Muhammad; Messenger of Peace and Tolerance

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Muhammad; Messenger of Peace and Tolerance Author:
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Holy Prophet

Muhammad; Messenger of Peace and Tolerance

Author: Yasin T. al-Jibouri
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

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Muhammad; Messenger of Peace and Tolerance
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Muhammad; Messenger of Peace and Tolerance

Muhammad; Messenger of Peace and Tolerance

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum


Messenger of Peace and Tolerance

Author(s): Yasin T. Al-Jibouri

Publisher(s): Ansariyan Publications - Qum

A biography of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, including a chapter on his ancestors, the settings of Hijaz at that time, and the events surrounding his birth. This well-researched text covers all important features of the Prophet's life and provides detailed reference where necessary.

Miscellaneous information:

Published by: Ansariyan Publications, P.O. Box 187, 22 Shohada St., Qum; Islamic Republic of Iran; Tel: ++89 251 7741744 Fax: 7742647; Email:; &


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Table of Contents

Publisher's Preface 10

Muhammad: Background and Immediate Family 12

Prophet's Genealogy 12

Prophet's Immediate Family 12

Prophet's Grandfathers 12

Prophet's Father 12

Prophet's Foster Father 13

Prophet's Foster Mothers 13

Prophet's Paternal Uncles 13

Prophet's Paternal Aunts 15

Prophet's Maternal Uncles 16

Prophet's Foster Brothers and Sisters 16

Descendants of the Prophet's Paternal Uncles 17

Children of the Prophet's Paternal Aunts 19

Prophet's Children 21

Children of the Prophet's Daughters, and Those Among them who had Descendants 21

His Governors 23

His Judges 23

His Police Officers and Law Enforcers 23

His Police Officers and Law Enforcers 23

His Confidants 24

His Missionaries 24

His Financial Secretary 24

His Stable-Masters 25

His Poets 25

His Weapon Bearers 26

His Caravan Leader 26

His Preacher 26

Mu'aththins of The Prophet (s.a.w) 26

His Chamberlain 27

His Messenger 27

His Guard 27

His Bondmaids 27

His Freed Slaves 27

His Free Servants 28

His Tools and Other Belongings 29

Clothes, Shoes, Accessories and Other Household Items 29

Three Rings: 30

His Animals 30

Mules: 30

She-Camels 30

Nine Mixed Breeds 30

Seven Goats 31

21 Horses 31

… and Seven Sheep 31

Miscellaneous Military Items 31

Seven Armor Plates 31

A Quiver 31

Three Shields 31

A Cane 31

Two Helmets 32

Five Bows 32

A Baton 32

Nine Swords 32

Three Spears 32

A Saddle 32

A Hooked Stick 32

Three Banners 32

Five Lances 32

A Tent 32

A List Of Events During the Lifetime of Prophet (s.a.w) from the Time of his Call to Prophethood till his Death 33

