Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im) Volume 2

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im)0%

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im) Author:
Translator: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre
Category: Imam al-Mahdi

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im)

Author: Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani
Translator: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre

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Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im)

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im) Volume 2

Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre


This book is taken from www.al-islam.org

7. In Prostration (Sajdah)

The seventh occasion in which it is emphasized to pray for early reappearance is the position of Sajdah for the Almighty Allah because it is the most proximate position to Allah the fulfiller of supplications, according to the statements that have been recorded from the Holy Imams (as). Therefore the best thing is to mention the most important matter when one is in prostration and that one should pay special attention to it.

Especially the prostration of thanksgiving, when you should understand that all the bounties that Allah has given are only because of the blessing of our master, the Master of the Time (as). We must also know that to pray for one, who is the cause of blessings reaching us and the medium thereof, is the best way to pay thanks as has been explained in the foregone section of this book. Proving this are the traditions especially on the Sajdah Shukr, mentioned in Tohfatul Abraar, quoting from Muqna that Shaykh Mufeed said: The supplication that is to be recited in the Sajdah Shukr is as follows:

اللهم إليك توجهت وبك اعتصمت وعليك توكلت. اللهم أنت ثقتي ورجائي، فاكفني ما أهمني وما لم يهمني وما أنت أعلم به مني عز جارك وجل ثناؤك ولا إله غيرك صل على محمد وآل محمد، وعجل فرجهم

O Allah, to You only I turn and to You only I cling and on You do I rely. O Allah, You are my hope and refuge. Thus suffice me in that which has aggrieved me. And that which has not made me aggrieved and that which You know better than me. One who took refuge was honored and Your praise is high and there is no god except You. Bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and hasten their reappearance.

In addition to this, it would be emulation of the Holy Imam (as) as mentioned in traditions that when His Eminence was born he fell into prostration and recited supplication, thus showing its importance and that it may be a lesson for the Shias of the Imam.

The chief of tradition scholars, Shaykh Sadooq, in Kamaluddin, has narrated through his own chain of narrators, that Lady Hakima said in a lengthy traditional report:…I saw her as glows of light on her strained my eyes. I was seeing the baby that was prostrating on his face, hobbling on his knees, raising his forefingers towards the heavens and saying: I bear witness that a deity other than Allah, the One without a partner, is not; and that my grandfather is the Messenger of Allah; and that my forefather is Amirul Momineen. He then counted each and every Imam until he reached himself and said: O Allah, fulfill me my promise, complete my enterprise for me, strengthen my position and fill the earth through me with equity and justice…1


1. Kamaluddin; Shaykh Sadooq; Vol. 2/428

8. In Thanksgiving Prostration (Sajdah Shukr)

This is to be recited after the fourth unit of Midnight Prayer. Our scholars have mentioned in Aadaabo Saalaat al-Lail, ‘Among its manners is that after the fourth unit, in the thanksgiving prostration, recite a hundred times:

ما شاء الله

As Allah willed.

Then recite:

يا رب أنت الله ما شئت من أمر يكون، فصل على محمد، وآل محمد، واجعل لي فيما تشاء، أن تعجل فرج آل محمد (صلى الله عليه وآله)، وعجل فرجي وفرج اخواني، مقرونا بفرجهم وتفعل بي ما أنت أهله

O Lord, You are Allah. Whatever You want, happens. So bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and do what You want regarding me. That You hasten the reappearance of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his progeny and give them peace. And hasten my relief and the relief of my brothers in faith, which is related to their reappearance and do with me as befits You.

9. Every Morning And Evening

Reason and traditions, both show that among the best times for reciting this Dua is in the morning as well as the evening; and every sane and knowing person, without any doubt makes special arrangement and knows that this act is most emphasized for every morning and evening so that at least some rights of the Imam are fulfilled by it. It also shows how sincere that person is towards his masters and this sincerity is displayed every morning and evening.

Thus it is necessary for us to follow this program, because we know that the different types of bounties that the Almighty Allah has bestowed on us are only due to the barakah of our master, the Master of the Time (as) as we have proved this matter with evidences. Therefore it is a must for us to present our complete being for his service every morning and evening and you should know that you are not far from his sight and hearing.

Thus, in the epistle addressed to Shaykh Mufeed, the Holy Imam has mentioned: Surely we are neither negligent of your affairs, nor are we forgetful of your remembrance.

