The Holy Quran (Arabic Text + Three English Translations)

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The Holy Quran (Arabic Text + Three English Translations) Translator: Mohammad Habib Shakir, Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall and Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Category: Quran Text

The Holy Quran (Arabic Text + Three English Translations)

Translator: Mohammad Habib Shakir, Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall and Abdullah Yusuf Ali

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The Holy Quran (Arabic Text + Three English Translations)
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The Holy Quran (Arabic Text + Three English Translations)

The Holy Quran (Arabic Text + Three English Translations)


The Holy Quran


Mohammad Habib Shakir

Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall

Abdullah Yusuf Ali


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The composing errors are not corrected.

Table of Contents

سورة الفاتحة (Al-Fatiha) 14

Sura 1 14

Aya 1 to 7 14

سورة البقرة (Al-Baqara) 15

Sura 2 15

Aya 1 to 286 15

سورة آل عمران (Al-i-Imran) 104

Sura 3 104

Aya 1 to 200 104

سورة النساء (An-Nisa) 158

Sura 4 158

Aya 1 to 176 158

سورة المائدة (Al-Ma'ida) 213

Sura 5 213

Aya 1 to 120 213

سورة الأنعام (Al-An'am) 254

Sura 6 254

Aya 1 to 165 254

سورة الأعراف (Al-A'raf) 300

Sura 7 300

Aya 1 to 206 300

سورة الأنفال (Al-Anfal) 353

Sura 8 353

Aya 1 to 75 353

سورة التوبة (At-Tawba) 373

Sura 9 373

Aya 1 to 129 373

سورة يونس (Yunus) 412

Sura 10 412

Aya 1 to 109 412

سورة هود (Hud) 440

Sura 11 440

Aya 1 to 123 440

سورة يوسف (Yusuf) 471

Sura 12 471

Aya 1 to 111 471

سورة الرعد (Ar-Ra'd) 499

Sura 13 499

Aya 1 to 43 499

سورة ابراهيم (Ibrahim) 512

Sura 14 512

Aya 1 to 52 512

سورة الحجر (Al-Hijr) 526

Sura 15 526

Aya 1 to 99 526

سورة النحل (An-Nahl) 541

Sura 16 541

Aya 1 to 128 541

سورة الإسراء (Al-Isra) 571

Sura 17 571

Aya 1 to 111 571

سورة الكهف (Al-Kahf) 597

Sura 18 597

Aya 1 to 110 597

سورة مريم (Maryam) 623

Sura 19 623

Aya 1 to 98 623

سورة طه (Ta-Ha) 641

Sura 20 641

Aya 1 to 135 641

سورة الأنبياء (Al-Anbiya) 666

Sura 21 666

Aya 1 to 112 666

سورة الحج (Al-Hajj) 687

Sura 22 687

Aya 1 to 78 687

سورة المؤمنون (Al-Mu'minun) 707

Sura 23 707

Aya 1 to 118 707

سورة النور (An-Nur) 727

Sura 24 727

Aya 1 to 64 727

سورة الفرقان (Al-Furqan) 747

Sura 25 747

Aya 1 to 77 747

سورة الشعراء (Ash-Shu'ara) 763

Sura 26 763

Aya 1 to 227 763

سورة النمل (An-Naml) 794

Sura 27 794

Aya 1 to 93 794

سورة القصص (Al-Qasas) 814

Sura 28 814

Aya 1 to 88 814

سورة العنكبوت (Al-Ankabut) 837

Sura 29 837

Aya 1 to 69 837

سورة الروم (Ar-Rum) 854

Sura 30 854

Aya 1 to 60 854

سورة لقمان (Luqman) 868

Sura 31 868

Aya 1 to 34 868

سورة السجدة (As-Sajda) 877

Sura 32 877

Aya 1 to 30 877

سورة الأحزاب (Al-Ahzab) 884

Sura 33 884

Aya 1 to 73 884

سورة سبإ (Saba) 905

Sura 34 905

Aya 1 to 54 905

سورة فاطر (Fatir) 919

Sura 35 919

Aya 1 to 45 919

سورة يس (Ya-Sin) 931

Sura 36 931

Aya 1 to 83 931

سورة الصافات (As-Saffat) 945

Sura 37 945

Aya 1 to 182 945

سورة ص (Sad) 968

Sura 38 968

Aya 1 to 88 968

سورة الزمر (Az-Zumar) 983

