NAFASUL MAHMOOM; Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala

NAFASUL MAHMOOM;  Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala0%

NAFASUL MAHMOOM;  Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala Author:
Translator: Aejaz Ali Bhujwala (Al-Husainee)
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Imam Hussein
ISBN: 964-438-654-X

NAFASUL MAHMOOM;  Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala

Author: Sheikh Abbas Al-Qummi
Translator: Aejaz Ali Bhujwala (Al-Husainee)
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 964-438-654-X
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NAFASUL MAHMOOM; Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala
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NAFASUL MAHMOOM;  Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala

NAFASUL MAHMOOM; Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 964-438-654-X

On Imam Husayn (a.s.)’s intention on proceeding towards Makkah (from Madina) and the letters addressed to him by the people of Kufa

When Imam Husayn (a.s.) intended going towards Makkah, Abdullah bin Muti’ came to meet him and said, “May I be your ransom! Where do you intend going”? Imam replied,

“Presently I have decided to go to Makkah, after that I shall seek consultation from the Almighty.”

Abdullah said, “May Allah destine goodness for you! You may go to Makkah, but lest you go to Kufa for it is an ill-omened city. Your father was assassinated therein and your brother was rendered helpless, was forsaken and wounded by a spear and it was near that he would succumb to that wound.

You may remain attached to the Ka’bah for you are the Master of the Arabs and the people of Hijaz (region of West Arabia, the barrier land, running parallel to the Red Sea and wherein lies the dual holy cities of Makkah and Madina) do not regard anyone else as your equal. The people therein will exert themselves to hasten to your aid, may I be your ransom, for if you are killed we shall be enslaved and conquered after you.”

Shaikh Mufeed says that Imam Husayn (a.s.) proceeded towards Makkah taking the main roads reciting the following verse of the Qur’an:

“So he went forth in fear, apprehending.” (Surah al-Qasas, 28:21)

Someone told him, “It would be better if we take a crooked road as Abdullah bin Zubayr and avoid the main road, so that those in our pursuit might not reach you.” Imam re­plied,

“No by Allah! I shall not forsake this road, until Allah commands me further.”

Imam Husayn (a.s.) entered Makkah on Friday the third of the month of Sha’ban reciting the following verse:

“And when he (Prophet Moosa) turned his face towards (the land of) Madyan, said: Maybe my Lord will guide me in the right path.” (Surah al-Qasas, 28:22)

When Imam Husayn (a.s.) settled in Makkah, the people therein and those who had come for the Hajj (Annual Pilgrimage to Makkah), and people from other towns came to meet him. Abdullah bin Zubayr too was in Makkah and had taken asylum near the Ka’bah and prayed and circumambulated it. He too accompa­nied by other people came to offer his salutations to Imam Husayn (a.s.) once in every two days consequently or often more.

Imam’s presence in Makkah made him uneasy, for he knew that till the time Imam remained in Makkah, the people therein would not pledge their oath of allegiance to him (for he too eyed the Caliphate). Because they held the Imam dear and con­sidered him more worthy to rule over them.”

As regards the people of Kufa, when they received the news of the death of Mu’awiyah they started vilifying Yazid. Besides they were informed that Imam Husayn (a.s.) had refused to swear the oath of allegiance to Yazid and had gone to Makkah. While Abdullah bin Zubayr too had fled to Makkah with him and competed with him.

The followers (Shi’ah) of Imam gathered at the house of Sulayman bin Surad Khuza’i and discussed about the death of Mu’awiyah and praised and glori­fied Allah. Sulayman arose and said,

“Mu’awiyah is dead, and Imam Husayn (a.s.) has refused to swear the oath of allegiance to Yazid and has pro­ceeded towards Makkah. You are his and his father’s followers (Shi’ah), then if you desire assisting him and fighting his enemies, write to him and inform him about it. But if you fear lest you would turn sluggish and retreat, then do not betray him (by inviting him here).”

Everyone una­nimously swore that they would support him and fight his enemies under his command and offer their lives for sacrifice. When Sulayman heard this he invited them to write letters addressing to the Imam and they wrote as follows:

Letters of the people of Kufa to Imam Husayn (a.s.)

“In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. To Husayn bin Ali (a.s.) from Sulayman bin Surad, Musayyab bin Najabah, Rufa’ah bin Shaddad, Habib bin Mazahir and other followers from the citizens of Kufa, the be­lievers and Muslims. Peace be upon you! We praise and glorify Allah before you, besides Whom there is no other Deity. Now then!