Then open up the ears of your heart, be prepared for his service and obey his command as you are ordered to as mentioned in the previous sections, that the Imam has ordered his followers: And pray more for an early reappearance as in it lies your success. This much reminder is sufficient in this matter and the Almighty Allah is Himself the guide of the people.

And as for narrational proof: This point is mentioned in the special Dua for the morning and evening as taught by Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as) as recorded by Thiqatul Islam Kulaini (r.a.) in Usool Kafi through his own chain of narrators from Furat bin al-Ahnaf from His Eminence, Abi Abdullah Sadiq (as) that he said: Even though you may leave everything, never give up this. You must recite every morning and evening:

إني أصبحت استغفرك في هذا الصباح، وفي هذا اليوم لأهل رحمتك، وأبرأ إليك من أهل لعنتك. اللهم إني أصبحت أبرأ إليك في هذا اليوم، وفي هذا الصباح ممن نحن بين ظهرانيهم من المشركين، ومما كانوا يعبدون، انهم كانوا قوم سوء فاسقين. اللهم اجعل ما أنزلت من السماء إلى الأرض في هذا الصباح وفي هذا اليوم بركة على أوليائك، وعقابا على أعدائك اللهم وال من والاك، وعاد من عاداك. اللهم اختم لي بالأمن والإيمان، كلما طلعت شمس أو غربت. اللهم اغفر لي ولوالدي، وارحمهما كما ربياني صغيرا اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين والمؤمنات، والمسلمين والمسلمات، الاحياء منهم والأموات، اللهم إنك تعلم منقلبهم ومثواهم. اللهم احفظ إمام المسلمين بحفظ الإيمان وانصره نصرا عزيزا، وافتح له فتحا يسيرا، واجعل له وليا من لدنك سلطانا نصيرا. اللهم العن فلانا وفلانا والفرق المختلفة على رسولك، وولاة الأمر بعد رسولك والأئمة من بعده وشيعتهم، وأسألك الزيادة من فضلك والاقرار بما جاء به من عندك، والتسليم لأمرك، والمحافظة على ما أمرت به لا أبتغي به بدلا، ولا أشتري به ثمنا قليلا. اللهم اهدني فيمن هديت، وقني شر ما قضيت، إنك تقضي ولا يقضى عليك، ولا يذل من واليت تباركت وتعاليت، سبحانك رب البيت، تقبل مني دعائي، وما تقربت به إليك من خير فضاعفه لي اضعافا كثيرة وآتنا من لدنك أجرا عظيما رب ما أحسن ما أبليتني، وأعظم ما أعطيتني، واطول ما عافيتني، وأكثر ما سترت علي فلك الحمد يا الهي كثيرا طيبا مباركا عليه مل ء السماوات، ومل ء الأرض ومل ء ما يشاء ربي كما يحب ويرضى وكما ينبغي لوجه ربي ذي الجلال والاكرام

O Allah, I have begun the morning asking forgiveness for the people of mercy in this morning and day and am aloof from the people of Your curse. O Allah, I began this morning seeking aloofness from the polytheists and what they worship. Indeed they are the worst of the transgressors. O Allah, indeed I began this morning asking You to bless what You send down from the heavens to the earth for Your Awliya and make it a punishment for Your enemies. O Allah, love those who love You and hate those who are inimical to You.

O Allah, make my end with peace and faith whether the sun shines or sets. O Allah, forgive me and my parents and have mercy on them like they brought me up when I was young. O Allah, forgive the believer men and women and the Muslim men and women, their living and their dead. O Allah,You know what changes in them and what is their end. O Allah, protect the Imam of the Muslims, by protecting their faith and help him with a great help. And make him have an easy victory. And give him and us from You a kingdom that is helped by You.

O Allah, curse so and so and different groups opposing Your Prophet and the rulers after Your Prophet and the Imams after him andtheir supporters. And I ask You to increase Your favor upon us and give stability in what You give and submission to Your command and to obey what You ordered so that we don’t accept anything in its place and we don’t sell it for a paltry price. O Allah, make me of the guided and keep me safe from the evil of what You have created. Indeed You make the destiny and there is no destiny for You. And one whom You led was never degraded. You are the Great and the High.

Glory be to You, O Lord of the house of Kaaba. Accept my supplication and multiply all that through which I seek Your proximity. Grant me from You favor and a great reward. My Lord, how nice You are to forgive me and how great is that which You gave me and gave me a long relief.

