Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im) Volume 1

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im)0%

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im) Author:
Translator: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre
Category: Imam al-Mahdi

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im)

Author: Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani
Translator: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre

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Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im)

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im) Volume 1

Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre


This book is taken from www.al-islam.org

Table of Contents

Dedication 17

About the Author 18

Author’s Preface 19

Reason for Writing this book 20

Notes 21

Part 1: It Is Incumbent To Recognize The Imam of The Time (as) 22

1) Rational Proof 23

First 23

Second 23

Third 25

Notes 25

2) Textual Proof 26

Note 32

Notes 32

Part 2: Proofs of the Imamate of His Eminence, Hujjat bin al-Hasan al-Askari (aj) 34

Notes 40

Section One: Some Mutawatir Traditions that Particularly 41

Prove The Imamate Of His Eminence 41

Notes 43

Section Two : Regarding some miracles and faith healings of the Master of Age that are Mutawatir 44

Notes 45

Part 3: Regarding some rights and favors of His Eminence upon us 46

The First Right: Existence And Being 47

Notes 49

Second: Right Of Survival In The World 50

Notes 51

Third: Right Based On Relationship To The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) 52

Notes 52

Fourth: The Right Of The Bestower Of Favor On Whom He Bestows And The Right Of Being The Medium Of Favor 53

Notes 53

Fifth: The Right Of The Father Upon His Son 55

Notes 55

Sixth: The Right Of The Master Over His Servants And Protégés 57

Notes 57

Seventh: Right of the teacher on the pupil 58

Eighth: Right of the Imam on the followers 59

Notes 59

Part 4: Regarding the Qualities and special merits of Imam al-Zamana (as) due to which it becomes incumbent to pray for him 60

