NAFASUL MAHMOOM; Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala

NAFASUL MAHMOOM;  Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala0%

NAFASUL MAHMOOM;  Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala Author:
Translator: Aejaz Ali Bhujwala (Al-Husainee)
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Imam Hussein
ISBN: 964-438-654-X

NAFASUL MAHMOOM;  Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala

Author: Sheikh Abbas Al-Qummi
Translator: Aejaz Ali Bhujwala (Al-Husainee)
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 964-438-654-X
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NAFASUL MAHMOOM; Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala
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NAFASUL MAHMOOM;  Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala

NAFASUL MAHMOOM; Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 964-438-654-X

Imam Husayn (a.s.)’s halt at the ground of Karbala, Umar bin Sa’ad’s entry, and the circumstances therein

When Imam Husayn (a.s.) stopped at the plain of Karbala, (Kamil) he in­quired as to what was the name of the place. People replied that the place was known as “Aqar.” Imam said,

“Almighty Allah! We seek your refuge from Aqar” (Aqar means barren, sterile).

Sibt ibn Jawzi has written in his Tazkirah, that Imam Husayn (a.s.) asked as to what was the name of the place. They replied that it was Karbala and was also called Ninawa, which was a village therein. Then Imam started weeping and said: Umm Salama has informed me, that one day Jibra’eel came to the presence of Prophet Muhammad (S), and you (Imam Husayn) were with me. Suddenly the Prophet said, “Leave my child”, hearing this I left you and the Prophet made you sit on his lap. Jibra’eel asked him, “Do you cherish this child”?

The Prophet replied in the affirmative. Then Jibra’eel said, “Your Ummah will kill him, and if you desire I shall show you the earth of the place where he shall be martyred.” The Prophet showed his willingness to do so. Then Jibra’eel spread his wings towards Karbala and showed the Prophet the place.

Thus when Imam Husayn (a.s.) was told that the name of the place was Karbala, he smelt the earth and said,

“This is the same place regarding which Jibra’eel had informed the Prophet, and I shall be killed herein.”

Then Sibt ibn Jawzi relates from Sha’bi, that when Imam Ali (a.s.) was proceeding towards Siffīn, he came face to face with Ninawa, which was a village near the river Euphrates. Imam halted there and commanded his companion, who had the job of providing water for ablutions that,

“Tell me the name of this place.”

He replied that it was called Karbala. Hearing this he wept bitterly until the earth became wet with his tears. Then he said,

“One day I went to the presence of the Holy Prophet (S) when he was weeping and asked him as to what made him weep.”

He replied,

“At this moment Jibra’eel came to me and informed me that my son Husayn will be killed at a place called Karbala near the river Euphrates. Then Jibra’eel lifted a handful of earth and gave it to me, I smelt it, thus I could not control my tears.”

Furthermore it is related in Biharul Anwar from Kharaej, that Imam Muhammad al Baqir (a.s.) says, that one day Imam Ali (a.s.) went out with his com­panions one or two miles away from Karbala. Then he advanced further until he reached a place called Maqdafan and started wandering there. Then he said,

“Two hundred Prophets and the progeny of the Prophets have been martyred at this place, and this the halting station, the place of martyr­dom of the felicitous martyrs, which has not been acquired by the ancient, while those after them shall not reach it too.”

(Malhoof) When Imam Husayn (a.s.) reached that place, he asked as to what was the name of that place. People replied that it was called Karbala. Imam said,

“O Allah! I seek your refuge from Karb (Grief) and Bala (trials)”

Then he said,

“Grief and trial dwells herein, hence alight down, and this is our halting place. Here will our blood be shed and here shall we be buried. My Grandfather, the Prophet of Allah (S) has foretold me regarding it.”

Everyone complied to his order and dismounted, while Hurr too pitched his tents with his companions at another place.

(Kashful Ghummah) Everyone complied to his orders and dismounted and off-loaded their equipments, while Hurr dismounted his army opposite Imam Husayn (a.s.). Then Hurr wrote to Ubaydullah informing him that Imam Husayn (a.s.) had halted at Karbala.

It is stated in Murujuz Zahab, that Imam Husayn (a.s.) proceeded towards Karbala accompanied by five hundred horsemen and around a hundred on foot from his family and companions.

It is related in Biharul Anwar from Manaqib that Zuhayr bin Qayn said, “Take us along, so that we may halt at Karbala near the bank of the river Euphrates, and we shall halt there. Then if they fight us, we shall fight them and seek help from Allah.” Tears rolled down the eyes of Imam and he said,

“O Allah! I seek your refuge from Karb (grief) and Bala (trials).”

