Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
حاء ḥā’ name of the letter ح
حاخام ḥāḳām rabbi|الحاخام الاكبر the chief rabbi
حؤول see حول
حامى ḥāmī Hamitic
حان and حانة see حين
حانبة (pronounced ḥamba) pl. حوانب ḥawānib2 (formerly Tun.) hamba, palace gendarme of the Bey of Tunis
حانوت see حنو
1 حب ḥabba i (ḥubb) to love, like II to evoke (الى in s.o.) love or a liking (ه, هـ for s.th. or s.o.), make (الى s.o.) love or like (ه, هـ s.th. or s.o.); to endear (الى هـ s.th. to s.o.), make (هـ s.th.) dear, lovable, attractive (الى for s.o.), make (هـ s.th.) palatable, acceptable (الى to s.o.); to urge (الى هـ s.th. on s.o.), suggest (الى s.th. to s.o.) IV (حب ḥubb, محبة maḥabba) to love, like (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to wish, want, or like, to do s.th. (ان)|احب ان uḥibbu an I should like to ; احب له ان to like about s.o. that he ; لا يحب الخير له (ḳaira) he doesn’t want him to be happy, he grudges him everything V to show love, reveal one’s affections (الى to s.o.); to endear o. s. (الى to s.o.), make o.s. popular, ingratiate o.s. (الى with s.o.); to court, woo (الى a woman) VI to love one another X to like (هـ s.th.); to deem (هـ s.th.) desirable, recommendable; to prefer (على هـ s.th. to s.th. else)
حب ḥubb love; affection, attachment |حب الذات ḥ. ad-dāt self-love, amour-propre; حب الاستطلاع curiosity, inquisitiveness; حب الوطن ḥ. al-waṭan patriotism; حبا ل (ḥubban) out of love or affection for, out of friendship for; حبا في in the desire to …
حبي ḥubbī friendly, amicable, loving; حبيا ḥubbīyan in an amicable manner, amicably; by fair means (jur.)
حب ḥibb pl. احباب aḥbāb darling, dear, dearest (one)
حباب ḥabāb aim, goal, end
حبيب ḥabīb pl. احباء aḥibbā’2, احبة aḥibba, احباب beloved, sweetheart, lover; darling; dear one, friend; dear (الى to s.o.); popular; الاحباب the beloved ones, the dear ones
حبيبة labība pl. حبائب ḥabā’ib2 sweet·heart, darling, beloved woman
احب aḥabb2 dearer, more desirable, preferable (الى to s.o.)
حبذا ḥabbadā (with foll. Nominative) how nice, how lovely is ! how good, excellent, perfect is …! | حبذا لو how nice it would be if …; حبذا الحال لو فعل h. l-ḥālu lau fa‘ala it would be nice, or he would do well, if he did it; يا حبذا الحال (ḥālu) that’s just wonderful!
محبة maḥabba love; affection, attachment |محبة الوطن m. al-waṭan patriotism
تحبب taḥabbub courtship, wooing
تحابب taḥābub mutual love, concord, harmony
محبوب maḥbūb beloved; dear; lovable, desirable; popular; favorite; beloved one, lover; (pl. محابيب maḥābīb2) gold piece, sequin (in Ottoman times; eg.)
محبوبة maḥbūba sweetheart, darling, beloved woman
محبب muḥabbab agreeable, pleasant, desirable, lovable, dear (الى to s.o.); nice, likable
محب muḥibb pl. -ūn loving; lover; fancier, amateur, fan; friend |محب الناس philanthropic(al), affable; محبنا العزيز our
dear friend; محبو الآثار friends of archeology; محب لذاته (li-datihī) egoist
متحاب mutaḥābb loving one another, concordant
مستحب mustaḥabb (re)commendable, desirable (said of acts whose neglect is not punished by God, but whose performance is rewarded; Isl. Law); well-liked, popular
2 حب II to produce seed, go to seed (plant); to bear seed (grain); to granulate, become granulated; to granulate (هـ s.th.) IV to produce seed
حب ḥabb (coll.; n. un. ة ) grains; seed; -- pl. حبوب ḥubūb grain, cereals, corn; seed(s); grains, kernels; granules; pellets; pills, pastilles; berries; acne, pustules, pimples|حب العزيز chufa (Cyperus esculentus L.; bot.); حب الفقد ḥ. al-faqad chaste tree (Vitex agous castus L.; bot.); croton seeds (seeds of Croton tiglium; bot.); (magr.) cherries; حب الهال ḥ. al-hāl and (حبهان) حب الهان ḥ. al-hān cardamom (Amomum cardamomum L.; bot.); حب الغمام ḥ. al-gamām hail, hail-stones
حبة ḥabba (n. un.; see also حب ḥabb) pl. -āt grain, granule; seed; kernel; pill, pastille; berry; pustule, pimple; triviality, trille; a square measure (Eg.; = 58.345 m2); pl. حبات beads (of the rosary)|حبة شعير ḥ. ša‘īr a linear measure (Eg.; = 0.205 cm); حبة حلوة (ḥulwa) aniseed; حبة سوداء (saudā’) black caraway (Nigella sativa L.; bot.); حبات الرمال grains of sand; حبة العين ḥ. al-‘ain eyeball; pupil (of the eye); حبة القلب ḥ. al-qalb dearest one, beloved, darling
حبب ḥabab blister
حبيبة ḥubaiba pl. -āt little grain, small kernel; small pimple or pustule
حبيبي ḥubaibī granular, granulated| الرمد الحبيبي (ramad) trachoma (med.)
حبحب ḥabḥab (coll.) watermelon (hij.)
حباحب ḥubāḥib firefly, glowworm
حبذ II to approve, think wall (هـ of s.th.), commend (هـ s.th.); to applaud, acclaim, cheer (ه s.o., هـ s.th.)
حبذا see1 حب
تحييذ taḥyīd approval; acclamation, acclaim, applause, cheering
حبر ḥabara u (ḥabr) to gladden, make happy, delight (ه s.o.); -- ḥabira a (حبور ḥubūr) to be glad, happy II to embellish, refine, make workmanlike (هـ s.th.); to compose (هـ s.th.) in elegant style; to write, compose (هـ s.th.)
حبر ḥibr ink|ام الحبر umm al-ḥibr squid, cuttlefish; حبر على ورق (waraq) mere ink on paper, of no effect (e.g., an agreement, a treaty)
حبر ḥabr, ḥibr pl. احبار aḥbār a non-Muslim religious authority, learned man, scribe; hishop; rabbi|الحبر الاعظم the Pope; سفر الاحبار sifr al-a. Leviticus (Old Test.)
حبري ḥabrī pontifical |قداس حبري (quddās) pontifical mass (Chr.)
حبرية ḥabrīya office or dignity of a bishop, bishopric, pontificate
حبرة ḥabara, ḥibara pl. -āt silken shawl or wrap (worn in public by ladies)
حبار ḥabār, ḥibār pl. -āt mark, trace (esp. of blows), welt, wale
حبور ḥubūr joy
حباري ḥubārā pl. حباريات ḥubārayāt bustard (zool.)
يحبور yaḥbūr bustard chick (zool.)
محبر miḥbara, maḥbara pl. محابر maḥābir2 inkwell
حبس ḥabasa i (ḥabs) to obstruct, shut off, confine (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), block, bar, hold back, check (هـ s.th. عن from; also tears, laughter, etc.); to withhold (هـ عن from s.o. s.th.); to hold in custody, detain (ه s.o.) to apprehend, arrest, jail, imprison (ه s.o.); to keep, keep back, put aside, put away (على هـ s.th. for); to tie up, invent inalienably (هـ capital) |حبس نفسه على to devote o.s. entirely to ; حبس يده عن (yadahū) to take (s.th.) out from under s.o.’s power; حبس عليه انفاسه (anfāsahū) to make s.o. catch his breath, take s.o.’s breath away; حبس مع الشغل ḥubisa ma‘a š-šugl he was committed to prison under hard labor II to tie up inalienably (هـ funds, على for, esp. for a pious purpose), make a religious bequest (هـ , for the benefit of على ) VII to be held back, be held up, stop, be interrupted, intermit; to restrain o.s., hold back VIII to block, obstruct, bar, confine (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to detain, hold in custody (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to hold back, retain, suppress (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to be detained, held up; to be impeded, held back; to falter, break, fail (voice), stop (breath)
حبس ḥabs (act of) holding or keeping back, obstruction, check, repression; blocking off, barring, confinement; damming up, staving off; safekeeping, custody, retention; imprisonment, arrest, detention, jailing; (pl. حبوس ḥubūs) prison, jail |حبس احتياطي (iḥtiyāṭī) detention (pending investigation); حبس انفرادي (infirādī) solitary confinement; حبس شديد penal servitude
حبس ḥibs pl. احباس dam, weir, barrage
حبس ḥubs, ḥubūs pl. احباس aḥbās (Tun., Alg. Mor. = waqf) inalienable property the yield of which is devoted to pious purposes, religious bequest, (Fr. jur.) “habous”|حبس عام (‘āmm) public habous, حبس خاص (ḳaṣṣ) private habous; كان حبسا على ( = كان وقفا على ) to be entirely dependent on …
حبسة ḥubsa speech defect, impediment of speech
حبيس ḥabīs blocked-off, shut-off, barred, confined, locked-up; secluded; bated (breath); choking (voice); (pl. حبساء ḥubasā’2) hermit
محبس maḥbas, maḥbis pl. محابس maḥābis2 place where s.th. is confined or locked up; jail, prison; (prison) cell
محبس miḥbas device for shutting off or blocking off
محبسة maḥbasa hermitage
انحباس inḥibās seclusion, confinement; stoppage, interruption; cessation
احتباس iḥtibās retention, restraint; inhibition, impediment, obstruction, stoppage |احتباس البول iḥtibās al-baul suppression of urine, ischuria
محبوس maḥbūs shut-off (from the outside world), isolated, secluded, confined, locked-up; imprisoned, captive; tied-up (funds); (pl. محابس maḥābis2) prisoner, prison inmate, convict
محبس muḥabbis donor of a habous (see حبس ḥubs)
المحبس عليه al-muḥabbas ‘alaihi beneficiary of a habous (see حبس ḥubs)
منحبس munhabis secluded, shut-off
الحبش al-ḥabaš Abyssinia, Ethiopia; (pl. الاحباش al-aḥbāš) the Abyssinians, Ethiopians
الحبشة al-ḥabaša (and بلاد الحبش ) Abyssinia, Ethiopia
الحبشي ḥabašī pl. احباش aḥbāš Abyssinian, Ethiopian
حبط ḥabaṭa i (حبوط (ḥubūṭ) and ḥabiṭa a to come to nothing, fail, miscarry, go wrong; to be futile, be of no avail, be lost IV to frustrate, thwart, foil, defeat (هـ s.th., على هـ in s.th. s.o.; negotiations, efforts, an attempt, etc.)
حبط ḥabaṭ scar of a wound, wale, welt
حبوط ḥubūṭ futility, failure
احباط aḥbāṭ frustration, thwarting, foiling
حبق ḥabaq basil (bot.); (eg.) a variety of speedwell (Veronica anagallis aquatica L.)
حبك ḥabaka i u (ḥabk) to weave well and tight (هـ s.th.); to braid, plait (هـ s.th.); to twist, twine, tighten (هـ s.th.); to knit (هـ s.th.); to devise, contrive (هـ a plan, a plot) II to twist, twine, tighten (هـ s.th.) to fasten (هـ s.th.)
حبكة ḥabka fabric, tissue; texture, structure
حبك ḥubuk: p. حبك النجوم ḥ. an-nujūm the orbits of the celestial bodies
حباكة ḥibāka weavers trade, weaving
محبوك maḥbūk tightly woven; tight, taut; sturdy, strong, robust, husky
محتبك muḥtabik interwoven, intersecting
1 حبل VIII to ensnare, catch in a snare (هـ , ه s.o., s.th.)
حبل ḥabl pl. حبال ḥibāl, احبل aḥbul, حبول ḥubūl, احبال aḥbāl rope, cable, hawser; cord, string, thread; (pl. حبال ḥibāl) beam, ray (e.g., of the sun, of light), jet (e.g., of water); vein; sinew, tendon |حبل الوريد jugular vein; الحبل السري (surrī) umbilical cord; الحبل الشوكي (šaukī) spine; حبال صوتية (ṣautīya) vocal cords; حبل المساكين ivy (bot.); حبال الماء jets of water; القى (اطلق) الحبل على الغارب alqā (aṭlaqa) l-ḥabla ‘alā l-gārib to let things go, slacken the reins, give a free hand, impose no restraint; ارتخاء الحبل slackening of the reins, yielding; relenting; اضطرب حبله iḍṭraba ḥabluhū to get into a state of disorder, of disorganization, of disintegration, get out of control; تعب على الحبلين (la‘iba, ḥablain) to play a double game, work both side, of the street
احبولة uḥbūla pl. احابيل aḥābīl2 snare, net; rope with a noose; pl. احابيل tricks, wiles, artifices, stratagems (in order to get s.th.)
حبالة ḥibāla pl. حبائل ḥabā’il2 snare, net
حابل ḥābil: اختلط الحابل بالنابل (iḳtalaṭa) everything became confused, got into a state of utter confusion; حابل ونابلهم all together, all in a medley
2 حبل ḥlabila a (ḥabal) to be or become pregnant, conceive and IV to make pregnant ( ها a woman)
حبل ḥabal conception; pregnancy
حبلى ḥublā pl. حبالى ḥabālā and حبلانة ḥablāna pregnant
حبن ḥabana dropsy
حبهان (حبب الهان ḥabb al-hān) cardamom (Amomum cardamomum L.; bot.)
حبا (حبو ) ḥabā u (ḥabw) to crawl, creep: to present (هـ ه s.o. with s.th.), give, award (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.) III to be obliging (ه to s.o.), show one’s good will (ه toward s.o.); to favor (ه s.o.); to side (ه with s.o.), be partial (ه to s.o.); to show respect, deference (ه to s.o.) VIII to sit with one’s legs drawn up and wrapped in one's garment
حبوة ḥibwa, ḥubwa, ḥabwa gift, present
حباء ḥibā’ gift, present
محاباة muḥābāh obligingness complaisance, courtesy; favor(ing), favoritism, partiality
حت ḥatta u (ḥatt) to rub off, scrape off, scratch off (هـ s.th.)
حتة ḥitta pl. ḥitat (eg.) piece, bit, morsel
حتى ḥattā (prep.) until, till, up to, as far as; (conj.; with perf.) until, so that; (with subj.) until, that, so that, in order that; --(particle) even, eventually even; and even; حتى لو even if; (with preceding negation) not even, and be it only…
حتات ḥutāt scraps; morsels, crumbs
تحات taḥāt corrosion
حتد ḥatida a (ḥatad) to be of pure origin
محتد maḥtid descent, origin, lineage
حترة ḥutra small piece, bit, trifle
حتار ḥitār pl. حتر ḥutur border, edge, fringe, surroundings, vicinity
حتف ḥatf pl. حتوف ḥutūf death |يبحث عن (يسعى الى) حتفه بظلفه yabḥatu ‘an (yas‘ā ilā) ḥatfihī bi-ẓilfihī he brings about his own destruction, digs his own grave; مات حتف انفه māta ḥatfa anfihī he died a natural death
حتم ḥatama i (ḥatm) to decree, make necessary, prescribe (على هـ s.th. for s.o.), make (هـ s.th.) a duty, a necessity (على for s.o.); to impose, enjoin (على هـ s.th. upon s.o.); to decide, determine definitely (ب s.th.) II to decree, make necessary, prescribe (على هـ s.th. for s.o.), make (هـ s.th.) a duty, a necessity (على for s.o.) V to be necessary; to be s.o.’s (على ) duty, be incumbent (على upon s.o.)
حتم ḥatm pl. حتوم ḥutūm imposition, injunction; final decision, resolution, determination; حتما ḥatman decidedly, definitely, neceaoarily, inevitably
حتمي ḥatmī decided, definite, final, conclusive, definitive, unalterable, irrevocable, inevitable
حتمية ḥatmīya decidedness, definiteness, definitiveness, determinateness, unalterableness; necessity
لا حتمية lā-ḥatmīya indeterminism (philos.)
محتوم maḥtūm imposed, enjoined, obligatory; determined, definitive, determinate, unalterable, ineviroble; destined, predestined, ordained (fate)
محتم muḥattam imposed, enjoined, obligatory; determined, definitive, determinate, unalterable, inevitable; destined, predeotined, ordained (fate)
متحتم mutaḥattim absolutely necessary; imperative (duty)
حتى see حت
1 حث ḥatta u (ḥatt) to urge, incite, prompt, goad, spur on, egg on, prod, provoke, impel (ه s.o., على to do s.th.) |حث خطاه (ḳuṭāhū) to quicken one’s pace, hurry (الى to a place); حث الطريق (ṭarīqa) to hurry, hasten; حث قدميه (qadamaihi) to quicken one’s pace, break into a run VIII and X = I
حثيث ḥatīt quick, rapid, quick
حاثة ḥātta hormone
2 حثي ḥittī Hittite (n. and adj.)
حثالة ḥutāla dregs, lees, sediment; scum (fig.); offal, discard, scraps | حثالة الحرير silk combings
حثا (حثو ) ḥatā u (ḥatw) to strew, scatter, spread, disperse (هـ s.th.)
حج ḥajja u to overcome, defeat (ه s.o., with arguments, with evidence), confute (ه s.o.); to convince (ه s.o.); -- (ḥajj) to make the pilgrimage (to Mecca), perform the hadj III to dispute, debate, argue, reason (ه with s.o.) VI to argue against each other, carry on a dispute, to debate; to take counsel VIII to advance (ب s.th.) as an argument, plea, excuse, or pretext; to allege in support or vindication, plead (ب s.th.); to vindicate, justify (ل s.th.); to protect, remonstrate (على against), object, raise objections (على to)
حج ḥajj and حجة ḥijja pl. -āt, حجج ḥijaj pilgrimage; hadj, the official Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca |ذو الحجة dū l-ḥijja Zu’lhijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar
حجة ḥujja pl. حجج ḥūjaj argument; pretense, pretext, plea; proof, evidence; document, writ, deed, record; authority |بحجة ان under the pretense that …, on the plea … on the pretext of …
حجاج ḥajāj pl. احجة aḥijja circumorbital ring (anat.)
محج maḥajj destination (of a journey)
محجة maḥajja pl. محاج maḥājj2 destination of a pilgrimage, object of pilgrimage, shrine; destination (of s journey); goal; road; way; procedure, method | محجة الصواب m. aṣ-ṣawāb the Right Way, the Straight Path; محجة الحديد railroad
حجاج ḥijāj argument, dispute, debate
تحجج taḥajjuj argumentation, pleading, offering of a pretext, pretense, excuse
احتجاج iḥtijāj pl. -āt argumentation; pretext, excuse, plea, pretense; protest, remonstrance (على against), objection, exception (على to)
حاج ḥājj pl. حجاج ḥujjāj, حجيج ḥajīj pilgrim; hadji, Mecca pilgrim, honorific title of one who has performed the pilgrimage to Mecca
حجب ḥajaba u (ḥajb) to veil, cover, screen, shelter, seclude (على هـ s.th. from); to hide, obscure (عن هـ s.th. from s.th. else, e.g., from sight); to eclipse, outshine, overshadow (ه s.o.); to make imperceptible, invisible (عن هـ s.th. to); to conceal (عن هـ s.th. from s.o.); to make or form a separation (بين -- وبين between – and) II to veil, hide, conceal; to hide from sight, keep in seclusion (ها a woman); to disguise, mask (ب هـ s.th. with) V to conceal o.s. hide (عن from), flee from sight, veil o.s. VII to veil o.s., conceal o.s.; to be covered up, become hidden be obscured VIII to vanish, become invisible, disappear from sight; to veil conceal (عن hide; to become hidden, be concealed (عن from); to withdraw; to elude perception; to ease or interrupt publication (newspaper, periodical)
حجب ḥajb seclusion; screening off; keeping away, keeping off
حجاب ḥijāb pl. حجب ḥujub, احجبة aḥjiba cover, wrap, drape; curtain; woman’s veil; screen, partition, folding screen; barrier, bar; diaphragm (also الحجاب الحاجز ; anat.); amulet
حجابة ḥijāba office of gatekeeper
احتجاب iḥtijāb concealment, hiddenness, seclusion; veiledness, veiling, purdah
حاجب ḥājib concealing, screening, protecting; (pl. حجاب ḥujjāb, حجبة ḥajaba) doorman, gatekeeper; chamberlain; orderly (Syr., mil.); (pl. حواجب ḥawājib2) eyebrow |حاجب الهواء ḥ. al-hawā’ airtight, hermetic
محجوب maḥjūb concealed, hidden, veiled
1 حجر ḥajara u (ḥajr, ḥijr, ḥujr, حجران ḥijrān, ḥujrān) to deny access (على to s.o.); to stop, detain, hinder (على or ه s.o.); to forbid, interdict (على هـ s.th. to s.o.), prohibit (على s.o.) from doing s.th. (هـ ); to place (على s.o.) under guardianship, declare (على s.o.) legally incompetent
حجر ḥajr restriction, curb(ing), check(ing), obstruction, impeding, limitation, curtailing (على of s.th.); barring, closing, debarment, preclusion; detention; blocking, confinement, containment, suppression (as a protective measure); interdiction, prohibition, ban; revocation, or limitation, of s.o.’s (على ) legal competence |حجرصحي (ṣiḥḥī) quarantine
حجر (ḥijr forbidden, interdicted, prohibited; lap; (pl. احجار aḥjār, حجور ḥujūr, حجورة ḥujūra) mare
حجرة ḥujra pl. ḥujarāt, حجر ḥujar room; cell; (railroad) compartment; chamber |حجرة الانتظار waiting room; حجرة النوم ḥ. an-naum bedroom; الحجرة الفلاحية (fallāḥīya) chamber of agriculture
حجر maḥjar pl. محاجر maḥājir2 military hospital, infirmary; prison, jail, dungeon |محجر صحي (ṣiḥḥī) quarantine, quarantine station
حجر maḥjir, miḥjar, maḥjar pl. محاجر maḥājir2 (=محجر العين m. al-‘ain) eye socket; see also below
تحجير taḥjīr interdiction, prohibition, ban; see also below
محجور maḥjūr pl. محاجر maḥājir2 (and محجور عليه ) one placed under guardianship; minor; ward, charge
2 حجر II to petrify, turn into stone (هـ s.th.); to make hard as stone (هـ s.th.) V to turn to stone, petrify, become petrified
حجر ḥajar pl. احجار aḥjār, حجارة ḥijāra, حجار ḥijār stone; weight (placed as an equipoise on the scale of a balance) |الحجر الاساسي (asāsī) the foundation stone, cornerstone, وضع الحجر الاساسي (waḍ‘) laying of the cornerstone; حجر البلاط ḥ. al-balāṭ flagstone, paving stone; حجر جهنم ḥ. jahannam lunar caustic, silver nitrate; حجر الجير ḥ. al-jīr limestone; الحجر السماقي or حجر السماقي (summāqī) porphyry; الحجر الاسود (aswad) the Black Stone (of the Kaaba); حجر الشادنة hematite (min.); حجر العثرة ḥ. al-‘atra stumbling block; حجر الفلاسفة philosopher’s stone; O حجر القمر ḥ. al-qamar selenite; حجر كريم and حجر ثمين precious stone, gem; طبع على الحجر (tab‘) lithograph; طباعة الحجر Lithography
حجري ḥajarī stony, stone (adj.) |العصر الحجري (‘aṣr) the Stone Age; العصر الحجري الحديث the Neolithic period; العصر الحجري القديم the Paleolithic period
حجير ḥajīr stony, petrified
حجار ḥajjār stone mason, stone cutter
محجر maḥjir pl. محاجر maḥājir2 (stone) quarry
تحجير taḥjīr petrification; stone quarrying
تحجر taḥajjur petrification
متحجر mutaḥajjir petrified
مستحجر mustaḥjir petrified
حجدز ḥajaza u i (ḥajz) to hold back, restrain, hinder, prevent (عن هـ s.th. from); to keep away (عن هـ s.th. from); to block (off), close, bar; to isolate, insulate, confine, seclude; to make inaccessible; to set apart; to separate (بين two things); to arrest, detain; to seize, sequester, impound (على or هـ s.th., e.g., s.o.’s property, salary); to confiscate, safeguard (هـ s.th.); to reserve (هـ s.th.); to make a reservation (هـ for a. theater seat, a steamer cabin, a ticket, etc.) VIII to retain for o.s., reserve to o.s. (هـ s.th.)
حجز ḥajz curbing, prevention, restraint; seclusion, confinement, containment, isolation, insulation, separation; arrest, detention, seizure, confiscation, sequestration (على of s.th.); reservation (of seats) |حجز الحرية ḥ al-ḥurrīya deprivation of liberty, unlawful detention duress (jur.); القى الحجر على (alqā) to confiscate s.th.
الحجاز al-ḥijāz Hejaz, region in W Arabia, on the Red Sea coast
حجازي ḥijāzī of or pertaining to Hejaz; pl. -ūn) an inhabitant of Hejaz
حاجز ḥājiz and حاجزة pl. حواجز ḥawājiz2 obstacle, hindrance, impediment, obstruction; partition, screen, dividing wall j block, blockade, road block; fence, gate, railing, balustrade; hurdle; bar, barrier; barricade | الحجاب الحاجز diaphragm (anat.); O حاجز الامواج breakwater; الحواجز القمرقية (الجمركية ) (qumruqīya, gumrukīya) customs barriers; O حاجزة الصواعق lightning rod
موظف حاجز muwaẓẓaf ḥājiz approx.: bailiff
1 محاجفة muḥājafa singlestick fencing
2 احجاف iḥjāf = اجحاف
حجل ḥajala u i (ḥajl, حجلان ḥajalān) to hop, leap; to skip, gambol
حجل ḥajl, ḥijl pl. حجول ḥujūl, احجال aḥjāl anklet
حجل ḥajal (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. حجلان ḥajlān, حجلى ḥijlā partridge; mountain partridge, mountain quail
حجل ḥajala pl. حجال ḥijāl curtained canopy, or alcove, for the bride | رباط الحجال rabbāṭ al-ḥ. the ladies
لعبة الحجلة la‘bat al-ḥajala hopscotch
محجل muḥajjal wearing anklets (woman); white-footed (horse); bright, brilliant, radiant; unique, singular, esp. in the phrase أغر محجل (agarr2)
حجم ḥajama u (ḥajm) to cup (ه s.o.; med.) IV to recoil, shrink, flinch (عن from); to desist, abstain, refrain (عن from), forbear (عن s.th.); to withdraw, retreat
حجم ḥajm pl. حجوم ḥujūm, احجام aḥjām bulk, size, volume; caliber (of a cannon) |كبير الحجم bulky, sizable, massive
حجام ḥajjām cupper
حجامة ḥijāma cupping, scarification, art of cupping
محجم miḥjam, mمحجم miḥjama pl. محاجم maḥājim2 cupping glass
احجام iḥjām desistance, abstention; restraint, aloofness, reserve
حجن ḥajana i (ḥajn) to bend, curve, crook (هـ s.th.) VIII to snatch up, grab (هـ s.th.) take hold (هـ of s.th.)
احجن aḥjan2 curved, crooked, bent
محجن miḥjan pl. محاجن maḥājin2 staff or stick with a crooked end, crosier; hook
حجا به خيرا (حجو ) ḥajā bihī ḳairan to think well of s.o., have a good opinion of s.o. III to propose a riddle (ه to s.o.); to speak in riddles, be enigmatic
حجا , حجى ḥijan pl. احجاء aḥjā’ intellect, brains, understanding, discernment, acumen, sagacity, wit, intelligence
حجي ḥajiy appropriate, suitable, proper (ب for)
احجى aḥjā more appropriate, more suitable, more proper; more correct, better
احجية uḥjīya pl. احاجى aḥājīy, احاج aḥājin riddle, puzzle, enigma
حخام ḥaḳām = حاخام (look up alphabetically)
حد ḥadda u (ḥadd) to sharpen, hone (هـ a knife); to delimit, delineate, demarcate, mark off, stake off (هـ land, من from); to set bounds (هـ to s.th.), limit, restrict, confine (هـ s.th.); to impede, hinder, curb, check (من or هـ s.th.); -- i (حدة ḥidda) to become furious, angry (على at): -- i u (حداد ḥidād) to wear mourning, mourn (على the deceased) II to sharpen, hone (هـ a knife); to forge (هـ s.th.; syr.); to delimit, demarcate (هـ s.th.); to set bounds (هـ to s.th.), circumscribe, mark off, delineate sharply; to limit, restrict, confine (من or هـ s.th.); to determine, appoint, assign, schedule, lay down, set down, establish (هـ s.th.); to fix). e.g., prices); to define (هـ s.th.) |حدد بصره (baṣarahū) to dart sharp glances; to scrutinize (في s.th.), look sharply (في at s.th.) III to oppose (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) act contrary (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.), contravene, counteract, violate (هـ s.th.) IV to sharpen, make sharp (هـ s.th.) | احد النظر الى (naẓar) to look sharply at, stare at; احد بصره (baṣarahū) to dart sharp glances; to scrutinize (في s.th.), look sharply (في at s.th.); احد من بصره (baṣarihī) to glance sharply; -- to put on garments of mourning V to be delimited, be delineated, be bounded, be circumscribed; to be determined, be established, be set down, be scheduled, be fixed; to by defined, be definable VIII to be or become angry; to become infuriated, be furious (على at), be exasperated (على with); to be agitated, be upset, be in a state of commotion
حد ḥadd pl. حدود ḥudūd (cutting) edge (of a knife, of a sword); edge, border, brink, brim, verge; border (of a country), boundary, borderline; limit (fig.), the utmost, extremity, termination, end, terminal point, terminus; a (certain) measure, extent, or degree (attained); (math.) member (of an equation), term (of a fraction, of a proportion); divine ordinance, divine statute; legal punishment (Isl. Law) |لحد li-ḥaddi or الى حد until, till, up to, to the extent of, الى حد الآن, لحد الآن li-ḥ. l-āna up to now, so far; الى حد ما (ḥaddin) to a certain degree, to a certain extent; الى حد كبير, الى حد بعيد to a considerable extent or degree, considerably, extensively; الى أي حد (ayyi ḥaddin) how far, to what degree or extent; لا حد له (ḥadda) boundless, infinite, unbounded, unlimited; بلا حد bi-lā ḥaddin,
الى غير حد ilā gairi ḥaddin boundless, unlimited, without limits; على حد سواء ‘alā ḥaddin sawā’, على حد سوى ‘alā ḥaddin siwan in the same manner; equally, likewise; على حد (ḥaddi) according to, commensurate with; في حد ذاته fī ḥaddi dātihī and بحد ذاته in itself, as such; الحد الاعلى (a‘lā), الحد الاقصى (aqṣā) the maximum; الحد الادنى (adnā) the minimum; (حد عمري ‘umrī) age limit; ذو حدين dū ḥaddain two-edged; في حدود (ḥudūdi) within, within the framework of; بلغ اقصى حدوده (aqṣā ḥudūdihI) to attain its highest degree; حدود الله the bounds or restrictions that God has placed on man's freedom of action
حدة ḥidda sharpness, keenness; pitch (of a tone); distinctiveness, markedness; vehemence, violence, impetuosity; fury, rage, wrath, ire, anger; excitability, irascibility, passionateness
حدة ḥida see وحد
حدد ḥadad forbidden
حداد ḥidād (act of) mourning (على over) | ثوب الحداد taub al-h. garmente of mourning; حداد البلاط ḥ. al-balāt court mourning
حديد ḥadīd iron; pl. حدائد ḥadā’id2 iron parts (of a structure); forgings, hardware, ironware | حديد خام crode iron, pig iron, iron ore; O حديد مطاوع (mutāwi‘) wrought iron; حديد غفل (gufl) unprocessed iron, pig iron; ظهر الحديد ẓahr al-ḥ. حديد الظهر cast iron; سكة الحديد sikkat al-ḥ. railroad; ضرب في حديد بريد see ضرب
حديد ḥadīd pl. حداد ḥidād, احداء aḥiddā’2, احدة aḥidda sharp (knife, eye, tongue, etc.), keen (mind)
احد aḥadd2 sharper, keener; more vehement, more violent
حديدة ḥadīda pl. حدائد ḥadā’id2 piece of iron; object or tool made of iron | حديد الحرث ḥ. al-ḥart plowshare; على الحديدة (eg.) in financial straits, pinched for money
حديدي ḥadīdī iron (adj.) | سكة حديدية (sikka) railroad
الحديدة al-ḥudaida Hodeida (seaport in W Yemen)
حداد ḥaddād ironsmith, blacksmith
حدادة ḥidāda smithcraft, art smithing
تحديد taḥdīd pl. -āt limitation, delimitation; delineation, demarcation; restriction, curb, confinement; determination, fixation, appointment; definition |على التحديد and على وجه التحديد (wajh) to be exact …, strictly speaking …
حاد ḥādd sharp (also, fig., of a glance), keen (mind); high-pitched (tone); vehement, fiery, impetuous; fierce; vivid; acute (illness) |حاد المزاج ḥ. al-mizāj, حاد الطبع ḥ. aṭ-ṭab‘ hot-blooded, hot-headed, hot-tempered, irascible; زاوية حادة (zāwiya) acute angle; تحت الحد subacute
محدود maḥdūd bounded, bordered (ب by); circumscribed, confined; limited (= small, e.g., number, knowledge, etc.); delimited, determinate, fixed, definite, definitive |محدود المعنى m. al-ma‘nā unambiguous; محدود الضمان m. aḍ-ḍamān of limited liability; شركة محدودة (المسئولية ) (širka) limited company, corporation
محدد muḥaddad sharpened, sharp; determined, fixed, appointed, destined (ل for) strictly delimited, clearly defined
محتد muḥtadd angry, furious, exasperated
حدأة ḥid’a, pl. حدأ ḥida’, حداء ḥidā’, حدآن ḥid’ān kite (zool.)
