Completion of Argument (Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat)

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Completion of Argument (Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat) Author:
Translator: Seyyed Athar Hussain Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Debates and Replies

Completion of Argument (Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat)

Author: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
Translator: Seyyed Athar Hussain Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

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Completion of Argument (Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat)
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Completion of Argument (Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat)

Completion of Argument (Translation of Itmaam-i-Hujjat)

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

Imam Abu Hanifah, Wrapping of Silk and Other Issues

(Published in ‘Al-Jawwad’, February 1958 A.D.)

After that, the Rizwan editor writes out of the wonders of shamefulness as follows: “Not only this, the Shia faith is so dirty that it is permissible to have sexual relations even with women in the prohibited degree (Mahram) provided one has wrapped his private part with silk. Zainul Abideen Haeri Mazandarani, a Shia scholar, writes in Zakhiratul Ma’ad (page 95) that: ‘Intercourse (with mother and sisters) is permissible after wrapping silk.’”

The editor of Rizwan has written about Shaykh Zainul Abideen Mazandarani in a very disrespectful way. Thus, after this he and all the scholars of his religion do not have any right to be addressed respectfully. However, I would like to follow the way of Ahlul Bayt (as) and remain within the limits of civility.

The reality shall be exposed when you read the question and answer of Zakhiratul Maad in entirety:

“Question: If a person wraps a silk handkerchief or something like it over his sexual organ so that during intercourse or otherwise it does not come in contact with the woman’s body, is ritual bath (Ghusl) obligatory on him?

Answer: The obligation of ritual bath is not bereft of strength. And it is narrated from Abu Hanifah that it is permissible to penetrate the mahrams (mothers, sister, daughter etc.) after wrapping silk.”

This question and answer prove that the questioner has tried to obtain a verdict of his Shia religion about that issue of Ahlul Sunnat. Shaykh Mazandarani says that the ritual bath would be obligatory in any case. However, it is the ideology of Abu Hanifah that leave aside the obligation of ritual bath, it is even permitted to fulfill one’s lust in this way through women in the prohibited degree.

Hence, this is the verdict of the Hanafis and has no connection with the Shias. The editor of Rizwan omitted the words ‘it is narrated from Abu Hanifah’ and tried to grant the Shias that we fulfill our lust through mahrams after wrapping silk. He has repeated this in the journal of the Safar month also that ‘these wordings are present on Pg. 95 of Zakhiratul Maad and one who proves it wrong would be rewarded a thousand rupees.’

I do not want to argue much in this matter but I want to show that if narrations are presented in this way after omitting some words and any religion is criticized with it the Rizwan editor will not get protection in the corner of the grave also. Here are some examples:

A) Today any Christian can say, “It is present in the fourteenth ruku1 of the sixth part of Quran that: ‘surely God is third among the three’. This proves that the belief of Trinity is sanctioned by Quran. One who proves this reference wrong would be rewarded a hundred thousand rupees.”

B) Then, another Christian can say, “Isa was the son of God, and it is quoted in the eleventh ruku of the tenth part of the Quran that ‘Isa is the son of God’.”

C) Not only this but he himself is God as mentioned in the seventh and fourteenth ruku of sixth part that ‘surely God is Messiah bin Maryam’. One who proves these references wrong would be rewarded a hundred thousand rupees.

Under such circumstances, the Rizwan editor would become a Christian due to his own rule.

D) At that time, a Jew could say, “Why did you become a Christian? Our religion is even more ancient and true, and supported by Quran, as ‘Uzair is the son of God’. This is also present in the tenth part’s eleventh ruku.

E) Not only this, according to our belief, the Quran considers God as helpless. It is mentioned in the thirteenth ruku of the same part that ‘the hands of God are tied’. One who disproves these references shall be rewarded ten million rupees.”

At that time, the Rizwan editor would prefer to become a Jew.

F) But the problem is that the idol-worshippers would not allow him to be at peace and say, “The command is present in Surah Nuh of Quran that, ‘By no means leave your Gods, nor leave Wadd nor Suwa nor Yaghus and Yauq and Nasr.’ One who proves this reference wrong would be awarded a billion rupees.” Then, the poor editor of Rizwan, Maulana Syed Mahmud Ahmad Rizvi, would start prostrating before the idols.

G) Alls well till here, but he would also have to become a Shia with which he has deep hatred. I challenge that the leader of Sunnis, Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi has written all those defects, which were found in the three caliphs, A’ysha and Muawiyah in his book Tohfa Ithna Ashariya. All those facts are present even today in the same book. If a person proves this reference wrong he would be awarded ten billion rupees.

