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Tears for Kerbala

Tears for Kerbala

Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english

Majlis 6: ‘Aun & Muhammad

Surah al-Fatiha

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Today is the 6th night of Muharram.

Our majaalis continue. Insha’Allah, our eyes will shed more tears for the martyrs of Karbala’.

We will do more Matam al-Husayn.

“Husayn! Karbala’! Matam!Majaalis!”

When these words echo from the walls of our mosque, a lady in black hijab joins us. She is Bibi Fatimah. She watches us. She cries with us. She collects our tears.

Cry! Cry for Husayn! Inshallah, our tears will not be wasted. Our tears for Husayn will become our weapons against the hardships in our grave and on the Day of Judgement.

Husayn is in Karbala’. He hardly has 72 men with him. They are not all grown up adults. Some of Husayn's men are children. ‘Aun and Muhammad, Bibi Zainab's young sons are there. ‘Aun is only 13 years old. Muhammad is only 11 years old.

Tonight is the night of these two children, ‘Aun - Muhammad.

First, let us send our greetings to those mothers of Karbala’ who sacrificed their children for Islam. Lucky are those mothers of Karbala’ whose children willingly and happily sacrificed their young lives for Islam.

Tonight, let us first comfort those mothers of Karbala’ who were proud to sacrifice their children for Islam.

Mothers of Karbala’!Mother of ‘Aun - Muhammad, Bibi Zainab; mother of Qasim, Umm Farwah; mother of ‘Ali Akbar, Umm Laila; mother of Al Asghar, Umm Rubab.

Mothers of Karbala’ were proud of their children. They loved their children. Of course, like any mother they had the heart of a mother. A mother loves her children the most.

“Why then, did the Mothers of Karbala’ let their children die in Karbala’?'

They knew Husayn was on the Right Path. They knew their sacrifices would help save Islam and us from the Fire of Hell.

Mothers of Karbala’ squashed their motherly love and sacrificed their children for Husayn - for Islam!

How can we, the Husayni, ever forget those Mothers of Karbala’?

Why shouldn't we cry and do matam for the Mothers of Karbala’ and their children ‘Aun - Muhammad, Qasim, ‘Ali Akbar and ‘Ali Asghar.

Majaalis al-Karbala’ will never die. Matam al-Karbala’ will never die. Yazids of yesterday have failed to stop it.

Yazids of today will not be able to stop it. Yazids of tommorrow may try thousands of times to crush it, but Majaalis al-Husayn, Matam al-Karbala’, will not die. Allah Himself has promised to keep the name of Husayn alive till the Day of Judgement.

Let us now focus our minds on Karbala’.

Days and nights of Muharram unfolded on the land of Karbala’.

The night of the 9th of Muharram came.‘Ashura’ night, a very tragic night and the last night of the martyrs of Karbala’.

No-one in Husayn's camp slept on ‘Ashura’ night.

Men spent the whole night praying, reciting duas and the Holy Quran.

Mothers of Karbala’ were preparing their children.

The next day was ‘Ashura’ day.The day of the battle of Karbala’.

What were the mothers telling their children?To be careful? To hide and save their lives?

No! They were telling their children to sacrifice their lives.

They were telling them to die! Didn't they love their children? Or course they did! They had the heart of a mother. They were proud of their children. They loved their children very much. Then why were they telling their children to sacrifice their lives?To die?



Because, Allah would be pleased with them!

Now, let us listen to what the mothers of Karbala’ were telling their children on the right of ‘Ashura’.

Umm Laila is with her son, ‘Ali Akbar.

“My darling son, ‘Ali Akbar, tomorrow is the day of the battle. My son, ‘Ali Akbar, remember your life is not more important than the life of your father. Your father's life will be in danger tomorrow. My darling, don't hesitate to give your life to protect your father's life.”

Umm Rubab is with her baby, ‘Ali Asghar.

“My baby Asghar, I wish you were a young man. I would have sacrificed your life to save your father's life.”

