Facts About Shia’as

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Facts About Shia’as Author:
Translator: Mohammed I. Ali Shahid
Publisher: Markaz Noor
Category: Debates and Replies

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Facts About Shia’as

Facts About Shia’as

Publisher: Markaz Noor

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Temporary Marriage (Muta’a)

No’man: How do you legitimise yourself ----- you Shia’as ----- Muta’a, yes temporary marriage or truncated marriage when all Muslims have declared it illegitimate!

Rida: As Omar Ibn Khattab says, ‘Rasool Allah legitimised it and permitted it’!

No’man: And how was it?

Rida: Narrates Jahiz50 , Qortubi51 , Sarkhasi al Hanafi52 , Fakhruddin Razi53 , and many other Sunni scholars that Omar in his address said: There were two Muta’a permitted during the age of the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) and I nullify & invalidate them and punish their perpetrators....... Muta’a of Hajj and Muta’a of Woman!

And in the History of Ibn Khalqaan54 , it is written that Omar said: There were two Muta’a permitted during the age of the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) & Abu Bakr and I prohibit them. So what do you say No’man? Do you believe what Omar said that two Muta’a were legitimate during the time of the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) or do you say helied ?

No’man: Of course I believe.

Rida: So are we justified in rejecting what the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) ordered us and accepting what Omar rambled?

No’man: Justified in rejecting Omar’s prohibition!

Rida: Then what does “Prohibitions of Mohammed are Prohibitions till the Day of Judgement and Permissions of Mohammed are Permissions till the Day of Judgement”55 mean and this Hadith being agreed upon by all the sects of Islam without any exception?!

No’man ----- after deep thinking -----: What you say is indeed true, but how do we refuse them? And on what basis is their prohibition based?

Rida: This saying of Omar was only his personal opinion and every such endeavour of Religion requires substantiation from Islam; hence every such endeavour cannot be accepted!

No’man: Even if such endeavour (Ijtihad) is from Omar ibn Khattab?

Rida: Even if it had been from one greater than him! Do you not consider following Commands of ALLAH and the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) is morerightful than following Omar bin Khattab?

No’man: And is there a Verse in Quran for Muta’a and its permissibility?

Rida: Yes, this is what the Lord All Mighty says56 :

فَمَا اسْتَمْتَعْتُم بِهِ مِنْهُنَّ فَآتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ فَرِيضَةً

And as such of them ye had Muta’a withthem, give them their dowries as a fixed reward;

And Allama Ameeni in his book Al Ghadeer has quoted many sources from Sunni books like Musnid Ahmed ibn Hanbal Imam of Hanbali Sect, and others that confirm this Verse was revealed for Muta’a and it was the first Verse permitting it.57

No’man: I was not aware of this before.

Rida: Refer to Al Ghadeer and you shall find more than I have mentioned more than what I have told you about it. So, you give up what ALLAH and HIS Prophet (PBUH & HP) permitted & allowed to take what Omar refused & prohibited? Again, I am in whose Ummah?Ummah of the Holy (PBUH & HP) or Omar?

No’man: Of course from Ummah of the Holy (PBUH & HP) & certainly it is a privilege for Omar to be in the Ummah of the Holy (P.B.U.H. & H.P.)!

Rida: So then what is your stand in accepting saying of the Holy (P.B.U.H. & H.P.)?

No’man: The agreement of all Muslims over the prohibition of Muta’a causes me anguish.

Rida: There is absolutely no agreement between Muslims over this issue at all!

No’man: How so?

Rida: O’ No’man, you know that Shia’as permit Muta’a Al Nisa’a and Shia’as make up more than one - third of Muslims, so what agreement came out from 2 million Muslims and they are Shia’as?58 Again, the Holy Ma’asoomeen (Infallibles) ----- the Progeny of the Holy (PBUH & HP) ----- whom the Holy (PBUH & HP) likened them to Ark of Noah, whosoever boarded it is saved and whosoever keeps away from it is drowned & is lost59 , and he said, “I leave amongst you two weighty things, Book of ALLAH and my Progeny, my Household, never shall they separate until they come back to me on the Fountain (of Kauthar)60 .

These (P.B.U.T.) are those whom if anyone follows succeeds and reaches Truth and those who follow others & back away from them (P.B.U.T.) are from those gone astray and lost...... these (P.B.U.T.) are the ones who permitted Muta’a Al Nisa’a and saw to it that it is not repealed, and the Shia’as took it from them (P.B.U.T.)!

And it is correct when Imam Ameer al Mo’mineen (A.H.S.) declared: Had not Omar banned Muta’a, no one would have fornicated except the cruel61 ....... meaning, Omar banned Muta’a for the reason that people may not know the difference between Muta’a & Temporary (Nikah) Marriage, and most people did not have means enough to have a Permanent (Nikah) Marriage, so people started illicit relations once Muta’a was prohibited.

