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A Journey To The Fact

A Journey To The Fact

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

Organization Proof

F: Today, I’d like to talk to you about another proof of God’s existence. I mean the organization proof because we’ve had enough on the innate reasoning.

S: I do like this subject, as I seem to live with the monotheism concept every minute of my life. When I wake up or when I go to bed, I keep thinking of God and I feel that I got into a new stage of knowing God. I really enjoy being close to God and even feel deeply humble during meditation. I can also feel the connection to Him while reading His Chapters. I do sense His care and protection in my journey from traditional faith to the real faith. Now I do value myself as a divine human who links to the origin of the existence and creation. I see the world very small and unworthy compared to the greatness and magnificence of its Creator. I just want to hasten my life cycle and reach the time where I stand before God. My prayers have become meaningful; my kneeling has become purposeful and my prostration before God has become significant. Dad! Please tell me about the organization proof to know my God better.

F: I will, son. First of all, tell me how do you study Physics, Chemistry,Botany and Zoology sciences?

S: Well, there are theoretical lessons in the form of lectures and practical lessons in the laboratory where we watch applications or do experiments based on what we’ve learnt in the classroom.

F: It is the same way with the organization proof. We’ll take theoretical lessons and also practical ones.

S: Where will our practical lesson be carried out? I mean in which laboratory?

F: You’ll see where the laboratory is then.

Now, let’s begin our theoretical lesson about monotheism and the title is “Organization Proof.” Give me one of the monotheistic books you study at school.

S: Monotheistic book? But Dad! We don’t have such kind of books in school.

F: That’s quite strange. Don’t you study monotheism?

S: Oh, I got it. You mean our religious books?

F: No, that’s not what I meant because most of religion books don’t teach monotheism as they are supposed to. By monotheistic books I mean the following books: Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Geography, etc.

S: What do you want to say Dad? How can my Physics textbook and textbooks of other sciences be monotheistic books?

F: I’ll tell you why science books are monotheistic books.

But first tell me what the science of Physics is? Or what does it mean?

S: Well, it’s a science that studies the laws which control material both in quality and quantity.

F: Excellent, what about Chemistry?

S: It is the science of matter that studies the structure, and composition of substances as well as their transformations and interactions to become new compounds. Also it refers to chemical decompositions where chemical compounds are fragmented into elements or smaller compounds.

F: How do all these interactions occur? Do the interactions take place randomly or they follow laws which govern the process?

S: Well, definitely they follow rules.

F: Now, what are Botany and Zoology?

S: I think I got your point. They also study the rules that govern plant life and animal life.

F: Does this apply to the rest of sciences?

S: Yes, of course. They all follow rules.

F: Therefore, the whole universe is governed by rules, and sciences try to find out these rules.

S: Yes, that is it.

F: Now tell me if the law of gravity functions occasionally or it is always constant and applicable?

S: It always works; it is a law. If it only worked sometimes and turned disable in other times, it would not be called a law.

F: What about other laws of Physics, Chemistry and other sciences?

S: Similarly, they are also fixed; they never change.

F: What about Psychology, Anatomy, Biology, Astronomy and Agricultural sciences?

S: They are the same. The whole universe is controlled by rules.

F: Now, tell me if certain parts of the universe can escape the rules or are they all forced to follow those rules precisely and literally?

S: They are all forced to follow those rules precisely.

F: So all the subjects you are studying at school lead us to the following fact: the universe is governed by specific rules which organize its relations and interactions and that there is no way for contradiction.

S: That’s right.

F: Now we raise two questions:

First: is there any rule without a rule maker, code without a codifier, an organization without an organizer, a plan without a planner, and a decision without a decision maker?

Second: what are the characteristics of the one who puts the rules for the whole universe?

S: You are magnificent Dad! That is truly concise understanding of all kinds of sciences. All sciences lead human beings to God. That’s really magnificent. We are studying how to know God in all subjects without actually feeling it. How inattentive we are! As if we are in a deep sleep without even being aware! You’ve opened my eyes.

