: Dr. Hassan Najafi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Imam Ali
ISBN: 978-964-438-976-8


Author: Ali Labbaf
: Dr. Hassan Najafi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 978-964-438-976-8
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Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 978-964-438-976-8


[1] Refer: Ali Labbaf: A Victim Lost in Saqifah, Vol. 4, Section 1, Discourse 1 and 2cc

[2] Refer: Ali Labbaf: A Victim Lost in Saqifah, Vol. 4, Section 1, Discourse 4

[3] In the discussions after this writing, we shall criticize and investigate these objections.

[4] In addition to criticism of the conjecture “Absence of demanding the right of Caliphate” related to the conjectures of first type we will also refute the supposition of “Lack of explanation of the position of Imamate and Wilayat by Amirul Momineen (a.s.)”

[5] Muhammad Ali Tashkhiri: Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue No. 184, Bahman 80, Pg. 34

[6] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pg. 42

[7] For deeper understanding of the stance of Abu Sufyan and his aims in this regard refer to the book, Tahleel Neem Qarn Siayasathai Tableeghi Amawiyaan dar Shaam, Pgs. 48-50, by Faheema Farhamandpoor; or the last part of the article: ‘Realism in the biography of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and the attitude of enemies’ by Abdur Reza Khalili printed in Jam-e-Jam Daily, Issue no. 4, Azar 1381.

[8] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pg. 43

[9] Asghar Qaidan: Tahleeli Bar Mawaze Siyasi Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [Research on political stands of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)], Pg. 83

[10] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pg. 44

[11] Ibid. Pg. 45

[12] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pgs. 79-80

[13] Rasool Ja’faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 18

[14] Mustafa Dilshad Tehrani: Meeras Rabooda (Usurped inheritance), Pg. 89

[15] Sayyid Hasan Fatimi: Article: Saqifah quoted in Danish Nama Imam Ali (a.s.), Vol. 8, Pg. 446

[16] Hashmatullah Qambari Hamadani: Asraar wa Asaar Saqifah Bani Saada (Secrets and relics of Saqifah Bani Saada), Pg. 85

[17] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pgs. 43-44

[18] Sayyid Hasan Fatimi: Article: Saqifah quoted in Danish Nama Imam Ali (a.s.), Vol. 8, Pg. 458; quoted from: Ihtijaaj Tabarsi: Vol. 1, Pgs. 186-199

[19] Quoted from: Kitab Sulaym Ibne Qays, Vol. 2, Pg. 583

[20] Quoted from: Ibid. Vol. 2, Pg. 865

[21] Quoted from: Ibid. Vol. 2, Pg. 589

[22] Quoted from: Ihtijaaj Tabarsi: Vol. 1, Pgs. 185

[23] Sayyid Hasan Fatimi: Article: Saqifah quoted in Danish Nama Imam Ali (a.s.), Vol. 8, Pg. 456

[4] Ustad Murtuza Mutahhari: Seeri Dar Seerah Aimmah-e-Athaar (A Glance at the Life of Purified Imams), Pg. 22

[25] Ibid. Pg. 20

[26] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 191

[27] Muhammad Waizzaada Khorasani: Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pg. 21

[28] Ezzatudin Abu Hamid Motazalli (Ibn Abi Hadeed) writes: One day the Prophet hit on the shoulder of Ali and cried and said: “I weep for the hatred that is in the hearts of the nation. They do not make it open to you as long as I am alive”. Ibn Askar writes: Ali asked as to what he should do then. The Prophet told him to be patient. Ali asked: What would happen if I couldn’t do that? The Prophet said: You will face hardships. (Yusuf Gholami After Sunset, Pg. 160 narrated from Nahjul Balagha) Vol. 4, Pg. 107; History of City of Damascus Vol. 2, Pg. 325

[29] This incident happened in the third week of Abu Bakr’s Caliphate.

[30] Sayyid Hasan Fatimi: Article: Saqifah quoted in Danish Nama Imam Ali (a.s.), Vol. 8, Pg. 449

[31] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pgs. 49-50

[32] Yusuf Gholami: Bohraan-e-Jansheeni-e-Payambar (Crisis of Succession to the Prophet), Pgs. 34-35

[33] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pgs. 191-192

[34] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pg. 49

[35] Yusuf Gholami: Bohraan-e-Jansheeni-e-Payambar (Crisis of Succession to the Prophet), Pg. 65

[36] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pg. 160

[37] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pgs. 194-195

[38] Refer: Ali Labbaf: A Victim Lost in Saqifah, Vol. 4, Section 1

[39] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pgs. 44-45

[40] Abdul Qadir Dahqaan Siraawaani: Article quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 15, Autumn 82, Pg. 11

[41] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pgs. 46-47

[42] Farooq Safizaada: Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue 170, Azar 79, Pg. 82

[43] Ibid. Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue 170, Azar 79, Pg. 82

[44] Ibrahim Baizoon (Translated by Ali Asghar Muhammadi Seejaani): Rafataar Shinashi Imam Ali (a.s.) Dar Aaina-e-Tareekh (Understanding the stand of Imam Ali in the Mirror of History) (1st Edition), 1379], Pg. 37

[45] Farooq Safizaada: Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue 170, Azar 79, Pg. 80

[46] Rasool Ja'faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 18

[47] Asghar Qaidan: Tahleeli Bar Mawaze Siyasi Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [Research on political stands of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)], Pg. 127

[48] Rasool Ja'faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 29; quoted from Tarikh Tabari, Vol. 5, Pg. 76

[49] Ibrahim Baizoon (Translated by Ali Asghar Muhammadi Seejaani): Rafataar Shinashi Imam Ali (a.s.) Dar Aaina-e-Tareekh (Understanding the stand of Imam Ali in the Mirror of History) (1st Edition), 1379], Pg. 44

[50] [Ali (a.s.) and Umar]

[51] Ibrahim Baizoon (Translated by Ali Asghar Muhammadi Seejaani): Rafataar Shinashi Imam Ali (a.s.) Dar Aaina-e-Tareekh (Understanding the stand of Imam Ali in the Mirror of History) (1st Edition), 1379], Pg. 41

[52] Surah Taubah 9:12

[53] Najmuddin Askari: Ali wal Khulafa, Pg. 120; quoted from Manaqib Khwarizmi, Pg. 59

[54] Muhammad Waizzaada Khorasani: Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pg. 21 [This article is also quoted with many additional parts in Collected Papers of International Conference on Imam Ali 1st Edition 1381, Vol. 2

[55] Asghar Qaidan: Tahleeli Bar Mawaze Siyasi Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [Research on political stands of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)], Pg. 82

[56] Sayyid Hasan Fatimi: Article: Saqifah quoted in Danish Nama Imam Ali (a.s.), Vol. 8, Pg. 457

[57] Refer: Muhammad Baqir Ansari: Chaharda Qarn Ba Ghadeer (Fourteen centuries with Ghadeer) (Itmaam-e-Hujjatha Bahashai Ilmi Munaziraat…), Pgs. 39-61

[58] [In the book Chaharda Qarn Ba Ghadeer (Fourteen centuries with Ghadeer) 31 proofs of Ghadeer Tradition are mentioned.]

[59] [The Right of the Imam to Caliphate was his self-right that had originated from divine text (Nass). It was not a right by qualification. So to take back the right is to revive divine text (Nass). So in the society it denotes his position that comes next to the Prophet.]

[60] Sayyid Razi: Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 6

[61] Ibid. Sermon 172

[62] Ibid. Sermon 100

[63] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pgs. 83-87

[64] Sayyid Razi: Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 74

[65] Ibne Qutaibah: Al-Imamah was-Siyasah, Pg. 206

[66] Danish Nama Imam Ali (a.s.), Vol. 5, Pg. 162; quoted from: Maqri Fiyumi: Al-Misbah al-Muneer, Pg. 198

[67] Rasool Ja'faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 134

[68] Sayyid Hasan Fatimi: Article: Saqifah quoted in Danish Nama Imam Ali (a.s.), Vol. 8, Pgs. 459-460

[69] Rasool Ja'faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 135; quoted from: Al-Ghaaraat, Vol. 2, Pgs. 195-204

[70] Muhammad Waizzaada Khorasani: Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pgs. 20-21

[71] Ibid. Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pg. 21

[72] Ibid. Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pg. 23

[73] Ibid. Interview in ‘Haft Aasmaan’ (Seven Skies) Magazine, Issues 9 & 10, Spring & Summer 80, Pg. 15

[74] Ibid. Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pg. 22

[75] Ibid. Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pg. 13

[76] Ibid. Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pg. 10

[77] When people had doubts about Sunnah of Prophet, instead of Ali (a.s.) they used to go to Ayesha and accept whatever she said whether it was right or wrong. Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob, Pg. 281

[78] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali (a.s.) and the Rulers), Pgs. 87-88; quoting from Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 2

[79] Referring to dictionaries like Taj al-Uroos and Qamoos it would be known that ‘Sirr’ is not only ‘that which he hides’ it also conveys things like ‘purity of all things’ ‘fear of all things’ etc.