حدأة ḥada’a pl. حداء ḥidā’ double-bladed axe
حدب ḥadiba a (ḥadab) to be convex, dome-shaped, cambered, bent outward; to be hunchbacked; to be nice, kind, friendly (على or ب to s.o.). be solicitous (على or ب about s.o.), care (على or ب for s.o.) take care (على or ب of s.o.) II to make convex, emboss, camber, vault, curve, crook, bend (هـ s.th.) V and XII احدودب iḥaudaba to be crooked, vaulted, cambered, embossed, convex
حدب ḥadab affection, fondness, love; kindliness; solicitude, care; (pl. حداب ḥidāb, احداب aḥdāb) elevation of the ground | من كل حدب وصوب (wa-ṣaubin) or كل صوب وحدب from all sides, from all directions, from everywhere; في كل صوب وحدب everywhere, in every quarter, on all sides
حدب ḥadib curved, cambered, vaulted, convex; hunchbacked; kindly, friendly
حدب ḥadaba hunchback, hump; camber, vaulting, curvature
احدب aḥdab2, f. حدباء ḥadbā’, pl. حدب ḥudb hunchbacked, humped; -- (elative) kindlier, friendlier
محدب muḥaddab embossed; cambered, convex
حدث ḥadata u (حدوث ḥudūt) to happen, occur, take place, come to pass; -- (ḥaduta u (حداثة ḥadāta) to be new, recent; to be young II to tell, relate, report (ه to s.o., ب or هـ s.th., في, عن about); to speak, talk (ه to s.o., عن or في about, of) |حدثه قلبه (ḥaddatahū qalbuhū and حدثته نفسه ḥaddatathu nafsuhū his heart, his innermost feeling told him (ب s.th.); حدث نفسه ب (nafsahū) to talk o.s. into (s.th.), try to believe s.th. or see s.th. (as factual); to resolve, make up one’s mind to do s.th.; حدث نفسه ان he said to himself, told himself that … III to speak, talk (عن or في ه to s.o. about s.th.); to discuss (عن or في ه with s.o. s.th.), converse (عن or في ه with s.o. about); to negotiate, confer (ه with s.o.) to address, accost (ه s.o.); to call up (ه s.o., by telephone) IV to bring forth, produce, create, originate (هـ s.th.); to found, establish (هـ s.th.); to bring about, cause, occasion, provoke, effect (هـ s.th.); to drop excrement | احدث حدثا (ḥadatan) to bring about s.th.; to cause or do s.th., esp., s.th. evil, do mischief V to speak, talk (الى to s.o., عن, ب or j about or of s.th.), converse, chat (الى or مع with s.o., عن to, ب or j about s.th.) VI to talk with one another, converse, have a conversation X to renew (هـ s.th.) to buy new (هـ s.th.); to introduce, start, invent, originate, create (هـ s.th.); to find or deem (ه s.o.) to be young
حدث ḥadat pl. احداث aḥdāt a new, unprecedented thing, a novelty, innovation; event, incident, occurrence, happening; phenomenon; evil symptom; misdeed; misfortune; ritual impurity (Isl. Law); excrement, feces; (pl. احداث, حدثان ḥudtān) young man, youth; احداث juveniles
حديث ḥadīt pl. حداث ḥidāt, حدثاء ḥudatā’2 new, novel, recent, late; modern; حديثا ḥadītan recently, lately |حديث البناء ḥ. al-binā’ new-built, recently built; حديث السن ḥ. as-sinn young; حديث العهد ḥ. al-‘ahd of recent date, recent, new, young; حديث العهد ب, حديث عهد ب (ḥ. ‘ahdin) having adopted or acquired (s.th.) recently; not long accustomed to (s.th.), inexperienced at (s.th.), new at (s.th.), newly, e.g., حديث العهد بالولادة (bi-l-wilāda) newborn, حديث الغهد بالزواج (bi-z-zawāj) newly wed; كان حديث العهد بأوربا he had not known Europe until recently
حديث ḥadīt pl. احاديث aḥādīt2, حدثان ḥadtān speech; chat, chitchat, small talk; conversation, talk, discussion; interview; prattle, gossip; report, account, tale, narrative; Prophetic tradition, Hadith, narrative relating deeds and utterances of the Prophet and his Companions | حديث خرافة ḥ. ḳurāfa fabulous story, silly talk; حديث قدسي (qudsī) Muslim tradition in which God Himself speaks, as opposed to حديث نبوي (nabawī) an ordinary Prophetic tradition; حديث النفس ḥ. an-nafs s.th. one talks o.s. into; premonition
حدوث ḥudūt setting in (of a state or condition), occurrence, incidence (of a phenomenon); occurrence, incident, happening
حداثة ḥadāta newness, recency, novelty; youth, youthfulness
احداث aḥdāt2 newer, more recent
حدثان الدهر ḥidtān (or ḥadatān) ad-dahr misfortune, adversities, reverses
احدوثة uḥdūta pl. احاديث aḥādīt2 speech; discussion, talk, conversation; chatter; fabling, fibbing; topic, subject of a conversation; gossip, rumor (about a person) |حسن الاحدوثة ḥusn al-u. praise (of s.o.) سوء الاحدوثة sū’ al-u. slander, defamation
محادثة muḥādata pl. -āt discourse, conversation, discussion, talk, parley
احداث iḥdāt production, creatuion, invention, origination; causation, effectuation
احداثيات iḥdātīyāt (pl.) co-ordinates (math.) | احداثيات عمودية (‘amūdīya) ordinates; احداثيات أفقية (ufuqīya) abscissas (math.)
استحداث istiḥdāt invention, creation, production, origination
حادث ḥādīt occurring, happening, taking place; new, recent; fresh; -- (pl. حوادث ḥawādit2, also -āt) occurrence, incident, event, happening; episode; case (jur.) accident, mishap | حادث تزوير a case of forgery; مكان الحادث makān al-ḥ. site of action, scene of the crime, locus delicti
حادثة ḥādita pl. حوادث ḥawādit2 occurrence, event, happening; plot (of a play) ; incident, episode; accident, mishap | حادثة المرور ḥ. al-murūr traffic accident
محدث muḥaddit pl. -ūn speaker, talker; spokesman; conversation partner, interlocutor; relator, narrator; a transmitter of Prophetic traditions, traditionary, representative of the science or study of Hadith (see above); O phonograph, gramophone
متحدث mutaḥaddit spokesman, speaker
مستحدث mustaḥdat new, novel, recent, -- (pl. –āt) novelty, innovation; recent invention, modern product; neologism
حدج ḥadaja i and II to stare, look sharply (هـ, ه at s.o., at s.th., often with ببصره bi-baṣarihī or بنظره bi-naẓarihī)
حدج ḥidj pl. حدوج ḥudūj, احداج aḥdāj load, burden, encumbrance
ابو حديج abū ḥadīj stork
حداجة ḥidāja pl. حدائج ḥadā’ij2 camel saddle
حدر ḥadara, ḥadura u (ḥadr, حدارة ḥadāra) to be thick; -- ḥadara u i (ḥadr, حدر ḥudūr) to bring down, lower (هـ s.th.) to cause (هـ s.th.) to descend; to drop (هـ s.th.); to shed (هـ tears); حدر حدرا (ḥadran) to rattle off, express quickly (an utterance, a thought); -- (ḥadr) to come down, step down, descend; to glide down, swoop II to drop (هـ s.th.) to lower, inclines, dip (هـ s.th.) V to descend gradually; to glide down; to come down, descend; to flow down (tears); to derive, stem, originate (من from) VII to come or go down, descend; to glide down, sink down; to be in decline, be on the downgrade, to decline, wane; to flow down (tears); to slope down, slant down, be inclined (terrain); to come (الى to a place), arrive (الى at)
حدر ḥadr rapid recitation of the Koran (a terminus technicus of tajwīd)
حدور ḥadūr slope, downgrade, declivity, declivitous terrain
تحدر taḥaddur descent, slant, slope, inclination, incline, declivity
انحدار inḥidār slant, dip, pitch, inclination, decent, slope; declivity; fall (of a river); decline, waning; ruin, decay, decadence
حادر ḥādir thick
متحدر mutaḥaddir descending, slanting, sloping downward
منحدر munḥadir descending; lowered, dipped; slanting, sloping, declivitous (terrain); declining, waning, being on the downgrade, in a state of decadence or decline; run-down, seedy, down-at-the-heels, down-and-out
منحدر munḥadar pl. -āt depression; slope, talus, incline, descent, declivity; fall (of a river)
حدس ḥadata i u (ḥadt) to surmise, guess, conjecture (هـ s.th.)
حدس ḥadt surmise, guess, conjecture; O intuition
حداف ḥaddāf (<حذاف), حداف الماكوك (syr.) shuttle (weaving)
طارة حدافة ṭāra ḥaddāfa (syr.) flywheel
1 حدق ḥadaqa i (ḥadq) to surround, encircle, encompass (ب s.o., s.th.); (with بعينه bi-‘ainihī) to look, glance (ه at s.o.) II to look, glance, gaze, stare (الى or في at, also ب) | حدق النظر في (naẓara) to fix one’s glance on … IV to surround, encircle, encompass, enclose (ب s.o., s.th.); to look, glance (في, الى or ب at) | احدق النظر النظر في (naẓara) to fix one’s glance on …
حدقة ḥadaqa pl. -āt, حدق ḥadaq, حداق ḥidāq, احداق aḥdāq pupil (of the eye); pl. احداق glances
حديقة ḥadīqa pl. حدائق ḥadā’iq2 garden | حديقة الحيوانات ḥ. al-ḥayawānāt zoological garden, zoo
احداق iḥdāq encirclement, encompassment (ب of)
خطر محدق ḳaṭar muḥdiq imminent danger
2 حدق II (=حدق ) to make acid, sour, tart, or sharp (هـ s.th.)
حادق ḥādiq (= حاذق ) sour, tart, acid, sharp (taste)
حدل ḥadala i to flatten, level, even, roll (هـ s.th.); (ḥadl, حدول ḥudūl) to treat unjustly (على s.o.)
محدلة miḥdala pl. محمدل maḥādil2 roller, steamroller
حدم VIII to burn, glow, blaze; to burn up, be consumed by fire; to flare up, break out (fight); to be furious, burn with wrath (على at, over), also احتدم غيظا (gaiẓan)
احتدام iḥtidām paroxysm
محمدم muḥtadim furious, infuriated, enraged
حدة ḥida see وحد
1 حدوة ḥidwa horseshoe
2(حدو and حدى) حدا ḥadā u (ḥadw, حداء ḥudā’, ḥidā’ to urge forward by singing (هـ camels); to urge, spur on, egg on, prompt, instigate, induce, move (ب or ه s.o., الى to s.th., to do s.th.); حدا ب to instigate s.th.; to sway, rock, roll (rider, camel); to swing along, rock along (in riding) |حدا بهم الحديث الى their conversation led them to …; غرض تحدى اليه الركائب (garaḍun tuḥdā) a goal much sought after or worth striving for V to compete, vie (ه with s.o.); to challenge, provoke (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to defy, oppose, resist, withstand (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), stand up (هـ, ه against s.o., against s.th.) to incite, stimulate, arouse, animate, sharpen (هـ s.th.; ذكاءه dakā’ahū s.o.’s intellect); to intend (هـ s.th., to do s.th.), be bent (هـ on doing s.th.)
حداء ḥudā’ animating singsong, chanting of the caravan leader
حداء ḥaddā’ camel driver, cameleer
احدوة uḥduwa, احدية uḥdīya song of the camel drivers
تحد taḥaddin pl. تحديات taḥaddiyāt challenge, provocation
حاد ḥādin pl. حداة ḥudāh caravan leader (who urges the camels forward by singing); camel driver, cameleer; leader
متحد mutaḥaddin challenger, provoker
1 حدي ḥadiya a to remain, stay (ب at a place), stick (ب to a place)
2 حادى عشر see احد
3 حداية ḥidāya, ḥiddāya = حدأة ḥid’a
حذر ḥadira a (ḥidr, ḥadar) to be cautious, wary, to beware (من or هـ, ه of s.o., of s.th.), be on one’s guard (من or هـ, ه against) II to warn, caution (من ه s.o. of or about), put (ه s.o.) on his guard (من against) III to watch out, be careful; to be on one’s guard (ه against), be wary (ه of s.o.) V to beware, be wary (من of) VIII = I
حذر ḥidr and ḥadar caution, watchfulness, alertness, wariness, circumspection; precaution |اخذ حذره (ḥadarahū) to be on one’s guard; على جذر ‘alā ḥadarin cautiously, warily; on one’s guard (من against)
حذر ḥadir cautious, wary
حذاري ḥadārī beware (ان of doing …, من of s.th.)! watch out (من for)! be careful (من of)!
تحذير taḥdīr warning, cautioning (من of, against)
محاذرة muḥādara caution, precaution, precautionary measure
محذور maḥdūr that of which one should beware, against which one should guard; object of caution; -- (pl. -āt) danger, peril; trouble, difficulty, misfortune
حذف ḥadafa i (ḥadf) to shorten, clip, curtail (هـ or من s.th.); to take s.th. away, cut s.th. off, clip s.th. off (من from s.th.), reduce (من s.th.), strike or cross s.th. (من off s.th.); to cancel, strike out, delete, drop, leave out, omit, suppress (هـ s.th.); (gram.) to elide, apocopate, drop by aphaeresis; to deduct, subtract (هـ s.th.); to throw (ب ه at s.o. s.th.), pelt (ب ه s.o. with s.th.); to cast away, throw away, discard (ب s.th.) II to clip, trim (هـ s.th.); to give (هـ s.th.) shape, to trim, clip, or cut (هـ s.th.) into proper shape
حذف ḥadf shortening, curtailing, cutting off, trimming, etc.; canceling, cancellation, striking off, crossing off, deletion; omission, dropping, suppression; (gram.) elision, ellipsis, apocopation
حذافير ḥadāfīr2: اخذه بحذافيره he took all of it, he took it lock, stock and barrel
حذق ḥadiqa a, ḥadaqa i (ḥidq, حذاقة ḥadāqa) to be skilled, skillful, well-versed, proficient (هـ or في in s.th.), master (هـ s.th.); -- ḥadaqa u (حذوق ḥudūq) to turn sour (milk) V to feign skillfulness, proficiency, cleverness or smartness
حذق ḥidq and حذاقة ḥadāqa skill, dexterity, proficiency; smartness, cleverness, intelligence; perspicacity, sagacity, acumen
حاذق ḥādiq pl. حذاق ḥuddāq skillful, skilled, proficient; well-versed, clever, smart; intelligent; sour
حذلق II taḥadlaqa to pretend to be clever or skilful, feign skiIl or knowledge; to be pedantic
حذلقة ḥadlaqa skillfulness, dexterity
حذا (حذو ) ḥadā u: حذا حذوه (ḥadwahū) to imitate s.o., take after s.o., follow s.o.’s example III to be opposite s.th. (هـ ) face, parallel (هـ s.th.), run parallel (هـ to) VI to be opposite each other, be parallel VIII to imitate, copy (ب or على s.o. s.th., also هـ s.th.), take or follow (ب or على s.o., s.th., also هـ s.th.) as an example or model; to be shod; to wear (هـ s.th.) as footgear
حذو ḥadwa (prep.) opposite, face to face with |حذوك النعل بالنعل ḥadwaka n-na‘la bi-n-na‘li in a completely identical manner, to a T, like two peas in a pod
حذاء ḥidā’ pl. احذية aḥdiya shoe; sandal |صانغ الأحذية shoemaker
حذاء ḥidā’a (prep.) and بحذاء bi-ḥidā’i opposite, face to face with
حذاء ḥaddā’ shoemaker, cobbler
محاذاة (في) على ‘alā (fī) muḥādāti along, alongside of, parallel to
احتذاء iḥtidā’ imitation, copying
محاذ muḥādin opposite, facing
حر ḥarra u i (ḥarr, حرارة ḥarāra) to be hot II to liberate (ه s.o.); to free, set free, release (ه s.o.); to emancipate (ه s.o.); to consecrate (ه s.o.) to the service of God; to clarify, clear up, make clear (ه s.th.); to formulate precisely, phrase accurately, define exactly, pinpoint (هـ s.th.); to revise (هـ a book); to edit, redact (هـ a book, a periodical); to write, pen, indite, compose, compile (هـ s.th.) V to become free; to be freed, be liberated (من from); to be emancipated VIII to be kindled, be heated, flare up
حر ḥarr heat, warmth
حر ḥurr pl. m. احرار aḥrār, pl. f. حرائر ḥarā’ir2 noble, free-bom; genuine (jewels, etc.), pure, unadulterated; free; living in freedom; freeman; independent; free unrestrained; liberal (pol.; الاحرار the Liberals); frank, candid, open (على toward s.o.); free, available, uninvested (money) |الاحتياط الحر (ihtiyaṭī) free reserves, unencumbered reserves; من حر ماله min ḥurr mālihī with his own cash, with funds at his disposal
حرة ḥarra pl. -āt stony area; volcanic country, lava field
حرية ḥurrīya pl. -āt freedom, liberty; independence, unrestraint, license (e.g., poetic) | حرية العبادة ḥ. al-‘ibāda freedom of worship; حرية الفكر ḥ. al-fikr freedom of thought; حرية الكلام ḥ. al-kalām freedom of speech; حرية النشر (or الصحافة ) ḥ. an-našr (aṣ-ṣiḥafa) liberty of the press
حرير ḥarīr silk; pl. حرائر ḥarā’ir2 (حراير ) silken wares, silks |حرير صخري (ṣaḳrī) asbestos; حرير صناعي rayon
حريري ḥarīrī silken, silky, of silk
حرائري ḥarā’irī silken, silk- (in compounds), of silk; silk weaver
حرار ḥarrār ssailk weaver
حرارة ḥarāra heat; warmth; fever heat, fever; temperature; ardor, fervor (of emotion), passion; eagerness, enthusiasm, zeal; vehemence, violence, intensity; burning (of the skin)
حريرة ḥuraira pl. -āt calorie
حراري ḥarārī thermal, thermic, thermo-, heat (used attributively); caloric |وحدة حرارية (waḥda) calorie
O حرارية ḥarārīya pl. -āt calorie
حرور ḥarūr f., pl. حرائر ḥarā’ir2 hot-wind
حران ḥarrān2, f. حرى ḥarrā, pl. حرار ḥirār, حرارى ḥarārā thirsty; passionate, fervent, hot (fig.) |زفرة حرى (zafra) a fervent sigh; دموع حرى hot tears
احر aḥarr2 hotter, warmer |على احر من الجمر (jamr) on pins and needles, on tenterhooks, in greatest suspense or excitement
O محر miḥarr heating system, heating installation
تحرير taḥrīr liberation; release; emancipation; record(ing), writing; editing, redaction; editorship (of a newspaper, a periodical); (pl. -āt, تحارير taḥārīr2) piece of writing, record, brief, document | رئيس التحرير editor-in-chief; ادارة التحرير board of editors, editorial staff
تحريري taḥrīrī liberational; emancipational; liberal; recorded in writing, written, in writing
حار ḥār hot; warm; ardent, glowing, fervent, passionate
محرور maḥrūr hot-tempered, hot-headed, fiery, passionate, furious
محرر muḥarrir pl. -ūn liberator, emancipator; writer, clerk; editor (of a newspaper, of a periodical)
محرر muḥarrar consecrated to God; let down in writing, recorded in writing, written; booked; pl. محررات booking, entries
متحرر mutaḥarrir emancipated; an advocate of emancipation
حرب ḥariba a (ḥarab) to be furious, enraged, angry III to fight, combat (ه s.o.) battle, wage war (ه against s.o.) VI to fight (one another), be engaged in war VIII = VI
حرب (ḥarb f., pl. حروب ḥurūb war, warfare; fight, combat, battle; enemy, enemies (على or ل of s.o.) | حرب اهلية (ahlīya) civil war; حرب صحافية (ṣiḥāfīya) press feud; الحروب الصليبية (ṣalībīya) the Crusades; الحرب العظمى (‘uẓmā), الحرب العالمية (‘ālamīya), الحرب العامة (‘āmma) World War I; كشفت الحرب عن ساقها kašafat il-ḥarbu ‘an sāqihā and قامت الحرب على ساق qāmat il-ḥ. ‘alā sāqin war flared up, fierce fighting broke out
حربي ḥarbī warlike, bellicose, belligerent, martial, war (adj.), military; (pl. -ūn) warrior, soldier, military man | البوليس الحربي (būlīs) military police
حربة ḥarba pl. حراب ḥirāb lance, spear; spearhead; bayonet, sidearm
حرباء ḥirbā’ pl. حرابى ḥarābīy chameleon (zool.)
وا حرباه wā ḥarabāh! (exclamation of lament) alas! goodness no! oh my!
محراب miḥrāb pl. محارب maḥārib2 a recess in a mosque indicating the direction of prayer, prayer niche, mihrab
محاربة muḥāraba struggle, combat, fight, battle; warfare
احتراب iḥtirāb mutual struggle
محارب muḥārib warring, belligerent; warrior, combatant, fighter; corporal (Eg. 1939)
المتحاربون al-mutaḥāribūn the belligerents, the warring parties
حربوشة ḥarbūša pl. حرابش (ḥarābiš2 (tun.) pastille, pill
حرث ḥarata i u (ḥart) to plow (هـ the soil); to cultivate, till (هـ the ground)
حرث ḥart plowing, tilling, tillage, cultivation of the soil; arable land, tilth; plantation, culture
حرثة ḥarta (n. un.) arable land, tilth
حراثة ḥirāta cultivation of the soil, farming, agriculture
حراث ḥarrāt plowman
محراث miḥrāt pl. محارث maḥārit2 plow
حارث ḥārit pl. حراث ḥurrāt plowman |ابو الحارث abū l-ḥārit lion
حرج ḥarija a (ḥaraj) to be close, tight narrow; to be straitened, be confined, get into a strait, be cornered, be hard pressed; to be oppressed, be anguished (heart); to be forbidden (على to s.o.) to narrow, tighten, straiten (هـ s.th.); to complicate (هـ s.th.), make (هـ s.th.) difficult; to forbid (على هـ s.th. to s.o.); to persist (J in s.th.) IV to narrow, straiten, confine, cramp. hamper, impede, restrict (هـ s.th.); to complicate, make difficult, aggravate, jeopardize (هـ situation, s.o.’s position); to embarrass (ه s.o.); to coerce, constrain, press (الى ه s.o. to); to forbid (على هـ s.th. to s.o.) V to refrain from sin or evildoing; to abstain, refrain (من from), avoid (من s.th.); to be cornered, be forced to the wall; to become or be oppressed, anguished, distressed; to become critical, become complicated or difficult, be aggravated (situation), be jeopardized (s.o.’s position) |تحرج صدره من (ب ) (ṣadruhū) to feel depressed by, feel annoyed at; تحرج به الناس this made things difficult for people
حرج (ḥaraj closeness, tightness, narrowness; confinement, straitness. constriction, crampedness; restriction, impediment; oppression, distress, anguish; difficulty; critical situation; prohibition, interdiction; s.th. forbidden, s.th. interdicted, sin |لا حرج (ḥaraja) there is no objection; لا حرج عليك nothing stands in your way, you are at liberty
حرج ḥaraj (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. -āt, حرج ḥirāj, احراج aḥrāj thicket; dense forest; woodland, timberland
حرج ḥarij narrow, close, tight, confined, straitened; oppressed, hard pressed, harassed; critical (situation, position)
احرج aḥrāj2 narrower, closer, tighter, more straitened; more critical
حراج ḥarāg (eg.) auction
حراجة ḥarāja seriousness, gravity, difficulty, complicatedness (of a situation)
تحريج taḥrīj forestation, afforestation
حرج taḥarruj restraint, reserve, aloofness; timidity, diffidence, faint-heartedness; critical complication, gravity, difficulty (of a situation)
حرج muḥarrijāt: محرجات الايمان m. al-aimān binding, committing, or solemn, oaths
محرج muḥrij disconcerting, embarrassing
متحرج mutaḥarrij: متحرج الصدر m. aṣ-ṣadr annoyed, vexed, anguished, oppressed
حرد ḥarida a (ḥarad) to be annoyed, disgruntled, angry, furious (على at, with)
حارد ḥārid, حرد ḥarid and حردان ḥardān annoyed, disgruntled, angry, furious
حرذون ḥardaun pl. حراذين ḥarādīn2 lizard
حرز ḥaraza u (ḥarz) to keep, guard, protect, preserve (هـ s.th.), take care (هـ of); -- ḥaruza u (حرازة ḥarāza) to be strong be strongly fortified, be impregnable IV to keep, preserve, guard (هـ s.th.); to obtain, attain, achieve, win (هـ s.th.) | احرز نصرا (انتصارا ) (naṣran) to win a victory; احرز قصب السبق (qaṣaba s-sabq) to come through with flying colors, carry the day, score a great success V to be wary (من of), be on one’s guard (من against) VIII to be wary (من of), guard, be on one’s guard (من against), be careful, take heed, take precautions
حرز pl. احراز aḥrāz fortified place; refuge, sanctuary, retreat; custody; (pl. احراز, حروز ) amulet
حريز ḥarīz strongly fortified, guarded; inaccessible, impregnable
احراز iḥrāz acquisition, acquirement, obtainment, attainment, achievement, winning, gaining
احتراز iḥtirāz pl. -āt caution, wariness, prudence, circumspection; reservation, reserve |بكل الاحتراز with all reservation
O حارزة ḥāriza fuse (el.)
محرز muḥriz obtainer, acquirer, winner, gainer; possessor, holder (على of s.th.)
حرس ḥarasa u (ḥars, حراسة ḥirāsa) to guard, watch, control (ه, هـ s.th., s.o.); to oversee, supervise, superintend (ه, هـ s.th., s.o.); to secure, protect, safeguard, preserve, keep (ه, هـ s.th., s.o.); to watch (على over) V and VIII to beware, be wary (من of), guard, be on one’s guard (من against)
حرس ḥaras watch; guard, escort; bodyguard |الحرس السيار (sayyār) militia, "garde mobile" (syr.) |حرس الشرف ḥ. aš-šaraf honor guard; الحرس الملكي (malakī) the royal guard (formerly Ir., Eg.); الحرس الملوكي (mulūkī) (formerly) bodyguard of the Bey (Tun.); الحرس الوطني (waṭanī) the National Guard
حراسة ḥirāsa guarding, watching, control; watch, guard, guard duty; supervision, superintendence; guardianship, tutelage, custody, care, protection; safe conduct, escort; administration; administration of an estate (jur.); sequester |حراسة السواحل coast guard
احتراس iḥtirās caution, wariness, prudence; (pl. -āt) precaution, precautionary measure |احتراسا من for protection from or against
حارس ḥāris pl. حرسة ḥarasa, حراس ḥurrās vigilant, watchful; watchman; sentry, sentinel, guard; overseer, supervisor, superintendent; administrator; guardian, custodian, keeper, protector, tutelary (in compounds) |حارس التركة ḥ. at-tirka administrator of aD estate; حارس الخواتم keeper of the seal; حارس المرمى ḥ. al-marmā goal keeper; حارس قضائي (qaḍā’ī) sequestrator, receiver (in bankruptcy, in equity); ملاك حارس (mal’ak) guardian angel (Chr.); حارس الليل ḥ. al-lail night watchman
محروس maḥrūs guarded, safeguarded, secured; protected (by God; esp. used ss an epithet after the names of cities); المحرسون the children, the family
محترس muḥtaris cautious, wary, careful
حرش ḥaraša i (ḥarš) to scratch (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) II to instigate, prod, incite, provoke, incense (ه s.o.); to set (بين people against each other), sow discord, dissension (بين among) V to pick a quarrel, start a brawl (ب with s.o.) provoke (ب s.o.)
حرش ḥirš, ḥurš pl. احراش aḥrāš, حروش ḥurūš forest, wood(s)
حرش ḥariš and احرش aḥraš, rough, coarse, scabrous
حرش ḥaraš, حرشة ḥurša, حراشة ḥarāša roughness, coarseness, scabrousness
تحريش taḥrīš instigation, prodding, incitement, provocation, agitation, incensement
تحرش taḥarruš provocation, importunity, obtrusion, meddling, uncalled-for interference
حرشف ḥaršaf pl. حراشف ḥarāšif2 scales (of fish)
حرص ḥaraṣa i and ḥariṣa a (ḥirṣ) to desire, want, covet (على s.th.); to be intent, be bent (على on); to strive (على for), aspire (على to)
حرص ḥirṣ greed, avidity, cupidity, covetousness; desire; aspiration, endeavor, wish (على for); avarice |حرصا على in the desire for …, in the endeavor to …; حرصا على الارواح danger! (on warning signs)
حريص ḥarīṣ pl. حراص ḥirāṣ, حرصاء ḥuraṣā’2 covetous, greedy, avid, eager (على for); bent (على on), desirous (على of)
احرص aḥraṣ more covetous, greedier
حرض II to goad, prod, spur on, egg on, incite, rouse, provoke (على ه s.o. to s.th. or to do s.th.); to instigate, abet, stir up, agitate (على ه s.o. to or against); O to induce (el.)
تحريض taḥrīḍ incitement, provocation; instigation, abetment, agitation (على to); inflammatory propaganda (على against s.o.); O induction (el.) | تحريض ذاتي self-induction (el.)
تحريضي taḥrīḍī inciting, instigative, agitative, inflammatory; provocative
حارض ḥāriḍ bad, wicked, evil
محرض muḥarriḍ pl. -ūn inciter, baiter; instigator, abettor; demagogue, rabble rouser; agitator, provocator; O inductor (el.)
متحرض mutaḥarriḍ O induced (el.)
حرف II to slant, incline, make oblique (هـ s.th.); to bend off, up, down or back, turn up, down or back, deflect (هـ s.th.); to distort, corrupt, twist, pervert, misconstrue, falsify (هـ s.th.) |حرفه عن موضعه (‘an mauḍi‘ihī) to distort the sense of s.th., rob s.th. of its true meaning V to turn off, branch off, take a turning; to deviate, depart, digress (عن from); to avoid (عن s.th.); to be or become bent off, distorted, corrupted, perverted VII to tum off, branch off, ta.ke a turning; to deviate, depart, digress, turn away (عن from); to slope down, slant, be inclined (terrain); to turn (الى to, toward); to be twisted, be distorted; to be oblique, slanting; to be cocked, rakish (headgear); with ب to make s.th. appear oblique, slanted, or distorted; to be corrupted, perverted | انحرف به عن to dissuade s.o. from; انحرف مزاجه (mizājuhū) to be indisposed, be ill VIII to do (هـ s.th.) professionally, practice (هـ s.th.) as a profession; to strive for success
حرف ḥarf pl. حرف ḥiraf (cutting) edge (of a knife, of a sword); sharp edge; border, edge, rim, brink, verge; -- (pl. حروف ḥurūf, احرف aḥruf) letter; consonant; particle (gram.); type (typ.) |على حرف irresolute, wavering, on the fence; الفاظه بحروفها alfāẓuhū bi-ḥurūfihā his words literally; بالحرف or بالحرف الواحد literally, verbatim, to the letter; حرفا بحرف ḥarfan bi-ḥarfin literally, word for word; وقع بالاحرف الاولى (waqqa‘a, ūlā) to initial (e.g., معاهدة mu‘āhadatan a treaty); الحروف الابجدية (abjadīya) the alphabetic letters, the alphabet; حروف مجموعة matter (typ.); الحروف الشمسية (šamsīya) the sun letters (i.e., sibilants, dentals, r, l, n to which the l of the article assimilates), الحروف القمرية (qamarīya) the moon letters (to which the l of the article does not assimilate); حرف الجر ḥ al-jarr preposition (gram.) حرف الخفض ḥ al-ḳafḍ do.; حرف التعريف article (gram.); حرف العطف ḥ al-‘aṭf coordinating conjunction (gram.); حرف الاستفهام interrogative particle (gram.); حرف القسم ḥ. al-qasam particle introducing oaths (gram.)
