Islam: Faith, Practice & History

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Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: General Books
ISBN: 978-964-219-145-1

Islam: Faith, Practice & History

Author: Sayyid Muhammad Rizivi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 978-964-219-145-1
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Islam: Faith, Practice & History

Islam: Faith, Practice & History

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 978-964-219-145-1

Lesson 35: Family Life in Islam (3)

1. Parents’ Status

(A) Father

In the Islamic family system, the father is considered as the head of the family. Whenever some people form a group, they must also have a leader.

For example, a soccer team needs a captain who would make sure each player follows their plan properly; a school needs a principal; a government needs a ruler. “Family” is a group of people; and, therefore, it also needs a leader whom we call as “the head of the family”.

As the head of the family, it is the father’s responsibility to provide the necessities of life for his dependants: his children, his wife (and elderly parents, if they are needy).

What are the necessities of life? Food, dress, shelter, furniture, and whatever a person normally needs to live a respectable life. The rights which a father has over his children are of three types:

• Spiritual & Emotional: to love one’s father, and to deal with him in a humble, kind and merciful manner. • Physical: to cheerfully bear any hardship you may face in taking care of him; to talk gently to him; not to raise your voice or hands above his; and not to precede him in any way.

• Financial: to fulfill his needs before he asks you for it.

Imam Zaynu ‘l-Abidin (a.s.) said: “It is the right of your father to realize that he is your root and you are his branch; and that without him you would have been non-existent.

Therefore, whenever you find in yourself anything that is likeable, remember that your father is the basic means of that gift [of Allah] to you. And be thankful to Allah and grateful to your lather accordingly.”

(B) Mother

In Islam, the mother is a substitute head of the family. In many Muslim societies, the father works outside the house, whereas the mother is in charge inside the house.

As mentioned earlier, it is the father’s duty to provide the necessities of life for the children. If the father is dead, then it is the duty of the grandfather to provide for his grandchildren. Only when both, the father and the grandfather, are dead the duty of providing the necessities of life for the children fall upon the mother.

A mother’s basic duty towards her children is to love, nurture and train them as best as she can so that they may grow up as healthy and good Muslims. That is why it is said that, “Paradise is at the feet of the mothers.”

The three types of rights mentioned for the father, equally apply for the mother also. Rather in some ways, the rights of mothers are superior to that of fathers.

Hakim bin Hizam asked the Prophet, “O Messenger of God, to whom should I do good?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” Hakim asked, “And then who?” The Prophet again said, “Your mother.”

Hakim asked the same question for the third time, and the Prophet again answered that “Your mother.” When Hakim asked the fourth time, only then did the Prophet say, “Your father.” Why is so much importance given to the rights of mothers? Imam Zaynu ‘KAbidin (a.s.) says:

“It is the right of your mother that you should appreciate that she carried you [in her womb] as nobody carries anybody, fed you the fruits of her heart which nobody feeds anybody, protected you [during pregnancy] with her ears, eyes, hands, legs, hair, limbs, [in short] with her whole being, gladly, cheerfully and carefully.

She patiently suffered all the worries, pains, difficulties and sorrows, till the hands of God removed you from her and brought you to this world. Then she was most happy feeding you forgetting her own hunger; clothing you, even if she herself had no clothes; giving you milk and water, not caring for her own thrist;

keeping you in the shade, even if she had to suffer from the heat of the sun; giving you every comfort with her own hardships; lulling you to sleep while keeping herself awake...Therefore, you must remain thankful to her accordingly, and you cannot do so except by the help from Allah.”

2. Parents’ Rights in the Qur’an

As the children step into adulthood, parents proceed towards old age. The children, in their childhood, need the protection of their parents; and the parents, in their old age, need the kindness of their children. Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, says:“If We grant long life to any, We cause him to be reversed in nature (i.e., from strength to weakness).” (36:68)

The three types of parents’ rights mentioned earlier are based on the following verses of the Qur’an:

Your Lord has decreed that you should worship no one but Him and that you should • be kind to your parents; • and if one or both of them attain old age in your life [and become angry with you for some reason], then do not even say to them ‘Oh’ [in contempt], nor should you repel them. Instead, you should address them in respectful manner.

