Alphabetical Index to the Holy Quran

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Alphabetical Index to the Holy Quran

Author: Syed Ammar Shah

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Alphabetical Index to the Holy Quran
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Alphabetical Index to the Holy Quran

Alphabetical Index to the Holy Quran


Duas From Quran

[1:6] Keep us on the right path.

[1:7] The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favors. Not (the path) of those upon whom Thy wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray.

[2:286] Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability; for it is (the benefit of) what it has earned and upon it (the evil of) what it has wrought: Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake; Our Lord! do not lay on us a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us, Our Lord do not impose upon us that which we have not the strength to bear; and pardon us and grant us protection and have mercy on us, Thou art our Patron, so help us against the unbelieving people.

[3:8] Our Lord! Make not our hearts to deviate after Thou hast guided us aright, and grant us from Thee mercy; surely Thou art the most liberal Giver.

[3:147] And their saying was no other than that they said: Our Lord! Forgive us our faults and our extravagance in our affair and make firm our feet and help us against the unbelieving people.

[3:191] Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: Our Lord! Thou hast not created this in vain! Glory be to Thee; save us then from the chastisement of the fire:

[3:192] Our Lord! Surely whomsoever Thou makes enter the fire, him Thou hast indeed brought to disgrace, and there shall be no helpers for the unjust:

[3:193] Our Lord! Surely we have heard a preacher calling to the faith, saying: Believe in your Lord, so we did believe; Our Lord! Forgive us therefore our faults, and cover our evil deeds and make us die with the righteous.

[3:194] Our Lord! And grant us what Thou hast promised us by Thy messengers; and disgrace us not on the day of resurrection; surely Thou dost not fail to perform the promise.

[14:40] My Lord! Make me keep up prayer and from my offspring (too), O our Lord, and accept my prayer:

[14:41] O our Lord! Grant me protection and my parents and the believers on the day when the reckoning shall come to pass!

[17:80] And say: My Lord! Make me to enter a goodly entering, and cause me to go forth a goodly going forth, and grant me from near Thee power to assist (me).

[17:81] And say: The truth has come and the falsehood has vanished; surely falsehood is a vanishing (thing).

[23:93] Say: O my Lord! If Thou shouldst make me see what they are threatened with:

[23:94] My Lord! Then place me not with the unjust.

[23:97] And say: O my Lord! I seek refuge in Thee from the evil suggestions of the Shaitans;

[23:98] And I seek refuge in Thee! O my Lord! From their presence.

[23:118] And say: O my Lord! Forgive and have mercy, and Thou art the best of the Merciful ones.

[26:83] My Lord: Grant me wisdom, and join me with the good

[26:84] And ordain for me a goodly mention among posterity

[26:85] And make me of the heirs of the garden of bliss

[26:87] And disgrace me not on the day when they are raised

[26:88] The day on which property will not avail, nor sons

[26:89] Except him who comes to Allah with a heart free (from evil).

[40:7] Those who bear the power (of intercession) and those around Him celebrate the praise of their Lord and believe in Him and ask protection for those who believe: Our Lord! Thou embraces all things in mercy and knowledge, therefore grant protection to those who turn (to Thee) and follow Thy way, and save them from the punishment of the hell:

[40:8] Our Lord! And make them enter the gardens of perpetuity which Thou hast promised to them and those who do good of their fathers and their wives and their offspring, surely Thou are the Mighty, the Wise.

[40:9] And keep them from evil deeds, and whom Thou keeps from evil deeds this day, indeed Thou hast mercy on him, and that is the mighty achievement.

[60:5] Our Lord! Do not make us a trial for those who disbelieve, and forgive us, our Lord! Surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.

[71:28] My Lord! Forgive me and my parents and him who enters my house believing, and the believing men and the believing women; and do not increase the unjust in aught but destruction!

[113:1] Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn,

[113:2] From the evil of what He has created,

[113:3] And from the evil of the utterly dark night when it comes,

[113:4] And from the evil of those who blow on knots,

[113:5] And from the evil of the envious when he envies.

