Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Publisher: www.data.nur.nu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
دأب da’aba a (da’b, da’b, دؤوب du’ūb) to persist, persevere, be indefatigable, untiring, tireless (فى or على in s.th.); to go in for s.th. (على ), apply o.s., devote o.s. (على to), practice eagerly (على s.th.)
دأب da’b pl. ادؤب ad’ub habit
دأب da’b, da’ab and دؤوب du’ūb persistence, perseverance, tirelessness, indefatigability, assiduity, eagerness
دئب da’ib and دائب dā’ib addicted, devoted, persistent, assiduous, eager, indefatigable, untiring, tireless (على in)
دؤوب da’ūb untiring, tireless, indefatigable, persevering, persistent
ادأب ad’ab2 more persistent, more assiduous
دادة dāda governess, dry nurse, nurse
داغ dāg pl. -āt brand (made on cattle, etc.)
دال dāl name of the letter د
داليا dāliyā dahlia(s) (bot.)
داما dāmā checkers| لوحة الداما lauḥat ad-d. checkerboard
دامجانة see دمجانة
دانتيلا (Fr. dentelle) dantilla lace
دانق dānaq, dāniq pl. دوانق dawāniq2 an ancient coin. = 1/4 dirham; small coin; a square measure (Eg.; = 4 sahm = 29.17 m2)
دانمارك dannmark Denmark
دانماركى danmarkī Danish
الداننوب ad-dānūb the Danube
داية dāya pl. -āt wet nrse; midwife
دب dabba i (dabb, دبيب dabīb) to creep, crawl (reptile); to proceed, advance, or move slowly; to go on all fours; to enter (فى s.th.), come (فى into); to steal, creep (فى نفسه into s.o.’s heart; of a feeling, e.g., doubt); to spread (فى over, in, through), fill, pervade, invade (فى s.th.) ; to gain ground; to gain ascendancy (فى in s.o.; of a condition, an idea, a sensation); to stream in, ruah in (of sensations, فى upon s.o.)| دب فيه دبيب الحياة (d. al-ḥayāh) to gain vitality II to sharpen, point, taper (هـ s.th.)
دب dubb pl. ادباب adbāb, دببة dibaba bear| الدب الاصغر (aṣgar) Little Bear, Ursa Minor (astron.); الدب الاكبر (akbar) Great Bear, Ursa Major (astron.)
دبي dubbī ursine
دبة dabba sand hill, mound
دبيب dabīb creeping, crawling; infiltration; influx, inflow, flow (e.g., of sensations, of life, of vigor); reptile
دباب dabbāb creeping, crawling, repent, reptant
دبابة dabbāba pl. -āt tank, armored car
مدب midabb: من مدب النيل الى مصبه (maṣabbihī) from the lower Nile to its mouth
دابة dābba pl. دواب dawābb2 animal, beast; riding animal (horse, mule, donkey)
دويبة duwaibba tiny animal, animalcule; insect
مدبب mudabbab pointed, tapered
دبج II to embellish, decorate, adorn, ornament (هـ s.th.); to put in good style, formulate, compose, write down, put down in writing (هـ s.th.)
ديباج dībāj pl. دبابيج dabābīj2 silk brocade
ديباجة dībāja (n. un. of ديباج ) brocade; introductory verses or lines, proem, preamble; face, visage; style, elegance of style; renown, repute, standing, prestige
تدبيج tadbīj embellishment, adornment, ornamentation; composition, writing (of a book)
مدبجات mudabbajāt embellishments of speech, fine figures of speech
دبدب dabdaba to tread, tap
دبدبة dabdaba sound of footsteps, footfall, pitapat; pattering or clattering noise; snapping, flapping noise
دبدوبة dabdūba pl. دباديب dabādīb2 point, tip, tapered end
1 دبر dabara u (دبور dubūr) to turn one’s back; to elapse, pass, go by (time) II to make arrangements, make plans (هـ for), prepare, plan, organize, design, frame, devise, concert, arrange, get up, bring about (هـ s.th.); to hatch (هـ a plot, etc.); to contrive, work up (هـ a ruse); to direct, conduct, manage, run, engineer, steer, marshal, regulate (هـ s.th.), be in charge (هـ of); to manage well, economize (هـ s.th.) |دبر خطة (kiṭṭatan) to devise a plan; دبر الشؤون to conduct the course of business, be in charge IV to turn one’s back (عن or على on s.o.); to flee, run away; to escape, dodge; to slip away V to be prepared, planned, organized, managed; to reflect, ponder (في or هـ on); to consider, weigh, contemplate (في or هـ s.th.); to treat or handle with care, with circumspection (في s.th.) VI to face in opposite directions, stand back to back; to be contrary, opposite, opposed; to be inconsistent, incompatible X to turn the back (ه on s.o.)
دبر dubr, dubur pl. ادبار adbār rump backside, buttocks, posteriors; rear part, Rear, hindpart; back; last part, end, tail | من دبر behind, at the back, in the rear; from behind, from the rear; ولى دبره wallā duburahū to turn one’s back; to flee, run away
دبري dabarī trailing behind, belated, late
دبرة dabra turn (of fate)
دبور dabūr west wind
دبور dabbūr pl. -āt dabābīr2 hornet; wasp
تدبير tadbīr pl. -āt planning, organization; direction, management, disposal, regulation; economy, economization; -- (pl. تدابير tadābīr2) measure, move, step | تدبير المنزل t. al-manzil housekeeping, household management; تدبير منزلي (manzilī) do.; قام بالتدابير اللازمة and اتخذ التدابير اللازمة (ittakada,qāma) to take the necessary measures
ادبار idbār flight, retreat
تدبر tadabbur reflection, meditation (في on), thinking (في about); consideration, contemplation (في of)
تدابر taddbur disparity, dissimilarity, contrast
دابر dābir past, bygone (time); the ultimate, utmost, extremity. end; root |قطع دابر الشيء (dābira š-šai’) to eradicate, root out s.th., suppress s.th. radically; بالأمس الدابر (amsi) sometime in the past; ذهب كأمس الدابر (ka-amsi d-dābiri) to vanish into thin air, disappear without leaving a trace (actually: like yesterday gone by)
مدبر mudabbir manager, director; ruler, disposer; leader; ringleader |مدبر المكائد schemer, intriguer, intrigant
مدبر mudbir: مدبرا ومقبلا mudbiran wa-muqbilan from the rear and from in front
2 دبارة dubāra (=دوبارة ) packthread, string, twine, cord, rope j thread
1 دبس dibs sirup, molasses, treacle, esp. of grapes
2 دبوس dabbūs pl. دبابيس dabābīs2 pin; safety pin |دبوس انكليزي safety pin
دبش dabaš junk, rubbish, trash; -- dabš rubblestone, rubble; crushed rock (used as substratum in macadamizing)
دبغ dabaga a i u (dabg) to tan (هـ a hide)
دباغة dibāga tanning, tanner’s trade
دباغ dabbāg tanner
مدبغة madbaga pl. مدابغ madābig 2 tannery
دبق dabiqa a (dabaq) to stick, adhere (ب to); to cleave, cling (ب to) II to catch with birdlime (هـ a bird)
دبق dibq birdlime
دبق dabiq sticky, gluey, limy
دبك dabaka u (dabk) to stamp the feet; to dance the dabka (see below)
دبكة dabka (syr.) a group dance in which the dancers, lined up with looked arms or holding hands, stamp out the rhythm and sing
دبلة dibla pl. دبل dibal ring
دبلوم diblōm and دبلومة diblōma pl. -āt diploma
دبلوماسي diblōmāsī diplomatic; diplomat
دبلوماسية diblōmāsīya diplomacy
دثر datara u (دثور dutūr) to fall into oblivion, be forgotten, become obsolete, antiquated, extinct; to be blotted out, wiped out, effaced, obliterated (track by the wind) II to cover, envelop (ه s.o.); to destroy, annihilate (هـ s.th.) V to wrap o.s. (في in), cover o.s. (في with) VII to be or become wiped out, blotted out, effaced, obliterated; to be old; to be forgotten, have fallen into oblivion, be obsolete VIII iddatara to wrap o.s. (ب in), cover o.s. (ب with)
دثار ditār pl. دثر dutur blanket, cover
مدثور madtūr past, bygone, ancient (time)
دج dajja i (dajj, دجيج dajīj) to walk slowly II دججه بالسلاح to arm s.o. to the teeth
دج dujj (syr.) thrush (zool.)
دجة dujja intense darkness, pitch-darkness
دجاج dajāj (coll.) chickens; fowl (as a generic designation)
دجاجة dajāja (n. un.) hen; chicken | دجاجة الحبش d. al-ḥabaš guinea fowl
مدجج بالسلاح mudajjaj bi-s-silāḥ heavily armed, bristling with arms
دجر dajira a (dajar) to be embarrassed, be at a loss
ديجور dajūr pl. دياجير dayājīr2 gloom, darkness, dark
ديجوري daijūrīi dark, gloomy
دجل dajala u to deceive, dupe, cheat, take in (على s.o.); to be a swindler, a charlatan, a quack II to coat, smear (هـ s.th.); to gild (هـ s.th.); to deceive, dupe, cheat, take in (على s.o.), impose (على on)
دجل dajl deceit, trickery, humbug, swindle
دجال dajjāl pl. -ūn, دجاجلة dajājila swindler, cheat, imposter; quack, charlatan (fem. دجالة ); Antichrist
تدجيل tadjīl imposture, humbug; charlatanry, quackery
2 دجلة dijla the Tigris river
دجن dajana u (dajn, دجن dujūn) to be dusky, murky, gloomy (day); -- (dujūn) to remain, stay; to get used, become accustomed, become habituated; to become tame, be domesticated II to tame; to domesticate (هـ an animal) | دجنه لخدمة فلان (li-kidmati f.) to put s.th. or s.o. to use for s.o., make s.th. or s.o. of service to s.o. III to flatter, cajole, coax, wheedle, try to win or entice by gentle courtesy (ه s.o.) IV to be murky, gloomy, overcast (day); to be dark (night)
دجنة dujna, dujunna darkness, gloominess, gloom
ادجن adjan2 dark
داجن dājin tame, tamed, domesticated (animal); dark, gloomy | حيوانات داجنة (ḥayawānāt) domestic animals
دواجن dawājin2 poultry
دجا (دجو ) dajā u to be dark, gloomy, dusky; to overshadow, cover, veil, shroud, blanket (هـ s.th.), spread (هـ over) III to play the hypocrite, JlOIl'l as a friend (ه of s.o.); to cajole, flatter (ه s.o.)
دجى dujan gloom, darkness, duskiness
دياج الليل dayājī l-lail dark of night
مداجاة mudājāh hypocrisy; flattery, adulation, sycophancy
داج dājin dark, gloomy
دحدح II tadaḥdaḥa to waddle
دحدح daḥdaḥ and دحداح daḥdāḥ dumpy, squat, stocky
دحر daḥara a (daḥr, دحور ) to drive away, chase away (ه s.o.); to dislodge, remove (ه s.o.); to defeat (ه an army) VIII to be driven away, be routed, be repelled, be thrown back; to be defeated (army); to go under, go to ruin, succumb, break down, collapse
اندحار indiḥār banishment, rejection; (pl. -āt) defeat (mil.); ruin, fall, break-down, collapse; catastrophe |اندحار الكون ind. al-k. end of the world
مدحور madḥūr routed, repelled; expelled, cast out; ostracized, banished
دحرج daḥraja to roll (هـ s.th.) II tadaḥraja to roll, roll along; to roll down
داحس dāḥis pl. dawāḥis whitlow, felon (med.)
دحس daḥasa a (daḥs) to insert, thrust in, shove in, foist in, smuggle in VII to interfere, meddle; to mix
دحض daḥāḍa a to be invalid, void, untenable (argument); to disprove, refute, invalidate (هـ an argument) II and IV to disprove, refute, invalidate (هـ an argument)
دحض daḥḍ refutation, disproof
دحوض duḥūḍ: invalidity, shakiness, weakness, refutability (of an argument or a claim)
مدحاض miḍḥāḍ: دعوى مدحاض (da‘wā) an invalid, unjustified claim
دحا (دحو ) daḥā u (daḥw) to spread out, flatten, level, unroll
O مدحى midḥan pl. مداح madāḥin roller, steamroller
ادخر iddakara, مدخرة see ذخر
دخس dukas dolphin
دخل dikala u (دخول dukūl) to enter (هـ , less frequently في , also الى , s.th.), go, step, walk, move, come, get (هـ, في, الى into); to penetrate, pierce (هـ, في, الى s.th.); to take possession of s.o. (ه ), befall, seize (ه s.o.; e.g., doubt); to take up (خدمة a post), start at a job; to enter s.o.’s (على ) room or house, drop in on s.o. (على ), come to see s.o. (على ); to call on s.o. (على ); to consummate the marriage, cohabit, sleep (", or على with a woman); to come (على over s.o.; e.g., joy); (gram.) to be added (على to); to supervene, enter as a new factor, aspect, element, etc. (على upon s.th.), be newly introduced (على into s.th.); to make one’s own, acquire (على s.th.); to join, enter (هـ or في e.g., a religious community); to participate, take part (هـ in); to set in, begin (time, event); to be included (في in; ضمن ḍimna), fall, come (في, ضمن, تحت under), belong, pertain (في, ضمن, تحت to), be within s.th. (في, ضمن, تحت ); pass.: dukila to be sickly, diseased, abnormal |دخل على الأمر تعديل (ta’dīlun) the matter has undergone modification; دخل الخدمة (kidma) to take up one’s post, start at a job, report for work; دخل المدرسة (madrasa) to enter school; دخل الميناء (mīnā’) to enter the harbor, put in; دخل الموضوع to come to the point; دخل في عقله (في جسمه ) dukila fī ‘aqlihi (fī jismihī) to suffer from a mental (physical) disturbance II to make or let enter, bring in, let in (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to enter, insert, include (ه s.th., في or هـ in) III to come over s.o. (ه ), befall, seize (ه s.o.; e.g., doubt, suspicion, despair) IV to make or let enter, bring in, let in, admit, lead in, show in (ه s.o.); to move, take, haul (على or في هـ s.th. into); to incorporate, include, embody, insert (في or هـ هـ s.th. in); to cause to set in, bring about, produce, set off, trigger (على هـ s.th. in); to introduce (هـ s.th., e.g., an innovation, an improvement, على in or on s.th.) |ادخله المدرسة (madrasa) to send s.o. to school; ادخل تغييرا على to bring about a change in ...; ادخلت عليه تعديلات (udkilat) the matter was subjected to modifications V to meddle (في in), interfere (في in, with); to interpose, intervene (في in); to invade (في s.th.), intrude, obtrude (في on), disturb (في s.th.); to interlock, mesh, gear VI to meddle (في in, e.g., في شؤونه in s.o.’s affairs), butt in (في الحديث on a conversation); to interfere (في in, with), interpose, intervene (في in); to interlock, mesh, gear; to be superimposed; to intergrade, shade, blend (ببعض or بعضه في بعض one into the other); to come over s.o. (ه ), befall, strike, seize (ه s.o.; e.g., doubt. grief)
دخل dakl income; revenues, receipts, returns, takings (as opposed to karj); interference, intervention; doubt, misgiving |ضريبة الدخل income tax; ليس له اي دخل فيه (ayyu daklin) and لا دخل به or له فيه (dakla) he should not meddle in ..., he has nothing to do with ..., it is none of his business
دخل dakal disturbance, derangement, disorder, imbalance, or defect of the mind; defect, infirmity
دخلة dikla intrinsic nature, essence; inner self, innermost, heart, soul (of a person); secret intention |راجع دخلته rāja‘a diḳlatahū to commune with o.s., search one’s soul
دخلة dukla: ليلة الدخلة lailat ad-d. wedding night
دخلة dukkala a variety of warbler
دخيل dakī1 inner, inward, internal; inner self, heart, core; -- (pl. دخلاء dukalā’2) extraneous; foreign, alien; exotic; foreigner, alien, stranger; not genuine, false, spurious; newly added (على to); novice; (new) convert; guest; protégé, charge, ward |كلمة دخيلة (kalima), لفظ دخيل (lafẓ) foreign word or expression; (syr.-pal.) دخيلك (dakīlak) please, if you please
دخيلة dakīla pl. دخائل dakā’il2 inner self, inmost being, intrinsic nature, essence; heart, soul |في دخيلة نفسه inwardly, inside, in his heart; دخائل نفوسنا our inmost being; دخائل الأمور the underlying nature of things, the factors at the bottom of things; دخائل شؤونه d. šu’ūnih his private affairs, (of a country, etc.) its internal affairs
دخول dukūl entry, entranoe, admission; entering, ingress; beginning, setting in; penetration; intrusion, invasion; first coition in marriage (Isl. Law) |دخول الحرب d. al-ḥarb entry into war
دخولية dukūlīya octroi, city toll
دخل madkal pl. مداخل madākil2 entrance; hallway, vestibule, anteroom; entrance hall, lobby, foyer; mouth (of a port, of a canal); O anode (el.); introduction (to a field of learning); behavior, conduct |مدخل السيارات (sayyārāt) driveway; مدخل لدراسة القانون introduction to the study of law; حسن المدخل ḥusn al-m. good manners, good conduct
مداخلة mudākala interference, intervention; participation, interest (في in)
ادخال idkāl leading in, showing in, bringing in, taking in, hauling in; involvement, implication; insertion, interpolation, incorporation, inclusion; introduction (e.g., of a constitution; of an improvement, على on an apparatus, or the like)
تدخل tadakkul entry, entrance; invasion; interference (في with, in), intervention; intrusion, obtrusion | عدم التدخل ‘adam at-t. noninterference, nonintervention (pol.)