And out of kindness, behave with them humbly. • And [pray for them by] saying ‘My Lord! bestow upon them Your mercy Just as they cherished me in childhood.} (17:23-24)

In many verses, the Qur’an has combined the kindness towards the parents side by side with the worship of Allah.“Worship Allah and join not any partner with Him and do good to parents...” (4:36)

In verse 17:23, it says:“And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you should be kind to parents...”

Obedience to the parents is a mirror of obedience to Allah. For example, in verse 31:14-15, Allah says:“And We enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents...Show gratitude to Me and to your parents. To Me is your return. And if they strive to make you join in worship with Me things of which you have no knowledge, then do not obey them; yet bear them company in this life with fairness and consideration.”

The last sentence means that you should be kind to your parents even if they are non-Muslims; however, you should not obey them if they ask you to do anything against the teachings of Islam.

We find that the Qur’an and hadith has emphasized more on the rights of the parents than the rights of the children. Why? The fact is that the parent’s heart is the fountainhead of the love for the child; this affection becomes the life-blood of the parents.

The Qur’an has alluded to this instinctive parental love in several places. On the other hand, children especially when they are no longer in need of parental care, do not feel so much love for the parents. We are not speaking about respect.

Here the talk is about instinctive love; and experience is a reliable witness to confirm this observation. Allah, subhanahu wa taala, says:“Your parents and your children, you know not which of them are nearest to you in benefit.” (4:11)

It is a known fact that signposts are not needed on a road going straight; but at a crossroads where several routes branch out, one cannot expect to get onto the right path without a guide or a signpost. It is for this reason that Islam does not emphasize in so many words those aspects of life which are taken care of by human nature itself.

It is where the hold of natural instinct is loosened that Islam extends its helping hand and leads man onto the right path by telling him what he is expected to do. It is for this reason that Islam did not emphasize the rights of children so forcefully; but full emphasis was given to the rights of the parents.

3. Importance of Silatu ‘r-Rahm

The importance of silatu ‘r-rahm can be seen from the following verses of the Qur’an and the ahadith of the Prophet and his Ahlu ‘1-bayt.

The Positive Aspect

Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, says: Say to them: “Whatever of good (wealth) you spend, it is for your parents, the near relatives, the orphans, the poor and the estranded traveller.” The primary recipients of your charity should be your parents and your relatives if they are needy.

The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, “Some people go on an evil path and commit sins, but they behave gently with their relatives. Because of their silatu ‘r-rahm, their wealth is increased and their lives are prolonged.

How much more would have been their reward if they had been good people?” Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said, “The reward of charity is increased ten times; and the reward of lending is increased eighteen times; and the reward of doing good to a believer is increased twenty times; and the reward of doing good to a relative is increased twenty four times.”

Imam Husayn (a.s.): “Anyone who desires to prolong his life and his livelihood, then he should have strong ties with his relatives.” There are many other ahadith on silatu ‘r-rahm. The rewards of silatu ‘r-rahm in this world can be summarized as follows:

• prolonging of life;

• increase in livelihood;

• prosperity in family and home;

• last moments of death will be eased.

The Negative Aspect

Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, says:“Those who break their covenant with God...those who sever the relationship which Allah has ordered to be joined, and those who do mischief on the earth- they are the (real) losers.” (2:27) In another verse, after describing the same acts, He says: “...on them shall be the curse, and they shall have a terrible home (in the hereafter).” (13:25)

On the basis of these verses, severing the ties with one’s relatives is counted among the major sins in Islam. Imam Ali (a.s.) said, “I seek protection of Allah from the sins which hasten death.”

Someone asked, “O’ Amir al-mu’minin, is there any sin which hastens death?” The Imam said, “Yes; and this is the severance of relationship. Indeed, when the members of a family remain united and help each other, then Allah gives them livelihood, even if they be drinkers of liquor.

And, indeed, when members of a family separate from each other and sever relationship with one another, then Allah deprives them (of their livelihood) even if they are pious.”

The Methods of Silatu’r-Rahm

How should we do silatu ‘r-rahm? Silatu ‘r-rahm, as mentioned earlier, means keeping strong ties with one’s relatives. There is no one way of doing silatu ‘r-rahm. For example, in one hadith, the Prophet said, “Do silatu ‘r-rahm even if it is by saying salam.”