Umm Farwah is with her son, Qasim.

“Qasim! My son, my darling. If your father was alive today, he would have sacrificed his life first. My daring, don't embarrass me in front of your father on the Day of Judgement. Qasim, my son, do not hesitate to sacrifice your life to protect your uncle's life.

Umm Kulthoom, Imam Husayn's sister, was sitting alone, weeping.

‘Abbas, her brother, heard her crying. He came to her tent.

“My sister, Kulthoom, why are you crying? What's the matter?”

“‘Abbas! Tomorrow is the day of sacrifice. I have no children to sacrifice.”

“My sister, Kulthoom! Don't cry. ‘Abbas is still alive. Tomorrow I will sacrifice my life as a gift on your behalf. I will be your sacrifice,”

Bibi Zainab is with her two sons, ‘Aun - Muhammad.

“My sons, ‘Aun - Muhammad, tomorrow is the day of battle. Your uncle, Husayn's life will be in danger. My darlings, if anything happens to Uncle Husayn, while you are still alive, I will be filled with shame. My ‘Aun - Muhammad, I will not be able to face your grandmother, Bibi Fatimah, on the Day of Judgement. Please, my dearestsons, don't let me down. Be the first ones to sacrifice your lives.”

‘Ashura’ came.

‘Ali Akbar gave the Adhan. Imam Husayn led the Fajr prayers.

The day was already very hot. The battle began.

Imam Husayn's army of 72 thirsty and hungry men, against 20,000 of Yazid's men.

Hurr went to the battlefield and was martyred by Yazid's beasts.

One-by-one, Husayn's companions went to the battlefield and were killed.

Since dawn, Bibi Zainab was watching the bodies being brought to the tent - one-by-one.

She called her sons, ‘Aun - Muhammad.

“My sons, what are you waiting for? Why have you not been to the battlefield yet? Go and fight the enemies of Islam.”

“Mother, since dawn, we have been to Uncle Husayn many times for permission to fight. He keeps refusing us. Mother, you help us. Ask Uncle Husayn to give us permission to fight Jihad.”

Bibi Zainab called her brother, Husayn, to her tent.

“Brother Husayn! I have been like a mother to you, haven't I? Husayn, your mother is begging you to let ‘Aun - Muhammad go to the battlefield.”

“Zainab, my sister, Jihad is not wajib on children. How can I let my sister's sons be killed while I am still alive?No, Zainab, no!”

“Husayn, my brother! If ‘Ali Akbar dies before ‘Aun- Muhammad, how will I be able to face our mother on the Day of Judgement. My brother, I will be filled with shame. Please, brother! Let them go.”

Husayn saw the disappointment on Zainab's face. Her eyes were filled with tears.

Husayn put his arms around ‘Aun - Muhammad and led them to their horses. He kissed them and helped them mount their horses.

“Go, go and show those beastly men that you have the blood of Ja’far and ‘Ali in your veins.”

‘Aun - Muhammad looked at their mother and said:

“ Fi aman Allah, mother!Fi aman Allah, mother!”

“Fi aman Allah, my sons.”

‘Aun - Muhammad rode out on to the battlefield. They fought bravely together. They were the grandsons of Ja’far and ‘Ali. They pushed the enemies back. Hundreds of Yazid's men were killed.

‘Abbas and Husayn watched the two brothers fight so fiercely despite being thirsty for three days.‘Abbas, who had trained ‘Aun - Muhammad in the art of sword fighting, was filled with pride.

Umar Saad, Yazid's commander, got worried. He ordered his soldiers to separate the two brothers and then attack them from all sides.

‘Aun - Muhammad were separated. Each one was then surrounded by Yazid's soldiers.

The two brothers were attacked by horsemen running from one side to another. ‘Aun - Muhammad were attacked with arrows, swords, spears and daggers from all sides.

How much can two young children, thirsty and hungry for three days take? As they fell, they called out for their uncle.