And concealed many of my mistakes from me, thus praise be to You, O my God, a praise which is extremely pure and blessed, a little of which can fill up the heavens and encompass the earth and what my Lord likes; in the same way as You like and are satisfied with and like that which is preferred by my Lord, the one who has majesty and honor.

I say: Also supporting this fact is Dua Ahad that shall come in Part Eight of this book, Insha Allah. Additionally what we have stated in the sub topic of praying after the Dawn (Morning) Prayer is also applicable to this (pay attention).

In the same way whatever was mentioned in the discussion of the presentation of the deeds of the people to the Imams every morning and evening, and their prayers for their Shias; therefore it is necessary for the believers to pray for the Imam (as). There are numerous narrations on this topic that are compiled in Al-Kafi, Basairud Darajaat, Al-Burhan and other books of our prominent scholars. Furthermore, that which is mentioned in the emphasis for praying and remembering Allah at these times, is also applicable for praying for the Imam (as); it is so because it is the best kind of supplication, as proved by the foregone discussions in this book. And the Almighty Allah guides to the path that is right.

10. In The Last Part Of Every Day

It is to be noted that a day can be divided into twelve equal parts, and each part is called an ‘hour’. Every hour is particularly specialized for praying to one of the Twelve Imams (as) with a particular supplication. Our righteous scholars have mentioned these supplications in books of daily worship rituals. They have mentioned that the last hour of the day is reserved for the Imam of the Age, the hidden leader, may Allah hasten his reappearance. The following supplication is recommended for that hour:1

يا من توحد بنفسه عن خلقه يا من غني عن خلقه بصنعه، يا من عرف نفسه خلقه بلطفه، يا من سلك بأهل طاعته مرضاته، يا من أعان أهل محبته على شكره، يا من من عليهم بدينه، ولطف لهم بنائله، أسألك بحق وليك الخلف الصالح بقيتك في أرضك المنتقم لك من أعدائك وأعداء رسولك، وبقية آبائه الصالحين “ محمد بن الحسن “ واتضرع إليك به واقدمه بين يدى حوائجي ورغبتي إليك أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد، وأن تفعل بي كذا وكذا وأن تدركني، وتنجيني مما أخاف واحذر، وألبسني به عافيتك وعفوك، في الدنيا والآخرة، وكن له وليا وحافظا وناصرا، وقائدا، وكالئا، وساترا، حتى تسكنه أرضك طوعا، وتمتعه فيها طويلا يا أرحم الراحمين، ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم فسيكفيكهم الله وهو السميع العليم. اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد، أولي الأمر الذين أمرت بطاعتهم وأولي الارحام الذين أمرت بصلتهم، وذوي القربى الذين أمرت بمودتهم، والموالي الذين أمرت بعرفان حقهم، وأهل البيت الذين أذهبت عنهم الرجس، وطهرتهم تطهيرا، أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد، وأن تفعل بي كذا وكذا

O One Who is unique in Himself from His creatures. O One Who is needless of His creatures by His being. O One Who has introduced His kindness to His creatures. O one Who has taken the people of guidance to His pleasure.

O One Who has helped the people of love to thank Him. O One Whom when someone prayed to repay his debts, was kind to him. I ask You, by the right of Your Wali, the righteous successor, Your survivor in Your earth, Your revenger from Your enemies, enemies of Your prophets and his righteous forefathers - Muhammad bin al-Hasan - and to make You satisfied by it and present to You as a request that You bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad.

And do ‘such and such’ for me.2 And grant me respite from that which I fear. And dress me up in Your relief and forgive me in this world and the hereafter. And be for him the Wali, and protector, and leader, and supporter and the veiler till he lives in Your earth for a long time. O the most merciful of the merciful ones. And there is no strength and power except by Allah, the High and Mighty. And soon Allah will suffice for you. And He is the Hearer, the knower.

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, the Ulil Amr whose obedience You have commanded. And the foremost in relations tying up with whose relations You have ordered. And the near kindred whose love You have ordered. And the masters whose rights You have ordered to be acknowledged. And the Ahle Bayt, from whom You have removed impurities, and purified them a thorough purification. And bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and do such and such for me.3


1. In these two places instead of the words such and such mention your needs.

2. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 86, Pg. 340

3. In these two places instead of the words such and such mention your needs.

11. Thursday

“The importance of praying for the reappearance of our master, Imam az-Zaman (aj) can be seen from what the renowned Sayyid (Ibne Tawoos) has written in Jamaal al-Usboo. He writes, ‘From the duties of Thursday, it is recommended to send blessings on the Holy Prophet (S) a thousand times, and it is recommended that one should say:

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and hasten their reappearance.

