Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
1ب abbreviation of باب chapter
1ب bi (prep.) in, at, on (place and time); with (indicating connection, association, attendance); with, through, by means of (designating instrumentality or agency, also with pass. = by); for (= at the price of); by (= to the amount of); by (introducing an oath)|بالليل bi-l-lail at (by) night, بالنهار bi-n-nahār during the daytime, by day; شمالا بشرق šamālan bi-šarqin northeast; فبها ونعمت fa-bihā wa-ni’mat in that case it’s all right; ليس بي ان it is not my intention to ; هذا بذاك hādā bi-dāka now we are even, we are quits; قبل مجيئه بساعة (majī’ihī) an hour before his arrival; ب “with” frequently gives causative meaning to a verb, e.g., نهض بشيء (lit.: to rise with s.tا ., i.e.) to boost, further, promote s.th.; بلغ به الى to cause s.o. to arrive at, lead s.o. to; for its use as copula after negations, etc., see grammar; بلا bi-lā without; بما ان bi-mā anna in view of the fact that; since, as, inasmuch as, because; بما فيه bi-mā fīhi including
باء bā’ name of the letter ب
بابا bābā pl. بابوات bābawāt, باباوات pope; papa, father, daddy
بابوى bābawī, باباوى papal
بابوية bābawīya papacy
1 بأبأ ba’ba’a to say “papa” (child)
2 بؤبؤ bu’bu’ root, source, origin; core, heart, inmost part; pupil of the eye, also بؤبؤ لعين b. al-‘ain
بابل bābil2 Babel, Babylon
بابلى bābilī Babylonian
بابه bābih the second month of the Coptic calendar
بابوج bābūj pl. بوابج bawābij2 slipper
بابور bābūr pl. -āt, بوابير bawābīr2 (=وابور ) locomotive, engine; steamship, steamer
بابونج bābūnaj camomile (bot.)
باتسته bati.ta batiste
باثولوجى batōlōjī pathologic(al)
باثولوجيا batōlōjiyā pathology
باذنجان bādijān and بيذنجان baidinjān (coll.; n. un. ة pl. -āt eggplant, aubergine
1 بار bār pl. -āt bar; taproom
2 بأر ba’ara a to dig a well
بئر bi'r f., pl. آبار ābār, بئار bi’ār well, spring
بؤرة bu’ra pl. بؤر bu’ar center, seat (fig.); site; pit; abyss
باراشوت (Fr. parachute) bārāšūt parachute
باراغواى bārāguwāy Paraguay
باربوني see بربونى
باركيه (Fr.) barkēh parquet, parquetry floor
بارنامج see برنامج
بارة bāra pl. -āt para (coin)
بارود bārūd saltpeter; gunpowder
بارودة bārūda pl. بواريد bawārīd2 rifle, carbine
باريس bārīs2 Paris
باريسى bārīsī Parisian
باز bāz pl. بيزان bīzān and بأز ba’z pl. بؤوز bu’ūz, بئزان bi’zān falcon
بازار bāzār pl. –āt bazaar
بازلت bāzalt basalt
بازوبند bāzūband bracelet
بؤس ba’usa u (بأس ba’s) to be strong, brave, intrepid; -- بئس ba’isa a (بؤس bu’s) to be miserable, wretched VI to feign misery or distress VIII to be sad, worried, grieved
بئس الرجل bi’sa r-rajulu what an evil man!
بأس ba’s strength, fortitude, courage, intrepidity (as verbal noun of بؤس ba’usa); harm, hurt, injury, impairment, detriment, wrong| شديد البأس courageous, brave, intrepid; لا بأس (ba’sa) there is no objection to it; unobjectionable; not bad, rather important, considerable, e.g., كميات لا بأس بها (kammīyāt) considerable quantities; لا بأس (ba'sa) never mind! it doesn't matter! it's all right! لا بأس ان it doesn't matter that ; اى بأس؟ ayyu ba'sin? what does it matter! what of it! ليس عليه بأس من (ba’sun) he will be none the worse for ; لا بأس عليك (ba’sa) it won't do you any harm! don't worry! don't be afraid
بنات بئس banātu bi's calamities, adversities, misfortunes
بئس bu’s, بأساء ba’sā’, بؤس bu’ūs and بؤسى bu’sā pl. ابؤس ab’us misery, wretchedness, suffering, distress
بئيس ba’īs pl. بؤساء bu’asā’2 miserable, wretched
بائس bā’is miserable, wretched
باستيل (Fr.) bastē1 pastel
باسل bāsīl bacilli
باش bāš senior, chief (in compounds)
باشجاويش bašcāwīš and باشجاويش approx.: master sergeant (formerly, Eg.)
باشحكيم bāšḥakīm physician-in-chief
باشريش bāšrayyis a naval rank, approx.: petty officer3rd class (Eg.)
باشكاتب bāškātib chief clerk
باشمفتى bāšmuftī chief mufti (Tun.)
باشمفتش bāamšmufattiš chief inspector
باشمهندس bāšmuhandis chief engineer
باشا bāšā pl. باشوات bāšawāt (باشاوات ) pasha
باشق bāšaq, bāšiq pl. بواشق bawāšiq2 sparrow hawk
الباشقرد al-bāšqird the Bashkirs
باشكير see بشكير
باص (Engl.) bāṣ pl. -āt bus, autobus
باطون bātūn concrete, béton
باغة bāgā celluloid; tortoise shell
الباكستان al-bākistān Pakistan
باكستانى bākistānī Pakistani (adj. and n.)
1 بال bāl whale (zool.)
2 بالة bala pl. -āt bundle, bale
بالطو balṯō pl. بالطوات balṯowāt, بلاطي balātī overcoat; paletot
بالو (It. ballo ball, dance
بالون bālūn) balloon
جزر الباليار juzur al-bāliyār the Balearic Islands
باليه (Fr.) bālēh ballet
باميا and بامية bāmiya gumbo, okra (Hibiscus esculentus L., bot., a popular vegetable in Egypt)
بان see بون
شاشة بانورامية šāša bānōrāmīya (= Fr. écran panoramique) cinemascope screen
بؤونة ba’ūna the tenth month of the Coptic calendar
باى bāy, f. باية bāya pl. -āt formerly, in Tunisia, a title after the names of the members of the Bey's family
دار الباى dār al-bāy (formerly) the Tunisian government
ببر babr pl. ببور bubūr tiger
ببغاء babgā2 (and babbayā’2) pl. ببغاوات babgāwāt parrot
بت batta u i (batt) to cut off, sever (هـ s.th.); to complete, finish, achieve, accomplish, carry out (هـ s.th.); to fix, settle, determine (هـ s.th.), decide (هـ s.th., فى on s.th.) II to adjudge, adjudicate, award (هـ s.th.) VII to be cut off; to be finished, be done; to be decided|قد انبت الامر بينه وبينهم it's all over between him and them, they are through with each other
بت batt settlement, decision; بتا battan definitely, once and for all
بتة batta pl. -āt adjudication, award; final decision; البتة al-battata and بتة battatan definitely, positively, decidedly, esp. with negations: absolutely not, definitely not
بتى battī definite, definitive
بتية battiya, bittīya pl. بتاتى batātīy barrel; tub
بتاتا batātan decidedly, definitely, positively, categorically, unquestionably, absolutely
تبتيت tabtīt adjudication, award
بات bātt definite, definitive|منع بات (man‘) categorical interdiction
1 بتر batara u (batr) to cut off, sever (هـ s.th.); to amputate (هـ s.th.); to mutilate, render fragmentarily (هـ a text) VII to be cut off, be severed, be amputated
بتر batr cutting off, severance, separation; amputation
ابتر abtar2 curtailed, docked, clipped, trimmed; imperfect, defective, incomplete; without offspring
بتار battār cutting, sharp
باتر bātir cutting, sharp
مبتور mabtūr broken, abrupt, unconnected; fragmentary, incomplete
2 بتراء bitrā’2, batrā’2 Petra (ancient city of Edomites and Nabataeans; ruins now in SW Jordan)
بترك batrak patriarch
بترول batrūl, bitrōl petroleum
ابتع abta‘2 an assonant intensifier of اجمع ajma‘2 all, altogether, whole, entire
باتع bāti‘ strong; full, whole, entire
بتك II to cut off (هـ s.th.)
1 بتل batala i u (batl) and II to cut off, sever (هـ s.th.); to make final, close, settle, make conclusive, clinch (هـ s.th.) V to retire from the world and devote one's life to God (الى الله ); to be pious, chaste and self-denying; to live in chastity VII to be cut off, be curtailed, be docked
بتول batūl virgin; البتول the Virgin Mary
بتولي batūlī virginal
بتولية batūlīya virginity
متبتل mutabattil an ascetic, a. recluse; a pious, godly man
2 بتولا batūlā birch tree
بث batta (batt) to spread, unroll, unfold (هـ s.th., e.g., a rug); to scatter, disperse (هـ s.th.); to disseminate, propagate, spread (هـ s.th., e.g., a spirit, an ideology, a doctrine); to sprinkle (هـ هـ s.th. on); to let s.o. (ه , also ل ) in on s.th. (هـ , esp. on a secret); to broadcast, transmit by radio |بث العيون to peer around; بث الألغام to plant, or lay, mines IV to let (ه s.o.) in on a secret (هـ ) VII to be spread; to be scattered
بث batta spreading, dissemina.tion, propagation; grief, sorrow
بثر batara i (batira a) and V to break out with pimples or pustules (skin)
بثر batr pl. بثور butūr (n. un. بثرة batra pl. batarāt) pimples, pustules
بثر batir, بثير batīr pustulate, pimpled
بثق bataqa i u (with النهر an-nahra) to open flood gates so that the river will overflow its banks VII to break forth, burst out, well out, pour out, gush out; to emanate, proceed, spring (من or عن from)
انبثاق outpouring, effusion, outpour, outburst; emanation
بجح bajiḥa a (bajaḥ) to rejoice (ب at) V to vaunt, flaunt (ب s.th.), boast, brag (ب of)
تبجح tabajjuj bragging, braggery
متبجح mutabajjij braggart
بجدة bajda, bujda root, source. heart, essence, basis|بجدة الأمر the heart of the matter, the actual state of affairs, the true facts; هو ابن بجدتها (ibn bujdatihā) he knows the job from the ground up, he is the right man for it
ابجر abiar2 obese, corpulent
بجس bajasa u i (bajs) and II to open a passage (for the water), cause (the water) to flow V and VII to flow freely, pour forth copiously, gush out
بجس bajs, بجيس bajīs flowing freely, streaming
بجع baja‘ (n. un. ة ) pelican
بجل II to honor, revere, venerate, treat with deference (ه s.o.), show respect (هـ to s.o.); to give precedence (على هـ or ه to s.o. or s.th. over) V to be honored, be revered, be venerated
بجل bajal syphilis (ir.)
تبجيل tabjīl veneration, reverence; deference, respect
مبجل mubajjal revered, respected; venerable
بجم bajama i (bajm, بجوم bujūm) to be speechless, dumfounded
بجن II to clinch (هـ a nail)
بح baḥḥa a (baḥḥ, بحح baḥaḥ, بحوح buḥūḥ, بحاح baḥāḥ, بحوحة buḥūḥa, بحاحة baḥāḥa) to be or become hoarse, be raucous, husky, harsh (voice) II and IV to make hoarse (ه s.o.)
بحة buḥḥa hoarseness
ابح abaḥḥ2 hoarse
مبحوح mabḥūḥ hoarse
بحبح II tabaḥbaḥa to be prosperous, live in easy circumstances; to enjoy o.s. have a good time
بحبوح baḥbūḥ gay, merry
بحبوحة buḥbūḥa middle; life of ease and comfort, prosperity, affluence| في بحبوحة amidst
مبحبح mubaḥbaḥ well-to-do, prosperous; enjoying an easy, comfortable life
بحت baḥt pure, unmixed, sheer; exclusive, also بحت الأمر; بحتا baḥan merely, solely, purely, exclusively, nothing but ...
بحتر buḥtur stocky, pudgy, thickset
بحتري buḥturī stocky, pudgy, thickset
بحث baḥata a (baḥt) to look, search (هـ or عن for s.th.), seek (هـ or عن s.th.); to do research; to investigate, examine, study, explore (هـ or عن s.th., less frequently with في or على ), look into (هـ or عن ); to discuss (هـ a subject, a question) III to discuss (ه with s.o., في a question) VI to have a discussion, discuss together; to confer, have a talk (مع with s.o., في about)
بحث baḥt pl. بحوث buḥūt, بحوثات, ابحاث abḥāt search (عن for), quest (عن of); examination, study; research; investigation, exploration; discussion; treatise; (pl. ابحاث ) study, scientific report (في on)
بحاث baḥḥāt scholar, research worker
بحاثة baḥḥāta eminent scholar
مبحث mabḥāt pl. مباحث mabāḥit subject, theme, field of investigation or discussion, object of research; research, study, examination; investigation
مباحثة mubāḥata pl. -āt negotiation, parley, conference, talk, discussion
باحث bāḥit pl. -ūn and بحاث buḥḥāt scholar, research worker; examiner, investigator
بحثر baḥtara to disperse, scatter (هـ s.th.); to waste, squander, dissipate (هـ s.th.) II tabaḥtara pass. of I
بحثر baḥtara waste, dissipation
مبحثر mubaḥtir squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift
1 بحر baḥira a to be startled, be bewildered (with fright)
1 بحر II to travel by sea, make a voyage IV do.; to embark, go on board; to put to sea, set sail, sail, depart (ship); to go downstream, be sea-bound (ship on the Nile) V to penetrate deeply, delve (في into); to study thoroughly (في a subject) X = V
بحر baḥr pl. بحار biḥār, بحور , buḥūr, ابحار abḥār, ابحر abḥur sea; large river; a noble., or great, man (whose magnanimity or knowledge is comparable to the vastness of the sea); meter (poet.) | في بحر in the course of, during, في بحر سنتين (sanatain) in the course of two years, within two years; البحر الأبيض المتوسط (abyaḍ, mutawassiṯ) the Mediterranean (sometimes shortened to البحر الأبيض); بحر البلطيق b. al-balṯīq the Baltic Sea; بحر الجنوب b. al-janūb the South Seas; البحر الأحمر the Red Sea (also بحر القلزم b. al-qulzum); بحر القزر b. al-ḳazar the Caspian Sea (also البحر الكسبياتي); بحر الروم b. ar-rūm the Mediterranean; البحر الأسود (aswad) the Black Sea; بحر الظلمات b. aẓ-ẓulumāt the هـ tlantic; بحر لوط b. lūṯ and البحر الميت (mayyit) the Dead Sea; بحر النيل (eg.) the Nile
البحرين al-baḥrain the Bahrein Islands
بحراني baḥrānī of the Bahrein Islands; البحارنة al-baḥārina the inhabitants of the Bahrein Islands
بحري baḥrī sea (adj.), marine; maritime; nautical; naval; navigational; (in Eg.) northern, baḥrīya (with foll. genit.) north of; (pl. -ūn, ة ) sailor, seaman, mariner|بحري ماهر approx.: seaman apprentice (Eg.); القوات البحرية (qūwāt) the naval forces; نباتات بحرية (nabātāt) marine flora, water plants
بحرية baḥrīya navy
بحرة baḥra pond, pool
بحار baḥḥār pl. -ūn, بحارة baḥḥāra seaman, mariner, sailor; pl. بحارة crew (of a ship, of an airplane)
بحيرة buḥaira pl. -āt, بحائر baḥā’ir2 lake; (tun.)'vegetable garden, truck garden
بحران buḥrān crisis (of an illness); climax, culmination (also, e.g., of ecstasy)
تبحر tabaḥḥur deep penetration, delving (في into a subject), thorough study (في of)
متبحر mutabaḥḥir thoroughly familiar (في with); profound, erudite, searching, penetrating
بحلق baḥlaqa: بحلق عينيه (‘ainaihi) to stare, gaze (في at)
1 بخ بخ baḳ baḳ excellent! well done! Bravo!
2 بخ baḳḳa u (baḳḳ) to snore; to spout, spurt, squirt (هـ s.th.); to sprinkle, splatter (ب هـ s.th. with)
بخاخة baḳḳāḳa nozzle
بخيخة buḳḳēḳa squirt, syringe
مبخة mibaḳḳa nozzle
بخت baḳt luck; a kind of lottery| قليل البخت unIucky; سوء البخت bad luck
بخيت baḳīt lucky, fortunate
مبخوت mabḳūt lucky, fortunate
بختر II tabaḳtara to strut, prance
بخر II to vaporize, evaporate (هـ s.th.); to fumigate (هـ s.th.); to disinfect (هـ s.th.); to perfume with incense, expose to aromatic smoke (هـ s.th.) V to evaporate (water); to volatilize, tum into smoke or haze; to perfume 0.8., or be perfumed, with incense
بخار buḳār pl. -āt, ابخرة abḳira vapor, fume; steam
بخاري buḳārī steam (adj.), steam-driven
بخور baḳūr incense; frankincense| بخور مريم b. maryam cyclamen (bot.)
ابخر abḳar2 suffering from halitosis
مبخرة mabḳara pl. مباخر mabāḳir2 (also -āt) censer; thurible; fumigator
تبخير tabḳīr fumigation
تبخر tabaḳḳur evaporation, vaporization
باخرة balfira pl. بواخر bawāḳir2 steamer, steamship
بويخرة buwaiḳira small steamboat
بخس baḳasa a (baks) to decrease, diminish, reduce (هـ s.th.); to lessen (e.g., قيمته qīmatahū the value of s.th.); to disregard, neglect, fail to heed (هـ s.th.)
بخس baḳs too little, too low; very low (price)
باخس baḳis small, little, trifling, unimportant
بخشيش baḳšīš pl. بخاشيش baḳāšīš 2 tip, gratuity
بخع baḳa‘a a (baḳ‘) with نفسه : to kill o.s. (with grief, anger, rage)
ابخق abḳaq2 f. بخقاء baḳqā’2 one-eyed
بخل baḳila a (baḳal), baḳula u (buḳl) to be niggardly, be stingy (ب with s.th., عن or على with regard to s.o.), scrimp (عن, على s.o., ب for), stint (ب in, عن or على s.o.), withhold (عن, على from s.o., ب s.th.) VI to give reluctantly, grudgingly (عن, على to s.o., y s.th.)
بخل buḳl avarice, cupidity, greed
بخيل baḳīl pl. بخلاء avaricious, greedy; miser, skinflint
مبخلة mabḳala cause of avarice, that which arouses avarice or greed
بخنق buḳnuq pl. بخانق baḳāniq2 kerchief, veil (to cover the head)
بد badda u (budd) to distribute, spread, disperse II to divide, distribute, spread, scatter, disperse (هـ •.th.); to remove, eliminate (هـ s.th.); to waste, squander, fritter away, dissipate (هـ s.th.) V pass. of II; X to be independent, proceed independently (ب in, e.g., in one's opinion, i.e., to be opinionated, obstinate, head-strong); to possess alone monopolize (هـ s.th.); to take possession (هـ of s.o.), seize, grip, overwhelm, overcome (هـ s.o.; said of a feeling, of an impulse); to dispose arbitrarily, highhandedly (ب of s.th.); to rule despotically, tyrannically, autocratically (ب over)
بد budd way out, escape| اذا لم يكن بد من ان (buddun) if it is inevitable that ; لا بد (budda) definitely, certainly, inevitably, without fail; by all means; لا بد من it is necessary, inescapable, unavoidable, inevitable, لا بد له منه he simply must do it, he can't get around it; من كل بد min kulli buddin in any case, at any rate
اباديد abādīd 2 (pl.) scattered
تبديد tabdīd scattering, dispersal, dispersion; removal, elimination; waste, dissipation
استبداد istibdād arbitrariness, high-handedness; despotism; autocracy; absolutism
استبدادي istibdādī arbitrary, highhanded, autocratic, despotic; استبداديات istibdādīyāt arbitrary acts
مبدد mubaddid scatterer, disperser; squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift
مستبد mustabidd arbitrary, highhanded, autocratic, tyrannical, despotic; autocrat, tyrant, despot|مستبد برأيه (bira’yihī) opinionated, obstinate, headstrong
بدأ bada’a a (بدأ bad’) to begin, start (ب or في with s.th., هـ s.th.; ه with s.o.; with foll. imperf.: to do s.th. or doing s.th. respectively); to set in, begin, start, arise, spring up, crop up II to put (هـ s.th., على before s.th. else), give precedence or priority (هـ to s.th., على over s.th. else) III to begin, start (ب s.th., ه with regard to s.o.), make the first step, take the initiative or lead (ب in s.th., ه toward s.o.) e.g., بادأه بالكلام (kalām) to accost s.o., speak first to s.o. IV to do or produce first (هـ s.th.). bring out (هـ s.th. new)| ما يبدئ وما يعيد mā yubdi’u wa-mā yu‘īd he can't think of a blessed thing to say; يبدئ ويعيد he says or does everything conceivable VIII to begin, start (ب with s.th.)
