Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im) Volume 1

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im)0%

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im) Author:
Translator: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre
Category: Imam al-Mahdi

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im)

Author: Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani
Translator: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre

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Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im)

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im) Volume 1

Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre


This book is taken from www.al-islam.org

The Letter Kaaf (K)

1. Karam (Munificence) Of His Eminence

To love persons who are munificent is ingrained in human nature and it is a part of it and the intelligent ones are unanimous that it is preferable, rather necessary to pray for such persons.

The difference between a generous and a munificent person is that the former gives only after being asked for something but the latter is such that he gives before being asked. And in the life history of Imam Hasan (as) it is mentioned that a Bedouin came to him and before he could say anything Imam Mujtaba (as) said:

“Give whatever is in the treasury.” There were twenty thousand dinars (or dirham) in the treasury. They were handed over to that man. The Bedouin said in a polite manner:“O my master, will you not let me mention my need and sing your praise?” Imam Hasan (as) recited the following couplets:

1. We are people whose bestowal is having freshness so that people and hopeful ones may get enjoyment from them.

2. We give before we are asked. So that the dignity of the petitioner is not reduced.

3. If the sea comes to know our remaining generosity, it will feel ashamed of its raging waves.

Traditions that prove the perfection of this quality in His Eminence, Qaim (aj) are in large number, whether it be traditions that are general or which are especially about him. Among them it is that in every period of time the Imam is the most munificent and charitable person of the world. And it is that the manners and behavior of Imam Qaim (aj) are same as the manners and behavior of the Holy Prophet (S). And it is also a fact that His Eminence has made Khums on the things that are in possession of the opponents - from the war booty etc. - lawful for the believers - in the event when they purchase them from the opponents. So that their offspring and wealth is purified and it is mentioned in Biharul Anwar from His Eminence, Abu Ja’far Baqir (as) that he said:

“When His Eminence, Qaim (aj) reappears and enters Kufa, the Almighty Allah would send seventy thousand Siddiqeen (who have testified him) and they shall join the ranks of his companions and helpers. He would pay stipends to his followers twice a year and pay such high salaries twice every month that there would not remain anyone in need of taking Zakat. Those who are liable to pay Zakat would search for eligible Shias to give their Zakat to; they would go to each of their houses and call out but the people would come out and say that they are not in need of charity.”

(Allamah Majlisi says: The tradition continues and further on the Imam says:)“And all the wealth of the world, whether it be on the surface of it or below its surface, would come together to collect with Qaim (aj). He would say to the people: Come to that for which you used to break off relations, shed unlawful blood and commit sinful acts. Then he would give them so much money as none had ever paid before.” 1

I say: We have mentioned the relevant points in the discussion of the charity of His Eminence.

2. Expounding The Sciences For The People

This unprecedented expounding and unveiling of sciences and learning was not present in any period of time and will not be there in any period except the time of the reappearance. In Basair it is related by the author through his own chain of narrators from Saad bin Tareef from Asbagh bin Nubatah that he said:

Amirul Momineen (as) was such that whenever a person came to him he used to tell him:“O so and so, be ready for the journey of the Hereafter, and gather for yourself all the provisions that you want as on such and such day at such and such time illness would strike you and the cause of your illness is such and such, and you will die in so and so month on such and such day at such and such hour.” Saad says: I mentioned this statement to Imam Muhammad Baqir (as). He said it was right. I said:“May I be sacrificed on you, why do you not give us such information so that we may be ready for the journey of the Hereafter?” He replied:“Ali Ibnul Husain (as) has closed this door till the time our Qaim (aj) arises.” 2

In Biharul Anwar it is narrated from His Eminence, Abu Abdillah Sadiq (as) that he said:

“Knowledge consists of twenty-seven letters - all that the prophets brought is two letters and people have not received till date more than two letters. And when our Qaim arises he would bring another twenty-five letters and spread them among the people and add them to the two letters and spread the knowledge of twenty-seven letters.” 3

In that same book is related in a lengthy tradition from His Eminence, Abu Ja’far Baqir (as) with reference to the qualities of Imam Qaim (aj) and the practice of His Eminence during the period of his reappearance that he said:

“…then he would return to Kufa and send those three hundred and thirteen persons to all the parts of the world. He would (also) stroke their shoulders and chests, (by which) they would not face any difficulty in any judgment and every part of the earth would echo with the call of:

‘There is no god except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.’