Sura 39 983

Aya 1 to 75 983

سورة غافر (Ghafir) 1002

Sura 40 1002

Aya 1 to 85 1002

سورة فصلت (Fussilat) 1022

Sura 41 1022

Aya 1 to 54 1022

سورة الشورى (Ash-Shura) 1035

Sura 42 1035

Aya 1 to 53 1035

سورة الزخرف (Az-Zukhruf) 1049

Sura 43 1049

Aya 1 to 89 1049

سورة الدخان (Ad-Dukhan) 1066

Sura 44 1066

Aya 1 to 59 1066

سورة الجاثية (Al-Jathiya) 1075

Sura 45 1075

Aya 1 to 37 1075

سورة الأحقاف (Al-Ahqaf) 1084

Sura 46 1084

Aya 1 to 35 1084

سورة محمد (Muhammad) 1094

Sura 47 1094

Aya 1 to 38 1094

سورة الفتح (Al-Fath) 1104

Sura 48 1104

Aya 1 to 29 1104

سورة الحجرات (Al-Hujurat) 1113

Sura 49 1113

Aya 1 to 18 1113

سورة ق (Qaf) 1119

Sura 50 1119

Aya 1 to 45 1119

سورة الذاريات (Adh-Dhariyat) 1127

Sura 51 1127

Aya 1 to 60 1127

سورة الطور (At-Tur) 1136

Sura 52 1136

Aya 1 to 49 1136

سورة النجم (An-Najm) 1144

Sura 53 1144

Aya 1 to 62 1144

سورة القمر (Al-Qamar) 1153

Sura 54 1153

Aya 1 to 55 1153

سورة الرحمن (Ar-Rahman) 1162

Sura 55 1162

Aya 1 to 78 1162

سورة الواقعة (Al-Waqi'a) 1171

Sura 56 1171

Aya 1 to 96 1171

سورة الحديد (Al-Hadid) 1183

Sura 57 1183

Aya 1 to 29 1183

سورة المجادلة (Al-Mujadila) 1193

Sura 58 1193

Aya 1 to 22 1193

سورة الحشر (Al-Hashr) 1201

Sura 59 1201

Aya 1 to 24 1201

سورة الممتحنة (Al-Mumtahina) 1208

Sura 60 1208

Aya 1 to 13 1208

سورة الصف (As-Saff) 1214

Sura 61 1214

Aya 1 to 14 1214

سورة الجمعة (Al-Jumu'a) 1218

Sura 62 1218

Aya 1 to 11 1218

سورة المنافقون (Al-Munafiqun) 1221

Sura 63 1221

Aya 1 to 11 1221

سورة التغابن (At-Taghabun) 1225

Sura 64 1225

Aya 1 to 18 1225

سورة الطلاق (At-Talaq) 1230

Sura 65 1230

Aya 1 to 12 1230

سورة التحريم (At-Tahrim) 1235

Sura 66 1235

Aya 1 to 12 1235

سورة الملك (Al-Mulk) 1239

Sura 67 1239

Aya 1 to 30 1239

سورة القلم (Al-Qalam) 1245

Sura 68 1245

Aya 1 to 52 1245

سورة الحاقة (Al-Haqqa) 1253

Sura 69 1253

Aya 1 to 52 1253

سورة المعارج (Al-Ma'arij) 1260

Sura 70 1260

Aya 1 to 44 1260

سورة نوح (Nuh) 1266

Sura 71 1266

Aya 1 to 28 1266

سورة الجن (Al-Jinn) 1271

Sura 72 1271

Aya 1 to 28 1271

سورة المزمل (Al-Muzzammil) 1277

Sura 73 1277

Aya 1 to 20 1277

سورة المدثر (Al-Muddathir) 1281

Sura 74 1281

Aya 1 to 56 1281

سورة القيامة (Al-Qiyama) 1288

Sura 75 1288

Aya 1 to 40 1288

سورة الانسان (Al-Insan) 1293

Sura 76 1293

Aya 1 to 31 1293

سورة المرسلات (Al-Mursalat) 1299

Sura 77 1299

Aya 1 to 50 1299

سورة النبإ (An-Naba') 1305

Sura 78 1305

Aya 1 to 40 1305

سورة النازعات (An-Nazi'at) 1310

Sura 79 1310

Aya 1 to 46 1310

سورة عبس (Abasa) 1316

Sura 80 1316

Aya 1 to 42 1316

سورة التكوير (At-Takwir) 1321

Sura 81 1321

Aya 1 to 29 1321

سورة الإنفطار (Al-Infitar) 1325

Sura 82 1325

Aya 1 to 19 1325

سورة المطففين (Al-Mutaffifin) 1328

Sura 83 1328

Aya 1 to 36 1328

سورة الإنشقاق (Al-Inshiqaq) 1333

Sura 84 1333

Aya 1 to 25 1333

سورة البروج (Al-Buruj) 1336

Sura 85 1336

Aya 1 to 22 1336

سورة الطارق (At-Tariq) 1339

Sura 86 1339

Aya 1 to 17 1339

سورة الأعلى (Al-A'la) 1341

Sura 87 1341

Aya 1 to 19 1341

سورة الغاشية (Al-Ghashiya) 1344

Sura 88 1344

Aya 1 to 26 1344

سورة الفجر (Al-Fajr) 1347

Sura 89 1347

Aya 1 to 30 1347

سورة البلد (Al-Balad) 1351

Sura 90 1351

Aya 1 to 20 1351

سورة الشمس (Ash-Shams) 1354