The Letter Alif (as) 61

1. Eimaan (Faith) In God 61

2. Amr Bil Ma’roof (Enjoining Good) 62

3. Ijaabat (Fulfillment) of our prayers through the blessings of His Eminence 62

4. Ihsaan (Favor) Upon Us 62

5. Making Lawful The Rights That Have Come To Us From His Eminence 63

6. Seeking The Help Of His Eminence 63

7. Helping The Oppressed Ones Of Us, Shias 63

8. Security Of The Roads And Cities By The Reappearance Of His Eminence 65

9. Enlivening The Religion Of God And Exalting The Word Of Allah 65

10. Revenge Of His Eminence From The Enemies Of God 66

11. Establishment And Application Of Divine Penalties 68

12. Distress And Helplessness Of His Eminence 68

Notes 69

The Letter Ba (B) 70

1. Bakhshish (Generosity) Of His Eminence 70

2. Establishing The Proof And Guidance 70

3. Tribulations Of His Eminence (Trials And Afflictions) 70

4. Blessings Of His Eminence 70

Notes 70

The Letter Ta (T) 71

1. Uniting People 71

2. The Mercy And Favors Of His Eminence With Regard To Us 71

3. Bearing Pain At Our Hands 72

4. Abandoning His Own Right For Us 72

5. Attending The Funeral Of Our Dead 72

6. Rebuilding The Foundations Of Islam After Its Ruin And Destruction 74

7. Completion Of The Matter By His Eminence 75

8. Qur’anic Teachings Collected By Amirul Momineen (as) 75

Notes 79

The Letter Tha (Th) 80

1. Thawaab (Reward) Of Good Deeds And Their Acceptance Is Subject To The Wilayat Of His Eminence 80

2. Revenger Of The Blood Of Husain (as) And The Martyrs Of Kerbala 80

Notes 82

The Letter Jeem (J) 83

1. Jamaal (Elegance) and beauty of His Eminence 83

2. The Flow Of Our Sustenance At The Hands Of His Eminence 85

3. Jihad Of His Eminence 85

4. Uniting The Word On Monotheism And Islam 87

5. Coming Together Of Helpers Of Religion From The Angels, Jinns And All The Believers 88

6. The Coming Together Of The Intellects 91

Notes 92

The Letter H’a (H’) 93

1. His Eminence’s Help (H’imayat) To Islam 93

2. H’arb (War) With Opponents 93

3. Hajj Of His Eminence 95

4. Survival And Life Of The Earth Due To The Presence Of His Eminence 95

5. Forbearance Of His Eminence 96

6. Revival (From Dead) Of Some Divine Saints For The Reappearance Of His Eminence 96

7. Love And Regard Of His Eminence For Us 96

8. His Eminence Will Judge With Truth 97

9. The Judgment Of His Eminence From Unseen 97

Notes 98

The Letter Kha (Kh) 99

1. Khulq (Manners) Of His Eminence 99

2. Khauf (Fear) Of His Eminence 99

3. Khilafat (Caliphate) Of His Eminence Over The Muslims 101

4. Perfection Of The Sciences For Him 102

5. Rising Up Of His Eminence, With The Sword After His Reappearance 103

Notes 103

The Letter Daal (D) 104

1. Dua (Supplication) Of His Eminence For The Believers 104

2. Dawat (Call) Of His Eminence To Truth 106

3. Calamities are warded off from us due to the blessings of the presence of His Eminence 107

4. Warding Off The Calamities And Chastisement From The People Through The Blessings Of The Shias Of His Eminence 109

Notes 109

The Letter Dhaal (Dh) 111

1. Dhabba (Warding Off) The Enemies From The Believers During The Occultation And Reappearance Of His Eminence 111

2. Disgrace Of The Enemies At The Hands Of His Eminence After The Reappearance 111

Notes 111

The Letter Ra (R) 113

1. Rabat (Vigil) 113

2. Rahat (Comfort) For The Creatures By The Reappearance And Government Of His Eminence 113

Notes 114

The Letter Za (Z) 115

1. Zahmat (Struggle) Of His Eminence On The Path Of Faith 115

2. Zuhd (Piety) Of His Eminence 115

3. Ziarat Of His Eminence At The Tomb Of Abi Abdullah Al-Husain And Other Infallibles (as) 116

Notes 116

The Letter Seen (S) 117

1. Sirah (Behavior) And Manners Of His Eminence 117

2. Sakhaawat (Charity) Of His Eminence 117

Notes 118

The Letter Sheen (Sh) 119

1. Shuja-At (Valor) Of His Eminence 119

2. Shafa-At (Intercession) Of His Eminence For Us - If Allah, The High Wills 119

3. Shahadat (Testimony) Of His Eminence For Us 119

4. Sharaafat - Nobility Of His Eminence 120

Notes 120

The Letter S’aad (S’) 121

1. S’abr Of His Eminence 121

Notes 121

The Letter Z”aad (Z”) 122

1. Z”Iyafat (Hospitability) Of His Eminence 122

The Letter T’a (T’) 123

1. T’ahaarat (Purification) Of The Earth From Injustice Through His Eminence 123

2. T’alab-E-Huqooq (Recovery Of The Rights) Of The Imams And Believers And T’alab-E-Khoon (Revenging Their Blood) 123

Notes 123

The Letter Z’a (Z’) 124

1. Z’uhoor (Appearance) Of Truth At The Hands Of His Eminence 124

2. Z’afar - Victory And Success Of His Eminence Over His Opponents 124

3. Z’ulm - Injustice Of The Enemies Upon His Eminence 124

4. Appearance Of The Perfections Of The Imams And Their Manners And Morals By The Instance Of The Reappearance Of His Eminence 126