بدء bad’ beginning, start|منذ البدء from the (very) beginning; فعله عودا وبدءا (‘audan wa-bad’an) عوده على بدئه (‘audahū ‘alā bad’ihī) or عودا الى بدء (ilā bad’in) he did it all over again, he began anew
بدأة bad’a, بديئة badī’a, بداية bidāya beginning, start|في بداية الأمر in the beginning, at first
بداءة badā’a beginning, start; first step, first instance| بداءة بدء badā’ata bad’in right at the outset, at the very beginning
بدائي budā’ī primitive
مبدأ mabda' pl. مبادئ mabādi’2 beginning, start, starting point; basis, foundation; principle; invention; pl. principles, convictions (of a person); ideology; rudiments. fundamental concepts, elements| كتب المبادئ kutub al-m. elementary books
مبدئي mabda’ī original, initial; fundamental, basic; مبدئيا mabda’īyan originally; in principle
ابتدائي ibtidā’ī beginning, start; novitiate (Chr.)| ابتداء من ibtidā’an min from, beginning , as of (with foll. date)
ابتدائي ibtidā’ī initial; preparatory, elementary, primary; of first instance (jur.); original, primitive|محكمة ابتدائية (maḥkama) court of first instance; التعليم الابتدائى elementary education; مدرسة ابتدائية (madrasa) lower grades of a high school, approx.: junior high school (as distinguished from ثانوية); شهادة ابتدائية (šahāda) approx.: junior high school graduation certificate
بادئ bādi’ beginning, starting| بادئ الأمر badi'a l-amr and في بادئ الأمر in the beginning, at first; في بادئ الرأي right away, without thinking twice, unhesitatingly; بادئ ذي بدء badi’a dī bad’in above all, first of all, in the first place, primarily; البادئ ذكره al-badi’u dikruhu (the person or thing) mentioned at the outset, the first-mentioned
مبتدئ mubtadi’ beginning; beginner; novice (Chr.)
مبتدأ mubtada' beginning, start; (gram.) subject of 8 nominal clause
1 بدر badara u to come unexpectedly, by surprise; to escape (من s.o.; e.g., words in excitement) III to come to s.o.’s (ه ) mind, occur to s.o. (t) all of a sudden, strike s.o. (idea, notion); to embark, enter (الى upon s.th.) or set out (الى to do s.th.) without delay; to rush, hurry (الى to s.o., to a place); to hurry up (", with s.th.), بادر الى with foll. verbal noun: to do s.th. promptly, without delay, hasten to do s.th.; to fall upon s.o (ه ) with (ب ), accost, assail, surprise (ب ه s.o. with s.th.; e.g., بادره بكلام غليظ to snap rudely at s.o.); to react, respond (الى to s.th.)| بادر الى انجاز الوعد (injāzi l-wa‘d) to set out to fulfill a promise VI تبادر الى الذهن (dihn) to suggest itself strongly, be obvious; to appear at first glance as if (أن); تبادر الى ذهني أن (dihnī) it occurred to me all of a sudden that ; تبادر الى الفهم (fahm) to be immediately understood VIII to hurry, rush, hasten (هـ to); to get ahead of s.o. (ه ), anticipate, forestall (ه s.o.)|ابتدرها قائلا before she could say a word he exclaimed ...
بدر badr, pl. بدور budūr full moon
بدرة badra pl. badarāt, بدار bidār huge amount of money (formerly = 10,000 dirhams)|بدرات الأموال enormous sums of money
بدار badārī hurry! quick!
مبادرة mubādara undertaking, enterprise
بادرة bādira pl. بوادر bawadir2 herald, harbinger, precursor, forerunner, first indication, sign; unforeseen act; stirring, impulse, fit (e.g., of rage); blunder, mistake; بوادر stirrings, impulses|بادرة خير b. ḳairin a good, or generous, impulse
2 بيدر baidar pl. بيادر bayādir 2 threshing floor
بدروم and بدرون (Turk. bodrum) badrūm, badrūn pl. -āt basement
بدع bada‘a a (bad‘) to introduce, originate, start, do for the first time (هـ s.th.), be the first to do s.th. (هـ ); to devise, contrive, invent (هـ s.th.) II to accuse of heresy (ه s.o.) IV = I; to create (هـ s.th.); to achieve unique, excellent results (في in); to be amazing, outstanding (في in s.th.) VIII to invent, contrive, devise, think up (هـ s.th.) X to regard as novel, as unprecedented (هـ s.th.)
بدع bad‘ innovation, novelty; creation|بدعا وعودا bad‘an wa-‘audan repeatedly
بدع bid‘ pl. ابداع abdā‘ innovator; new, original; unprecedented, novel|لا بدع lā bid‘a no wonder! لا بدع ان lā bid‘a an no wonder that ; بدع من s.th. else than; unlike, different from
بدعة bid‘a pl. بدع bida‘ innovation. novelty; heretical doctrine, heresy; pl. creations (of fashion, of art)| اهل البدع ahl al-b. heretics
بديع badi', بدع bud‘ unprecedented, marvelous, wonderful, amazing, admirable, singular, unique; creator| علم البديع ‘ilm al-b. the art or science of metaphors and (in general) of good style
بديعة badī‘a pl. بدائع badā’i‘2 an astonishing, amazing thing, a marvel, a wonder; original creation
بديعي badī‘ī rhetorical
ابدع abda‘2 more amazing, more exceptional; of even greater originality
ابداع ibdā‘ creation, fashioning, shaping; a marvelous, unique achievement; uniqueness, singularity, originality; creative ability
O ابداعي ibdā‘ī romantic (lit.)
O ابداعية ibdā‘īya romanticism (lit.)
مبدع mubdi‘ producing, creating; creative; creator; exceptional, unique, outstanding (in an achievement, esp. of an artist)
مبتدع mubtadi‘ innovator; creator; heretic
بيدق look up alphabetically
بدل badala u to replace (ب هـ s.th. by), exchange (ب هـ s.th. for) II to change, alter (هـ هـ s.th. to), convert (هـ هـ s.th. into); to substitute (هـ for s.th., ب or من s.th.), exchange, give in exchange (هـ s.th., ب or من for); to change (هـ s.th.) III to exchange (هـ ه with s.o. s.th.) IV to replace (ب هـ s.th. by), exchange (ب هـ for s.th. s.th. else); to compensate (هـ ب ه s.o. for s.th. with s.th. else), give s.o. (ه ) s. th. (هـ ) in exchange for (ب ) V to change; to be exchanged VI to exchange (هـ s.th., also words, views, greetings) X to exchange, receive in exchange, trade, barter (ب هـ and هـ ب s.th. for); to replace (هـ ب and هـ ب s.th. by), substitute (ب هـ and هـ ب for s.th. s.th. else)
بدم badal pl. ابدال abdāl substitute, alternate, replacement; equivalent. compensation, setoff; reimbursement, recompense, allowance; price. rate; (gram.) appositional substantive standing for another substantive|بدل الجراية b. al-jirāya allowance for food; بدل السفرية b. as-safarīya travel allowance; بدل الاشتراك subscription rate; بدل التمثيل expense account, expense allowance
بدل badala (prep.) inetead of, in place of, in lieu of
بدلا من badalan min in place of, instead of, in lieu of
بدلة badla pl. badalāt, بدل bidal suit (of clothes); costume|بدلة الحمام b. al-ḥammām bathing suit; بدلة رسمية (rasmīya) uniform; بدلة تشريفاتية (tašrīfātīya) full-dreas uniform
بدلية badalīya compensation, smart money
بدال badāla (prep.) instead of, بدال ما (conj.) instead of (being, doing, etc.)
بديل badīl pl. بدلاء budalā’ 2 substitute, alternate (عن or من for); stand-in, double (theat.); (f. ة ) serving as a replacement or substitute| مفرزة بديلة (mafraza) reserve detachment (mil.)
بدال baddāl grocer; money-changer
بدالة baddāla culvert; pipeline; telephone exchange, central
مبادل mabādil2 see بدل
تبديل tabdīl change, alteration
مبادلة mubādala pl. -āt exchange| مبادلات تجارية (tijārīya) commercial exchange, trade relations
ابدال ibdāl exchange, interchange, replacement (ب by), substitution (ب of); change; phonetic change
تبدل tabaddul change, shift, turn; transformation; transmutation, conversion
تبادل tabādul (mutual) exchange| تبادل السلام t. as-salam exchange of greetings, تبادل الخواطر thought transference, telepathy
استبدال istibdāl exchange, replacement, substitution
مبدل mubdil: مبدل الاسطوانات m. al-usṯuwānāt automatic record changer
متبادل mutabādil mutual, reciprocal
بدن baduna u and badana u to be fat, corpulent
بدن badan pl. ابدان abdān, ابدن abdun body, trunk, torso
بدني badani bodily, corporal, physical, somatic
بدانة badāna corpulence, obesity
بدين badīn pl. بدن budun stout, corpulent, fat, obese
بدونة budūna corpulence, obesity
بادن bādin pl. بدن budn stout, corpulent, fat, obese
بده badaha a to come, descend suddenly (ه upon s.o.), befall unexpectedly (ه s.o.); to surprise (ه s.o.) with s.th. (ب ) III to appear suddenly, unexpectedly (ب ه before s.o. with s.th.) VIII to extemporize, improvise, do offhand, on the spur of the moment (هـ s.th.)
بداهة badāha spontaneity, spontaneous occurrence, impulse; simple, natural way, naturalness, matter-of-factness; بداهة badāhatan and بالبداهة all by itself, spontaneously
بديهة badīha s.th. sudden or unexpected; improvisation; impulse, inspiration, spontaneous intuition; intuitive understanding or insight, empathy, instinctive grasp, perceptive faculty|على البداهية all by itself, spontaneously; offhand; حاضر البديهة quick-witted, quick at repartee; بديهة حاضرة presence of mind
بديهي badīhī and بدهي badahī intuitive, self-evident, a priori (adj.)
بديهية badīhīya pl. -āt an axiom, a fundamental or self-evident truth; truism, commonplace, platitude
بدائه badii'ih' fundamental or selfevident truths
(بدو) بدا badā u to appear, show, become evident, clear, plain or manifest, come to light; to be obvious; to seem good, acceptable, proper (ل to s.o.) III to shaw, display, evince, manifest, reveal, declare openly|بادى بالعداوة (‘adāwa) to show open hostility IV to disclose, reveal, manifest, show, display, evince (هـ s.th.), to demonstrate, bring out, bring to light, make visible (هـ s.th.); to express, utter, voice (هـ s.th.)| ابدى رأيه في (ra'yahū) to express one's opinion about; ابدى رغبة (ragbatan) to expreas a wish or desire V = I, to live in the desert VI to pose as a Bedouin
بدو badw desert; nomads, Bedouins
بدوي badawī Bedouin, nomadic; rural (as distinguished from urban); a Bedouin
بدوية badawīya pl. -āt Bedouin woman, Bedouin girl
بداة badaJl pl. بدوات badawāt whim, caprice; ill-humor
بداوة badāwa and bidāwa desert life, Bedouin life; Bedouinism, nomadism
بيداء baidā’2 desert, steppe, wilderness, wild
ابداء ibdā’ expression, manifestation, declaration
باد bādin apparent, evident, obvious, plain, visible; inhabiting the desert; pl. بداة budāh Bedouins
بادية bādiya desert, semidesert, steppe; peasantry; (pl. بواد bawādin) nomads, Bdouins
بداية bidāya = بداءة
بذ badda u (badd) to get the better of (ه ), beat, surpass (s.o.)
بذ badd and bādd slovenly, untidy, shabby, filthy, squalid
بذاذة badāda slovenliness, untidiness, shabbiness, dirtiness, filth
بذأ bada’a a to revile, abuse (على s.o.), rail (على at s.o.); -- بذئ badi’a a, بذؤ badu’a u to be obscene, bawdy
بذئ badī’ disgusting, loathsome, nauseous, foul, dirty, obscene, bawdy, ribald
بذاء badā’ and بذاءة badā’a obscenity, ribaldry, foulness (of language); disgust, loathing, aversion, contempt
بذخ badaḳa a to be haughty, proud
بذخ badaḳ luxury, pomp, splendor; haughtiness, pride
باذخ bādiḳ pl. بواذخ bawādiḳ2 high, lofty; proud, haughty
بذر badara u (badr) to sow, disseminate (هـ s.th., seed, also fig. = to spread) II to waste, squander, dissipate (هـ s.th.)
بذر badr pl. بذور budūr, بذار bidār seeds, seed; seedling; pl. بذور pips, pits, stones (of fruit)
بذرة badra (n. un.) a seed, a grain; pip, pit, stone (of fruit); germ; (fig.) germ cell (of a development, and the like)
بذار bidār seedtime
تبذير tabdīr waste, squandering, dissipation
مبذر mubaddir squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift
بيذق look up alphabetically
بذل badala i u (badl) to give or spend freely, generously (هـ s.th.); to sacrifice (هـ s.th.); to expend (هـ s.th.); to offer, grant (هـ s.th.)| بذل جهده (jahdahū) to take pains; بذل مجهودا do.; بذل كل مساعدة (kulla musā‘adatin) to grant every assistance; بذل المساعى to make efforts; بذل الطاعة ل to obey s.o., defer to s.o.; بذل كل غال (kulla gālin) and بذل الغالى والرخيص في سبيل to spare no effort, go to any length, give everything, pay any price for or in order to; بذل ماء وجهه (mā’a wajhihī) to sacrifice one's honor; (عن فلان or) بذل نفسه دون فلان to sacrifice o.s. for s.o.; بذل وسعه (wus‘ahū) to do one’s utmost, do one’s best V to fritter away one’s fortune, be over-generous; to prostitute o.s. (woman); to display common, vulgar manners VIII to wear out in common service, make trite, vulgar, commonplace, to hackney (هـ s.th.); to abuse (هـ s.th.); to express o.s. in a vulgar manner, use vulgar language; ابتذل نفسه to degrade o.s. demean o.s., sacrifice one's dignity
بذل badl giving, spending; sacrifice, surrender, abandonment; expenditure; offering, granting
بذلة badla suit (of clothes)
مبذل mibdal pl. مباذل mabādil2 slipper; pl. مباذل casual clothing worn around home|فلان في مباذله so-and-so in his private life
ابتذال ibtidāl triteners, commonness, commonplaceness; banality; debasement, degradation
باذل bādil spender
متبذل mutabaddil vulgar, common
مبتذل mubtadal trite, hackneyed, banal, common, vulgar; everyday, commonplace (adj.)
2 بر barra (1st pers. perf. barirtu, barartu) a I (birr) to be reverent, dutiful, devoted; to be kind (ه or ب to s.o.); to be charitable, beneficent, do good (ب to s.o.); to obey (ه s.o., esp. God); to treat with reverence, to honor (ب or ه the parents); to be honest, truthful; to be true, valid (sworn statement); to keep (ب a promise, an oath) II to warrant, justify, vindicate; to acquit, absolve, exonerate, exculpate, clear (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.)| برر وجهه (wajhahū) to justify o.s. by IV to carry out, fulfill (هـ s.th., a promise, an oath) V to justify o.s.; to be justified
بر birr reverence, piety; righteousness, probity; godliness, devoutness; kindness; charitable gift
بر barr and بار bārr pl. ابرار abrār and بررة barara reverent, dutiful (ب toward), devoted (ب to); pious, godly, upright, righteous.; kind
مبرة mabarra pl. -āt and مبار mabar2 good deed, act of charity, benefaction; philanthropic organization; charitable institution, home or hospital set up with private funds
تبرير tabrīr justification, vindication
بار bārr reverent, faithful and devoted; see also under بر barr above
مبرور mabrūr (accepted into the grace of the Lord, i.e.) blessed (said of a deceased person)
مبرر mubarrir pl. -āt justification; excuse|لا مبرر له (mubarrira) unjustifiable
2 بر barr land (as opposed to sea), terra firma, mainland; open country; برا barran out, outside| برا وبحرا barran wa-baḥran by land and sea
برى barrī terrestrial, land (adj.); wild (of plants and animals)| سيارة برية مائية (sayyāra, mā’īya) amphibious vehicle
āبرية barrīya pl. برارى barāarīy open country, steppe, desert; see also 1 برأ
برانى barrānī outside, outer, exterior, external; foreign, alien
بر burr wheat
1 برأ bara’a a (برء bar’) to create (هـ s.th., said of God)
برء bar’ creation
برية barīya pl. -āt, برايا barāyā creation (= that which is created); creature; see also 2 بر .
البارى ~J~I aI-bari' the Creator (God)
2 برئ bari’a a (براءة barā’a) to be or become free, be cleared (من from, esp. from guilt blame, etc., الى toward s.o.); to recover (من from an illness) II to free, clear, acquit, absolve, exculpate (ه s.o., من from suspicion, blame, guilt)| برأ ساحة الرجل (sāḥata r-rajul) he acquitted the man IV to acquit, absolve, discharge, exculpate (ه s.o.); to cause to recover, cure, heal (ه s.o.)| ابرأ ذمته (dimmatahū) to clear s.o. or o.s. from guilt, exonerate s.o. or o.s. V to clear o.s. (من from suspicion, from a charge), free o.s. (من from responsibility, etc.), rid o.s. (من of); to declare o.s. innocent, wash one’s hands (من of); to be acquitted X to restore to health, cure, heal (ه s.o.); to free o.s. (من from), rid o.s. (من of)
برء bur’ and burū’ convalescence, recovery
برئ barī’ pl. ابرياء abriyā’2, براء burā’, birā’ free, exempt (من from), devoid (من of); guiltless, innocent; guileless, harmless; healthy, sound
براء barā’ free, exempt (من from)| ذمته براء من (dimmatuM) he is innocent of ...
براءة barā’a being free; disavowal, withdrawal; innocence, guiltlessness; naiveté, guilelessness, artlessness; (pl. -āt) license, diploma, patent| براءة اختراع patent on an invention; براءة التنفيذ exequatur (a written authorization of a consular officer, issued by the government to which he is accredited); براءة الثقة b. at-tiqa (Tun.) credentials (dipl.); على براءة harmless; without guilt, innocent
تبرئة tabri’a freeing, exemption; acquittal, absolution, discharge, exoneration
مبارأة mubāra’a mubarat, divorce by mutual consent of husband and wife, either of them waiving all claims by way of compensation (Isl. Law)
ابراء ibrā’ acquittal, absolution, release; release of a debtor from his liabilities, remission of debt (Isl. Law)
استبراء istibrā’: استبراء الحمل ist. al-ḥamal the ceremony of selecting and purifying the Host before Mass (Copt.-Chr.)
براجواى baraguwāy Paraguay
البرازيل al-bərāzīl Brazil
براسيرى (Fr. brasserie) brāseri beer parlor, taproom
براغ Prague
برافان (Fr. paravent) baravān folding screen
براهما bərahmā Brahma
بربة birba and بربا birbā pl. برابى barābī ancient Egyptian temple, temple ruins doting back to ancient Egypt (eg.); labyrinth, maze
بربخ barbaḳ pl. برابخ barābiḳ2 water pipe, drain, culvert, sewer pipe
بربر barbara to babble noisily (e.g., a large crowd), jabber, mutter, prattle
البربر al-barbar the Berbers
بربرى barbarī Berber (adj.); barbaric, uncivilized; -- (pl. برابرة barābira) a Berber; a barbarian
بربرية barbarīya barbar(ian)ism, barbarity, savagery, cruelty
متبربر mutabarbir barbaric, uncivilized
بربيس look up alphabetically
بربيش barbīš (syr.) tube (of a narghile, of an enema, etc.)
بربط barbata to splash, paddle, dabble (in water)
بربونى (It. barbone) barbūnī, also بربون red mullet (Mullus barbatus; zool.)
بربى see بربة
بربيس barbīs barbel (zool.)
برتغال burtugāl Portugal
برتغالى burtugālī Portuguese
برتقال burtuqāl, برتقان burtuqān orange
برتقالى burtuqālī, برتقانى burtuqānī orange, orange-colored
برثن burtun, pl. براثن barātin claw, talon
1 برج V to display, show, play up her charms (woman); to adorn herself, make herself pretty (woman)
2 برج burj pl. بروج burūj, ابراج abrāj tower; castle; sign of the zodiac| برج الحمام b. al-ḥamām pigeon house, dovecot; برج المياه b. al-miyāh water tower
2 بارجة bārija pl. بوارج bawārij warship, battleship; barge
1 لعب البرجاس la‘b al-birjās a kind of equestrian contest, joust, tournament
2 البرجيس al-birjīs Jupiter (astron.)