تداخل tadākul interference, intervention; interlock, meshing, gearing; superimposition; intergradations; permeation, pervasion; O interference (phy.)
داخل belonging, pertaining (في to), falling (في under), included (في in); inner, inward, inside, interior, internal; inside, interior (of s.th.); dākila (prep.) within, inside, in; داخلا dākilan inside (adv.) |من الداخل from within; from the inside
داخلة dākila pl. دواخل dawākil2 interior, inside, inmost, hidden part; الداخلة the Dakhla oasis (in central Egypt)
داخلي dākilī inner, inward; internal; interior, inside; domestic, home, inland (as opposed to خارجي kārijī external, foreign; pol.); indigenous, native; private; belonging to the house; داخليا dākilīyan inside (adv.) |تلاميذ داخلية boarding students (as opposed to خارجية day students); حرب داخلية (ḥarb) civil war; مدرسة داخلية (madrasa) boarding school; ملابس داخلية underwear; ملاحة داخلية inland navigation
داخلية dākilīya interior |داخلية البلاد the interior of the country, the inland; وزارة الداخلية ministry of the interior; وزير الداخلية minister of the interior
مدخول madkūl sickly, diseased, abnormal; (mentally) disordered; of weak character, spineless; (pl. مداخيل madākīl2) revenue, receipts, takings, returns
دخمس dakmasa (دخمسة , dakmasa) to fool (على s.o.) about one’s real intentions, pull the wool over s.o.’s (على ) eyes; to cheat; to be sly, crafty, artful
دخمسة dakmasa deception, fooling, trickery; cunning, craft, slyness
دخن dakina a to be smoky; to taste or smell of smoke; -- dakina a u to smoke, emit smoke (fire) II to fumigate, fume (هـ s.th.); to smoke, cure with smoke (هـ foodstuffs); to smoke (هـ a cigarette, tobacco, a pipe) IV to smoke, emit smoke (tire) V to be smoked, be cured with smoke; to be fumigated
دخن dukn pearl millet, dukhn
دخن dakan smoke, fume, vapor
دخان dukān (dukkān) pl. ادخنة adkina smoke, fume, vapor; tobacco
دخنة dukna smoke color; a kind of incense (Calamus aromatious)
O دخينة dakīna cigarette
دخاخني dakākinī (eg., tun.) tobacconist
دخن madkana pl. مداخن madākin2 chimney, smokestack, funnel
تدخين tadkīn fumigation; smoking (e.g., of fish); (tobacco) smoking
داخنة dākina pl. دواخن dawākin2 chimney, smokestack, funnel
مدخن mudakkin smoker
ديدبان look up alphabetically
ديدن daidan habit, practice
ددى III to pamper, spoil (ه a child)
در darra i u (darr) to flow copiously; to stream, flow, well; to accrue (على to s.o.; profit, wealth); to be abundant, plentiful IV to cause to flow; to bestow lavishly, heap (على ه s.th. upon s.o.), shower, overwhelm (على ه with s.th. s.o.); to yield (هـ a profit, على to s.o.) X to stream, flow; to be abundant; to cause or try to bring about the abundant flow of (هـ ); to cause s.th. (هـ ) to yield in abundance; to be out for s.th. (هـ ), seek to gain (هـ a profit), try to make (هـ a living)
درر darr milk; achievement, accomplishment |لله دره li-llāhi darruhū (literally: his achievement is due to God) how capable, how good, how excellent he is!
در durr (coll.) pearls
درة durra (n. un.) pl. -āt, درر durar pearl; -- a variety of parrot (Psittacus Alexandri L.)
دري durrī glittering, twinkling, brilliant (star)
درة dirra, darra pl. درر dirar teat; udder
مدرار midrār showering abundant rain (sky, cloud); spouting, pouring forth, welling out
دار dārr flowing copiously; productive, rich, lucrative; profitable
مدر mudirr: مدر البول (baul) diuretic(al), pl. مدرات البول diuretics; مدر العرق (‘araq) sudorific
درأ dara’a (dar’) to reject (هـ s.th.); to avert, ward off (هـ s.th., e.g., خطرا kaṭaran a danger, عن from) VI iddāra’a to contend (في for)
درء dar’ repulsion, prevention, averting; warding off, parrying
دريئة darī’a pl. -āt target
درابزين darābazīn railing, parapet, banisters, balustrade
دراج Durrës (It. Durazzo, seaport in W Albania)
دراق durrāq (syr.) peach
درامي dərāmī dramatic
درب dariba a (darab, درب durba) to be accustomed, be used (ب to), be practiced, trained, skilled (ب in) II to habituate, accustom (هـ, ه s.o.) s.th., في or ب or على to); to practice, drill (ه s.o., على ب or على in); to school, train, coach, tutor (ه s.o., في, ب or على in) V to be accustomed, be used (على or في to); to be or become practiced, skilled, trained, drilled, schooled (على or فى in); to train (athlet.)
درب darb pl. دروب durūb narrow mountain pass; path, trail, track; road; alley, lane|درب التبانة d. at-tabbāna the Milky Way
دربة durba habituation, habitude, habit; familiarity (with s.th.), experience; skill, practice
دريبة darība court of first instance (Tun.)
تدريب tadrīb habituation, accustoming; practice; drill; schooling, training, coaching, tutoring| التدريب العسكري (‘askarī) military training
مدرب mudarrib pl. -ūn instructor, drill instructor; trainer, coach (atthlet.); tamer (of wild animals)
مدرب mudarrab experienced; practiced, skilled; trained; schooled
درازين darābazīn and درزين darbazīn railing, parapet, banisters, balustrade
دربس darbasa to bolt (هـ a door)
درباس dirbās pl. درابيس darābīs2 bolt, doorbolt
دربكة darabukka (eg.), dirbakka (syr.) pl. –āt darabukka, a conical, one-headed hand drum, open at the small end
دربكة darbaka banging or rattling noise, din, uproar, turmoil
درج daraja u (دروج durūj) to go, walk, move, proceed, advance (slowly); to approach gradually, step by step (الى s.th.); to follow a course (على ), proceed along the lines of (على ), proceed in such and such a manner (على ); to go away, leave, depart; to outgrow (من a nest, a habitation); to be past, bygone, over (time); to have passed away, be extinct; to circulate, be in circulation, be current, have currency; to grow up (child); -- (darj) to roll up, roll together (هـ s.th.); to wrap, wind, twist (على هـ s.th. around); -- darija a to rise or advance step by step|درج العرف على daraja l-‘urfu ‘alā it has become the general practice to II to make (ه s.o.) rise or advance by steps, promote (ه s.o.) by degrees; to move or bring (هـ s.th.) gradually closer (الى to); to approximate (الى هـ s.th. to); to roll up, fold up (هـ s.th.); to circulate, put into circulation (هـ s.th.), give currency (هـ to s.th.), make (هـ s.th.) the general practice; to divide into degrees, steps or grades, graduate, grade, gradate (هـ s.th.); to insert, include, enter (فى هـ s.th. in) III to go, keep up (هـ with, e.g., with the time, with a fashion) IV to insert, include, incorporate, embody (فى هـ s.th. in); to enter, register (فى هـ s.th., e.g., in a list), book (هـ s.th.) V to progress by steps, advance gradually; to proceed step by step (الى to); to make progress (فى in); to graduate, grade, be graded, graduated, gradated VII to be inserted, entered, incorporated, embodied, included (فى in); to be classified (فى in, تحت under) X to make (ه s.o.) advance or rise gradually, promote (ه s.o.) by degrees; to lead (ه s.o.) gradually (الى to), bring (ه s.o.) around to (الى, ل ); to bait, allure (ه s.o.); to entice, tempt, lure into destruction (ه s.o.)
درج darj entry, entering, registering, registration, recording; a rolled or folded paper; roll, scroll| فى درج الكتاب in the book; فى درج الكلام d. il-kalām in the course of the talk
درج durj pl. ادراج adrāj drawer (of a table, desk, etc.); desk (e.g., for pupils in school)
درج daraj pl. ادراج adrāj way, route, course; flight of steps, stairs, staircase| رجع ادراجه raja‘a adrājahū (also عاد ادراجه ) to retrace one's steps, go back the way one came; to go back, turn back; ذهب ادراج الرياح (adrāja r-riyāḥ) to go the ways of the winds, i.e., to pass unnoticed, without leaving a trace; to end in smoke, come to nothing, be futile, be in vain
درجة daraja pl. -at step, stair; flight of steps, stairs, staircase; degree, step, tone (of a scale; mus.); degree (math., geogr.; of temperature); grade, fate; degree, order, rank; club (also, e.g., in trains, of a decoration); phase state, stage (of a development); mark, grade (in school)| درجة الحرارة d. al-ḥarāra (degree of) temperature; الدرجات العليا (‘ulyā) the maximal temperatures; الدرجات السفلى (suflā) the minimal temperatures; درجة الطول d. aṯ-ṯūl degree of longitude (geogr.); درجة علمية (جامعية ) (‘ilmīya, jāmi’īya) academic degree; درجة العقل d. al-'aql level of intelligence, IQ; دفتر الدرجات report card (in school); من (فى) الدرجة الاولى (ūlā) first-rate, first-class; ذو درجة of superior quality, high-grade, high-class; لدرجة ان (li-darajati) to the extent that ; to such an extent that ...; to much that ...
دراج durrāj pl. دراريج darārīj2 francolin (zool.); see also alphabetically
تدرج tadruj2, تدرجة tadruja pheasant
دراجة darrāja pl. -at bicycle|دراجة نارية motorcycle
مدرج madraj pl. مدارج madārij2 way that one follows or pursues; course, route; road, path; starting point, outset, rise, growth, birth, dawn, beginning(s); tarmac, runway (of an airfield); (as also mudarraj) amphitheater; (amphitheatered) auditorium or lecture room; grandstand, bleachers| منذ مدرجه since its beginnings; مدرج نشأته naš’atihī the place where he grew up; سار فى مدارج الرقي (m. ir-ruqīy) to travel the road of progress
تدريج tadrīj graduation; classification, categorization; gradation| على التدريج, مع التدريج, بالتدريج gradually, by and by, by degrees, by steps, step by step, more and more
تدريجى tadrījī gradual, gradatory, progressive; تدريجيا tadrījīyan gradually, by and by, by steps, by degrees, in stages
ادراج idrāj insertion, interpolation, incorporation; entry, registration, recording (فى in a list)
تدرج tadarruj gradual advance or progress; gradation, graduation| بالتدرج gradually, by and by; تدرج ارتقائه t. irtiqā’ihi his gradual rise
استدراج istidrāj capability of gradually winning s.o. over, persuasiveness, art of persuasion
دراج darrāj current, prevalent, widespread, popular, common, in vogue, circulating, in circulation| الكلام الدراج (kalām) and اللغة الدارجة (luga) the popular language, colloquial language
مدرج mudarraj graded, graduated; -- (pl. -āt) open staircase, open-air stairs, fliers, stoop; grandstand, bleachers; amphitheater; (amphitheatered) auditorium or lecture room
مدرج mudrai inserted, interpolated, incorporated; entered, registered; contained, included (فى, ب in), comprised (فى, ب by)
درد darida a (darad) to become toothless, lose one’s teeth
ادرد adrad2 toothless
دردى durdī sediment, dregs, lees
دردبيس dardabīs ugly old woman. hag
دردرة dardara roar, rush (of water); idle talk, prattle, chatter
دردار dardār elm (bot.)
دردور durdūr eddy, whirlpool, vortex
دردش dardaša idle talk, prattle, chatter
1 درز daraza u to sew, stitch
درز darz pl. دروز durūz seam, hem; suture
2 درزى durzī pl. دروز durūz Druse|جبل الدروز jabal ad-d. the Jebel ed Druz, the mountainous homeland of the Druses in S Syria
درس darasa u (dars) to wipe out, blot out, obliterate, efface, extinguish (هـ s.th.); to thresh (هـ grain); to learn, study (هـ s.th., على under s.o.), درس العلم على (‘ilm) to study under (a teacher, a professor); -- u (دروس durūs) to be effaced, obliterated, blotted out, extinguished II to teach; to instruct (ه s.o., هـ in s.th.); III to study (ه together with s.o.) VI to study (هـ s.th.) carefully together VII to become or he wiped out, blotted out, effaced, obliterated, extinguished
درس dars effacement, obliteration, extinction; -- (pl. دروس durūs) study, studies; lesson, chapter (of a textbook); class, class hour, period; lecture; lesson (taught by experience, etc.)| القى دروسا عن (alqā) to lecture on ; اعطى دروسا (a‘ṯā) to give lessons; دروس منزلية (manzilīya) homework (of a pupil or student)
دراس dirās threshing (of grain)
دراسة dirasa pl. -āt studies; study| دراسة عالية (‘āliya) collegiate studies; دراسة ثانوية (tānawīya) attendance of a secondary school, secondary education, high-school education; دراسة متوسطة (mutawassiṯa) secondary education, high-school education (Syr.)
دراسى dirāsī of or pertaining to study or studies; scholastic, school; instructional, educational, teaching, tuitional| رسوم دراسية tuition fees; سنة دراسية (sana) academic year; scholastic year, school year
دريس darīs dried clover
عمال الدريسة ‘ummāl ad-darīsa (eg.) railroad section gang, gandy dancers
دراس darrās pl. -ūn (eager) student
O دراسة darrāsa flail; threshing machine|O حصادة دراسة (ḥaṣṣāda) combine
درواس dirwās mastiff
مدرسة madrasa pl. مدارس madāris2 madrasah (a religious hoarding school associated with a mosque); school| مدرسة ابتدائية (ibtidā’īya) the lower grades of a secondary school, approx. = junior high school; مدرسة اولية (awwalīya) elementary school, grade school; مدرسة ثانوية (tānawīya) secondary school, high school; مدرسة تجارية (tijārīya) commercial college or school; مدرسة حربية (ḥarbīya) military academy; مدرسة داخلية (dāḳilīya) boarding school; مدرسة عالية (عليا ) (‘āliya, ‘ulyā) college; مدرسة الفنون والصنائع school of industrial arts, school of applied art and handicraft; مدرسة كبرى (kubrā) college; المدرسة القديمة the old “school” (= intellectual or artistic movement)
مدرسي madrasī scholastic, school
تدريس tadrīs teaching, instruction, tuition |هيئة التدريس hai’at at-t. teaching staff; faculty, professoriate (of an academic institution)
دارس dāris pl. دوارس dawāris2 effaced, obliterated; old, dilapidated, crumbling |تجدد دارسه tajaddada dārisuhū to rise from one’s ashes
مدرس mudarris pl. -ūn teacher, instructor; lecturer |مدرس مساعد (musā‘id) assistant professor
درع II to arm; to armor, equip with armor (هـ s.th.) V and VIII iddara‘a to arm o.s., take up arms, put on armor
درع dir‘ m. and f., pl. دروع durū‘, ادرع adru‘, ادراع adrā‘ coat of mail, hauberk; (suit of) plate armor; armor plate; armor; armature; (pl. ادراع adrā‘) chemise
دراعة darrā‘a pl. -āt armored cruiser
دراعة durrā‘a pl. درارع darārī‘2 loose outer garment with sleeves, slit in front
دارع dāri‘ armored, armor-clad, ironclad
دارعة dāri‘a pl. دوارع dawārī‘2 armored cruiser
مدرع mudarra‘ armored; armadillo (zool.) | قوة مدرعة (qūwa) tank corps; سيارة مدرعة (sayyāra) armored car; مشاة مدرعون (mušāh) armored infantry (mil.)