Notes 127

The Letter A’in (A’) 128

1. I’lm (Knowledge) Of His Eminence 128

2. I’zzat - Respect Of The Saints By The Reappearance Of His Eminence 128

3. A’dhaab - Punishment Of The Enemies 129

4. A’dl - Justice Of His Eminence 129

5. A’t’f - The Turning Of Selfish Desires To Guidance 130

6. A’t’aa (Benevolence) And Bestowals Of His Eminence 130

7. A’zlat - Seclusion And Self Imposed Isolation Of His Eminence From The People 132

8. I’baadat - Worship Of His Eminence 132

Notes 132

The Letter Ghain (Gh) 134

1. Ghaibat (Occultation) Of His Eminence 134

3. Test And Trial Of The People 140

2. Remoteness Of His Eminence From His Native Place 146

3. Ghalba (Domination) And Victory Of Muslims By The Reappearance Of His Eminence 147

4. Ghina (Self-Sufficiency) And Needlessness Of The Believers Due To The Blessings Of His Eminence 148

Notes 148

The Letter Fa (F) 150

1. Fadl (Grace) And Generosity Of His Eminence With Regard To Us 150

2. Fasl (Distance) And Separation Of His Eminence Between Truth And Falsehood 150

3. Faraj - Success Of Believers Through His Eminence 151

4. Fath (Conquest) Of The Cities And Countries Of The Infidels 152

5. Fath (Opening) Of The Red Scroll For Taking Revenge For The Imams (as) 153

6. Farah (Joy) Of The Believers At The Reappearance And Advent Of His Eminence 153

Notes 153

The Letter Qaaf (Q) 155

1. Qatl (Elimination) Of The Infidels By The Sword Of His Eminence 155

2. Qatl (Slaying) Of The Satan 157

3. Quwwat Yaaftan (Strengthening) Of The Bodies And Hearts Of The Believers During The Time Of Reappearance 157

4. Qaza-E-Dain-E-Momineen - Repaying The Debts Of The Believers 158

5. Qaza-E-Hawaij - Fulfilling The Needs Of The Believers 159

6. Qazawat - Judgment Of His Eminence With Truth 161

7. Qurbat - Relationship Of His Eminence To The Prophet (S) 162

8. Qist - Equity Of His Eminence 162

9. Qatl - Elimination Of Dajjal -The Chief Of The Misguided - At The Hands Of His Eminence 166

Notes 173

The Letter Kaaf (K) 175

1. Kamalaat (Perfections) Of His Eminence 175

Section One: Resemblance Of His Eminence To The Prophets (as) 176

Resemblance to Adam 176

Resemblance to Habeel 178

Resemblance to Sheeth 178

Resemblance to Nuh 179

Resemblance to Idrees 180

Resemblance to Hud 182

Resemblance to Salih 182

Resemblance to Ibrahim 184

Resemblance to Ismail 187

Resemblance to Ishaq 190

Resemblance to Lut 191

Resemblance to Yaqoob 191

Resemblance to Yusuf 192

Resemblance to Khizr 193

Resemblance to Ilyas 197

Resemblance to Dhulqarnain 200

Resemblance to Prophet Shuaib 202

Resemblance to Moosa (as) 203

Reminder 208

A hundred thousand infants were beheaded 210

Resemblance to Haroon 211

Resemblance to Yusha (as) 212

Resemblance to Hizqil (as) 212

Resemblance to Dawood 215

Resemblance to Sulaiman (as) 217

Resemblance to Asif 218

Resemblance to Daniyal 218

Resemblance to Uzair 218

Resemblance to Jirjees 218

Resemblance to Ayyub (as) 219

Resemblance to Yunus (as) 220

Resemblance to Zakariya (as) 220

Resemblance to Yahya (as) 220

Resemblance to Isa (as) 221

Resemblance to the Seal of the Prophets (S) 225

Section Two: Resemblance To The Infallible Imams, Allah’s Blessings Be On Them 226

Section Three: Resemblance To His Eminence, The Chief Of The Martyrs, Imam Husain (as) 228