[80] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Jam-e-Jam Daily, Issue No. 10, Bahman 1379

[81] [Succession of His Eminence, Muhammad]

[82] [Belgian orientalist]

[83] [Italian orientalist]

[88] Allamah Askari: Saqifah, Pgs. 11-13, Preface by Dr. Mahdi Dashti

[85] [He was from the Ansaar - emigrants]

[86] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pg. 58; quoting from: Tarikh Tabari, Vol. 4, Pg. 227

[87] [He was a Persian]

[88] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pg. 59; quoting from: Tarikh Tabari, Vol. 4, Pg. 227

[The point to be noted is that the Caliph is talking of conditions of successorship of Maaz and Salim but before that in Saqifah he had argued on the basis of Caliphate for Quraish and overpowered the Ansaar.]

[89] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Payaam-e-Taqreeb, (Message of Unity) Pg. 80

[90] Muhammad Waizzaada Khorasani: Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pg. 24

[91] Ibid. Muhammad Waizzaada Khorasani: Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pgs. 2-31

[92] Ibid. Muhammad Waizzaada Khorasani: Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pgs. 22-23

[93] Muhammad Waizzaada Khorasani: Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pg. 22

[94] Ibid. Article quoted in Kitab-e-Wahdat, Pg. 256

[95] Ibid. Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pg. 21

[96] Ibid. Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pg. 23

[97] Although that which confirms the correctness of these traditions is the special tenor of these narrations mentioned in books related to this subject but it shall be applicable to these narrations only.

[98] [Umar]

[99] Muhammad Barfi: Seemai Ali Az Manzar Ahle Sunnat (Portrait of Ali from the Sunni point of view), [1st Edition 1380], Pg. 95

[100] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pgs. 175

[101] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Mashal-e-Ittehaad (Torch of Unity), Pg. 30

[102] Dar az-Zahra, Beirut, 1st Edition, 1414

[103] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Seemai Imam-e-Muttaqeen, (Portrait of the Imam of the Pious), Vol. 6, Pg. 14

[104] Ibid. Seemai Imam-e-Muttaqeen, (Portrait of the Imam of the Pious), Vol. 7, Pg. 8

[105] [Refer: Ali wa Manawao, Matbuaat an-Najah, Cairo, 1396 A.H. 1976 A.D.]

[106] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pg. 53

[107] Muhammad Barfi: Seemai Ali Az Manzar Ahle Sunnat (Portrait of Ali from the Sunni point of view), [1st Edition 1380], Pg. 104

[108] Ibrahim Baizoon (Translated by Ali Asghar Muhammadi Seejaani): Rafataar Shinashi Imam Ali (a.s.) Dar Aaina-e-Tareekh (Understanding the stand of Imam Ali in the Mirror of History) (1st Edition), 1379], Pg. 42

[109] In another version it is mentioned: While it was such a judgment that if a mad man had judged this matter he would have said more than this.

[110] Refer: Muhammad Ismail Ansari Zanjani: Translation of Asraar Aale Muhammad, Pg. 340

[111] Muhammad Baqir Bahboodi: Seerah Alawi (1st Edition), Pg. 41; quoting from: Tarikh Tabari, Vol. 3, Pg. 608

[112] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pg. 289; quoting from Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 1, Pg. 100

[113] Surah Maidah 5:96

[114] Ibid. Pg. 290; quoting from: Wasaelush Shia, Vol. 5, Pg. 44-46

[115] Muhammad Ali Taskhiri: Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue No. 184, Bahman 80, Pg. 32

[116] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali (a.s.) and the Rulers), Pg. 174; quoting from Ansaab al-Ashraaf, Vol. 5, Pg. 24

[117] Ibid. Pgs. 264-269

[118] Ibid. Pg. 269

[119] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Ittelaat Daily, Issue No. 26, Khordad 1379

[120] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pg. 51

[121] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Seemai Imam-e-Muttaqeen, (Portrait of the Imam of the Pious), Vol. 7, Pg. 8

[122] Ibid. Seemai Imam-e-Muttaqeen, (Portrait of the Imam of the Pious), Vol. 6, Pg. 6

[123] Ibid. Interview in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue No. 184, Bahman 80, Pg. 16

[124] Ibid. Seemai Imam-e-Muttaqeen, (Portrait of the Imam of the Pious), Vol. 2, Pg. 7

[125] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Interview in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 4, Summer 79, Pg. 62

[126] Abdur Raheem Mahmoodi: Maqaam-e-Sahaaba wa Zindagi-e-Khulafa-e-Raashideen Dar yek Nigaah (Status of Companions and life of Rightly Guided Caliphs in a Glance), Pgs. 36-37

[127] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pg. 51

[128] Dr. Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Nabawi: Pamphlet on Astaana-e-Ghadeer (Lecture on the topic of Ghadeer and Imamate, article on the subject of Amirul Momineen in the period of Caliphs - Araaf Noor Cultural Organization - Summer 81), Pg. 19

This pamphlet was republished in 1382 and in a book form also in 1382.

[129] “The Second Caliph was not fond of much discussion and religious arguments due to his weakness in knowledge.” (Abdullah Khanaqli Hamadani: Siyasat Imam Ali-o-Hasnain Dar Raabita Ba Hukoomat-o-Futuhaat Kholafa, Pg. 97)

[130] Refer: Ibid. Pgs. 191-220

[131] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pgs. 273-276

[132] Ibid. Pg. 276; quoting from: Wasaelush Shia, Vol. 17, Pg. 426

[133] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pg. 55

[134] Refer: Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pg. 167; quoting from Mahaazaraat al-Udaba, Pg. 4, Pg. 478

[135] [A Syrian city]

[136] “He suggested to Abdullah to take the rulership of Humis on the condition that he will not use his position in favor of Caliphate of Ali (a.s.) after the Caliph.” (Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob, Pg. 281)

[137] Asghar Qaidan: Tahleeli Bar Mawaze Siyasi Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [Research on political stands of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)], Pg. 120

[138] Yusuf Gholami: Bohraan-e-Jansheeni-e-Payambar (Crisis of Succession to the Prophet), Pg. 27; quoting from: Al-Kamil, Vol. 2, Pg. 329; Tarikh al-Umam wal Mulook, Vol. 2, Pg. 243; Ansaab al-Ashraaf, Vol. 1, Pg. 582

[139] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Interview in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue No. 184, Bahman 80, Pg. 156

[140] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 9, Tir 1381

[141] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Mashal-e-Ittehaad (Torch of Unity), Pg. 25

[142] Sayyid Jawad Mustafawi: Article quoted in Kitab-e-Wahdat, Pg. 139; article quoted in Mashkoot Magazine, Issue No. 2, Spring 62, Pg. 52

[143] Farooq Safizaada: Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue 170, Azar 79, Pg. 81

[144] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Interview in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue No. 184, Bahman 80, Pg. 16

[145] Markaz-e-Pazuhashhai Sada wa Seema: Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue No. 182, Azar 80, Pg. 37

[146] Muhammad Ali Taskhiri: Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue No. 184, Bahman 80, Pg. 34

[147] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Seemai Imam-e-Muttaqeen, (Portrait of the Imam of the Pious), Vol. 7, Pg. 18

[148] Asghar Qaidan: Tahleeli Bar Mawaze Siyasi Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [Analysis of political stands of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)], Pg. 125

[149] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 9, Tir 1381

[150] Sayyid Ahmad Mawassaqi: Istiratazi-e-Wahdat (Strategy of Unity), Vol. 1, Pg. 125

[151] [There are only 8 instances out of 85 when the Imam (a.s.) expressed his view before the opinion of the Second Caliph can be acted upon as can be seen the tables]

[152] Ibid. Istiratazi-e-Wahdat (Strategy of Unity), Vol. 1, Pgs. 125-126

[153] Abdul Qadir Dahqaan Siraawaani: Article quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 11, Autumn 81, Pg. 7

[154] Ibid. Article quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 11, Autumn 81, Pg. 7

[155] Ibid. Article quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 15, Autumn 82, Pg. 11

[156] Refer: Sayyid Ali Husaini Milani: Imamat-e-Bila Fasl (Edit. Muhammad Reza Kareemi), Pg. 160