مدرعة mudarra‘a pl. -āt armored cruiser
درف darf side, flank, wing; protection
درفة darfa pl. درف diraf leaf (of a double door or window)
درفيل darfīl dolphin
1 درقة daraqa (leather) shield
O درق daraq thyroid gland
درقي daraqī shield-shaped; thyroid | الغدة الدرقية (gudda) thyroid gland
2 دراق look up alphabetically
1 درك II to last, continue, keep up (rains) III to reach, get, catch, overtake, outdistance, outrun (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), catch up, come up (هـ, ه with); to keep up, continue without interruption (هـ s.th.) IV to attain, reach (هـ s.th.), arrive (هـ at); to get, catch, overtake (ه s.o., هـ s.th.), catch up, come up (هـ, ه with); to come suddenly, unexpectedly (ه upon s.o.), overtake (ه s.o.; death); to obtain (هـ s.th.); to grasp, comprehend (هـ s.th.); to perceive, discern, notice (هـ s.th.); to realize, understand (هـ s.th.), become aware, become conscious (هـ of s.th.); to mature, ripen (e.g., a fruit); to attain puberty, reach sexual maturity (boy) V تداركت الشمس الى المغيب (šams, magīb) the sun prepared to set VI to reach and seize one another; to continue without interruption, go on incessantly; to face, meet, obviate, take steps to prevent (هـ s.th.); to put in order, set right, correct (هـ s.th.), make amends (هـ for), provide compensation or indemnity (هـ for a loss, or the like) X to correct, rectify, emend (هـ s.th.); to set right, put in order, straighten out (هـ s.th.); to make good, repair, redress (هـ a damage, a mistake, etc.), make up (هـ for); to supplement, supply (هـ that which is missing); to anticipate, forestall, obviate (هـ an event)
درك darak attainment, achievement, accomplishment; overtaking, catching up; police; (pl. ادراك adrāk) bottom, lowest level
دركي darakī policeman
دركة daraka lowest level; pl. –āt descending steps (as opposed to درجات ; cf. درجات الحيات ودركات الموت darajāt al-ḥayāh wa-d. al-maut)
دراك darrāk much-accomplishing, efficient, successful
مدارك madārik2 mental faculties, mental powers, intelligence, intellectual capacities, perception, discernment |المدارك الخمس the five senses
دراكا dirākan (adv.) constantly, incessantly, without interruption
ادراك idrāk reaching, attainment, achievement, accomplishment; realization, perception, discernment, awareness, consciousness (فقد الادراك faqd al-i. unconsciousness); comprehension, understanding, grasp; reason, intelligence; sexual maturity, puberty; age of maturity |سن الادراك of sinn al-i. age of discretion (Isl. Law)
تدرك tadarruk gradual decline
استدراك istidrāk redress, reparation; correction, emendation, rectification
مدرك mudrik rational, reasonable, endowed with reason, intelligent; (sexually) mature, pubescent, at the age of puberty
مدركات mudrakāt realizations; cognitions; fixed notions, established concepts
2 درك (Engl.) derrick, derrick crane
درم darima a to fall out (teeth) II to clip, trim (هـ nails)
درن darina a (daran) to be dirty, filthy IV do. V to suffer from tuberculosis
درن darn pl. ادران adrān dirt, filth; tubercles; tuberculosis | درن رئوي (ri’awī) pulmonary tuberculosis
درنة darana (n. un.) pl. -āt tubercle; small tumor, outgrowth, excrescence, tuberculc, nodule
درني daranī tubercular, tuberculous
تدرن tadarrun tuberculosis |تدرن رئوي (ri’awī) and تدرن الرئة t. ar-ri’a pulmonary tuberculosis
تدرني tadarrunī tuberculous
متدرن mutadarrin affected with tubercles, tuberculated
مدره midrāh pl. مداره madārih2 spokesman
درهم dirham pl. دراهم darāhim2 dirhem, drachma (Ir. = coin of 50 فلس ); a weight (Eg. = 1/12 اوقية = ca. 3.12 g); دراهم money, cash
دريهمات duraihimāt (dimin. with a derogatory sense; approx.:) pennies
دروة dirwa pl. -āt (eg.) protecting screen or wall; parapet
درواس dirwās mastiff
درويش darwīš pl. دراويش darāwīš2 dervish
1 درى darī ī (دراية dirāya) to know (ب or هـ s.th. or of s.th.); to be aware, be cognizant (ب or هـ of); to understand, comprehend (ب or هـ s.th.) |وما يدري الا و all of a sudden there was III to flatter, treat with flattery or gentle courtesy, cajole, coax (ه s.o.); to deceive, fool, mislead (ه s.o.); to dissemble; to conceal, hide, mask, disguise (ه s.th.) IV to let (ه s.o.) know (ب s.th. or about s.th.), inform, notify, advise (ب ه s.o. of) |وما ادراك ما (adrāka), also وما ادراك ب do you realize what is? you don’t even know what means! VI to hide, conceal o.s.
دراية dirāya knowledge, cognizance, acquaintance
ادرى adrā more knowledgeable, better informed, knowing better (ب s.o., s.th.), better acquainted (ب with)
لا ادري lā-adrī a skeptic
مداراة mudārāh sociability, affability, companionableness
دار dārin knowing, aware, cognizant (ب of s.th.)
2 مدرى midran, مدرة midra (= مردى mirdan), مدراة midrāh pl. مدار madārin pole (esp. one for punting boats)
درياق diryāq (= ترياق ) theriaca; antidote
دزينة (It. dozzina) dazzīna dozen
دس dassa u (dass) to put, get, slip, shove, thrust, insert (في هـ s.th. into); to bury (في هـ s.th. in the ground); to instill, infuse (في ب, هـ s.th. in); to administer surreptitiously (السم as-samma poison, ل to s.o.); to foist (في هـ s.th. into); to smuggle (في هـ s.th. into, بين ه s.o. among); to interpolate (هـ s.th.); to intrigue, scheme, plot (على, ل against s.o.) |دس الدسائس to engage in secret machinations, intrigue scheme II to put in, get in, slip in, shove in, thrust in, insert (هـ s.th.); to hide, conceal (هـ s.th.) V to engage (secretly, الى in); to be hidden (في in) VII to slip (بين between or among, في into), creep, steal, sneak (بين among, في into), infiltrate (في s.th.); to ingratiate o.s., insinuate o.s. (في or الى to s.o., into s.o.’s confidence); to be hidden
دسيسة dasīsa pl. دسائس dasā’is intrigue, machination, scheme, plot |دس الدسائس dass ad-d. machinations, intrigues, scheming, plotting (ضد against); plot, conspiracy
دساس dassās pl. -ūn intriguant, intriguer, schemer, plotter, conspirator; sand snake (Eryx jaculus)
1 دست dast pl. دسوت dusūt place of honor, seat of honor, seat of office; council |دست الحكم d. al-ḥukm (a ruler’s) throne
2 دست dist pl. دسوت dusūt kettle, boiler, caldron made of copper (eg., syr.)
3 دستة dasta dozen; pack, packet, package
دستور dustūr pl. دساتير dasātīr2 statute; regulations; by-laws; (basic) constitutional law; constitution (pol.); -- (colloq.) dastūr permission
دستوري dustūrī constitutional |النظام الدستورى constitutional form of government
دستورية dustūrīya constitutionality | عدم الدستورية ’adam ad-d. unconstitutionality
دسر dasara u (dasr) to push, shove, push off (هـ s.th.)
O داسر dāsir propeller, airscrew
دسكر daskara pl. دساكر dasākir2 village
دسم dasam fatness (of meat); fat, grease
دسم dasim fat; fatty, greasy, grimy, grubby; rich, abundant, substantial; meaty, pithy, full of thoughts (e.g., reading material)
ادسم adsam2, f. دسماء dasmā’2, pl. دسم dusm very fat; fatty, greasy, grimy, grubby; -- richer, more substantial, pithier
دسامة dasāma fattiness, greasiness, griminess, grubbiness
دسومة dusūma fatness; richness, substantiality
دسام dassām plug, stopper
ديسم daisam amaranth (bot.)
دسمبر disembir, disambir December
دسو II to introduce, bring in (هـ s.th.) V to be hidden, concealed; to penetrate (الى into)
دش (Fr. douche) duš shower, douche
دشيش dašīš and دشيشة a kind of porridge made of crushed wheat and butter
دشت dašt junk, trash, rubbish, refuse
دشن II to hand over, present (هـ s.th.); to consecrate, dedicate, inaugurate (هـ s.th.)
تدشين tadšīn consecration, dedication, inauguration | تدشين الكنيشة consecration of the church
دشو V to belch, burp, eruct
دعة da‘a see ودع
دع da‘‘ to rebuff, turn down (contemptuously, II the poor, an orphan)
دعب da‘aba a (دعابة du‘āba) to joke, jest, make fun (ه with s.o.) III to play, toy (ه, هـ with s.th., with s.o.); to joke, jest, make fun (ه with s.o.); to give (ه s.o.) a good-natured slap or smack (ب ); to flirt (ها with a woman) ; to dally, philander, play around (ها with a woman); to play (ه about s.o.; e.g., waves); to stroke gently, caress, fondle (ه s.th.); to beguile, tempt, delude (ه s.o.; said of hopes); to play (هـ a musical instrument) | داعب البيانو to play on the piano VI to make fun, have fun together, have a good time
داعب dā‘ib joking, jocose, playful, jolly, gay, funny
دعابة du‘āba pl. -āt joking, jesting, fun-making, fun; joke, jest
دعاب da‘‘āb jocose, playful, jolly, gay
مداعبة mudā‘aba pl. -āt play, fun-making, fun; joke, jest; pleasantry; dalliance, flirtation, philandery
داعب dā‘ib joking, jocose, playful, jolly, gay, funny
مداعب mudā‘ib joking, jesting
دعبل di‘bil frog spawn, frog’s eggs
مدعبل muda‘bal indisposed, out of sorts; round, ball-shaped
ادعج ad‘aj2, f. دعجاء da‘jā’2, pl. دعج du‘j black-eyed; deep-black and large (eye)
دعر da‘ira a (da‘ar) to be immoral
دعر da‘ar immorality, indecency
دعر da‘ir unchaste, lewd, licentious, dissolute, obscene, bawdy, immoral, indecent
دعارة da‘āra, di‘āra indecency, immorality, licentiousness, debauchery |بيت الدعارة bait ad-d. brothel
داعر dā‘ir pl. دعار du‘‘ār unchaste, lewd, licentious, dissolute, obscene, bawdy, indecent, immoral
دعس da‘asa a (da‘s) to tread underfoot, trample down, crush (هـ s.th.); to knock down, run over (ه s.o.; automobile) VII pass. of I
دعك da‘aka a (da‘k) to rub (هـ s.th.); to scrub, scour (هـ s.th.); to scrub on a washboard (هـ laundry); to crush, squash, mash (هـ s.th.); to crumple (هـ paper)
دعم da‘ama a (da‘m) and II to support, hold up (هـ s.th.); to prop, shore up, stay, buttress, underpin (هـ s.th.); to cement, consolidate, strengthen (هـ s.th.) VIII ادعم idda‘ama to be supported; to rest, be based (على on)
دعمة da‘ma pl. دعم di‘am support, prop
دعامة di‘āma pl. -āt, دعائم da‘ā’im2 support, prop, stay, shore; pier; buttress; pillar (esp. fig., e.g., دعائم السيادة pillars of authority)
تدعيم tad‘īm support, strengthening, reinforcement, consolidation, underpinning
دعو ) and دعي) دعا da‘ā u (دعاء du‘ā’) to call (ه s.o.); to summon (ب or ه s.o.), call or send for s.o. (ب or ه ); to call up (ب s.o., الى, ل for); to call upon s.o. (ه ), appeal to s.o. (ه ) for s.th. or to do s.th. (ل, الى ), invite, urge (ل, الى ه s.o. to do s.th.); to invite, ask to come (الى ه s.o. to; e.g., to a banquet); to move, induce, prompt (ل, الى ه s.o. to do s.th.), prevail (ل, الى ه on s.o. to do s.th.); to call (ب, هـ ه s.o. by a name), name (ب, هـ ه s.o. so and so), pass.: دعي du‘iya to be called, be named; to invoke (الله God = to pray to); to wish (ل s.o.) well, bless (ل s.o.; properly: to invoke God in favor of s.o.), invoke a blessing (ب ) upon s.o. (ل ), pray (ب for s.th., ل on behalf of s.o.), implore (ب ل for s.o. s.th.); to curse (على s.o.; properly: to invoke God against s.o.), call down evil, invoke evil (على upon s.o.); to propagate, propagandize (ل s.th.), make propaganda, make publicity (ل for); to demand, require (الى s.th.), call for (الى ); to call forth, bring about, cause, provoke, occasion (الى s.th.), give rise (الى to) |دعي للاجتماع (du‘ya) to be summoned, be called into session (parliament); دعي الى حمل السلاح du‘iya ilā ḥamli a-silāḥ to be called up for military service, be called to the colors; رجل يدعى (yud‘ā) a man called ..., a man by the name of ...; دعا له بطول العمر (ṭūli l-‘umr) he wished him a long life III to challenge (ه s.o.); to pick a quarrel (ه with); to proceed judicially (ه against), prosecute (ه s.o.) VI to challenge each other, call each other forth or out, summon each other; to evoke one another (thoughts, reminiscences, sentiments); to be dilapidated, be tumble-down, threaten to fall (walls); to sink, subside, cave in; to fall down, sink to the ground (person); to collapse, break down, decline, degenerate (fig., of a cultural phenomenon); to dock together, rally VIII ادعى idda‘ā to allege, claim, maintain (هـ s.th., ان that); to lay claim (هـ to s.th.), demand, claim (هـ s.th.); to make undue claims (هـ to s.th.), arrogate (to o.s.), assume unduly or presumptuously (هـ s.th.); to effect, feign, simulate, pretend, purport (ب s.th.); to testify (in court); to accuse (ب or هـ على s.o. of), charge (ب or هـ على s.o. with), blame (ب or هـ على s.o. for), hold s.th. (ب or هـ ) against s.o. (على ) X to call or send (ه for s.o.), summon (ه s.o.); to cite, summon for examination or trial (ه s.o.; court, police); to recall (ه s.o., e.g., a diplomatic envoy); to call, appoint (ه s.o., e.g., a professor to a chair); to invoke (ه s.o.); to invite, urge (الى ه s.o. to do s.th.), suggest (الى ه to s.o. s.th. or to do s.th.), call upon s.o. (ه ) to do s.th. (الى ), appeal (الى ه to s.o. for s.th. or to do s.th.); to call for (هـ ), require, demand, necessitate, make necessary or requisite (هـ s.th.)
