); to reject (على هـ s.th. with regard to s.o.), disapprove (على هـ of s.th. with regard to s.o.); to censure, blame, rebuke (على ه s.o. for), criticize (من هـ s.th. in s.o.); to hold s.th. (هـ ) against s.o. (على ), reproach (هـ على s.o. for) | انكر ذاته (dātahū) to deny o.s. ; انكر نفسه (nafsahū) to harbor self-doubts; انكرت اني اراه I pretended not to see him V to be in disguise, be disguised, disguise o.s.; to change for the worse, change beyond recognition; to become estranged, be alienated (ل from s.th.); to .nub (ل s.o.), treat (ل s.o.) with hostility, deal ungraciously (ل with s.o.); to deny o.s. (ل , e.g., a feeling), shut out from one’s heart (ل s.th.) VI to have no knowledge, be ignorant (هـ of s.th.); to pretend not to know (هـ s.th.), feign ignorance, make as if one doesn’t know; to refuse to have anything to do (ه with), snub, cut, ignore, pretend not to know (ه s.o.) X not to know (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), have no knowledge, be ignorant (هـ of s.th.); to disapprove (هـ of s.th.), reject (هـ s.th,); to detect, loathe (هـ s.th.)
نكر nukr denial, disavowal
نكر nakir unknown, little known
نكرة nakira indefinite noun (gram.); unknown person
نكران nukrān denial | لا نكران lā nukrāna it is incontestable; نكران الجميل ingratitude; نكران الذات self-denial
نكير nakīr denial, disavowal; disapproval, rejection; negation; reprehensible, repugnant, disgusting, vile, revolting, loathsome, abominable, atrocious; one of the Angels of Death (see منكر) | شد عليه النكير (šadda) to reproach s.o. severely
انكر ankar2, f. نكراء nakrā’ reprehensible, abominable, disgusting, vile, revolting, loathsome | ابتسامة نكراء vicious smile
انكار inkār denial, disavowal, negation, contestation; refusal, rejection, non-acceptance | انكار الذات self-denial, selflessness, unselfishness; انكار لجميله (li-jamīlihī) ingratitude toward s.o.
انكاري inkārī denying, disaffirmative; negative
تنكر tanakkur disguise, masquerade | محفل التنكر maḥfil at-t. fancy-dress party, costume ball
تنكري tanakkurī: حفل تنكري (ḥafl) masked ball, costume ball
استنكار istinkār disapproval; horror, aversion, loathing
ناكر nākir denying, disavowing; unfriendly, hostile, forbidding | ناكر الجميل ungrateful
منكر munakkar indeterminate; indefinite (gram.)
منكر munkar denied; not recognized, unacknowledged, disowned, disavowed, disclaimed; disagreeable, shocking, detestable, abominable; abomination, atrocity; pl. منكرات objectionable, forbidden, or reprehensible, actions | منكر ونكير the two angels who examine the dead in their graves as to their faith
متنكر mutanakkir disguised, in disguise; incognito | رقص متنكر (raqṣ) masked ball, costume ball
مستنكر mustankar objectionable, reprehensible; odd, strange
نكز nakaza u (nakz) to prick; to goad, egg on (ه s.o.)
نكس nakasa u (naks) to turn around, turn over, invert, reverse, turn upside down
(هـ s.th.); to lower, withdraw, retract,
pull in (هـ s.th.); to bow, bend, tilt (رأسه ra’sahū or برأسه one’s head); to cause a relapse (هـ of an illness); pass. nukisa, to suffer a relapse II = I; to hang at half-mast (هـ a flag) VIII to be turned over, be inverted, be reversed; to sink, drop forward (head); to relapse, suffer a relapse
نكس nuks and نكسة naksa relapse; degeneration, degeneracy; decadence
تنكس tanakkus degeneration (biol.)
انتكاس intikās relapse
منكوس mankūs inverted, reversed; relapsing, suffering a relapse
منكس munakkas inverted, reversed | منكس الرأس m. ar-ra’s with bowed head
منتكس muntakis relapsing, suffering a relapse
نكش nakaša i a (nakš) to clear out, dredge, clean (هـ s.th., esp., a well); to stir up, rout up, turn up, hoe up, rake up, dig up, break (هـ the ground); to rummage, ransack, search (هـ s.th.); to disorder, ruffle, tousle, dishevel (هـ s.th.); to shake (هـ trees)
منكش minkaš pl. مناكش manākiš hoe, mattock; rake
منكاش minkāš pl. مناكيش manākīš2 O dredger; poker, fire iron; (eg.) pickax
نكص nakaṣa i u (nakṣ, نكوص nukūṣ, منكص mankaṣ) to withdraw, turn away (عن from); to recoil, shrink (عن from) | نكص على عقبيه (‘aqibaihi) to retreat, climb down, give up one’s intention II to cause (ه s.o.) to retreat VIII to fall back, recoil, retreat
نكف nakafa u (nakf) to stop, arrest (هـ s.th.); to disdain, scorn, spurn (عن s.th.); to
reject (عن s.th.) | لا ينكف (yunkafu) irresistible, resistles8; immeasurable, unfathomable III to vex, annoy, trouble, pester, harass, torment (ه s.o., هـ with) X to be proud, haughty; to disdain, scorn, spurn, reject (عن or من s.th.), look down upon (عن or من ), have an aversion (عن or من to), loathe, detest (عن or من s.th., also هـ ); to refrain (ان from doing s.th.)
نكفة nakafa parotid gland
نكفي nakafī parotid (adj.) | التهاب الغدة النكفية (gudda) inflammation of the parotid gland, parotitis, mumps (med.)
نكاف nukāf O parotitis, mumps (med.)
1 نكل nakala i u (نكول nukūl) and nakila a (nakal) to recoil, shrink (من or عن from), flinch, shirk (من or عن s.th.), desist, refrain, abstain, draw back, withdraw (من or عن from); -- nakala (نكلة nakla) and II to make an example (ب of s.o.), punish severely (ب s.o.), teach s.o. (ب ) a lesson; to maltreat, torture (ب s.o.) II and IV to repel, force back, drive back, hold off, deter (عن ه s.o. from)
نكل nikl pl. انكال ankāl, نكول nukūl fetter, shackle, chain; bit (of a bridle)
نكال nakāl exemplary punishment, warning example, warning
نكول nukūl refusal to testify in court (Isl. Law)
تنكيل tankīl exemplary punishment; forcing back, driving back. containment; maltreatment, torture
2 نكل nikl nickel
نكه nakaha i u (nakh) to blow, breathe (على or ل in s.o.’s face)
نكهة nakha smell of the breath; fragrance, smell, scent, aroma
نكى nakā i (نكاية nihāya) to cause damage, to harm; to hurt, injure (في or ه s.o.); to vex, annoy, offend (ب s.o.)
نكاية nikāya wrong, harm, damage, prejudice; vexation, annoyance, grievance, offense, outrage, chicanery | نكاية فيه nikāyatan fīhi in defiance of him, to spite him; اغلظ فيه النكاية (aglaẓa, nikāya) to beset s.o. grievously, ride roughshod over s.o.
انكى ankā worse; causing more damage, more harmful, hurting or offending more grievously
1 نم namma u i (namm) to betray, reveal, disclose, bespeak, indicate, show (على or عن s.th.); to give evidence (عن of s.th.); to report in a libelous manner (على هـ s.th. about s.o.), sow dissension (بين among or between)
نم namm slander, calumniation, calumny; (pl. -ūn, انماء animmā’2) talebearer, scandalmonger, slanderer, calumniator
نمة nimma louse
نمام nammām (eg.) a variety of mint (Mentha sativa L.; bot.)