And that is the implication of the words of the Almighty Allah:

أَفَغَيْرَ دِينِ اللَّهِ يَبْغُونَ وَلَهُ أَسْلَمَ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ طَوْعًا وَكَرْهًا وَإِلَيْهِ يُرْجَعُونَ

“And to Him submits whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him shall they be returned.” (Qur’an, Surah Aale Imran 3:83)

And the master of this affair is not such that he would agree to accept Jizyah like the Holy Prophet (S). And that is the meaning of the statement of the Almighty Allah:

“And fight with them until there is no more persecution and religion should be only for Allah.” 4

In another tradition from His Eminence it is mentioned that he said:

“And in his time, wisdom would be bestowed to you; so much so that a woman would dispense justice from her home on the basis of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (S).” 5

In another report from His Eminence it is stated that he remarked:

“When Qaim (aj) arises, he would appoint a person in each country of the world and say to him: Your guidance is present in the palm of your hand. So whenever you are faced with a decision you find difficult, you should glance at your palm and act accordingly…” 6

In Kharaij there is a tradition from the Chief of the Martyrs (as) that he said:

“Then the Almighty Allah would bestow a miracle to our Shias, such that nothing would be hidden from them. So much so, that a man from them would like to know what his family knows. He would inform them of what they know.” 7

In Biharul Anwar, in a lengthy tradition from Amirul Momineen (as) it is mentioned that he said:

“…and knowledge would be located in the hearts of the believers. Thus no one would be needful of the knowledge that his brother has and the interpretation of this verse:

وَإِنْ يَتَفَرَّقَا يُغْنِ اللَّهُ كُلًّا مِنْ سَعَتِهِ ۚ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ وَاسِعًا حَكِيمًا

“Allah will render them both free from want out of His ampleness.” (Qur’an, Surah Nisa 4:130)

Would be realized on that day and the earth would expose its treasures for them and the Qaim (aj) would say:

“Eat and drink pleasantly for what you did beforehand in the days gone by.” 8

3. Clearing And Removing Hardships From The Believers

The Imam of the Age (aj), by praying for the believers, generally removes their problems and difficulties, and he also prays especially for those who seek his mediation and refuge and removes so many hardships from them as they could not even estimate. Among all the scholars the noted academic, Allamah Majlisi (r.a.) in his nineteenth volume of Bihar has quoted through some channels from Abul Wafa Shirazi that:

“I was a captive in the hands of Ibne Ilyas in Kerman. He had fettered me in chains so that I should be aware that he had decided to hang me from the gate (after executing me). Thus I made Imam Zainul Abideen Ali bin al-Husain (as) as my medium to approach Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, to save me. I went to sleep and saw the Messenger of Allah (S) in dream saying to me: In any problem of the world do not take the medium of me, my daughter and my sons (son), but you may take our mediation for the hereafter and whatever you want from the rewards of the Almighty Allah. However my brother Abul Hasan would take revenge for you from whoever that oppresses you.

I respectfully said: O Messenger of Allah (S), is it not a fact that injustice was done to Fatima and she observed patience and was also patient on those who had oppressed her? Then how could he (Ali) take revenge from one who is unjust to me?

He replied: It was the covenant I had made with him and it was my order, so he had to obey it as her right will be restored but at present he takes up the cause of those of his followers who are oppressed. And as for Ali bin al-Husain, he is for saving from the clutches of rulers, kings and rebellious satans. As for Muhammad bin Ali and Ja’far bin Muhammad, for the Hereafter. And as for Moosa bin Ja’far; pray to him for health and well being. As for Ali bin Moosa, pray through him for safety in journeys by the sea or land.

And as for Muhammad bin Ali ask the Almighty Allah for sustenance through his mediation. And as for Ali bin Muhammad, he is for the recommended acts and doing good to the believing brothers. And as for Hasan bin Ali, he is of the Hereafter and as for Hazrat Hujjat, when the sword reaches your throat - at this point His Eminence (S) pointed to this throat - pray fervently to him and take refuge with him as he comes to help one who calls him and he is a refuge for those who seek his refuge.

Thus I said: O my master, O my Master of the Time, I take refuge with you. Suddenly I saw a person come down from the sky mounted on a horse holding an iron (or bright) weapon. I pleaded: O my master, Protect me from one who is torturing me. He said: I prayed to Allah that I may be allowed to defend you and Allah, the Mighty and Sublime accepted my prayer.