برجل barjal pl. براجل barāhil2 compass, (pair of) dividers
برجمة burjuma pl. براجم barājim2 knuckle, finger joint
برح bariḥa a (براح barāḥ) to leave (هـ or من a place, الى for), depart (هـ from, الى on one’s way to); with neg.: to continue to be (= زال)|ما برح في he is still in ; ما برح غنيا (ganīyan) he is still rich; برح الخفاء (ḳafā’) the matter hall come out, has become generally known; غدا وبرح to come and go II to beset, harass, trouble, molest (ب s.o.) III to leave (هـ a place, الى for), depart (هـ from, الى on one's way to)
براح departure; cessation, stop; a wide, empty tract of land, vast expanse, vastness; براحا barāḥan openly and plainly, patently
تباريح tabārīh2 agonies, torments (e.g., of longing, of passion)
مبارحة mubāraḥa departure
بارح bāriḥ (showing the left side. i.e.) ill-boding, inauspicious, ominous (as opposed to سانح); البارح al-bāriḥa yesterday
البارحة al-bāriḥata yesterday| الليلة البارحة (lailata) last night; اول البارحة awwala l-b. the day before yesterday. two days ago
مبرح mubarriḥ, violent, intense, excruciating, agonizing (esp., of pains)
مبرح به mubarraḥ bihi stricken. afflicted, tormented
1 برد barada u to be or become cold; to cool, cool off (also fig.); to feel cold; to cool, chill (هـ s.th.); to soothe. alleviate (هـ pain); -- baruda to be or become cold II to make cold (هـ s.th.); to refrigerate (هـ s.th.); to cool, chill (هـ s.th., also fig.); to soothe, alleviate (هـ pain) V to refresh o.s., cool o.s. off; to be soothed, be alleviated VIII to become cold, cool off
برد bard coldness, chilliness, coolness; cooling; alleviation; cold, catarrh
برد barad hail, بردة barada (n. un.) hailstone
برود barūd collyrium
برود burūd coldness, coolness, chilliness; emotional coldness, frigidity
برودة burūda coldness, coolness, chilliness; emotional coldness, frigidity| برودة الدم b. ad-dam cold-bloodedness
بردية bardīya ague, feverish chill; see also below
برداء buradā’ 2 ague, feverish chill
برادة barrāda cold-storage plant; refrigerator, icebox
تبريد tabrīd cooling, chilling; cold storage, refrigeration; alleviation, mitigation|جهاد التبريد jahāz at-t. cold-storage plant, refrigerator; غرفة التبريد gurfat at-t. cold-storage room
بارد bārid cold; cool, chilly; easy; weak; stupid, inane, silly, dull; dunce, blockhead|الحرب الباردة (ḥarb) the cold war; غنيمة باردة an easy prey; عيش بارد (‘aiš) an easy life; حجة باردة (ḥujja) a weak argument; تبغ بارد (tibg) light, mild tobacco
مبرد mubarrid cooling, refreshing; pl. -āt refreshments (beverages, etc.)
مبرد mubarrad cooled, chilled
2 برد barada u to file (هـ a piece of metal, etc.)
براد barrād fitter (of machinery)
برادة birāda fitter's trade or work
برادة burāda iron filings
مبرد mibrad pl. مبارد mabcirid2 file, rasp
3 برد burd pl. ابراد abrād garment
بردة burda Mohammed's outer garment
برداية burdāya curtain, drape
4 برد IV to send by mail, to mail (هـ a letter)
بريد barīd post, mail|البريد الجوى (jawwī) air mail
بريدى barīdī postal; messenger, courier; mailman
5 بارود look up alphabetically
6 بردى bardī, burdī papyrus (bot.)
بردية bardīya pl. -āt papyrus|علم البرديات ‘ilm al-b. papyrology
برداق bardāq pl. براديق barādīq2 jug, pitcher
لعب البردج la‘b al-b. bridge (game)
بردخ bardaḳa to polish, burnish (هـ s.th.)
بردعة = برذعة
بردقان = برتقان
بردقوش bardaqūš (=مردقوش ) marjoram
بردورة (Fr. bordure) badūra curbstone, curb
برذعة barda‘a pl. براذع barādi‘2 saddle, pack-saddle (for donkeys and camels)
براذعى barādi‘ī maker of donkey saddle, saddler
برذون birdaun pl. براذين barādīn2 work horse jade, nag
1 برز baraza u to come out, show, appear, come into view, emerge; to jut out, protrude, stand out, be prominent (also fig.); to surpass, excel (على s.o.) II to cause to come out, bring out, expose, show, set off, accentuate (هـ s.th.); to excel, surpass (فى على s.o. in), stand out (فى for), distinguish o.s. (في by) III to meet in combat or duel (ه s.o.); to compete in a contest (ه with s.o.) IV to cause to come out, bring out, expose, make manifest (هـ s.th.); to publish, bring out (هـ a book, etc.); to present, show (هـ e.g., an identity card) V to evacuate the bowels VI to vie, contend
بروز burūz prominence, projection, protrusion
براز birāz excrement, feces; competition, contest, match (in sports); duel
بريزة buraiza (birēza; eg.) ten-piaster coin
ابرز abraz2 more marked, more distinctive; more prominent
مبارزة mubāraza competition, contest, match, esp. in sports; duel; fencing
ابراز ibrāz bringing out, displaying, setting off, accentuation; production; presentation
بارز bāriz protruding, projecting, salient; raised, embossed, in relief; marked, distinct, conspicuous; prominent (personality)
مبرز mubarriz surpassing (على s.o.), superior (على to s.o.); winner. victor (in contest)
مبارز mubāriz competitor, contender; combatant, fighter; fencer
2 بريز (Fr. prise) brīz pl. -āt (plug) socket, wall-plug, outlet (syr.); بريزة barīza pl. برائز barā’iz2 do. (eg.)
2 ابريز look up alphabetically
2 برزان barazān trumpet
برزخ barzaḳ pl. برازخ barāziḳ interval, gap, break, partition, bar, obstruction; isthmus
برزوق burzūq sidewalk
1 برسام birsām pleurisy
2 ابريسم look up alphabetically
3 برسيم birsīm clover, specif., berseem, Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum bot.)
1 برش burš pl. ابراش abrāš mat
ابرش abraš2 spotted, speckled
1 برش look up alphabetically
برشت birišt: بيض برشت (baiḍ) soft-boiled eggs
برشلونة baršīlōna Barcelona (seaport in NE Spain)
برشم baršama to stare, gaze (الى at s.th.); to rivet (هـ s.th.)
برشمة baršama riveting
برشام buršām and برشان (n. un. ة ) pl. -āt wafer; Host (Chr.)
برشامة buršāma rivet
برشامجى buršāmjī riveter
برشمجية buršamjīya riveting
1 برص bariṣa a (baraṣ) to be a leper
برص burṣ wall gecko (Tarentola mauritanica, zool.)
برص baraṣ leprosy
ابراص abraṣ2 leprous; leper|سام ابرص sāmm a. wall gecko
2 برصة burṣa stock exchange
برض baraḍa u (بروض burūḍ) to germinate, sprout (plant)
برطوز barṯūz: برطوز البحرية b. a1-baḥrīya forecastle, crew quarters (on a merchant vessel)
برطع barṯa‘a (برطعة barṯa‘a) to gallop
برطل barṯala (برطلة barṯala) to bribe (ه s.o.) II tabarṯala to take bribes, be venal
برطيل birṯīl pl. براطيل barāṯīl2 bribe
1 برطم barṯama to rave, talk irrationally
برطوم burṯūm, barṯūm trunk of an elephant
2 برطمان barṯamān pl. -āt (syr. eg.) tall earthen or glass vessel (for preserves, oil. etc.)
برع bara‘a a to surpass excel (ه s.o.); (also baru‘a u) to distinguish o.s., be skilful, proficient V to contribute. Give, donate (ب s.th.); to undertake (voluntarily, ب s.th.). volunteer (ب or), be prepared, willing (ب to do s.th.); to be ready, be on hand (ب with)
براعة barā‘a skill, proficiency; efficiency, capability, capacity
بروعة burū‘a superior skill, outstanding proficiency
تبرع tabarru‘ pl. -āt gift, donation; contribution
بارع bāri‘ skilled, skillful, proficient, capable. efficient; brilliant, outstanding (work of art)
برعم bar‘ama to bud, burgeon, sprout
برعم bur‘um pl. براعم barā‘im2 and برعوم bur‘ūm pl. براعيم bard'im' bud, burgeon; blossom, flower
برغوث burgūt pl. براغيث barāgīt2 f1ea ; pl. براغيث (syr.) small silver coins| برغوث البحر b. a1-baḥr shrimp (zool.)
برغش bargaš (coll.; n. un. ة ) gnat(s), midge(s)
برغل burgul cooked, parched and crushed wheat, served together with other food (eg., syr.)
برغى (Turk. بورغى burğų) burgī pl. براغى barāgī screw
برفير birfīr pl. برافير barāfīr2 purple
بروفة look up alphabetically
1 برق baraqa u to shine, glitter, sparkle, flash| برقت السماء (samā’u) there was lightning IV = I; to emit bolts of lightning (cloud); to flash up, light up; to brighten (face); to cable, wire, telegraph (الى to)
برق barq pl. بروق burūq lightning; flash of lightning; telegraph| برق خلب (ḳullab) lightning without a downpour, used fig. e.g.. of s.o. given to making promises without ever living up to them
برقى barqī telegraphic, telegraph- (in compounds)
برقية barqīya pl. -āt telegram, wire, cable
بريق barīq pl. برائق barā’iq2 glitter, shine, gloss, luster|ذو بريق معدني (ma‘dinī) lustered, coated with metallic luster
براق burāq Alborak, name of the creature on which Mohammed made his ascension to the seven heavens (معراج )
براق barrāq shining, lustrous, sparkling, flashing, glittering, twinkling
مبرق mabraq glitter, flash|فى مبرق الصبح fī m. iṣ-ṣbḥ with the first rays of the morning sun
بارق bāriq: بارق b. al-amal glimpse of hope
بارقة bāriqa pl. بوارق bawāriq2 gleam, twinkle
مبرق mubriq: مبرق كاتب teletype
2 البرقة al-barqa Cyrenaica (region of E Libya)
3 ابريق look up alphabetically
4 استبرق look up alphabetically
برقش barqaša (برقش barqš) to variegate, paint or daub with many colors (هـ s.th.); to embellish (هـ s.th.; قوله one’s speech) II tabargaša reflex. and pass. of I
برقش birqiš finch
برقش barqaša colorful medley, variety, variegation
مبرقش mubarqaš colorful, variegated, many-colored
برقع barqa‘a to veil, drape (هـ , s.o., s.th.) II tabarqa‘a to put on a veil, veil o.s.
برقع burqu‘ pl. براقع barāqi‘2 veil (worn by women; long, leaving the eyes exposed)
برقوق barqūq (coll.; n. un. ة ) plum
1 برك baraka u to kneel down II and IV to make (هـ the camel) kneel down II to invoke a blessing (على or فى on s.th., ل on s.th.) III to bless (فى or ه s.th., also ل or على ), invoke a blessing on; to give one's blessing (هـ to s.th.), sanction (هـ s.th.) V to be blessed (ب by); to enjoy (ب s.th.), find pleasure, delight (ب in); to ask s.o.’s (ب ) blessing VI to be blessed, be praised; تبارك tabāraka God bless …! X to be blessed
بركة birka pl. برك birak pond, small lake; puddle, pool| بركة السباحة b. as-sibāḥa swimming pool
بركة baraka pl. -āt blessing, benediction| قلة البركة qillat al-b. misfortune, bad luck
ابرك abrak2 more blessed
تبريك tabrīk pl. -āt good wish; blessing, benediction
مبارك mubārak blessed, fortunate, lucky
2 براريك barārīk2 (mor.) barracks
بركار birkār compass, (pair of) divideers
بركان burkān pl. براكين barākīn2 volcano
بركانى burkānī volcanic
برلمان barlamān parliament
برلمانى barlamānī parliamentary
برلمانية barlamānīya parliamentarianism
برلنتى (It. brillante) brillantī brilliant, diamond
برلين barlīn Berlin
1 برم barima a (baram) to be or become weary, tired (ب of), be fed up, be bored (ب with), find annoying, wearisome (ب s.th.) V to feel annoyed (ب by), be displeased (ب with); to be fed up (ب with), be sick and tired (ب of, also من ); to be impatient, discontented, dissatisfied; to grieve, be pained
برم barim weary, tired (ب of), disgusted (ب at, with); dissatisfied, discontented
تبرم tabarrum weariness, boredom, disgust; discontent, dissatisfaction; uneasiness, discomfort, annoyance
متبرم mutabarrim cross, peevish, vexed, annoyed
2 برم barama u (barm) to twist, twine (هـ a rope); to shape (هـ s.th.) round and long; to roll up (هـ the sleeves); to settle, establish, confirm (هـ s.th.) IV to twist, twine (هـ a rope); to settle, establish, confirm (هـ s.th.); to conclude (هـ a pact); to confirm (هـ a judicial judgment); to ratify (هـ a treaty, a bill) VII to be settled, be established, be confirmed; to be twisted, be twined
برامة barrāma pl. -āt drilling machine
بريم barīm rope; string, cord, twine
بريمة barrīma pl. –āt drill, borer, gimlet, auger, bit; ○ corkscrew برم
○ بريمية barrīmīya spirochete
ابرام ibrām settlement, establishment; confirmation; conclusion (of a pact, etc.); ratification|محكمة النقض والابرام maḥkamat an-naqḍ wa-l-i. Court of Cassation (Eg.)
مبروم mabrūm:○سلك مبروم (silk) wire rope, cable
مبرم mubram firm, strong; irrevocable, definitely established; confirmed, ratified|قضاء مبرم (qaḍā’) inescapable fate; بصورة مبرمة irrevocably
3 برمة burma pl. برم buram, برام birām earthenware pot
برما burmā Burma
برمائى barmā’ī amphibious|دبابة برمائية (dabbāba) amphibious tank (mil.)
○ برمائية barmā’īya amphibian
برماننت (Engl.) barmanant permanent wave| برماننت على البارد cold wave (in hair)
برمق barmaq pl. برامق barāmiq2 baluster; spike (of a wheel)
برمهات baramhāt the seventh month of the Coptic calendar
برمنكهام Birmingham
برمودة barmūda the eighth month of the Coptic calendar
برميل barmīl pl. براميل barāmīl2 barrel; keg, cask; tun
برنية barnīya pl. برانى barānīy clay vessel
برنامج barnāmaj pl. برامج barāmij2 program, plan, schedule; roster, list, index; curriculum
برنجك burunjuk gauze, crepe
1 برنس burnus pl. برانس barānis2 (also برنوس barnūs, burnūs pl. برانيس baranīs2) burnoose, hooded cloak; casula, chasuble (of Coptic priests)| برنس الحمام b. al-ḥammām bathrobe
برانسى barānisī pl. -īya maker of burnooses
2 جبال البرانس jibāl al-barānis the Pyrenees
برنس brins prince
برنسيسة brinsēsa princess
برنط II tabarnaṯa to wear a hat
برنطية burnaiṯa pl. -āt, برانيط barānīt2 (European) hat (men’s and women’s); lamp shade
برهة burha pl. burahāt, بره burah a while, a time; short time; instant, moment; برهة burllatan a little while| برهتين (after two moments =) in a short time
برهم barham (syr.) = مرهم marham
برهمن barahman pl. براهمة barāhima Brahman
برهمية barahmīya Brahmanism
برهن barhana to prove, demonstrate (على or عن s.th.)
برهن burhān pl. براهين barāhīn2 proof
برهنة barhana proving, demonstration
بروة bawa waste, scrap
بروتستانتي brotostantī Protestant; (pl. -ūn) a Protestant
بروتستانتية brotostantīya Protestantism
بروتستو (It. protesto) brotostō protest (of a bill of exchange)
بورتوكول brotokōl protocol
بروتون proton
بوجرام brogrām program
بروجى burūjī pl. -īya trumpeter, bugler
بروز barwaza to frame
برواز barwāz, birwāz pl. براويز barāwīz2 frame
بروسيا (It. Prussia) burūsiyā Prussia
بروسي burūsī Prussian
بروفة and بروﭬـة (It. prova) brōva, brōfa pl. -āt test. experiment; proof sheet; rehearsal
برونز (Fr.) bronz bronze
برونزى bronzi bronze, bronzy| العصر البرونزى (‘aṣr) the Bronze Age
1 برى barā i (bary) to trim, shape (هـ s.th.), nib (هـ a pen), sharpen (هـ a pencil); to scratch off, scrape off (هـ s.th.); to exhaust, tire out, wear out, emaciate, enervate (ه s.o.), sap the strength of (ه ) III to vie, compete (ه with s.o.). try to outstrip (ه s.o.) VI to vie, compete, contend, be rivals; to meet in a contest, try each other’s strength (esp. in games and sports) VII to be trimmed, be nibbed, be sharpened; to defy, oppose (ل s.o.); to undertake, take in hand (ل s.th.), set out to do s.th. (ل ), enter, embark (ل upon); to break forth (من from); to get going; to break out, lot fly, explode (with words, esp. in anger or excitement)
برى baran dust, earth
براية barrāya, براية الافلام b. al-aqlām pencil sharpener
مبراة mibrāh pocketknife
مباراة mubārāh pl. مباريات mubārayāt contest tournament, match (in games and sports); competition, rivalry
بار : اعط القوس باريها a‘ṯi l-qausa bāriyahā give the bow to him who knows how to shape it, i.e. always ask an expert
متبار mutabārin participant in a contest, contestant, contender; competitor, rival
2 برية see1 برأ and2 بر
بريطانيا barīṯāniyā, biriṯāniyā Britain, بريطانيا الكبرى (uẓmā) Great Britain
بريطاني barīṯānī, biriṯānī British; Britannic
1 بز bazza u (bazz) to take away, steal, wrest, snatch (هـ ه from s.o. s.th.). rob, strip (هـ ه s.o. of s.th.); to defeat, beat, outstrip, excel (ه s.o.), triumph, be victorious (ه over) VIII to take away, steal, pilfer (هـ s.th.); to take away, snatch (هـ money, من from s.o.); to rob, fleece (ه s.o.)|ابتز اموال الناس to lift money out of people’s pockets, relieve people of their money
ابتزاز ibtizāz theft, robbery; fleecing, robbing (of s.o.)
2 بز bazza u to bud, burgeon
بز buzz, bizz pl. بزاز bizāz, ابزاز abzāz nipple, mammilla (of the female breast); teat, female breast
3 بز bazz pl. بزوز buzūz linen; cloth, dry goods
بزة bizza clothing, clothes, attire; uniform|بزة رسمية (rasmīya) uniform
بزاز bazzāz draper, cloth merchant
بزازة bizāza cloth trade
بزبوز bazbūz pl. بزابيز bazābīz2 nozzle, spout
بزر bazara i (bazr) to sow
بزر bizr pl. بزور buzūr seed(s); pl. ابزار abzār and ابازير abāzīr2 spice
بزرة bizra (n. un.) seed; kernel, pip, pit, stone (of fruit); germ
بزار bazzār seedsman
بزيرة buzaira pl. -āt spore (bot.)
بزغ bazaga u to break forth, come out; to dawn (day); to rise (sun)
بزوغ buzūg appearance, emergence; rise (of the sun)
بزق bazaqa u (bazq) to spit
بزاق buzāq spit, spittle, saliva
بزاقة bazzāqa snail; cobra
مبزقة mibzaqa pl. مبازق mabāziq2 spittoon, cuspidor
1 بزل bazala u (bazl) to split (هـ s.th.); to pierce (هـ s.th.), make a hole (هـ in); to tap,broach (هـ s.th.; a cask); to puncture, tap (ه s.o.; med.); to clear, filter (هـ a liquid)
بزل bazl puncture, tapping, paracentesis (med.)
بزال buzāl bung (of a cask)
مبزل mibzal pl. مبازل mabazil 2 spile, spigot, tap; cock, faucet
2 بزلة (It. piselli) bizilla and بزلا green peas
ابزيم ibzīm pl. ابازم abāzim2 buckle, clasp
بزموت bizmūt bismuth
بزنطى bizanṯī Byzantine
باز bāzin pl. بزاة buzāh, بواز bawāzin, بيزان bīzān falcon
بس bass and بسة bassa pl. بساس bassās cat
بسأ basa’a a (بسء bas’) to treat amicably (ب s.o.); to be intimate, be on familiar terms (ب with)
بسارابيا besārābiyā Bessarabia
بسباس basbās, بسباسة basbāsa (eg.) mace (bot.); (magr.) fennel
بسبوسة basbāsa (eg.) pastry made of flour, melted butter, sugar and oil
بستيلية (Fr.) bastīliya pastilles, lozenges
1 بستان bustān pl. بساتين basātīn2 garden
بستانى bustānī gardener; garden (adj.); horticultural
بستنة bastana gardening, horticulture
2 بستون (Fr. piston) bistōn, بستن (Engl.) bistan pl. بساتن basātin2 piston
3 بستون (It. bastone) bastūnī spades (suit of playing cards)
بسخة basḳa Easter; Passion Week (Chr.)
بسر basara u (بسور busūr) to scowl, frown; -- basara u (basr) and VIII to begin too early (هـ with), take premature action, be rash (هـ in s.th.)
