Husyan; The Sacrifice For Mankind

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Husyan; The Sacrifice For Mankind

Author: Imam Muhammad Shirazi

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Husyan; The Sacrifice For Mankind
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Husyan; The Sacrifice For Mankind

Husyan; The Sacrifice For Mankind


Exposing the Savagery of Tyrants

The peace of Yazid was wine, aba-qays (his pet monkey), playing with dogs and monkeys, adultery and licentious, despising and disdaining all civil moral values. Chroniclers mention that when Mo'awiyah was very ill on his deathbed, Yazid did not give the slightest care about his father, and in a nearby village he was drinking wine and playing with his dogs. (This is recorded in Morawwij al-Thahab). He was unbothered about the entire situation, to the extent that he was absent from his father’s deathbed, not giving any value to his father, or to his successorship, so the conduct of Yazid during peacetime had become well known to the people.

It was Yazid's war that needed to be exposed. One of the subtlest measures that Imam Husayn alayhis-salam took was to send his cousin and representative Muslim ibn Aqeel alone to Kufa. Some people are very surprised by this action of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam. They are also very surprised about another broad measure the Imam took which was inviting his companions to leave him if they wished, rather than gathering them - as military leaders would do in such circumstances. Imam Husayn alayhis-salam invited his companions to leave him up to the eve of Ashura. This may seem very odd at surface. “Does he want to fight a battle tomorrow with the support of only about seventy companions?”

“Yes he does, he knows exactly what he is doing”. In fact if he were to do otherwise, we would have asked, “Why Imam Husayn alayhis-salam went into battle - with say 10,000 companions - when he knew that he was going to be killed in any case?”20 The Umayyad government was strong and covered a vast area stretching from the former Soviet Union to the middle of Africa. It was this gigantic government that Imam Husayn alayhis-salam decided to stand up against. Imam Husayn alayhis-salam wanted to fight the tyrant Yazid, and we said earlier that Yazid was vicious and barbaric in war, immoral and untrustworthy in peace, such that it is clear and it does not need further clarification. In the process of exposing Yazid lies a lesson that must be noted. How to stand up to savagery and how does viciousness appear? Vicious savagery and brutal barbarity appears when the opponent numbers few, but it does not appear when there is a large and significant opponent standing before it. A poet states in his poem in al-Seyouti and I fear the wolf when I pass it by alone Wolf is savage but when does its viciousness appear? It appears when you are alone on your own, but if you were with a group, the ultimate viciousness of wolf would not become apparent. If Imam Husayn had more than ten thousand fighters with him to fight the Umayyad, the latter would not be able to do what they did with Imam Husayn alayhis-salam and Yazid's viciousness would not have been exposed, even though Yazid would still have killed Imam Husayn and his followers. If Muslim ibn Aqeel had gathered one thousand men with him, ibn Zeyaad would not be able to hang Muslim upside down. It becomes apparent when the number of the reformist opponents is few, but if the number were high, this would strike fear in the heart of the tyrant. You can see how Yazid, twenty days after Ashura and before everyone present in his court, manoeuvred when he realized that many people have gathered around Imam (Zayn al- Abidin)21 in his support. He said, I did not do this! (i.e . the savage killing of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam and his family members and followers).

So Imam Husayn alayhis-salam knew exactly what he was doing when he went to Karbala with so few followers and supporters. This was his plan, so that he could reveal every bit of savagery and brutality of the tyrant rulers. In future generations you the reformist may say that this despot is brutal and I cannot confront him. Imam Husayn alayhis-salam would say to you, if you see any brutality you can stand up against it, since I confronted a brutal tyrant and I resisted him. If it were not for Imam Husayn alayhis-salam and the kind of action and stance he took, it would have been said, “perhaps if Imam Husayn alayhis-salam had seen such brutality, he would not have resorted to confronting and resisting”. But this is not the case.Imam Husayn alayhis-salam in a carefully devised plan, and with amazing precision, revealed all the brutality and savagery in the heart of Yazid. In doing so he became the leader and model for all those in future generations who would face a tyrant like Yazid.

Therefore the statement of Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih, "Hasan and Husayn are two Imams whether they rise up to lead or not" is not limited only in the sacred sense, and Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-waaalih does not only want to show that they are two pious Imams, with knowledge and wisdom so that we could learn the Islamic law from - even though this is true. Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih is also pointing to their distinct role they had to play. Some people are surprised why there are so few hadith about Fiqh22 from Imams Hasan and Husayn alayhum-as-salam. Their role was not to expand on Fiqh, but facing up to the tyrants of these kinds. Imam Sadiq alayhis-salam had the role of teaching the Islamic Fiqh. Why?Because he was opposed in particular by those who used the tools of Fiqh. So the role of Imam Sadiq alayhissalam was that of a Faqih, and he revealed his Fiqh knowledge.23 We stated earlier that we need at least fourteen sessions, so that in each session we can talk about the role of each of the Ma'soomeen alayhum-assalam starting from Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih, and Fatima al- Zahra alayhas-salam through to the last of the twelve Imams alayhum-assalam.