Sura 91 1354

Aya 1 to 15 1354

سورة الليل (Al-Lail) 1356

Sura 92 1356

Aya 1 to 21 1356

سورة الضحى (Ad-Dhuha) 1359

Sura 93 1359

Aya 1 to 11 1359

سورة الشرح (Ash-Sharh) 1361

Sura 94 1361

Aya 1 to 8 1361

سورة التين (At-Tin) 1362

Sura 95 1362

Aya 1 to 8 1362

سورة العلق (Al-Alaq) 1364

Sura 96 1364

Aya 1 to 19 1364

سورة القدر (Al-Qadr) 1367

Sura 97 1367

Aya 1 to 5 1367

سورة البينة (Al-Bayyina) 1368

Sura 98 1368

Aya 1 to 8 1368

سورة الزلزلة (Az-Zalzala) 1370

Sura 99 1370

Aya 1 to 8 1370

سورة العاديات (Al-Adiyat) 1372

Sura 100 1372

Aya 1 to 11 1372

سورة القارعة (Al-Qari'a) 1374

Sura 101 1374

Aya 1 to 11 1374

سورة التكاثر (At-Takathur) 1376

Sura 102 1376

Aya 1 to 8 1376

سورة العصر (Al-Asr) 1378

Sura 103 1378

Aya 1 to 3 1378

سورة الهمزة (Al-Humaza) 1379

Sura 104 1379

Aya 1 to 9 1379

سورة الفيل (Al-Fil) 1381

Sura 105 1381

Aya 1 to 5 1381

سورة قريش (Quraysh) 1382

Sura 106 1382

Aya 1 to 4 1382

سورة الماعون (Al-Ma'un) 1383

Sura 107 1383

Aya 1 to 7 1383

سورة الكوثر (Al-Kawthar) 1384

Sura 108 1384

Aya 1 to 3 1384

سورة الكافرون (Al-Kafirun) 1385

Sura 109 1385

Aya 1 to 6 1385

سورة النصر (An-Nasr) 1386

Sura 110 1386

Aya 1 to 3 1386

سورة المسد (Al-Masad) 1387

Sura 111 1387

Aya 1 to 5 1387

سورة الإخلاص (Al-Ikhlas) 1388

Sura 112 1388

Aya 1 to 4 1388

سورة الفلق (Al-Falaq) 1389

Sura 113 1389

Aya 1 to 5 1389

سورة الناس (An-Nas) 1390

Sura 114 1390

Aya 1 to 6 1390

سورة الفاتحة (Al-Fatiha)

Sura 1

Aya 1 to 7

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ {1}

[Shakir 1:1] In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

[Pickthal 1:1] In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

[Yusufali 1:1] In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ {2}

[Shakir 1:2] All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

[Pickthal 1:2] Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,

[Yusufali 1:2] Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;

الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ {3}

[Shakir 1:3] The Beneficent, the Merciful.

[Pickthal 1:3] The Beneficent, the Merciful.

[Yusufali 1:3] Most Gracious, Most Merciful;

مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ {4}

[Shakir 1:4] Master of the Day of Judgment.

[Pickthal 1:4] Master of the Day of Judgment,

[Yusufali 1:4] Master of the Day of Judgment.

إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ {5}

[Shakir 1:5] Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help.

[Pickthal 1:5] Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help.

[Yusufali 1:5] Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.

اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ {6}

[Shakir 1:6] Keep us on the right path.

[Pickthal 1:6] Show us the straight path,

[Yusufali 1:6] Show us the straight way,

صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ {7}

[Shakir 1:7] The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favors. Not (the path) of those upon whom Thy wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray.

[Pickthal 1:7] The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.

[Yusufali 1:7] The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.