Silatu ‘r-rahm can take different forms: • not giving any trouble to one’s relatives; • dealing with relatives on the basis of love and Islamic ethics; • participating in ones’ relatives’ sorrow and joy; • helping them financially.

* * *

This lesson is based on `Allamah Sayyid Sa’eed Akhtar Rizvi's

The Family Life of Isam (Revised Edition, 1980)

with additions and modifications made for this course.

Question Paper on Lesson 35

Question 1: [10 points]

True or False:

(a) The father is the leader of the family without any responsibilities.

(b) A mother's basic duties towards her children is: to love, nurture and train them as good Muslims.

(c) In showing kindness to the parents, the rights of mother and father are equal.

(d) The Qur'ān has emphasized more on the rights of the children rather than the rights of the parents.

(e) Silatu 'r-rahm can affect our lives in this world.

Question 2: [20 points]

How did the statement of Imam Zaynu ’l-‘Abidin about the mother affect you personally? Write your thoughts in a short paragraph.

Question 3: [20 points]

Explain the ways and methods by which you would do silatu 'r-rahm in today's modern and busy lifestyle of the West.

Part 3: History

Lesson 36: The Prophet Of Islam (Muhammad Al-Mustafa)

1. Birth to Bi’that

The last prophet of God is Muhammad al-Mustafa-upon whom be blessings and peace. He was born on 17th Rabi’u ‘1- Awwal, 1st Year of ‘Amul Fil in Mecca amidst the family of Banu Hashim (of the tribe of Quraysh) who were considered the most honoured of the Arab families. Banu Hashim were descendants of Isma’il, the son of Prophet Ibrahim.

The Prophet’s grandfather, ‘Abdu 1-Muttalib, was the chief of Banu Hashim and also the guardian of the Ka’bah. His father was called ‘Abdullah and his mother, Aminah bint Wahab.

His father passed away a few months before his birth. At the age of six, the Prophet lost his mother as well and was placed under the care of his paternal grandfather, ‘Abdul Muttalib.

But his grandfather also passed away after four years; and at this time the Prophet’s uncle, Abu Talib, took charge of him and became his guardian, taking him to his own house.

Thus the Prophet grew up in his uncle’s house and even before reaching the age of adolescence used to accompany his uncle on business journeys by caravan.

The Prophet had not received any schooling; yet, after reaching the age of maturity he became famous for his wisdom, courtesy, trust-worthiness and truthfulness.

He soon became famous as “as-sadiq al- amin” (the truthful, the trustworthy). Abu Talib used to say: “We have never heard any lies from Muhammad, nor seen him misconduct himself or make mischief. He never laughs unduly nor talks untimely.”

As a result of his sagacity and trustworthiness, Khadija bint Khuwaylid, a Qurayshi lady wellknown for her wealth, appointed him as the custodian of her possessions and left in his hands the task of conducting her commercial affairs.

The Prophet once journeyed to Damascus with Khadija’s merchandise and as a result of the ability he displayed was able to make an outstanding profit. Before long she asked to become his wife and the Prophet accepted her proposal.

After the marriage, which occurred when he was twentyfive years old, the Prophet began the life of a manager of his wife’s fortunes, until the age of forty, gaining meanwhile a widespread reputation for wisdom and trustworthiness.

He refused to worship idols, as was the common religious practice of the Arabs of the Hijaz. And occasionally he would make spiritual retreats to the cave of Hira’ in the mountains of the Tihamah region near Mecca, in which he prayed and discoursed secretly with God.

2. The Beginning of the Mission

At the age of forty, when he was in spiritual retreat in the cave of Hira’, he was given the mission of propagating the new religion. At that moment the first five verses of surah 96 were revealed to him.

(This event is known as bi’that - being raised to proclaim God’s message.) That very day he returned to his house and on the way met his cousin, ‘Ali bin Abi Talib, who after hearing the account of what had occurred declared his acceptance of the faith.

After the Prophet entered the house and told his wife of the revelation, she likewise accepted Islam. Soon after, Zayd ibn al-Harithah (a loyal slave whom he treated like his own son) also became a convert.

The first time the Prophet invited people to accept his message, he was faced with a distressing and painful reaction.

Out of necessity he was forced henceforth to propagate his message secretly for three years until he was ordered again by God to invite his very close relatives to accept the message. He organized a family feast and invited forty of his kinsmen.