In these sessions we could prove that how each one of the fourteen Ma'soomeenis a leader and teacher forever. That the role of the reformistin the future generations would be like that of Rasulollah salla-llahualayhi- wa-aalih, or Fatima al-Zahra, or Imam Ali, or Imam Hasan, or Imam Husayn, or any other Imam until that of Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance. Therefore a reformist must follow the example of thatMa'soom whose role is similar to his, and any role or conduct the reformist may need, it should be according to this model, otherwise the reformist would be in the wrong.

We pray to Allah that he guides us to what He loves and pleases.

Chapter 3: A Glimpse from the Ray of Imam Husayn


Allah Almighty states {Think not of those who are slain in Allah's Way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the Presence of their Lord}25 This noble verse in the holy Qur’an points to the state of those who are killed in the cause of Allah, and it emphasises that their ‘life’ continues even after being killed, and that they remain alive. So he who is killed in the cause of Allah, his life would not be terminated, but he remains alive and receives sustenance (from Allah Almighty).

Also just as there are categories in this material life, e.g. those who are happy and those who are not, such classifications also exist in the hereafter too.

And how can it not be, when we have martyrs who scarified their lives to uphold the Truth and the Oneness of Allah Almighty. With their blood they have led other’s lives out of darkness and into light, so that future generations can receive and adhere to the teachings of Islam.

And what if he who sacrificed himself - as well as being a martyr whom Allah promised eternal life - was also a pillar of faith and one of the Imams of the Muslims and mankind, such as Sayyid-ul-Shuhada Imam Husayn alayhis-salam. What a great martyr he is, and an esteemed station he occupies! Addressing Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, his son and successor Imam Zayn al-Abidin alayhis-salam states, “and as for the Hereafter, it is luminous with the light of your face”.

The Ma’soom Imam

If we want to get acquainted with the great personality of a Ma’soom Imam, it is necessary for us to refer to some of the hadith that elucidate the station of the Imam alayhis-salam in the view of Allah Almighty, as well as his creative and legislative position.

Commenting about the Qur’anic verse, {and he to whom wisdom is granted receives indeed a benefit overflowing}26 Imam Sadiq alayhis-

salam said; “(This is) obedience of Allah and gaining knowledge about the Imam”.

Also commenting about the Qur’anic verse, {Say: "Do you see; if your water (supply) seeps away, who then can supply you with clear-flowing water?"}27 Imam Kadhem alayhis-salam said, “If your Imam disappears from you, then who will bring you another Imam?” In another hadith from Imam Ridha alayhis-salam, he said, “. . the Imam is the trustee of Allah amongst His creation, His proof and evidence upon His servants, His viceroy on His land, the herald to Allah, the defender of the commandments of Allah . .”

The Ma’soom Imam has been chosen by Allah Almighty to represent Him, since he has a significant position in the sight of Allah. The lofty station that the Ma’soom has attained is beyond our comprehension. Addressing the significance and superiority of the Ma’soom Imam, Imam Ridha alayhis-salam said, “who can attain the full knowledge and understanding of the Imam, or who can choose an Imam? How impossible! The intellects went astray, the minds were confused, the eyes were blurred, the great men were belittled, the wise were bewildered, the eloquent failed to describe one aspect of his characteristics, or one virtue of his many virtues, and admitted their failure to doso, . .”

So through these noble hadith and many more like them, it is possible for us to appreciate certain aspects of the personality and station of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, and his closeness to Allah Almighty, and his role in leading and guiding the community of mankind. Thus if we wanted to reach the divine mercy, and attain the bliss and felicity of this world and the hereafter, then we must certainly follow the foot steps of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, move according to the course he devised for future generations with his pure blood. Of course the same is true for other Ma’soomeen alayhum-as-salam, but here we are talking about and focusing on Imam Husayn alayhis-salam.

Imam Husayn alayhis-salam is distinguished amongst other martyrs and revolutionaries by characteristics that excel all other martyrs; he became the master of all martyrs - from the first to the last - and this is not because he is a Ma’soom Imam, nor is it because he is the grandson, and the beloved one of Rasulollah (the Messenger of Allah) salla-llahu-alayhi-

wa-aalih , but it is because of the majesty of the aims for which he started his revolution, the immensity of the sacrifice that he offered, and the perfection he achieved in various dimensions. This is why the particular emphasis is made by Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam on establishing and upholding the Husayni Sha’a’er28 , and the salute and visitation of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam.

