Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
ث abbreviation of ثانية second (time unit)
ثاء tā’ name of the letter ث
ثئب ta’iba a (ثأب ta’b) and VI to yawn
ثؤباء tu’abā’ yawning, yawn; fatigue, weariness
ثأر ta’ara a (ta’r) to avenge the blood of (ه or ب ), take blood revenge (ه for s.o. killed), take vengeance, avenge o.s. (ب ه on s.o. for, also من or ل for) IV and VIII اثأر itta’ara to get one’s revenge, be avenged
ثأر ta’r pl. -āt أثآر at’ār, آثار ātār revenge, vengeance, blood revenge; retaliation, reprisal|أخذ ثأره or أخذ بالثأر to take revenge, avenge o.s.; مباراة الثأر mubārāt at-t. return match (sports)
ثائر tā’ir avenger
ثؤلول tu’lūl and ثؤلولة tu’lūla pl. ثآليل ta’ālīl2 wart
ثأى ta’ā scars
ثبت tabata u (ثبات tabāt, ثبوت tubūt) to stand firm, be fixed, stationary, immovable, unshakable, firm, strong, stable; to hold out, hold one's ground (ل against s.o. or s.th.), be firm, remain firm (ل toward s.o. or s.th.), withstand, resist, defy (ل s.o. or s.th.); to be established, be proven (fact); to remain, stay (ب at a place); to maintain (على s.th.), keep, stick, adhere (على to s.th.), abide or stand by s.th. (على ; e.g., by an agreement); to insist (على on)| ثبت فى وجهه (fī wajhihī) to hold one’s own against s.o., assert o.s. against s.o. II to fasten, make fast, fix (هـ s.th.); to consolidate, strengthen (هـ s.th.); to stabilize (هـ s.th.); to confirm, corroborate, substantiate (هـ s.th.); to appoint permanently (. s.o.; to an office); to prove, establish (هـ s.th.), demonstrate, show (بان that); to prove guilty, convict (على a defendant); to confirm (Chr.)| ثبت بصره به (baṣarahu) to fix one’s eyes on, gaze at; ثبت قدميه (qadamaihi) to gain a foothold IV to establish, determine (هـ s.th.); to assert as valid or authentic, affirm (هـ s.th.); to confirm, corroborate, substantiate (هـ s.th.); to prove (على هـ s.th. to s.o.; ل to s.o., ان that); to demonstrate, show (هـ s.th.); to furnish competent evidence (هـ for); to bear witness, attest (هـ to); to acknowledge (هـ s.th., e.g., a qualification, a quality, ل in s.o.), concede (ل هـ s.th. to s.o.); to prove guilty, convict (على a defendant); to enter, record, register, list (فى هـ s.th. in a book, in a rooter, etc.)| اثبته فى الورق (waraq) to put s.th. down in writing, get s.th. on paper; اثبت الشخص (šaḳṣa) to determine s.o.’s identity, identify s.o.; اثبت شخصيته (šaḳṣīyatahū) to identify o.s., prove one’s identity V to ascertain, verify (فى s.th., هل if), make sure (فى of s.th., هل if); to consider carefully (فى s.th.), proceed with caution (فى in) X to show o.s. stead-fast, persevering; to seek to verify (هـ s.th.), try to make sure (هـ of), seek confirmation of or reassurance with regard to (هـ ); to ascertain, verify (هـ s.th.), make sure (هـ of s.th.); to find right, proven or true, see confirmed (هـ s.th.); to regard as authentic (هـ s.th.)
ثبت tabt firm, fixed, established; steadfast, unflinching; brave
ثبت tabat reliable, trustworthy, credible
ثبت tabat pl. اثبات atbāt list, index, roster
ثبات tabāt firmness; steadiness, constancy, permanence, stability; certainty, sureness; perseverance, persistence, endurance; continuance, maintenance, retention (على of s.th.), adherence (على to)
ثبوت tubūt constancy, immutability, steadiness; permanence, durability; certainty, sureness| ثبوت الشهر t. aš-šahr the official determination of the beginning of a lunar month
اثبت atbat more reliable, firmer, steadier, etc.
