Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im) Volume 2

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im)0%

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im) Author:
Translator: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre
Category: Imam al-Mahdi

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im)

Author: Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani
Translator: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre

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Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im)

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m (Perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for al-Qa’im) Volume 2

Publisher: Ja’fari Propagation Centre


This book is taken from www.al-islam.org

22. Whole Month Of Ramadan

This month is the best for praying for the reappearance of Imam az-Zaman (aj), especially its nights, because it is the month of invocations. Hence, traditions have ordered for the same and thus, the significance of reciting Dua Iftetaah have been underlined in the nights of this month. Do not neglect this supplication for indeed, it is a noble and comprehensive prayer, encompassing the needs of both this world as well as the hereafter.

Also supporting this matter is that which the chief of narration scholars, Shaykh Sadooq has mentioned in his book, Fadail Sharur Ramadan, through his own chain of narrators from Imam Ali Reza (as) that he said with regard to the merits of the month of Ramadan: Good deeds are accepted in the month of Ramadan and the sins are forgiven. One who recites one verse of the Book of Allah, in the month of Ramadan will get the reward of reciting a whole Qur’an in other months.

One who makes his believer brother smiles in this month, he would not be met except with a smile and given the good news of Paradise on Judgment Day. One who helps his believer brother in this month, will be helped by the Almighty when passing over the Sirat Bridge, on the day when his feet would be shaking.

For one who controls his anger on this month, the Almighty Allah will keep away His anger. If a person helps an oppressed soul, Allah will help him against one who is inimical to him in this world, and will also help him at the time of the accounting of deeds.

The month of Ramadan is a month of mercy and blessings. It is month of forgiveness and return [to the court of Allah]; and one who is not forgiven in the month of Ramadan, then in which month would he be forgiven?! Thus, beg the Almighty Allah to accept your fasting and that He may not make it your last time. And that He should give you the good sense of obeying Him and protect you from His disobedience, as He is the best of those who are asked.1

I say: In Part Five we had stated that praying for an early reappearance and success of our master, Hazrat Hujjat (aj) is a kind of rendering help to him, from the aspect that we are encouraged to help the believers in this month and without any doubt helping the Imam (as) is the best form of help. An evidence for this is a special Dua for this month quoted in Iqbal and Zaadul Maad from the fourth Imam, Imam Zainul Abideen (as) and his son, Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) which begins as follows:

اللهم هذا شهر رمضان، وفيه: أسألك.. ان تنصر وصي محمد، وخليفة محمد، والقائم بالقسط من أوصياء محمد، صلواتك عليه وعليهم، اعطف عليهم نصرك

O Allah, this is the month of Ramadan… I ask You to help the vicegerent of Muhammad and the successor of Muhammad and the one who will establish justice from the successors of Muhammad. Your blessings be upon him and them. Bestow Your help to them.

Supporting this point also is the traditional report that Thiqatul Islam, Muhammad Ibne Yaqoob Kulaini has recorded in the Chapter of Fasting, in Usool Kafi from Muhammad bin Isa through his own chain of narrators from the Holy Imam (as) that they said: Recite this Dua on the eve of 23rd of Ramadan in Sajdah (prostration), in sitting and standing, and go on repeating it as much as you can. So much so, that you learn it by heart for your life. Thus after praise and glorification of the Almighty Allah recite as follows:

اللهم كن لوليك فلان ابن فلان في هذه الساعة، وفي كل ساعة وليا، وحافظا، وناصرا، ودليلا، وقائدا، وعينا، حتى تسكنه أرضك طوعا، وتمتعه فيها طويلا

O Allah You be for so and so, at this hour and at every hour a Guardian, a protector, a leader, a helper, a guide and a protector, so that he is at ease and lives on your earth for a long time.2

I say: This tradition proves that praying for the important matter of hastening the reappearance is emphasized on the 23rd eve of Ramadan of all the times and occasions just as the month of Ramadan is more emphasized than other months. It is so because it is the best time for acceptance of supplications and gaining the best rewards. And also the angels and Ruhul Qudus come down on this night and the doors of mercy and success are thrown open and they are not thrown open on other nights.

Rather it has been clearly mentioned in some traditional reports that this night is the same night of Qadr (power), which is better than a thousands months. Thus, Thiqatul Islam, Muhammad Ibne Yaqoob Kulaini has stated in Usool Kafi, Chapter of Miscellany, Book of the Merits of Qur’an through his own chain of narrators from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as) from the Holy Prophet (S) that he said: The Qur’an was revealed on the 23rd of the month of Ramadan.3 This tradition, along with the verse:

إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ

Surely We revealed it on the grand night. (Qur’an, Surah Qadr 97:1)

…proves that the night of power is the same 23rd eve of the month of Ramadan, as is clear for people with sense.