Imam settled therein and Hurr dismounted too facing him with a thousand soldiers. Then Imam ordered that pen and paper should be brought and he wrote a letter to the affable chiefs of Kufa:

“From Husayn bin Ali, to Sulayman bin Surad, Musayyab bin Najabah, Rufa’ah bin Shaddad, Abdullah bin Wa’al and the group of believers. Now then! You very well know that the Holy Prophet in his lifetime said that the one who witnesses a cruel and oppressive ruler… (till the end as narrated, which has been related earlier in context of his sermon delivered in the presence of his companions and that of Hurr’s.)”

Then he folded the paper and affixing his seal over it, handed it over to Qays bin Mushir Saydawi … (till the end, which has already been related earlier.)

When he received the news of the Martyrdom of Qays, tears flowed from his eyes and he said,

“O Allah! Assign an exalted station for me and my fol­lowers (Shi’ah) near You. And assemble us into the place of repose of Your Mercy, for You have power over all”

Then one of the companions from among the followers (Shi’ah) viz. Hilal bin Nafe’ Bajali1 leapt forward and said, “O son of the Prophet of Allah! Your grandfather, the Prophet of Allah (S), could not force his affection into the hearts of all men, nor could he bring people to his command, for there were hypocrites among them, who would say that they would assist him but in their hearts intended to deceive him.

Their attitude was sweeter than honey in his presence and behind his back they were bitter than Colocynth, until the Almighty Allah summoned the Prophet to Himself. And your father was similar to him. A group of people united to assist him but later he had to fight the Nakeseen, the oppressive Qaseteen and the perverse Mareqeen.2

Then the end of Imam Ali (a.s.) came and he proceeded towards the bliss of Paradise. And now today those with us are similar to those people of that day. And the people have not broken off the pledge and the allegiance, except that they have done loss to none other than their own selves, and Allah has made us independent of them. You may, with sobriety and welfare, take us to whichever place you desire, whether it be in the east or the west. By Allah! We do not fear the decree of Allah, nor do we despise His meeting. We shall take the opportunity with our determination and sightedness, and will befriend your friends and will bear enmity with your enemies.”

Then Burayr bin Khuzayr Hamadani arose and said, “By Allah! O son of the Prophet of Allah (S)! Allah has graced us through you that we may be cut to pieces in front of you and on the day of Qiyamah your Grandfa­ther would intercede for us. The one who has betrayed the grandson of their own Prophet, shall not find salvation. Fie upon them for what they shall see tomorrow in Qiyamah, and shall groan and wail in (the fire of) hell.”

Then Imam Husayn (a.s.) gathered his sons, brothers, relatives around him and wept for some time and said,

“O Allah! We are the progeny of Your Prophet. These people have dragged us out of our houses and have driven us and have constrained us from the place of our Grandfather (Madina). The Bani Umayyah have oppressed us. O Allah! Take away our rights from them and help us over these tyrants.”

Then he proceeded from there and on Wed­nesday or Thursday entered Karbala on the second of Muharram 61 A.H. Then he turned towards his companions and said,

“People are the slaves of this world and Religion is only a lip-service for them, and they will take care of it until it is pleasurable, and when the crucible of trials approaches, only a few religious ones remain.”

Then he asked,

“Is this place Karbala”?

The people replied in the affirma­tive. He said,

“This is the place of grief and trials and this is the place of the resting of our Camels, our halting place, station of our martyrdom and where our blood shall be spilled.”

Then they dismounted there, and Hurr accompanied with a thousand men too alighted facing him. Then he wrote to Ubaydullah bin Ziyad saying that Husayn had encamped at Karbala.

Ubaydullah bin Ziyad’s letter to Imam Husayn (a.s.)

“Now then O Husayn! I have been informed that you have halted at Karbala. Yazid has written to me not to recline my head on the bed and not be sati­ated until I send you to Allah, or you submit yourself to me and Yazid bin Mu’awiyah. Greetings.”

When his letter reached Imam Husayn (a.s.), he read it and threw it away saying,

“The one who seeks the pleasure of people against the displeasure of Allah can never succeed.”

The messenger asked him the reply for the letter, to which Imam said,

“He has no reply, but has the wrath (of Allah).”

When the messenger reached Ubaydullah and conveyed the Imam’s message to him, he was infuriated and looked towards Umar bin Sa’ad and appointed him to fight with Imam Husayn (a.s.). Before that Ubaydullah had given the governorship of Ray to Umar bin Sa’ad, thus when Umar excused himself, Ubaydullah told him to return the post bestowed upon him. Umar asked for respite and thereafter agreed in fear of the governorship being taken away from him.

The author says that this (Umar bin Sa’ad’s excuse to Ubaydullah not to fight) seems unlikely to me. The reliable biographers and historians have mutually agreed that Umar bin Sa’ad reached Karbala one day after Imam Husayn (a.s.) entered therein, and it was the day of third of Muharram (thus it proves that he was prepared for it from the very beginning).