In the morning Ibne Ilyas summoned me and removed the chains. He gave me a robe and said: Through whose mediation did you pray? I replied: I sought the refuge of one who is the refuge-giver, so that he may beseech the Almighty on my behalf:

And praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds.” 9

Second Incident: In the thirteenth volume of Biharul Anwar, Allamah Majlisi has quoted his father, the honorable scholar, Maulana Muhammad Taqi well known as Majlisi, that he said:

In our time was a noble and righteous personality by the name of Amir Ishaq Astarabadi. He had completed 40 Hajjs on foot. It was famous among the people that the earth used to fold up for him. One year he came to Isfahan. I went to him to ask him about the fame he had earned. He told me:“The cause of that honor is that one year when I was on my way to the Holy House of Allah, along with other pilgrims, and when we were at a distance of seven or nine stages from Mecca, I was, for some reason, left behind the caravan and soon they went out of my sight. I lost my way and overcome with thirst, I was about to die when I prayed:

O the righteous one, O Aba Salih guide us to the path, may Allah have mercy on you.

Suddenly an apparition became visible at the end of the desert, before I could make it out, it had already reached me. I saw a handsome youth wearing clean clothes of green hue and having a noble demeanor riding a camel and carrying a water in a container. I saluted him and he replied to my Salaam and asked: Are you thirsty? ‘Yes,’ I replied. He gave me the vessel and I drank the water. Then he asked: Would you like to join your caravan? “Yes,’ said I. He made me mount behind him and moved to Mecca. I had the habit of reciting the Hirz-e-Yamaani everyday. At that time also I began to recite it, at some points he used to say: ‘Recite like this.’

Not much time passed that he said to me: ‘Do you recognize this place?’ I looked and saw that I was at Abtah. He said: ‘Alight.’ I alighted, but when I turned back he had disappeared. At that moment I realized that he was Qaim (aj). I became regretful and sad at his separation and was affected that I had not recognized him. Thus when seven days had passed, my caravan reached Mecca and found me there - while they had lost hopes of my survival - therefore I became famous for having the land folded for me.”

Majlisi says in Biharul Anwar: My father said: I recited the Hirz-e-Yamaani in his presence and got it corrected and he gave the permit also.

And praise be to Allah.10

Another Incident: The practical scholar, Mirza Husain Noori, in the book, Jannatul Maawa quotes Kunooz an-Najaah of the prominent Shaykh Ameenul Islam Fadl bin al-Hasan Tabarsi that he said:

It is the supplication that His Eminence, the Master of the Time - may Allah the King and the Bestower bless him - has taught to Abul Hasan Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abi Laith - (r.a.). Abul Hasan fled to the Quraish Cemetery in Baghdad for fear of being killed and he was saved by the bounty of this supplication. Abul Hasan says: His Eminence (aj) taught me to recite as follows:

“O Allah, terrible was the calamity, and its evil consequences are visible, the covering has been removed, (all) hopes have been cut off, the (plentiful) earth has shrunk, the heavenly blessings have been withheld. Thou alone can help, we refer our grief and sorrow to Thee, we have full faith in Thee, in the time of distress, as well as in good fortune. O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, whom we must obey as per Thy command, through which we become aware of their rank and status, and let there be joy after sorrow for us, for their sake, right away, in the twinkle of an eye, more rapidly than that.

O Muhammad! O Ali! O Ali! O Muhammad! Help me, because both of you help and protect. Give me enough, because both of you provide sufficiently. O our Master! O master of the time! Help! Help! Help! Reach me! Reach me! Reach me! At once, in this hour. Be quick, be quick, be quick, O the Most Merciful, for the sake of Muhammad and his pure children.”

The narrator says: When His Eminence said ‘O master of the time’ he pointed towards himself.

I say: If you desire to learn other aspects of this you may refer to the book of An-Najmus Thaqib. May the Almighty Allah give the best of rewards to its author.


1. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 52, Pg. 390

2. Basairud Darajaat, Part 6, Pg. 262

3. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 52, Pg. 336

4. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 52, Pg. 345, Surah Anfaal 8:39

5. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 52, Pg. 352

6. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 52, Pg. 365

7. Al-Kharaij; Pg. 138

8. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 53, Pg. 86, Surah Haqqah 69:24

9. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 94, Pg. 35

10. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 52, Pg. 175

The Letter Laam (L)

1. Liwa (Flag) Of His Eminence

Among the important matters is to pray for the hoisting of the flag of His Eminence, as due to it, people would be happy and their distress shall be dispelled as mentioned in Kamaluddin from Amirul Momineen (as) that he said from the pulpit:

“A man from my descendants would appear in the last age of time. His complexion would be fair with a reddish hue and he would have a broad stomach, his thighs would be big. And his sides would be broad. He would have two moles, one skin colored and the other like the seal of prophethood of the Holy Prophet (S). He would have two names, one is confidential and the other, popular. His secret name is Ahmad and his known name is Muhammad. When he hoists and waves his flag, he would illuminate the east and the west. He would stroke the heads of the people.

Thus there would not remain any believer but that his heart would become as a strong as a mountain of steel and Allah, the Mighty and the High would give each of them the strength of forty men. And no corpse would remain but that the celebration of his reappearance would reach its grave as the believers in the grave also would see him in their graves and they would greet each other upon the reappearance of Qaim (aj).” 1

I say: Grave implies the spiritual state of the believers in the Purgatory (Barzakh). That which proves this matter is a tradition quoted by some elders.

Also in Kamaluddin it is narrated that in the standard of Mahdi (aj) is the pledge of allegiance to Allah, the Mighty and Sublime.2

In the same book it is narrated from Amirul Momineen (as) that he said:

“There is a flag for us; and one who goes ahead of it, is a transgressor and one who lags behind it, is destroyed and one who follows it, would achieve the aim.” 3

It is reported from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as) that he said:

“As if I could see Qaim (aj) that he has reached to the rear of Najaf. When he reaches to the back of Najaf he would mount a dark colored pie-bald horse having a white streak between its eyes. Then he would fly on it. Thus there will not remain any city that would not think that Qaim (aj) is with them in that town. And when he unfurls the flag of the Messenger of Allah (S) 13013 angels would descend to him from the sky as they all would be in anticipation of the orders of Qaim (aj)…” 4

It is narrated from Abu Hamza that he said:

His Eminence, Abu Ja’far Baqir (as) told me:“As if I can see Qaim (aj) appearing in Kufa at the back of Najaf. When he arrives at Najaf he would unfurl the standard of the Messenger of Allah (S). Its pole would be a pillar of the Arsh and those who accompany it would be helpers of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime. He would not bring it down for anyone but that the Almighty Allah would destroy that person.”

The narrator says: I asked in a polite manner:“Is that flag with him or it would be brought for him?” He said:“It would be brought for him by Jibraeel (as).” 5

In the same book it is narrated from the Holy Prophet (S) in a lengthy tradition that he said:

“He would be having a standard which would unfurl itself automatically when the time is ripe for his reappearance. And the Almighty Allah would give it the power to speak and it would say: O Wali of Allah, march forward and eliminate the enemies of Allah. And he would have two flags and two emblems. And he is having a sheathed sword, which at the time of reappearance would come out its sheath automatically and Allah, the Mighty and Sublime would bestow the power of speech to it and it would call out to His Eminence: O Wali of Allah, march forward as it is not right for you to avoid the enemies of Allah.” 6

In Biharul Anwar it is narrated from Abu Baseer that he said:

His Eminence, Abu Abdillah Sadiq (as) said:“When Amirul Momineen (as) confronted the Basrans, he unfurled his standard, that is the standard of the Holy Prophet (S), therefore they were routed and the sun had not yet set when they called out: O son of Abu Talib, you have destroyed us (or we bring faith). 7 At that time His Eminence ordered that the prisoners not be killed, the wounded must not be attacked, the runaways must not be pursued and whosoever drops his weapons would be secure and whosoever shuts the door, his house (and one who remains there) is safe.”

In the battle of Siffeen (the companions of His Eminence) requested him to wave that flag once more but the Imam did not agree to it. They petitioned him through the mediation of Hasan, Husain (as) and Ammar Yasir (r.a.). His Eminence said to Husain (as):“My son, a time period is appointed for these people and they would reach it, and it is a flag that none would wave after me, except Qaim (aj).” 8

Another tradition from His Eminence, Abu Ja’far Baqir (as) about the description of this flag says:

“By Allah, that flag is not made of cotton, silk or muslin.” The narrator says: I asked:“Then of what material is it?” Imam replied:“Made of the leaves of the tree of Paradise. The Holy Prophet (S) unfurled it on the day of the battle of Badr. After that he folded it up and gave it to Ali (as). It always remained with Ali (as) till he unfurled it in Basra (in the battle of Jamal).

