Man and Universe
Author: Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari
Publisher: Islamic Seminary Publications
Category: General Books
Author: Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari
Publisher: Islamic Seminary Publications
Category: visits: 31446
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- Part 1: Man and Faith
- Chapter 1: Man and Animals
- Awareness and Desire in Animals
- Awareness and Desire in Man
- Basis of the Distinction of Man
- Is Humanity a Superstructure?
- Notes
- Chapter 2: Knowledge and Faith
- Relation Between Knowledge and Faith
- Can Knowledge and Faith Take the Place of Each Other?
- Notes
- Chapter 3: Religious Faith
- Distinctions of Religious Faith
- Effects and Advantages of Faith
- I. Happiness and Delight
- (i) Effort
- II. Role of Faith in the Improvement Of Social Relations
- III. Reduction of Worries
- Chapter 4: School of Thought or Ideology
- Definition and Necessity of Ideology
- Kinds of Ideologies
- In other words, is it absolute or relative?
- Notes
- Chapter 5: Islam - A Comprehensive School
- Causes of Wrong Thinking
- I. Reliance on Conjecture Instead of Sure Knowledge
- II. Bias and Base Desires
- III. Haste
- IV. Traditional Thinking and Looking to the Past
- V- Cult of Personality
- Chapter 6: Sources of Thoughts In Islam
- I. Nature
- II. History
- III. Human Conscience
- Note
- Part 2: Monotheistic Conception of the World
- Chapter 7: Conception of the Universe
- Conception of the World and Perception of the World
- Varieties of World Conception
- Scientific Conception of the World
- Philosophical Conception of the World
- Religious Conception of the World
- How to Judge an Ideology?
- Monotheistic Conception of the World
- Islamic Conception of the World
- Chapter 8: Realistic Conception of the World
- Allah is Absolute Reality and Source of Life
- Integral Characteristics of the World
- (i) Limitation
- (ii) Change
- (iii) Attachment
- (iv) Dependence
- (v) Relativeness
- Attributes of Allah
- Monotheism
- Worship and Adoration
- Definition of Worship
- Spirit of Adoration and Worship
- Chapter 11: Degrees of Monotheism
- I. Unity of the Essence of Allah
- II. Unity of the Attributes of Allah
- III. Unity of the Work of Allah
- IV. Unity in Worship
- Note
- Chapter 10: Man and Unification
- I. Materialistic Theory
- II. Idealistic Theory
- III. Realistic Theory
- Chapter 11: Degrees of Polytheism
- I. Belief in the Plurality of Divine Essence
- II. Plurality of Creatorship
- III. Plurality of Divine Attributes
- IV. Plurality of Worship
- Boundary Between Monotheism and Polytheism
- Unity and Singleness of the World
- Visible and Invisible
- This World and the Next World
- Chapter 12: Profound Wisdom and Divine Justice
- (i) Principle of the self-Existence and Perfection of Allah
- (ii) Principle of Sequence
- (iii) Principle of Generality
- History of the Principle of Justice in Islamic Culture
- Part 3: Revelation and Prophethood
- Chapter 13: Revelation and Prophethood
- Universal Guidance
- Characteristics of Prophets
- (i) Miracles
- (ii) Infallibility
- Immunity from Sins
- Difference Between Prophets and Geniuses
- (iii) Guidance
- (iv) Sincerity of Purpose
- (v) Constructiveness
- (vi) Struggle and Conflict
- (vii) Human Aspect
- (viii) Prophets Having A Divine Legal Code
- Chapter 14: Historical Role of the Prophet
- (i) Education
- (ii) Affirmation of Agreements and Covenants
- (iii) Emancipation from Social Bondage
- Chapter 15: The Object of Prophethood
- Chapter 16: Religion or Religions
- Chapter 17: Finality of Prophethood
- Reasons of the Renewal of Prophethood
- Miracles of the Final Prophet
- Note
- Chapter 18: Miracle of Finality
- Is this occurrence not a supernatural event and a miracle?
- Value and Effect of a Miracle
- Value of a Miracle From the Viewpoint of the Qur'an
- Nature of the Holy Prophet's Guidance
- Chapter 19: The Holy Qur'an
- Great Interest of Muslims in the Holy Qur'an
- Inimitability of the Holy Qur'an
- Various Aspects of the Inimitability of the Holy Qur'an
- Wording of the Holy Qur'an
- Contents of the Holy Qur'an
- Vastness of Meanings
- Allah in the Holy Qur’an
- Man's Relation with Allah
- Qur’an, Tawrat and Injil
- Historical Stories
- The Holy Qur'an and Predictions
- Chapter 20: Distinguishing Features of Islam
- 1. The Methods of Knowing
- (i) Is it possible to identify the truth?
- (ii) What are the Sources of Knowledge?
- (iii) What are the means of Acquiring Knowledge?
- (iv) Subjects of Knowledge
- 2. Conception of the World
- Ideological Aspect
- Chapter 21: The Holy Prophet
- His Childhood
- Abhorrence of Idleness and Lethargy
- Honesty
- Combat with Tyranny
- Family Behavior
- Treatment of Slaves
- Cleanliness and Use of Perfume
- Social Behavior
- Soft as well as Tough
- Worship
- Austerity and Simple Living
- Resolution and Perseverance
- Leadership, Administration and Consultation
- Regularity and Orderliness
- Capacity to Listen to Criticism and Dislike of Flattery and Undue Compliments
- Fight Against Weak Points
- Possession of the Necessary Qualities of Leadership
- Method of Preaching
- Encouragement of Knowledge
- Part 4: Man and the Holy Qur'an
- Chapter 22: Man and the Holy Qur'an
- Merits of Man
- Demerits of Man
- Is Man By Nature Good or Bad?
- Multi-dimensional Being
- Diverse Powers of Man
- Self-Consciousness
- Promotion of Talents
- Development of Body
- Development of Soul
- Man's Effective Role in Building His Future
- (i) Extensiveness of the range of his information
- (ii) Extensiveness of the range of his desires
- (iii) Man has a special self-making ability
- Man's Will and Range of His Freedom
- (i) Heredity
- (ii) Natural and Geographical Environment
- (iii) Social Atmosphere
- (iv) History and Time Factors
- Man's Revolt Against Limitations
- Man and Divine Fate
- Man and Obligations
- (i) Puberty
- (ii) Sanity
- (iii) Knowledge and Awareness
- (iv) Ability and Power
- (v) Power of Choice and free-Will
- Conditions of Validity
- Chapter 23: Human Knowledge
- I. Innate Self-Consciousness
- II. Philosophical Self-consciousness
- III. Universal Self-consciousness
- IV. Class Self-consciousness
- V. National Self-consciousness
- VI. Human Self-consciousness
- VII. Mystic Self-Consciousness
- VIII. Prophetic Self-Consciousness
- Note
- Part 5: Society and History
- Society and History
- Introduction
- What is Society?
- Is Man Social By Nature?
- Is the Existence of Society Real and Substantial?
- Society and Tradition
- Compulsion or Volition
- Note
- Chapter 25: Social Classification
- Singleness or Multiplicity of Societies
- Future of Societies
- Chapter 26: What is History?
- Scientific History
- I. Reliability or Unreliability of Transmitted History
- II. Principle of Causation
- III. Is History Materialistic in Nature?
- Basic Principles of Historical Materialism
- I. Priority of Matter over Spirit
- II. Precedence of Material Needs to Spiritual Needs
- III. Precedence of Action to Thought
- IV. Precedence of Social Existence of Man to His Individual Existence
- V. Precedence of Material Aspect of Society to Its Intellectual Aspect
- Conclusions
- Criticism and Comments of Historical Materialism
- i) Baselessness
- (ii) Revision of Views by Its Founders
- (iii) Demolition of the Principle of Compulsory Harmony Between Infrastructure and Superstructure
- (iv) Nonconformity of the Basis of Class Ideology
- (v) Independence of Cultural Development
- (vi) Historical Materialism Is Self-contradictory
- Note
- Chapter 27: Islam and Historical Materialism
- Comments
- Notes
- Chapter 28: Islamic Philosophy of History
- I. Strategy of Mission
- II. An Ideology's Nomenclature
- III. Favourable and Unfavourable Conditions for Acceptability
- (i) Justice and Injustice
- (ii) Unity And Discord
- (iii) Observance or Disregard of Allah's Command About Exhorting to What is Good and Restraining from What is Evil
- (iv) Moral Depravity and Licentiousness
- Notes
- Chapter 29: Evolution and Change in History
- I. The Racial Theory
- II. The Geographical Theory
- III. Theory of Intellectual Giants
- IV. The Economic Theory
- V. The Divine Theory
- The Role of Personality in History
- Notes
- Part 6: Imamat and Khilafat
- Chapter 30:Imamat and Khilafat
- Leadership
- Imamat and Dialectic Logic
- An Extract From Notes
- Leadership and Protection of Faith
- Notes
- Chapter 31: Imamat - Leadership
- Difference Between Guidance and Leadership
- Imamat of the Holy Imams and the Tradition of Thaqalayn
- Imamat and Hadith of Thaqalayn
- Notes
- Chapter 32: Significance of Imamat
- The Meaning of Imam
- Various Aspects of the Holy Prophet
- Imamat in the Sense of Leadership of Society
- Imamat in the Sense of Religious Authority
- Imamat in the Sense of Wilayat
- A Tradition about Imamat
- Imamat in the Holy Qur'an
- Chapter 33: Imamat and Expounding of Religion
- Government is a Branch of Imamat
- Imam is the Successor of the Holy Prophet in Expounding of Religion
- The Tradition of Thaqalayn
- Prohibition of Recording of Traditions
- Use of Analogy
- Analogy From the Shi'ah Point of View
- No Question of Election in the Presence of an Infallible Imam
- Question of Spiritual Wilayat
- Importance of the Tradition of Thaqalayn
- The Tradition of Ghadir
- Note
- Chapter 34: Scholastic Study of Imamat
- Definition of Imamat
- Rational Argument of the Shi'ah
- Imam Means An Expert in Religious Matters
- Infallibility
- Divine Designation
- Prophetic Texts Relating to Imamat of Imam Ali
- The Event of the Day of Warning
- Meeting of the Head of a Tribe With the Holy Prophet
- The Tradition of Ghadir and Its Continuity
- Question and Answer
- Notes
- Chapter 35: Imamat and the Verse regarding Despair of Unbelievers
- Difference Between Perfection and Completion
- Which Day Is Meant By This Day?
- (i) The Day the Holy Prophet was Raised
- (ii) The Day of the Conquest of Makkah
- (iii) Recitation of Surah al-Baraat by Imam Ali
- Shi'ah Explanation
- (iv) Internal Evidence Existing In the Verse
- Specific (Mohkamat) and Ambiguous (Mutashabihat) Verse
- Question and Answer
- Notes
- Chapter 36: Imamat in the Qur’an
- Special Position of the Verses Relating to the Prophet's Progeny
- The Verse of Tathir (Purification)
- Reason
- Historical Evidence
- What The Gnostics Say?
- The Concept of Imamat
- Imam In Prophet Ibrahim's Progeny
- Prophet Ibrahim's Trials - Command to Migrate to Hijaz
- Command to Slaughter His Son
- Imamat Is A Divine Covenant
- Who is a Wrongdoer?
- Questions and Answers
- Notes
- Chapter 37: Imamat from the Viewpoint of the Imams
- What Kind of a Being is Man?
- First Man in the Qur’an
- Zayd ibn Ali and Imamat
- Questions and Answers
- Note
- Chapter 38: Notes on Leadership and Management
- Style of Leadership
- Notes On Leadership In Islam
- Leadership and Management
- Imamat of Imams
- Notes
- Part 7: Eternal Life
- Life of the Next World
- Source of Belief in the Life of the Next World
- Nature of Death
- After Death
- Barzakh or Purgatory
- Resurrection
- Relation Between This Life and the Next
- Embodiment and Eternity of Human Deeds
- Traditions (Ahadith)
- Common and Uncommon Points of This Life and the Next
- Arguments of the Qur’an