H) Well, Tohfa Ithna Ashariya is the work of someone else. I present the sentences penned by the Rizwan editor himself. The editor of Rizwan has written them in the issue of December 1954 from Pg. 6 to 10. They are not the sentences of anyone else. The Rizwan editor has himself written them as headings in bold letters:

(1) The Righteous Caliphate and Yazid in the same pan

(2) Companions of the Prophet sacrificed Islam

(3) Abu Bakr was not farsighted

(4) Umar accepted insult to religion

(5) Talha and Zubair were liars

(6) A’ysha was a revolter

(7) A’ysha, Siddiq and Uthman were wealth- hoarders

(8) All companions and followers of companions liked luxury and power

(9) Amir Muawiyah, Iblis and Ahriman (Zoroastrian God of Darkness)

(10) The Prophet’s daughters married infidels

(11) The father-in-law of the Messenger of Allah (S) was an infidel

The Rizwan editor has himself written all these statements. If someone proves this reference wrong he would be rewarded a hundred billion rupees. When the Rizwan editor has already accepted all these issues what stops him from being a Shia? It is better to either prove these references wrong and win the prize or become a Shia and improve his hereafter.

When the distrust of the Rizwan editor was unveiled in ‘Razakar’ that he has removed the words: ‘It is narrated from Abu Hanifah’ and committed great dishonesty, he became so blatant that he tried to prove that the Mujtahid Mazandarani had quoted Abu Hanifah to ridicule him.

However, it was neither an occasion of ridicule nor any word of the writing proves that it is a taunt. Mujtahid has written these statements as proof. It is obvious that to quote someone in reply and not rejecting it, proves that the one whose saying is quoted by Mujtahid, he is his religious leader and guide.

This proves that Abu Hanifah must also be an Imam of Shias. Now if the editor of Razakar says that there is no Abu Hanifah among Shias he should ask this only from Mujtahid. If not, he should visit his grave and do ‘Chilla’ (forty day seclusion for mystic communism) and say, “Sir, you died after writing this and left us in trouble. What have you written?” Some reply might come from his grave.2

Maybe the Rizwan editor would purposely fail to recognize this Abu Hanifah. But he cannot succeed in befooling the people.

Come, Mr. Rizwan Editor, let me tell you who this Abu Hanifah is. He is your Imam and a leader of the Hanafis. Among the four Sunni schools of Islamic law, Numan bin Thabit Kufi is the head of the Hanafi school. He is also called ‘Abu Hanifah (r.a.)’. Hammad was his teacher and his students include Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad bin Hasan. Both his students are credited with propagating his religion. His biography titled Seeratun Numaan is written and published by Allamah Shibli.

Do you recognize him now?

What can now be the reply for the blatant allegation that Abu Hanifah is called our Imam? Whereas our twelve Imams are those before whom the world bows. Venerating whose shrines is a cause of honor for the rulers of the time.

Also note another misinterpretation, that after stating the obligation of the ritual bath, Mazandarani quotes the saying of Abu Hanifah that ‘Intercourse with Mahrams after wrapping silk’, you construe it to be an approval and proof of obligation of ritual bath. It is the height of misunderstanding.

Actually, the Rizwan editor is infuriated that Mazandarani relied on writings of others and increased the condition of ‘wrapping silk’ in the verdict of Imam Abu Hanifah. While the verdict given by their Imam did not have even that much restriction that one should wrap silk. There was complete freedom that any Hanafi could perform Nikah with his mother, sister, daughter, paternal aunt, maternal aunt, niece, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and all Mahrams and fulfill his lust through them and increase his progeny. It is written in the famous book of Hanafite teachings, Hidayah:3

“If a person marries a woman with whom Nikah is prohibited and then, even if he goes to bed with her, according to Abu Hanifah the legal penalty would not be applicable on him.”4

And the ‘Great Imam’ has proved it as follows:

“And, according to Abu Hanifah, this marriage is correct according to the circumstance because it is capable of fulfilling the need. Women are daughters of Adam and capable of bearing children and this is the aim of marriage.”5

Fakhruddin Razi, a famous Sunni Imam, has described this verdict of Imam Abu Hanifah in his renowned Tafsir Kabir6 in the exegesis of the verse:

“Forbidden to you are your mothers…”7

“The third point mentioned by Shafei (r.a.) is that if a man marries his mother and even commits incest, the penalty is applicable to him while Abu Hanifah (r.a.) has said that the penalty is not applicable.”

Obviously, if an Imam gives such freedom and a scholar of another religion interprets it in an incomplete way and restricts them to the use of a silk handkerchief, the Hanafi scholars and especially the Rizwan editor would be annoyed. However, Mazandarani has not used the words ‘wrapping silk’ without any reason because Imam Abu Hanifah did not want to trouble his followers by making it incumbent on them to all the time perform Nikah with mother, sisters etc. hence, he has prescribed this method for them. A verdict is present in Bahrur Raqaiq Sharh Kanzud Daqaiq (Book of Marriage) that fulfilling lust by Mahrams after wrapping silk etc. is permissible. If it is done with mahram women after a cloth is wrapped on one’s organ, its prohibition is not proved.

Similar advice is given to those who do not want to care about Islamic law during fasting days that they should wrap silk and fulfill their desires so that they remain safe of the obligation of atonement (Kaffarah) etc.

Not only this, but even the ritual bath would not become obligatory. This narration is present in Jameur Rumooz.

