Completion of Argument (Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat)

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Completion of Argument (Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat) Author:
Translator: Seyyed Athar Hussain Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Debates and Replies

Completion of Argument (Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat)

Author: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
Translator: Seyyed Athar Hussain Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

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Completion of Argument (Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat)
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Completion of Argument (Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat)

Completion of Argument (Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat)

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

Completion of Argument

Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat

Author(s): Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi

Translator(s): Sayyid Athar Husayn S.H. Rizvi

Publisher(s): Ansariyan Publications - Qum


This version is published on behalf of

The composing errors are not corrected.

Table of Contents

Dedication 8

Translator’s Foreword 9

Preface 10

Notes 12

Introduction 13

Notes 14

The Thorn and the Flower 15

Objection 1: Forged Quran 15

Objection 2: Mus’haf-e-Fatima 15

Objection 3: Bada (Change in Divine Will) 15

Objection 4: Taqiyyah (Dissimulation) 16

Objection 5: Concealing religion 16

Objection 6: Who killed the Imam? 16

Objection 7: Shias and Imam Mahdi 17

Objection 8: Shias in the view of Musa Kazim (as) 17

Objection 9: Killers of Husain were also Shias 17

Objection 10: Taziyah (replica of a sarcophagus) 17

Objection 11: Mutah (Temporary Marriage) 18

Objection 12: Companions of the Prophet in the view of Ali (as) 18

Objection 13: Siddiq and Farooq 18

Notes 19

Who is the Culprit of the Belief in Tampering of Quran? 20

Prominent Ahlul Sunnat personalities who consider the existing Quran defective and incomplete 20

Umar 20

The aunt of Abi Amamah bin Sahl 21

Two whole chapters are missing from this Quran according to Umar 21

A’ysha 21

Abdullah bin Abbas 23

Hafasa 24

Ummul Momineen Umme Salamah 24

Ubayy bin Kaab 25

Abdullah bin Masud 26

Abdur Rahman bin Auf 26

Abu Musa Ashari 27

Musailimah bin Mukhallad Ansari 28

Abu Waqid Lilaithi 28

Zaid bin Arqam 28

Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari 28

Buraidah 29

Akramah 29

Huzaifah Yamani 29

Imam Malik 30

Ahlul Sunnat scholars who believe that compilers of Quran made additions to it 30