F: That’s why God says: “Those truly fear Allah, among His servants, who have knowledge.”

S: So all our subjects are considered chapters of monotheism...

F: And they all lead to God if they are delivered properly and if the misleading terms are replaced by the correct ones. But unfortunately the authors of the textbooks follow the western ideology which talks about the rules of nature when meaning “Divine rules.”

S: You’re right Dad. In spite of the fact that all the authors of our books believe in God and the hereafter, I cannot see even a single indication to the word “God” in any book.

F: This is a Western education and policy, which separates life from religion. It aims at freezing our religion in old books and restricting teaching programs in mosques. It also aims to confine praying to the prayer niche and religion to the ceremonies of marriage, divorce and death. Let’s go back to the two important questions:

The first one: Are there any rules without a rule maker or an organization without an organizer?

And the second question is modified a little bit: Does this organized world, which is based on an infinite number of rules, proves that the Creator of this universe has an absolute knowledge and power? Or is he weak and ignorant?

We can also ask whether the Organizer of the universe is one of the living creatures in this universe or not. In other words, is the creator of time and space is outside of time and space or is he in the dimensional physical world in which we live.

S: It seems that I’ve began to understand what monotheism means and what real belief in God is... that’s magnificent! This idea is extremely rational and simple. It leads to peace of mind and soul. God is great! God is great! Glory to God! Thanks God for guiding me to know you better. You’re right Dad! The universe is governed by rules which reflect a highly precise and accurate system and means that this universe is controlled by the One who created that system. God created the system with all its components and has controlled all its functions. He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Almighty; there is no lord except God. Praise the Lord, praisebe to God of the whole universe!

F: The arrogant submitted to Him, kings yielded to Him and they have all obeyed Him and followed His rules.

S: What is it worth for the kings to rule a small part of this small planet? That is like a dot in comparison to the infinite world? What is the value of those kings compared to the King of all kings?!

F: “Blessed be He in Whose hands is Dominion; and He over all things hath Power; He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving; He Who created the seven heavens one above another: No want of proportion wilt thou see in the Creation of (Allah) Most Gracious. So turn thy vision again:seest thou any flaw?”

S: Praise to the Lord... and thank you God of the universe... Thanks for guiding me to knowYou better. Thanks God. Dad! I feel great happiness... a unique joy. I feel my heart is filled with love of God. I wish I could fly to the highest Supreme Kingdom.

F: “Those whom Allah (in His plan)willeth to guide,- Heopeneth their breast to Islam; those whom Hewilleth to leave straying,- Hemaketh their breast close and constricted, as if they had to climb up to the skies.”

S: Thanks God for guiding us, and thank God for all that He has granted us.

Dad! Please continue speaking about the design proof which leads to knowing God.

F: I have given you the key and now you should make use of it. All parts of the universe and all aspects of life are organized precisely. There is no place or time that doesn’t follow the rules and every system or process reminds us of God, His Greatness, His Absolute Knowledge, and His ultimate Power. This is the key. So wherever you set your eyes, you would find a perfect sign of God’s existence. If you look at yourself and at the skies, you’ll find the sign of God spreading everywhere in nature. “Soon willWe show them our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth.”

S: Dad! You’re right. You provided me with a significant concept. I’ll keep thinking about this new concept of faith.

The concept of the organization inevery thing and the related evidence that there should be a Wise Creator.

F: Well, this way we put an end to our theoretical lesson under the title of “Organization Proof.”

S: Sorry Dad! But my theoretical lesson has just begun and it will never be finished. I’ll keep learning monotheistic lessons inevery thing I set my eyes on leading me to the universe organization, throughout my life. So the lesson has just begun and will never end.

F: Well-done son! God bless you and may God lead you to the position of the truthful righteous people. My son, go to bed now.