نمام nammām slanderer, calumniator
نميمة namīma pl. نمائم namā’im2 slander, defamation, calumny
نامة nāmma stir, bustle, life
2 نمي nummī pl. -āt coin | علم النميات ‘ilm an-n. numismatics
نموذج look up alphabetically
1 نمر V to become angry, furious (ل with s.o.), turn into a tiger; to bluster, swagger
نمر namir pl. نمر numur, انمار anmār leopard; tiger
نمر namir clean, pure, healthy, wholesome (esp., water)
نمرة namira leopardess; tigress
نمرة numra pl. نمر numar speck, spot
انمر anmar2, f. نمراء namrā’2, pl. نمر numr spotted, striped, brindled
منمر munammar spotted, striped, brindled
2 نمر II to mark with numbers, to number, provide with a number (هـ s.th.)
نمرة numra, nimra pl. نمر numar, nimar number, numero; figure | نمرة واحد nimrat w. first-class, first-rate, A-1, excellent
نمارة nammāra pl. -āt numberer, numbering machine, date stamp
تنمير tanmīr numbering, numeration, count
منمر munammar numbered, counted
نمرسي numrusī pl. نمارسة namārisa (eg.) chinaware dealer
نمرق numruq and نمرقة numruqa pl. نمارق namāriq2 cushion, pad; pillow; panel, saddle pad
نمس namasa i (nams) to keep secret, hide, conceal (هـ s.th.); to confide a secret (ه to s.o.), confide in s.o. (ه ), let (ه s.o.) in on a secret, make (ه s.o.) one’s confidant III to confide a secret (ه to s.o.)
نمس nims (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. نموس numūs ichneumon, mongoose; ferret, marten, weasel
ناموس nāmūs pl. نواميس nawāmīs2 sly, cunning, wily; confidant; (coll.; n. un. ة ) mosquito(es); see also alphabetically | الناموس الأكبر the Archangel Gabriel
ناموسية nāmūsīya mosquito net
نمسا nimsā, النمسا an-nimsā Austria
نمساوي nimsāwī Austrian (adj. and n.)
نمش namiša a (namaš) to be freckled, have freckles
نمش namaš (cols.; n. un. ة ) freckles; discolored spots on the skin
نمش namiš freckled
انمش anmaš2, f. نمشاء namšā’2, pl. نمش numš freckled
نمط namaṭ pl. نماط nimāṭ, انماط anmāṭ way, manner, mode, fashion; form, shape; sort, kind | على نمط in the manner of; على هذا النمط in this manner, this way, after this fashion; حديث النمط new-fashioned, modem; عتيق النمط old-fashioned, outmoded; هم على نمط واحد they are of the same stamp, they are all alike
نمطي namaṭ formal, rigid, stiff
نمق II to embellish, decorate, ornament, adorn (هـ s.th.); to write in an elegant, lofty style (هـ s.th.); to compose (هـ a text)
تنميق tanmīq ornamentation, embellishment; glorification, exaltation, ago grandizement; elaborate embellishment (with figures of speech); composition (of a text, in elegant style)
منمق munammaq adorned, embellished; elegant, in good style, ornate, flowery (text, language)
نمل namila a (namal) to tingle, prickle, be numb, be benumbed (a limb)
نمل naml (cols.; n. un. ة ) pl. نمال nimāl ant
نمل namlī antlike; ant- (in compounds); formic
نملية namlīya meat safe, food safe
نمل namal itching, tickling sensation; tingle, prickle, pricking sensation
نمل namil creeping, crawling; teeming with ants; nimble, deft
نمل anmula pl. انامل anāmil2 fingertip
تنميل tanmīl itching, tickling sensation; tingle, prickle, pricking sensation
منمول manmūl teeming with ants
نمنم namnama to stripe, streak (هـ s.th.); to adorn, embellish, ornament (هـ s.th.)
نمنم nimnim streaks or ripples in the sand (caused by the wind)
نمنمة namnama, nimnima wren (zoo.)
O منمنمة munamnama miniature
نما ( (نمو ) namā u (نمو numuw) to grow; to increase; to rise
نمو numuw growth; progress
نموذج namūdaj, numūdaj pl. -āt and نماذج namādij2 model; type; pattern; sample, specimen; exemplar, example; blank, form
نموذجي namūdajī exemplary, model
نمى namā i (namy, نماء namā, نمية namīya) to grow; to increase, augment, multiply; to rise; to progress, make progress, advance; to thrive, prosper, flourish; to be ascribed, be attributed (الى to s.o.); to ascribe, attribute (الى هـ s.th. to s.o.); to be told, be reported (الى to s.o.; of an event), reach (الى s.o.; news), come to s.o.’s knowledge II and IV to make grow, increase, augment, promote, further, advance (هـ s.th,)VIII to trace one’s origin (الى to s.o.), descend, be descended (الى from), be related (الى to); to be affiliated, be associated, have connections (الى with); to depend, be dependent (الى on); to belong (الى to, esp., to an organization), be a member (الى of an organization)
نماء namā’ growth, expansion, increase, augmentation, increment, accretion
نمي namīy growth, expansion, increase, augmentation, increment, accretion
نماة namāh pl. نمى small louse
تنمية tanmiya expansion, promotion, furtherance, advancement; increase, augmentation; raising, stepping up, intensification, boost
انماء inmā’ expansion, promotion, furtherance, advancement, increase, augmentation; raising, stepping up, intensification, boost; cultivation, breeding (of plants)
انتماء intimā’ membership
نامية nāmiya pl. نوام nawāmin growth; morbid growth, morbid formation, excrescence, tumor (med.) | النوامي السرطانية (saraṭānīya) cancerous formations (med.)
منتم muntamin belonging, pertaining
منتمى muntaman descent, origin, relationship, affiliation. membership
نهب nahaba a u and nahiba a (nahb) to plunder, rifle, take by force (هـ s.th.) | نهب nahaba l-arḍa and نهب الطريق (ṭarīqa) to cover the distance (الى to) quickly or at tremendous speed IV to let (ه s.o.) rifle (هـ s.th.); to leave, surrender as booty (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.) VI to grip, seize (هـ the soul, the heart) | تناهب الأرض عدوا (arḍa ‘adwan) to race along at a tearing pace VIII to grip, seize (هـ the soul, the heart); to rifle, snatch away (هـ s.th.); to take in eagerly, devour (هـ s.th.; said of the eyes) | انتهب الطريق (ṭarīqa) to cover the distance (الى to) quickly or at tremendous speed
نهب nahb robbery, plundering, pillage, looting, spoliation; gallop; (pl. نهاب nihāb) plunder, spoils, booty, loot; نهبا nahban by robbery
نهبة nuhba booty, plunder, spoils, loot
نهبى nuhbā booty, plunder, spoils, loot
نهاب nahhāb robber; plunderer, marauder, looter
نهبرة nahbura abyss; hell
نهج nahaja a (nahj) to proceed, act; to enter (هـ upon a road), take (هـ a route or course), follow, pursue (هـ a way, a road); to make clear, clarify (هـ s.th.); to be open, plain, distinct; -- nahaja i and nahija a (nahaj) to be out of breath, gasp for breath, pant | نهج خطة (kiṭṭatan) to pursue a plan; to assume an attitude; نهج على منواله (minwālihī) to follow s.o.’s example II to put out of breath, make breathless, cause to pant (ه s.o.) IV do.; to be clear (matter, affair); to make clear, clarify, explain (هـ s.th.) VIII to enter (هـ upon a road), take (هـ a route or course), follow, pursue (هـ a way, a road) | انهج سبيله (sabīlahū) and X استنهج سبيله to follow s.o.’s example, follow s.o.’s footsteps, imitate s.o.