Muhaqqiq Noori, in his book, Najmus Thaqib, has quoted the above mentioned Dua in expanded version from Al-Mazmaar of Sayyid Ibne Tawoos (r.a.). It is as follows:

اللهم كن لوليك القائم بأمرك الحجة بن الحسن المهدي عليه وعلى آبائه أفضل الصلاة والسلام في هذه الساعة وفي كل ساعة وليا، وحافظا، وقائدا وناصرا، ودليلا، ومؤيدا (27) حتى تسكنه أرضك طوعا وتمتعه فيها طولا وعرضا وتجعله وذريته من الأئمة الوارثين، اللهم انصره وانتصر به واجعل النصر منك له، وعلى يده، واجعل النصر له، والفتح على وجهه، ولا توجه الأمر إلى غيره. اللهم أظهر به دينك وسنة نبيك (صلى الله عليه وآله) حتى لا يستخفي بشئ من الحق مخافة أحد من الخلق اللهم إني أرغب إليك في دولة كريمة تعز بها الإسلام وأهله، وتذل بها النفاق وأهله، وتجعلنا فيها من الدعاة إلى طاعتك، والقادة إلى سبيلك وآتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار، واجمع لنا خير الدارين، واقض عنا جميع ما تحب فيهما، واجعل لنا في ذلك الخيرة برحمتك ومنك في عافية آمين رب العالمين، وزدنا من فضلك، ويدك الملأى فإن كل معط ينقص من ملكه، وعطاؤك يزيد في ملكك

O Allah, be for Your Wali, one who will rise up with Your command, the Hujjat Ibnil Hasan al-Mahdi, upon him and his forefathers, the best of blessings and salutations on this time and at all times, the guardian, the protector, the leader and the helper, the proof and supporter till he lives in Your earth and enjoys its length and breadth. And make him and his progeny from the inheritor Imams. O Allah, help him and help through him (Your religion) and make help from You (special) for him and open upon his face to victory and do not give this (rule) to anyone else.

O Allah, make Your religion dominant through him and the Sunnah of Your Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family. So that they do not conceal anything from the truth due to the fear of the creatures. O Allah, indeed, I am inclined to the noble rule, in which Islam and its people are honored and hypocrisy and its people are debased. And make us the callers to Your obedience and guides to Your path.

And give us good in the world and good in the hereafter and save us from the Fire and gather for us all good of both the worlds and repay all our debts. And make for us good in it by Your mercy and generosity in prosperity. Amen, Lord of the worlds and increase Your blessings on us and fill up our needs, for all You give is less than Your kingdom and Your bestowals increase Your kingdom.


1. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 96, Pg. 341

2. Al-Kafi, Vol. 4, Pg. 162

3. Usool Kafi; Muhammad bin Yaqoob Kulaini; Vol. 2/629

23. Eve Of The 6th Of The Month Of Ramadan

This supplication can be found in Al-Iqbal, narrating from the book of Muhammad Ibne Abi Qurrah, and it is as follows:

اللهم لك الحمد، واليك المشتكى. اللهم أنت الواحد القديم والآخر الدائم والرب الخالق والديان يوم الدين تفعل ما تشاء بلا مغالبة، وتعطي من تشاء بلا من وتصنع ما تشاء بلا ظلم وتداول الأيام بين الناس وتركبون طبقا عن طبق، أسألك ياذا الجلال والاكرام والعزة التي لا ترام، وأسألك يا الله، وأسألك يا رحمن، أسألك أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد وأن تعجل فرج آل محمد وفرجنا بفرجهم وتقبل صومي، وأسألك خير ما أرجو وأعوذ بك من شر ما أحذر، إن أنت خذلت فبعد الحجة، وإن أنت عصمت فبتمام النعمة يا صاحب محمد يوم حنين، وصاحبه ومؤيده يوم بدر وخيبر والمواطن التي نصرت فيها نبيك عليه وآله السلام. يا مبير الجبارين ويا عاصم النبيين أسألك وأقسم عليك بحق يس، والقرآن الحكيم وبحق طه وسائر القرآن العظيم أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد وأن تحصرني عن الذنوب والخطايا وأن تزيدني في هذا الشهر العظيم تأييدا تربط به على جاشي وتسد به على خلتي اللهم إني أدرأ بك في نحور أعدائي، لا أجد لي غيرك ها انا بين يديك، فاصنع بي ما شئت، لا يصيبني إلا ما كتبت لي. أنت حسبي ونعم الوكيل

O Allah, the praise is for You and I complain to You only. O Allah, You are the One, the eternal, the last and the permanent. The creator Lord, and the recompenser on Judgment Day. You do what You want without any ado. And You give to whosoever You like with a request. And You refuse to whomsoever You like without being unjust. And You distribute the sustenance of the people between them, and make one of their ranks ride on another. I ask You, O one with majesty and honor and the greatness which has no decline.