بسر busr (n. un. ة ) pl. بسار bisār unripe dates
باسور bāsūr pl. بواسير bawāsīr2 hemorrhoids
بسط basaṯ u (basṯ) to spread, spread out (هـ s.th.); to level, flatten (هـ s.th.); to enlarge, expand (هـ s.th.); to stretch out, extend (هـ s.th.); to unfold, unroll (هـ s.th.); to grant, offer, present (هـ s.th.); to submit, state, set forth, expound, explain (هـ s.th., ل or على to s.o.); to flog (ه s.o.; Nejd); to please delight (ه s.o.)| بسط ذراعيه (dirā‘aihi) to spread one’s arms; بسط يد المساعدة ل (yada l-musā‘ada) to extend helping hand to s.o.; بسط المائدة to lay the table; -- basuṯa u (بساطة basāta) to be simple, openhearted, frank, candid II to spread, spread out, extend, expand (هـ s.th.); to level, flatten (هـ s.th.); to simplify, make simple (هـ s.th.) III to set forth, state, expound, explain; to be sincere (ب ه with s.th. about or in s.th.), confess frankly (ب ه to s.o. s.th.) V to be spread, be unrolled, be spread out, be extended; to speak at great length (فى about), enlarge (فى on), treat exhaustively, expound in detail (فى a theme); to be friendly, communicative, sociable, behave unceremoniously, be completely at ease| تبسط في الحديث to talk freely, without formality VII to spread, extend, expand (intr.); to be glad, be delighted, be or become happy
بسط basṯ, extension, spreading, unrolling, unfolding; presentation, statement, explanation, exposition; cheering, delighting, delectation; amusement; (Eg.) numerator (of a fraction)| بسط اليد b. al-yad avarice, greed, cupidity
بسطة basṯa extension, extent, expanse; size, magnitude; skill, capability, abilities; excess, abundance; (pl. -āt) statement, exposition, presentation; -- (pl. بساط bisāṯ) landing (of staircase); estrade, dais, platform (eg.)
بساط bisāṯ pl. -āt, ابسطة absiṯa, بسط busuṯ carpet, rug| بساط الرحمة b. ar-raḥma winding sheet, shroud; مسألة (وضع or) طرح على بساط البحث (mas‘alata, baḥtan) to raise a question, bring a question on the carpet, also على بساط المناقشة (b. il-munāqaša) for discussion; طوى البساط بما فيه to bring the matter to an end, settle it once and for all
بسيط basīṯ pl. بسطاء busaṯā’2 simple; plain, uncomplicated; slight, little, modest, inconsiderable, trivial, trifling; البسيط name of a poetical meter; pl. بسطاء simple souls), ingenuous people|بسيط اليدين b. al-yadain (pl. بسط busuṯ) generous, openhanded
البسيطة al-basīṯa the earth, the world
بسائط basā’iṯ2 elements; simple remedies, medicinal plants; basic facts
بساطة basāṯa simplicity, plainness
O ابسوطة ubsūṯa pl. اباسيط abāsīṯ2 rim, felly (of a wheel)
ابسط absaṯ2 simpler; wider, more extensive
تبسيط tabsīṯ simplification
انبساط inbisāṯ (n. vic. ة ) extensity, extensiveness, extension; expansion, expanse; joy. delight, happiness, gaiety, cheerfulness
عضلة باسطة ‘aḍla bāsiṯa extensor (anat.)
مبسوط mabsūṯ extended, outstretched; spread out; extensive, large, sizeable; detailed, elaborate (book); cheerful, happy, gay; feeling well, in good health; (tun.) well-to-do
منبسط munbasiṯ extending, spreading; gay, happy, cheerful; level surface
بسطرمة (Turk.) basṯurma a kind of jerked,
salted meat (eg.)
البوسفور al-busfūr the Bosporus
بسق basaqa a (بسوق busūq) to be high, tall, lofty, towering; to excel, surpass (ه or على s.o.)
باسق bāiq high, tall, lofty, towering
منبسق munbasiq high, tall, lofty, towering
بسكليت (Fr. bicyclette) biskilēt, baskilēt bicycle
بسكوت (It. biscotto) baskūt biscuit
بسكويت baskawīt biscuit
2 بسل basula u (بسالة basāla) to be brave, fearless, intrepid V to scowl, glower X to be reckless, defy death
بسالة basāla courage, intrepidity
استبسال istibsāl death defiance
بسالة bāsil pl. بسلاء busalā’2, بواسل bawāsil2 brave, fearless, intrepid
مسبسل mustabsil death-defying, heroic
2 بسلة bisilla peace
بسم basam i (basm), V and VIII to smile
بسم basma pl. basamāt smile
بسام bassām smiling
مبسم mabsim, pl. مباسم mabāsim2 mouth; mouthpiece, holder (for cigars, cigarettes, etc.)
ابتسام ibtisām and (n. vic.) ابتسامة pl. -āt smile
بسمل basmala to utter the invocation بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم “In the name of God, the Benificent, the Merciful”
بسمل basmala utterance of the above invocation; the invocation itself
بسينة busaina kitty
بسيكولوجى psikolōjī psychological(aI)
بش bašša a (bašš, بشاشة bašāša) to display a friendly, cheerful, happy mien; to smile; to be friendly (ل to s.o.). give s.o. (ل ) a smile
بشوش bašūš, baššāš smiling, friendly, cheerful
بشاشة bašāša smile; happy mien
باش bāšš smiling, happy; friendly, kind
بشت bušt (Nejd, Baḥr., Ir.) a kind of cloak, = عباءة ‘abā’a
بشتة bišta (eg.) woolen cloak worn by Egyptian peasants
1 بشر bašar i, bašira a to rejoice, be delighted, be happy (ب at s.th.) II to announce (as good news; ب ه to s.o. s.th.); to bring news (ب ه to s.o. of s.th.); to spread, propagate, preach (ب s.th.; a religion, a doctrine)| بشر نفسه ب (nafsahū) to indulge in the happy hope that … IV to rejoice (at good news) X to rejoice, be delighted, be happy (ب at s.th., esp. at good news), welcome, (ب s.th.); to take as good omen (ب s.th.)| استبشر به خيرا (ḳairan) to regard s.th. as auspicious
بشر bišr joy
بشر bušr glad tidings
بشرى bušrā glad tidings, good news
بشارة bišāra pl. -āt, بشائر bašā’ir2 good news, glad tidings; annunciation, prophecy; gospel; بشائر good omens, propitious signs| عيد البشارة ‘īd al-b. the Annunciation, the Day of Our Lady (Chr.)
بشير bašīr pl. بشراء bušarā’2 bring.r of glad tidings, messenger, herald, harbinger, forerunner, precursor; evangelist (Chr.)
تبشير tabšīr announcement (of glad tidings); preaching of the Gospel; evangelization, missionary activity
تبشيري tabšīrī missionary
تباشير tabāšīr2 foretokens, prognostics, omens, first signs or indications, heralds (fig.); beginnings, dawn| تباشير الفجر t. al-fajr the first shimmer of aurora, the first glimpse of dawn
مبشر mubaššir pl. -āt announcer, messenger (of glad tidings); evangelist (Chr.); preacher; missionary (Chr.)
مستبشر mustabšir happy, cheerful
2 بشر bašara u to peel (هـ s.th.); to scrape off, shave off, scratch off (هـ s.th.); to grate, shred (هـ s.th.) III to touch (هـ s.th.), be in direct contact (هـ with s.th.); to have sexual intercourse (ه with s.o.); to attend, apply o.s. (ب or ب to s.th.), take up, take in hand, pursue, practice, carry out (هـ s.th., job, a task, etc.)
بشر bašar man, human being; men, mankind
بشرى bašarī human; human being; epidermal, skin (adj.)| طبيب بشرى dermatologist
بشرة bašara outer skin, epidermis, cuticle; skin; complexion
بشرية bašarīya, mankind, human race
مبشرة mibšara pl. مباشر mabāšir2 scraper, grater
مباشرة mubāšara pursuit, practice; direct, physical cause (Isl. Law); mubāšaratan immediately, directly
مبشور mabšūr: جبنة مبشورة (jubna) shredded cheese
مباشر mubāšir pl. -ūn direct, immediate; practitioner, pursuer, operator; director; O manager (Eg.); court usher (Syr.); (mil.) approx.: staff sergeant (Eg. 1939)|غير مباشر (iṣābāt) directs
بشروش bašrūš flamingo
بشع baši‘a a (بشاعة bašā‘a) to be ugly, loathsome II to make ugly, disfigure, distort (هـ s.th.); to disparage, run down (هـ s.th.) X to regard as ugly, find ugly or repugnant (هـ s.th.)
بشع baši‘ ugly; offensive, disgusting, distasteful, repugnant; unpleasant
بشاعة bašā‘a ugly; offensive, disgusting, distasteful, repugnant; unpleasant
بشاعة bašā‘a ugliness
ابشع abša2 uglier; more repulsive
1 باشق look up alphabetically
2 بشقه (eg.; Turk. baška; invar.) different
بشك VIII to lie, prevaricate
بشاك baššāk liar
ابتشاك ibtišāk lie, deceit, trickery
1 بشكور baškūr pl. بشاكير bašākīr2 poker, fire iron
2 بشكير balkir pl. بشاكير bašākīr2 towel
بشلة (It.) bišilla pl. -āt bacillus
بشم bašima a (bašam) to feel nauseated, be disgusted (من by s.th.), be fed up (من with) IV to nauseate, sicken, disgust (ه s.o.)
بشم bašam surfeit, satiety, loathing, disgust
بشمار bašmār (tun.) lacework, trimmings
بشامرى bašāmirī (tun.) laceworker, lace-maker
بشمق bašmaq slipper (worn by fuqahā’ and women)
بشنة bašna (magr.) sorghum, millet
بشنس bašan the ninth month of the Coptic calendar
بشنوقة bašnūqa pl. بشانيق bašānīq2 kerchief tied under the chin (pal.)
بشنين bašnīn lotus
بص baṣṣa i (baṣṣ, بصيص basīṣ) to glow, sparkle, glitter, shine; -- (eg.) u to look
بصة baṣṣ embers
بصيص baṣīṣ glow, shine; glimpse, ray (e.g., of hope); lustrous, shining
بصائص baṣā’iṣ lustrous, shining; (eg.) spy, detective
بصبص baṣbaṣa (بصبصة baṣbaṣa) to wag (بذنبه bi-danabihi its tail); (eg.) to ogle, make sheep’s eyes, cast amorous glances
بصخة baṣḳa see بسخة
2 بصر baṣura a (baṣar) to look, see; to realize, understand, comprehend, grasp (ب s.th.) II to make (ه s.o.) understand or realize (هـ or ب s.th.), make (ه s.o.) aware (هـ or ب of s.th.); to enlighten (هـ ه or ب ه s.o. on or as to s.th.); to tell, inform (هـ ه or ب ه s.o. about) IV to see (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to make out, behold, perceive, discern, notice (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), set eyes on (هـ ه ), catch sight of (هـ. ه ); to recognize (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to reflect (ب on). ponder (ب s.th.) V to look (هـ at), regard (هـ s.th.); to reflect (فى on s.th.), ponder (فى s.th.) X to have the faculty of visual perception, be able to see; to be endowed with reason, be rational, reasonable, intelligent; to reflect (فى on s.th.), ponder (فى s.th.)
بصر baṣar pl. ابصار abṣār vision, eye-sight; glance, look; insight; sight, discernment, perception|قصير البصر shortsighted, myopic; لمح البصر lamḥ al-b.glance of the eye; كلمح البصر, في لمح البصر, دون لمح البصر (dūna), في اقل لمح البصر (aqalIa) in the twinkling of an eye, in a moment, in a flash. instantly; على مدى البصر (madā) within sight; له بصر ب فى is knowledgeable, in, h. is familiar with
بصرى baṣarī optic(al), visual, ocular
بصريات baṣarīyāt optics
بصارة basāra perception, discernment; perspicacity, acuteness of the mind, sharp-wittedness
بصير baṣīr pl. بصراء buṣarā’2 endowed with eyesight; acutely aware (ب of), having insight (ب into); possessing knowledge or understanding (ب of), discerning, discriminating, versed, knowledgeable, proficient (ب in), acquainted (ب with s.th.);
بصيرة baṣīra pl. بصائر (keen) insight, penetration, discernment, understanding, (power of) mental perception, mental vision|عن بصيرة deliberately, knowingly; كان على بصيرة من to have insight into s.th., be informed about s.th.; نافذ البصيرة discerning, clear-sighted, perspicacious, sharp-witted; نفاذ البصيرة nafād al.-b. sharp discernment, perspicacity
ابصر abṣar2 more discerning
تبصرة tabṣira enlightenment; instruction, information
تبصر tabaṣṣur reflection, consideration; penetration, clear-sightedness, perspicacity
باصرة bāṣira pl. بواصر bawāṣir2 eye
2 البصرة al-baṣra Basra (port in S Iraq)
بصق baṣaqa u to spit (على on s.o.)
بصقة baṣqa (n. vic.) expectoration; (expectorated) spit, spittle, saliva
بصاق buṣaq spit, spittle, saliva
مبصقة mibṣaqa spittoon, cuspidor
بصل baṣal (coll.; n. un. ة ) onion(s); bulb(s)| بصل الفار b. al-fa’r sea onion (Scilla verna)
بصلى baṣālī bulbous
بصيلة buṣaila pl. -āt, بصيلة الشعر b. aš-ša‘r bulb of the hair (anat.)
بصم baṣama u (baṣm) to print, imprint (هـ s.th.); to stamp (هـ s.th.); to make, or leave, an imprint (هـ on)
بصمة baṣma pl. baṣamāt imprint, impression| بصمة الختم b. al-ḳatm stamp imprint, stamp; بصمة الاصابع fingerprint
بصوة baṣwa embers
بض baḍḍ tender-skinned
بضع baḍa‘a a (baḍ‘) to cut, slash or slit open (هـ s.th.); to cut up, carve up, dissect, anatomize ( s.th.); to amputate (surg.) II to cut up, carve up, dissect, anatomize III to sleep (ها with a woman) IV to invest capital (هـ ) profitably in a commercial enterprise V pass. of n; to trade; to shop, make purchase X to trade
بضع baḍ‘ amputation
بضع biḍ‘ (commonly, with genit. pl. of f. nouns, بضعة with genit. pl. of m. nouns; in classical Arabic بضع with both genders) some, a few, several
بضعة biḍ‘a pl. بضائع baḍā’i‘ piece (of meat); meat; see also biḍ‘ above
بضع buḍ‘ vulva
بضاعة biḍā‘a pl. بضائع baḍā’i2 goods, merchandise, wares, commodities; that which s.o. has to offer, which he has to &how, with which he is endowed (also attributes, qualities)| قطار البضاعة freight train; اخرج ما عنده من بضاعة he said what he had intended to say
مبضع mibḍa‘ pl. مباضع mabāḍi‘2 dissecting knife, scalpel
ابضاع ibḍā‘ mandate for the management of affairs (lsl. Law); partnership in a limited company, capital investment
مبضع mubḍi‘ pl. -ūn limited partner (com.)
مستبضع mustabḍi‘ manager, managing agent (Isl. Law)
بط baṯṯ (n. un. ة ) duck; بطة baṯṯa leather flask| بطة الساق calf (of the leg)
بطؤ baṯu’a u (بطء buṯ’, بطاء biṯā’, بطاءة baṯa’a) to he slow; to he slowgoing, slow-footed, slow-paced; to tarry, linger, wait, hesitate II to retard, slow down, delay, hold up (ب على s.o. in s.th.) IV to slow down, decelerate, retard, delay, hold up (هـ s.th.); to he slow, go or drive slowly, slow down; to be late (عن for s.th., in meeting s.o.), keep s.o. (عن ) waiting V to be slow, tardy (فى in) VI to he slow, leisurely, unhurried; to go, drive, act or proceed slowly, leisurely; to he slowgoing, slow-footed, slow-paced; to slow down X to find slow (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to have to wait a long time (ه for s.o.), be kept waiting (ه by s.o.)
بطء buṯ’ slowness, tardiness| ببطء slowly, leisurely, unhurriedly
بطئ baṯI’ pl. بطاء biṯā’ slow, unhurried; slowgoing, slow-footed, slow-paced; tardy, late; sluggish, lazy; slow, gradual, imperceptible|O بطىء التردد b. at-taraddud of low frequency (el.)
ابطأ abṯa’2 slower| ابطأ من غراب نوح (gurābi nūḥ) tardier than Noah’s raven, i.e., slower than a ten years’ itch (proverbially of s.o. who ia very tardy)
ابطاء ibṯā’ slowing down, retardation, deceleration, reduction of speed; tarrying, delay; slowness| دون ابطاء without delay
تباطؤ tabātu’ slowness; slowing down, retardation
بطارية baṯṯārīya pl. -āt battery (el. and mil.)
بطاطا baṯāṯā, بطاطا baṯāṯā sweet potato, yam
بطاطس baṯāṯis potatoes
بطاقة see بطق
بطبط baṯbaṯa (بطبطة baṯbaṯa) to quack (duck)
بطح baṯaḥa a (baṯḥ) to prostrate, lay low, fell, throw to the ground, throw down (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) V and VII to he prostrated, be laid low; to lie prostrate, sprawl, stretch out; to extend, stretch; to lie
ابطح abṯaḥ2 flat, level; (pl. اباطح abāṯiḥ2) basin-shaped valley, wide bed of a wadi
بطحاء baṯḥā’ pl. بطاح biṯāḥ, بطحاوات baṯḥawāt basin-shaped valley; plain, level land, flatland, open country; (tun.) public square
بطيحة baṯīḥa pl. بطائح baṯā’iḥ wide bed of a stream or wadi; a stagnant, shallow and broad body of water
منبطح munbaṯiḥ prostrate; flat, level; level land, plain
بطيخ biṯṯīḳ, baṯṯīḳ (n. un. ة ) melon, water-melon; baṯṯīḳ hub (of a wheel; syr.)
مبطخة mabṯaḳa melon patch
1 بطر baṯira a (baṯar) to be wild, wanton, reckless; to be proud, vain; to be discontented (هـ with s.th.); to disregard (هـ s.th.) IV to make reckless
بطر baṯar wantonness, cockiness, arrogance, hubris, pride, vanity
اباطرة abāṯira (pl.) bona vivants, playboys, epicures
2 البطراء al-baṯrā’ Petra (ancient city of Edomites and Nabataeans; ruins now in SW Jordan)
بطرخ baṯraḳ pl. بطارخ baṯāriḳ2 roe (of fish)
بطرس buṯrus Peter
بطرشيل baṯrašīl and بطرشين baṯrašīn stole (Chr.)
بطريق biṯrīq pl. بطارقة baṯāriqa, بطاريق baṯārīq2 patrician; Romaean general; penguin (zool.)
بطرك baṯrak, بطريك baṯrīk, بطريرك baṯriyark pl. بطاركة baṯārika Patriarch (as. an ecclesiastic title, Chr.)
بطركية baṯrakīya, بطريركية baṯriyarkīya patriarchate (Chr.)
بطش baṯaša i u (baṯš) to attack with violence; to bear down on, fall upon s.o. (ب or فى ); to knock out (ه s.o.); to hit, strike (ب s.th.). land with a thud (ب on)
بطش baṯš strength, power, force, violence; courage, valor, bravery; oppression, tyranny
بطشة baṯša impact
بطاقة biṯāqa pl. –āt, بطائق baṯā’iq2 slip (of paper), tag; card, calling card; ticket; label| بطاقة الزيارة calling card; بطاقة شخصية (šaḳṣīya) and بطاقة التعريف identity card; بطاقة المواد الغذائية b. al-mawādd al-gidā’īya, بطاقة التموين food ration card; بطاقة المعايدة b. al-mu‘āyada greeting card
1 بطل baṯala u (buṯl, بطلان buṯlān) to be or become null, void, invalid, false, untenable, vain, futile, worthless; to be abolished, fall into disuse, become obsolete; to cease, stop, be discontinued; to be inactive. be oat of work II to thwart, foil, frustrate, make ineffective counteract, neutralize, nullify, invalidate (هـ s.th.); to abolish, cancel, annul, suppress (هـ s.th.) IV = II; to talk idly, prattle; to paralyze, immobilize, hold down, pin down (ه the opponent)
بطل buṯl nullity; uselessness, futility. vanity; falsity, falseness, untruth
بطالة biṯāla and baṯāla idleness, inactivity; free time, time off, holidays, vacations; unemployment
بطال baṯṯāl pl. –ūn idle, inactive; unemployed, out of work
بطلان buṯlān nullity; uselessness, futility, vanity; falsity, untruth; invalidity
ابطال ibṯāl thwarting, frustration, invalidation; ruin, destruction; abolition, cancellation
باطل bāṯil nugatory, vain, futile; false, untrue; absurd, groundless, baseless; worthless; invalid, null, void; deception, lie, falsehood; بالباطل and باطلا bāṯila falsely; futilely, in vain; pl. اباطيل abāṯīl2 vanities, trivialities, trifles, flimflam, idle talk, prattle
مبطل mubṯil prattler, windbag; liar
مبطل mubṯal nugatory, futile, vain
متبطل mutabaṯṯil unemployed
2 بطل baṯula u (بطالة baṯāla, بطولة buṯūla) to be brave, be heroic, be a hero
بطل baṯal pl. ابطال abṯāl brave, heroic; hero; champion, pioneer; hero, protagonist (of a narrative, etc.), lead, star (of a play); champion (athlet.)| بطل العالم b. Al-‘alam world champion
بطلة baṯala heroine (of a narrative), female lead, star (of a play); woman champion (athlet..)