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد، وعجل فرجهم، وأهلك عدوهم من الجن والانس من الأولين والآخرين

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and hasten their reappearance. And destroy their enemies, from the Jinns and humans; from the first and the last. 1

Further endorsement of what we have said also lies in the traditions which state that it is the day when our deeds are presented before the Messenger of Allah (S) and the infallible, holy Imams (as). According to some other traditions, on this day, Imam (as) prays for his Shias and followers.

I say: Hence, it is appropriate for a believer that he suffices for his master, helps him in his invocation treading on his path, and in conformity with his Imam’s deeds. Traditions concerning presentation of deeds to the Messenger of Allah (S) and the Holy Imams (as) are in abundance, as mentioned in Usool Kafi, Basairud Darajaat and Tafseer al-Burhan etc.2 However we have refrained from quoting them as it would prolong the discussion.


1. Jamaal al-Usboo, Pg. 179

2. Kafi, Vol. 1, Pg. 219; Basairud Darajaat, Pg. 424; Tafseer Al-Burhan; Vol. 2/157

12. Friday Eve

Great emphasis and stress has been laid on praying for the last Imam, al- Hujjat, al-Muntazar (aj), the awaited one, on the following accounts:

One: The significance of Friday for a number of reasons which, we shall indicate, Inshallah. Thus, it is appropriate that we should pray for our Imam (as) on its eve.

Two: It is the eve of the presentation of deeds, according to the author of Lataaef al-Maaref.

Three: It has come in some of the authentic Shiite books that among the deeds of the eve of Friday is that you recite a hundred times,

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد، وعجل فرجهم، وأهلك عدوهم من الجن والانس من الأولين والآخرين

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and hasten their reappearance. And destroy their enemies, from the Jinns and humans; from the first and the last.1

The renowned Shaykh Abu Ja’far al-Tusi (a.r.) writes in Mukhtasar al- Misbaah while describing the rituals for Friday eve,“Send salutations on the Holy Prophet (S) in the following manner:

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد، وعجل فرجهم، وأهلك عدوهم من الجن والانس من الأولين والآخرين

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and hasten their reappearance. And destroy their enemies, from the Jinns and humans; from the first and the last.

A hundred times or as many times as possible.

Four: The author of Najmus Thaqib has listed the recitation of Dua Nudbah among the recommended acts of Friday eve, as much as it is preferred on the day of Friday.

Five: Numerous traditions have exhorted invocations for the eve of Friday, in addition to the fact that it is recommended for a believer to prefer praying for his master, Imam az-Zaman (aj) over his own self.2

Six: It is suggested to pray for all the believers, men and women, in this night; thus he (aj) of course is more worthy than any other believer to be prayed for.


1. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 89, Pg. 289

2. An-Najmus Thaqib, Pg. 467

13. Friday

Generally, it is highly recommended to pray for Imam al-Mahdi (aj) throughout the day of Friday. Early morning prayers, noon, while going to the mosque, after Asr prayers, in the Qunoot of Zuhr prayers, in the Qunoot of Namaz-e-Jumuah, the sermon of Friday Prayer and in the wee hours of Friday, etc. all have been narrated on the authority of our infallible, guided Imams (as) as times of invocations for our master Saahebuz Zamaan (aj).

a) After Morning Prayer

In Biharul Anwar a lengthy supplication is narrated and we have mentioned it in the book Abwaab al-Jannaat fi Aadaab al-Jumuaat. It is a noble supplication, which has been ordered to be recited regularly, and is as follows:

اللهم وكن لوليك في خلقك وليا وحافظا وقائدا وناصرا حتى تسكنه أرضك طوعا وتمتعه منها (7) طويلا وتجعله وذريته فيها الأئمة الوارثين واجمع له شمله وأكمل له أمره وأصلح له رعيته وثبت ركنه وافرغ النصر(8) منك عليه حتى ينتقم فيشتفي ويشفي حزازات(9) قلوب نغلة وحرارات صدور وغرة وحسرات أنفس ترحة، من دماء مسفوكة، وأرحام مقطوعة، وطاعة مجهولة، قد احسنت إليه البلاء، ووسعت عليه الآلاء، وأتممت عليه النعماء، في حسن الحفظ منك له. اللهم اكفه هول عدوه وأنسهم ذكره وأرد من أراده، وكد من كاده، وامكر بمن مكر به، واجعل دائرة السوء عليهم اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم

O Allah, be for Your Wali among Your creatures, a protector, a guard, a leader and helper, till he lives in Your earth in peace and enjoys it for a long time. And appoint him and his progeny the inheritor Imams. And bring together his dispersed affairs, and perfect his rule, and bring for him his subjects and make his glory strong, and bless him with patience and forbearance. Till he takes revenge and give peace to his heart. And cure the hearts of malice and make the burning hearts cool.