حرفي ḥarfī literal
حرف ḥurf common garden pepper cress (Lepidium sativum L.; bot.)
حرفة ḥirfa pl. حرف ḥiraf profession, occupation, vocation, business, craft, trade
حريف ḥarīf pl. حرفاء ḥurafā’2 customer, patron, client (tun.)
حريف ḥirrīf pungent, acrid (taste); حريفات spicy food, delicacies
حرافة ḥarāfa pungency, acridity (taste)
تحريف taḥrīf pl. -āt alteration, change; distortion; perversion, corruption, esp. phonetic corruption of a word
انحراف inḥirāf pl. -āt deviation, digression; obliqueness, obliquity, inclination, slant; declination (astrom.); ailment, indisposition, also انحراف المزاج
احتراف iḥtirāf professional pursuit (of a trade, etc.)
محرف muḥarraf corrupted (word)
منحرف munḥarif oblique; slanted, slanting, sloping, inclined; distorted, perverted, corrupted, twisted; deviating, divergent; trapezium (geom.)
محترف muḥtarif one gainfully employed (ب in), person doing s.th. (ب ) professionally; professional, a pro (sports); professional (adj.), e.g., صحافي محترف (ṣiḥāfī) professional journalist; climber, careerist
محترف muḥtaraf pl. -āt studio, atelier
حرق ḥaraqa i (ḥarq) to burn (هـ s.th.); to burn, hurt, sting, smart |حرق قلبه (qalbahū), pl. حرق قلوبهم (qulūbahum) to vex, exasperate s.o.; -- u (ḥarq) to rub together (هـ s.th.) II to burn (هـ s.th.); حرق اسنانه (asnānahū) to gnash one’s teeth V to burn (هـ s.th.); to destroy by fire (هـ s.th.); to singe, scorch, parch (هـ s.th.); to scald (هـ s.th.); to kindle, ignite, set on fire (هـ s.th.) | احرق فحمة ليله في (faḥmata lailihī) to spend the night doing (s.th.), burn the midnight oil over… V to burn, be aflame, burn up, take fire, he consumed hy fire, he burned; to be consumed (by an emotion), pine away (هـ with), he pained (هـ by), eat one’s heart out |تحرق شوقا (šauqan) to be overcome with longing or nostalgia VIII to burn, be aflame, burn up, take fire, be consumed by fire, he burned
حرق ḥarq burning, incineration, combustion; kindling, igniting, setting afire; arson, incendiarism; pl. حروق ḥurūq burn (med.)
حرق ḥaraq fire, conflagration
حرقة ḥurqa, ḥarqa burning, incineration, combustion; stinging, smarting, burning (as a physical sensation); torture, torment, agony, pain, ordeal
حراق ḥurāq, ḥurraq tinder
حراق ḥarrāq hurning, aflame, afire; hot
حريق ḥarīq and حريقة pl. حرائق ḥarā’iq2 fire; conflagration
O حراقة ḥarrāqa torpedo
حرقان ḥaraqān burning, stinging, smarting (as a painful sensation; e.g., of the feet)
O محرق maḥraq pl. محارق maḥāriq2 focus (phys.)
تحاريق taḥārīq2 (Eg.) season of the Nile’s lowest water level, hottest season of the year
احراق burning, incineration, combustion
تحرق taḥarruq buming, combustion; burning desire
احتراق iḥtirāq burning, combustion; fire, conflagration |O غرفة الاحتراق gurfat al-i. combustion chamber (techn.); قابل الاحتراق qābil al-i. combustible
حارق ḥāriq arsonist, incendiary
محروق maḥrūq burned, charred, scorched, parched; reddish, hronze-colored; pl. محروقات maḥrūqāt fuel | فخار محروق (faḳḳār) fired clay
محرق muḥriq: قنبلة محرقة (qunbula) incendiary bomb
O محرق muḥraq crematory
محرقة maḥraqa burnt sacrifice
حرقد ḥarqada pl. حراقد ḥarāqid2 Adam’s apple
حرقفة ḥarqafa pl. حراقف ḥarāqif2 protruding part of the hipbone
حرك II to move, set in motion, drive, propel, operate (هـ s.th.); to march, move (ه troops); to stir (هـ s.th.); to start, get started, get underway (هـ s.th.); to agitate, excite, stimulate (هـ s.th.); to incite, instigate, goad, prod, provoke, actuate, urge (على ه s.o. to do s.th.); to awaken, arouse, foment, stir up (هـ s.th.); to vowel, vowelize (gram., هـ a consonant) |حرك مشاعره (mašā‘irahū) to grip, excite, thrill s.o.; حرك العواطف to affect the feelings, be touching, moving, pathetic; لا يحرك ساكنا (sākinan) he doesn’t budge, he doesn’t hend his little finger, he remains immobile, apathetic; حرك ساكنه (sākinahū) to rouse s.o., put s.o. in a state of excitement, commotion or agitation V to move, be in motion, stir, hudge; to start moving, get moving; to start out, get underway (traveler); to depart, leave (train); to put out, to sail (fleet); to he set in motion, be driven, be operated; to be agitated, be excited, be stimulated; to be awakened, be roused, be fomented, be provoked, be caused
حرك ḥarik lively, active, brisk, agile, nimble
حركة ḥaraka pl. -āt movement, motion; commotion; physical exercise; stirring, impulse; proceeding, procedure, policy; action, undertaking, enterprise; military operation; continuation, progress; traffic (rail, ohipplng, otreet); movement (as a social phenomenon); vowel (gram.) |في حركاته وسكناته (sakanātihī) in all his doings; in every situation; حركة المرور (through) traffic; حركة المراكب shipplng traffic; حركة البضائع exchange of goods; حركة الأموال turnover (com.); الحركة النسوية (niswīya) feminist movement; خفيف الحركة nimble, lithe, light, quick, agile, adroit; ثقيل الحركة slow in motion, heavy-handed, clumsy, sluggish, lumbering, inert, indolent
O حركي ḥarakī kinetic (phys.)
حراك ḥarāk movement, motion
محرك maḥrak path, trajectory (of a projectile)
محراك miḥrāk poker, fire iron
تحريكي taḥrīkī dynamic
تحرك taḥarruk pl. -āt movement, motion; forward motion; start; departure; sailing (of a fleet)
حارك ḥārik withers
محرك muḥarrik mover, stirrer; rouser, inciter, fomenter, awakener, agent; instigator; -- (pl. -M) motive, springs, incentive, spur, motivating circumstance, causative factor; motor, engine (tech.)
متحرك mutaḥarrik moving, movable, mobile; pronounced with following vowel, voweled, vowelized (consonant; gram.) |صور متحركة (ṣuwar) movies, motion pictures
حركث ḥarkata (and حركش ḥarkaša) to stir up, agitate, excite, thrill
حرم ḥaruma u, ḥarima a to be forbidden, prohibited, interdicted, unlawful, unpermitted (على to s.o.); -- ḥarama i (ḥirm, حرمان ḥirmān) to deprive, bereave, dispossess, divest (هـ ه or من ه s.o. of s.th.) take away, withdraw, withhold (هـ ه or هـ من or ه form s.o. s.th.), deny, refuse (هـ ه or هـ من or من ه to s.o. s.th.); to exclude, debar, preclude, cut off (هـ ه or من ه s.o. from s.th.); to excommunicate (ه s.o.) II to declare (هـ s.th.) sacred, sacrosanct, inviolable, or taboo, to taboo (هـ s.th.); to declare (هـ s.th.) unlawful, not permissible, forbid, interdict, proscribe (هـ s.th., j. to s.o.); to render (ه s.o.) immune or proof (من against), immunize (من ه s.o. against) |حرمه على نفسه to deny o.s. s.th., abstain, refrain from s.th. IV to excommunicate (ه s.o.; Chr.); to enter into the state of ritual consecration (esp., of a Mecca pilgrim; see احرام iḥrām) V to be forbidden, interdicted, prohibited; to be holy, sacred, sacrosanct, inviolable VIII to honor, revere, venerate, esteem, respect (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) |احترم نفسه to be self-respecting X to deem (هـ s.th.) sacrosanct, sacred, holy, inviolable; to deem (هـ s.th.) unlawful or unpermissible
حرم ḥirm excommunication (Chr.)
حرم ḥaram p1. احرام aḥrām forbidden, prohibited, interdicted; taboo; holy, sacred, sacrosanct; s.th. sacred, sacred object; sacred possession; wife; sanctum, sanctuary, sacred precinct; الحرمان the two Holy Places, Mecca and Medina |ثالث الحرمين tālit al-ḥaramain the third Holy Place, i.e., Jerusalem
حرمة ḥurma pl. -āt, ḥurumāt, ḥuramāt holiness, sacredness, sanctity, sacrosanctity, inviolability; reverence, veneration, esteem, deference, respect; that which is holy, sacred, sacrosanct, inviolable, or taboo; -- (pl. حرم ḥuram) woman, lady; wife
حرام ḥarām pl. حرم ḥurum forbidden, interdicted, prohibited, unlawful; s.th. forbidden, offense, sin; inviolable, taboo; sacred, sacrosanct; cursed, accursed |ابن حرام ibn ḥ. illegitimate son, bastard; الاراضي الحرام no man’s land; neutral territory; البيت الحرام (bait) the Kaaba; الشهر الحرام (šahr) the Holy Month Muharram; المسجد الحرام (masjid) the Holy Mosque in Mecca; حرام عليك you mustn’t do (say) that! بالحرام illicitly, illegally, unlawfully
حرام ḥirām pl. -āt, احرمة aḥrima a woolen blanket (worn as a garment around head and body)
حريم ḥarīm pl. حرم ḥurum a sacred, inviolable place, sanctum, sanctuary, sacred, precinct; harem; female members of the family, women; wife
حريمي ḥarīmī women’s (in compounds), for women
حروم ḥurūm pl. -āt excommunication (Chr.)
حرامي ḥarāmī pl. -īya thief, robber, bandit
حرمان ḥirmān deprivation, bereavement, dispossession (of s.o., من of s.th.) debarment, exclusion, preclusion (من from); excommunication (CHr.); privation |حرمان الارث ḥ. al-irt exclusion from inheritance, disinheritance (Isl. Law)
محرم maḥram pl. محارم maḥārim2 s.th. forbidden. inviolable, taboo, sacrosanct, holy, or sacred; unmarriageable, being in a degree of consanguinity precluding marriage (Isl. Law)
محرمة maḥrama pl. محارم maḥārim2 handkerchief
تحريم taḥrīm forbiddance, interdiction, prohibition, ban
احرام iḥrām state of ritual consecration of the Mecca pilgrim (during which the pilgrim, wearing two seamless woolen or linen sheets, usually white, neither combs nor shaves, and observes sexual continence); garments of the Mecca pilgrim
احترام iḥtirām pl. -āt deference, respect, regard, esteem, reverence; honoring (e.g., of a privilege); pl. honors, respects, tributes
محروم maḥrūm deprived, bereaved, bereft (من of); excluded, precluded, debarred (من from); suffering privation (as opposed to مرزوق ); excommunicated (Chr.)
محرم muḥarram forbidden, interdicted; Muharram, name of the first Islamic month; محرم الحرام m. al-ḥarām honorific name of this month
محرم muḥrim Mecca pilgrim who has entered the state of ritual consecration (see احرام iḥrām)
محترم muḥtaram honored, revered, venerated, esteemed, respected; (in the salutation of letters:) my dear …; venerable, reverend; notable, remarkable, considerable
حرمل ḥarmal African rue (Peganum harmala L.; bot.)
حرمل ḥarmala pl. حرامل ḥarāmil2 loose wrap worn over the shoulders (garment of the dervishes)
حرن ḥarana, ḥaruna u (حرن ḥiran, ḥuran) to be obstinate, stubborn, headstrong
حرون ḥarūn pl. حرن ḥurun obstinate, stubborn, refractory, reluctant, resistant
حارون ḥārūn brazior
حروة ḥarwa burning; wrath, rage; acridity, pungency (of taste); pungent, disagreeable odor
حرى V to seek, pursue (هـ s.th.), strive (هـ for), asplre (هـ to); to examine, investigate (هـ s.th.); to inquire (عن or هـ into), make inquiries (عن or هـ about); to be intent (هـ on s.th.), take cars (هـ of s.th.), attend (هـ to s.th., also في ), look (هـ after s.th., also في ); to see to it (ان that)
بالحرى bi-l-ḥarā hardly, barely
حرى ḥarīy pl. احرياء aḥriyā’ adequate, appropriate, suitable (ب for), worthy (ب of s.th.) | حرى بالذكر (dikr) worth mentioning, considerable; حري بالتصديق credible, believable; او بالحري or to be exact, or rather
احرى aḥrā more adequate, more proper, more appropriate | او بالاحرى or to tell the truth, or more explicitly, or put more exactly, or rather
تحر taḥarrin pl. تحريات taḥarriyāt inquiry; investigation | شرطة التحري šurṭat at-t. or مصلحة التحري maṣlaḥat al-t. secret police
حز ḥazza u (ḥazz) to notch, nick, incise, indent (في s.th.), make an incision, cut (في into s.th.) II and VIII = I
حز ḥazz pl. حزوز ḥuzūz incision, notch, nick; the right time, the nick of time
حزة ḥazza incision, notch, nick; tim; the right time, the nick of time; predicament, plight
حزاز ḥazāz head scurf, ringworm; tetter, eruption (med.)
حزازة ḥazāza rancor, hatred, hate
محز maḥazz notch, nick |اصاب المحز to find the right solution, hit the nail on the head, hit the mark, strike home
حزب ḥazaba u (ḥazb) to befall (ه s.o.), happen, occur (ه to s.o.) | حزب الامر the matter became serious II to rally (ه s.o.); to form or found a party 111 to side, take sides (ه with), be an adherent (ه of s.o.) V to take sides; to form a party, make common cause, join forces
حزب ḥizb pl. احزاب aḥzāb group, troop, band, gang; party (pol.); the 60th part of the Koran | هو من احزابه he belongs to his clique. he is of the ...me breed
حزبي ḥizbī party (adj.), factional
حزبية ḥizbīya party activities; partisanship, partiality; factionalism
حيزبون ḥaizabūn old hag
تحزب taḥazzub factiousness; factionalism
حازب ḥāzib: حزبه حازب ḥazabahū ḥāzib he met with a mishap
متحزب mutaḥazzib partial, biased; partisan
حزر ḥazara i u (ḥazr, محزرة maḥzara) to estimate, assess, appraise (هـ s.th.); to make a rough estimate (هـ of s.th.), guess (هـ s.th.)
حزر ḥazr estimation, assessment, appraisal; conjecture, guess, surmise
حزورة ḥazūra riddle, puzzle
محزرة maḥzara estimation, assessment, appraisal; conjecture, guess, surmise
حزيران ḥazīrān June (Syr., Leb., Ir., Jord.)
حزقاني ḥuzuqqānī choleric
حزوقة ḥazūqa, حازوقة ḥāzūqa hiccups
حزم ḥazama i (ḥazm) to tie up, bundle, wrap up, pack, do up in a package or bundle (هـ s.th.); to girth (هـ an animal); to make fast, fasten, tie (هـ s.th.) | حزم امره (amrahū) to take matters firmly in hand; -- ḥazuma u (ḥazm, حزامة ḥazāma, حزومة ḥuzūma) to be resolute, firm, stouthearted, intrepid II to gird (ه s.o.) V and VIII to be girded; to gird o.s. put on a belt
حزم ḥazm packing, packaging, wrapping; determination, resoluteness, firmness, energy; judiciousness, discretion, prudence
حزمة ḥuzma pl. حزم ḥuzam s.th. wrapped up or tied up, bundle, fagot, fascine; beam of rays, radiation beam (phys.); bunch (of herb., etc.); sheaf; package, parcel
حزام ḥzām pl. -āt, احزمة aḥzima, حزم ḥuzum belt, girth; girdle; cummerbund, waistband (worn over the caftan to fasten it); sword belt |حزام الامن ḥ. al-amn wety belt
احزم aḥzam2 more resolute: more judicious
حازم ḥāzim pl. حزمة ḥazama and حزيم ḥazīm pl. حزماء ḥuzamā’ resolute, energetic; judicious, discreet, prudent
حزن ḥazana u to make sad, sadden, grieve (ه s.o.); -- ḥazina a (ḥuzn, ḥazan) to be sad, grieved (ل or على at or because of): to grieve. mourn (على over) II and IV to make sad, sadden, grieve (ه s.o.)
حزن ḥuzn pl. احزان aḥzān sadness, grief, sorrow, affliction
حزن ḥazn pl. حزون ḥuzūn rough, rugged, hard ground
حزن ḥazin sad, mournful, grieved
حزين ḥazīn pl. حزناء ḥuzanā’2, حزانى ḥazānā sad; mourning (for a deceased person); sorrowing, mournful, grieved |الجمعة الحزينة (jum‘a) Good Friday (Chr.)
حزنان ḥaznān2 very sad, very grieved, worried; in mourning
حزايني ḥazāyinī (حزائني ḥazā’inī) sad, mournful, melancholic; mourning (in compounds), mortuary, funereal |قماش حزايني (qumāš) cloth for mourning garments
تحزن taḥazzun sadness; behavior of a mourner
محزون maḥzūn grieved, grief-stricken, pained, sad, saddened
محزن muḥzin grievous, saddening; sad; melancholic; tragic: محزنات muḥzināt grievous things | قصة تمثيلية محزنة (qiṣṣa tamtīlīya) and رواية محزنة (riwāya) tragedy (theat.)
حس ḥassa (1st pers. perf. ḥasastu) u (ḥass) to curry, currycomb (هـ an animal); to feel, sense (هـ s.th.); -- ḥassa (1st pers. perf. ḥasistu) a to feel srry, feel sympathy or compassion (ل for), sympathize (ل with), II to grope, feel IV to perceive, sense, experience (هـ or ب s.th.); to feel (هـ or ب s.th.); to notice (هـ or ب s.th.); to hear (هـ a sound, a noise, etc.); to take notice (ه of s.o.) V to grope, probe (هـ for s.th.), finger, handle, touch (هـ s.th.), run the hand (هـ over s.th.); to grope about, feel around: to seek information, make inquiries (من about); to sense, experience, perceive (هـ, ب s.th.); to feel (ب s.th.); to be affected, be deeply touched (ب by s.th.)
حس ḥass sensation, perception, feeling, sentiment
حس ḥiss sensory perception, sensation; feeling, sentiment; sense; voice; sound; noise
حسي ḥissī sensory; sensuous; perceptible; palpable |O المذهب الحسي (madhab) sensationalism, sensualism
حسيات ḥissīyāt sensations
حسيس ḥasīs faint noise
حساس ḥassās sensitive; sensible; readily affected, susceptible; sensual (pleasure)
حساسة ḥassāsa sensory organ
حساسي ḥassāsī allergic | امراض حساسية allergic diseases, allergies (med.)
حساسية ḥassāsīya sensitivity (also techn.); sensibility; faculty of sensory perception; susceptibility; sensuality | مرض الحساسية maraḍ al-ḥ. allergy (med.)
محسة miḥassa currycomb
احساس iḥsās pl. -āt, احاسيس aḥāsīs2 feel, feeling: sensation, sense (ب of s.th.) perception (ب of s.th.); sensitivity; pl. احساسات feelings, sentiments |O احساس بالنور sensitivity to light; O شديد الاحساس highly sensitive; احساس مشترك (muštarak) feeling of harmony, concord, unanimity; قلة الاحساس qillat al-i. insensitivity, dullness, obtuseness
O الطائفة الاحساسية aṭ-ṭā’ifa al-iḥsāsīya the impressionists
حاسة ḥāssa pl. حواس ḥawāss2 senastion; sense | الحواس الخمس the five senses
محسوس maḥsūs felt; sensed; perceptible, noticeable, palpable, tangible; appreciable, considerable (e.g., loss); المحسوس that which ill perceptible through the senses; appearance, evidence; المحسوسات things perceptible through the senses
حسب ḥasaba u (ḥasb, حساب ḥisāb, حسبان ḥisbān, ḥusbān) to compute, reckon, calculate; to count; to charge, debit (على هـ s.th. to s.o., to s.o.’s account); to credit (ل هـ s.th. to s.o., to s.o.’s account) | حسب حسابه (ḥisābahū) to take s.th. or s.o. into account or into consideration, reckon with s.th. or s.o., count on s.th. or s.o.; حسابا ل حسب (ḥisāban) do.; to attach importance to s.o. or s.th.; حسب الف حساب ل (alfa) to hove a thousand apprehensions about …; -- ḥasiba a i (حسبان ḥisbān, محسبا maḥsaba, maḥsiba) to regard (ه ه s.o. as), consider, deem (ه ه s.o. to be …); to think, believe, suppose, assume; to consider, regard (من ه s.o. as belonging to), count (من ه s.o. among); to see (هـ في in s.o. s.th.); -- ḥasuba u (ḥasab, حسابة ḥasāba) to be of noble origin, be highborn; to be highly esteemed, be valued III to settle an account, get even (with s.o.); to call (ه s.o.) to account, ask (ه s.o.) for an accounting; to hold (ه s.o.) responsible, make (ه s.o.) answerable | حاسب على نفسه to be careful, be on one’s guard V to be careful, be on one’s guard; to take precautions; to seek to know, try to find out (هـ s.th.) VI to settle a mutual account VIII to debit or credit; to take into account, take into consideration (ب or هـ s.th.); to reckon (ب or هـ with); (to anticipate a reward in the hereafter by adding a pious deed to one’s account with God -- such as resigning in God’s will at the death of a relative; hence:) احتسب ولدا waladan) to give a son, be bereaved of a son; احتسب عند الله الشيء to sacrifice s.th. in anticipation of God’s reward in the hereafter; to charge (على هـ s.th. for); to think, believe, suppose; to take (ه ه s.o. for or to be …); to be content, content o.s.(ب with); to disapprove (على هـ s.th. in s.o.), take exception (على هـ to s.th. in s.o.), reject (على هـ s.th. in s.o.); to call (على s.o.) to account, ask (على s.o.) for an accounting
حسب ḥasb reckoning, computing, calculation; thinking, opinion, view; sufficiency |حسبك (بحسبك) درهم ḥasbuka (bi-ḥasbika) dirhamun one dirham is enough for you; حسبك ان it suffices to say that …; you know enough when you hear that …; you need only ; بحسبك مقنعا ان (muqni‘an) it will be enough to convince you if …; وحسبك بهذا كله شرا (bi-hādā kullihī šarran) but enough of all these negative aspect! فحسب fa-ḥasb and that’s all, and no more, only (interchangeable with فقط )
حسبي ḥasbī مجلس حسبي (majlis) pl. مجالس حسبية guardianship court, probate court (Eg.)
حسب ḥasab pl. احساب aḥsāb measure, extent, degree, quantity, amount; value; esteem, high regard enjoyed by s.o.; noble descent; ḥasaba (prep.), بحسب bi-ḥasabi and على حسب ‘alā ḥasabi according to, in accordance with, commensurate with, depending on
حسبما ḥasbamā (conj.) according to what , as, depending on how … |حسبما اتفق (ttafaqa) as chance will have it
حسبة arithmetical problem, sum
حسيب ḥasīb pl. حسباء ḥusabā’2 respected, esteemed; noble, of noble birth, highborn
حسبان ḥusbān calculation, reckoning, accounnting; computation |كان في الحسبان to be taken into account, be taken into consideration; to be expected, be anticipated; كان في الحسبان ان it was expected that ; حسباني ان I expect that …
حساب ḥisāb arithmetic, reckoning, calculus; computation; calculation, estimation, appraisal; accounting, settlement; consideration, consideratedness; caution; -- (pl. -āt) bill, invoice; statement of costs (bank) account; pl. حسابات bookkeeping |حساب الجمل ḥ. al-jummal (al-jumal) use of the alphabetic letters according to their numerical value; علم الحساب ‘ilm al-ḥ. arithmetic; حساب التفاضل ḥ. al-tafāḍul differential calculus; حساب التكامل ḥ. at-takāmul integral calculus; كان في حسابه he reckoned with it, he expected it, he was prepared for it; عمل حسابا له to take s.o. or s.th. into consideration; to reckon with s.o. or s.th.; الحساب الختامي (ḳitāmī) and حساب نهائي (nihā’ī) final statement of account, final accounting; دعاه الى الحساب (da‘āhū) he called him to account; يوم الحساب yaum al-ḥ. the Day of Reckoning, Judgment Day; اقام حسابا ل to render account to s.o.; بلا حساب without limit or bounds, to excess, to an unlimited extent; من غير حساب blindly, without forethought, at random; لحساب فلان to s.o.’s credit, to s.o.’s advantage; على حساب فلان to s.o.’s debit, at s.o.’s expense, to s.o.’s disadvantage; لقي سوء الحساب laqiya sū’a 1-ḥ. he got a raw deal, he was in for it; حساب جار (jārin) current account; حسابات صندوق التوفير ḥ. ṣundūq at-taufīr savings-bank accounts; حساب موقوف blocked account; حسابات دوبية double-entry bookkeeping; الحساب الشرقي (šarqī) the Julian calendar; الحساب الغربي (garbī) the Gregorian calendar
حسابي ḥisābī arithmetical, mathematical, computational
محاسبة muḥāsaba pl. -āt accounting; clearing (com.); bookkeeping; request for accounting; examination of conscience (theol.) |قسم المحاسبة qism al-m. accounting department, comptroller’s office; clearing house
احتساب iḥtisāb computation; calculation, consideration, reflection; debiting; crediting; valuation; contentedness, satisfaction
حاسب ḥāsib counter, reckoner, arithmetician, calculator, computer
محسوب maḥsūb pl. -ūn, محاسب maḥāsib2 protégé, pet, favorite; obedient, subservient (على to s.o.)
محسوبية maḥsūbīya esteem enjoyed by s.o., position of distinction; patronage, favored position, favoritism
محاسب muḥāsib, محاسبجي muḥāsibgī (eg.) accountant, bookkeeper; comptroller, auditor
محتسب muḥtasab that for which one can expect reward in the hereafter (e.g., suffering, loss, etc.)
حسد ḥasada u (ḥasad) to envy, grudge (ه s.o., على or هـ s.th.), be envious (ه of s.o., على or هـ because of s.th.) VI to envy each other
حسد ḥasad envy
حسود pl. حسد ḥusud envious
تحاسد taḥāsud mutual envy
حاسد pl. حساد ḥussād, حسدة ḥasada envious; envier, grudger
محسود maḥsūd envied; smitten by the evil eye
حسر ḥasara u i (ḥasr) to pull away or off, remove (عن هـ s.th., a cover, a veil, from); to uncover, lay bare, unveil (عن s.th.); -- (ḥusūr) to become dim (sight); -- ḥasira a ((ḥasar, حسرة ḥasra) to regret (على s.th.), be grieved, be pained (على by s.th.); to sigh (على over s.th.); -- ḥasara i, ḥasira a (ḥasar) to become tired, fatigued II to fatigue, tire, weaken, sap (ه s.o.); to grieve, sadden (ه s.o.), cause pain or grief (ه to s.o.); to remove (هـ a cover, عن from), lay bare, unveil (عن s.th.) V to be distressed, be pained, be grieved (على by); to sigh (على over) VII to be pulled away or off, be removed (عن from); to be rolled up. be turned back (sleeve, عن from the arm); to disappear suddenly (عن from)
حسر ḥasar fatigue, debility, weakness |حسر البصر ḥ. al-baṣar nearsightedness, myopia
حسر ḥasir grieved, sad; fatigued, languid, weary, tired
حسر ḥasra pl. ḥasarāt grief, sorrow, pain, distress, affliction; sigh |يا للحسرة yā la-l-ḥasrati alas! Unfortunately! يا حسرتي yā ḥasratī and وا حسرتاه wā ḥasratāh what a pity! too bad!
حسير ḥasīr pl. حسرى ḥasrā tired, weary, fatigued, exhausted; dim, dull (eye), nearsighted |حسير البصر ḥ. al-baṣar nearsighted, myopic
حسور ḥasūr nearsightedness, myopia
حسران ḥasrān regretful, sorry, sad, distressed, grieved
تحسر taḥassur sighing; regret
حاسر ḥāsir pl. حواسر ḥawāsir2 bared, denuded | حاسر البصر ḥ. al-baṣar nearsighted, myopic; حاسر الرأس ḥ. ar-ra’s bareheaded, hatless
حسك ḥasak (coll.; n. un. ة ) thorns, spines; spikes, pricks; fish bones; awns, beard (bot.); name of several prickly herbs, esp. of the genus Tribulus
حسكي ḥasakī thorny, prickly, spiny
حسم ḥasama i (ḥasm) to cut, sever, cut off (هـ s.th.); to finish, complete, terminate (هـ s.th.); to decide (هـ a question); to settle (هـ an argument); to deduct, discount (هـ an amount from a sum of money) VII to be severed, be cut off; to be finished, be completed, be terminated; to be settled (argument)
حسم ḥasm finishing, completion, termination; decision; settling, settlement (of an argument); discontinuance, shutdown, closing down; deduction, discounting (of an amount)
حسام ḥusām sword, sword edge
حسوم ḥasūm fatal, trying, grueling (pl.; days, nights, also years)
حاسم ḥāsim decisive; final, peremptory, conclusive, definite, definitive
حسن ḥasana u (ḥusn) to be handsome, beautiful, lovely, nice, fine, good; to be expedient, advisable, suitable, proper, fitting; to be in a proper state, be in a desirable condition |ان حسن لديك in ḥ. ladaika if you like it, if it seems all right to you; يحسن بك ان it is to your advantage that you ; you ought to …; حسن استعداده ل he was all willing to … II to beautify, embellish (هـ s.th.); to adorn, decorate (هـ s.th.); to improve, put into better form, ameliorate, better (هـ s.th.); to make a better presentation (هـ of s.th.); to present in a favorable light, depict as nice or desirable (ل هـ s.th. to s.o.; to sugar-coat, make more palatable (هـ s.th. unpleasant, s.th. disadvantageous) III to treat (ه s.o.) with kindliness IV to do right, act well; to do (هـ s.th), well, expertly, nicely; to know (هـ how to do s.th.), be able (هـ to do s.th.); to master (هـ s.th.), have command (هـ of s.th.), be proficient (هـ in s.th.; a language, an art, a handicraft, etc.), be conversant (هـ with s.th.); to do good, be charitable; to do favors, do good (الى or ب to s.o.), do (ب or ب s.o.) a good turn, be nice, friendly (الى or ب to s.o.); to give alms, give charity (الى to s.o.) |ما احسنه mā aḥsanahū how good he is! how handsome he is! احسنت aḥsanta well done! bravo! احسن الالمانية (almānīya) to master the German language, know German well; احسن التسديد to aim well or accurately; احسن مشورته (mašūratahū) to give good advice; احسن الظن ب (ẓanna) to have a good opinion of , judge s.th. favorably; احسن معاملته (mu‘āmalatahū) to treat s.o. well V to become nicer, more handsome, more beautiful; to improve, ameliorate, get better X to deem (هـ s.th.) nice, etc., or good; to regard (هـ s.th.) as right, advisable or appropriate; to approve (هـ of s.th.), sanction, condone (هـ s.th.); to come to like, to appreciate (هـ s.th.), find pleasure (هـ in s.th.); also = IV: استحسن الانجليزية (ingilīzīya) to know English well; pass. ustuḥsina to be good, commendable, advisable
حسن ḥusn beauty, handsomeness, prettiness, loveliness; excellence, superiority, perfection |لحسن الحظ fortunately; حسن السلوك good manners, good behavior; good conduct; حسن السير والسلوك (ḥ. as-sair) an irreproachable life; حسن التصرف ḥ. al-taṣarruf discretion, individual judgment; حسن الظن good opinion, favorable judgment; حسن التعبير euphemism; حسن القصد (النية ) ḥ. al-qaṣd (an-nīya) good intention, good will, good faith; حسن يوسف ḥ. yūsuf beauty spot, patch; ست الحسن a kind of bindweed (Convolvulus cairicus L.; bot.); deadly nightshade, belladonna
حسن ḥasan pl. حسان ḥisān beautiful, handsome, lovely; pretty, nice; good, agreeable; excellent, superior, exquisite; حسنا ḥasanan well, splendidly, excellently, beautifully; الحسان the ladies; -- high sandhill
الحسنيون al-ḥasanīyūn the Hasanides, the descendants of ḥasan, son of ‘Alī and Fāṭima
احسن aḥsan2 pl. احاسن aḥāsin2 better; nicer, lovelier, more beautiful; more excellent, more splendid, more admirable|هو احسن حالا منهم he is better off than they are; بالتي هي احسن (bi-llatī) in a friendly manner, amicably, with kindness
حسناء ḥasnā’2 pl. حسان ḥisān (of a woman) beautiful, a beauty, a belle
الحسنى al-ḥusnā pl. -āt (f. of الاحسن al-aḥsan) the best outcome, the happy ending; fair means, amicable manner |بالحسنى amicably, by fair means, in a friendly manner; الاسماء الحسنى (asmā’) the 99 attributes of God
حسنة ḥasana pl. -āt good deed, benefaction; charity, alms; pl. حسنات advantages, merits
حسون ḥassūn pl. حساسين ḥasāsīn2 gold-finch
محسنة maḥsana s.th. nice, s.th. good; advantage; pl. محاسن maḥāsin2 beauties, charms, attractions, merits, advantages, good qualities
تحسين taḥsīn beautification, embellishment; improvement, amelioration, betterment; processing, refining, finishing; (pl. تحاسين taḥāsīn) ornament, decoration |O تحسين النسل t. an-nasl eugenics
محاسنة muḥāsana friendly treatment, kindliness amicability
احسان iḥsān beneficence. charity, almsgiving, performance of good deeds
تحسن taḥassun improvement, amelioration |في التحسن on the way to recovery
استحسان istiḥsān approval, consent; acclaim; discretion; application of discretion in a legal decision (Isl. Law)
محسن muḥassin embellisher, beautifier, improver; pl. محسنات muḥassināt cosmetics
محسن muḥsin beneficent, charitable
مستحسن mustaḥsan approved, commendable; pleasant, agreeable
(حسو) حسا ḥasā u (ḥasw), V and VIII to drink, sip (هـ s.th.)