بطالة baṯāla bravery, valor, heroism
بطولة buṯūla bravery, valor, heroism; leading role, starring role (theater, film); championship (athlet.)| البطولة العالمية (‘ālamīya) and بطولة العالم b. al-‘ālam world championship (athlet.); دور البطولة the part or role of the hero, leading role
بطالسة baṯālisa Ptolemies
بطم buṯm, buṯūm terebinth (bot.)
1 بطن baṯana u (baṯn, بطون bulan) to he hidden, concealed, to hide; -- baṯuna u (بطانة baṯāna) to be paunchy II to line (هـ a garment, ب هـ s.th. with); to cover the inside (ب هـ of s.th. with), hang, face, fill (ب هـ s.th. with) IV to hide, conceal, harbor (هـ s.th.) V to be lined, have a lining (garment); to penetrate, delve (هـ into), become absorbed, engrossed (هـ in) X to penetrate, delve (هـ into), become absorbed, engrossed (هـ in); to try to fathom (هـ s.th.); to fathom (هـ s.th.), get to the bottom of (هـ ); to have profound knowledge (هـ of s.th.), know thoroughly, know inside out (هـ s.th.)
بطن baṯn pl. بطون buṯūn, ابطن abṯun belly, stomach, abdomen; womb; interior, inside, inner portion; depth| بطن القدم b. al-qadam sole of the foot; بطن الكف b. al-kaff palm of the hand; رقص البطن and رقص البطون raqṣ al-b. belly dance; فى بطن (baṯni) in, within, in the midst of; فى بطون inside, within, in; ولدت بطنا واحدا (waladat) she gave birth only once; بطنا لظهر (li-ẓahrin) upside down
بطنى baṯnī ventral, abdominal
بطن baṯin paunchy
بطنة biṯna gluttony; overeating, indigestion
بطان biṯān pl. ابطنة abṯina girth (of a camel)
بطانة biṯāna pl. بطائن baṯā’in2 inside, inner side; lining (of a garment); retinue, suite, entourage| فى بطانة among, amidst; within
بطين baṯīn pl. بطان biṯān and مبطان mibṯān, paunchy, fat, corpulent, stout; gluttonous
بطين buṯain ventricle (of the heart; anat.)
بطانية baṯṯānīya pl. -āt, بطاطين baṯāṯīn2 cover; blanket; quilt
باطن bāṯin pl. بواطن bawāṯin2 inner, interior, inward, inmost, intrinsic; hidden, secret; الباطنة coastal plain of E Oman; باطنا bāṯinan inwardly, secretly| باطن الكف b. al-kaff palm of the hand; باطن القدم b. al-qadam sole of the foot; فى باطن الامر at bottom, after all, really; بواطن الامر the factors, circumstances or reasons at the bottom of s.th.; بواطن الارض b. al-arḍ the secret depths of the earth
باطني bāṯinī internal| مرض باطني (maraḍ) internal disease; الطب الباطني (ṯibb) internal medicine
الباطنية al-bāṯinīya name of a school of thought in Islam, characterized by divining a hidden, secret meaning in the revealed texts
مبطون mabṯūn affected with a gastric or intestinal ailment
مبطن mubaṯṯan lined; filled (ب with)
2 بطن II (tun.) to full (هـ s.th.)
باطان (Span. batán) bāṯān fulling mill
باطية bāṯiya pl. بواط bawāṯin pitcher, jug
بظ baẓẓa u to spout, gush out, well out
بظر baẓr pl. بظور buẓur clitoris (anat.)
بعبع bu‘bu‘ pl. بعابع ba‘ābi‘2 bugaboo, bogey
بعث ba‘ata a (ba‘t) to send, send out, dispatah (الى ب or هـ, ه s.o. or s.th. to); to forward (الى ب or هـ s.th. to); to delegate (ب or ه الى s.o. to); to emit (ب or هـ s. th.); to evoke, arouse, call forth, awaken (هـ s.th.); to stir up, provoke, bring on (هـ s.th.); to revive, resuscitate (هـ s.th.); to resurrect (ه s.o., من الموت from death); to incite, induce (على to s.th.), instigate, (على s.th.); to cause (على s.th.; e.g., astonishment)|بعث اليه هزة الخوف (hazzat al-ḳauf) to scare the wits out of s.o.; بعث روح الحياة في (rūḥa l-ḥayāh) to breathe life into s.th. or s.o., revive s.th. VII to be Bent out, be emitted, be dispatched, be delegated; to be triggered, be caused, be provoked; to be resurrected (من الموت from death); to originate (من in), come (من from), be caused (من by); to emanate (fragrance); to arise, spring, proceed, develop (من from), grow out of (من ); to set out to do s.th. (with foll. imperf.) VIII to send, dispatch (ه s.o.)
بعث ba‘t sending out, emission, dispatching, delegation, etc.; resurrection; pl. بعوث bu‘ūt delegations, deputations|حزب البعث ḥizb al-b. approx.: Renaissance Party, a political party with strong socialist tendencies; يوم البعث Day of Resurrection (from the dead)
بعثة ba‘ta pl. ba‘atāt delegation, deputation, mission; expedition; student exchange; group of exchange students; revival, rebirth, renaissance, rise| بعثة عسكرية (‘askarīya) military mission; بعثة دبلوماسية diplomatic mission; بعثة اثرية (atarīya) archaeological expedition; رئيس البعثة ra’īs al-b. chief of mission (dipl.)
باعوث bā‘ūt Easter (Chr.)
مبعث mab‘at sending, forwarding, dispatch; emission; awakening, arousal; -- (pl. مباعث mabā‘it2) cause; factor
باعث bā‘it pl. بواعث bawā‘it2 incentive, inducement, motive, spur, reason, cause, occasion
مبعوث mab‘ūt dispatched, delegated; envoy, delegate; representative, deputy (in the Ottoman Empire)
منبعث munba‘at source, point of origin
بعثر ba‘tara (بعثرة ba‘tara) to scatter, strew around, fling about (هـ s.th.); to disarrange, throw into disorder (هـ s.th.); to squander, waste, dissipate (هـ s.th.) II tabatara pass.
مبعثر muba‘tar scattered, widespread
بعج ba‘aja a (ba‘j) to slit open (هـ the belly); to groove, dent, notch (هـ s.th.) VII to have indentations or notches; to be bruised, dented, bumpy; to get battered
منبعج munba‘ij notched, indented
بعد ba‘uda u (bu'd) to be distant, far away, far off; to keep away, keep one’s distance (عن from); to go far beyond (عن ), exceed by far (عن s.th.); to be remote, improbable, unlikely|بعد به عن he kept him away from; لا يبعد ان it is not unlikely that II to remove (ه s.o.); to banish, exile, expatriate (ه s.o.) III to cause a separation (بين between)|باعد بين فلان وبين الشيء to prevent s.o. from attaining s.th.; باعد بين اجفانه (ajfānihī) to stare wide-eyed IV to remove (هـ s.th.); to take away (هـ s.th.); to eliminate (هـ s.th.), do away with (هـ ); to send away, dismiss (ه s.o.); to expatriate, banish, exile (ه s.o.); to exclude, make unlikely, improbable, impossible (هـ s.th.); to go or move far away; to go very far (فى in or with s.th.) VI to be separated, lie apart, lie at some distance from one another; to separate, part company, become estranged; to move away, go away, withdraw, depart (عن from); to keep away, keep one’s distance (عن from); to quit, leave, avoid (عن s.th.); to follow in regular intervals VIII to move or go away; to keep away, withdraw (عن from); to quit, leave, avoid (عن s.th.); to leave out of consideration, disregard (عن s.th.) X to single out, set aside (هـ s.th.); to think remote, farfetched (هـ s.th.); to regard as unlikely (هـ s.th.); to disqualify (ه s.o.)
بعد bu‘d remoteness, farness; (pl. ابعاد ab‘ād) distance; dimension; interval (mus.)| على بعد and على البعد in the distance, far off; على بعد مئة متر at a distance of 100 meters; عن بعد and من بعد from a distance, from afar; ذو ثلاثة ابعاد three-dimensional; قياس الابعاد qiyās al-a. linear measure; بعد الهمة b. al-himma high aspirations, loftiness of purpose; بعد الشقة b. aš-šiqqa wide interval, wide gap; بعد الصيت b. aṣ-ṣīt renown, fame, celebrity; بعد الصوت b. aṣ-ṣaut do.; بعد النظر b. an-naẓar far sightedness, foresight; بعدا bu‘dan li away with !
بعد ba‘du then, thereupon; afterwards, later, after that, in the following; still, yet| فيما بعد afterwards, later; اما بعد see1 اما ; هو بعد صغير he is only a small boy, be is still young; لم يأت بعد (ya’ti) he hasn’t come yet
بعد ba‘da (prep.) after; in addition to, beside; aside from| بعد كونه (kaunihī) aside from the fact that he is ; بعد ذلك afterwards, after that, later (on); besides, moreover; بعد ذاك besides, moreover; بعد ان ba‘da an (conj.) after; اذ (id), بعد ما and من بعد ما (ba‘di) do.; سفه ما بعده سفه (safahun) the height of stupidity
بعدئذ ba‘da’idin then, thereafter, thereupon, after that, afterwards
بعيد ba‘īd pl. بعداء bu‘adā’, بعد bu‘ud, بعدان ba‘dān, بعاد bi‘ād distant, far away, fur (or from); remote, outlying, out-of-the-way; far-reaching, extensive; farfetched, improbable, unlikely; unusual, strange, odd, queer; incompatible, inconsistent (عن with)| من بعيد from afar, from a distance; منذ عهد بعيد (‘ahd) along time ago; بعيد الاثر b. al-atar of far-reaching consequence; بعيد التاريخ remote in time, going way back in history, ancient; بعيد الشأر b. aš-ša’w high-minded, bold; بعيد الشقة b. aš-šiqqa far apart; بعيد الغور b. al-gaur deep; unfathomable; بعيد المدى b. al-madā long-distance, long-range; extensive, far-reaching; بعيد النظر b. an-naẓar farsighted; farseeing; بعيد المنال b. al-manāl hardly attainable, hard to get at; ذهب بعيدا to go far away, go to distant land.; تطلع الى بعيد to look off into the distance
بعيد bu'aida (prep.) shortly after, soon after
ابعد ab‘ad2 pl. اباعد abā‘d2 farther, remoter, more distant; more extensive; less likely, more improbable; pl. اباعد abā‘d2 very distant relative|الشرق الابعد (šarq) the Far East; الابعد the absent one (used as a polite periphrasis for s.o. who is being criticized or blamed for s.th.; also when referring to the1st and2nd persons)
ابعادية ab‘adīya pl. -āt country estate
تبعيد tab‘īd banishment
بعاد bi‘ād distance
مباعدة mubā‘ada sowing of dissension, estrangement, alienation
ابعاد ib‘ād removal, separation, isolation; elimination; expatriation, banishment, deportation
تباعد tabā‘ud interdistance; mutual estrangement
مبعد mub‘ad deported; deportee
متباعد mutabā‘id separate| في فترات متباعدة (fatarāt) in wide intervals; في فترات متباعدة من الزمن (zaman) at infrequent intervals, from time to time
مستبعد mustab‘ad improbable, unlikely
1 بعر ba‘r, ba‘ar, droppings, dung (of animals)
2 بعير ba‘īr pl. ابعرة ab‘ira, بعران bu‘ran, اباعر abā‘ir2, بعارين ba‘ārīn2 camel
بعزق ba‘zaqa (بعزقة ba‘zaqa) to scatter, dissipate, squander, waste (هـ s.th.)
مبعزق muba'ziq squanderer, spendthrift, wastrel
بعض II to divide into parts or portions (هـ s.th.) V to be divided, be divisible
بعض ba‘ḍ part, portion; one; some, a few; a little of, some of| بعض العلماء b. al-‘ulamā’ one (or Borne) of the scholars; رفعنا بعضهم فوق بعض (rafa‘na) we have exalted some of them above the others; البعض—البعض الآخر some—some, a few others; بعضهم بعضا one another, each other, mutually, reciprocally; بعضه فى بعض one in the other, within one another; بعض الشيء ba‘ḍa š-šai’ to some extent, somewhat, a little, rather; ماثلة بعض المماثلة (ba‘ḍa l-m.) he resembled him somewhat, to some extent; منذ قرن وبعض قرن (qarn) for the last hundred years and more
بعوض ba‘ūḍ (n. un. ة ) gnats, mosquitoes
تبعيض tab‘īḍ division, partition. portioning
بعكوكة bu‘kūka club, society
بعل ba‘l the god Baal; land or plants thriving on natural water supply; -- (pl. بعول bu‘ū, بعولة bu‘ūla) lord; husband
بعلة ba'w wife
بعلى ba‘l, unirrigated (land. plants)
بعلبك ba‘lbakk2 Baalbek (ancient Heliopolis, village in E Lebanon)
بغت bagata a (bagt, بغتة bagta) to come unexpectedly, descend unawares (ه upon s.o.) III do.; to surprise (. s.o.) VII to be taken by surprise; to be taken aback, be aghast, he nonplused
بغتة bagta surprising event, surprise; bagtatan, على بغتة bagtatin all of a sudden, suddenly, surprisingly
مباغتة mubāgata sudden arrival, surprising incident or event, surprise; sudden attack, raid
بغاث bugāt pl. بغثان bigtan small birds
بغادة see بوغادة
بغدد II tabagdada to swagger, throw one's weight around, be fresh (properly, to behave like one from Baghdad)
بغداد bagdād2 Baghdad
بغدادى bagdādī pl. -ūn, بغاددة bagādida a native of Baghdad
1 بغش bagaša a: بغشت السماء (samā’u) there was a light shower
بغشة bagša light rain shower
2 بغشة bugša = بقشة
3 بغاشة bagāša stuffed pastry made of flour, eggs and butter
بغض bagiḍa a, baguḍa u (bugḍ, بغاضة bagāḍa) to be hated, hateful, odious II to make (ه s.o.) hateful (الى to s.o.) III to loathe, detest, hate (ه s.o.) IV to loathe, detest, hate (ه s.o.) VI to hate each other
بغض bugḍ, بغضة bigḍa and بغضاء bagḍā’2 hatred, hate
بغيض bagīḍ, hateful, odious (الى to s.o.), loathsome, abominable
تباغض tabāguḍ mutual hatred
مبغوض mabgūḍ detested, hateful, odious
مبغض mubgiḍ pl. -ūn hater; -- mubgaḍ detested, hateful, odious
بغل bagl pl. بغال bigāl, ابغال abgal mule; بغلة bagla pl. bagalāt female mule| بغال القنطرة b. al-qanṯara the piers of the bridge
بغال baggāl pl. -ūn mule driver, muleteer
بغى bagā i (بغاء bugā’) to seek, desire, covet, seek to attain (هـ s.th.), wish for s.th. (هـ ); -- (bagy) to wrong, treat unjustly (على s.o.) , to oppress (على s.o.), commit outrage (على upon); to whore, fornicate VII ينبغى it is desirable, necessary; it is proper, appropriate, seemly, it ought to be, should be; with له : it behooves him, with عليه : he must, he should, he ought to VIII to seek, desire (هـ s.th.), aspire (هـ to s.th.), strive (هـ for)
بغى bagy infringement, outrage, injustice, wrong
بغى bagīy pl. بغايا bagāyā whore, prostitute
بغية bugya object of desire, wish, desire, bugyata (prep.) with the aim of, for the purpose of
بغاء bigā’ prostitution
بغاء bugā’ wish(ing), desire, endeavor, effort
مبغى mabgan pl. مباغ mabāgin brothel
مباغ mabāgin coveted things, desiderata, wishes, desires
ابتغاء ibtigā’ desire, wish; ibtigā’a (prep.) for the purpose of
باغ bāgin pl. بغاة bugāh desiring, coveting, striving; committing outrages, oppressive, unjust; oppressor, tyrant
مبتغى mubtagan aspired goal, aspiration, desire, endeavor, effort
بفتة bafta calico, Indian cotton cloth
بفتيك biftēk beefsteak
1 بق baqq (n. un. ة ) bedbug, chinch|شجرة البق elm (bol.)
2 بق baqqa u (baqq) to give off in abundance
بقاق baqqāq garrulous, loquacious, chatterbox, prattler
بقبق baqbaqa (بقبقة baqbaqa) to gurgle, bubble, splutter, purl (water); to chatter, prattle
بقباق baqbāq garrulous, loquacious, chatterbox, prattler
بقبوقة baqbūqa blister (of the skin)
بقجة buqja pl. بقج buqaj bundle, pack, package
بقدونس baqdūnis, baqdūnas parsley
بقر baqara u to split open, rip open, cut open (هـ s.th.) IV do.
بقر baqar (coll.) bovines, cattle; n. un. بقرة baqara pl. -āt cow
بقرى baqarī bovine, cattle-, cow- (in compounds)
بقار baqqār pl. ة cowhand, cowboy
بقس baqs box, boxwood (bot.)
بقسمات buqsumāt rusk, zwieback; biscuit
بقشة buqša Yemenite copper coin
بقشيش baqšīš pl. بقاشيش baqāšīš2 present of money; tip, gratuity, baksheesh
بقع II to spot, stain, smudge; (هـ s.th.) V to become stained, get smudged; to be spotted, stained
بقعة buq‘a pl. بقع buqa‘, بقاع biqā‘ spot, blot, smudge, stain; place, spot, site, plot. patch, lot
ابقع abqa‘2 spotted, speckled
باقعة bāqi‘a pl. بواقع bawāqi‘ sly dog, shrewd fellow
بقل baqala u (baql) to sprout (plant)
بقل baql (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. بقول buqūl, ابقال abqāl herbs, potherbs, greens, herbaceous plants, specif., legumes| الفصيلة البقلية the Leguminosae; البقلة الباردة hyacinth bean (Dolichos lablab L.), البقلة الحمقاء (ḥamqā’) purslane (bot.), البقلة الذهبية (dahabīya) garden orach (bot.), بقلة الخطاطيف celandine (bot.), بقلة الملك b. al-malik common fumitory (bot.)
بقال baqqāl pl. -ūn بقالة baqqāla greengrocer; grocer
بقالة biqāla the grocery business
بقلاوة baqlāwa, بقلاوا a kind of Turkish delight, pastry made of puff paste with honey and almonds or pistachios
بقام baqqām brazilwood
بقي baqiya a (بقاء baqā’) to remain, stay, continue to be (على in a state or condition); to keep up, maintain (على a state or condition); to be left behind, be left over; to last, continue, go on; (with foll. imperf. or part.) to continue to do s.th., keep doing s.th.; to become|لم يبق طفلا (yabqa ṯiflan) he is no longer a child II to leave, leave over, leave behind (هـ s.th.) IV to make (ه s.o.) stay; to retain, leave unchanged, leave as it is, preserve, maintain, keep up (هـ s.th.); to leave, leave over, leave behind (هـ s.th. ه s.o.); to leave untouched, save, spare (على s.o., s.th., e.g., s.o.’s life) V to remain, stay, continue to be (على in a state or condition); to be left, be left over X to make stay, ask to stay, hold back, detain (ه s.o.); to spare, save, protect (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to preserve (هـ s.th.); to retain, keep (هـ s.th.); to store, put away (هـ s.th.)
بقية baqīya pl. بقايا baqāyā remainder, rest; remnant, residue| بقية الدول b. ad-duwal the remaining countries, the rest of the countries; البقية الباقية (bāqiya) the last remnant
بقاء baqā’ remaining, staying, lingering, abiding; continuation, continuance, duration; survival, continuation of existence after life; immortality, eternal life; existence; permanence|دار البقاء the hereafter
ابقى abqā more lasting. more durable. more permanent; better preserving; conducive to longer wear. better protecting
ابقاء ibqā’ continuation, retention; maintenance, conservation, preservation| ابقاء الحالة على ما كانت عليه maintenance of the status quo
استبقاء istibqā’ continuation, retention; maintenance, conservation, preservation
باق bāqin staying; remaining; left; remainder (arith.); lasting, continuing, permanent, unending; surviving; living on; everlasting, eternal (God)| الباقيات الصالحات the good works
متبق mutabaqqin residue, remnant, remainder, rest
بك bē (Eg. pronunciation) pl. بكوات bakawāt, بهوات bahawāt bey (title of courtesy; cf. بيك )
بكوية bekawīya rank of a bey
بكيء bakī’ pl. بكاء bikā’ having or giving little, sparing (e.g., of words)
بكاسين bikāsīn bécassine, snipe (zool.)
بكالوريا (Fr. baccalauréat) bakālōriyā baccalaureate, bachelor’s degree
بكالوريوس bakālōriyūs bachelor (academic degree)
بكباشى (Turk. binbaşı) bimbāšī, bikbāšī major (mil; formerly, Eg.)
بكت to censure, blame (ه s.o.)
تبكيت tabkīt blame, reproach| تبكيت الضمير remorse
بكتيرى baktērī bacterial, caused by bacteria
بكتيريا baktēriyā bacteria
بكر bakara u to set out early in the morning, get up early; to come early (الى to), be early (الى at) II do.; بكر فى and بكر ب with foll. verbal noun: to do s.th. early, prematurely, ahead of its time III to be ahead of s.o. (ه ), anticipate, forestall (ه s.o.) IV = I; VIII to be the first to take (هـ s.th.), be the first to embark (هـ on s.th.); to deflower (ها a girl): to invent (هـ s.th.); to create, originate, start (هـ s.th.)