And end the regret of aggrieved souls, from the aspect of blood shed unlawfully and broken relations, and unknown obedience [ignorance about compulsory obedience of the rightful Imam] make the hardships good for him and make our bestowals wide and You complete Your bounties on him with a good protection to him. O Allah, remove the fear of enemy from him and erase his memory of enemies; do bad with all those who wish bad for him and plot against all those who plot against him and reserve evil for him.

At its end, say a hundred times:1

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and hasten their reappearance.

I say: We have stated earlier in the light of traditions that his reappearance is the victory of all the friends of Allah. For, by it the aims of all of them will be achieved and their goal achieved. It is also recommended for Friday, (like after the Dawn and Noon prayers everyday), one should say:

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and hasten their reappearance.

b) During Afternoon

Its evidence lies in the invocation mentioned in the chapter of this book, and it is a noble tradition, comprising of reports that the Holy Prophet (S) and the infallible Imams (as) prayed during the afternoon of Friday for the early reappearance of our master, Imam az-Zaman (aj).

c) While going to the Masjid

Whatever is recommended to recite while going to the mosque for two Eid prayers, the same is supposed to be recited while going to the Masjid on Friday also, and comprises of invocation for Imam az-Zaman (aj). Inshallah, we shall mention it under the chapter,“Supplications for special times.”

d) After Asr Prayer

In Jamaal al-Usboo it is narrated by Abdullah Ibne Sinan from Imam Sadiq (as) who said:“On Judgment Day, Allah the Almighty shall raise the days, and Friday shall be raised as leader of all of them like a bride, possessing all perfections and beauty, presented to the owner of religion and wealth. It shall stop at the door of Paradise with other days behind it, and will intercede for all those who sent more blessings on Hazrat Muhammad (S) and his holy progeny (as) in it.” Ibne Sinan says, ‘I said, How much is considered as more in it? And in which times of Friday is it best to send blessings and salutations?’ Imam (as) said, ‘Hundred times. And the best time is after Asr.’ He asked, ‘And how should I say it?’ Imam (as) replied, ‘Say a hundred times:

اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and hasten their reappearance.

Further evidence for its significance is the saying of the venerable Sayyid, Ali Ibne Tawoos (r.a.) in Jamaal al-Usboo when he mentions the supplication from the respectable Shaykh, Uthman Ibne Saeed (a.r.). We too shall make a mention of it in the coming section, Inshallah.

e) In the Qunoot of Zuhr and Friday Prayer

Its importance has been discussed in the chapter of Qunoot.

f) In the Friday sermon

Its emphasis has been underlined in the tradition of Muhammad Ibne Muslim, from Imam Muhammad Baqir (as), as narrated in Al-Kafi and Al-Wafi.2 Then refer to it and ponder over it.

g) In the last part of Friday

Its importance can be gauged from what has been narrated after Dua Samaat. It is the time when one can expect the invocations to be accepted. In the book Jamalus Saliheen, the following supplication has been narrated:

اللهم إني أسألك بحرمة هذا الدعاء وبما فات منه من الاسماء وبما يشتمل عليه من التفسير، والتدبير الذي لا يحيط به إلا أنت، أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد، وأن تعجل فرجهم في عافية وتهلك أعداءهم في الدنيا والآخرة، وأن ترزقنا بهم خير ما نرجو وخير ما لا نرجو وتصرف بهم عنا شر ما نحذر، وشر ما لا نحذر، إنك على كل شئ قدير، وأنت أكرم الأكرمين

O Allah, I request from You by the sanctity of this supplication and Your missing holy names in it and what it encompasses except You, to send blessings on Muhammad and on the holy family of Muhammad and hasten their relief in good health and destroy their enemies in this world and in the world Hereafter. Make provision for us through them to the best of our aspirations and the best of what we did not aspire, and divert from us through them the mischief about which we were warned and the mischief about which we were not warned; verily You possess power over all things and You are the most noble of the noble ones.

In some other reliable books, another supplication has been mentioned that has to be recited after Dua-e-Samaat and it is as follows:

اللهم بحق هذا الدعاء وبحق هذه الأسماء، التي لا يعلم تفسيرها ولا يعلم باطنها غيرك، افعل بي ما أنت أهله، ولا تفعل بي ما أنا أهله، وانتقم لي من ظالمي، وعجل فرج آل محمد وهلاك أعدائهم من الجن والانس، واغفر لي ما تقدم من ذنبي، وما تأخر ووسع علي من حلال رزقك، واكفني مؤنة انسان سوء، وشيطان سوء إنك على كل شئ قدير، والحمد لله رب العالمين

O Allah, for the sake of this supplication and for the sake of all these names that its deep explanation is not known to anyone save You, send Your blessings on Muhammad and on the holy family of Muhammad and do for me what befits You and don’t do with me what I deserve. O Allah, take revenge for me from my oppressor and hasten the relief of the holy family of Muhammad and destroy their enemies among the Jinn and humans, and pardon all my past and future sins, spread for me lawfulness out of Your provision and suffice me from the problem of the evil men and wicked neighbor and associates, and wicked devils, surely You possess power over all things and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

And that which proves the emphasis for praying in favor of His Eminence on Fridays, is the mention of Dua Nudbah on this day and also on the two Eids (Fitr and Qurban), which we shall explain in the next section, Insha Allah. If anyone researches the books of traditions of the infallible Imams (as) he will come across other proofs also in addition to what we have mentioned so far.

Note: Know that Friday enjoys a special particularity and relationship with our master, Imam az-Zaman (aj) from various aspects. Hence it is essential that we should make the necessary preparations in it for him (aj). We have discussed about it in the book Abwaab al-Jannaat Fi Aadaab al-Jumuaat but we shall hint about these over here as a reminder for those who are wise.

a) It’s the day of his birth

b) Imamate was transferred to him

c) The day of his reappearance

d) His domination over his enemies

e) It’s the day when he shall take the oath and covenant for himself from his infallible ancestors (as)

f) Allah the Almighty has particularized him with the title of Al-Qaim for this day

g) It (Friday) is one of his titles. I have mentioned other factors also in that book and those who like may refer to it.3


1. Jamal al-Usboo, Pg. 450

2. Kafi, Vol. 3, Pg. 422; Al-Wafi, Vol. 8, Pg. 1149

3. Abwaabul Jannaat Fee Aadaab al-Jumuaat, Pg. 339

14. Navroz Day

The day of Navroz is also among the best times for praying for His Eminence (aj) and for supplicating the Almighty Allah for his early reappearance. The report of Mualla bin Khunais quoted in Bihar1 and Zaadul Maad,2 proves this point. And its emphasis from different places of the report will show that if we think upon it, Insha Allah, the meaning will become clear to us.


1. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 52, Pg. 308

2. Zaad al-Maad, Pg. 523

15. Day Of Arafah

The invocation of Imam Sajjad (as) in Sahifa Sajjadiyyah and that of Imam Sadiq (as) in Iqbal1 and Zaadul Maad can be seen in this context.


1. Iqbaalul Aamaal, Pg. 350; Zaad al-Maad, Pg. 280

16. Eid-Ul-Fitr

The concerned supplications for this occasion can be seen in the book of Iqbaalul Aamaal1 (of Sayyid Ibne Tawoos), when a person sets out to perform the prayers of Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Azhaa. We shall mention it, Inshallah, in this book later. And also the supplication that is prescribed for recitation at the time of going out for the Eidul Fitr Prayer, proves this. Sayyid Ibne Tawoos says: We shall mention a part of that which is mentioned about supplications to be recited on the way. As you leave, begin with the following Dua, till the Imam of the congregations begins the Prayers. And if you are not able to recite all the Duas, you may recite them after the ritual prayers, by way of Qadha (fulfillment of lapsed rituals).