حسو ḥasw and حساء ḥasā’ soup, broth
حسوة ḥaswa pl. ḥasawāt a sip
حسوة ḥuswa pl. ḥusuwāt, ḥusawāt, احسية aḥasiya a sip, small quantity of liquid; soup, broth; bouillon
حش ḥašša u (ḥašš) to mow, cut (هـ s.th.) II to smoke hashish
حشيش ḥašīš (coll.) pl. حشائش hāšā’iš2 herbs, grasses; weeds; hay; hemp (Cannabis sativa L.; bot.), hashish, Cannabis; stillborn child | حشيش الدينار ḥ. ad-dīnār hops
حشيشة ḥašīša (n. un.) herb
حشاش ḥaššāš pl. -ūn smoker or chewer of hashish. hashish addict
حشاش ḥuššāš, حشاشة ḥušāša last breath, last spark of life
حشيشي ḥašīšī (eg.) sap-green, reseda-colored
محش miḥašš, محشة miḥašša pl. محاش maḥāšš2 sickle, scythe; fire iron, poker
محشة miḥašša pl. -āt (eg.) tool for weeding, weeder
محشش maḥšaš, محشش خانة m. ḳāna hashish den
محششة pl. محاشش maḳāšiš2 hashish den
حشد ḥašada i u (ḥašd) to gather, concentrate, mass (ه esp. troops), call up, mobilize (ه an army); to pile up, store up, accumulate (هـ s.th., الى at a place) II to amass, accumulate (هـ s.th.), mass, concentrate (ه esp. troops) V and VIII to rally, come together, assemble, gather, crowd together, throng together; to be concentrated, be massed (troops); to fall into line (troops)
حشد ḥašd pl. حشود ḥušūd assembling, rallying; gathering, assembly, crowd, throng; concentration, massing (esp. of troops); mobilization. calling up (of an army)
حشد taḥaššud pl. -āt concentration (of troops)
احتشاد iḥtišād pl. -āt gathering, crowd; concentration (of troops)
حشيد numerous (of an assembly), crowded (of a public demonstration)
O حاشدة ḥāšida battery (el.)
حشر ḥašara i u (ḥašr) to gather, assemble, rally (ه people); to cram, crowd, pack, jam (together); to squeeze. press, force, stuff, tuck (بين or في هـ s.th. into)
يوم الحشر yaum al-ḥašr the day of congregation (of the dead), the Day of resurrection
حشرة ḥašara pl. -āt insect; pl. vermin, insect pests | علم الحشرات ‘ilm al-ḥ. entomology
حشري ḥašarī insectile, insectival, insect- (in compounds); entomologic(al)
حشرج ḥašraja and II taḥašraja to rattle in the throat
حشرجة ḥašraja rattling, rattle in the throat
حشف V to be dressed shabbily, dress slovenly
حشف ḥašaf dates of inferior quality
حشفة ḥašafa glans (penis; anat.)
حشك ḥašaka i (ḥašk) to cram, jam, squeeze, stuff (في هـ s.th. into)
حشم ḥašama i (ḥašm) to shame, put to shame (ه s.o.) 11 and IV do. V and VIII to be ashamed to face s.o. (من or عن ); to be reticent, modest, shy, bashful, diffident
حشم ḥašam servants, retinue, entourage, suite
حشمة ḥišma shame, bashfulness, timidity, diffidence; modesty; decency, decorum
حشيم ḥašīm pl. حشماء ḥušamā’2 modest, timid, bashful, shy, diffident
محاشم maḥāšim2 pubes, genitals
تحشم taḥaššum and احتشام iḥtišām shame, shyness, modesty, reticent, decency, decorum
محتشم muḥtašim shy, bashful; modest, reticent, decent, decorous
حشا (حشو ) ḥaša u (ḥašw) to stuff, fill, dress (ب هـ s.th. with; esp. fowl, etc.); to fill in (هـ s.th.); to load (هـ a firearm; هـ هـ s.th. with, e.g., a camera); to fill (هـ a tooth); to insert (هـ s.th.) 11 to interpalate (هـ s.th.); to insert (هـ s.th.); to provide (هـ s.th.) with a margin; to hem (هـ a dress); to supply (هـ a book) with marginal notes or glosses III to except, exclude (من ه s.o. from) V to keep away, stand aloof, abstain (من ه from), avoid, shun (من s.th.), beware (من of), be on one’s guard (من against) VI to keep away, abstain (عن or من from), beware (هـ or عن or من of), avoid, shun (هـ or عن or من s.th.)
حشو ḥašw that with which s.th. is stuffed or filled; dressing, stuffing (of fowl, .to.); filling (of tooth); insertion; (gram.) parenthesis; interpolation
حشو ḥašwa pl. -āt filling, stuffing (cushion, cookery, etc.); load (of a cartridge), charge (of a min.); panel, inlay, inserted piece (in paneling, in a door)
حشا ḥašan pl. احشاء aḥšā’ bowels, intestines; interior, inside |في احشاء in the interior of, within, in
حشى ḥašan = حشا ḥašan
حشية ḥašīya pl. –āt, حشايا ḥašāyā cushion, pillow; mattress
حاشا ḥāšā (with genit., acc. or ل ) except, save |حاشى لله, حاشا لله God forbid! حاشا لك ان far be it from you that you ...; حاش لله, حاش لك (ḥāša) = حاشا لله, حاشا لك
تحشية taḥšya insertion; interpolation
تحاش taḥāšin avoidance
حاشية ḥāšiya pl. حواش ḥawāšin border; seam, hem; edge; margin (of a book); marginal gives; marginal notes; commentary on certain words and passages of a book, supercommentary; footnote; postscript; retinue, entourage, suite, servants; dependents; pl. حواش critical apparatus | رقيق الحاشية and رقيق الحواشي nice, polite, courteous, gracious, amiable, kindly, friendly; رقة الحهشية riqqat al-ḥāš. niceness, amiability, graciousness
محشو maḥšūw filled, dressed; stuffed; loaded (firearm); pl. محشوات maḥšūwāt filled, or stuffed, dishes
محشي maḥšīy filled, stuffed (esp. food); s.th. filled or stuffed
حص ḥaṣṣa u to fall as a share (ه to s.o.) III to share (ه هـ s.th. with s.o.) IV to allot s.o. (ه ) his share
حص ḥuṣṣ saffron
حصة ḥiṣṣa pl. حصص ḥiṣaṣ share, portion, allotment; share (fin.); contingent, quota; span of time; lesson, class period | حصة في الربح ḥ. fī r-rabḥ dividend (fin.); O حصة التأسيس founders’ share; O نظام الحصص quota system, apportionment; في حصة وجيزة in a short time
تحصيص taḥṣīṣ quota system, apportionment
محاصة muḥāṣṣa allotment; sharing (with s.o.), partaking, participation
حصالبان see حصى
حصب ḥaṣaba i u to cover or strew with pebbles or gravel (هـ ground); to macadamize (هـ ground), metal (هـ a road); -- ḥaṣiba a and pass. ḥuṣiba to have the measle II to cover or strew with pebbles or gravel (هـ ground); to macadamize (هـ ground), metal (هـ a road)
حصب ḥaṣab road metal, crushed rock, ballast
حصب ḥaṣbā’2 (coll.) pebbles; gravel
حصب ḥaṣba measles (med.)
حاصبة ḥāṣiba storm, hurricane
حصحص ḥaṣḥaṣa to be or become clear, plain, manifest; to come to light (truth)
حصد ḥaṣada i u (ḥaṣd, حصاد ḥaṣad, ḥiṣad) to harvest, reap (هـ s.th.); to mow (هـ s.th.) IV, VIII and X to be ripe
حصد ḥaṣd and حصاد ḥiṣād harvesting, reaping, harvest; حصاد harvest time
حصيد ḥaṣid, حصيدة ḥaṣīda pl. حصائد ḥaṣā’id2 crop, harvest yield | قائم وحصيد everything without exception
حصاد ḥaṣṣād reaper; harvester
محصد miḥṣad pl. محاصد maḥāṣid2 sickle
O حصادة ḥaṣṣāda and O محصدة miḥṣada mowing machine, mower | O حصادة دراسة (darrāsa) combine
حاصد ḥāṣid reaper
O حاصدة ḥāṣid mowing machine, mower
محصود maḥṣūd harvested, reaped, mown
محصد muḥṣid and mustaḥṣid ripe
حصر ḥaṣara i u (ḥaṣr) to surround, encircle, encompass, ring (هـ s.th.); to enclose (هـ s.th.); to parenthesize (هـ a word); to blockade (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to besiege, beleaguer (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to detain, deter, restrain, contain, hold back (ه s.o.); to limit, restrict (في هـ or ب s.th. to); to condense, reduce in scope (هـ s.th.); to narrow down, confine (في هـ s.th. to, also a suspicion to s.o.); to bring together, compile, arrange (في هـ s.th. under a rubric); to enter (في هـ s.th. in a list); to put together, set up, list, enumerate (هـ s.th.); to comprise, contain, include, involve (هـ s.th.); -- ḥaṣira a (ḥaṣar) to be in a fix, be in a dilemma III to encircle, surround (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to shut off, seclude (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to block (هـ s.th.); to beleaguer, besiege (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to blockade (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to detain, deter, restrain (ه s.o.) VII to be straitened, confined, narrowed in; to be or become restricted, limited (ب or في to); to limit o.s. (ب or في to); to be condensed (في to), be concentrated (في in); to be or become united (e.g., تحت حكمه under s.o.’s rule); to be reducible (في to), be expressible (في in terms of), consist (في in)
حصر ḥaṣr encirclement, encompassment, enclosure, corralling; parenthesizing; blocking, blockading, beleaguering, siege; detention, determent; restraint, retention, containment, check; limitation, restriction, confinement ~ narrowing; gathering, collecting (of s.th. scattered), compilation; enumeration, listing, counting, computing; centralization, concentration; (tobacco) monopoly | بالحصر strictly speaking; على سبيل الحصرحصر exhaustively; حصر التموين ḥ. al-tamwīn rationing; علامة الحصر ‘alāmat al-ḥ. parentheses, brackets (typ.); لا يدخل تحت الحصر (yadḳulu) or لا حصر له (ḥaṣra) boundless, infinite, immeasurable, innumerable; يفوق الحصر yafūqu al-ḥaṣra do.; O اجازة الحصر ijāzat al-ḥ. patent on an invention; ادارة حصر التبغ والتنباك idārat ḥ. at-tibg wa-t-tumbāk Government Tobacco Monopoly (Syr.)
حصر ḥuṣr retention (of urine); constipation
حصر ḥaṣar dyslogia, inability to express o.s. effectively
حصير ḥaṣīr pl. حصر ḥuṣur mat
حصيرة ḥaṣīra pl. حصائر ḥaṣā’ir2 mat
حصار ḥiṣār block, blockage, barrier; blockade; siege
محاصرة muḥāṣara block, blockage, barrier; blockade; siege
انحصار inḥiṣār restrictedness, limitation, confinement; (tobacco) monopoly
محصور maḥṣūr blocked, blockaded; beleaguered, besieged; limited, restricted, confined (في to); narrow
حصرم ḥiṣrim (coll.; n. un. ة ) unripe and sour grapes (syr.)
حصف ḥaṣufa u (حصف ḥaṣāfa) to have sound judgment, be judicious, discriminating
حصف ḥaṣif endowed with sound judgment, judicious, discriminating
حصيف ḥaṣīf endowed with sound judgment, judicious, discriminating
حصافة ḥaṣāfa sound judgment, judiciousness
حصل ḥaṣala u (حصول ḥuṣūl) to set in; to be there, be existent, extant; to arise, come about; to result, come out; to happen, occur, transpire, come to pass, take place; to happen, occur (ل to s.o.), come (ل upon s.o.), befall, overtake (ل s.o.); to originate, emanate, derive, stem (من from), be caused, be produced (من by); to attain, obtain, get, receive, achieve (على s.th.), win (على s.o. or s.th.); to come into possession (على of s.th.); to seek (على a permit), apply (على for a permit); to collect, recover (على a debt), call in (على funds); to receive. take in (على s.th.) II to cause s.th. (هـ ) to happen or set in; to attain. obtain (هـ s.th.); to acquire (هـ s.th., also knowledge); to infer, deduce (هـ s.th.); to collect (هـ a fee, fare, etc.), levy (هـ taxes, fees, etc.), call in (هـ money); to summarize, sum up (هـ s.th.) V to result (من from), come out (sum); to be obtained, be attained; to be raised, be levied, be required. be demanded; to be taken in, come in (fees, taxes, funds); to be collected (taxes); to procure for o.s., get (على s.th.); to attain, receive, obtain (على s.th.); to acquire (على s.th.); to collect (على fees) X to procure for o.s., get (على s.th.); to attain. Receive, obtain (على s.th.); to acquire (على s.th.)
حصول ḥuṣūl setting in, occurrence, incidence. happening (of an event or process); obtainment. attainment (على of s.th.); achievement (على of s.th.); acquisition (على of s.th.)
حصيلة ḥaṣīla pl. حصائل ḥaṣā’il2 rest, remainder; amount collected, proceeds, returns; revenue, receipts, yield, income, takings
حوصل , حوصلة and حويصلة look up alphabetically
حصالة ḥaṣāla collection box, alms box
محصل maḥṣal result, outcome, upshot, issue
تحصيل taḥṣīl pl. -āt attainment, obtainment, gain; acquisition (also of knowledge); learning, studying, scientific studies; collection, raising, levy(ing), calling in (of funds, taxes); income, revenue, receipts, returns, proceeds; résumé, summary, gist (of a speech or opinion); من تحصيل الحاصل ان يقال in summary, it may be said ...
تحصيلجي taḥṣīlgī (eg.) = محصل muḥaṣṣil
حاصل ḥāṣil pl. حواصل ḥawāsil2 setting in, occurring, taking place, happening; result, outcome, sum, total, product (also math.); revenues, receipts, proceeds, gain; income, returns; crop, harvest; warehouse, storehouse, granary, depot, magazine; main content, purport, gist, essence, substance (of a speech); الحاصل briefly, in short; pl. حاصلات product(s), yield. produce. production (econ.)
محصول maḥsūl pl. -āt, محاصل maḥāṣīl2 result, outcome, issue; yield, gain; product, produce; crop, harvest; production
محصل muḥaṣṣil collector; tax collector; cashier; (bus, streetcar) conductor
متحصل mutaḥaṣṣil yield, revenue, proceeds, receipts, returns (من from)
حصن ḥaṣuna u (حصانة ḥaṣāna) to be inaccessible, be well fortified; to be chaste (woman) II to make inaccessible (هـ s.th.); to strengthen (هـ s.th.); to fortify, entrench (هـ s.th.); to immunize, make proof (ضد ḍidda against) IV to make inaccessible (هـ s.th.); to fortify, entrench (هـ s.th.); to be chaste, pure (woman); to remain chaste, be of unblemished reputation (woman) V to strengthen one’s position, protect o.s.; to be fortified; to be secure, be protected
حصن ḥiṣn pl. حصون ḥuṣūn fortress, fort, castle, citadel, stronghold; fortification, entrenchment; protection | حصن طائر Flying Fortress
حصان ḥiṣān pl. حصن ḥuṣun, احصنة aḥsina horse; stallion | حصان البحر ḥ. al-baḥr hippopotamus; حصان بخاري (buḳārī) iron horse; قوة حصن qūwat ḥ., or حصان alone, horse power
حصين ḥaṣīn inaccessible, strong, fortified, firm, secure(d), protected; immune, proof, invulnerable (ضد ḍidda against) | الحصن الحصين (ḥiṣn) stronghold (fig.; e.g., of radicalism)
ابو الحصين abū l-ḥuṣain fox
حصانة ḥaṣāna strength, ruggedness, forbiddingness, impregnability, inaccessibility; shelteredness, chastity (of a woman); invulnerability, inviolability; immunity (of deputies, diplomats; against illness)
تحصين taḥṣīn pl. -āt fortification, entrenchment; strengthening, cementing, solidification; immunization
احصان iḥṣān blamelessness, unblemished reputation, integrity (Isl. Law)
تحصن taḥaṣṣun securing, safeguarding, protection, protectedness
محصن muḥaṣṣan fortified; entrenched; immune, proof (ضد ḍidda against)
محصنة muḥṣina, muḥṣana sheltered, well-protected, chaste; of unblemished reputation (woman; Isl. Law)
حصى IV to oount, enumerate (هـ s.th.); to calculate, compute (هـ s.th. من from); to debit, charge (على هـ s.th. to s.o.’s account), hold (هـ s.th. على against s.o.) |لا يحصى (yuḥṣā) innumerable
حصى ḥaṣan (coll.) pebbles, little stones
حصاة ḥaṣāh, حصوة ḥaṣwa pl. حصيات ḥaṣayāt little stone; pebble; calculus, stone (med.) | حصاة بولية (baulīya) cystic calculus; حصاة صفراوية (ṣafrāwīya) gallstone, biliary calculus
حصى لبان ḥaṣā lubān, حصالبان rosemary (bot.)
حصوي ḥaṣawī stony, pebbly, gravelly
احصاء iḥṣā’ pl. -āt count, counting; enumeration; calculation, computation; statistics | احصاء السكان i. as-sukkān census
احصائي iḥṣā’ī statistic(al); (pl. -ūn) statistician
احصائية iḥṣā’īya pl. -āt statistics
حض ḥaḍḍa u (ḥaḍḍ) and II to spur on, incite (ه s.o., على to), goad, prod (ه s.o.• على to do s.th.)
حض ḥaḍḍ incitement, inducement, prodding, prompting, instigation
حضيض ḥaḍīḍ, pl. حضض ḥuḍuḍ, احضة aḥiḍḍa foot of a mountain; lowland; perigee (astron.); depth; state of decay | نزل الى الحضيض to sink low (fig.); دكه الى الحضيض (dakkahū) to ruin s.th. completely, run s.th. into the ground
حضر ḥaḍara u (حضور ḥuḍūr) to be present (هـ at), be in the presence (ه of s.o.); to attend (هـ s.th.); to be present (هـ in s.o.’s mind), be readily recalled (ه by s.o.); to take part, participate (مجلسا majlisan in a meeting); to come, get (الى or هـ, ه to s.o., to a place), arrive (الى or هـ at a place); to visit (هـ a place), attend (هـ a public event), go (هـ to a performance, etc.); to appear (امام before a judge, etc., الى in, at), show up (الى in, at); to betake o.s., go (الى من from to); (حضارة ḥaḍāra) to be settled, sedentary (in a civilized region, as opposed to nomadic existence)
II to ready, make ready, prepare (هـ s.th., also, e.g., as medicine = to compound), make, produce, manufacture (هـ s.th.); to study, prepare (هـ a lesson); to fetch, get, bring (ه s.o., هـ s.th.), procure, supply (هـ s.th.); to settle (ه s.o), make s.o. (ه ) sedentary; to civilize (ه s.o., هـ s.th.) III to give a lecture, present s.th. in a lecture (ه to s.o.); to lecture, give a course of lectures IV to fetch, get, bring (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), procure, supply (هـ s.th.); to take (ه s.o., هـ s.th., الى to a place) |احضره معه to have s.th. with one, bring s.th. along V to prepare o.s., ready o.s., get ready (ل for); to be ready, prepared; to become settled, be sedentary in a civilized region; to be civilized, be in a state of civilization; to become urbanized, become a town dweller VIII to come (ه to s.o.), be in the presence (ه of s.o.); to live in a civilized region; pass. ustuḥḍira to die X to have s.th. (هـ ) brought, to call, send (هـ, ه for s.o., for s.th.), have s.o. (ه ) come; to summon (ه s.o.); to fetch, procure, supply, get, bring (هـ s.th.); to conjure, call up, evoke (هـ a spirit); to visualize, envision, call to mind (هـ s.th.); to carry with o.s., bring along (هـ s.th.); to prepare (هـ, ه e.g., a medicinal preparation)
حضر ḥaḍar a civilized region with towns and villages and a settled population (as opposed to desert, steppe); settled population, town dwellers (as opposed to nomads)
حضري ḥaḍarī settled, sedentary, resident, not nomadic, non-Bedouin, like urbanites; civilized; urban; town dweller
حضرة ḥaḍra presence |في حضرة in the presence of ...; الحضرة العالية (‘āliya) His Highness (formerly, title of the Bey of Tunis); حضرتكم a respectful form of address, esp. in letters; حضرة الدكتور cf. Fr. Monsieur le docteur
حضور ḥuḍūr presence; visit, participation, attendance; (as one pl. of حاضر ) those present |بحضوره in his presence; حضور الحفلة ḥ. al-ḥafla attendance of the celebrationحضور الذهن ḥ. ad-dihn presence of mind; ورقة حضور waraqat ḥ. summons (jur.)
حضوري ḥuḍūrī: احكام حضورية (aḥkām) judgments delivered in the presence of the litigant parties after oral proceedings (jur.); حضوريا ḥuḍūrīyan contradictorily (jur.)
حضارة ḥaḍāra civilization; culture; settledness, sedentariness
حضيرة ḥaḍīra pl. حضائر ḥaḍā’ir2 a small group of 6 to 12 people (specif., the smallest unit of boy scouts = patrol); section, squad (mil.; Syr.)
محضر maḥḍar presence; attendance, coming, appearance (of s.o.); assembly, meeting, gathering, convention; (pl. محاضر maḥāḍir2) minutes, official report, process-verbal, record of the factual findings |محضر الجرد m. al-jard inventory list; بمحضر منه bi-maḥḍarin minhu in s.o.’s presence
تحضير taḥḍīr preparing, readying, making ready; (pl. -āt) preparation (ل for; also e.g., for an examination); making, preparation, cooking (of food, etc.), production, manufacture
تحضيري taḥdīrī preparatory, preparative |المدارس التحضيرية للمعلمين (mu‘allimīn) preparatory institutes for teachers, teachers’ colleges (Eg.)
محاضرة muḥāḍara pl. -āt lecture
احضار iḥḍār procurement, supply, fetching, bringing
تحضر taḥaḍḍur civilized way of life
احتضار iḥtiḍār demise, death
استحضار istiḥḍār making, production, manufacture; preparation; summoning |استحضار الارواح istiḥḍār al-arwāḥ evocation of spirits, spiritism
حاضر ḥāḍir pl. حضر ḥuḍḍar, حضور ḥuḍūr present; attending; الحاضر the present (time); prepared (ل for); ready; (pl. حضار ḥuḍḍār, حضرة ḥaḍara) settled, sedentary, resident, village or town dweller, not nomadic | في الحاضر or في الوقت الحاضر at present, now; حاضر الفكر ḥ. al-fikr quick-witted, quick at repartee; نقد حاضر (naqd) cash, ready money
حاضرة ḥāḍira pl. حواضر ḥawāḍir2 capital city, metropolis; city (as a center of civilization)
محضور maḥḍūr possessed, haunted or inhabited by a jinni; demoniac
محضر muḥaḍḍir maker, producer, manufacturer; dissector (med.)
محاضر muḥāḍir lecturer, speaker
محضر muḥḍir court usher
متحضر mutaḥaḍḍir civilized
محتضر muḥtaḍar dying, in the throes of death, on the brink of death; a dying person; haunted or inhatbited by a jinni; demoniac
مستحضر mustaḥḍar pl. -āt preparation (chem., pharm.) | مستحضر دوائي (dawā’ī) medicinal preparation
حضرموت ḥaḍramaut2 Hadhramaut
حضرمي ḥaḍramī pl. حضارم ḥaḍārim2 man from Hadhramaut; Hadhramautian (adj.)
حضن ḥaḍana u (ḥaḍn, حضانة ḥiḍāna) to clasp in one’s arms, embrace, hug (ه s.o.);
to nurse, bring up, raise (ه a child); (ḥaḍn, حضان ḥidān, حضانة ḥiḍāna, حضون ḥuḍūn) to hatch, brood, incubate (هـ an egg; of a bird) VI to embrace one another, cling to one another, nestle against each other VII to clasp in one’s arms, embrace, hug (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to harbor in one,s bosom (هـ feeling); to hatch, concoct, contrive (هـ s.th.); to bring up, raise (هـ a child)
حضن ḥaḍn pl. احضان aḥḍān breast, bosom (between the outstretched arms); armful, that which can be carried in one's arms | قبله بالحضن (qabilahū) he received him with open arms; بين احضان and في احضان amid, among; with, in the presence of (s.o.); في احضان الصحراء (saḥrā’) in the heart (or folds) of the desert; اخذتني بين احضانها she took me in her arms
حضانة ḥiḍāna, ḥaḍāna raising, bringing up, nursing (of a child); hatching (of an egg), incubation | دار الحضانة children’s home, day nursery, crèche
حضين in embraced, bugged, resting in s.o.’s arms
محضن maḥḍan pl. محاضن maḥādin2 children’s home, day nursery, crèche
احتضان iḥtiḍān embrace, hug(ging), accolade
حاضنة ḥāḍina pl. حواضن ḥawāḍin2 nurse-maid, dry nurse
محتضن muḥtaḍin embracing, hugging; tender, affectionate
حط ḥaṭṭa u (ḥaṭṭ) to put, place, put down, set down (هـ s.th.); to take down (هـ a load, burden); to lower, decrease, diminish, reduce (هـ or من s.th.); to depreciate (من قدره min qadrihī or من قيمته min qudratihī the value of s.th.) |حط الرحال (riḥāla) to halt, make a stop, dismount, encamp (while traveling on horseback, camelback. etc.); -- u (ḥaṭṭ, حطوط ḥuṭūṭ) to sink, descend, go down; to alight (bird); to land (airplane); to drop (price) II to put down, set down, take off, unload (هـ a load) VII to sink, descend, go down; to decrease, diminish; to decline, decay, wane VIII to put down, set down, take down (هـ s.th.)
حط ḥaṭṭ (act of) putting or setting down; depreciation, belittling, derogation, disparagement (من of s.th.); reduction, diminution, decrease (من of s.th.)
حطة ḥiṭṭa alleviation, relief, mitigation; abasement, debasement, demotion, degradation (in rank, dignity, prestige); humiliation, insult, indignity
احط aḥaṭṭ lower
حطيطة ḥaṭīṭa price reduction
محط maḥaṭṭ place at which s.th. is put down or deposited; stopping place, stop; pause fermata, hold, concluding strain, cadence (mus.) |محط الآمال object of hope, that on which one's hopes are pinned; كان محط الأنظار to attract the glances, draw attention to o.s.; محط الكلام m. al-kalām sense, or meaning, of one’s words
محطة maḥaṭṭa pl. -āt stopping place, stop (also of public conveyances); station, post; railroad station; broadcasting station, radio station | محطة تحويل التيار m. taḥwīl at-tayyār transformer station; محطة الاذاعة (اللاسلكية ) m. al-idā‘a (al-lāsi1kīya ) broadcasting station, radio station; transmitter (station); محطة رئيسية (ra’īsīya) (railroad) main station; O محطة الاشارات m. al-išārāt signal post; O محطة الارسال m. al-irsāl transmitter (station; radio); محطة للارصاد الجوية (li-l-arṣād al-jawwīya) meteorological station, weather station; محطة الصرف m. aṣ-ṣarf (Eg.) pump station (for drainage); power plant; O محطة الاستقبال receiving station (radio); O محطة لاسلكية قصيرة الأمواج (lā-silkīya qaṣīrat al-amwāj) short-wave transmitter station; محطة توليد الكهرباء m. taulīd al-kahrabā’ and محطة كهربائية power plant
انحطاط inḥiṭāṭ decline, fall, decay, decadence; inferiority |احساس الانحطاط iḥsās al-inḥ. sense of inferiority
انحطاطي inḥiṭāṭ postclassical writer
منحط munḥaṭṭ low, base, low-level, low-grade; fallen, degraded (woman); mean, vile, vulgar; inferior
حطب ḥaṭaba i to gather firewood | حطب في حبله (fī ḥablihī) to support s.o., stand by s.o., back s.o. up VIII to gather firewood
حطب ḥaṭab pl. احطاب aḥṭāb firewood
حطاب ḥaṭṭāb wood gatherer; wood-cutter, lumberjack; vendor of firewood
تحطيب taḥṭīb singlestick fencing (a popular game, esp. in rural areas; eg.)
حاطب taḥṭīb wood gatherer; woodcutter, lumberjack; vendor of firewood | كحاطب ليل ka-ḥāṭibi lailin lit.: like one who gathers wood at night, i.e., blindly, at random, heedlessly (said of s.o. who does not realize, or think about, what he is doing)
حطم ḥaṭama i (ḥaṭm) to break, shatter, smash, wreck, demolish (هـ s.th.) II = I; V to break. go to pieces; to be broken, b. smashed, be shattered; to crash (e.g., airplane, structure, etc.); to be wrecked (ship) VII = V
حطمة ḥiṭma pl. حطم ḥiṭam particle, small piece, shred, bit, morsel; s.th. broken
حطام ḥuṭām debris, rubble; fragments, shards, broken pieces; wreckage, wreck (of a ship) |حطام الدنيا ad-dunyā the ephemeral things of this world, the vanities of the world
حطيم ḥaṭīm smashed, shattered, wrecked
تحطيم taḥṭīm smashing, shattering, wrecking, breaking, demolition, destruction, disruption |O سفينة تحطيم الجليد icebreaker
تحطم taḥaṭṭum crumbling, disintegration; crash (of an airplane); collapse, breakdown
حاطمة ḥāṭima: O حاطمة الجليد icebreaker (naut.)
محطم muḥaṭṭim crashing, thundering, roaring (of an explosion. etc.) – muḥaṭṭam broken (language)
محطمة muḥaṭṭima: محطمة ثلجية (taljīya) icebreaker (naut.)
حظ ḥaẓẓa a (ḥaẓẓ) to be lucky, Fortunate IV=I
حظ ḥaẓẓ pl. حظوظ ḥuẓūẓ part, portion, share, allotment; lot, fate, destiny; good luck, good fortune; affluence, wealth, fortune; prosperity; pleasure | ذو حظ من endowed with; لحسن الحظ li-ḥusni l-ḥ. and من حسن الحظ fortunately, luckily; سوء الحظ sū’ al-ḥ. bad luck, misfortune; سيء الحظ sayyi’ al-ḥ. unlucky, unfortunate; لسوء الحظ unfortunately; من حسن حظي luckily for me, fortunately; كان من حسن حظه ان he was lucky in that he ...; ليس احسن منها حظا he is no better off than she is
حظيظ ḥaẓīẓ lucky, fortunate
محظوظ lucky, fortunate; content(ed), happy, glad
حظر ḥaẓara u (ḥaẓr) to fence in, hedge in (هـ s.th.); to forbid (هـ على to s.o. s.th.), prohibit (هـ على s.o. from doing s.th.)