At the gathering, Muhammad asked if they had ever found him lying? The general response was: ‘We have never found you lying.’ Then he asked, “If I were to tell you that your enemies have gathered beyond. the sandhills to attack you, would you believe me?” They replied, Yes.’ Then he said:

I know no man in all Arabia who can offer his kindred a more excellent thing than I now do. I offer you happiness both in this life and in the hereafter.

God Almighty has commanded me to call you unto Him. Who, therefore, among you will assist me herein shall become my brother, my heir and my successor. But this call was also fruitless and no one heeded it except ‘Ali bin Abi Talib, who in any case had already accepted the faith.

According to the historical documents transmitted from the Imams of Ahlu 1-bayt and the extant poems composed by Abu Talib, Abu Talib had also embraced Islam; however, because he was the sole protector of the Prophet, he hid his faith from the people in order to preserve the outward power he had with the Quraysh.

After this period, according to Divine instruction, the Prophet began to propagate his mission openly. With the beginning of open propagation the people of Mecca reacted most severely because the Islamic message -of worshipping One God and of equality among the believers without any distinction of race, colour or wealth- fared completely against the status quo.

Most painful afflictions and tortures were inflicted upon the Prophet and the people who had become newly converted to Islam.

For example, Bilal, an Ethiopian slave who had accepted Islam, was taken by his master Umayya who tied him onto the burning sand of the Arabian desert and placed a large stone on his chest with the warning that he will be left in that state until he rejects Islam. But the only sound heard from Bilal’s lips was: “Ahad! Ahad!” (One God! One God!)

The severe treatment dealt out by the Quraysh reached such a degree that a group of about 100 Muslims, under leadership of Ja’far bin Abi Talib, left their homes and belongings, and migrated to Abyssinia.

The Prophet had told them that they would find the Abyssinian king to be a just ruler. With the intention of stopping the spread of Islam, the Quraysh pursued them to Abyssinia seeking their extradition. But Ja’far eloquently presented the Muslims’ case to the Abyssinian king, and the request of the Quraysh was rejected. Ja’far said:

O King! We were plunged in the depth of ignorance and barbarism; we worshipped idols, we lived in unchastity, we ate dead bodies and we spoke abominations; we disregarded every feeling of humanity and the duties of hospitality and neighbourhood; we knew no law, but of the strong - when God raised among us a man, of whose noble birth, truthfulness, honesty and purity we are aware;

and he called us to the Unity of God and taught us not to associate anything with Him; he forbade us the worship of idols; and enjoined on us to speak the truth, to be faithful to our trusts, to be merciful and to regard the rights of neighbours; he forbade us to speak evil of women or to eat the sustenance of orphans;

he ordered us to fly from vice and to abstain from evil; to offer prayers, to render alms, to observe the fast. We have believed in him, we have accepted his teachings and his injunction to worship God and not associate anything with Him. For this reason our people have risen against us, have persecuted us in order to make us forgo the worship of God and return to the worship of idols of stone and wood and other abominations. They tortured and injured us, until finding no safety among them, we have come to your country and hope you will protect us from their oppression.

Back in Mecca, economic and social boycott was imposed against the Prophet and his family. Therefore, the Prophet and his uncle, Abu Talib, along with their relatives from the Banu Hashim, took refuge for three years in the “mountain pass of Abu Talib,” a fort in one of the valleys of Mecca. No one had any dealings or transactions with them and they did not dare to leave their place of refuge.

The idol-worshippers of Mecca, although at the beginning they considered inflicting all kinds of pressures and tortures such as striking and beating, insult, ridicule and defamation of the Prophet, occasionally would also show kindness and courtesy toward him in order to have him turn away from his mission.

They would promise him great sums of money or leadership and the rule of the tribe. But for the Prophet their promises and their threats only resulted in the intensification of his will and determination to carry out his mission.

Once, when they came to the Prophet promising him wealth and power, the Prophet told them, using metaphorical language, that if they were to put the sun in the palm of his right hand and the moon in the palm of his left hand, he would not turn away from obeying the One God or refrain from performing his mission.