Notes 231

The Letter Kaaf (K) 235

1. Karam (Munificence) Of His Eminence 235

2. Expounding The Sciences For The People 236

3. Clearing And Removing Hardships From The Believers 237

Notes 239

The Letter Laam (L) 240

1. Liwa (Flag) Of His Eminence 240

Notes 242

The Letter Meem (M) 243

1. Marabata (Vigil) Of His Eminence In The Path Of God 243

2. Miracles Of His Eminence 244

3. Mehnat (Hardships) Of His Eminence 244

4. Masaib (Calamities) Of His Eminence 244

5. Mohabbat Mutaqaabil (Reciprocal Love) Of His Eminence And The Believers 245

Notes 245

The Letter Noon (N) 246

1. Nafa’ (Benefit) Of His Eminence 246

2. Noor (Effulgence) Of His Eminence 249

Section One: Meaning Of Noor (Effulgence) 249

Section Two: Luminosity Is The Sign Of Nobility 250

Section Three: Regarding The Concept That The Being Of His Eminence Is Noor 252

Section Four: Regarding The Illuminations Of The Noor Of His Eminence At The Beginning Of The Reappearance, During Occultation And Presence 255

Section Five: Brilliance Of The Effulgence Of His Eminence In The World 258

Bounties of His Eminence 266

Help of Islam, Forbidding Evil and Enjoining Good by His Eminence 270

Nida (Call) of His Eminence 272

Advice of His Eminence about Allah, the Messenger and the Believers 280

Notes 280

The Letter Waw (W) 283

1. Wilayat (Mastership) Of His Eminence 283

Joining His Eminence 287

Notes 288

The Letter Ha (H) 289

1. Hamm (Sorrow) Of His Eminence 289

2. Hadam (Destroying) The Lairs Of Infidelity, Evil And Hypocrisy 289

3. Hidayat (Guiding) The People 291

4. Hijran (Migrants) Of His Eminence 291

Notes 291

The Letter Yaa (Y) 293

1. Yad (Bounty) Of His Eminence Upon Us 293

2. Yumn (Auspiciousness) Of His Eminence 293

Notes 294

Part 5: Good Consequences of Praying for Deliverance 295

Notes 301

1. Tawqee Of His Eminence 302

Notes 303

2. Increase In Bounties 304

1. The Being Of His Eminence Is A Bounty 304

2. Thankfulness Of Bounty Is Obligatory 305

3. Thankfulness Of Bounty Is Source Of Its Increase 306

4. Meaning Of Thankfulness 306

5. Types Of Thankfulness - Praying Is A Type Of Thankfulness 306

Notes 309

3. Expression Of Inner Love 310

Notes 312

4. A Sign Of Anticipation (Awaiting) 313

5. Revival Of The Command Of The Purified Imams (as) 314

Notes 314

6. Distress And Fear Of The Satan 315

Notes 319

7. Deliverance From The Mischiefs Of The Last Age And Remaining Safe From Satanic Traps 320

Notes 320

8. Part-Fulfillment Of The Rights Of His Eminence Upon Us 321

Notes 323

9. Honoring The Almighty Allah, The Religion Of Allah And The Messenger Of Allah (S) 324

10. Prayer Of His Eminence, The Master Of The Time For Those Who Supplicate For His Early Reappearance 327

Notes 328

11. Becoming Eligible For The Intercession Of His Eminence On Judgment Day 329

First: Meaning Of Intercession 329

Second: Proofs Of Intercession 329

Third: Intercessors On Judgment Day 331

Fourth: Who Is Eligible For Intercession? 333

Some Benefits 339

Fifth: It Is That Praying For An Early Reappearance Of Maula Sahib Az-Zaman Is A Cause Of Eligibility For Intercession Of His Eminence 341