'Uncle! Came quickly! Uncle, come and help us.”

Husayn and ‘Abbas rushed to the battlefield.

The children were severely wounded. They were taking their last breaths.

“Uncle, give our salaam to our mother. Uncle, please tell our mother that just as she had told us, we did not go towards the river”.

Imam Husayn and ‘Abbas carried the two young bodies to the tent.

‘Ali Akbar cried out:

My brothers, ‘Aun - Muhammad, have been killed.”

Zainab heard the cry from her tent. She did not cry. She laid her muslah and performed a sajdah.

Ya, Allah I thank you for accepting my sacrifice. Ya, Allah! I am proud of my two sons who have given their lives for Islam!”

‘Aun – Muhammad’s bodies were laid on the floor. The ladies gathered around. They cried and did matam.

“ Ya ‘Aunna, ya Muhammada!Ya ‘Aunna, ya Muhammada!”

Zainab did not cry. She did not do matam for ‘Aun- Muhammad.

Inna LillahiWa Inna Ilaih Raja’oon!

We are from Allah and to Him we will return!

Matam al-Husayn!

Majlis 7: Hazrat Qasim

Surah al-Fatiha

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Tonight is the night of 7th Muharram. Our Muharram majaalis continues. We shall shed more tears for Karbala’. We will continue our matam. We will give money in the name of Hazrat Qasim. Volunteers will serve the mourners of Karbala’.

Tears! Matam! Donations! Volunteers!

Bibi Fatimah is watching all of us. Everyone will be rewarded on the Day of Judgement.

Our tears, our matam, our donations, and our volunteer work for Husayn will not be wasted. Husayn will reward us. Bibi Fatimah will protect us. Allah will be pleased with us.

Husayn, his companions and his family are in Karbala’.

The 7th of Muharram is a very tragic day in the event of Karbala’.

On this day, water was stopped from reaching Husayn's camp. It was very hot in Karbala’. As the days went by, the children became very thirsty.

The cry of, “Al-Atash! Al-Atash! Al-Atash!” became more frequent.

Tonight is the night of Shah Qasim, the 13 year old son of Imam Hassan and Umm Farwah.

‘Ashura’ came to the land of Karbala’.

‘Ali Akbar gave the Fajr Adhan. Everyone prayed the Fajr Salat (Prayer).

One-by-one Husayn's companions went to the battlefield and gave their life for Islam. They all became Martyrs! Shaheed! Shaheed Al- Karbala’!

By Zuhr time, Imam Husayn was left with only his family, ‘Aun-Muhammad.Qasim, ‘Ali Akbar and ‘Abbas.

The companions of Imam Husayn whilst they were alive did not let Imam Husayn's family go to the battlefield.

No one was left now.

‘Aun - Muhammad were keen to help their uncle save Islam. They went to the battlefield and never returned.

Qasim took permission from his mother, Umm Farwah, to fight.

Then he went to his uncle, Husayn to ask for his permission to fight.

How can Husayn give permission to his brother's son to die? How can he allow a young child to die?

“Qasim, you are young. You are the only child of your mother. Qasim, you are my brother's son. I have promised my brother to look after you. My darling Qasim, you are the image of my brother. You remind me of Hassan.No, Qasim, no. I cannot allow you to die.”

Qasim was very disappointed. He went to his mother for help. His mother reminded him of the taveez his father had tied to his arm.

Qasim opened the taveez, and placed inside found a letter for Husayn. Qasim was pleased to see the letter. He took the letter to his uncle, Husayn.

Husayn read the letter from his brother, Hassan:

“Brother Husayn, a day will come when Islam will need to be saved by sacrifice. Husayn, I will not be alive on thatday, however my son, Qasim will be there. It is my wish that Qasim should represent me on that day.”

“My dearest Qasim how can I stop you now. Go, Qasim, go.” He took Qasim to Bibi Zainab.

“Zainab, bring me Hassan's abaa and his turban.” Husayn dressed Qasim with Hassan's abaa (cloak) and turban.

“Zainab! Look at Qasim, doesn't he look handsome? He looks just like our brother Hassan.”

Tears flowed from Husayn's and Zainab's eyes as they remembered their brother.

Husayn then dressed Qasim with the battlefield uniform and gave him the weapons.

A young child with adult weapons! Qasim was so young that his sword touched the ground as he walked.

He could not mount his horse on his own. ‘Abbas, his uncle helped him mount the horse.

The young fighter Qasim rode to the battlefield. A rider whose feet did not reach the stirrups, the foot straps on the horse, but he was keen to save Islam.

He was the young son of Hasan, the grandson of ‘Ali and hewas trained by ‘Abbas.

Qasim fought gallantly, he fought a battle history will never forget. The enemy could not overpower him. One of Yazid's cowardly soldiers came from behind and hit Qasim on the head with a sword.

Qasim was covered in blood.

The young Qasim, thirsty for three days, could not take it anymore. He fell from his horse. As he fell he cried out;

“O, Uncle! Come Quickly!Help me, Uncle!”

Husayn and ‘Abbas rushed to the battlefield.

Dreadful events then took place. The enemies of Islam thought that Husayn and ‘Abbas were coming to attack them. They got scared. There was confusion.

Horses ran from one side to another, from here to there! From there to here!

The horses ran over Qasim, who was lying wounded on the ground. He got trampled on.

Husayn and ‘Abbas were searching for Qasim.

My darling Qasim, where are you? Qasim!speak to your uncle. Qasim! Qasim! Where are you my son?”

Qasim could not reply. Qasim had stopped breathing.

When the enemies withdraw, what did Husayn see?

Qasim was not in one piece. The horses had trodden on him and torn him to pieces.

Imagine Husayn's feelings! His brother, Hasan's son lying trampled into pieces.

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!

What shall Husayn do now? What shall Husayn do now'?

Qasim torn into pieces! His arms and legs scattered on the sand of Karbala’.

Husayn took off his abaya and spread it on the ground. He gathered the pieces of Qasim’s body and placed them on his abaya.

He then tied the abaya into a bundle.

‘Abbas helped Husayn carry Qasim's trampled body.

When Husayn reached the camp, he cried out:

“Z-A-I-N-A-B! Help m Zainab. My heart is broken, Zainab. I have no strength left to carry Qasim's body to the tent. Zainab, ask Amma Fizza to help you take Qasim to the tent.”

The ladies cried and did matam for Qasim.

“Ya Qasima! Ya Qasima!Ya Qasima!”

Inna LillahiWa Inna Ilaih Raja’oon!

We are from Allah and to Him we will return!

Matam al-Husayn!

Majlis 8: Hazrat ‘Abbas

Surah al-Fatiha

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Tonight is the night of 8th of Muharram.

Surely tonight, we will shed more tears. We will do more matam.

Tonight is a very tragicnight, it is the night of Hazrat ‘Abbas.

‘Abbas! Who was ‘Abbas?

‘Abbas, the Captain; ‘Abbas, the Commander; ‘Abbas, the brave and strong warrior; ‘Abbas, the Alamder - flag bearer; ‘Abbas, the faithful brother; ‘Abbas, the guardian of Umm Kulthoom and Bibi Zainab; ‘Abbas, Sakina's dearest uncle; ‘Abbas, son of Ummul Baneen; ‘Abbas, the lion son of ‘Ali.

‘Abbas was like his father, ‘Ali. He had all the qualities of his great father. ‘Abbas was brave, strong, wise, loving, obedient and faithful.

His father, ‘Ali, on his dying bed, gave ‘Abbas' hand to Husayn said:

My son ‘Abbas, Husayn is the son of Bibi Fatimah. ‘Abbas, you are my son. ‘Abbas, Husayn is your master. You are Husayn’s slave. ‘Abbas, take care of Husayn.”

Since that day, ‘Abbas had fulfilled Husayn's every wish like a faithful slave.

‘Abbas treated Husayn like his master.

He always treated Bibi Kulthoom and Bibi Zainab with great respect.

He followed Husayn like a shadow.

‘Abbas was with Husayn in Karbala’.

Husayn knew ‘Abbas was like their father, ‘Ali, a brave and strong warrior.

He would tell ‘Abbas:

“My brother ‘Abbas keep your sword in its place. Don't take your sword out to fight. We have come to save Islam. ‘Abbas, we have come to teach true Islam. We will teach Islam - not with our swords but with our character. Patience ‘Abbas, patience”

When Yazid's men pulled out Husayn's tents from the river bank, ‘Abbas became very angry. He pulled out his sword and wanted to fight there and then. Husayn said:

“No ‘Abbas, no! Be patient. We have not come here to fight, ‘Abbas.

Imagine a warrior like ‘Abbas, asked not to pull his sword out, after being treated so badly. That needs great patience.

‘Ashura’ came. ‘Ali Akbar gave his last Adhan. Everyone in Husayn's camp prayed Fajr Salat (Prayer).

The battle of Karbala’ began. One-by-one, Husayn's companions went to the battlefield and were martyred.

Everytime a body was brought to the tent, ‘Abbas went to Husayn and said:

Master, now allow me to go to the battlefield. Enough, Master, enough. Let me go and fight those beastly men, Master.”

Every time, Husayn calmed ‘Abbas down by saying:

“No ‘Abbas, no! How can I let you go? You are the captain of my army. You are my right hand man, ‘Abbas. You are mu support, ‘Abbas. Where would I be without you, ‘Abbas? No ‘Abbas, no.”

‘Abbas' three brothers went to the battlefield and were martyred.

‘Aun - Muhammad went to the battlefield andwere martyred.

Qasim went. His body was trampled and torn to pieces,

‘Abbas became very restless and could not take it anymore. Somehow, he must get permission.

‘Abbas walked to Umm Kulthoom and Zainab's tent and then turned back.

He knew they won't let him go.

‘Abbas walked to Husayn's tent several times and back again. How could he persuade Husayn to let him go?

‘Abbas is restless. ‘Abbas wants permission to fight.

Just then, little Sakina, with her mashk, came to ‘Abbas. “Uncle ‘Abbas, look at my mashk. It is very dry.Al-Atash, uncle. Sakina is very thirsty, uncle ‘Abbas.”

‘Abbas thought of a way to get permission from Husayn.

He picked up little Sakina and went to Husayn's tent.

‘Abbas sat in front of Husayn, with Sakina on his lap.

‘Abbas didn’t have to say anything.

Husayn looked at ‘Abbas and then at Sakina and her mashk.

Husayn understood ‘Abbas' expression.

“‘Abbas, how can I say no, now? You have brought Sakina with you. Go ‘Abbas, go. Go and fill Sakina’s mashk with water.

One request,‘Abbas, leave your sword with me!

Remember, ‘Abbas, you are not going to the fight. You are just going to get water for Sakina.”

‘Abbas gave his sword to Husayn. He kissed Sakina and put her down. He said:

“Sakina, pray for me, pray that I get water for you.”

‘Abbas then went to Zainab.

“Sister Zainab, give me permission to go to the battlefield.”

“Brother ‘Abbas, I used to hear that my hijab would be looted. ‘Abbas, I used to say, howdare could anyone snatch my hijab when I have eighteen brothers. Now ‘Abbas, that you are going, I believe that my hijab will really be looted.”

‘Abbas went to the battlefield.

In one hand ‘Abbas carried the Alam of Husayn's army and in the other he held a spear and Sakina's mashk. He had no sword to fight but had a spear for protection. He headed for River Furaat.

Yazid's soldiers saw ‘Abbas coming. They had seen ‘Abbas fight and knew he was like his father, ‘Ali. They were scared,

The few who dared to attack ‘Abbas were killed by his spear.

‘Abbas reached the river and filled Sakina's mashk.

He then asked his faithful horse to drink water. The horse looked towards Husayn's camp and seemed to say:

“Master, are you sure that the water will reach Sakina? Master, how can I drink when Sakina and ‘Ali Asghar are thirsty? Let us first give them water, and then I will drink some.”

‘Abbas, with his Alam in one hand and his spear and Sakina's water-filled mashk in the other, rode back.

Umar Saad, Yazid's commander, ordered his men to stop ‘Abbas taking water to Husayn's tents.

The enemies surrounded ‘Abbas. They fired arrows from all directions.

‘Abbas was hit with many arrows. He was bleeding.

Just then, a soldier came from behind and struck his sword on ‘Abbas' shoulder. ‘Abbas gripped the mashk with his teeth, as his arm and spear fell to the ground.

Another soldier came and struck his sword into ‘Abbas' other shoulder. The Alam and the other arm fell to the ground.

Imagine, ‘Abbas on his horse - No arms - holding Sakina's mashk between his teeth.

Water must reach Sakina.‘Abbas, still had the strength to go on.

Sakina’s mashk is still filled with water.

An arrow was shot. It hit Sakina's mashk. The water began to pour out.

Poor ‘Abbas lost all his strength as the water poured out from Sakina's mashk. He fell from his horse and cried out:

“Master, come to me. Master let me see you for the last time.”

Husayn heard ‘Abbas. He was heartbroken. With his hands on his back he cried out:

“Son, ‘Ali Akbar, my back is gone. My support is gone. My Alamdar is gone.”

Husayn and ‘Ali Akbar rushed to the battlefield.

Husayn saw his brother lying on the ground.

Imagine how Husayn felt when he saw his brother lying on the ground - covered with blood, both arms severed.

He placed ‘Abbas' head on his lap.

My brother, ‘Abbas? You are leaving me too. ‘Abbas, what will I do without you? My support, ‘Abbas, I am finished without you. My brother ‘Abbas, can I do anything for you?”

“Yes, Master. When I came to this world, I saw your face first. Now, as I am going from this world, Master, I would like to see your face for the last time.”

'‘Abbas, why can't you see me?”

“Master, my eyes are covered with blood.”

Imam Husayn cleaned ‘Abbas' eyes. ‘Abbas gazed at Husayn.

“‘Abbas, I have a wish too. All your life you have called me Master. Once, brother ‘Abbas, just once, call me brother.”

‘Abbas said:

“Husayn, my brother, do not take my body to the tents. I am ashamed of myself. I don't want Sakina to see me. I don't want my sisters Kulthoom and Zainab to see me like this. I don't want Kulthoom and Zainab to cry.”

‘Abbas took his last breath and died on Husayn's lap.

Poor Husayn? What should he do now?

Husayn picked up the Alam and tied Sakina's mashk to it.

Sakina saw the Alam coming. She shouted:

“Children, come children. My uncle ‘Abbas is coming with water. I will give all of you water. Come children, come.”

Husayn reached the tent. He cried out:

“Z-A-I-N-A-B…….Help me, Zainab…….The Alam has come……But the Alamdar has not…”

Inna LillahiWa Inna Ilaih Raja’oon!

We are from Allah and to Him we will return!

Matam al-Husayn!

Majlis 9: Hazrat ‘Ali Akbar

Surah al-Fatiha

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Tonight is the night of 9th Muharram.

It is the second night without water.

It is very hot in Karbala’. Children cannot sleep.

How can they? They are very thirsty and hungry.

The sound of “Al-Atash! Al-Atash! Al-Atash!” breaks Husayn's heart.

What can Husayn do? He is patient.

For the sake of Allah, he is bearing it all.

More is to come. Husayn's patience and sacrifice will be tested further.

On ‘Ashura’ day…….Husayn sacrificed all his faithful friends but remained patient.

‘Aun - Muhammad were killled. Yet Husayn remained patient.

Qasim was torn to pieces. Yet Husayn remained patient.

‘Abbas' arms were severed. Yet Husayn remained patient.

How much can Husayn bear? How much more can he sacrifice?

My fellow Husayni for the sake of Islam, Husayn, our Imam, sacrificed the most precious thing in his life - His teenage son, his 18 year-old son – ‘Ali Akbar!

Tonight, my fellow Husayni, we will cry more and we will do more matam.

Bibi Fatimah will cry with us. Mawla ‘Ali will join us. Husayn will pray with us. Husayn and Zainab will cry with us.

Tonight, is the night of the teenage son of Husayn, the life of Husayn, the darling of Zainab and Umm Laila, the image of the Holy Prophet - Tonight is the night of ‘Ali Akbar!

The day of ‘Ashura’ unfolded on the land of Karbala’. It was Fajr time. Husayn called his son, ‘Ali Akbar.

“My son, ‘Ali Akbar, go and give the Adhan. ‘ Ali Akbar I want to hear the voice of my grandfather. ‘Ali Akbar, you sound so much like your great grandfather, the Holy Prophet.”

“Allahu-Akbar, Allahu-Akbar.. …..”

‘Ali Akbar's Adhan echoed through the land of Karbala’.

‘Ali Akbar's last Adhan…….It was no ordinary Adhan……..

It was filled with emotion…

Husayn began to cry. He remembered his grandfather.

All the ladies in the tents began to cry. Zainab burst into tears.

Everyone prayed Fajr Salat (Prayer).

Soon after, the battle of Karbala’ began.

One-by-one, Husayn's companions went to the battlefield and were martyred.

‘Aun - Muhammad went. They were martyred too.

Qasim went. He was torn to pieces.

‘Ali Akbar and ‘Abbas helped Husayn, carry the bodies to the tent.

Sakina was thirsty. ‘Abbas went to get water. ‘Abbas did not come back.

Husayn is alone with ‘Ali Akbar.

Heartbroken. Full of grief!So many dead in one day.

How much can Husayn take?Enough - enough - enough.

No, my fellow Husayni more is to come. The greatest sacrifice inhistory, is to come……..

‘Ali Akbar - the life of Husayn - the teenage son of Husayn - the darling of Husayn - came to his father and said:

“Father, may I now have permission to go for Jihad?”

Allahu Akbar! My fellow Husayni, imagine the scene! Put your hand on your heart and think of what is happening?

A teenage son has come to his old father for permission to DIE! How does a father allow his teenage son - 18 years old - to die?

Poor Husayn! What does he do now? How does he allow his teenage darling son to die?

Husayn is helpless. His promise to Allah had to be honoured.

“My son, ‘Ali Akbar, go, you have my permission, but Akbar, my darling, go and ask permission from your mother. Go and ask permission from Zainab, your auntie who has brought you up. Go, son, go.”

‘Ali Akbar took permission from his mother, Umm Laila.

‘Ali Akbar then went to his auntie, Zainab.

“Auntie Zainab, tell me one thing. Whose life is more important?Your ‘Ali Akbar's, or Bibi Fatimah's son, Husayn's?”

“My son, ‘Ali Akbar, I would sacrifice a thousand lives to save Bibi Fatimah's son - Husayn's life.

Then auntie, do not stop me. Grant me permission. No one is left to save Husayn. Let me go, auntie, let me go.”

“Bismillah, my son. Go my ‘Ali Akbar, go.”

‘Ali Akbar mounted his horse.

Husayn was crying. Umm Laila was crying. Bibi Kulthoom was crying. Zainab was crying.

“Fi aman Allah, mother. Fi aman Allah, father. Fi aman Allah, auntie Kulthoom. Fi aman Allah, auntie Zainab.”

‘Ali Akbar rode to the battlefield.

He heard footsteps following him. He stopped and looked back. What did he see?

His fatherHusayn, was following him.

With his hands on his back, Husayn was running behind ‘Ali Akbar.

“Father, where are you going? Please father, go back to the tent.”

“My son ‘Ali Akbar, I want to see you as long as I can. I will stop here, my son, but promise me, you will keep on looking back after every few steps. Akbar, my darling, your old father wants to see you as long as he can.”

‘Ali Akbar continued……He looked back every few seconds. Husayn was there watching him.

He reached the battlefield.

‘Ali Akbar fought bravely. He killed many well-known warriors.

‘Ali Akbar came back to his father.

“Father, did you see me fight? I wish uncle ‘Abbas was here to see me. Father, a few drops of water……., father, I am very thirsty. If I could just have a little water, I would send the entire army of Yazid to Hell.”

“My son. come near me. Touch my tongue. See if you can get some comfort from me.”

‘Ali Akbar touched Husayn's tongue.

“Father, your mouth is much drier than mine. Father, you must bemore thirsty than myself.”

‘Ali Akbar returned to the battlefield.

Umar Saad ordered his soldiers to kill ‘Ali Akbar.

While a few soldiers together attacked ‘Ali Akbar, one crept up to him and thrust a spear into ‘Ali Akbar's chest.

Allahu Akbar! The spear penetrated Akbar's chest. The handle broke. A sharp blade stuck into Akbar's heart. He felt faint.

‘Ali Akbar fell off his horse. He cried out:

“O Father, accept my last salaam to you.”

‘Ali Akbar did not call his father to come to see him.

Husayn was alone and ‘Ali Akbar did not want to bother his old father.

Husayn rushed to the battlefield.

“My son, my darling, my ‘Ali Akbar, where are you? Speak to your father, my son. Akbar..... Akbar.... My darling… Where are you?”

Husayn saw his son, ‘Ali Akbar.His son was lying on the sands of Karbala’ with both his hands on his chest.

‘Ali Akbar was taking his last breaths.

Poor Husayn! What shall Husayn do now? A father facing his teenage son, dying!

He placed ‘Ali Akbar's head on his lap.

“My son, ‘Ali Akbar, my darling, ‘Ali Akbar, why are you covering your chest? My son, is your chest hurting? Let me look at it, my son.”

“No, father, no! Don't remove my hands from my chest. You will not be able to bear it, father.”

Husayn gently moved ‘Ali Akbar's hands.

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar! What did Husayn see?

What did a father see?

The blade of the spear stuck deep into ‘Ali Akbar's chest. ‘Ali Akbar was in a lot of pain.

What shall Husayn do now? What shall Husayn do now?

Husayn put both his hands on the blade and looked towards Najaf. He cried out loudly:

“Baba, Ya Mushkil Khusha! Help Me!… Baba! It was easy for you to pull out the gates of Khyber… Baba! It is difficult for me to pull out the blade from my son's chest…… Baba! Help me, Baba!”

With a cry of “Ya ‘Ali”, Husayn pulled the blade out.

Blood gushed out of ‘Ali Akbar's chest. Husayn was covered with his son, ‘Ali Akbar's blood.

‘Ali Akbar took his last breath.

What does Husayn do now?

“‘Aun - Muhammad, help me carry your brother's body. Qasim, help me. ‘Abbas, I need your help. Where are you, ‘Abbas?

Husayn was alone. How does he carry ‘Ali Akbar's body?

Husayn alone could not carry ‘Ali Akbar's body.

He put ‘Ali Akbar's hands around his neck…..

Husayn carried his 18 year old son's body with great difficulty.

‘Ali Akbar's feet dangled, touching the sand of Karbala’.

Poor Husayn! So much patience! So much sacrifice!

As he reached the tent……..he cried out:

“Z-A - I - N - A – B……..Help me, Zainab. Take our ‘Ali Akbar.”

“U-M-M-E - L-A-I-L-A…….Help me. Take your darling….

Inna LillahiWa Inna Ilaih Raja’oon!

We are from Allah and to Him we will return!

Matam al-Husayn!