بكر bakr pl. ابكر abkur, بكران bukrān young camel
بكر bikr pl. ابكار abkār first-born, eldest; firstling: unprecedented, novel, new; virgin; virginal
بكرى bikrī first-born, first
بكرية bikrīya primogeniture
بكرة bakra and bakara pl. بكر bakar, -āt reel; pulley (mech.); spool, coil; winch, windlass| خيط بكرة ḳaiṯ b. thread
بكرة bakra: على بكرة ابيهم ‘alā bakrati abīhim, عن بكرة ابيهم and عن بكرتهم all without exception, all of them, all together; خرجت الجماهير عن بكرتها the crowd went forth as one man
بكرة bukra pl. بكر bukar early morning; بكرة bukratan early in the morning; tomorrow; on the following day, next day
بكير bakīr coming early; early, premature; precocious
بكور bakūr and باكور bākūr coming early; early, premature; precocious
بكور bukūr earliness, prematureness, premature arrival| بكورى فى العود (‘aud) my early return
بكارة bakāara virginity
بكارة bakkāra pulley (mech.)| بكارة مركبة (murakkaba) set of pulleys, block and tackle
بكورة bukūra and بكورية bukūrīya primogeniture
باكورة bakūra pl. بواكير bawākīr2 firstlings; first results, first fruits; beginning, rise, dawn; (with foll. genit.) initial, early, first; pl. بواكير first signs or indications; initial symptoms; heralds, harbingers (fig.)| باكورة الفواكه early fruit; كان باكورة اعماله the first thing he did was...
ابكر abkar2 rising earlier
مبكر mibkār precocious
ابتكار ibtikār pl. -āt novelty, innovation; creation; invention; origination, first production; initiative; creativity, originality; pl. ابتكارات specif., creations of fashion, fashion designs
باكر bākir early; premature; باكرا bākiran in the morning; early (adv.)|فى الصباح الباكر (ṣabāḥ) early in the morning; الى الباكر till tomorrow
باكرة bākira pl. بواكر bawākir2 firstlings, first produce, early fruits, early vegetables; pl. first indications or symptoms, heralds, harbingers
مبكر mubakkir doing early; early;| مبكرا mubakkiran early in the morning, early
مبتكر mubtakir creator; creative; inventor; -- mubtakar newly created, novel, new, original; (pl. -āt) creation, specif., fashion creation, invention|ثوب مبتكر (taub) original design, model. dress creation
بكرج bakraj pl. بكارج bakārij2 kettle, coffee pot
بكسماد , بكسماط , see بقسمات
بكل II to buckle, buckle up, button up (هـ s.th.); to fold, cross (هـ the arms)
بكلة bukla pl. بكل bukal, -āt buckle
بكلاه (It. baccalá) bakalāh codfish
بكلوريوس bakalōriyūs bachelor (academic degree)
بكم bakima a to be dumb: -- bakuma u to be silent, hold one’s tongue IV to silence (ه s.o.) V to become silent; to become dumb
بكم bakam dumbness
ابكم abkam2, f. بكماء bakmā’, pl. بكم bukm dumb
بكوات and بكوية see بك
بكى bakā i (بكاء bukā’, بكى bukan) to cry, weep (على over); to bemoan, lament, bewail (ه s.o.), mourn (ه for) II and IV to make (ه s.o.) cry X to move (ه s.o.) to tears, make (ه s.o.) cry
بكاء bakkā’ given to weeping frequently, tearful, lachrymose
حائط المبكى ḥā’iṯ al-mabkā the Wailing Wall (in Jerusalem)
باكية bākiya pl. بواك bawākin wailing-woman, hired mourner; (eg.) arch, arcade
باك bākin pl. بكاة bukāh weeping, crying; weeper, wailer, mourner
مبك mubkin, mubakkin, causing tears, tearful; sad, lamentable, deplorable
بكين bikīn Peking
1 بل bal (also with foll. و wa-) nay, --rather... ; (and) even; but, however, yet
2 بل balla u (ball) to moisten, wet, make wet (هـ s.th., ه s.o.);--balla i to recover (من مرض from an illness) II to moisten, wet, make wet (هـ s.th., ه s.o.) IV to recover (من مرض from an illness) V and VIII to be moistened, be wetted; to become wet
بل ball moistening, wetting; moisture
بل bill recovery, convalescence, recuperation
بلة billa moisture, humidity| ما زاد الطين بلة mā zālda ṯ-ṯīna billatan what made things even worse ...
بل balal moisture, humidity; moistness, dampness, wetness
بليل balīl a moist, cool wind
بليلة balīla (eg.) dish made of stewed maize and sugar
ابلال iblāl recovery, convalescence, recuperation
بل taballul moistness, dampness, humidity
مبلول mablūl, مبلل muballal, مبتل mubtall moist, damp, wet
3 بلى billī (from Fr. bille): كرسي بلى (kursī) ball bearing
بلا see 2ب
بلاتين , ﭙلاتين blātī., plātīn platinum
بلاج (Fr. plage) blāž beach
بلاجرا balagrā pellagra
بلارج balāraj stork
بلاستيك (Fr. plastique) blāstīk plastik
بلاط see بلط
بلاك (Engl. plug) spark plug (ir.)
بلان , بلانة see بلن
بلبط balbaṯa to gurgle
1 بلبل balbala to disquiet, make uneasy or restive, stir up, rouse, disturb, trouble, confuse (ه s.o., هـ s.th.) II tabalbala to feel uneasy, be anxious; to be or become confused, get all mixed up
بلبلة balbala pl. بلابل balābil2 anxiety, uneasiness, concern; confusion, muddle, jumble, chaos
بلبال balbāl anxiety, uneasiness, concern
بلابل balabil2 anxieties, apprehensions
تبلبل tabalbul muddle, confusion|بلبل الالسنة t. al-alsina confusion of tongues (at the tower of Babel)
2 بلبل bulbul pl. بلابل balabil2 nightingale
بلج balaja u (بلوج bulūj) to shine; to dawn (morning, aurora); -- balija a (balaj) to be happy, be glad (ب about), be delighted (ب at) IV to shine (sun) V and VII = balaja
ابلج ablaj2 gay, serene, bright, clear, fair, nice, beautiful
انبلاج الفجر inbilāj al-fajr daybreak
بلجيكا beljīka Belgium
بلجيكى beljīkī Belgian (adj. and n.)
بلح balaḥ (coll.; n. un. ة ) dates (bot.)
بلد baluda u (بلادة balada) to be stupid, idiotic, dull-witted II to acclimatize, habituate (هـ s.th., to a country or region) V pass. of II; to become .tupid, be.otted, lapse into a state of idiocy; to show o.s. from the stupid side VI to feign stupidity
بلد balad m. and f., pl. بلاد bilād country; town, city; place, community, village; بلاد country; بلدان buldān countries| بلاد الحبش b. al-ḥabaš Ethiopia; بلاد الصين b. aṣ-ṣīn China; بلاد الهند b. al-hind India
بلدة balda town, city; place, community, village; rural community; township
بلدى baladī native, indigenous, home (as opposed to foreign, alien); (fellow) citizen, compatriot, countryman; a native; communal, municipal| مجلس بلدى (majlis) city council, local council
بلدية baladīya pl. -āt township, community, rural community; ward, district (of a city); municipality, municipal council, local authority
بليد balīd and ابلد ablad2 stupid, doltish, dull-witted, idiotic
بلادة balāda stupidity, silliness
تبلد taballud idiocy, dullness, obtuseness, apathy
متبلد mutaballid besotted, dull, stupid
ابليز look up alphabetically
ابليس pl. ابالسة look up alphabetically
بلسان ba1asān balsam, balm; balsam tree; black older (bot.)
بلسم balsam pl. بلاسم balāsim2 balsam, balm
بلسم balsamī balsamic, balmy
بلشف balšafa to Bolshevize II tabalšafa to be Bolshevized
بلشفة balšafa Bolshevization
بلشفى bulšifī pl. بلاشفة balāšifa Bolshevist(ic); Bolshevik, Bolshevist
بلشفية bulšifīya Bolshevism
بلشون balašūn heron (zool.)
1 بلص balaṣa u (balš) and II to extort wring forcibly (من ه from s.o. s.th.); to blackmail (ه s.o.)
بلص balṣ extortion, blackmail; forcible imposition of taxes
2 بلاص ballāṣ pl. بلاليص balālīṣ2 (eg.) earthenware jar
1 بلط II to pave (هـ s.th., with flagstones or tiles)
بلاط balāṯ pavement, tiled floor; floor tiles; palace; pl. ابلطة abliṯa floor tiles|البلاط الملكى (malakī) the royal court; حداد البلاط ḥidād al-b. court mourning
بلاطة balāṯa floor tile; flagstone, slabstone; paving stone
تبليط tablīṯ paving, tile-laying
مبلط muballaṯ paved, tiled
2 بلوط ballūṯ oak; acorn
3 بلطة balta pl. -āt, بلط bulaṯ ax
بلطجى balṯajī pl. -īya engineer, sapper, pioneer (mil.); gangster; procurer, panderer, pimp; sponger, hanger-on, parasite
4 بلطة balaṯa balata gum
5 بلطو (Fr. paletot) balṯō pl. –āt, بلاطى balāṯī paletot, overcoat
6 بلطى bulṯī bolti (Tilapia nilotica), a food fish of the Nile
بلطيق al-.balṯīq the Baltic countries| بحر البلطيق baḥr al-b. the Baltic Sea
بلوظة bālūẓa hand pres.; (eg.) a kind of cream made of cornstarch, lemon juice and honey, or the like
بلع bala‘a and bali‘a a (bal‘) to swallow, swallow up (هـ s.th.); to gulp down (هـ s.th.); to put up (هـ with s.th.), swallow, stomach, brook (هـ s.th.)| بلع ريقه (rīqahū) lit.: to swallow one’s saliva, i.e., to catch one’s breath, take a little rest, have a break; to restrain o.s., hold back (said of one in a rage) II and IV to make (ه s.o.) swallow (هـ s.th.)| بلعه ريقه (rīqahū) to grant s.o. a short rest VIII = I
بلعة bal‘a large bite, big gulp
بلاعة ballā‘a, بلوعة ballū‘a pl. –āt, بلاليع ba1ālī ‘2 sink, drain
بالوعة bālū‘a pl. –āt, بواليع bawālī‘2 sewer, sink, drain
بلعم bul‘um pl. بلاعم balā‘im2 and بلعوم bul‘ūm pl. بلاعيم balā‘īm2 pharynx (anat.); بلعوم gullet, esophagus (anat.)
1 بلغ balaga u (بلوغ bulūg) to reach (ه s.o. هـ s.th.), get (هـ, ه to), arrive (هـ at); to come, amount (هـ to), be worth (هـ so and so much); to come to s.o.’s (ه ) ears; to attain puberty (boy); to ripen, mature (fruit, or the like); to come of age; to exhaust, wear out (من s.o.); to act (من upon s.o.), have its effect (من on), affect (من s.o.); to go far (فى, من in s.th.), attain a high degree (فى, من of s.th.)| بلغ به الى to make s.o. or s.th. get to or arrive at, lead or take s.o. or s.th. to, get s.o. or s.th. to the point where, بلغ به الترنح ان (tarannuḥ) he began to reel so violently that ; بلغ الامر مبلغ الجد (mablaga l-jidd) the matter became serious; بلغ السيل الزبى b. s-sailu z-zubā the matter reached a climax, things came to a head; بلغ مبلغ الرجال (mablaga r-rijāl) to be sexually mature, attain manhood, come of age; بلغ اشده (ašuddahū) to attain full maturity, come of age; to reach its climax; بلغ فى الشيء مبلغا (mablagan) to attain a high degree of s.th.; حين بلغت بذكرياتي هذا المبلغ (ḥīna, dikrayātī, mablaga) when I had come to this point in my reminiscences; بلغ منه كل مبلغ (kulla mablagin) to work havoc on s.o.; بلغ منتهاه (muntahāhū) to reach its climax, come to a head II to make (ه s.o.) reach or attain (هـ s.th.); to take bring (الى هـ s.th. to s.o.) see that s.th. (هـ ) gets (الى to); to convey, transmit, impart, communicate, report (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.); to inform, notify (هـ ه s.o. of s.th.), tell, let know (هـ ه s.o. about); to report (عن about), give an account of (عن ); to inform (عن against s.o.), report, denounce (عن s.o.)| بلغ رسالة to fulfill a mission, بلغه سلامى ballighu salāmī give him my best regards! III to exaggerate (فى in s.th.); to overdo. do too long (فى s.th.); to go to greatest lengths, do one’s utmost (فى in) IV to make (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) reach or attain (الى s.th.); to make (هـ s.th.) amount (الى to), raise (هـ an amount, a salary, الى to); to inform, notify (ب or عن s.o. of s.th.), tell, let know (ب or عن ه s.o. about); to announce, state, disclose (هـ s.th.); to inform (عن against s.o.), report, denounce (عن s.o.)|ابلغ البوليس ب to report s.th. to the police V to content o.s., be content (ب with); to eke out an existence; to still one’s hunger (ب with), eat (ب s.th.): to b. delivered, be transmitted
سمعا لا بلاغا sam‘an lā balāgan! may it be heard but not fulfilled, i.e. God forbid! (used at the mention of s.th. unpleasant)
بلغة bulga and بلاغ balāg sufficiency, competency, adequacy (see also 2 بلغة below)
بلاغ balāg pl. -āt communication, information, message, report; announcement, proclamation; communiqué; statement; notification (of the police)|بلاغ اخير ultimatum
بليغ balīg pl. بلغاء bulagā’ eloquent; intense, lasting, deep, profound (e.g., an impression); serious, grave (e.g., an injury)
بلوغ bulūg reaching, attainment, arrival (at); maturity, legal majority
بلاغة balāga eloquence; art, of good style, art of composition; literature| علم البلاغة ‘ilm al-b. rhetoric
ابلغ ablag2 intenser, deeper, more lasting; more serious, graver
مبلغ mablag pl. مبالغ mabālig2 amount, sum of money; extent, scope, range; (see also examples under بلغ I)| مبلغ اسمى (ismī) nominal par; المبالغ المودعة (mūda‘a) the deposits (at a bank); ليتبين مبلغ قولى من الجد (li-yatabayyana, qaulī, jidd) in order to find, out to what extent my words were meant seriously
تبليغ tablīg pl. -āt conveyance, transmission, delivery (الى to s.o.); information (عن about); report, notification (عن of); communication, announcement, notice| كتاب التبليغ credentials
مبالغة mubalaga pl. -āt exaggeration
ابلاغ iblāg conveyance, transmission
بالغ bālig extensive, far-reaching; considerable; serious (wound), deep, profound, violent, vehement (feelings), strong, intense; mature; of age, legally major
مبلغ muballig bearer (of news), messenger; informer, denouncer; detective
2 بلغة bulga, balga pl. -āt, bulag slipper of yellow leather
بلغاريا bulgāriyā Bulgaria
بلغارى bugārī Bulgarian (adj. and n.)
بلغم balgam phlegm; (pl. بلاغم balagim2) expectoration, sputum
بلغمى balgamī phlegmatic; phlegmy, mucous
بلف balafa i (balf) to bluff II do.
بلف balf, بلفة balfa bluff
ابلق ablaq2 piebald
بلقيس bilqīs2 Muslim name of the Queen of Sheba
البلقان al-balqān the Balkans
بلقانى balqānī Balkan
بلقع balqa‘ and بلقعة balqa‘a pl. بلاقع balāqi‘2 wasteland
بلك see بلوك
بلكون balkōn balcony
1 بلم balam anchovy
2 بلم balam pl. ابلام ablām sailing barge (ir.)
3 بلم IV to be silent, hold one's tongue
بلان ballān bathhouse attendant; name of a plant growing near stagnant waters
بلانة ballāna female bathhouse attendant; lady's maid
بلنسية balansiya2 Valencia (region and city in E Spain)
بلين pl. بلالين look up alphabetically
بله baliha a to be stupid, simple-minded VI to feign foolishness, pretend to be stupid X to deem (هـ s.o.) stupid or simple-minded
بله balah and بلاهة balāha stupidity, foolishness, simple-mindedness; idiocy, imbecility|بلاهة مبكرة (mubakkira) dementia praecox
بله balha let alone, not to speak of, not to mention
ابله ablah2 stupid, doltish, dull-witted; idiotic
بلهارسيا bilkarsiyā bilharziasis, schistosomiasis (med.)
بلهنية bulahniya abundance, wealth, variety (of earthly possessions)
1 بلهوان see بهلوان
2 بلهون bulhōn pl. بلاهين balāhīn2 (= ابو الهول eg.) sphinx
(بلو and بلى) بلا balā u (balw, بلاء balā’) to test, try, put to the test (هـ s.o., • s.tb.); to know from long experience (هـ s.th.); to afltict (هـ s.o.); -- بلى baliya a (بلى bilan, بلاء balā’) to be or become old, worn, shabby (clothes); to dwindle away, vanish; to deteriorate, decline, become decrepit; to disintegrate (a corpse), decay, rot, spoil III to care, be concerned (ب or هـ, ه about), be mindful (ب or هـ, ه of s.o., of s.th.); to pay attention (ب or هـ to), mind, heed, take into consideration, take into account (ب or هـ s.th.); to take notice (ب of)|ما ابالى mā ubālī, لا ابالى I don’t care! I don’t mind! it's all right with me! لا يبالى (as a relat. clause) unconcerned, heedless, careless, reckless IV to try, test, put to the test (هـ s.o.); to make experienced, harden, inure (ه s.o.; said of trials, experiences); to work havoc (هـ on s.th.); to wear out (هـ s.th.) |ابلى بلاء حسنا (balā’an ḥasanan) to stand the test; to prove o.s. brave (in war) VIII to try, tempt, put to the test (هـ s.o.); to afflict (ب ه s.o. with), visit (ب ه on s.o. s.th.); pass. ubtuliya to become or be afflicted (ب with, by), suffer (ب from)
بلى bilan decline, deterioration; decay, putrefaction, decomposition; worn condition; wear; shabbiness
بلي balīy worn, old, shabby, threadbare; decrepit, dilapidated, decaying, decomposed, rotten
بلية balīya pl. بلايا balāyā trial, tribulation, visitation, affliction, distress, misfortune, calamity
بلاء balā’ trial. tribulation, visitation, affliction, distress, misfortune; scourge, plague; creditable performance, bravery, gallantry, heroic action|بلاء حسن (ḥasan) favor, blessing, grace (of God); good performance
بلوى balwā trial; tribulation, visitation, affliction, distress, misfortune, calamity; necessity, need|عمت البلوى (‘ammat) it has become a general necessity
مبالاة mubālāh consideration, regard, heed, attention| لا مبالاة lā-mubālāh indifference, unconcern, carelessness
ابتلاء ibtilā’ trial, tribulation, affliction, visitation
بال bālin old, worn, worn out; shabby, threadbare, ragged, tattered; decrepit, dilapidated; decayed, rotten; obsolete, antiquated
مبال mubālin observant, heedful, mindful (ب of)| غير مبال ب heedless of
مبتلى mubtalan (less correctly مبتل mubtalin) afflicted (ب with, by), suffering (ب from)
بلور II tabalwara to crystalize; to be crystalized; to be covered with crystals
بلور ballūr, billaur pl. -āt crystal; crystal glass, flint glass, glass|O بلور صخرى (ṣaḳrī) rock crystal, transparent quartz
بلورة billaura (n. un.) pl. -āt crystal; crystal glass, flint glass, glass; tube (radio); crystal, quartz plate (of a detector; radio); (syr., pronounced ballōra) negative (phot.)
بلورى ballūrī, billaurī crystalline; crystal (adj.)
بلورية ballūrīya, billaurīya pl. -āt lense (opt.)
مبلور mubalwar: فواكه مبلورة candied fruits
بلوز (Fr. blouse) bəlūz, bəlūza pl. –āt blouse
بلوك (Turk. bölük) bulūk pl. -āt company (mil.; Eg.)| بلوك امين b. amīn (mil.) approx.: quartermaster sergeant (formerly, Eg.)
بلون ballūn balloon
1 بلى balā yes, yes indeed, certainly, surely
2 بلى baliya etc., see بلو
بلياتشو (It. paglaccio) palyatšō clown, buffoon
بلياردو (It. bigliardo) bilyardō billiards
بليسيه bilīsēh plissé, pleating
1 بلين ballīn pl. بلالين balālīn2 pallium, liturgical vestment of a bishop worn over the chasuble (Chr.); monk's robe (Copt.·Chr.)
2 بليون balyūn pl. بلايين balayīn (U.S.) billion, (G.B.) milliard; (U.S.) trillion, (G.B.) billion
بم bamm lowest string of a musical instrument
بمباغ bumbāg, بمباغة bumbāga bow tie
بمباى bombāy Bombay
بامية look up alphabetically
1 بن V تبنى to adopt as son (ه s.o.); to adopt. embrace (هـ s.th.)
