Supplication In the Eyes of the Ahl al-Bayt (as)

Supplication In the Eyes of the Ahl al-Bayt (as)0%

Supplication In the Eyes of the Ahl al-Bayt (as) Author:
Translator: Jabir Chandoo
Publisher: Ahlul Bayt World Assembly
Category: Supplications and Ziyarat

Supplication In the Eyes of the Ahl al-Bayt (as)

Author: Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi Al-Asifi
Translator: Jabir Chandoo
Publisher: Ahlul Bayt World Assembly

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Supplication In the Eyes of the Ahl al-Bayt (as)
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Supplication In the Eyes of the Ahl al-Bayt (as)

Supplication In the Eyes of the Ahl al-Bayt (as)

Publisher: Ahlul Bayt World Assembly


This version is taken from

Supplication In the Eyes of the Ahl al-Bayt (as)

Author(s): Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi Al-Asifi

Translator(s): Jabir Chandoo

Publisher(s): Ahlul Bayt World Assembly

This text begins introducing the Definition of Prayer, and its importance. The author explains how prayers are accepted, and what acceptance of prayer can lead to in a believer's life. Beyond the literal recitation of the prayer, in this text we can find the etiquettes of prayer, and other aspects we must take into consideration.


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The composing errors are not corrected.

Table of Contents

Preface 10

Definition of Prayer 12

The Meaning of Prayer 12

1. The One called upon (al-mad’uww) 12

2. The Supplicant (ud-Da’i) 12

3. The Act of Asking (ad-Du’a’) 13

4. The Object of Prayer (al-mad’uww lahu) 13

The Value of Prayer 14

Four Ways of Reaching Allah in the Qur’an 15

Prayer: the Essence of Worship 16

Disregard for Prayer is to Turn Away from Allah 17

Allah Yearns for the Supplication of His Servant 17

Asking one’s Needs from Other than Allah 18

Notes 19

Acceptance of the Prayer 21

Prayer is Surrounded by Success and Acceptance 21

Two Benefits of the Acceptance of Prayer 22

The Relation of the Response to Prayer 23

Prayer: the Key of Mercy 23

Action and Prayer: the Two Keys of Allah’s Mercy 24

The Relation between Prayer and Action 25

The Relationship between Prayer and the Response 28

The Need before its Perception and Presentation before Allah 29

The Need after its Perception and Request 32

The Three Laws Regarding the Relation between Prayer and the Response 33

Signs of the Realization of One’s Neediness to Allah 34

Obstacles of the First Kind 36

Obstacles of the Second Kind 37

Delay and Substitution in the Acceptance of a Prayer 38

Transformation of a Prayer into Deed 39

The Relation between Prayer and the Response 40

The Three Stations of Mercy 42

Notes 47

Etiquettes and Requisites of Supplication 50

1. Recognition of Allah 51

2. Entertaining a Good Opinion of Allah 53

3. Being in Need of Allah Desperately 54

4. Entering from the Doors Ordained by Allah 55

5. Turning of the Heart to Allah 55

6. Humiliation and Softening the Heart 57

7. Continuity in Praying in Adversity and Ease 59

8. Fulfilling the Covenant of Allah 60

9. Simultaneity of Prayer with Efforts 60

10. Supplication within the Framework of the Divine Norms 61

11. Abstinence from Sins 61

12. Congregation for Supplication and Asking the Believers to say Amin 62

13. Consistency in Praying to Allah 62

14. Preparing the Self for Prayer 62

15. Calling Allah by His Beautiful Names 63

16. Presenting the Needs before Allah 64

17. Persistence in Praying 64

18. Prayer for Others and from Others 65

19. Supplication at the Time of the Descent of Mercy 66

20. Praying in the Middle of the Night 66

21. Wiping the Face and Head after Supplication 68

Notes 68

Obstacles and Hindrances 72

The Role of Sins in Veiling Man from Allah 72