دعوة da‘wa call; appeal; bidding, demand, request; call, convocation, summons (الى to), calling up, summoning; (official) summons, citation; invitation; claim, demand, plea; missionary activity, missionary work (also نشر الدعوة našr ad-d.), propaganda; -- (pl. دعوات da‘awāt) invocation, imploration, supplication, prayer; good wish |دعوات صالحات good wishes; دعوة بالشر (šarr) imprecation, curse; صاحب الدعوة host
دعوى da‘wā pl. دعاوى da‘āwā, دعاو da‘āwin allegation, pretension; claim; lawsuit, case, action, legal proceedings (Isl. Law) |بدعوى ان on the pretext that ...
دعي da‘īy pl. ادعياء ad‘iyā’2 adopted son; bastard; braggart, bigmouth, show-off; pretender; swindler, impostor
دعاء du‘ā’ pl. ادعية ad‘iya call; invocation of God, supplication, prayer; request, plea; good wish (ل for s.o.); imprecation, course (على against s.o.)
ادعى ad‘ā more conducive, more stimulating, of greater incentive (الى, ل to), causing or provoking to a greater extent (الى, ل s.th.)
دعاوة da’āwa, di‘āwa pl. -āt propaganda (pol.); publicity (الى for)
دعاوى da‘āwī, di‘āwī propagandistic
دعاية di‘āya propaganda (pol.)
دعائي di‘ā’ī propagandistic
مدعاة mad‘āh determining factor, decisive motive or incentive, cause, occasion
تداع tadā‘in imminent collapse, impending breakdown; mutual summoning |تداعى المعانى tadā‘ī l-ma‘ānī association of ideas
ادعاء iddi‘ā’ pl. -āt claim; arrogation, undue assumption, presumption; allegation; pretension, pretense; accusation, charge; الادعاء the prosecution (in a court of justice)
استدعاء istid‘ā’ summons, summoning; recall, calling back; official summons, citation
داع dā‘in pl. دعاة du‘āh one who invites, inviter; propagandist; host; motive, reason, cause |لا داعي (dā‘iya) it is not necessary, there is no need, there is no cause (ل for)
داعية dā‘iya one who calls for s.th. (الى ), invites to s.th. (الى ); propagandist (with foll. genit. or الى : of s.th.), herald; (pl. دواع dawā‘in) motive, reason, cause, occasion; pl. دواع requirements, exigencies |داعية حرب warmonger; لدواع صحية li-dawā‘in ṣiḥḥīya for reasons of health; من دواعي سروري it gives me great pleasure ...
مدعو mad‘ūw one invited, guest; called, named, by the name of
متداع mutadā‘in evoking one another, one leading to the other (reminiscences, thoughts); frail. shaky (constitution); dilapidated, tumble-down; ready to fall, threatened with collapse; declining, in a stage of decline, on the downgrade
مدع muda‘in one who makes an allegation or pretension, alleger, pretender; claimer, claimant; plaintiff; prosecutor (jur.); arrogant, presumptuous, bumptious |المدعي العمومي (‘umūmī) the public prosecutor; المدعى العام (‘āmm) do. (Mor.)
مدعى muda‘an claimed; المدعى عليه the defendant (jur.); pl. مدعيات muda‘ayāt claims, pretensions
مستدع mustad‘in applicant, petitioner
دغدغ dagdaga to tickle (ه s.o.); to crush; to chew, munch (هـ s.th.)
1 دغر dagara a (dagr, دغرى dagrā) to attack (على s.o.). fall upon s.o. (على )
دغر dagr attack, assault
دغرى dagrā attack, assault
2 دغرى dugrī (eg., syr.) direct, straight; straight ahead
دغش IV ادغشت الدنيا adgašat id-dunyā it became dark, twilight fell
دغش dagaš darkness, dusk, twilight
دغيشة dagīša darkness, dusk
دغص dagiṣa a (dagaṣ) to be chock-full, on tile point of bursting
داغصة dāgiṣa pl. دواغص dawāgiṣ knee-pan, kneecap, patella
دغل dagal pl. ادغال adgāl, دغال digāl place with luxuriant tree growth; thicket, bush, jungle; -- defectiveness, faultiness, corruption
داغل dagil covered with dense undergrowth (place); impenetrable; corrupted
مدغل mudgil covered with dense undergrowth (place); false, perfidious, insidious (in character)
دغم IV and VIII ادغم iddagama to put (في هـ s.th. into), insert, incorporate, embody (في هـ s.th. in); (gram.) to contract (في هـ one letter into another), assimilate (في هـ s.th. to) VII to be incorporated, embodied, merged, amalgamated; to be assimilated, contracted
دف daffa i (دفيف dafīf) to flap the wings (bird) II to hurry, rush
دف daff pl. دفوف dufūf side; lateral surface
دف duff, daff pl. دفوف dufūf tambourine
دفة daffa side; leaf (of a double door or window); cover (of a book), الدفتان the two covers of a book; rudder, helm |قائد الدفة or مدير الدفة mudīr ad-d. steersman, helmsman; قبض على دفة التنفيذ to take the helm, make o.s. the leader; يد الدفة yad ad-d. tiller; من الدفة للشابورة (eg.) all together, one and all, all without exception
دفية diffīya (eg.) loose woolen cloak
دفئ dafi’a a and دفؤ dafu’a u to be warm; to feel warm II and IV to warm, heat (هـ s.th.) V, VIII ادفأ iddafa’a and X to warm o.s.
دفء dif’ warmth, warmness, heat
دفئ dafi’ and دفيء dafī’ warm
دفآن daf’ān2, f. دفأى daf’ā warm
دفاء difā’ heating
دفاءة dafā’a warmth, warmness, heat
دفاية daffāya pl. -āt stove
مدفأ midfa’ and مدفأة midfa’a pl. مدافئ madāfi’2 stove, heating stove
تدفئة tadfi’a heating, generation of heat
دفتر daftar pl. دفاتر dafātir 2 booklet; notebook, copybook; daybook, journal; ledger (com.); roster, register, official register | دفتر حسابي (ḥisābī) account book; bank-book, passbook; دفتر الحسابات d. al-ḥisābāt letter file, letter book, folder, portfolio; دفتر الشروط publication setting forth the terms of a purchase, the conditions of a lease, the stipulations of a contract, or the like; دفتر الاشتراك subscription booklet; دفتر الصندوق d. aṣ-ṣundūq cashbook (com.); دفتر المساحة cadastre, land register; دفتر اليومية d. al-yaumīya diary, journal; مسك الدفاتر mask ad-d. bookkeeping
دفترخانة daftarkāna archives, public records office (Eg.) | دفترخانة الأملاك العقارية d. al-amlāk al-‘aqārīya land-registry office (Tun.)
دفتيريا diftēriyā diphtheria
دفر dafara to push, push back (ه s.o.); dafira a (dafar) to stink
دفر dafar stench
دفر dafir stinking, fetid
دفس dafasa to hide (A s.th.); to push
دفع dafa‘a a (daf‘) to push; to push away, shove away, push back, drive back, repel, remove, dislodge, drive away (عن هـ, ه s.o., s.th. from); دفعه جانبا (jāniban) to push, shove, or elbow, s.o. aside; to rid (عن نفسه o.s., هـ of s.th.), get rid of s.th.; to get the better (هـ, ه of s.o., of s.th.), conquer, master control (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to fight (ب هـ s.th. with); to reject, repudiate (هـ s.th.); to rebut, refute, disprove (هـ s.th.); to propel, drive (هـ s.th.); to move, cause, urge, impel, egg on, goad (ه or ب s.o., الى or ل to do s.th.), induce, incite, force, compel, oblige (ه or ب s.o., الى or ل to), make s.o. (ب or ه ) do s.th. (الى or ل ); to band over, present, turn over (ل or الى هـ s.th. to s.o.); to pay (ثمنا tamanan a price, الى or ل to s.o.) |دفع خطاه الى (kuṭāhū) to wend one’s way to III to resist, withstand (ه s.o., .s.th.). offer resistance (هـ, ه to); to contradict, oppose (ه s.o., عن so as to make him abstain from s.th.), dissuade (ه s.o., عن from); to suppress (هـ s.th.); to defend (عن s.o., s.th.), uphold (عن s.th.); to be entrusted with the defense (عن of s.th., of s.o., also jur.) V to dash forward; to dart off, rush off; to pour forth, flow, stream, gush forth (water); to spring up, make itself felt (an idea, a social tendency, and the like) VI to shove or push one another; to push or shove one another away or aside; to push off, shove off (عن from); to issue in intermittent bursts, gush forth intermittently; to burst forth, rush out, sally (من from); to be propelled, be driven forward; to storm forward VII to dart off, rush off; to proceed rashly, blindly, without forethought; to be too impetuous, be too hotheaded; to plunge headlong (في into s.th.); to rush, dart. make (الى at s.th.), pounce (الى on s.th.); to rush off, hurry off, go quickly (الى to; with foll. imperf.: to do s.th.); to give o.s. (ل to s.o.); to burst forth, gush out, pour forth, spurt, spout, flow, run (من from; water); to let o.s. be carried away or be overcome (وراء by s.th., e.g., وراء شهواته šahawātihī by one’s bodily appetites, وراء شعوره by one’s feelings, وراء العاجلة by worldly things); to proceed, set out, begin (with foll. imperf.: to do s.th.) X to try to ward off or stave off (هـ s.th., ب by)
دفع daf‘ pushing back, shoving aside; repulsion. driving away, driving off; dispelling; parrying, warding off, staving off; repulse, rejection. repudiation; rebuttal; handing over, turning in; payment
دفعة daf‘a (n. vic.) pl. dafa‘āt shove, push, thrust; impetus, impact, momentum, forceful impulse, drive; ejaculation; payment; deposit; disbursement; pl. issues (stock market)
دفعة daf‘a pl. dufu‘āt, dafa‘āt that which issues at anyone time, a burst, a gush, a spurt, and the like; time, instance |دفعة واحدة (duf‘atan) all at one time, all at once, in one stroke, in one fell swoop; هذه الدفعة this time; ست دفعات six times; على دفعات متفاوتة (mutafāwita) at different times
دفاع daffā’ propelling, impelling, giving impetus; O piston (techn.)
مدفع midfa’ pl. مدافع madāfi‘2 gun, cannon |O مدافع بعيدة المرمى (ba‘īdat al-marmā) long-range guns; مدفع رشاش (raššāš) machine gun; O مدافع ضخمة (ḍakma) heavy artillery; O المدافع المضاد للطائرات (muḍādda) or المدافع المقاومة للطائرات (muqāwima) antiaircraft guns; O مدفع ثلاثي مضاد للطائرات (tulātī, muḍādd) three-barreled anti-aircraft gun (mil.); مدفع هون m. hāwun mortar; ضرب مدفع الظهر ḍarb m. aẓ-ẓuhr marking of exact noon by cannon shot
مدفعي midfa‘ī gun-, cannon-, artillery- (in compounds); artilleryman, gunner, cannoneer
مدفعية midfa‘īya artillery
دفاع difā‘ protection; defense (عن of s.th., of s.o., also jur.) |خط الدفاع kaṭṭ ad-d. line of defense; halfbacks (soccer); مجلس الدفاع majlis ad-d. defense council; وزارة الدفاع ministry of defense, war ministry; الدفاع الوطني (waṭanī) national defense; الدفاع المضاد للطائرات (muḍādd) anti-aircraft defense; دفاع شرعي legitimate self-defense
دفاعي difā‘ī defensive, protective
مدافعة mudāfa‘a defense (عن of s.th.)
اندفاع indifā‘ pl. -āt rush(ing), plunging, plunge (في into); outburst, outbreak eruption; élan, dash, impetuosity, rashness, hotheadedness, fire, exuberance, effusiveness; self-abandon; اندفاعا indifā‘an spontaneously
اندفاعة indifā‘a (n. vic.) sudden outburst, outbreak (e.g., of wailing)
دافع dāfi‘ repellent, expellant; driving, pushing, giving impetus, incentive, impellent, propelling, propulsive, etc.; repeller; payer, e.g., دافعوا الضرائب the tax-payers; (pl. دوافع dawfi‘2) incentive, impulse, impetus, spur, motive; بدافع (with foll. genit.) motivated by ..., by reason of ..., on the strength of …
مدفوعات madfū‘āt payments
مدافع mudāfi‘ defender (عن of s.o., of s.th.)
دفق dafaqa u i (dafq) to pour out, pour forth (هـ s.th.); -- u (dafq, دفوق dufūq) to be shed; to flow, well out, spout, gush forth; to overflow (0 with s.th.) V to pour forth, spout forth, gush forth; to rush in; to break forth, break out, burst out; to go off (shot); to plunge blindly (في, الى into s.th.); to rush (على against); to crowd (على into) VII = V
دفق dafq pouring out, effusion
دفقة dufqa pl. dufuqāt, dufaqāt, dufqāt = دفعة duf‘a |دفقة واحدة (dufqatan) = دفعة واحدة; دفقات الريح d. ar-rīḥ gusts; دفقة من الماء gush of water
دفاق dafāq bursting forth, darting out, rushing out
تدفق tadaffuq outpour, outflow, issue, effluence, efflux, effusion; influx, run, rush, inrush, inpour; outbreak, outburst; impulsiveness; exuberance, effusiveness
دافق dāfiq pl. دوافق dawāfiq2 bursting forth, breaking out, erupting; gushing, torrential
متدفق mutadaffiq impulsive; exuberant, effusive
دفلى diflā oleander (Nerium oleander L.; bot.)
دفن dafana i (dafn) to bury, inter, inhume (ه s.o.); to hide, conceal, keep secret (هـ s.th.)