Shaikh Mufeed, Ibn Aseer and others relate that Umar bin Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas left Kufa towards Karbala the next day accompanied by an army of four thousand horsemen. Ibn Aseer says that the reason of Umar bin Sa’ad going to Karbala, was that Ubaydullah bin Ziyad had sent him on duty to Dashti, with a well-equipped army of four thousand, for the people of Daylam had gained control over it and secondly that Ubaydullah had given him authority over Ray. Umar bin Sa’ad had made Hammamul A’ayan as his encampment.

When the matter of Imam Husayn (a.s.) reached here, Ubaydullah called Umar bin Sa’ad and said, “Go and confront Husayn and after accom­plishing our task, return back to your position.” Umar bin Sa’ad tried to excuse himself when Ubaydullah said, “Very well, then you may return back what has been conferred upon you.”

When Ubaydullah said this Umar replied, “Give me respite for today so that I may take a decision”, saying this he left and asked the opinion of his well-wishers, all of whom advised him to refrain from it. His nephew Hamza bin Mugheera bin Sha’bah came to him and said, “I request you in the name of Allah not to confront Husayn, for by doing this you will be sinning and severing the bonds of relationship with him. By Allah! Even if you have to leave this world, the wealth and the kingdom upon the earth, it is better for you than go to the presence of the Almighty Allah with the blood of Husayn upon your neck.”

Umar replied that he would not do so and he spent the entire night pondering upon it saying, “Could I decline the governorship of Ray, while it is my dream, or should I return back blamed for killing Husayn? Should I kill him, then I will wind up in the hell from which there is no escape, while the governor­ship of Ray is the refreshment of my eyes.”

Then he returned to Ubaydullah and said, “You have deputed me for this task and all the people have heard it. If you desire send me for this job, otherwise send someone else against Husayn from the noblemen of Kufa, who would be better than me”, then he named some of them. Ubaydullah replied, “If I have to send someone else I will not ask your opinion, then now if you are ready to go to Karbala with the command over our army, do so, or else return back the post which we have conferred upon you.” Hearing this Umar replied, “I myself will go”, saying this he proceeded until he en­camped opposite Imam Husayn (a.s.).

The author says that what Imam Ali (a.s.) had predicted came out to be true. Sibt ibn Jawzi in his Tazkirah relates that the eminence of Imam Ali (a.s.) became apparent here. One day he met Umar bin Sa’ad, who was a young lad at that time, and said,

“Woe be to you O son of Sa’ad! What would be your state at the moment when you will be standing between Paradise and hell and you shall choose the hell.”

When Umar reached Karbala, he halted at Ninawa.

(Irshad) When Umar bin Sa’ad reached Karbala, he called Urwah bin Qays Ahmasi and said, “Go to Husayn and ask him as to why he has come here and what he desires.” He replied that he was ashamed to go, for he was among those who had written to the Imam inviting him to come. Then when Umar put the same offer to whomsoever in his army, they all refused, for they were among those who had written to Imam. Then Kaseer bin Abdullah Sha’abi, who was a brave man and would never turn his face away from any task, arose and said, “I shall go and if you desire I shall kill him.”

Umar replied, “I do not desire his murder, then go to him and ask him the reason as to why he has come here.” Kaseer went until Abu Samamah Saedi saw him and said, “May Allah reconcile you O Aba Abdillah! The man is coming towards you, who is the worst among the dwellers of this world and who is the boldest and who had shed the most blood among them.”

Then Abu Samamah himself arose and went up to him and told him to keep his sword down. He refused to do so and said, “I am only a messenger, then if you desire, I shall convey it to you or else I shall return back.” Abu Samamah said, “In that case I shall keep my hand over the hilt of your sword then you may deliver your message.” He said, “No, I shall not let your hand reach there.” Abu Samamah said, “Then deliver your message to me and I shall convey it to Husayn, but I shall not let you go to him for you are a wicked man.” Then they started abusing one another until Kaseer returned back to Umar bin Sa’ad and informed him.

Umar called for Qurrah bin Qays Hanzali and said, “Woe be to you! Go to Husayn and ask him as to why he has come here and what he desires.” When Imam saw Qurrah he asked,

“Does anyone know this man”?

Habib bin Mazahir replied, “Yes, he is from the Hanzala clan of Tameem, and is the son of our sister. I had known him to be a believer and had never thought that he would come here like this.” Qurrah came and saluted the Imam and delivered the message of Umar. Imam replied,

“The people of your town have written to me and requested me to come here. Then if you hate my presence I shall return back.”