[157] Muhammad Baqir Bahboodi: Seerah Alawi (1st Edition), Pg. 41

[158] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pg. 55

[159] Abdullah Khanaqli Hamadani: Siyasat Imam Ali (a.s.)-o-Hasnain Dar Raabita Ba Hukoomat-o-Futuhaat Kholafa, Pg. 97

[160] Although if he could not think of anything he would refer to the Sunnah of Prophet (s.a.w.s.). (Ibid. Pg. 99)

[161] These were personal derivations of the Caliph variously based on exigencies. (Ibid. Pg. 99)

[162] Ibid. Pgs. 98-99

[163] Ibid. Pg. 56

[164] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 9, Teer 1381

[156] [This statement requires correction. The phrase “Absence of armed uprising” is more appropriate]

[166] Asghar Qaidan: Tahleeli Bar Mawaze Siyasi Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [Research on political stands of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)], Pgs. 97-98

[167] Ibid. Pgs. 103-104

[168] Ibid. Pg. 109

[169] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 8, Khordad 1381

[170] Fareedoon Islamniya: Ashra-e-Mubashira (1st Edition 1380), Pg. 140

[171] Ibrahim Baizoon (Translated by Ali Asghar Muhammadi Seejaani): Rafataar Shinashi Imam Ali (a.s.) Dar Aaina-e-Tareekh (Understanding the stand of Imam Ali in the Mirror of History) (1st Edition), 1379], Pg. 38

[172] Sayyid Ahmad Mawassaqi: Istiratazi-e-Wahdat (Strategy of Unity), Vol. 1, Pg. 128

[173] Muhammad Barfi: Seemai Ali Az Manzar Ahle Sunnat (Portrait of Ali from the Sunni point of view), [1st Edition 1380], Pg. 104

[174] The later history shows that the reason why Caliph referred to Amr Aas was that the latter had a deep understanding of the personality of Amirul Momineen (a.s.). The Qasida of Ghadeeriya also mentions this point.

[175] Yaqoobi: Tarikh Yaqoobi, Vol. 2, Pg. 129

[176] Allamah Ja’far Murtuza Amili: Tahlili Az Zindagi-e-Siyasi Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.) (1st Edition), Pg. 198; quoting from Futuh Ibne Athim, Vol. 1, Pg. 72

[177] Refer: Ali Labbaf: A Victim Lost in Saqifah, Vol. 3, Pgs. 143-144

[178] Abdullah Khanaqli Hamadani: Siyasat Imam Ali-o-Hasnain Dar Raabita Ba Hukoomat-o-Futuhaat Kholafa, Pgs. 84-85

[179] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 225

[180] Abdullah Khanaqli Hamadani: Siyasat Imam Ali-o-Hasnain Dar Raabita Ba Hukoomat-o-Futuhaat Kholafa, Pg. 85

[181] Rasool Ja’faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 16

[182] Hasan Yusufyan: Article ‘Imam Ali wa Mukhaalifaan’ quoted in Danish Nama Imam Ali (a.s.), Vol. 6, Pg. 216

[183] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pg. 227; quoting from: Sharh Nahjul Balagha, Ibne Abil Hadeed, Vol. 12, Pgs. 78-79 and quoting from: Futuh al-Buldan of Balazari, Pg. 264

[184] Masoodi in Muruj az-Zahab (Vol. 2, Pgs. 309-310) has also explained that Uthman mediated in this matter but the Imam rejected the commandership.

[185] Ibrahim Baizoon (Translated by Ali Asghar Muhammadi Seejaani): Rafataar Shinashi Imam Ali (a.s.) Dar Aaina-e-Tareekh (Understanding the stand of Imam Ali in the Mirror of History) (1st Edition), 1379], Pg. 43

[186] Muhammad Ali Taskhiri: Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue No. 184, Bahman 80, Pg. 35

[187] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pg. 225

[188] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pg. 50

[189] Ibid. Pg. 51

[190] Asghar Qaidan: Tahleeli Bar Mawaze Siyasi Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [Research on political stands of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)], Pg. 104

[191] Rasool Ja’faryan: Hayat-e-Fikri O Siyasi-e-Imamaan-e-Shia (Intellectual and Political Life of Shia Imams), Pg. 60

[192] Ibid. Pg. 61

[193] Sayyid Ja’far Murtuza Amili: Tahlili Az Zindagi-e-Siyasi Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.), Pg. 199

[194] Ibid. Pg. 199; quoting from: Shaykh Ali Ahmadi Miyanji

[195] Asghar Qaidan: Tahleeli Bar Mawaze Siyasi Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [Research on political stands of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)], Pg. 102

[196] Ibid. Pg. 102

[197] Ibid. Pg. 102, Footnote 3

[198] Ibid. Pg. 103

[199] Ibid. Pg. 109

[200] Sayyid Ja’far Murtuza Amili: Tahlili Az Zindagi-e-Siyasi Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.), Pg. 199; quoting from Futuh Ibne Athim, Vol. 1, Pg. 72

[201] Ibid. Pg. 199; quoting from Futuh Ibne Athim, Vol. 1, Pg. 72

[202] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Seemai Imam-e-Muttaqeen, (Portrait of the Imam of the Pious), Vol. 4, Pg. 17

[203] Muhammad Barfi: Seemai Ali Az Manzar Ahle Sunnat (Portrait of Ali from the Sunni point of view), [1st Edition 1380], Pg. 110

[204] Asghar Qaidan: Tahleeli Bar Mawaze Siyasi Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [Research on political stands of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)], Pgs. 123-124

[205] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 282

[206] Abdullah Khanaqli Hamadani: Siyasat Imam Ali-o-Hasnain Dar Raabita Ba Hukoomat-o-Futuhaat Kholafa, Pg. 101

[207] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pg. 54

[208] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pgs. 136-137; quoting from: Muruj az-Zahab, Vol. 3, Pgs. 21-22; Ansaab al-Ashraaf, Vol. 2, Pg. 31 & Pgs. 393-397

[209] Sayyid Ahmad Mawassaqi: Istiratazi-e-Wahdat (Strategy of Unity), Vol. 1, Pg. 120

[210] Ibid. Istiratazi-e-Wahdat (Strategy of Unity), Vol. 1, Pg. 120

[211] [Regarding Bayyat, Refer: Ali Labbaf: A Victim Lost in Saqifah, Vol. 4, Section 1] The author of Pas az-Ghuroob writes: Even though the Bayyat of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) was effective in mobilizing forces it is also not unlikely that the Caliph made the attack a pretext to obtain the support of His Eminence.” (Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob, Pg. 171)

[212] Rasool Ja’faryan: Hayat-e-Fikri O Siyasi-e-Imamaan-e-Shia (Intellectual and Political Life of Shia Imams), Pg. 53

[213] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pgs. 105-106

[214] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 8, Khordad 1381

[215] Allamah Askari: Saqifah, Pg. 73

[2516] Rasool Ja’faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 14

[217] Ibid. Pg. 15

[218] Ibid. Pgs. 14-15

[219] Ibid. Pg. 16

[220] Muhammad Waizzaada Khorasani: Interview in ‘Haft Aasmaan’ (Seven Skies) Magazine, Issues 9 & 10, Spring & Summer 80, Pg. 34

[221] Like the claim that: The Imam sent his dear son, Hasan Mujtaba to command forces in the area of hostilities. (Zainul Aabideen Qurbani: Ilal Peshraft wa Inhitaat-e-Muslimeen (Causes of Progress and Decadence of Muslims), Pg. 88)

[222] Sayyid Ahmad Mawassaqi: Istiratazi-e-Wahdat (Strategy of Unity), Vol. 1, Pg. 137

[223] Allamah Ja’far Murtuza Amili: Tahlili Az Zindagi-e-Siyasi Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.) (1st Edition), Pgs. 193-194

[224] Abdullah Khanaqli Hamadani: Siyasat Imam Ali-o-Hasnain Dar Raabita Ba Hukoomat-o-Futuhaat Kholafa, Pgs. 58-59

[225] Sayyid Ja’far Murtuza Amili: Tahlili Az Zindagi-e-Siyasi Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.) (1st Edition), Pg. 197

[226] Abdullah Khanaqli Hamadani: Siyasat Imam Ali-o-Hasnain Dar Raabita Ba Hukoomat-o-Futuhaat Kholafa, Pg. 124

[227] Ibid. Pg. 130

[228] Abdul Qadir Dahqaan Siraawaani: Article quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 11, Autumn 81, Pg. 7

[229] Ibid. Article quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 15, Autumn 82, Pgs. 11-12

[230] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pgs. 293-294

[231] Muhammad Waizzaada Khorasani: Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pgs. 24-25

[232] This book is republished in 1382 in co-operation with Shirkat Chaap O Nashr Bainul Milal.