دفن dafn burial, interment, inhumation
دفين dafn pl. دفناء dufanā’2 buried, intend; hidden, secret
دفينة dafīna pl. دفائن dafā’in2 hidden treasure, treasure-trove
مدفن madfan, مدفنة madfana pl. مدافن madāfin 2 burying place, burial ground, cemetery
دفاية see دفئ
دق daqqa i (دقة diqqa) to be thin, fine, fragile, frail; to be little, small, tiny, minute; to be subtle, delicate; to be insignificant, unimportant, trifling, inconsiderable; to be too fine, too subtle (عن for perception); -- u (daqq) to crush, bruise, bray (هـ s.th.); to grind, pulverize, powder (هـ s.th.); to pound (هـ s.th., e.g., meat); to strike (clock); to beat, throb (heart); to hammer, throb (engine); to knock, rap, bang (الباب al-bāba on the door); to bump (رأسه بالحائط ra’sahū bi-l-ḥā’iṭ one’s head against the wall); to drive (هـ a nail); to ram in, drive in (constr. eng.); to beat, strum, play (على a musical instrument); to type (على on a typewriter); -- to sound, resound, ring out (said of musical instruments) | دق الجرس (jarasa) to ring the bell; دق جرس الخطر (j. al-kaṭar) to sound the alarm; دق الجرس على to call s.o. up, give s.o. a ring; دق الجرس (jarasu) the bell rang; دقت الساعة the clock struck II to triturate, pulverize, reduce to powder (oil s.th.); to he precise, exact, strict, meticulous, painstaking, proceed with utmost accuracy or care (في in s.th.); to scrutinize, examine closely, determine exactly (ه s.th.); to do (ه s.th.) carefully, with precision! دقق البحث (baḥta) to investigate carefully; دقق النظر (naẓara) to watch attentively or carefully, scrutinize, examine closely (في s.th.); دقق الملاحظة (mulāḥaẓa) to observe closely III to deal scrupulously (ه with s.o.) IV to make fine, make thin (ه s.th.) VII to be crushed, brayed, pounded; to be broken |اندق عنقه (‘unquhū) he broke his neck X to be or become thin or fine
دق daqq crushing, bruising, braying, pounding; pulverization, trituration; grinding (down); beat(ing), throb(bing); bang(ing), knock(ing), rap(ping); tattoo(ing) |دق الجرس d. al-jaras peal, ringing, sound of a bell; دق الحنق d. al-ḥanak chatter, prattle
دق diqq fine, thin; little, small, tiny, minute; delicate, fragile, frail |شجر دق (šajar) shrubbery, brush, scrub; حمى الدق ḥumma d-d. hectic fever
دقة daqqa (n. vic.) pl. -āt bang, knock, rap; beat, throb; stroke, striking (of a clock); hammer, hammering sound; thumping, thump |دقات القلب d. al-qalb heartbeats; دقة الجرس d. al-jaras peal, or ring, of a bell; telephone call, ring
دقة diqqa thinness; fineness; smallness, tininess, minuteness; triviality, pettiness, paltriness; subtlety, subtleness, finesse; critical or precarious state, delicate situation; accuracy, exactness, exactitude, precision |بدقة exactly, accurately, precisely, minutely, painstakingly, meticulously, sharply; دقة الشعور acuteness of feeling, sensitivity, sensitiveness, sensibility
دقة duqqa pl. دقق duqaq fine dust; powder
دقاق duqāq crushed, brayed, or pulverized, substance; powder; dour of lupine
دقيق daqīq pl. دقاق diqaq, ادقة adiqqa fine, thin; delicate, frail, fragile; little, small, tiny, puny, minute; subtle; paltry, petty, trifling, trivial; precise, accurate, exact; painstaking, scrupulous, meticulous; inexorable, relentless, strict, rigorous; delicate (situation), critical, trying, serious, precarious; -- flour, meal |دقيق الحساب keeping strict account, strict, relentless, inexorable; دقيق الشعور sensitive; دقيق الصنع d. aṣ-ṣan‘ finely worked, of delicate workmanship; دقيق النظر d. an-naẓar clear-sighted, penetrating, discerning, sensitive; ابو دقيق abū d. butterfly; الأعضاء الدقيقة (a‘ḍā’) the genitals
دقيقة daqīqa pl. دقائق daqā’iq2 particle; nicety; intricacy; detail, particular; minute (time unit) |دقائق الأمور the niceties, intricacies, or secret implications of things
دقاق daqqāq grinder, crusher; flour merchant; frequently or constantly beating, striking, etc.; player of an instrument |ساعة دقاقة repeater (watch)
دقاقة daqqāqa knocker, rapper (of a door)
ادق adaqq2 finer; more delicate; smaller, tinier; more accurate, preciser; stricter
مدق midaqq beetle; pounder, pestle; (eg.) trail, footpath
مدقة midaqqa pl. مداق madāqq2 pounder, pestle; beetle; clapper. tongue (of a bell)
تدقيق tadqīq accuracy, precision, exactness, exactitude بتدقيق exactly, precisely, accurately, minutely
مدقق mudaqqiq exact, accurate (scholar), thorough (investigator), painstaking, meticulous, strict, relentless
مدقق mudaqqiq precise, exact (data)
داقرة dāqira pl. دواقر dawāqir2 elay vessel 2 (tun.); -- stipend for underprivileged students (tun.)
دقشوم daqšūm (eg.) rubblestone, crushed rock; brickbats, gravel
دقع daqi‘a a (daqa‘) to grovel, cringe; to be miserable, wretched, humble, abject; to live in poverty IV do.; to make miserable (ه s.o.; poverty)
ادقاع iddiqā‘ mass poverty
مدقع mudqi‘ miserable, wretched; degrading, abasing (poverty)
دقل daqal mast (of a ship); mainmast; (coll.; n. un. ة ) a brand of dates of good quality (magr.)
1 دك dakka u (dakk) to make flat, level or even, to smooth, level, ram, stamp, tamp (هـ earth, the ground, a road); to press down, weigh down; to beat down; to devastate, demolish, destroy, ruin (هـ s.th.) II to mix, mingle (ه s.th.) VII to be crushed; to be leveled
دك dakk pl. دكوك dukūk level ground; -- devastation, demolition, destruction
دكة dakka pl. -āt rubblestone, crushed rock; hallast
دكة dikka pl. دكك dikak bench
دكان dukkān pl. دكاكين dakākīn2 bench; store, shop
دكانجي dukkānjī storekeeper, shopkeeper, retailer
مدك midakk pl. -āt ramrod; O tamper rammer
2 دك II to provide (هـ trousers) with a waist-band (dikka or tikka)
دكة dikka (= تكة tikka) waistband (in the upper seam of trousers)
دكتاتورية diktātūrīya dictatorship
دكتاتورى diktātūrī dictatorial
دكتور duktūr pl. كاترة dakātira doctor | دكتور في الحقوق doctor of laws, LL.D.; دكتور في الطب (ṭibb) doctor of medicine, M.D.
دكتوراة duktūrāh doctorate, doctorship, doctor’s degree, title of doctor | الدكتور الفخرية (fakrīya) honorary doctorate
ادكر see ذكر
دكريتو (It. decreto) dikrītō pl. دكريتات decree
1 ادكن adkan2, f. دكناء daknā’2 pl. دكن dukn blackish, dark (color)
داكن dākin dark, dark-colored |احضر داكن dark green; اصفر داكن yellowish, of a dingy yellow, mud-colored
2 دكان see1 دك
دل dalla a (دلالة dalāa) to show, demonstrate, point out (على ه to s.o. s.th.); to lead, guide, direct, conduct (الى or على ه s.o. to), show s.o. (ه ) the way (الى or على to); to show, indicate, mark (على s.th.); to point (على to s.th.), evince, indicate, denote, imply, bespeak, suggest (على s.th.), be indicative, be suggestive (على of); to furnish evidence (على for s.th.), prove (على s.th.); -- (1st pers. perf. dalaltu) i (دلال dalīl) to be coquettish, flirt, dally (of a woman; على with s.o.) II to prove (على s.th.), furnish the proof (على for), confirm, corroborate (ب على s.th. with); to sell or put up at auction, auction off (على s.th.); to pamper, coddle, spoil (ه s.o.); to fondle, caress, pet (ه a child) IV to make free, take liberties (على with s.o.); to pride o.s. (ب on), be conceited (ب of) V to be coquettish, flirt, dally (of a woman; على with s.o.); to be coy, behave affectedly; to take liberties (على with s.o.); to pamper, coddle (على s.o.) X to ask to be shown (على s.th.); to seek information, inform o.s. (على about); to obtain information; to be informed (على about); to be guided (ب by), act or proceed in accordance with (ب ); to conclude, gather, infer (على s.th., ب or من from), draw conclusions (ب or من from, على with regard to), judge (على s.th., ب or من by)
دل dall proper, dignified conduct; coquetry, flirtation
دلة dalla pl. دلال dilāl pot with long curved spout and handle used for making coffee (among Syrian nomads and in some parts of Saudi Arabia)
دلال dalāl coquetry, coquettishness; pampering, coddling, spoiling
دليل dalīl pl. ادلة adilla, دلائل dalā’l2, ادلاء adillā’2 (the latter of persons) indication (على of); sign, token; symptom; proof, evidence (على of); guide; tourist guide, cicerone; pilot (of a ship, of an airplane); guidebook, guide manual, handbook; directory, telephone directory; railroad guide, timetable; guide rail (tech.); roller path (in steel construction) |اقام الدليل على to furnish the proof for, demonstrate, prove s.th.; دليل ظرفي (ẓarfī) circumstantial evidence; دليل قاطع cogent proof, conclusive evidence
دلال dallāl auctioneer; broker, jobber, middleman, agent, commission merchant; hawker
دلالة dalāla pl. -āt pointing; guidance; leading, leadership; indication (على of); sign, token; sense, meaning
دلالة dilāla auction, public sale; business of a broker or middleman; brokerage commission; trade of a dealer, jobber or agent
دلالة dallāla middlewoman, woman broker
ادل adall2 proving more cogently (على s.th.), more indicative or suggestive (على of) |ادل دليل على (dalīlin) the surest evidence of, the best proof of
تدليل tadlīl reasoning, argumentation, demonstration; proving (على of), furnishing of proof or evidence (على for); corroboration, substantiation, confirmation; pampering, oeddling, spoiling; fondling, petting, caressing; pet form (of a name) |اسم التدليل pet name; تدليلا من a pet form of ...
تدلل tadallul coquetry, coquettishness; pampering, coddling, spoiling
استدلال istidlāl reasoning, argumentation, demonstration; conclusion, inference, deduction; proof, evidence (على of)
دالة dālla familiarity, chumminess; liberty (that one takes with s.o.); audacity. boldness
مدلول madlūl proven; (pl. -āt) meaning, sense |مدلولات الكلمات m. al-kalimāt lexical meanings
مدلل mudallal pampered, spoiled (child)
مدل mudill presumptuous, arrogant |مدل بنفسه (bi-nafsihī) conceited, self-important
1 دل dulb plane tree, sycamore (bot.)
2 دولب pl. دواليب look up alphabetically
دلتا Nile Delta, Lower Egypt
دلج IV to set out at nightfall
دلوح dalūḥ pl. دلح duluḥ moisture-laden cloud
دلدل daldala to set into a swinging motion, dangle II tadaldala to hang loosely, dangle
دلدل duldul and دلدول duldūl porcupine (zool.)
دلس II to swindle, cheat; to counterfeit, forge, falsify (هـ s.th.) III to deceive, defraud (ه s.o.), impose (ه on)
تدليس tadlīs deceit, fraud; swindle
تدليسي tadlīsī fraudulent
مدلس mudallas forged, counterfeit |نقود مدلسة counterfeit money; مفاتيح مدلسة forged keys
دلع dala‘a a (dal‘) with لسانه lisānahū: to stick out one’s tongue; to loll, let the tongue hang out II to pamper, spoil (ه a child); to caress, fondle, pet (ه s.o.) IV شيء يدلع نفسه (eg.) a nauseating, disgusting thing VII to stick out, be stuck out, hang out, loll (tongue); to dart out, lick out, leap out. dare up (dame), break out (fire); to be pampered, spoiled (child)
دلع dal‘: اسم الدلع ism ad-d. pet name
دلاع dallā‘ (coll.; n. un. ة ) watermelon (magr.)
دلغان dilgan clay
دلف dalafa i (dalf, دلوف dulūf, دلفان dalafān) to walk with short steps. toddle; to go or walk slowly, saunter, stroll (الى to); to advance (Jo toward); to approach step by step (الى s.o. or s.th.); to penetrate, reach (الى as far as); to grope (الى for, of the hand); to leak, drip, trickle (water)
O دالف dālif pl. دوالف dawālif2 ricochet (mil.)
دلفين dulfīn pl. دلافين dalāfīn2 dolphin
دلق dalaqa u to spill, pour out (هـ a liquid) VII to be spilled (liquid)
دلك dalaka u (dalk) to rub (هـ s.th.); to stroke (هـ s.th.), pass the hand (هـ over s.th.); to knead (العجين the dough); -- u (دلوك dulūk) to set, go down (sun) II to rub (هـ s.th., ه s.o.), embrocate (هـ s.th.); to knead; to massage (ه s.o.)
دلك dalk rubbing; grazing, brushing, touching, touch
دلوك dalūk liniment
دلوك dulūk, دلوك الشمس d. aš-šams sunset
تدليك tadlīk embrocation; massage
مدلكة mudallika pl. -āt masseuse
دله II to rob s.o. (ه ) of his senses, drive (ه s.o.) crazy (love) V to go out of one’s mind, go crazy (with love) |تدلهت في حبه (ḥubbihī) she has fallen in love with him
مدله mudallah madly in love
دلهم IV idlahamma to be dark, gloomy; to be deep-black
دلهم dalham dark, gloomy; deep-black
ادلهمام idlihmām a deep black
مدلهم mudlahimm dark, gloomy; deep-black
دلو II to let hang, dangle (هـ s.th.); to hang, suspend (هـ s.th.); to lower (هـ s.th.); to drop, let down, let fall down (هـ s.th.) IV = II; to cast down (هـ glances, الى on s.o.); to let one’s glance (بانظاره bi-anẓārihī) sweep down; to express, utter, voice (ب s.th., e.g., برأيه bi-ra’yihī one’s opinion); to deliver, make (بتصريح a statement; pol.); to adduce, present, advance, offer (بحجة bi-ḥijjatin an argument); to inform, notify, advise (ب الى s.o. of), let (الى s.o.) know (ب about); to offer, present (ب الى to s.o. s.th.); to grant, give (بحديث ل an interview to s.o.); to slander, defame: asperse (في s.o.) |ادلى دلوه بين الدلاء (dalwahū, dilā’) or ادلى بدلوه في الدلاء to make one’s contribution (together with others), add one’s touch, put in one’s two bits’ worth V to hang down, be suspended, dangle (ب from); to be lowered, be let down; to be or become low; to sink, descend |تدلى للسقوط to threaten to fall down, be ready to fall
دلو dalw usually f., pl. ادل adlin, دلاء dilā’, ادلاء adlā’ leather bucket; bucket, pail; Aquarius (astron.)
دلاية dallāya pendant
ادلاء idlā’ delivery (of a statement); utterance, statement; presentation; granting
دالية dāliya pl. دوال dawālin waterwheel (for irrigation); trellis, espalier on which grapevines are trained; varix, varicose vein
متدل mutadallin pendent, suspended, hanging, dangling; projecting, overhanging, ready to fall down
داليا look up alphabetically
1 دم dam pl. دماء dimā’ blood; دماء homicide cases (jur.) |دم الأخوين d. al-akawain dragon’s blood (a dark-red, resinous substance derived from the dragon tree, Dracaena draco)
دمي damī blood- (in compounds), sanguine
دموي damawī blood- (in compounds), sanguine; sanguinary, bloody
2 دم damma u (damm) to coat, smear, besmear (ب هـ s.th. with); to paint, daub, color, dye, tinge, tint (ب هـ s.th. with) II to rub, embrocate, anoint (ب هـ s.th. with)
دم damm ointment, unguent, salve, liniment, embrocation; paint; pigment, dye, dyestuff; rouge
دمام dimām ointment, unguent, salve, liniment, embrocation; paint; pigment, dye, dyestuff; rouge
دميم damīm pl. دمام dimām ugly; deformed, misshapen | دميم الخلقة d. al-kilqa ugly to look at, of repulsive appearance
دمامي damāma ugliness; ugly appearance; abominableness, monstrosity
الدمام ad-dammām Dammam (seaport in E Saudi Arabia, on the Persian Gulf)
دمث damuta u (دماثة damāta) to be gentle, mild (character) II to soften, mellow (هـ s.th.)
دمث damit pl. دماث dimāt: دمث الأخلاق gentle, mild-tempered
دماثة damāta mildness, gentleness, tenderness (of character)
دمج damaja u (دومج dumūj to enter (في s.th.), go or come into (في ), be inserted, incorporated (في in) II to write shorthand IV to twist tightly, twine firmly (هـ s.th.); to enter, insert, include, incorporate, embody (في هـ s.th. in); to introduce, interpolate, intercalate (في هـ s.th. in); to annex (في s.th. to) VII to be inserted, he incorporated (في in); to be annexed (في to); to merge (في with), be swallowed up, he absorbed (في by); to be fused, fuse, amalgamate
تدميج tadmīj shorthand, stenography
ادماج idmāj insertion, incorporation, interpolation; inclusion (في in); assimilation
اندماج indimāj incorporation, insertion (في in); amalgamation, merger, merging (في with); absorption (في by); annexation (في to); fusion; assimilation
مدمج mudmaj firm, compact
مندمج mundamij firm, compact, tight
دمجانة damajāna (also دامجانة ) pl. -āt demijohn, carboy
دمدم damdama to mutter, grumble, growl, snarl
دمدم damdama pl. -āt growl, snarl; rumbling noise, rumble
1 دمر damara u to perish, he ruined, he destroyed II to annihilate, destroy, ruin, demolish, wreck (هـ s.th.) V to he destroyed, demolished, ruined, wrecked VII to he destroyed, be annihilated
دمار damār ruin, destruction
تدمير tadmīr annihilation, destruction, demolition
اندمار indimār utter defeat, rout, destruction, annihilation
مدمرة mudammira pl. -āt destroyer (naut.)