Hence, Aqa Mazandarani has replied that the ritual bath would be obligatory among we Shias in such a state also. However, according to Abu Hanifah, a great Imam of Ahlul Sunnat, if one copulates after wrapping silk, the ritual bath would not be obligatory on him. Not only this, but according to him, even mahrams can become objects of lust after wrapping silk.

This is the true sense of Aqa Mazandarani. God knows what the Rizwan editor understood from it due to his good sense or evil intention?

Now, the Rizwan editor would have recognized Abu Hanifah as to what the temperament of his great leader was and the secret of the popularity of Hanafi faith is also understood. Such liberal laws attract everyone. God be praised! If you want to see more wonders of your Imam, read the following statements of Imam Ghazzali. You will come across some more interesting laws:

“Abu Hanifah has almost destroyed the Islamic law. He made its ways dubious and changed its system…The disorder in details of Prayer in his religion is not a hidden issue. The discussion would become lengthy if I delve deeper. The fruit of his foolishness is obvious even in the shortest Prayer. Even if he presents his shortest prayer to a foolish ignorant, he would also flatly refuse to follow him (such is the picture of that Prayer).

If a person dives into a pond of wine, wears a tanned skin of dog, says ‘Takbiratul Ihraam’ (Allaho Akbar) in Hindi or Turkish languages without performing ‘intention’, and instead of reciting Quranic chapters recites the translation of ‘Madhaa Mataan’, (Two green leaflets), pecks two prostrations without bowing so fast that he does not even perform ‘Quood’ (short sitting in prayers) in between, and at the end he intentionally releases flatulence without reciting Tashahud, it would be considered a salutation and (then the prayer is complete).

If one passes gas in the middle of prayer he should perform ablution (at that time) and after the prayer, he should pass it deliberately, since he did not intend to complete the prayer in his former effort. (Here) every sensible person should be certain that Allah did not appoint any Prophet with such prayer and the Messenger of Allah (S) himself never invited towards such a prayer. Moreover, prayer is a pillar of Islam. Nevertheless, Abu Hanifah considered the above-mentioned prayer as the shortest obligatory prayer. He believes that messengers were sent only with such a prayer and all other acts in prayer are for etiquette and are recommended. As far as fasting is concerned, he has uprooted its pillars and left it half-dead, because he made it compulsory to give precedence to intention of fasting.

For Zakat he issued a verdict that it is permissible to delay its payment even if it is badly needed and the eyes of beggars remain open waiting for it. He also gave a verdict that if a person dies before paying Zakat, its obligation would be taken away from him. Did not Abu Hanifah destroy the Islamic law in this way?

For Hajj, he gave an exactly opposite order. That it is obligatory to perform the Hajj immediately. However, needs of other Muslims are not related with Hajj (as in Zakat).

These were some of his wonders in worship acts. Now, as for penalties, he annulled their purpose also and ruined all the basics and commands. The purpose of Islamic law is protection of life, dignity and wealth. Abu Hanifah demolished the rule of capital punishment in cases when a killer kills with a stone. He made strangling of neck, drowning in water and killing through various heavy things a way to avoid capital punishment. He moved so ahead that he rejected sense and extemporization and said that killing with such objects cannot be called murder and it is doubtful. Which sensible person can believe in such emulation? Except when there is an effect of excessive stupidity.

As far as copulation is concerned, Imam Abu Hanifah has established ways through which penalties are annulled. For example, paid sex and establishing sexual relations with mothers after performing Nikah with them. He believed that all these acts invalidate penalties. A person who wants to commit an evil act with a believing woman, what difficulty would he have in hiring her? Can anyone justify this?” Then he said that if four just witnesses testify against him for fornication and he himself confesses once, the penalty shall be cancelled.

He gave a verdict about wealth and property that making minor changes in a usurped thing deprives the owner of its ownership. For instance, making flour out of usurped wheat…At last, he made such a rule, which almost demolished the Shariah of Muhammad (S). When false testimonies are presented about the Nikah of a wife with someone else and if the judge wrongly gives decision in its favor the woman becomes lawful for him even though this second man is fully aware of the truth and the woman would in future be prohibited on her former husband.”

After this the cup of Imam Ghazzali’s patience began to overflow and he says:

“And if the hearts would not have united over the emulation (Taqleed) of such foolishness even one whose feelings were a little perfect would not have followed one who explains the Islamic law like this. Thus the former Imams denounced Abu Hanifah with great severity. The scholars have accused him of destroying their Islamic law. Even Qazi Abu Bakr said after seeing the law of retaliation of Abu Hanifah that it is insane to assume that the killer did not intend to murder with those heavy objects. On the other hand, if he has a contrary belief and issues this order he has made a good plan to destroy religion.”8

If some more details of the ‘great Imam’ are needed refer to the following writings in the fourth part of this same book Kitab Mankhool:

“Abu Hanifah was not a jurist (Mujtahid) because he was unaware of the (rules of) language. His saying, “Lau Ramaahu bi Abu Qubais” ‘If he shoots an arrow towards Mt. Abu Qubais’ proves his ignorance (in spite of the presence of the article ‘bi’ he says ‘Abu’ instead of ‘Abi’). That is, it should be, ‘If he shoots an arrow towards Mt. Abi Qubais’. Also, he was unaware of traditions. Hence, he was attracted towards weak traditions and rejected the correct ones. He was not even a ‘Faqih’ (expert jurisprudent) and used to resort to conjecture for no reason at all even though it was often contrary to reality.”