3. The Hijrah

About the tenth year of his prophecy, when the Prophet left the “mountain pass of Abu Talib,” his uncle Abu Talib, who was also his sole protector, died, as did also his devoted wife Khadijah. Henceforth there was no protection for his life nor any place of refuge.

Finally the idol-worshippers of Mecca devised a secret plan to kill the Prophet. At night they surrounded his house from all sides with the aim of forcing themselves in at the end of the night and cutting him to pieces while he was in bed. But God, the Exalted, informed him of the plan and commanded him to leave for Yathrib.

The Prophet asked ‘Ali to sleep in his bed so that the enemy would not detect his absence; ‘Ali readily agreed to sacrifice his life for the Prophet and slept in the Prophet’s bed. Then the Prophet left the house under Divine protection, passing amidst his enemies, and taking refuge in a cave near Mecca.

After three days when his enemies, having looked everywhere, gave up hope of capturing him and returned to Mecca, he left the cave and set out for Yathrib.

4. Establishing an Islamic Community

The people of Yathrib, whose leaders had already accepted the message of the Prophet and sworn allegiance to him, welcomed him with open arms and placed their lives and property at his disposal.

In Yathrib, for the first time, the Prophet formed a small Islamic community and signed treaties with the Jewish tribes in and around the city as well as with the powerful Arab tribes of the region. He understood the task of propagating the Islamic message and Yathrib became famous as “Madinatu ‘r-Rasul” (the city of the Prophet).

Islam began to grow and expand from day to day. The Muslims, who in Mecca were caught in the mesh of the injustice and inequity of the Quraysh, gradually left their homes and property and migrated to Medina, revolving around the Prophet like moths around a candle.

This group became known as the “immigrants” (muhajirin) in the same way that those who aided the Prophet in Yathrib gained the name of “helpers” (ansar). The Prophet formulated the society on the basis of justice and equality among the believers.

Brotherhood -not just in words but in action- was established among the muhajirin and the ansar. The social system of Islam even extended its justice and protection to the non-Muslims under its rule.

5. Encounters on the Battlefields

Islam was advancing rapidly but at the same time the idolworshippers of Quraysh, as well as the Jewish tribes of the Hijaz, were unrestrained in their harassment of the Muslims. With the help of the hypocrites of Medina who were among the community of Muslims, they created new misfortunes for the Muslims every day until finally the matter led to war.

Many battles took place between the Muslims and the Arab polytheists and Jews, in most of which the Muslims were victorious. There was altogether over eighty major and minor battles.

In all the major conflicts such as the battles of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Khaybar, Hunayn, etc., the Prophet was personally present on the battle scene.

Also in all the major battles and many minor ones, victory was gained especially through the efforts of ‘Ali bin Abi Talib. He was the only person who never turned away from any of these battles. In all the wars that occurred during the ten years after the migration from Mecca to Medina, less than two hundred Muslims and less than a thousand infidels were killed.

(A) The Battle of Badr

The Meccans continued their attempt to destroy Islam. They continued to harass the Muslims who remained in Mecca and also confiscated their property and belongings. Abu Jahl, the leader of the Meccans, even sent a letter to the Prophet threatening him of the attack by the Meccans.

It was in response to such aggression that Allah gave the permission to fight the unbelievers of Mecca. He said, “Permission [for jihad] is granted to those who are being killed because they have been oppressed...those who have been expelled from their homes without a just cause...” (22:39-40) In the second year of the hijra, the Prophet with about 300 ill-equipped Muslims confronted a well-equipped Meccan force of 1000 soldiers. Though outnumbered, the Muslims were able to defeat the unbelievers in their first armed encounter with the enemy.

(B) The Battle of Uhud

To avenge their defeat at Badr, the Meccans raised another force in the third year after hijra and marched towards Medina. After reaching the hills of Uhud, 4 m. outside Medina, the Prophet took up his position below the hill.

The army arrayed in fighting formations. Fifty archers were posted, under the command of ‘Abdullah bin Jubayr, at a pass between the hills to guard the Muslims from any rear attack. They had strict orders not to leave their post, no matter what the outcome of the battle.

The Muslims initially defeated the Meccans. The enemy, having suffered a heavy loss, fell back in disorder and the Muslims started gathering booties.