[114:1] Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of men,

[114:2] The King of men,

[114:3] The god of men,

[114:4] From the evil of the whisperings of the slinking (Shaitan),

[114:5] Who whispers into the hearts of men,

[114:6] From among the jinn and the men.

Fasting and the Month of Ramadan

[2:183] O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard (against evil).

[2:184] For a certain number of days; but whoever among you is sick or on a journey, then (he shall fast) a (like) number of other days; and those who are not able to do it may effect a redemption by feeding a poor man; so whoever does good spontaneously it is better for him; and that you fast is better for you if you know.

[2:185] The month of Ramadan is that in which the Quran was revealed, a guidance to men and clear proofs of the guidance and the distinction; therefore whoever of you is present in the month, he shall fast therein, and whoever is sick or upon a journey, then (he shall fast) a (like) number of other days; Allah desires ease for you, and He does not desire for you difficulty, and (He desires) that you should complete the number and that you should exalt the greatness of Allah for His having guided you and that you may give thanks.

[2:187] It is made lawful to you to go into your wives on the night of the fast; they are an apparel for you and you are an apparel for them; Allah knew that you acted unfaithfully to yourselves, so He has turned to you (mercifully) and removed from you (this burden); so now be in contact with them and seek what Allah has ordained for you, and eat and drink until the whiteness of the day becomes distinct from the blackness of the night at dawn, then complete the fast till night, and have not contact with them while you keep to the mosques; these are the limits of Allah, so do not go near them. Thus does Allah make clear His communications for men that they may guard (against evil).

[44:2] I swear by the Book that makes manifest (the truth).

[44:3] Surely We revealed it (Quran) on a blessed night (Al-Qadr) surely We are ever warning,

[44:4] Therein every wise affair is made distinct,

[44:5] A command from Us; surely We are the senders (of messengers),

[44:6] A mercy from your Lord, surely He is the Hearing, the Knowing,

[97:1] Surely We revealed it (Quran) on the grand night (Laylatil Qadr in Ramadan).

[97:2] And what will make you comprehend what the grand night is?

[97:3] The grand night is better than a thousand months.

[97:4] The angels and Jibreel descend in it by the permission of their Lord for every affair,

[97:5] Peace! It is till the break of the morning.

Hajj and Kaaba - The Pilgrimage

[2:158] Surely the Safa and the Marwa are among the signs appointed by Allah; so whoever makes a pilgrimage to the House or pays a visit (to it), there is no blame on him if he goes round them both; and whoever does good spontaneously, then surely Allah is Grateful, Knowing.

[2:189] They ask you concerning the new moon. Say: They are times appointed for (the benefit of) men, and (for) the pilgrimage; and it is not righteousness that you should enter the houses at their backs, but righteousness is this that one should guard (against evil); and go into the houses by their doors and be careful (of your duty) to Allah, that you may be successful.

[2:196] And accomplish the pilgrimage and the visit for Allah, but if, you are prevented, (send) whatever offering is easy to obtain, and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches its destination; but whoever among you is sick or has an ailment of the head, he (should effect) a compensation by fasting or alms or sacrificing, then when you are secure, whoever profits by combining the visit with the pilgrimage (should take) what offering is easy to obtain; but he who cannot find (any offering) should fast for three days during the pilgrimage and for seven days when you return; these (make) ten (days) complete; this is for him whose family is not present in the Sacred Mosque, and be careful (of your duty) to Allah, and know that Allah is severe in requiting (evil).

[2:197] The pilgrimage is (performed in) the well-known months; so whoever determines the performance of the pilgrimage therein, there shall be no intercourse nor fornication nor quarrelling amongst one another; and whatever good you do, Allah knows it; and make provision, for surely the provision is the guarding of oneself, and be careful (of your duty) to Me, O men of understanding.

