Commentary On Kumayl Supplication

Author: Allama Husayn Ansariyan
Translator: Hamideh Elahinia
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Supplications and Ziyarat

Author: Allama Husayn Ansariyan
Translator: Hamideh Elahinia
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Download: 5364
- Publisher’s Foreword
- Author’s Preface
- Note from Translator
- Du’a’ (supplication) in a Glance
- Du’a’ in the Holy Qur’an
- Du’a’ in Traditions
- The Value of Du’a’ in a Congregation
- Despair; the state of the disbeliever
- Conditions of Du’a’
- Thursday Night
- Notes
- Kumayl Ibn Ziyad Nakha’i
- Notes
- Du’a’ Kumayl
- Notes
- Commentary of: “Bismillah, ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim”
- Connotations of Bismillahi
- Notes
- Commentary of: “Allahumma Inni Asaluka bi rahmatika allati wa si’at kulla shay”
- The Living World
- Human; the Noblest Inhabitant of the World
- Different Stages in the Creation of Man
- The first Stage: Soil
- The Second Stage: Water
- The Third Stage: Alaq
- The fourth Stage: Creation from a Despised Fluid
- The Fifth Stage: Amshaj (the Zygote)
- The Sixth Stage: the Shaping of the Fetus
- The Seventh Stage: Placing the fetus in Three Veils
- The Eighth Stage: Breathing Spirit
- The Ninth Stage: Birth
- A Manifestation of Allah’s Mercy
- The Respiratory System
- The Skin
- The Defensive System of the Body
- The Remarkable Uses of the Plants
- The Role of Animals and Insects in the Living World
- Allah’s Guidance; a Valuable Blessing
- Allah’s Mercy
- Traditions about Allah’s Mercy
- Stories of Allah’s Mercy
- Jesus Christ and the sinner
- The Sinful Youth
- Granted Wish
- Meeting the Generous Allah
- Repentance After Repentance
- Prayer of a Lost is Answered
- Change from the Unlucky Book to the Lucky Book
- Notes
- Commentary of: “Wa biquwwatika’llati qaharta biha kulla shay”
- Commentary of: “Wa khadha’a laha kulla shay..”
- Note
- Commentary of: “Wa bi jabarutika’llati ghalabta biha kulla shay”
- Allah’s Compensation of the insufficiencies
- Compensation of sun’s exhausted energy
- Compensation of Caspian Sea Tide
- Allah’s Compensation of Fruit Seeds Shortage
- Notes
- Commentary of: “Wa bi ‘izzatika’llati la yaqawm laha shay”
- Knowing the Actor by His Act
- Creation of Various Worlds
- Hanging Lanterns in the Heaven and the Solar System
- Suns, the Countless Stars
- Notes
- Commentary of: “Wa bi Sultanika’alladhi ‘ala kulla shay”
- Commentary of: “Wa bi wajhika’lbaqia ba’da fana’i kully shay”
- Commentary of: “Wa bia’smaa’ika’llati malat Arkana kully shay”
- Commentary of: وَبِعِلْمِكَ الَّذِى أَحَاطَ بِكُلِّ شَيٍْء
- The Meaning of Light in Qur’anic Verses and Traditions
- Notes
- Commentary of: يَّا نُورُ يَا قُدُّوسُ يَآ أَوَّلَ الأَوَّلِينَ وَيَآ آخِرَ الآخِرِينَ
- Commentary of: اللَّهُمَ اغْفِرْ لِىَ الذُّنُوبَ الَّتِى تَهتِكُ الْعِصَمَ
- The Story of Gratefulness for the Hospitality of a Generous
- Inauspicious Consequences of Committing Sins
- Sins Tearing off Reverence
- Drinking Intoxicants
- Gambling
- Useless Acts for Amusing People
- Reference to People's Deficiencies
- Accompanying the Alleged Sinners
- The Sins Bringing Down the Adversities
- Rebellion (baghy)
- Violating People’s Rights
- Mocking Allah’s Servants
- Breaking Promises
- Obvious Wrongdoing
- Modesty of a Believing Lady
- Scattering Lies
- Judging in contrast to Allah’s Rules
- Not Paying Zakat
- Shortening the Measures
- Sins Altering Blessings
- Oppressing People
- Losing the Good Habits
- Abandoning good deeds
- Ungratefulness
- Abandoning Gratefulness
- Factors that Hinder the Acceptance of Supplications
- Bad Intention
- Hidden Vices
- Mistrust
- Hatred
- Self-Admiration
- Hypocrisy
- Arrogance
- Negligence
- Stinginess
- Greed
- Cupidity
- Jealousy
- Loving Allah’s Enemies
- Hypocrisy with Brotherhood-in-faith
- Doubtfulness about Acceptance of Supplications
- Postponing the Prayers
- Leaving Alms-giving
- A Wonderful Story about Charity
- Speaking Rudely