Notes 342

12. Eligibility For Intercession Of The Holy Prophet (S) And Attaining The Great Intercession 344

Notes 345

13. A Means To Allah, The Mighty And The High 346

Notes 349

14. Acceptance Of Prayers 350

Notes 355

15. Recompensing Favor Of Prophethood Of The Holy Prophet (S) 356

First Introduction 356

Second Introduction 357

Third Introduction 358

Fourth Introduction 359

Fifth Introduction 361

Sixth Introduction: Meaning And Kinds Of Mawaddat (Love) 362

Notes 363

16 & 17. Warding Off Calamities And Increase In Sustenance 364

Notes 364

18. Forgiveness Of Sins 365

19. Becoming Eligible To Meet His Eminence In Person Or In Sleep 366

Reminder And Encouragement 366

Notes 367

20. Return (Raja’t) To The World During The Time Of Reappearance 368

Note 368

21. Brotherhood Of The Holy Prophet (S) 369

Notes 374

22. Hastening Of The Matter Of The Reappearance Of The Master Of The Time (as) 375

Reminder: 375

1. Children Recompensed For The Deeds Of Parents 375

2. Bada 377

3. Reappearance Can Be Advanced Or Delayed 383

Notes 384

23. Following The Prophet And The Holy Imam (as) 385

Explanation 385

Notes 386

24. Fulfillment Of Divine Covenant 387

Notes 388

25. Those Who Pray Would Gain The Rewards Of Doing Goodness To The Parents 389

Notes 389

26. Safe Keeping Trust And Returning It Honestly 390

First Matter: Regarding The Meaning Of Protected Trust 391

Conclusion 398

Second Matter: Regarding The Obligatory Nature Of Protecting The Trusts 399

Third Matter: How The Divine Trust Is Cared For 399

Fourth Matter: Praying For An Early Reappearance Is Among The Forms Of Caring 399

Notes 400

27. Spread Of The Effulgence Of His Eminence In The Supplicant’s Heart 401

Notes 402

28. Increase In Lifespan 403

First Topic: Goodness To Relatives Causes Increase In Lifespan 404

Second Topic: Being Good To The Holy Prophet (S) And His Family (as) Is Most Emphasized And Best 405