[233] Ustad Murtuza Mutahhari: Imamat-o-Rahbari (Imamate and Leadership), Pgs. 20-21

[234] Asghar Qaidan: Tahleeli Bar Mawaze Siyasi Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [Research on political stands of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)], Pg. 118

[235] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 282

[236] Sayyid Ja’far Murtuza Amili: Salman Farsi, Pg. 85; quoting from: Ad-Darajaat ar-Rafia (Elevated Positions), Pg. 215

[237] Ibid. Pg. 200

[238] [‘Iqta’ is in the meaning of ‘Qate-Zameeni’ a piece of land that a king allotted to a person so that he may earn his livelihood from it.]

[239] Asghar Qaidan: Tahleeli Bar Mawaze Siyasi Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [Research on political stands of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)], Pg. 116

[240] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 290

[241] Since this reply needs an introduction the readers may once more refer to the prefaces in the second and third section of this book.

[242] Sayyid Muhammad Reza Tabatabai: Article quoted in Haft Aasmaan Magazine, Issue Nos. 12-13, Winter 80 & Spring 81, Pg. 225

[243] Refer: Tables in Section Two.

[244] Ibid. Article quoted in Haft Aasmaan Magazine, Issue Nos. 12-13, Winter 80 & Spring 81, Pg. 226

[245] Ibid. Article quoted in Haft Aasmaan Magazine, Issue Nos. 12-13, Winter 80 & Spring 81, Pg. 228

[246] Ibid. Article quoted in Haft Aasmaan Magazine, Issue Nos. 12-13, Winter 80 & Spring 81, Pg. 229

[247] [Arguments of the writer continue]

[248] Ibid. Article quoted in Haft Aasmaan Magazine, Issue Nos. 12-13, Winter 80 & Spring 81, Pgs. 231-232

[249] Criticism and scrutiny of Point 1, Conjecture 4

[250] Refer: Najmuddin Askari: Ali wal Khulafa, Pg. 120; quoted from Manaqib Khwarizmi, Pg. 59

[251] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 9, Khordad 1381

[252] Investigation of Point 5

[253] Quoted from: Asad Haider: Al-Imam as-Sadiq wa Mazahib-e-Arba, Vol. 6, Pgs. 391-392

[254] And also if an analysis is not logical we cannot accept it.

[255] Abdullah Khanaqli Hamadani: Siyasat Imam Ali-o-Hasnain Dar Raabita Ba Hukoomat-o-Futuhaat Kholafa, Pgs. 121-122

[256] Refer: Baqir Sharif Qarashi, Hayat Imam Hasan bin Ali [Life of Imam Hasan (a.s.)], Vol. 1, Pgs. 201-202

Hashim Maroof Hasani: Seeratul Aaimma Ithna Ashar, Vol. 1, Pgs. 282-283 & Vol. 2, Pgs. 15-16

[257] Refer: Hasan Modarresi Tabatabai: Zameen Dar Fiqh-e-Islami

[258] Tabari: Tarikh al-Umam wal-Mulook, Vol. 3, Pg. 323

[259] For example: Books of Rijaal of Ahle Sunnat by Ali bin Mujahid (a narrator of this report) has mentioned him to be a liar and a forger.

Refer: Midhi: Tahzeeb al-Kamaal, Pgs. 118-119; Dhahabi: Mizan al-Etedaal, Vol. 4, Pg. 72

[260] [That is the commander of this army under whom were Imams Hasan and Husain (a.s.)]

[261] Tabari: Tarikh al-Umam wal-Mulook, Vol. 3, Pg. 324

[262] Tabari: Tarikh al-Umam wal-Mulook, Vol. 4, Pg. 44

[263] Scrutiny of objections 6-7

[264] Shaykh Hurr Amili: Wasaelush Shia, Vol. 11, Pg. 34

[265] Sayyid Muhammad Reza Tabatabai: Article quoted in Haft Aasmaan Magazine, Issue Nos. 12-13, Winter 80 & Spring 81, Pg. 229

[266] Even supposing if this commandership is proved we can say:

The appointment of Khalid bin Waleed (who led forces against Islam in the battles of Uhad) shows the submission of Quraish to the power and domination of Islam.

This appointment has a deep effect on subduing the tribes who sided with the Meccans in their opposition to Islam.

[267] Ibid. Article quoted in Haft Aasmaan Magazine, Issue Nos. 12-13, Winter 80 & Spring 81, Pg. 235

[268] Ibid. Article quoted in Haft Aasmaan Magazine, Issue Nos. 12-13, Winter 80 & Spring 81, Pg. 241

[269] Ibid. Article quoted in Haft Aasmaan Magazine, Issue Nos. 12-13, Winter 80 & Spring 81, Pgs. 225-226

[270] Refer: Ustad Sayyid Muhammad Dhiyabaadi: Dar Justujoo-e-Ilm-e-Deen (In search of religious knowledge), Pgs. 170-171

[271] Refer: Sayyid Muhammad Reza Tabatabai: Article quoted in Haft Aasmaan Magazine, Issue Nos. 12-13, Winter 80 & Spring 81, Pg. 244

[272] Mustafa Dilshad Tehrani: Meeras Rabooda (Usurped inheritance), Pgs. 171-172; quoting from: Al-Maghazi, Vol. 2, Pgs. 875-881; Sirah Ibne Hisham, Vol. 4, Pgs. 53-55; Tabaqat al-Kubra, Vol. 2, Pgs. 147-148; Tarikh Tabari, Vol. 3, Pgs. 66-68; Al-Kamil Fit Tarikh, Pgs. 255-256; Sirah Ibne Kathir, Vol. 2, Pgs. 201-202.

[273] Refer: Sayyid Muhammad Reza Tabatabai: Article quoted in Haft Aasmaan Magazine, Issue Nos. 12-13, Winter 80 & Spring 81, Pg. 244

[274] Allamah Sayyid Murtuza Askari: Naqsh-e-Aaimma Dar Ahya-e-Deen (Role of Imams in the Revival of Religion), Vol. 16, Pg. 44

[275] [Refer: Al-Bidaya wan Nihaya, Vol. 6, Pg. 322]

[276] Ibid. Vol. 16, Pg. 45

[277] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 229

[278] Refer: Sayyid Abdul Husain Sharafuddin: Ijtihaad Dar Maqabil-e-Nass (Translated by Ali Dawani), Pgs. 340-345

[279] Refer: Ali Gholami Dahqi: Janghai Irtdidat wa Bohran Janasheeni-e-Payambar, Section Six, Pgs. 81-94

[280] Dr. Ali Akbar Hasani: Tarikh Tahlili wa Siyasi Islam, Vol. 1, Pg. 354

[281] Thus Saad bin Ubadah only because he did not give Bayyat to the Caliph and did not participate in their gatherings he was first exiled to Syria and then killed.

[282] Sayyid Ahmad Mawassaqi: Istiratazi-e-Wahdat (Strategy of Unity), Vol. 1, Pg. 124

[283] Muhammad Barfi: Seemai Ali Az Manzar Ahle Sunnat (Portrait of Ali from the Sunni viewpoint), [1st Edition 1380], Pg. 130

[284] Rasool Ja’faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 20

[285] [Scrutinies of Discourse Two show that this was too less for the period of 25 years of the Caliphs’ rule.]

[286] Sayyid Murtuza Alamul Huda: Tanziyaul Anbiya (Translated by Ameer Salmani Raheemi), Pg. 227

[287] Sayyid Hasan Fatimi: Article: Saqifah quoted in Danish Nama Imam Ali (a.s.), Vol. 8, Pg. 458

[288] Surah Maidah 5:24

[289] Tabarsi: Ihtijaaj, Vol. 1, Pg. 81; Majlisi: Biharul Anwar, Vol. 28, Pg. 208

[290] Ustad Sayyid Ali Husaini Milani: Imamat-e-Bila Fasl (Edit. Muhammad Reza Kareemi), Pgs. 223-224

[291] Samani: Al-Ansaab, Vol. 6, Pg. 170, Published by Muhammad Amin Samaj, Beirut, 1400 A.H.