S: What, Dad? Sleep! You’ve opened the heaven’s gates for me, how can I sleep? I’ll stay up with the beloved; I’ll speak with Him till dawn so I won’t miss the morning prayers. I shall remain with the beloved all night, the One who took heed of me, while I was heedless of Him.

Can Chance Be Considered A Proof?

The young son did not sleep that night. Instead, he spent the night praying and prostrating. He was raising his hand to call God, and forgot that his arms got tired. He recited different parts from various supplications he had memorized, kept repeating some sentences, raised his head and glanced at the sky with the moon in the middle with its amazing gentle silver rays, in a way that no star could be seen.

As if the stars let the moon which is greater and stronger to take its place while they surrounded the moon in a magnificent view. At that moment the boy remembered verses from the Quran: “Whatever beings there are in the heavens and the Earth do prostrate themselves to Allah.”

All the stars and planets prostrate before God. “They are all praying”, he said. “They are all doing what I’m doing, or maybe I’m doing something similar to what they are doing.” Then he stared at the kneeled moon and stars in its vicinity. He imagined the sky as a huge mosque in which the moon was acting as a leader for those stars in their majestic prayers to God. He wished he could be in the place of one of the stars, even a small one, to participate in that holy and impressive prayer behind the moon.

He wished that all creatures could participate in that universal prayer. Suddenly he remembered a verse from the holy Quran, in chapter ofHaj , he memorized by heart that verse and began reciting: “Seest thou not that to Allah bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on Earth,- Sun, Moon, stars; hills, trees, animals; and a great number among mankind? But a great number are (also) such as are fit for punishment.”

He felt that the prayer ceremony he was looking at is much greater than what he could imagine! There were mountains, trees and animals participating in this prayer. There were also a lot of people and he has joined them at that night. He was repeating the following while prostrating:

Glory to the Exalted God!

Glory to the One Who deserves Glorification that no one else does!

Glory to the most Mighty and most Generous!

The son’s prostration took a long time while he floated with his thoughts. He visualized the leader of the group in his mind, the luminous moon, and the galaxies and meteors behind. He extended his vision to reach millions of millions of trees lined for prayer and the humble hills and mountains, which seemed to be nearly cracking before God’s Magnificence. He went with his imagination further and passed the mountains to reach the animals and groups of fish and birds, different in types and colors. They were all praying and glorifying.

Then he visualized the picture ofKaaba surrounded with millions of praying people occupying all places in order to complete the universal prayer. Thus everything and everyone in the universe was prostrating to God, the Creator of the skies and earth. Looking at another part of that picture, on a small corner, there were small groups of people scattered each prostrating to something like an idol. Those deviated groups seemed like ill spots in a beautiful portrait.

The young man got up late. He didn’t sleep much, but he didn’t feel like sleeping more. He was happy that he didn’t miss the Morning Prayer because he slept after performing the prayer. He has felt spiritual satisfaction because of the previous night and his participation in the universal prayer with the rest of creatures that were worshiping God. He compared his feelings to those of the ones who are suffering from emptiness. He also compared his feelings to those that he had before he found God himself following the lessons that he received from his father.

He got up from his bed to find out that his books, which he had left scattered, were organized on his desk and his clothes, which he had left everywhere, were put in their proper places. “Who did that?” He asked.

His mother greeted him and told him that breakfast was ready. He greeted his mother and said: “Who has tidied up my room and clothes and put everything into its place?”

“No one”, she replied.

S: No one? How could this be?

M No one. Did you leave the window open before you went to bed?

S: Oh... yes... yes!

M Maybe the wind is the one that moved your books and clothes and then they got organized without intending to be so.

S: Mom! Are you kidding? What are you saying?

M This might happen. You know that powerful winds may do something like that.

S: This is impossible, Mom! It must be you who did it.

M No! Never! I didn’t enter your room since yesterday. Well, come on son to have your breakfast.