[2:198] There is no blame on you in seeking bounty from your Lord, so when you hasten on from "Arafat", then remember Allah near the Holy Monument, and remember Him as He has guided you, though before that you were certainly of the erring ones.

[2:199] Then hasten on from the Place from which the people hasten on and ask the forgiveness of Allah; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[2:200] So when you have performed your devotions, then laud Allah as you lauded your fathers, rather a greater lauding. But there are some people who say, Our Lord! Give us in the world, and they shall have no resting place.

[2:201] And there are some among them who say: Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire.

[2:202] They shall have (their) portion of what they have earned, and Allah is swift in reckoning.

[2:203] And laud Allah during the numbered days; then whoever hastens off in two days, there is no blame on him, and whoever remains behind, there is no blame on him, (this is) for him who guards (against evil), and be careful (of your duty) to Allah, and know that you shall be gathered together to Him.

[3:96] Most surely the first house appointed for men is the one at Bekka, blessed and a guidance for the nations.

[3:97] In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim, and whoever enters it shall be secure, and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon men for the sake of Allah, (upon) everyone who is able to undertake the journey to it; and whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is Self-sufficient, above any need of the worlds.

[5:1] O you who believe! Fulfill the obligations. The cattle quadrupeds are allowed to you except that which is recited to you, not violating the prohibition against game when you are entering upon the performance of the pilgrimage; surely Allah orders what He desires.

[5:2] O you who believe! do not violate the signs appointed by Allah nor the sacred month, nor (interfere with) the offerings, nor the sacrificial animals with garlands, nor those going to the sacred house seeking the grace and pleasure of their Lord; and when you are free from the obligations of the pilgrimage, then hunt, and let not hatred of a people, because they hindered you from the Sacred Masjid, incite you to exceed the limits, and help one another in goodness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and aggression; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is severe in requiting (evil).

[5:94] O you who believe! Allah will certainly try you in respect of some game which your hands and your lances can reach, that Allah might know who fears Him in secret; but whoever exceeds the limit after this, he shall have a painful punishment.

[5:95] O you who believe! do not kill game while you are on pilgrim- age, and whoever among you shall kill it intentionally, the compensation (of it) is the like of what he killed, from the cattle, as two just persons among you shall judge, as an offering to be brought to the Kaaba or the expiation (of it) is the feeding of the poor or the equivalent of it in fasting, that he may taste the unwholesome result of his deed; Allah has pardoned what is gone by; and whoever returns (to it), Allah will inflict retribution on him; and Allah is Mighty, Lord of Retribution.

[5:96] Lawful to you is the game of the sea and its food, a provision for you and for the travelers, and the game of the land is forbidden to you so long as you are on pilgrimage, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, to Whom you shall be gathered.

[5:97] Allah has made the Kaaba, the sacred house, a maintenance for the people, and the sacred month and the offerings and the sacrificial animals with garlands; this is that you may know that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and that Allah is the Knower of all things.

[9:28] O you who believe! The idolaters are nothing but unclean, so they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year; and if you fear poverty then Allah will enrich you out of His grace if He please; surely Allah is Knowing Wise.

[22:25] Surely (as for) those who disbelieve, and hinder (men) from Allah's way and from the Sacred Mosque which We have made equally for all men, (for) the dweller therein and (for) the visitor, and whoever shall incline therein to wrong unjustly, We will make him taste of a painful chastisement.

[22:26] And when We assigned to Ibrahim the place of the House, saying: Do not associate with Me aught, and purify My House for those who make the circuit and stand to pray and bow and prostrate themselves.

[22:27] And proclaim among men the Pilgrimage: they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, coming from every remote path,

[22:28] That they may witness advantages for them and mention the name of Allah during stated days over what He has given them of the cattle quadrupeds, then eat of them and feed the distressed one, the needy.

[22:29] Then let them accomplish their needful acts of shaving and cleansing, and let them fulfil their vows and let them go round the Ancient House.