[292] Sayyid Ali Husaini Milani: Imamat-e-Bila Fasl (Edit. Muhammad Reza Kareemi), Pg. 143

[293] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Article: Nahjul Balagha and Wahdat-e-Islami, quoted in Mashal-e-Ittehaad (Torch of Unity), Pg. 26; Sayyid Ahmad Mawassaqi: Istiratazi-e-Wahdat (Strategy of Unity), Vol. 1, Pgs. 124-125

[294] Allamah Majlisi: Biharul Anwar, Vol. 103, Pg. 375

[295] Muhaddith Noori: Mustadrak al-Wasael, Vol. 14, Pg. 440

[296] Mustadrak al-Wasael, Vol. 14, Pg. 144

[297] Shaykh Hurr Amili: Wasaelush Shia, Vol. 8, Pg. 301, Tr. 10

[298] Ibid. Vol. 8, Pg. 301, Tr. 9

[299] Allamah Majlisi: Biharul Anwar, Vol. 88, Pg. 47, Tr. 5; quoting from: Qurbul Asnaad

[300] Allamah Sharafuddin: Ajooba Masail-e-Jarullah (Matbatul Irfan - Saida - 1953 A.D., 1373 A.H. 2nd Edition), Pg. 84

[301] Ibid. Pg. 86

[302] Ibid. Pg. 87

[303] Abdul Qadir Dahqaan Siraawaani: Article quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 15, Autumn 82, Pg. 11

[304] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Interview in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 4, Summer 79, Pg. 60

[305] Abdur Raheem Mahmoodi: Maqaam-e-Sahaaba wa Zindagi-e-Khulafa-e-Raashideen Dar yek Nigaah (Status of Companions and life of Rightly Guided Caliphs in a Glance), Pg. 36

[306] Sayyid Jawad Mustafavi: Article quoted in Kitab Wahdat (Book of Unity), Pg. 131; article quoted in Mashkoot Magazine, Issue No. 2, Spring 62, Pg. 52

[307] Sayyid Ahmad Mawassaqi: Istiratazi-e-Wahdat (Strategy of Unity), Vol. 1, Pg. 125

[308] Khuda Raham Lakzai: Article quoted in Interview in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 5, Spring 80, Pg. 35

[309] Rasool Ja’faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 13

[310] Sayyid Jawad Mustafavi: Article quoted in Kitab Wahdat (Book of Unity), Pg. 131; article quoted in Mashkoot Magazine, Issue No. 2, Spring 62, Pg. 52

[311] Sayyid Ahmad Mawassaqi: Istiratazi-e-Wahdat (Strategy of Unity), Vol. 1, Pg. 125

[312] Engineer Jawad Husaini Tabatabai: Dar Pasukh-e-Afsana-e-Shahadat, Pgs. 171-173

[313] [Because to anyone who proposed for the hand of Zahra, the Prophet gave a negative reply due to divine orders]

[314] Allamah Majlisi: Jila al-Uyoon, Pgs. 202-208

[315] Dr. Ali Akbar Hasani: Tarikh Tahlili wa Siyasi Islam, Vol. 1, Pg. 179

[316] Muhammad Husain Rajabi: Article ‘Imam Ali Dar Ahd-e-Payambar’ quoted in Danish Nama Imam Ali, Vol. 8, Pgs. 161-162; quoting from: Rasooli Mahallati: Zindigani Amirul Momineen (a.s.), Pg. 86

[317] Rasool Ja’faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 16

[318] Khuda Raham Lakzai: Article quoted in Interview in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 5, Spring 80, Pg. 30

[319] For sources of attack on Fatima’s house refer to Sayyid Ali Husaini Milani: Muhaziraat Fil Iteqaadaat, Vol. 2, Mazloomiyat-e-Zahra; Ayatullah Ja’far Subhani: Al-Hujjat al-Gharra Alaa Shahadat-e-Zahra; Abduz Zahra Mahdi: Al-Hujoom Alaa Bait-e-Fatima; Husain Ghaib Gholami: Ahraaq-e-Bait-e-Fatima (Arabic) and also: Sayyid Muhammad Husain Sajjad: Aatish Ba Khana-e-Wahy; Masoodpoor Sayyid Aaqai: Hoor Dar Aatish (Persian)

[320] Engineer Jawad Husaini Tabatabai: Dar Pasukh-e-Afsana-e-Shahadat, Pgs. 109-111

[321] Rasool Ja’faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 13

[322] Khuda Raham Lakzai: Article quoted in Interview in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 5, Spring 80, Pg. 35

[323] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pgs. 202-203; quoting from: Sharh Nahjul Balagha of Ibne Abil Hadeed, Vol. 16, Pg. 214

[324] Khuda Raham Lakzai: Article quoted in Interview in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 5, Spring 80, Pg. 33

[325] [Abdul Aziz Nomani in the article: ‘Fatima Zahra Az Wiladat Ta Afsana-e-Shahadat’ quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, (Issue No. 3, Autumn 79) This forged tradition is quoted from the book, Al-Muntazim fee Tarikh al-Umam wal-Mulook (written by Ibne Jauzi), Vol. 4, Pg. 96, considering it authentic.]

[326] Quoting from: Lisan al-Mizan, Vol. 3, Pg. 334

[327] Ustad Sayyid Ali Husaini Milani: Guftaarhai-e-Peeramoon Mazloomiyat-e-Bartareen Banu (Translation: Masood Shikohi), Pg. 106

[328] Muhammad Ismail Bukhari: Sahih Bukhari, Tradition no. 3913

[329] Muslim bin Hajjaj Nishapuri: Sahih Muslim, Tradition no. 3304

[330] Muhammad Ismail Bukhari: Sahih Bukhari, Tradition no. 2862

[331] Ibid. Tradition no. 3913

[332] Ibid. Tradition no. 6230

[333] Muslim bin Hajjaj Nishapuri: Sahih Muslim, Tradition no. 3304

[334] Ahmad Hanbal: Musnad Ahmad, Tradition no. 25

[335] Ibid. Tradition no. 52

[336] Muhammad bin Isa bin Zahhak Sulami: Sunan Tirmidhi, Tradition no. 1534

[337] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 8, Khordad 1381

[338] Muhammad Barfi: Seemai Ali Az Manzar Ahle Sunnat (Portrait of Ali from the Sunni point of view), [1st Edition 1380], Pg. 80

[339] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Mashal-e-Ittehaad (Torch of Unity), Pg. 27

[340] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 201

[341] Ahmad Rahmani Hamadani: Fatima Zahra Shadmani Dil-e-Payambar; Translator’s Footnote: Dr. Sayyid Hasan Iftikharzadeh Sabzawari, Pg. 773

[342] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 201

[343] Surah Qasas 28:20

[344] Muhammad Baqir Ansari: - Sayyid Hasan Rajai: Asrar-e-Fadak, Pgs. 59-60

[345] Sayyid Murtuza Askari: Naqsh-e-Ayesha Dar Tarikh-e-Islam, Vol. 2, Pg. 210

[346] Allamah Majlisi: Jila al-Uyoon, Pg. 870

[347] Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) said: “My mother was from those who had brought faith and were pious and righteous and Allah loves who are righteous.” (Allamah Majlisi: Jila al-Uyoon, Pg. 870)

[348] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Jam-e-Jam Daily, Issue No. 12, Bahman 1379

[349] Ibid. Interview in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 4, Summer 79, Pg. 62

[350] Abdul Qadir Dahqaan Siraawaani: Article quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 15, Autumn 82, Pg. 12

[351] Muhammad Barfi: Seemai Ali Az Manzar Ahle Sunnat (Portrait of Ali from the Sunni point of view), [1st Edition 1380], Pg. 110

[352] Ibid. Seemai Ali Az Manzar Ahle Sunnat (Portrait of Ali from the Sunni point of view), [1st Edition 1380], Pg. 87

[353] Engineer Jawad Husaini Tabatabai: Dar Pasukh-e-Afsana-e-Shahadat, Pgs. 109-110

[354] Farooq Safizaada: Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue 170, Azar 79, Pg. 81

[355] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Interview in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 4, Summer 79, Pg. 62

[356] Ibid. Jam-e-Jam Daily, Issue No. 12, Bahman 1379

[357] Ibid. Ittelaat Daily, Issue No. 30, Bahman 1379

[358] [It is the events that unfolded after the passing away of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)]

[359] Ibid. Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 9, Khordad 1381

[360] Reza Salmani: Rawabit Mutaqabil Kholafa Ba Khandaan-e-Payambar, Pg. 42

[361] Ibid. Pg. 41, quoting from: Sahih Muslim, Vol. 4, Kitabul Jihad was Sayr, Bab Hukmul Fee, Pg. 27, Tr. 49 (3302), Mausisa-e-Izuddin