حظر ḥaẓr forbiddance, interdiction, prohibition, ban; embargo
حظار ḥiẓār, ḥaẓār wall, partition, screen; fence, palisade, railing
حظيرة ḥaẓīra pl. حظائر ḥaẓā’ir2 enclosure, railing, fence, palisade, hedge; compound, yard, pound, pinfold; corral, pen, paddock, coop; hangar, shed; field, domain, realm (fig.) |في حظيرة (with foll. genit.) inside of, within; جذبه الى حظيرته (jadabahū) to bring s.o. under one’s influence; حظائر الطائرات aircraft hangars; حظيرة القدس ḥ. al-quds Paradise
محظور maḥẓūr interdicted, prohibited, forbidden (على to s.o.); embargoed; pl. محظورات forbidden things, restrictions
(حظو and حظي) حظي ḥaẓiya a (حظوة ḥuẓwa, ḥiẓwa) to enjoy the favor or good graces of s.o. (عند ), be in s.o.’s (عند ) favor or good graces; to acquire, obtain, attain, gain, win (ب s.th.)
حظوة ḥuẓwa, ḥiẓwa favored position, role of favorite; precedence; favor, grace; good will, benevolence; prestige, credit, standing, respect, esteem | نال حظوة عند (لدى ) to find favor with s.o.
حظية ḥaẓīya pl. حظايا ḥaẓāyā paramour, mistress, concubine
محظية maḥẓīya pl. -āt paramour. mistress, concubine
حف ḥaffa u (ḥaff) to surround (ب هـ, ه s.o., s.th. with, also ب and حول s.o., s.th.), enclose, encompass, border (ب, هـ s.th.); to depilate (هـ a part of the body), unhair (هـ the skin); to trim, clip (هـ the beard); to chafe, rub off, abrade (هـ s.th.) | تحف به العين he is the object of admiring glances, he is the center of attention, all eyes are upon him; -- i (حفيف ḥafīf) to rustle II and VIII to surround, (حول, ب, هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), enclose, encompass, border (حول,ب, هـ s.th.)
حفاف ḥifāf side
حفيف ḥafīf rustle, rustling
محفة miḥaffa (also maḥaffa) pl. -āt litter, stretcher; roller stretcher; sedan
حاف ḥaff: خبز حاف (ḳubz) plain bread (without anything to go with it; eg.)
حافة ḥāffa pl. -āt enclosure, edge, margin; brim of a vessel; border, brink, verge; fringe, hem | على حافة الخراب ’alā ḥ. al-ḳarāb on the brink of ruin
حفيد ḥafīd pl. احفاد aḥfād, حفدة ḥafada grandson; descendant, offspring, scion
حفيدة ḥafīda granddaughter
حفر ḥafara i (ḥafr) to dig (هـ s.th.): to drill (for oil): to excavate (archeol.): to carve (هـ s.th.): to engrave, etch (هـ metal) | حفر خنادق to dig trenches; حفر حفرة (ḥufratan) to prepare a pitfall, prepare an ambush VII pass. of I; VIII to dig
حفر ḥafr digging, earthwork, excavation (also archeol.); unearthing; drilling (for oil): carving, inscribing (e.g., of letters); engraving, etching; graphic arts (etching, wood engraving); scurvy (syr.) | جهاز الحفر jahāz al-ḥ. oil rig; oil derrick
حفرة ḥufra pl. حفر ḥufar pit; hollow, cavity, excavation; hole
حفرية ḥafrīya digging, excavation; O gravure; pl. حفريات excavations (archeol.)
حفار ḥaffār digger; engraver; driller; stone mason | حفار القبور gravedigger
حفير ḥafīr dug, dug out, excavated, unearthed
حفيرة ḥafīra pl. حفائر ḥafā’ir2 s.th. excavated or unearthed; pl. excavations (archeol.)
احفور uḥfūr pl. احافير aḥāfīr2 s.th. excavated; fossil; pl. excavations (archeol.)
محفر miḥfar pl. محافر maḥāfir2 spade
حافر ḥāfir pl. حوافر ḥawāfir2 hoof |وقع الحافر على الحافر to coincide, happen to correspond exactly; على الحافر on the spot, right away, at once
حافري ḥāfirī ungular, ungulate
حافرة ḥāfira original condition, beginning |عند الحافرة on the spot, right away, at once; رجع الى حافرته to revert to its original state or origin
محفور maḥfūr dug; inscribed, engraved; carved
حفز ḥafaza i (ḥafz) to pierce, stab (ه s.o., ب with the spear); to incite, instigate, urge, prompt, induce (على or الى ه s.o. to s.th.) V to prepare o.s. get ready, be ready, be about to do s.th. (ل or الى ). set out to do s.th. (ل or الى ); to get ready to jump, make a running start; to listen, pay attention VIII to be about to do s.th., be ready (ل for)
تحفز taḥaffuz preparedness, readiness; vim, dash, verve, sweep, élan
حافز ḥāfiz pl. حوافز ḥawāfiz2 spur, drive (على to do s.th.), incentive (على to), initiative
مستحفز mutaḥfiz ready, prepared (ل for)
حفظ ḥafiẓa a (ḥifẓ) to preserve (هـ s.th.); to protect, guard, defend (ه s.o.): to observe, bear in mind (هـ s.th.), comply (هـ with s.th.), be mindful, be heedful (هـ of s.th.); to keep up, maintain, sustain, retain, uphold (هـ s.th.); to hold, have in safekeeping (هـ s.th.), take care (هـ of s.th.); to keep, put away, save, store (هـ s.th); to conserve, preserve (هـ s.th.); to retain in one’s memory, remember, know by heart (هـ s.th.); to memorize, learn by heart, commit to memory (هـ s.th., esp. the Koran); to reserve (هـ لنفسه for o.s. s.th.): to stay, discontinue, suspend (التحقيق a judicial investigation; jur.) |حفظه الله may God protect him! حفظ بالبريد to hold in care of general delivery (هـ s.th.); يحفظ في البوسطة (yuḥfaẓu) in care of general delivery, poste restante; حفظ الوفاء ل (wafā’a) to be loyal to s.o., keep faith with s.o. II to have s.o. (ه ) memorize (هـ s.th.) III to preserve, keep up, maintain, uphold, sustain (على s.th.); to supervise, control (على s.th.), watch (على over s.th.); to watch out (على for), take care, be heedful, be mindful (على of), look (على after), attend, pay attention (على to); to keep, follow, observe, bear in mind (على s.th.), comply (على with), conform (على to) ; to protect, guard, defend (هـ and على , also عن s.th.) IV to vex, annoy, gall, irritate, hurt, offend (ه s.o.) V to keep up, maintain, preserve (ب s.th.); to observe, keep in mind (ب s.th.), be mindful, be heedful, take care (ب of s.th.), be concerned (ب with); to be cautious, be wary, be on one’s guard; to be reserved, aloof; to have reservations VIII to maintain, uphold (ب or هـ s.th., e.g., بحقوقه one’s rights); to keep up, maintain, retain (ب or هـ s.th., e.g., a posture, a characteristic); to take care, take over custody (ب of s.o.), protect, guard (ب s.o.); to defend (against encroachment), hold, maintain (ب a possession); to preserve, sustain, continue, keep up (ب s.th.); to hold, possess (ب s.th.); to put away, hold, have in safekeeping (ب s.th.), take care (ب of s.th.); to keep, retain (ب s.th.); احتفظ لنفسه to keep for o.s., appropriate, reserve for o.s. (ب or هـ s.th.), take complete possession (هـ of) X to ask s.o. (ه ) to guard or protect (هـ or على s.th.); to entrust (على or هـ ه to s.o. s.th.), commit s.th. (على or هـ ) to the charge of s.o. (ه )
حفظ ḥifẓ preservation; maintenance, sustentation, conservation, upholding; protection, defense, guarding; custody, safekeeping. keeping, storage; retention; observance, compliance (with); memorizing, memorization; memory; (jur.) discontinuance, stay, suspension (of legal action, of a judicial investigation) | حفظ الآثار preservation of ancient monuments (Eg.); حفظ الصحة ḥ. aṣ-ṣiḥḥa hygiene, sanitation; رجال الحفظ police
حفظة ḥifẓa anger, indignation, resentment, rancor
حفاظ ḥifāẓ pl. -āt dressing, ligature, bandage | حفاظ الحيض ḥ. al-ḥaiḍ sanitary napkin
حفيظ ḥafīẓ attentive, heedful, mindful; preserving, keeping, guarding (على s.th.)
حفيظة ḥafīẓa pl. حفائظ ḥafā’iẓ2 grudge, resentment, rancor
محفظة maḥfaẓa, miḥfaẓa pl. -āt, محافظ maḥāfiẓ2 folder, bag, satchel, briefcase dispatch case, portfolio; wallet, pocket, book
محفظة miḥfaẓa capsule
تحفيظ taḥfīẓ memorization drill, inculcation (esp. of the Koran)
حفاظ ḥifāẓ defense, protection, guarding (esp. of cherished, sacred things); preservation, maintenance (على of interests); keeping, upholding (of loyalty), adherence (to a commitment)
محافظة muḥāfaẓa guarding; safeguarding; preservation; protection, defense; conservation, sustaining, upholding; retention, maintenance (على of s.th.) conservativism (pol.), conservative attitude; following, observance (على of s.th.), compliance (على with s.th.), adherence (على to); guarding (من against misfortune), saving (من from misadventure); garrison (mil.); (pl. -āt) governorate (one of five administrative divisions of Egypt, in addition to a mudīrīyāt); office of the muḥāfiẓ (head of a governorate); province, anyone of the larger administrative districts (Syr.) | المحافظة على النفس self-preservation; مذهب المحافظة madhab al-m. conservative movement, conserativism, Toryism
تحفظ taḥaffuẓ caution, wariness, restraint, reticence, reserve, aloofness; -- (pl. -āt) precaution, precautionary measure; reservation, limiting condition, conditional stipulation, proviso |مع التحفظ with full reservation
تحفظي taḥaffuẓī precautionary, preventive |اجراءات تحفظية (ijrā’āt) precautionary measures; صلح تحفظي (ṣulḥ) settlement before action, preventive settlement (jur.)
احتفاظ iḥtifāẓ guarding, safeguarding; preservation; retention, maintenance, continuation, conservation, defense, protection, vindication, sustaining, upholding; keeping, holding, safekeeping, custody (ب of s.th.)
حافظ ḥāfiẓ keeper, guarder, guardian, custodian, caretaker; (pl. حفاظ القرآن ḥuffāẓ, حفظة ḥafaẓa) one who knows the Koran by heart (formerly an honorific epithet)
حافظة ḥāfiẓa memory; -- (pl. حوافظ ḥawāfiẓ) wallet, pocketbook, money order (Eg.)
محفوظ maḥfūẓ kept, held in safekeeping, deposited, guarded, preserved; memorized, committed to memory, etc.; conserved, preserved (food); reserved; ensured, secured, safeguarded; -- pl. محفوظات canned goods, concerves; archives; memorized material, what s.o. knows by heart | دار المحفوظات المصرية the Egyptian Public Record Office; مأكولات محفوظة concerves, canned goods; جميع الحقوق محفوظة all rights reserved
محافظ muḥāfiẓ supervisory, controlling; observing (على s.th.), complying (على with), etc.; conservative (pol.), المحافظون the Conservatives, the Tories; keeper, guarder, guardian, custodian, caretaker, supervisor, superintendent; mayor; governor (Eg.: title of the chief officer of a governorate; Syr.: chief officer of a province); director general, president (= Brit. governor)
متحفظ mutaḥaffiẓ vigilant, alert, wary, cautious; reticent, reserved, aloof; staid, sedate
مستحفظ mustaḥfaẓ pl. -āt reserve (mil.)
حفل ḥafala i (ḥafl) to gather, assemble, congregate; to flow copiously; to be replete, teem, superabound (ب with); to pay attention, attend, give one’s mind (ب or ل to s.th.), concern o.s. (ب with), make much (ب of), set great store (ب by) | لا حفل به (lā ḥafla) indifferent, of no consequence II to adorn, decorate, ornament (ب ه s.th. with) VIII to gather, rally, throng together; to celebrate (ب s.th., s.o.); to concern o.s. (ب or ل with), attend, pay attention. give one’s mind (ب or ل to s.th.); to honor, welcome, receive kindly (ب s.o.)
حفل ḥafl gathering, meeting, assembling; assembly, congregation, throng, crowd; performance, show, public event; celebrations; feast, festival
حفلة ḥafla pl. -āt assembly, gathering, meeting, congregation; party; (social or public) event; show, performance (theater, cinema); concert; festivity, ceremony, festival, festive event, celebration | حفلة التأبين commemoration. Commemorative, ceremony for a deceased person; الحفلة الأولى (ūlā) premiere; حفلة حافلة numerous assembly; حفلة خيرية (ḳairīya) charity performance, charity event; حفلة الدفن ad-dfn funeral ceremony, obsequies; حفلة دينية (dīnīya) religious ceremony, Divine Service; حفلة ساهرة and حفلة سمر ḥ. samar evening party, soirée; حفلة سينمائية motion-picture show; حفلة الشاي tea party; حفلة العرس ḥ. al-‘urs wedding;حفلة الاستقبال (public) reception; حفلة موسيقية concert
حفيل ḥafīl eager, assiduous, diligent
محفل maḥfil pl. محافل maḥāfil2 assembly, congregation, meeting, gathering; party; body, collective whole; circle, quarter |محفل ماسوني Masonic lodge; المحافل الرسمية (السياسية ) (rasmīya, siyāsīya) the official (political) circles or quarters
احتفال iḥtifāl pl. -āt celebration, ceremony, festival, festivities
حافل ḥāfil pl. حفل ḥuffal, حوافل ḥawāfil2 full (ب of), filled, replete (ب with); abundant, copious, lavish; much frequented, well attended (by visitors, participants, etc.), numerous (of attendance); solemn, ceremonial, festive
حافلة hāfila pl. -āt, حوافل ḥawāfil 2 O autobus
محتفل muḥtafil: المحتفلون the participants in a festive event, the celebrators
محتفل muḥtafal assembly place, gathering place; party; محتفل به celebrated
حفن ḥafana u to scoop up with both hands (هـ s.th.); to give a little (ل to s.o.)
حفنة ḥafna pl. ḥafanāt handful
1(حفو and حفى) حفي ḥafiya a (حفاوة ḥafāwa) to receive kindly and hospitably, to welcome, receive with honors, honor (ب s.o.) V to behave with affection, be affectionate (ب toward) VIII do.; to celebrate (ب an occasion, a festival)
حفي ḥafīy welcoming, receiving kindly, greeting (ب s.o., s.th.)
حفاوة ḥafāwa friendly reception, welcoming, welcome, salutation (ب of s.o.)
احتفاء iḥtifā’ reception, welcome, salutation (ب of s.o.); celebration, festivity
2 حفي ḥafiya a (حفاء ḥafā’) to go barefoot; to have sore feet
حاف ḥāfin pl. حفاة ḥufāh barefoot(ed)
حق ḥaqqa i u to be true, turn out to be true, be confirmed; to be right, correct; (also pass. ḥuqqa) to be necessary, obligatory, requisite, imperative (على for s.o.), be incumbent (على upon s.o.); to be adequate, suitable, fitting, appropriate (على for s.o.); to be due (ل s.o.); يحق له he is entitled to it, he has a right to it; حق عليه he deserved it (punishment); -- u to ascertain (هـ s.th.), make sure, be sure (هـ of s.th.); to recognize. identify (ه s.o.) II to make s.th. (هـ ) come true; to realize (هـ s.th., e.g., a hope), carry out (هـ e.g., a wish), carry into effect, fulfill, put into action, consummate, effect, actualize (هـ s.th.); to implement (هـ e.g., an agreement); to produce, bring on, yield (هـ results); to determine, ascertain, find out, pinpoint, identify (هـ s.th.); to prove s.th. (هـ ) to be true, verify, establish, substantiate (هـ s.th.); to confirm, assert, aver, avouch, affirm (هـ s.th.); to be exact, painstaking, meticulous, careful (هـ in doing s.th.), e.g., حقق النظر (naẓara) to look closely; to study, examine, investigate, explore (هـ s.th.), look, inquire (هـ into s.th.); to verify, check (هـ or في s.th.); to investigate (في s.th., police); to make an official inquiry (هـ into s.th.), institute an investigation (هـ of or into; court; jur.); to interrogate (مع s.o.), conduct a hearing (مع of s.o.; jur.) III to contend for a right (ه with s.o.), contest or litigate a right (ه against s.o.) IV to tell the truth; to be right (في in s.th.); to enforce (هـ s.th., e.g., a legal claim) V to prove true. turn out to be true, be confirmed, prove to be correct; to materialize, become a fact; to be realized, be effected, come into effect; to be examined, be explored; to ascertain (هـ s.th., also من ), make sure, reassure o.s., gain proof, convince o.s., be convinced, be sure, be certain (هـ of s.th.); to check, verify (هـ or من s.th.); to be serious (ب about s.th.) X to be entitled, have a claim (هـ to s.th.); to claim (هـ s.th.), lay claim (هـ to); to deserve, merit (هـ s.th.), be worthy (هـ of); to require, demand, necessitate, make requisite (هـ s.th.); to fall due. become payable (sum of money), mature. become due (note); to be due (ل s.o.) |يستحق الذكر (dikra) worth mentioning, noteworthy; لا يستحق عليه الرسم (rasmu) not subject to a fee. free of charge
حق ḥaqq truth; correctness, rightness; rightful possession. property; one’s due; duty; proper manner; true, authentic, real; right, fair and reasonable; correct, sound, valid; الحق an attribute of God; (pl. حقوق ḥuqūq) right, title, claim, legal claim (في to); الحقوق law, jurisprudence, legal science; حقا ḥaqqan really, in reality, in effect, actually, in fact, indeed, truly, in truth; justly, rightly, by rights |احقا ذلك؟ is that (really) so? really? بحق justly, rightly, by rights; بالحق truly, in reality, actually; properly, appropriately, in a suitable manner; بحق bi-haqqi and في حق as to ..., as for ..., with respect to, concerning, regarding; هو على حق he is in the right; الحق معن you are right; الحق عليك you are wrong; هو حق عليك it is your duty; هذا حقي عليكم you owe this to me; عرفانا لحقها عليه (‘irfānan) in recognition of what he owed her; من حقه he is entitled to it, it is his due; كان من حقه ان he should have ..., he ought to have …; له الحق في he is entitled to ...; والحق يقال (yuqāl) one may say, it must be admitted, it’s only fair to say, say what you will ..., though (as a parenthetical phrase); عرف حق المعرفة (ḥaqqa l-ma‘rifa) to know exactly, know for certain, know very well, also علم حق العلم (ḥaqqa l-‘ilm); فهم حق الفهم fahima ḥaqqa l-fahm to understand precisely, comprehend thoroughly, be fully aware; السعادة الحقة (sa‘āda) true happiness; كلية الحقوق kullīyat al-ḥ. law school, faculty of law
حق ḥuqq hollow, cavity; socket of a joint (anat.); also = حقة ḥuqqa
حقة ḥuqqa pl. حقق ḥuqaq, حقاق ḥiqāq, احقاق aḥqāq small box, case, pot or jar; receptacle, container; -- (pl. -āt, حقق ḥuqaq) a weight (Syr., Pal.) = اقة uqqa; حقة استانبولية = 1.280 kg (Ir.)
احق aḥaqq2 worthier, more deserving (ب of s.th.); more entitled (ب to s.th.)
حقيق ḥaqīq pl. احقاء aḥiqqā’2 worthy, deserving (ب of s.th.), fit, competent, qualified; entitled (ب to)
حقيقة ḥaqīqa pl. حقائق ḥaqā’iq2 truth, reality (also philos.); fact; the true state of affairs, the facts; true nature, essence; real meaning, true sense; ḥaqīqatan really, in reality, in effect, actually, in fact, indeed, truly, in truth | رأيته على حقيقته I saw its true nature, as it really is; في حقيقة الأمر in reality, really, actually; ليس له حقيقة it does not really exist, it is not real
حقيقي ḥaqīqī real, true; actual; proper, intrinsic, essential; genuine; authentic; positive
حقوقي ḥuqūqī juristic(al); (pl. -ūn) jurist, jurisprudent, lawyer
احقية aḥaqqīya legal claim, title, right
حقاني ḥaqqānī correct, right, proper, sound, valid, legitimate, legal
حقانية ḥaqqānīya justice, law | وزارة الحقانية Ministry of Justice (formerly Eg.)
تحقيق taḥqīq realization, actualization, effectuation, implementation; fulfillment (of a claim, of a wish, etc.); achievement, accomplishment, execution; ascertainment, determination, identification, verification; substantiation; assertion, affirmation, confirmation; pinpointing, precise determination; exactness, accurateness, precision; (= تحقيق النطق t. an-nuṭq) precise pronunciation; -- (pl. -āt) verification, check, checkup, investigation; official or judicial inquiry, inquest |التحقيق ان it is a matter of fact that ..., it is certain that ...; على التحقيق properly speaking, strictly speaking, actually; exactly, precisely; positively, definitely; عند التحقيق properly speaking, strictly speaking, actually; تحقيق الشخصية t. aš-šaḳšīya identification (of a person), proof of identity; شهادة تحقيق الشخصية šahādat t. aš-šaḳšīya identity card; قلم تحقيق الشخصية qalam t. aš-š. bureau of identification; تحقيق الذاتية t. ad-dātīya identification; قاضي التحقيق examining magistrate; تحقيق الأرباح realization of profits (stock market)
احقاق iḥqāq: احقاقا للحق iḥqāqan li-l-ḥaqq (so) that truth may prevail
تحقق taḥaqquq ascertainment, making sure; conviction, certainty, certitude; verification, check, checkup
استحقاق istiḥqāq pl. -āt worthiness, deservingness, merit; one’s due or desert; maturity, payability, falling due (of a sum of money); reclaiming or calling in of s.th. due, demand of a right; vindication (1.1. Law), replevin, detinue|عن استحقاق deservedly, justly, by rights; بدون استحقاق undeservedly; تاريخ الاستحقاق date of maturity (e.g., of a bond); الاستحقاق اللبناني (lubnānī) name of a Lebanese order
محقوق maḥqūq worthy, deserving (ب, ل of), fit, competent, qualifying (ب, ل for); wrong, at fault, on the wrong track
محقق muḥaqqiq investigator; inquirer; examining magistrate
محقق muḥaqqaq sure, certain, beyond doubt, unquestionable, indubitable; assured, established, accepted, recognized | من المحقق ان it is certain that ..., it is a fact that …
محق muḥiqq telling the truth, in the right, being right
محقق mutaḥaqqiq convinced, sure, certain, positive
مستحق mustaḥiqq entitled; claiming; beneficiary (of a wakf); deserving, worthy |مستحق الدفع m. ad-daf‘ due, payable (sum)
حقب VITI to put into one's bag, to bag (هـ s.th.)
حقب ḥuqb pl. احقاب aḥqāb, حقاب ḥiqāb long stretch of time, long period
حقبة ḥiqba pl. حقب ḥiqab long time, stretch of time; period, age | حقبة من الزمان ḥiqbatan min az-zamān for quite a time, for some time
حقب ḥaqab pl. احقاب aḥqāb a kind of ornamental belt
حقاب ḥiqāb pl. حقب ḥuqub a kind of ornamental belt
حقيبة ḥaqība pl. حقائب ḥaqā’ib2 valise, suitcase, traveling bag; leather bag | حقيبة دبلوماسية diplomatic pouch; حقيبة النقود portemonnaie, change purse; حقيبة اليد ḥ. al-yad ladies’ purse, handbag
حقد ḥaqida a, ḥaqada i (ḥaqd, ḥiqd) to harbor feelings of hatred (على against) IV to incite to hatred or resentment, embitter, envenom (ه s.o.) V = I; VI to hate one another
حقد ḥiqd pl. احقاد aḥqād, حقود ḥuqūd hatred, malice, spite, resentment, rancor
حقيدة ḥaqida pl. حقائد ḥaqā’id2 hatred, malice, spite, resentment, rancor
حقود ḥaqūd full of hatred, spiteful, resentful, malicious, malevolent, rancorous
حاقد ḥāqid full of hatred, spiteful, resentful, malicious, malevolent, rancorous; pl. حقدة ḥaqada malevolent people
حقر ḥaqara i (ḥaqr) to despise, scorn, disdain (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to look down (هـ, ه on), have a low opinion (هـ, ه of); -- ḥaqura u to below, base, contemptible, despicable; to be despised, degraded, humiliated II to disparage, decry, depreciate (ه s.o.), detract, derogate (ه from s.o.); to degrade, debase, humble, humiliate; to regard with contempt, despise, scorn, disdain (ه s.o., هـ s.th.) VIII to despise, scorn, disdain (ه s.o., هـ s.th.), look down (هـ, ه on) X to regard as contemptible or despicable, disdain, despise (ه s.o., هـ s.th.), look down (هـ, ه on)
حقير ḥaqīr pl. حقراء ḥuqarā’2 low, base, mean, vulgar, vile; little, small, paltry, inconsiderable, poor, wretched, miserable; despised; despicable, contemptible
احقر aḥqar2 lower, baser, more contemptible
حقارة ḥaqāra lowness, vulgarity, baseness, vileness, meanness; smallness, paltriness, insignificance, poorness, wretchedness, miserableness; despicability, contemptibleness; ignominy, infamy
تحقتر taḥqīr contempt, disdain, scorn; degradation, humiliation, abasement
احتقار iḥtiqār contempt, disdain, scorn | نظر اليه بعين الاحتقار (bi-‘aini l-iḥt.) to regard s.o. with contempt, look down one’s nose at s.o.
محتقر muḥtaqar despised; contemptible, despicable
حقل ḥaql pl. حقول ḥuqūl field (also fig. = domain); column | حقول البترول oil fields; حقل الزيت ḥ. az-zait, حقل النفط ḥ. an-nafṭ oil field; oil area; حقول التجارب experimental fields; حقل كهربائي (kahrabā’ī) electric field
حقلي ḥaqlī field- (in compounds)
محاقلة muḥāqala sale of grain while still in growth, dealing in grain futures (Isl. Law)
حقن ḥaqana u (ḥaqn) to hold back, withhold, keep back, detain, retain (هـ s.th.); to suppress, repress, restrain (هـ s.th.); to keep to o.s. (السر as-sirra the secret); to spare (دمه damahū s.o.’s blood or life); to give (ه s.o.) an injection (med.) VIII to become congested (esp. blood); to suffer from strangury; to take an enema, a clyster; to be injected |احتقن وجهه (wajhahū) his face was flushed, his face turned red
حقن ḥaqn retention, withholding; sparing; injecting. injection (med.) | حقنا لدمائهم ḥaqnan li-dimā’ihim in order to spare their blood; حقن في حبل الوريد intravenous injection (med.)
حقنة ḥuqna pl. حقن ḥuqan injection (med.); hypodermic; clyster; enema
محقنة miḥqana pl. محاقن maḥāqin2 syringe (med.)
احتقان iḥtiqān congestion | احتقان الدم iḥt. ad-dam vascular congestion
محتقن muḥtaqan reddened by blood congestion, flushed, red (face)
حقو ḥaqw pl. حقاء ḥiqā’, احقاء aḥqā’ loin, groin |شدد حقويه šaddada ḥaqwaihi to gird one’s loins
1 حك ḥakka u (ḥakk) to rub, chafe; to scrape; to scratch; to rub off, scrape off, scratch off, abrade (هـ s.th.) | حك في صدره (ṣadrihī) it impressed him, affected him, touched s.th. inside him IV to itch V to rub o.s., scrape, chafe (ب against); to pick a quarrel (ب with s.o.) VI to rub or scrape against each other VIII to rub o.s. scrape, chafe (ب against); to be in contact, in touch (ب with) | احتك في صدره (ṣadrihī) it impressed him, affected him, touched s.th. inside him
حك ḥakk rubbing, chafing; friction; scratching
حك ḥakka itching; scabies, itch (med.)
حكاك ḥakkāk lapidary
محك miḥakk touchstone; test |ثبت على محك النظر tabata ‘alā m. in-naẓar to stand a critical test
محكة miḥakka currycomb
تحاك taḥākk (reciprocal) friction
احتكاك iḥtikāk pl. -āt (reciprocal) friction; close touch or contact; friction (fig., = dissension, controversy) |من غير احتكاك min gair ḥt. frictionless
محكك muḥakkak chafed, worn away
2 حكة ḥukka (tun., = ḥuqqa) pl. حكك ḥukak small box, case, pot or jar
حكر VIII to buy up, hoard and withhold, corner (هـ a commodity); to monopolize (هـ a commercial article); to have exclusive possession (هـ of s.th.), hold a monopoly (هـ over s.th.)
حكر ḥikr, ḥukr and اجرة الحكر ujrat al-ḥ. ground rent, quitrent
حكر ḥakar, ḥukar hoarded
حكرة ḥukra hoarding (of goods); monopoly
حاكورة ḥākūra small vegetable garden
احتكار iḥtikār pl. -āt cornering, buying up; monopoly; preferential position; supremacy, hegemony | احتكار تجارة البن al-bunn coffee-trade monopoly; احتكار السكر iḥ. as-sukkar sugar monopoly
احتكاري iḥtikārī rapacious, grasping, greedy
حكم ḥakama u (ḥukm) to pass judgment, express an opinion (على, في on s.th.), judge (على s.th., ب by, from); to decide, give a decision, pass a verdict, pass sentence (على on); to sentence (على s.o., ب to a penalty; said of the judge), impose, inflict (ب a penalty) on s.o. (على ); to pronounce a verdict or judgment, deliver judgment, rule (ل in s.o.’s favor); to adjudicate, adjudge, award (ب ل to s.o. s.th.); to take (ب s.th.) as a standard or norm; to have judicial power, have jurisdiction, have authority (على and ه over), govern, rule, dominate, control (على or ه s.o.); to order, command (ب s.th.); to bridle, check, curb (ه, هـ s.th., s.o.) | حكم عليه بالاعدام (ḥukima, i‘dām) he was sentenced to death; حكم بإدانته (bi-idānatihī) to convict s.o., find s.o. guilty (jur.); حكم ببراءته (bi-barā’atihi) to acquit s.o. (jur.) II to appoint (ه s.o.) as ruler; to choose (ه s.o.) as arbitrator, make (ه s.o.) the judge (في over or in s.th., بين between) III to prosecute (ه s.o.); to arraign, bring to trial, hale into court (ه s.o.); to interrogate, hear (ه s.o.) IV to make (هـ s.th.) firm, strong, sturdy, solid; to fortify (هـ s.th.); to strengthen, consolidate (هـ s.th.); to do well, do expertly, master (هـ field, work), be proficient (هـ in) | احكم امره (amrahu) to do s.th. thoroughly, carefully, properly; احكم قفل الباب (qafla l-bāb) to lock the door firmly; احكم لغة (lugatan) to master a language V to have one's own way (في in), proceed (في with) at random, at will, handle (في s.th.) arbitrarily; to pass arbitrary judgment (في on); to make o.s. the judge (على of), pass judgment (على on); to decide (ب on); to rule, reign, hold sway (في over); to dominate, control (في s.th.), be in control, be in command (في of) VI to bring one another before the judge (الى الحاكم ); to appeal (الى to) for a legal decision; to be interrogated, be heard (in court) VIII to have one’s own way (في in), proceed (في with, in s.th.) at will, at random, handle (في s.th.) arbitrarily, judge arbitrarily; to rule, reign, hold sway (على, في over); to be in control, be in possession (على of); to appeal (الى to) for a legal decision, seek a decision (الى from), have s.o. (الى ) decide X to be strong, sturdy, solid, firm; to become stronger, be strengthened, be consolidated; to take root, be or become deep-rooted, deep-seated, ingrained, inveterate, marked, pronounced (feeling, trait)
حكم ḥukm pl. احكام aḥkām judgment, valuation, opinion; decision, (legal) judgment, verdict, sentence; condemnation, conviction; administration of justice; jurisdiction, legal consequence of the facts of a case (Isl. Law); regulation, rule, provision, order, ordinance, decree; judiciousness, wisdom, judgeship, command, authority, control, dominion, power; government, regime; pl. احكام statutes, by-laws, regulations, rules, provisions, stipulations, principles, precepts; حكما ḥukman virtually; legally |بحكم bi-ḥukmi by virtue of, on the strength of, pursuant to, by force of; في حكم as good as, all but, e.g., هو في حكم (fī ḥukm l-‘adam) it is as good as nothing, it is practically nonexistent; اصبح في حكم المقرر aṣbaḥa fī ḥukmi l-muqarrar it is all but decided, كان في حكم الشيء also: to be subject to s.th.; نزل على حكمه to give in, yield to s.o., حكم البراءة ḥ. al-barā’a acquittal, حكم حضوري (ḥuḍūrī) judgment delivered in the presence of the litigant parties, after oral proceedings (jur.), الحكم بالاعدام (i‘dām) death sentence; حكم غيابي (giyābī) judgment by default (jur.); الحكم الذاتي (dātī) self-determination, autonomy (pol.); الحكم الجمهوري (jumhūrī) the republican form of government, the republican regime; الحكم المطلق (muṭlaq) the absolute, i.e., authoritarian, regime, الحكم النهائي (niyābī) the parliamentary regime, parliamentarianism; لجنة الحكم lajna al-ḥ. board of examiners, review board; الاحكام العرفية (‘urfīya) martial law; احكام انتقالية (intiqālīya) provisional regulations (jur.); احكام ختامية (ḳitāmīya) final regulations (jur.); احكام خاصة (ḳāṣṣa) special regulations; لكل سن حكمه (sinn) every age has its own set of rules, must be judged by its own standards, للضرورة احكام (li-ḍ-ḍarūra) necessity has its (own) rules, (approx.: necessity knows no law)
حكمي ḥukmī legal
حكمدار (eg.; pronounced ḥikimdār) commandant; chief of police
حكمدارية (eg.; pronounced ḥikimdārīya) commandant’s office
حكم ḥakam pl. حكام ḥukkām arbitrator, arbiter; umpire, referee
حكمة ḥikma pl. حكم ḥikam wisdom; sagacity; philosophy, maxim, rationale, underlying reason | لحكمة (with foll. genit.) on account of, because of
حكمي ḥikmī gnomic, aphoristic, expressing maxims | الشعر الحكمي (ši'r) gnomic poetry
حكمة ḥakama pl. -āt bit (of a horse’s bridle)
حكيم ḥakīm pl. حكماء ḥukamā’2 wise, judicious; wise man, sage; philosopher; physician, doctor
حكيمباشي ḥakīmbāšī senior physician, chief surgeon
حكومة ḥukūma pl. -āt government
حكومي ḥukūmī of government, governmental; official, state-owned, state-controlled of the state, state- (in compounds)
احكم aḥkam2 wiser
محكمة maḥkama pl. محاكم maḥākim2 court, tribunal | محكمة الاستئناف m. al-isti’nāf court of appeal, appellate court; محكمة اهلية (ahlīya) indigenous court (Eg.; jurisdiction limited to Egyptian nationals), محكمة ابتدائية (ibtidā’īya) court of first instance, محكمة ابتدائية كلية (kullīya) civil court with jurisdiction in cases of major importance, at the same time appellate instance of محاكم جزئية (Eg.); محكمة جزئية (juz’īya) in Eg., lowest court of both محاكم اهلية (approx.: district courts) and of محاكم شرعية canonical courts (with jurisdiction in marital and family matters); summary court; محكمة الجنايات m. al-jinīyāt criminal court; محاكم الأحوال الشخصية (šaḳṣīya) courts dealing with vital statistics; محكمة مختلطة (muḳtaliṭa) mixed court (with jurisdiction over residents of foreign nationality); محكمة شرعية (šar’īya) canonical court (administering justice on the basis of the Sharia), court dealing with family matters of Muslims; محكمة مركزية (markazīya) county court, dealing with minor offenses, esp. misdemeanors (Eg.); محكمة القضاء الاداري m. al-qaḍā’ al-idārī administrative court; محكمة النقض والابرام m. an-naqḍ wa-l-ibrām Court of Cassation, the highest court of appeal in Egypt; محكمة التمييز Court of Cassation (Syr., Leb. = محكمة النقض والابرام in Eg.); ساحة المحاكم tribunals
تحكيم taḥkīm appointment of an arbitrator; arbitration; arbitral decision, award; pl. تحكيمات fortifications | تحكيم الحال starting from the present state of a court’s findings (Isl. Law); هيئة التحكيم hai’at at-t. board of arbitration; jury, committee of judges, committee of umpires (in sports), committee of referees (in mil. maneuvers); لجنة تحكيمية (lajna) do.