[22:30] That (shall be so); and whoever respects the sacred ordinances of Allah, it is better for him with his Lord; and the cattle are made lawful for you, except that which is recited to you, therefore avoid the uncleanness of the idols and avoid false words,

[22:32] That (shall be so); and whoever respects the signs of Allah, this surely is (the outcome) of the piety of hearts.

[22:33] You have advantages in them till a fixed time, then their place of sacrifice is the Ancient House.

Halal, The Permissible

[2:172] O you who believe! Eat of the good things that We have provided you with, and give thanks to Allah if Him it is that you serve.

[5:4] They ask you as to what is allowed to them. Say: The good things are allowed to you, and what you have taught the beasts and birds of prey, training them to hunt, you teach them of what Allah has taught you, so eat of that which they catch for you and mention the name of Allah over it; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is swift in reckoning.

[5:5] This day (all) the good things are allowed to you; and the food of those who have been given the Book is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them; and the chaste from among the believing women and the chaste from among those who have been given the Book before you (are lawful for you); when you have given them their dowries, taking (them) in marriage, not fornicating nor taking them for paramours in secret; and whoever denies faith, his work indeed is of no account, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.

[5:87] O you who believe! Do not forbid (yourselves) the good things which Allah has made lawful for you and do not exceed the limits; surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits.

[5:88] And eat of the lawful and good (things) that Allah has given you, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, in Whom you believe.

[6:118] Therefore eat of that on which Allah's name has been mentioned if you are believers in His communications.

[6:119] And what reason have you that you should not eat of that on which Allah's name has been mentioned, and He has already made plain to you what He has forbidden to you, excepting what you are compelled to; and most surely many would lead (people) astray by their low desires out of ignorance; surely your Lord, He best knows those who exceed the limits.

[6:141] And He it is Who produces gardens (of vine), trellised and un-trellised, and palms and seed produce of which the fruits are of various sorts, and olives and pomegranates, like and unlike; eat of its fruit when it bears fruit, and pay the due of it on the day of its reaping, and do not act extravagantly; surely He does not love the extravagant.

[6:142] And of cattle (He created) beasts of burden and those which are fit for slaughter only; eat of what Allah has given you and do not follow the footsteps of the Shaitan; surely he is your open enemy.

[6:143] Eight in pairs, two of sheep and two of goats. Say: Has He forbidden the two males or the two females or that which the wombs of the two females contain? Inform me with knowledge if you are truthful.

[6:144] And two of camels and two of cows. Say: Has He forbidden the two males or the two females or that which the wombs of the two females contain? Or were you witnesses when Allah enjoined you this? Who, then, is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah that he should lead astray men without knowledge? Surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

[8:69] Eat then of the lawful and good (things) which you have acquired in war, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Haraam, The Forbidden

[2:173] He has only forbidden you what dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that over which any other (name) than (that of) Allah has been invoked; but whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring, nor exceeding the limit, no sin shall be upon him; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[5:3] Forbidden to you is that which dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, and the strangled (animal) and that beaten to death, and that killed by a fall and that killed by being smitten with the horn, and that which wild beasts have eaten, except what you slaughter, and what is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols) and that you divide by the arrows; that is a transgression. This day have those who disbelieve des- paired of your religion, so fear them not, and fear Me. This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion; but whoever is compelled by hunger, not inclining willfully to sin, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[6:121] And do not eat of that on which Allah's name has not been mentioned, and that is most surely a transgression; and most surely the Shaitans suggest to their friends that they should contend with you; and if you obey them, you shall most surely be polytheists.

[6:145] Say: I do not find in that which has been revealed to me anything forbidden for an eater to eat of except that it be what has died of it- self, or blood poured forth, or flesh of swine, for that surely is unclean, or that which is a transgression, other than (the name of) Allah having been invoked on it; but whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely your Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.

[7:33] Say: My Lord has only prohibited indecencies, those of them that are apparent as well as those that are concealed, and sin and rebellion without justice, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down any authority, and that you say against Allah what you do not know.

