Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
خاء ḳā’ name of the letter خ
خاتون ḳātūn pl. خواتين ḳawātīn2 lady, socially prominent woman|زهرة الخاتون zahrat al-ḳ. little blue flower of the steppe (syr.)
خاخام ḳāḳām (=حاخام ) rabbi
خارصين ḳāriṣīn and خارصينى ḳāriṣīnī (eg.) zinc
خازوق ḳāzūq pl. خوازيق ḳawāzīq2 post, stake, pole; dirty trick| هذا خازوق that’s tough luck!
خاقان ḳāqān pl. خواقين ḳawāqīn2 overlord, ruler, sovereign, monarch, emperor
خاكى ḳākī earth-colored, khaki
خؤول , خؤولة see خول
خام ḳām raw, unworked, unprocessed; untanned; linen; calico; (pl. -āt) raw material; inexperienced, green, untrained, unskilled, artless, uncouth, boorish; pl. خامات raw materials|جلود خام raw leather; خيوط خام raw fibers; زيت خام (zait) crude oil; سكر خام (sukkar) raw sugar; المواد الخام (mawādd) the raw materials
خان ḳān pl. -āt hostel, caravansary; inn, pub, tavern|الخان الخليلى (ḳalīlī) district of Cairo (center of art trade and market activity); خان يونس Khan Yunis (town in Gaza sector)
خانة pl. -at column (e.g., of a newspaper); square (e.g., on a chessboard)
خب ḳabba u (ḳabb, خبب ḳabab, خبيب ḳabīb) to amble (animal); to trot (horse); to jog, saunter (person), to sink (فى in sand); -- u (ḳabb) to surge, heave, be rough (sea) V and VIII to amble (animal); to trot (horse)
خبب ḳabab amble; trot
خب ḳabb, ḳibb heaving, surging (of the sea, rough sea
خب ḳabb impostor. swindler
خب ḳaba’a a and II to bide, conceal (هـ s.th) V to hide, conceal o.s.; to be hidden, be concealed VIII to hide, conceal o.s.; to disappear; to be hidden, be concealed
خبء ḳib’ that which is hidden, a hidden thing
خبيئة ḳabī’a pl. خبايا ḳabāyā that which is hidden; a hidden, secret thing; a cache| خبايا الارض ḳ. l-arḍ that which is hidden in the earth; natural resources
مخبأ maḳba’ pl. مخابئ maḳābi’2 hiding place; hide-out, refuge, haunt, retreat; cellar, shelter, air-raid shelter
خباء ḳibā’ pl. اخبئة aḳbi’a, اخبية aḳbiya tent; husk, hull (of grain)
خابئة ḳābi’a, خابية ḳāiya pl. خوابئ ḳawābī’2, خواب ḳawābin large vessel, cask, jar
مخبآت muḳabba’āt hidden, secret things; secrets
مختبئ muḳtabi’ hidden, concealed
خبت IV to be humble (الى before God(
خبث ḳabuta u (ḳubt, خباثة ) to be bad; to be wicked, evil, malicious, vicious, malignant VI to behave viciously, display malice; to feel awkward, feel embarrassed
خبث ḳubt badness, wickedness; malignancy (e.g., of a disease); malice, malevolence, viciousness
خبث ḳabat refuse, scum, dross, slag
خبيث ḳabīt pl. خبث ḳubut, خبثاء ḳubatā’2, اخباث aḳbāt, خبثة ḳabata bad, evil, wicked; malicious, vicious, spiteful; noxious, injurious, harmful; malignant (disease); offensive, repulsive, nauseating, disgusting (odor)
اخبث aḳbat worse; more wicked
خباثة ḳabāta badness wickedness; malice, malevolence, viciousness, malignancy
خبر ḳabara u (ḳubr, خبرة ḳibra) to try, test (هـ s.th.); to experience (هـ s.th.); to have tried, have experienced, know by experience (هـ s.th.); to get to know thoroughly, know well (هـ s.th., ه s.o.); ḳabura u to know thoroughly (ب or هـ s.th.), be fully acquainted (ب or هـ with s.th.) II to notify, advise, apprise, inform, tell (ه s.o., ب of or about) III to write (ه to s.o.). address (ه s.o.), turn, appeal (ه to s.o.), contact (ه s.o.) in writing; to negotiate, treat, parley (ه with s.o.) IV to notify, inform, apprise, advise (ب ه s.o. of), let know, tell (ب ه s.o. about); to communicate, report, relate (ب ه to s.o. s.th.), tell (ب ه s.o. s.th.) V to inquire (ه of s.o.), ask (ه s.o.) VI to inform one another, notify one another; keep one another informed; to correspond, write each other; to negotiate, treat, parley (مع with s.o., في about) VIII to explore (هـ s.th.), search (هـ into), seek information (هـ about); to test, examine (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to try, put to the test (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to have tried, have experienced, know by experience (هـ s.th.); to know well (هـ s.th.) X to inquire (عن ه of s.o. about), ask (عن ه s.o. about)
خبر ḳabar pl. اخبار aḳbār news; information, intelligence: report, communication, message; notification; rumor; story; matter, affair; (gram.) predicate of a nominal clause; pl. annals |سأله عن أخباره to inquire of s.o. about s.o. else; كان في خبر كان or دخل في خبر كان (ḳabari kana) to belong to the past, be passé, be no longer existent
خبرة ḳibra, خبر ḳubr experience; knowledge
خبير kabīr experienced, expert (ب in); familiar, conversant, well-acquainted (ب with), cognizant (ب of); الخبير the Knowing (one of the attributes of God); (pl. خبراء kubarā’2) expert, specialist | خبير الضرائب tax expert, tax adviser
خابور kābūr pl. خوابير kawābīr2 peg; pin; wedge
مخبر makbar sense, intrinsic significance; (pl: مخابر makābir2) laboratory
مخبار mikbār pl. مخابير makābīr2 test tube (chem.)
مخابرة mukābara pl. -āt correspondence, (esp. written) information (in classified ads: المخابرة ب please write to ..., please contact ...), notice, notification, communication | مخابرة تلفونية telephone call, telephone conversation; مخابرة خارجية (kārijīya) long-distance call; مخابرة سرية (sirriya) secret communiqué; قلو المخابرات qalam al-m. intelligence bureau; المخابرة حضوريا (ḥuḍūrīyan) apply in person (in classified ads)
اخبار ikbār notification, information, communication, note, message; report; indirect discourse, oratio obliqua (gram.)
اخباري ikbārī news-, information- (in compounds)
تخابر takābur negotiation; correspondence
اختبار iktibār pl. -āt exploration, study; examination; test; test item (of an examination); trial, testing; (scientific) investigation, research, experiment; experience, empirical knowledge; practical experience |اختبارات تحريرية (taḥrīrīya) written examination items; اختبار ذاتي (dātī) personal experience; على سبيل الاختبار experimentally; تحت الاختبار on probation, on trial; حقول الاختبار experimental fields
اختباري iktibārī experimental; experiential; empirical
اختبارية ihtibārīya empiricism
استختبار istikbàr pl. -āt inquiry | دائرة الاستختبارات information bureau
مخبر mukbir pl. -ūn reporter; detective
مختبر muktabar pl. -āt laboratory
خبز kabaza i (kabz) to bake (هـ bread) VIII do.
خبز kubz pl. اخباز akbāz bread
خبزة kubza loaf of bread
خباز kubza pl. -ūn, خبازة baker
خباز kubbaz, خبيز kubbaiz, خبازى kubbazā mallow (bot.)
خبازة kibāza baker’s trade, art of baking
مخبز makbaz, مخبزة pl. مخابز makābiz2 bakery
خبص kabaṣa i (kabṣ) to mix, mingle, intermix (ب هـ s.th. with) II to mix, mingle, intermix (هـ s.th.); to muddle, jumble, confuse (هـ s.th.), make a mess (هـ of)
خبيص kabīl, خبيصة medley, mess, mishmash, hodgepodge; خبصة a jellylike sweet
خباص kabbāṣ one who causes confusion, who messes things up; an irresponsible, light-minded person
خبط kabaṭa i (kabṭ) to beat, strike (هـ s.th., against s.th.); to knock, rap (هـ on, الباب on the door); to stamp (الارض the ground; of animals) | يخبط خبط عشواء (kabṭa ‘ašwā’) he acts haphazardly, he proceeds rashly or at random V to beat, strike, hit (ه s.o.); to bring down, fell, knock out, throw to the ground (ه s.o.); to bump, hit (هـ against), collide (هـ with), stumble (هـ over); to be lost, wander about, stray; to grope about, fumble about; to struggle, resist; to clatter over the ground, gallop (horse) VIII to bump (against); to struggle, resist; to grope about, fumble about; to be lost, wander around, stray; to stir, bustle
خبطة kabta blow, stroke; rap, knock; noise, din, uproar
خباط kubāṭ insanity, madness, mental disorder
خبل kabala u (kabl) to confound, confuse, mess up, complicate (هـ s.th.); to hinder, impede, handicap, stop, hold back (ه s.o.); to befuddle (ه s.o.), confuse s.o.’s (ه ) mind, rob (ه s.o.) of his senses make (ه s.o.) crazy; -- kabila a (kabal, خبال kabal) to get confused; to be or become mentally disturbed, crazy, insane II to confound, confuse (هـ s.th., ه s.o.); to complicate, entangle, mess up, muddle, throw into disorder (هـ s.th.); to rob of his senses, drive insane (ه s.o.) VIII to become muddled, disordered (mind)
خبل kabl, kabal confusion; mental disorder, insanity
خبل kabil mad, crazy, insane; feebleminded, dim-witted
اخبل akbal 2 mad, crazy, insane; feeble-minded, dim-witted
اختبال iktibāl mental disorder
مخبول makbūl mad, crazy, idiotic, imbecilic, mentally deranged, insane; muddlehead, dolt, fool
مخبل makbal confused. baffled, perplexed, dismayed; muddled, confused, mixed up
(خبو) خبا kabā u (kabw, kubūw) to go out, die (fire)
خبايا and خباء pl. اخبية see خبأ
خابية pl. خواب see خبأ
خبياري kibyārī caviar
ختر katara i (katr) to betray (ه s.o.), act perfidiously, disloyally (ه toward s.o.); to deceive, cheat, dupe (ه s.o.)
ختر katr disloyalty, breach of confidence, perfidy, treachery, betrayal, deception
ختار kattār traitor, disloyal person, cheat, swindler
خاتر kātir treacherous, perfidious, disloyal
ختل katala i u (katl, ختلا katalan) to dupe, gull, cheat, double-cross, deceive (ه s.o.) III to deceive, cheat, dupe (ه s.o.); to behave hypocritically VIII = I
ختل katl and مخاتل mukātala deception, trickery, double-dealing, duplicity, duping, gulling
مخاتل mukātil deceitful, crafty, wily, foxy
ختم katama i (katm, ختام kitām) to seal, provide with a seal or signet (هـ s.th.); to stamp, impress with a stamp (هـ s.th.); to seal off, close, make impervious or inaccessible (هـ s.th.; also على the hearts, said of God); to put one’s seal (هـ on), conclude, terminate (هـ s.th.); to wind up, finish, complete (هـ s.th.); to close, heal, cicatrize (wound) V to put on or wear a ring (ب) | تختم بالذهب (dahab) to wear a golden ring VIII to conclude, finish, terminate, wind up (هـ s.th.)
ختم katm sealing; -- (pl. اختام aktām, ختوم kutūm) seal, signet, seal imprint; stamp, stamp imprint; also = ختمة (see below) | ختم البريد postmark, (postal) cancellation stamp; شمع الختم šam‘ al-k. sealing wax
ختمة katma pl. katamāt recital of the entire Koran, esp. on festive occasions
خاتم kātam, kātam pl. خواتم kawātim2 seal ring, signet ring; ring, finger ring; seal, signet; stamp |خاتم الزواج k. zawāj wedding ring; خاتم النبيين k. an-nabīyīn the Seal (i.e., the last) of the Prophets = Mohammed
خاتام kātām pl. خواتيم kawātīm2 seal ring, signet ring; ring
ختام kitām sealing wax; end, close, conclusion, termination |في الختام at the end, at last, finally, eventually
ختامي kitāmī final, concluding |كلمة ختامية (kalima) concluding speech
اختتام iktitām end, close, conclusion, termination
خاتمة kātima pl. خواتم kawātim2, خواتيم kawātīm2 end, close, conclusion, termination; epilogue (of a book); خواتيم final stage
مختم mukattam ringed, adorned with a ring or rings (hand)
مختتم muktatam end, close, conclusion, termination
1 ختن katana i (katn) to circumcise (ه a boy) VIII pass
ختن katn circumcision
ختن katan pl. اختان aktān son-in-law bridegroom
ختان kitān, ختانة kitāna circumcision
2 خاتون look up alphabetically
خثر katara u and katira a to become solid, become thick, solidify, thicken; to be or become viscous, syrupy; to clot, coagulate (liquid); to curdle (milk) II and IV to thicken, inspissate, condense, coagulate (هـ liquid); to curdle (هـ milk) V = I
O خثرة katra thrombosis (med.)
خثار kutar dregs (of a liquid); scum of the earth, riffraff, mob
خثارة kutāra dregs (of a liquid); sediment, lees
تخثر takattur coagulation |O تخثر المخ (mukk) cerebral thrombosis
خاثر kātir thickened, inspissated, condensed; viscous, ropy, sirupy; curdled, coagulated, clotted; yoghurt, curd
مخثر mukattar thickened, inspissated, condensed; viscous, ropy, sirupy; curdled, coagulated, clotted
خجل kajila a (kajal) to become embarrassed; to be ashamed (من of s.th. or to face s.o.), be abashed ( by s.th.), feel embarrassed (من about s.th. or in front of s.o.) II and IV to shame (ه s.o.); to embarrass, abash, put to shame (ه s.o.)
خجل kajal shame (من at); bashfulness diffidence, timidity, shyness; abashment; disgrace, shame, ignominy |يا للخجل (la-l-kajal) O disgrace! the shame of it!
خجل kajil abashed, embarrassed; bashful, diffident, shy, timid; overgrown with luxuriant, profuse vegetation; long and flowing (garment)
خجول kajūl abashed, ashamed, shame-faced; shy, bashful, diffident, timid
خجلان kajalān abashed, ashamed, shamefaced; shy, bashful, diffident, timid; bewildered with shame, embarrassed
مخجول makjūl ashamed, shamefaced
مخجل mukjil arousing shame, shameful; shocking, disgraceful, ignominious |اعضاء المخجلة (a‘ḍā’) the pudenda
خد kadda u to furrow, plow (a the ground) V to be furrowed; to become wrinkled (akin)
خد kadd pl. خدود kudūd cheek; lateral portion, side |صعر خده ṣa‘‘ra kaddahū to put on a contemptuous mien
خد kadd and خدة kudda pl. خدد kudad furrow, ridge, groove, rut
اخدود ukdūd pl. اخاديد akādīd2 furrow, ridge, groove, rut; trench, excavation
خد mikadda pl. مخاد makadd2 cushion, pillow; seat cushion
خديج kadīj premature child
خداج kidāj abortion, miscarriage
خدر kadira a (kadar) to be numb, prickle, tingle (leg, arm); to be or become limp, benumbed, paralyzed; -- kadara u to confine to women’s quarters, keep in seclusion (ها a girl) II to numb, benumb, stupefy (ه s.o., هـ a s.th.); to anesthetize, narcotize, put to sleep (ه s.o., هـ s.th.; med.); to confine to women’s quarters, keep in seclusion (la a girl) IV to make torpid, stupefy, benumb, deprive of sensation, narcotize (ه s.o., هـ s.th.) V to be numbed. be stunned, be stupefied, be deprived of sensation; to come to rest, calm down
خدر kidr pl. خدور kudūr, اخدار akdār, اخادير akādīr2 curtain, drape; women’s quarters of a tent; boudoir, private room (of a lady)
خدر kadar and خدرة kudra numbness, insensibility (esp. of a limb gone to sleep); daze. torpor, stupor
خدر kadir numb (limb); benumbed, torpid, dazed
خدر takdīr anesthetization, narcotization
خادر kādir limp, languid; benumbed, torpid, dazed; hidden in his den, lurking (lion)
خادرة kādira chrysalis (of a caterpillar; zool.)
مخدر mukaddir anesthetic, painkilling, tranquilizing; (pl. -āt) an anesthetic; a narcotic, drug, dope
مخدر mukaddar numb, torpid, insensible; (eg.) tipsy, fuddled, drunk
مخدرة mukaddira girl kept in seclusion from the outside world
خدش kadaša i (kadš) to scratch (هـ s.th.); to maul, lacerate, tear to pieces (هـ s.th.); to violate (هـ the rules of decency, s.o.’s honor, and the like); to disturb (هـ the
peace); to ruin, sully, run down (سمعته sum‘atahū s.o.’s reputation) II to scratch (هـ s.th.) j to maul, lacerate, tear to pieces (هـ s.th.); to violate (هـ the rules of decency, s.o.’s honor, etc.); to ruin, sully, run down (سمعته sum‘atahū s.o.’s reputation)
خدش kadš pl. خدوش kudūš, اخداش akdāš scratch, scratch mark; graze, abrasion
خدع kada‘a a to cheat (ه s.o., عن out of s.th.); to deceive, mislead, dupe, gull (ه s.o.); pass. kudi‘a to be mistaken, be wrong (عن about); to fail to see clearly (عن with regard to), get the wrong impression (عن of s.th.) III to cheat, dupe, deceive, take in (ه s.o.); to try to deceive or double-cross (ه s.o.) VII to let o.s. be deceived, be deceived, deluded, misled (ب by); to be mistaken, be wrong
خدع kud‘a pl. خدع kuda‘, -āt deception, cheating, swindle
خدعة kuda‘a impostor, swindler, cheat, sharper
سوى خدع sawwā akda‘ahū to crush s.o.’s pride, humble s.o.
خديعة kadī‘a pl. خدائع kadā’i‘2 deception, deceit, betrayal, treachery, perfidy, trickery, imposture
خداع kaddā‘ impostor, swindler, sharper, cheat, crook; deceptive, delusive
خيدع kaida‘ fata morgana, mirage
اخاديع akādi‘2 swindles, underhand dealings, crooked practices; phantoms, phantasms, delusions
مخدع mika‘, mukda‘, makda‘ pl. مخادع makādi2 small room, chamber, cabinet; bedchamber
خداع kidā‘ deception, deceit, swindle, imposture, betrayal, treachery, perfidy, trickery, duplicity
خداعي kidā‘ī deceitful, fraudulent; deceptive, delusive, fallacious
مخادع mukādi‘ swindler, impostor, cheat, sharper, crook
خدل kadala a to stiffen, become rigid; to become numb, torpid, limp
خدم kadama i u (خدم kidma) to serve, be at service, do service; to have a job; to work; to wait (ه on s.o.); to serve (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to render a service (ه to s.o., هـ to s.th.), stand up (ه for s.o.) | خدم الأرض to till or cultivate the soil; خدمه خدمات كثيرة (kidamātin katīratan) he rendered him many services; خدم ركاب فلان (rikāba) to be at s.o.’s beck and call; خدم مصالح فلان (maṣāliḥa) to serve s.o.’s interests; خدم القداس (quddāsa) to celebrate Mass (Chr.) II to employ, hire (ه s.o.), engage the services (ه of s.o.); to give work (ه to s.o.), provide work (ه for) X to employ, hire, take on (ه s.o., ل for s.th.), engage the services (ل ه of s.o. for s.th.); to put in operation, operate (هـ e.g., a public utility); to employ, use (هـ s.th., ل for), make use, avail o.s. (هـ of s.th., ل for a purpose)
خدم kadam servants, attendants
خدمة kidma pl. خدم kidam, -āt a service (rendered); attendance, service; operation; office, employment, occupation, job; work | في خدمة شيء in the service of s.th.; في خدمتكم at your service; خدم للحقيقة (kidmatan) in the interest of truth, for the sake of truth; خدمة عسكرية ('askarīya) military service; الخدمة الاجبارية (ijbārīya) conscription, compulsory service; الخدمة السرية (sirrīya) secret service (pol.); خدمة القداس k. al-quddās celebration of Mass (Chr.)