[362] Ibid. Pgs. 41-42; quoting from: Tarikhul Madina, Vol. 1, Pgs. 202-204, Daar al-Fikr

[363] Sahih Muslim, No. 3302

[364] Husain Ghaib Gholami: Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) wa Rumuz-e-Hadith-e-Fadak, Pgs. 52-59

[365] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Ittelaat Daily, Issue No. 29, Khordad 1379

[366] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pgs. 227; quoting from Sharh Nahjul Balagha of Ibne Abil Hadeed, Vol. 12, Pgs. 78-79

[367] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 9, Khordad 1381

[368] Ibid. Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 9, Khordad 1381

[369] Ibrahim Baizoon (Translated by Ali Asghar Muhammadi Seejaani): Rafataar Shinashi Imam Ali (a.s.) Dar Aaina-e-Tareekh (Understanding the stand of Imam Ali in the Mirror of History) (1st Edition), 1379], Pg. 40

[370] Ibid. Rafataar Shinashi Imam Ali (a.s.) Dar Aaina-e-Tareekh (Understanding the stand of Imam Ali in the Mirror of History) (1st Edition), 1379], Pg. 42

[371] Abdul Hameed Ismail Zahi: Appeal quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 9, Spring 81, Pg. 71

[372] Abdullah Futuhi: Article in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 10, Summer 81, Pg. 78

[373] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 8, Khordad 1381

[374] Ibid. Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 9, Khordad 1381

[375] Ibne Abil Hadeed: Sharh Nahjul Balagha, Vol. 9, Pg. 54

[376] Refer: A Victim Lost in Saqifah, Vol. 4, Section 1

[377] Muhammad Ismail Bukhari: Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3, Pg. 253, Kitabul Maghazi, Chap. 155, Ghazwa-e-Khaiber, Tradition no. 704 (3913)

[378] Farooq Safizaada: Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue 170, Azar 79, Pg. 82

[379] Ibid. Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue 170, Azar 79, Pg. 80

[380] Jalal Darikhsha: Mawaaze Siyasi Hazrat Ali Dar Qibal Mukhalifeen (Political stands of Ali against opponents), Pg. 59

[381] Ibid. Pgs. 59-60

[382] Ibid. Pg. 66

[383] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pgs. 79-80; quoting from Sharh Nahjul Balagha, Ibne Abil Hadeed, Vol. 12, Pgs. 77-78

[384] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 44, quoting from Sharh Nahjul Balagha, Ibne Abil Hadeed, Vol. 3, Pg. 97

[385] Dr. Ali Akbar Hasani: Tarikh Tahlili wa Siyasi Islam, Vol. 2, Pg. 3; quoting from: Irshad, Shaykh Mufeed, Vol. 1, Pg. 76

[386] Allamah Askari: Saqifah, Edited: Dr. Mahdi Dashti, Pg. 135

[387] Mustafi Shirazi: Article in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue No. 184, Bahman 80, Pgs. 64-65

[388] Abdur Raheem Mahmoodi: Maqaam-e-Sahaaba wa Zindagi-e-Khulafa-e-Raashideen Dar yek Nigaah (Status of Companions and life of Rightly Guided Caliphs in a Glance), Pg. 37

[389] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Interview in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 4, Summer 79, Pg. 62

[390] Ibid. Interview in Jam-e-Jam Daily, Issue No. 12, Bahman 1379

[391] Ameenullah Kareemi: Ahle Bayt Az Deedgaah-e-Ahle Sunnat (1st Edition 1380), Pg. 89

[392] Jalal Jalalizadeh: Article in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 7, Autumn 80, Pg. 63

[393] Muhammad Barfi: Collected Papers of International Conference on Imam Ali 1st Edition 1381, Vol. 2, Pg. 57

[394] Abdul Qadir Dahqaan Siraawaani: Article quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 15, Autumn 81, Pg. 8

[395] Ibid. Article quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 11, Autumn 81, Pg. 12

[396] Jamaal Baadroza: Khilafat O Imamat Az Deedgaah-e-Ahle Sunnat (1st Edition 1381), Pg. 27

[397] Ibid. Khilafat O Imamat Az Deedgaah-e-Ahle Sunnat, Pg. 80

[398] [Masoodi says that shedding blood gave him maximum pleasure…Ibne Kathir says that in the year 68 A.H. it became customary to celebrate the Day of Ashura as Eid. They dressed in new clothes and felt regretful for not being present in Kerbala.

They dug up 3000 graves to bring out the last remains of Ali (a.s.).

During the long period of his rule no one could name his child Ali, Hasan or Husain…

In his time disbelief was not as serious an offence as Shiaism, it was better to say: I am a Kafir than to say I am a Shia.

(Dr. Ali Akbar Hasani:: Tarikh Tahlili wa Siyasi Islam, Vol. 2, Pgs. 81-82)]

[399] Ibne Jauzi: Akhbaarun Nisa, Pg. 65

[400] Engineer Jawad Husaini Tabatabai: Dar Pasukh-e-Afsana-e-Shahadat, Pg. 178

[401] [In other words if these versions are compared, their contradictions will become clear.]

[402] Ahmad Rahmani Hamadani: Fatima Zahra Shadmani Dil-e-Payambar (Translated by Dr. Sayyid Hasan Iftikharzadeh Sabzawari) Pgs. 875-876

[403] Refer: Al-Ghadeer, Vol. 2, Pg. 396

[404] [The view of Shaykh Mufeed is that the Sunnis cannot prove this marriage on the basis of their books.]

[405] Dr. Ali Akbar Hasani:: Tarikh Tahlili wa Siyasi Islam, Vol. 2, Pg. 57

[406] Ahmad Rahmani Hamadani: Fatima Zahra Shadmani Dil-e-Payambar, Pgs. 872-873

[407] Shushtar

[408] [Umar]

[409] [Umme Kulthum]

[410] Ahmad Rahmani Hamadani: Fatima Zahra Shadmani Dil-e-Payambar, Pg. 873

[411] Ahmad Rahmani Hamadani: Fatima Zahra Shadmani Dil-e-Payambar, Pg. 876, quoting from: Shaykh Mufeed

[412] Vol. 16, Pg. 103, Dar al-Fikr Beirut

[413] Fareed Saael: Afsana-e-Iztiwaaj (Investigation about the marriage of Umme Kulthum with Umar in Shia and Sunni sources), Pgs. 20-22

[414] Since the honorable post of providing water in Masjidul Haraam and distributing Zamzam water was held by Abbas, Umar wanted to destroy this honor and ridicule Abbas.

[415] Thiqatul Islam Kulaini: Kafi, Vol. 5, Pg. 346, Tr. 1; Hurr Amili: Wasaelush Shia, Vol. 14, Pg. 433, Tr. 2

[416] Sharif Murtuza: Ash-Shafi, Vol. 3, Pg. 282

[417] [The point worth noting is that according to Islamic Shariah if four witnesses testify the accused will be punished. If three do and the fourth is proved wrong all the three are punished with 80 lashes. The Second Caliph used this in the matter of Mughaira. Instead of punishing him he lashed the three witnesses.] Sayyid Abdul Husain Sharafuddin: Ijtihaad Dar Maqabil-e-Nass (Translated by Ali Dawani), Pgs. 340-345]

[418] [This same document proves that Amirul Momineen (a.s.) was not always present in the congregation prayers in the Masjid and other similar rituals.]

[419] Bahrani: Awalim al-Uloom, Vol. 2; quoting from Al-Motatul Baiza, Pg. 139

[420] Fareed Saael: Afsana-e-Iztiwaaj, Pgs. 23-26

[421] Bahrani: Awalim al-Uloom, Vol. 2; quoting from Al-Motatul Baiza, Pg. 139

[422] Fareed Saael: Afsana-e-Iztiwaaj, Pgs. 28-29

[423] Kulaini: Kafi, Vol. 5, Pg. 350; Hurr Amili: Wasaelush Shia, Vol. 3, Pg. 129

[424] Tabaqat Ibne Saad, Vol. 8, Pg. 462; Ad-Dhariatut Tahira, Pg. 160, Tr. 210; Majmauz Zawaid, Vol. 4, Pg. 499

[425] [Ibne Abil Hadeed in Sharh Nahjul Balagha, (Vol. 1, Pg. 181), has considered the whip of Umar to be more terrifying than the sword of Hajjaj.]