[16:115] He has only forbidden you what dies of itself and blood and flesh of swine and that over which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, but whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

The Heaven

[2:25] And convey good news to those who believe and do good deeds, that they shall have gardens in which rivers flow; whenever they shall be given a portion of the fruit thereof, they shall say: This is what was given to us before; and they shall be given the like of it, and they shall have pure mates in them, and in them, they shall abide.

[4:57] And (as for) those who believe and do good deeds, We will make them enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them forever; they shall have therein pure mates, and We shall make them enter a dense shade.

[7:43] And We will remove whatever of ill-feeling is in their breasts; the rivers shall flow beneath them and they shall say: All praise is due to Allah Who guided us to this, and we would not have found the way had it not been that Allah had guided us; certainly the messengers of our Lord brought the truth; and it shall be cried out to them that this is the garden of which you are made heirs for what you did.

[7:44] And the dwellers of the garden will call out to the inmates of the fire: Surely we have found what our Lord promised us to be true; have you too found what your Lord promised to be true? They will say: Yes. Then a crier will cry out among them that the curse of Allah is on the unjust.

[7:45] Who hinder (people) from Allah's way and seek to make it crooked, and they are disbelievers in the hereafter.

[7:46] And between the two there shall be a veil, and on the most elevated places there shall be men who know all by their marks, and they shall call out to the dwellers of the garden: Peace be on you; they shall not have yet entered it, though they hope.

[7:47] And when their eyes shall be turned towards the inmates of the fire, they shall say: Our Lord! Place us not with the unjust

[7:48] And the dwellers of the most elevated places shall call out to men whom they will recognize by their marks saying: Of no avail were to you your amassing and your behaving haughtily:

[7:49] Are these they about whom you swore that Allah will not be- stow mercy on them? Enter the garden; you shall have no fear, nor shall you grieve.

[10:9] Surely (as for) those who believe and do good, their Lord will guide them by their faith; there shall flow from beneath them rivers in gardens of bliss.

[10:10] Their cry in it shall be: Glory to Thee, O Allah! And their greeting in it shall be: Peace; and the last of their cry shall be: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

[13:23] The gardens of perpetual abode which they will enter along with those who do good from among their parents and their spouses and their offspring; and the angels will enter in upon them from every gate:

[13:24] Peace be on you because you were constant, how excellent, is then, the issue of the abode.

[13:26] Allah amplifies and straitens the means of subsistence for whom He pleases; and they rejoice in this world's life, and this world's life is nothing compared with the hereafter but a temporary enjoyment.

[13:35] A likeness of the garden which the righteous are promised; there now beneath it rivers, its food and shades are perpetual; this is the requital of those who guarded (against evil), and the requital of the unbelievers is the fire.

[15:45] Surely those who guard (against evil) shall be in the midst of gardens and fountains:

[15:46] Enter them in peace, secure.

[15:47] And We will root out whatever of rancor is in their breasts, (they shall be) as brethren, on raised couches, face to face.

[15:48] Toil shall not afflict them in it, nor shall they be ever ejected from it.

[16:31] The gardens of perpetuity, they (believers) shall enter them, rivers flowing beneath them; they shall have in them what they please. Thus does Allah reward those who guard (against evil),

[16:32] Those whom the angels cause to die in a good state, saying: Peace be on you: enter the garden for what you did.

[18:30] Surely (as for) those who believe and do good, We do not waste the reward of him who does a good work.

[18:31] These it is for whom are gardens of perpetuity beneath which rivers flow, ornaments shall be given to them therein of bracelets of gold, and they shall wear green robes of fine silk and thick silk brocade interwoven with gold, reclining therein on raised couches; excellent the recompense and goodly the resting place.

[19:61] The gardens of perpetuity which the Beneficent Allah has promised to His servants while unseen; surely His promise shall come to pass.