تثبيت tatbīt consolidation, strengthening; stabilization; confirmation; corroboration, substantiation| سر التثبيت sirr at-t. the Sacrament of Confirmation (Chr.)
اثبات itbāt establishment; assertion; confirmation; affirmation, attestation; demonstration; proof, evidence; registration, entering, listing, recording; documentation, authentication, verification| شاهد اثبات witness for the prosecution; عبء الاثبات ‘ib’ al-i. burden of proof (jur.)
اثباتى itbātī affirmative, confirmatory, corroborative, positive
تثبت tatabbut ascertainment; verification, examination, check; careful, cautious procedure, circumspection; interment (of the remains of a saint; Chr.)
ثابت tābit firm, fixed, established; stationary, immovable; steady, invariable, constant, stable; permanent, lasting, durable, enduring; confirmed, proven; a constant| ثابت الجأش t. al-ja’š undismayed, fearless, staunch, steadfast; ثابت العزم t. al-‘azm firmly resolved, determined; املاك ثابتة and أموال ثابتة immovable property, real estate, realty; O ثابت الاتجاه t. al-ittijāh unidirectional, rectified (el.)
ثابتة tābita pl. ثوابت tawābit2 fixed star
مثبوت matbūt established, confirmed; certain, sure, positive, assured; proven
ثبر tabara u to destroy, ruin (ه s.o.); (ثبور tubūr) to perish III to apply o.s. with zeal and perseverance (على to s.th.), persevere, persist (على in)
ثبور tubūr ruin, destruction|نادى بالويل والثبور (دعا or) nādā (da‘ā) bi-l-wail wa-t-t. to wail, burst into loud laments
مثابرة mutābara persistence, perseverance, endurance; diligence, assiduity
ثبط tabaṯa u and II to hold back, keep, prevent (عن ه s.o. from doing s.th.); to hinder, handicap, impede, slow down, set back (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to bring about the failure (هـ of s.th.), frustrate (هـ s.th.)
ثبنة tubna pl. ثبن tuban lap, fold of a garment (used as a receptacle)
ثبان tibān = ثبنة tubna
ثيتل look up alphabetically
ثج tajja u to flow coplously
ثجاج tajjāj coplously flowing, streaming
ثخن taḳuna u to be or become thick, thicken; to be firm, solid, compact IV to wear out, exhaust, weaken (ه s.o.)|اثخنه ضربا (ḍarban) to wallop s.o., give s.o. a sound thrashing; اثخن فى العدو (‘aduw) to massacre the enemy; اثخنه بالجراح to weaken s.o. by inflicting wounds
ثخن tiḳan, ثخانة taḳāna, ثخونة tuḳūna thickness, density; consistency; compactness
ثخين taḳīn pl. ثخناء tuḳanā’2 thick; dense
ثدى tady and tadyan m. and f., pl. اثداء atdā’ female breast; udder
ثر tarr abounding in water| ثرة من الدمع (dam‘) tear-wet, tear-blurred (eye)
ثرب taraba i (tarb) and II to blame, censure (ه and على s.o.)
تثريب tatrīb blame, censure, reproof
ثرثر tartara (ثرثرة tartara) to chatter, prattle
ثرثار tartār prattler, chatterbox; ثرثارة tartāra do. (fem.)
ثرثرة tartara chatter, prattle
ثرد tarada u to crumble and sop (هـ bread)
ثريد jarid a dish of sopped bread, meat and broth
مثرد mitrad bowl
ثرم tarama i (tarm) to knock s.o.’o (ه ) tooth out; -- tarima a (taram) to have a gap between two teeth
(ثرو and ثرى) ثرى tariya a to become wealthy IV to become or be rich, wealthy (ب or من through s.th.); to make rich, enrich (ه s.o.)
ثرى taran moist earth; ground, soil|اين الثرى من الثريا aina t-t. min t-turayyā (proverbially of things of disproportionate value) what has the ground to do with the Pleiades? طيب الله ثراه (ṯayyaba) approx.: may God rest him in peace!