Hadith on the Virtue of Imam Husayn

There are many hadith about the station and position of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam. Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih is reported as saying, “he who want to see the one inhabitant of the Earth who is most beloved by the inhabitants of the skies, he should look at Husayn”.

Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih is also reported as saying, “Truly Husayn is one of the gates to Paradise; he who opposes him, Allah would deny him even the scent of Paradise”.

Perhaps only this hadith is sufficient so as not to mention any more hadith about the station of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam. There are many hadith narrated from the Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam with regards to establishing the Husayni Sha’a’er. Imam Sadiq alayhissalam is quoted as saying, “He whose eyes fill with tears when we are mentioned to him, Allah would bar his face from fire (of Hell)”. And can you imagine what would be the reward for he who weeps for Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, who is Sayyid-ul-Shuhada (Master of the Martyrs) and Qateel-al-‘Abarah (the murder victim who brings tears to the eyes).

Imam Mahdi may Allah hasten his return in his salute - known as Zeyart Nahiyah - to Imam Husayn alayhis-salam declares, “Peace be to he in whose torbah (the soil of the burial site) Allah has made the cure (for every disease), Peace be upon he under whose dome prayers are answered, Peace be upon he whose descendents are the Imams, . ”

From the above alone, only the first statement is sufficient (his torbah being cure for every disease) to show the divine miracle in the matter, and if this proves anything it points towards the position and station of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam.

Companions of Imam Husayn

One other aspect that distinguished the movement of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam amongst other movements throughout history is the distinguished virtue of his companions, who were martyred alongside him, to the extent that Imam Husayn alayhis-salam said, “I do not know of companions and family members more faithful and devoted than my companions and family members”

One of the greatest of the martyrs of Karbala is Abul-Fadhl al-Abbas alayhis-salam, the son of Imam Ali alayhis-salam and his mother is Ummel- Baneen. Abul-Fadhl has many virtues and qualities, and has shown many miracles, which point to his station, and closeness to Allah Almighty. Imam Zayn al-Abidin alayhis-salam has said about al-Abbas alayhis-salam, “May Allah have Mercy upon my uncle al-Abbas ibn Ali, for he favoured his brother over himself, showed extreme courage, and sacrificed himself for his brother, such that both of his hands were cut off. Thus Allah replaced them with two wings, with which he flies with the angels in Paradise, just as He gave Ja’far ibn Abi Talib. In the Sight of Allah al- Abbas has a station and position that all martyrs would envy on the Day ofJudgement.”

Furthermore, al-Abbas alayhis-salam is known as Baab-al-Hawa’edge or the “Gate of Needs” to Allah Almighty, and this in itself is a manifestation of martyrs being alive by their Lord, such that people use their Light after their martyrdom, and the people plead to them to fulfil their needs.

The Day of Ashura

There are days that are turning points in the course of history and in the direction of life on Earth, and one of the most important of those days is the day of Ashura. Just as the 27th of Rajab - the day of Mab’ath or First Revelation to Prophet Muhammad - forever changed the course of history and life on Earth, and just as Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih planted the seeds of Islam and Iman in the hearts of the people, the day of Ashura and the sacrifice of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam returned Faith or Iman to the hearts of the people and restored the image of Islam which the evil hands tried to distort and destroy.

When the pagans of Quraysh asked Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih to forego his mission and his call for the oneness of Allah in exchange for all that he wished for in terms of wealth and position, Rasulollah sallallahu- alayhi-wa-aalih replied, “By Allah if they were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, for relinquishing this cause, before Allah establishes it or I die, I would not abandon it”.

Just as Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih showed his resolve and steadfastness in his mission, Imam Husayn alayhis-salam manifested his resolve on a number of occasions in Karbala, which would never be forgotten by the passage of time. For example at noontime on the day of Ashura, one of the companions said it is prayer time as it is now noontime, Imam Husayn alayhis-salam said, “Yes it is”, and he led the noon prayers, despite the raging battle and the ferocity of his enemies. Thus at the mostpressing and dangerous times Imam Husayn alayhis-salam did not relinquish even one of the obligations of Allah Almighty, and he took this stance to emphasise the importance of protecting the sanctity of the divine obligations, establish and uphold the Islam and its laws and teachings. In the Zeyarat (Salutation) of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam one reads, “I hereby testify that you upheld the prayers, paid the Zakat, enjoined on good, and forbade evil”. The day of Ashura is the day that teaches us how to straighten and perfect our way of life in this world, and how to match it to the Syrah or the way of life of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, who sacrificed everything he had for the sake of Enjoining Good, Forbidding Evil, and upholding the duties of Islam, implementing its teachings, and adhering to Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam.