Abdullah bin Masud 30

Abu Darda 30

Ahlul Sunnat leaders who believe that words of Quran are changed 31

Umar 31

Abdullah bin Umar 31

Abdullah bin Masud 32

Abdullah bin Abbas 33

Mujahid 33

Uthman believed that there was a mistake in the existing Quran 34

A’ysha 34

Abdullah Ibn Abbas 35

Notes 40

Mus’haf of Fatima 42

Notes 43

Meaning of Bada 44

Bada (Change in Divine Will) 44

Some beliefs of the opponents of Islam 48

Conclusion 49

Islamic belief 49

Voluntary and Non-Voluntary Actions 50

Bada in Involuntary Matters 51

Reason for Naming 51

First Incident 53

Second Incident 54

Third Incident 55

Notes 61

Is Taqiyyah Hypocrisy? 62

Taqiyyah 62

First Preface 63

Second Preface 63

Third Preface 63

First Verse 65

Second Verse 65

Third Verse 65

Fourth Verse 66

Fifth Verse 66

Sixth Verse 67

Notes 73

Muawiyah and the Responsibility of the Imam’s Martyrdom 75

Who killed the Imam? 75

Notes 90

Existence of the Master of the Age 92

Shias and Imam Mahdi 92

Proof of existence of the Imam of Age 92

First tradition 92

Second tradition 93

Third tradition 94

Fourth tradition 95

Fifth tradition 95

Sixth tradition 95

Seventh tradition 96

Eighth tradition 96

Ninth tradition 96

Tenth tradition 96

Allamah Abdul Wahhab Sherani 96

Maulana Ali Akbar Maududi 97

Mulla Jami 98

Khwaja Muhammad Parsa 99

Sibte Ibn Jawzi 100

Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Muhammad Ganji Shafei 100

Shaykh Nuruddin bin As-Sabbagh Al-Maliki 100

Shah Waliullah Dehlavi 101

Shaykh Abdul Haq Dehlavi 101

Muhaddith Jamaluddin 102

Allamah Muhiuddin bin Arabi 103

Kamaluddin bin Talha Shafei 103

Three hundred and thirteen Shias 105

Notes 107

Excellence of the Two Shaykhs 108

Killers of Husain were also Shias! 108

Blatant Lies 108

Siddiq and Farooq 109

Notes 114

Were Shias the Killers of Imam Husain (as)? 115

Intentional Distortion 115

Notes 116

Shias in the View of Imam Musa Kazim (as) 117

Miracles of Comprehension 117

First tradition 124

Second tradition 124

Third tradition 124

Fourth tradition 125

Fifth tradition 125

Notes 132

Another miracle of Comprehension - Taziyah of Shimr (l.a.) 134

Taziyah 134

Notes 135

Mutah (Temporary Marriage) 136

Mutah 136

Mutah was in vogue since the beginning of Islam 141

Permission of Mutah in Quran 142

Allamah Baghavi writes in Tafsir Malimut Tanzil 143

First Question 151

Second and Third Questions 152

Fourth Question 154

Fifth and seventh Question 158

Sixth Question 160

Notes 163

Imam Abu Hanifah, Wrapping of Silk and Other Issues 165

Notes 171

Imam Abu Hanifah and His Prayer 172

First fundamental - Permission to pray in a dog skin 173

Second fundamental - Performing prayers after making one-fourth of the dress impure 174

Third fundamental – Ablution with date wine 174

Fourth fundamental – Non-obligation of intention in ablution etc 175

Fifth fundamental –Sequence not obligatory in ablution 175

Sixth fundamental - Reciting Takbiratul Ihram (Allaho Akbar) and Praying in any language other than Arabic 175

Seventh fundamental - Sufficiency of reciting a small verse in Prayer 176

Eighth fundamental – Non-obligation of calmness while bowing and prostrating and pecking like a crow in prostration 177

Ninth fundamental – Passing flatulence is sufficient instead of salutations 177

Notes 179

Glossary of Islamic Terms 181


Dedicated To those who

Like the Truth,

Prefer the facts,


Love justice,


To those who

Rising above prejudice and narrow mindedness,

Wish to understand Shiaism

In the light of truth.

Translator’s Foreword

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and benedictions upon the Messenger of Allah and his Purified Progeny (as). By the Grace of the Almighty, the English translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat is completed on the 18th of Zilhajj (Eid-e-Ghadeer), 1426 A.H.

What could be a better occasion to refute the allegations of the enemies of the followers of Ahlul Bayt (as)!

The author, late Allamah Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi (q.s.) was one of the most competent researchers in the field of religion and polemics. In this book he has applied his dexterity to reply to the baseless but horrifying objections against the Shia religion.

This book covers almost all the major objections that scholars of Ahlul Sunnat and other opponents of Shias aim against Shia beliefs and customs.

Allamah Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi (q.s.) has refuted them in his typical style and quoted extensively from their own books to support his arguments.

I had to exercise great care in translating this book, as the Urdu language is well known for idiomatic subtleties and ironic style. This sometimes makes it almost impossible to render perfectly all the meanings in a different language, but I have tried my best not to stray way from the actual meaning and at the same time to make the book readable to the English reader.

Readers would have to get used to read the words “Rizwan Editor” again and again as the book is addressed to him and in reply to his objections.

Since the English equivalents of Islamic terminology do not convey the exact meaning, I have sometimes used the original Arabic terms with the English meaning in parentheses. However those who are not conversant with Arabic words may refer to the “Glossary of Islamic Terms” at the end of the book.

Lastly I thank my son, Sayed Maqsood for assisting in the translation of this book and typing of the manuscript. May the Almighty Allah reward him and make his love for languages to serve the cause of the True Religion.


Sayyid Athar Husain S.H.Rizvi

Al-Qalam Translators & Writers Bureau, Vasai, (India)

January 19, 2006 - 18th Zilhajj 1426 (Eid-e-Ghadeer)



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

In a time when the whole world is hell bent on hindering the spreading light of Islam and is trying different types of schemes to suppress this voice and every possible scheme is being carried out. Especially hectic efforts are made to create doubts among the Muslims regarding their faith and dissent is being sowed among them to foster disunity so that they remain involved in such controversies and get no opportunity to propagate Islam. It is the same method that was resorted to during the apparent caliphate of Ali (as) and so many external issues were raised that there was no limit to it. When all those plans failed, Imam Ali (as) was martyred.

Today, the world is moving fast in the direction of Islam like those dying of thirst rush towards water. At such time it is necessary to rise above internal differences and present the true picture of Islam before others and demonstrate such unity and accord like the Holy Quran, the traditions of the Messenger of Allah (S) and the Holy Imams advise.

Everyone knows that imperialist and Zionist powers never want to see the Muslims unite. If they had even a little soft corner for the Muslims, they would not have allowed the enemies of Muslims to bomb the Muslims anywhere they like.

There had never been greater need for unity among the Muslims. It is an established fact that when Islam is attacked, the attacker does not discriminate between different sects, rather he attacks all the Muslims. In such circumstances, when Islam is being attacked from all directions, sometimes the Islamic laws are made butts of ridicule, at other times its principles are mocked at, it is also sometimes publicized that it is an insufficient system, it is labeled to be materialistic and also called as the legacy of the period of ignorance.

Under such circumstances, the need of the hour is to unite together according to the command of the Holy Quran and secure the well being of the society by countering the enemies with irrefutable proofs. Today the enemies of Islam are not inimical to a particular personality or a particular sect. They are enemies of Islam and they intend to eradicate Islam. At present whatever distinction we have is due to Islam alone. Whatever dignity and position we have among the people is only for the sake of Islam. People accord respect to us solely for the fact that we teach them about Allah and the Prophet. This status has made us honorable in the eyes of people. Therefore if we do anything that renders Islam blameworthy and emboldens the enemies, we can be sure that every kind of such action and behavior is detrimental to ourselves.

After the Islamic revolution of Iran an atmosphere of unity and integration has been created among the Muslims and the two great sects of Islam have begun to come near each other. The atmosphere of distrust, that the imperialist powers had created, is considerably reduced. The commands of Quran are:

And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited…1

And be not like those who became divided and disagreed…2

The verse between the above two verses is as follows:

And from among you there should be a party who invite to good and enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong, and these it is that shall be successful.3

There is command of unity and agreement before this verse, and after it, prohibition of controversies and disunity; and consensus. That is in the Holy Quran the style of propagation is consensual and harmonious and not based on disunity and dissension.

It is a fact that what the Zionists and the imperialists fear most is the unity of Muslims, and they should really fear it. However, those who claim to be the sons of Quran and the sons of Monotheism should be pleased with the unity of Muslims.

But it is a tragedy that even the world-renowned and award-winning Mullahs are not happy with this atmosphere of unity. They do not, at all, like this unity, no one knows why. While they should be more pleased with this atmosphere on whose lips the verses of Quran remain all the time. If those who have received this style in legacy had raised their voices against this unity, it would not have been surprising.

But today even those who used to assume silence in controversial matters are screaming at the top of their voices. Is it because they are connected to the imperialist and Zionist powers? Is it because they had been favored by the enemies of Islam and now they want their pound of flesh? It seems to be so. That the words in their mouths are not theirs and the ink in their pens is not theirs. It is the voice of imperialism in their mouths and the ink of imperialism in their pens. It is a matter of great pity that these people, even in their last moments, instead of repenting and seeking forgiveness are fulfilling the wishes of imperialism and remain puppets in the hands of Zionists.

Objections against the Shias are nothing new. In every age there were people who by raising objections had consoled their egos. But at a time when people are coming near to each other and arranging rows against the enemies of Islam, it is not a good thing and a rewarding deed to do anything that creates dissension in the ranks.

The objections showered on Shia beliefs do not contain anything new. The age-old objections are again recycled and repeated. These objections have been replied in all the ages. Justice requires that after making allegations one should also read the replies. And if there is any deficiency or weakness in the reply, it should be highlighted. But it seems that the objection makers, after making objections close their eyes and no more sight remains in their eyes to read the replies. When again their eyes open up they again pick up the pen and start writing. And when they become tired they close their eyes to sleep and when again they wake up they start writing in a state of stupor.

Approximately thirty years ago, Maulana Sayyid Mahmood Ahmad Rizvi had mentioned such objections under the article, “The thorn and the flower” in “The chief of the Martyrs” (Sayyidush Shohada, Imam Husain) special issue of the periodical, ‘Rizwan’ (Lahore). He wrote whatever came to his mind. When the readers see those objections they will find them to be stock objections and age-old allegations.

We would not have replied to these objections if it had not been further alleged that the Shias are unable to reply them.

The replies are presented here by way of “Completion of Argument”. We hope that the justice-liking people would rise above bigotry and read the objections and their replies and then form a correct opinion.

May Allah bestow us with the best of Tawfeeqs and may He always keep our hearts illuminated with the love of His best and selected servants.


And there is no divine opportunity except from Allah and upon Him I rely and in Him I trust.

Executive Committee

Idarah Nurul Islam, Faizabad

Muharram al-Haraam 1406 AH


1. Surah Aale Imran 3:103

2. Surah Aale Imran 3:105

3. Surah Aale Imran 3:104


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds and blessings and peace be upon the best of creations, Muhammad and his Purified Progeny.