ثرى tarīy pl. اثرياء atriyā’2 wealthy, rich|ثرى الحرب t. al-ilarb war profiteer, nouveau riche
ثري tarīyāt plantations
ثروة tarwa and ثروة tarā’ fortune, wealth, riches|اهل الثروة ahl at-t. the rich, the wealthy; ثروة قومية (qaumīya) national wealth; ثروة مائية (mā’īya) abundance of water, abundant supply of water (of a region)
ثريا turayyā Pleiades; (also ثرية ) pl. ثريات turayyāt chandelier
مثر mutr wealthy, rich
ثعبان tu‘bān pl. ثعابين ta‘ābīn snake| ثعبان الماء t. al-mā’ eel
ثعبانى tu‘bānī snaky, snakelike, serpentine; eely
مثعب mat‘ab pl. مثاعب matā‘ib2 drain
ثعالة tu‘āla fox
ثعلب ta‘lab pl. ثعالب ta‘ālib2 fox| داء الثعلب alopecia (med.), loss of hair
ثعلبى ta‘labī foxy, foxlike
ثعلبة ta‘laba vixen; O tetter (med)
ثغر tagir pl. ثغور tugūr front tooth; mouth; port, harbor, inlet, bay; seaport
ثغرة tagra pl. ثغر tugar breach, crevasse, crack, rift, crevice; opening, gap; cavity, hollow; narrow mountain trail
ثغم tagam white, whiteness
ثاغم tāgim white (adj.)
ثغا (ثغو ) tagā u (ثغاء tugā’) to bleat (sheep)
ثغاء tugā’ bleating, bleat
ثاغ tāgin bleating| ما له ثاغية ولا راغية (tagiya) he has absolutely nothing, he is deprived of all resources, prop.: he has neither a bleating (sheep) nor a braying (camel)
ثفر tafar pl. اثفار atfār crupper (of the saddle)
ثفل tufl dregs, lees, sediment; residues
ثفن III to associate (ه with s.o.), frequent s.o.’s (هـ ) company; to pursue, practice (ه s.th.)
ثفنة taftna pl. -āt, ثفن tifan callus, callosity
اثفية look up alphabetically
ثقة see وثق
ثقب taqaba u (taqb) to bore, or drill, a hole (هـ in s.th.), pierce, puncture, perforate (هـ s.th.) II do. II and IV to light, kindle (هـ s.th.) V and VII to be pierced, be punctured, be perforated
ثقب taqb piercing, boring, puncture, perforation; (also tuqb pl. ثقوب tuqūb, اثقاب atqāb) hole, puncture, borehole, drill hole
ثقبة tuqba pl. ثقب tuqab hole
ثقاب and عود الثقاب ‘ūd al-tiqāb match-stick; matches
ثقوب tuqūb keenness, acuteness (of the mind)
مثقب mitqab pl. مثاقب matāqib2 borer, drill, gimlet, auger, brace and bit, wimble, perforator; drilling machine
اثقاب itqāb kindling, lighting
ثاقب dqib penetrating, plercing, sharp (mind, eyes)| ثاقب النظر t. an-naẓar perspicacity; sharp-eyed; ثاقب الفكر t. al-fikr sagacity, acumen, mental acuteness; shrewd, sagacious, sharp-witted
ثاقبات tāqibāt borers (zool.)
ثقف taqifa a (taqf) to find, meet (ه s.o.); -- taqifa a and taqufa u to be skillful, smart, clever II to make straight, straighten (هـ s.th.); to correct, set right, straighten out (هـ s.th.); to train, form, teach, educate (هـ s.o.); to arrest (هـ s.o.); to seize, confiscate (ه s.th.) III to fence (ه with s.o.) V to be trained, be educated
ثقافة taqāfa culture, refinement; education; (pl. -āt) culture, civilization
ثقافى taqāfī educational; intellectual; cultural| ملحق ثقافى (mulḥaq) cultural attaché
ثقيف tatqīf cultivation of the mind; training, education; instruction
مثاقفة mutāqafa fencing, art or sport of fencing, swordplay, swordsmanship
تثقف tataqquf culturedness, culture, refinement, education
مثقف mutaqqaf educated; trained; cultured
ثقل taqula u (tiql, ثقالة taqāla) to be heavy; with ب to load or burden s.th., make s.th. heavy; to be hard to bear (على for s.o.), weigh heavily (على on), be burdensome, cumbersome, oppressive (على to s.o.); to be heavy-handed. sluggish, doltish, dull-witted; to be too dull, too sluggish (عن for s.th. to do s.th.), not to bother (or about) II to make heavy, weight (هـ s.th.); to burden, encumber (على s.o., هـ with s.th.), overburden (على s.o.), overtax s.o.’s (على ) strength, ask too much (على of s.o.); to trouble, inconvenience, bother (على s.o. ب with s.th.), pester, molest (على s.o.)| ثقل كاهله and اثقل كاهله (kāhilahū) to burden s.o. or s.th; اثقل كاهل الميزان to burden the budget IV to burden (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to oppress, distress (ه s.o.). weigh heavily (ه on); to be hard to bear (ه for s.o.)| اثقل كاهله (kāhilahū) see II; VI to become or be heavy; to be troublesome, burdensome (على to s.o.), trouble. oppress (على s.o.); to be sluggish. doltish. slow; to be in a bad mood, be sullen, grumpy; to find burdensome and turn away (عن from s.th.); not to bother (عن about); to be too dull, too sluggish (عن for s.th., to do s.th.) X to find heavy, hard. burdensome, troublesome (هـ s.th.), find annoying (هـ, ه s.o.. s.th.)|استثقل ظله (ẓillahū) to find s.o. unbearable, dislike s.o.
ثقل tiql pl. اثقال atqāl weight; burden load; gravity; heaviness| رفع الاثقال raf‘ al-a. weight lifting (athlet.); الثقل النوعى (nau‘ī) specific gravity
ثقل tiqal heaviness; sluggishness, dullness
ثقل taqal pl. اثقال atqāl load, baggage
الثقلان at-taqalān the humans and the jinn
ثقل taqla trouble, inconvenience, discomfort
ثقل taqala heaviness; sluggishness, doltishness; dullness
ثقيل taqīl pl. ثقلاء tuqalā’2, ثقال tiqāl heavy; weighty, momentous, grave, serious, important; burdensome, troublesome, cumbersome, oppressive; unpleasant, disagreeable, distasteful (person)| ثقيل الدم t. ad-dam insufferable, unpleasant, disagreeable (person); ثقيل الروح t. ar-rūḥ doltish, dull (person); a bore; ثقيل الظل t. aẓ-ẓill disagreeable, insufferable (person); ثقيل الفهم t. al-fahm slow of understanding, slow-witted; ثقيل السمع t. as-sam‘ hard of hearing; صناعة ثقيلة (ṣinā‘a) heavy industry; ماء ثقيل heavy water (phys.)
اثقل atqal2 heavier; more oppressive
مثقال mitqāl pl. مثاقيل matāqīl2 weight (also s.th. placed as an equipoise on the scales of a balance); miskal, a weight (in Egypt = 24 قراط = 4.68 g)| مثقال ذرة m. darra the weight of a dust speck, i.e., a tiny amount; a little bit; مثقال من a little of, a little bit of
تثقيل tatqīl weighting, burdening; molestation
تثاقل tatāqul sluggishness, dullness
مثقل mutaqqal and mutqal burdened, encumbered; overloaded; weighted (ب with s.th.); oppressed (ب by); heavy
متثاقل mutatāqil sluggish, dull; sullen, grumpy
ثكل takila a (takal) to lose a child (ه ), also: to be bereaved of a loved one (ه ) by death IV اثكل الأم ولدها atkala l-umma waladuhā to bereave a mother of her son
ثكل takal state of one who has lost a friend or relative; mourning over the loss of a loved one
ثكلان taklān (2) bereaved of a child
ثكلى taklā bereaved of a child (mother)
ثاكلة tākila pl. ثواكل tawākil2 bereaved of a child (mother)
ثكنة tuknā pl. ثكن tukan, -āt barracks (mil.)
ثل talla u (ثلل talal) to tear down, destroy, overthrow, subvert (هـ s.th., esp. عرشا ‘aršan to topple a throne) VII to be subverted, overthrown (throne)
ثلة tulla pl. ثلل tulal troop, band, party, group (of people); military detachment
ثلب talaba i (talb) to criticize, run down (ه s.o.); to slander, defame (ه s.o.)
ثلب talb slander, defamation
مثلبة matlaba pl. مثالب matālib2 shortcoming, defect, blemish, stain, disgrace
ثالب tālib slanderous, defamatory; slanderer
ثلث II to triple, make threefold (هـ s.th.); to do three times (هـ s.th.)
ثلث tult pl. اثلاث atlāt one third; tulut a sprawling, decorative calligraphic style
ثلاثة talāta (f. ثلاث talāt) three; ثلثا talātan three times, thrice
ثلاثى talātī tertiary; Tertiary (geol.)|ما قبل الثلاثى pre-Tertiary
ثلاثة عشر talātata ‘ašara, f. ثلاث عشرة talāta ‘ašrata thirteen
الثالث at-tālit the third; ثالثا tālitan thirdly; ثالثة 1/60 of a second
ثلاثون talātūn thirty
الثلثاء at-talatā’ and يوم الثلثاء yaum at-t. Tuesday
ثلاث tulāt2 and مثلث mutallat three at a time
ثلاثى tulātī tripartite, consisting of three, (gram.) triliteral, consisting of three radicals; tri-; trio (mus. )|ثلاثى الزوايا t. z-zawāyā triangular; ثلاثى الورقات t. l-waraqāt trifoliate
ثالوث tālūt Trinity (CM.); trinity, triad; triplet| زهرة الثالوث zahrat at-t. pansy (bot.)
تثليث tatlīt doctrine of the Trinity; Trinity (Chr.)
تثليثى tatlītī trigonometric(al)
مثلث mutallat tripled, triple, threefold; having three diacritical dots (letter); triangular; (pl. -āt) triangle (geom.)| الراية المثلثة الألوان (rāya), العلم المثلث (‘alam) and المثلث the tricolor; المثلث الحاد (ḥadd) acute-angled triangle; مثلث الزوايا m. az-zawāyā triangular; المثلث المتساوى الساقين (mutasāwā s-sāqain) isosceles triangle; المثلث المتساوى الأضلاع equilateral triangle; المثلث القائم right-angled triangle
المثلثات al-mutallatāt and حساب المثلثات ḥisāb al-m. trigonometry
ثلج talaja u: ثلجت السماء (samā’u) it snowed, was snowing; -- talija a to be delighted, be gladdened (soul, heart; ب by) II to cool with ice (هـ s.th.); to freeze, turn into ice (هـ s.th.) IV اثلجت السماء it snowed, was snowing; to cool, moisten (هـ s.th.)|اثلج صدره (ṣadrahū) to delight, please, gratify s.o. V to become icy, turn into ice, congeal; to freeze
ثلج talj pl. ثلوج tulūj snow; ice; artificial ice|ندفة الثلج nadfat at-t. snowflake
ثلجى taljī snowy, snow- (in compounds); icy, glacial, ice- (in compounds)
ثليج talīj icy
ثلاج tallāj pl. -ūn ice vendor
ثلاجة tallāja pl. -āt iceberg, ice floe; refrigerator, icebox
مثلجة matlaja pl. مثالج matālij2 icebox, refrigerator; cold-storage plant
مثلوج matlūj snow-covered; iced, icy; مثلوجات frozen food; iced beverages
مثلج mutallaj iced; icy, ice-cold
ثلم talama i (talm) to blunt, make jagged (هـ s.th.), break the edge of (هـ ); to make a breach, gap or opening (هـ in a wall); to defile, sully (هـ reputation, honor); --talima a to be or become jagged, dull, blunt II to blunt (هـ s.th.) V to become blunt VII to be defiled, be discredited (reputation)
ثلم talm nick, notch; breach, opening, gap; crock, fissure, rift|ثلم الصيت t. aṣ-ṣīt defamation
ثلمة tulma pl. ثلم tulam = talm| سد ثلمة sadda talmatan to fill a gap; ثلمة لا تسد (tusaddu) a gap that cannot be closed, an irreparable loss
ثالم talim dull, blunt
مثلوم matlūm defiled, sullied (reputation, honor)
مثلم mutatallim blunted, blunt; cracking (voice)
منثلم الصيت muntalim aṣ-ṣīt of ill repute, of dubious reputation
ثم tamma there ثم min tamma hence, therefore, for that reason
ثم tumma then, thereupon; furthermore, moreover; and again, and once more (emphatically in repetition)|كلا ثم كلا (kallā) no and a hundred times no! من ثم min tamma then, thereupon
ثمة tammata (ثمت ) there; there is|ليس ثمة there isn't
ثمام tumām a grass|على طرف الثمام (ṯarafi t-t.) within easy reach, handy; جعله على طرف الثمام he made it readily understandable, he presented it plsusibly for all
اثمد look up alphabetically
ثمر tamara u to bear fruit IV do. X to profit, benefit (هـ from); to exploit, utilize (هـ s.th.); to invest profitably (هـ money)
ثمر tamar pl. ثمار timār, اثمار atmār fruits, fruit (coll.); result, effect, fruit, fruitage; yield, profit, benefit, gain
ثمرة tamara (n. un. of tamar) pl. -āt fruit; result, effect; yield, profit, benefit, gain
استثمار istitmār exploitation (also pol.-econ.), utilization, profitable use
مثمر mutmir fruitful, productive, profitable, lucrative
مستثمر mustatmir pl. -ūn exploiter (pol.-econ.); beneficiary
ثمل tamila a (tamal) to become drunk IV to make drunk, intoxicate (ه s.o.)
ثمل tamal intoxication, drunkenness
ثملة tamala drunken fit, drunkenness
ثمل tamil intoxicated, drunk(en)
ثمالة tumāla residue, remnant, dregs (of a liquid), heeltap (of wine); .cum, foam, froth
1 ثمن II to appraise, asses, estimate (هـ s.th.), determine the price or value (هـ of s.th.); to price (هـ s.th.)| لا ثمل lā yutammanu invaluable, inestimable, priceless
ثمن pl. اثمن atmān, اثمنة atmina price, cost; value|الثمن الأصلى (aṣlī) cost price; الثمن الأساسى (asāsī) par, nominal value
ثمين tamīn costly, precious, valuable
اثمن atman2 costlier, more precious, more valuable
تثمين tatmīn estimated, appraisal, assessment, valuation, rating
مثمون matmūn object of value
مثمن mutammin estimator, appraiser|خبير مثمن assessor
مثمن mutamman prized, valued, valuable, precious
مثمن mutmin costly, precious, valuable
مثمن mutman object of value
2 ثمانية tamāniya (f. ثمان tamānin) eight
ثمانية عشر tamāniyata ‘ašara, f. ثماني عشرة tamāniya ‘ašrata eighteen
ثمن pl. اثمان atmān one-eighth
ثمنة tumna pl. -āt a dry measure (Eg. = 1/3 قدح = .258 l; Pal. = ca. 2.25 l)
ثمانون tamānūn eighty
الثامن at-tāmin the eighth
مثمن mutamman eightfold; octagonal
ثنة tunna pl. ثنن tunan fetlock
ثندوة tunduwa pl. ثناد tanādin breast (of the male)
ثنى tanā i (tany) to double, double up, fold, fold up, fold under (هـ s.th.); to bond, flex (هـ s.th.); to turn away, dissuade, keep, prevent, divert (عن ه s.o. from)| ثنى عنان فرسه (‘ināna farasihī) he galloped off II to double, make double (هـ s.th.); to do twice, repeat (هـ s.th.); to pleat, plait (هـ s.th.); to form the dual (هـ of a word); to provide with two diacritical dots (هـ a letter) IV to commend, praise, laud, extol (على s.th., s.o.), speak appreciatively (على of)| اثنى عليه عاطر الثناء (‘āṯira tanā’) to speak in the most laudatory terms of s.o. V to double, become double; to be doubled; to be repeated; to bond, fold; to be bent, be folded. be folded up or under; to walk with a swinging gait VII to bend, bend up, down or over, lean, incline, bow; to fold, be foldable, be folded back; to turn away (عن from), give up, renounce (عن s.th.); to turn, face (ل I toward); to apply o.s., turn (الى to s.th.); (with foll. imperf.) to set out, prepare (to do s.th.) X to except, exclude (من ه or هـ s.th. or s.o. from), make an exception (هـ of s.th.)
ثنى tany bonding; folding; turning away, dissuasion, keeping, prevention
ثنى tiny pl. اثناء atnā’ fold, pleat, plait, crease (in cloth); bond, twist| ثنيا بعد ثنى tinyan ba‘da tinyin from time to time
اثناء atnā’ (prep.) during; in the course of|فى اثناء fī atnā’i do.; فى اثناء ذلك, فى تلك الاثناء, اثناء ذلك in the meantime, during all this time, meanwhile
ثنية tanya pl. tanyāt fold, pleat, plait, crease (in cloth)
ثنية tanya pl. ثنايا tanāyā middle incisor; narrow pass; mountain trail| فى ثنايا in, inside, among, between, frequently only a fuller, rhetorically more elegant expression for "in". e.g., فى ثنايا نفسه in his heart, inwardly, فى ثنايا الكتاب in the book; بين ثنايا in, inside, among, between; طلاع الثنايا ṯallā‘ at-t. one with high-flung aspirations
ثناء tanā’ commendation, praise, eulogy; appreciation
ثناء tunā’2 and مثنى matnā two at a time
ثنوى tanawī dualist
ثنوية tanawīya dualism
ثنائى tanā’ī laudatory, eulogistic
ثنائى tunā’ī twofold, double, dual, binary, bi-; biradical (gram.); duet, duo (mus.)| محرك ثنائى المشوار (muḥarrik t. l-mišwār) two-cycle engine
O ثنائية tunā’īya dualism; duet, duo (mus.)
اثنان itnāni, f. اثنتان itnatāni two
اثنا عشر itnā ‘ašara, f. اثنتا عشرة itnatā ‘ašrata twelve
يوم الاثنين yaum al-itnaini and الاثنين Monday
الثانى at-tānī the second; the next; ثانيا tāniyan and ثانية tāniyatan secondly; for the second time, once more, again| ثانى اثنين t. itnain the second of a pair, pendant, companion piece, match
ثانية tāniya pl. ثوان tawānin second (time unit)
ثانوى tānawī secondary; minor|امور ثانوية matters of secondary importance, minor matters; مدرسة ثانوية secondary school; تسويغ ثانوي subletting
تثنية tatniya repetition; plaiting, pleating; doubling, gemination; (gram.) dual; second sequel (e.g., of a collection of short stories); commendation, praise, eulogy| تثنية الاشتراع Deuteronomy
انثناء intinā’ bending, flection; flexibility, foldability| قابل للاانثناء foldable, folding
انثناءة intinā’a pl. -āt (n. vic.) bend, flexure, curve
استثناء istitnā’ exception, exclusion| باستثناء with the exception of, except; بدون استثناء without exception
استثنائى istitnā’ī exoeptional; استثنائيا istitnā’īyan as an exception| احوال استثنائية emergencies; جلسة استثنائية (jalsa) emergency session
مثنى matnīy folded; plaited, pleated; doubled
مثنى mutannan ouble, twofold; in the dual (gram.)
مستثنى mustatnan excepted, excluded (من from)
ثوة see ثوى
1 ثاب (ثوب ) tāba u to return, come back (also, e.g., a state or condition, الى or ل to s.o.); with ب : to return s.th. (الى to s.o.)| ثاب الى نفسه to regain consciousness, come to; ثاب اليه رشده (rušduhū) to recover one’s senses II to reward (ه s.o.; said of God) IV to repay, requite (هـ هـ s.th. with); to reward (على ه s.o. for) X to seek reward
ثوب taub pl. ثياب tiyāb, اثواب atwāb garment, dress; cloth, material; (fig.) garb, outward appearance, guise, cloak, mask; pl. ثياب clothes, clothing, apparel| ثياب السهرة t. as-suhra formal dress, evening clothes; فى ثوب بسيط in plain, homely form; طاهر الثياب of flawless character, irreproachable
ثواب tawāb requital, recompense, reward (for good deeds); (Isl. Law) merit, credit (arising from a pious deed)
مثوبة matūba requital, recompense, reward (bestowed by God for good deeds)
مثاب matāb and مثابة matāba place to which one returns; meeting place; rendezvous; resort, refuge
مثابة matāba (with foll. genit.) place or time at which s.th. appears or recurs; manner, mode, fashion; see also preceding entry| بمثابة (with foll. genit.) like, as; tantamount to, equivalent to, having the same function as
2 تثاوب = تثاءب (ثئب VI) to yawn
ثار (ثور ) tāra u to stir, be stirred up, be aroused, be excited; to swirl up, rise (dust); to arise (question, problem; a difficulty, فى وجهه fī wajhihī before s.o.); to be triggered, be unleashed, break out; to revolt, rebel, rise (على against); to rage, storm| ثار ثائره (tā’irohū) to fly into a rage, become furious, flare up IV to agitate, excite (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to stimulate (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to irritate (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to arouse, stir up, kindle, excite (هـ s.th., e.g., feelings), cause, provoke, awaken (هـ s.th.); to raise, pose, bring up (مسألة mas’alatan a question, a problem)| اثار ثائرته (tā’iratahū) to infuriate s.o., excite s.o. X to excite, stir up, kindle (هـ s.th., esp. passions); to rouse (هـ s.th.); to arouse, awaken (هـ s.th., esp. feelings); to elicit, evoke (هـ wails, outcries, من from s.o.); to incite, set (على ه s.o. against)| استثار غضبه (gaḍabahū) to infuriate s.o., make s.o. angry
ثور taur pl. ثيران tīrān bull, steer; ox; Taurus (astron.)| شوربة ذيل الثور šōrabat dail at-t. oxtail soup
ثورة taura excitement, agitation; outbreak, outburst, fit (of fury, of despair, etc.); eruption (of a volcano); (pl. -āt) upheaval, uprising, insurrection, riot, rebellion, revolt, revolution|ثورة اهلية (ahlīya) internal strife, civil war
ثورى taurī revolutionary (adj. and n.)
ثوروى taurawī revolutionary (adj. and n.)
ثوران tawarān agitation, excitation, flare-up, emption, outbreak, outburst, dust whirl
مثار matār incentive, stimulus, motive, spur, occasion, cause| مثار الجدل m. al-jadal and مثار النزاع object of controversy, point of contention
اثارة itāra excitation, stirring up, kindling; agitation, incitement; provocation, (a)rousing, awakening; irritation, stimulation
ثائر tā’ir excited, agitated, raving, furious, mad; rebellious; fury, rage (in the idiomatic phrase ثار ثائرة see above); (pl. ثوار tuwwār) insurgent, rebel, revolutionary
ثائرة tā’ira pl. ثوائر tawā’ir2 tumult; excitement, agitation; fury, rage
مثير mutīr exciting; provocative; stimulative, irritative; excitant, irritant, stimulant; instigator; germ, agent; pl. مثيرات stimulants
ثوريوم tōriyūm thorium (chem.)
ثول VII to swarm, crowd, throng (على around s.o.); to come over s.o. (على )
ثول law and ثول النحل t. an-nḥl swarm of bees
ثوم tūm (coll.; n. un. ة ) garlic
ثوى tawā i (ثواء tawā’, ثوى tuwīy, مثوى matwan) to stay, live (ب at a place); to settle down (ب at a place); pass. tuwiya to be buried IV to stay, live; to lodge, put up as a guest (ه s.o.)
ثوى tawīy guestroom
ثوة tūwa pl. ثوى tuwan signpost, road-sign
مثوى matwan pl. مثاو matāwin abode, habitation, dwelling; place of rest
ثيب tayyib pl. -āt a deflowered but unmarried woman, widow, divorcée
ثيتل taital pl. ثياتل tayātil2 a variety of wild goat (Capra jaela)