The Torch of Guidance and Ark of Salvation

It is reported that on one occasion Imam Husayn alayhis-salam entered into a room where Prophet Muhammad salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih waspresent, and the latter welcome him by saying, "Welcome to you O Aba- Abdillah, the beauty of the heavens and earths". It was said to the Prophet, "How can anyone other than you be the beauty of the heavens and earths?"Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih replied, "by He who sent me as a messenger, Husayn is greater in the heavens than he is on earths. And it is written on the right of the ‘Arsh “Throne”29 that, "Husayn is Torch of Guidance and Ark of Salvation", and then Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhiwa- aalih took the hand of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam and said, "O people! This is Husayn son of Ali, so glorify him and favour him (over others) Just as Allah has favoured him, for by He in whose hand is my soul, his place is in the heavens, and the place of those who love him is also in heaven, and the place of those who love them is also in heaven."

Imam Sadiq, alayhis-salam said, "My (grand) father is Qateel-al-‘Abarah (the murder victim who brings tears to the eyes). The Imam was asked whatis Qateel-al-‘Abarah? The Imam replied, “He (Imam Husayn) is not mentioned to a believer, unless he weeps for him." The Choice of Allah Imam Husayn used to say, "I want to enjoin good, and forbid evil, follow the teachings of my grandfather (Rasulollah) and that of my father Ali ibn AbiTalib, . ." . He wanted to take the Ummah (the Muslim Community) from Evil to Good, and put a stop to Evil, he wanted to rescue the Ummah from the low and miserable state they had settled in to honour and glory, and this after the Muslim Ummah had accepted this deteriorated condition, symbolised by its state of apathy, reliance on worldly matters, its silence to oppression, and therefore the domination of tyrants such as Yazid and his father and their likes over the realm of the Ummah. Imam Husayn alayhis-salam wanted to spread and disseminate the spirit of Iman - commitment and conviction - and Truth in amongst the Ummah so that it could awaken once again; just as it was in the days of Rasulollah sallallahu- alayhi-wa-aalih. For it was clear to him that the religion (of Islam) was being distorted and deviated and he wanted to restore it afresh.

This is how Imam Husayn alayhis-salam became the Torch of guidance, and Ark of salvation, and this is how he became the Choice of Allah Almighty. It is reported from Imam Ali alayhis-salam that Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih said, “When I entered paradise30 , I saw written on its door with gold, there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Beloved One of Allah, Ali is Waliy-

ullah , Fatima is Amatullah, Hasan and Husayn are the Choice of Allah, and upon he who hates them be the Curse of Allah.”

Adherence to the Choice of Allah, and using the light of this Divine Torch, will bring guidance in this world and salvation in the hereafter. This is because the love of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam is associated with good deeds, he is a torch who shows the path of the Truth to those who seek it, and since by his sacred movement he - alayhis-salam - discriminates between the path of Truth and the path of Falsehood. In his well-known declaration on the day of Ashura, he states, “If the religion of Muhammad were not to stand except by my killing, Oswords! Take me”.

Furthermore, Imam Husayn alayhis-salam is also the fifth member of the As-hab al-Kissa, about whom the Purification verse was revealed; in the statement of the Almighty:

{Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, Ahl-ul-Bayt (Members of the Household), and to make you pure and spotless.}31 So by the evidence of the Qur’an, he is from the Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-assalam.

Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih said, “To love me and my Ahl-ul-Bayt is valuable and beneficial on seven occasions: whose fears are immense; at the time of death, in the grave, at the time of resurrection, at the (time of evaluating one’s) Book of Deeds, at the time of questioning, and at the time of weighing (one’s deeds of good verses evil)”.

Truly Imam Husayn alayhis-salam is a Torch of guidance, and his light continues to shine upon us with goodness and blessing; for it distinguishes the path of the Truth from Falsehood at all times and ages, this is in addition to the perpetual presence of his light in his Ma’soom descendent - in the manifestation of his grandson Imam Mahdi may Allah hasten his reappearance. In acknowledging the momentous sacrifice Imam Husayn alayhis-salam made, and the colossal trial and tribulation he faced on the day of Ashura, Allah Almighty fashioned the Imams - who are the protectors of Islam - in amongst his descendents.