And I ask You, O Allah, and I ask You, O Beneficent. I ask You that You bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and that You hasten the Faraj of the progeny of Muhammad and our Faraj through their Faraj. And accept my fast, and I ask You for the best of that which I hope from You. And I seek refuge in You from the evil of that I fear. If You debase it is only for the establishment of proof and evidence. And if You protect it is to complete the favor. O helper of Muhammad on the day of Hunain his helper and supporter on the day of Badr and Khyber and Muta in which You helped Your Prophet, salutations on him and his family.

O debaser of oppressors and protector of the prophets. I ask You and I put you under oath by the right Yasin and the Wise Qur’an, by the right of Taha and the rest of the Great Qur’an that You bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and protect me from sins and mistakes and that You increase to me Your help in this great month so that through it I may get peace and amend my defects. O Allah, I hit at the necks of my enemies with Your help and don’t find any helper except You. That I am thankful to You. Thus do what You like with me. Because nothing will happen to me except that which you write for me. You are sufficient for me and the best of helpers.

24. 8th Day Of The Month Of Ramadan

The importance of this invocation can be derived from the tradition of Al- Iqbal and the Dua is as follows:

اللهم إني لا أجد من اعمالي عملا أعتمد عليه وأتقرب به إليك أفضل من ولايتك، وولاية رسولك وآل رسولك الطيبين، صلواتك عليه وعليهم أجمعين. اللهم إني اتقرب إليك بمحمد وآل محمد، وأتوجه بهم إليك، فاجعلني عندك يا الهي بك وبهم وجيها في الدنيا والآخرة، ومن المقربين، فإني قد رضيت بذلك منك تحفة وكرامة، فإنه لا تحفة ولا كرامة أفضل من رضوانك، والتنعم في دارك مع أوليائك، وأهل طاعتك، اللهم أكرمني بولايتك، واحشرني في زمرة أهل ولايتك اللهم اجعلني في ودائعك التي لا تضيع، ولا تردني خائبا بحقك وحق من أوجبت حقه عليك، وأسألك أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد، وتعجل فرج آل محمد وفرجي معهم، وفرج كل مؤمن ومؤمنة، برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين

O Allah, indeed, I don’t find my deeds worthy of being relied upon and through it seek Your proximity. Greater than Your Wilayat and the Wilayat of Your Messenger and the progeny of Your Messenger the chaste, peace be on him and upon all his progeny. O Allah, indeed I, seek Your proximity by Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and seek Your attention through them. So make them my mediation and proximate ones in the world and the hereafter. And indeed, I am satisfied to take them as being rewarded and honored by You. Because no gift is better than Your pleasure and satisfaction and bestowals and Your house with Your Awliya and the people of obedience.

O Allah, grace me with Your Wilayat and include me among Your army of the people of Your Wilayat. O Allah, make me of those You have under Your trust so that I may not be lost. And do not make me hopeless. By Your right and the right of those whose right You consider obligatory. I ask You to bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and hasten the Faraj of Aale Muhammad and make me successful with them. And the Faraj of all believer men and women. By Your mercy, O the most merciful of the merciful ones.1


1. Iqbaalul Aamaal, Pg. 133

25. Eve Of The 12th Of The Month Of Ramadan

The significance of this too can be found in the supplication of aforementioned book as follows:

اللهم إني أسألك بمعاقد العز من عرشك، ومنتهى الرحمة من كتابك، وباسمك الأعظم، وكلماتك التامة، التي لا يجاوزهن بر ولا فاجر فإنك لا تبيد ولا تنفد، أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد، وتقبل مني ومن جميع المؤمنين والمؤمنات صيام شهر رمضان وقيامه، وتفك رقابنا من النار، اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد، واجعل قلبي بارا، وعملي سارا، ورزقي دارا، وحوض نبيك عليه وآله السلام لي قرارا ومستقرا وتعجل فرج آل محمد في عافية يا أرحم الراحمين

O Allah, indeed I ask You in the name of the greatness of Your throne and the limit of mercy in Your Book, and through the great names and Your perfect words such that no good or bad is beyond it. That indeed You don’t have annihilation or end. That You bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and accept from me and from all the believers men and women, fasts of the month of Ramadan, and prayers in it and free us from Hellfire.