[426] Fareed Saael: Afsana-e-Iztiwaaj, Pgs. 26-27

[427] Tarikh Tabari, Vol. 3, Pg. 421; Al-Iqdul Fareed, Vol. 6, Pg. 91; Kamil Ibne Athir, Vol. 2, Pg. 213; Al-Bidaya wan Nihaya Ibne Kathir, Vol. 7, Pg. 157

[428] Engineer Jawad Husaini Tabatabai: Dar Pasukh-e-Afsana-e-Shahadat, Pg. 175

[429] Those who are interested may refer to detailed discussion on this topic in his books: Ar Rasail al-Ashar fil Ahadith al-Mauzoo fee Kutub as-Sunnah and Muhaziraat fil Itiqaad.

[430] Kulaini: Furu Kafi, Vol. 5, Pg. 346, & Vol. 6, Pg. 115

[431] It is worth mention that some senior scholars like Shaykh Mufeed and Sayyid Murtuza have rejected the marriage totally.

[432] Tahdhib at-Tahdhib: Vol. 1, Pg. 44; Vol. 11, Pg. 382; Vol. 4, Pg. 106

[433] Tabaqat al-Kubra: Vol. 8, Pg. 462; Al-Mustadrak: Vol. 3, Pg. 142; As-Sunan al-Kubra: Vol. 7, Pg. 63 & Pg. 114; Tarikh Baghdad: Vol. 6, Pg. 182; Al-Istiab: Vol. 4, Pg. 1954; Usud al-Ghaba: Vol. 5, Pg. 614; Ad-Dhariatut Tahira: Pgs. 157-165; Majmauz Zawaid: Vol. 4, Pg. 499; Al-Musannif Sanaani: Pg. 10354

[434] At-Tabaqat al-Kubra: Vol. 8, Pg. 463, Printed in Beirut; Al-Isabah: Vol. 4, Part 8, Pg. 275, No. 1473, Darul Kutub al-Ilmiya - Beirut; Al-Bidaya wan Nihaya: Vol. 5, Pg. 330, Darul Ahya Turathul Arabi - Beirut; Ansaab al-Ashraaf: Vol. 2, Pg. 412, Darul Fikr - Beirut; Al-Mustadrak: Vol. 3, Pg. 142, Darul Maroof - Beirut

[435] At-Tabaqat al-Kubra: Vol. 8, Pg. 463, Printed in Beirut

[436] Mukhtasar Tarikh-e-Damishq: Vol. 6, Pg. 205

[437] Ustad Sayyid Ali Husaini Milani: Imamat-e-Bila Fasl (Edit. Muhammad Reza Kareemi), Pgs. 227-235

[438] Extract from Arabic text quoted in: Fatima Zahra Bahjat Qalb-e-Mustafa, Vol. 2, Pgs. 655-656

[439] By Shaykh Mufeed (q.s.)

[440] According to Late Muhaqqiq Shustari we can arrange this as follows:

[a) Umme Kulthum Kubra; daughter of Fatima Zahra (s.a.).

b) Umme Kulthum Sughra; daughter of slave-wife.

c) Zainab Kubra; daughter of Fatima Zahra (s.a.).

d) Zainab Sughra; daughter of slave-wife.]

[441] Refer: Muhaqqiq Shushtari: Qamoos ar-Rijaal, Vol. 10, Pg. 205

[442] Dr. Ali Akbar Hasani: Tarikh Tahlili wa Siyasi Islam, Vol. 2, Pg. 59

[443] Refer: Allamah Ja’far Murtuza Amili: Zalaamatu Umme Kulthum, Pgs. 127-131

[444] Historical sources have mentioned that: Umme Habiba daughter of Kharja bin Zaid Ansari - wife of Abu Bakr - after his death, gave birth to a daughter who was named Umme Kulthum. (Nuwairi: Nihayatul Arab, translated by Dr. Muhammad Damghani, Vol. 4, Pg. 117)

Historical sources also say that Umar also asked for the hand of a daughter of Abu Bakr named Umme Kulthum. (Ibne Qutaibah: Al-Maarif, Pg. 175; Maqdasi: Al-Bada wat Tarikh, Vol. 5, Pg. 92)

In the same way in all the above documents it is clearly mentioned that:

The Umme Kulthum mentioned in these documents was married to Talha bin Ubaidullah (Cousin of Abu Bakr and a strong supporter of Ayesha).

Therefore it must be said: In the beginning Umar asked for the hand of Umme Kulthum daughter of Umme Habiba.

[445] Refer: Dr. Ali Akbar Hasani: Tarikh Tahlili wa Siyasi Islam, Vol. 2, Pg. 59

[446] Even if we do not agree to the view of Ayatullah Marashi we can still say that the suggestion of Amr Aas to marry the daughter of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) created a new motive in the Second Caliph.

[447] On the basis of this it is known that Abu Bakr had two daughters named Umme Kulthum.

[448] Ustad Ja’far Murtuza believes that the intention of Umar in trying to marry the daughter of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) [whether it be Umme Kulthum, the elder, from Her Eminence, Zahra or Umme Kulthum, the younger, from slave wife or her step-daughter] was to insult His Eminence (a.s.). (Refer: Allamah Ja’far Murtuza Amili: Zalaamatu Umme Kulthum, Pgs. 78 & 110)

[449] Sayyid Ahmad Mawassaqi: Istiratazi-e-Wahdat (Strategy of Unity), Vol. 1, Pg. 133

[450] Rasool Ja’faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 21; quoting from: Ansaab al-Ashraaf, Vol. 4, Pg. 132

[451] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pg. 219; quoting from Sharh Nahjul Balagha, Ibne Abil Hadid, Vol. 8, Pgs. 254-255 & Muruj az-Zahab, Pgs. 359-360

[452] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 337; quoting from: Muruj az-Zahab, Vol. 1, Pg. 689

[453] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pg. 198; quoting from: Ansaab al-Ashraaf, Vol. 5, Pgs. 54-55

[454] Ibid. Pg. 196

[455] Ibid. Pg. 196; quoting from: Ansaab al-Ashraaf, Vol. 5, Pg. 48

[456] Ibid. Pg. 246; quoting from: Ansaab al-Ashraaf, Vol. 5, Pg. 62

[457] Sayyid Jawad Mustafavi: Article quoted in Kitab Wahdat (Book of Unity), Pgs. 139-140; article quoted in Mashkoot Magazine, Issue No. 2, Spring 62, Pg. 53

[458] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pg. 282; quoting from: Tarikh Damishq, Ibne Asakir, Vol. 6, Pg. 24

[459] Ibid. Pg. 297; quoting from: Majma az-Zawaid, Vol. 7, Pg. 226

[460] Ali Muhammad Meer Jalili: Imam Ali (a.s.) wa Zamaamdaaraan (Imam Ali and the Rulers), Pg. 101

[461] Farooq Safizaada: Article quoted in Kayhan Farhangi, Issue 170, Azar 79, Pg. 80

[462] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 193, quoting from Sharh Nahjul Balagha, Vol. 9, Pg. 25

[463] Refer: Sharh Nahjul Balagha, Ibne Abil Hadeed, Vol. 17, Pg. 223

[464] Rasool Ja’faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 17

[465] Ibid. Pg. 18

[466] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 239

[467] Ibid. Pg. 240

[468] Rasool Ja’faryan: Tarikh wa Seerah Siyasi Amir-e-Mominaan Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) [History and political biography of Ali (a.s.)], Pg. 230

[469] Ibid. Pg. 232

[470] Quoting from: Daimul Islam, Vol. 1, Pg. 384, Nahjus Saada, Vol. 1, Pg. 229

[471] Quoting from: Rauza Kafi, Pgs. 58-63; Tarikhul Khulafa, Pg. 136

[472] Yusuf Gholami: Pas az Ghuroob (After Sunset), Pg. 240

[473] Refer: Sharh Nahjul Balagha, Ibne Abil Hadeed, Vol. 16, Pg. 231

[474] Ibne Abil Hadeed: Sharh Nahjul Balagha, Vol. 9, Pg. 306

[475] Muhammad Ismail Ansari Zanjani: Translation of Asraar Aale Muhammad, Pg. 435

[476] Sayyid Ahmad Mawassaqi: Istiratazi-e-Wahdat (Strategy of Unity), Vol. 1, Pg. 135

[477] Abdul Hameed Ismail Zahi: Appeal quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 9, Spring 81, Pg. 71

[479] Arabic speaking

[479] [For more information most books of Shia Rijaal can be referred like: Rijaal Toosi, Rijaal Barqi, Rijaal Kishi, Mojamur Rijaal al-Hadith of Ayatullah Khui.

[480] [Father and son, both from Bani Hashim were named Yazid after the tragedy of Kerbala.