When Amirul Momineen (as) unfurled it, the Almighty Allah granted victory to him. After that he rolled it up again. And that flag is with us. No one would open it till Qaim (aj) reappears. When he arises no one would remain either in the east or west but that he would see it. Its awe would travel a month’s distance before as well as after it and to right as well as left.”

Then he said:“He would rise up to take revenge for his forefathers. Infuriated and aggrieved for the fury of the Almighty Allah on the people. He would be wearing the dress the Holy Prophet (S) had used on the day of the battle of Uhud. Upon his head would be the turban called Sahaab and he would also be equipped with the armor of the Prophet. Zulfiqar, the sword of the Messenger of Allah (S) shall be in his hand. At that moment he would extract the sword and go on fighting for eight months…” 9

I say: This tradition proves that His Eminence is having more than one flag. Other reports also support this point but in this brief discussion we shall refrain from quoting them.


1. Kamaluddin, Vol. 2, Pg. 653

2. Kamaluddin, Vol. 2, Pg. 653

3. Kamaluddin, Vol. 2, Pg. 653

4. Kamaluddin, Vol. 2, Pg. 653

5. Kamaluddin, Vol. 2, Pg. 672

6. Kamaluddin, Vol. 1, Pg. 268

7. In Biharul Anwar it is ‘you have killed us’ and in Ghaibat of Nomani it is ‘we bring faith’.

8. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 52, Pg. 367

9. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 52, Pg. 360

The Letter Meem (M)

1. Marabata (Vigil) Of His Eminence In The Path Of God

We shall, if Allah the High wills, would explain the meaning and excellence of Marabat in Part Eight. As for the merit of praying for the twoMaratabas it is supported by reason as well as religious texts.

The logical proof is that: Those who are in vigil are in fact supporters of Islam and they are the sentries of the Muslims and reason and logic state that such persons deserve our best wishes and prayers.

Textual proof: The supplication of our Imam and Master, His Eminence, the chief the worshippers (as) in Sahifa Sajjadiya - the twenty-seventh supplication - is sufficient for this matter.

And that which confirms that Hazrat Hujjat is in Marabata on the path of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime are some traditional reports. Some of them are as follows:

1. In a Tawqee to Shaykh Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Muhammad an-Noman, alias Shaykh Mufeed he says:

“From the slave of Allah who is in Marabata on His path, to the one inspired and guided to truth…” 1

2. In the book of Ghaibat Shaykh Nomani through his own chain of narrators from His Eminence, Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali Baqir (as) from his father His Eminence, Ali bin al-Husain (as) it is mentioned that he said:

Ibne Abbas sent a person to His Eminence to ask him the interpretation of the verse:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اصْبِرُوا وَصَابِرُوا وَرَابِطُوا وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ

“O you who believe! be patient and excel in patience and remain steadfast, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, that you may be successful.” (Qur’an, Surah Aale Imran 3:200)

His Eminence, Ali bin al-Husain (as) became angry and said:“I wish that one who sent you with this had approached me directly.” Then he said:“This verse was revealed for my father and us, and the perseverance that we have been ordered for has not yet occurred, it would be for some of our descendants…”

3. It is mentioned in Burhan from Ayyashi in a Mursal tradition (having incomplete chain of narrators) from His Eminence, Abu Ja’far Baqir (as) regarding this verse that he said:

“It was revealed for us and until now the time of steadfastness that is commanded, has not arrived, and it would be in our descendants.” 2

I say: It is obvious that in the above mentioned traditions the implied Marabit is none but our master, His Eminence, the Master of the Age, the Imam of the time (as), on the basis of his statement in the Tawqee and as also explained in the chapter of Letter ‘L’. And here it is clear that this matter is a special act of worship of His Eminence just as performing the Hajj of the House of Allah is a special quality of His Eminence as mentioned in the chapter of Letter ‘H’a’.

In addition to this, the length of his patience and his constant lamenting for his great ancestor, the Chief of the Martyrs (as) are among his distinguishing qualities which were not present in his predecessors. In the Ziarat, famous as Ziarat Nahiya His Eminence says:

“Since I have been pushed behind by the passage of time and being prevented from helping you by fate and I could not fight those who had fought you. And (since) I had not been able to face your enemies I will continue to weep morning and evening…” 3

This Ziarat is mentioned in the part of Mazaar Kabeer in Biharul Anwar of Allamah Majlisi.

2. Miracles Of His Eminence

The special concern and effort of His Eminence in religious propagation and guiding the people is the basis for his showing of miracles. To pray for one who is concerned with spreading divine customs and struggling to reform the people, is a praiseworthy act according to logic and religious texts. That is why angels pray for the seekers of knowledge in addition to the fact that guidance of the people is the most beneficial matter for them and it is a favor upon them. Thus it is necessary that prayers should be recited for one who guides the people to the right path.

And as for the miracles of His Eminence: The great traditionist Shaykh Hurr Aamili (q.s.) in his book, Athbaat al-Huda quoting from the book of Fadl bin Shazan through his own chain of narrators from Abdullah bin Abi Ya’fur has said:

Imam Abu Abdullah Ja’far bin Muhammad, peace be upon both of them and their forefathers said:“There is no miracle of the Prophets and their legatees but that Allah, the Mighty and the High would display the like of it at the hands of our Qaim for exhausting the proof on the enemies.” 4

Details about the miracles that would be shown by His Eminence could be studied in comprehensive books like Biharul Anwar etc.

3. Mehnat (Hardships) Of His Eminence

In the book of Ghaibat Nomani through the author’s own chain of narrators it is narrated from His Eminence, Abu Abdillah Sadiq (as) that he said:

“When the Qaim arises he would have to face more problems from ignorant people than the Holy Prophet (S) had to face in his time. Fuzail says: I asked: How would that be? He replied: The Messenger of Allah (S) was such that when he approached the people, they threw stones, clods and pieces of wood at him; however when our Qaim arises, during his debates with the people all his opponents would be arguing on the basis of the Book of Allah and its interpretation…” 5

There is another traditional report about this which cannot be quoted here for the sake of brevity.

These are the hardships during the reappearance of His Eminence, and as for the hardships experienced during the period of his occultation, they are not concealed on anyone.

4. Masaib (Calamities) Of His Eminence

There are numerous calamities upon His Eminence, like his great ancestors and elders had to face, especially the hardships of His Eminence, the Chief of the Martyrs, would all be there for His Eminence also, as he is the one who would take revenge from him as mentioned in the interpretation of Qur’an.

It is a recommended act to pray for those who are afflicted with calamities as mentioned in reports and traditions quoted from the Purified Imams (as).

5. Mohabbat Mutaqaabil (Reciprocal Love) Of His Eminence And The Believers

Love of His Eminence for the believers and the love of the believers for His Eminence is the most important aim of praying for His Eminence and for beseeching the Almighty Allah for his early reappearance.

As for the love of His Eminence with regard to his believers, there are various groups of traditions that prove this matter. Some of them are as follows:

1. Traditions that prove that: Imam (as) is a loving and affectionate father for the believers, rather he is the most affectionate father.

2. Reports that prove that: Shias are like the leaves of the tree of Imamate.

3. Traditions that prove that: The Imam (as) is sad at the sorrow of the Shias, is moved by their hardships and is pained by their illness.

4. Reports that prove that: Imam (as) prays for the Shias and their well being.

5. Reports that prove that: Imam (as) has made things like the war booty etc. lawful for his Shias during the period of his occultation.

6. Reports that prove that: Imam (as) harkens to the call of help of his friends, also there are numerous instances that prove this matter and we have related quite of few of such instances in this book.

7. That which proves: Imam (as) is present at the funeral of the believers.

8. Traditions that indicate that Imams (as) weep at the calamities of their friends and at the time of their death etc. as it must now be clear for those who have investigated the matter thoroughly.

And indeed the love of the believers towards His Eminence is incumbent and is a part of faith and religion and the acceptance of good deeds depends upon that. Rather there is a special effect of the love for His Eminence, which we shall explain in Part Eight of this book, if Allah wills. So, O devout followers and devotees of His Eminence, pray for your beloved and beseech the Almighty Allah that He may grant you the glimpse of His Wali.


1. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 53, Pg. 176

2. Tafseer Al-Burhan; Vol. 1, Pg. 335

3. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 101, Pg. 320

4. Ithbaath al-Huda, Vol. 7, Pg. 357

5. Ghaibat Nomani, Pg. 296