Alphabetical Index to the Holy Quran

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Alphabetical Index to the Holy Quran

Author: Syed Ammar Shah

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Alphabetical Index to the Holy Quran
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Alphabetical Index to the Holy Quran

Alphabetical Index to the Holy Quran


Sahabi – The Companions Of Prophet Muhammad

[2:218] Surely those who believed and those who fled (their home) and strove hard in the way of Allah these hope for the mercy of Allah and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[3:110] You are the best of the nations raised up for (the benefit of) men; you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah; and if the followers of the Book had believed it would have been better for them; of them (some) are believers and most of them are transgressors.

[3:162] Is then he who follows the pleasure of Allah like him who has made himself deserving of displeasure from Allah, and his abode is hell; and it is an evil destination.

[3:163] There are (varying) grades with Allah, and Allah sees what they do.

[3:164] Certainly Allah conferred a benefit upon the believers when He raised among them a Messenger from among themselves, reciting to them His communications and purifying them, and teaching them the Book and the wisdom, although before that they were surely in manifest error.

[4:83] And when there comes to them news of security or fear they spread it abroad; and if they had referred it to the Messenger and to those in authority among them, those among them who can search out the knowledge of it would have known it, and were it not for the grace of Allah upon you and His mercy, you would have certainly followed the Shaitan save a few

[5:11] O you who believe! Remember Allah's favor on you when a people had determined to stretch forth their hands towards you, but He withheld their hands from you, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; and on Allah let the believers rely.

[5:54] O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion, then Allah will bring a people, He shall love them and they shall love Him, lowly before the believers, mighty against the unbelievers, they shall strive hard in Allah's way and shall not fear the censure of any censurer; this is Allah's Face, He gives it to whom He pleases, and Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing.

[5:101] O you who believe! Do not put questions about things which if declared to you may trouble you, and if you question about them when the Quran is being revealed, they shall be declared to you; Allah pardons this, and Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing.

[5:102] A people before you indeed asked such questions, and then be- came disbelievers on account of them.

[6:53] And thus do We try some of them by others so that they say: Are these they upon whom Allah has conferred benefit from among us? Does not Allah best know the grateful?

[8:24] O you who believe! Answer (the call of) Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life; and know that Allah intervenes between man and his heart, and that to Him you shall be gathered.

[8:25] And fear an affliction which may not smite those of you in particular who are unjust; and know that Allah is severe in requiting (evil).

[8:26] And remember when you were few, deemed weak in (Mecca) the land, fearing lest people might carry you off by force, but He sheltered you and strengthened you with His aid and gave you of the good things that you may give thanks.

[8:63] And (Allah) united their hearts; had you (Muhammad) spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts, but Allah united them; surely He is Mighty, Wise.

[8:65] O Prophet! Urge the believers to war; if there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred of you they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they are a people who do not understand.

[8:66] For the present Allah has made light your burden, and He knows that there is weakness in you; so if there are a hundred patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a thou- sand they shall overcome two thousand by Allah's permission, and Allah is with the patient.

[8:68] Were it not for an ordinance from Allah that had already gone forth, surely there would have befallen you a great chastisement for what you had taken to.

[8:72] Surely those who believed and fled (their homes) and struggled hard in Allah's way with their property and their souls, and those who gave shelter and helped, these are guardians of each other; and (as for) those who believed and did not fly, not yours is their guardianship until they fly; and if they seek aid from you in the matter of religion, aid is incumbent on you except against a people between whom and you there is a treaty, and Allah sees what you do.

[8:74] And (as for) those who believed and fled and struggled hard in Allah's way, and those who gave shelter and helped, these are the believers truly; they shall have forgiveness and honorable provision.

[8:75] And (as for) those who believed afterwards and fled and struggled hard along with you, they are of you; and the possessors of relationships are nearer to each other in the ordinance of Allah; surely Allah knows all things.

[9:19] What! Do you make (one who undertakes) the giving of drink to the pilgrims and the guarding of the Sacred Mosque like him who believes in Allah and the latter day and strives hard in Allah's way? They are not equal with Allah; and Allah does not guide the unjust people.