- Sins Causing Tribulations
- Inattention to the pleading of an afflicted
- Avoiding Helping the Oppressed
- Abandoning Enjoining to Good and Forbidding Evil
- The Ruins of Remoteness
- Remembrance
- The Meanings of ‘Remembrance’
- Hearty Attention to the Almighty
- The Holy Qur’an
- The Prophet and His Household
- The Meaning of Intercession
- The Conditions for Intercession
- The intercessors of the World and Hereafter
- The Intercession of Belief
- The Intercession of Good deeds
- The Intercession of Repentance
- The Intercession of Qur’an
- The Nearness Position
- Wonders of Favorite Servants
- 1. Hajj Sayyid ‘Ali Qazi
- 2. Mirza Tahir Tonekaboni
- 3. Jabir Ja’fi
- The Gratitude Position
- The Wonderful Account of a Grateful Servant
- The Remembrance Position
- Four Requests from the Almighty
- Forbearance
- Mercy
- Satisfaction
- Modesty
- Modesty in Qur’an
- Modesty in Traditions
- The Modesty of the Messenger of Allah
- The Modesty of Imam ‘Ali
- The Modesty of Prophet Solomon
- Allah; the True Owner
- Allah’s Rewards for the Servant’s Deeds
- Paradise
- Allah’s Mercy
- Allah’s Forgiveness
- The Forgiver of Sins
- The Concealer of Wicked Acts
- Transferor of Wicked Acts to Good Acts
- The Cost of Paradise
- Tasbih
- Wronging Oneself
- Audacity in Ignorance
- Confessing to sins
- Confession of the Young Sinner
- Regretful Sinner's End
- Notes
- The Meaning of ‘bala' (tribulation)’
- 1. Sins
- An Important Question-Answer
- A Dialogue with Uways al-Qarani
- 2. Remoteness from Allah’s Closeness
- 3. Ignorance
- Bad State
- Inadequacy of Acts
- The Restrictive Fetters
- High Hopes
- A Strange Account
- Descriptions of the Soul
- Amir al-Mu’minin’s Viewpoint about Reforming the Soul
- The Description of my Dilly-Dallying
- The Reason for the Obstruction of Supplications
- Secret-Keeping
- An Astonishing Story on Forgiveness
- Dissipation
- Ignorance
- Passion
- The Unlucky Prince
- Forgetfulness
- The Sinner and Allah’s Forgiveness
- The Servant of ‘Abdullah al-Mubarak
- The Tale of the Mother and the Child
- The Healing Regard
- The Amazing Story of Hatam al-Asamm
- The Influential Regard
- Duties
- Allah’s Arguments against Man
- The Mystical Prayer
- Josef and Zulaykha
- Prophet Jonah’s People
- The Presence of the Beloved
- The Wonderful Tale of Harun’s Death
- The Exact Estimation
- Oneness
- The Divinity Manifestation
- Moses and Korah
- The Youth and His Mother
- Right of Hospitality
- Right of the Guest on His Host
- Comprehensive Worship
- Having Good idea about Allah
- Tribulation of this world and that of the Hereafter
- Purgatory and Hereafter Punishments
- Complain to the Friend
- Lamenting and Weeping
- Friends’ Remoteness
- Greed for the Noble Servants’ Position
- Hope for Forgiveness
- Harun and Buhlul
- Salman and the Fearful Young Man
- The Believer Woman
- An Interesting Advice
- Allah’s Bounty and mercy
- Solomon and the Peasant
- An Important Tradition
- Imam Sadiq (as) and the Terrified Caravan
- The Wonder of Allah’s favorites
- The Kind Embrace
- Abraham’s Impatience of Sins
- A Strange Truth
- Allah’s Mercy on the Youth in David’s Age
- Features of the Freed Captive
- The Believing Servant
- The Fate of Witness of Josef’s Innocence
- The Two Illustrious Angels and Body Limbs
- Allah’s Exalted Name
- Accepted Deeds
- Request for Strength
- Conditions for Allah’s Special Blessings
- Association and the Companion
- Unlawful food
- Moral Vices
- Gluttony
- Excessive Sleep
- Worshipping Allah
- Serving Allah’s servants
- Certainty
- Khajah Nizham al-Mulk and the Pious Man
- Ahmad Khadhrawayh and the Thief
- The Tongue
- Forgiveness of the Prostitute Woman
- Guarantee of Acceptance of Prayer
- Prayer of the Entangled
- Prayer of the Black Slave
- Prayer of Imam al-Sajjad’s Slave
- Imam al-Husayn’s Prayer
- Nightly Prayer of the Prisoner
- Rain of Mercy
- Hope of Mercy
- Divine Truth and Minute Points
- Notes
- Complete text of Du’a’ Kumayl in Arabic with Trasliteration and English Translation