Third Topic: Praying Is A Form Of Doing Good And A Sort Of Favor 408

Notes 409

29. Cooperation In Good Deeds 411

30. Help Of Allah, The Mighty And The High 412

Notes 413

31. Guidance By The Effulgence Of The Holy Qur’an 414

32. Recognized By The People Of The Heights (Araaf) 416

Notes 417

33. Reward Of Seeking Knowledge 418

34. Security From Punishment Of The Hereafter 419

Notes 422

35. Glad Tidings And Moderateness At Time Of Death 423

Notes 426

36. Response To The Call Of Allah And His Messenger (S) 427

37. In The Same Level As That Of Amirul Momineen (as) 428

Notes 428

38. Best People In The View Of Almighty Allah 429

Notes 429

39. Most Respected Persons In View Of The Holy Prophet (S) 430

Notes 430

40. He Will Enter Paradise At The Recommendation Of The Messenger Of Allah (S) 431

Notes 431

41. The Prayer Of The Holy Prophet (S) Would Be There In His Favor 432

Notes 432

42. Forgiveness Of Sins And Replacement Of Sins With Good Deeds 433

Notes 433

43. Almighty Allah Helps In Worship 434

Notes 434

44. Removal Of Divine Chastisement From The People 435

Notes 435

45. Rewards Of Helping And Supporting The Oppressed 436

Notes 437

46. Reward Of Honoring And Respecting One Who Is Higher In Status 438

Second: Meaning of respecting 438

First Topic: Rewards And Benefits Of Paying Respect 438

1. Glorifying Allah, The Mighty And The High 438

2. Security From Fear On The Judgment Day 438

3. Proximity To The Court Of Allah 439

4. Fulfillment Of A Part Of The Rights 439

5. Earning Love 439

6. Elevated Status In The Court Of The Almighty Allah 439

Second Topic: Meaning Of Humility 441

Third Topic: Types Of Humility 442

Notes 448

47. Reward Of Avenging The Blood Of Imam Husain (as) 450

Notes 453

48. The Noble Benefits 454

First Benefit 454

Second Benefit 456

Third Benefit 458

Fourth Benefit 460

Fifth Benefit 463

Sixth Benefit 463

Seventh Benefit 465

Eighth Benefit 466

Notes 466

49. Brightness of his light on Judgment Day 468

Notes 469

50. His intercession for seventy thousand sinners 470

Notes 470

51. Prayer of Amirul Momineen (as) 471

52. Enter Paradise without accounting 472

Notes 472

53. Safe from the thirst of Judgment Day 473

54. Forever in Paradise 474

55. Scratching the face of Satan 475

Notes 475

56. A special gift on the Judgment Day 476

Notes 476

57. Servants of Paradise 477

Notes 477

58. Vast shade of the Almighty Allah 478

Notes 478

59. Reward of a believer’s Well-wisher 479

Notes 480

60. In the presence of the Angels 481

Notes 483

61. Allah prides 484

62. Angels seek forgiveness 485

Notes 485

63. The best people after the Imams (as) 486

64. Obedience of the Ulil Amr (those in authority) 487

First point: Ulil Amr are the Holy Imams (as) 487

Second point: Obligatory to obey the Ulil Amr 488

Third: The best thing through which people can seek proximity to the Almighty Allah 488

Fourth: Praying for an early reappearance of our master, the Master of the Time (aj) is also implied in their obedience 488

Notes 488

65. Pleasure of the Almighty Allah 489

Notes 489

66. Source of happiness of the Holy Prophet (S) 490

Notes 490

67. The Favorite Deed 491

Notes 491

68. Rulership of Paradise 492

Notes 492

69. His accounting will be easy 493

70. A Kind Companion in Barzakh and Qiyamat 494

Notes 494

71. The best deeds 495

Notes 495

72. Cause of removal of sorrow 496

73. Praying during the period of occultation is better than doing it in the time of reappearance 497

Notes 498

74. Angels pray for him 499

Notes 499

75. Dua of His Eminence Sajjad (as) for the Supplicants 500

Notes 502

76. Attachment to the Two Weighty Things (Thaqlayn) 504

Notes 504

77. Clinging to the Divine Rope 505

Notes 505

78. Perfection of Faith 506

Notes 507

79. Reward of worshippers 508

Notes 508

80. Respecting the Divine Signs 509

Notes 509

81. Reward of one who is martyred in the company of the Messenger of Allah (S) 510

82. Reward of being martyred under the flag of His Eminence, Qaim (aj) 511

Notes 511

83. Reward of doing a favor to our master, the Master of the Time (aj) 512

84. Reward of honoring and fulfillment of rights 513

Notes 513

85. Reward of honoring a great personality 514

86. Inclusion in the party of the Imams (as) 515

Notes 515

87. Elevation of ranks in Paradise 516

Notes 516

88. Security from a bad accounting 517

Notes 518

89. Getting the highest stations of martyrs 520

90. Getting the intercession of Lady Fatima (as) 521

Twelve Conclusions 521

First: Reward Of Performing Hajj Of The House Of Allah 521

Second: Reward of Umrah 522

Third: Reward of Etekaf 522

Four: Reward Of Fasting For Two Months 522

Five: Acceptance Of His Intercession In Qiyamat 522

Sixth: Fulfillment Of A Hundred Thousand Wishes In Qiyamat 522

Seventh: Reward Of Seventy Circumambulations Of Kaaba 522

Eighth: Reward Of Emancipating A Slave 522

Ninth: Reward Of Sending A Thousand Saddled And Bridled Horses In The Path Of Allah, The Mighty And The High 523

Tenth: Support Of 75000 Angels 523

Eleventh: Reward Of Serving The Lord For A Thousand Years 523

Twelfth: Reward of 9000 years of fasting and praying 523

Some Reminders 524

Notes 524