The First year after the Hegira (Hijra) (1 A.H./622 A.D.): 33

The Second Year (2 A.H./623 A.D.): 33

The Third Year (3 A.H./624 A.D.): 34

The Fourth Year (4 A.H./625 A.D.): 34

The Fifth Year (5 A.H./626 A.D.): 34

The Sixth Year (6 A.H./627 A.D.): 35

The Seventh Year (7 A.H./628 A.D.): 35

The Eighth Year (8 A.H./628 A.D.): 35

The Ninth Year (9 A.H./629 A.D.): 36

The Tenth Year (10 A.H./631 A.D.): 36

The Eleventh Year (11 A.H./632 A.D.): 37

Birth and Ancestors 38

Setting: Hijaz 38

What Does ‘Muhammad’ Mean? 38

First, It was the Light of Muhammad 38

The Children of Isma'il 39

Hashim 41

‘Abdul-Muttalib 43

ZamZam 44

Notes 45

Birth and Da'wah 46

Year of The Elephant (570 A.D.) 47

Faith of The Ancestors of The Prophet 51

‘Abdullah 52

Prophecies Predicting His Advent 54

Prophecy in Hindu Sanskrit Scriptures: 54

Prophecy in the Bible: 54

The Prophet is Born (570 A.D.) 54

Muhammad Marries Khadija (595 A.D.) 60

Ali is Born (600 A.D.) 73

Reconstruction of The Ka'ba (605 A.D.) 73

Arabia's Jahiliyya 74

Notes 75

The Call to Islam 77

Muhammad Receives Revelation (610 A.D.) 77

The Dawn of Prophethood 79

Inception of The Mission (610 A.D.) 80

Inviting The Near Ones (613 A.D.) 81

Persecution Begins 82

Two Hijras To Abyssinia (615 A.D.) 83

Prophet ar Al-Arqam's House 84

Attempts to Kill Muhammad (615 A.D.) 85

Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah 87

Muhammad Frustrates Quraish 88

Clans of Hashim and Muttalib Sanctioned (616 A.D.) 89

Some Miracles of The Prophet (618 A.D.) 90

Boycott Ends (619 A.D.) 95

Abu Talib and Khadija Die (620 A.D.) 96

Muhammad Visits Taif (620 A.D.) 99

Jinns Accept Islam (620 A.D.) 99

Da'wah Beyond Mecca 100

‘Ayisha Engaged to Muhammad (621 A.D.) 101

First Pledge of ‘Aqaba (622 A.D.) 102

Mi'raj: Ascension of The Prophet (622 A.D.) 103

Second Pledge of ‘Aqaba (622/623 A.D.) 105

Another Attempt to Assassinate The Prophet 105

Why the Persecution? 110

Notes 111

The Prophet in Madina (622 A.D.) 113

Yathrib 113

Pre-Islamic Arabia 114

Establishing Brotherhood (623 A.D.) 116

Prayers and Fast Mandated (623 A.D.) 116

Ali Marries Fatima (624 A.D.) 117

Pact With The Jews (624 A.D.) 117

Military Reconnaissance 119

Badr: First Battle In Islam (624 A.D.) 120

Battle and Aftermath 125

Ghazwat Al-Sawaiq (624 A.D.) 125

Ghazwat Al-Ghaftan (625 A.D.)] 125

Uhud Battle (624 A.D.) 126

Battle's Aftermath 130

Muhammad Marries Hafsa 131

Hasan Son of Ali is Born (625 A.D.) 131

Sariat Abu Salmah (626 A.D.) 132

Sariyat ibn Anis (626 A.D.) 132

Treachery at Bi'r Ma'unah (625 A.D.) 132

The Foul Play at Raji' 132

Jews' Attitude 133

Expulsion of Banu Nadir (625 A.D.) 135

Battle of Khandaq (627 A.D.) 136

Banu Quraizah Defeated (627 A.D.) 141

Jews of Banu Mostaliq (627 A.D.) 142

Treaty of Hudaybiya (627 A.D.) 143

Inviting Rulers of Neighboring States To Islam (628 A.D.) 147

The Battle of Khaybar (628 A.D.) 153

Fadak 159

Abu Hurayra and the Falsification of Hadith 159

After Khaybar, Wadi Al-Qura and Taima (629 A.D.) 166

The Prophet Visits Mecca (629 A.D.) 167

Khalid ibn Al-Walid and ‘Omar ibn Al-’As Accept Islam (629 A.D.) 167

Battle of Mu'ta (629 A.D.) 168

The Peace Treaty Violated (629 A.D.) 169

Preparations To Invade Mecca (630 A.D.) 170

Conquest of Mecca (630 A.D.) 171

Battle of Hunain (630 A.D.) 175

Islam Spreads 178

Tabuk Expedition (630 A.D.) 179

Year of Deputations (630 A.D.) 181

Pagans Forbidden From Entering Ka'ba Vicinity (630 A.D.) 182

Mubahala (630 A.D.) 182

The Farewell Pilgrimage (631 A.D.) 184

Prophet's Illness, Usamah's Expedition (632 A.D.) 185

Death and Burial (632 A.D) 186

Notes 188

Marriages of the Prophet 191

Women The Prophet Engaged Bud Did Not Marry 195

Qur'an: The Greatest Miracle 195

1) The Present and the Near Future 197

2) A Challenge During the Time of the Prophet 198

Notes 213

Conclusion 214

Notes 218

Useful Glossary 220

Publisher's Preface

We are pleased to present this book to its readers world-wide and solicit their comments and suggestions not only about this book but about other books by this author. The first book by this author was titled Fast of the Month of Ramadan: Philsophy and Ahkam. It was followed by Allah: The Concept of God by Islam then by Kerbala and Beyond. The author has also translated a good number of books some of which have already been published while others are waiting for their turn to be published. The reader is advised to surf the Internet to see an extensive list of the books, works and translations, by this author.