The same Qazi Abu Bakr whose saying is quoted by Imam Ghazzali says regarding Abu Hanifah after much argumentation that:

“There is no need to worry while opposing Abu Hanifah because I am sure he has committed mistakes in ninety percent of his verdicts in which he differs with the other Imams and in the remaining ten percent he is an equal partner in this. It is even possible that his opponents may have precedence in this also.”

The editor of Rizwan would have known as to who that Abu Hanifah is, who permits fulfillment of lust even from mahrams. He might have also learnt of his other feats. How much favor he has bestowed on the Messenger of Allah (S) that he did not let anything from prayer to penalties of murder un-tempered. According to the saying of Imam Ghazzali, ‘he devastated it completely’.

If leaders are such what the followers would be? Praise be to Allah.

Followers all over the world try to emulate their leaders. If the Rizwan editor too tries to emulate Imam Abu Hanifah what can one say? He would get a license to all types of lustful deeds, in spite of the claim of Islam.

In 1957 A.D., some Pakistanis performed prayers of Eid al-Azha in Urdu. There was a great hue and cry on this from Pakistan to India, that it was an innovation, an insult to Islam and disgrace of Divine commands etc. etc.

God knows what all they said. While those followers had just stepped on the way shown by this great Imam. Had they moved a little forward, God knows what these spectators would have done. However, I am surprised over only one thing that the followers had to bear these atrocities, but the holy personality who opened the door to this innovation and dishonor of Divine religion is called the ‘Great Imam (r.a.)’.


1. Subdivision of (Juz/para) parts of Quran

2. Rizwan, Lahore Pg. 12 14/7, December 1954

3. Published at Matba Shaykh Yahya, Pg. 381

4. Hidaya, Pg. 381

5. Hidaya, Pg. 381

6. Vol. 3, Jamaliya, Egypt, First edition Pg. 182

7. Surah Nisa 4:23

8. Kitab Mankhool, Imam Ghazzali with reference to Istiqsaaul Afham, Vol. 2, Pg. 199-201

Imam Abu Hanifah and His Prayer

(Published in ‘Al-Jawwad’, March 1958 A.D.)

If you really want to see the drama that how the brief prayer of the great Imam is as mentioned by Imam Ghazzali read the following incident: A renowned Sunni scholar, Allamah Abul Aali Abdul Malik bin Abdullah Al-Jawzi who is famous by the title of ‘Imam Al-Haramain’ (Imam of the two sanctuaries), has completely exposed the Great Imam in his famous journal, Mugheethul khalqa fi Ikhtiyaarul Haq. After writing the passage about Prayer quoted in Mankhool by Imam Ghazzali, he writes the following incident:

“It is reported that King Mahmud Subuktagin was a follower of Hanafi religion. He was very fond of the science of traditions and all his companions used to listen to traditions from teachers and he himself also listened. Whenever he used to question about traditions, mostly he used to find them in accordance with Shafei religion. (Hence) he became inclined to the Shafei religion. He gathered Shafei and Hanafi jurists in Merv to debate and prove which of the two religions was better. Finally, it was decided that both the parties perform two units of prayers each according to their religion so that the King observes their prayer and decides which was a better faith. Qifaal Maroozi stood up from Shafeis and after absolute purification and fulfilling the conditions of dress and everything, prayed with all acts, recommendations, etiquettes and obligations. This was such a prayer that Shafeis would not have approved anything lesser.

Then a two-unit prayer approved by Abu Hanifah was performed. A tanned skin of dog was worn and one-fourth of its part was made even more impure. Ablution was performed by the date wine. Since this was done in an open and hot region, flies started swarming and ablution was also performed in the reverse order. Then he faced the Qibla and recited ‘Takbiratul Ihram’ (Allaho Akbar) in Persian without performing any intention. Then a Persian translation of a verse was recited i.e. ‘Du Barge Sabz’ (two green leaves). After that, two prostrations were pecked (on the earth) like a cock without genuflection (Ruku). There was no time gap between the two prostrations. After reciting Tashahud, he released flatulence at the end of prayer without reciting salutations and said, “O King! This is the prayer of Abu Hanifah.” The king said, “If this prayer is not (proved to be) of Abu Hanifah I would kill you because no religious person can approve such a prayer.”

(But) Hanafis denied that it was prescribed thus by Abu Hanifah. Then the books of Iraqis (Hanafis) were procured. The King ordered a Christian Persian teacher to read the acts of both religions. The prayer performed by Qifal was found according to the religion of Abu Hanifah. Hence the King left the religion of Abu Hanifah and became a Shafei. And if this prayer be presented before even an ignorant person, he would not be ready to accept it.”1

This incident is also quoted on the authority of Mughisul Khalq in Ikhtisarul Afham and also Wafiaytul Ayan Tarikh Ibn Khallikan.2

This Qifal Maroozi is the great Imam, Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Abdullah Al-Maroozi, who was a mystic Shaykh of Khorasan. Ibn Jamata in Tabqaat Fuqaha and Imam Yafai in his history have written about him:

“Neither was there a greater jurist in his time nor would there be any after him. We used to say that it is an angel in a human form.”