The Twofold Role of the Soul in Receiving and Giving 72

The Role of the Soul in Receiving Guidance from Allah 73

The Role of the Soul in Giving Out Guidance 73

Factors which Cause the Obscurity of the Heart 74

Sins Invert the Heart 75

Sins Deprive Man of the Sweetness of Remembrance 75

Sins that Withhold Prayer 75

Obstacles and Factors of the Ascension of Deeds 76

Obstacles of the Ascension of Deeds 76

Factors of the Ascension of Deeds 79

Notes 80

The Means to be Employed when Praying to Allah 82

Means of Recourse to Allah in the Supplication of Kumayl 83

General Frame of the Supplication of Kumayl 83

Structure of the Supplication of Kumayl 84

Four Means of Recourse in the Supplication of Kumayl 87

Notes 92

Lawful and Unlawful Requests 93

A) Things we should pray for to Allah 93

1) Blessings on Muhammad (S) and His Progeny (‘a) 93

An Example of Invoking Blessings on Muhammad (S) and His Progeny (‘a) 94

2) Praying for the Believers 95

a. Praying for the Believers in General 95

Examples of Generalization in Prayer 97

The Three Forms of Prayer in the Qur’an 98

1. The Prayer of a Person for Himself 98

2. The Prayer of a Person for Others 98

3. The Prayer of All for All 99

An Analysis and Explanation of the Third Form of Prayer 99

b. Praying for Particular Believers 101

1. Praying for the Believers in their Absence 102

2. Praying for Forty Believers 103

3. Giving Preference to Others in Prayer 103

4) Praying for the Parents 105

5) Man’s Prayer for Himself 105

1. Generalization in Prayer 106

2. Great Needs Should not Stop us from Asking for Smaller Things 107

3. Praying for the Great Bounties 108

4. Reliance on the Divine Planning 109

5. Pleading for the Face of Allah from Allah 110

B) Things We should not Pray for to Allah 111

1. Petition in Contrary to the Norms of Allah in the Universe and Life 111

2. Praying for Illegal Things 113

3. Wishing the Eradication of Blessings from Others 113

4. Petition Against the Advantage of the Supplicant 114

5. Seeking Refuge from Test 115

6. Not to Invoke Evil Upon the Believers 115

Loving Hearts Cause Allah’s Mercy 117

Harbouring Deceit for the Believers Causes the Wrath of Allah 117

Harbouring Evil for the Believers Witholds the Deed from Allah 118

Allah Never Looks at Those Who Hate the Believers 118

Notes 118

Divine Love in the Supplications of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) 121

The Relation with Allah 121

Love of Allah 122

Belief and Love 123

The Pleasure of Love 123

Love Compensates the Deficiency of the Deed 125

Love of Allah Protects Man from the Punishment 126

Levels of Love 126

The State of Yearning and Intimacy in Love 130

Another Illustration 138

Inspirations and Outflows of the Heart 141

The Principle of Choice 142

A Return to the Whispered Prayer of Al-muridin 143

The Peak and Trough of the Prayer 144

The Three Means 146

The First Means: Neediness 146

The Second Means: Supplication 149

The Third Means: Love 149

Another Illustration of the State of Yearning to Allah 152

Sincerity in Love of Allah 154

The Jealousy of Allah for His Servant 156

Love 'of' Allah and 'for' Allah 157

The First Source of Love 159

1. Allah Loves His Servants 159

2. Allah Confers upon His Servants His Love and Affection 159

3. Allah Shows His Affection toward His Servants 161

Notes 161

Sources of Supplications in the Heritage of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) 164

The Importance given by the Companions of the A’immah to the Recording of the Ahadith 164

The Four Hundred Treatises of Hadith 164

The Burning of the Heritage of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) at the Hands of Tughril Beg 165

Immunity of Part of the Heritage of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) from being Destroyed 166

