Azadari; Mourning for Imam Hussain (as)

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Azadari; Mourning for Imam Hussain (as)

Azadari; Mourning for Imam Hussain (as)


Table of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction 15

Haq Char Yaar 15

What was the practice of the Syrians on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Husayn (as)? 20

What was the practice of Shi’as on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Husayn (as)? 20

Chapter Two: Commemorating Muharam 24

The recollection of grief is human nature 24

To remember the Martyrs is not only the Sunnah of Prophet(s) but also the practice of Sahaba 24

The remembrance of the first ten days of Muharam 24

Ashura is Allah (swt)’s day 26

Question: Is it permissible to mourn Imam Husayn (as) every year? 26

Reply One – Remembering the days of Allah (swt) 26

What are the ‘days’ of Allah (swt)? 26

Reply Two – Umar’s continual recollection of his brother’s death 27

Reply Two – The will of our Imam (as) 27

Reply Three – The continual mourning by Adam (as) and Hawa (as) for their slain son 27

Reply Four – Rasulullah (s) declared an entire year to be the year of grief 27

Reply Five – Ahl’ul Sunnah’s year of mourning over the death of a Sunni scholar 28

Reply – Reply Six – Sufi Saint Shah Hassan Miyan Phulwari Hanafi Qadri’a comments on mourning for Imam Husayn (as) in Muharam 29

Comment 29

Reply Seven – Shaykh al Islam Maqdoom Ala’ al Haq Pindavi (R) and Azadari for Imam Husayn (as) 29

Comment 29

Reply Nine – Mourning for Imam Husayn (as) attests to our support for his suffering 29

Mourning on Husayn (as) is tantamount to mourning the Holy Prophet (s) 30

Reply Ten – Allah (swt)’s desire is that the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (as) is conveyed to all 30

Chapter Three: The rewards for mourning Imam Husayn (as) 32

Azadari distinguishes between the path of Husayn (as) and that of Yazeed 32

Martyrdom in Sunni books 32

Love and Mullah’s 32

Comment 33

How can you attain Paradise through mourning (Azadari)? 33

The merits of feeding Halwa (sweet dish) 33

The Promise of Paradise by Imam Husayn (as) to his mourners 33

Imam Sajjad (as) and Baqir (as) said, “Those that mourn Husayn (as) will be protected from Hellfire” 34

Mourning the living carries a reward on par with mourning for a hundred martyrs 34

The Status of one that mourns Imam Husayn (as) 35

Exaggeration when narrating the merits of the Ahl’ul bayt (as) 35

Chapter Four: Is Azadari against patience (sabr)? 37

Reply One – Overview of the verse 37

Reply Two – The Meaning of Sabr in this verse 37

Comment 37

Reply Three – Sabr carries multiple meanings 38

Reply Four – Its isn’t compulsory to maintain Sabr against injustice 38

Reply Five – It is permissible to relate your suffering 39

Reply Six – The Sabr of Prophet Yusuf (as) 39

Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s comments on Sabr 40

The explanation of word ‘Huzn’ 40

Reply Seven – The impatience of Rasulullah (s) when mourning about Imam Husayn (as) 41

Comment 42

Reply Nine – Rasulullah lost his Sabr when witnessing the body of his slain uncle 42

Reply Ten – Rasulullah (s) did not maintain Sabr upon the death of Ibraheem 43

Reply Eleven – Rasulullah (s) did not maintain Sabr at the death of his Uncle Abu Talib (as) 43

Reply Twelve – The impatience of the Prophet (s) at the death of his grandfather 43

Reply Thirteen – The impatience of Rasulullah (s) with regard to the sufferings of Maula Ali (as) 43

Comment 44

Rasulullah (s) lost his Sabr upon seeing the Sand of Karbala 44

Reply Fourteen – Maula ‘Ali (as) did not deem Sabr at the death of the Prophet (s) to be a good thing 45

Comment 45

Reply Fifteen – The comments of Maula ‘Ali at the grave of the Prophet (s) 45

Comment 45

Reply Sixteen – The impatience of Maula ‘Ali (as) at the death of Sayyida Fatima (as) 46

Reply Seventeen – Maula Ali (as)’s mourning at the deaths of Hamza (ra) and Sayyida Fatima (as) 46

Reply Eighteen – Hazrat Bilal (ra)’s lamentation on hearing the news of Sayyida Fatima (as)’s death 46

Reply Nineteen – Maula ‘Ali lost his Sabr when visiting Kerbala 47

Comment 47

Reply Twenty – The three Khalifas lack of ‘Sabr’ at the death of the Prophet (s) 47

Reply Twenty One – Mourning Imam Husayn (as) gives us Sabr 47

Comment 47

Reply Twenty Two – Uthman lost his visual sense when the Prophet (s) died 48

Reply Twenty Three – Ayesha’s request for mourning at the death of her brother 48

Reply Twenty Four – Abu Bakr’s loss of Sabr upon the death of the Prophet (s) 48

Reply Twenty Five – Ayesha lost her Sabr and tried to commit suicide 48

Reply Twenty Six – Weeping for the dead is not against patience 49

Chapter Five: Crying and wailing for Imam Hussain (as) 50

Crying is a natural act 50

Crying is an act of believers 50

Lamentation from the Qur’an 51

The weeping of the Sahaba in the Qur’an 51

Wailing from the Qur’an 52

The earth and sky shed no tears for the Dhalimeen 52

Comment 52

The weeping of the skies and Jinn for Imam Husayn (as) 53

Reply – Sunni traditions confirm this reality 53

How does Heaven/Sky cry? 54

The weeping of the heaven and earth over Imam Husayn (as) 55

We share the same faith with the skies and the earth 57

The constant weeping of Angles for Imam Husayn (as) 57

It is not permissible to cry at the suffering of the Kuffar 57

Rasulullah wept whenever he was foretold the tragedy that would befall on Husasin (as) and his companions 58

The tears of Adam (as) 59

The tears of Nuh (as) 60

Comment 60

Prophet Ibrahim (as) supplicated for a daughter who would weep over his death 60

Rasulullah (s) wept at the death of his son Ibraheem (as) 60

Comment 61

Crying is the Sunnah of the Prophets (peace be upon all of them) 61

Crying particularly for the tragedies befallen the Ahlulbayt (as) is Sunnah of Holy Prophet (s) 62

Safiya (r), Sayyida Fatima (as) and Rasulullah (s) cried over the slain body of Hamza (as) 62

Holy Prophet (s) wept over the martyrdom of Jaffar ibn Abi Talib (as) 62

Sahaba along with Holy Prophet(s) wept over the martyrdom of Hamza (ra) 63

Ayesha wept at the death of Uthman ibn al Affan 63

Ayesha’s lamentations on Abu Bakr’s death 64

The mourning of Muslims at the death of Khalid bin Walid 64

The tears of Rasulullah (s), and Abu Bakr and Umar making sorrowful faces 65

The order of Abu Bakr to make a sorrowful face 65

The cries of Abu Bakr and Umar 65

The cries of Abu Bakr and Umar would reach the ears of Ayesha 65

Umar was the killer and mourner 66

Abu Bakr’s crying in the cave 66

Umar’s tears at his brother’s death 66

Immense tears at the time of Abu Bakr’s death 67

Tears at witnessing Uthman’s bloodied shirt 67

Ayesha 67

Tears at the death of Abu Bakr’s grandson 67

Yaum al Nayyab 68

Marwan’s tears and Imam Hassan (as)’s funeral 68

Hasan al Basri’s weeping at the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (as) 68

A Sahabi’s beard filled with tears 68

Ayesha’s excessive tears 69

Ayesha’s tears following defeat at Jamal 69

Mourning for Abu Haneefa 69

The loss of eyesight, mourning for Yusuf (as) 69

Prophet Yaqoob’s (as) grief for his son caused his back to be bent 69

The Sahabi Ibn Abbas became blind on account of his mourning for Imam Husayn (as) 70

Imam of Ahl’ul Sunnah Shaykh Ahmed Majd Shaybani would partake in mourning for Imam Husayn (as) every Muharrum and would cry profusely on the Day of Ashura 71

The Du’a of Rasulullah (s) for those who shed tears 71

Rasulullah’s blessing for those that weep for Imam Husayn (as) 72

Tears shed by Prophets in the Bible 72

Prophet Ibraheem (as) mourned the death of Sarah 72

The people mourned the death of Musa (as) 72

Feast of Trumpets 72

Day of Atonement 72

Chapter Six: Reciting elegies for Imam Hussain (as) 74

The couplet of Adam (as) 74

An elegy recited before Umar ibn al Farooq 74

Comment 75

Hassaan bin Thabit’s elegy at the death of Holy Prophet (s) 75

The Jins read elegies for Imam Husayn (as) 75

The couplets of sorrow narrated by Imam Husayn (as)’s women folk 76

Couplets accompanied by instruments 76

Singing by Abu Bakr upon the death of the Prophet (s) 76

Elegies and the shedding of blood for King Faisal 76

Commentary 77

Chapter Seven: Convening Majlis (Gathering) to remember the dead 78

Allah (swt) and his Prophet have instructed us to organise gatherings to remember Allah (swt) 78

Ayesha’s gathering over Abu Bakar’s death 80

Ayesha’s gathering (Majlis) at the time of Umar’s death 80

Umm’ul Momineen Salmah obtained the approval of the Prophet (s) to participate in a mourning ritual 80

Muharam gathering under the auspices of al Muhaddith Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlawi 81

Majalis to mourn Husayn (as) build character 81

Prophet (saww) arranged Majalis to mourn his uncle Hamza (ra) 81

Weeping while relating the tragedies befallen on pious is sunnah of Holy Prophet(s) and listening to them is the sunnah of Sahaba 82

The mourning gathering of Sahaba and elegies recited by Hassaan bin Thabit over the death of a martyr 82

A Sunni Scholars order that all the redidents of Baghdad partake in mourning ceremonies due to the death of Ibn Hanbal 83

Comment 83

The Fatwa of scholars of Ahle Sunnah regarding the permissibility of Majalis for Hussain (as) 83

The above cited references completely destroys 84

Chapter Eight: Wearing black attire 86

Reply One 86

Reply Two 87

Reply Three 88

According to Ahl’ul Sunnah, it is forbidden to dye your beard black 89

Comment 89

The Prophet (s) wore black 89

Umar in black attire 89

Wearing black while mourning Uthman 89

Comment 89

The Prophet (s)’s shroud was black 89

The Prophet (s)’s turban was black 90

Imam Abu Hanifa wearing black after death 90

Jinns wore black when Umar died 90

Comment 91

Imam Hassan (as)’s black attire 91

Comment 91

Chapter Nine: Hitting one’s body in grief 92

Mourning rituals and self harm as found in the Qur’an 92

Mourning and shedding blood is the Sunnah of Prophet Adam (as) 92

Mourning and hitting one self is the Sunnah of the Prophet (s) 92

Thigh beating is the Sunnah of Maula Ali (as) 93

Thigh beating is the Sunnah of Sahaba 93

Proof of head beating from the Qur’an 94

Beating oneself at a time of distress is the Sunnah of Prophet Adam (as) 94

Hitting one’s head in times of trouble is the Sunnah of Prophet Yusuf (as) 94

Beating oneself in times of trouble is the Sunnah of Umar 95

Beating and mourning by the wives of the Sahaba 95

Observation One 96

Observation Two 97

Observation Three 97

Observation Four 98

Observation Five 98

Beating and mourning by the wives of the Prophet (s) over his (s) death 98

Beating and mourning by the wives of the Prophet (s) upon the tragic news that he (s) had divorced them 99

Beating and mourning by Uthman’s wives and daughter over his death 99

The mourning of Fatima al-Zahra (as) 100

The mourning of Abu Hurraira 100

The mourning of Bilal (ra) 100

The extreme mourning of Uways al-Qarni (ra) 100

Comment 101

Eye witness testimony to the Kufan women folk mourning Imam Hussain (as) through chest beating 101

Mourning following the death of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal 102

Heavens mourning at the death of Umar! 102

Seven days of mourning of Khalid bin Waleed 102

An Arabs mourning before the Prophet (s) 102

Islamic Law 103

Imam Jafer (as) allowed the mourning of Imam Husayn (as) 103

The mourning of Banu Hashim 104

Sayyida Zaynab (as) beat herself on three separate occasions 104

First Occasion 104

Second occasion 104

Third occasion 104

Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar’s self harm mourning for Imam Husayn (as) 105

Comment 105

The skies shed blood in grief of Imam Husayn (as) 105

Examples of self-beating in the Bible 105

Chapter Ten: Putting dust in one’s hair 107

Mourning and putting dust in head in grief of Husayn (as) is Sunnah of our Prophet (s) 107

Chapter Eleven: Seeking Waseela from the Saints (Awliya) 109

Umar sought the Waseela of Abbas 109

Comment 109

Imam Hanbal’s shirt 110

Comment 110

Visting the Graves of Saints 110

Weeping and performing Prayers over the graves of martyrs 111

Chapter Twelve: Creating and revering symbols (Sha’er Allah) 113

Comment 113

People who venerate Taaziyah are certain to get their sins erased by the blessings of the Holy Prophet (s) 113

The legal justification for an Image 114

Examine the Theory 115

The Image of Zuljanah (Imam Husayn (as)’s horse) 116

The House of Allah is a replica of Bayt al M’amoor 117

Kissing the image of grave 117

Images of Abu Bakr and Umar 117

The image of a coin 117

The images of Prophets (as) 117

The horse of Ayesha 119

Ahl’ul Sunnah’s creating an image of Ayesha, Talha and Zubayr 120

Comment 120

Kissing Images 120

The founder of Shariat (The Holy Prophet) portrayed himself as the camel of Imam Husayn (as) 120

Gibrael (as) appeared in the image of Ayesha 121

Gibrael (as) brought an image of Ayesha 121

The Dolls of Ayesha 121

Proof of Alam (Flag / Standard) 122

The Flag of Rasool Allah (saw) was of black colour 122

Giving a special reverence to the standard 122

Chapter Thirteen: Street Processions (Juloos) 124

Year long processions using the shirt and beard of Uthman 124

Let us not forget the comments of the learned advocate of Muawiya 125

Chapter Fourteen: The misuse of Shi’a texts to ‘prove’ that Azadari for Imam Hussain (as) is Haraam 126

Tradition One 126

Reply 126

Tradition Two – The Definition of Jaza 127

Reply One – The tradition has been graded as weak 127

Reply Two 127

Tradition Three 127

Reply 127

Tradition Four 128

Reply One 128

Reply Two 128

Tradition Five 128

Jila Al-Ayun (Urdu translation) part 1, page 67, Published in Lucknow 128

Reply 128

Tradition Six 129

Reply One – This is a sole narration 129

Reply Two – Imam Husayn (as) sought this pledge as a means of consoling his distraught sister 129

Reply Three – Imam Husayn (as) demanded this pledge because his sister had to remain firm to face up to the impending challenges that she would encounter in the hours that followed 130

Reply Four – This will was time limited, and Syeda Zainab (as) recognised it as such 131

Reply Five – The same text has traditions wherein Sayyida Zaynab (as) mourned the loss of her brother 132

Reply Six – Sunni texts also record the fact that Sayyida Zaynab (as) mourned the loss of her brother 133

Tradition Seven – The Nasibi claim that the Shia weep for Imam Hussain (as) due to the curse of lady Zainab (as)? 133

Reply One: The Nasibi accusation is strictly against the teachings of Quran and in conformity with Judaism 134

Reply Two: Lady Zainab (as) herself wept profusely for Imam Hussain (as) 135

Reply Three: The Imams of Ahlulbayt (as) themselves mourned over the tragedy of Karbala 135

Misuse of Shia text 135

Reply Four: The Imams of Ahlulbayt (as) encouraged their adherents to mourn over the tragedy of Karbala and discussed the rewards for doing so 136

Reply Four: As per Nawasib those that the Prophet (s) cursed were blessed 137

Reply Five: The narration is weak 137

Chapter Fifteen: The stance of Ahlulbayt (as) regarding the commemoration of Ashura 138

Imam Jafar (as) convened the mourning gathering for Hussain (as) and wept profusely 139

The nature of Imam Hussain (as)’s martyrdom over the other martyrs of Ahlulbayt (as) 139

Merely imagining the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as) and his companions would reduce Imam Zain al-Abdeen (as) to tears 140

Imam Raza (as) convened the mourning gatherings for Hussain (as) during the month of Muharram 140

Whenever food was placed before Imam Zain ul Abdeen (as), he wept for Imam Hussain (as) 140

Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as) wept for Imam Hussain (as) 140

Daily chores should be abandoned on the day of Ashura 140

The extent of grief observed by the latter Imams (as) for the entirety of Muharram 141

The reward for expressing grief over the murder of Imam hussain (as) and his companions 141

The reward of attending the gatherings wherein the ordeals of Ahlulbayt (as) are told 142

The pride felt by Ahlulbayt (as) at their Shia that share in their happiness and grief 143

According to Holy Prophet (s), ‘Mumineen’ will never abandon their grief for Hussain (as) 143

Even angels shall continue to weep for Imam Hussain (as) until the Day of Judgment 143

Isa (as) also wept over the killing of Prophet’s grandson 143

Concluding the chapter 144

Chapter Sixteen: Refuting common Nasibi objections to Azadari 145

First Objection – Martyrdom should be celebrated not mourned 145

Reply One – It is natural to mourn suffering 145

Reply Two – It is natural to express grief at the plight of fallen heroes 145

Reply Three – The Sahaba mourned when Umar was martyred 145

Hadiya tul Mahdi, volume 1, page 23, Published in Delhi 146

Reply Four – Lady Hajra mourned when she heard of her son’s pending death 146

Reply Five – Mourning a martyr is part of one’s innate nature 146

Reply Six – Rasulullah (s) mourned those that were martyred 146

Reply Seven – One can never rejoice over the terrible suffering of the Ahl’ul bayt (as) 147

Second Objection – You cannot mourn over someone that is alive 147

Reply – This exposes the hypocrisy of the Nawasib 147

Third Objection – Shia rituals are a waste of money 147

Reply – The Eid sacrifice should likewise be deemed a waste of money 148

Fourth objection – Quran prohibits the visiting of graves 148

Reply – This prohibition refers to the graves of hypocrites 148

Fifth Objection – Azadari is an unnecessary waste of public money 148

Sixth Objection – All symbols associated with Azadari are false 148

Reply 148

Seventh Objection – The Shia have musical instruments in their processions 149

Reply – Ayesha had musical instruments in the house of the Prophet (s) 149

Eighth Objection – The Shia allow their women to participate and observe male mourning processions and this is shameless 149

Reply 149

Ninth Objection – The Shia mourn like they are running 150

Reply – Running is the Sunnah of the Prophet (s) and Ayesha 151

Tenth Objection – The Shias are responsible for ecological damage when they take out processions 151

Eleventh Objection – The Shia don’t mourn the other Imams 151

Reply 151

Twelfth Objection – The Shia mourn Hussain (as) to antagonise Sunnis 152

Reply – Our mourning is linked to the love for our fallen Imam (as) 152

Thirteenth Objection– Imam Hussain (as) would be unimpressed by the practice of Self flagellation 153

Reply – The Shia seek to be at one with suffering of their Imam (as) 153

Fourteenth Objection– Self flagellation is unislamic and barbaric 153

Reply – Ibn al Hashimi’s arguments mirror those of the enemies of Islam 154

The mutilation of the genitals of innocent female girls through female circumcision 155

Fifteenth Objection– The Shia should channel grief in a more meaningful way 158

Reply – There is no reason why all the above cannot be done alongside self flagellation 158

Chapter Seventeen: Azadari in other cultures 160

Prophet Esa (Jesus) donkey’s hoof 161

Replicas and Commemorative Processions 161

Exhibit of Jesus’ Blood 161

Death Anniversary 162

Buddha’s Tooth 162

Zareeh, Taaziyah, Matam 163

Death of King Edward VII 163

Chapter Eighteen: The tragedy of Karbala 164

Chapter Nineteen: Conclusion 168

The Prophet (s) guaranteed Paradise to those that mourn Imam Husayn (as) 169