Then Habib bin Mazahir said, “Woe be to you O Qurrah! Are you returning back to the oppressive ones? Then assist this man because of whose Fathers Allah will favor you.” Qurrah replied, “I shall return back and convey Imam’s message to Umar and think over it.” He returned back and conveyed to Umar what Imam had told him. Then Umar said, “I hope that Allah will spare me from fighting him.”

Then he wrote to Ubaydullah: “In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful. Now then! When I reached my destination, I sent a messenger towards Husayn asking him as to why he came here and what he desired. He replied that the people of this town had written to him and sent messengers inviting him, hence he has come here. He says that if these people do not like my presence and have turned against their words, which were conveyed to me by their messengers, I shall return back.” Hassan bin A’ez Asabi says, that I was present there when Umar’s letter reached Ubaydullah. When Ubaydullah read the letter, he said, “When he has got trapped in our claws, he hopes to escape, now there is no escape.”

Then he wrote back to Umar bin Sa’ad: “Now then! I have received your letter, and I have understood whatever you have written therein. Offer a proposal to Husayn that he and his companions should take the pledge of allegiance to Yazid. Then if he does so, we shall see what is to be done. Greetings.” When Umar received the letter he said, “I had feared that Ubaydullah would not seek fairness.”

Muhammad bin Abi Talib says, that Umar bin Sa’ad did not convey this propo­sal of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad to Imam Husayn (a.s.), for he knew that the Imam would never pledge his allegiance to Yazid. Then Ubaydullah ordered all men to gather at the great mosque of Kufa. Then he came out, mounted the pulpit and said, “O people! You have very well tested the family of Abu Sufyan, and you have found them such as you desired them (to be). This is the commander of the faithful Yazid, who is well-behaved, a person with a pleasant countenance and kind to his subjects. He bestows rights upon everyone and the roads are safe in his kingdom. And similar was his father Mu’awiyah in his own time. And after him his son Yazid too respects the slaves of Allah and makes them rich with wealth and honors them. He has increased your rights by a hundred times and has commanded me to increase it further and prepare you to fight his enemy Husayn. Then listen to him and obey his orders.” Saying this he alighted the pulpit and distributed abundant gifts among people and dispatched them to assist Umar bin Sa’ad against Husayn.

(Manaqib) Ubaydullah started dispatching troops to Karbala until twenty thousand horsemen (Malhoof) gathered with Umar bin Sa’ad till the sixth of Muharram. (Tasleeyatul Majalis) Then Ubaydullah sent someone to Shabas bin Raba’ee saying, “Come to me so that I may dispatch you to fight Husayn.” He pretended to be sick and excused himself.

Ubaydullah sent him a letter stating: “Now then! My messenger has informed me that you pretend to be sick, and I fear lest you be one of those who “when they meet with those who believe, they say ‘we believe’, but when they go apart to their devils, they say, ‘surely we are with you, verily we did but mock’” (Surah al-Baqarah, 2:14)

Then if you persist in our obedience, hasten to come to us.”

Shabas came after the Prayers of Isha, so that Ubaydullah may not see his face, which was free of any illness. When Shabas came, Ubaydullah welcomed him and made him sit near him and said, “I desire that you go to fight that man (Husayn) and thus assist Umar bin Sa’ad.” Shabas replied that he would surely do so (Manaqib) and he dispatched him with an army of one thousand horse-men.

(Irshad, Tabari) Then Ubaydullah wrote to Umar bin Sa’ad: “Now then! Prevent Husayn and his companions from getting water. They should not get a single drop of water as was done with (Caliph) Usman bin Affan.”

Umar bin Sa’ad immediately sent ‘Amr bin Hajjaj with five hundred horse-men to go to the bank of the river Euphrates and block the supply of water for Imam and his companions. They did not allow them to take even a single drop of water, and that was three days before the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (i.e. the seventh of Muharram)

(Tabari) Ubaydullah bin Haseen Azdi, who was registered (in the army) of the clan of Bajila, called out in a loud voice (Irshad): “O Husayn! Do you see this water similar to the heavens? By Allah! You shall not taste even a drop of it until you perish of thirst.” Imam Husayn (a.s.) replied,

“O Allah! Make him die of thirst and never forgive him.”

Hameed bin Muslim says: By Allah! Later I visited him during his illness. By Allah, besides Whom there is no Deity, I saw him drinking water until it reached his stomach and he vomited it. Then he shouted “Thirst, thirst” and drank water until it reached his throat and he was never satiated, he remained in that state until he died (May Allah’s curse be upon him).