Praise be to Allah that He has destroyed your obstinate enemy. The one (referred to Mu’awiyah) who had leapt upon the Islamic nation and snatched their affairs into his own hands and grabbed their booty and seized control of it without their consent. He killed the virtuous and spared the wicked ones. And he scat­tered the wealth of Allah among the tyrants and the wealthy people, thus he was annihilated as (the people of) Samood were destroyed, and we have no Imam left with us (except you).

We request you to come to us so that Allah may unite us upon the truth. Nu’man bin Basheer is alone present in the palace, but we do not gather with him on the Friday (Prayers), nor do we go to him on the day of Eid. If we learn that you have proceeded to come to us, we shall drive him out from here until we pursue him to Syria, Allah willing. Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon you.”

They gave this letter to Ubaydullah bin Musme’ Hamadani and Abdullah bin Wal Taymi and told them to hasten. They rushed until they reached Makkah on the tenth of the month of Ramazan. Then the people of Kufa waited for two days and again sent Qays bin Mus-hir Saydawi, Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah bin Shaddad Arhabi, and Ammarah bin Abdullah Saluli with hundred and fifty letters written by one, two, three or four people.

Then again after a lapse of two days they sent Hani bin Hani Sabee’i and Sa’eed bin Abdullah Hanafi with a letter whose contents were as follows:

“In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. To Husayn bin Ali (a.s.) from his followers, believers and Muslims. Now then! Make haste, for people are awaiting you and hold no other opinion, hence hasten, has­ten. Peace be upon you.”

Another letter was written by Shabas bin Rab’ee, Hajjar bin Abjar Ajali, Yazid bin Haris bin Ruwaym Shaybani, Urwa bin Qays Ahmasi, ‘Amr bin Hajjaj Zubaydi, and Muhammad bin ‘Amr Tamimi which read as follows:

“Now then! The gardens have turned green and the fruits have ripened. If you desire, you may arrive here, the army is ready to defend you.”

When all the mes­sengers gathered together, Imam read the letters and inquired from them about the people.

Sayyid ibn Tawoos says that Imam Husayn (a.s.) arose and recited Prayers between Rukn and Makan (in the Ka’bah) and desired goodness from the Almighty. Then he called for Muslim bin Aqeel bin Abi Talib (a.s.) and apprised him about the situation and wrote a letter in reply to the people of Kufa.

Shaikh Mufeed says that Imam Husayn (a.s.) sent the following reply with Hani bin Hani Sabee’i and Sa’eed bin Abdullah Hanafi, who were the last messengers (from Kufa):

“In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merci­ful. From Husayn bin Ali to the noblemen among the Muslims and believers.

Now then! Hani and Sa’eed have brought me your letters, they being your last messengers. I have realized your opinions through them and your judgment is that: There is no Imam over us. You come towards us, perhaps Allah will unite us through you upon the truth and righteousness.

I send to you my cousin, my brother and a trustworthy person from among my family Muslim bin Aqeel. And I have instructed him to inquire about your affairs and write to me regarding it. And if he writes to me that your elders, the wise and the learned men hold the same opinion as your messengers have conveyed to me and as written in your letters, then I shall come to you quickly, Allah willing.

I swear by my life, that he is not an Imam and guide except he who judges in accordance to the Book of Allah, and establishes justice, and professes the True Religion and dedicates himself to the will of Almighty Allah. Greetings.”

Then Imam Husayn (a.s.) called Muslim bin Aqeel bin Abi Talib (a.s.) and dispatched him to Kufa with Qays bin Mushir Saydawi, Ammarah bin Abdullah Arjee and Abdul Rahman and Abdullah, the sons of Shaddad Arhabi. He en­joined them with fear of Allah to conceal their mission, besides advising them to be merciful, and that if they find people to be firm and resolute then they should immediately inform him.1


1. Imam Husayn (a.s.) sent his representative to Kufa declaring his authority to be assured of the seriousness of the Kufans. Any opposition or support to his representative would be considered an opposition or support to the Imam himself. Only after that, would their claims and pleas come to light, for they had invited him, pledged to support him and had literally blackmailed him saying that, “We have no Imam left with us (except you)...”

This representative had to be a man of great trust, faith, and steadfast­ness. In addition he had to have a powerful personality capable of execut­ing this important obligation. This was not a mission of secondary impor­tance but involved representation from a revolutionary leader, who was also a guardian of Religion, upholder of faith and a refuge for humanity. It needed a man of great foresight and experience with complete grasp of the political situation of the time as well as the principles of the sacred teachings of Islam. It needed a man of firm moral standing and integrity, who would be a true representative from such a sacred person as Husayn bin Ali (a.s.).