The Severed Head of Imam Husayn

One of the miracles that Allah Almighty gave to Imam Husayn alayhissalam was that his sacred severed head spoke as it was being carried from Karbala - in Iraq - to Shaam - modern Syria - and back to Karbala where it was buried in the grave where his sacred body had been buried. As reported by numerous chroniclers and recorded in many history texts, in the course of the entire passage of the women and children captives, with which the heads of the martyrs of Karbala were also carried from Karbala to Shaam and back, the sacred head of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam used to recite the holy Qur’an, and this phenomenon proved instrumental in guiding the people to Truth. The sacred head of Imam Husayn alayhissalam also spoke in the court of the evil Yazid. When the sacred head of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam arrived at the court of Yazid, amongst others, the Roman envoy of the emperor of Rome was also present. After realising that the captives were the women and children of the household of the Prophet of Islam, and the head of the grandson of the Prophet was amongst them, the Roman envoy protested to and rebuked Yazid, and said, “Had we had a descendent of Jesus amongst us we would have honoured him and glorified him”.

In response to this protest Yazid ordered the Roman envoy to be killed immediately. The sacred head of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam said in a loud voice, “there is no power but that of Allah”. At that occasion and at every other occasion throughout the journey from Karbala to Shaam and back, people were astonished to see and hear the sacred head of Imam Husayn speaking, and they realised that this was no ordinary event but a divine miracle, and Allah Almighty is showing them the realty of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam. Such events revealed to the people the reality and the significance of the hadith stated by Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-waaalih, “I leave behind two momentous weights, the Book of Allah and my descendents the Ahl-ul-Bayt”

the people realised that the truth is with Imam Husayn alayhis-salam when they saw the miracle of his sacred head speaking or reciting the holy Qur’an.

Conveying the Voice of Imam Husayn to the World

There are therefore certain duties that we must discharge with respect to the movement of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, some of which are:

1. We must present the movement of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, as well as his principles and aims to the world through modern media such as Radio and Television, books, internet, etc. in the way that Imam Husayn alayhis-salam would want it. We must glorify the Sha’a’er which the Husayniyahs32 facilitate commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam.

It is also desirable that the days of Ashura are declared public holidays and signs of sadness and mourning being publicly displayed. Imam Ridha alayhis-salam said, “even the Jahiliyyah33 - the pre-Islamic era - used to regard Muharram as a scared month, thereby forbade war and fighting in it, whereas our sanctity was violated in this month! Our blood was shed, our dignity breached, our women and children were taken prisoners, our tents were torched; and all their contents looted, our dignity were not saved even for the sake of (our grandfather) Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih . , truly the day of Husayn wounded our eyelids34 , shed our tears, humiliated our revered one in the land of Karb (anguish) and Bala’ (affliction), and you (O land of Karbala) have left us with anguish and affliction until the last day of this life. So for the likes of Husayn the weepers should weep, for crying and weeping destroys the great sins”.

Then Imam Ridha alayhis-salam said, “With the start of the month of Muharram, my father could not be seen smiling, every day his heartache and anguish would increase until the tenth day, which was the day of sorrow, grief and weeping; saying this is the day Husayn alayhis-salam was killed”. Imam Ridha alayhissalam is also reported as saying, “he who does not concern himself with his business and occupation, or seek to sort out his affairs on the day of Ashura, Allah Almighty would see to his needs in this world and in the hereafter, and he for whom the day of Ashura is the day of mourning and sorrow, Allah would make the Day of Judgement the day of joy and happiness, and he would be pleased seeing us in Paradise. He who considers the day of Ashura the day of barakah - blessing and good fortune - and stores food stuff etc. in his house, on the day of judgement Allah would resurrect him and accommodate him at the bottom of hell with Yazid, Obaydullah ibn Zeyad, and Ommar ibn Sa’d - may the curse of Allah be upon them”.

2. Just as Imam Husayn alayhis-salam strived to implement the teachings of Islam and the laws of the holy Qur’an, so too we must follow in his footsteps andimplement the teachings and laws of Islam throughout the Muslim land.

3. It is imperative upon us, wherever we may be, to hold programs for Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, in the best possible manner, since the survival of Islam until the end of time is the aim which Imam Husayn alayhis-salam died for. Islam shall remain alive by virtue of the blood of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam and the blood of those who were brought up in his school, defending Islamic values and teachings, throughout history.

In short, commemorating the memory of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam by holding mourning programs of Ta’ziah in the days of Ashura, giving food on those days, etc. all of such programs help keep the memory of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam alive, and it is such programs that have protected the spirit of Shi‘a35 and adherence to the holy Qur’an and the Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam.