ابن ibn pl. ابناء abnā’, بنون banūn son; descendant. scion; offspring, son (of a nation or people)| ابن آدم pl. بنو آدم (son of Adam) man, human being; ابن آوى ibn āwā jackal; ابن البلد ibn a1-balad local inhabitant, native; ابناء البلد natives, native population; ابن الحرب ibn al-ḥarb warrior; soldier; warlike, bellicose; ابن السبيل wayfarer, wanderer; ابن خمسين سنة 50 years old; ابن ساعته ibn sā‘atihī temporal, transient, passing; ابن صلبه ibn ṣulbihī his own son; ابن عرس ibn ‘irs weasel; بنو ماء السماء banū mā’ as-samā’ the Arsbs; بنو سويف Beni Suef (city in Egypt, S of Cairo)
ابنة ibna and بنت bint pl. بنات banāt daughter; بنت girl| ابنة العم i. al-‘amm (female) cousin; periphrastically for wife: ابنة عمك your wife; بنت الفك b. a1-fikr pl. بنات الافكار thought, idea; بنات الارض b. a1-arḍ insects and worms; بنات بئس b. bi’s calamities, afflictions; بنات الدهر b. ad-dahr do.; بنت الشفه b. aš-šafa word; بنات الصدر b. aṣ-ṣadr worries, fears, anxieties; بنات وردان b. wardāna earth worms, rainworms
بني bunaiya my little son
بنوة bunuwwa sonship, filiation
بنوى banawi filial
تبن tabannin adoption (also fig., e.g. of ideas, principles, etc.)
2 بن bunn coffee beans, coffee
بنى bunnī coffee-colored, brown
بنان banān finger tips| يشار عليه ببنان (yušāru lit.: he is pointed at with fingers, i.e., he is famous man; انا طوع بنانك anā tau‘a banānika I am at your disposal, I am at your service
بنادورة banādōra (syr.; from It. pomodoro) tomato(es)
بنارس banāris2 Banaras or Benares (the Holy City of the Hindus, in N India)
بنباشى see بكباشى
بنت see 1 بن
بنتو bintū napoleon, louis d'or (gold coin of 20 francs)
بنج II to dope, narcoticize (with banj; ه s.o.); to anesthetize (. s.o.)
بنج banj henbane (Hyoscyamus niger; bot); an anesthetic, a narcotic
البنجاب al-banjāb the Punjab (region, NW Indian subcontinent)
بنجر banjar red beet (eg.)
بند band pl. بنود bunūd article, clause, paragraph (of a. la.w, contract, etc.); banner; large body of troops
بندر bandar pl. بنادر banādir2 seaport; commercial center; district capital (Eg.); بنادر see also under بنديرة below| بندر عباس ‘abbās Bandar Abbas (seaport in S Iran)
بندورة look up alphabetically
بندق bunduq (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. بنادق banādiq2 hazelnut(s), filberts; hazel, hazel tree; بندقة hazelnut, filbert; bullet
بندقى bunduqī Venetian sequin
بندقية bunduqīya pl. بنادق banādiq2 rifle, gun| بندقية رش b. rašš shotgun
البندقية al.bunduqīya Venice
بندقانى bunduqani pl. -ūn, بنادقة banādiqa a Venitian
بندوق bundūq pl. بناديق banādīq2 bastard
بندورة banadōra (syr.; from It. pomodoro) tomatoes
احمر بندورى aḥmar2 banadōrī tomato-red
بندول (Fr. pendule) bandūl pendulum
بنديرة (Span. bandera) bandēra pl. بنادر banadir2 pennon, flag, banner
بنور bannūr (= بلور ballūr) glass
بنزهير banzahīr bezoar, bezoar stone
بنزين banzīn, benzīn gasoline, benzine
بنس (Engl.) pence
بنسلين benisilīn penicillin
بنسيه (Fr. pensée) banēh pansy (bot.)
بنسيون bansiyōn pl. -āt boardinghouse; boarding school
بنصر binṣir f., pl. بناصر banāsir2 ring finger
بنط bunṯ pl. بنوط bunūṯ point (stock market)
بنطلون banṯalūn (from It. pantaloni) pl. –āt trousers, pants
بنغازى bangāzī Bengasi (city in NE Libya, capital of Cyrenaica)
البنغال al-bangāl Bengal (region, NE Indian subcontinent)
بنفسج banafsaj (coll.; n. un. ة ) violet (bot.)
بنفسجى banafsajī violetlike, violetish;
violet (adj.)| فوق البنفسجى or وراء البنفسجى ultraviolet
بنفش banfaš, banafš amethyst (min.)
بنقة binaqa and بنيقة banīqa gore, gusset (of a shirt or garment)
1 بنك bunk root, core, heart, best part| بنك العمر b. al-‘umr the prime of life, the best years
2 بنك bank pl. بنوك bunūk bank, banking house| بنك التسليف credit bank; بنك التوفير deposit bank; بنك الدم b. ad-dam blood bank; البنك الدولى (daulī) the World Bank
3 مبنك mubannak stranded
4 محنك مبنك muḥannak mubannak shrewd, sly, astute
بنكنوت (Engl.) banknōt banknote
بنوة and بنوى see1 بن
بنوار (Fr. baignoire) banwār baignoire, theater box of the lowest tier
1 بنى bana i (بناء binā’, بنيان bunyān) and VIII to build, erect, construct, set up (هـ s.th.); to build, establish, rest (على هـ s.th. on); to consummate the marriage (بها and عليها with a woman); pass. buniya, ubtuniya to be based, be built, rest (على on)|بنى كلمة على (kalimalan) to give a word an indeclinable ending in (a certain vowel or a vowelless consonant; gram.) V see 1 بن
بناء binā’ building, construction, erection, setting up; structure (also, e.g., of an organism), setup, make-up; (pl. ابنية abniya) building, structure, edifice|اعادة البناء i‘ādat al-b. reconstruction; البناء الحر (ḥurr) Freemaaonry; بناء على binā’an ‘alā according to, in accordance with, on the basis of, by virtue of, on the strength of; بناء على هذا accordingly, thus
بنائى binā’ī constructional, building (used attributively); architectural; structural
بنية binya, bunya pl. بنى binan, bunan structure, setup, make-up; binya build, frame, physique, physical constitution|ضعيف البنية of delicate constitution; صحيح البنية and سليم البنية of sound constitution, healthy; قوي البنية qawīy al-b. husky, sturdy
بناء bannā’ pl. -ūn builder; mason; constructive| بناء حر (ḥurr) Freemason
بناية bināya pl. -āt building, structure, edifice
بنيان bunyān building, construction, erection, setting up; building, structure, edifice; physique, stature
مبنى mabnan pl. مبان mabānin building, construction, erection, setting up; building, structure. edifice; form; foundation, fundament, basis | الرأى والمبنى (ra’y) content and form
تبن tabannin see 1 بن
بان bānin pl. بناة bunāh builder
مبنى mabnīy built, set up. erected; founded, based, resting (على on); fixed, established; indeclinable; ending indeclinably (على in; gram.)
2 ﭙنى (Engl.) penny
بنيو (It. bagno) banyō batb, bathtub
بهت bahita a, bahuta u and pass. buhita (baht) to be astonished, amazed, bewildered, startled, perplexed, flabbergasted, speechless; -- bahita to be or become pale, fade (color); -- bahata a to astonish, amaze, bewilder, startle, stagger, flabbergast (ه s.o.); (بهتان buhtān) to slander, defame (ه s.o.) III to come or descend unexpectedly (ه upon s.o.); to startle, stagger, flabbergast (ه s.o.) IV to surprise, astonish, amaze (هـ s.o.) VII = I
بهت buht and بهتان buhtān slander, false accusation; lie, untruth
بهتة bahta perplexity, amazement, bewilderment, stupefaction
باهت bāhit pale, pallid, faded (color); perplexed, aghast
مبهوت mabhūt perplexed, astonished, amazed, startled, flabbergasted, aghast
بهج bahija a to be glad, he bappy (ب about), he delighted (ب at); -- bahuja u to be beautiful, look wonderful IV to gladden, delight, make happy (ب s.o.) VIII to be glad, be happy (ب about), be delighted (ب at)
بهجة bahja splendor, magnificence, beauty, resplendence; joy, delight|بهجة الانظار delight of the eyes, welcome sight
بهج bahij, بهيج bahīj magnificent, splendid, beautiful; happy, joyous; delightful
مبهجة mabhaja a moment of happiness and joy
مباهج mabāhij joys, delights; pleasures, amusements, diversions; splendid things; splendor, pomp, magnificence
ابتهاج ibtihāj joy, rejoicing, delight (ب at)
مبهج mubhij pleasant, charming, delightful
مبتهج mubtahij happy, glad, delighted
بهدل bahdala to insult (ه s.o.); to treat contemptuously, meanly (ه s.o.); to expose (ه s.o.) to ridicule, make a laughingstock (ه of s.o.) II tabahdala pass. of I
بهدلة bahdala insult, affront, abuse, outrage; meanness; triteness, insipidity
مبهدل mubahdal maltreated, oppressed, miserable
بهر bahara a (bahr) and IV to glitter, shine; to dazzle, overwhelm (ه s.o., هـ s.o.’s eyes)| شيء يبهر الابصار a dazzling, overwhelming thing; -- pass. buhira to be out of breath, to pant VII to be dazzled, blinded; to be smitten with blindness; to. be out of breath VIII to flaunt, parade, show off, present in a dazzling light (ب s.th.)
بهر bahr deception, dazzlement (ب by)
بهر buhr difficult respiration, labored breathing
بهر bahra (n. vic.) being dazzled, dazzlement
بهرة buhra middle, center| فى بهرة amidst
ابهر abhar2 more brilliant, more magnificent
ابهر abhar2 aorta (anat.)
بهار bahār pl. -āt spice
ابتهار ibtihār dazzling display, show (ب of s.th.)
باهر bāhir dazzling, brilliant, splendid
مبهور mabhūr breathless, out of breath, panting
بهرج bahraja (بهرج bahraja) to adorn, deck out, dress up showily; to give a deceptive brightness (هـ to); to glamorize (هـ s.th.); to reject as false (ه a witness); to fake, counterfeit (هـ s.th.) II tabahraja to adorn o.s., spruce o.s. up, dress up; to be fake
بهرج bahraj false, spurious, fake, sham, worthless, bad; counterfeit money; tinsel, frippery, cheap finery; trash, cheap stuff
بهرجة bahraja empty show, hollow pomp
بهرجان bahrajan tinsel, frippery
مبهرج mubahraj showy, tawdry, gaudy, ornate, ostentatious; trashy, rubbishy, cheap, inartistic
بهريز bahrīz (eg.) a soup
بهظ bahaza a (bahz) to oppress weigh down (ه s.o.; a load, work), weigh heavily (هـ on s.o.) IV do.
باهظ bāhiẓ heavy, oppressive, trying; excessive, exorbitant, enormous; expensive, costly
بهق bahaq a kind of lichen (bot.); herpetic eruption, tetter; vitiligo alba, a mild form of leprosy (med.)
بهل bahala a (bahl) to curse (ه s.o.) V and VI to curse one another VIII to supplicate, pray humbly (to God)
ابهل abhal savin (Juniperus sabina; bot.)
ابتهال ibtihāl supplication, prayer
باهل bāhil pl. بهل buhl, buhhal free, independent
بهلول buhlūl, bahlūl pl. بهاليل bahālīl2 buffoon, jester, clown, fool
بهلوان bahlawān pl. -āt, -īya acrobat, tumbler, equilibrist, ropedancer, tightrope walker
بهلوانى bahlawānī acrobatic|حركات بهلوانية (ḥarakāt) acrobatics; antics, capers of a tumbler; طيران بهلوانى (ṯayarān) aerial acrobatics, stunt flying
بهم IV to make obscure, dubious, unintelligible (هـ s.th.) V and X to be obscure, ambiguous, unintelligible (على to s.o.)
بهمة bahma lamb, sheep
بهيم bahīm pl. بهم buhum jet-black
بهيمة bahīma pl. بهائم bahā’im beast, animal, quadruped; pl. livestock, cattle, (large) domestic animals
بهيمى bahīmī animal, bestial, brutish
بهيمية bahīmīya brutishness, bestiality, brutality
ابهام ibhām obscurity; vagueness, ambiguity
ابهام ibhām pl. اباهيم abāhīm2 thumb; big toe
باهم bāhim big toe
مبهم mubham obscure, dark, cryptic, doubtful, vague, ambiguous| عدد مبهم (‘adad) abstract number (math.); O العصب المبهم (‘aṣab) the vagus (anat.); الاسم المبهم (ism) the demonstrative pronoun (gram.)
1(بهو) بها bahā u, bahuwa u and بهى bahiya a (بهاء bahā’) to be beautiful III to vie, compete (ب ه with s.o. in s.th.); to pride o.s. (ب on)و be proud (ب of), boast (ب of, ب ه to s.o. of s.th.) VI to compete with one another; to be proud (ب of), pride o.s. (ب on)
بهو bahw pl. ابهاء abhā’ hall; parlor, drawing room, reception hall
بهى bahīy beautiful, magnificent, splendid; brilliant, radiant, shining
بهاء bahā’ beauty, magnificence, splendor; brilliancy
بهائى bahā’ī Bahai (adj.); (pl. -ūn) an adherent of the Bahai sect, a Bahai
ابهى abhā more splendid, more brilliant
مباهاة mubāhāh and تباه tabāhin pride, vainglory, boastfulness
2 بهوات see بك
(بوء) باء bā’a u to come again, return; to come back (ب with s.th.), bring back, yield, bring in (ب s.th.)|باء بالخيبة or بالفشل (ḳaiba, fašal) to fail II to provide accommodations (ل and ه for s.o., هـ at a place), put up (ل or ه s.o., هـ at)|بوأ مكانا (makānan) to take a place, settle down, live or stay at a place IV to provide accommodations (ه for s.o., هـ at a place); to settle down, reside, live (ب at a place) V to settle down (هـ at a place), occupy (مركزا markazan a place), hold (مقاما maqāman a position)|تبوأ مكانا (makānan) to gain ground, become generally accepted; تبوأ العرش (‘arš) to ascend the throne; تبوأ الحكم (ḥukm) to come to power, take over power
بيئة bī’a pl. -āt (usually pronounced bai’a) pl. -āt residence, domicile, seat; situation; surroundings, environment, milieu; home, habitat
مباءة mabā’a place to which s.th. comes; abode, dwelling, habitation
تبوء tabawwu’: تبوء العرش t. al-‘arš accession to the throne
بوب II to divide into chapters or sections (هـ s.th.); to arrange in groups, arrange systematically, class, classify (هـ s.th.)
باب bāb pl. ابواب abwāb, بيبان bībān door;; gate; opening, gateway; entrance; chapter, section, column, rubric; group, class, category; field, domain (fig.)|الباب العالى the Sublime Porte; باب المندب b. al-mandab Bab el Mandeb (strait between SW Arabia and Africa; geogr.); على الابواب near, imminent; فتح بابا جديدا to open up a new way, a new possibility; فتح باب futiḥa bāb was (were) begun, got under way; قفل باب الشيء (qafala) to put an end to s.th., terminate, close s.th.; من باب الفضل (b. il-faḍl) as a favor; من باب اولى (aulā) with all the more reason, the more so; فى هذا الباب about this matter, about this; من باب الضرورة ان (b. iḍ-ḍarūra) it is necessary that ; هذا ليس من باب الصدفة (b. iṣ-ṣudfa) that’s no coincidence; كان من باب or دخل في باب (with foll. genit.) to belong to, fall under; فريد في بابه unique of its kind; طلع على باب الله to pursue one's livelihood, earn one’s bread
بابة bāba pl. -āt kind, sort, class, category
بواب bawwāb pl. -ūn doorman, gatekeeper
بوابة biwāba office of gatekeeper
بوابة bawwāba pl. -āt (large) gate, portal|بوابة القنطرة b. al-qanṯara lock gate
تبويب tabwīb division into chapters, sectioning, classification, systematic arrangement, grouping
مبوب mubawwab arranged in groups, classed, classified
بوبلين boblīn poplin
بوبينة (Fr. bobine) bobīna spool, reel
بويت see بيت
بوتاسا , بوتاس (It. potasa) būtāsā, būtās potash
بوتقة būtaqa (usually pronounced bautaqa) crucible, melting pot|في بوتقة الزمان (zamān) in the melting pot of time
بوجية (Fr. bougie) bužīh pl. -āt spark plug (eg.)
(بوح) باح bāḥa u (bauḥ) to become known, be revealed, be divulged, leak out (secret); to reveal, disclose, divulge (هـ or ب s.th., a secret; الى and ل to s.o.) IV to disclose, reveal (هـ or ب s.th., ل to s.o.); to release, abandon, make public property, declare ownerless (هـ s.th.); to permit, allow, leave (s.th., ل to s.o.); to justify, warrant (هـ s.th.) X to reveal (هـ s.th.); to regard as public property, as ownerless, as fair game; to deem permissible, lawful (هـ s.th.); to hurt (حرمته ḥurmatahū s.o.’s honor); to take possession (هـ of), appropriate, take as booty (هـ s.th.); to seize, confiscate (هـ s.th.)|استباح دمه (damahū) to proscribe, outlaw s.o.
بوح bauḥ divulgence, disclosure (of a secret); confession
بوح būḥ wide, open space; courtyard; hall
باحة bāḥa pl. -āt wide, open space; open place, square, plaza; courtyard; hall
اباحة ibāḥa divulgence, disclosure (of a secret); permission, authorization; licentiousness
اباحى ibāḥī licentious, unrestrained, uninhibited; anarchist; freethinker
اباحية ibāḥīya freethinking, libertinism; anarchism
استباحة istibāḥa appropriation, capture, seizure; spoliation, confiscation
مباح mubāḥ permitted, allowed, permissible; legal, lawful, licit, legitimate; open to everyone, permitted for all, free; ownerless (1.1. Law); indifferent (said of actions for which neither reward nor punishment is to be expected, but which are permissible, pl. مباحات indifferent, permissible actions, Isl. Law)
(بوخ) باخ bāḳa u to abate, subside, let up, decrease; to die, go out (fire); to fade, bleach; to spoil, rot (e.g., meat) II to spoil (هـ s.th.)
بواخ buwāḳ evaporation, exhalation, vapor, steam
تبويخ tabwīḳ: تبويخ النكتة an-nukta the spoiling of the point of a story
بايخ bāyiḳ spoiled, bad; vapid, insipid, stale (also, e.g., of a joke)
بوخارست būḳārest Bucharest
بودرة (Fr. poudre) būdra powder
بودقة būdaqa pl. بوادق bawādiq2 crucible, melting pot
بوذا būdā Buddha
بوذى būdī Buddhistic; Buddhist
بوذية būdīya Buddhism
(بور) بار bāra u (baur, بوار bawār) to perish; to lie fallow, be uncultivated (land); to be futile, unsuccessful, unprofitable, lead to nothing (work); to be unsalable, be dead stock (merchandise)|بارت البنات (bint) the girl could not get a husband II to let lie fallow (هـ land); to make unprofitable, useless (هـ s.th.) IV to destroy
بور būr uncultivated, fallow| ارض بور (arḍ), pl. اراض بور (arāḍin) fallow land, wasteland
بوار bawār perdition, ruin| دار البوار hell
بائر bā’ir uncultivated, fallow (land)
بورانى baurānī (eg.) a vegetable stew
بور سعيد būr sa‘īd Port Said (seaport in NE Egypt)
بور سودان būr sūdān Port Sudan (seaport in NE Sudan)
بورتوريكو burturīkū Puerto Rico
بورتغال burtugāl Portugal
بورصة būrṣa pl. -āt stock exhange
بور فؤاد Port Fuad (seaport in NE Egypt, opposite Port Said)
بورق bauraq borax
بورما burma Burma
1 بورى (Turk. boru) būrī trumpet, bugle
بوروجى biūjī pl. -īya trumpeter, bugler
2 بورى būrī (pl. بوارى bawārī) striped mullet (Mugil cephalus; zool.)
3 بوريه (Fr.) būrēh purée
1 بوز II to pout, sulk, look glum, sullen
بوز būz pl. ابواز abwāz muzzle, snout
تبويزة tabwīza sullen mien
مبوز mubawwaz sullen, glum
2 بوز būz, بوزة bum ice cream
3 بوزة būza a beerlike beverage
4 باز bāz pl. ابواز abwāz, بيزان bīzān falcon
1 بوس būs bus
2 بوس )) باس bāsa u (baus) to kiss (ه s.o.)
بوسة bausa, būsa kiss
بوستو (It. busto) bustū corset
بوسطة , بوستة (It. posta) busṯa, busta post, mail
البوسفور al-busfūr the Bosporus
باش (بوش ) bāša u (bauš) to be boisterous, shout, roar (crowd) II do.