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and make my heart good, my actions acceptable and my sustenance widen and make the pool of Your Prophet - peace be on him and his family - my place of halting and make me stay there; and hasten with ease the relief of the progeny of Muhammad. O the most merciful of the merciful ones.1


1. Iqbaalul Aamaal, Pg. 141

26. Day Of The 13th Of The Month Of Ramadan

This prayer is as follows:

اللهم إني ادينك بطاعتك، وولايتك، وولاية محمد نبيك (صلى الله عليه وآله) وولاية أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام) حبيب نبيك، وولاية الحسن والحسين، سبطي نبيك، وسيدي شباب أهل جنتك، وأدينك يا رب بولاية علي بن الحسين، ومحمد بن علي، وجعفر بن محمد، وموسى بن جعفر، وعلي بن موسى، ومحمد بن علي وعلي بن محمد، والحسن بن علي، وسيدي مولاي صاحب الزمان، ادينك يا رب بطاعتهم وولايتهم، وبالتسليم بما فضلتهم راضيا غير منكر، ولا متكبر، على معنى ما أنزلت في كتابك. اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد، وادفع عن وليك وخليفتك، ولسانك، والقائم بقسطك، والمعظم لحرمتك، والمعبر عنك، والناطق بحكمك، وعينك الناظرة، واذنك السامعة، وشاهد عبادك، وحجتك على خلقك والمجاهد في سبيلك والمجتهد في طاعتك، واجعله في وديعتك التي لا تضيع وأيده بجندك الغالب، وأعنه وأعن عنه، واجعلني ووالدي وما ولدا، وولدي من الذين ينصرونه، وينتصرون به في الدنيا والآخرة. اشعب به صدعنا، وارتق به فتقنا، اللهم أمت به الجور، ودمدم بمن نصب له، واقصم به رؤوس الضلالة، حتى لا تدع على الأرض منهم ديارا

O Allah, I have faith in You with obedience and Wilayat and the Wilayat of Muhammad (S) and the Wilayat of Amirul Momineen (as), the beloved of Your Prophet. The Wilayat of Hasan and Husain the grandsons of Your Prophet and the two chiefs of the youths of Paradise. And I have faith in You, O Lord by the Wilayat of Ali Ibnul Husain and Muhammad bin Ali and Ja’far bin Muhammad and Musa bin Ja’far and Ali bin Musa and Muhammad bin Ali and Ali bin Muhammad and Hasan bin Ali and my chief and master, the owner of the time.

I have faith in You, O Lord, by their obedience and their Wilayat and with submission by what You made them excel in; I am satisfied without any denial of arrogance upon what You revealed in Your Book. O Allah, bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and remove from Your Wali and caliph and tongue and one who establish justice and exalt Your sanctity and the repeater of Your words, speaker of Your command, seer of Your eyes, the hearer of Your ears, watcher of Your servants and proof of Your creatures and fighter on Your way and struggler in Your obedience.

Remove all sorts of hardships and make him Your trust which is never lost; and help him with Your victorious soldiers and support and back him. And make me and my parents and those who are born, their helpers and who take his help in the world and the hereafter. Bring together our dispersal for him, and unite our disunity for him. O Allah, finish off injustice through his reappearance and destroy all those who oppose him and break the backs of the leaders of deviation till the time you don’t leave even one of them on the earth.1


1. Iqbaalul Aamaal, Pg. 144

27. Day Of 18th And Eve Of The 19th Of The Month Of Ramadan

The importance of invocation on these times can be understood from various invocations that have come down and narrated in Al-Iqbal. Of course, help is sought from Allah in all conditions.

28. 21st Of The Month Of Ramadan

Particularly after the morning obligatory prayers. That which proved this is the statement of the venerable Sayyid, Ali Ibne Tawoos in Iqbal, that he has narrated from Hammad bin Uthman that he said: I went to Abi Abdullah Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as) on the 21 of Ramadan. His Eminence asked me: O Hammad, have you performed the ritual bath (ghusl)? I replied: Yes, may I be sacrificed on you. Then he called for a mat and then said: Come near me and perform the ritual prayer. And then the began to pray non-stop and I prayed by his side, till we concluded all the prayers.

After that he began to recite supplications and I kept saying ‘Amen’ at his Duas till the dawn break. After that His Eminence (aj) recited the Azaan and Iqamah and called some of his servants and standing in front led the Morning Prayer and we followed praying behind him. In the first Rakat he recited the Surah Fatiha and Surah Qadr and in the second Rakat he recited the Surah Fatiha and Surah Tauheed.

And after we had praised and glorified the Almighty Allah we invoked blessings on the Messenger of Allah (S) and prayed for all the believer men and believer women and all the Muslim men and Muslim women from the first to the last. His Eminence (aj) went into Sajdah and for a long time we heard nothing but his breathing. Then we heard that he was reciting as follows:

لا إله إلا أنت مقلب القلوب والأبصار لا إله إلا أنت خالق الخلق بلا حاجة فيك إليهم، لا إله إلا أنت مبدئ الخلق لا ينقص من ملكك شئ، لا إله إلا أنت باعث من في القبور، لا إله إلا أنت مدبر الأمور، لا إله إلا أنت ديان الدين، وجبار الجبابرة، لا إله إلا أنت مجري الماء في الصخرة الصماء لا إله إلا أنت مجري الماء في النبات، لا إله إلا أنت مكون طعم الثمار لا إله إلا أنت محصي عدد القطر وما تحمله السحاب، لا إله إلا أنت محصي عدد ما تجري به الرياح في الهواء، لا إله إلا أنت محصي ما في البحار من رطب ويابس، لا إله إلا أنت محصي ما يدب في ظلمات البحار، وفي اطباق الثرى. أسألك باسمك الذي سميت به نفسك، أو استأثرت به في علم الغيب عندك، وأسألك بكل اسم سماك به أحد من خلقك، من نبي أو صديق، أو شهيد، أو أحد من ملائكتك وأسألك باسمك الذي إذا دعيت به اجبت وإذا سئلت به أعطيت وأسألك بحقك على محمد وآل محمد، وأهل بيته صلواتك عليهم وبركاتك، وبحقهم الذي أوجبته على نفسك، وأنلتهم به فضلك، أن تصلي على محمد عبدك، ورسولك الداعي إليك بإذنك، وسراجك الساطع بين عبادك في أرضك وسمائك وجعلته رحمة للعالمين ونورا استضاء به المؤمنون، فبشرنا بجزيل ثوابك، وأنذرنا الأليم من عقابك اشهد انه قد جاء بالحق، وصدق المرسلين، واشهد ان الذين كذبوه ذائقو العذاب الأليم. أسألك يا الله يا الله يا الله، يا رباه يا رباه يا رباه، يا سيدي يا سيدي يا سيدي، يا مولاي يا مولاي يا مولاي، أسألك في هذه الغداة أن تصلي على محمد وآل محمد وأن تجعلني من اوفر عبادك وسائليك نصيبا، وأن تمن علي بفكاك رقبتي من النار يا أرحم الراحمين. وأسألك بجميع ما سألتك وما لم أسألك، من عظيم جلالك ما لو علمته لسألتك به أن تصلي على محمد وأهل بيته، وأن تأذن لفرج من بفرجه فرج أوليائك واصفيائك، من خلقك، وبه تبيد الظالمين وتهلكهم، عجل ذلك يا رب العالمين، وأعطني سؤلي ياذا الجلال والاكرام. في جميع ما سألتك لعاجل الدنيا وآجل الآخرة، يا من هو أقرب إلي من حبل الوريد، أقلني عثرتي واقلبني بقضاء حوائجي يا خالقي، ويا رازقي، ويا باعثي، ويا محيي عظامي وهي رميم، صل على محمد وآل محمد، واستجب لي دعائي يا أرحم الراحمين

There is no god except You, the changer of the hearts and the eyes. There is no god, except You, the creator of the creatures without any need for Him. There is no god, except You. Who initiated the creation without there developing any deficiency in Your Kingdom. There is no god, except You, the raiser of those who are in the graves. There is no god, except You, the destiny maker. There is no god, except You, the recompenser and the punisher of the oppressors. There is no god, except You, Who makes the water flow from the hard stone.

There is no god, except You, Who makes the water flow in vegetation. There is no god, except You, Who conceals taste in fruits. There is no god, except You, Who knows the count of raindrops and what the clouds bear. There is no god, except You, Who knows the number of that which makes the wind breeze flow in the air. There is no god, except You, Who knows what is in the oceans from wet and dry substances.

There is no god, except You, Who counts the creatures who are in the darkness of the oceans and in the layers of the earth. I ask You by all the names You are named with, by Yourself, or which You have restricted to Yourself in Your concealed knowledge. And I ask You by the names with which when You are called, You reply, and You give when You are asked. And I ask you by Your right on Muhammad and his Ahle Bayt, Your peace and blessings be on them.

And by their right which You have made obligatory on Yourself and made them repositories of Your blessings, that You bless Muhammad, Your servant and Your Messenger, the caller to You by Your permission and the gleaming lamp among your servants in Your earth and Your heavens and whom You made as the mercy for all the worlds and the illuminated Noor (light) for the believers. Then give us good news of Your mighty reward and frighten us with Your painful chastisement.

I testify that he brought truth from truth and testified for Your messengers. And I testify that those who denied him will taste a painful punishment. I ask You O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O my chief, O my chief, O my chief, O my master, O my master, O my master. I ask You this morning, that You bless Muhammad and his family. And make me the fortunate pleader and beseecher. And bless me with the chance to free my neck from hellfire.

O the most merciful of the merciful ones. And I ask You with all those who ask You and those who don’t ask You from Your great majesty, which if I know it, I ask You by it to bless Muhammad and his Ahle Bayt and that You allow relief with their relief of those who consider them to be Your beloveds and chosen ones from Your creatures.

And through them destroy the oppressors and eliminate them. Hasten this, O Lord of the Worlds. And give me what I ask for. O owner of majesty and greatness. And give me what I ask for in this world and the hereafter. O one Who is nearer to me than the jugular vein. Cure my deficiencies and allow me to leave Your court with my wish fulfilled. O my creator, O my sustainer. O my motivator. O one Who makes the brittle bones alive. Bless Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and accept my entreaty. O the most merciful of the merciful ones.

When he concluded the supplication, he raised his head and I asked: May I be sacrificed on you, you prayed for the reappearance of one by whose reappearance the chosen ones of Allah would get ease; are you not him? He replied: That person is the Qaim of Aale Muhammad (as).

I asked: Are there some signs of his advent? He replied: Yes, solar eclipse, two third hour after it has risen, lunar eclipse on the 23rd of the month, a calamity that would strike the people of Egypt, cutting off of the flow of Nile, remember what you are told, and wait for your master, day and night, as the Almighty Allah is doing something every day and one work does not prevent Him from doing another. Allah is the Lord of the worlds, and it is upon Him to guide his followers and they are fearful of Him.1


1. Iqbaalul Aamaal, Pg. 200-201

29. After Remembering The Tragedy Of Imam Husain (As)

Surely this is a way of helping him, as will be discussed in its proper place. This is supported by the narration of some of the righteous people who saw Imam az-Zaman (aj) in dream while he was saying, ‘Surely I will pray for the believer who remembers the difficulties of my ancestor, Imam Husain (as), and follows it with supplicating for my reappearance and assisting me (in my task).’

30. After Reciting The Ziyaarat Of Imam az-Zaman (Aj)

This has been emphasized by the great Shaheed-e-Awwal, Muhammad Ibne Makki (a.r.), in his al-Duroos.

I say: That which supports this point is the supplication that is to be recited after the Ziarats of His Eminence, each of which will be mentioned in Part Eight, Insha Allah.

Also that which proves this is the intellect and reason, because it is an accepted convention that when we are in the presence of great personalities we must pray for them. Therefore it is appropriate that one should be aware of the convention when one is reciting the Ziarat of Imam (as). And one must not be negligent of this matter. In addition to this, such a course of action brings us closer to him and it is what he expects from us as proved from the Epistle in which he is reported to have said: And pray more for the reappearance, as in it lies your success.

31. While Weeping Due To The Fear Of Allah

Surely, this is the best of times, when a person is proximate to Allah the Almighty and prayers are accepted. Thus, it is proper for a believer that he should remember his Imam (aj) by praying for him, thereby fulfilling one of his (aj) rights that is obligatory on him (the believer).

That which proves this is the report mentioned in Wasail - in the chapters of Qawaate’ Salaat - from Muhammad Ibne Ali Ibne Husain al-Sadooq (a.r.) who relates from his chain that Mansoor Ibne Yunus Bazraj asked Imam Sadiq (as) concerning a person who attempts to cry in his obligatory prayers till he actually starts crying. Imam (as) replied:‘By Allah, it is the coolness of the eyes (i.e. it is loved by Allah).’ And then he (as) said, ‘When you reach to this state, remember me.”

I say: Obviously the Imam of the time possesses some rights on the believers. Hence, it is proper for every believing man and woman to act on the same, relating to the Imam of his time, for in this way he will discharge his duty towards his master with his body as well as his tongue.

32. After Renewing Of Every Blessing And Passing Away Of Every Calamity

Surely, Imam-e-Asr (aj) is the medium of every bounty and through him, calamities are dispelled. We have already mentioned that praying for his reappearance is a method of expressing our gratitude to him for he is the medium of all the bounties that are conferred on us. We should also not forget to send salutations on the Holy Prophet (S) and his progeny (as) on receipt of every bounty because surely they are the authorities on the divine bounties, as mentioned in Ziyaarah al-Jaame’ah and reliable and Mutawatir traditions.

33. At The Time Of Sorrow And Grief

As said before, it is found in traditions that Imam az-Zaman (aj) prays for one who supplicates for him. Thus, his (aj) prayer becomes the cause of dissipation of sorrows of the believer. It has come in numerous traditions that our Imam (aj) is aggrieved at the grief of his Shias and undoubtedly, he prays for them in their moments of sorrow, as has already been indicated in traditions. So, it is naught but becoming for the Shias that they follow in the footsteps of their master by supplicating for the removal of his sorrows, difficulties and grief, for his grief is also the cause of the grief of his Shias, as can be found in some traditions. Hence the significance of praying for him (aj) on such occasions.

This can be supported by the statement of His Eminence (aj) in his blessed epistle which we had mentioned previously that:“And pray more for the reappearance, as in it lies your success.” On the basis of this, the words ‘in it’ refers to ‘Dua’ that is: This Dua will cause you success and ease of your affairs and solving of your problems and removal of all griefs and sorrow, Insha Allah.

34. In Hardships And Difficulties

It is most appropriate to supplicate for the early reappearance of Imam-e-Asr (as) at such moments for the following reasons:

First: It is the cause of his prayers (in our favor) as already mentioned.

Second: It is the cause of the supplications of the angels because they pray for one who prays for an absent believer and their prayers are accepted, Inshallah.

Third: His (aj) command,“And pray more for the hastening of the reappearance. For surely, this is your salvation.”

Fourth: Supplication is a medium to reach unto him (aj) and he, in turn, is the best medium of safety from difficulties, trials and tribulations.

35. After The Prayer Of Tasbih

That is, the prayers of Ja’far Ibne Abi Talib (r.a.), particularly when you pray it on Friday. There is an invocation narrated by Imam Kazim (as) for this occasion in Jamaal al-Usboo’1 and other books of supplications. May Allah the Almighty give us and other believers the grace for its recitation. We shall mention this invocation in the supplications of Friday, Inshallah.


1. Jamaal al-Usboo, Pg. 292

36. Before Praying For Oneself And Ones Family

Authentic traditions have declared that true belief demands that one should pray for the reappearance of Imam az-Zaman (aj) before he prays for himself and his family. The concept of a quote from the Holy Prophet (S) is as follows: “Surely a person will not be a believer till he considers Allah’s messenger (S) dearer than his own life, and the progeny of the Prophet (S) more beloved than his own family, and finally, anything regarded by the Prophet (S) as significant is more precious for him than what he considers as important.

There is no doubt that praying for the early reappearance of Hazrat Vali-e-Asr (aj) is among the most important affairs, through which hearts will gain peace and satisfaction. Hence, it is proper for a believer that before he starts praying for himself and his family, he should pray for the reappearance, thereby observing the due right of the Holy Prophet (S).

37. Day Of Ghadeer

It is the day when Allah the Almighty chose Amirul Momineen (as) and the infallible Imams (as) as masters over believers and the caliphs of the Seal of the Prophets (S). It is this very mastership that has been inherited by Imam az-Zaman, Hazrat Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance) from his honorable forefathers (as). On this day, when the believer sees that the usurpers are dominant, the oppressors overwhelming and the protector of religion concealed, his belief and love compel him to pray for his (aj) early reappearance and his comfortable emergence. For certainly, it is the day of the covenant’s renewal, the given oath, and praying for the reappearance of the Imam of the Time (aj).

That which shows emphasis of this Dua on Ghadeer Day is the special Dua which is recommended in the books of Iqbal and Zaadul Maad1 . The Dua begins with the following:

اللهم إني أسألك بحق محمد نبيك، وعلي وليك، والشأن والقدر الذي خصصتهما به دون خلقك

O Allah, indeed I ask You for the sake of Muhammad, Your Prophet and Ali, Your Wali and for the sake of the position and value with which You have reserved for the two of them only, to the exception of Your (other) creatures…

And in the end it is mentioned:

اللهم فرج عن أهل بيت محمد، واكشف عنهم، وبهم عن المؤمنين الكربات، اللهم املأ الأرض بهم عدلا كما ملئت ظلما وجورا، وأنجز لهم ما وعدتهم إنك لا تخلف الميعاد

O Allah, grant success to the believers and remove their distress through Ahle Bayt (as) of Your Prophet. O Allah, fill up through them the earth with justice and equity just as it is filled with injustice and oppression and fulfill what You have promised them, indeed You don’t go against Your word.

It is also recommended on this day to pray to the Almighty that He may include you among the companions of the Imam (as), may the Almighty Allah hasten his advent. There is a lengthy prayer about this in Iqbal, which concludes with the following sentences:

اللهم إني أسألك بالحق الذي جعلته عندهم وبالذي فضلتهم على العالمين جميعا، ان تبارك لنا في يومنا هذا الذي كرمتنا فيه بالوفاء بعهدك الذي عهدت إلينا، والميثاق الذي واثقتنا به من موالاة أوليائك، والبراءة من أعدائك، وتمن علينا بنعمتك وتجعله عندنا مستقرا ثابتا، ولا تسلبناه ابدا ولا تجعله عندنا مستودعا فإنك قلت *(فمستقر ومستودع)* فاجعله مستقرا ثابتا، وارزقنا نصر دينك، مع ولي هاد من أهل بيت نبيك، قائما رشيدا هاديا مهديا من الضلالة إلى الهدى، واجعلنا تحت رايته، وفي زمرته شهداء صادقين مقتولين في سبيلك، وعلى نصرة دينك

O Allah, I ask You by the right that You have made rightful with. And by which you gave them excellence over all the worlds that You bless for us this day, which you honored us with for fulfillment of the covenant that You had taken from us. And the oath that You made us subservient to love Your friends and be aloof from Your enemies. [And I ask You] that You bless us with Your bounties and make them permanent for us. And under no circumstances must You take away this bounty [of Wilayat] from us.