Imam Zayn al-Abidin and Ashura

Imam Zayn al-Abidin alayhis-salam also manifested the essence of this duty by his prolonged grief and weeping for his father. It is reported from Imam Baqir alayhis-salam,“ . . and he (Imam Zayn al-Abidin) wept for his father for twenty years, and every time he was served food and drink, he wept for Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, until on one occasion his servant said to him, "Is your sorrow and grief not going to end?", Imam Zayn al- Abidin, alayhis-salam replied, "Woe unto you! The prophet Jacob had twelve sons, and (when) Allah made one of them disappear, his eyes turned white (i.e. blind) because of his increasing crying for him, his head turned grey because of grief, and his back humped because of sorrow, and all this while his son was alive in the world. Whereas I saw my father, my brother, my uncle, and seventeen members of my family killed around me . so how can my grief and sorrow end?" It is reported that Imam Zayn al-Abidin alayhis-salam cried and wept so much for Imam Husayn alayhis-salam that it was feared that he would loose his eyesight. Every time he was given water to drink, he wept such that his tears poured into the water cup, and when he was asked about this, he replied "how can I not to when my father was denied the water that was absolutely free for the beasts and wild animals".

Ahl-ul-Bayt and Ashura

The Ma'soom Imams alayhum-as-salam annually held Azadari or mourning programs commemorating the day of Ashura, and in fact the Imams of the Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam encouraged others to continue to hold such programs to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam in various forms and styles of remembrance be it those which are obligatory, or those that are Mustahab or permissible, for this day is like no other day. There has been many hadith from them in this respect; in one narration Imam Sadiq alayhis-salam is asked as to why the day of Ashura became the day of sorrow and grief, lamentation and weeping, rather than the day when Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih died, or the day when Fatima-al-Zahra alayhas-salam died, or the day when Amir-ul-Mu'minin36 alayhis-salam was killed, or when Imam Hasan alayhis-salam was killed by poisoning? Imam Sadiq alayhis-salam replied, “Truly the day of al-Husayn is the day of the greatest catastrophe, since As-hab al-Kissa (people of the cloak) alayhum-as-salam who were the most honourable of creation in the sight of Allah were five, and when Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih died, Imam Ali, Fatima al-Zahra, Hasan and Husayn alayhum-as-salam remained, and the people sought solace and comfort in them, and when Fatima al-Zahra alayhas-salam died, people sought consolation and comfort in Amir-ul-Mu'minin, Hasan and Husayn alayhum-as-salam, and when Amir-ul-Mu'minin alayhissalam died people sought solace and comfort in Hasan and Husayn alayhum-as-salam, and when Hasan alayhis-salam died people could find

comfort in Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, but when Imam Husayn alayhissalam was killed, there remained no other member of As-hab al-Kissa to seek solace and comfort in, and by the killing of the last of them all access to As-hab al-Kissa was severed, whereas so long as there was even one of them amongst the people, it was as if all of them were amongst the people.

That is why the day of Husayn alayhis-salam is the most calamitous of all days.”

Thus great rewards have been reported for establishing and upholding these Husayni Sha'a'er. Imam Baqir alayhis-salam stated, "Imam Zayn al- Abidin used to say, "Any believer who weeps for Imam Husayn alayhissalam and his tragedy such that his tears run down his cheek, Allah Almighty shall accommodate him in Paradise, and any believer who wept for us for what we suffered at the hands of our enemy in this world such that his tears run down his cheeks Allah shall accommodate him in a lofty station, and any believer who suffers hardship in our cause, such that he weeps for us and his tears run down his cheek, Allah Almighty shall repel from his face any anguish and protects him from fire on the day of Judgement".

And thus tyrants and despots throughout history tried to stop these sacred ceremonies and Husayni Sha‘a’er, as is the case of the (Ba‘thist) regime in Iraq. The regime first began by banning the mourning ceremonies in the capital city - Baghdad - and it then extended this ban to all other cities of Iraq. It then went on to ban the people Basra and other cities from coming to Karbala on religious occasions such as on Ashura and on the day of Arba‘een.

The Ba‘thist regime then gained enough courage and confidence to arbitrary arrest the Ulema, scholars, and public speakers of the Husayni Sha‘a’er, and subject them to brutal torture, before executing great many of them. All of this is in aid of suppressing and killing the spirit and the will of the Ummah, which emanate from the religious and Husayni Sha‘a’er.

This was a quick insight in the role of Sayyid-al-Shuhada alayhis-salam in protecting Islam, and a glimpse of his station in the sight of Allah Almighty, and lofty station and the eminence of the Imam in this world and in the hereafter, and how can it not be when he addresses Allah Almighty saying:

I have left the entire world for the sake of You and I have orphaned my children so that I see You So if I am cut into pieces for the love of You my heart would lean to none other than You And these words reflect the extent of the sincerity of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam in his love for Allah, and his honesty in defending Islam.