Imam Husayn (a.s.) chose Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s.), his cousin and brother in law, the husband of his sister Ruqayya, the daughter of Imam Ali (a.s.) through his marriage with Ummul Baneen (mother of Abbas), for this import­ant mission. In the eyes of Husayn, Muslim possessed all those requisite qualities that were desirable for such an assignment. He was a man of great courage who would not lose himself in times of victory and would remain steadfast and patient at times of defeat and opposition, a man of all seasons.

Thus, those who would assist him (like Hani bin Urwah) would be the ones firm in their faith and obedience to Islam and Imam, while those who would not be able to help him for whatsoever reason, although being ardent be­lievers (like Habib bin Mazahir, Muslim bin Awsaja, Abu Samamah), they would hasten to assist the Imam at Karbala in compensation for being unable to defend his envoy (Muslim). While those who would deliberately and impo­tently withdraw their support of Muslim, but would prefer to remain silent spectators, their faltering faith and hypocrisy would be apparent; hence it would act as a litmus test for faith and steadfastness.

Muslim would commu­nicate the Imam’s objectives to the people and prepare them for the ul­timate occurrence, as can be observed, that after the martyrdom of Muslim, many Kufans hastened to Karbala to assist the Imam, thus proving the suc­cess of Muslim’s mission. Muslim’s attachment and obedience to the Imam is apparent through his will (made to Umar bin Sa’ad) apprising Imam of the treason of the Kufans and stopping him from coming there besides dispatching his two infant sons towards Imam to convey the message.

Muslim bin Aqeel’s departure from Makkah in mid-Ramazan according to the discourse by Mas’oodi

(Irshad) As quoted by Mas’oodi, Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s.) reached Madina and offered Prayers at the Masjide Nabawi and bade farewell to his household. He took along with him two people from Bani Qays as guides to direct the way and left. They took a wrong road and hence lost the way. They became thirs­ty and could no longer walk further. The two men who had escorted Muslim died due to severe thirst, but they directed him to the way before dying.

Muslim advanced further and stopped at a renowned halting place called Mazeeq and dispatched Qays bin Mus-hir Saydawi with a letter to Imam Husayn (a.s.) which read as follows: “Now then! I left Madina accompanied by two escorts as guides, but we lost the way and became intense thirsty and the two associates died because of it. We proceeded further until we found water and hence saved ourselves and this place called Mazeeq in Batne Jannat. I consider this to be an ill omen, if you deem fit please relieve me and dispatch someone else to pursue this task. Salutations.”

Imam Husayn (a.s.) replied to him:

“Now then! I fear regarding your excuse to relieve you from the task for which I sent you is due to fright. Therefore proceed further towards what I sent you. Salutations.”

When Muslim read the letter, he said that he did not fear anything for him­self and proceeded further. He reached a water place, which was of Bani Tayy and dismounted there and then proceeded further. Suddenly Muslim saw a hunter shoot an arrow towards a Gazelle, who came into his sight and killed it. Thus Muslim said, “Allah willing, we too shall kill our enemies thus”, and then proceeded further.

As is written in Murujuz Zahab, that he (Muslim) entered Kufa on the fifth of the month of Shawwal. According to the narration of Tabari, he resided at the house of Mukhtar bin Abi Ubaydah and the Shi’ah came to visit him. Then when a group of people gathered, he read the letter of Imam Husayn (a.s.) to them, hearing which they started weeping. Then Abis bin Abi Shabeeb Shakiri arose and after Praising and Glorifying Allah said, “Now then! I do not speak for the people, nor am I aware as to what is con­cealed in their hearts, and thus I do not want to deceive you. By Allah! I only say that which is in my heart. By Allah! I shall respond to you whenever you call out, and shall fight your enemies by your side. And in your presence I shall strike them with the sword until I meet Allah, and I do not intend anything except Allah’s favor (in lieu of all this).”

Then Habib bin Mazahir Faq’asi stood up and said, “May Allah’s blessings be upon you! You have revealed concisely whatever you had in your mind. I swear by Allah, besides Whom there is no other Deity, that I too am of the same belief as of this man (referring to Abis who preceded him)”, and then he repeated what Abis had said.

Hajjaj bin Ali says that I asked Muhammad bin Bashr that, “Did you not reply to him (Muslim)”? He replied, “I desired that Allah would grant success and esteem to my friends, but I did not appreciate being killed nor did I like to utter a lie.”

