Supplication In the Eyes of the Ahl al-Bayt (as)

Author: Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi Al-Asifi
Translator: Jabir Chandoo
Publisher: Ahlul Bayt World Assembly
Category: Supplications and Ziyarat

Author: Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi Al-Asifi
Translator: Jabir Chandoo
Publisher: Ahlul Bayt World Assembly
Download: 5708
- Preface
- Definition of Prayer
- The Meaning of Prayer
- 1. The One called upon (al-mad’uww)
- 2. The Supplicant (ud-Da’i)
- 3. The Act of Asking (ad-Du’a’)
- 4. The Object of Prayer (al-mad’uww lahu)
- The Value of Prayer
- Four Ways of Reaching Allah in the Qur’an
- Prayer: the Essence of Worship
- Disregard for Prayer is to Turn Away from Allah
- Allah Yearns for the Supplication of His Servant
- Asking one’s Needs from Other than Allah
- Notes
- Acceptance of the Prayer
- Prayer is Surrounded by Success and Acceptance
- Two Benefits of the Acceptance of Prayer
- The Relation of the Response to Prayer
- Prayer: the Key of Mercy
- Action and Prayer: the Two Keys of Allah’s Mercy
- The Relation between Prayer and Action
- The Relationship between Prayer and the Response
- The Need before its Perception and Presentation before Allah
- The Need after its Perception and Request
- The Three Laws Regarding the Relation between Prayer and the Response
- Signs of the Realization of One’s Neediness to Allah
- Obstacles of the First Kind
- Obstacles of the Second Kind
- Delay and Substitution in the Acceptance of a Prayer
- Transformation of a Prayer into Deed
- The Relation between Prayer and the Response
- The Three Stations of Mercy
- Notes
- Etiquettes and Requisites of Supplication
- 1. Recognition of Allah
- 2. Entertaining a Good Opinion of Allah
- 3. Being in Need of Allah Desperately
- 4. Entering from the Doors Ordained by Allah
- 5. Turning of the Heart to Allah
- 6. Humiliation and Softening the Heart
- 7. Continuity in Praying in Adversity and Ease
- 8. Fulfilling the Covenant of Allah
- 9. Simultaneity of Prayer with Efforts
- 10. Supplication within the Framework of the Divine Norms
- 11. Abstinence from Sins
- 12. Congregation for Supplication and Asking the Believers to say Amin
- 13. Consistency in Praying to Allah
- 14. Preparing the Self for Prayer
- 15. Calling Allah by His Beautiful Names
- 16. Presenting the Needs before Allah
- 17. Persistence in Praying
- 18. Prayer for Others and from Others
- 19. Supplication at the Time of the Descent of Mercy
- 20. Praying in the Middle of the Night
- 21. Wiping the Face and Head after Supplication
- Notes
- Obstacles and Hindrances
- The Role of Sins in Veiling Man from Allah
- The Twofold Role of the Soul in Receiving and Giving
- The Role of the Soul in Receiving Guidance from Allah
- The Role of the Soul in Giving Out Guidance
- Factors which Cause the Obscurity of the Heart
- Sins Invert the Heart
- Sins Deprive Man of the Sweetness of Remembrance
- Sins that Withhold Prayer
- Obstacles and Factors of the Ascension of Deeds
- Obstacles of the Ascension of Deeds
- Factors of the Ascension of Deeds
- Notes
- The Means to be Employed when Praying to Allah
- Means of Recourse to Allah in the Supplication of Kumayl
- General Frame of the Supplication of Kumayl
- Structure of the Supplication of Kumayl
- Four Means of Recourse in the Supplication of Kumayl
- Notes
- Lawful and Unlawful Requests
- A) Things we should pray for to Allah
- 1) Blessings on Muhammad (S) and His Progeny (‘a)
- An Example of Invoking Blessings on Muhammad (S) and His Progeny (‘a)
- 2) Praying for the Believers
- a. Praying for the Believers in General
- Examples of Generalization in Prayer
- The Three Forms of Prayer in the Qur’an
- 1. The Prayer of a Person for Himself
- 2. The Prayer of a Person for Others
- 3. The Prayer of All for All
- An Analysis and Explanation of the Third Form of Prayer
- b. Praying for Particular Believers
- 1. Praying for the Believers in their Absence
- 2. Praying for Forty Believers