1. The author in his note says that according to me the right name is Nafe’ bin Hilal bin Nafe’, while the historians have erroneously mentioned it as Hilal bin Nafe’ because of the repetition of the name Nafe’ as is quoted in Manhajul Maqal etc…

2. Nakeseen or the violators of oath, referred to by Imam Ali (a.s.) to the group who fought against him at Jamal, derived from the Qur’anic verse “So whoever violates his oath (nakasa), does violate it only to the injury of his (own) self” (Sura al Fath: 10). Qaseteen or the deviators, referred to by Imam Ali (a.s.) to the group who fought against him at Siffīn, derived from the Qur’anic verse “And as for the deviators (Qasetoon), they shall be a fuel for the hell” (Sura al Jinn: 15). Mareqeen or those who missed the religion, referred to by Imam Ali (a.s.) to the group of Kharijites who fought against him at Naharwan, derived from a Prophetic Tradition.

Imam Husayn (a.s.) in Karbala’

It is written in Biharul Anwar, that Ubaydullah bin Ziyad kept dispatching troops one after the other to Umar bin Sa’ad (in Karbala) until he had thirty thousand horsemen and foot-soldiers with him. Then Ubaydullah wrote to Umar: “I have not left any excuse for you with respect to the (quantity of) army. Then remember to inform me, every morning and evening, about your affairs.” Ubaydullah had started inciting Umar (for battle) from the sixth of Muharram.

Habib bin Mazahir came to Imam Husayn (a.s.) and told him, “O son of the Prophet of Allah (S)! Nearby there is a branch of the tribe of Bani Asad. If you permit, I shall go to them and invite them to assist you, perhaps Allah will defend you through them.” Imam gave him permission and Habib, in the darkness of the night, disguised himself and went towards them. They recognized him and inquired from him as to what he desired. Habib replied, “I have brought the best gift for you. I have come to you to invite you to assist the grandson of our Prophet. He is here with a group of believers, each one of whom is better than a thousand men, and they shall not leave him, betray him nor surrender him (to the enemies).

Then Umar bin Sa’ad has surrounded them, you are my tribesmen, hence I invite you towards welfare. Then today pay heed to my words and assist him, so as to gain honor in this world as well as the Hereafter. I swear by Allah! Whoever among you is martyred in the way of Allah along with the grandson of the Prophet of Allah, then he will be in the lofty station among the friends of Muhammad (s.a.w.s).”

Hearing this a man from among them, named Ubaydullah bin Basheer arose, and said, “I am the first one to accept this invitation.” Then he recited the following Rajaz: “The nation knows that when the horsemen are ready to fight, I stand as a warrior, valorous, similar to a forest Lion.” Then the men of the tribe gathered until ninety people prepared to go to assist Imam Husayn (a.s.).

At that moment, a man from among them went and apprised Umar bin Sa’ad about the situation and he sent Ibn Azraq with four hundred horsemen towards Bani Asad. When they (Bani Asad) were coming towards the army of Imam Husayn (a.s.), the horsemen of Umar bin Sa’ad stopped them on the bank of the river Euphrates. A quarrel started between them which turned into a fierce battle. Habib bin Mazahir called out to Azraq, “Woe be to you! Lift your hands off us”, but Azraq refused to do so.

When the people of Bani Asad realized that they were incapable of resisting them, they returned back to their tribe. They left their place that very night fearing Umar bin Sa’ad. Habib returned to Imam (a.s.) and apprised him of the situation and Imam said,

“There is no Might and no Power except with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great.”

Umar bin Sa’ad’s horsemen retreated back and stopped the water supply for Imam Husayn (a.s.) and his companions, and intense thirst troubled them. Imam lifted up an arrow and went behind the tent of the ladies, and measur­ing nine steps towards the West, started digging the ground. Sweet water emerged from therein, which Imam and his companions drank and filled their water skins, then the water disappeared and was never traceable.

When this news reached Ubaydullah bin Ziyad, he sent someone to Umar bin Sa’ad saying, “I have received information that Husayn digs wells and drinks from therein along with his companions? Then when this letter reach­es you, beware and try as much as possible to stop them from digging the well and drinking water. Then pester them as was done with (Caliph) Usman bin Affan.” When this letter reached Umar bin Sa’ad, he increased his persecution upon them.

Muhammad bin Talha and Ali bin Isa Irbili relate, that when thirst intensi­fied, a man from among Imam’s companions, named Yazid bin Haseen Hamadani, who was a devout man, came to Imam Husayn (a.s.) and said, “O son of the Prophet of Allah! Permit me to go to Umar bin Sa’ad and speak to him regarding (blockage of) water, perhaps he may abstain from it.”

Imam agreed and Yazid bin Haseen Hamadani came to Umar bin Sa’ad but did not salute him. Umar said, “O brother from Hamadan! Do you not consider me to be a Muslim, for you have not saluted me”? Yazid replied, “If you had been a Muslim, as you say, then you would not have come to kill the progeny of the Prophet of Allah.