خدام kaddām pl. ة manservant, servant, attendant; woman servant, female domestic servant, maid
خدام kadāma attendance, service; employment, occupation, office, job
خدام kaddāma pl. -āt woman servant, female domestic servant, maid
تخديم takdīm work, occupation or duty of an employment agent (مخدم mukaddim see below) | مكتب التخديم maktab at-t. labor office, employment bureau
استخدام istikdām (putting into) operation; use, utilization; employment, hiring (of an employee); service, occupation, position, job
خادم kādim pl. خدام kuddām, خدمة kudama domestic servant, help; manservant; woman servant; employee; attendant; waiter; deacon (Chr.)
خادمة kādima woman servant; female domestic servant, maid; woman attendant
خادمية kādimīya status of a servant
مخدوم makdūm pl. -ūn, مخاديم makādīm2 master, employer
مخدومة makdūma mistress, lady (of the house), woman employer
مخدومية makdūmīya status of the master or employer
مخدم mukaddim pl. -ūn employment agent
مستخدم mustakdim pl. -ūn employer; -- mustakdam (colloq. mustakdim) pl. -ūn employee, official
خدن III to befriend (ه s.o.), make friends (ه with s.o.); to associate socially (ه with)
خدن kidn pl. اخدان akdān (intimate) friend, companion, confidant
خدين kadīn (intimate) friend, companion, confidant
خديو kidīw, خديوي kudaiwī khedive
خديوي kidīwī khedivial
خذأ X to submit, subject o.s.
مستخذئ mustakdi’ submissive, servile, subservient, obedient
خذروف kūdrūf pl. خذاريف kadārīf2 (spinning) top
خذروفي kudrūfī turbinate, toplike
خذف kadafa i (kadf) to hurl away (هـ, ب s.th.)
مخذفة mikdafa sling, slingshot, catapult
خذل kadala u (kadl, خذلان kidlān) to leave, abandon, forsake, desert, leave in the lurch (ه or عن s.o.); to stay behind; to disappoint; pass. kudila to fail, suffer a setback, meet with disappointment III to leave, abandon, forsake, desert, leave in the lurch (ه s.o.) VI to let up, flag, grow slack, languish, wane, decrease, fade, grow feeble VII to be left in the lurch; to be helpless; to be defeated; to meet with disappointment
خذل kidlān disappointment
تختذل ta!:d4u.l fatigue, languor, weakness, feebleness; relaxation, lessening of tension; disagreement, dissent, disunion
انخذال inkidāl forsakenness, desertedness, abandonment; defeat
خذل mutakādil languid, weak, exhausted, spent, effete
خذو X to submit, subject o.s.
استخذاء istikdā’ subservience, submissiveness, servility
مستخذ mustakdin submissive, servile, subservient, obedient
خر karra i (خرير karīr) to murmur, bubble, gurgle, purl (of running water); to ripple, trickle; to snore; -- (karr, خرور kurūr) to fall, fall down, drop; to sink to the ground, prostrate o.s. | خر على الأرض fall to the ground; خر بين يديه (baina yadaihi) he prostrated himself before him; خر تحت قدميه (taḥta qadmnaihi) he fell at hill feet
خرير karīr purl, murmur, ripple (of water)
خرئ kari’a a (خرء kar’) to evacuate the bowels, defecate
خرء kur’ and خراء karā’ excrement, feces
خراسان kurāsān2 Khurasan (province in NE Iran)
1 خرب karaba i (karb) to destroy, wreck, demolish, shatter, devastate, lay waste (هـ s.th.); -- kariba a (خراب karāb) to be or become destroyed, ruined, waste, go to ruin, fall apart, disintegrate II to devastate, lay waste, destroy, wreck, demolish, ruin, lay in ruins (هـ s.th.) IV = II; V to be or become destroyed, ruined, waste, go to ruin, Call apart, disintegrate
خرب karb destruction, devastation
خرب kurb hole; eye of a needle; anus
خرب karib destroyed, demolished, wrecked, devastated, waste; dilapidated, tumble-down, ramshackle; broken, ruined, out of order
خربة kirba pl. خرب kirab (site of)
ruins; ruin, disintegrating structure
خربة karba, kurba irreligion, lawlessness
خربة kurba pl. خرب kurab hole; eye of a needle; anus
خربة kariba (site of) ruins
خراب karàb ruin, ruination; state of destruction or dilapidation; desolation; (pl. اخربة akriba) (site of) ruins
خرابة karāba pl. -āt, خرائب karā’ib2 disintegrating structure, ruin, ruins
خربان karbān, kirbān destroyed, wrecked, demolished, devastated, waste; ruined, broken, out of order
تخريب takrīb pl. -āt devastation, destruction, wrecking, demolition; sabotage
عمل تخريبي ‘amal takrībī act of sabotage
خارب kārib annihilator, destroyer
مخرب mukarrib pl. -ūn annihilator, destroyer; saboteur
مخرب mukrib annihilator, destroyer
2 خروب karrūb (coll.; n. un. ة ) carob, locust; carob bean, locust pod, St.-John’s-bread
خروبة karrūba pl. -āt kharouba, a dry measure (Eg.; = 1/16 قدح = .291 l)
خربش karbaša to scratch; to scrawl, scribble
خربوش karbuš pl. خرابيش karābīš (syr.) tent
O مخربشات mukarbašāt graffiti
خربط karbaṭa to throw into disorder, disarrange, confuse (هـ s.th.)
خربق karbaqa to perforate, riddle (هـ s.th.); to spoil, mar (هـ s.th.)
خربق karbaq hellebore (bot.)
خرت karata u (kart) to pierce, bore, perforate (هـ s.th.), make a hole (هـ in)
خرت kurt, kart pl. اخرات akrāt, خروت kurūt hole; bore, drill hole; ring, eye, eyelet
حريت kirrīt experienced, practiced, skilled; guide
خرتيت kartīt rhinoceros
خرج karaja u (خروج kurūj) to go out, walk out; to come out (من of), emerge (من from); to drive or ride out, go out (in a vehicle); to flow out, exude, effuse; to go away, depart, leave, retire; to protrude, project, stick out; to leave (من s.th.); to dismount, alight, disembark (من from), get out, step out (من of); to emanate, issue, arise, originate, result (من from); to draw away, segregate, separate, secede, dissent (عن from), disagree (عن with); to deviate, depart (عن from an arrangement, from a principle); to be an exception (عن to); to be outside a given subject (عن ), go beyond a topic (عن ), exceed (عن a topic); to be alien (عن to), be extraneous (عن from), not to belong (عن to), be not included (عن in), have nothing to do with (عن); لا يخرج عن it is limited to ..., it is nothing but ; to go forth (into battle); to attack (على s.o., s.th.), rise, fight (على against); to rebel, revolt (على against); to violate, break, infringe (على a rule, a regulation); خرج عليه ب to come up to s.o. with …, confront s.o. with ; to get out, bring out, take out (ب s.o.); to turn out, oust, dislodge (ب s.o.); to lead away, dissuade (عن ب s.o. from); to find out, discover (ب s.th.) |خرج عن الخط (kaṭṭ) to be derailed, run off the track (train) II to move out, take out, dislodge (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to turn out, oust, expel, evict, drive out (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to remove, eliminate (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to exclude, except (هـ s.th.); to train (ه s.o., في in a skill, and the like); to educate, bring up (ه s.o.); to distill (هـ s.th.); to pull out, extract (هـ s.th.); to gather, deduce, infer (هـ s.th.); to explain, interpret, expound, elucidate (هـ s.th.) IV to move out, take out, get out, bring out, dislodge (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to unload (هـ s.th.), disembark, detrain, etc. (ه s.o., e.g., troops); to turn out, oust (ه s.o.); to emit, send out (هـ s.th., e.g., electric waves); to stick out (هـ e.g., the tongue); to fish out (هـ s.th. from the pocket); to bring out into the open, make public (هـ s.th.); to remove, extract (هـ s.th.); to eliminate (هـ s.th.); to expel, evict, exile, expatriate (ه s.o., من from a country); to dismiss, fire, remove (ه s.o., من from an office); اخرجه من ثروته (tarwatihī) to rob s.o. of his property, dispossess, expropriate s.o.; to give off, sound, emit (هـ s.th., e.g., a tone; said of a musical instrument); to set forth, state, express, utter, voice (هـ an opinion); to break (ريحا rīḥan wind); to educate, bring up (ه s.o.); to train (ه s.o.); to stage, produce (هـ a play; theat.); to bring out, make, shoot (رواية riwāyatan a film, said of a director); to except, exclude (هـ s.th., عن from); to pull out, extract (هـ s.th.); to select (هـ s.th.) V to be educated; to be trained (في in a school, college, also من; في in a field); to graduate (في from a school, from a college, also من ) VI to part company, separate; to disengage, disassociate, withdraw from one another; to cede, assign, transfer, make over (ل عن s.th. to s.o.) X to get out, move out, remove (هـ s.th., من from); to take out, draw (هـ s.th., من from); to pull out, extract (هـ s.th., من from); to mine, extract, recover (هـ mineral resources); to win, gain, make (هـ a product, من from); to copy, excerpt (A s.th., من from a book or document); to derive, draw, deduce, figure out, compute (من هـ s.th. from); to elicit (هـ s.th., e.g., astonishment, من from s.o.); to find out, discover (هـ s.th.)
خرج karj expenditure, outlay, expense(s), costs; land tax; s.th. appropriate or suitable, that which is s.o.’s due, which s.o. deserves, which s.o. needs; (eg.) ration (food); (pl. خروجات kurūjāat) trimming; edge, edging, piping; pl. lace; trimmings |هذا خراجك that’s what you need, what you deserve; خرج المشنقة k. al-mašnaqa one who deserves to be hanged
خرج kurj pl. خرجة kiraja saddlebag, portmanteau
خرجة karja pl. karajāt exit, departure; protrusion, protuberance, projection, salient part; (eg.) funeral
خراج karāj tax; kharaj, land tax (Isl. Law)
خراجي karājī of or pertaining to land tax; of or pertaining to the taxed and cultivable area
خرج kurāj (coll.; n. un. ة , pl. -āt) skin eruption; tumor, abscess
خروج kurūj exit; egression, emergence; departure; exodus; emigration; raid,
foray, sortie (على against), attack, assault (على on) | خروج عن الخط (kaṭṭ) derailment (of a train)
خريج kirrīj pl. -ūn graduate (of a school, college, or university) |مؤتمر الخريجين العرب mu’tamar al-k. al-‘arab Congress of Arab Graduates (a supra-national organization of university graduates advocating a unified Arab world)
مخرج makraj pl. مخارج makārij2 (place of) exit; way out (of a difficult situation), outlet, escape, loophole, shift, dodge, excuse; articulation (of a sound); O cathode (el.) |علم مخارج الحروف phonetics
تخريج takrīj education, training (in schools, colleges); raising, upbringing, rearing (of children); extraction; derivation, deduction; interpretation, exegesis
اخراج ikrāj taking out, moving out, removal; unloading, disembarkment, detrainment; emission; moving, carting away, hauling off; evacuation; publication, publicizing, bringing before the public; extraction, removal; elimination; dismissal, removal (from an office); ousting, expulsion, eviction, expatriation, banishment (from a country); excretion (biol.); finding out, discovery, figuring out; training, formation, education; direction, production, staging (motion pictures, theater) |تولى الاخراج (tawallā) to have the, direction (motion pictures, theater); من اخراج directed by (motion picture)
تخرج takarruj graduation (from a school or college)
تخارج takāruj separation, disassociation, disengagement, (mutual) withdrawal
استخراج istikrāj taking out, moving out, pulling out, removal; withdrawing; extraction, derivation, gaining (of industrial products, etc.), mining, recovery (of mineral resources); preparation of an extract; excerpting, copying; deduction, inference; solution (of a problem)
خارج kārij outer, outside, outward, exterior; external, foreign j outside, exterior (n.); foreign country or countries; quotient (arith.); karija (prep.) outside, out of خارجا kārijan outside |خارجا عن outside of, apart from; في الخارج abroad, in foreign countries; outside; الى الخارج abroad, to foreign countries; to the outside, outward, out
الخارجة El Khārga (town in central Egypt, in Khārga oasis)
خارجي kārijī outer, out- (in compounds), outside, outward, exterior, external; foreign; nonresident |عيادة خارجية (‘iyāda) policlinic; وزارة خارجية ministry of foreign (external) affairs, foreign ministry; تلميذ خارجي (tilmīd) a student not living at a boarding school, a day student
خوارج kawārij2 the Khawarij, Kharijites (the oldest religious sect of Islam); dissenters, dissidents, backsliders, rebels
مخرج mukrij pl. -ūn (screen or stage) director
مخرج mukraj excerpt, extract (from a book); مخرجات excretions (biol.)
متخرج mutakarrij pl. -ūn graduate (في or من of a school or college)
مستخرج mustakraj pl. -āt extract; excerpt (من from), partial copy (من of)
خرخر karkara to snore
1 خرد karida a to be a virgin, be untouched, innocent, chaste
خريدة karida pl. خرائد karā’id2, خرد kurud virgin; unbored pearl
2 خردة kurda scrap metal, scrap iron; pl. خردوات kardawāt notions, smallwares; small goods, smalls, miscellaneous small articles; (eg. also) novelties, fancy goods for ladies
خردجي kurdajī dealer in miscellaneous smallwares
خردق kurdaq, kurduq small shot, buckshot
خردل kardal (coll.; n. un. ة ) mustard seeds; mustard
خرز karaza I u to pierce, bore (هـ s.th.)
خرز karaz (coll.; n. un. ة ) pearls
مخرز mikraz pl. مخارز makāriz2 awl; punch
مخراز mikrāz awl; punch
1 خرس karisa a (karas) to be dumb mute; to become silent, keep silent, hold one’s tongue IV to silence, reduce to silence, gag (ه s.o.)
خرس karas dumbness, muteness
اخرس akras2, f. خرساء karsā’2 pl. خرس kurs, خرسان kursān dumb, mute
خرسان karsān2 dumb, mute
2 خرسان karasān, خرسانة karasāna concrete (béton) |O خرسانة مسلحة (musallaḥa) armored (or reinforced) concrete
خرشوف kuršūf (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. خراشيف karāšīf artichoke
خرص karaṣa u (karṣ) to guess estimate (هـ s.th.); to conjecture, surmise (هـ s.th.), form conjectures (هـ about); to tell an untruth, a falsehood, to lie V to fabricate lies (على against s.o.); to raise false accusations (على against s.o.)
خرص kirṣ, kurṣ, pl. خرصان kirṣān, kurṣān earring
خراص karrāṣ pl. -ūn Ii&!', slanderer, calumniator
خرط karaṭa u i (karṭ) to pull off, strip (هـ leaves from a tree); to turn, lathe, shape with a lathe (هـ wood, metal); to exaggerate, boast, brag, lie; -- u (eg.) to cut into small pieces; to mince, chop, dice (هـ meat, carrots, etc.) II (eg.) to cut into small pieces, mince, chop (هـ s.th.) VII to be turned. be lathed. be shaped with a lathe; to join, enter (في, في سلك fī silk an organization, a community), affiliate (في, في سلك with an organization, a community); to penetrate (في s.th. or into); to plunge headlong (في into), embark rashly (في upon); to labor, slave, toil |انخرط في البكاء (bukā’) to break into tears
خرط karṭ pulling-off (of leaves); دون ذلك خرط القتاد see دون turning, turnery
خراط karrāṭ pl. -ūn turner, lather; braggart, bluffer, storyteller
خراطة kirāṭa turner’s trade, turnery, art of turning
خراطة karrāta skirt (syr.)
خريطة karīṭa pl. خرائط karā’iṭ, خرط kuruṭ map, chart
مخرطة mikraṭa, makraṭa pl. مخارط makāriṭ2 lathe
خارطة kāriṭa pl. -āt map, chart
مخروط makrūṭ cone (math.); conic
مخروطي makrūṭī conic
خرطوش karṭūš, خرطوشة karṭūša pl. خراطيش karāṭīš 2 cartridge; lead (of a pencil); cartouche (arch.); daybook
خرطال karṭāl oats
خرطوم karṭūm pl. خراطيم karāṭīm2 proboscis, trunk (of the elephant); hose
الخرطوم al-karṭūm Khartoum (capital of the Sudanese Republic)
خراطين karāṭīn2 a kind of earthworm
خراطيني karāṭīnī wormlike, vermiform
خرطيط karṭīṭ rhinoceros
خرع karu‘a u (kur‘, خراعة kurā‘a) and kari‘a a (kara‘) to droop, be or become slack, limp, flabby; to be or become languid, soft, spineless, yielding VII do. VIII to invent, devise, contrive (هـ s.th.); to create. originate (هـ s.th.)
خرع kari‘ and خريع karī‘ soft, languid, yielding, spineless, devoid of energy, nerveless
خروع kirwa‘ castor-oil plant, palma Christi (Ricinus communis; bot.)
اختراع iktirā‘ pl. -āt invention
مخترع muktari‘ pl. -ūn inventor
مخترع muktara‘ pl. -at invention
خرف karifa a (karaf) to dote, be senile and feeble-minded; to drivel, talk foolishly
خرف karaf feeble-mindedness, dotage, senility; childishness (of an old man)
خرف karif and خرفان karfān feeble- minded, doting; childish; dotard
خريف karīf autumn, fall
خريفي karīfī autumnal
خروف karūf pl. خراف kirāf, اخرفة akrifa, خرفان kirfān young sheep, lamb, yearling; wether
خرافة kurāfa pl. -āt superstition; fable, fairy tale
خرافي kurāfī fabulous, fictitious, legendary
مخرفة makrafa prattle, drivel, twaddle, bosh
تخريف takrīf folly, delusion; foolish talk, drivel, twaddle, bosh, buncombe
مخرف mukarrif childish, foolish; (pl. -ūn) prattler, chatterbox, windbag; charlatan
خرفش kartaša to shuffle, mix (هـ s.th.)
خرفوشة karfūša pl. خرافيش karāfīš2 card of low value, discard (in card playing)
خرق karaqa I u (karq) to tear, rend, tear apart (هـ s.th.); to make a hole (هـ in); to perforate, pierce, bore (هـ s.th.); to penetrate (هـ s.th.), break, pass (هـ through s.th.); to traverse, cross, transit (هـ s.th., a country); to violate, impair, infringe (هـ s.th.), encroach (هـ upon); to break (هـ a vow, and the like), commit a breach of (هـ ); to exceed the ordinary, be unusual, extraordinary, unprecedented, unheard-of |خرق العادة to go beyond what is ordinary or customary IV to lurk, lie in wait V and VII to be torn, be rent, be pierced, be broken VIII to pierce (هـ s.th.); to cut, break, pass' (هـ through s.th.), penetrate (هـ s.th.); to traverse, cross, transit (هـ s.th.), travel through s.th. (هـ ); to exceed (هـ e.g., a limit), go beyond s.th. (هـ) |اخترق مسامعه (masāmi‘ahū) to shrill in s.o.’s ears
خرق karq tearing, rending, laceration; piercing, boring, perforation; penetration; disruption; breakthrough; traversion, crossing, transit; violation, breach; (pl. خروق kurūq) hole, aperture, opening |خرق الأمن من العام k. al-amn al-‘āmm violation of public security; خرق العادة offense against common usage, violation of mores; اتسع الخرق على الراقع (ittasa‘a) the rent is beyond repair
خرق kurq and خرقة kurqa awkwardness, clumsiness; stupidity | خرق في الرأي (ra’y) stupidity; folly, madness; من الخرق في الرأي ان it would be very unwise to ...