So where is consensus of Muslims and all these Imams of Muslims who stress upon the validity of Muta’a and its permissibility? Added to this, many of the Companions, and their later followers and Muslims in general, rejected Omar’s banning of Muta’a, basing their opinions upon Holy Quran & suggestion of the Holy (P.B.U.H. & H.P.). I present for you some of those persons and their view - points:

Imran Ibn Haceen: He said....... A Verse for Muta’a was revealed but no Verse ever came repealing it, so ordered us the Holy (PBUH & HP) and we performed Muta’a with him, and he died but did not revoke his order about Muta’a; later the man said what he wished to in its regard.62

Jabir Ibn Abdullah Al Ansari & Abu Sa’eed Al Khudari said..... We performed Muta’a till half the period of Omar until he prohibited it in a case of Amroo Ibn Hareeth.

Abdullah Ibn Maso’od, Addah Ibn Hazam in Mahalla and Zorqani in Sharh Muwatta were those who stood steadfast on legality of Muta’a Al Nisa’a.

Huffaz says..... We were in a Ghazwa with the Holy (PBUH & HP) and we did not have women so we said: O Prophet of ALLAH! Should we castrate ourselves? He prohibited us from doing so and awarded us permission to perform Temporary Nikah and then said63 :

O’ ye who believe! Forbid not (to yourselves) the good things that ALLAH hath made lawful for you and do not transgress the limits; Verily Allah loveth not the transgressors.

Abdullah Ibn Omar: Narrates Ahmed Ibn Hanbal ----- Imam of Hanbali Sect ----- from Abd Al Rahman Ibn Na’am64 Al A’araji who said: A man asked Ibn Omar about Muta’a ----- & I was with him ----- Muta’a Al Nisa’a? So he answered: By ALLAH, in the reign of ALLAH’s Prophet, we were neither fornicators nor immoral65 .

Abu Sa’eed Al Khudari:

Salmah Ibn Omayyah Ibn Khalaf:

Narrated from them Ibn Hazam in Mahalla and Zorkhani in Sharh al Muwatta’.....they both performed Muta’a with women and Temporary marriage.66

Ma’bad Ibn Hazam in Mahalla says he always considered Truncated Marriage as Halal (religious permitted)67 .

Zubair Ibn Awam: Abdullah Ibn Zubair taunted Abdullah Ibn Abbas for his permissibility of Muta’a, so he said, ‘Ask your mother what went on between her and your father’? So Abdullah Ibn Zubair asked his mother and she replied him..... I did not give birth to you but through Muta’a!68 This is a solid proof for Zubair’s proposal of Muta’a Al Nisa’a.

Khalid Ibn Mohajir Ibn Khalid Al Makhzoomi:Says ..... He was sitting with a person when a man came to him and asked for his Fatwa (Religious decree) on Muta’a and he readily gave in its favour. Hearing this, Ibn Abi Omrah Al Ansari said, ‘Wait,wait’ ! Khalid retorted, ‘What is it? By ALLAH, I performed Muta’a during the reign of Imam AlMuttaqeen ..... meaning Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib69 (A.H.S.).

Amroo Ibn Hareeth: Hafiz Abd Al Razzaq took from Ibn Jareeh and mentioned in his Musnif and said...... Abu Zubair informed me quoting Jabir saying, Amroo Ibn Hareeth came to Koofa and performed Muta’a with a Slave Girl and came to me with her & she was pregnant; I asked him and he confessed! He said: This is whence Omar prohibited it!70

And there are many more than these who showed their rejection of Omar’s outlandish blurting against Quran and Prophet’s practice (Sunnah) in banning Muta’a....... like: Obayy Ibn Ka’ab, Rabee’ah Ibn Omayyah, Sameer or Sameerah Ibn Jundub, Sa’eed Ibn Jubair, Ta’oos Al Yamani, Ata’a Abu Mohammed, Sadi, Mujahid, Zafar Ibn Aus Al Madani, and many more from companions, their followers and many pious Muslims. So now O’ No’man I ask you: After all this, do you still say there is consensus among Muslims for opposition to Muta’a?

No’man: I am sorry, pardon me.

I had merely heard what I told you without finding out its truth or its falsity, & now it has dawned upon me that it is imperative upon me that I should search for the facts & get to its origin and its realities free from religious bigotry & bias.

Rida: Do you now embrace the truth that Muta’a is legitimate (Halal) & permitted (Mubah)?

No’man: I accept that this is true and accordingly acknowledge, and I believe that those who declared it to be illegitimate and against Islam were those who did so merely following the dictates of their minds & inclinations of their own emotions / passions! And certainly the Holy Quran is commanding its legitimacy and permissibility without ever banning it.

