The Sacred Effusion Volume 1

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Publisher: The Islamic Education Board of the World Federation of KSIMC
Category: Imam Hussein

The Sacred Effusion

Author: Muhammad M. Khalfan
Publisher: The Islamic Education Board of the World Federation of KSIMC

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Volume 1
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The Sacred Effusion

The Sacred Effusion Volume 1

Publisher: The Islamic Education Board of the World Federation of KSIMC

Taken from

The Sacred Effusion Volume 1

Reflections On Ziyarat ‘Ashura Of Sayyid Al-Shuhada Al-Husayn B. ‘Ali (as)

Author(s): Muhammad M. Khalfan

Publisher(s): The Islamic Education Board of the World Federation of KSIMC

A unique and original piece of research on the sacred supplication of Ziyarat Ashura of Imam Husayn (as). The reader will come to appreciate the core reality of the ziyarah being: "to deflect from other than the visited one". The reflections in this publication centre around this theme: if we truly intend Imam al-Husayn (as) then we must realize that he is the very epitome of Islam. The more we revive Islamic values individually and socially, the closer we come to Imam al-Husayn (as) and therefore our ziyarat gains true meaning.


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Table of Contents

Foreword 7

Ziyarat ‘Ashura: A Potent Antidote to Reawaken Our Hearts 7

Preface 9

Meaning of Ziyarat 12

Ziyarat of Believers 14

The Purpose of Ziyarat 17

Notes 19

Introduction 20

Ziyarat: External Proof 20

Ziyarat: An Internal Inclination 20

Ziyarat And A Link To Hajj 21

Walayah and Ziyarat 21

Sincerity and Ziyarat 22

An Intellectual Spark 23

A Mystical Firebrand 24

Ziyarat: The Return Journey from Truth (Al-Haqq) to Creation (Al-Khalq) 26

Ziyarat: At The Master’s Service 26

Ziyarat: A Structured Approach To The Meeting Place At The Two Seas 28

Notes 29

The Source of Ziyarat ‘Ashura` and its Authenticity 30

Other Ways of Establishing Authenticity 30

Notes 32

Chapter 1: Peace be on you, O entirely obedient servant of Allah 33

Commentary 33

Anecdotes for Reflection 50

Notes 50

Chapter 2: Peace be on you, O son of the Messenger of Allah 52

Commentary 52

The Relation Between ‘Abd And Rasul 58

Notes 58

Chapter 3: Peace be on you, O son of the Commander of the Faithful and the son of the leader of the successors 60

Commentary 60

Amir Al-Mu’minin – An Exclusive Apellation 65

Recitation & Realization 69

Notes 74

Chapter 4: Peace be on you, O son of Fatima – the leader of the women of the worlds 76

Commentary 76

Notes 92

Chapter 5: Peace be unto you, O blood of Allah and the son of the blood of Allah 95

Commentary 95

Notes 100

Chapter 6: The Exceptionally Unique 101

Commentary 101

Notes 106

Chapter 7: Peace be unto you and unto the spirits who descended in your courtyard 107

Commentary 107

Spirit- A Higher Level of The Body 107

Outstanding Qualities of the Companions of Imam Al-Husayn (AS) 110

1.The Best Companions (Khayru Ashab) 110

2. The Most Loyal Companions (al-awfa) 112

3. Intense Lovers of Allah (‘Ushhaq) 113

4. Sharp Inner Vision (Kushifa lahum al-Ghita’) 116

5. Immersed in God (Rabbaniyyun) 117

6. Spiritual Sovereignty 117

7. Worshippers through Awareness (al-’Ubbad) 118

8. Strangers (Ghuraba’) 124

Notes 124

Chapter 8: Upon you all I invoke the peace of Allah forever, as long as I live and the night and day subsist 126

Commentary 126

Notes 128

Chapter 9: O Aba ‘Abdillah… 129

Commentary 129

An Unparalleled Incident 131

Notes 135


By Dr. Hasnain Walji

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Ziyarat ‘Ashura: A Potent Antidote to Reawaken Our Hearts

This is an age where the very purpose of our existence has been obscured by the glut of materialism. We seem to be engulfed in a quagmire that deflects our energy away from his divinely intended purpose. Our true fulfillment can only come through inner light, when the heart is awakened to seek its divinely intended purpose.