خرقة kirqa pl. خرق kiraq tatter, shred; rag; scrap (of paper); polishing cloth; eraser (cloth)
اخرق akraq2 f. خرقاء karqā’2, pl. خرق kurq clumsy, awkward; stupid; irregular; illegal, illicit, unlawful
مخرقة makraqa trickery, sleight of hand, legerdemain, hocus-pocus, swindle
مخارق makāriq2 a kind of pastry (tun.)
اختراق iktirāq penetration; piercing, disruption; traversion, crossing, transit
خارق kāriq and (للعادة or) خارق العادة exceeding the customary, unusual, extraordinary, unprecedented, unheard-of; pl. خوارق kawāriq2 preternatural phenomena. miracles; that which transcends the conceivable or the rational | خارق الطبيعة supernatural; خوارق المصادفات k. al-muṣādafāt miraculous coincidences
مخترق muktaraq passage, passageway
خرم karama i (karm) and II to pierce (هـ s.th.), make a hole or holes (هـ in); to perforate (هـ s.th.) VII to be pierced, be riddled, be torn; to be deranged, unsettled, disorganized; to come to an end, run out, peter out, get lost VIII to destroy, annihilate (ه s.o.); to carry off, carry away (ه s.o., of death); to break (الصفوف the ranks), pass through s.th. (هـ )
خرم karm pl. خروم kurūm gap, blank (e.g., in a manuscript, or the like)
خرم kurm hole | خرم الابرة k. al-ibra eye of the needle
خرامة karāma drill, bit, auger, gimlet; punch, perforator
خرم akram2 having a perforated nasal septum
تخريم takrīm piercing, boring, drilling; perforation; punching; lace-making, lace-work
تخريمة takrīma lace, lace-work, openwork, filigree
انخرام inkirām state of unsettlement, disturbance, disorganization, derangement |انخرام في التوازن (tawāzun) disturbance of equilibrium
مخروم makrūm defective, incomplete (e.g., a manuscript)
مخرم mukarram perforated; done in openwork, in filigree
خرماشة kurmāša pl. -āt (ir.) harrow
خرنوب kurnūb carob, locust; carob bean, locust pod, St.-John’s-bread
خرنق kirniq pl. خرانق karāniq2 young hare, leveret
خروع kirwa‘ castor-oil plant, palma Christi (Ricinus communis; bot.)
1 خز kazza u to pierce, transfix (ه s.o.); to stab (ه s.o., ب with) VIII to pierce, transfix (ه s.o., ب with)
2 خز pl. خزوز kuzūz silk fabric
1 خزر kazara uto look askance (ه at s.o.), give s.o. (ه ) a sidelong glance
2 بحر الخزر baḥr al-kazar the Caspian Sea
خيزران kaizurān pl. خيازر kayāzir2 cane, reed; rattan; bamboo
خيزرانة kaizurāna cane, stick
خزع kaza‘a a (kaz‘) to cut, sever (هـ s.th.)
خزعبل kuza‘bal idle talk, bosh
خزعبل kuza‘bala pl. -āt idle talk, bosh; joke, jest, hoax; fib, yarn; cock and bull story
خزف kazaf pottery, earthenware; porcelain, china; ceramics
خزفي kazafī (made of) porcelain; porcelaneous, porcelain, china (adj.)
خزاف kazzāf dealer in chinaware; potter
خزافة kizāfa potter’s trade, pottery
خزق kazaqa i to pierce, stab, transfix (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to drive, ram هـ في الأرض s.th. into the ground); to tear, rend, rip apart (هـ s.th.) II to tear, rend, rip apart (هـ s.th.) V and VII pass of I and II
خزق kazq rip, rent, tear, hole (in a garment)
خازوق kāzūq pl. خوازق kawāziq2 post, stake, pole; dirty trick |هذا خازوق that’s tough luck!
2 خوزق look up alphabetically
خزل kazala i (kazl) to cut off, sever (هـ s.th.); to hinder, prevent, hold back, restrain, keep (ه s.o., عن from) VIII to cut off, cut short, end abruptly (هـ s.th.); to shorten, abridge, abbreviate (هـ s.th.); to stand alone (ب with an opinion)
اختزال iktizāl abridgment, abbreviation; shorthand, stenography
مختزل muktazil stenographer
خزم kazama i (kazm) to string, thread (هـ pearls) | خزم انفه (anfahū) to pierce the nasal septum (of a camel) and insert the nose ring for the bridle; to make s.o. subservient to one’s will
خزام kizām, خزامة kizāma pl. خزائم kazā’im2 nose ring
خزامى kuzāmā lavender (bot.)
خزن kazana u (kazn) to store, stock, lay up, hoard, amass, accumulate; to keep secret, keep (هـ a secret) II and VIII to store, stock, lay up, warehouse (هـ s.th.); to store up, accumulate (هـ s.th.); to dam (هـ s.th.); to put in safekeeping, keep (هـ s.th.)
خزن kazn storing; accumulation, hoarding, amassing; storage, warehousing
خزنة kazna treasure house; safe, coffer, vault; wardrobe, locker; cupboard
خزانة kizāna pl. -āt, خزائن kazā’in2 treasure house; vault, coffer, safe; treasury, treasury department (of an official agency), any office for the deposit and disbursement of funds; locker, wardrobe, closet; cupboard; library |خزانة الدولة k. ad-daula and خزانة عامة (‘āmma) public treasury, exchequer; خزانة الثلج k. at-talj icebox, refrigerator; خزانة الكتب k. al-kutub bookcase; library; خزانة خصوصية (kuṣūṣīya) private library; خزانة الملابس wardrobe, closet, locker
خزينة kazīna pl. خزائن kazā’in2 treasure house; public treasury, exchequer; treasury, treasury department (of an official agency), any office for the deposit and disbursement of funds; cashier’s office; vault, coffer, safe; cashbox, till (of a merchant) | الخزينة الخاصة (kāṣṣa) (formerly) the Royal Privy Purse (Ir.); خزينة الدولة k. ad-daula public treasury, exchequer; خزينة راصدة, خزينة نقود راصدة cash register
خزان kuzzān pl. -āt, خزازين kazāzīn2 dam; reservoir; basin, sump, pool; storage tank (also for oil); - (pl. -ūn) storehouseman, warehouseman
مخزن makzan pl. مخازن makāzin2 storeroom, storehouse; depository; stock-room, storage room; depot, magazine, warehouse; store, shop, department store; المخزن al-makzan the Makhzan, the Moroccan government (formerly: govemmental finance department; Mor.) | مخزن ادوية m. adwiya drugstore; مخزن الاصدار m. al-iṣdār shipping room (com.); مخزن العفش m. al-‘afš trunk (of an automobile)
مخزني makzanī being under government control or administration. belonging to the government (Mor.) |املاك مخزنية (amlāk) government land (Mor.)
مخازني makāzinī pl. -īya native gendarme (Mor.)
مخازن makāzin2, مخازن الطريق m. aṭ-ṭarīq the nearest, shortest way, a short cut
مخزنجي makzanjī storehouseman, warehouseman
خزندار kazandār, kaznadār treasurer
تخزين takzīn storage, storing, warehousing; storing up, accumulation; damming
خازن kāzin pl. خزنة kazana, خزان kuzzān treasurer
مخزون makzūn stored, stored up, deposited, warehoused; (pl. -āt) stock, supply, stock in trade
خزي kaziya a (kizy, kazan) to be or become base, vile, despicable, contemptible; (خزاية kazāya) to be ashamed (من of); -- kazā i to disgrace, dishonor, discredit, put to shame (ه s.o.); to shame, abash, embarrass (ه s.o.) IV to humiliate, degrade, dishonor (ه s.o.); to shame, put to shame (ه s.o.) X to be ashamed
خزى kizy, kazan shame, disgrace, ignominy |يا للخزى ! yā la-l-kazā what a shame!
خزيان kazayān2 f. خزيا kazyā, pl. خزايا kazāya ashamed, shamefaced, abashed; shameful, disgraceful, scandalous, infamous, base, mean, vile
مخزاة makzāh pl. مخاز makāzin a shameful thing, a disgrace; reason for shame; pl. shameful things, disgraceful acts, infamies
مخزي makzīy ashamed, shamefaced, abashed; embarrassed, confused; المخزي the Devil
مخز mukzin disgraceful, shameful, scandalous, infamous
مخزية mukziya pl. -at disgraceful act, infamy
خس kassa (1st pers. perf. kasistu) a (خسة kissa, خساسة kasāsa) to be mean, base, vile; to become less, decrease, diminish, depreciate, fall in value; -- kassa u to lessen, reduce, diminish (هـ s.th.) II to lessen, reduce, diminish (هـ s.th.)
خس kass lettuce (Lactuca sativa; bot.)
خس kassa (n. un.) head of lettuce
خس kissa and خساسة kasāsa meanness, baseness, vileness
خسيس kasīs pl. اخساء akissā’2 mean, base, low, vile, despicable, contemptible, miserable
خسيسة kasīsa pl. خسائس kasā’is mean trick, infamy
خسأ kasa’a a (kas’) to chase away (ه s.o.); -- خسئ kasi’a a to be driven away, make off |خسئت kasi’ta beat it! scram! اخسأ اليك iksa’ ilaika do.
اخسأ aksa’2 baser, meaner, more despicable; weaker
خاسئ kāsi’ spurned, rejected, outcast; low, base, vulgar, despicable, contemptible; disgraceful, shameful, scandalous, infamous; futile, vain (attempt); weak, feeble, languid
خستكة kastaka indisposition
مخستك mukastak indisposed, unwell, sickly
خسر kasara a (kusr, خسار kasār, خسارة kasāra, خسران kusrān) to incur a loss, suffer damage; to lose, forfeit (هـ s.th.); to go astray, lose one’s way, get lost; to perish II to cause loss or damage (هـ to s.o.); to do harm (ه to s.o.); to destroy, ruin (هـ s.o.); to corrupt, deprave (ه s.o.)
IV to cause a loss (ه to s.o.); to shorten, cut, reduce (هـ s.th.) X to grudge (على or في s.o., s.th.), envy s.o. (على or في ) the possession of (هـ )
خسر kur loss, damage
خسران kusrān loss, damage, forfeiture; decline, deterioration; depravity, profligacy
خسارة kasāra pl. خسائر kasā’ir2 loss, damage; pl. losses, casualties (في in; mil.) | يا خسارة what a pity! too bad!
خسران kusrān (eg.) loser; affected by damage or loss
خاسر kāsir lost, hopeless; involving substantial losses; loser; depraved, corrupted; profligate, disreputable person, scoundrel
مخسر mukassir causing damage, harmful, noxious, injurious, detrimental
خسف kašafa i (kasf, خسوف kusūf) to sink, sink down, give way, cave in, disappear, go down; to be eclipsed (moon); -- i (kasf) to cause to sink, cause to give way | خسف الله به الأرض k. llāh bihī l-arḍa God made him sink into the ground, God made the ground swallow him up VII to sink, sink down, go down
خسف kasf baseness, ignominy, disgrace, shame; inferiority | سام خسفا sāma kasfan to humiliate, abase, degrade (.s.o.)
خسوف kusūf occultation (astron.); lunar eclipse
خش kašša i u (kašš) to enter (في s.th.)
خشاش kišāš vermin, insects
خشب II to lignify, become woody or woodlike; to line, face or cue with wood, to panel, wainscot (هـ 8 .tb.) V to lignify, become woody or woodlike; to become bard, still, firm, rigid; to stiffen, freeze (e.g., with panic)
خشب kašab pl. خشب akšāb wood, lumber, timber |خشب الأنبياء k. al-anbiyā’ guaiacum wood, lignum vitae
خشبة kašaba pl. –āt, اخشاب akšāb piece of wood; a timber; pale, post; plank, board |خشب الميت al-mayyit coffin; خشبة المسرح al-masraḥ stage (of a theater), على خشبة المسرح on the “boards”
خشبي kašabī wooden, woody, ligneous, made of wood; timber-, lumber- (in compounds)
خشاب kaššāb pl. ة lumber merchant
تخشيب takšīb paneling, wainscoting
تخشيبة takšība pl. -āt, تخاشيب takāšīib2 barrack, wooden shed
تخشب takaššub stiffness, rigor, rigidity; stiffening
متخشب mutakaššib frozen, rigid; stiff, bard, firm
خشت kušt pl. خشوت kušūt javelin
1 خشخاش kaškāš (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. خشاخيش kašākīš2 poppy
خشخش kaškša to clank, clatter, rattle; to rustle
خشخشة kaškaša pl. -āt noise; clank, clatter, rattle; rustle, rustling; crash
خشخشية (= شخشيخة ) rattle (toy)
خشارة kušāra leftover (of a meal); offal, refuse; a discard, a worthless thing
خشع kaša‘a a (خشوع kušū‘) to be submissive, be humble; to humble o.s.; to fade (voice) | خشع ببصره (baṣarihī) to lower one’s eyes II to humble, reduce to submission (ه s.o.) V to display humility; to be humble; to be moved, be touched
خشوع kušū‘ submissiveness, submission, humility
خاشع kaši‘ pl. خشعة kaša‘a submissive, humble
خشاف kušāf various fruits, stewed and waked in syrup or rose water, compote
خشكار kuškār coarsely ground grain, grits
خشكريشة kaškarīša scab, slough, scurf
خشم II to intoxicate, make drunk (ه s.o.)
خشم kašm nose; mouth; vent, outlet
خيشوم kaišūm pl. خياشم kayāšim2 nose; gills; also pl. خياشيم nose
خشن kašuna u (خشونة ) to be rough, coarse, crude; to be raw, uncut, unpolished II to roughen, coarsen, make crude (هـ s.th.) III to be rude, uncivil, boorish (ه to s.o.) V to display rough, rude, or coarse, manners; to be rough, uneven; to lead as rough life XII اخشوشن ikšaušana to be rough, coarse, crude; to lead a rough life
خشن kašin pl. خشان kišān rough, crude; coarse (as opposed to ناعم nā‘im); rude, unpolished, uncouth; tough, harsh (life); hoarse, raucous (voice) |خشن اللمس k. al-lams coarse to the touch, rough, uneven, wrinkled; خشن الخلق k. al-kulq uncouth, boorish; خشن القشرة k. al-qišra thick-shelled; الجنس الخشن (jins) the strong sex
اخشن akšan2, f. خشناء kašnā’2, pl. خشن kušn rough, tough, harsh, rude, uncouth
الخشناء al-kašnā’ the vulgar, uneducated people
خشونة kušūna roughness, coarseness; crudeness; rudeness
خشي kašiya a (kašy, خشية kašya) to fear, dread (ه s.o., هـ s.th., على for s.o. or s.th.), be afraid (ه of) II to frighten, scare, terrify, alarm (ه s.o.) V = I; VIII to be embarrassed; to be ashamed
خشية kašya fear, anxiety, apprehension |خشية من kašyatan min for fear of
اخشى akšā more timorous, more fearful; more to be feared. more frightening
خشيان kašyān2. f. خشيا kaāyā, pl. خشايا timorous, timid, anxious, apprehensive
خاش kāšin timorous, timid, anxious, apprehensive
خص kašša u to distinguish, favor (especially, before others), single out (ه s.o.), bestow special honors (ه upon s.o., in preference to others); to endow (ب s.o. with), confer, bestow (ب upon s.o. s.th.); to apportion, allot, assign, accord, give, dedicate, devote (ب ه to s.o. s.th., in preference to others); with لنفسه to take possession (هـ of), demand (هـ s.th.; also خص به نفسه nafsahū); to be specifically associated (ه with s.o.), be characteristic (ه of s.o.), be peculiar (ه to); to apply in particular (هـ to), be especially valid (هـ for); to concern, regard (ه s.o., هـ s.th.), have special relevance (هـ to), bear (هـ on) |خصه بعنايته (bi-‘ināyatihī) to devote one’s attention to s.o., favor s.o. with one’s attention; خصه بالذكر (bi-d-dikr) to make special mention of s.o. or s.th.; واخص منهم (akuṣṣu) I mention, among them, especially (with foll. acc.); هذا لا يخصني this does not concern me, this is none of my business II to specify, particularize, itemize (هـ s.th.); to specialize (هـ s.th.), narrow, restrict (ل هـ s.th. to); to designate, destine, set aside, earmark, single out (ل هـ or ه s.o. or s.th. for a purpose); to devote in particular, dedicate, assign (ل هـ s.th. to); to allocate, allot, apportion (ل هـ s.th. to); to appropriate (ل هـ funds for); to reserve, held, withhold (ل هـ s.th. for); to tie down (ب ه s.o. to a special field) V to specialize (ل in, also ب or في in a scientific field); to devote all one’s attention (ل to s.th.); to apply o.s. (ل to), go in for s.th. (ل ); to be peculiar (ب to); to be chosen, destined, earmarked (ل for) VIII to distinguish, favor (ب ه s.o. with), confer distinction (ب ه upon s.o. by); to devote, give, accord, afford (ب ه to s.o. s.th., in preference to others); to dedicate (ب ه to s.o. s.th., e.g., one’s services); (with لنفسه ) to take exclusive possession (هـ of), claim, demand (هـ s.th.), lay special claim (هـ to; also اختص به نفسه nafsahu); to be distinguished, be marked (ب by); to possess alone, in distinction from all others, have above others (ب s.th.), have the advantage over others (ب that); to be peculiar (ب to); to concern, regard (ب s.th.), bear (ب on); to be pertinent, have relevance (ب to), have to do (ب with); to be duly qualified, be competent, have jurisdiction (ب in; e.g., an authority); to have as a special function or task (ب s.th.)
خص lettuce (bot.)
خص kuṣṣ pl. خصاص kiṣāṣ, اخصاص akṣāṣ, خصوص kuṣūṣ, hut, shack, shanty, hovel
خصة kaṣṣa jet of water
خصاص kaṣāṣ interstice, interval, crevice, crack, gap
خصاصة kaṣāṣa crevice, crack, interval, gap
خصيصة kaṣīṣa pl. خصائص kaṣā’iṣ2 special characteristic or quality, specialty, particularity, peculiarity
خصيصا kiṣṣīṣan particularly, especially, specifically
خصوص kuṣūṣ specialness; خصوصا kuṣūṣan especially, in particular, specifically |بخصوص, في خصوص and من خصوص (with foll. genit.) as to, concerning, regarding, with respect to, as regards; بهذا الخصوص and من هذا الخصوص in this connection, in this matter, in this respect, about this, concerning this; على الخصوص and على وجه الخصوص (wajhi l-k.) especially, particularly, in particular, specifically
خصوصي kuṣūṣī; special; private, personal
خصاصة kaṣāṣa poverty, penury, privation, destitution, want
اخص akaṣṣ2 more special, more specific |على الأخص especially; في الأخص do.