[19:62] They shall not hear therein any vain discourse, but only: Peace, and they shall have their sustenance therein morning and evening.

[19:63] This is the garden which We cause those of Our servants to inherit who guard (against evil).

[29:58] And (as for) those who believe and do good, We will certainly give them abode in the high places in gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein; how good the reward of the workers:

[29:59] Those who are patient, and on their Lord do they rely.

[29:64] And this life of the world is nothing but a sport and a play; and as for the next abode, that most surely is the life, did they but know!

[31:8] (As for) those who believe and do good, they shall surely have gardens of bliss,

[31:9] Abiding in them; the promise of Allah; (a) true (promise), and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

[35:33] Gardens of perpetuity, they (believers) shall enter therein; they shad be made to wear therein bracelets of gold and pearls, and their dress therein shall be silk.

[35:34] And they shall say: (All) praise is due to Allah, Who has made grief to depart from us; most surely our Lord is Forgiving, Multiplier of rewards,

[35:35] Who has made us alight in a house abiding forever out of. His grace; toil shall not touch us therein, nor shall fatigue therein afflict us.

[36:55] Surely the dwellers of the garden shall on that day be in an occupation quite happy.

[36:56] They and their wives shall be in shades, reclining on raised couches.

[36:57] They shall have fruits therein, and they shall have whatever they desire.

[36:58] Peace: a word from a Merciful Lord.

[37:40] Save the servants of Allah, the purified ones.

[37:41] For them is a known sustenance,

[37:42] Fruits, and they shall be highly honored,

[37:43] In gardens of pleasure,

[37:44] On thrones, facing each other.

[37:45] A bowl shall be made to go round them from water running out of springs,

[37:46] White, delicious to those who drink.

[37:47] There shall be no trouble in it, nor shall they be exhausted therewith.

[37:48] And with them shall be those who restrain the eyes, having beautiful eyes;

[37:49] As if they were eggs carefully protected.

[37:50] Then shall some of them advance to others, questioning each other.

[37:51] A speaker from among them shall say: Surely I had a comrade of mine,

[37:52] Who (comrade) said: What! Are you indeed of those who accept (the truth)?

[37:53] What! When we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we then be certainly brought to judgment?

[37:54] He shall say: Will you look on?

[37:55] Then he looked down and saw him (comrade) in the midst of hell.

[37:56] He shall say: By Allah! You had almost caused me to perish;

[37:57] And had it not been for the favor of my Lord, I would certainly have been among those brought up.

[37:58] Is it then that we are not going to die,

[37:59] Except our previous death? And we shall not be chastised?

[37:60] Most surely this is the mighty achievement.

[37:61] For the like of this then let the workers work.

[38:50] The gardens of perpetuity, the doors are opened for them (who guard against evil).

[38:51] Reclining therein, calling therein for many fruits and drink.

[38:52] And with them shall be those restraining their eyes, equals in age.

[38:53] This is what you are promised for the day of reckoning.

[38:54] Most surely this is Our sustenance; it shall never come to an end;

[39:20] But (as for) those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord, they shall have high places, above them higher places, built (for them), beneath which flow rivers; (this is) the promise of Allah: Allah will not fail in (His) promise.

[41:30] (As for) those who say: Our Lord is Allah, then continue in the right way, the angels descend upon them, saying: Fear not, nor be grieved, and receive good news of the garden which you were promised.

[41:31] We are your guardians in this world's life and in the hereafter, and you shall have therein what your souls desire and you shall have therein what you ask for:

[41:32] A provision from the Forgiving, the Merciful.

[43:69] Those who believed in Our communications and were submissive:

[43:70] Enter the garden, you and your wives; you shall be made happy.

[43:71] There shall be sent round to them golden bowls and drinking- cups and therein shall be what their souls yearn after and (wherein) the eyes shall delight, and you shall abide therein.

[43:72] And this is the garden which you are given as an inheritance on account of what you did.