He left his room while still thinking of what has happened. Once he entered the living room, he got shocked by something even stranger. Papers were scattered throughout the living room, covering everything including the rug and the furniture! When he looked closely, he found out that it was the address book’s sheets were scattered everywhere. “O God! What has happened?” Before asking his mother, who was in the kitchen, about this chaos, the phone rang. It was his father on the phone saying:

F: Son! There is an urgent matter and you must go to see the printing press owner, Abu Ahmed. He needs you for something important.

S: OK Dad! But there is something you should know about.

F: I don’t have time right now. Call Abu Ahmed before you leave home just to make sure that you find him there.

S: What’s his phone number?

F: Look for it in the phone book.

S: But the phone book is torn and all the sheets are scattered around in a strange way. Do you know who did that?And why?

F: I don’t have time right now. You think of your problem and solve it Good-bye for now, son.

The son looked right and left and thought for a while then rushed to the kitchen started questioning his mother about what was going on.

S: Who had torn the phone book and who scattered the sheets around? Why did it happen? Where were you at that time? And how can I find the phone number of Abu Ahmed now?

His mother looked at him calmly with sympathy and then said kindly:

M Son! Calm down. There is no need to be agitated. Your father was angry about something, and he couldn’t find anything to calm his rage except the phone book, which was at his reach. He tore its sheets and then opened the window before he left.

S: Why did he open the window?

M He opened the window; so that the wind may possibly rearrange the sheets of the phone book. He also left a bottle of good glue for the wind may spill it on the book and glue the sheets together to have the book rearranged as before.

S: Oh! Yes, now I understand! This is the laboratory where I should experience the practical lessons of the “Organization Proof.”

M Don’t you think that this experience is worth the loss of this copy of the phone book?

S: It is really worth it. This scene will never be wiped out of my mind. I’ll have this picture in my collection with other pictures. Please wait I’ll fetch my camera to take a photograph before colleting these sheets. I want to take a laboratory-based photo for the Organization Proof.

He took a photograph (for the Organization Proof), carried the camera and went to Abu Ahmed’s place without calling him. He reached the building in a hurry and went straight into the office of Abu Ahmed. The man wasn’t the usual Abu Ahmed whom he knew; he found Abu Ahmed busy reading some papers with hundreds if not thousands of scattered papers here and there in the office. He was completely absorbed in reading the papers as if he was looking for something specifically. When he saw the young man, he cheerfully came to greet him and said:

A You arrived just on time. I remember that your talent in literature and your good knowledge of poetry made you the closest person in the area who is capable of helping me to win the prize.

S: Which prize do you mean?

A The prize of the Arab Authors Association for the best poem celebrating the golden jubilee for the association’s establishment.

S: Are you a poet...?

A No...

S: So how do you intend to win the prize when you compete against the most prominent Arab poets in the field?

A My son! It is so simple. I’m using a practical method.

S: What is this so-called practical method that will lead you to wining the prize of the Arab Authors Association?

A Well! Come in, I’ll show you.

He opened the back door and proceeded towards the main hall. The son found this place different from what it was before when he used to come with his father. He used to see the place in good order, where the hall was surrounded with shelves full of books with ordered letters located in a beautiful manner in front of each one of them. The employees stood in front of each shelf to take the letters and put them in the frames positioned in front of each according to the text mentioned above each frame.

When they have finished one page, they started with the next one. Everything takes place around the hall, while its center was almost empty. But today there was a very big container at the center of the hall. All the contents of the shelves were removed and placed in that container, which was now full of letters.

Employees were shaking the container strongly left and right and sometimes circulating it in order to mix the letters. Then from time to time one of the employees came to have a handful of letters and place them randomly and then pass them to a printing machine. Afterwards Abu Ahmed would take the printed page to read carefully. He would then append the sheet to the rest of papers that the young boy saw when he first entered.

The young boy didn’t understand what was going on around him. He turned to Abu Ahmed and tried to say something but his tongue stammered and didn’t know what to say then Abu Ahmed said.”

A Have you learned how to create a poem in a practical way?

The young boy nodded his head to mean no, without speaking a word and Abu Ahmed continued:

A The strategy is based on the probability and chance. We mix the letters randomly in order to get a sample poem by chance. And of course we may not be able to have such a poem in the first, second or even the hundredth times but by repeating the process, there is a possibility and probability of creating a great and wonderful poem to win the first prize and to give the master poets an overwhelming defeat after competing with our artificial poem, which is created in this way.

The young boy felt he was getting dizzy because of what he was hearing from that sensible man, who was talking madly. He wished he could say to Abu Ahmed:” poor mad” but the boy controlled his nerves and asked a question:

S: Are these workers crazy?

A No, I asked them to do so after consulting with your father. Actually your father asked me to do that because of our long friendship. He also said that he was ready to pay the salary of these workers during this period. We also agreed that you should come and help us read those heaps of papers that you saw in the office to find the poem that wins the first prize.

A funny smile appeared on Abu Ahmed’s lips as well as his workers, who stopped the work after they have finished what was agreed upon. The face of the young boy lit with a big smile after being taken by surprise. He hugged Abu Ahmed, kissed him and said:

S: How great are you and how great is my father who planned this experiment to prove the organization proof to me?!

Then he turned his face towards the workers and said:

S: Let me take a photograph of you while you’re busy mixing the letters. I’ll make an album of those photos and will name that album“ The Illustrated Monotheistic Book”

Before leaving happily, he stopped by Abu Ahmed’s office and took a photograph of that heap of sheets, which were printed by putting the letters randomly. He didn’t bother reading a single sheet for he was totally confident that a good rhythmic poem could never be created by following a blind and random structure even if the workers continued mixing the letters for the rest of their lives

He rushed to the street without having any clear idea of where to go. The echoes of the last experience preoccupied his mind and imaginations. He was thinking about how his father clarified to him practically that any organization cannot be accomplished without an organizer and that a perfect task has to have a task planner. This means an organization without an organizer can never exist and...


He turned his face and saw a police officer shouting at him because of jay walking

The police officer asked him: “Which village you came from? Aren’t you familiar with the traffic laws, don’t you like complying with the system?”

He answered him while the word “system” was banging in his head:

S: Neither... I’m from this city.

“Great! So, you are a rebellious young villain... go to that officer sitting in the car” the police officer said.

He turned his face towards the direction where the officer pointed and saw another officer wearing the same uniform... he noticed a system in the uniform of the officers which distinguishes them from others. He also glanced at the stars on the shoulders of the officers which indicated the policemen’s rank.

When he reached the other officer, he explained to him that he should adhere and respect the traffic laws which had been set by regional and international experts in the field so as to save the lives of motorists and pedestrians. The officer also mentioned that ignoring the law would incur him certain punishment ordained by law if he is over 18 years old.

The young boy thanked the officer for his kindness and before leaving him he asked with a smile:

S: Why don’t you leave cars to run at random; maybe they’ll order by coincidence without the need for laws or experts?

The officer laughed and didn’t respond; he didn’t know what was behind the young boy’s question. But the boy turned to the officer and asked him:

S: Would you allow me to take a photograph of your traffic organization?“A photo of the traffic organization?! How?” The officer exclaimed.

S: “You and the police officer will stand near the traffic light close to the pedestrians crossing where cars and pedestrians can appear.”

The officer didn’t oppose and accepted the young man’s request. So the young man added a new sheet to his “Illustrative Monotheistic Book.”

In his way back home, he saw a sign-board on a building; it said “World Health Organization.” He repeated this phrase in his mind, organization... World Health Organization, Agricultural and Food Organization, United Nation Organization... International Organization... Regional Organization... Information and Knowledge Organization... Management Organization... Judiciary Organization...Organization... organization.