اخصاء akiṣṣā’2 intimate friends, confidante
اخصائي ikṣā’ī see2 خصى
تخصيص takṣīṣ specialization; specification, particularization, itemization; designation, destination (for a purpose); allotment, apportionment, allocation; reservation; (pl. -āt) appropriation, financial allocation; credit |على تخصيص and على وجه التخصيص specifically
تخصص takaṣṣuṣ specialization (esp., in a scientific field)
اختصاص iktiṣāṣ pl. -āt jurisdiction, competence; special province or domain, bailiwick (fig.); pl. prerogatives, privileges, monopolies; concessions (Intern. Law); ذو (ذات) الاختصاص ( duly qualified, authorized, responsible, competent; دائرة الاختصاص scope of competence, sphere of authority, jurisdiction, province, domain, field
اختصاصي iktiṣāṣī pl. -ūn specialist
خاص kaṣṣ special, particular; specific, peculiar; relative, relevant, pertinent (ب to), concerning (ب s.th.); earmarked, Designated, destined, set aside (ب for); especially valid or true (ب for), especially applicable (ب to), characteristic (ب of); distinguished; private; exclusive, not public |جريدة خاصة ب professional journal for ...; الخاص والعام (‘āmm) the special and the general; high and low, all people; الطبيب الخاص physician in ordinary
خاصة kāṣṣa pl. خواص kawāṣ2 exclusive property; private possession; specialty, particularity, peculiarity, characteristic, property, attribute; essence, intrinsic nature; leading personalities, people of distinction, الخاصة the upper class, the educated; kāṣṣatan and بخاصة bi-kāṣṣatin especially, in particular |في خاصة انفسهم fī k. anfusihim at the bottom of their hearts, deep inside
خاصية kāṣṣīya pl. -āt, خصائص kaṣā’iṣ2 specialty, particularity, characteristic, peculiarity, property, special attribute, feature, trait, qualification; prerogative, privilege; jurisdiction, competence
خويصة kuwaṣṣa (dimin. of خاصة ) one’s own business, private affair |يدخل في خويصة امري he meddles in my private affairs
مخصوص makṣūṣ special
مخصص mukaṣṣaṣ chosen, set aside, earmarked, designated, destined (ل for); allotted, apportioned, allocated; -- pl. مخصصات (financial) allocations; appropriations, credits; (daily) allowance; (food) rations | مخصصات اضافية (iḍāfīya) extra allowances; مخصصات الملك m. al-malik civil list
مختص muktaṣṣ pertaining, pertinent, relevant, relative (ب to); duly qualified, authorized, responsible, competent; special; pl. مختصات muktaṣṣāt competences | المقامات المختصة the competent authorities; الدوائر المختصة competent (or authoritative) quarters
خصب kaṣaba i and kaṣiba a (kiṣb) to be fertile (soil) II to make fertile (هـ s.th.); to fructify, fertilize (هـ s.th.) IV = I
خصب kaṣib fertility; abundance, plenty; superabundance, profusion
خصب kaṣib and خصيب kaṣīb fertile, productive, fat
خصوبة kuṣūba fertility
تخصيب takṣīb fructification, fertilization
اخصاب ikṣāb fertility
مخصبات mukaṣṣibāt fertilizers
مخصب mukṣib fertile, productive, fat
خصر kaṣira a (kaṣar) to become cold; to suffer from the cold III to clasp (ه s.o.) around the waist, put one’s arm around s.o.’s (ه ) waist VIII to shorten, condense, abridge, epitomize (هـ s.th.); to summarize (هـ s.th.)
خصر kaṣr pl. خصور kuṣūr hip, haunch, waist
مخصرة mikṣara pl. مخاصر makāṣir2 stick, baton, wand; mace, scepter
اختصار iktiṣār shortening, condensation, abridgment, summarization, epitomizing (of a statement); brevity |بالاختصار and باختصار briefly, in short, in a few words
مختصر muktaṣar shortened, condensed, abridged; brief, short; concise, terse, succinct; (pl. -āt) short excerpt, brief exposition, synopsis, outline, summary, abstract, epitome, compendium
خاصرة kāṣira pl. خواصر kawāṣir2 hip, haunch, waist | شوكة في خاصرته (šauka) a thorn in his side
خصف kaṣafa i (kaṣf) to mend, repair, sew (هـ a shoe)
خصفة kaṣfa pl. خصاف kiṣāf basket (made of palm leaves)
خصلة kuṣla pl. خصل kuṣal, -āt tuft; bunch, cluster; lock, wisp (of hair)
خصلة kaṣla pl. خصال kiṣāl quality, property, characteristic, peculiarity, trait; (natural) disposition
خصم kaṣama i to defeat (ه an opponent) in argument; to deduct, subtract (هـ s.th., من from): to discount (هـ a bill, a note III to argue, quarrel, dispute (ه with s.o.
to bring legal action (ه against s.o.), sue (ه s.o.), litigate (ه with); VI to quarrel, argue, have a fight; to go to law, carry on a lawsuit, litigate (مع with s.o.) VII to be deducted, be subtracted VIII to quarrel, argue, have a fight
خصم kaṣm pl. خصوم kuṣūm, اخصام akṣām adversary, antagonist, opponent; opposing party (in a lawsuit)
خصم deduction; subtraction; rebate; discount; pl. خصوم kuṣūm
liabilities (fin.) |سعر الخصوم si‘r al-k. discount rate, bank rate; خصم الكمبيالات k. al-kambiyālāt bill discount
خصيم kaṣīm pl. خصماء kuṣamā’2, خصمان kuṣmān adversary, antagonist, opponent
خصومة kuṣūma quarrel, argument, dispute, controversy, feud; lawsuit
خصام kiṣām quarrel, argument, dispute, controversy, feud; lawsuit
مخاصم mukāṣim adversary, opponent, opposing party (in a lawsuit); antagonist; litigant
1 خصى kaṣā (خصاء kiṣā’) to castrate, emasculate (ه s.o.)
خصى kasīy pl. خصيان kiṣyān, خصية kiṣya a castrate, eunuch
خصية kuṣya pl. خصى kuṣan testicle
مخصى makṣīy castrated, emasculated
فرس مخصى (faras) gelding
2 اخصائي ikṣā’ī pl. -ūn specialist; expert (of a specialized field)
خض kaḍḍa (kaḍḍ) to jolt, jog (هـ s.th.); to shake (هـ s.th.); to frighten, scare (ه s.o.)
لبن خض laban kaḍḍ buttermilk
خضة kaḍḍa concussion, shock, jolt; fright, terror, fear
خضب kaḍaba i (kaḍb) to dye, color, tinge (هـ s.th.); -- kaḍaba i and kaḍiba a (خضوب kuḍūb) to be or become green (plant) II to color, tinge (هـ s.th.); to dye (هـ s.th) XII اخضوضب ikḍauḍaba to be or become green (plant)
O خضب kaḍb chlorophyll (biol.)
خضاب kiḍāb dye, dyestuff |O خضاب الدم k. ad-dam hemoglobin (biol.)
خضوب kuḍūb green, greenness, green color
خضيب kaḍīb dyed
خضخض ḳaḍkaḍa (خضخض ḳaḍkaḍa) to set in motion, upset, rock, shake (هـ s.th.)
خضخض kaḍkaḍa concussion, shock, jolt
خضد kaḍada i (kaḍd) to cut off, break off (هـ thorns) | خضد شوكته (šaukatahū) to tame s.o., hold s.o. in check, curb s.o.’s power
خضر kaḍira a (kaḍar) to be green II to make green, dye or color green (هـ s.th.) | خضر الأرض (arḍ) to sow the land, till the earth IX to be or become green XII اخضوضر ikḍauḍara = IX
خضر kaḍir green, verdant; verdure, greenery; young green crop (of grain)
الخضر al-kaḍir, al-kiḍir a well-known legendary figure
خضرة kuḍra green, greenness, green color; - (pl. خضر kuḍar) vegetation, verdure, greenery, greens; meadow; خضر vegetables
خضري kuḍarī greengrocer
خضار kaḍār green, greenness, green color; greens, herbs, potherbs
خضير kadīr green
خضارة kaḍāra greens, herbs, potherbs
خضار kaḍḍār greengrocer
اخضر akḍar f. خضراء kaḍrā’ pl. خضر kuḍr green |اتى على الاخضر واليابس (atā) to destroy everything, wreak havoc
الخضراء al-kaḍrā’ “the Verdant” (epithet of Tunis); the sky
خضراوات kaḍrāwāt vegetables; greens, herbs, potherbs
الخضيراء al-kuḍairā’ Paradise
O يخضور yakḍūr chlorophyll (biol.)
مخضرة makḍara meadow, lawn, turf, sod, greens, verdant land
مخضرات mukaḍḍarāt vegetables
خضرم kiḍrim pl. خضارم kaḍārim2 abundant, copious; well-watered, abounding in water; openhanded, generous, liberal, munificent
مخضرم mukaḍram designation of such contemporaries of Mohammed, esp. of poets, whose life span bridges the time of paganism and that of Islam; an old man who has lived through several generations or historical epochs
خضع kaḍa‘a a (خضوع kuḍū‘) to bow, defer, submit, yield, surrender (ل to s.o., to s.th.), humble o.s. (ل before), obey, follow (ل s.o. or s.th.); to be subject (ل and الى to a law, to a power, etc.), be under s.o.’s (ل or الى ) control II and IV to humble, subjugate, subdue, make tractable (ه s.o.); to submit, subject, expose (ل ه or هـ s.th. or s.o. to s.th.)
خضوع kuḍū‘ submission, obedience, humility, subjection
خضوع kaḍū‘ pl. خضع kuḍu‘ submissive, humble
اخضاع ikḍā‘ subjugation, subdual; subjection
خاضع kāḍi‘ pl. خضع kuḍa‘, خضعان kuḍ‘ān, kiḍ‘ān submissive, humble; obedient, pliant, tractable; subject, liable, prone (ل to s.th.)
خضل kaḍila a to be or become moist II and IV to moisten, wet (هـ s.th.) IX = I
خضل kaḍil moist, wet; juicy, succulent; refreshing, gay, lighthearted
خضم kaḍama i (kaḍm) to munch (هـ s.th., with a full mouth), bite (هـ into s.th.)
خضم kiḍamm vast (said of the sea); sea, ocean
خط kaṭṭa u (kaṭṭ) to draw or trace a line (على on); to draw, trace, sketch, design (هـ s.th.); to write, pen (هـ s.th.); to carve, engrave, inscribe (هـ s.th.); to outline, mark, trace out, prescribe (هـ ل for s.o. s.th.) | خط خطا (سطرا ) (kaṭṭan, satran) to draw a line; خطه الشيب (šaibu) his hair turned gray II to draw lines; to rule (هـ s.th.); to furrow, ridge (هـ s.th.); to mark with lines or stripes, stripe, streak (هـ s.th.); to pencil (هـ the eyebrows); to mark, designate, earmark, indicate (هـ s.th.); to demarcate, delimit, delineate, stake out, survey (هـ land, real estate); to layout, map out (هـ roads) VIII to trace out, mark, outline, prescribe (هـ a way); to mark, demarcate, delimit, stake out, delineate (هـ s.th.); to map out, plan, project (هـ e.g., the construction of a city); to make, design, devise (هـ a plan); to plan (هـ s.th.), make plans (هـ for)
خط kaṭṭ pl. خطوط kuṭūṭ line; stroke; stripe, streak; (railroad) line, line of communication; telephone line; frontline (mil.); furrow, ridge; handwriting; writing, script; calligraphy, penmanship |O خط ارضي (arḍī) ground wire (radio); O الخط الاسفيني (isfīnī) cuneiform writing; الخطوط الأمانية (amāmīya) the foremost lines, battle lines (mil.); خط بارز (bāriz) relievo script; خط تلفوني telephone line; خطوط جوية (jawwīya) airlines; خط حديدي (ḥadīdī) and خط سكة الحديد k. sikkat al-ḥadīd railroad line, railroad track; خط الزوال k. az-zawāl meridian (astron.; = خط نصف النهار k. niṣf an-nahār); O الخط المسماري (mismārī) cuneiform writing; خط الاستواء k. al-istiwā’ equator; خط الطول k. aṭ-ṭūl or خط طولي (ṭūlī) circle of longitude, meridian (geogr.); خط العرض k. al-‘arḍ or خط عرضي (‘arḍī) parallel (of latitude) (geogr.); خط تقسيم المياه k. taqsīm al-miyāh divide, watershed; خط القوة الكهربائية k. al-qūwa al-kahrabā’īya power lines; خط الهاجرة meridian (grogr.); خرج عن الخط to derail, run off the rails (train); على خط مستقيم (mustaqīm) straightaway, in a straight line; outright, out and out; على طول الخط (ṭūl al-k.) all along the line
خط kuṭṭ section, district, quarter (of a city)
خطي kaṭṭī handwritten; linear; spear
خطة kuṭṭa matter, affair; condition, state; office, function, position
خطة kiṭṭa, kuṭṭa pl. خطط kiṭaṭ, kuṭaṭ a place of land acquired for the purpose of building a house; a place of real estate, lot; district; map or plan of a place of real estate, layout; plan, project, design, intention; line of action, course, policy, rule, precept, guiding principle |خط العمل k. al-‘amal operation plan, work plan; طبقا لخطة مرسومة (ṭibqan) according to schedule, as scheduled or planned
خطاط kaṭṭāṭ pl. -ūn penman, calligrapher; -- tracing lines, leaving straight trace |فشك خطاط (fašak) or قذيفة خطاطة tracer bullet, tracer (mil.)
تخطيط takṭīṭ ruling, drawing of, or marking with, lines; lineation; designation, marking, earmarking; surveying, survey (of land); planning; projecting, mapping out, laying out (of cities, of roads); plan, design
رسم تخطيطي (rasm) rough draft, first sketch, design
مخطوط makṭūṭ handwritten; manuscript
مخطوط makṭūṭa pl. -āt manuscript
مخطط mukaṭṭaṭ striped, streaked, ruled; furrowed; designated, marked, earmarked; planned, guided, controlled; (pl. -āt) sketch, design, plan, layout; map (of a city)
خطئ kaṭI’a a (خطأ kaṭa’) to be mistaken; to commit an error, make a mistake; to sin II to charge with an offense, incriminate, declare guilty (ه s.o.); to accuse (ه s.o.) of an error or mistake; to fine (ه s.o.; tun.) IV to be mistaken, to err, commit an error, be at fault (في in); to be wrong (في about, in); to make a mistake (في in, with); to miss (ه s.o., e.g., a shot; هـ the target); to escape (ه s.o. or s.o.’s notice; a fact) | أخطأ فأله (fa’luhū) (his omen was wrong, i.e.) his expectations do not come true, are not fultilled; that’s where he is wrong, that’s where he made a mistake! أخطأه الشيء (šai’u) (lit.: the thing escaped him, missed him, i.e.) he lacked it; أخطأه التوفيق he failed, was unsuccessful; أخطأ في استنتاجاته he drew the wrong conclusions; أخطأ بين الشيئين he confused the two things, he mistook one thing for the other
خطء kiṭ’ slip, lapse, fault, offense, sin
خطأ kaṭa’ and خطاء kaṭā’ error; mistake, incorrectness; offense, fault; kaṭa’an erroneously, by mistake | من الخطأ ان ...it is (would be) wrong to …; اصلاح الخطأ iṣlāḥ al-k. corrigenda, errata, list of corrections; قتل الخطأ qatl al-k. accidental homicide (jur.)
خطيئة kaṭī’a pl. -āt, خطايا kaṭāyā mistake, blunder; slip, lapse; fault, offense; crime, sin; fine (tun.)
خاطئ kāṭi’ wrong, incorrect, erroneous; mistaken, at fault; (pl. خطاة kuṭāh, actually, pl. of colloq. kāṭī), f. خاطئة kāṭi’a pl. خواطئ kawāṭ’2 sinner
مخطئ mukṭi’ mistaken, at fault, wrong; incorrect, wrong, erroneous
خطب kaṭaba u (خطبة kuṭba, خطابة kaṭāba) to deliver a public address, make a speech; to preach, deliver a sermon (في الناس and الناس an-nāsa to the people); -- (kaṭb, خطبة kiṭba) to propose (ها to a girl; said of the man), ask for a girl’s hand (ها ) in marriage (ل on behalf of s.o.; said of the matchmaker); to give in marriage, betroth, affiance, engage (على or بنته ل one’s daughter to s.o.) |خطب ودها (wuddahā) and خطب مودتها (mawaddatahā) he courted her love III to address (ه s.o.), speak, talk, direct one's words (ه to s.o.), turn (ه to s.o., orally or in writing) |خاطبه بالتليفون to telephone s.o., call s.o. up; خاطبه بالكاف (bi-l-kāf) to address s.o. on an intimate first-name basis VI to talk to one another; to converse, confer, have a talk, carry on a conversation; to write each other, correspond, carry on a correspondence VIII to seek a girl’s (ها ) hand in marriage, ask for a girl’s hand
خطب kaṭb pl. خطب kuṭb matter, affair, concern, business; situation, conditions, circumstances; misadventure, mishap | ما خطبك what do you want? what’s the trouble? what’s the matter with you? ما خطبه في what concern of his is ...? what has he to do with ...? ما خطب ذلك what’s it all about?
خطبة kiṭba courtehip; betrothal, engagement
خطبة kuṭba pl. خطب kuṭab public address; speech; lecture, discourse; oration; sermon, specif., Muslim Friday sermon, khutbah | خطبة الافتتاح opening address
خطاب kiṭāb pl. -āt, اخطبة akṭiba public address, speech; oration; letter, note, message | خطاب ترحيب welcoming address; خطاب العرش k. al-‘arš speech from the throne; خطاب مستعجل (musta‘jil) express letter, special-delivery letter; خطاب تقدمة taqdima letter of introduction; O خطابات ذات القيمة المقررة (dāt al-qīma al-muqarrara) (= lettres avec valeur declarée) registered, insured letters (eg.); فصل الخطاب faṣl al-k. (in letters:) conclusion of the formal greetings by the words اما بعد amma ba‘du; conclusion, termination, end; decision; unmistakable judgment; بيني وبينك فصل الخطاب we’re through with one another once and for all
خطابي kiṭābī oratorical, rhetorical, speech-, lecturing (in compounds)
خطيب kaṭīb pl. خطباء kuṭabā’ (public) speaker; orator; lecturer; preacher, khatib; suitor (for the hand of a girl); fiancé
خطيبة kaṭība fiancée
خطابة kaṭāba preaching, sermonizing, oratory
خطابة kiṭāba rhetoric, oratory; speech, lecture, discourse
خطوبة kūṭūba courtship; betrothal, engagement
مخاطبة mukāṭaba pl. -āt address; public address, speech; proclamation; conversation, talk; conference, parley |مخاطبة تليفونية telephone conversation, telephone call
تختطب takāṭub conversation; talk, discussion; (inter)communication (also, e.g., telephonic, by radio, etc.) |لغة التخطاب lugat it-takāṭub colloquial language
خاطب kāṭib pl. خطباء kuṭabā’2, خطا kuṭṭāb suitor; matchmaker
خاطبة kāṭiba pl. خطاب kuṭṭāb woman matchmaker
مخطوبة makṭūba fiancée
مخاطب mukāṭab addressed, spoken to; (gram.) second person
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خطر kaṭara i (خطران kaṭarān) to swing, wave, brandish (ب s.th.); to shake, tremble, vibrate; to walk with a (proud) swinging gait; to strut, parade haughtily; -- i u (خطور kuṭūr) to occur (ل to s.o.), come to s.o.’s (ل ) mind | خطر على باله (bālihī) the matter came to his mind, occurred to him, he recalled the matter (also في باله and بباله or. على باله); خطر له خاطر he had an idea; امر لم يخطر ببال (lam yakṭur bi-bālin) an unexpected matter, s.th. one wouldn’t dram of; -- kaṭura u (خطورة kuṭūra) to be weighty; to be important, significant; to be grave, serious, momentous, dangerous, perilous, risky, hazardous III to risk, hazard, stake (ب s.th. بنفسه one’s life); to incur the danger, run the risk (ب of), risk (ب s.th.); to bet, wager (ه s.o., على a stake) IV to notify, inform (ه s.o.), let (ه s.o.) know (ب about s.th.); to warn, caution (ه s.o.) V to walk with a lofty, proud gait; to stride, strut (with a swinging gait); to pendulate, oscillate, vibrate VI to make a bet (على against stake)
خطر kaṭar weightiness, momentousness; importance, consequence, significance; seriousness, gravity; -- (pl. -āt, اخطار akṭār) danger, peril, menace (على to); riskiness, dangerousness; risk; hazard; (pl. خطار kiṭār) stake, bet, wager |جليل الخطر of very great importance, momentous; ذو خطر dangerous, perilous; معرض للخطر (mu‘arraḍ) endangered, jeopardized; اشارة الخطر išārat al-k. alarm signal
خطر kaṭir dangerous, perilous, risky, hazardous; serious, grave, weighty, important, significant
خطر kaṭara pl. kaṭarāt pompous walk, strut; swinging gait; idea, thought, notion
خطار kaṭṭār pendulum (phys.)
خطير kaṭīr pl. خطر kuṭr weighty, momentous; important, significant; grave, serious |خطير الشأن of great importance
خطورة kuṭūra weight(iness), importance, moment(ousness); consequence, significance; gravity, seriousness
خطران kaṭarān swinging, oscillation, vibration
اخطر akṭar2 more dangerous, riskier; weightier, of greater consequence; more serious, graver
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مخاطر makāṭir2 dangers, perils
مخاطرة mukāṭara pl. -āt venture, risk, hazard
اخطار ikṭār notification, information; warning
خاطر kāṭir pl. خواطر kawāṭir2 ideas, thought, notion; mind; desire, inclination, liking |لأجل خاطرك (li-ajl) for your sake; من كل خاطر min'n kulli kāṭirin with all one’s heart, most gladly; عن طيبة خاطر ‘an ṭībati kāṭirin gladly, with pleasure; of one’s own free will, voluntarily; على خاطرك as you like; اخذ بخاطره to afford satisfaction to s.o., to comfort, reassure s.o.; اخذ على خاطر من to feel offended by, to take offense at; صدع خاطره ṣadda‘a kāṭirahū to trouble, bother s.o.; طمن الخواطر (ṭammana) to calm the excitement; مر بخاطره ان (marra) the thought crossed his mind that ...; اكراما لخاطرك (ikrāman) for your sake, to please you; سرعة الخاطر sur‘at al-k. presence of mind; سريع الخاطر quick-witted
مخاطر mukāṭir one who risks s.th., who takes a chance; daring, bold, venturesome
مخطر mukṭir dangerous, perilous, risky, hazardous
خطرف kaṭrafa (eg.) to be delirious,. to rave, to talk irrationally
خطرفة kaṭrafa delirium, raving
خطف kaṭifa a, kaṭafa i (kaṭf) to snatch, wrench or wrest away, seize, grab (هـ s.th.); to make off (هـ with s.th.); to abduct, kidnap (ه s.o.); to dazzle (البصر al-baṣara the eyes) V to carry away, sweep away (. s.o.) VI to snatch or seize (هـ s.th.) from one another VII to be snatched away, be wrested away; to be carried away, be swept away VIII to grab, seize, take forcibly (هـ s.th.); to snatch, wrest, wrench (من هـ s.th. from s.o.); to abduct, kidnap (ه s.o.); to run away, elope (ها with a woman); to make off (هـ with s.th.); to dazzle (البصر al-baṣara the eyes)
خطف kaṭf grabbing, forcible seizure, rape; abduction, kidnapping; خطفا kaṭfan rapidly, quickly
خطفة kaṭfa pl. kaṭafāt (n. vic.) a snatching away, a grab; sudden stirring, flash |في خطفة البرق (barq) instantly, in a trice, like a streak of lightning; خطفة من خطفات الشعور an impulse, a sudden emotion
خطاف kaṭṭāf rapacious; robber
خطاف kuṭṭāf pl. خطاطيف kaṭāṭīf2 (iron) hook; fishhook; (coll.; n. un. ة ) swift, a variety of swallow
خطيف kaṭīf pl. خطاطيف kaṭāṭīf2 iron hook
اختطاف iktiṯāf grabbing, forcible seizure, rape; abduction, kidnapping
خاطف kāṭif pl. خواطف kawāṭif2 ravenous; rapacious; rapid, prompt; quick, sudden; lightninglike; fleeting; short, brief |ذئاب خاطفة ravenous wolves; صورة خاطفة (ṣūra) snapshot; حرب خاطفة (ḥarb) Blitzkrieg
خطل kaṭila a (kaṭal) to talk nonsense IV do. V to strut, walk with a pompous gait; to walk with a proud, swinging gait
خطل kaṭal idle talk, prattle
خطل kaṭil garrulous, chattering, given to silly talk; stupid, foolish
خطم kaṭm nose, snout, muzzle (of an animal); front part (nose and mouth); foremost or first part; important matter |اطل مخطمة (aṭalla) approx.: to manifest its force, set in (e.g., of a disaster)
خطمي kiṭmī, kaṭmī (coll.; n. un. ة ) marsh mallow (Althaea officinalis; bot.)
خطام kiṭām pl. kuṭum noseband, halter (of a camel)
خطا (خطو ) kaṭā u (kaṭw) to step, pace, walk; to proceed, advance, progress |خطا خطوات واسعة (kaṭawātin) to take large strides, also fig. = to make extraordinary progress II and V to overstep, transgress (هـ s.th.), to cross (هـ s.th.), go or walk through s.th. (هـ ); to ford (هـ a river); to leave its banks, overflow (river); to cross, traverse (البحار the seas); to omit, disregard, ignore, pass by (ه so.); to go beyond s.th. (هـ ); to extend (الى to); to exceed, transcend (هـ s.th.); to excel, surpass, outstrip, outdo (ه s.o.); to proceed, pass (هـ through s.th., الى to), leave s.th. (هـ ) behind and turn to s.th. else (الى ); to disregard (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) in order to turn one’s attention to (الى) |تخطى به الى الامام (ilā l-amāmi) to promote, advance s.th. VII to step, pace, walk; to proceed, advance, progress
خطوة kaṭwa pl. kaṭawāt and kuṭwa pl. kuṭwāt, kuṭuwāt, خطى kuṭan step, pace, stride |سار في خطاه (kuṭāhū) to walk, or follow, in s.o.’s footsteps; تقدم خطوة فخطوة taqaddama kutwatan fa-kutwatan to proceed or advance step by step; اتخذ خطوة حاسمة (ittakada) to take a decisive step; خطوتان وقفزة kaṭwatan wa qafza hop, skip and jump (athlet.)
خطية kaṭīya (= خطيئة ) slip, lapse, transgression, fault, offense, sin
خطاة kuṭāh pl. of خاطئ kāṭi’ sinner
خف kaffa i to be light (of weight); to be slight, insignificant; to become lighter, decrease in weight, lose weight; to decrease in intensity, grow lighter (color); to be nimble, agile, quick; to hasten, hurry, rush (الى to) II to make lighter (هـ s.th.), reduce the weight of (هـ ); to ease, lighten, relieve, soften (هـ عن for s.o. s.th. difficult or oppressive, also هـ على; من s.th., e.g., s.o.’s situation); to lessen, decrease, reduce, diminish (هـ or من s.th.); to mitigate, alleviate, moderate, temper (ه or من s.th.); to thin, dilute (هـ e.g., a liquid); (gram.) to pronounce (هـ a consonant) without tašdīd |خفف عنك kaffif ‘anka! cheer up! be of good cheer! خفف من سرعتك kaffif min su‘atika! slow down! خفف الآلام عنه to soothe s.o.’s pains V to dress lightly; to disburden, relieve o.s. (of a burden); to rid o.s., free o.s. (من of s.th.); to hurry away (من from), leave (من s.th.) in a hurry X to deem (هـ s.th.) light; to value lightly, disdain, scorn, despise (ب s.o. or s.th.), look down (ب upon), think nothing (ب of), make light (ب of), set little store (ب by); not to take seriously (ب s.th.), attach no importance (ب to); to carry away, transport (ه s.o., e.g., joy)
خف kuff pl. خفاف kifāf, اخفاف akfāf shoe, slipper; -- (pl. اخفاف akfāf) camel hoof; foot (of the ostrich); sole (of the foot) | رجع بخفي حنين raja‘a bi-kaffai ḥunain to return with empty hands, without having achieved one’s mission; to accomplish nothing, fail, be unsuccessful
خفة `kiffa lightless (of weight); slightness, insignificance, triviality; sprightliness, buoyancy; agility, nimbleness; inconstancy, fickleness, flightiness, levity, frivolity | خفة الحركة k. al-ḥaraka, خفة في الحركة nimbleness, agility, quickness; خفة الدم k. ad-dam amiability, charm; خف الروح k. ar-rūḥ do.; خفة اليد k. al-yad manual skill, dexterity, deftness
اخف akaff2 lighter; lesser, slighter; weaker | اخف الضررين a. ad-ḍararain the lesser of two evils
خفاف kafāf, حجر الخفاف ḥajar al-k. pumice, pumice stone
خفان kuffān pumice, pumice stone
خفيف kafīf pl. خفاف kifāf, اخفاف akfāf, اخفاء akiffā’2 light (of weight); slight, little, trivial, insignificant; thin, scanty, sparse; nimble, agile, sprightly, lively; -- الخفيف name of a poetic meter |خفيف الحركة k. al-ḥaraka easily movable, very mobile; nimble, agile; خف الدم k. ad-dam amiable, charming; خفيف الروح k. ar-rūḥ likable, charming, winning, amiable; gay, in high spirits, cheerful; خفيف الظل k. az-zill likable, nice (person); خفيف العارضين k. al-‘āriḍīn having a thin beard; خفيف العقل k. al-‘aql feeble-minded, dimwitted; خفيف اليد k. al-yad nimble-fingered, deft; شاي خفيف weak tea
تخفيف takfīf lightening, easing; lessening, decrease, diminution; reduction; allaying, mitigation, alleviation, palliation, moderation; commutation (jur.); relief; thinning. dilution (e.g., of a liquid) |ظروف التخفيف extenuating circumstances (jur.)
استخفاف istikfāf disdain, scorn, contempt; levity, frivolity
ظروف مخففة ẓurūf mukaffafa extenuating circumstances (jur.)
مخفف mukaffaf thin, diluted
خفت kafata u (خفوت kufūt) to become inaudible, die down, die away (sound, voice); to become silent, become still III خافت بكلامه، بصوته (bi-kalāmihī, bi-ṣautihī) to lower one’s voice IV to silence, reduce to silence (ه s.o.) VIII = I
خفوت kufūt fading (radio)
خفت kāfit dying away, dying down, becoming silent; inaudible; faint, dying, fading, trailing off (sound, voice); soft, subdued (light, color)
مختفت muktafit soft, low, subdued
خفر kafara u (kafr, خفارة kifāra) to watch (هـ, ه s.o., s.th. or over s.o., over s.th.), guard, protect (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); -- kafira a (kafar, خفارة kafāra) to be timid, shy, bashful II = I kafara V = I kafira
خفر kafr watching, watch, guard(ing)
خفر kafar guard detachment, guard; escort | خفر السواحل coast guard (Eg.)
خفر kafar timidity, shyness, bashfulness, diffidence
خفر kafir bashful, diffident, timid, shy, embarrassed, coy
خفير kafīr pl. خفراء kufarā’2 watchman; protector, guardian; guard, sentry, sentinel
خفارة kafāra watch(ing), guard(ing), protection; guard duty
مخفر makfar pl. مخافر maḳāfir 2 guardhouse, guardroom; guard, control post | مخفر الشرطة m. aš-šurṭa police station
خافرة kāfira: خافرة السواحل k. as-sawāḥil coastguard cruiser (Eg.)
مخفور makfūr under escort, escorted; covered, sheltered, protected
خفس kafasa u (kafs) to ridicule, scorn (ه s.o.), laugh, mock (ه at); to destroy, demolish, tear down (ه a house)
خفش kafaš day blindness, hemeralopia
اخفش akfaš2, f. خفشاء kafšā’2, pl. خفش kufš day blind, hemeralopic; weak-sighted, afflicted with defective vision
خفاش kuffāš pl. خفافش kafāfiš2 bat (zool.)
خفض kafada i (kafḍ) to make lower (هـ s.th.); to lower, decrease, reduce, lessen, diminish (هـ s.th.); to lower, drop (هـ, من s.th., also, e.g., the voice); (gram.) to pronounce the final consonant of a word with i; to put (هـ a word) in the genitive |خفض جناحه (janāḥahū)to unbend toward s.o., show o.s. open-minded, responsive, accessible to; -- kafuḍa u to be carefree, easy, comfortable (life); to sink, dip, drop, settle, subside; to become low, drop to an undertone (voice) II to lower, decrease, reduce (هـ s.th., price) |خفض عليك kaffiḍ ‘alaika! take it easy! خفض عليك جأشك (ja’šaka) cool off! calm down! relax! IV اخفض صوته (ṣautahū) he lowered his voice V and VII to sink, dip, drop, settle, subside; to be lowered, be reduced (price); to decrease, grow less; to be diminished
خفض kafḍ lowering, lessening, decrease, diminution, reduction; subduing, lowering, muffling (of the voice); curtailment, limitation, restriction; ease (of life); (gram.) pronunciation of the final consonant with i |خفض القيمة k. al-qīma devaluation (of a currency); خفض العيش k. al-‘aiš carefree, easy life; هو في خفض من العيش he lives in ease and comfort; خفض الصوت k. aṣ-ṣaut lowering of the voice; حرف الخفض ḥarf al-k. preposition (gram.)
خفض kafiḍ low, soft, subdued (voice)
تخفيض takfīḍ lowering, cutback, reduction (esp. of prices); diminution, decrease, lessening, curtailment, restriction, limitation
انخفاض inkifāḍ sinking, dropping, subsidence; lowering, reduction; lessen ing, decrease. diminution, decrement; dropping of the water level, low water |انخفاض جوي (jawwī) low-pressure area (meteor.)
مخفض mukaffaḍ lowered, reduced, low, moderate (price, rate); lower
منخفض munkafiḍ low (altitude, frequency, price, etc.); soft, low, subdued, muffled (voice) |الأراضي المنخفضة the Netherlands; -- munkafaḍ pl. -āt low ground; depression (geogr.)
خفق kafaāqa i u (kafq, خفقان kafaqān, خفوق kufūq) to vibrate; to tremble, shake; to beat, throb, palpitate (heart); to flutter, wave, stream (flag); to flap the wings, flutter (bird); to waver, flicker; -- (kafq) to flash (lightning); to beat, whip (ه s.th.; eggs, cream, etc.); to make the sound of footsteps (shoe); - (خفوق kufūq) to drop one’s head drowsily, nod off, doze off (خفق خفقة k. kafqatan); -- i (خفوق kufūq) to set, go down (celestial body) II to roughcast, plaster, stucco (هـ a wall) IV to flap the wings, flutter (bird); to set, go down (celestial body); to be unsuccessful, go wrong, fail, miscarry, come to nothing, be abortive; to fail, be unsuccessful (في in s.th.)
خفق kafq throb(bing) palpitation; beating, beat; footfall, footstep, tread (of a boot, of the foot)
خفقة kafqa pl. kafaqāt (n. vic.) beat, throb; tap, rap, knock; ticking noise, tick
خفقان kafaqān palpitation of the heart, heartbeat; throb(bing), beat(ing); fluttering, flutter
خفاق kaffāq palpitant, throbbing (heart); fluttering, waving, streaming (flag)
O مخفقة mikfaga whisk, eggbeater
اخفاق ikfāq failure, fizzle, flop, fiasco
خافق kāfiq palpitant, throbbing (heart); fluttering, waving, streaming (flag); الخفقان al-kafaqān East and West; الخوافق al-kawāfiq the cardinal points, the four quarters of the world
خافقي kāfiqī mortar, plaster, rough-cast; stucco
خفان see خف
خفى kafiya a to be hidden, be concealed; to be unknown (a fact; على to s.o.); to disappear, hide |لا يخفى ان it is well known that ...; as everybody knows ..., it is obvious that ; لا يخفى عليك you know very well ..., you are well aware (of it); -- kafā i to hide, conceal (هـ s.th.); to keep secret (هـ s.th.) IV to hide, conceal (هـ s.th.); to afford (هـ s.o.) a place to hide, shelter, hide (هـ s.o.); to keep secret (هـ s.th.); to disguise, conceal (هـ s.th., على or عن from s.o.) |اخفى الصوت to lower the voice, speak in an undertone V to hide, keep o.s. out of view; to disguise o.s. VIII to hide, keep o.s. out of view; to disappear, vanish; to be hidden, be unknown; to be lacking, be missing, be absent |اختفى عن الأنظار to be hidden or disappear from sight X to hide, keep o.s. out of view; to be hidden, be concealed; to be hidden from s.o.’s (عن ) view, become invisible (عن to s.o.), disappear from sight
خفي kafīy hidden, concealed; secret, unknown; unseen, invisible; mysterious |خفي الاسم k. al-ism anonymous; O انوار خفية (anwār) indirect lighting
خفية kufyatan, kifyatan secretly, clandestinely, covertly; خفية عنه without his knowledge
خفية kafīya pl. خفايا kafāyā a secret, a secret affair
خفاء kafa’ secrecy, hiddenness |في الخفاء secretly, clandestinely, covertly; لا خفاء في ان (kafā’a) it is quite evident, it is quite obvious that ...
اخفاء ikfā’ hiding, secretion; concealment; lowering of the voice
تخف takaffin disguise
اختفاء iktifā’ disappearance
خاف kāfin hidden, concealed; secret, unknown; unseen, invisible
خافية kāfiya pl. خواف kawāfin a secret; -- pl. الخوافى al-kawāfī the coverts, the secondaries (of a bird’s wing)
مخفي makfīy hidden, concealed
متخف mutakaffin disguised, in disguise
مختف muktafin hidden. Concealed, clandestine, covert, secret; disappearing, vanishing
مختفى muktafan hiding place, hide-out
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خل kalla u (kall) to pierce, transfix (هـ s.th.) II to turn sour; to make sour, to sour, acidify (هـ s.th.); to pickle, marinate (هـ s.th.); to salt. cure with salt or in brine (هـ s.th.); to pick (هـ the teeth); to run the fingers (ه through s.th.), part, comb (هـ the hair, the beard, also with the fingers) III to treat (ه s.o.) as a friend IV to offend (ب against), infringe, transgress (ب s.th.); to violate, break (ب s.th., e.g., a rule, a custom); to fail to fulfill, fail to meet (ب an agreement); to forsake, desert, abandon (ب s.o., s.th.); to disturb, upset, harm, prejudice (ب s.th.) V to be, lie or come between s.th. (هـ ; also in time), intervene (هـ between); to be located or situated, be Interposed, be placed (هـ between); to Permeate, pervade, interpenetrate (هـ s.th.), mix, mingle, blend (هـ with) VIII to be or become defective; to be in disorder, be faulty, deficient, imperfect; to become disordered; to be upset, be unbalanced; to be disturbed (order, system) |اختلت الشروط the conditions are not fulfilled; اختل توازنه (tawāzunuhū) to lose one’s balance, become unbalanced; اختل عقله (‘aqluhū) to be mentally deranged
خل kall vinegar
خل kill, kull pl. اخلال aklāl friend, bosom friend
خلل kalal pl. خلال kilāl gap, interval, interstice; cleft, crack, rupture, fissure; a defective, unbalanced state, imbalance; defectiveness, imperfection; fault, flaw, defeat, shortcoming; disturbance, upset, disorder; damage, injury, harm (that s.th. suffers or suffered); خلال kilāla during; between; through |في خلل fī kalali and في خلال fī kilāli during; in the course of, within, in a given period of; في خلال ذلك meanwhile, in the meantime; من خلال min kilāli across, through, right through the middle of; out of, from within; (to judge, reason, draw conclusions, etc.) by, on the basis of, on the strength of, (to recognize) from
خلة kalla need, want, luck; -- (pl. خلال (kilāl) property, attribute, peculiarity; characteristic; natural disposition
خلة kulla pl. خلل kulal friendship
خلال kilāl pl. اخلة akilla boring or drilling implement; peg, pin; spit, skewer; (also خلالة pl. -āt) toothpick; see also خلل kalal
خليل kalīl pl. اخلاء akillā’2, خلان kullān friend, bosom friend; lovers; الخليل Hebron (town in Jordanian Palestine) |خليل الله epithet of Abraham
خليلة kalīla pl. -āt girl friend, woman friend; sweetheart, paramour
ام الخلول umm al-kulūl river mussel (zool.)
اخلال iklāl pl. -āt breach, infraction, violation (of a law, of a treaty, and the like); offence (against), transgression, infringement (of); disturbance (of an order, of a system); impairment, injury, harm (to); average, damage, by sea |مع عدم الاخلال ب (‘adami l-i.) without prejudice to, without detriment to اختلال iktilāl deficiency, defectiveness, imperfection; (a falling into) disrepair, deterioration; faultiness; disturbance (of a system, of a function, of the equilibrium, etc.); disorder, confusion
مخلل mukallal pickled; salted; (pl. -āt) pickles, pickled vegetables
مخل mukill disgraceful, shameful |مخل بالآداب immoral, indecent, improper
خلب kalaba i u (kalb) to seize with the claws, clutch (هـ s.th.), pounce (هـ on); -- u (خلابة kilāba) to cajole, coax, wheedle (ه s.o.); to inveigle, beguile, bewitch, enchant (ه s.o., عقله ‘aqlahū s.o.’s mind); to charm, fascinate, captivate (ه s.o.) III to cajole, wheedle, coax. inveigle, beguile, bewitch, enchant (ه s.o.) VIII to seize with the claws, clutch (هـ s.th.), pounce (هـ on); to cajole, inveigle, beguile, bewitch, enchant (ه s.o.)
خلب kilb pl. اخلاب aklāb fingernail, claw, talon
برق خلب barqun kallābun and barqu kullabin lightning without a downpour; a disappointing, disillusioning matter; خلب and خلب من برق delusion, illusion
خلبي kullabī: فشك خلب (fašak) blank cartridges (Syr.; mil.)
خلاب kallāb gripping, captivating, fascinating; attractive, engaging, winning; tempting, enticing; fraudulent, deceitful; deceptive, delusive, fallacious
خلابة kilāba engaging manners, attractiveness, charm
مخلب miklab pl. مخالب makālib claw, talon
خالب kālib = خلاب kallāb
خلبص II kalbaṣa (eg.) to clown
خلبوص kalbūṣ pl. خلابيص kalābīṣ2, خلابصة kalābiṣa (eg.) clown, buffoon, harlequin
خلج kalaja i and III to be on s.o.’s (ه ) mind, trouble, preoccupy, prepossess (ه s.o., s.o.’s mind; said of worries, doubts, etc.); to pervade, fill (ه s.o.; said of a feeling) | خالج قلبه (qalbahū) to be uppermost in s.o.’s heart V to be shaken, be convulsed, be rocked VIII to quiver, tremble, quake, shake; to twitch (eye, limb, body); to animate, move, stir, inspire, fill, pervade, possess (هـ, في the heart; said of a feeling) | اختلج غما (gamman) to be filled with sorrow, with grief (heart)
خلجة kalja pl. ka1ajāt emotion, sentiment; scruple, qualm, misgiving
خليج kalīj pl. خلج kulj, خلجان kuljān bay, gulf; canal; الخليج name of Cairo’s ancient city canal which was abandoned and leveled at the end of the 19th century |الخليج الفارسي the Persian Gulf
خلاج kilāj misgiving, doubt, scruple, qualm
اختلاجة iktilāja (n. vic.) convulsion, jerk, twitch; tremor
خالجة kālija pl. خوالج kawālij2 emotion, sentiment; scruple, qualm; idea
خلخل kalkala to shake, convulse, rock (هـ s.th.); to rarefy (هـ s.th., e.g., air; chem.- phys.) II takalkala to be shaken, be rocked; to come off, become disjointed, become detached; to become loose, work loose; to be or become rarefied (chem.- phys.)
خلخل kalkal pl. خلاخل kalākil2 anklet
خلخال kalkāl pl. خلاخيل kalākīl 2 anklet
تخلخل takalkul rarefication
مخلخل mukalkal and متخلخل mutakalkil rarefied
خلد kalada u (خلود kulūd) to remain or last forever, be everlasting; to be immortal, deathless, undying; to abide forever (الى or ب in, with); to remain, stay (الى or ب or ل at a place) | خلد الى الراحة to rest, relax; خلد الى النوم to lie down to sleep II to make eternal or everlasting, perpetuate, eternalize (هـ s.th.), make immortal, immortalize (هـ s.o.); to make ineffaceable, unforgettable (هـ s.th.; a memory); to remain, stay, abide, linger (ب at, in a place); to grow very old, enjoy a long life, be long-lived IV to eternize, immortalize, make immortal (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to perpetuate (هـ s.th.); to remain, stay, abide, linger (الى or ب at, in a place) to be disposed, incline, lean, tend (الى to) V to become eternal or immortal, perpetuate o.s. j to be or become long, lasting, perpetual
خلد kuld infinite duration, endless time, perpetuity, eteruity | دار الخلد Paradise, the hereafter
خلد kuld mole (zool.)
خلد kalad, pl. اخلاد aklād mind, heart, spirit, temper
خلود kulūd infinite duration, endless time, perpetuity, eternity; eternal life, immortality; abiding, remaining, staying
تخليد taklīd perpetuation, eternization, immortalization
خالد kālid everlasting, perpetual, eternal; immortal, deathless, undying; unforgettable, glorious; pl. خوالد kawālid2 mountains |الجزائر الخالدات the Canary Islands
مخلد muklid disposed, inclined, tending (الى to)
خلس kalasa i (kals) to steal (هـ s.th.); to pilfer, filch, swipe, purloin (هـ s.th.) III خلسه النظر (naẓara) to glance furtively at s.o. VIII to steal, pilfer, filch, swipe (هـ s.th.); to get under false pretenses or by crooked means (هـ s.th.); to embezzle, misappropriate (هـ s.th.); to spend secretly (هـ hours) |اختلس الخطى الى (kuṭā) to sneak up on s.o.; اختلس النظر الى (في ) to glance furtively at s.o.
خلسة kulsatan by stealth, stealthily, surreptitiously, furtively
خلاسي kilāsī mulatto, bastard
اختلاس iktilās pl. -āt embezzlement, misappropriation, defalcation
مختلس muktalis embezzler, defalcator
خلص kalaṣa u (خلوص kulūṣ) to be pure, unmixed, unadulterated; to belong (ل to s.o.); to get, come (الى to), arrive (الى at); -- (خلاص kallāṣ) to be or become free, be freed, be liberated (من from), be cleared, get rid (من of); to be saved, be rescued, escape (من from); to be redeemed, be delivered, attain salvation (Chr.); -- (colloq.) to be finished, be done, be through, be over; to be all gone II to clear, purify, refine, purge, rectify (هـ s.th.); to clarify (هـ a situation); to liberate, free, save, rescue (ه s.o., من from), rid (. s.o., من of); to redeem, deliver (Chr.); to prepay the postage (على on); to pay duty (على البضائع on merchandise), clear (على goods); to settle (هـ a bill); (colloq.) to finish (هـ s.th.) |خلص حقه (ḥaqqahū) to restore one’s right, secure one’s due III to act with integrity, with sincerity (ه toward s.o.), treat (ه s.o.) fair and square; to get even, become quits (ه with s.o.) IV to dedicate (هـ ل to s.o. s.th.); to be loyal (ل to s.o.); to be devoted, be faithful (ل to) |اخلص له الحب (ḥubba) to love s.o. dearly; اخلص لله دينه (li-llāhi dīnahū) to worship God faithfully and sincerely V to rid o.s. (من of), free o.s. (من from), get rid (من of); to be freed, be delivered, be saved, be rescued, escape (من from) VI to act with reciprocal integrity and sincerity; to be quits, be even X to extract (هـ s.th., من from); to copy, excerpt (هـ s.th., من from); to abstract, take, gather, work out (هـ s.th., as the quintessence, من of); to deduce, infer, derive (من s.th., من from); to discover, make out, find out (هـ s.th.); to select, choose (هـ s.th.) ; to demand payment of a sum (هـ ) and get it (من from s.o.) |استخلص فائدة من to derive profit from, profit, benefit from; استخلص منه وعدا (wa‘dan) to exact a promise from s.o.
خلاص kalāṣ liberation, deliverance, riddance; rescue, salvation (من from); redemption (Chr.); payment, settlement, liquidation (of a bill); receipt; placenta, afterbirth
خلاصة kulāṣa pl. -āt excerpt; extract, essence; quintessence, substance, gist (of s.th.); abstract, resume, summary, epitome; synopsis |خلاصة نهائية (nihā’īya) summation (jur.); الخلاصة اللاهوتية (al-lāhītīya) the “summa theological” (of Thomas Aquinas); خلاصة عطرية (‘iṭrīya) perfume essence; والخلاصة in short, briefly, in a word (introducing a summary of the basic ideas)
خليص kalīṣ, pl. خلصاء kulaṣā’2 pure, clear, unmixed, unadulterated; sincere, faithful, loyal; loyal adherent
خلوص kulūṣ clearness, purity; sincerity, candor; frankness
خلاص kallāṣ (magr.) tax collector
مخلص maklaṣ safe place; refuge, escape, rescue, salvation, deliverance
تخليص taklīṣ clearing, purification, refining, rectification; clarification; liberation, extrication, deliverance, rescue, salvation; payment, settlement, liquidation; prepayment of postage (على on); customs clearance, payment of duty (على البضائع on merchandise; also تخليص البضائع )
مخالصة mukālaṣa pl. -āt receipt
اخلاص iklāṣ sincere devotion, loyal attachment, sincere affection; sincerity, frankness, candor; loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, allegiance (ل to)
تخلص takalluṣ freedom, liberation, release, extrication, escape (من from)
استخلاص istiklāṣ extraction; excerption; derivation, deduction; selection; collecting (of a sum of money)
خالص kāliṣ pl. خلص kullaṣ clear; pure, unmixed, unadulterated; sincere, frank, candid, true; free, exempt (من from) |خالص الأجرة k. al-ujra post-free; خالص الرد k. ar-radd prepaid, reply paid for (telegram); خالص من الكمرك (gumrug) dutyfree; خالص الضريبة tax-exempt
مخلص mukalliṣ liberator; Savior, Redeemer (Chr.)
مخلص (عليه ) mukallaṣ (‘alaihi) postage paid
مخلص mukliṣ devoted; sincere, frank, candid; loyal; faithful (ل to s.o., to s.th.); purehearted, virtuous, righteous; المخلص (in letters) approx.: yours truly …, sincerely yours ...
مستخلص mustaklaṣ pl. -āt extract, excerpt
خلط kalaṭa i (kalṭ) to mix, mingle, commingle, blend (ب هـ s.th. with); to confuse, confound, mix up (بين two things; بين – وبين s.th. with), mistake (بين -- و s.th. for) II to mix, mingle, commingle, blend (هـ s.th.); to cause confusion III to mix, mingle, blend, merge, fuse (هـ with s.th.); to meddle (هـ in), interfere (هـ with); to mix, associate (ه with s.o.); to have to do (ه with s.o.) |خالط نفسه (nafsahū) to befall, attack s.o. (pain, etc.); خولط في عقله kūliṭa fī ‘aqlihi to be or become disordered in mind VIII to be mixed, mix, mingle, form a mixture or blend; to consist of a heterogeneous mixture, be motley, promiscuous; to associate, be on intimate terms (ب with); to be or become confused, get all mixed up
خلط kalṭ mixing, blending; combination; mingling, commingling (ب with); confusing, confounding, mistaking, mix-up, confusion
خلط kilṭ pl. اخلاط aklāṭ component of a mixture; ingredient; pl. mixture, blend | اخلاط الانسان the four humors of the human body (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile); اخلاط من الناس common people, populace, rabble, riffraff, mob; خلط ملط kilṭ milṭ, kalṭ malṭ motley, pell-mell, promiscuously
خلطة kalṭa mixture, blend, medley
خلطة kulta company; mixture
خلاط and خلاطة kallāṭa pl. -āt mixer, mixing machine
خليط kalīṭ mixed, blended; motley, heterogeneous, promiscuous; mixture, blend (من of); medley, hodgepodge; (pl. خلطاء kulaṭā’2) associate, companion, comrade
تخليط taklīṭ pl. -āt insanity; delirium
مخالطة mukālaṭa company, intercourse, association
اختلاط iktilāṭ (process of) mixing, blending; mingling, commingling; confusion; mental disorder; (social) intercourse, association, dealings (ب with)
مخلوط maklūṭ pl. مخاليط makālīṭ2 mixture, blend; alloy
مخلط mukallaṭ confused, disordered
مخالط mukālaṭ stricken, afflicted (ب e.g., by a disease)
مختلط muktaliṭ mixed | المحاكم المختلطة the mixed courts, see محكمة; تعليم مختلط coeducation
خلع kala‘a a (kal‘) to take off, put off, slip off (هـ a garment); to doff, take off (طربوشة one’s tarboosh); to extract, pull (هـ a tooth); to wrench, dislocate, luxate (هـ a joint); to depose, remove, dismiss, discharge (ه s.o., من from an office); to renounce, forgo, give up (هـ s.th.), withdraw (هـ from); to throw off, cost off (عذاره ‘idārahū one’s restraint, one’s inhibitions); to refuse (الطاعة obedience); to disown, repudiate (ابنه one’s son); to divorce (ها one’s wife) in return for a compensation to be paid by her; to get through, have done (هـ with s.th.), be through, have gone through s.th. (هـ , e.g., a hard day); to impart (على هـ s.th. to); to confer, bestow (على هـ s.th. upon s.o.), grant, award (على هـ s.th. to s.o.) | خلع ثيابه (tiyābahū) to undress; خلعه من العرش (‘arš) to dethrone s.o.; خلع عليه خلعة (kil‘atan) to bestow a robe of honor upon s.o.; خلع على نفسه حق (ḥaqqa) to arrogate to o.s. the right of ...; -- kalu‘a u (خلاعة kalā‘a) to be dissolute, morally depraved II to take away, remove, displace, dislocate (هـ s.th.); to knock out of joint, take or break apart (هـ s.th.); pass. kulli‘a to fall to pieces, get out of joint III to divorce (ها one’s wife, in return for a compensation to be paid by her) V to go to pieces, fall apart, break; to become or be luxated, dislocated (joint); to take a vacation in the country (tun.) | تخلع في الشراب (šarāb) to be addicted to drinking, drink heavily VII to be displaced, be dislocated, be removed; to be divested, be deprived, be stripped (من of s.th.), forfeit, lose (من s.th.) | انخلع قلبه (qalbuhū) he was completely taken aback, he was alarmed, startled
خلع kal‘ slipping off, taking off (of clothes); deposition (e.g., of a ruler); dislocation, luxation |خلع الأسنان extraction of teeth
خلع kul‘ khula, divorce at the instance of the wife, who must pay a compensation (Isl. Law)
خلعة kil‘a pl. خلع kila‘ robe of honor
خليع kalī‘ pl. خلعاء kula‘a’2 deposed, dismissed, discharged (from an office); repudiated, disowned; wanton, dissolute, dissipated, profligate, morally depraved
خلاع kallā‘ wild, unruly, wanton, shameless, impudent
خلاعة kalā‘a dissoluteness, dissipation, profligacy, wantonness, licentiousness, moral depravity; (tun.) recreation in the country, summer vacation
خولع kaula’ fool, dolt, simpleton
خالع kāli‘: خالع العذار k. al-‘idār unrestrained, ;uninhibited, wanton; libertine, debauchee, roué, rake
مخلوع maklū‘ unrestrained, uninhibited, wanton; wild, unruly; reckless, heedless, irresponsible; crazy, mad
خلف kalafa u to be the successor (ه of s.o.), succeed (ه s.o.): to follow (ه s.o.), come after s.o. (ه ): to take the place of s.o. (ه ), substitute (. for s.o.): to replace (ه s.o., هـ s.th.): to lag behind s.o. (عن ): to stay behind (عن after s.o.’s departure); to be detained, be held back, be kept away, stay away (من from) II to appoint as successor (ه s.o.); to leave behind, leave (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to have descendants, have offspring III to be contradictory, contrary, opposed (هـ to): to conflict, clash, be at variance (هـ with); to contradict (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to be different, differ, diverge (هـ from), be inconsistent, incompatible, not in keeping, not to harmonize (هـ with); to offend (هـ against a command, a rule), break, violate, disobey (هـ a command, a rule) IV to leave (ه offspring, children); to compensate, requite, recompense (على s.o.; said of God): to break, fail to keep (وعده wa‘dahū one’s promise), go back on one’s word; to disappoint (الرجاء ar-rajā’a the hopes) V to stay behind; to lag or fall behind (عن ); to stay, stay on, remain; to fail to appear or show up; to play truant; to be absent; to stay away (عن from), not go (عن to), not attend (عن s.th.) |تخلف عن المجيء (majī’) to fail to come or arrive; تخلف عن العودة (‘auda) not to return VI to disagree, differ, be at variance; to differ in opinion, be of a different mind VIII to differ, be different, vary (عن from); to be varied, varying, variable, various, diverse, dissimilar; to vary (بين between); to disagree, differ in opinion, be at variance, argue, quarrel, dispute (في about); to come or go frequently (الى to), frequent, patronize (الى a place), visit frequently (الى s.o., s.th.), come and go (الى at); to come, descend (على upon s.o.; said of afflictions), befall, overtake (على s.o.) X to appoint as successor or vicar (ه s.o.)
خلف kalf back, rear, rear part or portion; successors; kalfu and من خلف min kalfu (adv.) at the back, in the rear; kalfa (prep.) behind, after, in the rear of | جرى خلفها he ran after her: من خلف min kalfi behind, in the rear of; من الخلف from behind, from the rear; الى الخلف to the rear, backward, back; الى خلف الشيء in the wake of s.th.; في الخلف in the rear; at the back, in the background
خلفي kalfī rear, hind, hinder, back
خلف kilf pl. اخلاف aklāf test, nipple, mammilla
خلف kulf dissimilarity, disparity, difference, contrast, variance, discrepancy
خلف kalaf pl. اخلاف aklāf substitute; successor; descendant, offspring, scion
خلفة kilfa dissimilarity, disparity, difference; that which follows s.th. and replaces it (e.g., second growth of plants, day and night, etc.)