[43:73] For you therein are many fruits of which you shall eat.

[44:51] Surely those who guard (against evil) are in a secure place,

[44:52] In gardens and springs;

[44:53] They shall wear of fine and thick silk, (sitting) face to face;

[44:54] Thus (shall it be), and We will wed them with Houris pure, beautiful ones.

[44:55] They shall call therein for every fruit in security;

[44:56] They shall not taste therein death except the first death, and He will save them from the punishment of the hell,

[44:57] A grace from your Lord; this is the great achievement.

[44:58] So have We made it easy in your tongue that they may be mindful.

[44:59] Therefore wait; surely they are waiting.

[47:15] A parable of the garden which those guarding (against evil) are promised: Therein are rivers of water that does not alter, and rivers of milk the taste whereof does not change, and rivers of drink delicious to those who drink, and rivers of honey clarified and for them therein are all fruits and protection from their Lord. (Are these) like those who abide in the fire and who are made to drink boiling water so it rends their bowels asunder.

[50:31] And the garden shall be brought near to those who guard (against evil), not far off:

[50:32] This is what you were promised, (it is) for everyone who turns frequently (to Allah), keeps (His limits);

[50:33] Who fears the Beneficent Allah in secret and comes with a penitent heart:

[50:34] Enter it in peace, that is the day of abiding.

[50:35] They have therein what they wish and with Us is more yet.

[52:17] Surely those who guard (against evil) shall be in gardens and bliss

[52:18] Rejoicing because of what their Lord gave them, and their Lord saved them from the punishment of the burning fire.

[52:19] Eat and drink pleasantly for what you did,

[52:20] Reclining on thrones set in lines, and We will unite them to large-eyed beautiful ones.

[52:21] And (as for) those who believe and their offspring follow them in faith, We will unite with them their offspring and We will not diminish to them aught of their work; every man is responsible for what he shall have wrought.

[52:22] And We will aid them with fruit and flesh such as they desire.

[52:23] They shall pass therein from one to another a cup wherein there shall be nothing vain nor any sin.

[52:24] And round them shall go boys of theirs as if they were hidden pearls.

[52:25] And some of them shall advance towards others questioning each other.

[52:26] Saying: Surely we feared before on account of our families:

[52:27] But Allah has been gracious to us and He has saved us from the punishment of the hot wind:

[52:28] Surely we called upon Him before: Surely He is the Benign, the Merciful.

[55:46] And for him who fears to stand before his Lord are two gardens.

[55:47] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:48] Having in them various kinds.

[55:49] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:50] In both of them are two fountains flowing.

[55:51] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:52] In both of them are two pairs of every fruit.

[55:53] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:54] Reclining on beds, the inner coverings of which are of silk brocade; and the fruits of the two gardens shall be within reach.

[55:55] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:56] In them shall be those who restrained their eyes; before them neither man nor jinni shall have touched them.

[55:57] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:58] As though they were rubies and pearls.

[55:59] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:60] Is the reward of goodness aught but goodness?

[55:61] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:62] And besides these two are two (other) gardens:

[55:63] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:64] Both inclining to blackness.

[55:65] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:66] In both of them are two springs gushing forth.

[55:67] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:68] In both are fruits and palms and pomegranates.

[55:69] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:70] In them are goodly things, beautiful ones.

[55:71] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:72] Pure ones confined to the pavilions.

[55:73] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:74] Man has not touched them before them nor jinni.

[55:75] Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

[55:76] Reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets.

[56:10] And the foremost are the foremost,

[56:11] These are they who are drawn nigh (to Allah),

[56:12] In the gardens of bliss.

[56:13] A numerous company from among the first,

[56:14] And a few from among the latter.

[56:15] On thrones decorated,

[56:16] Reclining on them, facing one another.

[56:17] Round about them shall go youths never altering in age,

[56:18] With goblets and ewers and a cup of pure drink;

[56:19] They shall not be affected with headache thereby, nor shall they get exhausted,

[56:20] And fruits such as they choose,

[56:21] And the flesh of fowl such as they desire.