Imam Yafai has also mentioned the year of this incident in his history that: “This incident took place in 410 A.H.”

Possibly the Rizwan editor would also say like the courtiers of King Mahmud Ghaznavi, “All these are accusations on the great Imam (r.a.) and he never approved such prayer.” Therefore, I present the sources of these strange rules of prayer as follows:

First fundamental - Permission to pray in a dog skin

The following law is present in the book of Hanafi jurisprudence, Hidaya:3

“Every tanned skin is pure: It is permissible to pray in it and ablution with a vessel made of it is correct provided that it is not the skin of a pig or a human being.”

It clearly proves that one can perform prayers wearing any skin except that of human or pig and water stored in a water-bag made out of it can be used for ablution. It may be skin of dog, monkey or a bear.

Not only this, one can also make a prayer mat out of dog skin. The following wordings are present in Fatawa Qazi Khan.4

“Natiqi has given the verdict of Muhammad bin Hasan, a student of Imam Abu Hanifah that if someone prays on a skin of a slaughtered dog or wolf, his prayer is correct.”

This was a favor bestowed by a student and successor of the great Imam. Now read a saying of another student, Imam Abu Yusuf that there is no need of tanning the dog skin, it is enough to just slaughter it. Also the skin of pig would become pure even though ‘the great Imam’ says that it is impure:

“But impure things are filth like excreta, urine, wine, excreta of dog, flesh of pig, all of its parts, flesh of prohibited animals provided that they are not slaughtered after reciting Bismillah (In the name of Allah). However if they are slaughtered after saying Bismillah, it is permissible to pray in their flesh and untanned skin. Except the skin of pig that (even) if it is slaughtered after saying Bismillah, it is impure. And if its skin is tanned, according to the narrations of our companions, it would not be pure. The common elders also believe this (but) it is narrated from Abu Yusuf that it would become pure and its trade will also be permitted.”5 It is a fact that dog is not impure according to the great Imam. It is written in brief in Bombay edition on Pg. 28 as follows:

“It should be known that dog was not an ‘absolute impurity’ according to ‘the great Imam’ Thus it could be sold and its guarantee is also there. A prayer mat and vessels can be made out of its skin. If it is taken out of a well alive, neither the well would become impure nor clothes due to its spraying of water provided that its mouth has not touched the water; nor its bite, unless its saliva is visible. Prayer carrying a dog (in one’s arms) is not void, however big the dog may be.”

In brief, there is no harm in performing prayers on a prayer-mat of dog skin, wearing dog skin, performing ablution with water from a dog skin water-bag, while carrying a dog in one’s arms or having it on one’s shoulders. God be praised!

Second fundamental - Performing prayers after making one-fourth of the dress impure

This law is found in every book of Hanafi jurisprudence. Read the following sources:

1) And if there is a slight impurity, like urine of animals whose meat is lawful, prayer is permissible even if that impurity covers one-fourth of the dress. This (command) is narrated from Abu Hanifah.6

2) The impurity of less than one-fourth dress and body can be ignored.7

That is, along with clothes even if one-fourth body remains impure then also there is no harm.

3) Second type is of slight impurity. If it covers less than one-fourth of dress it can be ignored. As mentioned in the text of many books of jurisprudence.8

Third fundamental – Ablution with date wine

Read the following sources for this:

1) “If a person has nothing except date wine for performing ablution, according to Abu Hanifah, he could use it.”9

2) “According to Abu Hanifah, if date wine is available, one should perform ablution it and not choose to perform Tayammum (ablution with mud, sand or stone etc).10

3) “Even if he gets dirty and detestable water he should perform ablution with date wine. If doubtful water, date wine and mud are available then according to Abu Hanifah, one should perform ablution with date wine.”11

As if the command: ‘if you do not find water do Tayammum over mud’ needed some correction and date wine is purer than doubtful water and mud. The cause of such laws was that according to the great Imam, Abu Hanifah, date wine is not only pure, but also lawful; may it produce excitement or it becomes more intoxicating. This law is present on Pg. 16 of Hidaya.

4) If (grape juice) is boiled, according to Abu Hanifah, ablution can be done with it because according to him, it is lawful to drink it.

This proof implies that not only date wine, but also every thing, which is lawful to drink, can be used for performing ablution.