And clearly neither Omar nor anybody else greater than him has the authority to change or alter Commands of ALLAH and I am almost surprised of Omar how he issued a fatwa against Muta’a when there is absolutely no justification for it.

I plead from you a further request to provide me a list of Books pertaining to this topic so that I can do further research in it and hence never forget it.

Rida: Yes I will give you a list you can write their names and get them from Book Stores or Library...... read them carefully with deep thought anddo not allow fanaticism or bigotry to overcome you while reading.

No’man: Yes, I will do so.

Rida: Al Ghadeer...... by Allama Ameeni, Al Nass Wa Al Ijtihad by Imam Sharaf Al Deen, Al Muta’a by Toufiq Al Fakiki, Al Fusool Al Muhimmah; these are some of the Books.

No’man: I thank you very much, and I pray ALLAH for your well - being.

Rida: Here is another objection to those people who took the utterance of Omar for Muta’a Al Nisa’a.

No’man: What is it?

Rida: Omar prohibited Muta’a Al Nisa’a and Muta’a Al Hajj so then what is the reason that Sunnis accept Muta’a Al Hajj but refuse Muta’a Al Nisa’a? For, if the statement of Omar was correct, then both the Muta’a should have been illegitimate or Haram! And if Omar’s statement was invalid & incorrect, then both the Muta’a should have been perfectly legitimate and Halal!

No’man: And do Sunnis affirm & accept Muta’a Al Hajj?

Rida: Indeed, refer to Books so you know the truth!

No’man: Thank you very much.

Zohr / Asr, Maghrib / Esha’a Prayers together

Mazen: Greetings to you O’ Hassan how are you? For a while I wanted to talk to you.

Hassan: Greetings to you Mazen, how do you do?

Mazen: I wished to talk to you about a problem, but I kept forgetting it; it is about the reason you (Shia’as) pray together Zohr &Asr Prayers and Maghrib & Esha’a Prayers and how do you justify it?

Hassan: O’ Mazen, you shouldbe knowing that the three sects of Islam namely Maliki, Shafa’ei and Hanbali all agree on conjoining Zohr / Asr and Maghrib / Esha’a Prayers while in a journey, but disagree over the same while not in journey like in sickness, due to fear or such similar circumstances. The question of Prayers together and solo is explained clearly in the Holy Quran and Prophet’s practice.

However, somesubstantiations from Shia’a point of view for praying these Prayers together are as follows:

أَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ لِدُلُوكِ الشَّمْسِ إِلَىٰ غَسَقِ اللَّيْلِ وَقُرْآنَ الْفَجْرِ إِنَّ قُرْآنَ الْفَجْرِ كَانَ مَشْهُودًا


Establish Prayer (regularly) from the declension of the sun till the darkness of the night, and the recital at the morn; verily the recital at the morn is witnessed.

As seen above, the Verse commands only three distinct times for Prayers.....

دُلُوكِّ الشَمسِّ Time for Zohr Prayer

غَسَق الليلَ Darkness of night and time for Maghrib and Esha’a Prayer

الفَجرِّ Time for Fajr Prayer

وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ طَرَفَيِ النَّهَارِ وَزُلَفًا مِّنَ اللَّيْلِ إِنَّ الْحَسَنَاتِ يُذْهِبْنَ السَّيِّئَاتِ ذَٰلِكَ ذِكْرَىٰ لِلذَّاكِرِينَ


And establish thou, Prayer in the two ends of the day, and at the approaches of the night, Verily the good deeds take away the evil deeds; this is a reminder for the (believers who are) mindful (of their Lord).

This Verse also describes three Times for the Prayers......

طرفي النهار This is the earliest time of day for Fajr Prayer

طرفي الثاني Time from declension of the sun till the sunset for Zohr &Asr Prayers

زلفي من الليل This is the combined time for Maghrib and Esha’a Prayers

And there are incessant narrations from Abdullah Ibn Abbas and others that the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) always prayed Zohr &Asr and Maghrib / Esha’a Prayers together and never apart when he was neither on a journey nor was there any kind of fear! So he was asked why he prayed so, and he replied: “I did not want of any one (Muslim) to be bothered.”73 There are many such reasons both from Quranic Verses and from Prophet’ (P.B.U.H. & H.P.) sayings.

Mazen: Do I understand from your talk that Prayer times are only three and not five?

Hassan: Yes as I said, Prayer times are three but Prayers are five.

Mazen: But the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) prayed five times and not three as our Scholars say, so wherefrom did you people get the three - time Prayers?

Hassan: If only you delved deep into the narrations I quoted you from your books which you (Sunnis) hold reliable, you would know that the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) never separated Zohr /Asr and Maghrib / Esha’a Prayers and never prayed five times ever, but rather as per the circumstances then prevailing! The Islamic Society those times was in its nascent stage with lots of Wars ( imposed ), Wars in which the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) himself took part called Ghazwa, new Restrictions in the Society etc. in addition to building up the Islamic Nation within and Preaching of the Religion on world level, all these required from the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) care & attention towards the Islamic Ummah its requirements and necessities, hence he may have prayed Zohr & Asr or Maghrib & Esha’a Prayers at four different times as occasion demanded. In the present times, there are no more such conditions and hence it is imperative up on us to follow the Rules set up by the Holy Quran for the Prayers and hence we should pray in the beginning of time for Asr and Esha’a Prayers instead of delaying them from their Time of worthiness (Fadheela)!

Mazen: But if so happens that a person has to pray separately, is he allowed?

Hassan: Yes, for we do not say it is impermissible to pray separately the two Prayers, but we do say that such a practice is against what we have as a principle (to pray together); and it is better for all Muslims to offer their Prayers when its time starts & begins. The end of Zohr brings the start of time for Asr Prayer, as the end of Maghrib brings the starting time for Esha’a.

Mazen: I thank you brother for enlightening me exceedingly and I took praying together of these Prayers as an Innovation as I was told by some people!

Hassan: You should from today, know that Innovation means introducing something in the Religion which is not from Religion like, permitting that which was prohibited and prohibiting that which was permitted, and should know that praying together Prayers of Zohr / Asr and Maghrib / Esha’a does not belong to this detestable idea of Innovation!

Mazen: Yes indeed, I thank you again that you granted me extremely important information I was so unaware of till this day!


Raed: Do you not believe O’ brother the attention you people give to Taqiyya is a kind of hypocrisy & lie?

Hadi: What do you say? Taqiyyah is something sublime & Quranic formulated by ALLAH All Mighty!

Raed: What? Where from? And why does not everyone other than you people, know this?

Hadi: ALLAH says:


He who disbelieveth in ALLAH after his belief in HIM, save he who is compelled while his heart remaineth steadfast with the faith......And this Verse was revealed ------ all Exegetists agree ------ in connection with Ammar Ibn Yasser when he was subjected to severe physical torture by the pagans of Qureish, when he humiliated the holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) openly (but within his heart held to his strong faith of Islam) and apparently praised the idols of Qureish openly. Thus this Verse permitted such an act “of hiding one’s faith during such hard times and praising paganism outwardly”; and Shafa’ei & Malik confess the validity & thus permit Taqiyya inferring directly from this Verse and similar Verses.75

There is another Verse in support of Taqiyya....


Let not believers take the disbelievers as their friends rather than the believers, whoso shall do this then nothing of ALLAH is his except (when) ye (have to) guard yourselves against (them) for fear from them…..

And this provision of Taqiyya is to be utilised only in case of exceptional fear as Tabari, Zamaqshari, Razi, Aalousi & Maraghi have clarified in their exegeses and they are all scholars from your side!

Raed: I never gave attention towards these all my life, butis it to be believed that these Verses are specific for heathens & pagans only whilst practising Taqiyya even with Muslims?

Hadi: The matter is not as you think, because the wisdom in making a statute of Taqiyya was to protect one’s life, one’s wealth and all his belongings and wherever a Muslim comes across such a fear he can observe Taqiyya without making exception whether such fear comes from a Kaafir or a Muslim for some time it has happened that people who name themselves as Muslims have turned out to be more cruel & merciless than Kaafir.

Raed: Is it then possible to forego Prayers in the name of Taqiyya or kill in the name of Taqiyya?

Hadi: No never, for there are conditions when Taqiyya is not applicable whatever be the conditions, like when Islam is in danger, or Laws of Islam are being distorted or there is mortal danger to life; in effect: Taqiyya does not go in every place which leads to any riot, rather it is imperative on a Muslim to take refuge in it in extreme conditions to protect his life, property and his belongings amongst which protection of his faith is essential.

Raed: You have taught me about such matters which always I was unaware of.

Hadi: And how we wish that Sunnis come and converse with us so as to know more about our faith, beliefs and such other things they are ignorant about, which are utilised by enemies of Ahl - e - Bayt (AHS) and enemies of Shia’as to defame & denigrate their reputation & malign them of things which are not in them. And how I wish that all Sunnis become like you brother Raed to know the truth.

Raed: I pray ALLAH for this!

Holy Qur’an

Zohair: Do you have a different Qur’an than this?

Hussain: Are you joking with me Zohair or what?

Zohair: They say that you people have a Qur’an called Mushaf of Ali or Mushaf of Fatima?

Hussain: No, for you know that the word (Mushaf) means whatever is between two binders, & it is applicable to all books in our common lingo; however by constant use it has now come to be associated with Qur’an. But Mushaf of Ali or Mushaf of Fatima means Book of Ali or Fatima and it is not Qur’an as some people imagine due to common wording.

As for Mushaf of Ali (AHS) it is the same Qur’an but consisting of Notes written on it, detailing explanation of every Verse, its meaning, its cause of revelation etc. covering such important aspects like Tenets of Islam, Prayers, day - to - day dealings etc. which Amir Al Mo’mineen (AHS) wrote from his great Teacher Prophet of ALLAH (PBUH & HP) as he has declared: My beloved Prophet of ALLAH (PBUH & HP) taught (opened upon) me 1000 doors of Knowledge and each door opened upon me 1000 upon 1000 doors!

As for Mushaf of Fatima (AHS) it contains details about killings, bloodshed, riots which will come upon the progeny of Fatima Al Zahra (AHS) & Islamic Nation in addition to many predictions about incidents to happen in future, Prayers, Laws & Legislations of Islam etc.; and she collected all these information in her Qur’an of ALLAH All Mighty.

Zohair: What did you say? How did Fatima (AHS) get this from ALLAH?

Hussain:Well ! ..... Angel Gabriel (AHS) was a servant for Ahl - e - Bayt (AHS) and he and other Angels too repeatedly visited the House of Revelation that is, house of Mohammed, Ali Fatima, Hassan & Hussain (Peace & Salawaat of ALLAH on them all) and most of the time, they brought compliments of ALLAH, HIS Salawaat, HIS Blessings and Benedictions to the Holy Ahl - e - Bait (AHS). As Verse 73 from Chapter Hud says:


The Mercy of ALLAH & HIS Blessings be onye O’ People of the House;

But these discussions or dialogues are not termed as Revelation in the sense which is specific for the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) and hence it is not to be taken as Qur’an from the tongue of ALLAH All Mighty. It was mere exchange of words / dialogues between Gabriel & the Angels on one side and between Bibi Fatima (AHS) & Ahl - e - Bayt (AHS) on the other side. This way, Bibi Zahra (AHS) was capable of noting down what she heard from them & from her father the Prophet of ALLAH (PBUH & HP) in this book which came to be known as Mushaf of Fatima (AHS).

Zohair: But how did Gabriel come to Fatima (AHS)? Does this mean that she was from the Prophets that she received Revelations?

Hussain: Absolutely not. It is not that to whosoever Angels talk, is necessarily a Prophet. Angels talked to persons who were not Prophets even, but noble, pious & God - fearing people & this is proven by the Holy Qur’an...... like when Gabriel (AHS) came down to Virgin Mary (AHS) in connection with the birth of Prophet Jesus (AHS). As such, Revelation is not to Prophets only like it was revealed to Mother of Prophet Moses (AHS) where at ALLAH said:


... And revealedWE unto the mother of Moses, saying: “Suckle him......

In the same way it was revealed to the Apostles of Jesus (P.B.U.H.) when ALLAH said:


And when I, revealed unto the disciples, “Believe in Me and Mine Apostles ….

Bibi Fatima (AHS) had an elevated status in the eyes of ALLAH, which was greater than the position of Mother of Moses & the Apostles, as per Holy Prophet’s (PBUH & HP) statement: “Fatima is the chief of women of Paradise”. Hence she received Revelations from ALLAH covering various topics & information and this revelation is not like the Revelations her father the Prophet (PBUH & HP) was specially endowed with. Consequently, this collection & record of the revelations & her dialogues with Gabriel and other Angels in a book (Mushaf) form does not mean that it becomes Qur’an & replaces it.

Zohair: And where is this Mushaf Fatima now?

Hussain: We Shia’as believe that her (AHS) Mushaf is passed as family relic to the Imams from the Progeny of Prophet (AHS) and that it is now with The Awaited Imam who is in Occultation (May ALLAH hasten his reappearance). The Mushaf of Imam Ali (AHS) is also similarly protected, as these are Books which are the inheritance of the Holy Imams, and no one can ever covet them or inherit them; we do not have any other book which has come down from ALLAH All Mighty other than the Holy Qur’an so very well - known among all Muslims!

Zohair: Good, you have uncovered for me a new thing, but do they talk about distortion in the Holy Qur’an?

Hussain: I seek shelter with ALLAH from such a slander, how do you believe in such lie when ALLAH has declared:

Verily have WE sent down zikr and verily shall WE protect it.80

Zohair: People say that you Shia’as have narrations from your Imams clearly pointing to such distortions in Qur’an?

Hussain: No, a thousand times no but we do have a different interpretation for the exegesis of Qur’an and a dissimilar explanation for certain of its words likeوليالأمير81 was revealed for Ali (AHS) and the Holy Imams in his Progeny, and this is corroborated from your books ----- Sunni books ------ also while some say that it means people of حل و عقد meaning thereby problem solvers! But to say there is distortion of words, we do not have it absolutely. But I would say it is very strange O’ Zohair!

Zohair: And what is it?

Hussain: Omar Ibn Khattab and Ayesha both have been quoted in your books, you Sunnis, saying there have been distortions, alterations & modifications in the words of Qur’an.

Zohair: What is your proof?

Hussain: Well...... Omar himself said: Verily ALLAH All Mighty sent Mohammed with Truth and sent Qur’an with him and there was a Verse on ‘Lashing’!82 And Ayesha said: A Verse on ‘Lashing’ and ‘Suckling of children 10 years old’ was revealed and the Qur’an was left under my bed, & when the Prophet died and we got engaged in preparation of the dead, a tamed fowl came and ate it away83 and such other examples. So now where is that Verse on ‘Lashing’? And where is the Verse for ‘Suckling of children ten years old’? And how did a fowl eat it when ALLAH had taken the responsibility of preserving it? And where is the book of Revelation about this?

Please go back to your sources and read thoroughly your books before casting accusations on Shia’as, for every man is answerable for every word & every action of his, to ALLAH who is JUST,

مَّا يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ


...... He pronounceth not a word but is unto him a watcher ready (to record).

The biggest misfortune & the worst calamity is that all these narrations of distortions in the Holy Quran have come from your books which you have named them as the most trustworthy books like Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim and other Saheehs, whilst those narrations and incidents which talk about distortions are subject to scrutiny and confirmation by Religious Scholars and Mujtahideen! And we do not accept every narration written in our books because those were mere collections of narrations & incidents in a book form and there was not much of circulation in those ages to confirm what was ascribed to the Holy Ahl - e - Bait (AHS) with respect to Sayings, Hadith, their Life, and History etc. While your books have an adjective Saheeh added to its name, meaning all what is in it is true and correct! We Shia’as of Ahl - e - Bait (AHS) do not use such word Saheeh for any of our books except for the Holy Qur’an only.

Do you people not consider Saheeh Al Bukhari ------ for example ------ the most correct book after the Book of ALLAH, even take whatever is written in it as beyond suspicion. So then Zohair, do you accept such narration about the Holy Quran being tampered, distorted in its contents, especially being narrated in such books as Saheeh Bukhari?

Zohair: Never ever, impossible!

Companions of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H. & H.P.)

Hussam: Tell me, why do you scandalise the Companions, and criticise & curse them?

Mehdi: Firstly: We are not against every Companion; instead, they & we are Muslims. Secondly: We are Shia’as, and we love & follow in the name of ALLAH and we hate in the name of ALLAH. So whosoever is with ALLAH we are with him and love him & who is against ALLAH we oppose him & hate him. Our model in this regard are the Ahl - e - Bait (AHS) and this is an accepted fact among all Muslims so whoever bears grudge against them or fights or declines their greatness or oppresses them we are not with them, & whosoever loves them, endorses and praises them, we are with them because who loves & follows Ahl - e - Bait (AHS) he is with ALLAH and who is against them, they are against ALLAH; this is as per ALLAH’s dictate:

قُل لَّا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًا إِلَّا الْمَوَدَّةَ فِي الْقُرْبَىٰ

Say thou (O’ Our Apostle Mohammed!) “I demand not of you any recompense for it (the toils of the apostleship) save the love of my relatives”;85

And this is the Command of ALLAH which he placed on the tongue of HIS Prophet...... that the recompense of Prophethood is in the love of Ahl - e - Bait (AHS) & in their devotion.

Hussam: And we also love the Ahl - e - Bait and likewise the Companions who too loved the Ahl - e - Bait (AHS).

Mehdi: Love of Ahl - e - Bait (AHS) as a pre - condition requires firstly: hatred against their enemies and opponents, because the two cannot be together ever and secondly: Love demands following them in action...... Says ALLAH:

قُل لَّا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًا إِلَّا الْمَوَدَّةَ فِي الْقُرْبَىٰ


..... Say (O’ Our Apostle Mohammed!) “If ye love ALLAH, then follow me.....,

These two conditions are not fulfilled by those who say they love the Ahl - e - Bait & their enemies also! Instead, they quote narrations from people other than the Holy Souls & rely more upon them than the Progeny of Prophet (AHS)! And more than this, they try to justify the crimes of some of the Companions under the guise of Ijtihad; so is this not contradiction in what you say?

Hussam: But there is a saying of Prophet of ALLAH (P.B.U.H.

& H.P.): My Companions are like stars, whomsoever you follow, you shall be guided. This Hadith has been quoted by many great Scholars and it clearly is in praise of the Companions.

Mehdi: Firstly: The source of this Hadith is very unreliable for the person who has quoted it is Abd al Raheem Ibn Zaid,

Hamzah Ibn Abi Hamzah al Jazari & Harith Ibn Adheen; as for the first one, he was reviled by the people (Experts on Hadith), because of his weak memory, his lying habit and his unreliability.

The second one was taunted because of his weakness, refusal of Hadith and tampering of Narrations. The third was an illiterate & unaware of Hadith and no one can take a Hadith from an illiterate person and rely upon him.

Secondly: Many Sunni scholars have clarified this Hadith to be false & a lie, from them Ibn Hazam al Andaloosi, (you can refer to Bahr al Muheet), Abu Bakr al Bazzaz, Ibn Jauzi in Elal al Mutanahiya, and Ibn Hanbal in Taqreer and many others. Thirdly: It is confirmed in history that some Companions have cursed each other because some did not know the rules of Faith, or had committed tyranny & oppression; so with all this dark side to them, how can they be stars?! This means that those who followed Ameer al Mo’mineen Ali (AHS) for example, in his fight on the day of Jamal will be guided and at the same time, one who followed Talha & Zubair & Ayesha & Mu’awiyah in the war is also guided!! Is this reasonable? Yes, this means that people who fought & killed are all guided? And all of them are in Paradise also? Means, the killer & the killed in this war & elsewhere are together in Eden?! Hence, the Hadith is invalid from its authenticity of source and its logic; consequently it cannot be relied upon. And I add: This Hadith is narrated from Prophet of ALLAH (PBUH & HP) in respect of his Holy Progeny only, without any of his Companions being mentioned in it; & this is established from many text and independent sources and here is as a model from them, declared the Prophet (P.B.U.H. & H.P.): My family (members) are like Stars, whomsoever is followed, is guided.87

Hussam: Then how did the scholars rely upon it?

Mehdi:Well ..... the Sunnis rely upon narrations which serve their purpose and interests; hence they narrate sayings from Omar Ibn Sa’ad knowing well that he is the killer of Imam Hussain (AHS)!

Hussam: حول و قوة ا اَّلله Please tell me clearly do you people curse the Companions?

Mehdi: Look...... this is a very delicate matter...... as I told you, we are not against all Companions rather against some of those who harmed Ahl - e - Bait (AHS) or hated & detested them or went away from them or fought against them. These are those whom we curse & damnthem, imprecate & execrate them as ALLAH Himself has ordered us to do so!

Hussam: ALLAH ordered you to curse? How?

Mehdi: ALLAH commands in His Book:


Verily those who annoy ALLAH & His Apostle (Mohammed), ALLAH,hath cursed them in this world and the hereafter, and He hath prepared for them a chastisement disgraceful. So this Verse very clearly declares that people who offend ALLAH & His Prophet, certainly will ALLAH curse them and punish them with grievous torture. And in another Verse, He announces:


Verily, those that conceal whatWe have sent of (Our) manifest evidences and guidance, after what We have (so) clearly shown for mankind in the Book, (they are) those that ALLAH doth curse them and (also) curse them (all) those who curse (such ones).

And in this Verse, ALLAH shows the conditions of Curse and that those who conceal the commands & evidences of ALLAH are also cursed along with those who annoy Him & His Prophet (P.B.U.H. & H.P.); thus if it is proved to us that there are those who annoyed & angered ALLAH & His Apostle ----- is there any doubt about cursing & damning them and keeping away from them?!

Hussam: Absolutely not.

Mehdi: Good now allow me to prove to you how some Companions annoyed, irritated and caused untold misery to ALLAH & His Prophet (PBUH & HP)very brieflywe shall refer to Bukhari alone and it is the most correct & authentic book among Sunnis after the Book of ALLAH and whatever is written in it from narrations, sayings, Hadith etc. is correct as per their belief. We shall base the rules of Sunnis on the two sheikhs90 to see: Is cursing them and keeping away from these then is obligatory or not?! Here we shall not take any Shia’a source to prove this matter rather we shall only ask them to accept what is with them from their most correct & authentic books only and the Verses of Holy Qur’an; this is all what we need and it will be proved to all Sunni people that it is compulsory to curse & damn the tyrants of Zahra (AHS) and to keep away from them (out of sheer disgust & hatred).

Firstly: It is mandatory on all Sunnis to confess that Bibi Fatima al Zahra (AHS) was extremely angry with two sheikhs and her anger continued till the day she was martyred and she never made peace with them ever. This is a fact which has been mentioned in Saheeh al Bukhari91 from Book of Maghazi which says: From Ayesha who says, Fatima daughter of the Prophet (PBUH & HP) sent for Abu Bakr to ask him for her inheritance from her father which he had bequeathed to her in Medina (Fa’y), Fadak and what remains from Khums (1/5th) of Khaibar. Abu Bakr replied: Rasool Allah said: We do not leave any inheritance & what we leave is Sadaqa (Alms)!

{Readers should remember that Sadaqa is prohibited for those who are in the Progeny of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H. & H.P.)! This was a cunning way to deny Bibi Fatima (AHS) what rightfully belonged to her!------ From Translator.} So Abu Bakr refused to give anything to Fatima and hence Fatima got extremely angry on him and left him and never again talked to him till she died! And she lived for only 6 months after the demise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) & when she died, her husband Ali buried her in the night and prayed Prayer of the Dead upon her dead body and did not allow Abu Bakr to lead this Prayer. This is what Muslim has also narrated in his Saheeh in Book of Jihad with a minute change of word.

Based on this, we can frame a hypothesis: Fatima was angry on the two sheikhs. Secondly: Sunnis should also have faith that whoever angered Fatima al Zahra (AHS) he has angered Prophet of ALLAH (PBUH & HP) also, as it is mentioned in Saheeh Bukhari92 in the Chapter concerning the Status of Prophet’s Relatives: Said the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.& H.P.): “Fatima is a part of me, so whoever angers her, angers me ”. This same Hadith is in Saheeh Muslim also with a slight change of word …. “Fatima is a part of me, whoever causes her pain, has caused pain to me”. And accordingly we can say: Wrath of Fatima al Zahra = Wrath of Prophet. Thirdly: Sunnis should have faith that wrath of the Prophet (PBUH & HP) unequivocally brings anger of ALLAH. This fact does not require any proof or authentication for any one angers the Prophet of ALLAH makes ALLAH angry and one who causes pain to the Prophet (PBUH & HP) causes distress to ALLAH.

Accordingly we can now say: Wrath of Prophet = Wrath of ALLAH.

Fourthly: It is mandatory on Sunnis to embrace the fact that wrath of ALLAH is tantamount to curse of ALLAH on those upon whom His wrath fell. As such, one who causes mental distress to Him or to HisProphet, he is included in damnation in this world and in the Hereafter, as it is dictated in the Verse below:


Verily those who annoy ALLAH & His Apostle (Mohammed), ALLAH,hath cursed them in this world and the hereafter, and He hath prepared for them a chastisement disgraceful.

This leads us to frame a theorem: Wrath of ALLAH = Damnation of ALLAH.

Fifthly: When we add all the above enunciations it becomes quite clear to us the following: Wrath of Fatima al Zahra =

Wrath of Prophet = Wrath of ALLAH = Damnation of ALLAH. Clearly it means that one who angers or causes mental torture to Fatima al Zahra (AHS) verily he gets damned/cursed in this world and in the Hereafter, and it is permissible ----- no it is obligatory ----- to curse him and to be away from him because he has earned the wrath of ALLAH & His Prophet. And based uponhn all these observations, it is imperative upon all Sunnis to curse & damn every one of those who tortured and oppressed Al Zahra (AHS) and to be away from every one of them.

And we do not wish to bring to notice those immense texts which are in many a books of Sunnis like Musnid Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, Sunan al Nisa’i, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maaja etc. which are flooded with narrations & sources all of which underline the stance taken by Al Zahra (AHS) against the two sheikhs and the rage & anger of ALLAH which necessarily befell these two. But we limit ourselves by quoting this narration mentioned by Ibn Qutaiba al Dainoori in his book ImamahWa Siyasah94 which cites: Abu Bakr & Omar came to Fatima and when they sat down, She turned her face away from them towards the wall ….. She told: Do you (both) see the Hadith you talked about; do you know it and act as per it? They both replied: Yes. She then replied: May ALLAH exacerbate you (both) …. Did you not hear Prophet of ALLAH (PBUH & HP) say: Consent of Fatima is my Consent and Dissatisfaction of Fatima is my Dissatisfaction, who loves Fatima my daughter loves me, who Gratified her Gratified me and who Displeased her Displeased me? They both replied: Yes …. We did hear from the Prophet of ALLAH. She then told: I hold ALLAH and His Angels witness that you both angered me & displeased me and when I meet the Prophet (PBUH & HP) I shall complain against you (both) and by ALLAH I shall curse you both in every Prayer I shall pray!

So now do you know the truth O’ brother Hussam, that we indeed bear grudge and curse everyone who bears grudge against ALLAH and distresses ALLAH, His Prophet and Holy Ahl - e - Bait (AHS)? Do you blame us in this and we merely follow the religious terms made obligatory on us?

Hussam: No, I do not blame you people when I now know the reason of your antagonism towards all these Companions …. Oh how I wish I knew this bitter truth earlier …. !