Thinking that the fight was over, most of the fifty archers guarding the hill passage left their posts against the orders of their commander. Khalid bin Walid, a commander of the Meccan forces, seized the opportunity and led his cavalry through the mountain pass and, after killing the few remaining archers, launched a furious attack upon the Muslims from the rear.

Because of the disobedience of a small group, the victory was taken away from the Muslims. Most fled from the battlefield. A few, especially ‘Ali, stood their ground and fought till the end.

The Muslims finally retreated to the security of the heights of mount Uhud. Among the 70 Muslims who died in this counter attack of the kuffar was Hamzah bin ‘Abdul Muttalib, the courageous uncle of the Prophet. He was, indeed, the Lion of God (asdulldh).

(C) The Battle ofKhandaq (Ahzab)

In the fifth year of the hijra, a Jewish tribe formed an alliance with the Meccans; and together they raised an army of 10,000 soldiers. It is known as Khandaq (i.e., ditch) because the Muslims had dug a ditch around their campsite to prevent the enemy from entering the city.

The Allied forces of the non-Muslims besieged Medina for a month. Except for a few famous soldiers, they were unable to cross the ditch. The Allied forces finally retreated after ‘Ali, in a one-toone encounter, killed the most courageous of their fighters.

(D) The Bani Qurazah Battle

The Bani Qurazah had concluded a peace agreement with the Muslims, but they violated the agreement by joining the Meccans in the Battle of Ahzab.

So, after the Battle of Ahzab, the Muslims proceeded towards the Bani Qurazah who finally surrendered to the Muslims. The Prophet proposed to them to accept the arbitration of Sa’d bin Ma’z. They agreed and were dealt with by his decision: to kill the fighters and confiscate their property.

(E) The Bani Mustalaq War

In the sixth year of the hijra, the tribe of Bani Mustalaq violated the rights of the Muslims. As a result, they had to face the Muslim forces at a place called Maris’a and were defeated.

(F) The Battle ofKhaybar

A large number of Jewish tribes had settled in Khaybar forts and the surrounding area of northern Arabia. They had close ties with the Meccans and had constantly threatened the Muslims. In the seventh year of hijra, the Prophet decided to face the enemy. The Muslims marched to Khaybar, put it under siege and, finally, gained victory after ‘Ali marched forward, conquered the main fort and killed the most brave of the Jewish soldiers.

6. The Treaty of Hudaybia & the Fall of Mecca

In the sixth year of the hijra, the Prophet decided to go for pilgrimage to Mecca. The Meccans stopped the Muslims at a place called Hudaybia and did not allow them to enter the city. This encounter ended in a peace agreement between the Prophet and the Quraysh of Mecca.

This peace agreement created a relatively safe environment for the Prophet to embark on extending the call of Islam to the tribes and people far away from Arabia.

As a result of the activity of the Prophet and the selfless effort of the muhajirin and ansar during that period, Islam spread through the Arabian peninsula.

There were also letters written to kings of other countries such as Persia, Byzantine and Abyssinia inviting them to accept Islam. During this time the Prophet lived in poverty and was proud of it.

He never spent a moment of his life in vain. Rather, his time was divided into three parts: one spent for God, in worshipping and remembering Him; a part for himself and his household and domestic needs; and a part for the people. During this part of his time he was engaged in spreading and teaching Islam and its sciences, administrating to the needs of the Islamic society and removing whatever evils existed, providing for the needs of the Muslims, strengthening domestic and foreign bonds, and similar matters.

One of the conditions of the peace treaty was that the Quraysh would not harm the Muslims or any of their confederates. This condition was, however, violated by the Quraysh when they helped Bani Bakr tribe against the Khuza’a tribe-the former an ally of the Quraysh and the latter an ally of the Muslims.

The Prophet asked the Quraysh to respect the treaty, break their alliance with Bani Bakr and compensate the victims of their aggression.

The Quraysh refused to abide by the terms of their treaty. The Prophet, with a well-equipped and well-disciplined force of 10,000 soldiers, marched to Mecca in the eighth year after the hijrah and conquered it without much resistance.

The city which has rejected his message, plotted against his followers and conspired to assassinate him was at his mercy. Prophet Muhammad asked the Meccans: “What can you expect at my hands?” “Mercy! Generous and Noble Sire!” they replied.