5) And the following wordings are present in the book Zafarul Mubeen that:12

The ‘great Imam’ says that Nabidh (date wine), even if it is boiled and becomes intoxicating, is not prohibited. This law of his is contrary to all scholars. Imam Nawawi writes in Sharh Sahih Muslim:

“Scholars have a difference of opinion about one who drinks any other intoxicating drink except grape wine. Imam Shafei, Malik, Ahmad and majority of scholars say that it is unlawful. He would be lashed for it as lashing is given for one who drinks grape wine. A person, who drinks grape wine, be he believes in its permission or its prohibition. And Abu Hanifah has said that it is not unlawful and a person who drinks it, should not be penalized.”13

The above-mentioned text of Sharh Sahih Muslim is quoted from Sahih Muslim printed at Matba Ansari.14 Now, the Rizwan editor can easily forget the worldly sorrows through date wine and thank God after performing ablution with it while being completely intoxicated. He can thank God for the numerous bounties created by Him in this world.

Fourth fundamental – Non-obligation of intention in ablution etc.

Read the following narrations for this:

1) “The intention of purification is recommended for a person performing ablution…According to us, it is recommended to perform intention in ablution and it is obligatory according to Shafeis.”15

2) “It is recommended for one who gets up from sleep to wash his hands upto wrists before putting them in the vessel. He should say Bismillah (In the name of Allah) in the beginning, brush the teeth, rinse the mouth, rinsing nose with water, performing intention (of ablution) and performing all these in order, as stated in Holy Quran. All this is recommended.16

3) A proof of non-obligation of intention of ablution is written by the writer of Sharh Waqayah also as follows:

“As in other purifications, for example, purification of clothes and place because there is no condition of intention in it.”17

In short, intention is not obligatory. Similarly, the Imam Abu Hanifah does not consider intention obligatory in fasting and prayers also, as described by Imam Ghazzali above.

Fifth fundamental –Sequence not obligatory in ablution

1) We have just now discussed the wordings of Sharh Waqayah that the order of ablution mentioned in Holy Quran is only recommended.

2) It is mentioned in Hidaya as follows:

“According to us, sequence is recommended in ablution and it is obligatory according to Shafeis.”18

3) The recommendations of ablution are mentioned in Niyyatul Musalli19 as, ‘Intention and sequence’ of ablution are also recommended. Following wordings are written on its margin:

“The sequence mentioned in the verse of ablution is recommended and not obligatory because ‘and’ is used as a conjunction here. There is no argument in it for sequence.”20

Therefore, Qifal Maroozi had performed the ablution in the reverse order because sequence was not obligatory. Thus leaving it would not have any effect on ablution. It is only recommended. Hence, the Rizwan editor should wash his feet first, then wipe the head and neck, after that, wash hands and then his face or do as he likes.

Sixth fundamental - Reciting Takbiratul Ihram (Allaho Akbar) and Praying in any language other than Arabic

Read the following sources for this:

1) “If someone starts (i.e. says Takbiratul Ihram) in Persian or recites Quranic chapters in Persian (translation) or says ‘Bismillah’ in Persian at the time of slaughtering, even if he can say in Arabic perfectly, then also it is sufficient.”21

2) “If a person recites Quranic chapters in Persian or from Torah or Bible his prayer is not void; if he recites only stories (from Torah or Bible) it would be void. But if there is a mention of Allah, prayer is not void.”22

Well, the recitation of abrogated books has also been permitted while the Messenger of Allah (S) used to restrain his companions reading them otherwise also.

Although, only Persian language is mentioned in the above statements, it is just by way of example, otherwise one can pray in any language.

3) The following wordings are mentioned on Pg. 64 of Durre Mukhtar:

“Only Burooi has confined it to Persian, otherwise all other scholars consider prayer lawful in any language.”

4) The following description is found in Fatawa Alamgiri:23

“It is permissible to recite the Takbir (Allaho Akbar) in Persian as mentioned in books of jurisprudence, even if one can say it perfectly in Arabic. However, if one can correctly say it in Arabic it is detestable (Makruh) to say it in Persian. According to the saying of Abu Yusuf and Muhammad, if one can recite in Arabic it is unlawful to recite in Persian. It is quoted in Muheet in a similar manner. There is same difference of opinion about all recitations of Prayer including Tashahud, Qunut Dua, Tasbeehaat, Ruku and Sujud (i.e. difference of opinion is not restricted to only ‘Takbiratul Ihraam’24 ) and (this permission is not only for Persian language but) permissibility exists for all non-Arabic languages like Turkish, Hamite, Jashi and Nabatean. It is mentioned in the same way in Fatawa Qazi Khan.”

Now, what is the fault of the poor Ataturk that he started prayer in Turkish? Or why are thorough followers of Hanafi law of Pakistan criticized if they prayed in Urdu?

Seventh fundamental - Sufficiency of reciting a small verse in Prayer

Now read its sources:

1) “Abu Hanifah and a small group have said that Surah Fatiha is not obligatory but (only) a Quranic verse is obligatory.”25

2) “Recitation is one of the obligations of prayer and this obligation can be fulfilled by a single brief verse according to Abu Hanifah. It is quoted in Muheet and Khulasah in the same way and it is correct as mentioned in Tatarkhaniya.”26

Hence, Qifal Maroozi sufficed with the Persian translation of ‘Mudhaa Mataan’ and fulfilled the obligation by saying ‘Du barge sabz’ (two green leaves). However, there was no need to waste time in a single verse also. According to Abu Hanifah, a single word ‘Thumma’ (then) or its translation is enough.