[9:20] Those who believed and fled (their homes), and strove hard in Allah's way with their property and their souls, are much higher in rank with Allah; and those are they who are the achievers (of their objects).

[9:21] Their Lord gives them good news of mercy from Himself and (His) good pleasure and gardens, wherein lasting blessings shall be theirs;

[9:22] Abiding therein forever; surely Allah has a Mighty reward with Him.

[9:38] O you who believe! What (excuse) have you that when it is said to you: Go forth in Allah's way, you should incline heavily to earth; are you contented with this world's life instead of the hereafter? But the provision of this world's life compared with the hereafter is but little.

[9:39] If you do not go forth, He will chastise you with a painful chastisement and bring in your place a people other than you, and you will do Him no harm; and Allah has power over all things.

[9:88] But the Messenger and those who believe with him strive hard with their property and their persons; and these it is who shall have the good things and these it is who shall be successful.

[9:89] Allah has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them; that is the great achievement.

[9:90] And the defaulters from among the dwellers of the desert came that permission may be given to them and they sat (at home) who lied to Allah and His Messenger; a painful chastisement shall afflict those of them who disbelieved.

[9:99] And of the dwellers of the desert are those who believe in Allah and the latter day and take what they spend to be (means of) the near- ness of Allah and the Messenger's prayers; surely it shall be means of nearness for them; Allah will make them enter into His mercy; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[9:100] And (as for) the foremost, the first of the Muhajirs and the Ansars, and those who followed them in goodness, Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him, and He has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them forever; that is the mighty achievement.

[9:101] And from among those who are round about you of the dwellers of the desert there are hypocrites, and from among the people of Medina (also); they are stubborn in hypocrisy; you do not know them; We know them; We will chastise them twice then shall they be turned back to a grievous chastisement

[9:128] Certainly a Messenger has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, excessively solicitous respecting you; to the believers (he is) compassionate,

[24:62] Only those are believers who believe in Allah and His Messenger, and when they are with him on a momentous affair they go not away until they have asked his permission; surely they who ask your permission are they who believe in Allah and His Messenger; so when they ask your permission for some affair of theirs, give permission to whom you please of them and ask forgiveness (O Muhammad) for them from Allah; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[28:57] And they say: If we follow the guidance with you (Muhammad), we shall be carried off from our country. What! Have We not settled them in a safe, sacred territory to which fruits of every kind shall be drawn? A sustenance from Us; but most of them do not know.

[47:31] And most certainly We will try you until We have known those among you who exert themselves hard, and the patient, and made your case manifest.

[47:35] And be not slack so as to cry for peace and you have the upper hand, and Allah is with you, and He will not bring your deeds to naught.

[47:36] The life of this world is only idle sport and play, and if you believe and guard (against evil) He will give you your rewards, and will not ask of you your possessions.

[47:37] If He should ask you for it and urge you, you will be niggardly, and He will bring forth your malice.

[47:38] Behold! You are those who are called upon to spend in Allah's way, but among you are those who are niggardly, and whoever is niggardly is niggardly against his own soul; and Allah is Self-sufficient and you have need (of Him), and if you turn back He will bring in your place another people, then they will not be like you.

[48:4] He (Allah) it is Who sent down tranquility into the hearts of the believers that they might have more of faith added to their faith, and Allah's are the hosts of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is Knowing, Wise,

[48:5] That He may cause the believing men and the believing women to enter gardens beneath which rivers flow to abide therein and remove from them their evil; and that is a grand achievement with Allah

[48:29] Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those with him are firm of heart against the unbelievers, compassionate among themselves; you will see them bowing down, prostrating themselves, seeking grace

from Allah and pleasure; their marks are in their faces because of the effect of prostration; that is their description in the Taurat and their description in the Injeel; like as seed produce that puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, so it becomes stout and stands firmly on its stem, de- lighting the sowers that He may enrage the unbelievers on account of them; Allah has promised those among them who believe and do good, forgiveness and a great reward.