Chapter 4: Upholding the Husayni Sha‘a’er


Allah Almighty says in His Glorious Book:

{On that account, We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people, and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.}37

In some of the Tafsir (exegesis) it is stated that one of the meanings of “saving life” of the above noble verse is “leaving and exiting the darkness of aberration to the Light of being guided”, as the Almighty states,{ Can he who was dead, to whom We gave life, and a Light whereby he can walk amongst men, be like him who is in the depths of darkness, from which he can never come out? Thus to those without Faith their own deeds seem pleasing.}38

So this noble verse considers he who is distant from faith - iman - to be distant from the light or the knowledge with which one lives amongst the people. Therefore the Light that is in fact knowledge or faith as presented in this noble verse is one of the meanings of “giving life”.

This kind of giving life has many manifestations; one would be for individuals who are alive, i.e. to endeavour to guide someone to the right path. In Another case this “giving life” would be for individuals who are dead; for example in a meeting one might highlight the virtues and the good qualities of a mu’min - a believer - who is dead, this act would also be considered “giving life” to the individual concerned. The gatherings that are arranged on the occasions of the birthday or the death of the Imams alayhum-as-salam are also considered a manifestation of “giving life” to those occasions and to their respective owners. This “giving life”

is no doubt considered as the Sha’a’er that Allah Almighty refers to in His Glorious Book:

{And whoever holds in honour the Sha‘a’er - Symbols - of Allah, for they truly reflect the piety of the heart.}39

In fact upholding and “giving life” to the Islamic occasions is one of the Sha’a’er that Islam calls for. So when highlighting the virtues of a believer means keeping his memory alive, it is far more significant when we attempt to keep alive the memory of Rasulollah and his Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam. And this is clearly noticed in the tale reported in the holy Qur’an when Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) alayhis-salam said,{ Grant me honourable mention on the tongue of truth among the latest generations}40 .

This means that “O Lord I ask to make the people after me remember me and keep my memory alive - “giving life to me” - so that my teachings and religion remain alive amongst the people - which are Tawheed and the law of Allah - and at the end of the day the religion that you revealed to me shall be the cause for the guidance of the people.”

Benefits of the Husayni programs

In the same way the mourning programs have great importance and they may not be ignored, and the Husayni Sha’a’er have a significant role in revitalising the nations and no one can deny this fact. So too are the Qur’an recitation sessions, as the words of the Qur’an resonate in the hearts of the believers and occupy their entire existence such that the Qur’an verses become their aims and objectives. For the Qur’an rejects tyranny and oppression, or transgressing upon others’ rights or suppressing their freedoms or sending them on exile. Allah Almighty states in His Glorious Book, {Those who do not judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are the transgressors.}41

{And do not transgress for Allah does not like the transgressors}42

{Take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law.}43

{Do the Unbelievers think that they can takeMy servants as protectors besides Me? VerilyWe have prepared Hell for the Unbelievers for (their) entertainment.}44

When the Muslims read such verses from the Qur’an, Allah opens their hearts and they realise that the reality (of their society and of their country and circumstances) is contrary to what the Qur’an calls for. It is for such reasons that the tyrants endeavour to prevent the Husayni programs, since these programs expose the criminals and reveal the truth to the people. I shall mention an account from history in this respect and then come back to our discussion.

Husayni Programs vs. Ploys of Colonialists

In one of the Indian cities where the Muslims used to lead a tranquil life, the British entered one of the Indian cities under the guise of a trade company. The local governor mobilised his forces to resist the British, but with all the efforts he made his forces were no match to the British forces.

The result was that British quashed the resistance and killed many of the forces of the Indian governor. Then they issued a decree to kill the women and children, and the city was subjected to brutal massacre, and the bodies of the victims remained unburied for several days such that animals fed on them. In this way the British managed to rule Indian subcontinent. One of the laws they instituted was that they banned the Qur’an recitation sessions and Husayni Sha’a’er programs, whereas the Indian Muslims used to actively organise and participate in such programs. Under the new British law anyone who organises such programs is imprisoned for a period of ten years. However one of the scholars decided to actively oppose this ‘law’ and set up Qur’an lessons for the youngsters and encouraged parents to send their children to his Qur’an lessons. The man was charged for breaking the imposed law and imprisoned for ten years. On his release from prison, and with undiminished determination he continued his Qur’anic lessons for the youngsters, in addition to organising other lessons as well as Husayni Sha’a’er. The successes of his programs were such that similar programs were also set up in other mosques, and they became as widespread as before. Such programs have a direct role in uprooting tyranny from the Islamic countries and freeing them from the grips of the multinationals.