2 دمور dammūr (eg.) a coarse calico-like fabric
دموري dammūrī (eg.) made of dammūr (see above)
3 دميرة damīra (eg.) flood season of the Nile
4 لا دومرى lā dūmarī (= لا تدمري ) nobody, no one, not a living soul
5 تدمر tadmur2, usually pronounced tudmur, Palmyra (ancient city in Syria, now a small village)
تدمري tadmurī, usually pronounced tudmurī, someone, somebody; لا تدمري nobody, no one, not a living soul
دمس damasa u to hide, conceal, disguise (هـ s.th.); to bury (ه في الأرض s.o. in the ground) II do.
دمس dims (eg.) cinders, ashes
دماسة damāsa darkness
ادماس admās (pl.) hovels, shanties, huts
دموس dammūs pl. دماميس damāmīs2 cave, cavern
ديماس daimās, dīmās, ديموس daimūs pl. دياميس dayāmīs2 dungeon; vault
دامس dāmis pitch-dark; dark, gloomy, dusky
فول مدمس fūl mudammas stewed beans
دمشق dimašq2, dimišq2 Damascus (capital of Syria)
مدمشق mudamšaq damascened, damasked; (syr.) having adopted a sophisticated style of living (imitating that of Damascus), urbanized
دمع dama‘a a to water (eye) IV to cause to weep, evoke tears, make (the eyes) water
دمع dam‘ pl. دموع dumū‘ tears
دمعة dam‘a (n. un.) tear, teardrop; (eg.) dim‘a gravy
دمعي dam‘ī: قنبلة دمعية (qunbula) teargas bomb
دمعة dam‘a and دميع damī’ pl. دمعى dam‘ā, دمائع damā’i‘2 readily inclined to weep, frequently weeping, tearful, lachrymose (woman)
دموع damū‘ and دماع dammā‘ watering, watery, tearful (eyes)
مدمع madma‘ pl. مدامع madāmi‘ lachrymal canal
1 دمغ damaga a to refute, invalidate (هـ a falsehood, an error, a false accusation); to triumph (هـ over falsehood; said of truth)
دماغ dimāg pl. ادمغة admiga brain
دامغة dāmiga cogent argument; شهادة دامغة (šahāda) irrefutable testimony
2 دمغ damaga u (damg) to stamp, provide or mark with a stamp (هـ s.th.); to hallmark (هـ gold and silver articles); to brand (هـ an animal)
دمغ damg stamping |دمغ المصوغات d. al-maṣūgāt hallmarking of gold and silver articles
دمغة damga stamp; hallmark (on gold and silver articles) |ورق دمغة waraq d. stamped paper
مدموغ madmūg stamped, bearing a stamp
دمقراطي dimuqrāṭī democratic; democrat
دمقراطية dimuqrāṭīya democracy; democratic attitude or conviction
دمقس dimaqs raw silk
دمقسي dimaqsī silken, silky
مدموك madmūk and مدمك mudmak firm, tight, taut
دمل damala u (daml, دملان damalān) to fertilize, manure, dung (هـ the soil); -- damila a (damal) to heal, heal up, scar over, cicatrize (wound) VII to heal, heal up, scar overt cicatrize (wound); to fester, suppurate (sore)
دمل dummal (n. un. ة ) pl. دمامل damāmil 2, دماميل damāmīl2 abscess, boil, sore, tumor, ulcer; furuncle; bubo, plague boil; inveterate evil
طاعون دملي ṭā‘ūn dummalī bubonic plague
دملج dumluj pl. دمالج damālij2, bracelet, bangle
1 دمن damana u (damn) to fertilize, manure, dung (هـ the soil) IV to give o.s. up, devote o.s., apply o.s. (على or هـ to), go in for (على or هـ ); to be addicted (على e.g., to liquor)
دمن dimn (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. دمن diman fertilizer, manure, dung
دمنة dimna pl. دمن diman vestiges or remnants of a dwelling, ruins
دمان damān fertilizer, manure, dung
ادمان idmān addiction; excess; mania; dipsomania |ادمان المسكرات i. al-muskirāt alcoholism
مدمن mudmin addicted, given up (على e.g., to wine); an addict (على of)
2 دمان dumān see دومان
دمنهور damanhūr2 Damanhur (city in N Egypt)
دموي see1 دم
1 دمى damiya a to bleed II and IV to cause to bleed
دام dāmin bleeding, bloody, gory
مدمى mudamman, f. مدماة bloody; blood-red
2 دمية dumya pl. دمى duman statue, statuette; image, effigy; dummy; doll
دمياط dimyāṭ2 Damietta (city in N Egypt)
دن danna u (dann, دنين danīn) to buzz, hum (insect); to drone
دن dann and دنين danīn buzz(ing), hum(ming), droning, drone
دن dann pl. دنان dinān earthen wine jug
دنأ dana’a a and دنؤ danu’a u (دنوءة dunū’a, دناءة danā’a) to be low, mean, base, vile, contemptible, despicable
دنيء danī’ pl. ادنياء adniyā’2, ادناء adnā’ low, base, mean, vile, despicable, contemptible; inferior, second-rate, of poor quality
ادنأ adna’2 lower, viler, meaner; more inferior, of poorer quality
دناءة danā’a lowness, baseness, meanness, vileness; inferiority
دنتلا , دنتلة (Fr. dentelle) dantilla lace, lacework
دنجل dinjil (eg.) pl. دناجل danājil2 axle, axle-tree
دندرمه (Turk. dondurma) dandurma ice cream
دنادشة danādiša common people, people of no consequence
دندن dandana to buzz, hum; to drone; to hum softly, croon (a song); to murmur
دندي dindī (eg.) turkey
دينار pl. دنانير look up alphabetically
دنس danisa a (danas) to be soiled, sullied, defiled, polluted II to stain, soil, dirty, befoul, sully, pollute, contaminate (هـ s.th.); to dishonor, disgrace (هـ s.th.); to desecrate (هـ s.th.) V pass. of II
دنس danas pl. ادناس adnās uncleanness, dirt, filth, squalor; stain, blemish, fault
دنس danis pl. ادناس adnās, دنساء dunasā’2 unclean, soiled, sullied, foul, polluted, defiled, stained
تدنيس tadnīs pollution, defilement, soiling, sullying, contamination; dishonoring, disgracing; desecration, profanation
دنف danifa a (danaf) to be seriously ill IV do.
دنف danif pl. ادناف adnāf seriouly ill
دنف danaf long illness; O cachexia, marasmus (med.)
مدنف mudnif, mudnaf emaciated, haggard, weak
دانق look up alphabetically
دنقلة dunqula Dongola (town in N Sudan, on the Nile)
دنكل = دنجل
دنمرك danmark2 Denmark
(دنو and دنى) دنا danū u (دنو dunūw, دناوة danāwa) to be near, be close; to come or go near s.o. or s.th. (من or الى or ل ), approach (من, الى, ل s.o., s.th.); to come close, get close (من, الى, ل to), approximate (من, الى, ل s.th.); to draw near, be imminent (time, event); دنا به من to bring s.o. close to ...; -- دني daniya a (دنا danan, دناية danaya) to be low, lowly; to be or become mean, base, vile, despicable, contemptible II to bring close (هـ s.th., ه s.o., من to), bring, take or move (هـ s.th., ه s.o.) near (من ), approximate (هـ s.th., من to); to apply o.s. (في to s.th.), busy o.s. (في with s.th.), delve (في into); دنى نفسه (nafsahū) to lower o.s., abase o.s., humble o.s. III to approach (ه s.o., هـ s.th.), come or get near s.o. or s.th. (ه, هـ ), come or get close (ه هـ to); to approximate (هـ s.th.); to measure up (هـ, ه to) |شيء لا يدانى (yudānā) an unequaled thing IV to be near, be close; to approach (من or الى or ل s.o. or s.th.), come, go or draw near s.o. or s.th. (من, الى, ل ), come close, get close (من, الى, ل to); to bring close (ه s.o., هـ s.th., من to), bring, take or move (ه s.o., هـ s.th.) near (من ), approximate (هـ s.th., من to); to lower, drop (هـ s.th., e.g., the veil) V to approach gradually (الى s.th. or s.o.); to be debased, sink low, sink, decline; to lower o.s., abase o.s., humble o.s. VI to come near each other, get close to each other, approach one another; to be close together; to approach, approximate (من s.th.) VIII ادنى iddanā to be near, be close, come or draw near, approach X to wish to be nearer or closer, try to come nearer or closer; to seek to fetch or bring closer (هـ s.th., الى to, to o.s.), reach out (هـ for s.th.), wish (اليه ه for s.th.)
دنو dunūw advent, approach; proximity, nearness, imminence (of an event)
دنى danīy pl. ادنياء adniyā’ near, close; low, lowly; mean, base, vile, despicable, contemptible, inferior, infamous, depraved
دنية danīy pl. -āt, دنايا danāyā a base quality or habit; s.th. disgraceful, infamy, vile action
ادنى adnā, f. دنيا dunyā pl. m. ادان adānin, ادنون adnūn pl. f. دنى dunan nearer, closer; situated lower down, nether; lower, inferior; lowlier; smaller, of less significance; more appropriate, better suited, more suitable |الشرق الأدنى (šarq) the Near East; المغرب الأدنى (magrib) Algeria; ادنى من حبل الوريد (ḥabli al-warīd) very near or close, imminent; الأقارب الأدنون the closest relatives; من ادناه الى اقصاه (aqṣāhū) from one end to the other; wholly, entirely, completely, altogether; الحد الأدنى (ḥadd) the minimum; ادناه hereinafter, below (in writings, documents, etc.) e.g., الموقعون ادناه (muwaqqi‘ūn) those signed below, the undersigned; لا ادنى (with foll. genit.) not the least, not a single, not one
دنيا dunyā (f. of ادنى adnā) world; earth; this world (as opposed to آخرة ); life in this world. worldly existence; worldly. temporal things or possessions; earthly things or concerns |الحياة الدنيا life in this world; ام الدنيا umm ad-d. Cairo; اقام الدنيا واقعدها aqāma d-d. wa-aq‘adahā approx.: to kick up a dust, make a stir, move heaven and earth
دنيوي dunyawī, دنياوي dunyāwī worldly, mundane, secular; earthly, temporal, transitory, transient
دناوة danāwa nearness, closeness, proximity, propinquity; lowness, lowliness; meanness, baseness, vileness
دناية danāya lowness, lowliness; meanness, baseness, vileness
تدن tadannin sinking, decline; low level, nadir (fig.) |التدني الأخلاقي (aklāqī) the low level of morality, the moral decline
دان dānin low; near, close
متدان mutadānin close together
دهر dahr pl. دهور duhūr, ادهر adhur time; long time, age, epoch; lifetime; eternity; fate, destiny |بنات الدهر banāt ad-d. blows of fate, trials, afflictions, misfortune; تصاريف الدهر and صروف الدهر vicissitudes of fate. changes of fortune; adversities, adverse circumstances; دهر الداهرين dahra d-dāhirīn for all eternity, foever and ever; الى أخر الدهر ilā ākir d-d. do.; لا الدهر كله (ad-dahra kullahū) never in all one’s life
دهري dahrī an adherent of the dahrīya, a materialistic, atheistic doctrine in Islam; atheist, freethinker
دهري duhrī very old, far advanced in years
دهس dahasa a (= داس ) to trample underfoot, trample down, crush (هـ s.th.), tread (هـ on s.th.); to run over (ه s.o.)
دهش dahiša a and pass. duhiša to be astonished, amazed, surprised (من or ل at); to wonder, marvel (من at); to be baffled, startled, puzzled, perplexed, taken aback (من or ل by) II and IV to astonish, amaze, surprise, baffle, puzzle, perplex, startle (ه s.o.) VII = dahiša دهش dahaš perplexity, surprise, consternation, alarm, dismay
دهش dahiš astonished, amazed, surprised; baffled, puzzled, nonplused, perplexed, startled, disconcerted, alarmed, upset; dazed, stunned
دهشة dahša astonishment, amazement, surprise, wonder; perplexity, consternation, bafflement, bewilderment, dismay, alarm
اندهاش indihāš astonishment, amazement; perplexity, consternation, bafflement, bewilderment
مدهش mudhiš astonishing, amazing, surprising, marvelous; pl. -āt amazing things, marvels, wonders
مدهوش madhūš and مندهش mundahiš astonished, amazed, surprised; perplexed, baffled, puzzled, nonplused, startled; overwhelmed
1 دهق dahaq stocks (to hold the feet of an offender by way of punishment)
دهاق diḥāq full (cup), brimful
2 دهقان dihqān, pl. دهاقنة dahāqina, دهاقين dahāqīn2 man of importance, one who plays an important role, leading personality; grandee (in ancient Persia) | دهاقين السياسة d. as-siyāsa the political leaders
دهك dahaka a (dahk) to crush; to mash (هـ s.th.)
دهلز II tadahlaza to stroll about, walk about (in a hall)
دهليز dihlīz pl. دهاليز dahālīz 2 anteroom, vestibule, lobby, foyer; corridor, hall-way |ابن الدهليز ibn ad-d. pl. ابناء الدهاليز foundling
دهلي dihlī Delhi
دهم dahama a (dahm) and dahima a (daham) to come or descend (ه upon s.o.) suddenly; to surprise, take unawares, take by surprise (ه s.o.), come unexpectedly (ه to s.o.); to enter suddenly, raid, invade (هـ s.th.) II to blacken (ه s.th.) III to befall, seize, grip, attack (ه s.o.), come over s.o. (ه ; e.g., sickness, despair); to surprise, take unawares, catch red-handed (ه s.o.); to attack suddenly (ه s.o.), fall upon s.o. (ه ), invade, raid (ه e.g., a house); to overtake (ه s.o.; fate), catch up with (ه ) IX to be black
دهمة duhma blackness
ادهم adham2, f. دهماء dahmā’ 2, pl. دهم duhm black, deep-black |داهية دهماء (dahiya) disaster, catastrophe
الدهماء ad-dahmā’ 2 the masses, the common people, the populace, also دهماء الناس
مداهمة mudāhama police raid; house search
مدهم mudhamm very dark, pitch-dark
دهن dahana u (dahn) to oil (ه, هـ s.th., s.o., ب with); to anoint (ه, هـ s.th., s.o., ب with); to grease, smear (ب, هـ s.th., s.o., ب with); to rub, embrocate (ه, هـ s.th., s.o., ب with); to paint, daub (ه s.th.); to varnish (هـ s.th.) II do. III to treat with gentleness (ه s.o.); to cajole, flatter (ه s.o.), fawn (ه on s.o.); to cheat, dupe, gull, take in, outsmart (ه s.o.) V pass. of I
دهن dahn oiling, greasing; painting, daubing
دهن duhn pl. ادهان adhān, دهون duhūn, -āt, دهان dihān oil (edible, lubricating, for the skin); fat, grease
دهن duhnī oily, oil, oleic, oleo- (in compounds); fatty, greasy
دهنيات duhnīyāt fats, oils; fatty substances
دهناء dahnā’ desert
دهان dahhān house painter, painter
دهينة dahīna pomade
دهان dihān pl. -āt, ادهنة adhina cosmetic cream, cold cream, salve, ointment, unguent; consecrated oil, anointing oil; paint, varnish; hypocrisy, dissimulation, deceit; -- (without pl.) painting, daubing; whitewashing | ورشة للدهان (warša) paintshop
مداهنة mudāhana flattery, adulation, sycophancy, fawning; hypocrisy, dissimulation; deceit, trickery
مداهن mudāhin flatterer, adulator, sycophant; hypocrite
مدهن mudhin oily; fatty, greasy
دهور dahwara to hurl down (هـ s.th.); to tear down, topple, overthrow (هـ s.th.) II tadahwara pass. of I; to fall, tumble; to slump, sink; to be dragged down, sink to the lowest level
تدهور tadahwur fall, downfall; decline, slump
دهي dahiya a (دهاء dahā’) to be clever, smart, cunning, artful, wily; -- dahā a to befall, overtake, hit, strike (ه s.o.), come over s.o. (ه ; misfortune) II = dahā VI to pretend to be smart or cunning
دهاء dahā’ smartness, slyness, shrewdness, subtlety, cunning, craft
ادهى adhā smarter, shrewder; craftier, wilier; more skillful, subtler, more resourceful; worse, more calamitous
داه dāhin pl. دهاة duhāh smart, sly, shrewd, subtle, cunning, wily, artful; resourceful person
داهية dāhiya smart fellow, old fox, sly dog
داهية dāhiya pl. دواه dawāhin calamity, disaster, catastrophe |داهية دهياء (dahyā’) and داهية دهماء (dahmā’) disaster, catastrophe; فليذهب في داهية (fal-yadhab) let him go to hell!