[49:7] And know that among you is Allah's Messenger; should he obey you in many a matter, you would surely fall into distress, but Allah has endeared the faith to you and has made it seemly in your hearts, and He has made hateful to you unbelief and transgression and disobedience; these it is that are the followers of a right way.

[49:8] By grace from Allah and as a favor; and Allah is Knowing, Wise.

[49:15] The believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger then they doubt not and struggle hard with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah; they are the truthful ones.

[49:16] Say: Do you apprise Allah of your religion, and Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth; and Allah is Cognizant of all things.

[49:17] They think that they lay you (Muhammad) under an obligation by becoming Muslims. Say: Lay me not under obligation by your Islam: rather Allah lays you under an obligation by guiding you to the faith if you are truthful.

[49:18] Surely Allah knows the unseen things of the heavens and the earth; and Allah sees what you do.

[57:16] Has not the time yet come for those who believe that their hearts should be humble for the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the truth? And that they should not be like those who were given the Book before, but the time became prolonged to them, so their hearts hardened, and most of them are transgressors.

[58:11] O you who believe! When it is said to you, Make room in (your) assemblies, then make ample room, Allah will give you ample, and when it is said: Rise up, then rise up. Allah will exalt those of you who believe, and those who are given knowledge, in high degrees; and Allah is Aware of what you do.

[58:12] O you who believe! When you consult the Messenger, then offer something in charity before your consultation; that is better for you and purer; but if you do not find, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[58:13] Do you fear that you will not (be able to) give in charity before your consultation? So when you do not do it and Allah has turned to you (mercifully), then keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and obey Allah and His Messenger; and Allah is Aware of what you do.

[58:22] You shall not find a people who believe in Allah and the latter day befriending those who act in opposition to Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their (own) fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kinsfolk; these are they into whose hearts He has impressed faith, and whom He has strengthened with an inspiration from Him: and He will cause them to enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein; Allah is well-pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him these are Allah's party: now surely the party of Allah are the successful ones.

[59:9] And those (ansars) who made their abode in the city and in the faith before them love those who have fled to them, and do not find in their hearts a need of what they are given, and prefer (them) before themselves though poverty may afflict them, and whoever is preserved from the niggardliness of his soul, these it is that are the successful ones.

[59:10] And those who come after them say: Our Lord! Forgive us and those of our brethren who had precedence of us in faith, and do not allow any spite to remain in our hearts towards those who believe, our Lord! Surely Thou art Kind, Merciful.

[60:1] O you who believe! Do not take My enemy and your enemy for friends: would you offer them love while they deny what has come to you of the truth, driving out the Messenger and yourselves because you believe in Allah, your Lord? If you go forth struggling hard in My path and seeking My pleasure, would you manifest love to them (pagans)? And I know what you conceal and what you manifest; and whoever of you does this, he indeed has gone astray from the straight path.

[60:2] If they find you, they will be your enemies, and will stretch forth towards you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they ardently desire that you may disbelieve.

[60:3] Your relationship would not profit you, nor your children on the day of resurrection; He will decide between you; and Allah sees what you do.

[62:11] And when they see merchandise or sport they break up for It, and leave you (Muhammad) standing (in prayers alone). Say: What is with Allah is better than sport and (better) than merchandise, and Allah is the best of Sustainers.

Prophet Salih (a.s)

[7:73] And to Samood (We sent) their brother Salih. He said: O my people! Serve Allah, you have no god other than Him; clear proof indeed has come to you from your Lord; this is (as) Allah's she-camel for you a sign, therefore leave her alone to pasture on Allah's earth, and do not touch her with any harm, otherwise painful chastisement will over- take you.

[7:74] And remember when He made you successors after Ad and settled you in the land, you make mansions on its plains and hew out houses in the mountains, remember therefore Allah's benefits and do not act corruptly in the land, making mischief.

[7:75] The chief of those who behaved proudly among his people said to those who were considered weak, to those who believed from among them: Do you know that Salih is sent by his Lord? They said: Surely we are believers in what he has been sent with

[7:76] Those who were haughty said: Surely we are deniers of what you believe in.