محاكمة muḥākama judicial proceeding; trial, hearing (in court); legal prosecution
احكام iḥkām perfection; accuracy, exactness, exactitude, precision; exact performance, precise execution | بالاحكام accurately, exactly, precisely; بالغ في الاحكام of highest perfection
تحكم taḥakkum arbitrariness, arbitrary powers or action; despotism; domination, dominion, rule, sway, power; control (في of, over)
تحكمي taḥakkumī arbitrary; despotic
استحكام istiḥkām intensification, increase, strengthening; consolidation, stabilization; fortification; pl. استحكامات fortifications
حاكم ḥākim ruling, governing; decisive; --(pl. -ūn, حكام ḥukkām) ruIer, sovereign; governor; judge | حاكم (bi-amrihī) autocratic; autocrat, dictator; حاكم عام (‘āmm) governor general; حاكم المباراة al-mubārāh umpire, referee (athlet.); حاكم الصلح ḥ. aṣ-ṣulḥ (Syr.) justice of the peace; حاكم الناحية ḥ. an-nāḥiya (Tun.) district magistrate
حاكمية ḥākimīya domination, dominion, rule, sovereignty; judgeship, judicature, jurisdiction (ir.)
محكوم عليه maḥkūm ‘alaih sentenced (ب to) | محكوم عليهم بالاعدام (i‘dām) those sentenced to death; محكوم عليه بالفشل (fašal) doomed to fail
محكم muḥakkam pl. -ūn arbitrator, arbiter; umpire, referee (في in, over)
محكم muḥkam strengthened, reinforced; firm, solid, sturdy; tight, taut; perfect, masterly, masterful; well-aimed (blow, hit); accurate, precise, exact | محكم التدبير well-planned, well-contrived
مستحكم mustaḥkam reinforced, fortified; strengthened, consolidated, strong; inveterate, deep-seated, deep-rooted, ingrained (custom, trait, etc.); pl. مستحكمات defenses, fortifications
حكمدار , حكمدارية see حكم
حكى ḥakā i (حكاية ḥikāya) to tell, relate (هـ s.th.), report, give an account (هـ of); to speak, talk (syr., leb.); to imitate, copy (هـ s.th.); to resemble (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) III to imitate, copy (هـ s.th.), assimilate o.s. (هـ to); to be similar (هـ to), be like s.th. (هـ ), resemble (هـ s.th.), be attuned, adjusted, adapted (هـ to), be in harmony (هـ with) حكاية ḥikāya pl. -āt story, tale, narrative, accountj (gram.) literal quotation (of the words of others)
محاكاة muḥākāh imitation; similarity, resemblance; harmony
حاك ḥākin narrator, storyteller; phonograph; O loudspeaker, radio
محكي maḥkīy imitated, imitation (adj.)
حكيمباشي see حكم
1 حل ḥalla u (ḥall) to untie (هـ a knot), unbind, unfasten, unravel, undo (هـ s.th.); to solve (هـ a problem, a puzzle); to decipher, decode (هـ s.th.): to dissolve in water (هـ s.th.; chem.); to resolve (هـ s.th. into its components), analyze (هـ s.th.); to melt (هـ s.th.); to decompose, disintegrate (هـ s.th.); to disband, break up, dissolve (هـ an organization or party, parliament); to open, unpack (هـ a package, and the like); to loosen, relax (هـ s.th.); to release, set free, let go (هـ s.th., ه s.o.); to clear, exonerate, exculpate (من ه s.o. from), absolve (ه s.o., من from his sins; Ch,.); pass. ḥulla to be free; to be relaxed; -- i u (حلول ḥulūl) to dismount, alight, stop, halt; to settle down, stay (ب at a place, also في and هـ; على with s.o., at s.o.’s house), come (for a visit, على to); to take up residence (هـ in a place or country); to descend, come down; to descend (على upon s.o.; wrath); to overcome, overwhelm (على s.o.; sleep); to befall (ب and على s.o.; punishment, suffering), occur, happen (ب to s.o.); to become incarnate (في in s.o.; God); to set in, arrive, begin (time, season); -- i to pass into solution, dissolve: to fade (color); -- i (ḥill) to be allowed, permitted, permissible, lawful; to be due, payable (debt) |حل في منصب (manṣib) to take over or hold an office; حل محله (maḥallahū) to be in the right place; حل محل فلان, حل محل الشيء (maḥalla) to take the place of s.o. or s.th., replace, supersede s.o. or s.th., substitute for s.o. or s.th.; حلت في قلبه محلا (qalbihī) she held a place in his heart; حل محل التقدير لديه (maḥalla t-taqdīri ladaihi) to enjoy s.o.’s. high esteem; حل من نفوس القراء محل (min nufūsi l-qurrā’i maḥalla l-istiḥsān) to appeal to the readers, meet with the readers' approval II to dissolve, resolve (into its component parts), break up, decompose, analyze (هـ s.th.): to make a chemical analysis (هـ of s.th.): to be dissolvent, act as a solvent (هـ on; med.): to discharge, absolve, clear, exonerate, exculpate (ه s.o.); (تحلة taḥilla) to expiate an oath: to make permissible or lawful, legitimate, sanction, justify, warrant (هـ s.th.); to declare permissible or lawful, allow, permit (هـ s.th.) IV to discharge, release, absolve, disengage (من ه s.o. from); to declare (هـ s.th.) lawful, legally permissible, permit, allow (هـ s.th.); to cause to set in or occur, bring about, produce, cause to take root, establish, stabilize (هـ s.th.): to cause (هـ s.th.) to take or occupy the place (هـ of), shift, move, translocate (هـ هـ s.th., e.g., a tribe, to a place); to settle (بين هـ s.th. among) |احله محل (maḥallahū) to cause s.o. or s.th. to take the place of s.o. or s.th. else, replace s.o. or s.th. by, substitute s.o. or s.th. for, take s.o. or s.th. as substitute for; أحل الشيء محل العناية (maḥalla l-‘ināya) to pay attention to s.th., make s.th. one’s concern V to dissolve, melt, disintegrate; to disengage o.s., disassociate o.s., extricate o.s., free o.s. (من from) VII to be untied (knot); to be solved, be unraveled (problem); to be dissolved, be broken up, be disbanded (also, of an organization, a party, etc.); to dissolve, melt; to become .lock, limp, weak, loose, relaxed; to disintegrate; to melt away VIII to settle down (هـ at a place); to occupy (mil., هـ a territory); to assume, take over, occupy, hold, have (هـ a place, a rank, an office) |احتل المكان الأول (al-makāna l-awwala) to occupy the foremost place; احتل أعماله (a‘mālahū) to take over s.o.’s functions X to regard (هـ s.th.) as permissible or lawful, think that one may do s.th. (هـ ); to regard as fair game, as easy prey, seize unlawfully, misappropriate, usurp (هـ s.th.)
حل ḥall pl. حلول ḥulūl untying, unfastening, undoing (of a knot); solution (of a problem, of a puzzle, etc.); unriddling, unraveling, explanation; solution (chem.); dissolution, disbandment, breaking up (of all organization, etc.), abolition, cancellation, annulment; release, freeing, liberation; decontrol, release, unblocking (e.g., of a blocked sum); discharge. clearing, exoneration, exculpation; absolution (Chr.) |قابل للحل soluble, solvable; O الحل الطيفي (ṭaifī) spectral analysis; اهل الحل والعقد ahl al-ḥ. wa-l-‘aqd or اهل الحل والربط (rabṭ) influential people, those in power; في حله وترحاله (tarḥālihī) in all his doings, in everything he did
حل ḥill: (عن) كان في حل من (ḥillin) he was free to …, he was at liberty to ...; he had free disposal of ...; انت في حل من you’re free to ..., you may readily ...
حلة ḥalla pl. حلل ḥilal low copper vessel; cooking pot (eg.)
حلة ḥilla way station, stopping place, stop, stopover; encampment; absolution (Chr.); dispensation (Chr.)
حلة ḥulla pl. حلل ḥulal clothing, dress, garb; vestments (ecclesiastic; Chr.); (complete) suit of clothes; (Western) suit |حلة رسمية (rasmīya) uniform; حلة السهرة ḥ. as-suhra formal dress
حلال ḥalāl that which is allowed, permitted or permissible; allowed, permitted, permissible, allowable, admissible, lawful, legal, licit, legitimate; lawful possession |ابن حلال ibn ḥ. legitimate son; respectable man, decent fellow
حلول ḥulūl stopping, putting up, staying; descending, coming on, befalling, overtaking; incarnation; setting in, advent, arrival (of a time, of a deadline), beginning, dawn; substitution (for s.o.)
حليل ḥalīl pl. احلاء aḥillā’2 husband
حليلة ḥalīla pl. حلائل ḥalā’il2 iI' wife
احليل iḥlīl outer opening of the urethra; urethra (anat.)
محل maḥall pl. -āt, محال maḥāll2 place, location, spot, site, locale, locality, center; (place of) residence; business; business house, firm, commercial house; store, shop; object, cause (e.g., of dispute, admiration, etc.); gear (automobile) |حل محله and احله محله see حل I and IV; محله (maḥallahū) in his (its) place; في محله in his (its) place, in his (its) stead, instead of him; كان في محله to be in the right place; to be appropriate, expedient, advisable; to be justified, warranted; في غير محله improper, misplaced, unsuitable, ill-suited; out of place; inappropriate, inexpedient, inopportune; صادف محله ṣādafa maḥallahū to be convenient, be most opportune; لا محل له (maḥalla) there is no room for ; it is out of place, quite déplacé; محل العمل m. al-‘amal place of employment; محل الاقامة m. al-iqāma (place of) residence, address; محل نجاري (tijārī) business house, commercial house; المحلات العمومية (‘umūmīya, tijārīya) public utilities and commercial houses; اسم المحل ism al-m. firm; محل رهونات m. ruhūnāt pawnshop; محلات السياحة m. as-siyāḥfa travel agencies; محل مرطبات m. muraṭṭibāt refreshment parlor; محل اللهو m. al-lahw and محل الملاهي m. al-malāhī (pl. محال ) amusement center; محل نزاع m. nizā‘ object of controversy, controversial matter; لا ارى محلا لعجب lā arā m. li-‘ajabin I don’t see any reason for amazement, there is nothing to be astonished about; محل m. naẓar s.th. deserving attention, a striking, remarkable thing
محلي maḥallī local; native, indigenous; parochial; pl. محليات local news, local page (of a newspaper)
محل maḥill due date; date of delivery
محلة maḥalla pl. -āt way station, stopping place, stop, stopover, encampment; camp; section, part, quarter (of a city) |المحلة الكبرى (kubrā) Mahalla el Kubra (city in N Egypt)
تحليل taḥlīl dissolution, resolution, breaking up, decomposition, specification, detailing, analyzation; (pl. تحاليل taḥālīl2) analysis (chem.); absolution (Chr.) |بالتحليل in detail; معمل تحليل ma‘mal t. laboratory for chemical analyses; تحليل كهربائي (kahrabā’ī) electrolysis; التحليل النفسي (النفساني ) (nafsī) psychoanalysis
تحليلي taḥlīlī analytic(al)
تحلل taḥallul dissolution, breakup; separation, disengagement, disassociation
انحلال inḥilāl dissolution, breakup, decomposition; disintegration; decay, putrefaction; slackening, exhaustion, prostration, weakness, impotence
احتلال iḥtilāl occupation (mil.) |جيوش الاحتلال occupation forces
احتلالي iḥtilālī occupying, occupation (used attributively); advocate of foreign occupation
محلول maḥlūl solved; dissolved, resolved, broken up; loose; untied, unfastened, unfettered, free, at large; weakened, prostrate, exhausted, languid; solution (liquid; chem.) |محلول الشعر m. aš-ša‘ar with loose, disheveled hair
محلل muḥallil analyzer
منحل munḥall solved; dissolved, resolved, broken up; disbanded; languid, prostrate, weak; permitted, allowed
جيوش محتلة juyūš muḥtalla occupation forces
2 حيلولة see حول
2 حلب ḥālaba i u (ḥalb) to milk (هـ an animal) |حلب الدهر اشطره ḥalaba d-dahra ašṭurahū he has seen good and bad days V to run, drip, trickle, ooze, seep, leak; to water. drool (mouth, with appetite) |تتحلب له الأفواه (afwāh) making the mouth water, appetizing; تحلب اللعاب في فمي (al-lu‘ābu fī famī) my mouth was watering VIII to milk (هـ an animal) X do.; to squeeze juice (هـ from)
حلب ḥalb milking
حلب ḥalab milk
حلبة ḥalba pl. ḥalabāt race track; arena; dance floor; race horses |حلبة الرقص ḥ. ar-raqṣ dance floor; انه ليس من تلك الحلبة he is not made for that, he doesn’t belong there, it is not in his line; فارس حلبة ب a master of, excelling or outstanding in
حلبة ḥulba fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum; bot.); tonic, prepared of yellowish grains, for women in childbed (eg., syr.)
حليب ḥalīb milk |لبن حليب laban ḥ. cow’s milk (eg.)
حلوب ḥalūb lactiferous |بقرة حلوب (baqara) milk cow; الماشية الحلوب (māšiya) dairy cattle
حلاب ḥallāb milker
حلابة ḥallāba milkmaid, dairymaid; dairywoman; milk cow
محلب maḥlab mahaleb (Prunus mahaleb; bot.)
حالب ḥālib ureter
مستحلب mustaḥlab emulsion|مستحلب اللوز m. al-lauz almond milk
2 حلب ḥalab2 Aleppo
حلتيت ḥiltīt, ḥaltīt asafetida (Ferula assafoetida; bot.)
حلج ḥalaja i u (ḥalj, حليج ḥalīj) to gin (هـ cotton)
حلج ḥalj ginning (of cotton)
حليج ḥalīj ginning (of cotton); ginned (cotton)
حلاجة ḥilāja cotton ginner’s work or trade
حلاج ḥallāj cotton ginner
محلج miḥlaj, محلجة miḥlaja pl. محالج maḥālij2 cotton gin
محلج maḥlaj pl. محالج maḥālij2 cotton ginnery
حلحل ḥalḥala to remove, drive away, shove away II taḥalḥala to stir from one’s place; to move, stir, budge
حلزون ḥalazūn snail; spiral
حلزونة ḥalazūna (n. un.) snail; spiral
حلزونى ḥalazūnī spiral, helical, volute, winding
حلس ḥalisa a to remain, stay permanently (ب at a place), stick (ب to a place)
حلس ḥi1s pl. احلاس aḥlās (with foll. genit.) one addicted or given to s.th., one adhering to s.th.|احلاس اللهو a. al-lahw people given to pleasure and amusement, bons vivants, playboys
حلس ḥils pl. احلاس aḥlās, حلوس ḥulūs saddle blanket
احلس aḥlas2, f. حلساء ḥulasā’2 bay, chestnut (horse)
حلف ḥalafa i (ḥalf, ḥilf) to swear (بالله by God)| حلف يمينا (yamīnan) to take an oath II to make (ه s.o.) swear; to put to oath, swear in (ه s.o.); to adjure, entreat earnestly (ه s.o.) III to enter into a confederation, into an alliance (ه with s.o.), become an ally (ه of s.o.) VI to commit one another by oath (على to do s.th.), join in alliance; to ally, makc an alliance (مع with) X to make (ه s.o.) swear, exact an oath (ه from s.o.); to adjure, entreat earllestly (ه s.o.)
حلف ḥalf, ḥilf swearing, oath| حلف اليمين taking the oath
حلف ḥilf sworn alliance, confederacy, league; federation; (pl. احلاف aḥlāf) ally| حلف عسكرى (‘aakarī) military alliancc; الحلف الاطلنطى (aṯlanṯī) the Atlantic Pact
حليف ḥaīf pl. حلفاء ḥulafā’2 confederate; ally; allied |الحلفاء the Allies (pol.)
حليفة ḥalīfa pl. -āt f. of حليف
حلوف ḥallūf pl. حلاليف ḥalālīf2 (magr., eg.) wild boar; pig, swine
حلفاء ḥulafā’ and حلفة ḥalfa (bot.) alfa, esparto
تحليف taḥlīf swearing in |لجنة التحليف lajnat at-t. the jury (in court)
محالفة muḥālafa alliance
تحالف taḥāluf state of alliance; alliance, treaty of alliance
محلف muḥallaf sworn, bound by oath; (pl. -ūn) juror (in court)
متحالف mutaḥālif interallied, allied
حلق ḥalaqa i (ḥalq) to shave (هـ the head, the face); to shave off (هـ the beard) II to circle in the air, hover; to fly, soar (bird; airplane; على and فوق ) over or above s.th.); to round, make round, circular or ring-shaped (هـ Sotho); to ring, surround, encircle (على s.o., s.th.); to clothe V to form a circle, sit in a circle; to gather in a circle (على around s.o.)
حلق ḥalq shaving, shave; (pl. حلوق ḥulūq, احلاق aḥlāq) throat, gullet, pharynx
حلقى ḥalqī guttural, pharyngeal
حلق ḥalaq rings, earrings
حلقة ḥalqa, ḥalaqa pl. حلق ḥalaq, حلقات ḥalaqāt ring (also earring, etc.); link (of a chain); circle (also of people); group of students studying under a professor, hence: lecture, course (e.g., at Al Azhar University); part of a sequence or series; ringlet; disk; decade; market| حلقة النجاة ḥ. an-najāh life buoy, life preserver; Jl- حلقة الاتصال ḥ. al-ittiṣāl and حلقة الوصل ḥ. al-waṣl connecting link (بين between; fig.); الحلقة المفقودة the missing link, the intermediate form; فى الحلقة السادسة من عمره (‘umrihī) in the sixth decade of his life, in his fifties; حلقة الاسماك fish market; حلقة القطن ḥ. al-quṯn cotton market
حلقي ḥalaqī annular, ring-shaped, circular
حلاق ḥallāq pl. -ūn barber |حلاق صحي (ṣiḥḥī), حلاق الصحة ḥ. aṣ-ṣiḥḥa barber-surgeon
حليق ḥalīq shaved, shaven, shorn
حلاقة ḥallāqa shaving, shave; barber’s trade | صابون الحلاقة ṣābūn al-ḥ. shaving soap; صالون الحلاقة barbershop; قاعة الحلاقة qā‘at al-ḥ. do.; O ماكينة حلاقة and O آلة حلاقة safety razor
محلق miḥlaq pl. محالق maḥāliq2 straight razor
تحليق taḥlīq flying, flight (of all aircraft; على and فوق over a country); take-off (of an airplane)
من حالق min ḥāliq from above
حلقوم ḥulqūm pl. حلاقم ḥalāqim2 throat, gullet |راحة الحلقوم rāḥat al-ḥ. a kind of sweet made of cornstarch, sugar, mastic and pistachios (eg.)
حلك ḥalika a (ḥalak) to be pitch-black, deep-black XII احلولك iḥlaulaka do.
حلك ḥalak intense blackness
حلكة ḥulka intense blackness
حلك ḥalik pitch-black, deep-black; gloomy, murky
حلوكة ḥulūka gloominess, darkness; blackness
حالك ḥālik pitch-black, deep-black; gloomy, murky
حلم ḥalama u to dream (ب or عن of; فى ان of being, becoming, doing, etc., in the future); to muse, reflect, meditate (ب on s.th.); to attain puberty; -- ḥaluma u to be gentle, mild-tempered VIII to attain puberty
حلم ḥulm, pl. احلام aḥlām, dream; pl. irreality, utopia
حلمي ḥulmī dream- (in compounds), of or pertaining to dreams
حلم ḥulum sexual maturity, puberty | بلغ الحلم to attain puberty
حلم ḥilm, pl. حلوم ḥulūm, احلام aḥlām gentleness, clemency, mildness; forbearance, indulgence; patience; insight, discernment, understanding, intelligence, reason | صغار الاحلام simpleminded people, simple souls
حلم ḥalam (coll.; n. un. ة ) tick; mite; nipple, teat, mammilla (of the female breast)
حلمي ḥalamī parasitic; mammillary, nipple-shaped
حليم ḥalīm, pl. حلماء ḥulamā’ 2 mild, mild-tempered, gentle; patient
حلوم ḥālūm, حالوم ḥālūm a kind of Egyptian cheese
حالم ḥālim pl. -ūn dreamer
محتلم muḥtalim sexually mature, pubescent, marriageable
(حلو and حلى ) ḥaluwa u, ḥaliya a, حلا ḥalā u (حلاوة ḥalāwa, حلوان ḥulwān) to be sweet; to be pleasant, agreeable (ل to s.o.) |حلا له الشيء he enjoyed the thing; حلا له ان it pleased him that ..., he was delighted that ...; حسبما يحلو له (ḥasabamā) at his discretion, as he pleases; -- حلى ḥalā i to adorn, grace; -- حلى ḥaliya a to be adorned (ب with) II to sweeten (II s.th., e.g., a beverage with sugar); to adorn, bedeck, embellish, attire, furnish, provide (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., ب with) V to adorn o.s., be adorned, decked out, embellished, graced, endowed, furnished, provided (ب with) X to find sweet or pleasant, like (هـ s.th.), be delighted (هـ by)
حلا ḥalan sweetness, pleasantness
حلو ḥulw sweet; pleasant, nice, charming, delightful, pretty |حلو الحديث a gifted raconteur, amusing, entertaining; الغدة الحلوة (gudda) pancreas (anat.)
حلي ḥaly pl. حلي ḥulīy piece of jewelry, trinket
حلية ḥilya pl. حلى ḥilan, ḥulan decoration, embellishment, finery; ornament
حلوى ḥalwa pl. حلاوى ḥalāwa candy, confection, confectionery, sweetmeats
حلواء fi.alwa'2 candy, confection, con·
fectionery, sweetmeats
حلويات ḥalwayāt (and eg. ḥalawīyāt) sweets (in general); sweet pastry; candies, confectionery, sweetmeats
حلاوة ḥalāwa sweetness; candies, confectionery, sweetmeats; grace, gracefulness, charm, refinement, wittiness, wit; present of money; ransom | حلاوة حمصية (ḥummuṣīya) a sweet made of roasted chick-peas; حلاوة طحينية (ṭahīnīya) a sweet made of sesame-seed meal; حلاوة لوزية (lauzīya) a sweet made of almonds
حلوان ḥulwān present of money, gratuity, tip
حلواني ḥalwānī and حلوائي ḥalwā’ī confectioner, candy dealer; pastry cook, fancy baker
ما احيلى mā uḥailā oh, how sweet is ..., ما احيلاه oh, how sweet he is!
تحلية taḥliya decoration, embellishment, ornamentation
محلى muḥallan sweetened; decorated, embellished, adorned, ornamented (ب with)
1 حم ḥam pl. احماء aḥmā’ father-in-law; pl. relatives of the wife by marriage, in-laws of the wife
حماة ḥamāh pl. حموات ḥamawāt mother-in-law; see also 1 حمى and2 حمى
2 حم ḥuma see 2 حمو
3 حم ḥamma u (ḥamm) to heat, make hot (هـ s.th.); pass. ḥumma to be feverish, have a fever |حم له ذلك (ḥumma) that was decreed to him, that is his lot, his destiny II to heat, make hot (هـ s.th.); to bathe, wash (هـ or ه s.o. or s.th.) IV to heat, make hot (هـ s.th.) X to bathe, take a bath
حمة ḥamma hot spring
حمة ḥumma blackness, swarthiness, dark coloration; fever
حمم ḥumam (n. un. ة ) charcoal; anything charred or carbonized; ashes, cinder; lava
حمى ḥumma f., pl. حميات ḥummayāt fever, fever heat |الحمى التيفودية and الحمى التيفية (tīfīya) typhoid fever, typhus fever; حمى الدق ḥ. d-diqq hectic fever; حمى الربع ḥ. r-rib‘ quartan fever; الحمى الراجعة relapsing fever; الحمى الصفراء or الحمى الصفراوية (ṣafrā’, ṣafrāwīya) yellow fever; حمى الغب ḥ. l-gibb tertian fever; الحمى الفحمية (faḥmīya) anthrax; الحمى القرمزية (qirmizīya) scarlet fever; حمى القش ḥ. l-qašš hayfever; الحمى القلاعية (qulā‘īya) foot-and-mouth disease; الحمى المخية الشوكية (mukkīya, šaukīya) cerebrospinal meningitis; الحمى المتموجة (mutamawwija) undulant fever, Malta fever, brucellosis; الحمى النفاسية (nifāsīya) puerperal fever, childbed fever; O الحمى النمشية (namašīya) spotted fever
حمي ḥummī feverish, febrile, fever- (in compounds)
حمام ḥamām (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. -āt, حمائم ḥamā’im2 dove, pigeon |حمام الزاجل carrier pigeon; ساق الحمام bugloss, oxtongue (Anchusa officinalis; bot.)
حمام ḥimām (fate of) death
حمام ḥammām pl. -āt bath; swimming pool; spa, watering place |حمام شمس ḥ. šams sunbath; حمامات بحرية (baḥrīya) seaside resorts
حميم ḥamīm pl. احماء aḥimmā’2 close friend; close, intimate; -- hot water
احم aḥamm2, f. حماء ḥammā’2, pl. حم ḥumm black
محم miḥamm hot-water kettle, caldron, boiler
استحمام istiḥmām bathing, bath
محموم maḥmūm feverish, having a fever; frantic, hectic
1 حمأ ḥama’a a to clean out, dredge (هـ a well)
حمأ ḥama’, حمأة ḥam’a mud, mire, sludge
2 حمئ ḥami’a to be or become angry, furious, mad (على at s.o.)
حمحم ḥamḥama (حمحمة ḥamḥama) to neigh, whinny (horse)
حمحمة ḥamḥama neigh(ing), whinnying, whinnies
حمحم ḥimḥim oxtongue, bugloss (Anchusa officinalis; bot.)
حمد ḥamida a (ḥamd) to praise, commend, laud, extol (على ه s.o. for, هـ s.th.) II to praise highly (ه s.o.)
حمد ḥamd commendation, praise, laudation |الحمد لله al-ḥamdu lillāh thank God! praise be to God! praised be the Lord!
حميد ḥamīd praiseworthy, laudable, commendable; benign, harmless (disease)
حمود ḥamūd praiseworthy, laudable, commendable, praised
احمد aḥmad2 more laudable, more commendable
الشريعة الأحمدية aš-šarī‘a al-aḥmadīya Mohammedan Law
محمدة maḥmada pl. محامد maḥāmid2 commendable act; pl. محامد praises, encomiums
محمود maḥmūd praised; commendable, laudable, praiseworthy
محمد muḥammad praised; commendable, laudable
محمدي muḥammadī pertaining or attributable to Mohammed
حمدل ḥamdala to pronounce the formula الحمد لله "Praise be to God!”
حمدلة ḥamdala the formula الحمد لله (see above)
حمر II to redden, color or dye red (هـ s.th.); to roast (هـ s.th.); to fry (هـ s.th.); to brown (هـ flour in preparing a roux) IX to turn red, take on a reddish color, redden, blush
حمر ḥumar asphalt
حمري ḥumarī asphaltic, asphalt, tar, tarry
حمرة ḥumra redness, red color(ation), red; rouge (cosm.); brick dust, brick rubble; erysipelas, St. Anthony's fire (med.)
حمار ḥimār pl. حمير ḥamīr, حمر ḥumur, احمرة aḥmira donkey, ass |حمار الوحش ḥ. al-waḥš and حمار وحشي (waḥšī) wild ass, onager; سم الحمار samm al-ḥ. oleander (Nerium oleander; bot.)
حمارة ḥimāra pl. حمائر ḥamā’ir2 she-ass, female donkey
حمور ḥumūr red, red color(ation), redness
حميرة ḥumaira redstart (zool.)
حمار ḥammār pl. ة donkey driver
احمر aḥmar2, f. حمراء ḥamrā’2, pl. حمر ḥumr red, red-colored, ruddy; rosy, pink |تحت الأحمر, دون الأحمر infrared; البحر الأحمر the Red Sea; الصليب الأحمر the Red Cross; الموت الأحمر (maut) violent death; الهوى الأحمر (hawā) sexual intercourse; الأحمران (“the two red ones”, i.e.) wine and meat; الاسود والاحمر (“the black and the red”, i.e.) all mankind; احمر الشفاه lipstick
حمراء ḥamrā’2 smut, rust (disease affecting cereals); الحمراء Alhambra, the Citadel of Granada
يحمور yaḥmūr red; deer, roe, roebuck; wild ass; hemoglobin (physiol.)
احمرار iḥmirār reddening, blush(ing), redness, red coloration; erythema (med.)
محمر muḥammar roasted |بطاطس محمرة (baṭāṭis) fried potatoes
حمز ḥamaza i (ḥamz) to bite, or burn, the tongue (taste)
حمس ḥamisa a to work with zeal, be zealous, eager, ardent, be or become enthusiastic, get all worked up, get excited, be filled with fanatic enthusiasm V = I; to be overzealous or over-enthusiastic (في in s.th.); to advocate fervently (ل s.th.), throw o.s. wholeheartedly behind s.th. (ل )
حمس ḥamis and احمس aḥmas2 unflinching, staunch, steadfast, ardent, eager, zealous, stout, hearty; fiery, enthusiastic, full of enthusiasm
حماس ḥamās, and حماسة ḥamāsa enthusiasm, fire, ardor, fervor, zeal, fanaticism
حماسي ḥamāsī enthusiastic, ardent, fiery, zealous, fanatic; stirring, rousing, thrilling, electrifying
تحمس taḥammus unflinching zeal, enthusiasm (ل for), fanaticism
متحمس mutaḥammis enthusiastic, ardent, fiery, zealous, fanatic; an ardent follower, a fanatic adherent, a fanatic
حمش ḥamaša u to excite, irritate, infuriate, enrage (ه s.o.)
حمشة ḥamša catgut (med.)
1 حمص II to roast; to fry, broil (A s.th.)
حمص ḥimmiṣ, ḥimmmaṣ; (colloq.) ḥummuṣ (coll.; n. un. ة ) chick-pea
2 حمص Mm,' Homs (the ancient Emesa, city in oentral Syria)
حمض ḥamuḍa u (حموضة ḥumūḍa) to be or become sour II to make sour, sour, acidify, acidulate (هـ s.th.); to develop (هـ a photographic plate, a film; phot.); to cause (هـ s.th.) to oxidize
حمض ḥamaḍa pl. احماض aḥmāḍ acid (chem.) |حمض بولي (baulī) uric acid
شجر حمضي šajar ḥamḍī citrus trees
حمضية ḥamḍīya pl. -āt citrus fruit
حموضة hummūḍa sourness, acidity |مولد الحموضة muwallid al-ḥ. oxygen (chem.)
حماض ḥammāḍ, حميض ḥummaiḍ sorrel (bot.)
تحميض taḥmīḍ souring, acidification; development (phot.)
احماض iḥmāḍ jocular language, joking remark
حامض sour, acid; acidulous; (pl. حوامض ḥawāmiḍ) acid (chem.) |حامض الفحم ḥ. al-faḥm carbonic acid: حامض كبريتي (kibrītī) sulphuric acid
حمق ḥamiqa a and ḥamuqa u (ḥumq, حماقة ḥamāqa) to be stupid, silly, foolish, fatuous; to become angry or furious II and IV to regard (ه s.o.) as a fool, consider (ه s.o.) dumb, stupid, idiotic n pretend to be stupid VII to become angry or furious X to consider (ه s.o.) dumb, stupid, idiotic
حمق ḥumq stupidity, silliness, foolishness, folly
حماقة ḥamāqa stupidity, silliness, foolishness, folly; anger, wrath حماق ḥumāq, ḥamāq smallpox, variola (med.)
حمق aḥmaq2, f. حمقاء ḥamqā’2, pl. حمق ḥum(u)q, حمقى ḥamqā, حماقى ḥamāqā dumb, stupid, silly, foolish, fatuous; fool, simpleton, imbecile
حمق ḥamqān dumb, stupid, silly, foolish; angry, furious
حمل ḥamala i (ḥaml) to carry, bear (هـ s.th.); to lift, pick up (هـ s.th. in order to carry it), load up and take along (هـ s.th.): to hold (هـ s.th., in one’s hand); to carry on or with one. take or bring along (هـ s.th.); to transport, carry, convey (هـ s.th.); to bring, take (الى or ل هـ s.th. to s.o.); to take upon o.s. (عن instead of or for s.o., هـ a burden), carry, assume (هـ the burden, عن of s.o. else), relieve (هـ عن s.o. from s.th.), take (هـ a burden, a grievance, etc.) from s.o. (عن ); to extend, show, evince, cherish, ha.rbor (هـ a feeling, ل toward s.o.); to become or be pregnant (من by s.o.): to bear fruit (tree); to induce, cause, prompt, get (على ه s.o. to do s.th.), make s.o. (ه ) do s.th. (على ); to convert, bring around, win over (على رأيه ه s.o. to one’s opinion), convince (على رأيه ه s.o. of one’s opinion); to attack (على s.o.), also حمل حملة على (ḥamlatan) to launch or make an attack on; to know by beart (هـ a book); to relate, refer (على هـ s.th. to). bring (هـ s. th.) to bear (على upon s.th.), link, correlate, bring into relation (هـ s.th., على with); to trace, trace back (على هـ s.th. to); to ascribe, attribute, impute (على هـ s.th. to s.o.); to make (هـ a word) agree grammatically (على with another) | حمل في نفسه to feel annoyed, be in a melancholy mood, feel blue; حمل على نفسه to pull o.s. together, brace o.s.; حمله على محمل (maḥmali) to take s.th. to mean …, interpret or construe s.th. in the sense of …, as if it were ...; حمله على غير محمل to misinterpret, misconstrue s.th.; حمله محمل الجد (maḥmala l-jidd) to take s.th. seriously, take s.th. at face value II to have or make (ه s.o.) carry or bear (هـ s.th.), load, burden, charge, task (هـ, ه s.o. or s.th. هـ with), impose (هـ ه on s.o. s.th.) V to hear, assume, take upon o.s. (هـ s.th., e.g., النفقات an-nafaqāt the expenses, المسؤولية al-mas’ūlīya the responsibility); to bear up (هـ under), bear, stand, sustain, endure, tolerate, stomach (هـ s.th.); to undergo, suffer (هـ s.th.); to be able to stand (ه s.o.) or put up (ه with s.o.); to set out, get on one’s way; to depart VI to maltreat, treat unjustly (على s.o.), be prejudiced, be biased, take sides (على against s.o.); to struggle to one’s feet, rise with great effort | تحامل على نفسه (nafsihi) to brace o.s.; to pull o.s. together, take heart, pluck up courage VIII to carry, bring (هـ s.th.); to carry away, take away, haul off, lug off (هـ s.th.); to suffer, undergo, bear, stand, endure, sustain (هـ s.th.); to allow, permit, suffer, tolerate, brook, stomach (هـ s.th.), acquiesce (هـ in), put up, bear (هـ with s.th.); to hold (هـ s.th.), have capacity (هـ for); to imply that s.th. (هـ ) is possible, permissible, or conceivable; يحتمل yaḥtamilu and (pass.) yuḥtamalu (it is) bearable, tolerable; (it is) conceivable, possible, probable, likely
حمل ḥaml carrying, bearing; inducement, prompting, encouragement (of s.o., على to); delivery; transport, transportation, conveyance; portage, carrying charges; -- (pl. احمال aḥmāl, حمال ḥimāl) foetus; pregnancy |عدم الحمل ‘adam al-ḥ. sterility (of a woman)
حمل ḥiml, ḥaml pl. احمال aḥmāl cargo, load, burden |حمل حي ḥaml ḥayy pay load, commercial load, live load; حمل ميت mayyit) dead load; dead weight (arch.); حمل موازن (muwāzin) counterpoise, counterweight
حمل ḥamal pl. حملان ḥumlān, احمال aḥmāl lamb; (unconsecrated) Host (Chr.Copt.); Aries, Ram (astron.)
حملة ḥamla pl. ḥamalāt attack (على on); offensive; campaign; military expedition; expeditionary force |حملة تأديبية (ta’dībīya) punitive expedition; mحملة صحافيي (ṣiḥāfīya) press campaign; حملة استكشافية (istikšāfīya) reconnaissance raid (mil.); حملة ميكانيكية motorized detachment (mil.); حملة انتخابية (intikābīya) election campaign
حملي ḥamalī pl. -īya ambulant water vendor
حميل ḥamīl foundling; guarantor, warrantor
حميلة على ḥamīla ‘alā a burden to, completely dependent upon
حمول ḥamūl long-suffering; gentle, mild-tempered
حمال ḥamnāl pl. -ūn, ة porter, carrier
حمالة ḥimāla work and trade of a porter or carrier
حمالة ḥammāla (carrier) beam, girder, support, base, post, pier, pillar; suspenders |حمالة الصدر (ṣadr) brassiere
حمولة ḥumūla pl. -āt load capacity, load limit, capacity; tonnage (of a vessel); portage, freightage, transport charges; (pl. حمائل ḥamā’il2) family (Ir.)
محمل maḥmal see حمل ḥamala; also أخذ شيئا على محمل الجد (m. il-jidd) to take s.th. seriously
محمل maḥmil (colloq. maḥmal) pl. محامل maḥāmil2 camel-borne litter; mahmal, a richly decorated litter sent by Islamic rulers to Mecca as an emblem of their independence, at the time of the hadj
تحميل taḥmīl burdening; encumbrance; imposition; loading, shipping, shipment
تحميلة taḥmīla pl. تحامل taḥāmil2 suppository (med.)
تحمل taḥammul taking over, assumption (of burdens); bearing, standing, sufferance, endurance; durability; strength,hardiness, sturdiness, solidity (of a material)
تحامل taḥāmul prejudice, bias, partiality; intolerance
احتمال iḥtimāl bearing, standing, suffering, sufferance, toleration; probability, likelihood, potentiality |صعب الاحتمال (ṣa‘b) hard to bear, oppressive
حامل ḥāmil pl. حملة ḥamala porter, carrier; bearer (of a note, of a check, etc.; of an order or decoration); holder (of an identification paper, of a diploma, of a certificate); holding device, holder, clamp, fastener, hold, support (tech.); fighter (على against), (pl. حوامل ḥawāmil2) pregnant |حامل البريد courier, حملة الأسهم ḥ. al-ashum shareholders; حملة الأقلام the publicists, the writers; حامل كلام الله ḥ. kalām allāh one who knows the Koran by heart; تيار حامل (tayyār) carrier current (el.), موجات حاملة (maujāt) carrier waves (el.)
حاملة ḥāmila pl. -āt device for carrying, carrier | حاملة خريطة map case; حاملة طائرات ḥ. ṭā’irāt aircraft carrier
محمول maḥmūl carried, borne, bearable, tolerable; load weight, service weight, cargo; tonnage (of a vessel); predicate, attribute (logic), محمول عليه subject (logic) |مشاة محمولة (mušāh) motorized infantry (mil.); جنود محمولون جوا airborne troops (mil.)
محمل muḥammal loaded, laden, heavily charged, burdened (ب with), encumbered (ب by)
محتمل muḥtamal bearable, tolerable; probable, likely
حملق ḥamlaqa (حملقة ḥamlaqa) to stare, gaze (في or ب at)
حملايا ḥimalāyā Himalaya
1 حمو ḥamū (construct state of حم ḥam) and حماة ḥamāh see 1 حم
2 حمو ) and حمى) حمي ḥamiya a to be or become hot; to glow (metal); to flare up; to fly into a rage, become furious (على at) | حمى الوطيس fierce fighting broke out II to make hot, heat (هـ s.th.), to heat to glowing (هـ metal); to fire up (هـ a stove); to kindle, inflame, stir up, excite (هـ s.th.); to bathe (= 3 حم II) IV to make hot, heat (هـ s.th.)
حمو ḥamw heat |حمو النيل ḥ. an-nīl prickly heat, heat rash, lichen tropicus (eg.)
حمو ḥumūw heat
حمة ḥuma pl. -āt, حمى ḥuman sting, stinger (of insects); prick, spine (of plants)
حمي ḥamīy hot, glowing; heated, exited
حمى ḥummā see 3 حم
حمية ḥamīya zeal, ardor, fervor; enthusiasm, ardent zeal, fanaticism; violence, vehemence; passion, rage, fury; heat of excitement; temper, temperament | الحمية القومية (qaumīya) chauvinism
حميا ḥumayyā heat; excitement, agitation; enthusiasm; fire, passion, impetuosity, vehemence; fury, rage; wine
حماوة ḥamāwa heat
محمى maḥman fire chamber, furnace (of a stove, oven, etc.)
حام ḥāmin hot; heated, violent, fierce (e.g., a battle); glowing, passionate, fiery; burning
1 حمى ḥamā i (ḥamy, حماية ḥimāya) to defend, guard (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., من against), protect, shelter, shield (من هـ, ه s.o., s.th. from); to deny (المريض the patient) harmful food (هـ ; = to put him on diet); to forbid (ان ه s.o. to do s.th.) III to defend (من s.o. or s.th., also, of a lawyer in court); to shield, protect, support (عن s.o. or s.th.), take up the cause of (عن ), stand up for (عن ) VI to keep away (هـ from), shun, avoid (هـ s.th.) VIII to protect o.s. (ه, هـ from s.th., from s.o.), defend o.s., cover o.s. (ب with s.th.), seek protection, seek shelter or refuge (ب with s.o., also عند; من from)
حمى ḥiman protection; defense; sanctuary
حمية ḥimya that which is defended; diet
حماية ḥimāya pl. -āt protection, patronage, sponsorship, auspices; protectorate (pol.)
محاماة muḥāmāh defense (jur.); legal profession, practicing of law | هيأة المحاماة ḥai’at al-m. the bar
احتماء iḥtimā’ seeking cover, seeking protection; cover, shelter, protection
حام ḥāmin pl. حماة ḥumāh protector, defender, guardian; patron | الدولة الحامية (daula) protecting power (of a protectorate)
حامية ḥāmiya pl. -āt patroness, protectress; garrison (mil.)
محمي maḥmīy protected (ب by); being under a protectorate, having the status of a protectorate |منطقة محمية (minṭaqa) protectorate (country)
محمية maḥmīya pl. -āt protectorate (country; pol.)
محام muḥāmin pl. محاميون muḥāmūn defense counsel, counselor-at-law, lawyer, barrister, attorney (at law), advocate
محامية muḥāmiya woman lawyer
محتم muḥtamin one who seeks protection; protégé; being under a protectorate, having the status of a protectorate
2 حماة, حماه ḥamāh Hama (city in W Syria)
حن ḥanna i (حنين ḥanīn) to long, yearn, hanker (الى for), crave (الى s.th.); -- (حنة ḥanna, حنان ḥanān) to feel tenderness, affection, sympathy (على for s.o.); to sympathize, commiserate (على with), feel compassion (على for); to pity (على s.o.), have mercy (على on) II to move, touch, fill with tenderness, soften, fill with compassion (قلبه qalbahū s.o.’s heart); to blossom, flower, be in bloom (tree) V to feel sympathy, feel pity, feel compassion (على for s.o.), commiserate (على with s.o.); to be tender, affectionate
حنة ḥanna sympathy; commiseration, compassion, pity; favorable aspect, advantage
حنان ḥanān sympathy, love, affection, tenderness; commiseration, compassion, pity; حنانيك ḥanānaika have pity! have mercy!
حنانة ḥanāna compassion, pity, commiseration
حنين ḥanīn longing, yearning, hankering, nostalgia, craving, desire
حنون ḥanūn affectionate, loving, soft-hearted, tenderhearted, compassionate, merciful; tender, soft, gentle, kind, moving, touching (voice)
حنان ḥannān affectionate, loving, tender; compassionate, sympathetic
تحنان tiḥnān attachment, devotion, loyalty
تحنن taḥannun tenderness, affection, sympathy
حنأ II to dye red (هـ s.th., with henna)
حناء ḥinnā’ henna (a reddish-orange cosmetic gained from leaves and stalks of the henna plant) |ابو الحناء abū l-ḥ. robin (redbreast); تمر الحناء (colloq. tamr el-ḥinna) henna plant (Lawsonia inermis; bot.)
حانبة look up alphabetically
حنبلي ḥanbalī Hanbalitic, of or pertaining to the madhab of Aḥmad ibn ḥanbal; puritanical, strict in religious matters; (pl. حنابلة ḥanābila) Hanbalite
حانوت , حانوتي see حنو
حنث ḥanita a (ḥint) with في يمينه or بيمينه : to break one’s oath V to practice piety, perform works of devotion; to seek religious purification; to scorn sin, not yield to sin
حنث ḥint pl. احناث aḥnāt perjury; sin
حنجرة ḥanjara pl. حناجر ḥanājir2 larynx, throat
حنجور ḥunjūr pl. حناجير ḥanājīr 2 larynx, throat
حنجل ḥanjala to prance (horse); to caper, gambol II taḥanjala to dance, caper, gambol, frisk
حندس ḥindis pl. حنادس ḥanādis2 dark night
حندقوق ḥandaqūq (bot.) melilot, (yellow) sweet clover (Melilotus)
حنش ḥanaš pl. احناش aḥnāš snake
حنط II to embalm (ه a corpse); to stuff (هـ a carcass)
حنطة ḥinṭa wheat
حناطة ḥināṭa embalming
تحنط taḥannuṭ mummification
محنط muḥannaṭ mummified
عربة الحنطور ‘arabat al-ḥanṭūr, victoria, light carriage. designed for two passengers
حنظل ḥanẓal (coll.; n. un. ة ) colocynth (Citrullue colocynthis; bot.)
حنف ḥanafa i to turn or bend sideways
حنيف ḥanīf pl. حنفاء ḥunafā’2 true believer, orthodox; one who scorns the false creeds surrounding him and professes the true religion; true (religion) |الدين الحنيف (din) the True (i.e., Islamic) Religion, also الحنيفة السمحاء (samḥā’)
حنفي ḥanafī pagan, heathen, idolater (Chr.); Hanafitic (see حنيفة ); (pl. -ūn) Hanafi
حنفية ḥanafīya paganism, heathendom (Chr.); Hanafitic madhab (an orthodox school of theology founded by Abu Hanifah); -- (pl. -āt) faucet, tap; hydrant
الحنيفية al-ḥanīfīya the True (i.e., Islamic) Religion
احنف aḥnaf2 afflicted with a distortion of the foot
حنق ḥaniqa a (ḥanaq) to be furious, mad, angry; to be annoyed, exasperated, peeved, irritated (على or من at, by), be resentful (على or من of) IV to infuriate, enrage, embitter, exasperate, irritate (ه s.o.)
حنق ḥanaq fury, rage, ire, wrath, anger, exasperation, resentment, rancor
حنق ḥaniq furious, mad, angry; resentful, bitter, embittered, annoyed, exasperated, peeved
حانق ḥāniq furious, mad, angry; resentful, bitter, embittered, annoyed, exasperated, peeved |حانق على الحياة (ḥayāh) weary of life, dispirited, dejected; حانق على النساء (nisā’) misogynist
محنق muḥannaq infuriated, enraged; embittered, bitter, angry, exasperated, resentful
حنك ḥanaka i u, II and IV to sophisticate, make experienced or worldly-wise through severe trials (said of fate, time, age)
حنك ḥanak pl. احناك aḥnāk palate
حنكي ḥanakī palatal
حنك ḥunk, ḥink and حنكة ḥunka worldly experience, worldly wisdom gained through experience, sophistication
محنك muḥannak experienced, worldly wise, sophisticated |محنك مبنك (mubannak) shrewd, smart, sharp
(حنو and حنى) حنا ḥanā u and حنى ḥanā i to bend, curve, twist, turn; to lean, incline (على or الى toward s.o.); to feel for s.o. (على ), sympathize (على with s.o.), commiserate, pity (على s.o.), feel compassion, feel pity (على for s.o.); to bend, bow, flex, curve, crook (هـ s.th.) IV to bend, bow, tilt, incline (هـ s.th.; e.g., رأسه ra’sahū one’s head); to sympathize (على with s.o.), feel compassion, feel pity (على for s.o.), commiserate, pity (على s.o.) VII to bend, curve, twist, turn; to be winding, be tortuous, wind, meander (e.g., a road); to turn, deviate, digress (عن from); to bow (ل to s.o.); to lean, incline (على or فوق ; over s.th., الى toward s.o., toward s.th.); to devote o.s. eagerly (على to s.th.); to contain, harbor (على s.th.) |ان ضلوعي لا تنحني على ضغن (ḍulū‘ī, ḍign) I harbor no grudge, I feel no resentment
حنو ḥanw bending, deflection, flexing, flexure, curving, curvature, twisting, turning
حنو ḥinw pl. احناء aḥnā’ bend, bow, turn, twist, curved line, curve, contour; pl. ribs |بين احنائها in her bosom
حنو ḥunuw sympathy, compassion, tenderness, affection
حني ḥanīy bending, deflection, flexing, flexure, curving, ourvature, twisting, turning
حنية ḥanya bend, turn, curve
حنية ḥanīya pl. حنايا ḥanāyā arc; camber, curvature |في حنايا صدره in his bosom; في حنايا نفسه in his heart, deep inside him
حناية ḥināya curving, curvature, twisting, turning, bending
حانوت see below
محنى maḥnan pl. محان maḥānin curvature, bend, flexure, bow, turn, curve
انحناء inḥinā’ bend, deflection, curvature; curve; arc; inclination, tilt; how, curtsy
انحناءة inḥinā’a (n. vic.) bow, curtsy
الحواني al-ḥawānī the longest ribs; (fig.) breast, bosom |بملء حوانيهم bi-mil’i ḥ. (they shouted) at the top of their lungs, with all their might
محنى maḥnīy bowed, inclined (head); bent, curved, crooked
منحن munḥanin bent, curved, crooked, twisted; inclined, bowed
منحنى munḥanan pl. منحنيات munḥanayāt bend, flexure, deflection, curvature; turn, twist, break, angle; curve (of a road, end math.); slope
حانوت ḥānūt pl. حوانيت ḥawānīt2 store, shop; wineshop, tavern
حانوتي ḥānūtī pl. -īya (eg.) corpse washer; undertaker, mortician, gravedigger
حواء ḥawwā’2 Eve
حوب V to abstain from sin; to lead ش pious life; to refrain, abstain (من from s.th.)
حوبة ḥauba sin, offense, misdeed, outrage
حوباء ḥaubā’2 soul
حوت pl. حيتان ḥītān, احوات aḥwāt fish; whale; Pisces, Fishes (astron.) |حوت سليمان ḥ. sulaimān salmon
حوج IV aḥwaja to have need, stand in need, be in went (الى of s.th.), need, require, went (الى s.th.); to put (ه s.o.) in need of (الى ), make necessary (الى ه for s.o. s.th.), require (الى ه of s.o. s.th.), compel, oblige (الى ه s.o. to); to impoverish, reduce to poverty (ه s.o.) | ما احوجه الى (aḥwajahū) how much he .tends in need of ...! how urgently he needs ...! VIII to have need, stand in need, be in went (الى of; also ل ), need, want, require (الى s.th. s.o.)
حوج ḥauj need, want, lack, deficiency, destitution
حاجة ḥāja pl. -āt need (الى or ب of); necessity, requirement, prerequisite; natural, bodily need; pressing need, neediness, poverty, indigence, destitution; object of need or desire; desire, wish, request; necessary article, requisite; matter, concern, business, job, work; thing, object; -- pl. حوائج ḥawā’ij2 needs necessities, necessaries; everyday objects, effects, belongings, possessions, stuff; clothes, clothing |كان في حاجة الى (ل ) to stand in need, be in want of (s.th.), need, require (s.th.); لا حاجة الى (ل ) (ḥājata) … is not necessary, not required, there is no need of ...; لا حاجة لي به I don’t need it; عند الحاجة if (or when) necessary, if need be, in case of need; في غير حاجة (gairi ḥājatin) unnecessarily; ما به الحاجة the essentials; محل الحاجة maḥall al-ḥ. the essential passage, the gist, the substance, the crux, the interesting part (of an exposition); سد حاجته sadda ḥājatahū to meet s.o.’s needs, provide for s.o.’s needs; قضى حاجته qaḍā ḥājatahū to fulfill s.o.’s wish; قضى الحاجة to relieve nature
حاجيات ḥājīyyāt everyday commodities, utensils, utilities, necessaries, necessities
احوج in greater need (الى of s.th.); more necessary
احتياج iḥtiyāj want, need, requirement, (pre)requisite, necessity; pl. -āt needs, necessities, necessaries
محاويج maḥāwīj2 (pl. of محوج muḥwij) needy, poor, destitute people
محتاج muḥtāj in need, in want (الى of s.th.), requiring (الى s.th.); poor, destitute, indigent
حوجلة ḥaujala pl. حواجل ḥawājil2 phial (chem.)
حاد (حود ) ḥāda u (ḥaud) to turn aside, turn away (عن from), turn (عن off) II to turn off, take a turning
حودة (ḥauda) turn, turning
حاذ (حوذ ) ḥāda u (ḥaud) to urge on, spur on (هـ animals) IV do. X استحوذ istaḥwada to overwhelm, overcome, overpower (على s.o.; esp. emotions), get the better of (على ), gain mastery (على over); to seize (على on), take possession (على of), usurp (على s.th.)
حوذي ḥūdī coachman, cabman, driver
حوذية ḥūdīya coachman’s work or trade
حار (حور ) ḥāra u to return (الى to); to recede, decrease, diminish, be reduced (الى to) II to change, alter, amend, transform, reorganize, remodel, modify (هـ or من s.th.); to roll out (هـ dough); to make white, whiten (هـ s.th.); to bleach (هـ a fabric) III to talk, convene, have a conversation (ه with s.o.); to discuss, debate, argue IV (with جوابا jawāban) to answer, reply (with negations only) V to be altered, changed, amended, transformed, reorganized, remodeled, modified VI to carry on & discussion
حور ḥawar white poplar (also pronounced ḥaur); bark-tanned sheepskin, basil; marked contrast between the white of the cornea and the black of the iris
حارة hāra pl. -āt quarter, part, section (of & city); (Tun.) ghetto; lane, alley, side street (with occasional pl. حواري ḥawārī |حارة السد ḥ. as-sadd blind alley, dead-end street
احوار aḥwār2, f. حوراء ḥaurā’2, pl. حور ḥūr having eyes with a marked contrast of white and black, (also, said of the eye:) intensely white and deep-black
حوارة ḥawāra (ḥawarāt) cretaceous rook; chalk
حواري ḥawārī pl. -ūn disciple, apostle (of Jesus Christ); disciple, follower
حوارى ḥawārā cretaceous rock; chalk
حورية ḥūrīya pl. -āt, حور ḥūr houri, virgin of paradise; nymph; (pl. -āt) young locust |حورية الماء water nymph, nixie
حوران ḥaurān2 the Hauran, a mountainous plateau in SW Syria and N Jordan
محور miḥwar pl. محاور maḥāwir2 rolling pin; pivot, core, heart, center; axis; axle, axletree
محار maḥār (coll.; n. un. ة ) oysters; shellfish, mussels; mother-of-pearl, nacre
محارة maḥāra (n. un.) oyster; oyster shell, mussel; trowel
تحوير taḥwīr alteration, change, transformation, reorganization, reshuffle, remodeling, modification
حوار ḥiwār talk, conversation, dialogue; argument, dispute; text (of a play); script, scenario (of a motion picture)
محاورة muḥāwara talk, conversation, dialogue; argument, dispute
تحاور taḥāwur discussion
(حوز and حيز) حاز ḥāza u (ḥauz, حيازة ḥiyāza) to possess, own, have (هـ s.th.); to gain, win, get, receive, obtain, achieve, attain (هـ s.th., e.g., success, victory, etc.); to gain pos....ion. gain control (هـ of s.th.), seize, monopolize (هـ s.th.); -- ḥāza i (حيز ḥaiz) to drive on, urge on (هـ camels) V taḥawwaza and taḥayyaza to writhe, twist, coil; -- taḥayyaza to stay away, keep away, seclude o.s., isolate o.s. (عن from); to be disposed, incline, tend, lean (الى toward); to join (الى s.o. or s.th.); to side (ل, الى with), take sides (ل, الى in favor of) VII to isolate o.s., seclude o.s. separate, segregate,· disengage o.s., dissociate o.s., stay away, keep away, retire, withdraw (عن or من from); to join (الى S.o. or s.th.); to unite (الى with); to side (الى or ل with), take sides (الى or J in favor of) VIII to possess, own, have (هـ s.th.); to take possession (هـ of s.th.); to keep, prevent, hinder (عن ه s.o. from)
حوز ḥauz possession, holding, tenure; obtainment, attainment, acquisition; taking possession, occupation, occupancy; (jur.) tenancy; -- (pl. احواز aḥwāz) enclosed area, enclosure; precinct(s), boundary, city limits
حوزي ḥauzī possessor, tenurial
حوزة ḥauza possession, holding, tenure; property; area, territory |في حوزه or في حوزة يده fī ḥ. yadihī in his possession; الدفاع عن حوزة مصر the defense of Egyptian territory
حيز ḥayyiz, ḥaiz pl. احياز aḥyāz scope, range, reach, extent, compass, confines, field, domain, realm; sphere |لا يدخل في حيز المعقول (yadkul) it is not within the bounds of reason; برز الى حيز المعقول (to advance to the realm of fact, i.e.) to become a reality; في حيز الامكان fī ḥ. il-imkān within the realm of possibility, quite possible
حيازة ḥiyāza possession, holding, tenure; taking possession, occupation, occupancy; acquisition of title, acquisition of the right of possession; obtainment, attainment, acquisition
تحيز taḥayyuz partiality; prejudice, bias
انحياز inḥiyāz isolation, seclusion, retirement; partiality; prejudice, bias
حائز ḥā’iz possessor, holder, tenant
متحيز mutaḥayyiz partial, prejudiced, biased
منحاز munḥāz secluded, retired, withdrawn, removed (عن from); an outsider, a stranger (عن to)
حوس VIII (eg.) to be in a quandary, waver, hesitate
1 حاش (حوش ) ḥāša u (ḥauš) to round up, drive into a trap (هـ game); to stop, check, prevent, hinder (هـ s.th.), stand in the way (هـ of); to hold back, stem, stave off (هـ s.th.) II to gather, collect, amass, accumulate, pile up, hoard (هـ s.th.); to save, put by (هـ money); to find (هـ s.th.)
حوش ḥauš p1. احواش aḥwāš, حيشان ḥīšān enclosure, enclosed area; courtyard
حوش ḥawaš mob, rabble, riffraff
حوشي ḥūšī wild; unusual, odd, queer, strange
اسبوع الحاش usbū‘ al-ḥāš Passion Week (Chr.)
2 حاشا , حاشى see حشو, حاش لله ḥāša lillāh = حاشى لله
حوص ḥawaṣ squinting of the eye (caused by constant exposure to glaring light)
احوص aḥwaṣ2 f. حوصاء ḥauṣā’2, pl. حوص ḥūṣ having narrow, squinting eyes
حياصة ḥiyāṣa girth
حوصل ḥauṣa, حوصلة ḥauṣala craw (of a bird); bladder; pelican | الحوصلة المرارية (marārīya) gall bladder, bile (anat.)
حويصل ḥuwaisil blister, bleb, vesicle; water blister
حويصلة ḥuwaisila pl. -āt blister, bleb, vesicle
حوض ḥauḍ pl. احواض aḥwāḍ, حياض ḥiyāḍ basin; water basin; trough, tank, cistern, reservoir, container; basin of a river or sea; pool; (in the Egyptian irrigation system) a patch of land surrounded by dikes, flooded by high water of the Nile; pond; pelvis (anat.); (garden) bed; dock; pl. حياض (ḥiyāḍ) ground, area, domain (to be protected), sanctum | حوض جاف (jāff) dry dock; حوض حمام ḥammām bathtub; حوض عوام (‘awwām) floating dock; ذاد عن حياضه to assume the defense of s.o., make o.s. the champion of s.o.; to defend o.s.; ذب حن حياض الدين (dabba) to defend the faith; احواض الفم والحديد coal and iron deposits
O حويضة ḥuwaiḍa renal pelvis (anat.)
حاط (حوط ) ḥāṭa u (ḥauṭ, حيطة ḥaiṭa, حياطة ḥiyāṭa) to guard, protect (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), watch (هـ, ه over s.o., over s.th.), have the custody (هـ, ه of); to attend (هـ to), take care (هـ of), look after s.th. (هـ ); to surround, encircle, enclose, encompass (ب s.o., s.th.) II to build a wall (هـ around s.th.), wall in (هـ s.th.); to encircle, surround (هـ s.th.), close in from all sides (هـ on s.th.) III to try to outwit, dupe, or outsmart (ه s.o.); to mislead, lead astray, seduce (ه s.o.) IV to surround (ب s.o., s.th., also هـ, ه s.o., s.th., y with); to encompass, enclose, embrace, comprise, contain (ب s.th., also هـ ); to ring, encircle (ب s.o., s.th., also هـ, ه s.o., s.th., ب with s.th.), close in from all sides (ب on); to know thoroughly, comprehend, grasp completely, understand fully (ب s.th.), be familiar, be thoroughly acquainted (ب with) |احاط به علما (’ilman) to know s.th. thoroughly, have comprehensive knowledge of s.th.; to take cognizance, take note of s.th.; اجاطه علما ب he informed him of ..., he let him know about ; he brought to his notice V to guard, protect (.., 6 s.o., s.th.); to take precautions (هـ with regard to), attend (هـ to); to be careful, be cautious, be on one’s guard VIII to be careful, be cautious, watch out, be on one’s guard; to take precautions, make provision (ل for, so as to ensure ); to surround (ب s.o., s.th.); to guard, protect, preserve (على ب s.th. from), take care (ب of), attend (ب to), look after (ب ), see to it (بأن that)
حيطة ḥīṯa, ḥaṭa, حوطة ḥauṭa cautiousness, caution, provident care, prudence, circumspection | أخذ حيطته (ḥīṭatahu) to be on one’s guard, take precautions; بلا حيطة thoughtlessly, unthinkingly, inadvertently
حياطة ḥiyāṭa guarding, custody, protection, care
تحويط taḥwīṭ encirclement
احاطة iḥāṭa encirclement, encompassment; comprehension, grasp, understanding, knowledge, cognizance (ب of s.th.), acquaintance, familiarity (ب with); information, communication
تحوط taḥawwuṭ provision, care, attention, precaution, prudence; pl. -āt precautionary measures, precautions
احتياط iḥtiyāṭ caution, cautiousness, prudence, circumspection, carefulness; provision, care, attention, precaution, prevention; pl. -āt precautionary measures, precautions |على سبيل المثال as a precaution, out of precaution, to be on the safe side
احتياطي ihṭiyāṭī precautionary; prophylactic; preventive; replacement; spare- (in compounds); reserve- (in compounds); stand-by; reserve funds, capital reserves (fin.); reserve (mil.) |حبس احتياطي (ḥabs) detention pending investigation; تدابير احتياطية precautionary measures, precautions قوات احتياطية (quwāt) reserves (mil.); مال احتياطي capital reserve, reserve fund; احتياطى الزيت الخام (crude-)oil reserves
حائط pl. حيطان ḥīṭān, حياط ḥiyāṭ, حوائط ḥawā’iṭ2 wall |حائط المبكى ḥ. al-mabkā Wailing Wall (in Jerusalem); ضرب) به عرض الحائط or) القى alqā (ḍaraba) bihī ‘urḍa l-ḥā’iṭ to make little of s.th., scorn, disdain, despise s.th.; to reject s.th., discard s.th., throw s.th. overboard; to ruin, thwart, foil s.th.
حويط ḥāwiṭ (eg.) clever, smart, shrewd
محيط muḥīṭ surrounding (ب s.th.); comprehensive; familiar, acquainted (ب with); -- (pl. -āt) circumference, periphery; extent, range, scope, compass, reach, domain, area; milieu, environment, surroundings; ocean; pl. محيطات surroundings, environment | المحيط الاطلنطي (aṭlanṭī) the Atlantic Ocean; المحيط الهادئ (ḥādi’) the Pacific Ocean
محاط muluiJ surrounded (ب by)
متحوط mutaḥawwiṭ cautious, prudent, provident, circumspect, careful, watchful
حوف ḥauf edge, rim, brim, brink; border, hem, fringe
حافة ḥāfa pl. -āt, حواف ḥawāfin border, rim, brim, brink, verge; edge; fringe, hem |بين حوافيه within it, in it, therein
حاق (حوق ) ḥāqa u (ḥauq) to surround, enclose, infold, embrace (ب s.o.. s.th.) II = I (على s.o., s.th.)
1 حوقل ḥauqala (حوقلة ḥauqala) to pronounce the formula: لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله (see حول ḥaul)
2 حوقلة ḥauqala pl. حواقل ḥawāqil2 phial (chem.), Florence flask
حاك (حوك ) ḥāka u (ḥauk, حياك ḥiyāk, حياكة ḥiyāka) to weave (هـ s.th.); to interweave (هـ s.th.); to knit (هـ s.th.); to braid, plait (هـ s.th.); to contrive, devise, hatch, concoct (هـ s.th.; e.g., ruses, intrigues, pretexts), think up, fabricate, create (هـ s.th. in one’s imagination)
حياكة ḥiyāka weaving; knitting; braiding, plaiting
حائك ḥā’ik pl. حاكة ḥāka weaver; -- (mor.) an outer garment made of a long piece of white woolen material, covering body and head
(حول and حيل) حال ḥāla u to change, undergo a change, be transformed; to shift, turn, pass, grow (الى into s.th., also هـ ), become (الى s.th.); to deviate, depart (عن from, e.g., a commitment), dodge, evade, fail to meet (عن s.th.); to elapse, pass go by (time); -- (حيلولة ḥailūla) to prevent (دون s.th.); to intervene, interfere, interpose, come (بين between) |حال عن عهد (‘ahd) to withdraw from a contract; حال بين فلان وبين الأمر to make s.th. inaccessible to s.o., impossible for s.o.; to bar or obstruct s.o.’s way to s.th.; to prevent s.o. from s.th., deny s.o. s.th.; حال بين نفسه وبين الإشفاق (išfāq) to resist compassion, deny o.s. any sympathy II ḥawwala to change (الى هـ or هـ هـ s.th. to s.th. else), transform, transmute, convert, turn, make (الى هـ or هـ هـ s.th. into s.th. else); to transplant (s.th.); to transfer (هـ s.th.); to convert (هـ s.th., mathematically); to switch commutate (هـ current; el.); to convert, transform (هـ current; el.); to shunt (هـ a railroad car); to switch (هـ a railroad track); to remit, send, transmit (هـ s.th., e.g., money by mail, الى to s.o.); to pass on, hand on (الى هـ s.th. to s.o.); to forward (الى هـ s.th. to s.o. or to an address); to endorse (هـ a bill of exchange, a promissory note); to direct, turn (هـ s.th., also نظرة naẓratan a glance, الى to or toward); to divert, distract, keep (عن هـ or ه s.o. or s.th. from); to turn away, avert (بصره عن baṣarahū one's eyes from); to turn off, switch off, disconnect (هـ current; el.) |حول الدفة (daffa) to turn the helm, change the course III (ḥāwala to try, attempt, endeavor (هـ s.th., ان to do s.th.), make an attempt, make an effort (ان to do s.th.); to seek to gain (هـ s.th.) by artful means; to deceive by pretenses, make excuses, hedge, dodge IV to change هـ هـ or الى هـ s.th. to), transform, transmute, turn, make (هـ هـ or الى هـ s.th. into); to convert, translate (هـ هـ or الى هـ s.th. into); to transfer (هـ s.th.); to remit, send (هـ s.th. الى or على to s.o.); to assign (هـ, ه s.o., s.th., الى or على to s.o.); to turn over, hand over, pass on (على هـ or ه s.o. or s.th. to); to forward (على هـ s.th. to); to refer (الى ه s.o. to); to cede, transfer (هـ a debt, على to s.o.; jur.) |احيل على (الى) المعاش (uḥīla, ma‘āš) and احيل الى التقاعد (taqā‘ud) he was pensioned off; احيلت الكمبيالة الى البروتستو the bill was protested (fin.) V taḥawwala to change, undergo a change; to be changed (الى to), be transformed, be transmuted, be converted (الى into), become (الى s.th.), turn, grow (الى into), transform (من-- الى or عن from -- into), change, develop, evolve (من -- الى from to); to withdraw, go away, leave; to move (الى to a residence); to turn away (من from), turn one’s back (عن on); to deviate (عن from); to depart, digress, stray (عن الطريق from the way); to renounce, forgo, relinquish, disclaim (s.th.); to proceed slyly or cunningly |تحول كل حيلة to employ every conceivable trick; -- taḥayyala to employ artful means; to ponder ways and means (ل to an end, in order to attain s.th.) VI taḥāwala to try, endeavor, take pains (على to do s.th.), strive (على for); -- taḥāyala and VIII to employ artful means, resort to tricks, use stratagems (على against s.o.); to deceive, beguile, dupe, cheat, outwit, outsmart (على s.o.); to be out (على for s.th.) or achieve (على s.th.) by artful means, by tricks VIII to work or strive (on one’s own resources), make efforts (on one’s own) IX احول aḥwala to be cross-eyed, to squint X to change (الى to, into), turn, be transformed, be converted (الى into); to be transubstantiated (bread and wine, الى into the body and blood of Christ; Chr.); to proceed, pass on, shift, switch (الى to s.th. new or s.th. different); to be impossible (على for s.o.); to be inconceivable, absurd, preposterous
حال ḥāl m. and f., pl. احوال aḥwāl condition, state; situation; position, status; circumstance; case; present, actuality (as opposed to future); circumstantial expression or phrase (gram.); pl.: conditions, circumstances; matters, affairs, concerns; cases; ḥāla (prep.) during; immediately upon, right after; just at; in case of …, in the event of …; حالا ḥālan presently, immediately, at once, right away, without delay; now, actually, at present |في الحال and للحال on the spot, at once, immediately; على كل حال (kulli ḥālin) and على أي حال (ayyi ḥ.) in any case, at any rate, anyhow; يبقى على حاله (yabqā) it remains unchanged, just as it is; في حال من الأحوال in some case or other, anyway, if occasion should arise, possibly; (with neg.) by no means, under no circumstances, not at all, in no way; على حال, بحال, بأي حال bi-ayyi ḥ. with neg.: by no means, not at all, in no way; كذلك الحال في the same goes for ..., it is the same with …; it is also the case with ...; كما هو الحال في as is the case with; كيف حالك how are you? شيء بحاله a thing in itself, a separate, independent thing; الأحوال الجوية (jawwīya) atmospheric conditions; محاكم الأحوال الشخصية (šakṣīya) courts dealing with vital statistics; الأحوال الشخصية (نظام or) قانون personal statute; صاحب الحال noun referent of a circumstantial phrase (gram.); عرض حال ‘arḍ ḥ. application, memorial, petition; لسان الحال, لسان حاله see لسان
حالما ḥālama (conj.) as soon as
حالة ḥala pl. -āt condition, state; situation; (possible, actual) case; ḥālata (prep.) during |حالة ان ḥālata an (conj.) whereas; والحالة هذه under these circumstances, such being the case, things being as they are; في حالة (ḥālati) in (the) case of ..., in the event of …, e.g., في حالة غيابه (giyābihī) in case of his absence, في حالة الوفاة (wafāh) in case of death; في هذه الحالة in this (that) case; لحالة ان li-ḥālati an in case that …, in the event that …; في حالة ما اذا if; كما هي الحالة في if as is the case with …; حالة اجتماعية (ijtimā‘īya) marital status; الحالة الجوية (jawwīya) atmospheric conditions; حالة الخطر ḥ. al-kaṭar stand-by, alert, state of alarm; الحالة الراهنة the status quo; حالة الطوارئ ḥ. aṭ-ṭawāri’ state of emergency; في حالة التلبس (talabbus) flagrante delicto (jur.); الحالة المدنية (madanīya) civil status, legal status; سوء الحالة sū’ al-ḥ. predicament, plight
حالي ḥālī present, current, actual, existing; momentary, instantaneous; حاليا ḥālīyan at present, actually |صورة حالية (ṣūra) snapshot (phot.)
حالية ḥālīya actuality, topicality, timeliness
حول ḥaul pl. احوال aḥwāl year; might, power |لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله lā ḥaula wa-lā quwata illā bi-llāh there is no power and no strength save in God; لا حول له ولا حيلة (wa-lā ḥīlata) he is completely powerless, he can do nothing, he is at the end of his resources
حول ḥiwal change of place, change |لا يبتغون عنه حولا (yabtagūna) they don’t want it otherwise, they ask for it
حول ḥaula (prep.) around, about; circa, about, some, approximately, roughly (with following number); about (esp. in news headings, approx. = re, concerning) | من حوله (ḥaulihī) (= حوله ) around him (or it), about him (or it); من حوليهما (ḥaulaihimā) around the two of them, about them; from their vicinity, from their surroundings (dual)
حولي ḥaulī periodic, temporary, interim; one year old (animal), yearling; young animal; lamb, wether
O حوليات ḥaulīyāt yearbook, annals (= Fr. annales, as a scientific publication)
حيل ḥail strength, force, power, vigor | على حيله (standing) upright, erect; لا قوة له ولا حيل (qūwata) completely helpless and paralyzed
حيلة ḥīla pl. حيل ḥiyal, احاييل aḥāyīl2 artifice, ruse, stratagem, maneuver, subterfuge, wile, trick; device, shift; a means to accomplish an end; expedient, makeshift, dodge, way-out; legal stratagem (for the purpose of in fraudem legis agere) |ما الحيلة what’s to be done! لا حيلة له في (ḥīlata) I have no possibility to …, I am in no position to …; ما بيدي حيلة (bi-yadī) I can do nothing, I can get nowhere; لم يجد حيلة الا lam yajid ḥīlatan illā he couldn’t do anything except …, he had no other choice than …; اعيته الحيلة (a‘yathu) he was at a loss, he was at the end of his wits
حيلي ḥiyalī cunning, crafty, wily, sly, tricky, foxy
احيل aḥyal2 craftier, wilier
حول ḥawal squinting, strabismus
احول aḥwal2, f. ḥaula’2 ḥaulā2, pl. حول ḥūl squinting, squint-eyed, wall-eyed, walleyed
حؤول ḥu’ūl change, transformation, transmutation; prevention (دون of s.th.)
حوال ḥiwāl obstacle; partition, screen
حيال ḥiyāla (prep.) in view of ..., with regard to …, in the lace of, opposite, in front of, before
حوالة ḥawāla pl. -āt assignment, cession (jur.); bill of exchange, (promissory) note, check, draft |حوالة البريد, حوالة بريدية money order; حوالة السفر ḥ. safar traveler’s check
حوالى ḥawālā (prep.) around, about; circa, approximately, roughly, about, some (with following number)
حيلولة ḥailūla separation, interruption, disruption; prevention (دون of s.th.)
لا محال lā maḥalla = لا محالة (see below)
محالة muḥāla roller, wheel (of a draw well)
لا محالة منه lā maḥālata minhu it is inevitable; there is no doubt about it; (also لا محالة alone) most certainly, positively, absolutely, by all means
تحويل taḥwīl transformation, transmutation, conversion (الى into s.th.); change, alteration, modification; transplantation; transposition, reversal, inversion, translocation, dislocation, displacement; transfer, assignment; conversion (e.g., of currency); conversion, transformation (of electric current); O transfer (fin.; also تحويل الدين t. ad-dain); remittance (of money), transmittal, sending, forwarding; bill of exchange, promissory note, draft (com.); check; endorsement (com.); c.o.d., cash on delivery |قابلية العملة للتحويل الى العملات الاجنبية (qābilīyal al-’mla, ajnabīiya) convertibility of currency
تحويلة taḥwīla pl. تحاويل taḥāwīl2 branch, offshoot; siding, sidetrack (railroad); side canal (irrigation; Eg.); switch (railroad)
محاولة muḥāwala pl. -āt attempt, try; effort, endeavor;. recourse to expedients, shifts, or dodges, dodging, hedging | محاولة على حياته (ḥayātihī) attempt on s.o.’s life, murderous assault
احالة iḥāla transfer, conveyance, assignment; remittance; forwarding, referring (الى or على to a competent authority); transmission, transmittal; O transfer (fin.); cession, assignment (Isl. Law); absurdity | بالاحالة على with reference to; قاضي الاحالة magistrate sitting at defendant’s arraignment, trial judge; احالة الى (على) المعاش (ma‘āš) and احالة الى التقاعد (taqā‘ud) pensioning off
تحول taḥawwul change, transformation, transmutation; abrupt change, sudden turn, reversal; shift, transition; departure, deviation, digression (عن from); renunciation (عن of) |نقطة التحول nuqṭat at-t. turning point
تحيل taḥayyul use of tricks, trickery
تحايل taḥāyul and احتيال iḥtiyāl use of tricks, trickery; cunning, craft, subtlety, artfulness; malice, treachery, perfidy; deception, fraud
تحايلي taḥāyulī and احتيالي iḥtiyālī fraudulent, e.g., افلاس احتيالي (iflās) fraudulent bankruptcy
استحالة istiḥāla change, transformation, transmutation, turn, shift, transition; transubstantiation (Chr.); impossibility, inconceivability, absurdity, preposterousness
حائل ḥā’il pl. حوائل ḥawā’il obstacle, obstruction, impediment (دون on the way to s.th., بين -- و see حال ḥāla I); barrier; partition, screen, folding screen; -- (pl. حول ḥuwwal) changeable, variable, frequently changing; feeble, languid, wan, pallid
محول muḥawwil pl. -āt converter, transformer (el.); endorser
محولة muḥawwila switch (railroad)
محول عليه muḥawwal ‘alaihi c.o.d., cash on delivery; محول به collected on delivery
محيل muḥīl transferor, assignor (Isl. Law)
محال muḥāl inconceivable, unthinkable, impossible, absurd, preposterous, unattainable
متحول mutaḥawwil changeable, variable, changing | الأعياد المتحولة (a‘yād) the movable feasts (Chr.)
محتال muḥtāl artful, cunning, deceitful, treacherous, perfidious, fraudulent; swindler, cheat, impostor, fraud; crook, scoundrel; assignee (Isl. Law) | محتال عليه debtor of a ceded claim, transferee (Isl. Law)
مستحيل mustaḥīl impossible, absurd, preposterous; مستحيلات impossible things, impossibilities, absurdities
(حوم) حام ḥāma u (ḥaum, حوم ḥawamān) to circle, hover. glide (in the air; of a bird, also of an aircraft); to hover, swarm, buzz (حول and على around) | حامت الشبهة ضده (šubha, ḍiddahū) suspicion concentrated on him, he was suspected II to circle in the air; to hover in circles, to circle; to go around, revolve (thoughts and images, in one’s head or mind); to browse (في in a book)
حومة ḥauma pl. -āt turmoil of battle, thick of the fray; main part, bulk, main body; (tun.) quarter, section (of a city)
حان and حانة see حين
حانوت see حنو
حوى ḥawā i to gather, collect, unite (هـ s.th.); to encompass, embrace, contain, hold, enclose, comprise, include (هـ s.th.); to possess, own, have (هـ s.th.); to clasp (هـ s.th., the hand) V to curl (up), coil (up) VIII to encompass, embrace, contain, hold, enclose, comprise, include (هـ or على s.th.); to possess, own, have (هـ or على s.th.)
حوية ḥawīya convolution, coil, curl, roll; pl. حوايا ḥawāyā intestine, bowels, entrails
حواية ḥiwāya pl. -āt (eg.) wase round pad to support a burden on the head or on the back
حاو ḥāwin pl. حواة ḥuwāh snake charmer; juggler, conjurer, magician
محتويات muḥtawayāt content(s) (of a book. of a receptacle) |محتويات النفوس the innermost thoughts. the secrets of the heart
(حى, حيو) حيي ḥayiya, حي ḥayya يحيا yaḥyā (حياة ḥayāh) to live; حي ḥayya to live to see, experience, witness (هـ s.th.), live (هـ through a time) ليحي الملك li-yaḥyā l-malik long live the king! حيي ḥayiya يحيا yaḥyā (حياء ḥayā’) to be ashamed (من of; because of) II حيا ḥayyā to keep (ه s.o.) alive, grant (ه s.o.) a long life; to say to s.o. (ه): حياك الله may God preserve your life!; to greet, salute (ه s.o.) IV احيا aḥyā to lend life (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.), enliven, animate, vitalize, endow with life, call into being (هـ s.th.), give birth (هـ to); to revive, reanimate, revivify (هـ s.th.), give new life (هـ to); to put on, produce, stage, arrange (هـ e.g., a theatrical performance, a celebration, and the like); to celebrate (هـ s.th., also a festival) |احيا الذكرى (dikrā) to commemorate (a deceased person), observe the anniversary (of s.o.’s death); احيا الليل (lail) to burn the midnight oil, احيا الليل صلاة (ṣalātan) to spend the night in prayer; احيا السهرة (sahrata) to perform in the evening (of an artist); احيا حفلة (ḥaflatan) to give a performance; to perform at a celebration (artist); قد احيت الفرقة ثلاث ليال qad aḥyat il-firqatu talāta layālin the theatrical troupe gave three evening performances X استحيا istaḥyā to spare s.o.’s (ه ) life, let live, keep alive (ه s.o.); استحيا istaḥyā, استحى istaḥā to be ashamed (ه to face s.o.; من of s.th., because of s.th.); to become or feel embarrassed (من in front of s.o.), be embarrassed (من by); to be bashful, shy, diffident
حي ḥayy pl. احياء aḥyā’ living, live, alive; lively, lusty, animated, active, energetic, unbroken, undaunted, undismayed; living being, organism; tribe, tribal community; block of apartment houses; section, quarter (of a city) |علم الأحياء ‘ilm al-aḥyā’ biology; حي العالم ‘ilm al-‘ālam houseleek tree (Sempervivum arboreum L.; bot.)
حي ḥayya: حي على الصلاة ḥayya ‘alā ṣ-ṣalāh come to prayer!
حية ḥayya pl. -āt snake, serpent, viper
O احيائي aḥyā’ī biologic(al); (pl. -ūn) biologist |كيمياء احيائية (kīmiyā’) bio-chemistry
حيي ḥayīy bashful, shy, diffident, modest
حياء ḥayā’ shame, diffidence, bashfulness, timidity; shyness |قليل الحياء shameless impudent; قلة الحياء qillat al-ḥ. shamelessness, impudence
حياة ḥayāh pl. حيوات ḥayawāt life; life-blood; liveliness animation |حياة الريف ḥ. ar-rīf country life, rural life; الحياة العامة (‘āmma) public life; الحياة العائلية family life; ميتوى الحياة mustawā l-ḥ. living standard; O علم الحياة ‘ilm al-ḥ. biology
حيوي ḥayawī lively, full of life, vital, vigorous; vital, essential to life
حيوية ḥayawīya vitality, vigor, vim
حيويات ḥayawīyāt: مواد مضادة للحيويات (mawādd muḍādda) antibiotics
حيوان ḥayawān pl. -āt animal, beast; (coll.) animals, living creatures |حيوانات ثدية (tadyīya) mammals; حيوانات مجترة (mujtarra) ruminants; حيوان طفيلي (ṭufailī) parasite; علم الحيوان ‘ilm al-ḥ. zoology
حيواني ḥayawānī animal (adj.); zoologic(al)
حيوانية ḥayawānīya bestiality; animality, animal nature
حوين ḥuwayyin pl. -āt minute animal, animalcule
احيى aḥyā livelier; more vigorous, more vital
تحية taḥīya pl. –āt, تحايا taḥāyā greeting, salutation; salute; cheer (= wish that God may give s.o. long life) |تحية لذكراه taḥīyatan li-dikrāhu in order to keep his memory alive, in remembrance of him; التحية العسكرية (‘askarīya) military salute
احياء iḥyā’ animation, enlivening; revival, revitalization, revivification; arranging, staging. conducting, putting on, holding (of a celebration) |احياء الذكرى i. ad-dikrā commemoration (of a deceased person); احياء لذكرى I (iḥyā’an) (with foll. gen.) in commemoration of …, in memoriam ...; احياء الموات i. al-mawāt cultivation of virgin land
استحياء istiḥyā’ shame; diffidence, bashfulness, timidity; shyness
محيا mūḥayyan face, countenance
الست المستحية as-sitt al-mustahīya sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica; bot.)
1 حيث ḥaitu (conj.) where (place and direction); wherever; since, as, due to the fact that; whereas; inasmuch as |حيث ان (anna) since, as, because, due to the fact that ; in that ; حيث كان wherever it be; in any case, at any rate; الى حيث ilā ḥaitu where (direction); to where …, to the place where ...; من حيث min ḥaitu from where, whence, wherefrom; where (place); whereas; (with foll. nominative) as to, as for, concerning, regarding, with respect to, in view of, because of; من حيث الثقافة min ḥ. taqāfatu with regard to education, as far as education is concerned; من حيث يدري ولا يدري (yadrī wa-lā yadrī) whether he knows it or not, knowingly or without his knowledge; من حيث لا (with foll. perf.) without (being, doing, etc.); من حيث هو such, in itself, العالم من حيث هو (‘ālam) the world in itself, the world as such; من حيث ان (anna) inasmuch as; in view of the fact that; since, as, due to the fact that; بحيث bi-ḥaitu inasmuch as; in such a manner that ..., so as to ...; so that ...; such as ...; (he found himself) at a point or degree where, e.g., كان من البراءة بحيث لا ترى (barā’a, tarā) = she was so naive that she couldn't see ...; بحيث لا insofar as not, provided that … not; بحيث ان (anna) in such a manner that ..., so as to ..., so that ...
حيثما ḥatumā wherever, wheresoever (place); wherever, no matter where (direction) |حيثما اتفق (ittafaqa) anywhere, wherever it was (or he), haphazardly, at random
حيثية ḥaitīya pl. -āt standpoint; view, point, point of view, approach; aspect, respect, regard, consideration; high social standing, social distinction, dignity; pl. also: considerations, legal reasons on which the judgment is based, opinion (jur.) |ذوو الحيثية (البارزة ) (dawū) or اصحاب الحيثية, اصحاب الحيثيات people of (high) social standing, prominent people, people of distinction; من الحيثية الحيوانية (ḥayawānīya) from a zoological viewpoint
2 الحيثيون al-hātīyūn the Hittites
(حيد) حاد ḥāda i (ḥaid, حيود ḥuyūd, حيدان ḥayadān, محيد maḥīd) to deviate, swerve, depart, desist (If from); to leave, quit, give up, abandon, relinquish (عن s.th.); حاد به عن to dissuade or get s.o. away from ; to incline, tend (الى, نحو to, toward), sbade, blend (الى, نحو into) II to keep aside, put aside (هـ s.th.) III to stay away, keep apart (هـ, ه from s.o., from s.th.); to avoid, shun (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) VII to depart, deviate, digress, swerve (عن from)
حيد ḥaid, حيدان ḥayadān deviation, digression, departure, swerving, turning aside, turning away
حيدة ḥaida deviation, digression, swerving, departure (from a course); neutrality; impartiality |على حيدة aside, apart, to one side
محيد maḥīd avoidance (عن of s.th.) |لا محيد (maḥīda) it is unavoidable
حايد ḥiyād neutrality (pol.) |على الحياد neutral; حياد عن الخط (kaṭṭ) derailment (railroad)
حيادي ḥiyādī neutral (pol.)
محايدة muḥāyada neutrality (pol.)
حائد ḥā’id neutral (pol.)
محايد muḥāyid neutral (pol.); المحايدون the neutrals (pol.)
متحايد mutaḥāyid neutral (pol.)
حيدراباد ḥaidarābād2 Hydarabad
حار (حير ) ḥāra (1st pers. perf. حرت ) a (حيرة ḥaira, حيران ḥayarān) to become confused; to become or be helpless, be at a loss, know nothing (في of, about); to waver, hesitate, be unable to choose (بين -- وبين between - and) |حار في امره (amrihi) to be confused. baffled, bewildered, dismayed to be at a loss, be at one’s wit’s end II to confuse, baffle, bewilder, nonplus, embarrass (ه s.o.) V to become confused; to be or become dismayed, startled, baffled, perplexed (في by), be at a loss (في to); to waver (uncertainly) (بين between) |تحير في امره (amrihi) to be confused, baffled, bewildered, disconcerted, be at a loss, be at one’s wit’s end VIII = V
حير ḥair fenced-in garden, enclosure |حير الحيوان ḥ. al-ḥayawān zoological garden, zoo
حيرة ḥaira confusion, perplexity, bewilderment, embarrassment, helplessness في حيرة embarrassed, at a loss, helpless
حيران ḥairān2, f. حيرى ḥairā, pl. حيارى ḥayārā, ḥuyārā confused, perplexed, startled, dismayed, disconcerted, baffled, Nonplused, bewildered, appalled, taken aback, stunned; embarrassed, at a loss, at one’s wit’s end; uncertain, helpless, sheepish (smile, etc.), confused, incoherent (words, and the like)
تحير taḥayyur confusion, perplexity, bewilderment, dismay; embarrassment, helplessness
حائر ḥā’ir disconcerted, perplexed, startled. dismayed; embarrassed, helpless, at a lost, at one’s wit’s end; baffled, bewildered, confused, uncertain (في about); straying, astray |حائر في امره (amrihī) confused, baffled, bewildered, embarrassed, at a loss, helpless
محير muḥayyar embarrassed, at a loss, helpless
محير muḥayyir and محتار muḥtār = حائر
حيز see حوز
حيزبون see حزب
حاص (حيص ) ḥāṣa i (ḥaiṣ, حيصة ḥaiṣa, محيص maḥīṣ) to flee, escape (عن s.th. or from s.th.), run away (عن from), turn one’s back (عن on) VII do.
حيص ḥaiṣ, حيصة ḥaiṣa flight, escape
وقع في حيص بيص waqa‘a fī ḥaiṣa baiṣa to get into a bad fix, meet with difficulties
حياصة see حوص
محيص maḥīṣ flight, escape; place of refuge, retreat, sanctuary |ما عنه محيص it is unavoidable; لم يكن لهم من محيص they couldn’t but ..., they had no other alternative but to ...
(حيض) حاضت ḥāḍat i (ḥaiḍ, محيض maḥīḍ, محاض maḥāḍ) and V to menstruate, have a monthly period
حيض ḥaiḍ (n. un. حيضة ) and حياض ḥiyāḍ menstruation, monthly period
حائض ḥā’iḍ (f.) and حائضة menstruating
حيطة , حياطة, حيطان, حياط see حوط
1 حاف (حيف ) ḥāfa i (ḥaif) to deal unjustly (على with s.o.), wrong, injure, harm (على s.o.); to restrict, limit, curtail, impair (على s.th.), encroach (على upon) V to impair, injure, prejudice, violate (هـ or من s.th.), encroach, infringe (هـ or من upon)
حيف ḥaif wrong, injustice; harm, damage, prejudice | حيف عليه what a pity! too bad! لا حيف به (ḥaifa) it is not out of place, it is quite appropriate
2 حيفاء ḥaifā’ Haifa (seaport in NW Israel)
حاق (حيق ) ḥāqa i to surround, beset from all sides (ب s.o.); to fall, descend, come (ب upon s.o., punishment), befall, overtake, grip, seize, overcome (ب s.o.), happen, occur (ب to); to penetrate, pierce (في the body; of a sword); to affect, influence (في s.o., s.th.) IV to surround, beset from all sides (ب s.o.); to bring down (هـ ب upon s.o. s.th.), cause s.th. (هـ ) to descend (هـ ب upon s.o.)
حيق ḥaiq consequence, effect (of a misdeed redounding upon the evildoer)
حيك II to weave
حياكة see حوك
حيك ḥaik = حائك see حوك
1 حيل V, حيلة, احيل, حيال, حيلولة , etc., see حول; احيلي see حلو
2 حايل ḥāyil2 Hail (town and oasis in N Nejd)
حان (حين ) ḥāna i to draw near, approach, come, arrive (time); to happen accidentally |حان الوقت the (right) time has come; now is the time; حان له الوقت the time has come for him to …; اما حان لهم ان يفهموا (amā, an yafhamū) haven’t they understood yet ...?; حانت مني التفاتة (minnī iltifāta) I happened to turn around (الى to), it just happened that my eyes fell on (الى ) II to set a time (ه for s.o.) IV to destroy, wipe out (ه s.o.) V to watch, wait (هـ fur a time or an opportunity) |تحين الفرصة (furṣata) to wait for an opportunity, bide one's time X استحين istaḥyana to wait for the right time
حان ḥān bar; cabaret
حانة ḥāna pl. -āt bar, wineshop, wine tavern; pub, tavern, taproom
حين ḥain death, destruction
حين ḥīn pl. احيان aḥyān, احايين aḥāyīn2 time; propitious time, good time, opportunity; ḥīna (prep.) at the time of ..., at, upon; (conj.) at the time when, when; as soon as; حينا ḥīnan for some time; once, one day; احيانا aḥyānan occasionally, from time to time, sometimes |حينا -- حينا sometimes -- sometimes, at times -- at times; في الاحايين at times, sometimes, once in a while; في بعض الأحيان (الأحايين ) fī ba‘ḍi l-a. and بعض الأحيان ba‘ḍa l-a. sometimes, occasionally, now and then, once in a while, from time to time, at times; في اغلب الأحيان fī aglabi l-a. mostly, most of the time, in most cases; الى حين for some time; meanwhile, for the time being; في حينه then, at the time, in his (its) time; in due time, at the appointed time; ذا الحين dā l-ḥīna just now, right now; من ذلك الحين from that time on, from then on; الى ذلك الحين until that time, till then; في حين (with foll. verb) whereas; في حين ان and على حين ان (ḥīni) at the same time when ..., while; whereas, also without ان , e.g., على حين هم يزعمون ‘alā ḥīni hum yaz‘umūna whereas they, on the other hand, claim; من حين الى حين, بين حين وحين, حينا بعد حين, من حين لآخر (li-ākara) and بين حين ولآخر (wa-ākara) from time to time, now and then, once in a while
حينئذ ḥīna’idin at that time, then, that day
حينذاك ḥīnadāka at that time, then, that day
حينما ḥīnamā (conj.) while; when, as
حيوان , حيوي and حيوية see حي