داء (دوء ) dā’ pl. ادواء adwā’ disease, malady |داء الثعلب d. at-ta‘lab alopecia, loss of the hair; O داء الرقص d. ar-raqṣ St. Vitus’s dance; O داء الفيل d. al-fīl elephantiasis; داء المنطقة d. al-minṭaqa shingles, herpes zoster (med.)
دواء see دوى
دوب II to wear out, wear off (هـ s.th.)
دوبرة dūbara packthread, string, twine, cord, rope; thread
دوبيت dūbait a rhymed poem consisting of four hemistichs
دوح VII to spread
دوح dauḥ branching trees, branches
دوحة dauḥa tall tree with many branches; family tree, genealogical table
داحة dāḥa top (child’s toy)
داخ (دوخ ) dāka u (dauk) to conquer, subjugate (الى a. country); to resign o.s., humble o.s.; to be or become dizzy, have a feeling of dizziness; to feel ill, be sick, feel nausea II to conquer, subjugate (هـ a people); to make submissive, subdue, humble, humiliate, degrade (ه s.o.); to make (ه s.o.) dizzy; to molest, bother, trouble (ه s.o.); to daze, stun (ه s.o.) |دوخ رأسه (ra’sahū) to make s.o.’s head go round, make s.o. dizzy
دوخة dauka vertigo, dizziness; coma; nausea
دائخ dā’ik dizzy
تدويخ tadwīk subjugation, conquest
1 دود II to be or become worm-eaten
دود dūd (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. ديدان dīdān worm; maggot; larva; caterpillar | دودة الحرير and دود القز d. al-qazz silkworm; دود القرع d. al-qar‘, دود قرعي (qar‘ī) ascarids; دود القرمز d. al-qirmiz cochineal; دود المش d. al-mišš cheese maggots; الدودة الوحيدة tapeworm
دودي dūdī wormlike, worm-shaped, vermiform.
مدود madūd, mudawwid wormy, worm-eaten
2 مدود midwad = مذود
دار (دور ) dāra u (daur, دوران dawarān)to turn, revolve, rotate, move in a circle (على, ب, حول around s.th. or s.o.), circle (على, ب, حول s.th. or s.o.); to begin to turn or rotate; to circulate; to go round, spread, be current, make the rounds (of rumors, etc.); to run, be in operation (of a machine or engine); to start running, start up (engine); to walk or go about, run around; to roam, rove, move about, wander about, gad about; to make the rounds (على among people), turn successively (على to several people); to turn, turn one’s face, wheel around; to veer, shift, change its direction; to change, take a different turn, become different; to turn (على against s.o.); to have to do, deal (حول or على with), treat (حول or على of), refer (حول or على to), bear (حول or على on), concern (حول or على s.th.); to take place, be going on, be in progress, be under way; to be discussed, be talked about (بين among); to circulate, pass around (ب s.th.); to lead, guide or &how around (ب s.o.); to let roam, let wander (بنظره, بعينه bi-naẓarihī, bi-‘ainaihi one’s eyes, one’s glance, في over) |در dur! about face! (command; mil.); دار رأسه (ra’suhū) to be or become dizzy, giddy; دار مع الفرص (furaṣ) to trim sail, adapt o.s. to the situation; دارت رحى الحرب (raḥā l-ḥarb) war broke out; المعارك التي دارت رحالها امس the battles that raged yesterday; دار بنفسه (bi-nafsihī) it passed through his mind; دار على الألسن (alsun) to be much-discussed, be on everyone’s lips; دار على الأفواه واسلات الأقلام (afwāh, asalāt al-aqlāmi to be current in both the spoken and written language, be in general use, be generally accepted (e.g., words); دار بلادا واكل اعيادا (bilādan, a‘yādan) he had bean around in the world and had seen a lot; (colloq.) دار باله (bālahū) to pay attention (الى, على to), be careful (الى, على with); دارت عليهم الدائرة calamity overtook them II to turn in a circle, spin, whirl, rotate, revolve (ب, هـ s.th.); to turn, turn around (ب, هـ s.th.); to invert, reverse (ب, هـ s.th.); to make round, to round (هـ s.th.); to circulate, pass around (هـ s.th.); to set going, set in motion, start (هـ s.th.); to wind (هـ a watch, a clock); to look, search (على for s.th.) |دور رأسه (ra’sahū) to turn s.o.’s head, persuade s.o., bring s.o. round III to go or walk around (ه with s.o.); to try to bring (ه s.o.) round; to ensnare, inveigle (ه s.o.); to try to ensnare (ه s.o.); to try to deceive (ه s.o.); to cheat, trick (على or عن ه s.o. out of s.th.); to get away, escape, dodge, duck out IV to turn, revolve, rotate, spin, whirl (هـ, ب s.th.); to turn around, turn (هـ, ب s.th., رأسه الى one’s head toward); to direct (على or الى هـ s.th. to, toward), aim (على or الى هـ s.th. at); to circulate, pass around (هـ s.th.); to set in operation, set going, set in motion (هـ a machine, an apparatus); to start, start up (المحرك al-muḥarrik the motor); to play, play back (هـ e.g., شرائط ناطقة tapes); to act upon s.th. (هـ ), drive (هـ s.th.); to get under way (هـ a job, a project); to take up (هـ s.th.); to initiate (هـ s.th.); to divert, turn away (عن هـ, ه s.o., s.th. from); to direct, conduct, steer, manage, head, run (هـ s.th.), be in charge (هـ of); to revolve in one’s mind, think over, ponder (هـ s.th., ان that) |ادار بوجهه الى (bi-wajhihī) to turn around to s.o., look back at s.o.; ادار رأسه (ra’sahū) to turn s.o.’s head, persuade s.o., bring s.o. round; ادار الحديث في الموضوع to bring conversation around to a topic, broach or discuss a subject V to be or become round; to be circular X do.; to circle, rotate, revolve, spin, turn; to turn (الى to), face (الى s.o.); to turn around; to turn one’s head, look back; to circle (حول s.th.), walk around s.th. (~حول )
دار dār f., pl. دور dūr, ديار diyār, ديارات diyārāt, ديرة diyara house; building, structure, edifice; habitation, dwelling, abode; residence, home; seat, side, locality; area, region; land, country (esp. pl. ديار see below |دار الآثار museum (of antiquities); دار البريد post office; دار البقاء d. al-baqā’ the eternal abode, the hereafter; الدار الباقية (bāqiya) do.; انتقل للدار الباقية to pass away, die; ال دار البيضاء (baiḍā’) Casablanca (seaport in W Morocco); the White House (in Washington); دار التجارة commercial house, business house; دار الحرب d. al-ḥarb war zone, enemy territory (Isl. Law: non-Muslim countries); دار الرياسة seat of the chief executive of a country; دار السعادة d. as-sa‘āda Constantinople; دار السلطنة d. as-salṭana Constantinople (designation before World War I); دار السلام d. as-salām paradise, heaven; epithet of Baghdad; Dar es Salaam (seaport and capital of Tanganyika Territory); دور السينما cinemas, movie houses; دار السلطة d. aš-šurṭa police station; دار الصنعة or دار الصناعة arsenal; دار صيني (ṣīnī) cinnamon; دار الضرب d. aḍ-ḍarb and دار السكة d. as-sikka mint (building); الديار العراقية (‘irāqīya) Iraq; دار العلوم name of a college in Cairo; دار الفناء d. al-fanā’ (as opposed to دار البقاء see above) the temporal world, this world; دار القضاء d. al-qaḍā’ court of justice, tribunal; دار الكتب d. al-kutub public library; دور اللهو d. al-lahw amusement centers; night clubs; دار التمثيل theater, playhouse; دار الملك d. al-mulk (royal) residence; الديار المصرية (miṣrīya) Egypt; دار الهجرة d. al-hijra Medina; دار الأيتام d. al-aitām orphanage, orphans’ home
دارة dāra pl. -āt halo (of the moon); circle; O (el.) circuit; O villa
دارى dārī domestic, native
دورى dūrī domestic (animal); عصفور دوري (‘uṣfūr) and دوري house sparrow
دور daur pl. ادوار adwār round (of a patrol; in sports); role, part (played by s.o. or s.th.); film role, stage role; periodic change, rotation, alternation; crop rotation; period; (one’s) turn; phase, stage, step, degree, station; epoch, age. era; fit, attack, paroxysm (of a disease); floor, story; musical composition; number, single performance (within a program) |دور وتسلسل (wa-tasalsul) vicious circle, circulus vitiosus; دور نهائي (nihā’ī) final round, finals (athlet.); دور الانعقاد d. al-in‘iqād session, term (parl.); الدور الأول (awwal) or دور البطولة d. al-buṭūla leading role, starring role; قام بدور or لعب دورا (la‘iba) to play a part or role; دور ارضي (arḍī) ground floor, first floor; كان دوره it was his turn; الدور له it is his turn; (انا) بدوري I for one; (I) for my part, (هو) بدوره he in turn, (he) for his part; بالدور alternately, by turns
دورة daura pl. -āt turn, revolution, gyration, rotation; circulation; cycle; circuit; round, patrol; procession (Chr.); round trip; tour (in general, of an artist or performer); detour; period (O also el.); session (of parliament); course (of instruction) (ir., syr.) |الدورة الدموية (damawīya) blood circulation; الدورة الجوية (jawwīya) air circulation; دورة اجتياز (تجاوز) الرتبة d. ijtiyāz (tajāwuz) ar-rutba officers’ training course (mil., Syr.); دورة زراعية (zirā‘īya) crop rotation; دورة تشريعية (tašrī‘īya) legislative period; دورة الفلك d. al-falak revolution of celestial bodies; دورة التفافية (iltifāfīya) flanking maneuver (mil.); دورة مالية (mālīya) financial period, fiscal year; دورة المياه d. al-miyāh lavatory (with running water), toilet, water closet
دوري daurī patrolling, patrol- (in compounds); periodic, occurring at regular stated times, recurring, intermittent; circulatory, cyclic, etc., see دور and دورة series (athlet.) الجهاز الدوري (jahāz) the circulatory system
دورية daurīya pl. -āt patrol, round; patrol, reconnaissance squad |دوريات الاستكشاف reconnaissance squads, patrols
داورية dāwirīya = دورية daurīya
دير dair pl. اديار adyār, اديرة adyira, ديورة duyūra monastery, convent, cloister
ديري dairī monastic, ministerial, cloistral
ديرة dīra region, area, land, homeland (bedouin)
دوار duwār, dawār vertigo, dizziness, giddiness; seasickness
دوار dawwār rapidly or constantly turning, whirling, spinning, rotating, circling, circulating; revolving, rotary, rotatory; whirlpool, eddy, vortex; itinerant, ambulant, roving; (eg.) farm building, farm |باب دوار revolving door; بائع دوار peddler, hawker; جهاز حفر دوار (jahāz ḥafr) rotary drilling rig; دار الشمس d. aš-šams sunflower
ديار dayyār monastic, friar, monk
ديرانى dairānī monastic, friar, monk
دوارة dawwāra whirlpool, eddy, vortex; compass, pair of dividers (syr.) |O دوارة الهواء d. al-hawā’ weather vane
دياري diyārī domestic; native
دوران dawarān turn(ing), rotation, revolution, gyration; circulation, circling, circuiting; round trip, tour
ادور adwar2 (elative): ادور على الألسن (alsun) more talked about, more frequently expressed or discussed
مدار madār pl. -āt orbit; circling, circuiting, circuit, revolution; axis; pivot; (fig.) that upon which s.th. turns or depends, the central, cardinal, or crucial factor, the pivot; center; subject, topic, theme (of a conversation, of negotiations); scope, range, extent, sphere; tropic (geogr.); O steering wheel |مدار السرطان m. as-saraṭān Tropic of Cancer, مدار الجدي m. al-jady Tropic of Capricorn; كان مداره على it (i.e., the dispute, or the like) was about ..., it hinged on ...; على مدار السنة (m. is-sana) throughout the year, all year round
تدوير tadwīr recitation of the Koran at medium speed (between tartīl and ḥadr; a technical term of tajwīd)
مداورة mudāwara pl. -āt cheating, humbug, trickery; outwitting; attempted evasion or circumvention, shift, dodge; persuasion, inveigling, ensnaring
ادارة idāra turning; turning around or over, reverting, reversion, inversion; starting, setting in operation; operation; drive (techn.); direction, management; administration; administrative agency, department, office, bureau |ادارة الأمن i. al-amn the police; ادارة عرفية (‘urfīya) military administration; سوء الإدارة sū’ al-i. mismanagement, maladministmtion; مجلس الإدارة Majlis al-i. board of directors, administrative board, committee of management; مرنز الإدارة markaz al-i. administration center, headquarters
اداري idārī administrative, departmental; administrative officer; manager (athlet.); اداريا idāriyan through administrative channels, administratively, officially
استدارة istidāra roundness, rotundity, circularity
دائر dā’ir turning, revolving, spinning; circulating; current (e.g., expression), common; ambulant, itinerant; in progress, under way j working, in operation; running (machine, engine); round
دائرة dā’ira pl. دوائر dawā’ir2 circle (also math.); ring; circumference, perimeter, periphery; sphere, scope, range, compass, extent, circuit; field, domain (fig.); official agency, department (esp. Ir., Syr., Leb.); office, bureau; department of a court of justice (Eg., Tun.); farm, country estate (eg.); misfortune, calamity, affliction |في دائرة within the framework of ...; على شكل نصف دائرة ‘alā šakli niṣfi d. semicircular; نقطة الدائرة nuqṭat ad-d. essential factor, pivot, crucial point, crux; O دائرة كهربائية (kahrabā’īya) electric circuit; O دائرة قصيرة short circuit (el.); دائرة المعارف encyclopedia; دوائر الحكومة government circles, الدوائر الرسمية (السياسية، العسكرية ) (rasmīya, siyāsīya, ‘askarīya) official (political, military) circles or quarters (journ.); دائرة الاختصاص jurisdiction (of an official agency, esp., of a court of justice); الدائرة السنية (sanīya) civil list; دائرة استئنافية (isti’nāfīya) appellate court (Eg.; jur.); دائرة انتخابية (intikābīya) electoral district; دارت عليه الدوائر to suffer adversities
دائري dā’irī circular, ring-shaped, annular
مدور mudawwar round, circular
مدير mudīr head, chief, director; administrator; manager; intendant, superintendent; rector (of a university); mudir, chief officer of a mudiria, approx. = governor (Eg.); (pl. مدراء mudarā’2) administrative officer at the head of a county (Syr., Leb., Ir., Saudi Ar.) | مدير الجوق m. al-jauq bandleader, conductor of an orchestra
مديرة mudīra directress; administratress
مديرية mudīrīya direction; administration; management; -- (pl. -āt) mudiria, province (Eg.); approx.: main department of a ministry (Ir.)