3) “However, according to Abu Hanifah, the obligatory volume of recitation is a verse even if it is a small one like the saying of Allah, ‘Thumma’.

Eighth fundamental – Non-obligation of calmness while bowing and prostrating and pecking like a crow in prostration

Read the sources on it:

1) “As for standing upright, it is not obligatory and similarly for sitting between two prostrations (is not obligatory) and calmness is (not obligatory) between bowing and prostration. (This) verdict is of Abu Hanifah and Muhammad.”27

Obviously, if calmness is not obligatory in bowing and standing upright after bowing is also not obligatory then a person can go for prostration on the way to bowing. Thus, there was no gap between bowing and prostration as done by Qifaal Maroozi.

Similarly, if it is not obligatory to sit between two prostrations nor there is a need of calmness in prostrations, what is left other than pecking twice like a crow. Qifaal did the same.

2) Also read one more source:

“People are unanimous that according to Abu Hanifah and Muhammad, it is not obligatory to stand upright after bowing. Similarly it is not obligatory to be calm while sitting.”28

Also know it that it is enough to prostrate on one’s nose instead of forehead.

“According to Abu Hanifah, it is enough to prostrate on one’s nose without any reason also.”29

Not only this, but one can also prostrate on the back of another person who is praying.

“It is permissible to prostrate on the back of a person who is himself involved in prayers.”30

God be praised! What a beautiful scene it would be if for prostration a person mounts the back of another person who is praying. However, imagination is necessary for this.

Ninth fundamental – Passing flatulence is sufficient instead of salutations

This virtuous deed is permitted by the ‘great Imam’ because his leader, ‘Prince of believers’, Amir Muawiyah had fulfilled this virtuous obligation openly after sitting on the pulpit of the Prophet (S). But anyway, read some of its sources:

“If a person does ‘Hadath’31 (passes flatulence etc.) purposely after Tashahud and does an act contrary to Prayer, his prayer shall be complete.”32

That is, it is not necessary to only pass flatulence in order to complete the prayer after Tashahud but he can even urinate or excrete, jump and do all those acts, which are contrary to prayer, provided that all these are done intentionally. If they occur unintentionally, there is a risk of the prayer being void.

Anyway, the ‘great Imam’ of Sunnis has completed the prayers even though it became an ill treatment of Islam. Possibly, our reader would be surprised over such statements said by the latter Imam. Hence it is enough to say that the great Imam was a follower of ‘Murjiyyah’ religion. The Murjiyyah belief is that one can commit as many sins as possible after reciting the Kalimah (formula of faith). There would not be any punishment of even a single second. As if uttering the two testimonies (Kalimah Shahadatain) is a license to sin. Therefore the Great Imam allowed incest with even the women in the prohibited degree.

And hence, the Messenger of Allah (S) has said: “There would be two groups among my followers; not even one of them would be in accordance with Islam. One is Murjiyyah and other Qadriyyah.”

By the way, read the proofs of the great Imam being a Murjiyyah:

1) Abdul Qadir Jilani writes in one of his famous works, Ghaneeyatut Taalibeen after narrating this tradition of the Messenger of Allah (S) that: “There would be seventy-three sects among my followers. Of which, only one would get salvation and others would go to hell.

Ten sects are the bases of these seventy-three sects viz. Ahlul Sunnat, Khawarij, Shia, Mutazila, Murjiyyah, Mushbiha, Jehmiyyah, Zimaaryah, Najariyyah, Kilabiyah…But Murjiyyah has twelve branches…so…so…so…(among them) is Hanafiyyah… Hanafiyyah are the followers of Abu Hanifah Numan bin Thabit who claims that faith is divine recognition and accepting what the Prophet has brought, as mentioned by Barhooqi in Al-Shajarah.”33

2) Similarly, Allamah Ibn Qutaybah Dinawari has included not only Abu Hanifah but also his teachers and students in the list of Murjiyyah in his famous work, Maarif as follows:

“Here are the names of some Murjiyyahs: Ibrahim Lateemi…Hammad bin Abi Sulaiman (teacher of Abu Hanifah), Abu Hanifah…Abu Yusuf Sahibur Raai and Muhammad bin Hasan (students of Abu Hanifah).”

Now, you would like to find out the belief of Murjiyyah. Hence, read on the following passage which Allamah Ibn Jawzi, a famous Ahlul Sunnat scholar has quoted in his renowned work, Talbees-e-Iblees as follows:

3) “The Murjiyyah believe that if a person testifies the two principles of faith (Shahadatain) and commits all sorts of sins then also he would not enter hell. They have opposed those correct traditions, which have the mention of removal of monotheists from hell. Ibn Aqil said that the founder of the Murjiyyah, which is absolutely an apostate sect was a real hypocrite because the betterment of world is due to the warning, frightening and belief in recompense. As it was not possible for Murjiyyah to deny God openly, as people would have started hating them, they washed away the benefits of the existence of God i.e. they demolished self accounting and observation of deeds and diplomacies of Islamic law. This is the worst group against Islam.”