The significance of the mourning programs

As for the truths and validity (of the Sha’a’er), they are reflected in the realities we come across in our daily lives. One of the Maraje’ in the holy city of Qum narrated to me an interesting account of his encounter with a Christian priest. He said, “When I was studying in Najaf (in Iraq), I once went to Baghdad with some of the fellow students. While there we heard that there is a priest who actively preaches for Christianity, so we decided to wear normal clothing (not the usual ‘Aba and turban) and attend his session. At the end of the program, and when the people left the hall, the priest turned to us and asked us, “Who are you?” we replied, “we are native” he said, “I don’t mean that, but it seems to me that you are scholars and I do not think you came here to learn from me.” I replied that we study theology. I could tell that from the outset, he replied. In our conversation with him he said, “I shall admit to you a truth that someone else would not say it, and the truth is that your Prophet (Salla-llahu Alayhiwa Aalih) was a man of knowledge and reflection and was aware of reality- and in these qualities he was unparalleled and came second to no one. Furthermore, your Prophet left behind for you things that no other prophet left for his people, and if we had just one of those things we would have made the entire world Christian. The first of those things is the Noble Qur’an, which is the eternal miracle of Islam; the second of them, the descendants of your Prophet who are referred to as “Sayyid”. They always continue to remind the people of the existence of the Messenger of Allah; the third of those is the existence of the shrines of the impeccable Imams as well as those oftheir of springs. These shrines act as a magnet and a focal point for the people, continually attracting them and giving them spiritual strength and guidance. The fourth of these things are the mourning programs that are established to commemorate them, and these programs are the best centres for making the people adhere to Islam. As you can see I have difficulty attracting followers of my own faith, whereas in your case as soon as you put a banner with “Ya Husayn” written on it, masses of people flock to your assembly.”

The Husayni Sha’a’er, or the mourning programs carry significant importance, as well as the programs commemorating the birth of the Ma’soomeen alayhum-as-salam. One of the benefits of such programs is that the teachings of Islam with respect to all aspect of life are presented to the people, such as the question of government and leadership, the characters of the leader, his qualities and attitudes, etc. All such issues Islam has dealt with in details and the conduct of Rasulollah and Ma’soom Imams alayhum-as-salam reflect them. Now when such issues are presented and discussed during such programs, this does not go well with the plans of the despots and tyrants. When the characters of the Imams alayhum-as-salam are mentioned such as their bravery and the sacrifice they made for the sake of Islam, or encouraging the people to follow the Ahl-ul-Bayt and to have absolute trust in Allah and whole-heartedly adhere to the teachings of the holly Qur’an, or to fear Allah Almighty alone and no one else, or awakening the youth and encouraging them to follow those teachings. Such issues do not go well with the plans and policies of the tyrants who want to distance the people from Islam and their Islamic heritage, and to weaken their faith in Islam. They want to encourage non-Islamic or anti-Islamic values in societies instead of truthfulness, trust, sincerity and honesty, responsibility, strife, sacrifice, and adherence to the right path. For this reason the tyrant rulers are in perpetual war with mourning programs and the Husayni Sha’a’er. And everyone knows the clear role the Husayni Sha’a’er play in awakening the nation and boosting their morale, encouraging adherence to Islamic thoughts and teachings and calling the people to enjoining good, piety, cooperation, and upholding the cause of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam.

Recommendations for the Husayniyahs

1. To organise programs that emphasise the love and dedication of the Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam such that this love is out of awareness and understanding of the truth. The creation of love in the hearts is the responsibility of the Husayniyahs through the lectures and programs they organise which give vitality to the hearts and reduces one’s attention to this world and encourages the individual to ascend through an elevated soul and with the teachings and thoughts of the Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam.

2. To emphasise on the Noble Qur’an and to organise recitation sessions and classes for teaching the recitation of the Qur’an, especially for the children, since they are the strength of the future of Islam, and the same goes for the youth and women. It is imperative that everyone uses this unparalleled source of knowledge and to disseminate its teaching throughout society.

3. It is also important that programs are held to teach Islamic laws and acts of worship including all those matters that people come across in their daily lives, as well as Aqa’ed or Islamic beliefs, which are obligatory for everyone to know. Other issues should also be taught such the history of the Math-hab and the lives of the holy Imams and their struggles against the tyrants of their times.

4. Such gathering places as the Husayniyahs should be places for brotherhood, harmony, for remembering Allah Almighty, and honesty in all our dealings with everyone else ranging from friends and brothers, to family members and everyone else; the first and foremost being in our relation with Allah Almighty and the Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam.