The Glorious Qur’an, Translated with Commentary of Divine Lights Volume 1

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Category: Quran Interpretation

The Glorious Qur’an, Translated with Commentary of Divine Lights

Author: Ali Muhammad Fazil Chinoy

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The Glorious Qur’an, Translated with Commentary of Divine Lights

The Glorious Qur’an, Translated with Commentary of Divine Lights Volume 1


The Glorious Qur’an, translated with Commentary of Divine Lights Set 1

Author(s): Ali Muhammad Fazil Chinoy

The Glorious Qur’an, translated with Commentary of Divine Lights by Ali Muhammad Fazil Chinoy. Set 1, Manzil 1, from Surah al-Fatiha (1) to the end of Surah al-Nisa’ (4).


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The composing errors are not corrected.

Table of Contents

Foreword 8

Surah al-Fatihah, Chapter 1 10

Moral 10

Notes 10

Surah al-Baqarah, Chapter 2 11

Verses 1-7 11

Moral 11

Verses 8-20 11

Moral 13

Verses 21 – 29 13

Moral 14

Verses 30 – 39 15

Moral 16

Verse 40 16

Verses 41 – 46: First Five Books of the Old Testament 16

Moral 17

Verses 47 – 59 17

Moral 19

Verses 60 – 61 19

Moral 19

Verses 62 – 71 20

Moral 21

Verses 72 – 82 21

Moral 22

Verses 83 – 86 22

Moral 23

Verses 87 – 96 23

Moral 25

Verses 97 – 103 25

Moral 26

Verses 104 – 112 26

Moral 27

Verses 113 – 129 28

Moral 30

Verses 130 – 141 30

Moral 32

Verses 142 – 147 32

Moral 33

Verses 148 – 152 34

Verses 153 – 163 34

Moral 36

Verses 164 – 167 36

Moral 37

Verses 168 - 176 37

Moral 38

Verses 177 – 182 39

Verses 183 – 188 39

Verses 189 – 196 41

Moral 42

Verses 197 – 210 42

Moral 44

Verses 211 – 216 44

Moral 45

Verses 217 – 221 45

Moral 46

Verses 222 – 228 47

Moral 48

Verses 229 – 231 48

Moral 49

Verses 232 – 235 50

Moral 51

Verses 236 – 242 51

Verses 243 – 248 52

Moral 53

Verses 249 – 252 53

Verse 253 54

Moral 54

Verses 254 – 247 55

Moral 55

Verses 258 – 261 56

Moral 57

Verses 261 – 266 57

Moral 58

Verses 267 – 273 58

Moral 59

Verses 274 – 281 59

Moral 60

Verses 282 – 283 61

Moral 62

Verses 284 – 286 62

Moral 62

Notes 63

Surah Ali Imran, Chapter 3 66

Verses 1-9 66

Moral 67

Verses 10 – 20 67

Moral 68

Verses 21 – 30 68

Moral 70

Verses 31 – 41 70

Moral 71

Verses 42 – 54 72

Moral 73

Verses 55 – 63 73

Moral 74

Verses 64 – 80 74

Moral 76

Verses 81 – 91 77

Moral 78

Verses 92 – 101 78

Moral 79

Verses 102 – 109 79

Moral 80

Verses 110 – 120 81

Verses 121 – 143 82

Verses 144 – 148: A Case of Contravening Covenant – Punishment Hell 85

Moral 85

Verses 149 – 155 85

Moral 87

Verses 156 – 171 87

Moral 89

Verses 172 - 180 89

Moral 90

Verses 181 – 189 90

Moral 91

Verses 190 – 200 92

Moral 93

Notes 93

Surah al-Nisa’, Chapter 4 96

Verses 1 – 10 96

Moral 97

Verses 11 – 14 97

Moral 98

Verses 15 – 22 99

Verse 23 100

Verses 24- 25: Temporary Marriage 101

Moral 101

Verses 26 – 33 101

Moral 102

Verses 34 – 42 102

Moral 104

Verses 43 – 50 104

Moral 105

Verses 51 – 59 105

Moral 107

Verses 60 – 70 107

Moral 108

Verses 71 – 76 108

Moral 109

Verses 77 –87 110

Moral 111

Verses 88 – 91 111

Verses 92 – 96 112

Moral 113

Verses 97 – 100 114

Verses 101 – 104 114

Moral 115

Verses 105 – 112 115

Moral 116

Verses 113 – 115 116

Moral 117

Verses 116 – 126 117

Moral 118

Verses 127 – 134 118

Moral 119

Verses 135 – 141 120

Moral 121

Verses 142 – 152 121

Verses 153 – 162 122

Moral 124

Verses 163 – 171 124

Moral 125

Verses 172 – 176 126

Moral 126

Notes 127

Appendix 1: Doctrines of Shia Faith 129

Note 131


In attempting to translate and compile a brief Shia Commentary in English, so far none done, reference has been made to the Urdu Commentary, viz. “Umdatul Bayan” and “Translation of the Glorious Qur’an by the late Syed Maqbool Ahmad of Delhi” who has restricted its exposition to Divine Lights (The Immaculate Ahl al-Bayt), heavenly born, inspired by Divinity, to exemplify in person, Divine Philosophy of the Text, and who shall bear witness to human acts. Each of his own age as also claimed by Jesus (vide St. John Chap. 7:7 – 8, Chap. 8:16). Their connection with Divine Text will continue to the Day of Reckoning.

Their exposition is genuine and avoids those exponents of other sects in Islam, to do away with litigation which is not the object aimed at here.

To shape the conduct and code of life of Readers, morals are drawn to properly understand the ethical value propounded in Divine Philosophy of the Glorious Qur’an, which is both a science and an art, at the same time. In fact, critical study of the lives of these Divine Lights, rightful exponents of the Text, will give a sound training in solution of problems of everyday life.

Following the Life of Ali, who is a hero of the Text, with that of the remaining members of the Ahl al-Bayt, about whose affection the prophet so often reiterated are inseparably connected tenets of the Shia sect, and their cult in Islam is absolutely based on their guidance.

The mighty ceremony in the Valley of Khum, consecrated by the Prophet on 18/12/9th Hijra, under Divine Commands, during his final pilgrimage is held to a great festival with the Shia sect. The sermon of the Prophet on that day, being of great importance with Shias has been brought under “Appendix A” in this Commentary.

Advantage of sermons of Shia preachers, occasionally visiting Hyderabad-Dn has been taken in for the elucidation, and on the ethical side, relative reference has been made in the New Dictionary of Thoughts to learned Divines.

As the composition and correction of prrofs of Divine Text and translation have been carried out singly, no pretensions to their freedom fromslips a failings, no pretensions to their freedom from slilps and falingins, otherwise, have been filed; rather benevolence of Shia perusers has been carved by corrections thereof.

To make it within reach of possible poket of every English knowing Shia faithful, actual expenses incurred in purchase of cheapest material, and meeting printing in charges consistent with its life and neatness, have been added to arrive at the rate, now offered at I.G. Rs. 0-2-d per set of 16 sheets bound of Arabic and English, in limited copies (1000) at Rs. v/8._ for the entire set (amount payable strictly in cash advance postage extra). In order to enable monthly purchase few hundreds of them, in suitable sets, will be issue. Those desirous of going to the whole text may please get their names registered with the undersigned.

Ali Mohammad Fazil Chinoy

11-8-437, Red Hills, Hyd


25th December, 1954

Surah al-Fatihah, Chapter 1

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ{1}

1. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِين {2}

2. All Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all creation.

الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ {3}

3. The Merciful, the Compassionate.

مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّين {4}

4. Sovereign (sole) of day of reckoning.

إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ {5}

5. To You do we worship and from You do we seek help.

اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيم {6}

6. Lead us through the1 right path.

صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ {7}

7. The path of those on whom You have endowed bounties and not those on whom befell Your wrath nor those who have deviated from the right path.


1. This Surah was twice revealed and is repeated twice daily in prayers; it claims all kinds of praise to God Who created humans and endowed on them wisdom to obey Him and is merciful to the forgiven, i.e. one who commits sins, is penitent and undoes evil and is forgiven under Divine Grace.

2. He is Sole Judge of Reckoning Day, faith in which will make every one fear Him, pray to Him and pray for help from Him to keep on an approved path of the virtuous against the offenders and misguided (condemned to Hell) who falsified and disobeyed His commands and Adopted other leaders than those Immaculate appointed by God.2


1. Fine sword like sharp path, leading to guidance.

2. If personified, they represent Ahl al-Bayt.

Note: Beginning of every Surah in Name of God is a couplet.