Often, readers are interested to know who the author is, his background, academic achievements, etc. In order to satisfy this curiosity, we are providing you here below with his bio-data:

Education: Obtained his B.A. in English on June 30, 1969 from the College of Arts, Baghdad University, and his Master's Degree in English from (then) Atlanta University (now Clark-Atlanta University), Atlanta, Georgia, on December 20, 1978. He obtained in March of 1988 a Certificate with Honors in Microprocessors and Microcomputers from N.R.I. of Washington, D.C. He also obtained three Certificates in electronics and programming, including advanced programming. He wrote more than 100 programs in dBASE.

* Taught English as a second language at high schools in Iraq, a vocational institute in Saudi Arabia, and a University in the U.S.

* Edited and revised three English translations of the Holy Qur’an:

1) by S.V. Mir Ahmed Ali,

2) by A. Yusuf Ali, and

3) by M.H. Shakir

* Edited several newsletters and magazines, including Middle East Business Magazine of which he became Senior Editor. Among the books he edited are:

1. Socio-Economic Justice with Particular Reference to Nahjul-Balagha by Dr. S.M. Waseem,

2. A Biography of Leaders of Islam by Sayyid Ali Naqi Naqwi, English translation by Dr. Sayyid Nazir Hasan Zaidi,

3. Your Kalima and the Savior by Wajahat Hussain

* First person ever to translate works of the martyred economist Imam Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr such as:

1) Contemporary Man and the Social Problem,

2) A General Outlook at Rituals,

3) The General Bases of Banking in the Muslim Society, and

4) What Do You Know About Islamic Economics?

* Translated and/or published numerous titles; among them are:

1) A Biography of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr,

2) The Form of Islamic Government and Wilayat al-Faqeeh,

3) About the World Political Situation From a Muslim’s Viewpoint,

4) Our Faith by Sayyid Muhammad Husain al-Jalali,

5) A Biography of Imam al-Rida by the late Marhoom Shaikh Muhammad Jawad Fadlallah,

in addition to a large number of political tracts, pamphlets, translations, and newsletters.

* Translated the following:

1) The first four volumes of the series titled Al-Islam Risalatuna,

2) Al-Muraja’at: A Shi’i-Sunni Dialogue, the first authentic English translation of Al-Muraja’at by Imam Sayyid Sharafuddeen Sadrud-Deen al-Musawi,

3) Al-Shi’a hum Ahl al-Sunnah by Dr. Muhammad al-Tijani al-Samawi,

4) Al-Maqtal (the martyrdom epic of Imam Husain) by Abd al-Razzaq al-Muqarram's book.

* Also translated the following titles originally authored in Arabic by Rachad el-Moussaoui:

1) Best Month, Best Night;

2) The Book of Istikhara;

3) Weapon of the Prophets;

4) Miracles of the Holy Qur’an; and

5) The Great Names of Allah (Asmaa’ Allah al-Husna). These titles do not carry the Translator's name, however.

* Translated 2 books by the late Grand Ayatullah Muhammad al-Shirazi:

1) Canon: A Glimpse at the Islamic Law,

2) The Pathway to an Islamic Revival

* Wrote articles for Islamic Monitor, bulletin of the Islamic Research & Information Center

* Wrote eight books:

1) Volume One of his autobiography titled Memoirs of a Shi’a Missionary in America: Two Decades of Da’wah,

2) Fast of the Month of Ramadan: Philosophy and Ahkam,

3) The Ninety-Nine Attributes of Allah,

4) Mary and Jesus in Islam,

5) Allah: The Concept of God in Islam,

6) Muhammad: The Prophet and Messenger of Allah (this book),

7) Ghadir Khumm: Where Islam was Perfected, and

8) Kerbala and Beyond

The author founded the Islamic Society of Georgia, Inc. (Atlanta, Georgia) in 1973, the Islamic Revival Movement in 1980, the International Islamic Society of Virginia, Inc. in 1982, and the Iraq News Monitor in 1992. Edited Islamic Affairs from January 1974 till June 1989.

New translations by al-Jibouri have recently been published. Their titles are:

1) Al-Siraj: The Lantern,

2) Kashf al-Reeba an Ahkam al-Gheeba: Removal of Doubt about Rulings Relevant to Backbiting,

3) Riyaa wa Ujub: Pretension and Conceit and

4) Uswat al-Arifeen: A Role Model for Those Who Know.

Ansariyan hopes to publish more such books.

Thank you for your interest in our publications.