[7:77] So they slew the she-camel and revolted against their Lord's commandment, and they said: O Salih! Bring us what you threatened us with, if you are one of the messengers.

[7:78] Then the earthquake overtook them, so they became motionless bodies in their abode.

[7:79] Then he turned away from them and said: O my people I did certainly deliver to you the message of my Lord, and I gave you good advice, but you do not love those who give good advice.

[11:61] And to Samood (We sent) their brother Salih. He said: O my people! Serve Allah, you have no god other than He; He brought you in- to being from the earth, and made you dwell in it, therefore ask forgive- ness of Him, then turn to Him; surely my Lord is Nigh, Answering.

[11:62] They said: O Salih! Surely you were one amongst us in whom great expectations were placed before this; do you (now) forbid us from worshipping what our fathers worshipped? And as to that which you call us to, most surely we are in disquieting doubt.

[11:63] He said: O my people! Tell me if I have clear proof from my Lord and He has granted to me mercy from Himself, who will then help me against Allah if I disobey Him? Therefore you do not add to me other than loss:

[11:64] And, O my people! This will be (as) Allah's she-camel for you, a sign; therefore leave her to pasture on Allah's earth and do not touch her with evil, for then a near chastisement will overtake you.

[11:65] But they slew her, so he said: Enjoy yourselves in your abode for three days, that is a promise not to be belied.

[11:66] So when Our decree came to pass, We delivered Salih and those who believed with him by mercy from Us, and (We saved them) from the disgrace of that day; surely your Lord is the Strong, the Mighty.

[11:67] And the rumbling overtook those who were unjust, so they be- came motionless bodies in their abodes,

[11:68] As though they had never dwelt in them; now surely did Samood disbelieve in their Lord; now surely, away with Samood.

[15:80] And the dwellers of the Rock certainly rejected the messengers;

[15:81] And We gave them Our communications, but they turned aside from them;

[15:82] And they hewed houses in the mountains in security.

[15:83] So the rumbling overtook them in the morning;

[15:84] And what they earned did not avail them.

[17:59] And nothing could have hindered Us that We should send signs except that the ancients rejected them; and We gave to Samood the she-camel, a manifest sign, but on her account they did injustice, and We do not send signs but to make (men) fear.

[26:141] Samood gave the lie to the messengers

[26:142] When their brother Salih said to them: Will you not guard (against evil)?

[26:143] Surely I am a faithful messenger to you

[26:144] Therefore guard against (the punishment of) Allah and obey me:

[26:145] And I do not ask you any reward for it; my reward is only with the Lord of the worlds:

[26:146] Will you be left secure in what is here;

[26:147] In gardens and fountains,

[26:148] And cornfields and palm-trees having fine spadices?

[26:149] And you hew houses out of the mountains exultingly;

[26:150] Therefore guard against (the punishment of) Allah and obey me;

[26:151] And do not obey the bidding of the extravagant,

[26:152] Who make mischief in the land and do not act aright.

[26:153] They said: You are only of the deluded ones;

[26:154] You are naught but a mortal like ourselves; so bring a sign if you are one of the truthful.

[26:155] He said: This is a she-camel; she shall have her portion of water, and you have your portion of water on an appointed time;

[26:156] And do not touch her with evil, lest the punishment of a grievous day should overtake you.

[26:157] But they hamstrung her, then regretted;

[26:158] So the punishment overtook them. Most surely there is a sign in this, but most of them do not believe.

[27:45] And certainly We sent to Samood their brother Salih, saying: Serve Allah; and lo! They became two sects quarrelling with each other.

[27:46] He said: O my people! Why do you seek to hasten on the evil before the good? Why do you not ask forgiveness of Allah so that you may be dealt with mercifully?

[27:47] They said: We have met with ill luck on account of you and on account of those with you. He said: The cause of your evil fortune is with Allah; nay, you are a people who are tried.

[27:48] And there were in the city nine persons who made mischief in the land and did not act aright.

[27:49] They said: Swear to each other by Allah that we will certainly make a sudden attack on him and his family by night, then we will say to his heir: We did not witness the destruction of his family, and we are most surely truthful.

[27:50] And they planned a plan, and We planned a plan while they perceived not.

[27:51] See, then, how was the end of their plan that We destroyed them and their people, all (of them).

[27:52] So those are their houses fallen down because they were unjust, most surely there is a sign in this for a people who know.

[27:53] And We delivered those who believed and who guarded (against evil).

[29:38] And (We destroyed) Ad and Samood, and from their dwellings (this) is apparent to you indeed; and the Shaitan made their deeds fair-seeming to them, so he kept them back from the path, though they were endowed with intelligence and skill,

[41:17] And as to Samood, We showed them the right way, but they chose error above guidance, so there overtook them the scourge of an abasing chastisement for what they earned.

[41:18] And We delivered those who believed and guarded (against evil).

[51:43] And in Samood: When it was said to them: Enjoy yourselves for a while.

[51:44] But they revolted against the commandment of their Lord, so the rumbling overtook them while they saw.

[51:45] So they were not able to rise up, nor could they defend themselves-

[54:23] Samood rejected the warning.

[54:24] So they said: What! A single mortal from among us! Shall we follow him? Most surely we shall in that case be in sure error and distress:

[54:25] Has the reminder been made to light upon him from among us? Nay! He is an insolent liar!

[54:26] Tomorrow shall they know who is the liar, the insolent one.

[54:27] Surely We are going to send the she-camel as a trial for them; therefore watch them and have patience.

[54:28] And inform them that the water is shared between them; every share of the water shall be regulated.

[54:29] But they called their companion, so he took (the sword) and slew (her).

[54:30] How (great) was then My punishment and My warning!

[54:31] Surely We sent upon them a single cry (earthquake), so they were like the dry fragments of trees which the maker of an enclosure collects.

[69:4] Samood and Ad called the striking calamity a lie.

[69:5] Then as to Samood, they were destroyed by an excessively severe punishment.

[91:11] Samood gave the lie (to the truth) in their inordinacy,

[91:12] When the most unfortunate of them broke forth with

[91:13] So Allah's messenger said to them (Leave alone) Allah's she-camel, and (give) her (to) drink.

[91:14] But they called him a liar and slaughtered her, therefore their Lord crushed them for their sin and levelled them (with the ground).

[91:15] And He fears not its consequence.

Scholars who Forge a Lie

[2:78] And there are among them illiterates who know not the Book but only lies, and they do but conjecture.

[2:79] Woe, then, to those who write the book with their hands and then say: This is from Allah, so that they may take for it a small price; therefore woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.

[3:78] Most surely there is a party amongst those who distort the Book with their tongue that you may consider it to be (a part) of the Book, and they say, It is from Allah, while it is not from Allah, and they tell a lie against Allah whilst they know.

[5:103] Allah has not ordained (the making of) a bahirah or a saibah or a wasilah (goats) or a hami but those who disbelieve fabricate a lie against Allah, and most of them do not understand.

[11:18] And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah? These shall be brought before their Lord, and the witnesses shall say: These are they who lied against their Lord. Now surely the curse of Allah is on the unjust.

[11:19] Who turn away from the path of Allah and desire to make it crooked; and they are disbelievers in the hereafter.

[11:20] These shall not escape in the earth, nor shall they have any guardians besides Allah; the punishment shall be doubled for them, they could not bear to hear and they did not see.

[11:21] These are they who have lost their souls, and what they forged is gone from them.

[11:22] Truly in the hereafter they are the greatest losers.

[16:116] And, for what your tongues describe, do not utter the lie, (saying) This is lawful and this is unlawful, in order to forge a lie against Allah; surely those who forge the lie against Allah shall not prosper.

[16:117] A little enjoyment and they shall have a painful punishment.

[39:32] Who is then more unjust than he who utters a lie against Allah and (he who) gives the lie to the truth when it comes to him; is there not in hell an abode for the unbelievers?