نهج nahj pl. نهوج nuhūj open way; road; method, procedure, manner | نهج نهجه (nahjahū) to follow s.o.’s method; النهج القويم the straight path, the right way, the proper manner
نهج nahaj quick breathing, panting; breathlessness
نهيج nahīj quick breathing, panting; breathlessness
ناهج nāhij open, plain road
منهج manhaj, minhaj pl. مناهج manāhij2 open, plain, easy road; manner, procedure, method; program; course | منهج التعليم curriculum; مناهج البحث m. al-baht methodology of research, research methods
منهاج minhāj pl. مناهيج manāhīj way, road; method; program
نهد nahada a u (نهود nuhūd) to become round and full, swell (breasts); to be buxom, have round, swelling breasts V to sigh VI to share the expenses; to distribute among each other in equal shares (هـ s.th.)
نهد nahd pl. نهود nuhūd female breast, bosom; elevation, rise, hump, bump
تنهد tanahhud pl. -āt sigh
ناهد nāhid full, round, swelling (breast); in the bloom of youth; buxom
نهر nahara a (nahr) to flow copiously, stream forth, gush forth; to chide, scold, reproach (ه s.o.); to turn away with angry words, brush off, rebuff, reject, repulse, drive away, chase away (ه s.o.) VIII to chide, scold (ه s.o.); to drive away, chase away (ه s.o.)
نهر nahr pl. انهر anhur, انهار anhār, نهور nuhūr, stream, river; -- (pl. anhur and anhār) column (of a newspaper) | ما بين النهرين (nahrain) Mesopotamia; ما وراء النهر Transoxiana; نهر اردن Eridanus (astron.); n. urdunn the Jordan river; نهر السلام n. as-salām the Tigris; نهر الشريعة the Jordan river
نهري nahrī river- (in compounds), riverine, fluvial, fluviatile
نهار nahār pl. انهر anhur, نهر nuhur daytime, day (from dawn to dusk, as distinguished from يوم yaum = day of 24 hours) | نهارا وليلا nahāran wa-lailan by day and by night; ليل نهار laila nahāra day and night; نهار انهر (anhar) a wonderful day
نهاري nahārī relating to day or daytime, diurnal; نهاريات news of the day, miscellany (heading of a newspaper column)
انهر anhar2 see nahr
نهير nahīr copious, ample, abundant, plentiful, much
نهير nuhair pl. -āt little river, creek, brook; a tributary, an affluent
انتهار intihār rebuke, scolding, reprimand, reproof; rejection, rebuff, repulse, repulsion
نهز nahaza a (nahz) to push, thrust, shove (ه s.o.); to drive, urge on (ه s.o.); to repulse, hold off, ward off (ه s.o.) III to be near s.th. (هـ , esp., fig.), approach, attain, reach (هـ s.th.); to seize (هـ s.th.) | ناهز البلوغ to attain (the age of) majority; ناهز الخمسين he was close to fifty, he was pushing fifty VIII انتهز الفرصة (al-furṣata) to seize or take the opportunity, take advantage or avail o.s. of the opportunity; انتهز هـ فرصة ل (furṣatan) to use s.th. as an opportunity for
نهزة nuhza opportunity, occasion
نهاز nahhāz: نهاز الفرص n. al-furaṣ quick to seize an opportunity, an opportunist
انتهاز intihāz: انتهاز الفرص int. al-furaṣ exploitation of opportunities, opportunism
انتهاز intihāzī timeserver, opportunist
انتهازية intihāzīya opportunism
نهش nahaša i (nahš) to bite, snap, grab with the teeth (هـ s.th.); to tear to pieces, mangle (.s.o.)
نهاش nahhāš snappish, biting, mordacious, sharp
نهض nahaḍa a (nahḍ, نهوض nuhūḍ) to rise, get up (عن from a seat, from bed); to take off, start (airplane); to pounce (الى on s.o., on s.th.); to raise, lift, hoist, heave, carry (ب s.o., s.th.); to carry on, practice, pursue, attack resolutely, tackle. handle, take in one’s hands, further, promote, encourage (ب s.th.), give a boost, give impetus (ب to s.th.), bring new life (ب into s.th.), bring about an upswing (ب of s.th.); to stand up (ب for), take up the cause of (ب ), espouse, support, endorse, champion (ب s.th.); to rise, revolt, rebel (على against s.o.); to get ready, prepare (ل for a piece of work, a task, or the like), begin, start, undertake (ل s.th.), enter, embark (ل upon); to be apposite, pertinent, apropos (argument) | نهض قائما (qā’iman) he got on his feet, he got up; نهض بالأمر (bi-l-amr) to assume power, take the command; نهضت الحجة ب (ḥujja) proof bee been established for …; نهض بالخسائر والضحايا (ḍaḥāyā) to take losses and sacrifices readily upon o.s. III to offer resistance (ه to), resist, oppose, defy (s.o.); to argue, dispute (ه with s.o.) IV to tell (ه s.o.) to rise, lift up, raise, help up (ه s.o.), awaken, (a)rouse, stir up, animate, inspire, stimulate, excite, incite (ه s.o.) VI to get up, stand up, rise, draw o.s. up VIII do. X to awaken, (a)rouse, stimulate, animate, encourage, incite, instigate, egg on (ه s.o., الى to)
نهض nahḍ awakening, rise, growth, boom, upswing, advancement, progress
نهضة nahḍa pl. -āt getting up, rising; awakening (esp., national), rise, growth, boom, upswing, advancement, progress; resurgence, revival, rebirth, renaissance; (spiritual) movement; ability, capability, power | عيد النهضة ‘īd an-n. Day of National Awakening (of Iraq, celebrated on the9th of Shaban)
نهوض nuhūḍ raising, boosting, revival, restoration, promotion, advancement, furtherance, encouragement, activation (ب of s.th.)
مناهضة munāhaḍa resistance, opposition
انهاض inhāḍ awakening, arousing, stimulation, animation; promotion,. advancement, encouragement, initiation of an upswing, of a boom
استننهاض istinhāḍ awakening, arousing, stimulation, animation; promotion, advancement, encouragement, initiation of an upswing, of a boom
ناهض nāhiḍ rising, getting up; active, diligent, energetic | دليل ناهض conclusive proof, cogent evidence
نهق nahaqa, nahiqa a (nahq, نهاق nuhāq, نهيق nahīq) to bray (donkey)
نهك nahaka a (نهاكة nahāka) to wear off, wear out, use up, consume (هـ s.th.); to grind down, crush (هـ s.th.); -- (nahk) and nahika a (nahk, نهكة nahka) to exhaust, weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, sap the strength of, wear out, wear down, enervate, unnerve, waste, emaciate (ه s.o.); nahika and pass. nuhika to be worn off, worn out, run down, used up, spent, exhausted, enervated, gaunt, emaciated | نهك عرضه (‘irḍahū) to injure s.o.’s honor IV to exhaust, wear out, enervate, ruin (ه s.o.) VIII to waste, emaciate, enervate, exhaust (ه s.o.); to violate, abuse, defile, profane, desecrate (هـ s.th.); to infringe, violate (هـ a law), offend against (هـ ); to rape, ravish (ها a woman); to insult, defame, malign, slander, abuse, brutalize (ه a man) | لا ينتهك yuntahaku inviolable, sacrosanct, sacred, consecrated
نهك nallk weakening, exhaustion, enervation, attrition; consumption, depletion, exhaustion; abuse, misuse; infraction, violation; profanation, desecration; sacrilege
نهكة nahka exhaustion; emaciation, wasting away
انهاك inhāk exhaustion
انتهاك intihāk weakening, exhaustion, enervation, attrition; consumption, depletion, exhaustion; abuse, misuse; infraction, violation; profanation, desecration; sacrilege; rape | انتهاك الحرمة int. al-ḥurma sacrilege: انتهاك العورة int. al-‘aura offense involving moral turpitude
منهك munhik grueling, exhausting
نهل nahila a (nahal, منهل manhal) to drink
نهلة nahla pl. nahalāt drink, draught, gulp, swallow
منهل manhal pl. منهل manāhil watering place, spring, pool
نهم nahima a (naham, نهامة nahāma) to have a ravenous appetite, be insatiable; to be greedy, covetous (في of)
نهم naham, ravenous appetite, voracity; greed, greediness, avidity
نهمة nahma burning desire, craving, greed, avidity
نهيم nahim greedy, avid; insatiable, voracious; glutton, gourmand
نهيم nahīm greedy, avid; insatiable, voracious; glutton, gourmand
منهوم manhūm greedy, avid; insatiable; covetous, desirous (ب of s.th.)
نهنه nahnaha to restrain, hold back, keep, prevent (عن s.o. from); to sob
نهو ) and نها (نهي nahā u (nahw) and نهى nahā a (nahy) to forbid (عن s.o. s.th., to do s.th.), prohibit, ban (عن s.o. from doing s.th.), interdict, proscribe (عن ه to s.o. s.th.); to restrain, hold back, keep, prevent (عن s.o. from); pass. نهي nuhiya to come, get (الى to s.o.; of news), reach (الى s.o.), come to s.o.’s knowledge IV to get (الى هـ s.th. to s.o.), make s.th. (هـ ) reach s.o. (الى ); to communicate, transmit, make known (الى هـ s.th. to s.o.), bring (هـ s.th.) to s.o.’s (الى ) knowledge, inform, apprise (هـ الى s.o. of s.th.); to bring to an end, terminate, finish, end, wind up, conclude, complete (هـ s.th.); to put an end to s.th. (هـ ), settle, decide (هـ s.th.) VI to come to an end, run out, expire (period of time); to attain a high degree; to come, get (الى to s.o.), reach (الى s.o.); to desist, refrain, abstain (عن from), give up, renounce, forgo, abandon (عن s.th.), cease, stop (عن doing s.th.) | تناهى الى اسماعهم (asmā‘ihim) to come to s.o.’s hearing, to s.o.‘s knowledge VIII to be concluded, terminated, finished, done with, settled, decided, be over; to run out, expire, come to an end (appointed time); to end, end up, wind up (ب by, in or with); to finish, terminate, conclude, wind up (عن s.th.), be or become finished, done, be through (ب with s.th.); to wind up, land eventually (الى at), get ultimately (الى to); (with الى ان ) to come or lead to the point where ..., end at the point where, get eventually so that ..., result in; to come to s.o.’s (الى ) knowledge; to lead, lead up, bring (الى ب s.o. to); to desist, refrain, abstain (عن from s.th.), give up, renounce, forgo, abandon (عن s.th.), cease, stop (عن doing s.th.) | انتهى الأمر الى ان the upshot was that, the long and short of it was that …; انتهى به الأمر الى ان he got to the point where ...
نهي nahy prohibition, ban, interdiction, proscription | النهي والأمر (amr) unlimited, absolute authority, dictatorial power, command
نهيي nahyī prohibitory, prohibitive, prohibitionary
نهى nuhan intelligence, understanding, reason, mind, intellect
نهية nuhya mind, intellect
نهاء nihā’ utmost degree, limit
نهاية nihāya pl. -āt end; termination, conclusion; outcome, result, upshot; the utmost; limit, utmost degree, extreme, extremity; nihāyatan in the end, at last, finally, ultimately, eventually | في النهاية in the end, at last, finally, ultimately, eventually; الى النهاية to the end; بلا نهاية (bi-lā) unending(ly); الى غير نهاية or الى ما لا نهاية له (1 ā nihāyata) unendingly, to infinity, ad infinitum; للنهاية to the greatest extent, extremely; نهاية الأرب n. al-arab the ultimate goal; النهاية الصغرى (ṣugrā) minimum; النهاية الكبرى (العظمى ) (kubrā, ‘uẓmā) maximum; النهاية العليا (‘ulyā) the best grade, the highest rating (in a system of school marks); اعلى درجة في النهاية الكبرى (a‘lā darajatin) absolute maximum (of temperature); اعلى درجة في النهاية اصغرى (aqṣā d.) absolute minimum; حد النهاية ḥadd an-n. utmost limit, last step; كان نهاية في الحذق (nihāyatan, ḥidq) to be the ne plus ultra of skill, be extremely skillful
نهائي nihā’ī extreme, utmost, last, final; ultimate, eventual; final, decisive, conclusive, definitive; نهائيا at last, finally | انذار نهائي (indār) or بلاغ نهائي (balāg) ultimatum; حكم نهائي (ḥukm) final decision, final judgment (jur.); علاج نهائي extreme remedy, last resource; فوز ي (fauz) ultimate triumph, eventual success; مباران نهائي a final match, final (in sports)
لا نهائي lā-nihā’ī infinite, unending
لانهائية lā-nihā’īya infinity
انهاء inhā’ finishing, termination, completion, conclusion; settlement; suspension, stop
تناه tanāhin finity, finitude, limitedness; expiration (of a period of time)
انتهاء intihā’ end, termination, completion, conclusion, close; expiration | انتهاء الأجل int. al-ajal end of life, death
ناه nāhin interdictory, prohibitory, prohibitive | هذا رجل ناهيك من رجل (rajulun nāhīka) here is a man to fill any man’s shoes; ناهيك من (also عن or ب ) how excellent is! how remarkable is …! suffice it to …! let it be enough to …! to say nothing of ..., not to mention …, let alone ...; above all, in the first place, primarily; take, for instance, ...! ناهيك ب it is enough to mention …; ناهيك بأن (bi-an) let it be enough to …; let it suffice you to know that ...; not to mention the fact that ...; to say nothing of the fact that ...; aside from the fact that ...
ناهية nāhiya pl. نواه nawāhin ban, prohibition, proscription
منهي manhīy forbidden, prohibited, interdicted, illicit
متناه matanāhin finished, terminated, expired; limited, bounded, finite; utmost, extreme; excessive, exaggerated | غير متناه unlimited, boundless, infinite, unending, endless; متناه في الدقة (diqqa) extremely thin, of the greatest fineness; متناه في الصغر (ṣigari) extremely tiny, minute
منته muntahin ceasing, running out; finished, done; expired (validity)
منتهى muntahan finished, terminated; end; the utmost, extreme; highest degree, utmost limit | بمنتهى الشدة bi-m. š-šidda with extreme force; في منتهى الدقة (m. d-diqqa) extremely thin; بلغ منتهاه to reach its highest degree
ناء (نوء ) nā’a u (nau’) to fall down, sink down, break down, collapse, succumb (ب under a burden); to weigh heavily (ب upon s.o.) | ناء بالحمل (ḥaml) to bear a burden with difficulty; to be weighed down by a burden; ناء بكلكله (bi-kalkalihī) to oppress s.o. grievously, weigh heavily upon s.o. III to offer resistance (ه to s.o.), resist, oppose, withstand, defy (ه s.o.); to vie, compete (ه with s.o.); to fight, struggle, contend (ه with s.o.) | ناوأه العداء (‘adā’a) to be hostile to s.o., treat s.o. with hostility IV to weigh down, crush (ه s.o.)