- 3. Giving Preference to Others in Prayer
- 4) Praying for the Parents
- 5) Man’s Prayer for Himself
- 1. Generalization in Prayer
- 2. Great Needs Should not Stop us from Asking for Smaller Things
- 3. Praying for the Great Bounties
- 4. Reliance on the Divine Planning
- 5. Pleading for the Face of Allah from Allah
- B) Things We should not Pray for to Allah
- 1. Petition in Contrary to the Norms of Allah in the Universe and Life
- 2. Praying for Illegal Things
- 3. Wishing the Eradication of Blessings from Others
- 4. Petition Against the Advantage of the Supplicant
- 5. Seeking Refuge from Test
- 6. Not to Invoke Evil Upon the Believers
- Loving Hearts Cause Allah’s Mercy
- Harbouring Deceit for the Believers Causes the Wrath of Allah
- Harbouring Evil for the Believers Witholds the Deed from Allah
- Allah Never Looks at Those Who Hate the Believers
- Notes
- Divine Love in the Supplications of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a)
- The Relation with Allah
- Love of Allah
- Belief and Love
- The Pleasure of Love
- Love Compensates the Deficiency of the Deed
- Love of Allah Protects Man from the Punishment
- Levels of Love
- The State of Yearning and Intimacy in Love
- Another Illustration
- Inspirations and Outflows of the Heart
- The Principle of Choice
- A Return to the Whispered Prayer of Al-muridin
- The Peak and Trough of the Prayer
- The Three Means
- The First Means: Neediness
- The Second Means: Supplication
- The Third Means: Love
- Another Illustration of the State of Yearning to Allah
- Sincerity in Love of Allah
- The Jealousy of Allah for His Servant
- Love 'of' Allah and 'for' Allah
- The First Source of Love
- 1. Allah Loves His Servants
- 2. Allah Confers upon His Servants His Love and Affection
- 3. Allah Shows His Affection toward His Servants
- Notes
- Sources of Supplications in the Heritage of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a)
- The Importance given by the Companions of the A’immah to the Recording of the Ahadith
- The Four Hundred Treatises of Hadith
- The Burning of the Heritage of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) at the Hands of Tughril Beg
- Immunity of Part of the Heritage of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) from being Destroyed
- Immunity of Part of the Source Books on Supplication from being Lost
- Supplications handed down to Us Intact through Misbah al-Mutahajjid
- Sources of Supplication that reached Ibn Tawus
- One Thousand Five Hundred Sources of Hadith and Du‘a’ with Ibn Tawus
- Fifteen Books of Sayyid Ibn Tawus on Supplication and Adhkar
- Later Source Books of Supplication
- Notes
- Supplication and the Divine Decree and Destiny
- The Law of Causality in History and the Universe
- The Relation between the Divine Will and the Law of Causality
- The Reign of the Divine Will over the Law of Causality by Itself
- The Law of Mediate Causation
- The Law of Facilitation
- The Absolute Reign of Allah’s Will in the Universe
- The Relation between the Will of Allah and the Law of Causality
- Change in Allah’s Decree in Creation
- Obliteration and Affirmation
- Notes
- Visitation: Its Monotheistic and Political Dimensions
- The Family of Monotheism in History
- The Inter-connectedness and Reunion between Generations of this Family
- The Visitation
- A Study of the Concepts which have Appeared in the Texts of the Ziyarat
- The Political and Dynamic Aspect in the Ziyarat
- 1. Testimony
- a. Testimony to the Messengership of the Prophet (S) in the First Stage of the Conflict
- b. Testimony for the Imam (‘a) in the Second Stage of the Conflict
- c. Testimony on the Second Part of the Dispute on the Interpretation
- d. Testimony for the Inheritance
- The Witness and the Witnessed for
- 2. The Stand
- Friendship and Dissociation
- Pleasure and Anger
- Peace and Submission
- Praying for the Triumph of the Revenge
- Prayer for the Revenge (tha’r)
- Ziyarat within the Framework of Personal Relationship
- Notes
- Bibliography