So to say:

An Urdu weekly, “Rizwan”, used to be published from Lahore, which publicized itself on its banner to be “The Religious Voice of the Ahlul Sunnat wal Jamat”. The editor of the weekly was Maulana Sayyid Mahmood Ahmad Rizvi. The Imam Husain special issue was published between 28th August to 14th September 1954 (Issues no 31 to 34, Vol. 6).

On pages 11 to 16 the editorial contained various objections against the Shias under the title of “The thorn and the flower”. Most of these objections had been the oft-repeated ones of the elders of editor of Rizwan and which have already been replied thousands of times. But, the Rizwan editor has presented them in such a way that his readers would feel they are his own creations. Other objections concocted by Maulana Sayyid Mahmood Ahmad Rizvi have exposed the level of his knowledge.

Replies to a majority of these objections were published in the Razakar newspaper of Lahore, till the authorities banned this publication. It was then that my respected friend, Sayyid Jamil Husain Rizvi wrote to me to expose the facts behind the objections. In compliance of his wishes, I wrote replies to two objections at a time and had them published in Al-Jawwad Magazine of Varanasi, India (March 1955 to March 1958 issues). Maulana Zafar Hasan, editor of Noor Magazine, Karachi, published in article form, my discussion about ‘Bada’1 and stated that he had not seen anything better than that in Urdu language.

And as for the favor of your Lord, do announce (it).2

When I had written those articles I had no access to many books and sources that I required. In spite of that, thanks be to Allah, the replies proved very effective, quite sufficient and became a wealth of information for the preachers of India, Pakistan and Africa. During the compilation of these replies, there were two instances when it was impossible to write anything without looking up the original references and I did not have the concerning books, neither there existed any library from which I could obtain them. On both the occasions I sought the help of the Master of the Age (May Allah hasten his reappearance) and the Imam favored me and solved the problem in no time.

The first instance occurred when the Rizwan editor wrote on the authority of Rijal Kishi that Shias are composed of three parts: One part is sinful and evil and two parts foolish.” Further on, under the same reference he wrote: His eminence, Imam Husain (as) said addressing the Shias:…“O Shias! You killed me and plundered all my belongings.”

I did not have a copy of Rijal Kishi to check the reference. The article came to a stand still. In the evening I strolled to a relative’s house. There I saw in a corner of the courtyard, some loose pages strewn about, that had been discarded as trash. I collected those pages and brought them home. When I arranged the pages I found that it was the complete first volume of Rijal Kishi (Published from Calcutta). I thanked Allah for the favor of my Imam and got the volume bound. The veracity of references presented by the Rizwan editor can be seen in the coming pages.

The second instance was when the Rizwan editor had quoted the sentence of Majalisul Muttaqeen. The correct tradition should have been: O People! You have killed my Shias and martyred the people of my house! But the Rizwan editor has interpolated it as: O Shias! You have killed me and my Ahlul Bayt also.” It was very difficult to expose this fraud without access to the original Arabic text and I did not have any book containing this sentence of Imam Husain (as). I was forced to put away all the papers and sought the help of the Imam of the Last Age.

When my respected mother (May Allah purify her grave) noticed that I had stopped writing the article she sent me on an errand to her parents’ place five miles away. I complied immediately and conveyed her message. After that, by way of whiling away the time I picked up a book from the tomes of my departed maternal grandfather. It turned out to be the Maqtal of Abi Mikhnaf. I opened it and the first line that caught my eyes were the words of Imam Husain (as): O People! You killed my brother, my children and my Shias…I thanked the Almighty for this unseen help and borrowed the book and brought it home with me. The aim of recounting these experiences is that people like the Rizwan editor who are themselves deniers of His Eminence the Proof (Hujjat), should see how His Eminence favors even the lowliest of his slaves.

After the publication of my articles under the title Kerbala Shinasi, my friends in India, Pakistan and Africa insisted that the replies addressed to the Rizwan editor should also be similarly published in book form so that their usefulness may be enhanced. A few months ago, my respected mentor, Mulla Asghar M.M. Jaffer of KSI Supreme council of Africa and former president of World Federation of KSI Muslim Communities (London) stressed the need for publishing this book. These articles are presented herewith in the book form according to his wishes. May Allah reward the gentleman and increase his Tawfeeqat.3 Amen, then amen.

In the beginning of the book I have quoted verbatim the article of Rizwan so that readers may see all the objection at a glance.

And peace be upon those who follow the guidance.


Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

Gopalpur, PO Baqarganj, Dist. Siwan, (Bihar) India.

12th Rabi II 1404 (February 15, 1984)


1. The belief that Allah could effect change in His decree

2. Surah Zuha 93:11

3. Plural of Tawfeeq=Divine opportunity to perform a good deed