اللهم إليك وجهت وجهي وساق الدعاء إلى قوله: اللهم صل على وليك المنتظر أمرك، المنتظر لفرج أوليائك، اللهم اشعب به الصدع، وارتق به الفتق وأمت به الجور، واظهر به العدل، وزين بطول بقائه الأرض، وأيده بنصرك وانصره بالرعب، وقو ناصرهم، واخذل خاذلهم، ودمدم على من نصب لهم، ودمر على من غشهم

O Allah, I turn my face to You…O Allah, bless Your Wali, who awaits for Your order, and awaits for the Faraj of Your Awliya. O Allah, mend the break through him, and remove the dispersal through him, and finish off injustice through him, and establish justice through him, and decorate the earth through his long life and make Your help to follow him, and help him through awe, and strengthen all those who help him, and degrade those who wish for his defeat, destroy all those who want to fight him and eradicate all those who want to deceive him…

It is also recommended to recite Dua Nudbah on both the above instances and includes the supplications that are to be recited when one intends to perform Namaz-e-Eid. Imam Sadiq (as) said to Abdullah Ibne Deenar,“There is no Eid of the Muslims, whether Fitr or Azhaa, but that it increases the grief of Aal-e-Muhammad (S) because they (Aal-e-Muhammad) see their right in the hands of others.” 2

I say: On the basis of this, it is appropriate that the believer should fervently pray for the reappearance of the Imam and help his Imams to remove their distress.


1. Iqbaalul Aamaal, Pg. 283

2. The aim of this is mentioned in Furu Kafi and also in Ilalush Sharai of Shaykh Sadooq/ 389 narrating from Imam Muhammad Baqir (as).

17. Eid-Ul-Azha

Whatever we have mentioned for Eid al-Fitr, applies to this day also. And what is mentioned with regard to the recitation at the time of going out for the Eid Prayers also includes the narration of Iqbal through the author’s own chain of narrators from Abu Hamza Thumali from Abu Ja’far Baqir (as) that he said: When you go out to pray the Friday and Eid Prayers you must recite as follows:

اللهم من تهيأ في هذا اليوم أو تعبأ، أو أعد واستعد لوفادة إلى مخلوق رجاء رفده، وجائزته، ونوافله، فإليك يا سيدي كانت وفادتي، وتهيئتي، وإعدادي واستعدادي رجاء رفدك، وجوائزك ونوافلك. اللهم صل على محمد عبدك ورسولك، وخيرتك من خلقك، وعلى أمير المؤمنين ووصي رسولك وصل يا رب على أئمة المؤمنين الحسن، والحسين، وعلي ومحمد وتسميهم إلى آخرهم حتى تنتهي إلى صاحب الزمان (عليهم السلام) وقل: اللهم افتح له فتحا يسيرا وانصره نصرا عزيزا. اللهم اظهر به دينك وسنة رسولك، حتى لا يستخفي بشئ من الحق مخافة أحد من الخلق. اللهم انا نرغب إليك في دولة كريمة تعز بها الإسلام وأهله وتذل بها النفاق وأهله وتجعلنا فيها من الدعاة إلى طاعتك والقادة إلى سبيلك وترزقنا بها كرامة الدنيا والآخرة اللهم ما أنكرنا من حق فعرفناه، وما قصرنا عنه فبلغناه. وتدعو الله تعالى له وعلى عدوه وتسأل حاجتك ويكون آخر كلامك اللهم استجب لنا اللهم اجعلنا ممن تذكر فيه فيذكر

O Allah, on this day one who became prepared and made himself capable, for entering the creatures with hope of his bestowal and reward and gifts; thus O my Lord, attention, permission to enter, my anticipation for Your bestowals, rewards and gifts is for You only. O Allah, bless Muhammad, Your slave and Your Messenger and Your chosen one from Your creatures and Ali Amirul Momineen, successor of Your Messenger and bless O Lord, the Imams of believers al-Hasan and al-Husain and Ali and Muhammad and Ja’far and Musa and Ali and Muhammad and Ali and Hasan and Master of the Time.

O Allah, open for him, an easy victory and help him with great help. O Allah, through him make Your religion and Sunnah of Your Messenger dominant, so that other rightful things do not remain concealed of fear of anyone. O Allah, we are inclined to You for a noble kingdom in which Islam and its people will be honored and the hypocrites and its people will be debased. And make us in that kingdom callers to obedience and guides to Your path and give us through it the well being of the world and the hereafter. O Allah, show us what we don’t know of truth and give us what we lack.

And bless His Eminence and curse his enemies, and fulfill the supplication; and Your last word should be: O Allah, accept our prayer. O Allah, make us of those who remember on this day and those who are remembered.

18. Dahwul Arz Day - Day Of Earth’s Expansion

It is the 25th of Zilqad (when Allah expanded the earth). Praying for the reappearance of Imam az-Zaman (aj) and asking for his advent has been tremendously emphasized for this day, as can be seen in Iqbaalul Aamaal and Zaadul Maad1 (of Allamah Majlisi). Some of the points in this context really make the hearts tremble, and hence, we shall mention a few of them over here as encouragement:

1. It (25th Zilqad) is like a day when the reappearance of Imam az-Zaman (aj) has been promised by Allah. When a believer sees that this day of the year has arrived but his master has not come, he becomes sorrowful and his grief is aggravated, Thus, his intellect and belief exhort him to pray even more for the reappearance.

2. On this day, divine mercy is spread and invocations are accepted. So, the believer for whom his Imam (aj) is dearer than his own self, his family, his children and his relatives, will pray from the depth of his heart for the removal of the difficulties of his master (aj).

3. This day is of bounty conferred by Allah on His creation because He expanded the earth so that he may live in it and reside therein. Moreover, he can derive pleasures from the various kinds of bounties that grow from the earth, descend on it and inhabit it. When he realizes that all these gifts bestowed on him are due to the blessing of his master (aj), he feels it as his duty to thank him through supplications in his favor. For sure, he is the medium of these bounties that cannot be overlooked.

4. Traditions have underlined the significance of being engrossed in the remembrance of Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He, on this day. There is no doubt that praying for the reappearance of Imam-e-Asr (aj) is the best form of Allah’s remembrance.


1. Iqbaalul Aamaal, Pg. 312; Zaad al-Maad, Pg. 236

19. Ashura Day

The authors of Iqbaalul Aamaal, al-Mazaar and Zaadul Maad have narrated a tradition from Imam Sadiq (as) on the authority of Abdullah Ibne Sinan (Allah’s mercy be on him), which commences with the following sentence:

اللهم عذب الفجرة الذين شاقوا رسولك

“O Allah! Chastise the transgressors who bore enmity against your messenger.....”

The secret behind this invocation is the enormous calamity and torture that was afflicted on our master, Imam Husain (as) on this day at Kerbala. Allah the Almighty has promised that He will take revenge from those who oppressed him (as) through our master, Imam az-Zaman (aj), as spoken in the traditions. Thus, when a believer remembers on this day the calamities afflicted on the oppressed Imam (as) and that Allah the Almighty has pre- destined somebody to avenge his blood, his belief and love exhort him to invoke and ask for the reappearance of this avenger from the King of the Heavens.

Hence, such a demand has been recommended in this supplication. Moreover, one who prays for this day will find an occasion whose reward cannot be measured by anyone except Allah the High and that is, seeking the revenge of the blood of Imam Husain (as), the leader of the martyrs.

20. Eve Of 15th Shaban

Since this night heralds the birth of our Master, Saahebuz Zamaan (aj), it is appropriate that the believers are busy in praying for him. It has come in traditions that supplications are accepted in this night.

I say: Previously we had mentioned that this Dua is most important in view of scholars and therefore it is appropriate that we should give it precedence at every occasion of recitation; and that which supports our point is that the writer of Jamaalus Saliheen has quoted a very valuable Dua from our master for this night. This supplication begins as follows:

اللهم صل على محمد سيد المرسلين، وخاتم النبيين

O Allah, bless Muhammad, the chief of the messengers and the seal of the prophets…

We shall present this Dua at the beginning of Part Seven and also discuss its importance there.

And also that which supports our contention is a Dua mentioned in Iqbal, quoting from Zaadul Maad, which begins as follows:

اللهم بحق ليلتنا هذه ومولودها

“O Allah, for the sake of this night of ours and for the sake of the one who was born in it…”

By this we can estimate the greatness and importance of this night, lest we spend it inattention and carelessness, and abandon the service of His Eminence in it. One who is not convinced about the importance of this night must see what Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as) has said regarding this matter. He says:“If I live till his time, I will serve him all my life.” In addition to this, this Dua is a form of thanksgiving for a great bounty, that is the birth of Imam Qaim (aj); and as mentioned in some traditional reports in Mustadrakul Wasail, it is the night when deeds are presented to the Imam (as) for inspection.

ولو ادركته لخدمته أيام حياتي

21. Day Of 15th Shaban

One should prepare even more for supplications on this day than whatever has been discussed till now because doing so would imply following in the footsteps of Imam az-Zaman (aj). For, when he (aj) was born, he prayed for his reappearance while he was in prostration, invoking:

اللهم أنجز لي وعدي، وأتمم لي أمري، وثبت وطأتي، واملا الأرض بي عدلا وقسطا

“O Allah! Fulfill my promise for me, make my footsteps steadfast, and fill the earth with justice and equity through me.”