مستدير mstadīr round; circular |مؤتمر المائدة المستديرة (mu’tamar al-mā’idat al-m.) roundtable conference
دورق dauraq pl. دوارق dawāriq2 (eg.) bulging vessel with a long, slender neck, carafe
دوزن dauzana to tune (a musical instrument); O to tune in (radio)
دوزان dūzān and دوزنة dauzana tuning (of a musical instrument); دوزنة O tuning (radio)
دوزينة (It. dozzina) dōzīna dozen
داس (دوس ) dāsa u (daus, دياس diyās) to tread, step (هـ on); to tread (هـ s.th.); to tread down, trample down, trample underfoot, crush (هـ s.th.); to thresh (grain); to treat with disdain, humiliate (ه s.o.); to run over (ه s.o.; automobile) VII pass. of I
دوس daus treading, trampling, tread, step
ديسة dīsa dense forest, jungle, thicket
دواسة dawwāsa pedal
مداس madās shoe, sandal
مدوس madūs, مداس mudās trodden, trampled down; crushed; run over
دوسنطاريا dusinṭāriyā, دوسنتاريا dysentery
دوسية (Fr. dossier) dosyē, دوسيه dōsē pl. -āt dossier, file
1 دوش (eg.) dawaš to irritate (ه s.o.) or drive s.o. crazy by noise
دوشة dauša (eg.) din, noise, clamor, uproar, hubbub, hullabaloo
2 دوش (Fr. douche) dūš pl. -āt shower, douche
دوطة (It. dote) dōṭa dowry
دوغ II to imprint a mark, to brand
داغ dāg pl. -āt brand (on cattle)
داف (دوف ) dāfa u (dauf) to mix, mingle (في هـ s.th. with); to add, admix (في هـ s.th. to)
دوق dūq duke
دوقة dūqa duchess
دوقي dūqī ducal
دوقية dūqīya dukedom, duchy
دوك II to chatter, prattle
دوك dauka din, row, hubbub, turnult, confusion
1 دال (دول ) dāla u" (دولة daula) to change periodically, take turns, alternate, rotate; to change, turn (time, fortune) |دالت دولة الاستبداد the time of absolutism is over, belongs to the past; دالت له الدولة fortune has turned in his favor (عليه against him) III to alternate, rotate (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to cause to succeed by turns or to follow one another (الأيام al-ayyāma the days; God); to alternate (بين between); to confer, talk (ه with s.o., في about), discuss (في ه with s.o. s.th.) IV to give ascendancy, afford superiority, give the upper hand (من ه to s.o. over); to make victorious, let triumph (على ه s.o. over), grant victory (على ه to s.o. over); to replace (ب هـ or من s.th. with), exchange, substitute (ب هـ or من for s.th. s.th.) |اديل لبني العباس من بني امية udīla li-banī 1-‘abbās min banī umayyata the rule passed from the Ommaiads to the Abbasides VI to alternate, take turns (هـ with or in s.th., e.g., in some work); to hand each other s.th. (هـ ), pass s.th. (هـ ) alternately between themselves; to handle alternately (هـ different things), take now this, now that; to exchange (الرأى ar-ra’y views); to make frequent use (هـ of s.th.); to confer, have a discussion, take counsel, deliberate; to parley, negotiate; to circulate, be in circulation, be current, have currency |تداولته الأيدي tadāwalathu l-aidī it passed from hand to hand, it made the rounds, it circulated; تداولته الألسن (alsun) it passed from mouth to mouth, it was the talk of the town, it was on everybody’s lips
دولة daula pl. دول duwal alternation, rotation, change; change of time, turn of fortune; dynasty; state, country; power, empire |صاحب الدولة title of the Prime Minister; دولة رئيس الحكومة daulat r. al-ḥ. His Excellency, the Prime Minister; فخامة الدولة fakāmat ad-d. title of the President of the Republic (Syr., Leb.); الدولة العلية (‘alīya) name of the ancient Ottoman Empire; الدول الكبرى (العظمى ) (kubrā, ‘uẓmā) the big powers; دولة منتدبة (muntadaba) mandatory power
دولة (dam., pronounced dōle = ركوة rakwa) metal vessel with long curved handle used for making coffee
دولي daulī state (adj.); duwalī international
دولية duwalīya internationality; internationalism; the International
دويلات duwailāt petty states, small countries
دواليك dawālaika alternately, by turns; successively, one by one, one after the other |وهكذا دواليك (wa-hākadā) and so forth, and so on
تدويل tadwīl internationalization
مداولة mudāwala pl. -āt parley, negotiation; deliberation, consultation; discussion; mudāwalatan alternately, one after the other, one at a time
تداول tadāwul alternation, rotation; circulation, currency; circulation of money |بالتداول alternately, by turns, one by one
متداول mutadāwal current, circulating, in circulation; valid; common, in common use, prevailing |الكلام المتداول (kalām) the colloquial language
2 دوال dawālin see دول
دولاب dūlāb pl. دواليب dawālīb2 wheel; tire; gearing, gears, wheels, mechanism, machine, machinery; closet, looker, cabinet, cupboard |دولاب الملابس wardrobe
دولار dūlār pl. -āt dollar
2 دام (دوم ) dāma u (daum, دوام dawām) to last, continue, go on; to persevere, persist | ما دام mā dāma as long as; (the more so) since, inasmuch as, as, because; while he is ..., when he is ; ما دام حيا (ḥayyan) as long as he is alive; ما دمت معك (dumtu) so long as (or while) I am with you II to move in a circle, turn, spin, revolve, rotate, gyrate, circle; to turn, revolve, spin, twirl (هـ s.th.) III to persevere, persist (على in), apply o.s. diligently and steadily (على to), pursue with diligence and perseverance (على s.th.); to continue IV to cause to last or continue, perpetuate, make lasting, make permanent (هـ s.th.) X to make (هـ s.th.) last or continue; to continue, go on (هـ with s.th.)
دوم daum continuance, permanence, duration; دوما dauman constantly, at all times, ever, always; -- doom palm (bot.)
ديمة dīma pl. ديم diyam, ديوم duyūm continuous rain
دوام dawām duration, continuance, permanence, perpetuity; uninterrupted succession; endurance, perseverance; abiding, stay (of s.o., في at a place); دواما dawāman and على الدوام permanently, perpetually, at all times, ever, always | وقت الدوام, اوقات الدوام, ساعات الدوام working hours, office hours (Ir., Syr.)
ديمومة daimūma = دوام
دوامة duwwāma top (child’s toy); whirlpool, eddy, vortex
مداومة mudāwama perseverance, endurance, persistence; continuance, duration; continuation
دائم dā’im lasting, enduring; endless, eternal, perpetual, everlasting; perennial; continued, continuous, continual, incessant, unceasing, constant; permanent, standing, established; durable |دائم التقدم والنمو d. at-taqaddum in a state of constant progress and growth
دائما dā’iman always |دائما ابدا (abadan) always and ever
دائمي dā’imī = دائم
مدام mudām wine
مستديم mustadīm constant, continuous, continual, incessant, uninterrupted
2 دومان dūmān rudder, helm
دومانجي dūmānjī steersman, helmsman
1 دون II to record, write down, set down, put down in writing (هـ s.th.); to enter, list, register, book (هـ s.th.); to collect (هـ poems) |دون شرطا (šarṭan) to stipulate a condition V to be recorded, be written down, be put down in writing
ديوان dīwān pl. دواوين dawāwīn2 account books of the treasury (in the older Islamic administration); divan, collection of poems written by one author; governmental office, administrative office; chancellery, office, bureau, secretariat; council or state, cabinet; council, consultative assembly, board of advisers, executive committee; government; court or justice, tribunal; hall; davenport, divan; (railway) compartment |لغة الدواوين lugat ad-d. official jargon, officialese; ديوان التفتيش inquisitional court; the Inquisition
ديواني dīwānī administrative, administrational, official; an Ottoman style of cursive (used by the secretaries of the State Chancellery for treaties, diplomas, firmans, etc.)
تدوين tadwīn recording, writing down; entry, listing. booking; registering, registration
مدونة mudawwana pl. -āt record, note; entry: body of laws; pl. مدونات writings, literature (on a given subject)
2 دون dūn low, lowly; bad, poor, inferior; meager, inadequate | عامله بالدون (‘āmalahū) he snubbed him
دون dūna (prep.) below, beneath, under (in rank, value, etc.); this side of, short of; before; without more than; with the exclusion of, leaving aside, disregarding ...; and not by any means, but not | دون ذلك (with foll. nominative) on the way to that, there is , before accomplishing that one must …, دون ذلك خرط القتاد (karṭ al-qatad) before one can do that, one must strip the tragacanth of its leaves, i.e., accomplish the impossible; بدون, من دون (dūni) without; with the exclusion of, excluding; بدون ان and من دون ان without (+ foll. gerund in Engl.); دونك dūnaka (with foll. acc.) here you are! take ...! watch out (هـ for)! beware (هـ of)! هو دون he is below him, he doesn’t measure up to him; كان دونه أهمية (ahammīyatan) to be of less importance than ...; اثم دونه كل اثم itmun dūnahū kullu itmin a sin to end all sins; الذين هم دون السن العسكرية (sinn, ‘askarīya) those below the age for military service; دون ما نظر الى (naẓarin) regardless of, irrespective of; دون ما فائدة with no benefit at all; completely useless; تخشى ان يسعدن دونها (takšā an yas‘adna) she is afraid they will be happier than she is; تلك الكتب دون غيرها (kutub, gairihā) those books and no others; ان متعجب من فضلك دون علمك (muta‘ajjib, faḍlika, ‘ilmika) I admire your virtue, but not your knowledge, or, I admire your virtue more than your knowledge; كم الأفواه دون دون التذمر والشكوى (kamma, tadammur, šakwā) he stopped their mouths to keep them from muttering and complaining; اذا كان الغصن دون ما يحتمله (guṣnu, yaḥtamiluhū) if the branch is not strong enough to carry him; وصل دونهم الى الغاية it was he, not they, who reached the goal; اشاحت بوجهها دونه (ašāḥat· bi-wajhihā) she averted her face so that he could not see her; حال دون الشيء to prevent s.th.; الأشعة دون الحمراء (aši‘‘a, ḥamrā‘) the infrared rays; الموجات دون القصيرة (maujāt) ultra-short waves (radio)
دونم dūnum a square measure (Ir. = about 2500 m2; Pal. = roughly, 900 m2)
1 دوى dawā and II to sound, resound, ring out; to drone; to echo, reverberate III to treat (ه a patient, هـ a disease) VI to treat o.s. (with a medicine); to be cured
دوى dawan pl. ادواء adwā’ sickness, illness, disease, malady
دوي dawīy sound, noise, ring, clang, roar, thunder, drone; echo, reverberation
دواة dawāh ( دواية dawāya) pl. دوي duwīy, diwīy, دويات dawayāt inkwell
دواء dawā’ pl. ادوية adwiya remedy, medicament, medication, medicine, drug
دوائي dawd'i medicinal, medicative, curative
داء see دوء
دواء diwā’ treatment, therapy (med.)
مداواة mudāwāh treatment, therapy (med.)
تداو tadāwin cure
2 دوى (Fr. douille) dūy socket (of a light bulb)
ديالوج diyalōg (Eg. spelling) pl. -āt dialogue
ديباج and ديباجة see دبج
ديوث dayyūt ( ديوس ) cuckold; procurer, pimp; a variety of warbler (zool.)
ديجور see دجر
الديجوليون ad-dēgōlīyūn (Eg. spelling) the Gaullists
ديدبان daidabān, daidubān pl. -āt, ديادبة dayādiba guard, sentry: sentinel |ديدبان المراكب ship’s pilot
ديدن see ددن
دير , ديرة, اديار, اديرة, ديرى, ديار, ديراني see دور
ديس dīs diss (Ampelodesma tenax; bot.)
ديسم see دسم
ديسمبر disembir, disambir December
ديك dīk pl. ديكة dīka, ديوك duyūk, ادياك adyāk cock, rooster |ديك الحبش d. al-kabaš turkey, turkey cock; ديك رومي (rūmī) do.; وزن الديك wazn ad-d. bantam weight
السعال الديكي as-su‘āl ad-dīkī whooping cough
ديكتاتوري = دكتاتوري
ديكور (Fr. décor) pl. -āt décor, stage decoration
ديماس daimās, dīmās, ديموس daimūs pl. دياميس dayāmīs2 dungeon, vault
ديمة , ديم, ديمومة see دوم
ديموطيقي dīmūṭīqī demotic (writing)
ديموقراطي , ديمقراطي dimuqrāṭī democratic; democrat
ديموقراطية , ديمقراطية dimuqrāṭīya pl. -āt democracy; democratic attitude or conviction
1 دان (دين ) dāna i to borrow, take up a loan; to be a debtor, be indebted; to owe (ب ل s.o. s.th., also, e.g., دان له بالشكر (šukr) d. lahū bi-š-šukr to owe s.o. one’s thanks; ب s.th., e.g., بالحياة bi-l-ḥayāh one’s life, ل to s.th. or s.o.); to be indebted (ب ل to s.o. for); to be subject, subject o.s., bow, yield, (ل to s.o. or s.th.), be under s.o.’s (ل ) power, owe allegiance (ل to s.o.), obey (ل s.o.); to grant a loan, lend money (ه to s.o.); to subject, subjugate (ه s.o.): to requite, repay (ه s.o.): to condemn (ه s.o.), pass judgment (ه on s.o.) III to have a debt (ه with s.o.), be indebted (ه to s.o.): to be the creditor (ه of s.o.), have a money claim (ه on s.o.) |داينه بمبلغ خمسة قروش (bi-mablag kamsat q.) he had a claim of five piasters on him IV to lend money (ه to s.o.): to sell on credit (ه to s.o.); to convict, find guilty, pronounce guilty (ه s.o.) V to be indebted, have debts; to subject o.s. (ل to) VI تداينوا بدين (dain) to contract a mutual loan, borrow money from each other X to make or incur debts, take up a loan
دين dain pl. ديون duyūn debt; pecuniary obligation, liability: obligation (Isl. Law); claim (Isl. Law), financial claim |بالدين on credit; رب الدين rabb ad-d. creditor; ديون الحرب d. al-ḥarb war debts: دين مضمون bonded, or funded, debt; دين ممتاز (mumtāz) preferred, or privileged, debt; دين موحد (muwaḥḥlad) consolidated debt; دين مطلق (muṭlaq) debt not bound to the physical person of the debtor, but outliving him (Isl. Law); دين مستغرق (mustagriq) claims against an estate which exceed or equal the assets (Isl. Law)
دينونة dainūna judgment; Last Judgment
الديان ad-dayyān the Judge (attribute of God)
مدينة madīna pl. مدائن madā’in2, مدن mudun town, city; المدينة Medina (city in W Saudi Arabia); see مدن
ادانة idāna verdict of guilty: conviction |صدر الحكم بإدانته ṣadara l-ḥukmu bi-idānatihī he was convicted
استدانة istidāna incurrence of debts
دائن dā’in creditor
مديون madyūn indebted, in debt: obligated, under obligation
مديونية madyūnīya indebtedness obligation
مدين madīn owing; indebted, obligated, under obligation; debtor |مدين بالشكر (šukr) owing gratitude, much obliged; كان مدينا ل to be indebted to s.o., stand in s.o.’s debt
مدين mudīn moneylender, creditor
مدان mudān convicted, found guilty; guilty; judged, condemned
2 دان (دين ) dāna i to profess (ب a religion, a conviction. etc.) | دان بالإسلام to profess Islam; دان بعاداته (bi-‘ādātihī) to adhere to one’s customs V to profess (ب a religion)
دين dīn pl. اديان adyān religion, creed, faith, belief |يوم الدين yaum ad-d. the Day of Judgment
ديني dīnī religious; spiritual |لاديني ir-religious; O العلم الديني science of religion
دين dayyin religious, pious, godly, devout
ديانة diyāna pl. -āt religion; communion, confession, denomination, sect |صاحب الديانة founder of a religion
ديان dayyān pious, godly, devout, religious
تدين tadayyun piety, godliness, devoutness, religiousness, religiosity
متدين mutadayyin pious, godly, devout, religious
متدينة mutadayyina religious community
دينار pl. دنانير danānīr2 dinar, a monetary unit (Ir., Jord.); pl. دنانير money
ديناري dīnārī diamonds (of a deck of cards)
دينامو dīnāmō dynamo, generator
ديناميت dīnāmīt dynamite
O دينم dainam pl. ديانم dayānim2 dynamo, generator
دية see ودى
ديوان pl. دواوين and ديواني see1 دون