Then you would not have stopped the water of Euphrates from him, his brothers, his women-folk and his family, the water, which the pigs and the wild hogs drink, so that they may perish of thirst. You do not let them partake from it and then claim that you recognize Allah and His Prophet”?

Umar bin Sa’ad bowed his head (in shame) and said, “O brother from Hamadan! I am well aware that persecuting them is unlawful. But Ubaydullah, left the entire community, and chose me for a very diffi­cult task and I left for it at that very moment. By Allah! I cannot un­derstand, and am stopped at a dangerous turn, which I do not hold dear. Should I leave the ruler ship of Ray, which I desire, or I should return, with the blood of Imam upon myself, and his murder would be a cause of entering the fire (of hell) which is unavoidable, and the kingdom of Ray is the coolness of my eyes.”

Abu Ja’far Tabari and Abul Faraj Isfahani says that when the thirst of Imam Husayn (a.s.) and his companions increased, he called for his brother Abbas bin Ali (a.s.) and sent him with a group of thirty horsemen and twenty foot soldiers with twenty water skins to the river. They reached the water in the night and Nafe’ bin Hilal Bajali was in the forefront carrying a stan­dard. ‘Amr bin Hajjaj Zubaydi saw him and asked as to who he was. Nafe’ disclosed his identity, to which ‘Amr said, “Welcome O brother! What have you come here for”?

Nafe’ replied, “I have come to partake the water which you have blocked from us.” ‘Amr said, “Go ahead and drink it with pleasure.” Nafe’ said, “By Allah! I shall not drink even a drop from it until Imam and his companions (whom you see) are thirsty.”

Hearing this the men with ‘Amr bin Hajjaj turned towards them and ‘Amr said, “There is no way, we have been appointed for this very reason so as to stop them from reaching the water.” When the men of Nafe’ came closer, he told the foot soldiers to fill their water skins. They filled their water-skins quickly and ‘Amr bin Hajjaj and his men attacked them.

Then Abbas bin Ali (a.s.) and Nafe’ bin Hilal attacked them and pushed them to their ranks. Then they said, “Go, we have stopped them.” ‘Amr bin Hajjaj and his men returned back and some of them were driven back. A man named Sada’, who was from among the men of ‘Amr, was wounded by Nafe’ with a spear. He considered the wound to be minor and did not attend to it, but later his wound opened up and he succumbed to it. Thus the companions of Imam took the water skins to him.

(Tabari) Imam Husayn (a.s.) sent ‘Amr bin Qartah Ansari to Umar bin Sa’ad saying, “Come to meet me tonight between the two armies.” Umar came with twenty horsemen, while Imam too went accompanied with the same amount of men. When they reached face to face, Imam told his companions to move far away and Umar too ordered his companions to do so.

Both the groups moved away and they started talking to one another until one part of the night passed away. Then they returned back to their armies and no one knew as to what was discussed between them. But the sane ones said that the Imam told Umar bin Sa’ad, “Accompany me in revolting against Yazid and leave his ranks.” Umar replied, “My house shall be destroyed (if I do so).”

Imam said,

“I shall build it (back) for you.”

He said, “My properties shall be confiscated”, and Imam said,

“I shall give you better than that from my property in Hijaz.”

But Umar was not pleased by it. And these reports were being discussed among men, when they had heard and knew nothing.

Shaikh Mufeed relates that Imam sent someone to Umar bin Sa’ad saying that he wanted to meet him. Then they met at night and spoke to each other for a long time. Then Umar bin Sa’ad returned to his place and wrote to Ubaydullah, “Now then! Allah has extinguished the fire (of hatred) and united men on one opinion and has set right the affairs of the Nation (Ummah).

Husayn has promised me that he will return back to the place where he came from, or go away to an Islamic border-town and lead a life any other normal Muslim. Or that he would go to Yazid and offer him his hand and the dis­agreement between them may be straightened. And this proposal is that what you like and wherein lies the straightness of the Nation.”

Abul Faraj writes that Umar sent a messenger to Ubaydullah with the propo­sal and informed him that, “If a Dailami had desired this from you and you would not yield to it, you would have committed injustice.”

Tabari and Ibn Aseer relate from Uqba bin Sam’an that he says that: I accompanied Imam Husayn (a.s.) from Madina to Makkah and from Makkah to Iraq. And there was not a single speech of his which I had not heard, whether in Madina, Makkah or on the way to Iraq, and among his ranks, until he was martyred. By Allah! The report, which is renowned among men that Imam Husayn (a.s.) had agreed to go to Syria and place his hand in the hand of Yazid, or go away to any Islamic border-town, had never ever been said by him. But he had said that, “Leave me so that I may go around upon this extensive earth, until I witness where the state of affairs of the people reaches.”

Shimr bin Ziljawshan’s arrival at Karbala and the events on the night of ninth Muharram

When the letter of Umar bin Sa’ad reached Ubaydullah, he read it and said, (Irshad) “This letter is from the man who is a well wisher of the chief and is merciful towards his community.” Hearing this Shimr bin Ziljawshan arose and said, “Will you agree to his demands when he (Imam Husayn) has encamped in your province near you? By Allah! If he goes away from your domain without giving his hand in yours (submitting to you), then he will turn powerful, while you will become weak and distraught. Then do not agree to what he says for it is the sign of impotency. Do command that he along with his companions may submit to you, then if you punish them, you are worthy of it, and have the right to do so.”

Ubaydullah replied, “Verily your opinion is very fair. Take my letter to Umar bin Sa’ad, so that he may convey my orders to Husayn and his compan­ions that they may submit to my orders without any conditions or stipula­tions. Then if they agree to it, he should dispatch them alive to me, and if they disagree, he should fight them. Then if Umar bin Sa’ad agrees to do so, you should obey him, but if he disagrees, you shall be the commander in chief of the army. Then cut off his (Husayn’s) head and dispatch it over to me.”

Then he wrote to Umar bin Sa’ad, “Now then! I had not sent you to Husayn so that you may defend him and be negligent towards him. Nor to offer him assurance of safety and to make lame excuses and intercede on his behalf. Then see, if Husayn and his companions submit to my command, dispatch them over to me without battle. And if he disagrees, attack him and kill him. Then separate every limb of his for he is worth it.

Then again when you have killed him leave the horses to trample upon his back and chest, for he is worthy of it and is an ungrateful man and an oppressor (Allah’s refuge). Although I know that doing so after his death would not effect him, but I have pledged to myself that if I kill him I shall do so. Then if you obey my command, I shall bestow gifts upon you due to the observant and obedient one. And if you disagree, alienate yourself from my army and give the charge to Shimr bin Ziljawshan, whom I have ordered to do so. Greetings.”

Abul Faraj relates that Ubaydullah sent a message towards Umar bin Sa’ad that, “O son of Sa’ad! You have been a man of ease and a profligate. Then fight the man (Imam Husayn) and use violence against him and do not yield to any of his requests until his submits to my command.”

It is related in Tareekh of Tabari that Azdi said, that Haris bin Hasirah relates from Abdullah bin Shareek Amiri, that when Shimr had got the letter written, he arose along with Abdullah bin Abi Mahl, who was an uncle of Ummul Baneen (a.s.), daughter of Hizam bin Khalid, and the wife of the Commander of the faithful Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.). Ummul Baneen had four sons from Imam Ali (a.s.), viz. Abbas, Abdullah, Ja’far and Usman. Thus Abdullah bin Abi Mahl bin Hizam bin Khalid bin Rabi’ah bin Waheed bin Ka’ab bin Amir bin Kilab said, “May Allah rectify (the affairs for) the chief! Our nephews are along with Husayn, then if you deem fit, write down a document of security for them.” Ubaydullah said, “Very well”, then he ordered his scribe to write down the document of security for them.

Abdullah sent the letter to Karbala with one of his retainer named Kirman with the message that, “Your uncle (Abdullah bin Abi Mahl) has sent this docu­ment of security for you.” The youth replied, “Convey our greetings to our uncle and tell him that we are in no need of his security. Verily Allah’s security is better than that of the son of Sumayyah.”

Shimr brought the letter of Ubaydullah to Umar bin Sa’ad. When Umar read it he said, “Woe be upon you! What have you brought? May your house be ruined! May it be evil whatever you have brought me! By Allah! I know that you must have prevented him from doing that what I had written to him. And you have spoilt the matter, which could result in peace. By Allah! Husayn will not submit, for he has a noble soul.”

Shimr said, “So now tell me, what do you intend doing? Will you obey the orders of the chief and fight his enemy? If not, then hand over the charge to me.” Umar replied, “No, you shall not have this honor and you shall not get this position. I myself shall undertake this task and you shall be the commander of the foot soldiers.”

Thus Umar bin Sa’ad proceeded towards Imam Husayn (a.s.) on Thursday the night of the ninth of Muharram with his army.

Proposal of security to Abbas bin Ali (a.s.)

Shimr came and stood facing the companions of Imam Husayn (a.s.) and called out it a loud voice, “Where are the sons of our sister (of clan)”?

Hearing this Hazrat Abbas, Abdullah, Ja’far and Usman came out and asked him as to what he desired. Shimr replied, “O sons of my sister! You are guaranteed security.” They replied, “Woe be upon you and your security! You offer us security while the son of the Prophet is devoid of it”?

(Malhoof) In another narration it is quoted that Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) called out in a loud voice, “May your hands be amputated! What an evil security you have brought for us. O enemy of Allah! Do you desire that we should betray our brother and master Imam Husayn (a.s.) and obey the accursed sons of accursed fathers”?

Umar bin Sa’ad then addressed his army saying, “Arise, O army of Allah! Thus have glad tidings of Paradise.” Then all the people mounted, and after the Prayer of Asr proceeded to attack Imam Husayn (a.s.).

(Kamil) It is related from Imam Ja’far as Sadiq (a.s.) that,

“Tasoo’ah (ninth) of Muharram is the day, when Imam Husayn (a.s.) and his companions were besieged at Karbala by the army of Syria from all sides and of­floaded their luggage. The son of Marjanah (Ubaydullah bin Ziyad) and Umar bin Sa’ad were pleased at the large number of their army and they deemed Imam and his companions to be weak. They knew that Imam Husayn (a.s.) had no helpers or aides in Iraq. May my father be ransom upon the oppressed traveler.”

When Umar bin Sa’ad ordered his troops to mount, they obeyed and advanced until they neared the tents of Imam Husayn (a.s.). (Irshad, Kamil, Tabari) Imam was seated in front of his tent reclining against his sword with head on his knees and was dozing off. When Hazrat Zaynab (a.s.) heard the hue and cry of the troops, she ran towards Imam and asked him, “O dear brother! Do you not hear this hue and cry advancing towards us”? Imam lifted his head up and said,

“I have just seen the Prophet of Allah (S) in a dream and he told me that tomorrow I shall be united with them.”

Hearing this Hazrat Zaynab (a.s.) started beating her face and wailing. Imam Husayn (a.s.) said,

“There is no need for you to wail. O dear sister! Remain silent, may your Allah’s mercy be upon you.”

(Tabari, Irshad) Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) came to Imam Husayn (a.s.) and said, “O Master! These troops have come towards us.” Imam arose and said, (Irshad, Tabari)

“O Abbas! May my life be your ransom! O dear brother! Mount and go to them and ask as to what has happened, what they intend and why have they come towards us.”

Hazrat Abbas, accompanied by twenty sol­diers including Zuhayr bin Qayn and Habib bin Mazahir, came towards them and said, “What has come up recently and what do you desire”? They replied, “An order has come forth from the commander that we order you either to submit or else we should fight you.” Abbas replied, “Then wait so that I may go and deliver whatever you have said to Abu Abdullah.” They stopped (advancing further) and said, “Go to him and convey whatever we have told you and return back with his answer.” Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) speedily galloped towards Imam and conveyed to him their message, while his companions stood there talking with the troops.

Habib bin Mazahir told Zuhayr bin Qayn that, “If you desire to speak to them, do so, and if you desire I will talk to them.” Zuhayr replied, “Since you have started the talk, you may say.” Thus Habib bin Mazahir said, “By Allah! Tomorrow, on the day of Qiyamah, the worst among men to stand in the presence of Allah, will be the one who killed the Progeny of their Prophet (S), his family, his household and the virtuous people of his town, who stand up for the Midnight Prayers and remember Allah abun­dantly.” Urwah bin Qays replied, “Trouble yourself as much as you please.” Hearing this Zuhayr retorted, “O Urwah! Fear Allah, for I am your well wisher. I request you in the name of Allah O Urwah, that you will be among those assisting the astray and killing the devout.” Urwah replied, “You were not among the Shi’ah of that family but were in fact the follower of Caliph Usman.”

Zuhayr replied, “Does not my presence here convince you that I am one of their Shi’ah? By Allah! I am not among those who had written to the Imam nor sent my messenger to him and nor am I among those who had promised to assist him. But I met Imam on the way and then remembered the Prophet and positioned myself towards him. Then I realized that he was proceeding towards his enemy, hence I entered his ranks and resolved to assist him and be among his followers. And I should sacrifice my life for him, and thus guard the right of Allah and His Prophet, which you have abandoned.”

As regards Hazrat Abbas (a.s.), he returned back and conveyed whatever they had told him. Imam replied,

“Go and tell them if you can, to delay it until tomorrow, so that tonight we may worship our Lord and supplicate and re­pent, for Allah knows that I befriend Prayers, reading the Qur’an, supplicating abundantly and praying for forgiveness.”

Thus Hazrat Abbas went towards them and when he returned back to the Imam, a messenger of Umar bin Sa’ad was along with him. The messenger stopped from where his voice could be heard and said, (Irshad) “We have given you respite until tomorrow. Then if you submit, we shall take you to the commander Ubaydullah bin Ziyad, and if you refuse, we shall not leave you”, saying this he returned back.