As the belief of Murjiyyah is an offspring of atheism, there is no importance of traditions and the personality of the Prophet (S) in the heart of the Great Imam, neither he cared for the symbols of Islam.

4) “Khatib has narrated from the chains of Abu Ishaq that he used to say, ‘I used to go to Abu Hanifah and question him. I asked a question and he replied. I said that it was narrated from the Prophet (S) in that way (i.e. contrary to his reply). He replied: Forgive me about that narration. Then I asked another question. When he replied, I said that it was narrated from the Prophet (S) in another way. He said: (God forbid!) Erase this narration by the tail of a pig.’”34

Now read another narration:

5) “Abu Hanifah was asked about a person who says that he testifies that Ka’ba is true but doesn’t know that it is the same which is in Mecca or any other one. Abu Hanifah said that he would be a believer without any doubt. Similarly, he was asked about one who says that he testifies that Muhammad bin Abdullah (S) is a Prophet but does not know whether he is the same whose tomb is in Medina or someone else. Abu Hanifah replied that such a person is a believer without any doubt. Hamidi says that a person who says so is an infidel.”35

Not only this, but Abu Hanifah even considered the worship of his shoes a cause for salvation:

“It is narrated from a chain of narrators that Abu Hanifah said that if a person worships that shoe for nearness of God, I do not find any harm in it. It is narrated from Saeed that such a thing is infidelity.”36

Therefore, Allamah Khatib Baghdadi says:

6) “No child born in Islam was more damaging than Abu Hanifah.”37

And Khatib Baghdadi has mentioned such a belief of the ‘great Imam’ that one should not be surprised if even the Rizwan editor leaves him. He has quoted a saying of the ‘great Imam’ in the same book, Tarikh Baghdad whose abridged version is famous by the title of Mukhtar-e-Mukhtasar Tarikh Baghdad as follows:

7) “Indeed the faith of Abu Bakr Siddiq and Iblis is one.”

Thus is the real condition of the great leader of the Rizwan editor, Numan bin Thabit Abu Hanifah (r.a.) and Pakistan is full of his followers. The editor of Rizwan feigned ignorance on being informed about one of his laws of ‘Wrapping of silk’ and said, “What do we know who this Abu Hanifah is?” Hatred of one’s leaders on the exposure of their real conditions is a preface to the scene of the Day of Judgment, which is mentioned in Quran as follows:

“When those who were followed shall renounce those who followed (them), and they see the chastisement and their ties are cut asunder.”38

Hoping that the Rizwan editor might be satisfied at last, I conclude the discussion.


1. Kitab Mugheethul Khalq, Imamul Haramain with reference to Istisqaaul Afham, Vol. 2, Pg. 179

2. Vol. 2, Pg. 86, Egypt

3. Vol. 1, Pg. 11

4. Vol. 1, Pg. 10, Nawal Kishor Press, Lucknow

5. Niyyatul Musalla, Pg. 46, 47, Printed at Meerut

6. Hidaya, Vol. 1, Pg. 28

7. Durre Mukhtar, Pg. 44

8. Fatawa Aalamgiri, Nawal Kishor Press, Lucknow, Vol. 1, Pg. 44

9. Niyyatul Musalla, Meerut Pg. 20

10. Hidaya, Pg. 16

11. Fatawa Aalamgiri, Vol.1, Nawal Kishor Press, Lucknow, Pg. 21

12. Part 2, Muhammadi, Lahore Pg. 6

13. Zafar Al-Mubeen, part 2, Pg. 6

14. Vol. 2, Pg. 71

15. Hidaya, Pg. 4

16. Sharh Waqaayah, Pg. 6

17. Sharh Waqaayah, Pg. 7

18. Hidaya, Pg. 4

19. Pg. 5

20. Margin of Niyyatul Musalla, Pg. 5

21. Hidaya, Vol. 1, Pg. 39

22. Durre Mukhtar, Pg. 65

23. Vol. 1, Pg. 67, Nawal Kishor Press, Lucknow, India

24. The first recitation of ‘Allaho Akbar’ (Allah is the Greatest) at the beginning of ritual prayer

25. Sharh Sahih Muslim, Imam Nawawi Vol. 1, Ansari Press, Delhi Pg. 170

26. Fatawa Alamgiri, Vol. 1, Pg. 68

27. Hidaya, Vol. 1, Pg. 44

28. Fatawa Alamgiri, Vol. 1, Pg. 70

29. Sharh Waqaya, Pg. 44

30. Fatawa Alamgiri, Pg. 69

31. Any act that makes the ablution void

32. Sharh Waqaayah, Pg. 52

33. Ghaneeyatut Taalibeen

34. Mukhtarul Mukhtasar Tarikh-e-Baghdad, Ibn Khatib

35. Mukhtar Mukhtasar Tarikh Baghdad

36. Mukhtar Mukhtasar Tarikh Baghdad

37. Mukhtar Mukhtasar Tarikh Baghdad

38. Surah Baqarah 2:166