Yazid bin Muawiyah bin Abdullah bin Ja’far bin Abi Talib had two more brothers named Hasan and Salih. All three were from the same mother and they participated in the uprising of Nafs-e-Zakiyyah

(Refer: Abul Faraj Isfahani: Maqatil at-Talibiyyin)]

[481] [Especially non-Arabic-speaking]

[482] Engineer Jawad Husaini Tabatabai: Dar Pasukh-e-Afsana-e-Shahadat, Pgs. 181-184

[483] Ustad Sayyid Ali Husaini Milani: Imamat-e-Bila Fasl (Edit. Muhammad Reza Kareemi), Pg. 237

[484] Abul Faraj Isfahani: Maqatil at-Talibiyyin, (Translated by Rasooli Mahallati), Pg. 80

[465] Tahdhib al-Kamal: Vol. 21, Pg. 467

[486] Tahdhib at-Tahdhib: Vol. 7, Pg. 411

[487] Ustad Sayyid Ali Husaini Milani: Imamat-e-Bila Fasl (Edit. Muhammad Reza Kareemi), Pgs. 235-236

[488] Sharh al-Mawafiq: Vol. 8, Pg. 367

[489] [This statement will be repeated further in this text.]

[490] Al-Istiab: Vol. 3, Pg. 109, Edit. Bajawi

[491] Tarikh Tabari: Vol. 2, Pg. 316

[492] Ustad Sayyid Ali Husaini Milani: Imamat-e-Bila Fasl (Edit. Muhammad Reza Kareemi), Pgs. 237-241

[493] Muhammad Barfi: Seemai Ali Az Manzar Ahle Sunnat (Portrait of Ali from the Sunni point of view), [1st Edition 1380], Pg. 115

[494] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Ittelaat Daily, Issue No. 29, Khordad 1379

[495] Sermon 219, Faid al-Islam Edition.

[496] Tarikh Tabari: Vol. 3, Pg. 285, Account of Year 23 A.H.

[497] That is there were such people who publicized such things and introduced the Caliphs as such.

[498] Seeri Dar Nahjul Balagha, Pg. 164

[499] Dr. Muhammad Asadi Garmarudi: Haqeeqat Sookhte, Pgs. 49-54

[500] Sayyid Jawad Mustafawi: Article quoted in Kitab-e-Wahdat, Pg. 139; article quoted in Mashkoot Magazine, Issue No. 2, Spring 62, Pg. 58

[501] Bahjus Sibagha: Vol. 4, Pgs. 369-373

[502] Ibid. Vol. 5, Pg. 473

[503] Ibid. Vol. 9, Pgs. 448-465, especially Pgs. 428 & 449

[504] Ibid. Vol. 9, Pgs. 466-480

[505] Ibid. Vol. 9, Pgs. 480-509

[506] Ibid. Vol. 9, Pg. 536; quoting from: Al-Jamal, Pgs. 322-327

[507] Ibid. Vol. 9, Pg. 564

[508] [It is necessary to mention that this statement of Nahjul Balagha is used to show separation between Imamate and Caliphate and in the end to make rulership of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) valueless.

(Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Seemai Imam-e-Muttaqeen, (Portrait of the Imam of the Pious), Vol. 7, Pg. 17)]

[509] Bahjus Sibagha: Vol. 10, Pgs. 40-44

[510] Ibid. Vol. 12, Pgs. 90-91

[511] Sayyid Razi: Al-Majazaatun Nabawiyyah, Pg. 401, Tr. 317

[512] Bahjus Sibagha: Vol. 14, Vol. 477

[513] Ibid. Vol. 14, Pg. 573

[514] Muhammad Sahati Sardarudi: Article quoted in the book, Mashal-e-Javed, Dalil Publishers

[515] Muhammad Waizzaada Khorasani: Article quoted in Kitab Naqd Magazine, Issue No. 19, (Vol. 2), Summer 80, Pg. 31

[516] Refer: Ali Akbar Zakiri: Hukoomat O Siyasat (Letter of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) to Shias about Caliphs), Pgs. 29-36

[517] Research: Ahmad Mahmoodi: Mausisa Thaqafatul Islamiya, Pgs. 409-427

[518] This statement is also mentioned in Kashful Muhajja of Sayyid bin Tawoos, al-Mustarshid of Tabarai Imami Kabir and Al-Imamah was Siyasah of Ibne Qutaibah

[519] Sayyid Abul Fazl Barqai in his Preface to the book, Shahira-e-Ittihaad has based his view on this document about good relations of Amirul Momineen (a.s.).

[520] Hashimi Khoei: Minhaaj al-Bara-a, Vol. 6, Pg. 106

[521] Thaqafi Kufi: Al-Ghaaraat, Vol. 1, Pg. 210

[522] Sayyid Ali Khan Madani: Ad-Darajaat ar-Rafia (Elevated Positions), Pg. 336

[523] This possibility is also applicable to the book of Ad-Darajaat ar-Raafia as it also contains many praises of the Caliphs.

[524] [For more information refer to Section One of the 4th volume of this book.]

[525] Muhammad Baqir Mahmoodi: Nahjus Saada Fee Mustadrak Nahjul Balagha, Vol. 4, Pg. 23

[526] Refer: Ibne Qutaibah: Al-Imamah was-Siyasah, Vol. 1, Pg. 26, Ibne Abil Hadeed: Sharh Nahjul Balagha, Vol. 1, Pg. 188, Yaqoobi: Tarikh Yaqoobi, Vol. 2, Pg. 162, Balazari: Ansaab al-Ashraaf, Vol. 5, Pg. 22

[527] The interesting point is that these people forget their own claims that after the passing away of the Prophet they selected Abu Bakr as Caliph without consulting Ali (a.s.) - Refer: Mashal-e-Ittehad, Pg. 20

[528] [Which of the three Caliphs was selected on the choice of the people? Abu Bakr got the Bayyat of just five of his associates in Saqifah, Umar was appointed by Abu Bakr and Uthman was chosen through the trick of Shura.]

[529] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Seemai Imam-e-Muttaqeen, (Portrait of the Imam of the Pious), Vol. 7, Pg. 18

[530] Nahjul Balagha (Abduh), Letter 6

[531] Sharh Nahjul Balagha, Ibne Abil Hadeed, Vol. 14, Pg. 36

[532] Ustad Ja’far Subhani: Rahbari-e-Ummat (Leadership of the nation), Pgs. 64-66

[533] Sayyid Razi was born in 359 A.H. and passed away in year 406 A.H.

[534] These letters exchanged between Imam (a.s.) and Muawiyah are quoted in Asl Sulaym bin Qais, Najaf, Pgs. 159-176

[535] Ustad Ja’far Subhani: Article ‘Mushawera Dar Quran O Nahjul Balagha’ quoted in the book Kawish Dar Nahjul Balagha, Pgs. 195-197

[536] Abdul Ali Bazargan: Shura O Bayyat, Pg. 71

[537] Ibid. Shura O Bayyat, Pg. 86

[538] Ibid. Shura O Bayyat, Pg. 88

[539] Muhammad Waizzaada Khorasani: Interview with Nahjul Balagha Magazine, Issue No. 4-5 Pg. 177

[540] Allamah Majlisi: Biharul Anwar, Vol. 33, Pg. 144

[541] Muawiyah considered himself to be appointed by the past Caliphs as the governor of Syria and therefore could not object to the validity of their Caliphate.

[542] Abdul Aziz Nomani: Article ‘Fatima Zahra az Wiladat Ta Afsana-e-Shahadat’ quoted in Nida-e-Islam Magazine (under supervision of Hauzatul Ilmiya Darul Uloom, Zahidan), Issue No. 3, Autumn 79, Pg. 68

[543] Abdul Hameed Ismail Zahi: Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 6, Summer 80, Pg. 70

[544] Ibid. Nida-e-Islam Magazine, Issue No. 18, Summer 83, Pg. 8

[545] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 8, Khordad 1381

[546] Ibid. Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 8, Khordad 1381

[547] Dr. Jawad Muhaddaseen: Article quoted in Jam-e-Jam Daily, Issue 3, Shariwar 1380

[This article is in reply to the objections of Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani and it has challenged him to reply to these questions.]

[548] Muhammad Jawad Hujjati Kermani: Aftaab-e-Yazd Daily, Issue No. 8, Khordad 1381

[549] Abdul Kareem Bi-Aazaar Shirazi: Hambastigi-e-Mazahib-e-Islami (Preface to the 3rd Edition), Pg. 20

[550] Ayatullah Al-Uzma Mirza Jawad Tabrizi: Zulmaat-e-Fatima Zahra (Markaz al-Bahoos al-Aqaidiya, Darus Siddiqatus Shaheeda), Pg. 30