نوء nau’ pl. انواء anwā’, نوآن nau’ān, tempest, storm; gale, hurricane
مناوأة munāwa’a resistance, opposition, recalcitrance, insubordination; struggle, contention, strife
2 ناب (نوب ) nāba u (naub, مناب manāb, نيابة niyāba) to represent (عن s.o.), act as representative (عن of s.o.), deputize, substitute (عن for s.o.), act as deputy, substitute, or proxy (عن of s.o.), take s.o.’s (عن ) place, replace (عن s.o.), perform s.o.’s (عن ) office, act in s.o.’s (عن ) behalf; to return from time to time (الى to s.o.), visit periodically (الى s.o.), frequent (الى s.o.’s place); -- (naub, نوبة nauba) to afflict, hit, strike, befall (ه s.o.; of misfortune), happen, occur (ه to s.o.), fall to s.o.’s (ه ) lot or share, descend (ه upon s.o.) II to appoint (ه s.o.) as deputy or agent (عن of), commission, depute, or delegate (ه s.o.) to act in behalf of (عن ) III to take turns, alternate (ه with s.o.) IV to depute, deputize (ه s.o.), commission or delegate (ه s.o.) to act in behalf of (عن ), in s.o.’s (عن ) place; to empower, authorize (ه s.o.) to act in behalf of (عن ); to come from time to time (الى to s.o.), visit frequently (الى s.o.), frequent (الى s.o.’s place) | اناب الى لله to turn repentantly to God VI to take turns, alternate (في or على in, also هـ in some activity), do s.th. (في or على , also هـ ) by turns; to visit, befall or afflict (ه s.o.) successively or alternately | تناوبته الخطوب he has suffered one misfortune after the other VIII to befall, beset, afflict (ه s.o.), happen, occur (ه to s.o.)
نوبة nauba pl. نوب nuwab change, alternation, shift, rotation; (one’s) turn; time, instance (= مرة marra); case, instance, occasion; -- (pl. -āt) fit, attack, paroxysm (path.); crisis; change (or relief) of the guard, guard duty, guard; bugle call; (syr.) troupe of musicians, small orchestra of native instruments | بالنوبة alternately, in rotation, by turns, successively, one by one, one alter the other; نوبة عصبية (‘aṣabīya) nervous crisis; نوبات غضبه n. gaḍabihī his fits of rage; نوبة قلبية (qalbīya) heart attack; نوبات المطر n. al-maṭar rainy spells, periods of rain; جاءت نوبته it was his turn
نوبتجي naubatjī on duty; commander of the guard, officer on duty
نوبة nauba pl. نوب nuwab misfortune, calamity, mishap, misadventure, accident, reverse, heavy blow
نيابة niyāba representation, replacement, substitution, proxy, deputyship; branch office, branch, agency; delegation; prosecution, office of the district attorney | نيابة عن niyābatan ‘an in place of, instead of, in lieu of; بالنيابة acting, deputy, by proxy; مدير المصلحة بالنيابة (mudīr al-maṣlaḥa) the deputy director of the department; بالنيابة عن in the name of, in behalf of; نيابة عمومية (‘umūmīya) prosecution, office of the district attorney; رئيس النيابة chief prosecutor; وكيل النيابة representative of the prosecution, prosecuting attorney; النيابات المالية (mālīya) the financial delegations (in Algeria)
نيابي niyābī vicarious, deputed, delegated; representative; parliamentary | حكومة نيابية representative (parliamentary) government; مجلس نيابي (majlis) parliament
مناب manāb replacement, substitution, proxy, deputyship; substitute; office performed by proxy, place taken as deputy; share, portion, allotment | ناب منابه to represent s.o., substitute for s.o., act in s.o.’s behalf
مناوبة munāwaba alternation, rotation; munāwabatan alternately, in rotation, by turns, successively, one by one, one after the other | بالمناوبة do.; مناوبة الري m. ar-rīy (Eg.) periodic rotation in irrigation انابة ināba authorization; deputation, delegation, appointment as authorized agent or deputy | انابات قضائية (qaḍā’īya) requests for legal assistance (from court to court)
تناوب tanāwub alternation, rotation, periodic change; O alternation (el.) | بالتناوب successively, one after the other, one by one, by turns, alternately, in rotation
نائب nā’ib pl. نواب nuwwāb representative, agent, proxy, substitute, alternate; delegate; deputy; (with foll. genit.) vice-; authorized agent; sergeant (formerly, Syr.; mil.); authorized representative of a cadi, assistant magistrate (Isl. Law), also نائب شرعي (šar‘ī) | نائب الرئيس vice-president; vice-chairman; نائب عام (‘āmm) or نائب عمومي (‘umūmī) public prosecutor; نائب العريف corporal (Ir.); نائب القنصل n. al-qunṣul vice-consul; نائب الملك n. al-malik viceroy; نائب مالي (mālī) financial delegate (Alg.); مجلس النواب majlis an-n. house of representatives, parliament
نائب nā’ib share, portion; allotment; contingent, quota; distributive share in estate, statutory portion
نائبة nā’iba pl. -āt, نوائب nawā’ib2 vicissitudes, ups and downs (of luck, of a battle, etc.); heavy blow, disaster, calamity, misfortune
منوب munawwib mandator (jur.); constituent, voter
منوب munawwab: ضابط منوب officer on duty, commander of the guard
مناوب munāwib on duty (esp. officer)
منيب munīb repentant
متناوب mutanāwib alternating, alternate, rotating, successive | تيار متناوب (ṭayyār) alternating current (el.)
2 بلاد النوبة bilād an-nūba Nubia
نوبي nūbī Nubian (adj. and n.)
1 نات ( (نوت ) (naut) to away, real, totter, stagger
2 نوت nōt and نوتة nōta notes (mus.), also نوت الموسيقى n. al-mūsīqā
نوتة nōta note, remark
3 نوتي nūtī pl. نواتي nawātīy, نوتية nūtīya seaman, mariner, sailor; skipper | نوتي اول seaman apprentice, نوتي ممتاز (mumtāz) seaman (mil.; Eg. 1939); نواتي السفينة ship’s crew
1 نوح nūḥ Noah
2 ناح (نوح ) nāḥa u (nauḥ, نواح nuwāḥ, نياح niyāḥ, نياحة niyāḥa, مناح manāḥ) to wail, weep, lament; to mourn, bemoan, bewail (على s.o.); to coo (pigeon) ill to be opposite s.th. (هـ ), lie face to face (هـ with), face (هـ s.th.) V to awing; to pendulate, dangle; to sway VI to howl, whine (wind)
نوح nauḥ and نواح nuwāḥ loud loud weeping, wailing, lamentation (for the dead)
نواح nawwāḥ mourner
نواحة nawwāḥa hired female mourner
نائحة nā’iḥa pl. نوائح nawā’iḥ2, نائحات nā’iḥa hired female mourner
مناحة manāḥa lamentation, wailing, mourning
نوخ II to halt for a rest; to take up residence IV to make (هـ a camel) kneel down; to stay, remain (ب at a place) | اناخ عليه البؤس بكلكله (bu’su bi-kalkalihī) to be in great distress, be in a gray, plight X to kneel down
مناخ manāk pl. -āt halting place, way station; residence, abode; -- munāk, manāk climate
مناخي munākī, manākī climatic
ناد ( (نود ) nāda u (naud, نواد nuwād, نودان nawadān) and V to away; to awing back and forth; to pendulate
1 نور II to flower, blossom, be in bloom; to put forth or bear (هـ blossoms); to light, illuminate, fill with light, furnish with lights (ل or ه s.th.); to shed light (ل or ه on s.th.); to enlighten (ل or ه s.o.); to light (هـ a lamp) IV انار anāra to light, illuminate, fill with light, furnish with lights (هـ s.th.); to throw light (هـ on a problem), elucidate, explain, clarify (هـ a problem); انور anwara to come to light, show, appear, be uncovered, be disclosed, be revealed V to be lighted, be lit, be illuminated; to receive enlightenment, be enlightened X to seek enlightenment, insight, or an explanation; to receive light, be lighted, be lit, be illuminated; to obtain enlightenment, gain insight, get an explanation, receive information
نار nār f., pl. نيران nīrān fire; rifle fire, gunfire; conflagration; النار Hell | جبل النار jabal an-n. volcano; شريط النار slow match, fuse; شيخ النار šaik an-n. the Devil; اشهر من نار على علم (‘alam) very famous; كان على نار to be on pins and needles; نيران حامية (ḥāmiya) heavy fire, drumfire (mil.)
ناري nārī fiery, igneous, fire- (in compounds); burning, blazing, red-hot | آلة نارية (in popular usage) motor, any motor-driven device; دراجة نارية (darrāja) motorcycle; سلاح ناري firearm; شهم ناري (sahm) rocket; طلق ناري (ṭalaq) shot (from a firesrm), rifleshot, gunshot; العاب نارية fireworks; مقذوف ناري projectile (of a firearm), bullet, shell
نور naur (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. اانوار anwār blossom(s), flower(s)
نور nūr pl. انوار anwār light; ray of light, light beam; brightness, gleam, glow; illumination; light, lamp; O head-light (of an automobile); lantern | O نور براق (barrāq) blinker, flashing light; O نور ثابت steady light; نور الدلالة ad-dalāla leading light (naut.); نور كشاف (kaššāf) or نور كاشف searchlight (mil.); O انوار خفية (kafīya) indirect lighting; ام النور umm an-n. the Virgin Mary; سبت النور sabt an-n. Easter Saturday (Chr.); عليك نور bravo! excellent! well done! رأى النور to come into being, come into the world, be born
نوري nūrī luminary, luminous, like light; light-, lighting- (in compounds); bright, shining, brilliant, radiant
نوراني nūrānī luminous
نورانية nurānīya luminosity, brilliance
نور nawar (coll.) gypsies; vagabonds, tramps
نوري nawarī gypsy; vagabond, tramp
نورة nūra lime; depilatory agent
نير nayyir luminous; shining, brilliant; lighted, illuminated, brightly lit, full of light; clear, plain, distinct; النيران sun and moon
نوار nuwwār (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. نواوير nawāwīr2 blossom(s), flower(s)
منار manār and منارة manāra pl. مناور manāwir2, منائر manā’ir2 lighthouse; minaret
منور manwar pl. مناور manāwir2 light hole (in a wall); skylight
تنوير tanwīr flowering, blossoming, bloom, efflorescence; lighting, illumination; enlightenment; التنوير and تنوير العقول the Enlightenment
مناورة see below
انارة ināra lighting. illumination; enlightenment
نائرة nā’ira hatred, flame of war
منور munawwar lighted, illuminated; enlightened; shining, brilliant; bright | المنورة epithet of Medina
منير munīr luminous, radiant, brilliant, shining; enlightening, illuminative | جسم منير (jism) luminous body, luminary, illuminant
متنور mutanawwir lighted, illuminated
مستنير mustanīr lighted, illuminated; enlightened; educated; an educated person
2 مناورة munāwara maneuver; trick; shunting (railroad); مناورات military maneuvers | مناورات جوية (jawwīya) air maneuvers; مناورة دبلوماسية diplomatic maneuver; عامل المناورة shunter
نورج nauraj pl. نوارج nawārij2 threshing machine, thresher
نورز nauraz (coll.; n. un. ة ) sea gull(s) (zool.)
نورستانيا nūrastāniyā neurasthenia
نوروز naurūz Persian New Year’s Day
1 ناس (نوص ) nāsa u (naus, نوسان nawasān) to dangle, swing back and forth, bob
نواس nawwās dangling, bobbing, swinging; O pendulum (Syr.)
2 ناووس nāwūs, ناءوس na’ūs pl. نواويس nawāwīs2 sarcophagus
3 ناس nās people, see انس
نوسر nausara to form a fistula (ناسور )
نوش III to skirmish, engage in a skirmish (ه with s.o.); to brush (هـ against s.th.), play (هـ around or about s.th.)
نوشة nauša (eg.) typhoid fever
مناوشة munāwaša skirmish, engagement, encounter | مناوشة حربية (ḥarbīya) engagement, armed clash; pl. hostilities
مناويش munāwīš and مناويشي manāwīšī (eg.) bluish purple
نوشادر nūšādir ammonia
( نوص)ناص nāṣa u (nauṣ, مناص manāṣ, منيص manīṣ) to avoid, shirk, evade, dodge (عن s.th.), flee, draw hack (عن from) VIII to grow dim, die down (light, lamp)
نوص nauṣ wild ass, onager
مناص manāṣ and منيص manīṣ avoidance, shirking, evasion; escape, way out | لا مناص منه (manāṣa) inevitable, unavoidable
ناط (نوط ) nāṭa u (nauṭ, نياط niyāṭ) to hang, suspend (ب هـ s.th. on); to entrust (ب هـ s.th. to s.o., هـ ب s.o. with), commission (هـ ب s.o. to do s.th.), charge (هـ ب s.o. with); to make dependent, conditional (ب or على ه s.th. on); pass. نيط nīṭa to depend, be dependent, be conditional (ب on), he linked (ب to), be connected (ب with), belong (ب to); to be entrusted (ب to s.o.); to hang, be suspended (على on) II and IV = I | اناطه بشرط (bi-šarṭin) to make s.th. dependent on (or subject to) a condition, make s.th. conditional; اناطه بعهدته (bi-‘uhdatihī) to entrust s.o. with the responsibility for s.th., make s.o. responsible for s.th.
نوط nauṭ pl. انواط anwāṭ, نياط niyāṭ s.th. suspended, hanging, or attached; decoration, medal, order, badge of honor | نوط الجدارة n. al-jadāra order of merit
نيط naiṭ pl. نياط niyāṭ sorta | منظر يشق له نياط القلوب (manẓarun yušaqqu) a heart-rending light; قطع نياط القلوب to break the heart
مناط manāṭ place where s.th. is suspended; object, butt (e.g., of mockery); anchor (of hope) | مناوط الثريا m. at-turayyā or مناط الجوزاء m. al-jauzā’ the highest heavens, as high, or as far, as the Pleiades (or Gemini, respectively)
تنوط tanawwuṭ, tunawwiṭ weaverbird
منوط manūṭ dependent, conditional (ب on)
منوط munawwaṭ entrusted, commissioned (ب with), in charge of (ب )
مناط munāṭ entrusted, commissioned (ب with), in charge of (ب )
نوع II to divide into various kinds, classify (هـ s.th.); to make different, diversify, vary, variegate (هـ s.th.), give variety (هـ to); to change, alter, vary, modify, alter in its outward appearance (هـ s.th.), change the appearance (هـ of) V to be of various kinds or forms; to be manifold, diverse, varying, variegated, multiform, complex
نوع nau’ pl. انواع anwā’ kind, sort, type, species; variety; way, manner, mode, fashion; form; nature, character, quality, grade; نوعا nau’an somewhat, a little; to a certain extent, in some measure, in a certain way, so to speak, as it were | نوعا ما somehow or other, in a way, after a fashion, somewhat; نوعا وكمية (wa-kammīyatan) in nature and quantity, qualitatively and quantitatively; بنوع خاص (kāṣṣ) in particular, especially; الأول من نوعه the first of his (its) kind; ظالمون على انواعهم oppressors of all kinds, all sorts of oppressors; نوع الإنسان or النوع الإنساني the human race
نوعي nau’ī relative to the nature or type; characteristic, peculiar, proper; essential; specific | ثقل (وزن) نوعي (tiql, wazn) specific gravity
تنويع tanwī’ change, alteration, modification
تنوع tanawwu’ diversity, variety, multiplicity; change, change-over, readjustment
منوع munawwa’ different, diverse, various, miscellaneous, sundry, manifold, multifarious, complex
متنوع mutanawwi’ different, diverse, various, miscellaneous, sundry, manifold, multifarious, complex; متنوعات miscellany (heading of a newspaper column)
1 نوف ) and ناف (نيف nāfa u (nauf) to be high, lofty, exalted, sublime; to exceed (عن or على s.th., esp., a number), be above (عن or على ), be more than (عن or على ), go beyond (عن or على) | ما ينوف على الحمسين more than fifty II نيف nayyafa and IV to go beyond (عن or على ), be more than (عن or على ), exceed (عن or على s.th.) | ما ينيف عن ثلاث سنوات (talāt sanawātin) more than three years, over three years
ناف nāf yoke
نوف nauf pl. انواف anwāf that which exceeds a number or measure, excess, overplus, surplus
نيف nayyif excess, overplus, surplus | نيف و or ونيف together with round figures: some ..., and some, odd, e.g., نيف وعشرون some twenty, twenty and some, twenty odd
نيافة niyāfa Excellency, Eminence (Copt.-Chr.; title of cardinals and bishops)
منيف munīf high, tall, lofty; exalted, sublime; outstanding, excellent
2 منوفي manūfī a brand of Egyptian cotton
نوفمبر nūfimbir, novembir November
نوق V تنوق tanawwaqa and تنيق tanayyaqa to be squeamish, fastidious, finical, dainty, choosy (في in) X استنوق istanwaqa: استنوق الجمل (jamala) he mistook the he-camel for a she-camel (proverbially of a mistake)
ناقة nāqa pl. نوق nūq, نياق niyāq, ناقات nāqāt she-camel | لا ناقة لي في الأمر ولا جمل (nāqata, jamala) I have no hand in this matter, I have nothing to do with it
نيق nayyiq squeamish, finical, fastidious, choosy, dainty, overnice
انواك anwāk2 foolish, silly, stupid
نال (نول ) nāla u (naul) to give, donate, present, offer, hold out, grant, award (ل ب or ه to s.o. s.th.), confer, bestow (ب ل or ه upon s.o. s.th.) II to let (ه s.o.) obtain (هـ s.th.), give, afford, bring, yield (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.) III to give, hand, pass, present, offer, extend, serve, hand over, deliver (هـ ل or ه to s.o. s.th.) | ناوله القربان (qurbāna) to administer the Communion to s.o. (Chr.) VI to reach (هـ for s.th.), take (هـ s.th.); to accept (هـ s.th.; to receive, get, obtain (هـ s.th.); to take, eat (هـ food), have (هـ a meal, tea, coffee, etc.); to take s.th. (هـ ) out of (من ), derive, draw, obtain (من هـ s.th. from); to take in, grasp, comprehend (هـ the meaning of s.th.); to take up, treat, discuss (هـ a subject), deal with (هـ ); to extend (هـ to), include, encompass (هـ s.th.); to reach (ه s.o.; of a glance); to partake of the Communion, communicate (Chr.)
نول naul pl. انوال anwāl gift; way, manner, mode, fashion; loom; freightage, freight
نوال nawāl gift, s.th. received; favor, benefit; that which is proper, right, incumbent, a duty | نوالك ان تفعل كذا you must do this; ليس ذلك بنوال that’s improper, that isn’t right
منول minwal and منوال minwāl loom
منوال minwāl way, manner, mode, fashion; method, procedure; form | على هذا المنوال in this manner, this way; هم على منوال واحد they are of one stamp, they are all alike; منوالك ان تفعل كذا you must do it this way
مناولة munāwala presentation, offering, handing over, delivery; Communion (Chr.)
تناول tanāwul taking of food, eating, drinking; comprehension, grasp, receptivity; Communion (Chr.)
متناول mutanāwil reaching out, taking, seizing, grabbing; partaking of the Lord’s Supper, communicating; communicant
متناول mutanāwal attainable, available, within reach; attainableness, availability; reach, range | اعسر متناولا difficult to reach, hard to get at; تحت (في) متناول يده (m. yadihī) available, at s.o.’s disposal, within reach, handy, on hand; في متناوله attainable to s.o., within s.o.’s reach; في متناول الجميع within everybody’s means; في متناول كل الأفهام comprehensible to all, understood by all; جعل هـ في متناول to bring s.th. within s.o.’s reach, make s.th. attainable, available to s.o.
نولون naulūn and ناولون nāwulūn pl. نوالين nawālīn2 freightage, freight
نام (نوم ) nāma (1st pers. perf. nimtu) a (naum, نيام niyām) to sleep, slumber; to go to bed; to go to sleep; to abate, subside, let up, calm down, be calm (wind, sea, etc.); to be inactive, dull, listless (market); to be benumbed, be numb (limb); to neglect, omit, overlook (عن s.th.), forget (عن about s.th.), fail to think of (عن ); to be reassured (الى by s.th.), accept (الى s.th.), assent (الى to), acquiesce (الى in); to place confidence (الى in s.o.), trust (الى s.th.) | ينام ملء جفنه (mil’a jafnihī) he sleeps the sleep of the just II to lull (ه s.o.) to sleep, make (ه s.o.) sleep, put to bed (ه , esp., a child); to anesthetize, narcotize, put to sleep (ه s.o.) IV = II; VI to pretend to be asleep; to place confidence, put trust (الى in s.o.) X to let o.s. be lulled to sleep or narcotized (ل by s.th.); to accede (ل to s.th.), comply (ل with); to trust (الى s.o.), have confidence (الى in s.o.), rely, depend (الى on s.o.); to entrust (ب الى s.th. to s.o.); to be reassured (الى by s.th.), accept tacitly (الى s.th.), acquiesce (الى in s.th.), content o.s. be content (الى with)
نوم naum sleep, slumber | غرفة النوم gurfat an-n. bedroom; قميص النوم night, gown, nightshirt
نومي naumī of or pertaining to sleep, somn(i)-, sleeping- (in compounds)
نومة nauma sleep, nap
نومة nuwama one who sleeps much, sleeper
نوام nawwām one given to sleep, sleeper
نؤوم na’ūm sound asleep; one given to sleep, sleeper; late riser, slugabed
منام manām sleep; (pl. -āt) dream
منام manām place to sleep; bedroom, dormitory
منامة manāma place to sleep; bedroom, dormitory; nightwear, nightgown, night-shirt; -- المنامة Manama (capital of Bahrein Islands)
تنويم tanwīm lulling to sleep; narcotization, anesthetization; hypnotism, hypnosis
نائم nā’im pl. نيام niyām, نوم nuwwam, نيم nuyyam, نوام nuwwām, نيام nuyyām sleeping; asleep; numb, benumbed (limb); calm, tranquil, peaceful (night)
منوم munawwim sleep-inducing, somniferous, soporific; narcotic; hypnotist; (pl. -āt) a soporific, somnifacient | جرعة منوم (jur‘a) soporific potion, sleeping draught, nightcap; دواء منوم (dawā’) a soporific, somnifacient
نون II to add a final nūn (هـ to a noun), provide with the nunnation (هـ a noun; gram.)
نون nūn pl. -āt name of the letter ن ; -- (pl. نينان nīnān, انوان anwān) large fish, whale | ذو النون the Prophet Jonah
نوني nūnī shaped like a ن , crescent-shaped
نونة nūna dimple in the chin
تنوين tanwīn nunnation (gram.) | هما كالتنوين والإضافة (iḍāfa) they are like day and light, they are diametrically opposed, they are as unlike as they could be
نوه II to raise, elevate (هـ s.th.); to praise, laud, extol, acclaim (ب s.o.), speak highly (ب of); to commend, cite (ب s.o. or s.th.); to .trees, emphasize (ب s.th.); to make mention, speak (ب of s.o. or s.th.), refer (ب to, also عن to s.th.), name, mention (عن s.th.); to hint (عن or ب or الى at). allude (عن or ب or الى to), intimate, imply (عن or ب or الى s.th.)
نوه tanwīh encomium, tribute, praise; mentioning, mention; reference; hint, allusion
نوى nawā i (نية nīya, نواة nawāh) to intend, propose, purpose, plan, have in mind, make up one’s mind (هـ to do s.th.), resolve, determine (هـ on s.th. or to do s.th.); -- i (نوى nawan) to absent o.s., go away (عن or من from) II to miaow (cat) III to make an enemy of s.o. (ه ), fall out with s.o. (ه ), be hostile, antagonistic (ه to), declare o.s. the enemy (ه of) VIII to propose, purpose, intend (هـ to do s.th.)
نوى nawan remoteness, distance; destination
نوى nawan (coll.) date pits; fruit kernels, atones
نواة nawāh (n. un.) pl. نويات nawayāt date pit; fruit kernel, stone; core; center; atomic nucleus; nucleus (fig., from which s.th. will grow), central point, starting point | نوة الذرة n. ad-darra atomic nucleus
نووي nawawī nuclear, nucleal, nuclei-, nuclea- (in compounds); of or pertaining to nuclear physics, nuclear, atomic | اسلحة نووية (asliḥa) nuclear weapons
ني nayy fat; see also under نئ
نية nīya pl. -āt, نوايا nawāyā intention, intent, design, purpose, plan, scheme; determination, will, volition, direction of will; tendency, inclination, desire | على نية with the intention to ...; في نية ان it is intended to ...; حسن النية ḥusn an-n. good intention, good will, sincerity, honesty; سلامة النية salāmat an-n. guilelessness, innocence, sincerity; bona fides, good faith (jur.); سليم النية undesigning, guileless, artless, sincere; simplehearted, ingenuous, simple-minded; سوء النية sū’ an-n. evil intent, insincerity, malice, cunning, deceit; (jur.) bad faith, mala fides, dolus malus; بسوء النية against one’s better judgment; (jur.) in bad faith, mala fide; صافي النية ṣāfī an-n. sincere, candid, frank, openhearted; اخلص له النية (nīyata) to be loyally attached to s.o. or s.th.; اخلص له النية ل or حسنت نيته في ḥasunat nīyatuhū li do.; to have good intentions, be well-intentioned toward ...; اصلح نيته (nīyatahū) to evoke the right intention in one’s heart (ethical and religious); عقد النية على to determine on s.th., resolve to do s.th., direct one’s intention to
مناو munāwin hostile, unfriendly
ناء ( (نيء ) nā’a i (نيء nay’, نيوء nuyū’, نيوءة nuyū’a) to be raw, uncooked (esp., meat)
نيء nī’, ني nīy raw; unripe; gross (weight); see also under نوى
ناب nāb pl. انياب anyāb, نيوب nuyūb, اناييب anāyīb2 canine tooth, eyetooth; tusk; fang | كشر عن انيابه (kaššara) to bare one’s teeth
ناب nāb pl. انياب anyāb, نيوب nuyūb, نيب nīb old she-camel
نيتروجين nitrōžé nitrogen
متنيح mutanayyaḥ late lamented, deceased (Chr.; eg.)
1 نير nayyir see نور
2 نير nīr pl. انيار anyār, نيران nīrān yoke
نيرة nīra gums (of the teeth)
نيروز nairūz New Year’s Day (Chr.-Copt.)
نيزك naizak pl. نيازك nayāzik2 short lance; shooting star, meteor
نيس nīs Nice (seaport in S France)
نيسان nīsān 2 April (Syr., leb., Jord., Ir.)
نيشان nīšān see نشان (نشن )
نيص nīṣ porcupine
نيط , نياط see نوط
نيف see نوف
نيق see نوق
نيقوسيا nīqōsiyā Nicosia (capital of Cyprus)
ناك ( (نيك ) nāka i to have sexual intercourse (ها with a woman)
نيكل nikl nickel
1 نال ( (نيل ) nāla (1st pers. perf. niltu) a (nail, منال manāl) to obtain, attain, achieve (هـ s.th.), get hold, get possession (هـ of); to win, gain, acquire, earn (هـ s.th.); to get, obtain, procure (ل هـ s.th. for s.o.); to accomplish (من هـ s.th. with s.o.), succeed (من هـ in s.th. with s.o.), get s.th. (هـ ) from s.o. (من ); to affect, influence (من s.o., s.th.), bear upon s.th. (من ); to cause damage, do harm (من to s.o., to s.th.), prejudice, impair, harm (من s.th.) | نال من عرضه (‘irḍihī) to decry, depreciate, discredit, defame, malign, slander s.o.; نال منه اوفر منال (aufara manālin) to do s.o. untold damage, harm s.o. most grievously; ناله بسوء (bi-sū’in) to harm s.o. or s.th.; ناله بضر (bi-ḍurrin) do.; نال من نفسه ابلغ منال see منال below IV to make or let (ل or ه s.o.) obtain (هـ s.th.), procure, get (ل هـ or ه s.th. for s.o.)
نيل nail obtainment, attainment, acquisition; a favor received
منال manāl obtainment, attainment, achievement, acquisition |بعيد المنال unattainable; intangible, impalpable, far from reality; صعب المنال ṣa‘b al-m. unattainable; قريب (سهل) منال (sahl) easy to get, attainable; ممكن المنال mukmin al-m. attainable; نال من نفسه ابلغ منال (ablaga manālin) it made the deepest impression on him
نائل nā’il acquirer, earner, obtainer, gainer, winner; a favor received, a boon, benefit, gain
2 نيل II to dye with indigo (هـ s.th.)
نيل nīl, نيلة nīla indigo plant, indigo
منيل munayyal dyed with indigo
3 نيل II (eg.) to channel Nile water onto the fields for the purpose of alluviating the soil
النيل an-nīl the Nile | زمن النيل zaman an-nīl time of the Nile inundation; عرائس النيل flowers of the European white water lily (nenuphar)
نيلي nīlī of the Nile, Nile (adj.), Nilotic
منيل manyal Nilometer
تنييل tanyīl (eg.) allviation of the soil by irrigation or inundation
نيلج nīlaj indigo
نيلوفر nīlūfar European white water lily, nenuphar
نيلون nailōn, nīlōn nylon
نينة nīna mother
نية see نوى
نيورالجيا niyūraljiyā neuralgia
نيزيلاندا niyūzīlandā New Zealand
ضوء نيوني ḍau’ niyūnī neon light