And let it be a trust with us. As You say:“Then there is (for you) a resting-place and a depository” . So make him firm and rested. And make us helpers of Your religion in service of Your Wali the guide from the family of Your Prophet at the time when he will rise up guided, the guide, the guided from deviation to guidance and put us under his flag and in his army of those who are martyred in Your cause and in the help of Your religion.

Very close to this meaning is the supplication mentioned in Zaadul Maad and what we have quoted will be beneficial for those who seek guidance.


1. Iqbaalul Aamaal, Pg. 1/492; Zaad al-Maad, Pg. 342

38. All Possible Times Of The Day And Night

The evidence of this statement lies in the tradition related by Faiz bin al- Mukhtar from Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (as) when he (as) was asked concerning the Ziarat of Imam Husain (as), ‘Is there any particular time for this visitation, which we can call as the best time?’ Imam (as) replied,“Visit him at all times and whenever possible. Indeed, his visitation is the best thing. Whoever visits him more, has indeed performed abundant goodness and whoever does less, he will get lesser reward. Make yourself free for his Ziarat. For, the good deeds are multiplied during this act and this is the time when the angels descend for his visitation.”

I say: It is supported by the statement of His Eminence (aj) that:“Good deeds are rewarded many times on this day.” And since there is no doubt that Dua is the best of the worship acts, especially the Dua mentioned above, that is Dua for hastening the reappearance and victory of the oppressed hidden Imam (as) - and what we have mentioned is as brilliant as light upon Mt. Tur.

39. While Present In The Gathering Of Opponents And Usurpers Of The Rights Of The Imams (As)

Whenever we attend such gatherings, it is obligatory on us to pray for the reappearance of Imam az-Zaman (aj). Yunus Ibne Zibyaan says that I asked Imam-e-Sadiq (as), ‘May I be sacrificed for you, what should I say when I attend the gatherings of the Bani Abbas ?’. He (as) replied,“When you are with them, remember us, then say:

اللهم أرنا الرخاء والسرور فإنك تأتي على كل ما تريد

‘O Allah! Provide us comfort and joy, for surely, whatever You desire, occurs’.”

It is clear that the last sentence of this comprehensive but brief supplication is actually invoking for the reappearance and the manifestation of the rightful government, when he (as) says, ‘For surely, whatever You desire, occurs.’ Moreover, it is also evident that this prayer, in these words, is for dissimulation (Taqayyah) and there is no particularity for it. The only benefit that one can draw from this is the supplication for reappearance, its exhortation and one’s readiness, while attending such unfriendly congregations, to pray for an early reappearance, which Allah, Mighty and Glorified, has promised on account of His obligation and nobility because He is near to the servants and He accepts their supplications.

40. To Pray For Forty Consecutive Days For The Reappearance Of The Imam

Any worship that is performed for forty days successively, has special effects and particular advantages. Therefore, we find numerous traditions from the infallible Imams (as) in this regard, underlying its significance, generally and specifically. As for the general, there is a famous tradition that has come down in various authentic books and is as follows:“One who purifies himself for forty days for Allah, fountains of wisdom will flow from his heart to his tongue.” 1 Numerous quotes from Imams (as) with similar meanings have been related. Now, for some instances of the special traditions.

Allamah Majlisi (a.r.) writes in Biharul Anwar, narrating from the Tafseer of al-Ayyashi that Fadl Ibne Abi Qurrah says, ‘I heard Imam-e- Sadiq (as) say,“Allah revealed to (Prophet) Ibrahim (as) that soon a child will be born to him. He passed on the good news to his wife, Sarah, who exclaimed in disbelief, ‘What! Will I give birth now when I am old?’

On this, Allah again revealed to Ibrahim (as) that she will indeed give birth. But, her progeny will be chastised for four hundred years because she refuted My statement.’ Imam (as) continues, ‘When the punishment continued incessantly on the Bani Israel, they wailed and cried to Allah for forty days.

Thus Allah revealed to Musa (as) and Haroon (as) to save them from the clutches of the tyrant Firon. Consequently, the chastisement of one hundred and seventy years was deducted from their decreed punishment. The same applies for you too. If you do as the Bani Israel did (i.e. supplicate unceasingly), then Allah will bring our salvation near. But if you do not do as they did, then the affair will come to pass as destined.”

I say: This tradition indirectly exhorts the recitation of Dua Ahad, taught by Imam Sadiq (as) for forty mornings successively and that one should not be negligent of it.


1. Biharul Anwar; Vol. 70, Pg. 242

41. Month Of Muharram

Whenever a believer see atrocities afflicted on the chosen Imams (as) by their enemies, his faith in them, his love for them and his grief for them, exhort him to avenge their blood and the oppression committed against them. This is not possible in these times at all except by praying for the reappearance of Hazrat Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance), as is evident.