This seminal work on Ziyarat ‘Ashura, aptly named The Sacred Effusion, by Shaykh Muhammad Khalfan, is a beacon for the seeker to seek the Sacred and the Divine. With his characteristic insight, the venerable Shaykh guides us to understand how Ziyarat ‘Ashura can be a potent antidote to reawaken our hearts to the real purpose of our existence and not remain a mere habitual or ritual recitation.

As one reads the words so passionately penned by the author, one cannot help but visualize and ponder upon the origin of the very word Ziyarat, which originates from the word zawr, which means to deflect or turn away. The context becomes all the more evident when we read that the Arabic word zur refers to a lie - because it deflects from the path of truth. This sets the scene for the reader to contextualize the very essence of the spiritual and moral aspects of the Ziyarat - that when visiting the shrines of the Ma’sumin, or reciting the Ziyarat we momentarily ‘turn away’ from our worldly existence and gravitate towards an inner state of seeking none other than Allah. The essence of the Ziyarat, as elucidated by the author is that the zair who recites the Ziyarat must imbibe the spirit and attain the cognizance of the sublimity of Ziyarat ‘Ashura to enable him to align himself with the spirit of the visited one.

The author eloquently elucidates that the crux of the Ziyarat ‘Ashura are the concepts of al-Tawalli and al-Tabarri. He writes:

Besides its ample merits, it is a program of revolution for the sleeping masses. The crux of the Ziyarat is al-tabarri` and al-tawalli, which can correctly be translated as ‘fleeing from imperfection’ and ‘seeking perfection’, or in beautiful words of every Muslim: La ilahaillallah - Besides Allah - the Only Beloved, there is no other ilah (beloved).

The name Allah exemplifies all the perfect attributes of the Divine Essence, which the human being has been molded to appreciate and naturally seek. The Holy Qur`an says:

‘...the innate nature of Allah, upon which the human beings were molded.’ (30:30).

Therefore the Ziyarat in reality is a call to the unsullied innate disposition (fitra) of the human being.

The oft-repeated salutation of Assalamu ‘Alayka Ya Aba ‘Abdillah, assumes an everlasting impression upon our minds when we read how we must manifest our intentions to unite with his lofty ideals, and in cursing his opponents how we must demonstrate our revulsion at the worldly desires of his enemies. If we truly make that salutation with that understanding, it helps us align ourselves with the spirit of Imam al-Husayn (AS) and we have fulfilled and are true to the words we recite in the Ziyarat:

So I ask Allah, who ennobled me by knowing you and knowing your friends, and enabled me to seek remoteness from your enemies, to place me in your company in this world and the Hereafter.

This allows us to seek nearness to Allah through the Ziyarat rather than to be only motivated to gain personal benefits. Unquestionably, many traditions of the A`imma promise us that by the recitation of Ziyarat ‘Ashura our needs would be fulfilled. For example Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS) guided Safwan thus:

When you are confronted with some adversity, then seek redress of your grievances from Imam al-Husayn (AS) with this Ziyarat and Allah never reneges on His word.

However, the real question that we are encouraged to ponder upon is “What is our real need that we should ask for?” It helps us create an awareness of our own selves so that we can assess the true value of our neediness. Cited is an inspiring example of asking for one’s real need is of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karim Hairi, the founder of the Hawza of Qum. It is said that during the Ziyarat at the Haram of Imam al-Husayn (A) he was seen weeping and telling the Imam (AS): “O dear master, I have become a mujtahid but I want to become a human being.”

Thus the Ziyarat, must go beyond the seeking of mundane material benefits and rise to the lofty sublimities of cognition and self-awareness to awaken us from the sluggishness caused by the excesses of hubbe-duniya. To do so is to realize the ultimate purpose of Ziyarat. After all who can be a better symbol than Imam al-Husayn (AS) whose supreme sacrifice on the day of ‘Ashura, symbolized the highest manifestation of Tawheed - that Besides Allah- the Only Beloved, there is no other ilah (beloved).

Hasnain Walji

Plano Texas, March 2009