Organization is spread in all aspects of human’s life, and every organization is set by an organizer, either a group or an individual. Nobody can ever believe that the organizers of these organizations have no knowledge and expertise in their fields. So how come some ignorant people say that the Universal Organization had been created by chance, accidentally and blindly without the existence of a Wise, Knowledgeable, Powerful Creator?!

He returned home after walking around the city seeing the sign of organization in every place in the city. That was a very practical lesson for him in the “Monotheistic Laboratory”, which exists everywhere. He now understands what his father meant when he said he’d find out where this laboratory was located. Thus wherever he sets his eyes, a sign of “Monotheism Laboratory” is found if he could infer its meaning.

He arrived at home hungry and found that food was ready. It was his favorite meal. His younger sister said with a beautiful smile: “I cooked this meal especially for you because Mom told me that you like it and because she was tired and could not cook it herself. So I’ve prepared the meal for you.”

He thought for a moment of what his younger sister who couldn’t even boil an egg had said. After a moment, he laughed in a meaningful way when saw his mother standing close, waiting to see his reaction. Then he said:

S: Excellent! Splendid! My young sister! Even you have participated in giving me practical lessons about “Organization Proof”...

Then he looked at his mother and said:

S: God bless you Mom! I know that my young sister cannot even boil an egg. But I’ve never thought before of the relationship between the food I eat and knowing God through the “Organization Proof” that my father showed me theoretically and practically. Anyway, I thank you all for this wonderful scheme.

His mother answered: “Taste the food first; try this here.”

When he ate the first morsel of food, he found it tasteless but he was shy to reject it. So he swallowed it and asked his mother:

S: Mom! Did you forget to add salt to the food?

“No son” she replied. “I did add salt. Try this side of the dish.

He took a morsel from the side where his mother pointed to, but as soon as he put that morsel in his mouth, he couldn’t control himself, so he immediately threw that morsel out of his mouth.

“What happened?” His mother asked. “Aren’t you hungry?”

S: Mom it is extremely salty... it’s too salty to be eaten.

M So eat from the middle. Try to eat from here.

He then took a morsel from the middle of the dish and put it in his mouth carefully. It was delicious. So he raised his head and said:

S: Mom! What is the meaning of this lesson?

M It means that quantities also have their own role in organization, you can’t use salt randomly, but the quantity should be reasonable. The Quran stated: “Every single thing is before His sight, in (due) proportion.” So if this quantity is increased or decreased, it will spoil the food or its arrangement completely. Isn’t it the case, son?

S: Well-done! Thank you Mom; thank you my little sister, and thanks Dad!... Also thank you God for making me part of this family organization which lead me to the right path.

Monotheistic Proof

In the evening, the young boy was eager for the theoretical lesson. He has experienced the practical applications of that lesson in the laboratory and learnt that those experiments which his dad had planned would have not been absorbed if he had only thought of them theoretically. The sign of the books and clothes scene in the his room then the torn phone book which was waiting for the wind to be rearranged as before and the scene of Abu Ahmed who was deeply engaged in looking for a great poem to be created randomly; and the scene of workers who tried hard to mix up letters and take a handful of them for printing hoping to create a nice poem; also the scene of his younger sister who was proud of cooking a delicious meal and the scene of tasting a morsel with no salt from the dish and the next one with too much salt and the third morsel with the right amount of salt, which means that his tongue could also participate in finding out about the “Organization Proof.”

All these scenes were like illustration tactics and procedures used to have those experiences everlasting in his mind without using a camera. However, the son was thinking about publishing a detailed monotheistic encyclopedia to assist young people who are overwhelmed by doubt. Yes, he’ll write a book and give it to Abu Ahmed to have it published. But not in the way he wanted to compose a poem!

Thus, the teaching method is very important in teaching faith. What he could achieve in just one day would not be achieved through many years in school receiving religious lessons. Religious lessons are insufficient to reveal religious facts in practical ways.

He wondered why there was a huge disparity in the teaching methods in school curriculum. Physics was taught through the most modern teaching method, while it’s not the case with religion. Why religious lessons were not based on the recent techniques in teaching too although they are both taught in one school and there is one ministry of education and one minister? Is it Intentional?

Are the Ministries of Education and the teaching cadre incapable of doing what his father did in teaching the religious ideas in a theoretical and practical way, accompanied with interesting experiments which respect the learner’s mind and encourages powerful and scientific inference?

Why are religious books ignored, while it’s not the case with, say, Chemistry books?

Also, why is religion taught at schools, but not at universities? Does that mean that university students do not need religious education or had they already had enough religious knowledge and there is no more to learn or discuss?

If this is the case, then why do we see different ideological currents in the universities which divert students’ minds away from their religion and put them astray in all directions?

Maybe students have studied religion before reaching the universities and now turned away from it and are no longer feeling the need to engage in religious discussions.

The fact that the educational system avoided religion shocked the young boy. He remembered that the term “God” is missing from all textbooks. He also remembered that the state’s law punishes whoever stands against the leader’s law but doesn’t punish those standing against God’s laws. He thought that all citizens were forced to obey the leaders, but not obligated to obey God. That’s why whoever curses the leader is imprisoned but the one who curses God is not. He was terrified by the fact that he’s living in a society where people turn away from God and do not obey His laws while they have to submit to the leader and his laws.

This society worships the leader but not God. This society assigned the leader to be worshiped instead of God. He remembered a story that his father once narrated: One day some Christians called on the Prophet while he was reciting the following verse: “They take their priests and their monks to be their lords in derogation of Allah.”

The Christians objected that they didn’t take their priests and monks as their lord in derogation of Allah. The Prophet replied: “The priests have allowed Christians what is forbidden and for bided what is allowed and people obeyed them.” Thus, they worshipped the priests not God.”

The young boy concluded that the society worshipped the leader instead of God which made him shout: There is no god but God and we don’t worship anyone other than Him. Our trust is in Him, even if polytheists disagree. He suddenly stopped thinking and asked himself: “Isn’t it true that those people say: There is no god but God? So how come they don’t fear saying it? And why doesn’t the leader hold them responsible for saying there is no god but God?” So they don’t know the importance of this phrase because they don’t know its meaning.

If people knew that this phrase means that there is no one to worship and obey except God, there is no canonization except for God, no power and authority except for God, no one to fear but God, and there is no law but God’s law, they would fear its danger, both rulers and the ruled. And you’d find that saying “there is no god but God” is a crime that deserves a life imprisonment because that endangers the national security and destabilizes the government.

Arabs truly understood the meaning of “There is no god except God” when the Prophet publicly declared it and he suffered so much from the enemies of Islam who refused to accept it. If they had not understood its meaning, they would have let him and his followers say whatever they wish to say. But they truly perceived the danger of this simple phrase.

In the evening, the family gathered around the dinner table reviewing the events of the day and the experiences resulting from each one. The father was happy and commented with a smile: “We all have participated in giving you monotheistic lessons: myself, your mother....” His young daughter interrupted him saying: “Andme Dad! Me!”

“And of course you, my daughter” The father said, “no one left except my dear young baby, who is unable to speak and can just suck and cry.” The son answered:

S: Even this baby gave a monotheistic lesson without even noticing that.

F: How, son?

S: I looked at him while mother was breast-feeding him. He opened the book of knowing God and I started going through it page by page. This weak creature feels hunger and shows it by crying; crying moves Mother’s emotion. If this emotion was not created with mothers, they would ignore their babies ñ the mother then hugs the baby and puts him close to her warm breast and he begins sucking; he is not aware of anything but he knows where to get food. That breast pours out milk and the baby ceases crying to get food. He carries out until he gets full. The baby stops sucking when he is full. If he stops before getting enough, he will starve. On the other hand, if he doesn’t stop, he will get fat. But the equation had been set in a way to fulfill the balance; the baby takes the amount necessary for his growth and to overcome his hunger. As you know, mother’s milk is rich with all the necessary nutrients a baby needs. No one could ever make anything similar to this milk with all its characteristics such as nutrient elements, taste, temperature, and not to forget the emotional side for breast feeding; they would not be able to succeed. Father! My baby brother gave me a good lesson in monotheism.

F: Monotheistic lessons can be found everywhere. The Quran names every lesson a sign. So God’s signs are numerous and countless. They are as many as the number of stones and grains of sand. But every sign requires wariness and a sound innate. “Verily in this is a Message for any that has a mind and understanding or who gives ear and earnestly witnesses (the truth).”

God’s signs and the innate nature simulate to radio signals and radio transmission. The atmosphere around us is full of signals from many hundreds broadcasting stations, either radio or television based stations. But there should be a device that is capable of receiving what those stations are transmitting. The more modern the device is, the better signal quality we get and the more channels are available to hear and see. The human innate nature is similar; if it is pure, modest, sin free and not affected by society’s traditions, it will receive and perceive the lessons available in all places. Haven’t you heard what [Imam] Aliibn Abi -Talib said: “I haven’t seen anything but perceived God before, during and after it”?

S: God is great!... Dad! I’ve approached one third of the position that Ali son ofAbi-Taleb had achieved.

F: How?

S: While experiencing your theoretical and practical lessons, I found God myself. Since then I’ve always felt the existence of God in whatever I see, but I cannot feel Him before and after that. And you know that this is the third of what we try to reach.

F: Take it easy, son! All who follow the path will reach a destination. A human being is capable of reaching the greatest things with the least of effort.

S: The greatest thing is God.

F: And the least effort is the intention. I mean the honest intention. So if you have a sincere intention to reach God, praise and glory be to Him, He will help you in your journey. Haven’t you read the following verse: “And those who strive in Our (cause), We will certainly guide them to our Paths” If a servant of God moves toward him a span, God will come forward to his servant hundred spans. Also, if a servant walks towards God, God will rush towards him.

S: This is the most possible divine kindness for a servant wishing to be as close as possible to God. Father! I’m eager to pursue the monotheistic lessons. Will you please give me another lesson today?

F: No, not now. You’d better fully understand what you’ve learnt first and see if you have any questions. Then after grasping the main idea, we will proceed to the next lesson.

S: I’ve got a question now.

F: Go ahead.

S: Would you please tell me whether the method which you’ve chosen to apply in my case, is your own idea... or...?

F: “We didn’t leave anything in the Book.”

S: It is from the Quran then?

F: Yes. The Quran has illustrated many examples for the necessity of calling people to God in practical ways. For example, Abraham’s story, when Abraham argued with his people to cease worshiping the idols, which could neitherhear nor think, he couldn’t motivate his people to abandon the idols’ worship. So he changed his tactics by planning a practical lesson. He carried his ax and smashed the idols to pieces and destroyed them all. However, he left the biggest idol intact and hanged the ax around its neck.

When the people came to worship their idols, they found

them destroyed...

They said, ‘Who has done this to our gods? He must indeed be some man of impiety!’

They said, ‘We heard a youth talk of them: He is called


They said, ‘Then bring him before the eyes of the people, that they may bear witness.’

They said, ‘Art thou the one that did this with our gods, O Abraham?’

He said: ‘Nay, this was done by that - the biggest one among them! Ask them, if they can utter!’

S: What was the result?

F: They thought to themselves and said: “So they turned to themselves and said, “Surely ye are the ones in the wrong!””. All the former theoretical and ideological arguments didn’t give any acceptable solution, but this practical lesson made them return back to their innate senses and confess frankly that they were wrong.

S: So, you’ve learnt the practical method from Prophet


F: Yes, Abu Ibrahim!