Ramadhan with The Holy Qur’an [30 Lessons in 30 days]
Author: Muhsin Qara'ati
Translator: S.L. Al-Hakim
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
Category: Supplications and Ziyarat
ISBN: 978-600-5421-36-1
Author: Muhsin Qara'ati
Translator: S.L. Al-Hakim
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
visits: 11223
Download: 3993
- Author's note
- Note
- Translator’s Note
- Lesson 1: Ramadhan
- A Month Hosted By Allah
- The Sermon of Sha’ban
- Notes
- Lesson 2: Fasting
- Effects and Blessings of Fasting
- Etiquette And Conditions Of Observing Fast
- Breaking The Fast
- Notes
- Lesson 3: Contemplation in The Holy Qur’an
- Complaint from The Forlorn Holy Qur’an
- The Necessity For Contemplation In The Holy Qur’an
- Note
- Lesson 4: Points About The Qur’an
- A Book With Dignity
- The Miracle of The Holy Qur’an
- The Distinction Of Qur’anic Stories
- Variety of Reciters of The Holy Qur’an
- Note
- Lesson 5: Supplication
- The Importance of Supplication
- The Attention of Allah To Those Who Supplicate
- The Etiquette Of Supplication
- I. Supplication must be with faith and deed
- II. With sincerity
- III. With humbleness and in secret
- IV. With fear and hope
- V. During some special hours
- VI. The one who is supplicating should benefit from the heavenly divine names
- The Beautiful Names of Allah
- Notes
- Lesson 6: Importance of Prayers
- Luqman’s Advice
- Note
- Lesson 7: Enjoining The Good And Forbidding The Evil
- Importance of Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil
- Manners and Conditions
- Enjoining The Good, Is A Sign Of The Best Nation
- Effects And Blessings
- Notes
- Lesson 8: Commentary On Surah Hamd
- Likewise, the Prophet (pbuh) and his book is the source of Mercy
- Educational Lessons From Surah Hamd
- The Importance Of Bismil-Lah
- The Straight Path
- Wrath In The Holy Qur’an
- Notes
- Lesson 9: Night Prayers
- Rising Early and Night Vigil
- Notes
- Lesson 10: The Two Forgotten Obligations
- First: Islamic Tax (Zakat)
- Second: Khums
- Notes
- Lesson 11: The Father and The Mother
- An Extension Of The Meaning Of Parents
- Notes
- Lesson 12: Thankfulness and Gratitude
- Thanking Allah
- Examples Of Practical Gratitude
- Gratitude In The Face Of Hardship
- Notes
- Lesson 13: Divine Delegates
- Animals Are Divine Delegates
- Lesson 14: All That Is Sacred In Islam
- Respecting All That Is Sacred In Islam
- Insulting The Prophet (pbuh), Allah’s Defence
- Notes
- Lesson 15: Migration
- Migration For The Sake Of Religious Attainment
- The Effects And Blessings Of Migration
- Notes
- Lesson 16: Exegesis Of Surah Qadr
- The Angels in the Holy Qur’an
- Notes
- Lesson 17: Allah’s Decrees
- Types of Decrees
- Note
- Lesson 18 The Purified Household
- The Ayah of Purification
- Answering Doubts
- Notes
- Lesson 19: Love for the Ahlul Bayt
- Notes
- Lesson 20: Imammat and Wilayet
- The Final Message from The Prophet
- The Wilayah/Guardianship Is the Perfection and Completion of The Message
- Notes
- Lesson 21: The Imam of The Time
- Allah’s Successor in The World
- Remnant of God
- Lesson 22: Intercession
- Intercession and Conditions of Intercession
- Intercessors and those who Receive Intercession
- Conditions for Receiving Intercession
- Notes
- Lesson 23: Sins And Disobedience
- Kinds of Sins
- The Effects of and Consequences of Sin
- The Path to Restitution
- Seeking Forgiveness
- Note
- Lesson 24: Repentance
- The Features of Repentance in the Holy Qur’an
- Conditions of The Acceptance of Repentance
- Repentance Is Lifesaving
- Lesson 25: The Return
- Audit of the Day of Resurrection
- Different Ways of Being Accountable
- Scroll of Deeds
- Witnesses of the Court Of Resurrection Day
- Forgive Until Forgiven
- Note
- Lesson 26: Expenditure
- Kinds of Expenditure
- The Best Kind of Expenditure
- A Sample Of The Expenditure Of The Believers
- The Hand Of The Needy Is The Hand Of Allah
- Martyrdom The Giving Of The Soul
- The Best Deed
- Notes
- Lesson 27: The Mosque
- The Importance of the Mosque
- Maintenance and Prosperity
- Adornments and the Mosque
- Notes
- Lesson 28: Etiquettes of Society
- Our Selection of Friends
- Brotherhood
- The Rights of Our Brothers
- Reconciliation and Peace
- Religious Connections and Relationships
- Notes
- Lesson 29: Family
- Responsibilities Of Society In Marrying The Youth
- Kinds of Families in the Holy Qur’an
- Responsibilities Within The Family
- Notes
- Lesson 30: The Festivities of the Liberated
- The Liberated In The Qur’an
- • Serve Allah
- • Do deeds and work that is valuable
- • Are not stingy
- • Are with Allah
- • Are people of Remembrance
- • Are God wary
- • Are strugglers
- • Who repent
- Ramadhan Eid: A Reward from Allah
- Remembering the Resurrection
- Remembering Those before Us
- Notes