(Irshad) Eighteen thousand men swore the oath of allegiance to Muslim and hence he wrote to Imam Husayn (a.s.) informing him about their oath, and invited him to come to Kufa. This letter was written by Muslim some twenty seven days before his martyrdom. The Shi’ah visited Muslim quite frequently and the place of his whereabouts became known.

Nu’man bin Basheer issues warning to the people of Kufa

This news reached Nu’man bin Basheer, who was made the governor of Kufa by Mu’awiyah and Yazid too had let him remain in his place. He ascended the pulpit and after Praising and Glorifying Allah said,

“Now then! O slaves of Allah! Fear Allah and do not make haste in spreading mischief and discord, for it will result in the murder of men, bloodshed and confisca­tion of wealth. I do not fight the one who does not confront me, nor do I advance towards the one who does not advance towards me. I do not vilify you nor do I call for account anyone by mere suspicion or accusation. But if you turn your face away from me and break the oath of allegiance or try to oppose your Imam, then by Allah, besides Whom there is no other Deity, I shall then strike you with my sword until it’s hilt remains in my hand even if there does not remain my supporter among you. Yet I hope that those among you who know the truth are numerous than those whom falsehood will (ultimately) destroy.”

Abdullah bin Muslim bin Rabi’ah Hazrami, who was an ally of the Bani Umayyah stood up and said,

“This mischief which you now see will not cease except by the use of force, and this attitude which you have towards the enemies is that of the timid ones.”

Nu’man replied,

“If I remain timid while obeying Allah, then I cherish it than remaining mighty while disobey­ing Him”,

saying this he alighted from the pulpit and left. Abdullah bin Muslim came out and then wrote a letter to Yazid bin Mu’awiyah saying,

“Muslim bin Aqeel has come to Kufa and the Shi’ah have pledged the oath of allegiance to him on behalf of Husayn bin Ali. Then if you desire that Kufa should remain under your domain, dispatch a powerful man who would imple­ment your orders and act according to your command. For Nu’man bin Basheer is a feeble man or is deliberately showing as weak.”

Ammarah bin Uqbah and Umar bin Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas too wrote similar letters to Yazid. When these letters reached Yazid he called for Sarjoon, the slave of Mu’awiyah and said,

“Husayn has sent Muslim bin Aqeel to Kufa and people have started pledging their oath of allegiance to him, while Nu’man is a feeble man and there are other bad reports regarding him. According to your opinion whom should I nominate as the governor of Kufa in his stead”?

During that period Yazid was annoyed with Ubaydullah bin Ziyad. Sarjoon replied,

“If today Mu’awiyah becomes alive would you listen to his counsel”?

Yazid replied in the affirmative. Sarjoon produced a letter of Mu’awiyah appointing Ubaydullah bin Ziyad as the governor of Kufa, and then said,

“This is the advice of Mu’awiyah, for when he was about to die, he intended bestowing the governorship of Kufa and Basra both to Ubaydullah.”

Yazid agreed and sent a message to Ubaydullah. Then he called for Muslim bin ‘Amr Bahilee, the father of Qutaybah, and handed over a letter in the name of Ubaydullah whose contents were as follows:

“Now then! My follow­ers in Kufa have written to me that the son of Aqeel is gathering troops to spread rebellion among the Muslims. Then when you read my letter, hasten towards Kufa and search for the son of Aqeel as if you were looking for a bead, until you find him. Then bind him (in chains), either kill him or banish him from the city. Salutations.”

Yazid also gave him the authority for the Governorship of Kufa. Muslim bin ‘Amr proceeded until he reached Ubaydullah at Basra. As soon as Ubaydullah received the command and author­ity, he ordered to prepare for the journey scheduled for the next day.

An account of the personality of Nu’man bin Basheer

It is appropriate that here we discuss in brief about Nu’man bin Basheer. He name is Nu’man bin Basheer bin Sa’ad bin Nasr bin Sa’labah Khazraji Ansari. His mother is Umrah bint Ruwahah, the sister of Abdullah bin Ruwahah Ansari who was martyred along with Ja’far bin Abu Talib (a.s.) in the battle of Mutah. It is said that Nu’man was the first child among the Ansar (helpers of Madina) to be born after the Prophet entered Madina, just as Abdullah bin Zubayr was the first child to be born among the emi­grants after the Prophet’s entry into Madina.

His father Basheer bin Sa’ad was the first person to swear the oath of allegiance to Abu Bakr in Saqifa, and like wise the other Ansar followed suit. Basheer was killed in the battle of Aynut Tamar1 along with Khalid bin Waleed.

Nu’man was from the family of poets and being a follower of Caliph Usman, hated the Kufans because of their love for Imam Ali (a.s.). He was the only Ansar who had accompanied Mu’awiyah in the battle of Siffīn. He was considered respect­ful and of high regard in the eyes of Mu’awiyah, thus Yazid too liked him.

Nu’man remained alive till the Caliphate of Marwan bin Hakam and was the governor of Hamas. When people started swearing the oath of allegiance to Marwan, he invited people towards Abdullah bin Zubayr and opposed Marwan. And this incident occurred when Zahhak bin Qays was killed in Marje Rahit.2 But the people of Hamas did not pay attention to his call and thus he fled from there, they pursued him until they found him and ultimately killed him. This happened in the year 65 A.H.

As regards Yazid calling him a feeble man and a slanderer, it has been quoted by Ibn Qutaybah Deenawari in his book Al Imamah was Siyasah that, it was so because Nu’man bin Basheer had said that, “The grand­son of the Prophet is more dear to me than the grandson of Bahdul.” The grandson of Bahdul was none other than Yazid bin Mu’awiyah whose mother Maysoon was the daughter of Bahdul Kalbiyyah. Ibn Qutaybah is Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Muslim bin Qutaybah bin Muslim bin ‘Amr Bahili, and this Muslim bin ‘Amr is the same person who was sent by Yazid to Ubaydullah nominating him as the governor of Kufa.


1. Aynut Tamar - A campaign carried out during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, in a view to expand his dominion.

2. Marje Rahit - A battle fought between the followers of Abdullah bin Zubayr and Marwan bin Hakam, Marwan won the battle and thus his caliphate was secured.

Imam’s letter to the noblemen of Basra

It is quoted by Sayyid ibn Tawoos in Malhoof that Imam Husayn (a.s.) sent a letter to a group of righteous noblemen of Basra through his retainer named Sulayman, whose agnomen was Abu Razeen, inviting them for assistance and obedience to him. Those included therein were Yazid bin Mas’ood Nahsha­li and Manzar bin Jarood Abadi.

Yazid bin Mas’ood then gathered the people of Bani Tameem, Bani Hanzalah and Bani Sa’ad. When they came he said, “O people of Bani Tameem! What is my position and descent in your eyes”? They replied, “It is fair. By Allah! You are a support of our backs and the prime of nobility, and hold a place in noble presence and you take lead in it.” Then he said, “I have gathered all of you here so that I may ask your opinion regarding a matter and invite your assistance for it.” They said, “By Allah! We are your well-wishers and we shall not be reluctant to counsel you sincerely. You may say, so that we may know what it is.”

Yazid bin Mas’ood said, “Mu’awiyah has died, and we do not grieve nor regret his death, because the doors of injustice and tyranny have cracked and the pillars of oppression have been given a severe blow. He has made innova­tions in the form of (demanding) allegiance for his son (Yazid) and he was adamant about it, when how far from right is it what he had decided. He endeavored but was weakened and he asked for counsel and opinion from his friends, but they betrayed him.

Then his son Yazid who drinks wine and is wicked has arisen and has claimed to be the Caliph of the Muslims. He rules over them without their consent in spite of being an ignorant and foolish man, he cannot even recognize his own footsteps. I swear by Allah, that fighting Yazid is more worthy than fighting with the polytheists. And this is Husayn bin Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (S).

He is of genuine dignity, an honest counselor, a great intellectual, and is more worthy and rightful for the Caliphate. For he is an antecedent among the emigrants, a senior, and foremost in Religion, he is attached in proximity to the Prophet. He is affectionate towards the young and sympathetic to­wards the elders while being kind to others. He is a thorough Leader, and Paradise is attained through his medium, while he propagates through preaching and counsel. Hence do not close your eyes against the Light of Truth and do not fall into the pit of falsehood.

Sakhr bin Qays misled you on the day of (the battle of) Jamal and disgraced you, hence wash off the stains of disgrace from yourselves by assisting the grandson of the Proph­et. By Allah! None will withhold their hands from assisting him except that their progeny will be humiliated, deprived and abandoned. I have now worn the helmet for the battle and have fastened the armor. For the one who is not killed will ultimately die, and the one who flees from it will not escape it. Thus answer me well, may Allah’s blessings be upon you.”

Hearing this the Bani Hanzalah said, “O Aba Khalid! (referring to Yazid bin Mas’ood) We are the quiver of your arrows and the champions of the clan. If you hurl us (towards the enemy) we shall fall upon the target, and if you accompany us in the battlefield you shall emerge a victor. If you enter the depths of the sea we too shall accompany you, and turn to whichev­er side you turn to. We shall defend you with our swords and our bodies shall be your shield. We are at your disposal whenever you need us.”

Then Bani Sa’ad bin Yazid said, “O Aba Khalid! The most abhorred thing in our sight is opposing you and failing to accept your command. Verily Sakhr bin Qays had forbade us to fight (on the day of the battle of Jamal) and we were pleased by this act of ours and our dignity remained intact. You may give us respite so that we may counsel among ourselves and let you know our opinions regarding it.”

While the Bani Amir bin Tameem said, “O Aba Khalid! We are the children of your father and your confederates. If you are displeased, we shall not remain satisfied, and if you leave, we shall not linger behind. Hence com­mand us so that we may respond, and call us so that we may obey you. Verily command is with you.”

Then he told the Bani Sa’ad, “O Bani Sa’ad! By Allah! Then if you are in doubt and you shall side with the Bani Umayyah (and fail to assist Husayn), Allah will never lift the sword away from your necks, while you still hold your swords.”

Then he (Yazid bin Mas’ood) wrote a reply to Imam Husayn (a.s.), “Now then! We have received you letter and have pondered over that which you have invited, that we may have our share of obedience to you and we may attain the excellence of assisting you. Allah never lets the earth to remain empty of His Vicegerent, who is benevolent and the guide to the path of salva­tion. Verily you are Allah’s proof over His creation and His trust upon the earth. You are a branch of the olive tree of Muhammad (S). He was the origin while you are the branch. Hasten to us with felicitations, for I have brought the necks of Bani Tameem under your command and they shall excel each other in your obedience like the thirsty Lions who make haste to drink water. Besides I have brought the Bani Sa’ad under your submission and have washed the filth from their hearts with (rain) water falling from the clouds.”

When Imam Husayn (a.s.) read the contents of the letter he said,

“What else do you desire. May Allah grant you security on the day of fright (Qiyamah) and quench your thirst on the day of extreme thirst and endear you.”

When Yazid bin Mas’ood was just preparing to proceed towards the Imam, he re­ceived the news of his martyrdom. Hence he lamented over the loss of this grace (of Martyrdom).

As regards Manzar bin Jarood, when he received the letter of Imam Husayn (a.s.) he brought it along with Imam’s messenger to the presence of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad, for he feared that it might be a conspiracy by Ubaydullah himself, while his daughter Bahriyah was the wife of Ubaydullah. Ubaydullah sent the messenger of Imam to the gallows and ascended the pulpit and recited a sermon, in which he admonished the people of Basra against oppo­sition and revolt. That night he spent in Basra and the next morning he appointed his brother Usman bin Ziyad his Vicegerent and hastened towards Kufa.

Tabari says that Hisham said that Abu Makhnaf related to me from Sa’qib bin Zuhayr, from Abu Usman Nahdi that Imam Husayn (a.s.) wrote a similar letter to the noblemen of the five divisions of Basra and their chiefs through his retainer named Sulayman. The letters with similar contents were addressed to Malik bin Musme’ Bakri, Ahnaf bin Qays, Manzar bin Jarood, Mas’ood bin ‘Amr, Qays bin Haysam and Umar bin Abdullah bin Mu’ammar,

“Now then! Verily Allah has chosen Prophet Muhammad (S) above all His creatures and granted him (the prestige of) Prophethood and chose him for the Apostleship. Then the Almighty took him towards His mercy (death) after the Prophet having guided all people towards the truth, and after having propagated the message for which he was sent. Thus we are his Household (Ahlul Bayt), friends, vicegerents and his successors and are more worthy of succeeding him than anyone else. Then the nation has tried to precede us in this matter and we helplessly withdrew to avoid dissentions. We cherish peace although we consider ourselves more worthy and deserving of it (Caliphate) than them. I have sent towards you my messenger and I invite you to the Book of Allah and the tradition (sunnah) of the Prophet, for I see that the traditions (sunnah) have been destroyed and innovations have crept up. Hence if you pay heed to my words and obey my command, then I shall guide you to the Righteous path. And peace be upon you and Allah’s blessings and mercy.”

Whoever read this letter among the noblemen, they kept it concealed except Manzar bin Jarood who feared that this might be a conspiracy of Ubaydullah. Hence he took the messenger to Ubaydullah on the same night of the morning on which Ubaydullah left for Kufa. He gave the letter to Ubaydullah so he could read it. After reading the letter Ubaydullah gave ordered the execu­tion of the messenger and himself went on the pulpit of Basra and after praising and glorifying Allah said,

“Now then! By Allah! A ravished Camel is not at par with me, nor do I flee from the sound of an empty water-skin. I myself am a wrath for my adversaries and a fatal poison for those who oppose me. The one who flings a clod of mud towards me shall have the reward of a stone (I shall deal severely with the one who even minutely opposes me).

O people of Basra! The commander of the faithful (referred to Yazid) has bestowed me the guardianship of Kufa and tomorrow I shall leave for there. I appoint my brother Usman bin Ziyad bin Abu Sufyan as my Vice­gerent upon you. Beware, remain away from opposition and mischief, for by Allah, besides Whom there is no other Deity, if I hear regarding the oppo­sition of anyone amongst you, I shall surely kill him along with the chief of his clan, and his guardians.

I hold the present ones responsible for those who are absent until stability is restored, and none of those oppos­ing or disliking me remains among you. I am the son of Ziyad, and am more similar to my father than anyone who has ever set his foot upon the earth, and am not like my maternal or paternal uncle.”

Then he left Basra and proceeded towards Kufa leaving behind his brother Usman in his place.

Azdi relates that Abul Makhariq Rasbee says that some of the Shi’ah of Basra gathered at the house of a woman of the tribe of Abdul Qays. The name of the woman was Mariya, daughter of Sa’ad or Manqaz, who was a Shi’ah. Her house was a place of gathering for them and they associated with one another.

When Ubaydullah bin Ziyad was informed that Imam Husayn (a.s.) was proceeding towards Iraq, he wrote to his superintendent that he should appoint guards and block the roads. Yazid bin Nabeet, who was from the clan of Abdul Qays, decided to go to defend Imam Husayn (a.s.). He had ten sons whom he asked as to who would accompany him. Two of his sons viz. Abdullah and Ubaydullah agreed to come. When the Shi’ah had gathered at the house of Mariya, he disclosed his intention to leave in the presence of his com­rades. His friends said that they feared Ubaydullah’s men against him. To which he replied that,

“When the hooves of my Camel sets upon the deserts, I do not fear their pursuit”,

and he left and paved the way of success until he reached Imam Husayn (a.s.) at Makkah. He went to the tent of Imam Husayn (a.s.) at Abtah. When Imam Husayn (a.s.) received news of his arri­val, he arose to receive him. When he came near the Imam’s tent he was told that Imam had already left to meet him at his place. He returned back and saw Imam sitting at the door waiting for him and he (a.s.) said,

“In the Grace of Allah and His Mercy, in that they should rejoice.” (Surah al-Yunus, 10:58)

He then saluted him and sat down. Then he related his intention to the Imam, who prayed for his well-being. He remained with the Imam till Karbala and fought there and was martyred along with both of his sons.

Ubaydullah bin Ziyad’s exit from Basra towards Kufa

When Ubaydullah received the letter of Yazid, he selected five hundred people from Basra, which included Abdullah bin Haris bin Nawfal, Shareek bin A’awar, both of whom were Shi’ah, and accompanied by them and Muslim bin ‘Amr Bahili and his retinue and family, left for Kufa.

(Irshad) When he reached Kufa, Ubaydullah had worn a black turban and had covered his face. People there had received news that Imam Husayn (a.s.) was due to arrive to Kufa hence they waited his arrival.

They mis­took him to be Imam Husayn (a.s.), and from the midst of whichever group he passed they saluted him saying, “Welcome O son of the Prophet”! When Ubaydullah saw them rejoicing at the arrival of Imam Husayn (a.s.), he was troubled. When people started increasing, Muslim bin ‘Amr called out, “Get away, this is the commander Ubaydullah bin Ziyad.” He then reached the palace at night surrounded by a group of people who still thought that he was Imam Husayn (a.s.).

Nu’man bin Basheer shut the door on him and his comrades (mistaking him to be Imam Husayn) when one of his people called out to him to open the door. Nu’man mistaking him to be Imam Husayn (a.s.) said,

“I request you in the Name of Allah to get away from here. For by Allah, I shall not hand over the trust to you, nor do I intend fighting you.”