Immunity of Part of the Source Books on Supplication from being Lost 166

Supplications handed down to Us Intact through Misbah al-Mutahajjid 166

Sources of Supplication that reached Ibn Tawus 167

One Thousand Five Hundred Sources of Hadith and Du‘a’ with Ibn Tawus 167

Fifteen Books of Sayyid Ibn Tawus on Supplication and Adhkar 167

Later Source Books of Supplication 168

Notes 169

Supplication and the Divine Decree and Destiny 170

The Law of Causality in History and the Universe 170

The Relation between the Divine Will and the Law of Causality 171

The Reign of the Divine Will over the Law of Causality by Itself 171

The Law of Mediate Causation 172

The Law of Facilitation 173

The Absolute Reign of Allah’s Will in the Universe 173

The Relation between the Will of Allah and the Law of Causality 173

Change in Allah’s Decree in Creation 174

Obliteration and Affirmation 175

Notes 177

Visitation: Its Monotheistic and Political Dimensions 179

The Family of Monotheism in History 179

The Inter-connectedness and Reunion between Generations of this Family 179

The Visitation 182

A Study of the Concepts which have Appeared in the Texts of the Ziyarat 183

The Political and Dynamic Aspect in the Ziyarat 183

1. Testimony 185

a. Testimony to the Messengership of the Prophet (S) in the First Stage of the Conflict 185

b. Testimony for the Imam (‘a) in the Second Stage of the Conflict 185

c. Testimony on the Second Part of the Dispute on the Interpretation 186

d. Testimony for the Inheritance 187

The Witness and the Witnessed for 188

2. The Stand 189

Friendship and Dissociation 190

Pleasure and Anger 191

Peace and Submission 191

Praying for the Triumph of the Revenge 193

Prayer for the Revenge (tha’r) 194

Ziyarat within the Framework of Personal Relationship 195

Notes 197

Bibliography 199


In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful

The precious legacy left behind by the Holy Prophet’s Household {ahl al-bayt} (may peace be upon them all) and their followers’ preservation of this legacy from the menace of extinction is a perfect example of an all-encompassing school {maktab}, which embraces the different branches of Islamic knowledge. This school has been able to train many talented personalities by quenching them with this gushing fountain.

This school has presented scholars to the Muslim ummah who, by following the Holy Prophet’s Household (‘a), have occupied the station of clarifying doubts and skepticisms brought forth by various creeds and intellectual currents both inside and outside Muslim society. Throughout the past centuries, they have presented the firmest answers and solutions to these doubts.

Anchored in the responsibilities it is shouldering, the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) World Assembly has embarked upon defending the sanctity of risalah {messenger ship} and its authentic beliefs—truths which have always been opposed by the chiefs and leaders of anti-Islamic sects, religions and trends. In this sacred path, the Assembly regards itself as a follower of the upright pupils of the school of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a)—those who have always been ready to refute those accusations and calumnies and have tried to be always in the frontline of this struggle on the basis of the expediencies of time and space.

The experiences in this field, which have been preserved in the books of scholars belonging to the school of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a), are unique in their own right. It is because these experiences have been based upon knowledge {‘ilm} and the preeminence of the intellect and reasoning, and at the same time, they are completely devoid of blind prejudice, whim and caprice. These experiences address experts, scholars and thinkers in a manner that is acceptable to a healthy mind and the pure human natural disposition {fitrah}.

In a bid to assist those who are in quest of truth, the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) World Assembly has endeavored to enter a new phase of these worthy experiences within the framework of research and translating the works of contemporary Shi‘ah writers or those who, through divine guidance, have embraced this noble school.

The Assembly is also engaged in the study and publication of the valuable works of pious predecessors and outstanding Shi‘ah personalities so that those who are thirsty for the truth could quench their thirst from this refreshing fountain by listening and embracing this truth, which the Holy Prophet’s Household (‘a) has offered as a gift to the entire world.

It is hoped that our dear readers would not deprive the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) World Assembly of their valuable opinions, suggestions and constructive criticisms in this arena.

We also invite scholars, translators and other institutions to assist us in propagating the pure Muhammadan (S) Islam.

We ask God, the Exalted, to accept this trivial effort and enhance it further under the auspices of His vicegerent on earth, Hadrat al-Mahdi (may Allah, the Exalted, expedite his glorious advent).

It is appropriate here to express our utmost gratitude to ash-Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi al-Asifi for writing the book, and to Br. Jabir Chandoo for translating it, as well as to all our honorable colleagues in accomplishing this task especially the dear ones in the Translation Office for undertaking this responsibility.

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Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) World Assembly