If he had wished, he could have made them all his slaves. But Muhammad -”mercy for the universe”- said: “I will speak to you as Joseph spoke to his brethren. I will not reproach you today; God will forgive you, for He is Merciful and Loving. Go, you are free!”

With the fall of Mecca, the last barrier in the way of Islam had been removed. So many people and tribes of the Arabian Peninsula started accepting the message of Islam that the ninth year of hijrah is known as the “Year of Delegations” because of the unusual number of delegates coming to pay their homage to the Prophet at Medina.

7. The Last Pilgrimage & Death

In the tenth year of the hijrah, the Prophet decided to go for hajj (pilgrimage). He invited Muslims to join him and be acquainted with the hajj rituals. Over a hundred thousand Muslims joined him in the hajj.

Although this was the first and the last hajj of the Prophet, it is known as “al-Hajjajtu ‘l-urida’ - the Last Pilgrimage.” He seized the unprecedented gathering to remind the Muslims of many important values of Islam.

On the way back to Medina, he stopped at Ghadir Khumm and delivered a lengthy sermon in which he summarized the major teachings of Islam, informed the Muslims of his approaching death and appointed ‘Ali bin Abi Talib as his successor.

After ten years of stay in Medina, the Prophet fell ill and died after a few days of illness. According to existing traditions, the last words on his lips were advice concerning slaves and women.

8. Lamartine’s Homage to the Prophet

An eighteenth century French historian, Lamartine, writes the following in his Histoire de la Turquie (1854) about the Prophet of Islam:

“Never has man set for himself, voluntarily or involuntarily, a more sublime, aim, since this aim was superhuman: to subvert superstitions which had been interposed between man and his Creator, to render God unto man and man unto God; to restore the rational and sacred idea of divinity amidst the chaos of the material and disfigured gods of idolatry, then existing...

“If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are .the true criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with Muhammad?... “Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?”

* * *

This lesson has been compiled and edited by S. M. Rizvi from the difference sources including the following: The Shi’ite Islam by Tabataba’i. A Brief History of the Fourteen Infallibles, published by WOFIS, Tehran. A Glance at the Life of the Prophet of Islam by Dar Rah-e Haq. The Early History of Islam by S. Safdar Husayn.

Question Paper on Lesson 36

Question 1: [20 points]

Fill in the blanks from the list of words given below:

The Prophet was born in the 1st year of ____________ to _____________. His father ____________ passed away a few months before his birth. After the passing away of his grandfather, his uncle __________ became his guardian.

The Prophet was well-known for being ___________ and _____________ even before the commencement of his mission at the age of _______. The first woman to accept Islam was _________ the wife of the Prophet. The first verses to be revealed on the Prophet were from chapter no. _____________.

During the Meccan period, some Muslims migrated to _____________ under the leadership of _____________. The unbelievers of Mecca used ____________ as well as _______________ to stop the message of Islam. They even tortured some Muslims, the most famous of them is known as __________.

The Prophet migrated to _____________ which later on became famous as ___________. The Muslims in Medina were generally divided into two groups as the ____________ and the _____________.

The battle in which the Muslims gained victory but then lost it was known as _________. The battle in which the Muslim had dug up a ditch is known as __________.

ninty-six Bilal

intimidation Khadija

Amul Fil Khandaq

Muhajirin Medina

Abyssinia Amina as-Sadiq

bribe Ja`far

Uhud Abdullah

Yathrib Ansar

al-Amin Abu Talib


Question 2: [15 points]

True or False:

(a) The Prophet received schooling in Mecca.

(b) Hira was the Prophet's place of retreat for worship.

(c) Abu Tālib had not embraced Islam.

(d) Ja`far bin Abi Tālib migrated first to Medina and then to Abyssinia.

(e) The Banu Hāshim spent five years in the “mountain pass of Abu Tālib”.

(f) Hijrah means the commencement of the prophetic mission.

(g) “Madinatu ’r-Rasūl” means the city of the Prophet.

(h) The Jewish tribes and the hypocrites created new misfortunes for Muslims until the matter led to war.

(i) In all the wars during the Medinese period, more than ten thousand infidels were killed.

(j) The Prophet conquered Mecca with 10,000 soldiers.

Question 3: [15 points]

Express your opinion about the statement of Ja`far bin Abi Tālib to the king of Abyssinia.