Ubaydullah remained silent and then came closer, when Nu’man was speaking with him while hanging from atop the balcony. Ubaydullah said,

“Open the door, you have not opened yet, and your nights have become pro­longed (in which you have slept instead of governing).”

These words of Ubaydullah were heard by a man behind him, who turned to the people stand­ing behind mistaking him to be Imam Husayn (a.s.), and said,

“O people! By Him besides Whom there is no other Deity, this is Ibn Marjanah (referring to Ubaydullah).”

Mas’oodi says that when the people recognized him, they started throwing stones at him, but he got away. (Irshad) Then Nu’man opened the door for him and he entered therein and closed the door on the people and they dispersed away.

In the morning he announced for the congregation Prayers and people gathered. Ubaydullah bin Ziyad praised and glorified Allah and then said,

“Now then! The Commander of the faithful (referring to Yazid) has given me the charge of your city and your frontiers, while your booty is under my control, and he has ordered me to assist the oppressed and bestow upon the deprived. And has also commanded me to be fair to the obedient ones and take severe action against the suspicious and the rebels amongst you. Then I shall fulfill his command regarding you and shall put to practice his or­ders. I shall be like a merciful father for the obedient and good people among you, and my spear and sword will be upon the head of those who diso­bey my command and oppose my rule. Let each man fear himself, let right warn you and not threat.”

In another narration it is quoted that he said,

“Take my words to that Hashemi (referring to Muslim bin Aqeel) that he should guard himself again­st my wrath.”

(Irshad) Then he alighted from the pulpit and dealt strictly with the chiefs and commanded that,

“Note down the names of the guarantors (of men), and the followers of Yazid, while also those of the rebels and the suspi­cious who might revolt or cause disturbances. All these people should be brought to me so that I may decide about them. Then the chiefs who do not write down their names should stand surety that none among them would oppose us nor revolt. The one who does not do so, will be denied immunity and his blood and wealth will be lawful for us. And if a rebel of Yazid is ever found in any area under the control of a chief and he does not report to us about him, he shall be hanged on the door of his house and his sti­pends will be stopped and he will be fed to the Lions.”

In Fusulul Muhimmah it is quoted that a group of people of Kufa were im­prisoned by him and executed at that very moment (Kamil, Muhammad bin Abi Talib, Tabari)

When Muslim bin Aqeel was informed regarding the arrival of Ubaydullah and heard his words, he left the house of Mukhtar and went to the door of Hani bin Urwah Muradi and called out to him. When Hani came out he looked dis­pleased and Muslim said,

“I have come to your door to seek shelter and as a guest.”

Hani replied,

“You have put me in trouble, and if you had not entered my house and had confided in me, I would be pleased to tell you to go away. But your entering into my house has bound me in responsibility, hence do come in.”

Thus Hani gave him residence and the Shi’ah started visiting him in secret while safeguarding from Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad.

(Manaqib) People started swearing the oath of allegiance at the hands of Muslim until the number reached twenty five thousand. Then they decided to revolt, but Hani advised that they should wait further.

Ubaydullah called his retainer Ma’qal and gave him three thousand dirham1 (Kamil) and told him to find the whereabouts of Muslim bin Aqeel and his associates and intermingle with them. Then he should partake that wealth with them and thus show them that he too was among their own people and hence remain aware of their intentions and report to him. Ma’qal entered the Mosque and heard that Muslim bin Ausaja Asadi was taking the oath of allegiance in the name of Imam Husayn (a.s.). Muslim at that moment was busy in Prayers, when he finished his Prayers Ma’qal came up to him and said,

“O slave of Allah! I am a native of Syria, a slave of Zil Kila, who has been favored by Allah with the love of the Household (Ahlul Bayt) (a.s.) of the Prophet (S). These are three thousand dirham, and I desire to give it to the person regarding whom I have heard that he has come to Kufa and is accepting the oath of allegiance in the name of the grandson of the Prophet. I have heard from some people that you are acquainted with the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) hence I have come to you. I request you to accept this wealth and take me to your chief so that I may swear the oath of allegiance to him, and if you desire I should swear fealthy at your hands before meeting him.”

Muslim replied,

“I am delighted to meet you and happy upon your desire to reach your destination, and may Allah aid the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) with your assistance. But I do not like that people should be aware of that issue before its completion and I fear the oppressor and his power.”

Then Muslim accepted his allegiance with firm promises to remain faithful and to keep it concealed. Ma’qal started coming to him for some days until Muslim took him to the presence of Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s.).

1. Islamic Silver currency weighting approximately 3.12 grams. And equivalent to approximately 2 dollars.