[56:22] And pure, beautiful ones,

[56:23] The like of the hidden pearls:

[56:24] A reward for what they used to do.

[56:25] They shall not hear therein vain or sinful discourse,

[56:26] Except the word peace, peace.

[56:27] And the companions of the right hand; how happy are the companions of the right hand!

[56:28] Amid thornless lote-trees,

[56:29] And banana trees (with fruits), one above another.

[56:30] And extended shade,

[56:31] And water flowing constantly,

[56:32] And abundant fruit,

[56:33] Neither intercepted nor forbidden,

[56:34] And exalted thrones.

[56:35] Surely We have made them to grow into a (new) growth,

[56:36] Then We have made them virgins,

[56:37] Loving, equals in age,

[56:38] For the sake of the companions of the right hand.

[56:39] A numerous company from among the first,

[56:40] And a numerous company from among the last.

[69:19] Then as for him who is given his book in his right hand, he will say: Lo! Read my book:

[69:20] Surely I knew that I shall meet my account.

[69:21] So he shall be in a life of pleasure,

[69:22] In a lofty garden,

[69:23] The fruits of which are near at hand:

[69:24] Eat and drink pleasantly for what you did beforehand in the days gone by.

[76:5] Surely the righteous shall drink of a cup the admixture of which is camphor

[76:6] A fountain from which the servants of Allah shall drink; they make it to flow a (goodly) flowing forth.

[76:11] Therefore Allah will guard them from the evil of that day and cause them to meet with ease and happiness;

[76:12] And reward them, because they were patient, with garden and silk,

[76:13] Reclining therein on raised couches, they shall find therein neither (the severe heat of) the sun nor intense cold.

[76:14] And close down upon them (shall be) its shadows, and its fruits shall be made near (to them), being easy to reach.

[76:15] And there shall be made to go round about them vessels of silver and goblets which are of glass,

[76:16] (Transparent as) glass, made of silver; they have measured them according to a measure.

[76:17] And they shall be made to drink therein a cup the admixture of which shall be ginger,

[76:18] (Of) a fountain therein which is named Salsabil.

[76:19] And round about them shall go youths never altering in age; when you see them you will think them to be scattered pearls.

[76:20] And when you see there, you shall see blessings and a great kingdom.

[76:21] Upon them shall be garments of fine green silk and thick silk interwoven with gold, and they shall be adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord shall make them drink a pure drink.

[76:22] Surely this is a reward for you, and your striving shall be recompensed.

[77:41] Surely those who guard (against evil) shall be amid shades and fountains,

[77:42] And fruits such as they desire.

[77:43] Eat and drink pleasantly because of what you did.

[77:44] Surely thus do We reward the doers of good.

[78:31] Surely for those who guard (against evil) is achievement,

[78:32] Gardens and vineyards,

[78:33] And voluptuous women of equal age;

[78:34] And a pure cup.

[78:35] They shall not hear therein any vain words nor lying.

[78:36] A reward from your Lord, a gift according to a reckoning

[83:22] Most surely the righteous shall be in bliss,

[83:23] On thrones, they shall gaze;

[83:24] You will recognize in their faces the brightness of bliss.

[83:25] They are made to quaff of a pure drink that is sealed (to others).

[83:26] The sealing of it is (with) musk; and for that let the aspirers aspire.

[83:27] And the admixture of it is a water of Tasnim,

[83:28] A fountain from which drink they who are drawn near (to Allah).

[88:8] (Other) faces on that day shall be happy,

[88:9] Well-pleased because of their striving,

[88:10] In a lofty garden,

[88:11] Wherein you shall not hear vain talk.

[88:12] Therein is a fountain flowing,

[88:13] Therein are thrones raised high,

[88:14] And drinking-cups ready placed,

[88:15] And cushions set in a row,

[88:16] And carpets spread out.