خليفة kalīfa pl. خلفاء kulafā’2, خلائف kalā’if2 vicar, deputy; successor; caliph; (formerly) senior official of the native administration in Tunis, assigned to a قائد (formerly) title of the ruler of Spanish Morocco
المنطقة الخليفية al-minṭaqa al-kalīfīya the Caliphate Zone (formerly, designation of Spanish Morocco)
خلافة kilāfa vicarship, deputyship; succession; caliphate, office or rule of a caliph: (formerly) administrative department of a خليفة (Tun.), see above
مخلاف miklāf pl. مخاليف makālīf2 province (Yemen)
خلاف kilāf pl. -āt difference, disparity, dissimilarity; divergence, deviation; contrast, contrariety, incongruity, contradiction, conflict; disagreement, difference of opinion (على or في about); dispute, controversy; kilāfa (prep.) beside, apart from, aside from |خلافه kilāfuhū (= غيره ) other, the like, خلافهم others (than those mentioned), وخلافه and the like (after an enumeration); بخلاف bi-kilāfi beside, apart 'from, aside from; contrary to, as opposed to, unlike; خلافا ل kilāfan li contrary to, against, in contradiction to; على خلاف ذلك unlike that, contrary to that, on the contrary, on the other hand
خلافي kilāfī controversial, disputed
مخالفة mukālafa pl. -āt contrast, contrariety; contradiction, inconsistency; contravention, infringement, violation; misdemeanor (jur.; as distinguished from جنحة and جناية ); fine (for a misdemeanor)
تخلف takalluf staying away, nonappearance, nonattendance, nonpresence, absence, truancy (also تخلف عن الحضور ); staying behind, staying on; stopover (railroad); backwardness
اختلاف iktilāf pl. -āt difference, dissimilarity, disparity; diversity, variety; variant, variation; difference of opinion, disagreement; controversy |الرعية على اختلاف المذاهب الدينية (ra‘īya, dīnīya) the subjects of every (= irrespective of their) religious denomination; على اختلاف احزابهم whichever party they may belong to; الفواكه على اختلافها all the different fruits, fruits of every kind
مخلوفة maklūfa pl. -āt camel saddle
مخلف mukallaf left, left behind; left over; pl. مخلفات heritage, legacy, estate; scraps, leftovers
مخالف mukālif divergent, varying, different; inconsistent, incompatible, contradictory, contrasting, conflicting; transgressor (of a command)
متخلف mutakallif residual; left over; retarded, backward, underdeveloped (mentally, in growth, etc.); pl. -ūn one left behind; straggler; pl. متخلفات heritage, legacy, estate; leftovers; scraps, refuse, offal |اتربة متخلفة (atriba) waste material, overburden, superstratum (in mining); المياه المتخلفة (miyāh) waste water, sewage
مختلف muktalif different, varying, divergent (من from); varied, various, diverse; having a different opinion, disagreeing (في or على about)
مختلف فيه (عليه ) muktalaf fīhi (‘alaihi) controversial, disputed
خلق kalaqa u (kalq) to create, make, originate (هـ s.th.); to shape, form, mold (هـ s.th.); -- kaliqa a and kaluqa u to be old, worn, shabby (garment); -- kaluqa u (خلاقة kalāqa) to be fit, suitable, suited II to perfume (هـ s.th.) IV to wear out (هـ s.th.), let (هـ s.th.) become old and shabby V pass. of II; to be molded, be shaped (ب by a model or pattern), change (ب with a model); to become angry VIII to invent, contrive, devise (هـ s.th.); to fabricate, concoct, think up (هـ s.th.); to attribute falsely (هـ على to s.o. s.th.)
خلق kalq creation; making; origination; s.th. which is created, a creation; creatures; people, man, mankind; physical constitution
خلق kulq, kuluq pl. اخلاق aklāq innate peculiarity; natural disposition, character, temper, nature; -- pl. اخلاق aklāq character (of a person); morals; morality | سوء الخلق sū’ al-k. ill nature; سيئ الخلق sayyi’ al-k. ill-natured; سهل الخلق sahl al-k. complaisant, obliging; ضيق الخلق ḍayyiq al-k. impatient, restless; علم الأخلاق ‘ilm al-a. ethics; moral science, morals; سمو الأخلاق sumūw al-a. nobility of character; مكارم الأخلاق noble manners, high moral standards; شرطة الأخلاق šurṭa al-a. vice squad
خلقي kulqī ethic(al), moral | جرائم خلقية offenses against public morals
خلق kalaq (m. and f.) pl. خلقان kulqān, اخلاق aklāq shabby, threadbare, worn (garment)
خلقة kilqa pl. خلق kilaq creation; innate peculiarity of character, natural disposition, nature; constitution; physiognomy; kilqatan by nature
خلقي kilqī natural, native, congenital, innate, inborn, inbred
خلقة kalaqa rag, tatter
خلاق kalāq share (of positive qualities, of religion) | لا خلاق له (kalāqa) disgraceful, ignominious, despicable; a worthless fellow, a good-for-nothing
خليق kalīq pl. خلقاء kulaqā’2 fit, qualified, suitable, appropriate (ب, ل for s.th., ان to do s.th.); apt (ان to do s.th.); in keeping with (ب ), adequate (ب to), worthy (ب of) |نحن خليقون ان it is (would be) only fair that we ..., we should ..., we ought to ...; هو خليق ان he is apt to ..., it is only natural for him that he ...; خليق بهذا ان يكون مؤلما (mu’liman) this is apt to be paicful. it is only natural that this is painful; نظرة يسيرة خليقة ان تقنعنا بأن (tuqni‘anā) no more than a quick glance is apt to convince us that ...
خلوق kalūq of firm character, steadfast, upright
اخلق aklaq more adequate, more appropriate, more natural
خلاق kallāq Creator, Maker (God)
خليقة kalīqa the creation, the universe created by God; nature; natural disposition, trait, characteristic; creatures, created beings; pl. خلائق kalā’iq2 creatures, created beings
اخلاقي aklāqī moral; ethic(al); ethicist, moral philosopher |جرم اخلاقي (jurm) offence against public morals; الفلسفة الأخلاقية (falsafa) moral science, moral philosophy; ethics
أخلاقية aklāqīya morality, moral practice
خلقاني kulqānī dealer in old clothes
خالق kāliq creative; Creator, Maker (God)
مخلوق maklūq created; (pl. -āt. مخاليق makālīq2) creature, created being
مختلق muktaliq inventor, fabricator (of untruths)
مختلق muktalaq fabricated, trumped up, invented, fictitious; apocryphal; pl. -āt lies, falsehoods, fabrications, fictions
خلقين kalqīn pl. خلاقين kalāqīn2 caldron, boiler, kettle
1 خلنج kalanj heath, erica (bot.)
2 خلنجان kulungān (eg.) (rhizome of) galingale (Polypodium Calaguala Kz.; bot.)
خلا (خلو ) kalā u (kulūw, خلاء kalā’) to be empty, vacant; -- (kuluw) to be free (من or عن from); to be devoid (من of s.th.), lack, want (من s.th.), be in need (من of); to be vacant (office); -- (خلوة kalwa) to be alone (ب, الى, مع with s.o., الى also: with or in s.th.); to isolate o.s., seclude o.s.; to withdraw, retire (للمداولة li-l-mudāwala for deliberation; court, jury); to withdraw for spiritual communion, in order to take counsel (الى with); to devote o.s., apply o.s.. give one's attention (ل to s.th.); خلا به to forsake, desert s.o., leave s.o. in the lurch; -- to pass (ه s.o.), go by s.o. (ه ); to pass, elapse, go by, be bygone, past, over (time) |خلا له الجو (jaww) to have free scope. have freedom of action; لا يخلو من جمال (jamāl) it is not without a certain beauty; لا يخلو من مبالغة (mubālaga) it is slightly exaggerated; لا يخلو من فائدة it is not quits useless; خلا الى نفسه to be alone with o.s.; to commune with o.s., take counsel with o.s., search one’s heart; منذ عشر سنوات خلت mundu ‘ašri sanawātin kalat for the past ten years II to vacate, evacuate (هـ s.th.); to leave, leave alone (ه s.o.); to release, let go (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to desist, abstain, refrain (عن from), give up (عن s.th.) |خلى سبيله (sabīlahū) to let s.o. off, let s.o. go, release s.o.; خلى بين فلان وبين الشيء to give s.o. a free hand in, let s.o. have his own way with or in, let s.o. alone with; to open the way for s.o. to; خل عنك هذه الميول kalli ‘anka h. l-muyūla desist from such desires! IV to empty, void, drain, deplete (من هـ s.th. of); to vacate, leave uninhabited or untenanted (هـ a place); to evacuate (هـ a city) |اخلى سبيله (sabīlahū) to let s.o. off, let s.o. go, release s.o.; اخلى السبيل ل to open the way for ...; اخلى طرف (ṭarafahū) to dismiss, discharge s.o., send s.o. away; to exonerate, exculpate, clear s.o.; اخلى سمعه ل (sam‘ahū) to be all ears for ..., listen intently to ...; اخلى بينه وبين ما يقول to let s.o. say whatever he likes, let s.o. talk freely V to give up, relinquish, forgo, abandon (عن or من s.th.), withdraw, resign (عن or من from); to cede, leave, surrender (ل عن s.th. to s.o.); to lay down (عن an office) VIII to retire, withdraw, step aside, be alone (ب or مع with)
خلو kilw free (من from), devoid (من of)
خلو kulūw emptiness, vacuity; freedom (من from)
خلا kalā and ما خلا (with foll. acc. or genit.) except, save, with the exception of
خلاء kalā’ emptiness, vacuity; empty space, void, vacancy, vacuum; open country |تحت الخلاء or في الخلاء under the open sky, outdoors, in the open air; بيت الخلاء bait al-k. toilet, water closet
خلوة kalwa pl. kalawāt privacy, solitude; seclusion, isolation, retirement; place of retirement or seclusion, retreat, recess; secluded room; hermitage; religious assembly hall of the Druses; booth, cabin |على خلوة alone; in retirement, in seclusion; خلوة الحمام k. al-ḥammām bathhouse
خلوي kalawī lonely, solitary, secluded, isolated, outlying; located in the open country, rural, rustic, country |بيت خلوي (bait) country house
خلى kalīy pl. اخلياء akliyā’2 free (من from), void, devoid (من of) |خلى البال carefree, easygoing, happy-go-lucky
خلية kalīya pl. خلايا kalāyā beehive; cell (biol.) |الخلية الحيوية الأولى (al-ḥayawīya l-ūlā) protoplasm; من خلايا from within ..., from inside ..., out of ...
مخلاة miklāh nosebag
تخلية takliya vacating, evaluation
اخلاء iklā’ emptying, voiding, draining; clearing; vacating, evacuation |اخلاء سبيله i. sabīlihī; his release
تخل takallin relinquishment, abandonment, surrender, renunciation, resignation (عن of s.th.)
اختلاء iktilā’ privacy, solitude
خال kālin empty, void; open, vacant (office, position); free, unrestrained, untrammeled, unencumbered; free (من from), devoid (من of) |in numerous compounds corresponding to Engl. -less or un-, e.g., خال من الفائدة useless, خال من السكان (sukkān) uninhabited, untenanted, unoccupied; خالي الدين kālī d-dain not bound by, without obligation to, free (من from); خالى البال carefree, easygoing, happy-go-lucky; -- (pl. خوال kawālin) past, bygone (time) |القرون الخالية the past centuries; في الايام الخوالي fī l-ayyāmi l-kawālī in the days past
خم kamma u (kamm) to sweep (هـ a room); -- i u (kamm, خموم kumūm) to exude a rotten, foul smell; to rot, putrefy, decay
خم kumm pl. اخمام akmām coop, chicken coop, brooder; poultry pen
خمة kamma putrid smell, stench
خام kāmm stinking, rotten, putrid, foul-smelling; kām look up alphabetically
مخم mukimm stinking, rotten, putrid, foul-smelling
خمج kamija a (kamaj) to spoil, rot, decay
خمد kamada u (خمود kumūd) to go out, die (fire); to abate, subside, let up, calm down, cease, die down IV to extinguish, put out (هـ fire); to calm, appease, placate, soothe, lull, still, quiet (هـ s.th.); to suppress, quell (هـ s.th.); to subdue, soften, deaden, dull (هـ s.th.); to stifle, smother, kill (هـ s.th.; fig.)
خمود kumūd extinction; decline, degeneration, deterioration; quietness, stillness, tranquility, calm; immobility, motionlessness
اخماد ikmād extinction, putting out; calming, soothing, placation, appeasement, lulling, stilling; subduing, softening, dulling; settlement; suppression, quelling (of a riot)
خامد kāmid dying; abating, subsiding; calm, tranquil, still, quiet
خمر kamara u (kamr) and II to cover, hide, conceal (هـ 8 .th.); to leaven, raise (هـ dough); to ferment (هـ s.th.), cause fermentation (هـ in) III to permeate, pervade (هـ s.th.), mix, blend (هـ with); to possess, seize, overcome (ه s.o., e.g., an idea, a feeling) IV to leaven, raise (هـ dough); to ferment (هـ s.th.), cause fermentation (هـ in); to harbor, entertain (هـ s.th.); to bear a grudge, feel resentment (ل against s.o.) V to ferment, be in a state of fermentation; to rise (dough); to veil the head and face (woman) VI to conspire, plot, collude, scheme, intrigue (على against) VIII to ferment, be in a state of fermentation; to rise (dough); to become ripe, ripen (also fig.: an idea in s.o.’s mind)
خمر kamr m. and f., pl. خمور kumūr wine; pl. alcoholic beverages, liquor
خمرة kamra wine
خمري kamrī golden brown, reddish brown, bronze-colored (actually, wine-colored)
خمرية kamrīya pl. -āt wine poem, bacchanalian verse
خمار /fimar pl. اخمرة akmira, خمر kumur veil covering head and face of a woman
خمار kumār aftereffect of intoxication, hang-over
خمير kamīr leavened (dough); ripe, mature, mellow; leaven; leavened bread
خميرة kamīra pl. خمائر kamā’ir2 leaven; ferment; barm, yeast; enzyme (chem.); (fig.) starter, nucleus, basis (from which s.th. greater develops)
خمار kammār wine merchant, keeper of a wineshop
خمارة kammāra wineshop, tavern
خمير kimmīr winebibber, drunkard, tippler, sot
تخمير takmīr leavening, raising (of dough); fermenting, fermentation
اختمار iktimār (process of) fermentation
مخمور makmūr drunk, intoxicated, inebriated
مختمر muktamir fermenting, fermented; alcoholic
خمس II to quintuple, make fivefold, multiply by five (هـ s.th.); to make pentagonal (هـ s.th.); to divide into five parts (هـ s.th.)
خمس kums pl. خمس akmās one fifth |ضرب اخماسه في اسداسه ḍaraba akmāsahū fī asdāsihī and ضرب اخماسا لأسداس (li-asdāsin) to rack one’s brain in search of a way out; to be at one’s wit’s end; to scheme, intrigue
خمسة kamsa (f. خمس kams) five
خمسة عشر kamsata ‘ašara (f. خمس عشرة kamsa ‘ašrata) fifteen
خمسون kamsūn fifty | عيد الخمسين ‘īd al-k. Whitsuntide, Pentecost; احد الخمسين aḥad al-k. Whitsunday; أيام الخمسين ayyām al-kamsīn the period of about 50 days between Easter and Whitsuntide; خمسين and خماسين khamsin, a hot southerly wind in Egypt
عيد خمسين ‘īd kamsīn 50th anniversary
خميس kamīs and يوم الخميس yaum al-k. Thursday |خميس الجسد k. al-jasad Corpus Christi Day (Chr.); خميس الفصح k. al-fiṣḥ, خميس الأسرار k. al-asrār, and خميس العهد k. al-‘ahd Maundy Thursday (Chr.)
خماس kammās pl. خماسة kamāmisa (magr.) sharecropper receiving one fifth of the crop as wages
خماسي kumāsī fivefold, quintuple; consisting of five consonants (gram.) |خماسي (zawāyā) pentagonal, five-cornered
خميسة kumaisa (mor. Pronounced kmīsa) ornament in the shape of a hand (worn by women and children as a talisman against the evil eye)
الخامس al-kāmis the fifth
مخمس mukammas pentagonal, five-cornered; pentagon; fivefold, quintuple; O pentameter
خمش kamaša i u (kamš) and II to scratch (هـ e.g., the face, the skin, with the nails)
خمش kamš pl. خموش kumūš scratch, scratch mark, scar
خماشة kumāša pl. -āt scratch, scar
خمص kamaṣa u and kamiṣa a to be empty, hungry (stomach)
خميص kamīs خميص البطن k. al-baṭn, خميص الحشا k. al-ḥašā with an empty stomach, hungry
اخمص القدم akmaṣ al-qadam pl. اخامص akāmiṣ2 hollow of the sale (of the foot) | من الرأس الى اخمص القدم from head to toe
خمع kama‘a a (kam‘, خموع kumū‘) to limp, walk with a limp
خمل kamala u (خمول kumūl) to be unknown, obscure, undistinguished; to be weak, languid
خمل kami and خملة kamla nap, the rough, hairy surface of a fabric; fibers
خمل kamil languid, sluggish, dull, listless
خمول kumūl obscurity; weakness lassitude, languor, lethargy; indolence, sluggishness, inactivity; apathy, indifference; sleepiness, drowsiness
خميلة kamīla pl. خمائل kamā’il2 place with luxuriant tree growth; thicket, brush, scrub
خامل kāmil unknown, obscure, undistinguished, unimportant, minor; weak, languid, sluggish
مخمل mukmal velvet-like fabric, velvet
مخملي mukmalī velvety |جلد مخملي (jild) deerskin, buckskin
خمن II to guess, conjecture, surmise; to make conjectures (هـ as to); to assess, appraise, estimate (هـ s.th.)
تخمين takmīn appraisal, assessment, estimation; تخمينا takmīnan and على تخمين approximately, roughly
خمن mukammin appraiser, assessor
1 خن kanna i (خنين kanīn) to speak nasally, nasalize; to twang, speak through the nose
خنة kunna nasal twang
خنين kanīn twanging, nasal twang
اخن akann2, f. خناء kanna’2 twanging, speaking through the nose
2 خن kunn (= خم kumm) pl. اخنان aknān coop. chicken coop, brooder
خنث kanita a to be soft, effeminate V to display effeminate manners, become or be effeminate
خنث kanit oft, effeminate
خنثى kuntā pl. خناث kināt, خناثى kanatā hermaphrodite
خنوثة kunūta effeminacy
تخنث takannut effeminacy
مخنث mukannat bisexual; effeminate; powerless, impotent, weak
خنجر kanjar pl. خناجر kanājir2 dagger
خنخن kankana to nasalize, speak, nasally; to twang, speak through the nose
خندق kandaqa to dig a ditch or trench (خندقا ); to take up positions, prepare for battle
خندق kandaq pl. خنادق kanādiq2 ditch; trench
خنزوانية kunzuwānīya megalomania
خنزب kanzab Satan, Devil
خنزير kinzīr pl. خنازير kanāzir2 swine, pig, hog; خنزير بري (barrī) wild hoar; خنازير scrofula, scrofulosis (med.)