بوش bauš pl. اوباش aubāš (for ابواش ) mob. rabble
1 بوص būṣ (coll.; n. un. ة ) reed
بوصة būṣa pl. -āt inch
2 بوص būṣ pl. ابواص abwāṣ, linen or silk fabric
بوصلة (It. bussola) bōṣla compass
بوطة būṯa crucible, melting pot
بوظة būẓa a beerlike beverage
1 بوع bū‘ metatarsal bone (anat.)|لا يعرف الكوع من البوع hث wouldn’t know his knee from his elbow (proverbially, of a stupid person)
2 باع bā‘ pl. ابواع abwā‘ the span of the outspread arms, fathom; in Eg. today = 4 ḍirā‘ mi‘mārīya = 3 m| طويل الباع mighty, powerful; capable, able; knowledgeable; generous, liberal; قصير الباع powerless, helpless, impotent, weak, incapable; niggardly, stingy; قصير الباع impotence, weakness; incapability (عن of); بالباع والذراع with might and main
1 بوغ II to surprise
1 باغة bāga celluloid; tortoise shell
بوغادة būgāda and بوغاضة būgāḍa potash, lye
بوغاز būgāz pl. بواغيز bawāgīiz2 strait(s); harbor| بوغاز الدردنيل the Dardanelles
بوفيه (Fr. buffet) būfēh buffet; bar; sideboard
بوق II to blow the trumpet
بوق būq pl. -āt, ابواق abwāq trumpet, bugle; fanfare; horn (of an automobile, of a gramophone); acoustic signaling device; megaphone; mouthpiece, spokesman; duplicity, treachery, betrayal| بوق الصوت b. aṣ-ṣaut or بوق الراديو loudspeaker (radio); O بوق رحمى (raḥimi) oviduct, Fallopian tube (anat.)
بواق bawwāq trumpeter, bugler
باقة bāqa bundle; bunch of flowers, nosegay, bouquet
بائقة bā’iqa pl. بوائق bawā’iq2 misfortune, calamity
بوقال būqāl, بوقالة būqala pl. بواقيل bawāqīl2 vessel without handles, mug
بوكسفورد boksəford patrol wagon, paddy wagon, Black Maria
بوكسكاف (Engl.) bokəkāf box calf
1(بول) بال bāl u (baul) and V to make water, urinate IV to be diuretic X to cause to urinate
بول baul pl. ابوال abwāl urine| مرض البول السكرى maraḍ al-b. as-sukarī diabetes
بولى baulī uric, urinary, urinous| المسالك البولية the urinary passages; الامراض البولية diseases of the kidney and urinary bladder; تسمم بولى (tasammum) uremia (med.)
بيلة bīla: O بيلة آحانية (āḥīnīya) albuminuria; O بيلة دموية (damawīya) hematuria (med.)
بوالة bawwāla public lavatory
مبولة mabwala pl. مباول mabāwil2 urinal; a diuretic; -- mibwala chamber pot; toilet, water closet
استبوال istibwāl: O استبوال ist. ad-dam uremia (med.)
2 بال bāl state, condition; heart, mind; notice, regard, attention|ذو بال significant, notable, considerable, important, serious, grave; فراغ البال farāg al-b. leisure; مشغول البال anxious, uneasy, concerned, worried.; طويل البال long-suffering, patient; ما باله (with verb) why is it that he (it) ? why ? ما بالك how about you? what do you think? خلا باله ḳalā bāluhū his mind is at rest, he has no worries; خطر بباله it occurred to him, it came to his mind; اعطى (القى، جعل) باله الى (ل ) (a‘ṯā, alqā, ja‘ala) to turn one’s mind to, give one’s attention to, pay attention to, take into account, be mindful of, bear in mind, heed s.th.; لم يلق لقولى بالا lam yulqi li-qaulī bālan he didn't pay any attention to what I said; لا يقل عنه بالا (yaqillu) no less significant than this
3 بول būl postage stamp
4 بال bāl whale (zool.)
5 بالة look up alphabetically
بولاد būlād (= فولاذ ) steel
بولصة see بوليسة
بولاق būlāq2 a district of Cairo
بولندة bōlanda Poland
بولندى bōlandī Polish; (pl. -ūn) Pole
بولو bōlō polo
بولونيا (It. Polonia) būlūniya Poland
بولوني būlūnī Polish; Pole
1 بوليس (Fr. police) būlīs police|بوليس الآداب vice squad; البوليس الجنائى (jinā’ī) criminal police; البوليس الحربى (ḥarbī) military police; البوليس السرى (sirrī) secret police; بوليس المرور traffic police
رواية بوليسية riwāya būlīsīya detective story
2 بوليسة and بوليصة (Fr. police) būlīsā, būlīṣa pl. بوالص bawāliṣ2, بوالس bawālis2 certificate of insurance, policy|بوليسة الشحن b. aš-šaḥn bill of lading
بوليفيا būlīfiyā Bolivia
بوليفى būlīfī Bolivian
O داء البولينا dā’ al-baulīnā uremia
بوم būm (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. ابوام abwām owl
1 بون baun, būn interval, distance; difference
2 بان coll.; n. un. ة ) ben tree (Moringa; bot.; horse-radish tree (Moringa oleifera; bot.); Egyptian willow (Salix aegyptiaca L.; bot.)
بونسايرس Buenos Aires
بونى (Engl.) bōnī pl. بوانى bawānī pony
باه bāh coitus; sexual potency; sexuality
بوهيميا (Engl.) bōhīmiyā Bohemia
بوهيمي bōhēmī Bohemian (adj. and n.)
بوهيمية bōhēmīya Bohemianism, Bohemian life
بؤونة ba’ūna the tenth month of the Coptic
بوية (Turk. boya) bōya paint; shoe polish
بويجى , بوياجى (eg.) boyagī house painter, painter; shoeshine, bootblack
بية bayya = باية look up alphabetically
بيئة see بوء
بيادة biyāda infantry (Eg.)
بيادى biyādī infantryman, foot soldier
بيان , بيانة, بيانو biyān, biyāna, biyānō pl. بيانات biyānāt piano
1 بيب bīb pipe, tube; feed pipe, spout (of a reservoir or tank)
2 بيبة bība (Western) smoking pipe
(بيت) بات bāta i (مبيت mabīt) to pass or spend the night; to stay overnight; to become; to be (فى in a situation); with foll. imperf.: to get into a situation. Get to the point where; to continue to do s.th., go on or keep doing s.th., stick to s.th. II to brood (by night; هـ about s.th.); to contrive, hatch (هـ an evil plan, ل against s.o.), plot (ل against s.o.); to put up for the night (ه s.o.)|بيت فى الصف (ṣaff; eg.) to flunk, fail promotion (pupil) IV to put up for the night (ه s.o.)
بيت bait pl. بيوت buyūt, بيوتات buyūtāt house, building; tent (of nomads); room; apartment, flat; (garden) bed; family; case, box, covering, sheath; pl. بيوتات large, respectable houses; respectable families; (pl. ابيات abyāt) verse| بيت الابرة b. al-ibra (navigator’s) compass; اهل البيت ahl al-b. family, specif., the family of the Prophet; اهل البيوتات people from good, respectable families; بيوتات تجارية (tijārīya) commercial houses; البيت الحرام (ḥaram) the Kaaba; بيت الخلاء b. al-ḳalā’ and بيت الادب b. al-adab toilet, water closet; بيت الداء origin or seat of the disease; بيت ريفى (rīfī) country house; بيت القصيدة and بيت القصيد (the essential, principal verse of the kasidah, i.e.) the quintessence; the gist, the essential, the hit of s.th.; s.th. that stands out from the rest, the right thing; بيت لحم baitalaḥm2 Bethlehem; البيت الملك the ruling house; بيت المال treasure house; fisc, treasury, exchequer (Isl. Law); (Tun.) administration of vacant Muslim states
بيتى baitī domestic, private, home, of the house, house- (in compounds); domesticated (animals); home made
بويت buwait pl. -āt small house; small tent
بيات bayyāt pl. -ūn and بياتة bayyāta boarder (student); (pl. -ūn) pupil of a boarding school (tun.)
بيوت bayyūt stale, old
مبيت mabīt overnight stop, overnight stay; shelter for the night
بائت bā’it stale, old; (eg.) not promoted, فى الصف (ṣaff) in school
مبيت mubayyit plotter, schemer, intrigant
بيجاما bījāmā and بيجامة bījāma pajama
1(بيد) باد bāda i to perish, die, pass away, become extinct IV to destroy, exterminate, extirpate (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.)
بيد ان baida anna although, whereas; (esp., introducing a sentence:) yet, however, but, though
بيداء baidā’2 pl. بيد bīd, بيداوات baidawāt desert, steppe, wilderness
ابادة ibāda annihilation, extermination, eradication, extirpation
بائد bā’id passing, transitory, temporal; past, bygone
مبيد mubīd destructive, annihilative; (pl. -āt) means of extermination| مبيدات حشرية (ḥašarīya) insecticides
2 بيادة look up alphabetically
بيدر baidar pl. بيادر bayādir2 threshing floor
بيدق baidaq (and بيذق ) pl. بيادق bayādiq2 pawn (in chess)
بيذنجان see باذنجان alphabetically
1 بيارة bayyāra pl. -āt (pal.) irrigation wheel; plantation
2 بيرا , بيرة (It. birra) bīrā, bīra beer|مصنع البيرا maṣna‘ al-b. brewery
بيرق bairaq pl. بايرق bayāriq2 flag, banner, standard
بيرقدار bairaqdār color-bearer, standard-bearer
جبال البيرنيه (Fr. Pyrénées) jibāl al-bīrinēh the Pyrenees
1 بيرو bērū Peru
2 بيرو (Fr. bureau) bīrō pl. -āt office, bureau
بيروت bairūt2 Beirut (capital of Lebanon)
بيروتى bairūtī pl. بوارتة bawārita, بيارتة bayārita a native or inhabitant of Beirut
بيروقراطى bīruqrāṯī bureaucratic
بيروقراطية bīrūqrāṯīya bureaucracy; red tape
بيزنطيا bīzanṯiyā Byzantium
بيزنطي bīzanṯī Byzantine
بيسون bīsōn bison
(بيض) باض bāḍa i to lay eggs (also هـ ); to stay, settle down, be or become resident (ب at a place)| باض بالمكان وفرخ (wa-farraḳa) to be born and grow up in a place; to establish itself and spread (plague) II to make white, paint white, whitewash, whiten (هـ s.th.); to bleach, blanch (هـ s.th., textiles, laundry, rice, etc.); to tin, tinplate (هـ s.th.); to make a fair copy (هـ of s.th.)| بيض الوجه (wajhahū) to make s.o. appear blameless, in a favorable light, to whitewash, exculpate, vindicate, justify s.o., play s.o. up, make much of s.o.; to honor s.o., show honor to s.o.; بيض الله وجهه may God make him happy! لا يبيض من صحيفته this doesn't show him in a favorable light V pass. of II; IX to be or become white
بيض baiḍ pl. بيوض buyūḍ eggs
بيضة baiḍa (n. un.) pl. -āt egg; testicle; helmet; main part, substance, essence| بيضة الديك b. ad-dīik (the egg of a rooster i.e.) an impossible or extraordinary thing; بيضة البلد b. al-balad a man held in high esteem in his community; فى بيضة النهار (b. in-nahār) in broad daylight; بيضة الصيف b. aṣ-ṣaif the hottest part of the summer; بيضة الاسلام the territory or pale of Islam; الدفاع عن بيضة الدين, عن بيضة الوطن (b. id-dīn, b. il-waṯan) defense of the faith, of the country; بيضة الخدر b. al-ḳidr a woman seluded from the outside world, a chaste, respectable woman
بيضى baiḍī, بيضوى baiḍawī and بيضاوى baiḍāwī egg-shaped, oviform, oval, ovate
بييضة buyaiḍa and بويضة buwaiḍa pl. -āt small egg, ovule; ovum
بياض bayāḍ white, whiteness: whitewash; -- (pl. -āt) barren, desolate, uncultivated land, wasteland: gap, blank space (in a manuscript); blank; leucoma (med.); linen, pl. بياضات linen goods, linens; (syr.) milk, butter, and eggs| بياض البيت b. al-bait white of egg, albumen: بياض العين b. al-‘ain the white of the eye: بياض النهار b. an-nahār daylight, (acc.) by day, during the daytime; بياض يومه وسواد ليله bayāḍa yaumihi wa-sawāda lailihi by day and by night: بياض الوجه b. al-wajh tine character, good reputation; سمك بياض samak b. a Nile fish (eg.); على بياض blank, free from writing, printing or marks, uninscribed; (ارتدى or) لبس البياض (labisa, irtada) to dress in white
بيوض bayūḍ pl. بيض buyūḍ, bīḍ (egg-) laying
ابيض abyaḍ2, f. بيضاء baiḍā’2, pl. بيض bīḍ white; bright; clean, shiny, polished; blameless, noble, sincere (character); empty, blank (sheet of paper); pl. البيضان al-bīḍān the white race; الابيض white of egg, albumen| ارض بيضاء (arḍ) barren, uncultivated land, wasteland; ثورة بيضاء (ṯaura) peaceful, bloodless revolution; الخيط الابيض (ḳaiṯ) first light of dawn; الذهب الابيض (dahab) platinum; بالسلاح الابيض with cold steel; صحيفته بيضاء (ṣaḥīfatuhū) his reputation is good: he has noble de.ds to his credit, he has a noble character; صحف بيضاء (ṣuḥuf) noble, glorious deeds: اكذوبة بيضاء (ukdūba) white lie, fih: ليلة بيضاء (laila) a sleepless night, a night spent awake: الموت الابيض (maut) natural death; يد بيضاء (yad) beneficent hand, benefaction
مبيض mabīḍ, mibyaḍ ovary (anat.)
تبييضة tabyīḍa fair copy
O ابيضاض ibyiḍāḍ leukemia (med.)
بائض bā’iḍ pl. بوائض bawā’iḍ2 (egg-) laying
مبيض mubayyiḍ pl. -ūn whitewasher; bleacher; tinner; copyist, transcriber (of fair copy)
مبيضة mubayyaḍa fair copy
بيطر baiṯara to practice veterinary science; to shoe (هـ a horse)
بيطار baiṯar pl. بياطرة bayātira veterinarian; farrier
بيطرى baiṯarī veterinary|الطب البيطرى (ṯibb) veterinary medicine; طبيب بيطرى veterinarian
بيطرة baiṯara veterinary science; farriery
1(بيع) باع bā‘a i (bai‘,مبيع mabī‘) to sell (هـ s.th., ه or ل to s.o., ب for a price) III to make a contract (ه with s.o.); to pay homage (ه to s.o.); to acknowledge as sovereign or leader (ه s.o.), pledge allegiance (ه to) IV to offer for sale (هـ s.th.) VI to agree on the terms of a sale, conclude a bargain VII to be sold, be for sale VIII to buy, purchase (من هـ s.th. from s.o. and هـ ه from s.o. s.th.)| لا ابتاع منه ولا ابيعه (abtā‘u, abī‘uhū) I don't trust him
بيع bai‘ pl. بيوع buyū‘,بيوعات buyū‘āt sale|للبيع for sale; جبرية (بيوعات or) بيوع (jabrīya) forced sales, compulsory sale by auction: بيع بالجملة (jumla) wholesale sale; بيع بالخيار (ḳiyār) optional sale (Isl. Law); بيع لآخر راغب (li-āḳir rāgibīn) sale to the highest bidder; بيع العينة b. al-‘īna credit operation (Isl. Law)
بيعة bai‘a agreement, arrangement; business deal, commercial transaction, bargain; sale; purchase; homage|على البيعة into the bargain
بياع bayyā‘ salesman, merchant, dealer, commission agent, middleman
مبيع mabī‘ sale, pl. -āt sales (esp. on the stock market)
مبايعة mubāya‘a pl. -āt conclusion of contract; homage; pledge of allegiance; transaction
ابتياع ibtiyā‘ purchase
بائع bā’i‘2 pl. باعة bā‘a seller, vendor; dealer, merchant; salesman
بائعة bā’i‘a saleswoman
مبيع mabī‘ and مباع mubā‘ sold
مبتاع mubtā‘ buyer, purchaser
2 بيعة bai‘a pl. -āt, بيع biya‘ (Chr.) church; synagogue
بيك bē (eg.), bēg, bēk pl. بيكوات bēgawāt (syr.) bey (title of courtesy); cf. بك
بيكوية bīkawīya rank of bey
بيكار bīkār compass, (pair of) dividers
بيكباشى see بكباشى
بيكه (Fr.) bīkeh plqué (fabric)
1 بيل (Fr. bille) bīl ball|كرسى بيل kursī b. ball bearing
2 بيلة bīla see بول
بيلسان bailasān black elder (bot.)
بيلهارسيا bilharsiyā bilharziasis, schistosomiasis (med.)
بيليه (Fr. bille) bīlya pl. -āt little ball, marble
بيمارستان bīmāristān hospltal; lunatic asylum
1(بين) بان bāna i (بيان bayān) to be or become plain, evident, come out, come to light; to be clear (ل to s.o.); (بين bain, بينونة bainūna) to part, be separated (من from) II to make clear, plain, visible, evident (هـ s.th.); to announce (هـ s.th.); to state (هـ s.th.); to show, demonstrate (هـ s.th.); to explain, expound, elucidate (هـ s.th.), throw light (هـ on) III to part, go away (ه from), leave (ه s.o.); to differ, be different (هـ, ه from), be unlike s.th. (هـ ); to contradict (هـ s.th.), be contrary (هـ to); to conflict, be at variance, be inconsistent (هـ with s.th.) IV to explain, expound, elucidate (ل هـ s.th. to s.o.); to separate, sift, distinguish (من هـ s.th. from); to be clear, plain, evident V to be or become clear, intelligible (ل to s.o.); to turn out, prove in the end, appear, become evident; to follow (من from), be explained (من by); to be clearly distinguished (من from); to seek to ascertain (هـ s.th.), try to get at the mct8 (هـ of); to eye or examine critically, scrutinize (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to look, peer (هـ at); to see through s.th. (هـ ), see clearly, perceive, notice, discover, find out (هـ s.th.); to distinguish (من هـ s.th. from) VI to differ, be different, be opposed, be contrary; to vary greatly, differ widely; to vary, differ, fluctuate (بين between two amounts or limits) X to be or become clear, plain, evident; to Bee, know, perceive, notice (هـ s.th.); pass. ustubīna to follow clearly, be clearly seen (من from)
بين bain separation, division; interval; difference|ذات البين enmity, disunion, discord; فى البين meantime, meanwhile
بين baina (prep.) or فيما بين fī-ma b. between; among, amidst|بين – و – either -- or, partly -- partly, e.g., كان القوم بين صامت ومتكلم (ṣāmitin wa-mutakallimin) the crowd was divided among those who were silent and those who talked; بين يديه (yadaihi) in front of him, before him, in his presence; with him. on him, in his possession, e.g., لا سلاح بين يديه (silāḥa) he hasn’t got a weapon on him, he is unarmed; فيما بين ذلك meanwhile, in the meantime; فيما بينى وبين نفسى in my heart, at heart, inwardly; بين ذراعيه in his arms; من بينهم min bainihim from among them, from their midst; بين بين something between, a cross, a mixture, a combination; neither good nor bad, medium, tolerable; شيء بين بين something between, a cross, a mixture, a combination; بين وقت وآخر (waqt, āḳar), بين فترة وأخرى (fatra, uḳrā) at times, from time to time
ما بين mā-baina look up alphabetically
بينا bainā, بينما bainamā (conj.) while; whereas
بين bayyin clear, plain, evident, obvious, patent; (pl. ابنياء abyinā’2) eloquent
بيان bayān pl. -āt clearness, plainness, patency, obviousness; statement, declaration, announcement; manifestation; explanation, elucidation, illustration; information, news; (official) report. (official) statement; enumeration, index, list; eloquence; البيان the Koran; see also alphabetically|بيان الحقيقة correction (journ.); غني عن البيان (ganīy) self-explanatory, self-evident; علم البيان ‘ilm al-b. rhetoric; عطف البيان ‘aṯf al-b. explicative apposition (gram.)
بيانى bayānī explanatory, illustrative; rhetorical
بينة bayyina pl. -āt clear proof, indisputable evidence; evidence (Isl. Law); a document serving &8 evidence|بينة ظرفية (ẓarfīya) circumstantial evidence; على بينة as has been proved; كان على بينة من to be fully aware of; to he well-informed, well-posted, up-to-date about
ابين abyan2 clearer, more distinct, more obvious
تبيان tibyān exposition, demonstration, explanation, illustration
تبيين tabyīn and ابانة ibāna exposition, demonstration, explanation, illustration
تباين tabayun difference, unlikeness, dissimilarity, disparity
تباينى tabāyunī different, differing, conflicting
بائن bā’in clear, plain, evident, obvious, patent; final, irrevocable (divorce; Isl. Law); of great length|بائن الطول b. aṯ-ṯūl towering, of unusual height (person)
بائنة bā’ina bride’s dowry
مبيونة mabyūna distance
مبين mubīn clear, plain, evident, obvious, patent|الكتاب المبين the Koran
متباين mutabāyin dissimilar, unlike, differential, differing, varying
2 بيان , بيانة look up alphabetically
بينباشى see بكباشى
بينتو see بنتو
بيه bēh = بك
1 بيوريه (Engl.) biyūrē purée
2 بيوريه (Fr. pyorrhée) biyōrēh pyorrhea (med.)