خنزيرة kinzīra sow
خنازيري kanāzīrī scrofulous
الخناس al-kannās epithet of the Devil (properly speaking, he who withdraw, when the name of God is mentioned)
اخنس aknas f. خنساء kansā’2, pl. خنس kuns pug-nosed
خنشار kinšār fern (bot.)
خنوص kinnauṣ pl. خنانيص kanānīṣ2 piglet
خنصر kinṣir pl. خناصر kanāṣir2 little finger |عقد الخنصر (الخناصر) على to give s.th. top-rating because of its excellence, put s.th. above everything else
خنع kana‘a a (خنوع kunū‘) to yield, surrender, bow, stoop (ل or الى to s.o.). humble o.s., cringe (ل or الى before s.o.)
خنوع kanū‘ submissive, servile, meek, humble; treacherous, perfidious, disloyal
خنوع kunū‘ submissiveness, meekness, servility
خنف kanaf (eg.) twanging, nasal twang
خنفر kanfara to snuffle, snort
خنفس kunfus and خنفساء kunfusā’2 pl. خنافس kanāfis2 dung beetle, scarab
خنق kanaqa u (kanq) to choke (ه s.o.); to suffocate, stifle, smother, strangle, throttle, choke to death (ه s.o.); to throttle down (techn.; هـ s.th.); to slow down, cut, check, suppress (هـ s.th.) III to quarrel, have a fight (ه with s.o.) VI to quarrel, dispute, have a fight (مع with s.o.) VII pass. of I; VIII to he throttled, be suppressed; to be tight, constricted (throat); to be strangled, be choked to death
خنق kanq strangling, strangulation; throttling, suppression | خنق الأنوار k. al-anwāar dim-out
خنقة اليد kanqat (kunqat) al-yad wrist
خناق kunāq suffocation; angina (med.); kunāq and خانوق kānūq quinsy, diphtheria (med.); pl. خوانق kawāniq2 and خوانيق kawānīq2 do.
خناق kannāq choking, throttling, strangling
مخنق maknaq neck, throat |أخذه بمخنقه to grab s.o. by the throat, bear down on s.o.; to have power over s.o.
خناق kināq strangling cord; neck, throat |ضيق الخناق على (ḍayyaqa) to tighten the grip around s.o.’s throat, tread on s.o.’s neck, oppress s.o., beset s.o. grievously; أخذ بخناقه to grab s.o. by the throat
خناق kināq and خناقة kināqa quarrel, fight, row
اختناق iktināq suffocation, asphyxiation; constriction; asphyxia (med.)
خانق kāniq choking, strangling; suffocating, asphyxiating, stifling, smothering; throttling, throttle· (in compounds; tech.); (pl. خوانق kawāniq2) choke coil, reactor (radio); gorge, ravine, canyon | غاز خانق asphyxiating gas; خانق الذئب k. ad-di’b wolfsbane, monkshood, aconite (bot.)
مخنوق maknūq strangled; suffocated, stifled, smothered; suppressed, choking (voice, laughter, etc.); constricted; strangulated; throttled
مختنق muktaniq crammed, jammed, crowded, chock-full (ب with)
(خنو and خنى) خنا kanā u, خني kaniya a (خنى kanan) to use obscene language IV to hit hard, afflict grievously, wear down, ruin, destroy, crush (على s.o., s.th.; said of fate)
خنى kanan obscene language; s.th. indecent or obscene; prostitution; fornication
خواجة kawāja pl. -āt sir, Mr. (title and form of address, esp., for Christians and Westerners, used with or without the name of the person so addressed)
خوان kuwān, kiwān pl. اخونة akwina, اخاوين akāwīn2 table |خوان الزينة k. az-zīna dressing table
خوجة kōga (eg.) teacher, schoolmaster
خوخ II (eg.) to rot, decay, spoil
خوخ kauk (coll.; n. un. ة ) peach (eg.); plum (syr.)
خوخة kauka pl. kuwak skylight, windowlike opening; wicket (of a canal lock, of a gate); (eg.) alley connecting two streets
خوذة kūda pl. -āt, خوذ kuwad helmet
1 خار (خور ) kāra (خوار kuwār) to low, moo (cattle); -- خور kawira a (خور kawar) and خار kāra u to decline in force or vigor; to grow weak, spiritless, languid, to languish, flag; to dwindle, give out (strength)
خور kaur pl. اخوار akwār, خيران kīrān inlet, bay
خور kawar weakness, fatigue, enervation, languor, lassitude
خوار kuwār lowing, mooing
خوار kawwār weak, languid, strengthless
2 خوري kūrī pl. خورنة kawārina parson, curate, priest; see also under خير
خورس kūrus choir (of a church)
خوزق kauzaqa to impale (ه s.o.); to comer, drive into a comer, get into a bad fix (ه s.o.)
خازوق see خزق
ورق خوشق waraq kaušaq wrapping paper; blotting paper
1 خوص kūṣ (coll.; n. un. ة ) palm leaves
خوصة kūṣa (eg.) plaitwork of palm leaves (resembling that of Panama hats; used as a tarboosh lining)
خواصة kiwwāṣa art of palm-leaf plaiting
2 خوص kawaṣ and اخوص see خوص
3 خويصة see خصّ
1 خاض (خوض ) kāḍهـ u (kauḍ, خياض kiyāḍ) to wade (هـ into water); to plunge, dive, rush (هـ into s.th.), tackle courageously (هـ s.th.), embark boldly (هـ on); to penetrate (هـ or في into), become absorbed, engrossed (هـ or في in); to go into a subject (في ), take up (في هـ subject), deal (في with) |خاض المعركة (ma‘raka) to rush into battle; خاض غمار الحرب (gimāra l-ḥarb) to enter the war
خوض kawḍ, plunge, rush (into); entering, entry (into, e.g., into war, into negotiations); penetration; search (في into), examination, discussion, treatment (في of a subject)
مخاضة makāḍa pl. -āt, مخاوض makāwiḍ2 ford
2 مخاض see مخض
خاف (خوف ) kāfa (1st pers. perf. kiftu) a (kauf, مخافة makāata, خيفة kīfata) to be frightened, scared; to be afraid (هـ, ه or من of), dread (هـ, ه or من s.o. or s.th.); to fear (هـ, ه or من s.o., s.th.; على for s.o., for s.th.; ان that) II and IV to frighten, scare, alarm, fill with fear (ه s.o.) V = I
خوف kauf fear, dread (من of); خوفا kaufan for fear (من of), fearing (على for)
خيفة kīfa fear, dread (من of)
خواف kawwāf, خويف kawīf fainthearted, fearful, timid, timorous; coward, poltroon
اخوف akwaf2 more timorous; more dreadful, more to be feared
مخافة makāfa fear, dread |مخافة ان (makāfatan) for fear that ..., afraid that ...
مخاوف makāwif2 (pl. zu مخافة ) fears, apprehensions, anxieties; horrors, dangers, perils
تخويف takwīf and اخافة ikāfa intimidation, bullying, cowing, frightening, scaring
تخوف takawwuf fear, dread
خائف kā’if pl. خوف kuwwaf fearful, timid, timorous; scared, frightened, alarmed (من by); afraid (من of); anxious (على about), apprehensive (على for)
مخوف makūf feared, dreaded; dangerous, perilous
مخيف mukīf fear-inspiring, frightful, dreadful, terrible, horrible
خاكى look up alphabetically
خول II to grant, accord, give, concede (هـ ه to s.o. s.th., also هـ ل ; esp., the right, the power to do s.th.), bestow, confer (هـ ه upon s.o. s.th., also هـ ل ), vest, endow (هـ ه s.o. with s.th., also. ل )
خال kāl pl. اخوال akwāl, خؤول ku’ūl, خولة ku’ūla (maternal) uncle; -- (pl. خيلان kīlān) mole, birthmark (on the face);
O patch, beauty spot
خالة kāla pl. -āt (maternal) aunt
خول kawal chattels, property, esp., that consisting in livestock and slaves; servants; (eg.) dancer; effeminate person, sissy
خولى kaulī supervisor, overseer (of a plantation); gardener
خؤولة ku’ūla relationship of the maternal uncle
مخول mukawwal authorized (ب to)
خام look up alphabetically
1 خان (خون ) kana u (kaun, خيانة kiyāna) to be disloyal, faithless, false, treacherous, perfidious, act disloyally, treacherously, perfidiously (ه toward s.o.); to betray (ه s.o.); to cheat, dupe, gull, hoodwink (ه s.o.), impose (ه upon), deceive (زوجته one’s wife); to fool, deceive, mislead (ه s.o.; said, e.g., of the memory); to forsake, let down, desert (ه s.o.); to fail (ه s.o.; e.g., the voice, and the like); to fail to keep (هـ e.g., a promise), break (عهدا ‘ahdan a contract) II to regard as or call faithless, false, disloyal, treacherous, dishonest, unreliable (ه s.o.); to distrust, mistrust (ه s.o.) V to impair, harm, hurt, prejudice (هـ s.th.) VIII to dupe, gull, cheat, deceive, double-cross, betray (ه s.o.) X استخون istakwana to distrust, mistrust (ه s.o.)
خيانة kiyāna faithlessness, falseness, disloyalty, treachery, perfidy; breach of faith, betrayal; treason; deception, fooling |خيانة الأمانة k. al-amāna breach of faith; خيانة عظمى (‘uẓmā) high treason; خيانة الوعود breach of promise
خؤون ka’ūn faithless, false, disloyal, traitorous, treacherous, perfidious; unreliable, tricky, deceptive
خوان kawwān unreliable, faithless, disloyal, treacherous, perfidious; traitor
خائن kā’in pl. خوان kuwwān, خونة kawana disloyal, faithless, false, unreliable, traitorous, treacherous, perfidious; traitor
2 خان and خانة look up alphabetically
3 خوان look up alphabetically
1 خوي kawā i (خواء kawā’, خوى kawan) to be empty, be hungry; -- kawiya a (خواء kawā’) to be empty, bare, dreary, desolate, waste
خواء kawā’ and خوى kawan emptinessv(of the stomach), hunger
خاو kāwin empty, vacant; dreary, waste, desolate |خاو على عروشه (‘urūšihī) completely devastated; خاوى الوفاض k. l-wifāḍ (= خالى الوفاض ) with an empty pouch, empty-handed, without a catch
خوى III to join (ه s.o.), join the company of (ه ), accompany (ه s.o.)
خوي kuwaiy little brother
خوة kuwa brotherliness, fraternity (= اخوة ukūwa)
مخاو mukāwin brotherly, fraternal
خيار kiyār (coll.; n. un. ة ) cucumber | خيار شنير k. šanbar (eg.) drumstick tree, purging cassia (Cassia fistula; bot.); خيار قشة k. qašša (eg.) gherkins, pickles
خاب (خيب ) kāba i (خيبة kaiba) to fail, miscarry, be without success, be unsuccessful; to be frustrated, be dashed, be disappointed (hopes); to go wrong II and IV to cause to fail; to thwart, frustrate, fail, defeat (هـ s.th.); to disappoint, dash (أماله āmālahū s.o.’s hopes) V = I
خيبة kaiba failure, miscarriage, defeat, frustration; fizzle, flop; disappointment |ولد خيبة walad k., f. بنت خيبة bint k. (eg.) a good-for-nothing, a ne’er-do-well
خائب kā’ib failing; abortive, unsuccessful; disappointed
خار (خير ) kāra i to choose, make one’s choice; to prefer (على هـ s.th. to) II to make or let (ه s.o.) choose (بين between, في from), give (ه s.o.) the alternative, option or choice (بين between, في in); to prefer (على هـ s.th. to) III to vie, compete (ه with s.o.); to make or let (ه s.o.) choose, give (ه s.o.) the choice, option or alternative V to choose, select, pick (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) VIII to choose, make one’s choice; to choose, select, elect, pick (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), fix upon s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ); to prefer (على هـ s.th. to) |اختار الله الى جواره (jiwārihī) approx.: the Lord has taken unto Himself X to seek or request what is good or best (هـ ) for o.s. (ه from s.o.); to consult an oracle, cast lots |استخار الله في to ask God for proper guidance in
خير kair pl. خيار kiyār, اخيار akyār good; excellent, outstanding, superior, admirable; better; best; - (pl. خيور kuyūr) good thing, blessing; wealth, property; -- good, benefit, interest, advantage; welfare; charity |خير الناس the best of all people; خيار الناس, اخيار الناس the beat people, the pick of the human race; هو خير منك he ill better than you; هو خير لك it is better for you; الخير كل الخير the very best; الخير العام (‘āmm) the commonweal, general welfare; دولة الخير العام welfare state; لخير for the benefit of; لخير انفسهم li-k. anfusihim for their own good; اعمال الخير charitable deeds; صباح الخير ṣabāḥ al-k. and صباحك بالخير good morning! ذكره بالخير (dakarahū) to retain a good impression. of s.o.; to speak well of s.o.
خيري kairī charitable, beneficent, benevolent, philanthropic |جمعية خيرية (jam‘īya) charitable organization
خيرية kairīya charity, charitableness, benevolence, beneficence
خير kayyir generous, liberal, openhanded, munificent; charitable, beneficent, benevolent; benign, gracious, kind
خيرة kaira pl. -āt good deed, good thing; pl. خيرات resources, treasures (e.g., of the earth, of a country), boons, blessings
خيرة kīra and kiyara the best, choice, prime, flower, pick, elite
خيري kīrī gillyflower (bot.)
اخير akyar 2, f. خيرى kīrā, خورى kūrā pl. اخاير akāyir2 better, superior
خيار kiyār choice; option, exercise of the power of choice (Isl. Law); refusal, right of withdrawal (Isl. Law); the best, choice, prime, flower, pick, elite; see also alphabetically
خياري kiyārī optional, facultative; voluntary
اختيار iktiyār choice; election (also pol.; pl. -āt); selection; preference ( على to); option; free will (philos.); اختيارا iktiyāran of one’s own accord, spontaneously, voluntarily
اختياري iktiyārī voluntary, facultative, elective (studies)
مخير mukayyar having the choice or option
مختار muktār free to choose, having the choice or option (في in), volunteering, مختارا muktāran (adv.) voluntarily, spontaneously, of one’s own accord; choice, select, exquisite; chosen, preferred, favorite; a favorite; مختارات selection, selected writings, anthology; (pl. مخاتير makātīr2) village chief, mayor of a village (šyr., Leb., Ir.)
خيزران see خزر
خاس (خيس ) kāsa i (خيس kais, خيسان kayasān) to break (ب an agreement, a promise)
خيش kaiš sackcloth, sacking, canvas
خيش kaiš place of sackcloth; (pl. -āt, خيش kiyaš) sack; straw mattress, pallet; Bedouin tent
خيشوم see خشم
خاط (خيط ) kāṭa i (kaiṭ) and II to sew, stitch (هـ s.th.)
خيط kaiṭ pl. خيوط kuyūṭ, اخياط akyāṭ, خيطان kīṭān thread; twine cord; pack-thread, string; fiber |خيط امل k. amal a spark of hope, a thread of hope
خيطي kaiṭī threadlike; fibrous
خياط kiyāṭ needle
خياط kiyāṭa swing; needlework, tailoring, dressmaking |آلة الخياطة sewing machine
خياط kayyāṭ pl. -ūn tailor
خياطة kayyāṭa pl. -āt dressmaker; seam-stress
مخيط mikyaṭ needle
خائط kā’iṭ tailor
1 خال (خيل ) kālهـ هـ to imagine, fancy, think, believe, suppose (ان that); to consider, deem, think (ه ه s.o. to be …, هـ هـ s.th. to be ...), regard (ه ه s.o. as, هـ هـ s.th. as) II to make (الى s.o.) believe (ان that), suggest (الى to s.o., هـ s.th.), give s.o. (الى ) the impression that (هـ) |خيل اليه (له) ان (kuyyila) he imagined, fancied, thought that it seemed, it appeared to him that …; على مل خيلت (kayyalat; النفس being understood) as the heart dictates, i.e., as chance will have it, at random, unhesitatingly IV to be dubious, doubtful, uncertain, intricate V to imagine, fancy (هـ s.th.); to present itself, reveal itself (ل to s.o.’s mind), become the object of imagination. appear (= II kuyyila; ل to s.o.) |تخيل فيه الخير (kaira) to suspect good qualities in s.o., have an inkling of s.o.’s good qualities, think well of s.o., have هـ good opinion of s.o. VI to pretend (ب ل to s.o. s.th., that ...), act (ل toward s.o., ب as if); to feel self-important, be conceited; to behave in pompous manner, swagger, strut about; to conceive eccentric ideas, get all kinds of fantastic notions, have هـ bee in one’s bonnet; to appear dimly, in shadowy outlines; to appear, show (على on), hover (على about; e.g., هـ smile about s.o.’s lips) flit (على across, e.g., هـ shadow across s.o.’s face, etc.) VIII to feel self-important, be conceited; to behave in هـ pompous manner, swagger, strut about
خيال kayāl pl. اخيلة akyilهـ disembodied spirit, ghost, specter; imagination; phantom, apparition; phantasm, fantasy, chimera, vision; shadow, trace, dim reflection |خيال الشك k. ašakk slightest doubt; خيال الصحراء k. aṣ-ṣaḥrā’ scarecrow; خيال الظل k. aẓ-ẓill shadow play
خيالة kayālهـ pl. -āt ghost, spirit, specter; phantom; phantasm, fantasy, chimera
خيالي kayālī imaginary, unreal; ideal, ideational, conceptual; utopian
اخيل akyal2 more conceited, haughtier, prouder
اخيل akyal pl. خيل kīl, اخايل akāyil2 green woodpecker
خيلاء kuyalā’2 (f.) conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride; الخيلاء al-kuyalā’هـ haughtily, proudly
خيلولة kailūlهـ conceit, conceitedness, snobbery, arrogance, haughtiness
مخيلة makīlهـ conceit, conceitedness, snobbery, arrogance, haughtiness; (pl. مخايل makāyil2) indication, sign, symptom, characteristic; pl. مخايل visions, mental images, imagery
تخييل takyīl playacting |فن التخييل fann at-t. dramatic art
تخيل takayyul pl. -āt imagination, phantasy; delusion, hallucination, fancy, whim, fantastic notion
تخيلي takayyulī fantastic, fanciful, imaginary
اختيال iktiyāl pride; arrogance, haughtiness
مخيلة mukayyilهـ imagination, phantasy
مخيل mukīl dubious, doubtful, uncertain, intricate, tangled, confused; confusing, bewildering
مختال muktāl conceited, haughty, arrogant
2 خيل II to gallop (on horseback)
خيل kail (coll.) pl. خيول kuyūl horses; horsepower, H.P. |سباق الخيل horse racing, horse race
خيال kayyāl pl. ة , -ūn horseman, rider
خيالة kayyālهـ cavalry (Ir.; Eg. 1939)
سرية خيالة sarīyهـ kayyālهـ cavalry squadron (Eg. 1939)
2 خال see خول
1 خيم II to pitch one’s tent, to camp; to settle down; to stay, linger, rest, lie down, lie (على on, فى or ب at هـ place); (fig.) to reign (e.g., calm, silence, peace, etc.; فى or ب at, in), settle (على over) V to pitch one’s tent; to camp
خيمة ḳaimهـ pl. -āt, خيام ḳiyām, خيم ḳiyam tent; tarpaulin; arbor, bower; pavilion
خيم ḳayyām tentmaker
خيم muḳayyam pl. -āt camping ground, camp, encampment
2 خيم ḳīm natural disposition, nature, temper, character; inclination, bent, tendency|اخذ خيمه (eg.) to fool s.o.’s pulse, sound s.o. out
3 خام look up alphabetically
خية ḳayya pl. -āt noose